ASUEVILXE SOCIETIKS. Ctfrtne Cbmmandcnj.TZo. 5. A. J. Blair, Kmineut Commander; Jordan Stone, Secretary. Meets first Wednesday night in each month. Asheville Chapter, Jt. A. M. A. IL Balrd High Priest; H. A. Uudger, Secretary. Meets lh second Wednesday night In each month, and jieeta every Friday night lor instruction. All. Herman Lodge, So. 111$. : A. F. fc A.M. J. A. Porter, Worshipful Master: Sam'l H. Heed. Secretary. Meets the first Friday night in each mount. Sivannanoa Lodge. E. ot JT., No. GIG. --J. C. Brown, Dictator; Jordan Stone, Secretary. flitxw itiu ursb mm iiuru Aiouuuy uigms in each UIOUU1. plnskyj Regent; Jordan Stone, Secretary. Meets in the hall of the Knights of Honor on the second and fourth Monday nights In each monthr Asheville Division A'o. 15 8. of T-P A Cummings Worthy Patriarch; W T Robertson, Recording Scribe. Meets in the hall of the Knights of Honor, every Aut;auiy lugix. - , Tlie Woman' Missionary Society of the M. E. Church, South, meet in the church class-room on the First Friday of every month at 4 o'clock P. M. Aslteviile Literary Society J. 1). Cameron, Presi dent: T. A. Joujs. Secretary: Locke Craitr. Treas urer. Meets every Friday evening at rooms of Asnevuie xJDrarv. ASHEVILLE CHl'RCU DIRKCTOBT. . Methodist Episcopal Church Church St. Rev. W. W. Bays Jlorning services 11 -a. m. : evening services 8 p.m.; prayer meeting Wed nesday eveLiDi o p. m.; tsabbatn Bchool 9 a. m -t . Presbyterian Church Church SL Rev. J. P.' GiJiimou Services 11 a. m.; S p, m.: prayer meeting five p. m. Wednes day; Sabbath school half-past 9 a. ni. Services at present held in rooms of Y. M. C. . A. t Patton Avenue. - - Episcopal Church, Trinity corner Church and Willow Sts. Roy. Jarvia Brixton Services 11 a. m. 6 p. m. ; Sabbath school 9 a. m. Jiaptist Cliurch corner Woodfin and Spruce. Iter. J. L. Carroll Services 11 a. m.; 8 p. m.; prayer meeting 8 p. c. Wednesday ; Sab bath school 9 a. m. j . Roman Catholic Church. Itev. Mr. McGinity Services first Sunday in each month at 11 a. m. 2f. E. Church corner Potion Avenue and J3aileySt. (No pastor at ?reseut in charge). , Doubteday Mission Church. Rev J K Burnett, Pastor. Sabbath School, J J Hill.Supt. . r. M. C. A. . Prayer Meeting every day from 12 to 12.30 o'clock. All invited to attend. Gospel Services every Sabbath afternoon, at 6 o'clock, on Battery Porter. Gospel Services at Prof. Venable's Academy every Sabbath, afternoon at 5 o'clock. Gospel Services at Smith's Bridge old De potover G. M. Roberta store, at 5 o'clock. Sabbath School at 4. All are invited to attend the above services. COLORED CHURCHES.: A. At. E.' Giurch(Zion) College St., Rev. Mr. Sherman Services 11 "a. m.; 3 p. m., and half.past 7 p- m.; Sabbath school 9 m. i. - ' Baptist. Rov. Mr. Rumlcy Services 11 a. m.; 3 p.m., and half-past 7 p. m. : Sabbath school 9 a.m. .Episcopal. Rev. Mr. Berry Services 11 a. m.; Sabbath school 3 p. m. Services held in Court House on Sunday 11 a. m., half-past 7 p. m.f by Rev. Mr. Metts, of A. M. E. Church. . Terrible Trader y la Alabama. Annistown, Ala.. August 8. A terrible tradegy took place in Cham bers county, Alabama, eight miles north of LaFayette, yesterday after noon, about 5. o'clock. Wm. Han cock, a farmer, was interested with hia son, Wm. Hancock, jr., and a man named Sherman in a traveling 11 t : . TJmia1. nnrl klireauiug luauiixc xxa.iiv.uun. im his son disagreed as to the division of tolls. The old man armed himself with a sboteun and encountered his son and t a quarrel ensued, lnis time the father was accompanied by a younger son, John. ' Tho old lHill J.410CU vliv gUU -fcV A avwav William Bred the first shot The father then shot at William, without effect. The old man was then shot dead. John picked up his father's gun and shot William. William ran and got his pistol and fired at .John. " One struck him in the side. John is dying and the murderer is under arrest. " How Love Laughs at Color. A JVVilkesbarre (Pa.) dispatch of the Cth says : Miss Rosaline Kiaiafoshi, the daughter of a well known Polish jew merchant of this city, has created a sensation by marrying a negro. His name i$ Wheelock, gook looking, but very black. The parties were maraied secretly by an Alderman late at night. The par ents are heartbroken ovef the daughter's action. The girl says she loves Wheelock as she could love no white man, and married him purely for love." .. . The warm weather is driving many of our good people to the shades and breezes of the mountains where they can enioy the benefit of mineral water, pure "atmosphere, and rich milk and but ter. But there are many who cannot af ' ford such luxuries, yet they can stay at home and enjoy the benefits of the "Sev en Springs Mass," which is worth more to their health than all the charm of the modern summer resorts. For one bottle of the Mass, which only costs $ 1.00, you get the benefit of fourteen gallons of the hfwf. mineral water in the WOrld.' We advise those who attend other Springs, . i xt 1 to be certain ana Buppiy iueuieiveo with some of the "Seven Springs Mass." A good stock ot Clothing, Dry Good ,Fan- fcy U oods, Mats, onoes, ijarpeia occ, uijixeu and reasonable trices, eodtf H. REDWOOD & CO. SIjAGIjE IIO TELt, ' ASHEVILLE, N. C, J, L. L. SLAGLE, Proprietor. THIS commodious and pleasantly located i. i- rr Y,n ntftinmmnrlfitlnn nf the lO w ...w ' rmblle. Every comfort and convenience the COUniry Wlli Uliuru guniwirew w w &.. Kates oi Boara reoutt"i. University of JVorth 'Caro ' ' lin n. ' SIX NKW PROFESSORS have recently been adJedtotbe Faculty, making a total oflj Instructors. All the Courses of Study have been enlarged anJ strengthened. Post-graluate in struction is offered In every department. The next session uegms ujum. j..v.v . . . . , r-. G-7 OS nnsi OO For catalogue containing in formation in l egara to Uon. KEMP P. BATTLE, LL. f " ITesident, Chapel HU1,N. C. Jyl6 iaw- .- - - v r . ir r TV y,H oho! JliHji-lixV10 t lnlTSJ, i Is the only School lor Boys In theSonth with tlns'l.igltt, a first-class Uynninslnm, and a n ; l d.mi n ,r -n.nn nf Bmall TTlAATin. irii tatrH aasan hpcrlim Animst 25 111. For Catalotrae, address . K . mf K BINGHAM, f yl8-daw6w " - Bingham School .N, C. o N BATTERY POKTEB HILL FOR KNT, IIIC I CBIUl HVW miv - " ' r Also, for rent a comfortable cottage of two rooms, and for sale, four roort desirable building lots, fronting on unywooa eireev. Apply to iy, ' A. T. SUMMEV. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. HOW THEY ARE MADE TO DUPLI CATE THE ORIGINALS. "'Underpinning of All Shapes and 81x?s . Construction of an Artificial Xjfg How the Action Is SeeureA A Singular Case. : ' fBoston Olobe.1 ' . mere is a small room in the rear or a Court street store in -which works an old, ijray-haired man. Surrounding him on all sides arc legs of many shapes and sizci Some are short and stout, with ruther too much calf for strictly classical beauty; others are long and slim, with a deplor blu lack of calf, while -others vie in ihapclincss wfth tho nether limbs of a Greek slave or a Venus dc Mi Jo. , The old man when visited recently was hard .at work, but consented to give the writer a few particulars in regard to his business. i ow that,"- lie said, pointing to a shapely leg hanging over tho fire, "bo longs to a Newbury port voun lady. " "That." continued the old man, "is what's known as a knee-bcaring leg. I made it for her three years ago, when she was about 1C years old. She lost her leg a little below tho knee so short that she couldn't wear a socket-bearing leg, and so she v ii3 obliged to have a knee bearing to walk on the knee. She had grown a little since, and so was obliged to lengthen it out - I cuCtho leg in two at thc"calf end put in a piece,; dovetailing it and fastening it with glue. I've histcd a child's leg at least four inches lcfore it was given up, when its parents were poor, and couldn't afford a new one. "Now here, "picking up a leg in process of construction, - "legs don't "weigh as much as jou ' think. Including all the ironwork, that leg wouldn't weigh more than ; five pounds. I have just made one for a full-grown woman that weighed, everthing complete, including the upper socket, exactly three pounds.. I made it particularly light on account of her being sickly. I want to show you now where we get tho dura bility. The steel ankle-joints arc. you sec, set in the wood, and slightly broader at the ankle than further up the leg, which makes them sorter dovetailed. Tho bearing-down strain is borne in part by them and pnrtly by an endless and very power ful cord some make it of silk, but I al ways use linen extending from the heel of the foot over a bar in the calf of the leg, which is hollow. The cord relieves principally what is called 'the nosing,' where the shin plays into the foot "Tho ankle-joints are. you see, con nected by a steel bolt, which makes the leg particularly strong about the ankle, where the most strain comes. The toe joint is located at the same place as in the natural foot, and works with a spring that brings the toe into place after each step. The wood? I use willow alto gether, and have never used any othc. I have shown you one used where the leg bas been lost below the knee. "Now this, " producing another leg. "is for one lost above the knee. It is the same in every particular as the other, with the addition of a wooden, socket to Secure the stump. It works at the knee in a very natural manner on a simple bolt, with a spring extending from the thin piece to the lower part of the top socket. This spring throws the foot for ward, in walking, the minute the toe leaves tho floor. "You will observe that if the amputa tion is above the knee the leg must be held in place by suspenders made on a stout welt part elastic and part non elastic extending over the shoulder. If with a long stump below the knee, the leather socket, placed above the knee, is usually sufficient "If," however, lereis but a short stump below the knee atrap is required. Every weak point in a leg is. specially guarded, in some way or other; and when the steel and wood work are - complete the leg is covered with calfskin, similar to a drum head. It is put on wet and dries to the leg, very closely, adding a great deal to its strength. Then that is sand-papered down to a surface, and the holes in the calf opened out. They are for ventila tion, but I doubt if they do any good. I always put them in, because a good many are of the notion they are. Then the leg is painted. I use alcoholic paint, made of gum and dry lead. The minute it strikes water it is set and you can't wash it off with anything except alcohol. "I'll show you a leg, " producing a par ticularly lifelike one, the foot of which bore a shoe and stocking, "that has been painted seventeen years, andls, you see, in pretty good condition. " "What do you consider your most singular case?" s " That of a little boy that lives near the old reservoir. lie was brought to me in liis father's arms when he was 16 or 17 months old, and had never walked a step. 1 didn't dare to touch him, . he was so young and tender, and his father took him to Dr. Shaw. The doctor advised him to get a limb right off, so as to pre vent hip disease on the other side. That had never occurred to ma The doctor's opiuion took all the responsibility away from mo: and so I went to work at once, and made a leg for the boy. lie learned to walk with it and walks and -runs with it now so well that you'd hardly know he'd lost a leg. " "How long will a leg wear?" ' "It is. a question often asked me, and $ very hard one to answer. '.. I have atua tomcr that has worn a leg for twenty-one years, and I know men who would not wear a leg two years. It is just as it is with everything else. Some take care of them and others stave them out very quickly. Tho government, you know, allow? soldiers a new leg every five years. That looks as if they thought five years was the average, hut . good legs will, in my opinion' average at least eight years. The price the government sets on 'em ia shout the lowest they can be made for, though some manufacturers ask twice as much as that . "How long does it take to make a leg? "Well, I'll tell you. In war times they said if a man made a leg in eight days they were satisfied. " lower liitie for Clergymen. - w York Sin. Clerk (to Mr. Isaacstein in back roomy Mr. Ieaacstcin, der shentlemans who is looking at dot peautiful seventeen tollar coat says ho vas a clergymans. Mr. Isaacstein Make dot shentlemans who vas a clergyman 20 per cend dis cound off. Clerk Der shentlemans says he vill give five tollar for dot coat and not a cend mora Mr. Isaacstein Let him have dot coat, Jacob, but dond make no discound-off. Boiled- Down Vivid nk - -' . (Chicago Ledger-! - . A boy's description of having a tooth Sulled was the best example of boiled own vividness ever given: "Just before it killed me the tooth came out " Noth ing ia language could express the idea better. . Land Entry Blanks. The Citizen has on hand a full supply of blank warrants for land entries. Send us your orders. jno. c ciAYToary . (Rear EAglk Hotel) .' . ASHEVILLE, N. C , ' jfijijruFjiCTunER of cof Furs. ; Coffins made in First-Class Style of Walnut, Mountain Birch Poplar, Pine and Maple of tho best quality. Satisfac tion Guaranteed and Low Prices charged, lie asks .that the public : rail and Bee for themselves. ; scpl0-12mos . ' - Cancer Cured. , Mrs. Oliver Hardman, an old resident of Wal ton county, and a. lady of culture and promi nence, has this to say of the treatment of cancer with Swift's tSpecine: . Over fifteen years ago a cancer made its ap pearance on my face. It was tieated with plas ters, and the core came ont. The place healed np after some time, and seemingly my face was weu. However, in a few years it returned again with more violence than ever. It gave me a great deal bf pain. The former remedy seemed to do it no Rood. Knowing the disease to ran ui uw lamuy, naving naa one sister to die with cancer I became seriously apprehensive of my condition. : It continued to increase in size and virulence. I Uniost gave unjtUhope of ever oewg curea. . physicians auvTBoa the use of the knife and caustic. This was more than I could bear, and refused to have it ooerated upon m that way. All other remedies were nsed, but the cancer continued to grow worse. The pain was excruciating, and my life was a burden. In this extremity my son, Dr. Hard man, recommended me to try Swift's Specinc It was the last resort, bnt I was so prejudiced against the use of patent medicines, and est - cially this one, that I hesitated some time: At last I gave my consent, not believing there was any. virtue in it. xne nrst Dottle only increased the size of the sore and the discharge from it, and hence did not inspire me with any hope. On taking the second bottle there were sitms of improvement The spot began to decrease, as well as the discharge, and hope sprang up in my heart. Could it be, I asked myself, that I was at last to be released of this disease? It has given me so many dark hours in the past that the idea of being well again almost over powered me. .There was a contest between hope and fear for a long time. It was a long night of weeping, but joy came with the morning. There is nothing left to mark the place but a small scar, and I feel that it is im possible for me to express my gratitude for this great deliverance. It is a wonderful medicine. ' MBS. OI4VEB Hasdman. - Monroe, Ga., Jan. 9, 1884. Treatise Xm Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Address The Swift Sikcific Co , Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. WHFMGK Still to the Front I And There to Remain ! With the cheapest and most elegant as sortment of Goods ever brought to Ashe- ville. It is a well established fact that .WHITLOCK is and has been the attraction of Ashc- ville. . . I claim to carry the most complete as sortment of my class of goods in Ashe ville, and to convince you of this fact, an assurance of this fact will be effected by calling at my Store and examining the beautiful display oPjgoods that can be seen. Just received a new line of those bcai- tiful Lawns, at 5 cts. per yard. A beautiful assortment of Ginghams in Plaids and Stripes. " A fresh supply of Embroideries, ranging in price from 5 cts. to $1.00 per yard. Laces in Oriental, Clung, Torchon, Af ghan, Spanish, Point de Alicon, Russian and others, that will have to be seen to be appreciated. In Dress Fabrics, I show some grand styles, and ask an inspection of this Stock before purchasing elsewhere. Millinery Department. Just received my second supply ot new shapes, and can say with confidence that I can please the most fastidious in taste. 1 1 would require the entire space of the Citizen to enumerate each article sepa rately, but all I ask is a call and I feel con fident that you will be suited , p . GENTS' FURNISHING. " I have a complete Stock of everything in this line-, comprising Hats, Shirts, Un derwear,' Hosiery, Neckwear, Handker chiefs, &c. I am sole . Agent for the .celebrated DUNLAP HATS and EARL & WIL SON COLLARS. ' 5 In consequence of the death of Mr. S. Whitlock, who was my Manager, the bus iness will be continued by. H. WHITLOCK, i . Under Eaple Hotel; Main St. H E ST O N! Ice Cream and Confectioneries. , For seven years we have furnish ed the people of Ashevillc with Confectioneries and Ice-Cream, And withont any desire to boast will say that at no place can you get better , - ICE CREAM, or " FINEIi CANDIES, Both plain and French, than we arc now selling. TO-DAY received, a fresh lot of ROYSTER'S FINE CANDIES in addition to' Ico Creatri and Candies : .We also keep a line of fino Fam ily Groceries. : i , : Soliciting a continuace of your favor, we remain, je27-3m J. M.' IIESTON. The Battle House, WayncsTille, N. C THOROUGHLY KEBtlLT, renovated and re- J. Taiutel. in tne ctnire 01 me iuwu, u mo famous wniie ouipnur oiuueo. .a.u.uu.b tinna trnnrl Bates fiiorierato. j TIIIS SPACE RESEItYEI) FOR ; J. J. DESMOND, south main street, Manufacturer of CAKES CANDIES Ca ivery Description, AND DEALKB IN . CONFECTIONERIES. CAX- NED GOODS Ac., do. i INSURANCE. life insunnnee. tot : T IBK VAfatEY MUTUAL. LIFE ASSOCIATION . OF VIRGINIA Issues policies for from $1,000 to 3,000, ' -AND combines the guarantee feature ol "OLD LINE " Companies at the cost of ordinary co-operative insur ance in Secret Orders. ' FIRE mSURANCt. Insurance against loss by Fire in City and County on all kinds of Propertj, Real and Persona Short as tifeU as long term. Policies issued at fair rates in A-1 Companies, Home and Foreign. TIIOS. VP. BltANCII, Agent, Office North Side Court Square, my 20-tf EDWARD J. ASTON, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE CENT, Asheville, .Morih Carolina, Fine Groceries, Imported and Domestic Table Delica cies of every description, AT KEPLER'S. We make a specialty of Fine Teas, and have just received direct from Im porters, (in original packages.) the fol lowing, which we recommend for their line tlavor and superior drawing quail ties : Finest Moynne Gunpowder, Choicest Formosa Oolong,' Choicest English Breakfast, Extra Fancy Japan. HIGHEST GRADE COFFEES. Old Gov't Java Coflee, green and roasted, uenuroe uocna, .. .. Laguayra, Peaberry, Fancy Golden Rio, Cordova Coffee, Baker's Chocolate, Baker's Broma. Eppg Cocoa. JUST ARRIVED, California Fruit in glass jars, . Oranges. Quinces, Apricots, Muscat. Grapes, Egg Plums, Bartlett Pears. Panned California Fruits, Golden Gate Peaches, Lemon Cling Peaches, Apricots, Bartlett Pears, Bahama Grated Pineapple. FOR LUNCH AND PIC-NICS. Pates of Game, (truffled) Quail, Part ridge, Wild Uuck, u rouse and Woodcock. Boned Chicken and Turkey, Potted Game, Lunch Tongue, Kippered Herrings, Shrimp, Anchovv Paste, Yarmouth Bloaters Boneless Sardines, Devilled Crabs, Edam Cheese, Albert Biscuit, Dundee Marmalade and Jams, Instantaneous Chocolate. Fresh Crackera a great variety. -. AT KEPLER'S. French Peas and Mushrooms, - Queen Olives, capers, Currie Powder, Salad Dressing, Walnut Catsup, Mushroom Catsup, Preserves in glass and pails, CANTON GINGER, 11 & K iium ruauing, u. - Spaghetti Macaroni, Vermicelli. Staple Family Groceries Of every description, ' AT KEPLEIt'S, Opposite Eagle Hotel. ESTABLISHED 1801. G. FUKJUN & CO., Wholesale Commiaalon Merchants, dealers in dried amd evaporated . . Fruits, and Pboduokof All Kinds, in their season, WOOL, BEESWAX and FEATHERS, 19 Veskt Pikb & 50 & 52 Beoad Ave., W. H. FUR VAN is.l W. Washington Market, K. i NEW YORK. J.L. FVBMAN, References : Levi A Dear. Pres. North River Bank. Col. B. C. Caiter, ficnion, Md. G.N.Wil liams, Canaudaigua, N. Y. Gordon A PUworth, N. Y. P. B. Co.. 82 Sullivan St. AD3v6m THE HAZLEGrilEEN Sasli fc Blind Factory Has recently purchased a large amount of Oak, Ash Chestnut, Cherry and Walnut Lumber, and CAN FURNISH WORK ' manufactured of thoroughly dried naterial. We propose to furnish work at the lowest figures, and equal lo any imporwni buwu. . , . ' THOS. Ja. CLAYTON, Propr. i S. CLAYTON, Business Manger. feb4-sw tf ROOT J3JYJD SHOE UAIIER) Main Street, (Above Eagle Hotel) Tihe best stock always on hand. Work always guaranteed to give satisfaction. I am especially prepared to make boots and hoes so as to prevent dampness and squkakino. Grnttemen and Ladies Repairing a fpt cialty. Fine Custom Work always enhand, any style and satisfaction fHinrantecd, as to Mock and work. Siioemskers' Findings always on hand and for sale, the best in the market, at low prices- FRANK L0UGHRAN & BR0., Wine and Liquor Merchants. PROPRIETORS OF PROPRIETORS OF Ashevtlle's "Bonanza," Loughran's "Acme," Main Street, 3d door above the Bank. Cor. Main & Eagltfsts, under Whitlock's, FINE POOL AND BILLIARD TABLES IN BTH BARS. iWe buy our Wines and Liquors direct from the Dealers and Im porters. . - - '. -5aOur Liquors are recommended by the Leading Physicians of the State. . . Fine Old 'Mountain Goro Whiskey a Spacialty. Goods Packed' and, ' Shipped to Jill Points. . MOTHERS' PIIIE1TD! No Mere Terror ! Thia Invaluable prepar atlon is ruly a trinmph of No More Pain t sclentiflc skill, and no more tneaumaoie Deneni ISo. More Danger ! was ever bestowed on the mothers of the world it not only shortens TO tne time 01 iaoor ana ies sens the intensity of pain, but, better than all, it Mother or Child trreatiT mminisnes tne danger to life of both mo ther and child, and leaves tne motner in a conamon The Bread of llotlierliood l.Ukt..AMkl.lA.IUJ recovery, ana iar less nay bie to nooaing, convuls ions, ana other alarming; symptoms Incident to lin gering and atnfal labor. TEANSFOEMKD TO its truly wonaertui emc- acy in this respect entitles the Mother's Fbund to be ranked as one of the life-saving applicants giv en to the world by the dis HOPE coveries nf modern science AND From the nature of the case It will of coarse be understood that we cannot JOY. publish certificates con cerning this Kbmkdt wlth 011 1 wounding the delicacy Safely and Eaae TO Suflerins; Woman of the writers. Yet we have hnndreds of such testim onials on Die, and no mo ther who has once nsed It will ever again be without it inner time 01 trouble. A prominent physician lately remarked to the proprietor, that if it were admissible to make public the letters we receive, the "Mother's Friend" would outsell anythimg on the market. I must earnestly entreat every female expecting to be confined, to use Mother's Belief. Coupled with this entreaty I will add Chat during a long obstetrical practice (forty-four yeais). I have never known it to fail to produce a safe and quick delivery. H. J. HOLM KS, V. p., Atlanta, Ga. Bend for onr Treatises on "Health and Happiness of Woman," mailed free. Bkadfikld Kkgulatok Co., Atlanta, -Ga. X BRAND & CO. UNDERTAKERS. ASHEVILLE, N. C. Metallic and Walnut Coffins constantly oirhand. Every requisite of the business furnished. All calls da v Or nich t Drom tt- iy answered. Hearse? 1 unished when desired mL-wly SOMETHING CHOICE! lo LOVERS OF THE WEED, who enjoy a really good smoke, should always ask for HOLMES' Golden Ial, iLaind of the Sky, ' Pisgali. bratcd Tobaccos grown in Western North Caro lina, free from all perfumeries, adulterations o impurities.and are prized for their Superb Smoking Qualities. Ask your dealers or HOLMES' tobacco, and take no other. OrtWr rrtmx Iht Trmdt Hilicitt. K I. HOLMEF & CO. Propkiktobs an 2-12mos ASHKYILUt N STEAM GRIST MILL, NEAR NEW DEPOT. ASIIETllIiE, W. C. OUR NEW 3TEaM MILLS are in full operation, and wo are ready to supply families or merchants with- . -;. THE BEST MEAL, BEST MILL FEED, HAY AND FODDER, &c. At the lowest prices, FOE CASH! Corn ground for usual toll, prompt delivery guaranteed. Give us a call. JORDAN & HALYBURTON. ap 1-swtf . JVE1T STORE, JVElf riiuti, JTElVGOOnS. Family Grocery, Hay ami - Teed Store, South Main Street, (above Eagle Hotel,) ASHEVILLE. N. C FULL Stock of Family Groceries, Lard, Bacon, Sugars. Coffee, Canned Goods, Soap, Soda, Spices, Kerosene Oil, dc, Ac. Flour, ileal, Corn, Hay, Mixed Feed, Bran, Shorts, &c, purchased by the car-load, and on hand con stantly, at the lowest prices. Give us a call. je22daw6m MURRAY & HARKINS. NOTICE. , The undersigned having qualified as the Executrix of the last will and testament of Erwtn Sluder. deceased, hereby notifles all paities havinft claims against the said Krwin bl Oder to exhibit the same to her the said Exec utrix 00 or before the IStti day of July, A. D 1SS6. This July lSlh,A.D.,lss5. JULIA A. SLUDEIl, Jy 18 w6w Executrix of Erwln SulUcr, dc'd. I PROFESSIONAL CARDS. CJ M. McLOCD CHASA.MOoRK jyjoLOUD & MOOEE, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, -- ASHEVILLE, N. C. , . Practice In the United States Circuit and Dls riet Courts at Asheville, StatesviUe, Charlotte and Greensboro; In the Supreme Court at Raleigh and in the Courts of the 8th and 9th Judicial Dis tricts of the State of North Carolina. Special attention given to collections of claims may 241 y w A s w , JE. T. J. WIL80N, Physician and Surgeon, Office for the present at residence, (the Hotwl House,) corner of North Main and Cherry sts. my 11 dawlr SAM VVESTRAY BATTLE, M. D., (U. S. Navy,) Offers his professional services to the citizens of Asheville. Residence and office on Bailey Street au3dly D K. JOHN HEY WILLIAMS, F1.ysictan and Surgeon. OfP.ce: Main St., 2 doors south of Bank. Sesi deuce oa French Broad Avenue. Office hours 11 '. a:, to 1 p. m., and from 8 to 6 p. m. THEC. DxVIDBOl. Jxs. o. Maktik Davidson a martin, Attorneys) Sc CoansIlors)-sitIjiw feA ASUKVILLK, N. C. Wli; pi. tlw In the 3th and 9th Judicial Districts! and iu the Supreme Court of North Carolina, cud in the Federal Courts ot Ue Western District of North Carolina. Refer to the Bank of Asheville. 8epl9-w4w6m JOCKE CRAIG, Attorney at law, ASHEVILLE, N. Q; Office in Court House. dec 6-1 y JAMES A. BURROUGHS, Physician and Surgeon, ASHEVILLE, N. O, Office over Powell & Snider's. Residence corner, of Main and Woodfin streets de 16-iv g F. VBNABLB, Civil Engineer and General Surveyor, prepared to do all work in his profession, and offers bis services especially in Levellna;, Road casing, MaKing .Estimates on work. Laying Off Locating: and Platting or Mapping Ciiy Lots, ant Estimating or Mapping Work already done JO a -a- J A. TENNENT, : Architect and Civil Engineer. Designs, Specifications, and Estimates of any style of building furnished upon appjication, and tworkrupe riii tended when desired. All work en trusted to me as Civil Engineer will receive prompt attention. Thorough drainage of lands, a specialty. Post Office address, Asheville 01 Best, N. C. Residence Bwannanoa Bridge. may 16-6mos rjpH08. A. JONES, Attorney at Law, ASHEVILLE, N. C, . oct 22-1 y s w Office with Davidson & Marti D RS W, L. & W. V. HILLIARD, Physicians and Surgeons. Office next door south Old Bank, jan 3-6 mos rnos. D. Johnston. Geo. 'A. Huroan JOHNSTON & SHL'FORD, Attorneys A Connaellatrs-at-law, ' ASHBVIIXK, N. C. Will practice in the 8th and 9th Judicial District ol .North Carolina, in the Supreme Court of State, and iu the federal Courts at Asheville. . Tht collection ot claims, the examination ol titles u real property, and the settlement of estates a siicrialty by the firm. Office in the Johnston building. a 17-ly NEW CASH STORE A Place to Get Bargains ! CHAS. E. LEE, (SUCCESSOR TO J. E. RANKIN it CO.)' 1st door above Farmers Warehouse.' A8IIEVIULK, N. C. AFnllIJnor Well SlceteU ds!o Stiaeai andCoUlac Speelalty! Mv stock embraces everything usually kept in stlrst-clasB general store, such as DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. AJJ V.IJ. UAAV-J, HATS AND CAPS. NOTIONS, CLOTHING, HARDWARE, nv wirnr WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. t. will seU you a SITJr7 XACniE, war ranted for five years, with top, folding leaf, two drawers, such as usually sell for 140.00 to tM.W, for TWENTY-FIVS DOLLARS. Satisfaction eua ranteed or money refunded. Iam the Asheville Agent for the Hoyal Ht. Jhn Scwlsisr -cbiste as above described. Freth Grass Seeds vriU be received in a Jen daj I thank my friends and customers of a few . years ago, while in the retail business with flea sant,MUlis&Co.and C. E. Graham, for their past patronage, and trust to merit a coutiuuant'e of the same. Messrs. John A. Brookshire and Sam'l W. Ray formerly with J. E. Rankin & Co., are with me and would be pleased to have their friends call. REMEMBER THE PLACE I 1st door above Farmers' Warehouse, C E. Graham OldSlanl. Call Md be convinced! Gda ; ravateed a represented. Ja80-waswly C"OTTAGE FOR RENT. A Cottage, containing five rooms, the residence ot the late Dr. J. . Hardy, located oa Church street, will be rented on reasonable terms, vippit 10 - j. m r. .1. jun 3-dtf Jtf Or, T. W. YAT'W't', w ANTED, A TrtneThIn with a man of capital or means to Steam Liry and rehandle Leaf Tobacco on order in Asheville. With a man of long experience and established trade In the leaf and niHtiuuictiiring tmiie's ol Vindnia, Kentucky, Jorlh Carolina and toreign markets. AilrefesL. W. N'., juiv i d 1 mo BOX GS RciJsviIic, N. C. 1 Jy 19-tltf W. ltUINEKAHT, Itopt.