INCORRECT DATE Correct Date TY,,! as, 2J DAILY EDITION. CITIZEN JOB OFFICE, west; side bublig squalk BILL HEADS, . . , LETTER HEADS, POSTERS, " v v ' - BLANKS, A:'.'. And Job Work of all linds done with promptness and at low friers. o 'i ! Furnas, Ctcsa & Cancrsz, ; - EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. 7a iVs-V ;. . O JD-VXX Y..Y 1 Year, t Y $S.OO Y: O Mos.." : 3.CO Weekly, - 1 Year, '- 1.50 , fJ Mos.y '....:'.. . 75 -4 7) l'E7? TISING RA ThS J.OW. VOL. I.-NO 89, " ,ASHEVILLENjgar SATURDAY; EVENING, JULY ' 1885. 3 PRICE: 5 CENTS Aslievllle Business Directory. v. Utnerfd Merchant Wholesale and Retail. . . C K. Graham A Co., S. R. Chedester & Son, J. D, Brevard & Co., J. O. Hovcll, 8. Hamniershlag V. E. Lee. H. Redwood & Co.. J. P. Sawver. O. A Wears, A. H. Jones St Son,Beard6n,R&nkin Si Co., n . u. Drown, u. bl. Kouerts. . -: qarden and Field Seeds. Powell Snider, n. H. Lyons. A. J. Morrill.TL Redwood Co.. J. O. Howell, J. P. Sawyer, Bear- Uea, nan Km ce uo., v. . moncure. ,.?' drain, Hay and Flow. i J. R. Staxnes, Powell fc Snider, Alexander and remand. . .- - ' . - Hardware, Agricultural Implements, &c Pcnniman & Co., VanGUder & Brown. "" Stoves, Housefurnishing, and Tinware. .: ' Ballard Bros., Brown & Ecarden, Llndsey Bros. Ciothing, Gents' Furnishing, &c. ' ' ? x Jumes P. Sawyer, M. levy, Charles E Lcc, S Whitlock. . - , , Soots, Shoes, and Hats.; ':' W.i1 Weaver, M.Levy..Y ; ' -j ..'J - " . Boot and Shoe . Manufacturers ; M. Levy, W. T. Weaver,. A.Freclt i i ;y ; , . Y'- Books and Stationery. J. 1h Wllkle, St N. Morgan & Co., tt: Tv EstaT rook, II. H. LjoriS. ' .; Druggists and Plmrmacenlistis. H. H, Lyons, W. C. Carmiehael, C. W DeVautt & CO.. C H. Moncure W. is. i"eJ Jiom. PcVaultBros. f - -' - . f Jewelers. ; .. ,t , r rvnrn Btpffner and Itabertson. " . Family Groceries. . ' Powell and Snider, 8. R. Kepler, A. R. Cooley, Penley A Co- T. P. Starnes, O. W.Goodlake. A. J. Merrill, J. E. Ware, Ware and Howell, A. C. Davis, Jume Franks, J. J. Mackey A Co Jesse R.Stames, (i. L. McDonald, W. L. Morgan, F. M. Johnson, R. B Noland & 8ons,T. W. Shelton, J. R. Trull, G. H. Starnes. N. Penland, Peuland A Alexander. Mrs. I.C. Smith. i ' ' Y - . Butchers, . Heat Dealers, &c. :, .. Zachery Bros., James Lusk, T. K.' Davis, Mc Connell and Drake. : w ' Bakeries. ' Q J. J. Desmond, F. M. Johnson, J. C. Oliver, Y Confectioners and Bakers. J. S. Desmond, (fectory), J. M Heston,T Wells. Saddlery, Harness, &c. . - '. , . 8. M. Gilbert A Co., Alexander and Penland. . Furniture, tc -VV. B. Williamson, Moore & Fali, P. S. Mc liullcn. XMdertakers. ' X. Brand, J. V. Brown, John Clayton final Ttenbv. ' rS. F. A'enable, D. S. Watton, Hill and Atkins N. W. Girdwood & Co. m. Lumber Dealers. oubleday 4-Scott. , T .Contractors, Carpenters, and Builders. - r ' I. Gorenflo, Jehn Hart, J. A. Wagner, T. C. Westall, . J. Armstrong, J, E. Butuick, T. L. Clayton, A. G. West. . y : ,. ; . ; ' Blacksmiths ' ' ' ' D. W. Cauble, J. H, Woody. . . . Hotels. . ..-.. Swannanoa, Eagle, Grand. Central, Western, Carolina House, Slaile Honse, The Villa. Private Boardinq. B. F. Venable, A. T. Snmmey, Miss Bottle Brown, Misses Coffin, Mrs. A. E. Hall. P. V. Emer son, Aliss Smith, T. W. Keel, Mrs. A. B. Chunn, J. II. Carter, G. M. Roberts, R. H. Grahl, G. L Mc Donald, M. J. Fagg, J. A. Fagg, J. E. Rankin, W. T. Reynolds, Mrs. T. E. Reynolds, E. Sluder, Mrs. Holland, Mrs. Broiles, Mrs. J C Smathers, Mrs E L. baird, W. W. McDowell, James W. Patton, Mis. Leicester Chapman, H. C. Hunt, H. C France, Mrs. A. Sinclair, P. S. McMullen. 1 - " livery, Sale and 'Feed Stables. Reynolds & Chambers, J. M. Ray, W. A. Wed diu. James Sevier, C. O. Allen, T. H. StansUl Wm. Cox, E. W. Hemdon, S. H. Barnard, G. W. Mnrinn Ac Ca.. SLT. Clemmons. Jesse R. Btarnes. ' Colleges, Schools, dee. Ashcville Female College, Asheville Male Behool for young ladies, Miss Sawyer's Primary 1. Mrs. J. r. uammou s rnuiurr ccuuui. trs. J. P. three white public school.,tw-colored schools. A graded school has been authorized by law, and a State normal school will be held every summer. , - Millinery, ie. Mann, J. P. Sawyer, Mrs RR Porter. V Attorneys At Law. MaLoud & Moore, J. H. Merrimon, E. H. Mer rimon, M. E. Carter, A. L. Carter, Gudger A Car ter, J. M. Gudger, F. A. Sondley, W. 8. Cushman, Richmond Pearson, E. D. Carter, W. W. Vandiver, Davidson & Martin, T. A. Jones, S. H. Reed, W. B. Gwyn, Locke Craig, W. R. Whitson, Jones and Hardwicke, Johnston & 6huford, W. M. Cocke, Natl Atkinson. A. T. Davidson, W. H. Malone, V. 8. Lusk, P. A. Cummings, A. J. Lyman. Physicians and Surgeons. ' " D. J. Cain,' V. L. AW. D. Hilliard John Hey Williams, J. A. Burroughs, J. A. Watson, M. L. Nelson, Wardlaw McGUl, H. P. Gatchell. Dentists. O. W. Whitson, B. H. Douglas, R. H. Reeves, A. B. Ware. .. , Banks, Bankers and Brokers. : Bank of Asherille, Slnder & Barnard. .- Merchant 7hGors. , : - J j.W.Schartle. ? - ' Dealers in Furs. M. Elllcl.. - . - ' Beat Estate Agencies. Walter B. Gwyn, A. J. Lyman, Natt Atkinson, E. J. Aston, B. M. Jones. - - Architects and Civil Engineers, ' ' 8 F Venable. J A Tennant, . . ' ' v r' Tobacco Warehouses. ' y ; - The Asheville Warehouse, The Banner Ware house, The Farmer's Warehouse, Ray's Ware house, The Buncombe Warehouse. ' Tobacco Manufacturers Chewing and Smoking. 8. B. West, McCarty A HuU, J. E. Ray, E. L Holmes A Ce., Shelton & Perry, W. P. Williamson. - '"' - ; Coopers, &c. L. F. Sorrell, N. W. Girdwood, William Weaver, -Hart. , - -. - . ... 'Wines, Liquors, i-c. . J Longhmri Bros., Hampton A Feathcrstone, W. O. Muller, A Co., A. P. Sorrell. . . ... Y. : Papers Hangers. Y J ' - Cain & Hunt, Moore & Falk, R. X. Fitzpatrick. Newspapers. Dailt and Wekklt Citizen, Daily and Weekly Advance The Asheville Tribune (weekly.) !.- -."i. ' '. -Jo6 Offices. -. The Citizen Job OnlcefHunt A Robertson. ' : : . Photographers. t Nat. W. Taylor, "W. X Robertson j T. T7l?fll.' x . Grist Mills, Ac. Jordan A Hallyburton, K. .W. Girdwood, Jas. E. Buttrick, McLane. - -. Fertilizers, Ae. '"J Y '" ' ' F.N. Waddell, "Star Brand," Penniman A Co., "Anchor Brand" G. M. Roberts, Alex. Porter, "Piedmont," W.H. Penland, "Owl Bracd," Bear den, Rankin A Co., "Ober A Co.'s Special," Lyon A Walker, "Farmer's Friend," T. C. Starnes, "Ar lington." W. W. Barnard, "Sea Fowl,".N. W. Girdwood A Co., "Soluble Pacific". . . ; -Insurance, .i ' ' - E. J. Aston, Thos. W. Branch.- ' - ' " W. V. Telegraph. a G. Weldon, manager. ; '( '-' Southern and Adams xprese. - TP. A Rt.llrplAAthAr. mariRpr. Civil Officers of Buncombe County. ' Sheriff J. R. Rich; Deputy Daniel Reynolds; 8. ' ".I 1 T." U7 11 1... t .w T T) 1aHaMnii Treasurer J. H. Courtney; Surveyor B. F. Patton: Tax Collector T. W. Patton. .. . i " Inferior Court. ' Y Justice G. A. Shuford: Clerk Mont Patton; Solio; 1 or H. B. Carter. - -. ' -t (,. " : f - County, Commissioners. ' . v.. J. E. Rankin, J. A. Reagan, G. W. Whitson, L. ' ' -' - Justice of the Peace.- ' Y ; A. T. Snmmey, N. A, Penland, T. W. Patton, C. . Way, J. M. Ledford, J. M. Jarratt, J. B. Cain". City Government. . Mayor E. J. Aston; Aldermen W. T. Reynolds, Alonzo Rankin, Geo. F. Scott, I. H. Gorenflo, N. W. Girdwood and J.- L. Murrav. Policemen A H. Baird.W. G. McDowell, J. H. Hampton, Hufch Fire Deoarlment. nose N. 1, o reman H. C. Fagg; H. A L. Ko. 1, Wapt.J! A xl . - ' - Sanitary Department, v ,-.: Dr. V T Millard, Sanitary Chiet r ' - - -Federal Officers - - ' IT. 8. Commissioner, A. T. Snmmey. Demitv Collector, (stamp- oflice) A. D. Cooper. ; District Deputy S. C. Herren. Deputy Jlarshalls, R. O. Patterson, A. C. Iatterson, T. K. Davis, H. S. Har- kin8 United Stales District and Circuit Courts. - ' ;: Judge P.. P. Dick, Solicitor J. E. Boyd, Clerk J. E. lieed, Deputy Clerk P. A. Cummings. . ,Y- - ' . Post Office. - : ; !Y- II. L G"d?cr P. M, Clerks C. B. Koore, Y'. L, .Norman, C. L. Cliff. -. . - Sewing Machine Agencies. ' . ' Whfhlcr A Wilson, J. IT. ITornrg, f liu ff icrk J'tv I'fK- f JUStK-e. MCKCT, .11. XX. JMlMjril.liMU, ChVf ' ' W. Nf.rtailw Donicstic, -b. i. uvi-ei'-r s.::i, Chits Leo. A t t r I ir ( ' I 1 t DAILY EDITION. INTERESTING READING MAhTER ON THE FOURTH PAGE. . Arrival -nl Departure of the Train. Saxibbuby Mail train arrives 8:87 A. x. " " Departs 6:47 T. K. - : ' - ", Day train arrives at 2;14 r- x. - : k ':J " , departs at 100 A. H. . TennesseCK-Arrives 6:37 p. k. ... :) . Departs 8:47 A. x. WATKK8V1XIJ5 Arrives 8:50 P. x. t ; ;. Departs 9.-00 A. x. . Tho Wayriesville train reaches that point at 11:30 ; returning, leaves Waynesville at 1 .86. " Weather Report July 25. i..'--. - Barometer at 9 a.m. o0.15. . --ThermometeSIinimturi .63; maxi mum 87. ' - . liainfell .05.- V ' . , Sky Cloudy.-" ' ' : ' ' Wind Variable.' '!v.; (---,.',.:,, ? Moon Full on 26th at 9 p. m. . ' - SODA AKD HIXEBAt,; WATEBS ON The best 5 cent Cigar in town at Iiy- ons' "White Kose." i . f -i y W. T. Weayer. Sole Acent for Hera' Hand-Made Shoes for men. Y tf Send your Job Work of all kinds to the Qitizen Office, if you want it done neatly, cheaply and xvitA dispatch. THE DAILT CITIZEN Will be published every evening (ex cept Sunday) at the following rates strictly cash : One Year, . . . $6 00 . . . . 3 00 . . . 1 50 . . . 50 ; ... 15 Six: Months, Three One " l . One Week, Our .Carriers will deliver the paper ev ery evening in every part of the city to our subscribers, and parties wanting it will please call at the Citizen umce. The Daily Citizen - . ' Gives the only telegraphic dispatches received: : ' A full line of both Taylor's and Rob ertson's Stereoscopic Views at J. L. Wil kie&Co's. ' Peoples popular prices admission only 25 cents at the Opera Hall to-night The Cigar Girl of Cuba to-nigh.t Ad mission 2&C. - ' Miss Delia, daugater of CoL S. McD. Tate, of Morgahton, is in Asheville. Annie Firmin as the pretty Cigar Gir to-night; admission only 25 cents. - . -- Lieut. Leinster of the Iredell Blues gave us a pleasant call to-day. He is a genial, jolly soldier. , Major Dodamead has been called to Richmond, Va., by the severe illness of his father. . Miss Louise, daughter of Maj. Jas. W. Wilson; -of Morrantou, fs vistinRTier cous ins, Misses. Nannie and Mary Erwin. - Mess. Mitchell, Alderman and Wilson of the Wilmington Band, went -over from Camp Scales this morning to spend a day at Waynesville. ' . , - . , There will be an Ordination to the Ministry by Bishop Lyman, at Trinity Church, next -Monday. Service to be gin at 10a. m. -. y y See the notice of the Greenville and Tusculum College, located at Tusculum, Tennessee. ; This institution offers pec uliar advantages.;. ' ' The Medical College of Virginia, loca-J ted at Richmond, again cemes to the front with its annual advertisement. See it in another column. " .' ' A heavy rain storm visited the Haw Creek section of this county yesterday, washing heavily. It extended into the eastern portion of the city. - Rain yesterday fell in the east end of the town: but west, and on the road to the camp grounds, the dust was undis turbed. We hear of fine . rains through the county; in localities only, of course. The little son of Mr, Thomas Duckett, who was accidentally burned yesterday by the explosion of a lamp, is reported much better by his attending physician, ir. ijaliara. . ;-..; - , . Rev. J. Henry Smith , D. D., of Greens boro, will preach, to the Presbyterian congregation: to-morrow morning at 11 o'clock, bervices m the Court-room The public invited to come. Dr. Smith is one of the ablest ministers in the State, and our community will hear him with great pleasure. Col. Jeptha Ibrael this morning regaled us with a supply of delicious soft peach es, from his own trees here in the city; and brought them when they couia be enjoyed at the hour when, according to the Spanish proverb, iruit is gold. There will be a bicycle race at the Skat ing Rink to-night It will be a fivemile dash between the two champions Polhill, of Macon, Ga., and Maxwell, of Charlotte, N. C, the winner to receive a handsome gold medal, - This is something -new. in Asheville and will douDtiess draw a large crowd. . & Taking Countersign. '!'' - . ;N '- Mr. Geo. Bell, with his beef wagon went to the camps yesterday to deliver that necessary article of a : soldier's diet, and before he knew it, he had driven across the "guard - line. . The sentinel promptly ordered a halt, and demanded the countersign. "Beef,"- promptly re sponded Mr. Bell, and he was allowed to pass. y This evidently went straight to the . heart of that sentinel. . - . , iRoc.EKS Beos,' Makh See I'rices For this week only. Triple plated Table Knives $1 75 per set Desert size $1 65. Forks heavily plated on pure nickel silver $3 12 per set Tea Spoons $1 62 per set. Butter knives and sugar shells same quality, 50c. each. ' Quadruple plate Casters $2 90. ' A good extra plate Caster 5. Y A fine article of white handle knife at 1 50 and $2 00 per eet. " . -Y' ;?... Y '- , Always the lowest prices on Crockery and Glass at Law's, opposite Eagle Hotel. july IS d A w - Y; v Large lot of camp stools and cots for the soldiers at W: U. Williamson's Furniture store.; . ' - .' - V , "Bixlys," "Buftons," "Brown's" and "Bon Ton" are the Lest brands of shoe polish known to the trade, a!l of which k : ! 1 y V, Y.'cnver, at (he One Keep it Befoek the People, - ' ' ; j f That the number of guests at Haywood White Sulphur Springs is now between one and two hundreds but room for more. . . tf Da. Cuebt . v Will preach in the Baptist church to morrow, Sunday, night. " y , Extra Numbers. : A. large extra number of The Daily Citizen has been and will be issued every day, and will be for sale at various news stands, and by carriers on the streets. - ... '.' ' - yjtaT Bad Fabb. . " ' Y -. ' . rPried ham and eggs, broiled beefsteaks, fruits and vegetables, bread, coffee with sugar and cream, is the bill of fare 6t the troops, with good cooking stoves foi? each company. This is not exactly the regul ation fare, but the boys seem to be doing weii-on it;i-,Y'Y- j Kt -1-'"- It" is with- great "pleasure we can announce the conclusion of this gentle man trf locate permanently in our city He and his are most cordially welcomed. Dr. Battle, who is a retired Surgeon, U. S. Navy, tenders his . professional services to the public His residence is on Bailey street, the residence lately occupied by Capt. Hamilton. We commend him to the public V ... v The Races. r . ; Y '. "... .. , : ; Mr. Williams informs us that fins and noted horses, from Kentucky and other States, continue to arrive for the great, races in this city on the 28th. 29th. and 30th. It promises to be one of the finest racing seasons ever in the South. "Y Jordan and Bogaedus The Great Glass Ball Shooting ok. tux 31st. . In speaking of the great shooting tour nament at our Fair Ground on the 31st, between J. F. Jordan', of this city and the celebrated Bogardus, the Char ' lotte Ofesertersays: "Mr. J. F, Jordan, of Asheville, the young man who did such admirable shooting at the glass ball and clay pigeon matches in this city, last Summer, has challenged the world famous Capt. A. 11. Bogardus, to a match at glass falls in Asheville. Capt. Bogardushas accepted, and the match is to occur in Asheville on the 31st inst. Jordan is a remarkably line shot and the-boys here remember it so well they are banking on him. If the J trap rules of the Carolina sportsmen's club are adhered to. Jordan stands a good chance of not only equaling Bogar dus, but of actually beating him. , - Water Spouts in Transylvania. ,:. . ' Mr. John Jordan, who has just return ed from Brevard, informs us of a water. spout, which fell on Tuesday afternoon) six miles west- of that place. It struck the top of a mountain half a mile above the home of aivxld.maav.GabriaLAI m,' whose shop, in which he was working at the time, was situated en a small branch. A little grandson ran to tell the old man that the water was coming down as -a flood, and he left but re-entered to res cue some tools. In a moment the shop was overwhelmed, and washed down the torrent The old man swam about twen ty yards, when he was overwhelmed by water and drifting logs and drowned. The water came down the stream in a perpendicular wall ten or twelve feet h igh, and swept everything injitsway , carrying on the bridges below, and all the fences. The incident was local and limited. . The Sunday Religious Services of the Enoammosnt. ";. '' : -.'1: ; To-morrow morning, Sunday, Bishop Lyman will preach at Camp Scales at 10 o'clock, a. m., at the Headquarters of the Second Regiment. -"-?'' ; The entire State Guard will be present, and the' public are invited to attend There will be full and excellent singing, and the bands will furnish instrumental sacred music. . At 6 p. m. the Rev. J. H. Smith, D. D., unapiam oi tne aa.xiegiment wm preacn to the State Guard at Battery Porter: The guard will attend in full dress uni form. The band of the Asheville Light Infantry will be present. . The public are also invited to attend these services. There will be no dress parade on Sun day. . . ', ;,: - ;'. y Important Change. - : t ' - V Owing to some other meeting in the neighborhood of White Rock church, it is thought necessary to change the meet ing of the Buncombe county Sunday School Institute from July 31st to August 17th. We regret this change, but think that less! confusion will follow than to allow the appointment to stand as it has been published, liope ail wm taice due notice thereof and govern themselves accordingly- . w. w. wells, com- : -f.i-.J :'' 1 V-y E. J. Morgan, mittee. Y, 1 " ! Cigab Stand. , 1' . ' I Mr. Ike Henry will have a cigar stand at the camp ground, during the encamp ment. The Daily Citizen will be at the stand promptly every evening, with full telegraphic dispatches. . - - tf STALLi Nor 1, ' At the new " market, is now-well supplied with the best Beef, Mutton, and fresh meats generally this mountain country, affords, . at the lowest cash prices. Call on ' Zacuaky Bros. tau20 ' Y. ' ; Y Pbivatk Boarding in Waynesville. ' The undersigned is prepared to accom modate a limited number of boarders at her home in Wurnesville. Convenient to the White bnlphur. Springs. Accom modations guaranteed. Terms moderate, tf i ; Mrs. J. B. S. .MoIntosh. Encampment Notes. -7 :'.y Powell and.' Snider, v the wholesale rocers, have opened an office at Camp cales where the" boys can leave their orders for any thing m the grocery or produce line and have their goods deliv ered in the camp. v This will be a great convenience in the camp, , , 2t All Wool Drew Good in great vatiety, S'dks, Surahs, Rhadamei, Satins, Velwis, Salines, Percales, Ginghams, Lawns, PrirJff dc , ' ii. K2LV n vvv tie CV. . codif ' : ' -; ;..t-:V.:;v A aood stock of tXotldnq, Dry Goods JTarv cy Goods, Hats, S'foes, Carpets ic, at fixed and reasonable rnces. eoJf 11. REDWOOD & CO. 'A lane lot of Toys ateewtat'j LWil THE KECETACCII)i:r.T. -Everybody, deplores the acciJcnt which occurred to the Goldsboro Rifles by. the .overturning tf the coach when nearing Asheville. , Accidents .are prob able apy and every whore, and none the less deplorable on account oi locality or unexpectedness of - cirtumstance. This accident was specially; "deplorable, how ever it-may have been brought ; about whether by accident or carelessness. We have endeavored to ascertain vs many of the facts as we 'icould.'so. aa' to' blame those wfco; should, either be' negligent or guilty of gross . carelessness, pr , exculpate those who may be unjxidtly accused. An unjust accusalion "canaot '- remove the shock or the injuie suffered by themem-i bers of the GoldsbprdF coTnpanv or by the public, and we are Sure tey are neither disposed to .do--. injustice. V r are wanting in the.ympathyTof , xiJUfdy ? Imtnei diately -upon' ' hearing of the "accident Superintendent McBee and General Pas senger Agent ' Turk icame" up to investi gate. JWej ha'vQ rnejt thein, and .while greatly mortified at the matter do not wish to shield any' guilty person, nor do they desire the condemnation of !an in nocent person' have also conversed with gentiemen;nrerhber f the Guaid, who TFere on the-traini,Ahd) we are pleased to say, these generally are actuated by a like feeling with the railroad officers. very many," find-seme very'vild'ru- mors, have been in circulation since the unfortunate event, One or two ol these,; at the special request of Capt McBea.we wiunonce, Dy eaymg ior mm, in reier ence to the card of Capt Hallowell and Sergeant Smith , that no "railroad official" so far as he knows, certainly none author-1 ized to speak for the company. ' ever charged the Goldsboro Rifles ' or any memberof that company with tampering with the danger signals-t. They, did say, and do say, after investigation, that the danger cord, . controlling the air-brakes on the cars, was pulled, whereby the ac cident occurred. In respect to the ru mor that Engineer Low had been put on for the special occasion, that he had been discharged for reckless running, and for drunkenness, these bfficials declare most emphatically is entirely withppt founda tion. Mr; Low," beginning in the shops, . .has been , raised ,i,pn,- - the road,; and is one of their, njost . trust ed .; engineers., :. . As,. for! 'reckless running," or . even . drinking much less getting drunk. - the- officers declare thev neither never heard of, nor do they be lieve ne has ever been guilty of any each conduct; and, -so far. as "this particular occasion, is -concerned, we have , heard members of the Winston . company ;de tailed to be with and protect engineer Low immediately after the: accident on account of sorae threats which were made, declare that Mr. low was absolu tely free from the use of liquor, and that he was very cool throughout, and anx ious in his efforts to do all he could to rel ieve th e suffering. This much for that sideband" in justice Low. , It is admitted that the speed, coming down graue ior some distance, : was about 3o miles per hour, not an unusual speed in this 'portion of the road. The track was and has been in excellent order, and, is now. Engineer Low reports that the first apprehension ho felt just a few sec onds before the accident,;. was upon the discovery that he had lost control of his train on account of the air-brakes having been put on by some one pulling the cord on some one Of the cars, exhausting the drum at the engine, and throwing the entire force of the brake on the fear car, which, while the engine was in mo tion under full headway, necessarily caused the rear car to be jerked apart from the track: . And the moment the detachment took place, the pressure oc curred on the brakes on all the other coaches, which tended to throw them from the track. He reversed his engine as soon as he discovered .this .condition of affairs, too late to prevent the detach, ment and over turning of the rear car Had the coach been thrown from the track on account "of speed, its centrifugal force would have thrown the- car-on the outside the curve, whereas it jumped the track and fell on v the inside, showing clearly the enect of the sudden applica tion of the -brake's; Very ! manyj of; the soldiers insist that the speed" -Was reck less, and created great anxiety among all passengers. The pulling of tho danger signal the cord which threw the whole force of the air-brakes on, is admitted; but there is a difference of opinion as toJ the exact time at which this was clone. Other soldiers attribute the affair to one of those accidents which sometimes will occur in the face of all reasonable-pro-caution. All deeply ?depore it let-the cause be what it mav and all 'are to be congratulated that it was no worse; and it is earnestly, hoped all will soon be en tirely recovere-1 without resultant dime ulties. -...,.-. . . . -V Religious Services In, Camp.' "X V ? ' :.Eisp Lyman, will officiate on Sunday mofnh g at io. o'clock, in the camp of the snd rAvegment, N. C. S. G.r Thepublic and the soldiery are invited to attend; -,.' " CaeMichael, D."Di;vi . "; . . ChaP 2nd Reg. K. C. Si G. The LocghrAn 3r0b " ' : 1J''-":i,,!' xu Have display edy . much taste in thejir de"coratiohs at bmhestabhsfamentsfcom plimentarf to the visiting military. They have taken great interest in the Encamp ment, having icon tribeteOYt 150 ajthe fund for the occasioxt' - '.j . .'- T Keep it Before the Pteor-LE; if y ; ''That - the. wate ! ySay wood Whitf Sulphur Springs is a specific for' all dis eases ot The; Layer, ciomEtcn xia jia tf Private Bordinq in Waynesville. y. The nndefsigped s pregared fa acqoinr ruodate a boarders at her home in 5 Waynesville. Convenient to the White Sulphur Springs. Accom modations guaranteed. Terms moderate. - tf 5- : Mp.s. J; B. S.s McIntosh.: ' . f i i ' l ' dothinrj of ill 'grades'f(fr men, youths and children; ahoagood stock of Men's icrt,ishhig Goods. ".' . - efc'Yiv' a;&,EEMrpOD ,?0 !.;.--: ; 1 ' ' : -i Rjleoad Tickets. :.-.-) -- -y "Parties having tickets to dispose' of in any direction, will call on- me at the Swannanoa Hold. ' . W. D. Jonrs. teel - - ' - ' " -,, - , j c ; ' ;- t Railkoad 'Ticket9 BorGHT a"i Soid I will buy, sell, or Railroad Tickets from or to any" point- IV.i-tic.-5 interc-feied wiil !) v:t SI to rail ficd see mo. - j. -i- 1 : :L'. istiW At ('s Dn- tore. - Thk,Grey. ' ': " - lit- the North Carolina State Guard there has not been a full adoption of the regulation uniform. -The blue and the gray are intermingled, sometimes in the same" regiment; unfortunate in effect, probably, but ; strikingly k eloquent as Bhowing the practical blending of the colors that were bnce opposed in hostile attitude.' . We have been so little on the ground ' daring parades and drills that we Can speak definitely of only one reg iment, the 2nd which is a full represen tative of the gray. No one will deny the fine effect of the color; and no one will deny to. the men thet enjoyment of the ennobling associations ... connected, with that historic color. - In the light of both the past few years and of the eloquent present, there can be no suggestion of disloyalty because tho - boyd love' the gray. It is the Yeolor rri which , their lathers or their brothers fought and died. They cherish it with' affectionate or rev erential -feeling. And their ,v mingling with: the regiments or the companies clad in the blue is the constant reminder that they are brothers; that the blue and the gray are one; and that the one is no more the . -signineant Sign . of loyalty in the one than in the other.. All honor to the gray; all honor to the blue. Encampment . Items. ' - ".: , l, Thel battalion drill and dress, parade were witnessed by many hundreds yes terday alternooix. A t clouded - sky ; tem pered the., heat, and the enjoyment of the brilliant Spectacle was complete. The grp.undg w'ere; margined, with many car- riagesi. -rillekli "with 'ladies and children, and. a .thick 'rank of spectators on foot girdled the field , of -re view. - The move ments of the', 'diffoirent regiments were admired or critloised", the general verdict being highlyYfaVorable.' :- N 'r , The early morning drills get the men to work" 'at- 7 ''o'clock Jn the morning. They .are eli6ved from hard work uptil aftertidon; except suth as they choose to impose on themsefves. Such we saw this morning in '-the drill of the Mulligan GuardsJ where all sorts of outlandish uniforms, 'extravagant movements, odd weapops, and a broad burlesque on the brilliant, dram Major of the 3d Regiment furnished. fun for. men and lookers on The .men, with the soldier's -intuition' find, Abundant, material for amusement Mock court-martials are one source. Oth ers find their pleasure in singing and music, of which there is rich material in the camp. ; There is pleasant interchange of cour tesies, and men and officers are forming close and agreeable acquaintance. Gen. UDoubleday, of Asheville, spent part of the morning at Headquarters, in pleasant chat with col. uiack on war matters. . ; v . . -rThero Is a'-pleasant mixture '6f both armies represented on guard. In one company, there are four regulars of the U." S. Infantry. ne of them was long a sergeant in Col. Black's pld regiment, the 17th infantry. . ' We found at headquarters, all the colo nels in conference, a kind of military con fab, ' to which we were permitted to lend an ear but to which we will not give a tongue. . . .. , , . - -'--.! -. . The guards are enforcing very rigid mil itary rule, and woe to the straggler whbtries to enter the lines, without a pass. This is right but sometimes awkward for the tres passer. : The Glee Chib and the Quartette Club, both of the Setond Regiment, furnish ex quisite music which regales the ear of de lighted companions until io o'clock; then silence falls on the camp and the stern laws of war control to quietude and to sleep all but the faithful sentinels . who pace their weary rounds till daylight doth appear. Success oe Populab Prices. Tee Fir- min-Jaok Comedy will Repeat Cheap Admissions To-Night. A very excellent house attended the masterly performance ' ofEast Lynne" last night and greatly admired the grand and-artistic acting of Miss Annie Firmn astne heroine2 'of the, lay. Mr. 'Jack and the entire company displayed their usual ability and all, were well pleased. To-night this talented troupe will pre sent the ' '"Cigar Girl oi Cuba," and to insure a good attendance the' general admission will be only twenty-five cents, reserved seats- ten cents extra. We be speak a rush to-night. Manager Jack announces "Ten Nights in a Bar floom" as being in preparation. i .. , . i.'Y . Y , ' ? " - ' Visitors .will find the largest lot of Goods for presents at J . L. Wuke & Co. s Book Store, Eagle building.i ' f . ' t; 0- izll ! '--"r.-. v 'Third Regiment Pure Mountain Dew' on draft, with everything else usually kept in a first-class bar, at W.O.' Muller & Co.'s Public Square. ,Cal Jones, Dick Sorrell and Ben Young ask all to. "dew drop in."-. ' T i y ;..- ' Carpets," Mattings,' Squares, Rugs, 'Mats Oil Cloths, Lace Curtains, Cretonnes, Haw Silks, Turcomans, lable Damasks.'Sheeting, Towels, Napkins, &c, Y ; ' ; ' eodtf ' . REDWOOD & CO. new advertisements: A partnership with a man of capital or means to Steam Dry and rehandle - Leaf Tobacco on order in Asheville.'' ' ; - ! t . . With a man of long experience ana established trade In the leaf and manufacturing trade's of Virginia, JCentuckyi .North Carolina and foreign markets. - A(idrei I.. W. N., julv 85-d 1 mo j BOX 68, Reidsvllle, N. C. EDIGAt COLLEGE OF VIRcilXIA, i RICHMOND.; y riIIE FGRT Y-EIG IITII ANNUAL l': ; - -Y-- ... --. ; SESSION begins October s. Y; . For Catalogue with particulars address,;--' V Y.'."'".. " V'Y' ;...j" ' ' Y ' ; '" - M. L. JAMES M. D., Dean. jy25dawlm ; " . ; , " REENVILLE AND TUSCULUM COLLEGE. Chartered b GreenTllle Collotro by the LeKlflni ii"e of North Carolina before TennfSFee became a S'.nto. Ne builiUng: thoroueii snd praeiioal- - instruction. - Cost, lowest r,ossii,: then)Kr tbnn iii'y other InMitntion o-lik. er.U in the South, lioth sex-'." a-iiHit-ted t uliege claws. fcv:id for Catan r'i to S. A. CAII.K. Poc'y rap""y, luseuia.u, 'i-van. ' - v, Yn ' TELEGRAPHIC. ASSOCIATED PRESS TELEGEAM3 SPE- , CIAL TO CITIZEN. THE SEJffTIJIEWT OF COUNTRY. the Washington (My the Spot for r , - the Sepulchtire. ,:y y " :r " Springfield, Mass., July 25. The Republican of this 'city this morn-! ing sayB, "The country will share the sen timent of the people of Washington in regard to the great Captain's burial placer Tho fitting spot for the rest of the body pf the nation's hero is in the nation's capital,.- New York has shown a greed after one more share for its bur rying populace; and the family of Grant h ave . Teakly an! hastily,, it without wahiog to Yiuar Jthe . "voice of wiser friends or of his eertrynien."; Tin: CENTRE OF Heary Clouds Like a Funeral Pall Overhang the Resting ' Place of the Dead. ...-.' Mt. McGregor, July 23, 1S83. A still, sultry morning on the moun tain with clouds and thick heavy atmos phere. Hundreds of visitors are coming upon trains. The hotel is draped in mourning, and a Sunday-like silence reigns about the cottage where tho dead General lies in his temporary receptacla, wrapped in the flag. " So the third day of Mrs. Grant's widowhocd begins. Apropos of the nwilion of Mrs. Grant's name, it may bo stated, that, thus far that lady has been seen by no person ex cept the members of her family and Mrs. Dr. Newman since the General's death. Late yesterday afternoon there spread', from month to mouth the news' that the widow had been seriously prostrated, and that even serious results might be feared from the shock of her berevement, The rumor that first reached the outer world may ber-regarded as having no bases in fact, beyond that of Mrs. Grant being in seculsion because of a natural desire for rest nd quiet with her own serrow President Cleveland was this morning requested by the family to name the pall bearers to act at the clos ing obsequies. ' : " ' ' - ; fire ijt iKiitis. r,oss.Several million Francs. ' Y-k pAKin, July 23. . The Batignolles qnarter of the city was visited by a Bevere fire last night. The conflagration occurred in the district oc cupied by. the carpet ware Rosseus' car penter shops and other workshops of va rious kinds, and was not extinguished until buildings covering five blocks had been destroyed. . Tho loss amounts to several million francs. One fireman was injured, and it is feared several fire men were killed during the progress of the fire. '. Among the buildings burned were Jugandi's Saw Mills and Rosseus' carpet factories. - J. ..- ' Y New YorJc ft.oc'i Market. Y - - ; .'New York, July 25. The stock market opened -weak this morning,- first prices hhowing a decline of 1 to I per cent, and in tho early deal ing there was a iurther decline of J to 1 per cent in the general list; while Miss ouri Pacific fell 1, Pacitic : Mail 1, and Union Pacific 2 J. The decline was then checked, and a Blight reaction followed which was later in tlie hour followed by another rally carrying quotations up to I per cent. At 11 o'clock the market is steady, and quiet, but generally a little below opening quotations. Tho total sales for the first hour were 111,000 shares. . . -i Y Baltimore Markets v Baltimore, July 2o. Flour steady, active, Wheat, Southern, easy; . Western, lower and dull. SoutbernY red 9o7, amber 88l-00 No. 1 Maryland 97 asked; No. 2 wti tern, winter red; spot 93 . Corn Southern steady and quiet, wester firmer, for spot dull. Southern white o67, yellow 54(o. . . " v . ; ' 1 Please Observe. - . Complaint is made that parties going to and from the camp late at night, have indulged in singing greatly to' the dis turbance of some sick people residing on the streets. The suggestion of this, we are sure, will prevent any recurrence, as it is known to nave been done xrom exuberance of spirits and not from a disposition to disturb. . , . , - - ' ZiegUr's and Banister's Hand Sewed Shoes, Opera Slippers, Oxford lies, Danc ing Pumps, Slippers, &c, tc. ; - , U- REDWOOD & CO. . eodtf ' ' ' One Price Store. 1STOTIOE. The incorporators of tho Asheville Cemetery Company are requested to call and nign the ar ticles of association, which have been prepared bv the committee for that purpose. They will also take notice that it id proposed to have a meeting of the company on Monday, July 27th, at 6 p. m., at the 13ank of Agheviue. tocom- Elete the permanent organisation, and all atock oldein who wish to tale part in such organi zation are expected, before doing so, to depos it in bank, to the credit of the company, the aiaount of their subscription to the capital stock. The articles of association can be found at the office of the Register of Deeds to receiTe the signatures of the incorporators from this timo to the day of meeting. . - , . : J. E. BAKKIN, . 'i iy 21-2t f Chairman pro tem. - II II. N0RVELL, Prop'r, . - Near the Haywood White SvJpJmr Springs. TVJS riOXYK is P'tiistod in tse bnsinew part oi t!ie town, vssuiii 15 niinui'-s' to tho Wtiue i'!!riuir S)'r:i:; s. A lM';iutif;:l view of the l'.nlsain ;mtraius. tioo.l rwH, i;rstj;'.:i --a fure au.l Kaurtiucvl' n g.i;;r;u,u eJ. iu-i.- nt. t ie Ijc P"t. . .. , Jy l'".-?m Tiie Flao Drill - The noYeltv of thn the Banner Warehouse last., night had the effect of very early filling the great drill room, and when we dropped in toon after 9 o'clock, every seat was occupied. We owe to the courtesy of some of the young gentlemen in charge a gooti scat and a favorable position. We found the centre of the floor occupied by the Wil mington Band, eighteen or twenty pieces' ' which regaled the audience with really very delightful music. We never heard sweeter or better, and the entertainment would have been complete if it had gone no ianner. uut tnis was not what tho watcnea tne great entrance aoors for the sound that was the signal for tho en trance of the Amazonian army. At length the measured tap of the drum was heard, and then . amid admiring and almost wild Tanplauso the band of Meseley. - It was a strikiaa ml-a irttr sight. The costume was most thoroughly "loyal." The uniform was a blue body, a broad red band passing over the r it'll t shoulder and falling down the left Bide in long full sash. On the left breast were tnree wnite'stars. The skirts, ample enough, but less voluminous than the fashions of the day exact were alternate stripes of red, white and blue, on tho front stripe of which blue, ran a perpen dicular row of white stars. A jaunty red cap, without visor, bound with white and with fx whitA titsxr flat. Banlv vAf nram. fully on each well balanced bead. In lieu of musket, each one bore a staff sur mounted with a national banner.' The tout ensemble was wonderfully beautiful.-' 1 Tho company was then put through the ordinary drill; and then Capt Mct eley was a proud man, and the spectatoi s a wonder stricken people. , Every move ment was absolutely perfect and absolu tely faultless, marching, counter march ing, in column, in platoon, moving in ri:iiHiiiii i 1 1 :i 1 1 ir i iur irnnr. wnnniinrv inrn line, breaking into column, there was not a single fault. The movement was that of machinery, and space and distance was calculated to the very inch. The drill was kept up for half an hour and then the company broke ranks, and the spectators were ushered into anoth er pleasant phase of the evening enter tainment, and dozens , of tables were placed on the floor, and speedily covered with ice cream and other delicacies and refreshments; and. no doubt the ladies of the Aid Society reaped ample reward. We learn from Capt. Moseley that this perfection of drill was reached in ten nights' practice. How many months does it take the same number of young men to do the same thing? We extend a hearty welcome to this new branch of the military service. The following vounir ladies were nartie- ipants : Miss Ella Brown, Sergeant, and Misses Kizzie Cain, Mary Erwin, Agnes Shelton, Mary McDowell, Jennie Kyi and, Lily Hendricks, Mary Sununey, Maggie Dukes, Susie Dukes, Stella Slack, Mattie Dodamead, Laura Dodamead, Delia Young, and Nannie Erwin. UoAEnKrs Waxted. I have a good house, good comfortable rooms, located on Bailey street, a short walk from Pub lic Suuare. and would be clad to accom modate a few boarders by the month or season. Will keep the best table the market affords. tjylO ' Y V G. L. McDouaxd Summer tourists, (to the mountains') . . ... . . can nnu comionaoie rooms anil gocxi board at Antler Hall (Tennent'a View) 4 miles from Asheville. For particulars, address P. O. Box 116, Asheville, N. C. N. B. Good boating on finest piece of water any where near Asheville. iulv 6-1 mo " . Private 'Boarding. Visitore can find nice pleasant rooms and good board, liberal rates at .. Mrs. M. J. Ridsdai.k's, juiy wk spruce stReet. Board fob. tub Sumjiek. Handsome location, fine grove, largo yard, new house and new furniture.. Apply to S. F. Yenajile,. AcadpmjrStreet, , july 1 tf v near Male Academy. ; Boarding. Good .board, by the day, week or month, can be secured at the residence of t he undersigned, on North side of Woodfin street, near the Baptist church. Comfortable rooms, largo shady yard, a good table, and splendid water. Satisfaction guaranteed. Members of the Teachers' Assembly boarded at $1.00 per day., Table boarders wanted. fjylG - Miss MakV A. Miller.' ,Why do you go bare-footed when yon can get shoes no cheap at . W. T. Weaver & Ccs. .. . . Y : The Best Hat ts the World For $ 1.15 per hundred, at the Depot. Call early. , - tf. Y. L. Moroait:'' J. M. Jones Morgan & Jones, (Fatton Arenue, Cowan Block, and corner of . Fatton Avenue and Itepot st..) ' , ' DEALERS 15 . ! " ' . V . Staple and Fancy . Groceries, Consisting- of- Flour, Meat, Canned Goods, etc. . AlscrCorn, Hay, Mill Feed and co ujYjru r prob uce. Choice Brands of , ' , . Cigars and Tobacco ' Y . Afents for Sheeting, Shirting and Yarn! ' Wholesale and Bctail.' ' Wo would be pleased to havo a sh are or tho patTonnce of the people of Asheville and tlio nr roiindinir omiatry, au-J promise tn d our tx-st to gweaotieraction in goods and prices. my-'.kLl. wly vx;?i GOODS. Vamilfj Grocery, JiVr; and : Teed 'Store, South Srain Street, ((liove Eme Hotel,) ASHEVILLE, N. C ' TTULL St'X-k of Family OroreriM, I ord, r:w-oti A Sngam. Co!!'i'f, Ciinnwi t..m-.;.4, i;p, -Spices, Iiero'iie Oil, ir, &. Flour, :', Cm, h -, 1 r, , ; 1 . -n v t'i .it i i.e 1. ! 1 on . ' v -.AY

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