V 1 :C --'.7'" DAILY EDITION. CITIZEN JOB OFFICE, .'WEST .SIDE PUBLIC, SQTTiKF. BILL HEADS, - ? . LETTER HEADS, - - POSTERS, : v. : BLANKS, A And yob Work of all kinds done witi . fromfHess and ml low f rices. r Fuxmar, Stoao E; Cameron,' ' BDITOKS AND PROPRIETORS. -lYear, SC.OO " O Mos .-. 3.00 . 1 Year, ':'.'" 1.50 . W .! ly. VOL. I.-NO. 88. . ASHEVILLE, -N, C., FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 24, 1885. PRICE: 5 CENTS : ' J J Z TISIA'C It A TES L 0 IV J A mm Vv Afclievillc Ilnslncps Direclorj. - . . (Uvcral Merchants Wholesale and Retail. C. R. Graham A Co.. 8. R. Chedester St Son, J. D. Brevard & Co., J. O. Howell, K. Hammeraniag,, V. K. Lee, H. Kedwood & Co., J. P. Sawyer, G. A Meant, A. H. Jones St Son, Beardcn, Kcnkin & Co., V, H.'limwn, G. M. Koberts. - . s; Garden awl Field Seeds. Powell fc Snider, II. H. Lyons, A. J. Merrill, II. Redwood fe Co.. J. O. Howell, J. P. Sawyer, Bear rten. Rankin Co., C. H. Moncure. , Grain, Hay and Flour. , J. R. Starnos, Powell Snider, Alexander and Penlatid. . " ftardware, Agricultural Implements, tc. Peniiimnn & Co., VanGildcr & Brown. Stoves, Houscfurnishing, and Tinvare. ' ISallard Bros.. Brown & Boarden, Lindsey Bros. ' Clothing, Gents' Furnishing, fcc. Jvmcs P. Sawyer, M. Levy, Chnrle8 E Lee, S y n liitlock. ' Jouts,,pKes, and Hats. W, T. Weaver, M. Levy.- -.. Hoot and Sltoe Manufacturers M. Levy. W. T. Weaver, A. Freck. Boots and Stationery. 3. U Wilkie, J. N. Morgan & Co., II. T. Esta . rook, II. II. Lj ons. v' ' Druggists attd Pharmaccnlistis. II. II. Lyons, Y. C. Carmichael, C. W. I)c Vault & Io., R. II. Moncnre, V. E.Pelham. Musiea Instruments, At. '"K'XtXftiiiioS"'- --'----- Jcuxlers. i" . ' v . C. Cowan, SU-flner and Robertson. ) Family Groceries. P. ell and Snider. S. R. Kepler, A. R. Cooley, Ptnloy & i.'o.. T. V. Ftmues, G. W.GoodiaKe. a. j. Al crrill, J. K. Ware, Ware and Howell, A. C. Davis, James Franks, J. J. Mackey & Co., Jesse R. Starnes, G. 1.. McDonald, W. L. Morgan, F. M. Johnson, K. It Nolaml & Sons.T. W.Shelton, J. R. Tnill.G. H. Mt-iirncx, N. Pcnland. Pcnland & Alexander. Mrs. I. C. Smith. Butchers, Meat Dealers, ie. Zneliory Bros., James Lusk, T. K.. Davis, Mc- m. m II and Drake. Bakeries. J. J. IVsmoud, F. M. Johnson, J. C. Oliver, Confectioners and Bakers. J. J. Iesmond, (factory), J. M Heston, T Wells. Saddlery, Harness, c. M. GilLcrt fc Co., Alexander and Pcnland. Furniture, &c. W. B. Williamson, Moore & Falk, P. S. Mo Mullcn. Undertakers. X. Brand, J. V. Brown, John Clayton Coal Dealers. 8. F. Venahlc, D. S. Wat' on, Hill nn d Atkins N. W. Girdwood & Co. Lumber Dealers oublcday fc Scott. . . ' Contractors, Carpaders, and Builders. I. Gorcnfio, John Hart, J. ; A: Wagner. T. C. Westall, E. J. Armstrong, J. E. Buttrick, T. L. Clayton, . G. West. ' . Blacksmillis I). W. Caublc, J. II, Woody. ' Hotels. riwannanta, Eagle, Grand Central,' Western, Jarolina House, Single House, The Villa. Private Boardina. S. F. Vcnable, A. T. Snxnmcy, Miss Bettle iirown, Misses Cofiin, Mrs. A. E. Hall, P. F. Emer son, Miss Smith, T. W. Keel, Mrs. A. B. Chunn, J. If. Carter, G. M. Roberts, li. II. Grahl, G. L.Mc Donald, M. J. Fagg. J. A. Fagg, J. E. Rankin, W. T. Reynolds, Mrs. T. E. Reynolds, E. Sluder, Mrs. Holland, Mrs. Broiles, Mrs. J C Smathers, Mrs E L. Baird, W. W. McDowell, James W. Patton, Mis. Leicester Chapman, H. C. Hunt, H. C. France, Mrs. A. Sinclair, P. S. McMullen. - Livery. Sale and Feed Stables. Reynolds & Chambers, J. M.Kay, . A. Wcd din. James Sevier, C. O. Allen, T. II. SWnslll Wm. Cox, E. W. Herndon, S. H. Barnard, G. W. Morgan & Co., E. T. Cleminous, Jesse R. Starnes. Colleges, Schools, &c Asheville Female College, Asheville Male Academy, Newton Academy, MissGoodloe's High School for yonng ladies, Miss lawyer's Primary School, Mrs. J. P. Gammon's Primary School, ' three white public schools, two good colored schools. A graded school has been authorized by aw,nd a State normal school will be held every summer. MiMinei-y, Ac. "MS Mrs. H. M. Herndon, S. Whltlock, Mrs. M. X Mann, J. P. Sawyer, Mrs RE Porter. Attorneys At Law. MLond A Moore, J. H. Mcrrmion, E. II. Mer ' rimon, M. E. Carter, A. L. Carter, Gudger A Car ter, J. M. Gudger, F. A. Soudley, W. 8. Cushman, Richmond Pearson, E. D. Carter, W. W.Vandiver, Davidson A Martin, T. A. Jones, S. H. Reed, W. B. Gwyn, Locke Craig, W. R. Whitson, Jones and llardwicke, Johnston A Shuford, W. M. Cocke, Nats Atkinson, A.T. Davidson, W. H. Malone, V'.S. Lusk, P. A. Cummings, A. J. Lyman. Phiudcians and Surgeons. P. J. Cain, W. L. A W. D. Hilliard, John Hey Williams, J. A. Burroughs, J. A. Watson, M. L. Nelson, Wardlaw McGill, II. I". Gatchell. Dentists. G. Yi. Whitson, B. n. Douglas, R. H. Reeves, A. B. Ware. Banks, Bankers and Brokers. Bank of Asheville, Sluder A Barnard . Merchant Tailors. ). W. Schartlc. Dealers ?j Furs. M. Ellick. Real Estate Agencies. Walter B. Gwyn, A. J. Lyman, Natt Atkinson, E. J. Aston, B. M. Jones. Architects and Civil Engineers, S F Vcnable. J A Tennaut, Tobacco Warehouses. The Asheville Warehouse, The Banner Ware house, The Fanner's Warehouse, Ray's Wure ' house, The Buncombe Warehouse. 1)bacco Manufacturers Cliewing and Smoking. S. B. West, McCarty & Hull, J-. Rav, E. I. nolmes AOa., Shelton A Perry, W. p. Williamson. Coopers, Ac. L. F. Sorrcll, N. W. Girdwood, William Weaver, Hart. Wines, Liquors, Ac. I.oughran Bros., Hampton A Featherstone, W. O. Muller, A Co., A. P. Sorrell. Papers Hangers. Cain A Hunt, Moora A Falk, R. L. Fitzpatrlek. Kewspapers. Daily and Weekly Citizen, Daily and Weekly Advance, The Asheville Tribune (weekly.) Job Offices. The Citizen Job Oillce, Hunt A Robertson. ' " " Pliotographers. Nat. W. Taylor, -W. T. Robertson, T. T. Hill. Grist Mills, Ac. Jordan A Hally burton, N. W. Girdwood,. Jag. E. 'Buttrick. McLane. FeriUizers, Ac F. N. Waddell, "Star Brand." Penniman A Co., "Anchor Brand," G. M. Roberts, Alex. Porten "Piedmont," W. II. Penland, "Owl Brand," Bear den, Rankir. A Co., "Ober A Co.'s Special," Lyon A Walker, ''Farmer's Friend," T. C Starnes, "Ar : lington." W. W. Barnard, ' Sea Fowl," N. W. Girdwood A Co., "Soluble Pacific." ' . , Insurance. E. J. Aston, Thos. W. Branch. W. U. Telegraph. 8. G. Weldon, manager. . Southern and Adams Express. F. A. Btikeleather, manager. Civil Officers of Buncombe County. Sheriff J. R. JRich; Deputy Daniel Reynolds; 8. " .Clerk E. W. Herndon; Register J. R. Patterson; Treasurer J. H. Courtney; Surveyor B. F. Patten: Tax Collector T. W. Patton. , Inferior Court. lustice G. A. Shuiord: Clerk Monl Patton; Solic tor H. B. Carter. . -r County Commissioners. J. E. Rankin, J. A. Reagan, G. W. Whitson, L. Li. Childs, Thos. D. Brittain. ... .,. Justices of lhejeace. A. T. Summey, N. A. Penland, T. W. Patton, C. B. Way, J. M. Ledford, J. M. Jarratt, J. B. Cain. . Cily Government. . Mayor E. J. Aston; Aldermen W. T. Reynolds. Alonzo Rankin, Geo. F. Scott, I. H. Goreniio, N. W. Girdwood and J. L. Murray. Policemen A II. Baird.W. G. McDowell, J. H-JIair.pton, Hukh . Postcll and T F Hunter. Fire Department. Hose N. I, Foreman H. C. Fogg; H. A L. No. 1, Cupt. F A. II ; . - - Sanitary Department.' ' Dr. D T Millard, Sanitary Chiet ' Federal Vfficertr U.S. Commissioner, A. T. Summey. Deputy Collector, (stamp nice) A. D. Cooper. District Dcouty 8. C. Hcrren. Deputy Marshalls. B. O. Patterson, A. C. Patterson, T. K. Davis, H. S. Har- United States District and Circuit Courts. Judge R. T. Dick, Solicitor J. . Boyd, Clerk 3. E. Reed; Deputy wera r. a. cummicgs. ,-. Post Office. II. L. Gudger P. CUiks C. B. Moore, W. L. Kerman, V. t. cnu. ; .-,v Setcing Machine Agencies:. ,-' Whotiler A WilFon. J. II. Hcniiitf. Chief Cleik ' Miss Bessie Justice. Singer, M. H. Morjnihan, Chief Clerk W.Monteatn. Domestic, ti. K. Ched ' wter A Son, Chas E Lee. ; . County Board of Education, r . ' A. T. Summey, J II Sams and B G (iudger. First regular meeting flrtt Monday in Kcptcmt-cr. --'. '' ' DAILY EDITION; INTERESTING BEADING MAhTEB ON THE FOURTH PAGE. Arrival find Departure of th Trains, Saijsboty Mai troiu arrives 8:37 a. m. - " Departs 5:47 r. k. . Day train arrives at 2 ;14p-k. " departs at 10:30 A X. Tennessee- Arrives 6:87 p. m. Departs 8:47 A. K. Waynesttlle Ai-rives 3:50 p. m. " Departs 9:00 A. u. The Waynesville train reaches that point at 11:80 ; returning, leaves vvaynesvuie at 1.30. i Wearher Report Jnly 24. Barometer at 9 a. m. 30.09 falling. Thermometer Minimum mum 88. -Eainfall .02 incbes. Sky Partly Cloudy. Wind South. . C8;" maxi- SODA AXD MINERAL WATERS ON DRA VGHT A T PELUAM'S, .The b'!4,te: ona vv nite m W. T. Weaver, Sole Agent for Hess1 Hand-Made Shoes for men. : . tf Send your Jolt Work of cdl kinds tcr-tlu Citizen Office, if you v:avt it doni iicaihf, chea)ly and uith ditpatch. : : THE DAILY CITIZEN Will be published every evening (ex cept Sunday) at the following rates strictly cosh . . One Year, . , . , $6 00 Six Months, ' . . . . . 3 00 Three " . . . . " . 1 50 One " . . ... 50 One Week, . . 15 Our Carriers will deliver the paper ev ery evening in every part of the city to our subscribers, and parties wanting it will please call at the Citizkn Office. V : The Daily Citizen Gives the only telegraphic dispatches received. A full line of both Taylor's and Rob ertson's Stereoscopic Views at J. L. Wil kie &Co's. ' John Jack will make you lauh your buttons off to night. Supt. McBec and G. P. A. Turk were in the city yesterday. Mr. Will Bus?, of Raleigh, is stopping at the Swannanca. Messrs. II. AT. Barrow and W. C Hew lett, of Louisburg, are in attendance upon the State encampment. ; To-morrow evening there will be a full dress parade through the streets of the 'bould so'jer boys.' Opera House to-night. Admission 25 cents. ' - Annie Firm hi in her grandest per formance to-night in East Lynne. Only 25 cents admission. ' V. The latest news from alparta of -the worIf received Vrilj at tlTriAijiyCiTi zen office, by telegraph, ti to the hour of going to presp. Full market reports, domestic and for eign, by telegraph, in the Daily Citizen, the only paper in Western Carolina giv ing them. Much important matter of local inter est has been crowded out by the pres sure of incidents and accidents during the past two days. 2 To miss attending the Opera Hall to night will be to lose the' greatest value for the least money. Only 25 cents ad mission; reserve seats 10 cents extra. Gen'l Clingman visited the encamp ment yesterday, and was greatly pleased with the looks of "the boys" and the encampment. Notwithstanding the large extra num bers of the Daily Citizen issued every evening, the supply has been exhausted within a short while after cominf from the press. That "State Guard Whiskey," at Hamp ton & Featherstone's, is very fine, and soecially recommended for medical uses in or out of camp. Shep Deaver and Bob Jones always ready to prescribe. '. The Winston Bepublican is getting fun ny. It now denounces revenue officers for arresting violators of the revenue laws.- Having been in the revenue ser vice for some years, he may fear the same devilment is being committed now that used to characterize his own crowd. We are truly thankful for tKe large and constantly increasing number of subscribers to both our . Daily and Weekly. The Citizen gives more lead ing matter than any paper in Western Carolina, and is the only one taking tel egraphic dispatches. - Col. Glenn, the accomplished Colonel of the 3d Regiment, and Major Sam'l H. Smith, of the same regiment, have given us pleasant calls. Maj. Smith is Mayor of the city of Winston, but having been appointed postmaster of the city will re sign his chief magistracy of his city. He is an excellent officer anywhere. Assistant Surgeon General Hilliard, assisted by Assistant burgeon Spiccr, of the 1st Regiment, removed Mr. Scott, the wounded man, to the Grand Central yesterday evening. Numbers of the Knights of Honor, of which order he is member, are giving him every attention day and night. He is much-improved this morning. . ' . ' Religious Services at Alexanders. Rev. T. M. Myers of the Christian Church, will couduct religious services at the church at Alexander depot next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Rogers Bros.' Make ;Seb Prices , For this week only. Triple plated Table Knives $1 75 per set. Desert size $1 05. Forks heavily plated on pure nickel silver $3 12 per set. Tea Spoons $1 G2 per set. Butter knives and sugar shells same quality, 50c. ach. Quadruple plate Casters $2 90. A good extra plate Caster $1 25.: A fine article of white handle knife at $1 50 and $2 00 per set. - y . - : . ; Always the lowest prices to Crockery and Glass at Law's, opposite Eagle Hotel. . july 18 d & w - - .. i . ; . r Large let of camp stools and cots for the soldiers at. V.. It. Williamson's Furniture store. ' ' ' . iw. Keep it Befobk the People, " - ' That the number of guests at Haywood White Sulnhur SnrirnK ia nnv one and two hundred, but . room for more. . tf Refreshing. Bro. Goslin of the Winston Republican is pleased to say : . "Office, office ! my country for an of fice ! 1 is now the crv nf tha rwm. Coming from one who has held on to office likft frrim rienfli fn a Ao-A rtoyotr il.:. I z r , . . .. iuib ia very reiresning ior not weatner, PfiOGRAMME AT TUB CA4P. ; : We give notice to our readers of the following: Battalion drill eveiy morning from 10 to 12; Battalion 1 dress parade from 6i to 7:30 p. m. ' . , , .. ; These drills are very attractive. ' and ail are invited to witness them. Extra Numbers. 'iV A large exra number of The .IXmly OrrtEBw btu loca -wrid-v will be Hgatted very day, and will be for sale at various news stands, find by earners on the streets. Please Notice. Parties desiring extra copies of The Daily ' Citizen will please give notice promptly. i Flag Drill. Go to the Banner Warehouse to-night. The drill is the most attractive enter tainment that will bo offered during the encampment. The fair sex compete for the prize of military proficiency with their gallant defenders. Let all be there to award the honors. Cemetery Company. Attention is directed to thcr notice in this issue relating to the organization of the cemetery company. The organiza tion" only needs compliance with the preliminaries required to become a fixed fact. But these preliminaries are nec essary, and prompt compliance is re quested. Mr. Rankin, chairman, urges this point emphatically upon the . cor porators. Popular Prices at tiie Opera Hall Admission only 25 Cents To-night. The Firmin-Jack Comedy Company determined to please everybody have reduced the price of admission' to-night to 25 cents, reserved seats ten cents ex tra. Miss Firmin ill- appear in her grand roles of Lady Isabel Vane and Madame Vine in Mrs. Henry Wood's startling emotional play oPEast Lynne, or the Elopement, supported . by the great actor Mr. John Jack and the en tire compan3- in tho cast. We shall all expect a crowded house to reward this very liberal reduction of prices. Our Citizens owe it to themselves to see that these talented artists are well supported in their efforts to please and enliven our city during the encampment. The end of this interesting institution came this morning, and the constituent elements part and separate to .leaven in the individual sphere the matter com mitted to their several charges. ' We were hot permitted to be present in the closing hours, and must use such information as has been kindly gathered for us. The following students engaged' this morning in recitation and declamations: Reading Miss Mamie Bays; Essay, W. Shelton; Reading, Miss Lou Morgan; Declamation, L. B. McBrayer; Reading, Miss Annie Broyles, Recitation, Miss Mary Kimberly; - Declamation, W. L. Rand; Reading, Miss Belle Jones; Dec lamation, J. J. Reeves; Reading, Miss Mamie Morgan; Declamation, C. E. Chambers; Reading, Miss Mamie Abbott: Declamation, E. H. Herring; Reading, iuisb iur;i .Treeu. After these exercises, the following resolutions were introduced by E. II. Herren, and unanimously adopted: Whereas, We, the students of Ashe ville Normal School, apprehending the fact that our session is about to close J and that our Professors and Teachers have been industrious and efficient in the many valuable lessons imparted, therefore . . . . Be it Resolved; 1st, That we extend to Misses Goodloe and Millard, and Profes sors White, Atkins and Wilson, our sin cere thanks for the vigilant and able manner with which they have discharg ed their duties as instructors, and in re turn, tender cur gratitude and continued regard. 2d. That we extend our thanks to the distinguished gentlemen who have so learnedly spoken to us during the ses sion. 3d. To the Hon. Richmond Pearson for his handsome tribute in the way of a prize; and to all strangers who have been enough interested to . .visit our session during its term. Cigar Stand. . . Mr. Ike Henry will have a cigar stand at the camp ground, during the encamp ment. The Daily Citizen'wiII be at the stand promptly every evening, with full telegraphic dispatches. . tf Stall No. 1, ' At the new market, is now well supplied with the best Beef, Mutton, and fresh meats generally this mountain country affords at the lowest cash prices. Call on Zaciiary Bros.- tau20 - v. . v. ' Private Boarding in Waynesville. The undersigned is prepared to accom modate a limited number of boarders .at her home in Waynesville. Convenient to the White Sulphnr Springs Accom modations guaranteed- Terms moderate. .tf - Mrs. J. B. S.;McIntcsii. . . -- : : Encampment Notes. ; v Powell ' and . Snider, the wholesale grocers, have opened an office at Camp Scales where the -boys carr leave their orders for any thing in the grocery or produce line and have their goods deliv ered in the camp. This will be great convenience in the cam x- - 2t ; All Wool Dress Goods in great variety, Silks, Surahs, Rhadames, ' Satins, . relvets, Satines, Percales Ginghams, Lawns, Prints, &c. : . REDWOOD Jt CO. eodlf .,' : . " A good stock of Clothing, Dry Goods Fan- cy uooas, nats, twoes, varpeta itc, at fixea and reasonable Prices, eoiltf II REDWOOD & CO. Encampment Notes. ' ' " . . A visit to camp this morning 'gives ns several pleasant items. ," . - - Col. E. T. Boykin, our eld and tried friend of . the Legislature,' now Judge Advocate of the N. C. S. G. arrived thiB morning, and is ready for his responsible duties. ' iJ;'' ' ." :: ' - Lieut Col. D. Nl Bogart is the field of ficer of the dav. ' Col. Black, U. S. A. spent the day in the camp, to the great pleasure of the whole command, and we hope to himself. The Goldsboro Rifles are gathering up the disjecta membra pi men ana oaggage, and all are in good spirits. All but four of the injured have returned to duty. Owing to the great heat of the day the battalion drill .arranged for . 10 o'clock this morning was postponed until this alternoon wnen it will tate place, just previous to the dress parade. The usual . skirmish drill took place this morning. . v' - All the officers and men are hard at work; ' It is a true school of instruction and all are eager to avail thesiselvea of j.ne opportunity. . ywr'- yjjr --. AfiwHgnout tne camp every ming is in perfect order. The cooking and eating arrangements are good, and the tents are made more secure against . the heat oi the sun by booths erected in front of the tents made of boughs cut from the ad jacent woods. . The men take advantage oi the proximity nf-tho river to bathe therein. The ladies honor the headquarters and other points with their presence and are, and will be, most courteously and eager ly welcomed. Ihey are always welcom ed to witness the drills and parades. The new State flags for the different Regiments arrived yesterday and were welcomed with ari enthusiasm that savored strongly of the old rebel yell; but the stars and stripes every where conspicuous were ample guarantee for the loyalty of the command. lhe bands emulate each other in harmonious rivalry. Throughout the camp, and echoed back from the depths of the deep valleys and from the oppos ing faces of the adjacent mountains ring, out old familiar airs, the Mocking Bird, Dixie, Way down on Suannee ribber, Climbing up the Golden Stairs, Hail Columbia, the Star Spangled Banner, favorities of the regiments, favorities with all. The sentry duty is kept up day and night, the camp ia thoroughly guarded, and every aspect is that of military life. Meeting of Respect to Gen'l Grant Resolutions and Speeches. In accordance with the : call issued yesterday evening through the' Citizen by Mayor Aston, a goodly number of citizens and visitors met at the Court House to-dav to take action in relation to the death of General Grant. . Gen'l Clingman called the meeting to order, and on .his motion Mayor Aston was called to the chair, and R. M. Fur- man, of the Citizen and-C. W. Malone, of the Advance were made secretaries. May or Aston took the chair, and ex plained the. object of the meeting. On motion, a committee of fiye, com- powwl wM, tin uafeacA -YibUuiwas ap pointed to draw resorationfi'Vxpressive of the sentiments and sj mpathies of the meeting, as follows : . Robt. M. Furman, T. L. ' Clingman, U. Doubleday, J. P. Sawyer, Edwin Ship- pen. The committee retired, and in a lew moments reported, through the chair man, the following : Having heard ot the death or ueneral U S. Grant, which occurred on yester day, as citizens of a common country, re joicing in a common heritage, in full sympathy with a common purpose, we, citizens of and visitors in, Aaheville meet to unite our sympathies and regrets with our fellow countrymen over the intelligence which carries sadness to a whole natioD. As Southerners, many of us Southern soldiers, we wish to proclaim the respect we all feel for the character and soldierly qualities displayed by the dead hero at a time when all save our honor was lost, and which only his honor protected. We therefore sincerely mourn the suf ferings and the departure of General Grant, and tender to his family and our countrymen, assurance of our heartfelt sorrow at the sad event. We regret we have neither time, nor space to reproduce the speeches which followedr some, of which were eloquent, all of which, were admirable and impres sive, presenting the salient characteristics of the great man which have won for him imperishable fame, and commanded the respect of all. ':- Gen'l Clingnian Dr. J. L. M. Curry, Attorney General Davidson, Hon. Ed win Shippen, of Philadelphia, spoke. ' The resolutions were unanimously adopted, ordered to bo printed and copies forwarded to the family of the deceased. - ; . z. On motion of P. A. Cummings, the meeting adjourned. . . ; E. J. Aston, Chairman. &W.?ffi5. S-etaries. Religious Services In Camp. Bisop Lyman, will officiate' on Sunday morning at io. o'clock, in the camp of the 2nd Regment, N. C. S. G.: The public and the soldiery are invited to attend. J. Carmichael, D. D. ' Chap. 2nd Reg. N. C. S. G. Nearly A Bad Accidents ; This morning alittle 'son of Mr. Thos. Ducket, on Cherry -Street, was pouring oil from a can, on a fire, when the can ignited and exploded, burning the little fellow very badly fron the hips down. ' He is not fatally hurt, but painfully so. Mr. E. C, Linwood, was passing at the time, heard the explosion, ran in and gave assistance. . We much sympathise with the little fellow. The Press t roves its patriotism. Itia not more wordy than deedy. - It proves its principles by its practices. We Jfind here in the camp, sent to the front, Lieut. Col. Olds, of the Netes Observer, Mr. Tip ton, of the Lincoln Press, Mr. E. A. Old ham, of the Winston Sentinel. Mr.Creecy, of the Economist, and there may be oth ers we have not fallen in with. ... In our report yesterday evening of the officers present of tho 'different regi ments, we reported as Capt. and A. C. f.'. of the 'First Regiment, Fra'nk- Powell, whereas we should have said Captain Frank Stronach, of Raleigh. ' Carpets, Mattings, Squares Rugs, Mats Oil Cloths, Lace Curtains, Cretonnes, Raw Silks, Turcomans, labia Damasks, Sherting, Towels, Napkins, &c. ' . ecdtf II. REDWOOD t CO ' The ball at the Swannanoa to-night, promises to be the largest in attendance this season f Col. Geo.' Williamson, ex-State Senator from Caswell, and one of the best men in the State, isj visiting his brother, Col. Williamson of this city. . There will be a meeting of Asheville Chapter No. 25 to-night, for work in the Past, Royal and Select Degrees. All vis iting Chapter Masons are invited to at tend. The Fifth Annual Conclave of the Grand Commandery Knights Templars of North Carolina will be held in Ashe ville in August, commencing oh Wednes day evening the 26th. There will be a good attendance. . Our thanks are due to Lt-CoL Olds for valuable assistance in- acquiring inform ation of matters . connected with the en campment, and also for many other courtesies, which greatly enhance the interest of a visit to the camp.. Notwithstanding the many persons in the city, and the general libertie-i' inci dent to this animated occasion, good or der and good nature is the rule. The Iolice force ia on the alert, bat iha a it tie cause to enforce its authority. Dr. J. F. Caviness, of Randolph, is dead. He was a member of the last House of Representatives, and will be pleasantly remembered as a quiet un assuming' gentleman, and also for his excellent good sense and bia ability as a speaker when he waa drawn out. He was 38 years of ago. Juege Advocate General Edward T Boykin, of Sampson county, gave us a pleasant call to-day. Mr. Boykin has ably represented his county im both .houses of the legislature, the last term in the Senate, andwas elected L'tenant Governor pro tern, during the session of the ' Senate, serving until Lieut. Gov. Stedman was sworn in. Mr. Boykin is one of their most promising young men in the State, and merits ail he may receive. Prop. W. C. Kerr And family are guests of Solicitor Adams, on Spruce street, not far from Court house square, where their friends will find them. There has been no material change in the condition of Prof. K. since hir arrival here. It cannot be said that he has improved. The Colored School. A reporter of the Citizen attended the closing exercises of the colored (public) school, in East Asheville, last night. II. B. Brown is the principal. We heard classes examined in spell ing, reading, geography, grammar, arith metic, and exercises in singing. The examinations were conducted by Prof. Brown, assisted by Professors Oliver, Sax ton and Leather wood Wo can not only commend the earnest zeal of the principal and teachers, their system of management, &c., but certainly the pwficianoy of. the . scholars in general. There wete excellent-citations by all the classes, and many or the scholars were very young. The school is highly creditable to the community and our colored citizens, and the general earnestness displayed by our colored citizens in the matter of education is an example worthy of emulation by our own race. The Tournament and Ball Last Night. The skating tournament and dance at the Farmers' Warehouse last evening was a very pleasant affair throughout. W. W. Vandiver, Esq., delivered the charge to the Knights after which they all wheeled in line and the roIling"began. There were quite a number of Knights in the contest, but the following bore off the honore : ATessrs. Geo. Mosele , Will Heston, D. F. Summey, and Frank Steff ner. The coronation address was made by Mr. II. B.Carter, after which Mr. Moseley crowned Miss Maggie Hilliard as Queen; Mr. Heston crowned Miss Ad die Davidson as first Maid of Honor; Mr. Summey named Miss Adeline Wicks as second Maid of Honor; and Mr. Steffiier designated Miss Minnie Bearden as third Maid of Honor. The skating was very fine and the dancing which followed was very graceful. There was a large crowd of citizens and soldiers present and all spent the evening in a most pleasant manner. The gentlemen managers may congra tulate themselves upon the admirable success of the entire affair, and it is hop ed they may undei take - another such soon. v . ' The Loughran Bros Have displayed much taste in their decorations at both establishments, com plimentary to the visiting military. They nave taken great interest in the Encamp ment, having contributed $150 to the fund for the occasion. J t L Keep it Before the People"- : That the water at Haywood White Sulphnr Springs is a specific for all dis eases of the Liver, Stomach "and Kid noya. . , v, ' tf Private Bording in Waynesville. . The undersigned is pregared to accom modate a limited number of boarders at her home in Waynesville. Convenient to the White Sulphur Springs. Accom modations guaranteed. Term8 moderate. tf Mrs. J. B. S. McIntosh. Clothing of all grades, for men, youths , and children; also a good stock of Men's' Furnishing Goods. ' eoktf f H. REDWOOD & CO. Railroad-Tickets. : " Parties having tickets to dispose of in any direction, will call on me at the Swannanoa Hotel. 1 : WD, Jones. Railroad" Tickets Bought, and Sopd I will buy, sell or exchange Railroad Tickets from or to any point Parties interested will do wfil to call and see me. . J. M- i oung, tsc20 At Carmichael's Drugstore. Visitors will find the largest lot of Goods for presents at J. L Wilkc & Co.'s Book Store, Eagle building. "Third Regiment Pure Mountain Dew' on draft, with everything else usually kept in a first-class bar, at W. O. Muller & Co.'s Public Square. Cal Jones, Dick Sorrcll and Ben Young ask all to "dew drop in." A large lot of Toys at cost at J L Wil TELEGRAPHIC. associated press telegrams -spe cial to CITIZEN. - am. GRANTS BlinlAL The Funeral to be TJnder the Direction of f be War s-.-.i pepartment. I ' : .. .! Mt. McGregor, July 24, l$85f ' The pne condition imposed by Gen. Grant before he died upon those who should decide the place of his burial was the cause of the delay in fixing spot fo his interment. - lhe mayor: and the chief clerk, Mr. Minor, is here and. have been in consultation with Col. Fred" Grant He has formally, aud In person for Mayor Grace, urged acceptance of a burial spot in any one of the parks id New York City. - ;V " : .) ..: It is thought by 'the famil or the' de ceased that the New York proposition relating to interment is the most desira ble, and telegraphic communication be tween Mt. McGregor and the City is now going on. The invitation from the citi zens of Springfield, I1L, tendering a burial place and funeral honors is' not seriously considered, though the honor is appreciated. Washington City is being considered, and also West Point. Gen. Grant left the whole matter to hia son Col. Fred Grant; and the decision will probably be made by him. It is determined that, whatever the point selected, the obsequies will begin at Mt. McGregor as a recognition of the kind ness of the people of that village. The President has expressed by mes sage, a wish that the funeral be a na tional one under the care of the War Department, beginning when the remains reach Mt. McGregor, and ending when they reach tho place of sepulture. Mrs. IiCntz in New York. New York, July 24. Mrs. T. C. Lentz arrived on the Savan nah s'Aamer yesterday afternoon and on her arrival here she was met by a thick set man about 35 years old with dark complexion. He refused to give his name. Mrs. Lentz came to New York under the name of Lillian Spencer and left her 18 months old baby ' behind her. She wrote a letter for her husband and mother stating that they would never see her again. Mrs. Lentz went with the dark complexioncd man. Her uncle Kendrick Flint of Syracuse, N. Y will arrive to-day in this cityand Mrs. Lentz will probably go to his home. 1 . .' The First.Bale of Cotton, . Houston, Texas, July "4. The first bale of cotton of the season of 18S5-'8C .reached here Tuesday night from Dewitt. county, Texas. It weighed '570 pounds and was classified as middling. It was sold at auction on the floor of the Cotton Exchange yesterday bringing one hundred dollars. A Heavy Failure. London, July 24. Evan Vaughan, auctioneer, has failed and absconded. Hia liabilities are 250, 000 pounds. Extensive forgeries attribu ted to it. ;. ; -. : ,1 ,; New York ' Stock Market. ' .- New York, July 24. : The market again opened irregular this morning with L.uisville& Nashville up, Oregon Transfer Central and Kansas , while Jersey City Central was lower, other changes for small frac tions, . there was a slight weakness developed immediately, after the open ing and a. fractional decline took place, but the market soon recovered . its tone and a general advance followed carrying prices up from to one per cent gener ally although the Goula ' stocks were heavy in company with the Jersey Cen tral and LouiBville & Nashville. , London Money Market. London noon, July 24. -Consols 99 11-16. . --. .. Storm in Italy. London', July 24. There has been a terrific' storm at Lorre Cajettani in Italy. Thirteen per sons were killed nd. twenty-two injured by it... : , . , Our Soldier Bora . V, , ' -; ;. Are cordially invited to call at the Daily Citizen Office, corner Court Square and Patton Avenue, . at their pleasure, and read our exchanges, and Wapafew." -. , Please Observe. . Complaint is made that parties going to and from the camp late at night, have indulged in singing greatly to the dis turbance of some sick people residing on the streets. The suggestion of this, we are sure, will prevent any recurrence, as it ia known to have been done from exuberance of spirits and not from a disposition to disturb. - -' f ; Something Exciting. - -" - A bicycle race will take place to-morrow night at the Far mere',. Warehouse. This will prove highly exciting, and all are expected to attend. ' . 1 - Twenty five cents to the Encampment for the round trjp is reasonable, and enough. ' Complaints of the present rates are loud and abundant f A rain, enough to lay the dust and modify the heat, will make a change, and then a trip on foot will be cheaper and quite as pleasant, and then the carriages may whistle for their fares. - - :. -' ; - Don't forget the Ladies' Flag Drill to night at the Banner Warbouse. Some thing excellent Ziegler's and Banister's '. Hand Sewed Shoes, Opera Slippers, Oxford lies, Danc ing Pumps, Slippers, &c, &c. . REDWOOD & CO. eodtf 1 -v--' One Price Store. OUR BREVARD LETTER. A BUDGET OF USEFUL THOUGHTS, INFORMATION akt SUGGESTION?. V " ' Breyabd, N. C, July 21, 1885. ; ' The delightful days, the prospect of so abundant a harvest Of field crops, and the relaxation from severe labor, since laying by" time is over, have placed our people in a suite of general good will towards each other and all mankind. : " NationaT, State and county1 affairs are moving on as much to suit our ideas, as they could, bad we.. entire control our selves. ... .., . - - The "appointment wave" has not yet reached the Transylvania democracy, still we rejoiee ; at the success of our friends, and appreciate the wisdom of the appointments made. ' , We endore most heartily the "festina lente'f policy of our Chief Magistrate, and are pleased that those under him in authority, are in so full accord with him. His wise administration is laying broad and deep the foundation on which the oop it the, Pejaoeratic pitrty rata. --'" Tb machinery of the State is work- ing, nicely, even if.Gov. Scales did neglect to consul the wishes of the Tarboro Southerner in selecting the encampment for the State Guard. Our county is out of debt, in fact man ages to keep a little ready cash on band. Our Board of Commissioners have been at work for the past few days on the Tax List for 1883, and to-day they announce the aggregate of taxable nroDertv to bo $589,000 and the total State and county tax for this year will be only 90 cents on She $100 worth of property. -- With everything conforming so nearly to onr own wishes, don't you think, Messrs. Editors, that we can afford to be ' cosmopolitan in our good-will? - Daniel Webster said New Hampshire was. the best State in the Union to emigrate from. Transylvania is one of the best counties in the State to im migrate to.' The fertility of its soil, the large area of virgin forest, the rich, but undeveloped mineral resources, the divereity of its products, the varied beauty of its scenery, the substantial character of its citizenship, together with the peaceable, unostentatious, butkindly disposition of the individuals, who com pose it, under this a desirable spot for those who are in search of homes. This statement,-Messrs. Editors, as you well &uuw, ia uu buvjbvii bu uia cnucism, pro bono publico every man blows his own horn. The regular examination of the teach ers of the county is over. Our county superintendent, Rev. W. H. Davis, made the examination more thoromrh than it has been prior to this time. Realizing the wisdom of the remarkable prayer, "deliver us from temptation," each teach er was given a seat, separate and apart from his fellow. Thus seated they were handed the questions to be answered, and paper on, which to record the result of their sole cogitations on the different queries. - Scattered over, the spacious court ' room, their faces presented an interest- ing object of study. ' At first one would have thought the "dies irae" was near atv hand. They soon, however, became accQBtoined to the situation, began work. , V n earnesc.mna tne majority passed very creditable examinations. There seems to be a general waking up on the subject of education. The cause is enlisting the power of the State, the influence of communities and tho energy of individuals. It is a step in the right direction. Regardless of the na tural advantages of a country, if it have nourished no force of thought, produced no master minds, it occupies only a secondary position. The grand question that decides the status of a Nation, State or community is : How far has it been prolific of moral and intellectual power? Are all the teachers of the State satis fied with the eclecticr business-preparation tendency of the education of this day ? " Hold up your hands till you are counted. 1 Z. . Hoarding House Notices. " . Boarders Wanted. I have a good house, good comfortable rooms, located on Bailey street, a short walk from Pub- ' tic Square, and would be glad to accom modate a few boarders by the month or season. Will keep the best table the market affords. . tjyl6 , , G.L. McDonaxd. . Summer tourists, (to. the mountains,) can find comfortable rooms and good board at Antler Hall (Tennent's View) 4 miles from Asheville.' For particulars. address P. O. Box 116, Asheville, N. C. iN. li. trood boating on finest piece of -water any where near Asheville. july 6-1 mo , . ,,. - Private Boarding. , Visitors can find nice pleasant rooms and good board, liberal rates at . ' MRS. M. J. KID8DALE8, july 23-1 wk Spruce StReet Board fob the Summer. i Handsome location, fine grovo, large yard, new house and new furniture. . ; Apply tO B. F. VKNABLKj ' . Academy' Street, . jjnly 1 tf near Male Afcademy. Boarding. Good board, by, the day, week or month, can be secured at the, residence of the nndersigned, on North side of Woodfin street, near the Baptist church. Comfortable rooms, large shady yard, a good table, and splendid water. Satisfaction 'guaranteed. . Members of the Teachers' Assembly boarded at $1.00 per day; Table boarders wanted. ' fjylG . . Jliss Mast A. Miller. NOTICE. The incorporators of the AahevQle Cemetorr Company are reneetod to call and aign the ar- ' tides of association, which have been prepared . YT tha oommittaa for tht nnmnaA. Thnr will also take notice that it ia proposed to have a meeting oi we company on Monday, inly 'Alia, at 6 p. m, at the Bank of Ashavuie. to com plete the permanent organiaation, and all atock holdera who wish to tat e part in such organi sation are expected, before doing so. to depos it in bank, to the' credit of the company, the amount oi inetr snosenpuoa to the capital took. The articles of association ean be found ' at the office of the Begister of Deeds to receive the signature of the incorporators from this time to the day of meeting. - Jy34-2t Chairman pro tcm. ; K 11. NORVELL, PropV, trvi itjte s rtiE, jr. c, Near the Haywood While Sulphur Springs. THIS notJSK Is situated In IJie bnslnen part of the town, wltnin 16 minuter waik to the Whlie Sulphur Sprlnpi. A beautiful view of the Balsam Moon'alns.- Good room, flnit-clnis (are and satlsiactn guaranteed, Ua:k at the he pot. Jyl0-?uv k f ..' .' : ."" ., - " . f

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