A ABIIETIUE SOCIETIES. Cyrene 0inma,ider.tn. S a t nui. v,. .. Jjinmander ; Jordan Stone, Secretary, keets liret tVedncsday night in each month. Asncmuc warner, x. A. M. A. IL.Baird ju. Herman 1.MHX. No. lis. a. v Aa a r J. A. Porter, Worspful Master: Sam'l H. Reed, lecretary. Meets the first Friday night in each Suxmnanoa Lodge, A, ol JET., No. 6.-T. . C. drown. .Dictator: Jordan . stone. Hacretarv AluetK the first and third Monday nights in each uioutii. ... J.V-iiWi l!rmrl niuAj V! n Till i a art plnsky. Regent: Jordan Stone, Secretary. Meats in the hall of the Knights of Honor on the second ana louiin juonaay nignts in each month. Atnevitle Division Ho, 15 S. of TV A Cummings Worthy Patriarch; VV T Robertson, Recording Scribe. Meets in the hall of the Knights of Honor, every Tuesday night. , - The Woman' MUxionary Society of the M. E. Church, South, meet in the church class-room on the First Friday of every month at 4 o'clock P. M. SAslieviUe Literary Society J. D. Cameron, Presi ent: T. A. Jones. Secretary: Locke Craitr. Treas urer. Meets every Friday eveuing at rooms of Mtievuie uorarv. - - ASHEVILLE CHVRCH DIBECTORY. Methodist Episcopal Church Church St. j Rev. W. W. Bays Morning services 11 a. m. ; vrening t ervices 8 p.m.; prayer meeting Wed jesday evening 8 p. m.; Sabbath school 9 a.in. Presbyterian Church Church St. lie v. J. V. Gammon Services 11 a. m.; 8 p. m.; prayer meeting five p. m. Wednes day; Sabbath school half-past 9 a. m. 'Episcopal Church, Trinity corner Church and Willow Sts. Rev. Jarvia Buxton Services 11 a. m.; 6 p, m. ; Sabbath school 9 a. m. Baptist Church corner Woodfin and bprwx. - Rer. J.'L; CarrolP-SefsiceB lla.'m.; 8 p. m.; prayer meeting 8 p. r. Wednesday ; Sab bath school a a. m. Roman Catholic Church. Rev. Mr. McGinity Services first Sunday in each month at 11 a. m. If. E. Church corner failon Avenue and Bailey St. i, (No pastor at present in charge). Doubleday Mission Church. Rev J K Burnett, Pastor. Sabbath School, J J HiU,.Snpt.l Y. 31. C. A. Prayer Meeting every day from 12 to 12.30 o'clock. All invited to attend. Gospel Services" every Sabbath afternoon, at 6 o'clock, on Battery jroroer. Gospel Services at Prof. Venable's Academy every Sabbath afternoon at o o ciock, Gospel Services at Smith's Bridge old De- Sabbath School at 4. AU are invited to attend the above services. WCOLORED CHURCHES.' ? A. M. E. Church I gum) College SJ.J Rev. Mr. Sherman Services 11 a. m.; 3 p. m., and half.past 7 p. 'a.; Sabbath school 9 m, Baptist. Rev. Mr. Burnley Services 11 a. in.; 3 p.m., and half-pant 7 p.m.: Sabbath school 9 a. m. Episcopal. Bev. Mr. Berry Services 11 a. m.; Sabbath school 3 p.m. " Services held in Court House on Snnday 11 a. m.t half-part 7 p. m., by Bev. Mr. Metts, of A. M. E. Church The promotion of civil service re form, in the shape of competitive examinations for appointment to office and the prohibition of remov als except lor cause, was never par ticularly important in Republican eyes until the Democrats were com ing into power. Then, however, it became of vast moment as the most effective method of keeping as many Republicans as possible in office and as many Democrats as possible-out. It is working admirably to that end. Meantime the grand old party is gathering itself together, Avondering at the innocence of its opponents, and preparing to carry the country in 1888. That is why the Repu blicans laugh. New York Sun, Ind. At all events, Ohio Republicans have learned the value of their well worn maxim : "Claim everything, and keep on yelling fraud ju3t the same." Pniladelphia Record, Indl There are now sixteen education al institutions in the country in want of presidents. This, says the Chicago Current, is one of the results of the policy of giipg inferior,wages for superior teaching ability. A new system of drying lumber, by surrounding it with common salt, is just now attracting attention. The peculiar power of salt for absorb ing moisture is well known. Pneumatic tubes between London and Paris ia the latest scheme. Let ters could thus be transmitted be tween the two cities in two hours. It is proposed to employ wagonettes 'Htfi those now used to transport telegrams from Paris, and to start twenty pneumatic trains every nour. The distance is 475 miles, and the total cost, as estimated, is $7,000,000. "Bixlys," "Buttons," "Brown's" and ' "Bon Ton" are the best Drands of shoe nnlfoh Irnnvn to t,h trade, all Of which are sold by W. T. Weaver, at the One rnce enoe store. .First of the Season. ' Messrs. Zacharv Bros., at their populai tails on Main street and No. I, Market - House, are now offering Fresh Pork, daily, to their customers. Now for superb pork chops and head stews. toes Yonr old bhoes can bemade as good as new only at vv. x. weavbrs. Geobgk Nash Will furnish and plant trees, evergreens And all trees 01 mountain growm, iu any marfr nr vn.rd. in or near the citv. at .cheap rates. Leave orders at the Citizen Office. -. ' aug si inus, Tn of ol an nmhrpl n. i nt last a crime But if a man steals a bottle of Dr .Bull's Cough Svrup to enre nis cougu, can 11 ue i 4 " - (aueaacnme.i . Door, Sasl anil BliniWorte, ; OF- - - T7o. X. Clayton, AsbTle, ' 1 - sr. c. - Fully equipped with the latest machinery, and with an inexhaustible supply of the bst hard nd soft timbers on the continent, iny facilities Sat filling orders promptly with the very best foods are unsurpassed la tiie bontn. WHOLESALE OH BETAlIi. Tine Mouldings and Newel Work, lnm e Finis in Hard and ttoft Wood, Fancy Front and,. Yesjabnle Doors a specialty All orders sent or given the undersigned or U 8. ' Clayton, Superintendent, will receive prompt attention, and . SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. TIis Li. Clayton.; fcOTly houses f6B rent. ; - . - & i m m M f X eight rooms each, with closets and II iDorches. within two minutes' walk of a nave two new ou'iws ior reut, i Xne Court Houne. Excellentspring water. Terms reasonable. , For Information apply to me. Oct 9-U2W r . P. 1AVK.. PABLygsoNQ. y. " George Eliot -The world it great, the birds all fly from , . me. ... .- ,- Too stars are golden fruit upon a tree AU out of reach; my little sister went, And I am lonely. " .' The world is great: I tried to mount the hill Above the pines, where the light lies so StUi, ' - ; But it rose higher: Little Lisa went, ' ' And I am lonely. . - - The world is tcreat: the wind eomes rnshlne by. . - I wonder where it comes from; sea birds cry And hurt my heart: my little sister -went, And I am lonely. The world i 1 great: the people : laugh and talk, . . ' And make loud holiday: how fast they walk! I'm lame, they push me: little Lisa went, an I I am lonely. Flaylntf Ye Mandolin. Cor. Cincinnati Commercial Gazette. Mandolin playing has been in fashion thi3 summer, and Signor Tipaldo's per formances on this instrument have been listened - to by fashionable audiences at Newport with much interest It is evi dently an instrument that was invented long ago, being very primitive and quaint in its construction. The little tinkling notes make a very pretty accompaniment for the voice, especially if it be a voice of light caliber. What can be more charm ing than a beautiful woman, gracefully holding the mandolin in her white arms, while her slender fineere touch the wires. and her sweet voice warbles some Spanish love dity or Italian folk song? The belles of to-day see what a mistake their mothers made in grying up harps, guitars and mandolins such becoming instruments and accordingly they are all returning to favor, c ne Boston lady hap a number of mandolins among her bric-a-brac at Newport Among them is a man dolin of the last century, with the data 17 engraved upon it Another cottager lias among her treasures a curious and beautiful upright piano, in which a golden harp rises above the case Tliis harp forms the works of the instrument, which.are thus placed outside the case in stead of inside. Floral Wealth or New Guinea. fLawaon'a ' ve- Guiiea." -The multitude and beauty of the flowers I can not describe. At every step we crushed them down, so close together were they; and this continued until we had reached an elevation of 4,000 feet; and even at the extreme summit of the mountain, several species were represented by an odd member or two. although it was 11,000 feet above the level of the sea. Lilies of three different kinds, red, white and yellow, were very abundant; but I did not notice them at a greater height than 1,500 or 2,000 feet Liaisies similar to those that grow in our English meadows, but as large as sunflowers, were very numerous. They were crimson tipped,' but not very niodest, seeing they lifted their heads to a height of eighteen inches. But by far the most beautiful flower I saV here was one borne by a bulbous plant ' It was the shape of 0. narcissus, nine inches in diameter, and of a lily white color, spotted with dyep crimson. It gave forth a delightful odor, which was so powerful that one's hands would retain the perfume of it an hour after the plant had been handled. Mineral Wealth of . m'ng, Chicago N3 s. If the stories of mineral deposits in Wyoming can be relied on. that promises to be one of the wealthiest sections of the continent They ts!l of a mountain of solid hematite iron in the heart of the ter ritorv: 600 feet of it is above eround. and is more than a mile wide and over two miies in length. But what make? this deposit of almost incalculable benefit and value is t lie fact that m its vicinity is found a bed of lignite coal sufficiently large to Jieat and light the world for cen turies. Then, again, the journals of the territory describe the locations of eight lakes of solid soda, one of which is C00 acres in extent and thirty feet in depth. To crown all,. we r.re informed of the existance of a petroleum basin which contains more oil than that in the bowels of combined Pennsylvania and West Virginia. It is said to be oozing from natural wells at the rate ef two barrels or thereabout each per day. f urely we have here an embarrassment of mineral riches unheard o'l ia the world. ."" .. . Knife According to the Steak. l hicaaro Tribune. 1 "I beg your pardon, sir. n observed a waiter in a down-town restaurant respect fully to a gentleman who was laboriously sawing a tough piece of beefsteak with a dull knife. "But you have the wrong knife. " "Ith?" "Yes, sir," continued the waiter, as he handed him another knife, with an edge that was almost as keen as a razors. 44 You had the tenderloin knife. " "You see," went on the servitor, most people judge meats by the way they cut When a steak cuts easilv they say it's tender, so we keep a lot of knives here for each kind of meat When a man orders tenderloin we give him one a little sharper, and when he calis for round we give him a razor blade. We keep the sharpest knives for the toughest meat In this way we save lots of grumb.iugaud and please everyone. " . Paid for Hit Klde. ITurf, Fie'd anl Fum.1 One mornirg, at tile driving park. Mr. Bonner said 1 Murphy: "'Johnny, would you like - t ride behind Maud Sr" "Would I?" .'xclaimed Murphy, blushing to the roots of his hair. "Just give me the chan el" "Well.' pay ' the price and you can have your wish. The mare has never earned me a - cent since I bought her, and now 1 want her to bring ;. something in. " " What is the price? " asked Murphy, with twinkling eyes. "Ten cents, gravely, said Mr. Bonner. Murpny quickly fished a bright coin of the right denomination from his pockets and 'handed it to the owner of Maud H., with the remark, "It is a bargain. " The red prince jogged the queen four times around the track, and she seemed to ' like the touch of his hand. Murphy was gratified: Maud & was bene a ted by the .exercise, and Mr. EonDer well he made 10 ceuta . ' ! ; Handooi.V oh iffoi,!'; (Do: cis Mag i ie.- ' The terra handkerchief is not met with earlier than in the fifteenth century, when in the " Wardrobe Accounts of Edward I V " we find " V dozen handcouverchieffes" are named as having been made by one Alice Shapster, to whom a payment had been made. - i Conversation.. ', A clever writer, says that "it is the in dividual, not the topic that makes con versation. If a man can talk" well, grave yards are as good a topic as the last novel, and he will make tombstones mora attract ive than scandal You will save money by point; to "J. L. Wilkie & Co'b Ecok Storeagle Build ing, augltf (Bkab EAglx Hotel) ASHEVILLE, Hf. C't jH.ijrur.iCTUiiEn ojf cof- Coffin" made in First-Class Style of Wainut, Mountain Birch, Poplar, Tine and Maple of the best qualitv. Satisfac tion Guaranteed and Low Prices charged "He asks that the puic call and see for themselves-l ; seplO-12moB SCIIOFUI.A CITJ1EI. Dr. L. A. Guild, Atlanta, says: B. B. Bctsred Wm. Sealock of a terrible P ease "Of Acrof nla, which affected the entire eltow joint. -4-'f'';? c ANOTHER CASE. . " - -v East Point, Oa., April 2, 1884. My wife has been; afflicted with a tenible form of Scrofula -for over ten years. Phy iicians exhausted their' skill, and numerous patent medicines were used without benefit Her condition grew - worse--her appe tite failed, attended -with debfiity, emaciation, falling out of the hair and a frightful breaking out of the skin. . Her bones became very much diseased and painful (some calling it white swelling), with sleepless nights and A general feeling of Horror, Some friend said that B. li. B. would cure her. I procured it and placed her upon its use, and to the utter astonishment of all who knew hex the recovery was rapid and complete. ' It acted as ' powerful ionic, gave her a splendid appetite and acted upon the kidneys. A few bottles did the work The ac tion of B. B. B. was decidedly quick, and the medicine cost but little. I advise my friends to use it as a blood purifier. Yours truly, - - . B.M.LAWSON. BLOOD POISON. - Mr, A. P. WM of Hampton, Ga., has recently emerged from ouo of the - most remarkable cases of Blood Poison om record; His body and limbs had no less than four hundred small ulcers his bones tormented him with pains his appetite failed his kidneys . presented ingntiui symptoms ana an aoctors ana iiij bottles of the most popular Blood Poison rem edy failed to give him any relief. : He secured B. B. B., the concentrated quick cure, and five bottles healed up the ulcers, relieved huoain. curedis kidneys, restored his appetite, and made him a healthy and happy man. " Any one can secure his full name and correspond with him. WHITLOQK'S I3 the only place in Ashcville where you can Ond what jrou 'are looking for in Dry imoottSf JWttion, Fancy Goods, Jflillinery and Gents9 Ttimishings At prices lower than have ever been known before. . - WHIT-LOCK'S MOTTO '. IS Popular Goods at ' JLotvest - Price si;'- : Call." and, be ; convinced ot 'the above fact. - ' Good? received daily. . ' : H. WIUTLOCK - Under Eagle Hotel, Main St. .' .. '"- '": 1. 1 '. ! ' i . . . '; v;. JOY Headxnarteis -''; FOR : BEST Be sure to plant actlt mated tines Can only be supplied by myself, as I am the only propagated ot Niagaras in the xiyAiiixaaxxv ms-a ... ' , : ssaippv 'sit'fnojp joj spjBAautA nvd o? guupsop saiJBd 01 XaaAtpp. joj .A"pi?ai aou OOO'OOI ee 29-dlaw-wlm. One Hundred Jtcres of fm ; , j proved. Property : - -Adjoining Arden Park, ; Apply to - ,-:;.'-: A. J. LYMAN. .v Asheville, N. C. 1 Office in Court House, an3-1m -; South. ," ' 3 C t ": a ) ? i I ' TJHIS18PACE RJESCRT1 FOB- ' J.. J. DESMOND. SOOTH MAIN STRBBT, j, MaHDFAcruant or CAKES CANDIES Ol L?ery Description. AMD Diuii IN CONFECTIONERIES. CAN NTEI GOODN &c. drc. INSUKANCK. I life insunAiiGE. -tot- ffWt VALI-EY MCTUAt LIFB ASSOGlATlOS w . . ..j -OF VIRGINIA " Issues policies forfroni $1,000 lo $3,000 " , ' . i : ? t -n't' AND corobines the guarmtes 4eatur oi vji,u 11 .nil companies &i. me coM. oi ordinary co-operative 3nur- ance in Secret Oiders. FIRE.,JNSURAHCt.; Insurance -Ttgairrst-lossby Fire in i Cityrand Coucnd Propcrtyjleal irad-Persona . i r pJShbrt t las, Veil 7oi long itevu ). I ' Policies issued ' at "fair "rates" in A. 1 Companies, . , j Home and Foreign? TIIOS. W. BUANCII, Agent, Office North Side Court Square, my 20-tf EDWARD J.aST0H, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT. Ashville(' .Uorth Carolira. Pine Groceries! Imported and Domestic Table Delica cies of every description, ' AT KEPLER'S. We make a specialty of Fine Teas, and have mst received direct irom lm norters. (in orieinal packages.) Lthe fol lowing, which we recommend for their fine flavor and superior drawing quali ties: - Finest JJoyune Gunpowder, , ' Choicest Formosa Oolonr, Choicest English Breakfast, Extra Fancy Japan. HIGHEST GRADE COFFEES Old Gov't Java Coffee, green and roasted, ueauwe Mocna, v Laguayra.'Peaberry, Fancy Golden Rio, Cordova Coffee, Baker's Chocolate, Baker's Broma. - pp' Cocoa, JUST- ARRIVED, California Fruit in glass jars', Oranges, Quinces, Apricots, . Muscat. Grapes, .Egg Plums, ' . Bartfett Pears. Canned California Fruits, Golden Gate Peaches, . Lemon Cling Pearhes, ApricotsBartJett Pears, . BaLama Grated Pineapple. FOR l.UNCH AND PIC-NICS. Pates of Game, (truffled) Quail. Part ridge, Wild Duck, Grouse , 11- and Woodcock. Boned Chicken and Turkey, Potted Game, Lunch Tongue, m " Kippered Herrings, Shrimp, Anchovy Paste, Yarmouth Bloate.s Boneless Sardines, Devilled Crabs. -Edain Cheese, Albert Biscuit, Dundee Marmalade and Jams, Instantaneous Chooolate. Fresh ( Vackera a great variety. . , v r AT KEPLER'S. v '. . w '"'' Frenen Peas and Mushrooms, Queen Olives, Cai-ers, . Ciirrie Powder, Salad Bressbii, ' V. . Walnut Catsup, llnshroom i-atsupj- - Preserves in glass and (.afls. canton gtngeb, . Kan rium ironing. Spaghetti Macaroni, Vermicelli. Staple Family Groceries ! Of every description, .. s AT KEPLER'S, ''Opposite Eaglf Hotel,. . ESTABLISHED li. ' ! . i J O. FURMA1V & CO.V WholMiale CotomUuiion Merchant, skalebs in dr1xd and ivapofcatkd " Feitits, and Pboduos of All Kinds, in thkib 8sa8on, , . WOOL, BEESWAX and FEATHERS, ; 19 VksBt Pib & 50 & 52 Bkoap Av4 w. H. fubman.1 W. Washington Varkgt, . J. L. PVBUAV, . KgW YORK. References Levi A pear, Pres. North River Bank. CoL R. C. Carter. Denton, Md. O.N.Wil liams. Canandalema. N. Y. Gordon ADllworth. 575 GreenwichrtHreet, N. Y. W. Tr"pson, Pres. N. Y. P. B. Co.. 2 Sullivan St. AnSs'vSm THE HAZLEGUEEN sh 4&y "Rl ind PV. ctorv Has recentlv purchased a lprjte amount ot Oak, Ash Chetnnt, Cherry and Walnut Lumtier. an2 CAN FURNISH WOKK manufactured of tr-omugbly dried r-atena!. We propo - tn furnioh ork at the lowest figures, and equal to any imported roods. - THOS. L. CJAYTON, Propr. I 8. CLAYTON, Business Manger, fob 4-x w tf -t '-r; 5 shoe JirjKEn, - ' Mein Ptreet. (Above Kagle Hotel) - J 1 jJthtanyrs c. Uhf, iKwt tok alwavn on tiand. ' W.ir always guaranteed to pfve satisfaction. I am specially prepurwi " hoes so as t- prevent dampness and squeakino. Gentlrmm nnd ladies' Repairifig a 8pe - - sialtv. '' ' Pine Custom Work alway etihand, any style and satixfaction rnarantced, as to stock, and work. Shoe rag Iters' Findlncn alwayson hand and rr Mlf . the nest lathe market, at tow prices- IT -" .. - - . '.,v5 ,rt t .' '' 1 t ' - X . . . .... FRANK LOUGH RAN & BR0, Wine and Liquor Merchants.' " PROPRIETOKS Ok" THE - "BONANZA." iain Street, 3d door sbove the Bank. , Cor. Main & Eagle rt, antler W hitlock'a . -... :. -.',''. " ' - . . - ;. I ' . ' ' ' '! :-..' INEboL ANB BILLIARLV TABLES AT BOTH STAKPS. Ve ltiiy Our:riiics and J.Iiucr Direct from .he til. fillers aiid Importers. OUR'UQUOBS-ABE RECOMiENPED. BY THE LEAPING PHV- v - : S1CIANS OF THE STATE. . ' ! - ! IlJtD WGVV 7A1N C OR2f WH1SKEX, PEA CH A flD A ' - ' PLE BANDIES A SPECIAL T2 1 Gifdds Packed -arid Shipped to Jilt Points Jr. v." ItUA S5 V. MOTHEES' So ldr Terror ! No Mr Pain I So More Dancer ! This Invaluable pre par atlon is ruly a irlnmpb of scientillc fckill, and no more inestimable benefit was ever bestowed on the mothers of the world - rit not only shortens the time of labor and les sens the Intensity of pain, but, better than all, U greatly diminishes the danger to life of bn'.a mo ther and child, and leaves the mother in a condition highly f a vorableto speedy recovery, and far less lia ble to flooding, convuls ions, ami other alarming symptoms incident to lln- fenngand alnful labor. Is truly wonderful effic acy in this respect entitles the Mothxk's Fkiknd to be ranked as one -of tne life-saving applicants giv en to the world by the dis TO Mother or The Oread or motherhood TBAKSFOKMKD TO HOB coveries"! nuxiern science AND From the nature 01 tne case It will of course be JOY. understood that we cannot publish certlCcates con cerning this RimudtwIUi ont wonndlnffthe dellcacv Safety and fcase TO of the w rlters. Yet we have hnndreds of snch testim onials on Hie. and no mo ther who has once used it Sntferlnar Womaa will ever again be witnont it inher time of trouble. A prominent physician lately remarked to the proprietor, that if it were admissible to make pulilie the letters we receive, the "Mother's Friend" would outsell anythluig on the market. I must earnestly entreat every female expecting to be coudneU. to use Mother's Relief. Coupled with this entreaty I will add 6hat during along obstetrical practice (forty-four yeais). I hsve never known it to fsil to produce a sale and quick delivery. H. J. HOLMK3, M. I)., Atlanta, Ga. Bend for onr Tr atises on "Health and Happiness of Woman," ma.ied free. Bbappielo Rxoclator Co.. Atlanta, Ga. X BRAND & CO. UNDERTAKERS. ASHKVILLE, N. C. Ateialli: and Walnut Coffins constantly on hand. Every requisite 01 the business furnished. : AU calls day or night prompt lv aiiMwered. Hearse- 1 nished when deeiied mL-wly SOMETHING CHOICE! --tot- LOtTKBS OF THE WEED, who enjoy a reallj giiod HiiMike, should always ask tor HOLMES' Uolden I'ai. liiid of ihe Skj, - 1 -' ' .. : "TfaeMe)htiidsaie'iikiiul'acturel from the cele bra ted Tubaccoe emwu in Western North Caro lina, frt from all perlumeries, adulterations o impurities.and are prized for their Rupert Siuoking QunlitieM. . Ask your dealers or . UOLJtiE8 TOBACCO, and take no other. rUrs trwm tk TrmtU MMitd. K I. HOLMEf & CO. Peopeutobb an 2-12mos ASHEVILLE. N. ( . STEAM GRIST MILL, NKAR NEW DEPOT, DI3U NEW STEaM MILLS are in ful) operation, and we are ready to supply families or merchants with - THE REST MEAL, I1EST MILL FEED, HAY A ISP FODDER, &c. At the lowest prices, FOR C A SH! Corn grdund for usual toll, prompt delivery guaranteed. -Give us a call. JORDAN & TIALYBHRTON. ap 1-swtf ; v " ivott c e of inrco 11 PqvL ATi6nr NORTH CAROUNA, " Buncombe eonnty. Office of Clebk Svfebioe Cocbt. Notice is hereby given of the incorporalion of the Aheville Telephone Company, that '.he names of the fncorporabir are O M. McLoud, Riohmond Pearson, N W. tilHwood, K. Stike leather and E. J. Aston, and such officers as they may associate with them: that the principal place of business shall be in the city of Asheville, county and State aforesaid, and its general pur pose and business is to "establish, erect and maintain in the counties of Buncombe, Haywood, Henderson and Madison, lit the State ot North Carolina, or in one or more of said counties, a system of telephones with 1 necessary exchang es, uffices, poles, -wires . instruments, machinery, implements and all other things now used or which may or can bereaiter be used in connexion with the instruments known as telephones, so as to make and keep up a thorough system tf tele phone vTVce in one or more of said counties; that thdduratlouoflhecorporatVnshaH be thirty years; the capital stock is $10,000. divM ed into one thousand shares at the par value of flu. Oct. 1st, 1885. , eT.W. HERNDON, 'octl-dlot- Clerk Superior Couit. HOTEL FOR KENT. After October 1st tbe WESTERN or BANK HOTEL is for rent. Apply to lOHNSTOH &. Sill J viRP. sefit ft.dtoet1rt . . 4 . PROPRIETORS OF THE 'ACME," I PROFESSIONAL CARDS. C iL McLOUD. CHASA.MOuRK oLOUD & MOOBE,. ; A Uorneyt and ConneUot at J mo. ASHEVILLE, N. C. : Practice in the United 8tates Circuit aid l)ia rict Courts at Asheville. SUtenvUle, cKrlotU and Greensboro; iu the Supreme tJourl at Raleiah and in the Courts of the 8th Sl.d Vth JiidicUl fis tricts of the Bute oi North Carolina, - " special attc.uum given to collection of etaa.. may 24 1 y w b w V17 ALTER E. MOORE, " Attorney at Law, Webster, N. C Practices in all the Court of Western North Carolina, and the collection oi claims a specialty. mh 18-Wly K. JOHN HEY WILLIAMS, ' ' Phwu.tan aixi iurgeon, OfPte : Main 6t., 2 doors scnth of Bank. Kesi deuce on French Broad Avenue. Office houn A ;.a.. to 1 p. m., and from 8 to 6 p.m. Thc. Davidson. Jai. g. maii DAVIDSON A MARTIN, J Altorneva A anselIor-at-Law wir , ., . AHBVUJJt, N. C. wii. pi .;tiu. in tDe sth and th Judicial putncitl h?U,A!L l2.e Pfe Court of North CarollnaTnrf KihKe.,FeU.'?ral Con,, 01 tbe Western District of nortn Carolina. - Hef er to the Bank of Asheville. 5 - . . -aepl-swAwm yOCKE CRAIG Attorney at . Lav, . 1 ASHEVILLE, N. cV Office in Court House. . dec (M JAMES A. BURROUGHS, Physician and Surgeon, ASHEVILLE, N. C ; Office over Powell & Snidert. . i -8- Residence corner of Maiu and Woodfin streets de 16-lv F. VENABLB, Civil Engineer and General burvtyor, piruycu w uu an wora in nis profession, ant oners liia services especially in Leveling, lto.i Making, Making Estimates on Work. Layitia OB Locating and Platting or Mapping City iits, . Eatlmaung or Mapping Work already dona JO s8"U J.. A.TENKENT,. Architect ant Civil Engineer. ... : : MTgiisr Ppeclflcatlons, and Estimates of ar style of bafldiug furnished upon application, and work superintended when desired Ail work eu. trusted to me as Civil Engineer iU receive prompt attention. Tborougfi drainiofUud . aspecialty Port Office address. Ashevillo ot av irno8 deDCe gW,nDan" Brid- . rpHOS. A. JONES, Attorney at) Law, '.-; : ASHEVILLE. N. C . 1 ) oct-ly s w Office with DavMmn A Marti JRS W. lfc & v. D. IIIWARD, Pli3eican and Sn'riceona. ' Office next door Fouth Old Bank, jan 3-6' moi rnos. d. Johnston. ' ',' ; 1 , i 1 1 t oo. A, , Bcroir J Attorney OoomwIlorwoittAWf Asheville, N. C. . Will oractice in the 8th and Kh Judicial DIstTlc oi North Carolina, in the Supremo Court of tale..and in the Federal Courts at Axheville. 1 h. collection of olaims, tho examination t titles to real property and the settlementof estate bnillrh!g 7 7 tneJtohnato -.--u "y. hLVi A Flaee to Get BafgtttnaV CHASTE. -LiSEt (SLXCERfcOR TO J. E. RANKIN A CO, 1st door above'Faimers Warehouse. ASHEY A r-ull List ol Well Blectesl Odaloo KhoM sndCethlaga Spocialtjr . Mystok t il) biaces everything usually kpf; a ort4claas KUiiecal tiuim sqob f tj'H' DRY UOQDS, CLOTHING, . BOOTS. SHOE8, : ' - ' ' UA1S AMU UA1TJ NOTION HARDWARE V 9 : . . - - i1N- vVAKK WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, ., , . : ill sell you bJL WJSO MACHINE, war ranted tor five years, with top, K.lding leaf, two drawers, snub as usual". sell for4a')0 to 150.00, for TWEtitr-tlYB tnn,LAKsrknX6ltAion gus rauteed or money refunded. I am the AshovlLo Agent for the Keyal Kl- JOktsi Scalag Jfa tpln as above described.. . , v , . , . .-; i ri". . I i trtzh Qran Bced will b received in a Jem days, ' .'- . : : .-J ' '. ' I thank my friends and customers ol "few years ago, while ii the retail business - with Plea . sant.llillia&CuandC. E. Giaham, lor their patronage, and trust to marttaeoutiuiMDCfOV fa ma, 4 - ' ' " Messrs. John A. Hrookshire and Saml W. E.y "' forroerly with J. E. Kanki M Vo., are with m '' and would be pleased to have their friends call ' 1st door above farmers' Harriot, q ;JT, fif :. ' Old Stand. ' " Call sad o comvtiiooiil Go4fV . "; raateed 1 reprcoeai tod -jaao-waswly THE PLAC1? U tit neartjVythi . vou want, at t ' ' ' .' : . .. .' -.J. a tTottom (ash PricetZ -.'...' . ' .,."". i) at tt Stora-ot- - '' ' Bank' Bicick, AfelievnTt.,N.C CASH 01GOODS paid for country pro duce when not supplied. . GoodsJaeliT ercdncity limits free of chaiyo. in24-wly A. H, JONKK A SON Cash "stobe ;-.'. eri - .1 r. s s huh jjMi

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