CITIZEZ7 JOB OFFICE, . WEST SIDE PUBLIC SQUAIIF, BILL HEADS,' . ; , ' : ; " ; ; LETTER HEADS, V rosters, . .; ; ' V' " . BLANKS, eV ' And Job Work of all kinds dnrr -rviti fromftness and at l(yiv prices. '.-' r. si 1 ; C-ncrcn, EDIT6ES AND PR0PKIET0B3." ' i Mil. . o XiJLtta-ST.f .. l$Tear, Mos., X Year, $ ... 3.00 X.SO j to VOL. I.-NO ASHEVILLE, IST,;Cm MONDAY 'EVENING, JULY 27, 1885. PRICE: 5 CENTS ADVERTISING RATESLOW. DAILT EDITION. -O 1 ' . 1 1 V.iiil- - J " . ! li. . QO. Aslieville Itiisiness j.' - Genital. Merchant Wholesale and. Retail. C. K. liinlikn) &'.Co , 8. IE. ChedcsterA Stfn, J. D. I Brevard & Co 'J,(X Howell, 8. llamiaershlag,. ;;. K. lee, II. Kedwood & Co., J. T. Bawyer.O. A - Mean), A. H. Joins & 8on,Bearden, Rankin & Co., ' v W 11. brown, O.M. Roberts. ,, , , , ', , . : ; Warden and Field Seed. , -r Poweir Snider, H. It. Lyons, A. f. Merrill, H. ' , Redwood A Co., J. O. llewell, J P. Sawjer, Bear- den. Uaukin ft Con, p. H. Monert. J. y - ... . -'. ".; ( Grain, llau Jrfrurl ' . ;i 'j. n. Stwiea, Pewell Snider, Alexander and x: Peiiliind., ,, .: , v-, "" N . . Hardware, Agricultural Implemettli, it. . '- . ," Pcnninmij & Co., VanOllilcr & Brown. . ;, t '-'-.StorMi Jloustftirnteluxg, And Tiuirorfc ij. Bullard Eros., Brown & Beaiden, Llndscy Bros. '" V- ' . dfilkirtri. Genii Furnishing, tc ' " " JimicsP. Sawyer, JI. levy, CJmrlcs If Lee, S : ' Wbitlock. . . , ... ; j ... " ' .Jioots,' Shoes, andTMatt:-, ' - ' ', T. M'tvcr, M. Levy. . v , , 'y .". 7 .- Ifotil- and Shoe - 2iauufaclurcrt -M. Levy, W.T. Weaver, A.Freek. ' - . ' , -: t -i. . Soots and Stationery.: . ; . . . . ', " : J.IWl!kio, J. X. Morgan & Co.,-H. Tl Esta- ook, U. H. Lyons. . ; : -. Vt, , Druggist and PharmacerJitUs. ';;. - : II. II. Lyons, Vf. C. Carmichael, C. W. DcVault .. & Co., U. 11. Moncure, w.-js. remain. :: ''l , Musica. liixirumentx, &e. 'i. DcVanlt Bros. 1 v 1 : f fU-fc cowanj isteflner nI EoWitSouT - Family Groceria. '' ' . h-: " Powell and Snider, S. K. Kepler, A. R. Cooler, '- '. Penley & Co.. T. F. Staines, G. W. Goodlake. A. J. J Merrill, J. K. Ware, Ware and Ilowell, A. C. Davis, '-: James Franks, J.J. Mnekey Jt Co Jesse K. Starnes, v' (i. U McDonald, W. L. Morgan, F, M. Johnson, R. U Nolan d& Sons. T. V. Shelton, J. R.TruU,O.H. , .Starnes. N. Penlaiid, Penland & Alexander. Mrs. I. CSmitli. - - " : . ' --.-' . - Butchers, Meat Dealers, Ac. ":'t-: ' . Zarhcry Bros., James Lusk, T. K. Davis, Mc Council and Drake. . ' w . Jlaleries. . - J. 1. Desmond, F. M. Johnson, J. C. Oliver, j ; v Cunfectioners and Baker. - . - : - J- Desmond, (factory), J. M Heston.T Wells. - ' . ' Saddlery, Harness, "tc. I '. ;'.' 'h. M.' Gilbert &X3o. .-Alexander and Penland., Furnitttre, tc. . ' ' . w '-, W. B. Williamson, Moore & Falk, F. 8. Mc- T . Mullen. ' . V ' ' - Undertakers.. -. v ,. " ' X. Brand, J. V. Brown, John Clayton ,- Coo! Deafer. . : ' S. F. Venable, D. S.Wat-on, Hill and Atkins r - . W. Girjjwood t Co. ' ." , i Limit Dcalen : . oubleoay i-Scott.v - -. . Omfroct, Chrpenfer, ajid JJm7(J-. ' I. Gorenfio. John Hart JV. A.r Wagner, Tv C ' . Westall, K. J. Armstrong, J. E..Butniek, T, I , ' Clayton, A. G. West. " 'Blacksmith . . D. W. Cauble, J. II, Woodjv . i ' r--v : . . ; . 7oteJ. ' . Swannanja, Eagle, Grand Central. Western," . v . . Carolina House, Slaj 1e House, The Villa. ': - . . Private BoardinQ. v ' . ' ' S. F.v Venable, A. T. Bnmmey; -Miss Bettie Brown, Misses Coffin, Mrs. A. E. Hall, P. F. Kmer V. ' son, Mis. Bmith,' T. W. Keel, Mrs. A. B. Chunn, J. JI. Carter, G. M. Roberts, R. H. Grahl, G. L.Me s Donald, M. J. Fagg, J. A. Fagg. J. E. Rankin, W. ' ' T. Reynolds, Mrs. T. E. Reynolds, E. Sluder, Mrs. Holland: Mrs. Broiles, Mrs. J C Smathers, Mrs ' - ' LvBaird: W. WMeDowell, James W.Patton, Mis. ' , Leieestet Chapman, H. C. Hunt, H: C.France, , Mrs. A, Sinclair, P. S. McMullen. . V' Livery, Sale und Feed Stable f. Reynolds & Chambers, J. M.Ray, "W. A.Wed- din, James Sevier, C. O. Allen, T. H. Stansill v '. "Win. Cox, E. W. Herndon, S H. Barnard, ti. W. i '. Morgan & Co., E. T.Clemmons, Jesse It. atarnes. . , v ' Colleges, Schools, d-c. v ' Asheville Female College, Asheville Male v Academy, Newton Academy, MissGoodloes High . . - School for young ladies, Miss Sawyer's Primary : - -'School, Mrs. J. P.. Gammon's Primary School, ". three white pubrie schools, two icood colored ; - t schools. A graded school has been authorized by ' f law, and a. State normal schosl -wiJUt be held, every - - - - Mrs. IL M. Herndou, S. Whitlock, M. M. E. 4 jrlann,, P, Sawyei, trs BR Pcrte.; .jt: - ; . '. . Attorneys At Law. ' ' MaLoud Moore, J. n.iIerrimon; E. H. Mer . rlmon; M. E. Carter, A. L. Carter, Gudgor Sr Car '.J. ' ler. J. M. Gudger, F. A. Sonaiey,. V: 8. Cushman; Richmond Pearson, E. D. ter,W. W. Vndiver, - Davidaon ic Martin, T. A. Jones, S. H. Reed, W. B. Owyn, Locke Craig, W. R. Whitson, Jones and Hardwicke, Johnston Shuford, W. M. Cocke, : Xatl Atkinson, A. T. Davidson, W. H. Malone, - - V. S. Lusk, P. A. Cummings, A. J. Lyman, . i. - phyticiayaand Surgeons. '. - . ' " D.J.Cain. W. L. W. D. HUliard, John Hey t ' AVilllams, h A. Burroughs, J. A. Watson, M. L. Nelson, Wardlaw McGill, II. P. GatchelL - . , ! Dentists. - G. W. Whitson, B. H. Douglas, R. H. Reeves, A. ;v B.Ware. . . , Banks, Bankers and Brokers. ' Bank of Asheville, Binder i-Barnardi" - -s ; ' " . - i Merchant Tailorst---.. . - ,j.W. Schartle. - : ' - . .: ' - - Dealers in Furs. ' - ' A 'M. iaiick. - . -' ... . Kcal Estate Agencies. Walter B. Gwyn: A. J. Lymany Katt" Atkinson, . E.J. Aston, It. M. Jones. " - - . -- Architects and Civil Engineers, S F Venable, J A Tewaant, '-a f ; - Hibaeeo Warehouses.' ' "TH AshevIlTn 'Warehouse. The Banner "Ware house, The Farmer's Warehouse, Ray's Ware- - ; house, The Buncombe Warenonse ; . Tobacco MamifartMters-'Chewinimvd. Smoking,'-. K H.WML MeCftrtv & Hull. J. E. Ray. E. I Holmes AC, Shelton & Perry, V. P.WUlianison. ' . Coolers. Ac." ' " , L. F. Sorrell; 9. Vf. GirrJwood, William Wearer, '- - Hart. ,..., v- ir...'.-nA - .-v Wines, Liquors, c - , -Loughran Bros- nampton 4 ilbcrstone, )V. Papers Hangers. ' ' , Cain & Hunt, Moore & Falk,R. L. FitzpatrJck. Daily and Weekly Citizen, Daily and-Wecklr Advance, The Asheville Tribune weeKiy.j The Citizen Jo.b Oflice, Hun tjt Robertson. ' - j-nowgrapner. ,- Nat. W. 'Taylor, W. T. Robertson, T. T. Hill. - . v.. : Grist Mills, d-c. . :; . Jordan & Hallyburton-, N ; W. Gird wood, Jas. E. . JButtrick. rr wcine. Fertilizers, de. J ' ' F. N. Waddell, "Star Brand." Penniman & Co., "Anchor Brand," G. M. Roberts, Alex. Porter, "Piedmont," W. H. renland, "Owl Brand," Bear den, Rankir. & Co., "Oher & Co.'s-Special," Lyon - Walker. "Farmers Jtriena." T. v. sianies, "Ar lington." W W. Barnard, "Sea-FewyV. W UirUwood Co., "Soluble Pacific." .. v : . ' : - ' Insurance. -' v- E. J. AstoniThos. W. Branch . ' " . . - 1 . W. V. Telegraph. ; -. '. t. G. Weldon, manager. 5 :: . ' Southern and Adams Exp) cm.: Civil Qflicers of Bvncombe County. : SheriffJ, , IC Kicn: i)epvrty jianiel Keyi .Clrk E. , W. Herndon; Register J. R. Pattersor, . -Treasurer J. H. Courtney; Surveyor B. F. Pat ton x Tax Collector X. w4 ratton. ' ' - '' -' i Inferior Court InrtiSe G. A. Shuford: Clerk Mont Patton; Solic- Jor H.B..Oarter. . ,-- ' - . Counlu Commissioners: J. E. Rankin, J. A. Reagan, G. W. Whitson, L. , t ChUds,Thos.p.-Brittaui. - ' ; '" k Justices of Vie Peace. - A. T.nmmev.N. A; Penland. T. W. Patton. C. i :' . Way, J. M. Ledford, J. M. Jarralt, J. B, Cain... " fSlv Government. . ::. ' Mayor E J. Aston Aldermen W. T. Reynolds. ; Jklonzo Rankin. Ueo, i. Bcott, l 11. iiorcntuv r . VV. (iirdwood and J. L. Murray. Policemen A , JI. Baird.W. O. McDowell, J li. Hampton. Hukh Postelland X Hunter. .. v ... nose N. 1,-- oreman li. C. Fagg; IL fc L. No. t. yUl't. F A. 11 . . . . . .- -- a . - - ' Sanitary Department, Dr. D T Millard, Sanitary Chief. ; . -; Federal Officers - " tl. p. Convmissioner, A. T. Sunimey. Deputy - Collector, (stamp oflice) A. D. Cooper-- District Deputy 8. C. ierenJ- Deputy MaTshalls, It. O. Patterson, A. C Patterson, X. Ik. Davis, H. S. Har- . United Slqtes Pidrid and Circuit Courts. jnrlBe K. P. Dick, Solicitor J. E. Boyd, Clerk J, E. P.ecd, Deputy t:icrn r. a. cuinmings,' ,': Pod Officer -.- " II. I,: Gndser P."M Cleiks 'C. B.Mooie,.W.L. Norman, C. I Cliil'. - - .' .' ,-'-;-' '--' . Boring Machine Agencies.''' , ' 'whcMrr & Wilnt J. H. Iknin-r, Chief Clerk ''Stt Vr"-i" Jt'-lice. finger. M. JI. .Morynihan, i'.'jiii-f i:l-rk W. Jlontcuth. J.iufytic,- S. 11. Cfccd-c-fiiT & ri,)i, C'iiit.s K J.cO. - , . ' ).;r" 7." ''"! rd .I'-'cHirm. . A.T.ti.K-v,Jii.-i.i.i;.:'lliji'''-'?-. First .. r(.s.,i!j-r icvtt.i-g l'iit '!'? -T't'.-"-Cr. , pireclory. DAILY EDITION. : : - Lj . . INTE,RESTIKG REAPING MJliTER . ' ON TITE FOURTH TACJE. , - . . .-V. r ' HAUSBrmr Mail tram ornves H:37 A. x. ' 1 " 1 "s i' . " - . Departs 6:47 r. u. I"' - Day train arrives at2;14p-n. i " departs at H0'J3O A. it Tennessee Arrives B:37p. vt. " '" -' -.. Departs &47 A. m. v WATNEsritLE Arrives 3:50 w. x. - ' Departs 9:00 a. Ki .'The Waynesville train reaches that point at 11:30 ; returning, leaves Waynesvflle at 1J&6.':-: Veatiier Keport Jnly 23. .-' , Barometer rat 9 a. m.. 20.15. Thermometer Minimniu G3; , maxi mnm 87. - . " : Rainfall .05.. " ; .Sky Cloudy. ;' Wind Variable. ' ' : '-' ' ' V : Moon Full on 26th at 9 p. m. . SODA AKD MINERAL WATERS -ON DRAveir - PELnAM's.- , : The best 5 cent Cigar in: town at Ly- Vi T. ' Weaver; Sole Agent for Hess lland-Made SIioch for men; -; - tf . Send your Job Work of all liwds to tJie Citizen- Office, if you u-aut it done neatly, cheaply . and tui dispatch. , TOE DAILY CITIZEN Will be roll'sled every evening (ex cept Sunday) at the following rates sir tcQij cash i ' V . ' ' -- One Year, Six Months, . 00 .- A 00 1 50 ' - -50 . v 15 W ': i -; J. ) . X;"'.- - Three f ; v One One Week, Our Carriers will deliver the paper ev,- ery evening in every part of the city to our subscribers, and parties wanting it will please call at the Citizen Office. The' Daily Citizen : ' ' Gives the only telegraphic dispatcheB received. , . STaj. W..II. Malone has returned from Washington," and will remain in this city for a season. f . . . Major T. L. Emory, of AVcldon; is in the city.- He has tliree fine racers on our race grounds. Miss Mollie Goodloe has gone to Blow ing Rock to spend the summer months with Senator Ranisom's family. Mr. James H. Cathey, of Jackson, gave us a call this morning. He reports crops as still very' promising, and says the tobacco outlook is very fine. The banner stretched from Xyona to Redwood's is somewbat" tattered, it is thought by lightning, on Saturday after noon. - . Mr. W. E. Smith showed as this loom ing some fine specimens of his art, the enlargement of: photographs. He is a master of his art and merits the encour agement of the public. ' " ? - f f The Heliioti-.Itevlew, published at Hog- ersville. Tenn.. ty our late T townsman Mr. W. T. Robertson, lias reached us, and we have looked over it with much pleasure. , It is a good paper, and worthy i large support, and w e wish it all success A horse bekn ging to Capf. Patton was killed bv lightning on Saturday afternoon atFrady's mill.' The electric discharges were frequent and : violent, and more damage might have been expected.' Good rains accompanied the 6torm. . v We learn that MnRpland, who estab lished a broom factory at Btrttrick's old machine shop, will remove his machinery to a point on Pigeon river and apply it c . 1. 1 ; . i ..I t . - lur nit; ureaem, 10 omerunes,- At . is im possible to get a Bupply of broom mate rial until a crop matures. ; , , JJi vine services yesterday were ex ceedingly interesting. They were held at all the churches, as usual, the congre gation of the Presbyterian church, how ever, using the Courthouse! avhere the Rev. J. H. Smith,' D. D., of Greensboro, and chaplain of the 3rd Regimen t preach ed to a full congregation, soldiers and civilians. The same gentlemen held services atO p. m. on Battery . Porter. The scene was a beautiful and iirj pressive one.; The attendance of the military, in full dress uniform,, without ansis was a great attraction of course, and. probably a thousand people, ladiesvgentlemen and children, white and colored, filled the ground that was.made holy ground, for tue time., unly a lew compam.B sp peared in line, ' preceded by the' full Asheville Band in full rank: but never theless the effect was strikingly fine xne religious exercises were very im pressive, and trie music, "vocal and in strumental, was exquisite. In sacred music, the execution of tbe band was delicate and sweet beyond expression. Large numbers of tho troops were - in the town during the day attending the churchesas inclination directed. Capt. McLoud : - - v - ; Returned Saturday from a trip to New York. He says from the time he reach ed and left Salisbury, en route to New York,t' and reached the mountains , re- turning,ho had npt a dry thread upon him??and slept but little, .owing to the intense heat nieht as .well as day. "The hot wave 4i as been severe And continu bus. . . '..'. . . ' ' ..-. y ew ilotiEKS -Bbob.' Make See Trices - For this week' only. Triple plated Table Knives $ I 75 per set. Insert siae $1 fo. f - Forks h eavily - plated on pure nickel silver $3 12 per set- "Tea Spoons $1 C2 per set. ; Butter knives and sugar shells eame quality, 50ci each. :r v (Juadruple plate Casters $2 90. : A good extra plate Caster $1 25. ' A fine article of white handle knife it 1 50 anl $2 00 per set. - " V'- . . Alwavs the lowest prices! on Crockery and Class at Law's, opposite Eagle-Hotel. , july IS d & w '" .;:rY-: . "Bixlys,", "Buttons,"-' "Brown's' .and "Bon Ton" are the best brands of shoe polish known to the trade, all of which are sold by W. T. Weaver, . at the 04 PriCti Shoe Store. ;. , ,' ;.: Large lot of camp stools and cots for the soldiers at V. B.Villiamson's . Furniture store.;.' :v : - 't .- 'iw. Mr. Fran k. 11a yep, son of our old friend Hon! Jno! W. Hayes, of Oxford, and a membcr-of the Oxford Company jrave us a j,ic-a!?ant c. ill th liiovr m r. Keep rr Bekoke tiie People, ,7 '-' ' That the nnmber of guests at Haywood White Sulphur Sprinssis now between one and two hundred" brt room fqr more..--- r' ' v '' "'r.' ' ', tf. ; Tubs. L.' Emoky; Esq, i ; i J . Our old friend, of Halifax,:-is jn . the city. He has three splendid horses here, ready for the races' this week. This means business for some body. ;. v , " ; A' V ; l-rizJ': Mr. George. Bell callecLbur attention Saturday' to the. finest fattest beef, we have ever seen in this market, raised and fattened by Mr.' John Lyndsey; evidently a good farmer of McDowell county. It was about the riaht age,. and the fat hung on the body in lumps. Jt was just such a beef as our larmers ought to have for Bale at all times there is much more profit in such, and far more popularity as beef. We hope to see more of such on our markets. . Mr. Bell received several orders for beef immediately upon show ing the live beef. . . . Speeadinq OuT.i--" i 'y;''-t--"- Asheville trade-is beginning to da wbui we have long urge.d!it sllbuld dov reach out and enlarge its territory. Our home manufactories specially should do so," and it gives us pleasure to learn are doing so. Messrs. Alexander and Penland, manu facturers and dealers in Saddles, Harness, &c., have" been making: shipments to Manning, S. C, and Chapel Hill, N. C. Upon inspection their-oods were found to be so superior, they were at once given orders. Let the good work be pushed. ' " , . , "The Lord Knows this is. the best Country in the Would." ' . - -Mrs. Susan Starnes,. a lady seventy odd years of age, sold her homestead to Capt. M. J. Fagg, two years ago, and went to Dallas, Texas. Yesterday even ing she returned, and Capt. Fagg happen ing to be on the train: got the conductor to stop and let her off the train at her old home. - she left Dallas Friday, reaching her old home Sunda evening, having travelled all the way alone. As she alighted, she clasped her hands and said, "Thank Heaven I am back again v The Lord knows this is the best country in the world." All of her friends are ulad of her return. V - An Idea that Might be Followed. A combination of tent and- hotel - life has been attempted at a summer, resort on the d'acibc coast. , Jb,ach guest or family can have a separate tent, pitched in a grove overlooking the sea.: and pro vided with the rude furniture of a camp; but there is also a wooden hotel, in which an ordinary apartment is assigned to every visitor, for refuge hi case of storm or sudden dislike of the canvass. Meals are served in a general dining room, or in ten Us. as desir edjand the bills of fare include the primitive dishes of campers as well as the products of French cookery.. .-"-- NtmBKEixoBcnijiwai The- Citizen recently alluded to the numbering of certain buildings in the city, and commended it to,alL - Mr. T. W. Branch calls our attention to tbe fact that a complete numbering of all build ings, down, even to half-numbers, has beerf done, and accurately, done, by the insurance' companies, including the en tire business portion of the city and full copies of the map are in the posses sion ol Mr. isranch and Mr- Aston. v e would therefore Buggest that all property owners call on one or the other of these gentlemen and get his, her ortheirnum- bers, and havo them affixed to the build ings. " This will be a very important and useful improvement. ; ." Pictures Enlarged. . , . -'' An opportunity will be before the peo pie of Asheville for a very few days to have small pictures of friends and loved ones enlarged to any size, style and color. All grades of work in ink, color and cray on.- Orders given jiow will be delivered tho first of September. ro house does better work than the one I represent. Pic-turesiife-like and natural color of eyes and hair' given v if desired.: ' All worki framed and delivered at. your; homes ready for baa ging. All should improve the opportunity. Ornament your homes with pictures of loved ones. Show y6ur appreciation of a mother's love and a father's care. ; Your ; children's pictures enlarged will be a consolation. Consult at once and decide what you -want. Work for Weaverville will be delivered August the 8th, 9th, and 10th, ; - Respectfully, -1, july 27-d w It :: W. R Smith. Cigar Stand. - V,. - ' . 'Mr." Ike Henry .will have a cigar stand at thecamp ground, during the encamp ment. ' The Daily Citizen wil be at the stand promptly every evening, with full telegraphic dispatches; . ' - tf - Stall No. l', .- '. - 'At, the -new market is now. well supplied witb the best Beef, Mutton, and fresh .meats generally this - mountain country affords, at the lowest cash prices. Call on Zachary Baps. tan20 ' " ' Pkivate Boarding in Waynesville. iThe undersigned is prepared to accom modated limited number of boarders at her home in Waynesville. Convenient to the White Sulphur Springs. .Accom modations .guaranteed. Terms moderate. tf ; . , Mrs. J. B. S. McInTosn Encampment Notes. : -"-.: : Powell . and r Snider, . the ' w)ielesale grocers, haveopened an oflice at Camp Scaled where the boys carMeave their orders for any thing in tho? grocery or produce line and have their goods deliv ered in the camp. This will . be ya great convenience, in the cam. : . -t -v. y Url A.' A Shuford, a rroiinent mer chant of Hickory,' and ai able member of the lastHouse of Repf eKentatives from Catawba, is in th city '.'coaling off" for a few days, the gviest of our townsman C. E r Graham." We were glad to see our friend.-,",. ;,::! -T ., v " All II oot : Dress Goods in great 'wriety, Silk. Surahs. Rlmdamet.. .Saiim, Velvets- Satines, Vermles, Gingham. iMvms, lYmts, IL lillDWOOD t GO. . cou'f A good flock ry Good:, JIil; wad vKxiijiahlij iihhy, Dry Goods ,Fan s, ttc, at fixed IIF.DWOOD ii CO. ' It. " BLACK MOUNTAIN.-1 a'good HOTEL PERSONAL. :: J;: Moust Mitchell "Hotel, A. Blaek Mountain, N. C,, July 25,-'S5. Edilari Citizen ? This delightful ;'sutof mer resort is.- now attracting -quit -a number of guests. -, The hotel 13 well arranged for comfort, rooms .well ventil ated and every thing is done to render the guests comfortable., v l have been at a great many watering places and : have never seen any summer ; resort BO; well aupplietl with the richest -of , sweet tailk and pure - mountain 1 fresh butter. . Mr. Stepp offers so many inducements' that I see no reason that the Mount 'Mitcbel Hotel ought not to be full of peopleUo enjoy . this pure mountain air- ana ine excellent table that is furnished every day for the comfort of the many - gueste. . . . ... 1 a! Mr. stepp win now inaue large reuueuon on board-lor person sN and -lamines. Boarding by the month or weektbe rates will be" so reduced that all 'may avail themselves of this privilege; There havef ooerj,; nere- persons wno-naye Tcceive,a great benefit byonly'f Temaming few days..' There is now a distinguished son of'Nortli' Carolina, Col.. Yellowly from Greenville, Pitt county.1 When he arriv ed lie was very weak and could scarcely walk from the depotrhe is now fast im proving and says that he feels now that he could dance. There has been. quite a number of others ys.ho have improved rapidly. , Persons from Louisiana and Mississippi - think the Mount Mitchell Hotel one of the most desirable resorts in the western part of the State. Mr. stepp expects the hotel to be full after the first of August, lie is looking for a large company this week from Uai e i haDd otei parts 0 the Stae. . ,. .- -.- .. -, Cwes ; Resolctioks" at the NoEiiAL.A - The following resolutions, adopted last Fridav, were not handed to lis until this morning, llence tue delay in pumica tion. ... .'"-''' By Mr. S, C. Herren : ; c ' "Resolved, That the thanks of the managers, teaciiers and mends 01 tiie Asheville State N6rmal are due and are hereby tendered to the newspapers of Asheville, Tup Citizen, Advance, and Tribune for the kind interest taken by them in the success of the first session of said school." Carried unanimously. By Hon. H. A. Gudger : - i , ' , - " Hesohed, That a vote of thanks and appreciation for"the services rendered by County Superintendent Jno.; W. Starnes be now tenueied'to him by the trustees, school and audience now present Prof- H. L. King requested that we: take a rising vote. ; Lamed . unanimously. She Waits to Embrace lint... ,. , ;. The Louisville lltnes exhibit the fol lowing- touching interest in' a' mother near and dear to the hearts of North Carolinians : ,V --'.;".-.. . - "Through ecu unpardonable "iriadver tenee, we have for some time failed to note in appropriate terms' that, our good brother Munneli, 01 the still ter at Chunky Gal, N. C T u e have ask ed the Administration for nothing, but, feeling a deep and abiding interest in North Carolina and : brother : .Mnnnell, and desiring to unite tiie two in; close bonds of interest and Kytnpathjvwe crge Postmaster General V Has, and we lai plore the President, to take up the papers in the Chunky Gal case and give brother Mnnnell -that- recognition " his modest merit deserves." ., - " . . - : Miss'Bessie, daughter of Mr. W. F. Rice, of this county, died at her. home yesterday. Funeral services were held to-day by I-lev. Geo. Bell. ' The remains will be interred at the old' family home stead oh Bull Creek. , K . : , The Great Races. The following two year olds have been entered in the Mouthful State to be run tb-morrow at the French Broad Course : II I Pope's B F, lied Vino. ' ; 7 1 Owen Daly's Br F, High Patience. E W Herndon's Ch O. Ioanhoe. "Jno A Williams. Jr Ch F, Sirocco " The entries for the French .Broad cup,; for Thursday are the following pood horses: . : T L Emory's Ch G, Brookhill. . ' i H I Pope's Ch M, vMdma Long. Jno A Williams, JrrB II, Tom Bacon. . J S Evans' Br M, Palmetto.. .. . ' J G Thompson's ClrM, CoraLee.t "One mile and a halrdash. , . A Challenge Notice.,; ; '.'; " i I hereby challenge any trotting or pacing horse, belonging to Asheville, to go against hie any distance, ibr $100 a side. Race to be run witliin 5days, on the A sheville Race Course, ". - i; . r. Very Respectfully, -)-.-. r r' - r : v J. H. Polhill, . It Champion Bicyclist of the South. Have displayed "much taste J,in their decorations at both establishments, com- Elfmentary to the visitingmilitaVy. They ave taken great interestin theEncarnp ment, having contributed. w$l 50 p tothe fund for the occasion. ;, '" . Inferior Court,"-. ...j-.::- ;.'; ; This court convened "this morning at 10 o'clock. - The docket is not eb'large'as usual, there being only 36 cases on it. Solicitor Carter thinks he -may finish it up in two or three days. 4 i I ' . ''-' -l -i' The docket was cone over' by tiie Solicitor and the State announced itself readv-in most of the'caaesV'': ' - The case of State vs. Rogers and Gaston Brown, for an affray, was taken up and at the 'hour ; of going "to press the evi dtmre is btinar introduced by the de fendant, Rogers. - The defendant Brown subrnits. .' . ;:;" '-" ';-' - 'iX: ' . , Keep iT "Befoiie, the PEon.Ey r V t v; -That ' the water at Ilaywbod'AVliite Sulphur Springs is a specific for all dis eases of the Liver, Stomach and Kid- iH'Vd. j."' ''. . '.: t -'-;-? N- tf- Pkivate BoRDiyq is Wayjchville. The undersigned is pregareil to accom modate a limited number of boarders at her homo in, Waynesville. Convenient to the White, Sulphur. Springs. -Accom- - 2il t. ...,-- tt .1-1 rA ii vn tt i; tf ; I v Mrs. J. B. -8. McIntosii,, , Ctitiimfjf:-aU 'graded,' for-infnpouito find children.? ateo a- good stock of Alerts I'urinshmg Goods.- .-'' ' Sjol.t: JI. RllD UYJOD-xl: CO? Railkoaji Tickets. - -'-'"'.-"':-.- ::- ; f' Parties having tif-kf ts to Iit-if"so. of in any.,-direction,- will "t-a'.l on n? at'.the Swannanoa ll .tt l. V. 1. Joni s. 1 ffiel :-". ''.- ''..'"'' ' - - Exoampjiext Notes. : ' ,' -:, ' " .' ' Monday moniing "broke bright "Sand beautiful , upon the Camp,' the rain of Saturday putting a new aspect and feel- ing iipoii ,everyr .man nd everything. The . men have adapted .themselves, to camp life .with wonderful, facility, "sur rounding themselves- with the comforts that an old; campaigner- might Buggest.. The 4th Regiment is particularly, re markable for: (the good taste , and the home character J of . its jBiirroundings. The profusion of booths or bowers sug gests the idea of a forest camp, and the, question is often asked - how one regi . L ' i . . ' T . , .1 iutsuiiv-t;in.-aujps in me : woous ana tiio other in the blazing sunshine. ' H One. thing Anay . not. be forgotten. While the men make themselves com fortable as soldiers, they- do not forget that they are gentlemen.:. There, ia not a single case ol depredation on cornfields or the stores of the'torchard or the fowl yardy things under such circumstances conventionally free property 'i '. ; . Th-e 2nd Regimentaius addition to i ta strengtn, ; numbers .. join t every day; and while . gaining in - strength, t gains also"iri discipline. It is tbefavbrite with many; out we cannot justly maKe. 01s- crimmations; for the' whole constitute a fine body of troops. They are ready for instant actual service; and would' be ready to meet the order" to vove to any part of the. United States in twenty-four hours notice. Much ia due to the ordi nance officer, Lt.-Col. Olds, ' for the com plete equipment of the troops. - There is nothing in details, or in fullness want ed. Col. Black pays a high compliment to the efficiency of this officer when he says no troops in the Southern Rtatesare so amply and perfectly equipped. ; ; - ;In connection with discipline "and equipment it may be added that the camp is well policed, and there is little sickness among the men and none that is at all serious. - ." " ' ; V All the staff officers are present except Col. Eugene Morehead, Quarter Master General. Lt.-Col. Olds discharges the duties of. that oflice. Surgeon General Grissom arrived yesterday morning, and was warmly-welcomed. . Among the marked men in the camp is the hand some Capt. Wood, of the splendid Eliza beth Ci y Company. He was drill mas ter for Gov. Jarvis during the earlier days of the war, and has not forgotten his cun ning. His company holds the present rank - of the best drilled in the State They must however,: look out for their laurels. -Evervbody is on the qui vive lor Gov Scales' arrival. Wednesday is the grand day of Review: and we- presume the world will bo there to see. The bovs are somewhat disappointed at the com paratively small numbers attending the afternoon drills. At 3 o'clock yesterday morning the long roll was suddenly sounded, and in five minutes every man was in ranks to repel a night attack, x There was rapid and heavy firing along the lines; and the enemy, were driven back without the loss of a man on the part of the defend ers. .-- .. ' ' .'' -- " r- The camp witnessed a more quiet scene wbeir-ther-riabuati son was - onrewii src high in the heavens. . Bishop Lyinait of the Episcopal church, assisted by tne Rev, Mr. Carmichael, Chaplain of the 2nd Regiment, held divine service, the im provised pulpit being placed under 1 tree in the ravine 'near1 the camp. On the sloping sides of the ravine the troops were grouped trie 2nd Kegi men t in lull strength.- Other ; troops were present, and - a considerable number, of citizenB Bishop Lymau preached a most admira ble sermon, the leading idea.lliat the soldier, equipped for physical battle had suggested to mm that he was engaged in a great moral battle, of which the world was the field, but the consequences of 1 l' A - A ' A victory or ueieai reacmng into eternity. The reference made by the Bishop to the dead General Grant was feeling, eloquent and most beautifully expressed in lan guage and tone. - - The music by the choir, from the 2nd Regiment, was touching and exquisite made more impressive by tlits surround ings., j , . It was the 3rd Regiment that attended afewryices on uattery sorter at. 0 p. 111. v e siOiiK 01 mac service eisewiier. Ten Kicnr's I a Bar Room ta Oi kua Hall To-Kigut Grand Tournament. Determined "Bout Between Sir Knight Rkfop.m and' the , Demon j Drink. ' '-. -; - ' This greatand popular nioral play of T. S..f Arthur, in five acts, will .be given by the Firmiii-Jack Comedy Com pany this evening and th a people's popular prices, admission only 25 cents, with re served seats 10 cents .extra will prevaif. This order of plays with these talented artists to porlrav the exciting Bcenes win no doubt" prove most effective ia drawing a crowded- audience to 'tho Opora Hall. Miss Annie Firmin,; John Jack and the entire troupe will appcar. 'Visitors will find the largest lot of Goods for presents at J': L. Wilko & Co.'s Book Store, Eagle building. - - 1 . ' ';-. '.- .' ' jThird Regiiiient Pure Mountain DeJ 6n draft, with ev9rvthing' lse 'usually kept in a first-class bar, at W. O. Muller & Co.'s Public Square. Cal Jones, Dick Sorrell and Ben Young ask all to "dew drop in.' ' - . f ' -: '- -: RAJijtoAD Tickets Bought and Sopd- I will buy, sell or exchange Railroad Tickets from or to any point. Parties interested will' do' well-to call and Bee me . - 1 1 :--X-: J. M. Young, j tse2Q - AtCarmichael's Drug Store Carpets, Maitbigt, Squares, Rugs, Mats O'd' Cloths, Lace Curtains, Cretonnes, Raw Silks, Turcomans, lable Damasks, blaxtmg, Totms, JSapKins, ccc. - : eodt- ' Hi REDWOOD & CO. Ten Nights id Bar Room at the Opera Hall to-night, hv V v . - , - NEW ADVKIITISPLMENI, ' VtTAXTKU, ," . -' . A partnertliip with a man of capital or means to Steam Dry and reliandlo Leaf Tobacco ou .t((t In AshevtliH. . . - - With a man of lone experience and established trade in the leaf and manufacturing trade's of Virginia, Kentucky, North Carolina and foreign ijiariietH.'j.A('ress v. fi., - , jul7 d 1 mo f " BOX 6S, Reidsville, N. C KKEyVILLIJ AND TUSCULf.M COLLKGK Legislature of Xorth Carolina htfore Tenuessoe bcciimo a Ktnte. Kev buildings; thoronuii nnd prut-tioul' iiixlnaclion. . Ct, lowwt yhible; cheaper U11111 miy ollit-r institution o"like pnuie in the oiith. Jtoth wxw a-lmiUed to College clussvs. - .Solid for -Calamine to ' s. .A. CAILB, Secy Fiictilly, . - - ' ' w. - T uscifiini), 'iiiiii. jyii;,;:xa - TELEGRAPHIC. ASSOCIATED" PRESS TELKGKAMS 1 SPE- 7; C1AL TO CITIZEN. V. TUE K1VOXVII.I.I2 'f RIBUXE EXCURSION TO ItOUlVD -'.: . KXOR Started this morning. 't One Ilumlred xind Fifty Ladies and Gentle- ; -;' men Leave KnofvUle.' ; - -1A f ZOUXD KNOB TO-NIGJIT. v RETURN TO ASHEVILLE. MORROW. - - 20- -, . Special Telegram to the Da'ly Citizen. : " ' Kno.xville, July 27thJ ' The Daily Tribune excurwion, number- ing one - hundred and fifty Ladies and gentlemen left this; place at 0:50 this morning for Round Knob and Asheville. The party go to Round Knob - to' night, and return to 'Asheville to-morrow to take iathe encampment, the. races," tc Gcronlmo ,- and f hi JBantls. Continued Depredations. ' '. ; . Sax Fabnsoo July 27. r A special to the Call from Willicox Arizona, ea s: ' Geronimo and his . band are reported to be in the-Dragoon.Mountains.; TI.ey ran off a quantity of stock near Charles ton on' Friday, and committed several depredations, but no particulars are ob tained. Two companies of troops have been ordered from Camp Grant to go to Dragoon Summit to capture them. Cholera in Spain. , Madrid, July 27. Incomplete returns of the progress of the cholera in Spain, yesterday, give the N.o of new cases at 2,488, and of deaths at 8 ! v. . TUE COTTON MILLS MEET ING NOT ENTHUSIASTIC. Temporary - Suspension Ree- ommended. - - Augusta, July 27. rhe meeting of the Southern Mills is rather a failure - in point of members: and at twelve o'clock has not been called to or der, though the time was set for eleven o'clock. Little interest is 'manifested; and half of the mills in this city are not repre sented. . 1 he representatives are isseru. bled in the . Commercial Club rooms and are chatting , among themselves; but no steps toward organization have been taken, The .mills from, several Southern States represented. , At 12.30 President B rocker of Memphis is reading the call for the meeting, the convention was organized W..iiilim.iliiHI.I I.,. I.. .t.i. .1 President McCoy . to act Si Secretary- President Cotthran offered, ih-j following resolutions ' " whi ch were " unanimously adopted : ; "Resolved, - 1 hat this . conven tion of Southern mill managers recommend that each mill ia the South at its. owri cou venience suspend operations for at least 30 davs between the first day of August and the first day of November. Naxt ensuing Kes'ilved, that ail other matters ol men- tion in the call be referred to a . committee of fifteen id the Southern mills association." On motion of -President Bullock of the At lanta mills, the convention adjourned. The Sow of. General Grant in New York Selecting Si Site for the place or interment. ' . New York, July 27. Col. Fred Grant and Jesse Grant who arrived on the Varlv train 611 the West Shore Road got to Citv Hall at half past 9 o'clock this morning for the purpose of contering with '.Mayor Grace upon, the arrangements for their father s funeral the .Mayor did not arrive at his office until a half an hour later, and tbe visitors were shown into his private room.' In the meantime, Gcn'l Perry arrived at the City Hall to represent 3en'l ; Han cock . in making - arrangement for the obsequies. Afte" the Mayor's arrival the parties were efoHcted together for some time, it is said mat. during tne day they will visit Central '. Park and in spect tle different sites suggested for the place for the, General to be buried at 11:40 a. in. Col. Fred Grant, Jesse Grant Mayor Grace and President Sanger of the Board of Aldermen went to Central Park where thev were met by Park Com niissioners Crimmins, Borden, Powers and Beekman.- After viewing the sites. the party will return to City Hall where a definite decision will be likely made known. ' - "","' ' To Oua Friends. . , a' - ; - Please do not forget to " call at the Citizen office this week, and settle what you may owe. - It was needed, it is now, tf. A Challenge A Rifle Match. ; . The Fayetteyille Independent Light Infantry issues tbe following, which has been communicated to the Colonels of the different regiments, and will thus b made known to the se veral Companies : . ' Headquarters F. IIj. I. Co..' . " Camp'Scalcs, Jnly 27, '8ot .The. Fayetteville Independent " Light Infantry Company hereby challenge the lie Match at 200 yardd range, to be gov craed by Creedmoro ruies. on Wednet day, at 2 o'clockp. m.' upon tho follow ine terms, to wit; .... Entrance fee for each team of five to be not less tnan Twenty tve nor more an One Hundred Dollars. - , , The winning team to take the stakes Teams competing must be composed of bona fide members of the Company ttiey repreteat. ... . ... And also challe igc the best single shot by each Company uj oa" the same terms aiulxondnjons as BUted for the teams. Tcaiv;s entering, must report and pay entraiice fee to Col. W.C. .Tone.-?, 2d. Rocr. at -. 12 o'clock on Wednesday. . . U.-l. Campbell, 1. MiH ,1. t n. a., i lcr:7. TUE 4 IIOLI.IU1 JM SJVf .V. The IlscaHC Spreading:. Xero Fiadlett wkll Bom BitrnA. ' - . 'J' ; ' : . . 1 MADHiD," July 27 , Returns from all but five of the Chofe- " ra infected" d'stricta in Spain, -plaee-tbo" ' number of new cases of the 'disease' y es-v terday at 2.582. and of deaths at 1)19. 1i4e contagion has spread, to the Provinces of Logrono, 'where several casos Jiave al- ., ready occurred. ..r Troops stationed iu -jhe city -of SaraifOfcaa, where tho disease; is . now raging, have been supplied Uh" guitars to keep up their spirits. 'Thcr 11 u ' .-; sic of these instruments : can be hoard ' day and night, '. - ' ', . Services 1 in Honor of fJenJ" . . Grant in Westminster '-' '- -; - : .lbbey. ', . . -:; ', " ' - V-London, July 2vli. v, It is now' announced, that services in. memory-of Gen, Grant at ,Westirtinser '. Abbey will take placo at ibur .oVlotk. " Tuesday Augnsfc the 4th.-Th,I)ean. o& V estminster will read tho Episcopal ser vice and the Rev. Dr. Farrarwill deliver an address. A large number of Amer icans have -been allotted, seats for the occasion.- - - - ". THE MUXSTEIl 1I.VAK. Arrangements for Resunip- - tion. . ' - Dublin, July 27.v The Bank of Ireland will to-day . an nounce its decision as to'whethcr it will render to the Munster Bank sufliciint financial aid to cnablo the latter, to re sume. The Muuster Bank deiwsitors. representing credits of $4,000,000, have bo far signed guarantees hot to withdraw their deposits for 0 months in order to enable the bank to realize on its assets FIRE IN GREEN SISOUO. THE LulRGEST CONFLAGRATION SINCE 1871. ' '. We are indebted to Mr. W. S Ilemby of the Greensboro Patriot for the following-distressing details of a fire which took place yesterday morning : ' Greensboro, July 2t)tli, &. : The . biggest fire had here sinco '71 broke out this morning about 4 o'clo k ' in J. F. Causey's three story brick build ing one block from the depot, opo;te . ; " Odell & Co.'s hardware store, .and iinuu - : diately south of the Mc.VDoo House. The . -fire is said to have originated in the store of Hudson and Ivirknian, from a burniug " " caudle left in the cellar by a colftred m r- ;' vant. The fullowinir - were burnt" out : Hudson and Kirkmancroirv ' dealer?, "; grocery, dealer, Jotw about, tl.oOit, nnsur , ance $7(K); Southern exprct-s ; oJIiwv 1' 88 not : estimated: Wharton amt'Stratfon', hardware ati'd iaruiing iin'jilcif'f iitP, lops ; about $10,000, insurance 4,5fK); the Bap- ''' tist church riildinir,- losai $(t,liul).- J. V. -. Causey's losson building is CblimatisI at. $10,000, insured for $3,5K). The water , supply. wiw. v-ry iuadequate, . and the : need ot water works was mucii li-lt l.r 1 the protection of adjacent buildings'. " ' The Tournament at the Opera Hall to-. night. Fight l,etween Reform and ihe demon Drink. Admission enly 2-)conls. - The evil effects of Mixed Drinks. One night in a Bar -Room, .to-night at the Opera Hall. .. . -..'.'.. . We are glad to learn that the Arden Park Hotel is full. It 's . worthy of the -fine patronage it receive!; and there is no more charming summering place.-ia,;' the mountains. . . - Senator Vance smut the May in the city and at Camp Scales. 1 lie returned to Black. Mountain this alterpoon. . . Arden Park Hotel Rates: $40.()0 .jer' month: $12.00 per week: $2.00 per daw Dinner 75 cents; Supper 75 cents. ' 1 -1 hob. A. Morris, rmp'r.- -luly23. . .' jtf.r,-. "Wcavervilie College. ' - - ; For Catalogues, a Idress ''' - ' . t ' . Rev. D. A. Atkins, july 28. - dlwAw2iu . . m " ' ; v " '. . FOR NALE! LUMBER, HAY, AND OTHER SUT 7 PLIES AT CAMP. SCALKS.. .' , I offer at private sa'.e Sixteen Thous and feet of Lumber; Three thousand llw. of Wheat Straw; Three thousand pounds . ' of Hay, some of it best Timothy. Five (;. Water-tanks, and a dozen water barrels,' together with a number ofpumpn, shov- , els, rakes and other supplies, -: , j. j Apply 'o the rndersigncd, or to. Geo F. Scott,' ISsq.- ' '--' ." -.'" ' ; . - J0HN8T.ON JvNK8 : July 28. ; ",. - . , St.' . Thb ItACEs To-Morrow. -t ,. .; - : "The races at the fair grounds to-morrow T will bo most dnteresUng,. as a ; goodly ; n'lmber" of horses are here from South"! and North Carolina, ' and Tenne8ee ' The races, will begin sharp at 3 o'clock-. , .The State Guard, asa body, have been -invited on the grounds, on Wednesday ! afternoon, and wili be present. , . ; . Splendid Hoard." ' ; 'Parties desiring sjlendid board. 1nne of the coolest and most inviting location .' in the citv, can get accommodation by", eaily apilication. - Large, airy houne, X new" . furniture, ; large ' and .'phnUiU'r.. shadiMl yard, the best table the country . can afford, a French cook; excellent -o-' ciety, are among the attractions, '.'fable;-'" boarders taken. Terms reason:ibIe. . Ad dress box 234, Asheville post office. " ' - .' ; july 27-d 2t -.' : - t ' j ; Tub Fclton'-Makket Spii'En Beef "' " ' ' At Powell and Spider's, is one. of tho best delicacies over brought to this city. It i delieionu, and i-i g yn like I o V-akes. A irvA sujply just received. ' Geu'l llant-o k wdi hr,ve charge of i!n funeral cereinonioH attending thrj bji-Ial of General Grant. (ien'l Beauregard ecik' Mr.-), Grant, and fays: was a brave, Kiicct-sfu' roii'l. lo nt a l (!r. , ai.- "Jjrni - i verify. -..:y: I'- 4-