A SHEVILLE CITIZEN; R.M.FT7RMAN, JORDAN 8 TONE, J D. CAMERON, MONDAY EVEN'G, July 27; 5. $6.00 FES -&.XTIT"Cr3X.- . The rains which have fallen gen erally through the State within the . past few daysj. though, in the form of heavy local storms or showers, have been; blessings not only to health and comfort but greatly ben eficial to the corn crops. The tor rid sun of July very rapidly, brings conditions of drought," and in ': the middle section of the State, this is the critical month. I The fate of the crop hangs upon the wet or drought ol less than a fortnight. We learn by the Southerner that the cropof Edgecombe and onthe lower Tar, are burned beyond Redemption The corn crot) there is ruined.'- In all other parts of the State the inju ry is less; while this side of the mountains there has been . no com plaint except of short periods of dusty roads. The heat here is greater than usual; at the North; and everywhere below the. moun tains, it is almost phenomenal, Cholera spreads in Spain untilit prevails almost all over the whole Kingdom. An official report of the disease giveslalmost a daily average of about eight hundred deaths. This is below the facts, because the sta- f tistic's of the rural districts are nec essarily imperfect. Strange to say, the pestilence has taken hold no where else. There is now a proba bility that it will be confined to Spain, though two hot months are yet to pass through, and they .are the most insalubrious of the year. In connection with pestilence, we learn with great pleasure from the Times Democrat, that New Orleans is unusually healthy, and there is now no fear of the appearance of Yellow Fever. Good sanitation and careful quarantine have done their work. Johnny Roach is made a marty of by the Republican party, because of his failure ascribed to the tyranny of the Democratic administration Johnny : could not impose his bad jobs on the government as he had uccu uocu iu uu, aim . puufc.ei hia money without having ugly questions asked. True, he got near ly alTTils "mouey toi tue-mflpirtrr, and has been paid in advance for 'most of his work on the steel cruis ers; but then his reputation has been ruined, and he will get no more fa vors. His friends act with consum mate folly in defending him ' and attacking the administration. ' The Democratic party is ready for tria' on that issue. . x The " contractors on . the "short line," from Wilson to Florence, or the W. & W. railroad, announce that the work will be done by October, in time for the cotton season. This if done so soon, will be the most rapidly executed work ever done in the South. It will be an absolutely new line of about 134 miles, with a good deal of bridging and tfes- thng done in a little more than six months. We hope the Spartanburg and Asheville road will be doae by November to accommodate the trav el to Florida. Work is being done as rapidly as the comparatively small force will permit. The whole line ' is in hand, but with some points where very, heavy work is still to be done. .. . We are inclined to think hat the United States, in its broad hospital ity to the oppressed t of all nations, and its brbad liberties given to the practice of every creed and doctrine has nursed some very troublesome vipers into life, which now in their strength seem ready and anxious to turn and strike. ,-Mormonism in vites atrial of arms. If that time comes again, as it 'did once when Albert Sidney Johnson took them in hand, we hope there ' will be no half measures undertaken. It jg not tolerance of religious belief ; to tolerate a licentious . creed in direct violation of the teachings of Chris tianity, and in defiance of common and statute law; and it is not indul gence to civil liberty which encour-1 ages a system hostile io republican institutions, and which isolates itself inour , midst as a distinct and alien government.. The thing ought - to be taken fiercely by the throat and throttled out of existence. -The jsame heroic remedy) should be -administered . , to the anarchists and communists who openly men ace the overthrow society! These dangerous pests are not Americans they are foreigners ' imbued with the worst of princples, hostile to society mad in their purpose to overthrow religion, government, social organi zation, theMghfs cf property every 'thfcg in fact for which society was formed and through which life, lib erty and personal happiness are se cured. It seems toois they have had enough of .tbeir sport. -t It is time to. bring them up with a turn. . - ' ' v X It is definietly. settled: that the remains" of Gen. "Grant will bo de posited in Central Park '.New York. The funeral obsequies; will; be cele brated on the 8th of August: .-' The number of deaths in New York City last week ". were 1094, against 896 for the? same week last year, ' . . ; 3' ' :' Senator Ransom, we see, has been designated by Vice-President Hen dricks as one of; the committee to represent the Senate at the funer al of Gen. Grant. This is a most fitting selection. ' ' " k"- ; , THE BURIAL-PLACE. The New York world says upon this matter, and we endorse what it says: ,'";rr ',' , "It has been decided in effect. that Gen. Grant will be buried in Central Park, in this City. ' The funeral will take place on the 8th of August. It is a cause of pride" that New York is to be made the custodian "of the great soldier's remains over the claims of the State that gave him birth and the state that hrst gave him military honors; but as ' a mat ter of sentiment it would have been better if Washington City had been selected as the place of interment The wishes of the family, however, are to be first considered. , If the selection, of a resting place were left to the people of the. nation we are confident that the Capitol would be chosen for the principal among several reasons that Wash ington is more then any- other citv the place " of . national rather than local pride, and m its character as a city, its monuments ana its mem ones, is or ought to be the mausO' leum and the pantheon of the Re public. '-'..- There is no special fitness in the selection of the commercial nietrop olis of the nation as the place 01 Gen Grant's tomb, and there is no' reason for such selection but the maaver tent mention 01 lt-himselt among other places and the desire of cer tain residents to have him buried here.' . " ..".' ' - It is at. Washington that the as sociations are most in keeping. I is there that thousands of heroesi who fought under him now sleep and it is there, in ground set apart for the use of the nation, that the nation's hero should be buried. In anything like a national sense, New York is an emporium and Washington is the Mecca to which the feet of the people of all sections will continue to turn when they de sire to escape from merely local HCll lev eii J UHto to- (U u i.n morioa rul the triumphs of the Republic. - -" -There is a large number of finan cial men here, The all agree that unless Congress this winter repeals the silver bill the government will be .obliged to suspend specie pay ments. They say. that it is only a question of time when the cheaper currency will drive out' the gold. They give this as the reason for the continued depression of trade. - As a banker put it, "If this silver busi ness is settled you would see business go ahead with ; a rush. Business men do not care anything about the tariff agitation. ' It" is not possible that anything can be done in this direction this winter. No matter what the House does the Senate will not agree with it, ; And so we have just settled back with the cer tainty . that we will have no tariff agitation to disturb U3T But unless this idiotic attempt to force 85 cents' worth of silver to floatjn business on a level with a dollar m . gold is Hotels and Summer Resorts SWANNANOA -HOTEL l - j t- . it :. "IT i c. Asheville, N. Altitude, 2,339 'feet ' Above the Sea. The recent additions and improvements to th RvimiKni make it. Kerhapa, the most 8topned We : Will have Suspension Its Tower and 450 feet of galleries fJrnls of specie payments and a consequent SKewsttie to panic." World. - , Vii Eidge, Piagah, Balsam, New Found and Elk fThe United States Supreme Court OTttoPSP is three years behind with its docket Telegraph and Eailroad Ticket Offices, and and most of the Circuit and District SSSSS'S COUtS are overcrowded ' With. DUSl- conducted to and through the Hotel. ness.' - It is of pressing importance ; AH ' Moderp Conveniences. that this condition 01 aflairs should mu. M 1 ;g 50x150 feet. A -fine Or- be remedied. - The plan devised by chestra from Philadelphia is engaged for the Judge: David Davis when in the Bnmmer - . , , --L Senate-would not increase the num- Special Rates to Parties by the Month ber of justices on the Supreme The Proprietors faLte "PeJnJ t. '. - iTi v - rl Tidiness of their House, and the successful the lower Federal judiciary it would greatlv : increase : the .efficiency of thdse tribunals as well' as afford needed relief to the Supreme Court. Another plan involves - increasing the number of Supreme Court jus tices. The subject will undoubtedy be brought before the next Congress. Nashville American. Throat disease specialists decide that Gladstone's throat affection is an obstinate cetarrh of the- larynx, and enjoin entire rest. . " management of the cuisine department. ' ; .. BAWLS BROTHERS, - jun S - - . Proprietors. Tlie Summer Resort of the South. . 'CSAU'S IIEAI HOTEL. -;The Car Driveb's Little-Girl. "I have a little girl," said the street car driver, "and it makes me sick when every once in a while I notice that she 13 growing big. It will be a sorry day for me when she gets so big that she has to be digni ned.- why you ast. . well, its a plain enough case to me, though -I don't wonder at your failing to un derstand it. You see, I- live about half a mile from the car track,' and my little girl brings- my lunches twice a day, and as the lunches are fresh and coffee hot, of course, that is a comfort. But that isn't anything compared to the pleasure I get out of having her ride with me on the platform. It's against the rules of the company, foia driver to carry on conversation' while on his car, but I don't do it, bless you. She carries oh the conversation ail by herself. She stands close by me and talks faster than the horses trot and never stops for streets either. She tells me all about her mamma I- and home, and the neighbors, and herself, and the dog, and . I stand there and hold my lines and twist the brake, and take it all in with delight. If it weren't for that girl I believe I should lose all recollection of the appearance of my own home and its surroundings, as in - this business we have to get up so early and stay up so late. When the cirl gets big and dignified that she can't make a run with me every day 111 quit driving. Cliicago Herald. TOCATED opon the summit or CsEsars iieaa . unnnbiiti. a hold smir of the Blue Ridge m upper South Carolina, 4600 feet above tide water. navine an average ujunjeramrc u degrees. ' Climate unparaueiea. no oewa. no irusi. Scenery varied, grand and. beautiful beyond description. itinera! waters auunuanu. All Linen Lawn, India Linens, English r- -mn Om far he Recention of Guests, and French' Nainsooks, Striped and Plaid . , ,n v. Nainsooks, Piques, Embmidered Edging il and Insertmgs, Allover Embroideries and tbkms $2.00 per day; lio.oo per week; $35,00 for Laces, Lace Edgings and Tnsertings in great four weeks, children under eight years, and col variely, Ribbons, Buttons,: Corsets, Under- orei 8ervant8-balfpMcaF.A. miles. M.D.. wear, JSenlcwear, Hosiery, Uloves, fans, I e s-d2in ' Proprietor. Jr'arasots, Shopping jsags, jseus, liana ter- Sii&u Round Knob Hotel, Geo. H. Stabnks, Family Grocer, has established a new delivery wagon, and is prepared to deliver fresh family groce ries, fresh meats, vegetables, &c, in eve ry part of the city, promptly. Call on him for family supplies.. tjy22 , ' " Ladies' "Common Sense"- and "Opera Toe ' French Jiid, at Levy's. -WatCHill, In the Deaver building, South Main street, can furnish meals at anytime. Beefsteaks a specialty. ' All the great dailies New York Herald, World, Times, Sun, Tribune, Charleston News and Courier, Char lotte Observer, Raleigh News-Observ er, Wilmington star, Wilmington Re view, and Asheville Citizen are to be found reetilarly at. the ; Book Stores of ' T. N. Morgan & Co., T. L. Wilkie, and W. L.flUiii - The Daily Citizen for "sale alsoaOS- j tabrook's. ' r ' " ' -: w. N: C. R. R. UNDER NEW MANAGERS, IS new open for the reception of visitors. Round Knob is situated on the line of the W. N. C. R. R., 26 miles from Asheville, and in the Valley of Blue Ridge Mountain. House newly furnished with all conven iences. . Table supplied from the best markets. Climate and water not excelled by any section in WI N. Carolina. ' ." Highest Fountain in the World in full view of the Motel, throwing a stream 26S feet high. Northern visitors will find it :b their interest to visit this beautiful and romantic spot. Telegraph office in Hotel. Further information, address ; W. B. TROY, Ap 29-Dtf Round Knob, X. O sirop' . THE CITIZEN v ' BOB OFFING,: CORNER. PATTON AVENUE AND MAIN ST., . . OPPOSITE COURT SQUARE, h : ' .f F IS COMPLETE IN EVERY REKPKCT AND IS PREPARED TO DO ALL - x MANNER OF -. J.OB IPfUNTIM AT THE LOWEST IIGUXES,I& TUB SITOST- EST POSSIBLE TIME AND IN THE SES1 ' ' : . MANNER. - P ?. PEIRO iudeTotedS3Teantothnelaltiatmeiitof Catarrh 1 llroat, Lung Diseases, fuaoderot the Am. Oxytrvn 'o..foru pni QucUouot tut woadort ui ruiueU,aed by InJuilation,au widuly known u ' OXYGEIi3TnEATME"T . For the relief and cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma J Hay Fever, Catarrh, Nervous Prostration, etc luribe "Manual," an Jntcrestintr txk ( la) poses Four Colored. Plates. AildreMiDRa PEIRO, Chicaso Opers House, H' XVereferlrypermKmontoafeirofmirpatron.: M,.HlU.O,llX. Hon. Win. Psnn Nixon, Ed.Inuro-eaii, . : - Chlcasro. F. H. TubbS, Esq., Wiuiser W.P.TeLCo., , Cliltawo. : Cen. C. H. Howard, Mrs. T. B. Caree, . - . Chicago. . O.W. Nixon, M.D., Mrs. NettaC. Rood, , Chicago, xHenryR. Stiles, M.D., ... - m Kewoifc, N. B. OurOvwen U ttfelv tmt an vwhrr in th Unltrt HUitea. i-'anaa Jijr Europe Uy Exprat, Eary. plain, complete brcttotw i4 trtt. - "PARADISE REG A I A' ED" : A Beautiful ' SuMer Honje in the "Land of He Sky TTTr. CTTTT)TTTID PnntMPO VV I I I . I ' I ' .A II I . I I I I I l . I l I I V I ir A ' I I A. JL A X 1 W XV X X X J XV VJX' xvxx 1 v-w 3 Jllile's West of Isheville - We Will Not Be Underworked a J)0 YOU WANT PROGR AMM'S, CIRCULARS CARDS, LETTER-HEADS, BILL-HEADS, POSTERS, ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, PAMPHLET :, i PRINTING, TAGS, LAND DEEDS-, Mortgage Deeds, SHERIFFS' DEEDS, . ' CIVIL WARRANTS, . STATE WARRANTS, JUSTICES' JUDGMENTS, JUSTICES' EXECUTIONS, CH ATTEL MORTGAGES, &c. QALL AND OBTAIN SAM PLES AND PRICES BEFORE ,JIVING YOUR ORDERS, ) II Ul I . I H I I 9 Je-4- On , the Muroh v Branch ot the- Western N. Altitude, , , N; ; : . : . : Temperature of the Water, : : . The most beautiful place in North see for yourself. v v ' J7 C. S. Jy 7.d2m :-. . C. Rail RoacT. : 2900 Feet. : . 53 Degrees-. Carolina. ; Come and T MRFRI Akf Manager. " FURNIUTRE! B - W I L Xlt S O " 1 N Furniture; Doors, Sash and Blinds,! PATTON AVENUE. ASHEVILLE, N. C. , U. SL COMMISSIONER'S BLANKS : OF ALl! KINDS rXJEMAlT & STONE, ' . Proprietors. CIIAS.'A. MOSELY, B. M. JONES. . H ARNESS I , 4-T T1IE f Your old fchoes can be made as good as Y---i-rl . 7Trf ol new onlv at - V, T. Wravrr's. 1 tlUVl UU1IKUU xxwex Choice Imported and Domestic Cigar at relnam's; fresh importation. ; .. tf Ziegler'i and Banister's Handl Sewed Shoes; Opera bltppers, Oxford lies, Vanc- ng fumps, Slippers, sc, ttr. - ... ' W REDWOOD & CO. eodtf -, , - ' One Price Store. ISTew Lot Timothy and Clo ver Seed. WHEN Y'OU VISIT ASIIEYILLE, If yon like good Tare, fine rooms, good altend '.' : " " once, etc 14,150 Arrivals in 2 Years, - Or over 18 per day, shows the high esteem in which it is held, TVennli nnoV. oolite waiters, fresh water from Beaucatnher Mountain, cold and hot baths,- elec tric bells in each loom, . Board $10. and $2.50 per day ; 88 to $10 per week : S30 to $45 per month. Satisfaction guaran teed. -. ' .. - - - . JR. : Chedester A Son, . Owners and Proprietors. ' I A. L. WtLEY, of Virginia, Clerk. K. O. HEVILLK, late or Kaieign ana oi mrceu House, Norfolk, Caterer. . - - . ' Look Out for tlie Bed Bus at the Devot. je l&dawSm TURNPIKE HOTEL, . , Fifteen Miles West of Asheville. - Sandy's Ecomlcal Tlionglit , Paris American Register., , A Scotchman and hig wife were coming from Scarborough to London by boat. When off the cost a great storm arose, and the vessel had sev eral narrow escapes from founder ing. - - - ' "Qh, Sandy," moaned his wife, "I'm no afeare'd o deein', but I dinna care to dee at sea !" "Dinna think o', deein vit," an- I swered Sandy ; "but when ye do y e'd Deuer. De aroonea at sea tnan ony where else " "An' whyr Sandy ?" asked his wife. "Vvrhy ?" exclaimed Sandy, be cause ve wouldna cost sao much to bury !" . - The President, anticipating a riot at Salt Lake City ;on 24th inst. (yes terday) had ordered troops to be on hand. The Mormons protested against the use of the military power. (. The Panama Canal will cost, it is now thought, not less .than SG00, 000,000. .That is a big pile- but:. it may pay if the canal . answers full the purpose intended." ' - . Tn Citizen- Job Office '. " : ... Ia one-of the most com ete offices In the State, and work of every kind will be done with as much neatness and de spatch, and as cheap, as jt can be done anywhere. - A ' If you want good 5 cent Cipar go to Lyons' and ae a "White Kose." ' The Engine Arrived, And brought me G25 regular 50 ct. Coi-setts, but I 2octs. T'HIS DELIGHTFUL RESORT, WELL KNOWN I X as one of the most charminesummer retreats in the mountains, is now oj-en for the reception or guests. ; ' A" new building, containing twenty rooms, comfortably and handsomely furnished, has been completed ana aaaea to me aireauy large capacity of the establishment. The Hotel is situated immediately on the line am Selling tnem at I Carolina Railroad, fifteen miles west of Asheville. i rains irom uie east rencu lurnpiso u ik.u u. m., and returning east, leave at 2.48 p. m. VabI nffinn anil Tltl fMTPQTlh OftllO - ATI t h O .5 pieces Pillow Casing at the low I premises. , - . : s In addition to pnre and cold spring water, there is a fine Chalybeate spring on the premises. Bath Rooms will be completed by the 1,5th of July. A fine bold Creek flows by the hotel. ; - TERMS: Per day, ' - - - - - 1.M Per week, ' . - - - - - 8.00 Permonth, ". - - - - - . 30.00 . For particulars, apply to - . Mks. J. C. SJIATHERS, Jnn 18 tangl : Turnpike, Buncombe co., N. C. price of 12 cts. . . ' r ' 10 pieces Fruit Lawn Domestic. ' 10 gross Fruit Jars, qrts and half gallons. - - ... ' 500 lbs. of Cotton Batting. ; A big lot of . Dress Ginghams, at 10 cents. , Table Oil Cloth, Colored and Mar ble.. 1 - ' ' :? 20 dozen of the best inlaundred Tig jirKllgtOIl IIOUSC omrts. Liot uauze isnirts, &c, &o. We are not o very attractive as some others claim to . be,' and we never have been; but when we say Bargains, we mean it - "Land of the Sky." J. 0. HOWELL & Co., - cpot Cash Stoiie. T. A. ALLEN, Prop'r. Hendersonville, - N. G. ALTITUDE, 2,252 FEET ABOVE THE SEA. i -The Conveniences and Comforts usnally ound at any First-Class Ilouse.- - . .. ' apr23deou-2in. - . . ,- SILVER SPRINGS A DELIGHTFUL SUMMLK ' RESORT ; ( EstibllolieJ In lT'ja, itl BINGHAM'S i ine only nciiool ror bot in tne bouui w ;ns-I,iic h, a first-class liynmaslnm, and a first-class lCthlfoiie. Special terms to yonng men of small means. The 183rd Session benins August i5th. r ; For Catalogue, address - ' : - .- MaJ. R. BINGHAM, "- ylS-dawSw 'Bingham School .N.C. SUilMER BOARD IN THE MOUNTAINS. A fnmLiy or party ol three or ionr persons can be areonirnodflted with nice Board and Lortfring during tiie sununer 'months. Grench spoken 'in family. Frewu cook. Reii-r to Us. E. i. Asion, Asheville, X. V: ' je tt-itivr This house. Located immediately West of tho French Bro'vlbriflqe at AKhevlllo. is now ready for the entertainment of the Sum mer travel. W ith good rofms, either in the main building or in the cottages, won lilted up, and with a table supplied with all the market ailords, I can comfortably entertain either families or single individuals during the summer mouths. Wit h fine : MINERAL WATERS, '-. (Both Iron and Chah1jeaU), On the plae, and within 10 minutes' ride of the centre ot Aslieville, I f-sin oiler preater advsn tat'es than any ot!i:r )lae adi.icent to Aslietihe, l or iunuer inlormution, write to, or call on Mks. Il.'G. MABRY, jnI d3xo . Asheville, N. C. ' Onr Stock is now complete and made r( tW lreb materiBlsr -witU-all the latest improvements. Single and .double sets in nickle and oriental rubber, either gilt or nickle lined. All other trimmings on snort notice. - . Saddles and Bridles Of every grade and price, from cheapest morgan to tne .English Khaptoe. IIOIiHU COLTlllS .': Of every kind, size, grade and price. IIOnSJE CJLOTIMIJYG Just received a fresh stock, including xracK isuits, sweat lioods, Jowl Hoods, Cooling Blankets, Ankle Boots of differ ent patterns, L.men Sheets of all prices. M1F 1ZOISES. The finest stock in the market. Call and see them. ' : IVhips, Saddle Cloths and Fly JVets, - ; In every variety. ; ' " REPAIRIJYa OF Ali KIJxnS Jl SMWCMJMIt-i. , ; - Remember we have no machinery, all work done by band and guaranteed. Call on us and see what can be bought in Asheville in our line., - ' ? , jr S. M. GIlLBEIlT & CO.; North Main street, opposite old Central Hotel, Asheville, N. C. Isalksmek. ' - "' " - - ' LARGE LOT of BABY OARRIAGE9 -o- of The public are now cordially invited to call and examine my" stock a n n Pi n n era nn rn ra :I4e sornwhat delayed in getting ready for buBiriesa, but now havo a good and substantial stock '. ' ... .;'. 1' intend." tn sell o-nnria fhnn nnH fr nol !,.,)-. . T - , . o r wku in uttuu,- MY RfcOCK COn- SlStS.OI . r ' . . ": ' ' . . Bedsteads, all qualities; Bureaus, Washstands, Tables, Chairs, Mattresea : . Springs, Wardrobes, Desks, Towel Racks, Parlor Suits Carpets, Window Shades and Oil Clotha. W AL L PAPER. Hoping you will call and examine my stock before buying, 1 I am respectfully, ; " mh!8-swAw - ' - - P. S. McMlMEX. - - - JlQRaiismkit I I i 1 i i i - r- For Cash or on Instalments. Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Trice list. j '- -. . --.-" KOORE&PALK, 2Wkl8-6 Opposite Fost Oflicn " ' ' ? ?-'W9 ana . ' ',- SST. LOUIS, Mo. ( ' T ,. V:t ' -- - " V' " Av d' . - I . Inilianapolis,.Iii(i, . ,V - - -i VliIi5 City ' j' ' r Tenn- 9d h'Lij3W I t& "A Yy- L. "tils' ' ' ' -T ' -V Cfi, b :. ' '! . . fasuK.-;.. . - -'V-.' " v --