w- ssk -;.:t..z2; DAILY EMTIO jA o 'J " EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS.- - SATLT, . X Year, . ' O Mos., 1 Yeav, 3.0 : 3.00 - i.ro To i.o ft'. Weekly. ," O Mow., -AUVERTISlko. AVI 2 A&lievillc Rjislnwrf lire'tory. ' General iInrhimlx-W&olc.mle and Iiaail.: . j ' O. F- Graham A Co , R. R. Chodcstcr & Son, J. n: t Brevard & Co., Jl O. Howell, - tr. llainnicisJiiaK,; !. K. J.eo, H. -Redwood & Co., J. 1". Kawyer, . A Hears A. H. Jottes &Gon,Be:a0.en,RMikm & Co., V. H. Brown, U. it. Roberts. - t; Garden and Field Seeds. i - - Powell l Snider, H. H. Lyons, A. J. MHrfUI, H. Redwood Co.. J. O. no well, J. P. Sawyer, Bear deu. Raukui fc Co., C. U.Moncure.. f. .?; ..... ' j ' i Graaii May and Flour y ) J. K. Starucs, PowcP.4 Snider, Alexander and Penlnud. i .--. ". ,,v;V-.y Hardware, Agricultural Imptemcntsyd:c. ; Potuunian Se Co., VanGilder JfBiwB.'--y-; -ftfoi-e. Jlousejtmiu-hing, and Timcare. ; Ballard BrOSji Brown & Bcardcn, IindseyBros. , , -v Cluthivff, Gait? Furnishingk&c "'J - JwnieS'P. Sawyer. il7 I.cvy;'CliarIc E Lec,S - Ahitiocit. " :-; .v. Hoots, Shoes, tuid Mat. . ; r ' W, T. IVeaver, If. Levy. 7'- , .- vV; ,, . ' -t Hoot and Shoe Manufacturer! ;; v.o ' ? II. Levy, W. T.Vearer, A-Freqlc,: . . . . Book and Stationery.'.. . J. U Wllkic.. 7N. Morgan & Co. It ; T. lita-l-ook, 11. II. Lyons. .' - - ' - --DniytitU and Piarmacenilsti. ,': " JT II T w., W.. TVManlfc. L C. Vault b C, U .11. Moncure, VV. K. Pelham. " -. --. . ' Jostcit jjjjaruTOen(, Ac .. . r V"; . .DcVauHBroi. i. 1. ' ! '. ju v,.' Jewelers. s :: ; t " . "i-'l' ' C. CowaliySteflnerlmd Kobcrtsoii. f : v . - t ' tamttt Groccrie. - : Powell and Snicfir, S. R. Kepler,- A. R. Cooler. Penley & Co.. T. V. Barnes, i. W. Goodlake. A-J. Jlerrill, J. K. Ware, iTe snJ Howell, A C. Davis, James Franks, J. J. Maoky & r Jesse R. Staines, (. L. McDonald, W. h. MtXgan, F M. Johnson, R, . li. Noland & Son8,T. W. Pliilton, J. R. Tiull.G. II. KUnies, N. Tcnland. Pc-ulani'Si Alcxaurter. - Mrs. I. C. Hmitb. . :. Y. '- - Butchers, Meat Dealers, -.- ' Zachery Rros., James Lusk, T. K.."5vis, Me Conuell and Drake. . BnJccriei. J J. Desmond, F. M. Johnson, J. C. Oliver, "'-- Confectioners and Balers. V 1 : J. 3. Desmond, (factory), J. M Heston.l Wells. . f Saddlery,Uarness, &e. . "7" : K. IT. Gilbert & Co., Alexander and Penlnnd. -. Furniture, itc. , ' W. B. Williamson, Meore Falk, P. S. sTo Hullen. " ; ' ' Undertakers. . , X. Urand, J. V. Brown, John Clayton ' ' ;. Coal Dealers. S. F. Venable," D. S, Wution, mil and Atkins X. W. Gird wood it Co. -. - . " . Lumber Dealers " onbleday & Scott. . . ' . "' i . . Contractors, Carpenters, and Builders. I. Gorenflo. John Hart, J. A. Wagner. T. C. Westall, E. J. Armstrong, J. E, Buttric, T. lu Clayton, A. C. West. , ; , ; , 1 . . 'I ' Blacksmiths "' J; ' ' . 1). W. Ccnble, J. II, Woody. - , , Motels. Swannansa, EagUv Grand Central, Western, Jarolina House, Bias le House, The Villa. ; ' Private Boarding. t S. Fi Venable, A. T. Summey, Miss Bettie P.rown, Misses Coffin, Mrs. A. E. Hall, P. F. Emer son, Muss Smith, T. W. Keel, Mrs. A. B. Chuun, J. H. Carter, G. M. Roberts, U-. II. GrahhG.CMc DonalU, M. J. Fagg, J. A. Fagg, J. E. Rankin, W. T. Reynolds, Mrs. T. E. ReyiioldxrE. Sluder, Mrs. Holland, Mrs. 'Broiles, Mrs. J C Smuthers, Mrs E L. Raird, W. W. McDowell, James W. Patton, Mis. Leicester Chapman, II. C. Hunt, H. C. France Mrs. A. Sinclair, P. S. McMullen. ; Livery. Sale and Feed Stables. y Reynolds & Chambers, J. M.Ray, v. A. Wed din. James Sevier, C. O. Allen, T. H. Stanslll Wm. Cox, E. W. Hern don, S. H. Barnard, G. V. Morgan & Oo., E. T. Clemmons,- Jesse B,. Starnes. Colleges, Seliools, tc. - Asheville Female College, Asheville Male Academy, Newton Academy, MissGoodloe's High Sfhool Ha yoimfr ladles. Mis-iiuwUJfc'MW"9' i tcbool, Mrs. J. P. Gammon's l'rimary School,! Uirec white public schools, two good colored schools. . A graded school has been authorized by law, and a State Bormal school will be held every summer. . - - . - Millinery, tc. Mrs. H. MHerndon, S. W hltlock, Mrs. M. E. Mann, J. P. Sawyer, Mrs RR Porter, Attorneys At Law. , r . MsLoud & Moore, J. H. Merrimon,"E. H. Mer rimon, M. E. Carter, Ai L. Carter, Gudger & Car ter. J. M. Gudger, F. A. Sondley, W. 8. Cushman, Richmond Pearson, E. D. Carter, W.W. Vandiver, Davidson & Martin, T. A. Jones, S. H. Reed, W. B. Gwyn, Locke Craig, W. R. Whitsoh. Jones and Hardwicke, Johnston & Shuford, We M. C-ocke, Natt Atkinson, A. T. Davidson, W. H. Malone, V.S. Lusk, 4. A. Cummings, A. J. Lyman. ' . Physicians and Surgeons. - D. J.; Cain, W. L. & W. D. Hilliard, John Hey Williams, J. A. . Burroughs, J. A. Watson, M. L. Nelson, WardlaW McGill, H. P. Gatchell. " . i Dentists. '. G. W. Whitson, B. H. Douglas, K. H. Reeves, A. B. Ware. ' Banks, Bankers and Brokers. , . . Bank of Asheville, Sluder & Barnard. i.- Merchant Tailors.' y . - - J. W. Schartle. . ? i - ' . 1, " ? Dealers in Furs. . ' M. ElUck. : - ' " :: Beat Estate Agencies. Walter B. Gwyn, A. J. Lyman, Natt Atkinson, E. J. Aston, B. M. Jones. . ,,: . . " i ' - Architects and Civil Engineers,' " , S F VenoMe. J A Tennant, . Tobacco Wardumses. : " The Asheville "Warehouse, The Banner Ware house, The Farmer's Warehouse, Ray's Ware house, The Buncombe Warehouse. : Toliacco Manufacturers Owing and Smoking. S. B. West, McCarty i& Hull, J. E. Ray, E. I. Holmes ACS., Shelton t Perry; W. P.TVllliamson. Coopers, tc. - - Li F. Sorrell, N. W. Girdwood, WHliamJWeaver, , - Hart. . ... .,-.'.. . l. -Wfnet, Liquors, tfc'- ,. I oughran Bros.; Hampton & Featherstone, W. O. Muller,fc(X)., A.,P SorrelL , : . t ': 'PapeT8Man$ers. .j Js i r. . . Cain & Hunt, Moore & Falk, R.. L, Fitzpatrick. 1 - Newspapers. ' ' . " Daily and Wmklt Citizes, Dally and Weekly A dvai i cc, ITieJbihev da Tribune weekly.) .i --. . -Job vgiccs. . ' " t The Citizen Job Gtllce, Hunt & Robertson;-' ' f - ' -' ThoVogrdpMri. """ -7. .-r.' :vKo,t. W. Taylor-SrtTi-irm.';. Grist Millt, t& ' Jordan AHally burton W. Girdwbod, Jas. E. Buttrlck. t-McLane. , -. . ' .... - .. . : . - Fertilizers, dec. r y.-iri-:'; F. N- Wuddell, "Star Brand."-Penniman & Co., "Anchor Brand'' G. M. Roberts, Alex. Porter, Piedmont," W. II. penland, "Owl Eracd," Bear- den, Kaukir & Co., "Ober & Co.'s Special," Lyon : & Walker .."'Farmer's Friend," T. C. Starnes, Ar lington."' W. W.. Barnard, "Sea Fowl," N. AW " Giid wood t Co., "SolHble PaciUc" . v- insurance. ' -. E. J. ASton.Thos. W. Branch.' , : ' . . ir. V. Telegraph, ' ' 8. G. Weldou, nianager.- Southern and'Adavis Erpres... F. A. Stikeleather, manage ; Civil Officers of Bunc. nbe County. ; ShcriffJ. R .:lerk E. W R. Rich; Deputy Daniel Beynolds: S. . Herndon; Register J. K. 'Patterson; t Treasurer J. H. Courtney;' Surveyor B. F. Patton: Tax Collector T. W. Patton. r ;., Jnferhrr Court., ' y'-i. Iiistice G. A. Khuford:. Clerk Mont Patton, Solic; lor ti. a. carter. . .y County Commissioner. r- . . J. E. Rankin, J. A. Reagan, J. W. Whltsbn; L. Childs, Thos. D. Brittam. . , -' - , '.'rC--i Jurtices of the Peace.. ' . A... ' ' A. T. Summey, N. A. Pehland, T. W, Patton, C. -. Way, i. M. 1-edford, J. M. Jarratt, J. B. Caiu. " City GommmrtJ. , . " Mayor E. J. Aston; Aldermen W. T.; Reynolds. Alonzo Rankin. Geo, F. Seott, I- If. Gorenfto, N. W. Girdwood and J, L. Mnrray. Policemen A. II. liaird.W. G. McDowell, J. H. Hampton, HuiOi ; Poslellanil T V Hunter. - t . . Hose N. 1, oreman H. C. Faggj II. & L. No, 1, Capt.F A.H - Sanitary Department. ; s: -- Dr. D T Millard, Sanitary Chief. , -, . Federal tltfrccrs . . - " . IT. a. CommiiMoner, A. T. summey. Deputy f (Collector, (fitanip oflice) A. D. Cooier. District : Txnutv S. C. Ilerren Deputy Marshulls, K. O. Patterson, A; C. i'atteison, T. K. Davis, H. 8. Har- - kins- . . ' - ' Vnitcd States Dietrtci and Circuit ourU.. Jndf-e R. P; Dick, Solicitor J. E. Eoyd, Clerk J. ' E. Iteed, Deputy Clerk P. A.XummiijgSi J . '- Post Cficc: . ' n. L. Gndfier P. M., fieri, s C, B. Moore, W. Jj. Ksinmn, ; L. Cliff. ' -- Sewing Machine Agencies. "; Whehler & Wil?on, J. II. Herring, r hief Clerk . " Miss Bt?st!ie Justice. Singer, M. H. Morjnilian, Chief Clerk W. JlontealU. . Domesuci s. j-.-jnea , enter t Son ; thus E Lee. . - . ' " Cmmt n Board of Education. ' J " A. T. Bumuti'y.'J II-Kanw and B G Gudger.; First regular meeting lira . .vionuayjii rrj.uniLcr, . VOL. I.-NO. 91. j 1 I LY EDITION 1H TEREST KG HEADING lAlTEIt ,V;: ON THE FCUllTH PAGE.;.' " : ArrVHl al l)e.artur of the Trains. . Salisbury- Mail traiu arrives 8:37 a. m. , - v" :,. ". Departs 5:47 J M. r " , -' Day train arrives at 2;14 p- v. f. "' '- " -.- " departs, at 10-.30 A. n. Tonnesgee-Arrivea 5:S7p."K. ' , r 4.:. ' ..V Departs 8:47 A. M. WAYSESViUJB-Arriveg 3:50 p. m. - ,vv " V, v ' Departs 9:00 A. u. . The Waynekville train reaches that point at 11:30 ; retuinijig, leaves WaynesvUle at 16. . Weather llcport July '2S. " .J . ' Barometer at 1) a, in, 30.14: v ;, ''Tbermtmcter-r-Mipimum 67; ; hiaxi miim S7. . ' : -.1' ':""'' '- . . Eainfall July- 27, 38 inches. : r ,vr AVind North. A -yX -y- -.N" ,- Sky Mostly clear . , :-J . 4 AT) - MIffBAl IKi W OJF The bst 5 cent Cigar In town at Ly ons' "White Rose.'; " , ; ; .V " W. T. . Weaver," Sole. A'gent for Hess' Hand-Slade Shoes for men. . ' tf , ; -. ii .'. v Send your Job Work of all hinds to the Citizen Office, if you ward it d(ne neaily, cheaply and uith dwpakh.' , ' THE JDAITjY CITIZEN Will be i-ubb'shed every evening (ex cept Sunday) at ibe following rates strictly cash : ; ..- " i OneTeitr," ? . "'" . 0 00 "SlMontbs, - - -,- ; .-- 3 00 Thiee " . . . . . . 1 50 One V " , : . . , 50 Oneeek, . A : '. r . : . 15 Onr Camera will deliver the paper ev evening in every part of the city to otir subscribers, and parties Wanting it will please call at the Citizen Ofliee; The Daily Citizen. . ' . v Gives the only telegraphic dispatches received. '. , -"The' races 'will be very interesting to morrow night. " . y.. The bicycle race that were to be at the skating rink this eve, is put oft until to morrow evening, on account - of the " club dance.' ; Mr. Thomas B.'Mosely, brother to our Asheville favorites, a tobacconist of Uur hab, is in the city; a guest of Mr. W. T. Lipscombc. , - o . The Hag drill to-night at the Banner ware! onse, bv the young .ladies will at tract many It was a superb affair the other night, and will prove as much to night. . ''It was rumored at the Canrp yesterday afternoon ' that Gen. Beauregard and Gen. D. II. llill had arrived at Hender son ville. Gen. Beauregar4 ; is at the Fletcher House. - - -y- Miss Annie Firmin, in East Lynne, is the perfection of dmrr atic art. Don't fail to see her to-niirht. General admis sion only-25 cents. Reserved seats 10 cents extra. . . We had the pleasure of a call yesterday afternoon from Jlr. H. Hemming for. merly of the Marion Bugle and this morning Mr. .W. E. Moore, the rising young lawyer cf -Webster, honored us witn a can. - In the case of the State vs. Rogers charged with deadly assault last winter upon a negro named Brown, the verdict of "not .Ruilty" .was returned, M. E. Carter, Esq , appeared for the defence. . Hon. W. H. Bower, the able jsolicitor of the 10th district, is in the citv, hav ing finished ... his work at Henderson court. Mr .Bower made an able and in fluential Senator in the last Legislature, and will prove one of the best solicitors in the State. , - , Our friend an most valuable assistant clerk, and our present excellent Brevard correspondent ' Mr. .S. L, Bell paid us a visit "yesterday. He is about to resume the pedagogue's rod, taking charge of the school near Davidson's river post office in Transylvania county. ; . t;' , Skating rinks are as dangerous if not as iatal as the battle field, -with the very sorry' consolation, of a fall from -wooden rollers on u wooden lioor instead ot a trip up in the exhilerating fight on the elastic ice. We learn that Mr. E. J. Jus tus had his arm broken last night. at the Asheville Skating Rink.. fc The Ball at the Swannanoa on Wed nesday evening, complimentary to Gov. Scales and the State Guards, will be largely attended, and will, no donbt, be a brilliant affair. Gentlemen .who expect to attend, will lvave to procure tickets of admission from- the - Committee, at the Swannanoa Hotel. --'j ; v To .Ota Fiendb.: : . v ' ' yy riease do ,not forget to rail- at the Citizes olfice this week, and settle what you maj owe. It was heeded, it is now. tf. x -:yy'ij-y -'---'yr' Close The Stocks To-Morrbw, . The petition of the citizens generally to close all places of business to-morrow from 4 to 7 p. ni..that everybody may witness the - RevieAV .has been genenerally sicnecl.. Now let everybody close. " He is a churl who sticks to business, on an oc casrqn of general rejoicing. All need. and deserve the recreation asked. - ' -. Rogers Bkos. Make See Prices ; - For this; w'eek only. Triple plated Table Knives $1 75 per et- Desert size $165. Forks heavily " plated on pure nickel silver $3 12 per set. Tea Spoons $1 02.per set ; Butter'knives ,aud sugar shells same quality, 50c. each.- ' . , - ' Quadruple-plate Ca6ters $2 90.' A good extra plate Caster $1 23- - A- fine -article of white handle knifCsat. $1.50 and ?2 00 per set.'.; - - .,. - . - Always the lowest prices on Crockery and Glass at Law's, opposite Eaglo Hotel. . juiy IS d t- w " - '..,-?-; ' '"Brxlvs." "Buttons." 'BrownV arid "Bon Ton'' arc the best brands of shoe polish known to the trade, all of which are sold bv W. T, Weaver, at Aha One l'rice Shoe Store. , "'. ; '" Large lot of, camp stools and cots for the soldiets at AV. li. Williamson's Jurniture store. , '!' 'yy- .y " tw. A"iO(ul '-stock ot Vtothiiui, Ifrv Goods , Fan cy tioods, Hots, tiltoes; Carpets etc. j at fixed atulrcnsoiiahli'l'riffs.,' - r,dtf II. RED WOOD A CO. ASIIEVILLIL N. Keep it B evoke the' .Ton e, That the number of tr'fuvisat Haywood Wlilto Sulphur !?prin:s i-: now In t n oi'n one and two.-, hundred. -.but rowm ',ff.r more. :- y . . .. tf Younger than Moses, dut not AS OLD AS . METnUfcELAI!. - , " .' " ' ' Our distinguished . townsman, tJen.'.T.. JJ.S Clingmanff celeb rated his seventy third birth day yesterday j '-.The .ladies at the Eagle, where Gen. C boards, com plimented the .occasion m a very hand some manner. ,; Our friend still, enjoys go nl health, and is a pleasure to a largo circle of friends, who sincerely congrat ulate t him, and wish him many, more reminicences of the. happy occasion. ., - Bicvci-b' Races. - r These races that were to have comae this evening at the skating rink are pot poned until to-morrow evening, the clt: dance having precedence: Tli rac's ? niniTfiw PTPnirio-' will tif-.vrv TTrtT",1 interesting. . -; ".'- "J;'. ' "" Off por Washington JTerritory. ; We" regret to learn that our friend Mr. Samuel C. Herren is a-bout to carry into effect his long cherished purpose of re moving to the far away Pacific coast, in terrupted a venr or so ago by- his entry into editorial life. Mr. Herren carries with him the best wishes of us and. very many other friends who know his cooI qualities of head and heart: and we ber speak for him in the distant home he seeks the good will ot the new friends his good qualities will' undoubtedly and quickly draw around him. -- .. The TouitNAMENT and Coronation Ball. We have been furnished - with the speech of Mr- T. J. Strayhorn on the oc casion -of the tournament, but'it "waj? handed in at so late an hour that we can not use it to-day. We will publish it to morrow; and we expect in the same issue to present the speech of Mr. JVM. Leach, Jr. The Citizen will therefore to-mor row have unusual value and attraction." There will be a sufficiency of extra copies to.supply demand, we hope. t - ,-. Encampment Notes. . We found this morning the Third and Fourth Regiments. on . the drill ground actively engaged at work in the ma- noeuvers of the battalion in spite of the hot sun. The drill has become s per fect that one is apt to forgetthat he is' in the camp of Statel Troops instead of among regulars. . J Headquarters was quiet, the Adjutant- General being absent awaiting . at the train the a.Tival of the Coumander-in- Chief. y Surgeon Hilliard informed us that two rt(yi ?n pn Ta rin1 mmia TliAlr mnrniiiff yo. port and there was only one man on the - sick list. ,The wounded man Scott is lmprovmg. - ; v . .. Ihe Guard has-been now in cauio a weekv"Tb4itrre: tia bewRiiHiibty-RTt'rj ployed, as is shown by the great improve ment in the drill ana, in all the qualifi cations of the soldier" Among other good soldier qualities displayed is personal neatness and cleanliness of grounds. This is conducive to healthfulness, and has attracted the notice of Surgeon. Gen eral Grissom who comments favorably upon it. The health of the men is mani fested by their t-ood appetites. ' VY 6 hear no complaints of the commissaries. ihe troops enjoyed their march yester day into Asheville and are very proud of the impression they made. - .tor unavoidable reasons the Third Regiment will leave for home this after noon. This regiment, however, is not! wearied of its experience:jind -with the others are very warmly diecussing the next encampment. The location is not yet decided. , V v : r Complimentary to Gov. Scales and the State Guard. , , A grand reception and complimentary ball will be tendered Ho v. Scales and the State Guard at the Swannanoa Hotel Wednesday evenings -' : From 9 to 10-o'clock Gov. Scales will hold a public reception in the parlor of the hotel, at whicii all who desire to do so can call on him and pay their respects. At 10 o'clock, sharp, the members of the guard, ladies; 'and gentlemen : having tickets of admission will repair to the dining hall, where the dancing will begin. Ail ladies, cordially invited. Gentle men desiring to attend will call on the committee at the Swannanoa Hotel for tickets of admission. ' ' .,: The guards will beih full dress uniform. All the regimental bands will be present. This promises to be a great event in our city.4ind one of the most pleasant ever enjoyed, bpeciai eiiorts raYe,eeu made to nave it. , A very , large , prowd will be in attendance. - ; - ;f- The "New Postal "Rate. ;', V AfrVJEr Clarke writes uS a note; from Emma V post office, in which . he tateV that the rate of 'letter , postage - is "stilX maintained at old rates, because the post master has jiot been officially informed J oi ine : cuane iti iuo.ia.vv.. ilu jjjbi. roaster is evidently mistaken, as orders were issued by, the department before the first of July that the new rates, two cents for each ounce or less, would go in to effect pn that day; and, besides, a law of Congress applies as quickly to a jxist master as it does to tne rost juasteruen eral, and the day that Congress says a law shall take effect, it miist be observed Kby all, regardless of all red-tape perform ances.':' V .'"'.' ":-;-5 -.-:- "'-!; Arrivals Af the. Turnpike lifnuuK-; '? Among the arrifaia at the above to) ular; hpteb during ''-.the past week ,Sve notice: ' , : V. " ':'- W F Fitzer, wife and ,threeehildren John S Price and wife.harlottei W Gil christ, wife, child and nurse,' James E j Wilson,. Sydney Alderman;"B D Mitchell, J D- Woody, wife, three children .nd ; nurse, Wilmington; J If Hargrove, Dur-1 ham; L C Robinson, Sel ma; Hon ,R II Smith; Scotland ISeck; Dr- James Mcin tosh, Newberry, S G, Rev Y M Williams and wife, Baltimore;- Mrs G W JTiore, Chapel Hill;, Rev D U BuelAsheville; F J Johnson Greensboro; Mayor G II Smathers, Waynesville; Joseph -Ilall, wife, three children and nurse, A J Tyc-s and wife, Durham; ' - .. - ' Private ' Boarding jn-AVayxesvillE;; . ; v The undersigned, is prepared to accom modate a limited number of loarders at her home in Waynesville. Convenient to the White Sulphur Springs. Accom modations guaranteed. Terms moderate. tf - .Mrs. J. B: SV McIntosii. j One four feet show case, good ,-as new, for sale st W.T.. Weaver. ;v" ;'"rt:': ';. ' C. TL EVEN I Tiis Mir.r : The.imi of (he U- f;Lreef3 of . "U'd anjiearance a-.npuient on the AhtM: - 1 . ''theponlp and nee officii:." war" .'was. made a fie moo r;; : ; i . most .'brilliaat cii-LaiuisL: yesterduv ariemoor;: piieaiitiiii.iratiug n orgeous specta- cle -probably ever Avity Jsod here Of any. Long befolre the appointed hour the side walks were banked. wf h spectators; and every window and bal Pvenue, mi Main Strc. Ilonsd Square, was iill .excited. ladies , ami ciy along l'atton t and 5n the Court d with eager and -Uldivu'J :.It was as gay and lively a s'c i. as ever cxpti- !ie; eye, anin. "o of vebic1 en : or ;'l iUi the -rattling- vZ cavalcades of -.-"ewoinen; -could v-e evfi.f lifting movoiiients A, 'ir-.vaitlng' for wh t ro to am- a Iho'bundreci iLofs and. their folds to the breeze wTi a life of motion as ifthey knew the power of the-inspiration of the national eta- bicm. ; ,. -. . "'-' :.:f';; At length the faint sweet strains of the baivls. lieraldiii the coming of the adr varicinjg' columu . w'a . ' borne upon the breeze, and then away -down fatten Av enue was seen- the coming spectacle, the prancing fteeds of the commanding of--ticers, then the glittering uniforms of the Military bands; over all, the magnificent colore of the regiments; and' then came in solid column and with martial tread the successive - regiments, soldiers in deod.. . .. ' ' -': ..-- s There Svas recognized .the full idea of the State Guard, a body disciplined like regulars, moving like; veterans, and re splendent in adormuebts and equip ments as filled the ideal of the soldier tj'pe. -It-was a grand triumph to the mmdj that conceived, the idea of the State Guard and carried, it into execution amid much of hostility and a great deal of ridicule. Now the State Guard proved ita'reafity, and challenged attention to its efficiency. V- -7- Thcre never was such unbounded de light "manifested. V Cheer alter cheer rung along the line-of mareh; and the air was a maze of waving handkerchiefs as the ladies ecstatically signified their pleasure , '' - The column moved up Patton Avenue into Court House Square, and down Main Streelto beyond the Swannanoa Hotel, a triumphal, progress through the long files of admiring -spectators. Regiment after regiment 'challenged criticism and comparison and nOtinvidiouslyjuade the Second - Regiment, fuller in- rank, uni formed in grey, splendid :in its move ment, and headed by its glorious band, might be theiavorife, ;And" as it ame past, on its return, its band ringing out - th.e well remembered Dixie, old; associ ations were irrepressible, and cheer &T- ter cheer greetel the things that remind ed -of the heroie t33t. a Past that will The. Guard " countermarched " down Main street, and thence back to Camp, I wniie lorsome time aiterwarus in e streets were filled. with the throng, which very reluctantly dispersed, spell bound by the soectacle, and entranced 0y the music. There wereprobablytwo thousand per sons on and ..around, tle, -Square, and though so large and so 'crowded, there was not the faintest approach to disor der, a characteristic feature of this population.- " ' -. There, is yet more to see; but ,we ques tion whether anything more gratifying than ' ther march ' of the . State Guard through the Streets of Aibeville. Tn Touknaeent Yestehda Was a grand success, and passed off most pleasantly: ; A large crowd witness ed the riding, and,, it was admirable throughout, v Capt Strayhorn, of, the Monroe Guard, delivered the address to the Knights. The Captain is one Of the handsomest young speakers in the State, ftnd a gentleman- of .fine attainments. The-address elicited the -highest praise. The' running began, and. was very excit ing, five gentlemen having tied.. Smaller rings were hung, and tf young" gentle men again took a, tilt, With the following result: :y-. y-.-y: v'-". ' - - First honor won by.Mr. JjankPolk; second by Mr. Natt Cbarhbers; third by Mr. George Mosely; fourth by' Mr. N. A. Reynolds.- - -, - - - The coronation ball took place at the Asheville -Warehouse, and the room was thronged with ladies and gentlemen. Mr. .Richmond . Pearson - delivered a yerj'.gracefulcoronation address: . - . '; Th"e following young ladies were crown ed: Queen, Miss Annie L; Revnolds; 1st Maid.'Miss Ewingj of.Nash ville; 2d Maid, Miss lvoss of .Virginia; :'3d Maid, Miss was begun, kept up ay tlate liour, and aU".r f T. Chambers, Knight fMoselcy, Knight of -Old "A Key noiqs, ivmglit ot 5larnes, iviiislrt oi i'lsgahr C A M oseley, Knight of Sd Regiment,'' Reagan, Knight of M&disen .-?'..', ? - " ' The Bicycle Race V V. --V-r yy At the Farmers' Warehouse, is attract ing -great attention aril no. 'doubt will draw a "very large- Crowd. -Two special races are to be run,' one between ; Mr. Polhill, champion of the South and Mr. Maxwell of Charlotte; the other between Mr. Asbur' of Charlotte and Mr. Steffner. of Asheville. It will be'.luost exciting the riding is certainlv- Very-; graceful a-iid attractive. . , -: ' '' -t-. '.'",-"' - .';"'..': ."'.: The Review, . ':- . , : "'" ''" . '.;'",' y'.: J. His Excellency Affrod'Mi Scales,' Gov ernor of North Carolina and CoHimaud-eMn-Chief of the North ' Carolina State Troops, arrived this morning,' at 10 o' tlock, the - train .being somewhat . late, lie is quartered at the Swannanoa - Ho tel: - lie will review the -Guard to-mor-. row afternoon at 5 o'clock, and . iinrnedi ately after Mr. James M. ,Leach, Jr., will deliver an address to the Guard. :' , There will be a large attendance if the weather should be propitious. -;: v.. . .. - VT .,V' PlUVATS BoA-RDING IN WAYNKSyn.I.E. -t The undersigned 1s . prepared to. ac commodate a limited number .of boarders, -at hef home in .Waynesville. Con vergent to the White Sulphur .Springs.', Accom modations guaranteed. --Terms moderate' tt. y : .. ' Mia. J. B. S. McIntomu J.uy your Cots and Cau.p Stools from W. . Williamson..'-- -- - r: : ' i w. 4 LvJTTV;-, i I! NG, JULY 28,; 1885. WEHSTEll ITEJIS. - -: v fatal bckning. V'. ; - .. Little Azzie Russell, the eight-year-old daughter of Mr. S. P.Russell, attempting to Mndld a fire by the help of kerosene oil, was faUvily burned at 5 o'clock on Th ursday morning the -,23d " iost V.She was aloue in the room and by some un fortunate means let the oil iguite. The explosion was heard. and arrinstacnt af terwards the little girl ran screaming into the street. Her cries aroused the neigh bors, James Thomas, a. coloved man was the first to reach her, and instantly tore off her clothing, already burnt to shreds, at. the cost -of badly burning Jiis hands. Sheriff Bigham and Mrs. Russell, Dr. Tompkins and others goon on the ground, .iLvAok the screaming child back to the Drs. Tomkins and Candler did -'.T-"iii skill could do to alle- nenngsj-tmz in vin.- - till about one o'clock p. m when ired.. Another victim and another warning to the "careless handling of ex-? plosive oiL :' -y . " ; " -Times hard and money : scarce but we Lare looking and hoping for better times. iiie crops oi iosj and isa-i Doin snon, with hog cholera both, years and only about have ; sua. average crop of wheat this year has left this county with many things to buy and but little to sell, con sequently money ; is scarcer than ever before known. But with excellent crops Of corn, oats, hav, potatoes, ' fruits and, in short, everything except wheat, with rich mines of mica developing every day we hope for speedy relief. . Notwithstanding the hard times the hammer, saw and jrnint brush are all, in Webster, while the working of the mines in and around the place keeps up a fair demand for powder, fuse, picks, shovels, People from other States are daily vis iting our beautifully located little village. Without exception they express them selves delighted with its pleasant situa tion, picturesque surroundings, bracing atmosphere and pure water. It is hoped that efforts now being made will .result in the establishment of a permanent good school. ' , - The enterprising citizens of Sylva are npwuaKing steps to conneet themselves to .. Webster by telepone, which latter place has telephone connection with the telegraph jit Webster .depot and by tele phone with Franklin. .We wish Sylva all the success she deserves, or as for the matter of that, ull she desires, and we are sure the good people of that ' vicinity rociprocate our kind feelings but they unfortunately have some One amongst them who is hurting Sylva by trying to murder Webster by malice prepense ' ,Te laii LAn. ; Webster, July 25th, 1SS5. - ; ! Tint Races To-Day. a v . V '' i Came off under the. following programme.- Of course Ave can jjno-w: jioth- lifg Tjefore we go' fo press: -- 3-4 mile dash, all ages. Entries: T. L. J?mory's ch. m. Mana Lonir. 4 vears: Qw- en Daly's b. h. Clifibrd, 4 yeai-s; John A. Williams, b. h, Tom Bacon; J. G. Thomp son, ch. m. Cora Lee, 4 y?ars. . -" Trotting, best 3 in. 5, mile heats En tries, E. W. Herndon, g. m. Lou Young; S. Taylor,b. m. Bonnie Lee; Nellie Grant, b. in.- " - ' . . Youth ful Stake for 2 j;ear olds, 5-S mile dash. . Entries, : II. J. Pope, b. f. Red Wing; Owen Dalr, br. f. High Patience; E. V. Herndon, "eh. c. Ivanjioo; John'A. Williamsch. f. Sirrocco. 1-2 mile dash for A untrained saddle horses.. - A Very PutsANT Occasion. - The Citizen office had the honor last night to entertain a brilliant and dis tinguished party of gentlemen connected with the" military service ol the State, including also "distinguished officer of the United States . Army, Our guests were selected with reference to a repres entation of all the- departments of the military .service, forming a party small in numbers, but. ' distinguished in rank arid cbaiacter.; if " ; The party: consisted of Gen. Johnstone Jones, Adjutant-General ' of the State, Col. Frank Cameron, Inspector General, Lieut-Col. F. A. Olds, Ordnance Officer. Dr.. Eugene Grissom, Snrgeon General, Mr. E. T. Boykin, Judge Advocate, -Maj. J. G. Martin, A. A. G., F. R Curtis, on stall' of Gen. Jones, Mr. Bennchan Cam eron, of Gov l5cales' staff, 'Col. Cottonef the 1st Regiment, Col. Jones of the 2nd Regiment and Col. Anthony of the 4th, and Maj. Campbell of the Fayetteville Independent ' Company, Capt. Wood ol the Pasquotank Company; Capt. Mcin tosh of the Waynesville. Company, and Capt,Smith of Col. , Cotton's staff. To these was added the honor of the pres- Col. Black of the U S." Army. -; 'rtamment was miormal. reasy There were the usualRucr-csu. jTs.roirercdVimpromDtu. and to "with readiness, bul free stiffnee3. of speech makins. rst toast offered by. Mr." Cameron oftbeCirizEx fomplimentary to Adjutant General Jones,. called out that gentleman in feeling and happy , response. - Succes sive, toasts, in ;honor of the different branches of tlie service called out Sur geon' General Grissom, Ordnance. Officer Olds.'Irispector Cieneral Cameron,. Judge Advocate Boykin, ..Col" -Cotton, Capt. Wood, ". Col. Black, U. S. -A.-; Responded, very pleasantly to the sentiment propos ed oh honor of the army, and Mr. Cam eron replied to the toast offered to the honor of the press. - : ' "' -' ' j- ? The evening passed off very delight fully, if we may judge by the 'pleasure expressed -by our guests. A very mode rate inspiration of champagne and other refreshments added exhitoration. . ; : , We express- our acknowledgments- to Mr. Ambrose Featherstone of Hampton tiud Featherstone for the active and ma terial interest manifested by him in .our ntertainment; and also for the cheerful and efficient aid rendered us by his Bkil fulcorpa of assistants. , - '.; '' - .: '.-.". . xm ' ' '" .i. - . y:'." '.y'- v Your old shoes can be made as good as new only at . - . YY. 1. . VYeaver's: NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "NT ICE XEW ROOM FOR RENT. - i .''.-... In a private house, furnished or nnfurtisheil-, suitable ior small f'amiltcs or f r pingle parties.. Apply at Cooley's store, sonth Main st. . U ' . ' . - - . jyiSdawSt "IX rAKTED. '. . . . - : -. - - :. ; . A partnert hip with a man of capital or means fo f-'toam Dry and rehandlo Leaf Tobacco on Order in Asheville. . ' ' - - - . With a man.of Rtnfr cxptlricnce and enthllhed trade i:i Tlie loaf' and manufacturing trade's of Virginia, Kentucky, North Carolina and foreign markets. Aitrewt I. W. K., ' Jnly SKi-l 1 mo ; BOX 6S, Reidsville, X. C. , J iTTitTTi) O PRICE rs CENTS TELEGRAPIIIC; LASSOCrATED TRES3 TELEGRAMS-rfiPE- " -- CTAL TO CITIZEN. '' -'"' . ' The C'onti fuce of the Grant Family The Flace of Uttr- -'.; . tal flgreed on. -.'".-''''-'Mt. McGeegor,' July 28.' : The day broke bright, and' on; the mountain passed. without event until 10 o clock, when a train arrived at the sum mit. Col. Fred Grant was one Of the passengers upon it,' He pressed at once and alone upon his arrival to the cottage, his. brother Jesse having remained be hind. Tbe-Goloncl immediately repair ed to "his mother's apartment, where the family gathered td hear the result of the Colonel's! trip to confer in New ' York. lie defaHed his iiH'o'-je:ts and explain -a titut umio cc-i,ieu i ik-jilio" reasons of choice of the ". burial spot in some other than Central " Park, Riverside park had, at . the.i-inia of . Gen.- Grant's death.; been 'suggested as the Epot'of in- terment; and it seemed best to the Col onel after seeing and hearing all to re fer the piace of the sepulchre to River side Park. The i matter having been thus presented to t'ie faimty, the conclusion was1 reached in accord - with the Col. 'a euggestion, and he at once dictated the following despatches : '", -.'." Mt. McGregor July 26 IlVit. Orce:- Mother thinks Riverside. Temporary tomb had better be at same place.' , F. D. Grant. V The -Hunnter Rank Ktill in Trouble; ' . . Dublin, July 28. '- . The Bank of Ireland has refused to loan money to the Munstor Bank to assist the latter in its embarrassment and a panic prevails now in Cork and Dublin. Presidential IppoiHtnients. . . .. . Washington, July 2S. , The President to-day made the follow ing appointments : . Anthony Eickhoff of Nfew York to bo Fifth Auditor of the Treasury Samuel Flower, Assistant Treasurer of thb' United States at New Orleans, C. C. Yonge to be postmaster at Pensacpla, Florida, vice John E. Animon suspended, J. J.. Shannon at Meridian, Miss.,1 vice Wm. M, Hancock suspended Alexander S. Haller at.Wytheville, Va., vice W. A. Slater suspended. ' v ". , '. : Tlie Rcwolres .of.. Ex-Con fede- "'1' " '. rates, -j-y . . , Sax Antonio, Texas, July 28. At a meeting of ex-Confederate sol dier held at tlie Court . House last- even ing, the following resolutions were adopt ed, and ordered to be telegraphed to the family of Gen. Grant: ' - - . - "Resolved, ThaKwe have learned with deep regret of the death at Mt. -McGregor, of that distinguished Captain and soldier,Xeii. U. S. Grant, whose name and fame bl armies have shed lustre at home and upon his countrymen. Resolved, That we' tender to his bereav ed family our sincere and heartfelt sym pathv in. this hour- of their deep alllic- ' :. ' ' 'y Sir VMose I?tontiiore IjIiir. -, . - '. - LoNnos.V July 28. SirMoHC? Mont eliore, the well known Hebrew plulmitbropist, who, in Octebei last celebrated the One Hundredth anni versary of iis lirtii day, is dying. - Where Gen. Cirnnt Avill bcitu - . . ' ,ried. . ' -v:--..-- Mt. McGregor, July 21. ; General Grant will be buried in River side Park, New York ;"" . Itiiltimore Market. . . , ' . . Baltimore, July 2S. Flour Steady, quiet. Wheat South era lower, easy; Western lowerclosing dull. Southern red 91G; Amber 9S100; No 1 Md 90 bid; No 2;' Western ..winter red spot 91J2J.V . Corn---Southcrn high; er; AVcstern irregular, dull. Jouthern white 567,'yellow 55. , .' ' , . .' " ' ' ' ' ' " ' . ' '..-- - " .'- - -x- " -- ' . Xew.Yorlt Stock Market. . y ' S.- '. ; New York, July 28. : . The stock market was strong at open ing this morning, first prices showing a gain of I to-: J per cent generally,, with Lake Shore up J and New York'. Central l.lmLJorsci-- Central Waimehxigl and Pacific Mail f .lowerv 'Immediately after the opening there was a slight advance, but this was Soon checked and a general decline setin accompanied by . consider able" aetivity .'during whicbpricea fell from to li per cent led by .Union Paci fic and.Missouri Pacific. This was check ed about 10:50. o'clock and a rally occur red, carry i ng. pri cos to within a small j fraction of opening quotations:.- Shortly ' before ll o'clock another, decline occur red, and prices fell to the lowest point of the-inorning. ; V; ty : .-j ''. Weaver ville Colleffe. '-. -1 '-r'i v'For Catalogues, Rddresa " v ' " , -.''- 'f " -y - - ; Rev. D. A. Atkins,' - ' july 28., - V -", . . dlw&w2m. 5 '- " -' : -Ti : '' 'Third Regiment Pure Mountain Dew' on draft, with -'eyervtlung else usually kept irt a first-:lass barfat .Wi O. Mtiller & Co.'s Public Square. Cal Jones, Dick Sorrell and Ben Young ask all to "dew drop in." "'.".4; - RaIlroab Tickets Bought and Sopd,' I will buy, sell or exchange Railroad Tickets from or to any point. ; Parties interested will . do well ' to . call and sec me. : ' J. M. Young, V tse'20 At Carmichael's Drugstore. f Carpets, Mattinrp, Sptares, Rugs, Mats Oil Cloths, Lace, CurUiivs, Cretonws, Raw Sills, 2m 'OHHiTis, Icible Ikiiiiasks, Sheeting, Towels, Napkins, &r, . ... eodtfl ,.'.: . RED WOOD & . CO. ... Railroad Tickets.- Parties having tickets to dispose of in any direction, will call on meat the Swannanoa Hotel. W. D. Jones. ' CITIZEN JOB OFFICE,. WEST , BIDE rUBLIC . SQUA UK BILL HEADS, ' V '' ' LETTER HEADS,-- , . rosTERs, . ' ;. ; ' BLANKS, v .. And Job Work of all hinds done will . froiiiflnrss and at lo-w friie. . ; OUR IIENDERSONLLE LKTTKR. ; ; IIendeesoxville, N. C. July 27, '85. ;: Mcssrt.'Edilort:-OvtrjcatUu city is rapidly filuBf up with summer boarders , and all is gay and lively.'. Among Ihe. distinguished visitors we now. have are . General Beauregard and D. II. Hill.. The '. former the guest of the TJetcber House" and the latter at Mr Cunningham's.1 They both seem to be in good healtland -i , age sits . lightly, upon - then ; The past history of the South has their" names in golden letters upon piny of its precious pages and they are too well known to re-. quire eulogy from, your humble corres-' pondent. We were under Eeauregard at the Bull Run fight and shall always have him and that- memorable battle in.'"-', pleasant remembrance, although, ther, -the blue coats drew our first blood. We ' . would say of both -our distinguished . " Visitors "May they live loivr iir.d '.. .. r."- - PicknickiiiT- drivi-i -r -1 - the order of the day and every one septus : determined to enjoy, him,- or hersdf to: s the ntmost. -; . --.-.:. , . r.v- .t - We should inuch" like to enjoy a day V or two with you thig week, but business will deprive us of the pleasure. ' ' --. j The Judge has not rendered hi&decia- : ien on the Fanning case yet and tho Jnry have'not decided as to tho guilt or innocence of .McIieary for. killing Capps.' . . - . , '. . ' Yours truly, '-' '' Joe Roby. ! East Lynn. , ilijsFinnin in her" great rolesjto-nightj atOpera Hall. ' By particular request, the management ' yield to the public desire to see this rreat: - actress in he grandest role in tho most emotional play of tho age. Mr. John Jack, and his excellent Company of Com- i medians, appear to much advantage, ail .11 A A Oil 1 i J ' an me satient points oi tne dramatist are brought out m .perlect Jightiand :: truthfulness. A great playgwell acted, ' -' will reward all who visit the 'Opera to- . night. Popular prices. ; ' Under the Uas Light, is in preparation. , , i Summer tourists, (to the mountains,)" . can find comfortable rooma and good ; board at Antler Halt (Tennent's View) 4 miles from Asheville. For particulars, address P. O. Box 116, Asheville, N. C. ; N. B. Good boating on finest piece of water any where near Asheville. - july 6-1 mo ; m . - . , - , , , .:. , Private Boarding. . ' Visitors can find nice pleasant rooms ' and good board, liberal rates at ' - ' Mrs. ,M. JV Ridsdai.u's, . - july 23-1 wk ' Spruce StBeet. .- Board for the Summer. ', Handsome location, fine grove, large ' ' yard, new house and new furniture. ' . Apply to ; S. F. Venabi, . Academy Street,' . july 1 tf :; near Male Acadcmj'. - Boarding. Good board, by the dav, , "Week or month, can; be secured at the , residence of the undersigned, on North side of AVoodfin street, near tlie Eilptist ' church. Comfortable roomB", large shady yard, a good table, and splendid water. Satisfaction guaranteed. Members of the Teachers' Assembly boarded at $1.00 per day. Table boarders wanted. ; ' fjylfl . ' ' Miss Mary A. Miller. Splendid Board. , . t. Parties desiring splendid board, in one , of the coolest and most inviting loaatiea in the citv, can get accommodation by eaily application. Largo, airy hotme, new furnitnre, large and splemlidiy shaded yard, the best table tho country' ' can afford, a Frencii cook, excellent io-.' cioty, are among the attractions. Table boarders taken. Terms reasonable. Ad dress box 234, Asheville post office. . ' : - -; july 27-d 2t ',..' ; Arden Park : Hotel Rates-$40.00 per riionthJJO per week; $2.00 per day. Dinner 75 cents; Supper 75 cents. . Thos. A. Morris, Prop'r. ''-' luly28. . -. , "- tf. ;. FOIl SALE! .' .' '. ' ' ; LUMBER, HAY, AND OTHER .SUP- " V PLIES AT CAMP SCALES. . ' ' I offer at nrivato sa'e Sixteen ThniisV- and feefof lAimber; Three thousand ll. , of Wheat Straw; Three thousand pounds, of Hay, some of it best : Timotliy. Five Water-tankH, and a dozen Wider liarrtJR. j together with a number of pumps, shov els, rakes and other supplies. -Apply 'o the r ndersigned, or to ' Geo F.- Scott, Esq, - . . . - ' V V '- . , - " ' JOHXSTON JoNKS July 28. ! '. ' - : ' - M. ' y JV23 If STOIiily wisn aoons. ' .. ' .1-.-. ' ,. . '- '. Ftetl Store?. . ' South Main Street, (above Esglo liotei,)''1 ' . . ASHEVILLE, X. C5. " '.'. , " "' ';---'.'-; . ? ' '.'-'- 'm . c-' FULL Stock of Family Groceries, Ijird, Paeon,' ' Siurars. Coil'ee. Canned Goodsi Soai). .Soda.1 ' Spices, Kerosene Oil, ic, 4e . ... . Flour ', Meal, Com, Ilctv, Mixed Feed: Entn, - - ,J Shorts, &c, , - V . l yy t:1 purchased by tho car-load,-and on hand cou- stantly. at thc.lpwcst prices. Give ns a cull. JO'JMaWOm ... JlUKUAk iSUAUKl.Nr.i, W. L, Morgan. X'M." JoNics gan Jones, (Patton Avenuo, Cowan Block, and corner of ' : . - Patton Avenu and Depot St..) - V -"DEALERS IN " " ' " M - Staple and Fancy Groceries, ' Consisting of Flour, Meat,' Canned Goods, etc., . .. Alio Corrt Hay, Mill Feed and ' COUJfTll Y.PR ODVQE ' '.-- r I ,- Choice BrftncH of i '1 ; V -' i r . Cigars and Tohac'co" "-.'--..' Agents for '.. - : Sheeting, Shirting and ( Yarn !-. -'.,: .Wholesale and Retail. '. Wa would bo pleased to have a sh aro of thn . patroilago of tho pe.-ijile ofAslievlllO and tlio sur rouiuiiiiif coumry, aim promise o ao our hpst to givesatiHlaction in goods and prices. my.Mt- ly ("1REEyVII.IJJ.AND TUrJCfLlil COLLKGF. X , '- -- - ' , - , Clmrtema as Greenville CoHcrt fiy tho. Legislature of North Carol inn bpfon; 'i eniiesM-e b(M iinie a Htute. buiidimr; tliorou-.rh nnd rai'ti-al instruction. C-ivt. lm-t ji.ssihli': chctper than any oilier !. si itiitinn n 'liln pr.ele in tiie .South. Moth f.'Xea admitted to Collrei Classen. Hend for ('atrtn.ci.i-t.i 8. A. CAil.l-:. Pec'y Faeidtr. - ' Tn-.eiii,ini, 'IVnil. jj.'.w;im - . - Mor t .