ASHEVILLE CITIZEN; R. M. FURMAN, JORDAN STONE, J. D. CAMERON.- j-EDITOM. VVED'DAY EVEN'G. Sept. 2, '85. ' as ,oq pes AJsrwcris- Considerable Interest hag been ex cUed in Neyr brk' by the rumors that come, or purport; lo come' from Europe to theeffect. that Germany proposes to obtain possession of the island of Cuba, whether by purchase Or forcible occupalioirV does not ap pear. The latter would "be the'moet '"' probable, because in the present re- ,. lations between Germany and Spain , the latter would not look for a mo ment to the .transfer of: her, most cherished possession to on who has so recently insulted ' bet" Vy the oc cupationiPf;apthergrpupof islands over which Spain has had nominal ' sovereignty for three hundred years. Perhaps fie seizure of the Caroline ' Islands was ihtended as an aggres - siyeLaci, pleading "to war, which wouldive the opportunity desired to lay hold amCuoa, which Germa ny might do ; in defiance of any force Spain might oppose on land or sea. . Perhaps, however, the rumor was orisrinated to stimulate . th interest of the people of the -United States, and to nrevent the possibilities of "(he island passing under the con .trolofany other European power than Spain. The acquisition of Cuba has long been a cherished ob ject with many ofo,ur statesman, 'and the coveted prize of many a filibuster. Negotiations for pur chase have been made time without number; and numerous expeditions have been thrown upon its shores, relying upon the disloyalty of the natives to hold possession,1 and then .turn it over as a conquest "to the care of our Government The good sense of the country has, decreed that Cuba should remain as it is, in a condition pf quasi neutrality, giv ing no . uneasiness, to our. trade, giv ing us good markets for our pro ducts, and supplying us on good TEN TITOUSAND PERSONS DROWNED. 'terras,, with the products of the tropics. So long as the island re mains in the possession of Spain, too weak to be aggressive, and too politic to be insolent, the people of thig country prefer to be free from the charge of aa acquisition which would bring with it numerous bur dens and responsibilities. The case would be -different Germany or England were to acquire possession, lhe island lies at our very doors; lies across the path of our transit . from one part of our coast territory to the other; on the very highway of our trade, not only between our own ports, but between us and Mexico and Central Ameri ca, and a most j important part of South America; commanding also the sea route to our Pacific coast territory, and the west coast of South America. It is easy to foresee what obstruction could be placed upon those paths by such powerful com mercial rivals as.Germany and Eng land, with, military force and naval forcefully adequate to enforce any aggression.. . ... . The . united States could never consent to such transfer. It can never suffer itself to be gagged and bound, as it would lie, '.when a great European power L held watch and ward at our very door j' 1 and stood guard over the movements which are now free and unrestrained. We do not want Cuba. But it must re main with Spain, or it must be free, Or it m ust be ours. It cannot go to Germany. or England.. The opening of the cotton mills in - Baltimore, Is . ona .'. of if) most marked signs ofthe revival of busi ness.' The5 activity 'of -the -'Iron in dustry is another; nd!ihe large in crease of Southern and ; Western or ders in the New York - dry goods and thir markets,' is significant of the turning of the tideJ - It has been a Ion? weary pull against a. dead current,. -iirtd -in very low water Many a fortune has been i . stranded; but those who have escaped ship wreck,! will beriri '.better1, condition than, .ever to profit by their escape. Tiie Univebsity.--Welearn from Chapel .Ilill letters 1 that the new professors make a very fine impres sion as able, accomplished and agreeable ' men. The additional courses ..have been ettledr and the inst itution starts under most favor able auspices'. As might be expected from the past and prospective bad crops the number of new students is as yet pot so large as last vear, but the old students who will return number, more, so that the ". session starts. with about 180 on the .rolls. Many more new students are known to be 6n, the yr&y. News-Observer;' i .v " . When the band begins to play and the youth beauty and chivalry of the coun try go whirling through the gaitiea of the ball room, you may bet they have bought their dancing pomps at W. T. Weaver & Co.'s One.Price Store. v tf Entire Tillages Engulfed fcy a Recent Deluge in China. A dispatch from Washington says: "Details of the destruction in Can ton, China and vicinity ; by the great rain, storm there have been received by private parties in this city The flod was-tne most serious which has visited Canton in thirty years. More than leu thousand persons lost their lives' and a far greater number are left in a starving condition. E atire villages were engulfed, and the rice'and silk crops in the vicinity, were almost .ruined. The price oi rice has been ' raised eighteen per cent in consequence of the loss or the crop, lhe ram lei the latter part of June, overflowing all the rivers. Many . of the streets of Canton' were flooded for over week. At Si : Ni city the water broke through the city-wall. It is reported that several thousand people were drowned in that place, The embankments ol the rivers were broken in numerous places and the waters swept across the surrounding ' country, carrying everything before it. - A foreigner, who was an eye-witness of the scenes of destruction, reports that r t a At v one mgcu me Doat ne occupiea, anchored near a bamboo grove; By morning the water had risen to the tops of the bamboos. At other points it rose as high as forty feet during a night-time.' The inhabi tants fled from the villages and camped on the hillsides. At Kun In, a marketplace, situa ted near an embankment of one of the streams connected with - the river which brings water from the North and West rivers, theniaiority ol the inhabitants were drowned by the water breaking through the embankment. Some escaped to a piece ol rising ground in the neigh borhood: but the water continued to rise, and gradually overtopped the elevation, drowmg those who stood upon it! Seventeen Chinese grad nates in Canton, hearing of the dis tress and suffering prevalent in their native villages, took passage on ' a boat, with a view to proceeding home to render what assistance they could. On the way the boat was capsized, and all who were in it drowned. In some places parents led their children on the high branches of trees, whilst they insti tuted measures for their general safety. - The trees were washed up by the roots, and the heartrending cries of the children were silenced in the surging waters. The body of a bride dressed in her bridal robes was found floating in the river at Canton. A large tub was also seen. It was picked up and found to contain a boy and a girl. With them was a paper stating their names, and the day and hour of their' birth. Their parents had instituted this means to save the life of their offspring. The writer of the letter from which the above is taken, says : "The suffering that is being endured by thousands .in this prov ince is simply heartrendering. Children are calling to their parents that they are hungry, and the broken-hearted parents can only reply, with their eyes blinded with tears, that they have nothing to give them. These floods will, of course, bring other calamities. The subsiding waters will leave an alluvial deposit that will burden the atmosphere with malarial poison. The people are obliged to use the hithiest and dirtiest water, which must give them all sorts of disease. The non pro gressive character of these people leaves them helpless and undone in the face ofcalamitv, and all they can do is to beat gongs, burn in cense, howl to the heavens that are as brass, pray to one idol to go and cause another to stop his raining, prohibit the killing of pigs, close the north gate, snub the northern ruler. and then take their chance." ', West Virginia seems to have been the mark for pestilence and famine, two conjunctions, of calamity very unusual; in a country so largely blessed as the United 5 States. Last year a cry went up not before heard, of suffering from causes new to this country. Recently theory is"" re newed: 'v :,wVj i - A disoatclr from Wheeling- say "A panic prevails- in . that part , of Clay county, W, , Va lying along Sycamore creek, " arising irom. the ravages of a strange fatal, disease among the : few inhabitants of : that region. About fifty people have been stacked, of whom a score have died, .and the death rata promises to increase with great rapidity. . The Weekly Progress says'. Hotels and Summer Resorts SWANNANOA HOTEL : Asbeville, N. C. t Altitude, 2.339 Feet Above the. Sea. Thk recent Additions and mtroveraenta to the-Swanw anoa make it, perhaps, the most attractive anj comfortable Hotel in the Sooth. Its Tower and 450 feet of galleries furnish views of the Swannanoa Bivnr and the French Broad River valleys. Also views of the Bine Ridge, Pisgah, Balaam, New Found and -Elk ranges of mountains, peaks of which are over D,uuu ieet mgn. . uonvenient to I ost, Express, Telegraph nd Railroad Ticket Offices, and Asbeville Bank, Asheville Library and Ashe ville Club Booms. . Purest mountain water conducted to and through the Hotel. All Modern Conveniences ' fine 6r- The Ball Boom is 50x150 feet. A Every hour brings ' the sad news cn68tr from Philadelphia is engaged for the was thought to be flux, but is now believed to' be another and more fatal disorder; A vague, horrible fear has begun to fill the breasts ot some, l it may. not be cholera, but the symptoms are vcr' much , like it,"- :1 ... ...:..,:,;.., -.. .!( I Special Rates to Parties by the Month. The Proprietors take special pride in the Tidiness of their House, and the successful management of the cuisine department. , BAWLS BROTHERS, juniaf ' Proprietors.' The Summer Resort of the South. A Relic of the War.- Mr. Wm. M. Hanline. of the Palais Roval has shown Us a copy . of the Vicksburg Vinzen, iated J uly zd lobo. It con tains tour columns, is printed on wall paper, and forcibly reminds this writer of the lively times the gray backs had. The leading edit orial announces the death of Mrs. Cisco, whose husband lived in Vir ginia; Major Uillespie receives ed itorial thanks for a beefsteak; some comments " are made on the war, and dealers are excoriated for sell ing flour at $5 per pound, molasses at 910 a gallon, and corn at $10 per bushel. "These were the times that tried men's souls," but this rebel sheet was jubilant and defiant, and winds up its editorial comment on the times as follows: "No more will we eulogize the luxury of mule meat and frifcaseed kitten, and urge Sou thern warriors to such diet never more. This is our last , wall paper edition, and will one day be a curi osity. Lynchburg Advance. You will save monev bv sroine to J. L. Wilkie & Go's Book Store, Eagle Build ing. . augltf First-class Shoes of stylish shapes and Dest quality made to order by W . T. Weaver & Co. '"'tf Ladies' "Common Sense' and "Ooera xoe .rrencn lUd. at Levy's.: CLTLS HI'S 1IF.AD HOTEL. T OCATFIopon the summit of Cesar's Head J ' UbuinaanrAold mxfr of the Blue Ridra in upper South Carolina, 4600 feet above tide water; having an averaec temperature of from 65 to 70 oeCTees. Climate unparalleled. No dews. No frosts. uescripiion. Mineral waters aDunaant. Is Now Open for the Reception of Guests, Daily stages and moil from Hendersonville. N. C; distance 84 miles Rood roads. Teems 82.00 per dav: 810.00 per week: S35.00 for four weeks. Children under eierht vears. and col- t . A. MI1J8. M. D., )e8-d2m Proprietor. uuio rui TURNPIKE HOTEL, Fifteen Miles West of Asheville. THIS DELIGHTFUL JtESORT, WELL KNOWN as one of the most charming summer retreats in tne mountains, is now oven for the reception oi guesis. A new Duiiaincr. -containinor twentv immi. comfortably and handsomely furnished, has oeen compieiea ana aaaea to tne alrenav lanre i-apuuuy oi tae esuioiuuiment. The Hotel is situated immediately on the line Of the Murohv Division of the Western North Carolina Railroad, fifteen miles west of Asheville. Trains from. the east reaov Turnpike at 10.15 a. m, ana returning east, leave at 2.48 p. m. Post Office and Telegraph Office on the premises. In addition to pure and-cold snrintr water. there is a fine Chalybeate spring on the premises. Bath Rooms will be completed bv the 15th of July. A tine bold Creek flows by the hotel. TEEMS: Per day, - - . - - $ WO Per week, - - - - - 8.00 Per month, - ' - . . 30.00 For particulars, apply to MBS. J. C. 81IATHERS, junl8iaugl Turnpike, Buncombe Co., N. C. ON THREE YEARS TIME, Monthly instalments, without inte rest. ul0-d6m U. DOUBLiEDAY. SILVER SPRINGS 6,ooo. A DELIGHTFUL SUMMER - RESORT. ,ooo THE CITIZEN ' 1 . j ' " : : - . bob oPFie,; ' ' - Pf? P El R O hu devoted tS year to UwspMta! treatment ef Ctrrtl, Z JiTSL?', !tV P 0'sea, (uuaderer the Am-Osyirni 4..forUie pro . ""euonuXUuUwgnderfulXBBioay.u.MibylnhaUUon.BuwW.jly koowiutlw OX YGES1 TREATMENT ie r Fey ; Plates. I Werefer V Hon. Wi V F H Ti w, A. nT2 Ciiiimptloi, Bronchitis, Asthma, fofthf ? Cat,aErh Nervous, Prostration, sto. Bnd euunp ; . "'A"!. rav"" uw " Pe four voiorsa, AiiUroiDR. PEIRO, Chicaso Opera House, Itta Teferbypermlninnteafewnf mrrpatronit l'-et W-,tHl.iWJ,ILL. win, rnn niion,ui.inwu(u, m m UnlCaRO. Can. C. H. Unumrrt. Un. T. D " rt.r.! a' X2)f,,lc.l!?M'E,'lr',l'etta0-Rood " Chicago. N B- Our Oxvon tsjnfelvmt anvwhre in te DMM fttntn. Canaia oriAmybn-iixyrus, gty, piuin, compuu tncUmulti tack trtalmntt. CORNER PATTON AVKUE AND MAIN ST., OPPOSITE COURT SQUARE, --ilrpK .X-.-- IS COUPLETS IN EVERY BE8PECT, AMU IS JfKJSfABED TO DO ALL MANNER OF j)0B RiWTIWg . ; " U!tt BKVOLD'S LIYERY STABLE IN BEAK OV PEXJJIMAN & CO.S, Dealer in MAKU AIMU SOFT COAL. This yard will be pnt in thorough condition, and nil r-onl ttlll lvnnr cli1ir n,l kept dry and clean. Each lot weighed and delivered free. Nut, Stone and Ee Anthracite always on hand and. in anv quantity desired. . ' Soie Agent for Main Jcllico Mountain Coal Company the very BEST SOFT COAL in use. . . .. - TESTIMONIALS. True Merit Mfins Where Practical Men are Judges Read What is Said About JELLICO MOUNTAIN COAL. AT THE LOWEST HOUSES, IN THE SHORT EST POSSIBLE TIME AND IN THE BEST S .,. . :- MANNER. . Water works, Atlanta, G a., September 2 r,th, 1883 The" engineer of the Water Works reports this morninr that hn lm mmnloiil n 1 hour's test of the Jellico Mountain CoaK Tlie test is as follows : Water pumped, 3787,200 gallons; Coal consumed, 12,900 pounds; water pumped to 100 pounds of coal, 21,606 gallons: water oreasure maintained through rsi in nnnnHs: head, in feet, 72.7 to which the water was numned: total mimhcr nrnnnmli raknl Iff nr-lf IT T IT 1 1 -1 P i,-A'77" "Jinions pounas raisea one loot wiin KXr-potmds coal, 7,079.122, if 8 Will flOt dG Underworked hich is ,T,orQ "ian the 'Iders guaranteed the engines to do with the best coal. Mr. J I J I - 1 . .......... ... n 1 . imL, mm iiu willlKt'l U1IU lllill LI nr ill tn wcro not cleaned during the whole 24 hours. From the result of the above test I must pro nounce the J. M. an excellent steam coal. Respectfully W. G. RICHARDS, Supt. Water Works. N. B. Since the above test another has been made in which 2R.773 9 rallnna w.tsr warn raised to 100 pounds of coal, instead of 21,606 in the first test. This shows an increase of over 7000 gallons over any other coal, a fact of itself worthy of note. . . ' W. O . It. 8npt. nO YOU WANT I-1 YOU WANT PROGRAMM'S, CIRCULARS, CARDS, LETTER-HEADS, BILL-HEADS, POSTERS, ENVELOPES, NOTE, HEADS, PAMPHLET PRINTING, TAGS, LAND DEEDS, Mortgage Deeds, SHERIFFS' DEEDS, CIVIL WARRANTS, STATE WARRANTS, JUSTICES' JUDGMENTS, JUSTICES' EXECUTIONS, CHATTEL MORTGAGES, &c. ALL' AND OBTAIN SAM PLES AND PRICES BEFORE GIVING YOUR ORDERS. 1 1 1 u u ! li ij u u H . ' . . . " Chattanooga, Tbsn, Jane 9, lp8l. we retrara vour'coal as .he best we evpriiRid. Tn mir tpdvA uvmi t ama 1 . n,ai.ii. seven heatu in heating furnace over the next best coal we ue. Onlv have to clean erate once a day with it; with the other we have to clean twice, and otten three t imcs. It is the pn rest coal we ever used. " LOOKOUT K(M)LIK; mii.i - ' - ! Johnson. NORFOLK Sc WESTERN RAILROAD COMPA Y. Office Superintendent Western DfNinn. ... . . , , . , . Lynchburg, Va, ltith. April He Have obtained renorts tl.e onr-lneern w n hav. ,ai vnn mui mhink ,.f aatijfactory character. They tpe ek well of thoconl in every respect. Thcv all say that it is the best coal they have ever used roniine from the line 01 vour roaD. . tfliANK H i:r;KR- Superintendent, Ve burned the Jcllico Mountain Coal on the steamnr vi (T T.llv Inrtnir wlntnv anil OilnV t preferable to other coal It burns up without leaving so many clinker ait other coal. A T I OVE We are well satisfied with the Jellico MmintHln f!naV oITaf thnmnvhlv tntttlntr If nf i. mill Wa consider It the cheapest cool we buy owing to the fact that there Is leas waste. 'If MCDANIEL ft CO. There is less dust and ashes from Jcllico Mountain Coal than any we have heretofore used. ' . CJB. WOUPWARD. I And there is loss waste in the .Tollirn Ittle ashes ji'i iskan. We find that there 'is less dnst nl nshra than when tising other coal. UGCPOltNE.. ' n e are very well satisliea with Jcllico Mountain Coal. Cousider It the best on the murket: SCOTT, DEMS.TEii it C n y for u. s, COMMISSIONER'S BLANKS OF ALL KINDS' FT7B2XA2T Ss STONE, Proprietors. If you want this excellent Coal. order immediately of S. P- Venahle. Asheville. N. C. Airent. iNortn Carolina lor Main Jellico Mountain Loal Co., "PARADISE REGAINED." A Beautiful Summer Home in the. "Land of the Sky.j haywood; WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, 3tf Jtliles If est of Jisheville, Branch of the Western N. C. York, Pa., August 31. A com motion was caused, in the Evangeli cal Church, at Win tertown in this county, Sunday morning. The pas tor had announced that he would preach a" memorial sermon on Gen. Grant. A man named Fulton said no such sermon should be preached When the pastor, Rev. Shultz, began in his sermon to make reference to heroes of Bible times and then spoke of our hero just placed in his . last resting . place, Jb ulton called out to him to stop, at the same time ad vancing to the pulpit. "The preach er continuing, if ulton seized and dragged him away from the pulpit striking him a blow with his fist, knocking him .down. Simon Jn 11 1. -a. gjeorecnt, wno interierrea to save the pastor from assault, received one of Itulton's blows on-his face. There was great excitement, and after a time order was restored anfl ser vices proceeded." Fulton, it is re ported this morning, has skipped uver the line into the state of Mary land. " . AH Wool Dregs Good in great variety, SUks, Surahs, IUmdames, Satins. Velvets Satines, Percales, Ginghams, Lavms, Prints, C . U. liKUWVUD & CO. eodtf ' ' . FIVE .,11 EST . Wanted to join live more and buv 6.000 acres of valuable land, near line of R. E. and public wagon road. At One Dollar per Acre. This land is wejl timbered with a great variety oi wooas, abundantly watered with springs and. streams of free-stone water, one creek affording good water power, one-third of it good for tobacco, tne rest good, lor cram, grass and frait growing. Trout in. streams, turkev. deer and bear in woods and mountains. This land lies well for sub-division and settle ment, and can be: retailed at a handsome profit, mdeb of it very cheap at $5 per acre. NOW IS THE TIME. For particulars, call on Walteb B. & office in 'ie. Grand Central Hote THIS HOUSE, LOCATED IMMEDIATELY West of the French Broad bridge at Atheville. is now ready for the entertainment of the Sum mer travel, witn good rooms, either in the mam building or in the cottages, well fitted up, and with a table supplied with all the market affords, I can comfortably entertain either families or single individuals during tne summer months. nun nne MINERAL WA TERS (Both Iron and Chalybeate), On the place, and within 10 minutes' ride of the centre of Asheville, I can ofier greater advan tages man anv other place adjacent to Asnevuie. or lunner information, write to, or can on Mbs. R. G. MABRY, jun3 d3m Asheville, N. C STOP AT THE OPENED AGAIN! NOTICE. . Asthe health of our nftrtnerfJunt. J. M. Jones, makes it necessary to do business in one place instead ot two. we wlU.on Mondav.the 17th day of Auirost. remove the entire stock of gooas to our store, , At the Corner of Depot Street and Potion ' Avenue, under the Arlington House,' and will be glad to have our fi lends continue to deal with us there. ":27i Store his been recently enlarged. We will keep a delivery wagon, and will fill orders promptly and carefully. ' ' augU-dl w. .:-'.: -MORGAN & JONES. EIGHT XITOW. 200 ACRES VALU ABLE LAND with large Orcnad and frame dwelling, immedi ately on line of railroad, and close to Asheville, for sale cheap and on easy terms. ' Apply immediately to aui i.K is.uwi, aug 15-d a w lw Land Agea HAMPTON A FEATHERSTOft .Opposite Court House Square, Asheville, JT. C, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Pare North Carolina and Kentucky. Brandies, . and Whiskies. ALSO . - '' - . A FULL LINE OF CHOICE AND ' ' SJtIOKJMG TOBACCOS, POUTER, ALE. BEER -.'.-AD IN VARIETY.- r- , x . G reat care has been taken in the selections (J the above 1 ARTICLE, . : A N D - " : Our patrons may be assured that theyioill find themselves AMPLY COMPENSATED r- hv a visit to us. WHEN YOU VISIT ASHEVILLE, If you like good fare, fine rooms, good attend v. ance, etc. 14,150 Arrivals in 2 Tears, Or over 18 ner dav. shows the hieh esteem In wmcn it is neia, French cook, nollte. waiters, fresh water from Beancatcher Mountain, cold and hot baths, elec tric Dens in eacn 100m, Board $1.80. $2 and S50 ner dar: $8 to $10 per wee 1 ; tm 10 wo per montn. aatisiacuon guaran- teeu; - . R. Chedester Son. : Owners and Proprietors. A. L. WtLEY. of Vlnrinia. Clerk. O.NEVILLE, late of Raleigh and of PurceU iouse, JNonoiK, caterer. Look Out for tlte Red Bus at the Depot. jel6-daw3m - r. . aThe attpntion of dealers is respectftilly invlt ed to our stock, as we arc prepared to supply any demand. . June2T-tl ; . , , - .. . -. , BEEF MARKET Grain and Provision Store. MURRAY & HARKINS, DEALERS IN. Grain, Feed and Groceries. ; SOUTH MAIN STREET; :, We also have in connectioa a first-class Meat Market, and the well-known Oeorge W. Pace as Cutter. Nothing but : good meats delivered anywhere in the city. . All we ask is a trial. - . a 11-iaeczz. MOST DESIRABLE SUMMER RESIDENCE. v in 1-2 hour's drive of Ashevill&ovet . a excellent road 70 acres of gronnd.JThe situa tion is delishtftil, the mountain viewre superb. One hundred acres of wood land very rtoe by forsale. Gallon WALita n. jn . aug lft-d w lw ' EAGLE nOTEL. r 1 ltiii. Aianajzeuient or tuis Hotel, in I consideration of tbe present hard tiroes, and. to meet the wishes of the traveling public, have decided to reduce tneir rates, on and alter tne loth or August. For terms please apply at the office. au!4dlw The Battle House, . ? , WaynesTiUe, 3V. C. THOH VtinVY REEriLT. renovated and re painted. In the ci i ire ol i lie town, near the famous White SulplM.r i!tiu. Accommoda. tions good. . itatea n.iersif. Jy l-otf W. RHISkflART. Prop'r, r Mt TJOAVtJU IIO TJEL,, 'I ''li E.; H. ORVEU, rro'r, ' . Near, lhe Haywood Wfu'te Sulphur Springs. THIS HOUSE is situated in the business part of the town, within 15 minutes walk of the White Sulphur Springs. A beautiful view ol liie Balsam Mountains. Uood rooms, first-cluM lure and satisfaction guarnteed. Hacks at the repot. TIIJ2 JfleJflfJYJY HOUSE THIS ITOUSE house is now open for the rocep tion of goests. ... i ; i -v.- A New Building, containing twenty room, comaria- Wy od neatly famixhed. i.' ' - For particulars. addrs . . , ; N. McMlsM,; Jy-16-dtsel - .. . Brevard, N. C. ' HOUSE FOR RENT. t '; An elegant residonce 2 ' miles from Court : House, on Beaver -Dam road. A place of rare beauty, 7 rooms, furnish ed. Splendid pardt-n and out house attached. Tcr n. low..' For further in formation apply to K. J. ASTlN. auueodw On the Murphy Altitude, : : :. : Temperature of the Water : - - The most beautiful place in North see lor vourselt. Jy 7.d2m J. C' S. Rail Road. : 2900 Feet. - - 53 Degrees Carolina. . Come and TIMBERLAKE, Manager. NEW GOODS At Spot Cash Store FALL Indigo White .A'few A big line of SHOES. PRINTS in medium and colors. HATS in late styles. Goods, just, what is wanted. 25 ct. Corsetts left. Come and see ' me." -and make you happy. ' J. O. HOWELL, '. . ! spot Cash Stohe. FUR 3 Wi.. "s7". IB. T7illia.Triaoii - . WHOLESALE AX1) HHTAIL, DEEI.ER IN .' ' ':.' Furniture, Doors, Sash and Blinds, : ASHEVILLE, N. C. n, , You will find at WILLIAMSON'S the larzesi and best selected Stock of Furniture ever broujrht to Western North Carolina. Lnro-e stock of Sash, Doors and Blinds constantly on hand. Call on him and get prices before purchasing. We will save. money. Salesmen UHAb. A. MUSlL,iSY c 13. M. TONES. you THE OLD RELIABLE SINGER Machine Is Still the Best. mm mi iwmi m sals, "THE fiTORE HOUSE AND LOT ON1 TATTON Avenne. adjoinlnar C Cowan's Jewelry Store on tbe West and one door Kast f C. E. Ora- am's Wholesale Stoie. the Drow?rt v of the late Hugh Johnston, will be sold on Tuesday. Septem ber the 15th at IS n. to the hishest bidder tor cash, or one half cash and one half on twelve months time.'- . . The lot extends thronrh from Patton Avenue to Pulliam Street, with a front width of 30 feet and mcnes on eacn. - It has on it a well built Brick Stoie frontlne on Patton Avenue with a depth of about eigbtv feet. The first floor and basement are occupied by 6. W. Morgan it Co., for General Merchandise. The Upper room is occupied by the Young Ken's Christian Aesociation. Title Indisputable. Terms cash, orattheon- tlonof purchaser on half cash and ona hali by netel vear after date, at 8 ner cent, interest, se cured by power-of-sale-mortgajre on the proper- rosseesion given at once, p.'l..,or. cms a This Improved Family Sinner Mach ine is without a defect. It runs smooth ly and noiselessly, and the must delicate lady can M'ork it with ease. It is equally adapted to the lightest and heaviest sewing, and has a full line of attach ments. Agents in every county attcwu to the wants of customers, ilerit will tell. The immense number of Singer machines sold proves its Bujeriority overall others. Three-fourth of the machines sold are Singers. "They are sold on easy terms so that every family can have one. Mothers need" not lo worked to death sewing at night, when a pleasant hour's work a day will do it all. Good reliable men can secure pro fitable employment by addressing THE SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPAN Y . - Richmond, Va., or ian 15-fl mos r Asheville. X.GL f.i . aug.5-dfcw,tds. B. G. GUDGER. 1 WeMito,. R. B. JOHNSTON, "cento's. The "Wheeler and Wilson MANUFACTURING CO.'S, OFFICE, ' ; main Street, Asheville, TX. C., - Arc offering their 3Vt AC PI T 1ST ES V!!1".1 -"S THE PLACE to And pearly anything h' : ?:. TOO wAt,' At n--ix .1 ' ''--. Bottom Cash JPricer 1 '-, is at the "Store of A , . II. J OK !fc 80, , Bank.Elock, Asheville, N.C . rs , CASHlor GOODS paid for country pro duce when not eupplied. Goods deliv ered in city limits rroe or charge. ju24-wjy A. IU JUEi & BUiN. On terms Consistent with the exigencies in - , ;,. iiancial condition of our Fcctior. ,. the fi- Call and ascertain, terms jy 20-1 m - & Or address by letter. - tT A TTnn77T 9 active Ain rJTTEXMGEWT agteitts in ill JLM I ind eounty to kU out fOPULAU NIW BOOKS and X Bill Ltd. AtmiKtcra, tttsatacn and othei, vhosa tim is not folly oaeupird, will find it to then to corrcannna with ua. To farmer on and other Tounir men iuitcominaroa th field of Mtic IuuauicM Quufa wnuf uuvancngpfi, ikith nnm mean oi naicini; money ana oi aeir cuirnre. y riieior h 'aciai h-rautg U. F iOlSXSOH 4b CO.. l,OU JUalx fctrect. 2ilcbxnid. n. owa Mils'