- - , - -y:y :'f?: ,t. i Vren Cbmmi.i'tery.No. 8. A. J. Blair, Eminent Commander r Jordan Stone, Secretary. Meet first . Wednesday night in each month. . Atheeilie Citunttr, S. -A. 11. A. H. Balrd High Priest ; H. A. Qudger, Secretary. Meets t ha second Wednesday nigbt in each month, and - dtW every Friday night tor Instruction. JO. lemon L w. No. 118. A. F. & A.M. i J. A. forter. worsniptul Master: Kam'l H. Keed, Secretary.; Meets the first Friday night in each mourn. . Swannanoa -lodg. JC. of -S., No. 646,--J. C - drown, Dictator; . Jordan Stone,' - Secretary. Meets the first aud third Monday nights In each . moutn. ' -" - . - . -. - . French Broad Council, No. 701J2. A.S. JJ ,. pinsky. Regent r' Jordan Stone, Secretary. Meats in me nan ui we K.mgnts or Honor on tne secona 'and fouvth Monday nights in each month. - Atheville Oivuthm A. 15 & of T P A Cummings Worthy Patriarch ; W T Robertson, Recording Scribe. Meets in the hall of the Knights of Honor, - rery Tuesday nignt. ---,.. The Woman's MUiionary Society of the M. E. Church, South, meet in the church class-room on t he First Friday or every month at 4 o'clock P. M nAtheville Llteraru SucietuJ. D. Cameron. Presi- ' SJmfc T. A. Jones. Secretary: Locke Craig. Treas urer. Meets every Friday eveuiugfit rooms of Asnevuie uumrv. i AUVII.T E CHVBCU DIKECTOBT, Methodist Episcopal Ctiurch Church SLl Ray. W. W. Bava M oroing services 11 a. m, tvening lervioes 8 p.m.; prayer meeting Wed jeeday evening 8 p. m.; Sabbath school 9 - a.m.. '; :- , Presbyterian Church Church St.', Re. 3. P. Oammon Services 11 a. m.; p. m.: Braver meeting five p. so. Wednes- . day; Sabbath school half-past 9 a. m '. Episcopal Church, Trinity corner Church and - - Willow Sts. ' '- Bey. Jarvis Buxton Services 11 a. m. ; S p. m, ; Sabbath tichool 9 a.m. - - - Baptist Churohcbrner Woodfin and Hpruce.l "Ber. J. I. Carroll Services 11 a. m.; 8 p. ' tti.; prayer UiCeting 8 p. J"1. Wednesday ; Sab bath, sonoorv m. . - Rjinn Catholic Church. ttev. Mr." IlaGiuity Services first Sunday in each mentU at 11 a. m. At. E. Chu: Ju -corner Potion. Avenue and Bailey St. (No pastor at present in charge). f)jV..JuH KiMton Church Key J K BurncU, Pastor. Sabbath School, J J Hill, Sapt.3 . . ; r. m. c. a - Prayer Mee . every day from 12 to 12.30 o'clock. All ii.-.ited to attend. Oospel Services every Sabbath afternoon, at o;o cioc, on mttery i orcer. . Qospel Servi 'f!s at Prof. Venable's Academy very Babbatn n trnoon at a o cicck. - Qoepel Servi.'os at Smith's Bridge old De potover vr. KODerta store, at o ciocf. Saboath School at 4. All are invited to attend the above services. COLORED CHURCH KN. A. Jf.' L. CJiurch IZUmy-CoUcge St. Rov. Mr. Sherman Services 11 a. m.: 3 p. m., and half. past 7 p- rn.; Sabbath school 9 m Baptist. Rev. Mr. Bnmley Servioes 11 a. in. ; 3 p. m., and half-past 7 p.m.: Sabbath school 9 a, m. " JipiscopaZ. ' Bey. Mr. Berry Services 11 a. m.; Sabbath school 3 p. in. Services held in Court House oa Sunday 11 a. m.. half-past 7 p. m., by Bey. Mr. Metts, of A. M. . Church ACSTKIA ANO RUSSIA. o The Tragic Interest of the Bul garian War. LoiXiUin Specinl to the N. Y. 'limes ) The fact that the move which shall precipitate or avert a terrific struggle is at least nominally in the hands of Prince Alexanderand King Milan lands a vast and tragic inter est to the deadlock between the two little St&tee. Up to a certain point .th situation at Pirotand Niah is enough. Bqth Princess would in their hearts wekomep e a c e , for thousands of conscripts on both sides are chopping off their trigger fingers, aud even their whole right hands, in order to escape the terrors a winter campaign; and the scar city of food, the inclemency of the weather, and the obvious uselessness ota further conflict all militate against a renewal of hostilities" Bul garia demands a maximum; and Servia offers a minimum: and here, tod, it is likely that they could find aria media if left to themselves, but at this point a doubt enters. Is AliaffJr-"J0---ifiaIorra' has Leen nlor!., n Aeon onrl iinflpr VinnriT x j - - o game) how secretly encouraging the Servians to begin again after she -has intervened to give them a' breathing spell?" Alexander of Bat tenburg a silent partner in the 'scheme, ready to throw his sword ; into the scale ftr the Astrians after having afTrrdeil a pretext for their occupation of Servia? The thing looks terribly like a trap for Russia, and the cnee with which it is bait ed has a-Teuionic smell. - Eczema. For the bent of suffering humanity' Idetru it only my dub; to give this 'unsolicited testi mony in favor f 8 vrift's Specific. My wife has been afOictcd with Eczema from infancy. We tried every known remedy, but to no avail. 8he was also aSicted with a periodical nervous ' headache, somodmes followed by an intermit " ' " .tent fever, so that her life became a burden to ' her. Filially I determined to try Swift's Spe v r -ciflc. . She commenced seven weeks ago. After V - .. taking the fir t .large bottle the disease seemed to increase; the burning, itching and inflama- tiou became unbearable. ' She however, perse-. y ered hi the ana of the medicine. . After taking . the second bottle the ioflamation began to sub side." x After the third bottle the inflamatioh . ' disappeared, and sore spots dried up and turn- ed white and Scaly, and finally she brushed . them off in. an impalpable white powder re- - aembling pure Balt.- She is now taking the sixth bottle; every appearance of the -disease . is gone, and htr ileah is soft and white as a e'lild's. Her headaches have disappeared and - she eh joys the only good health she has known in 40 years. No wonder she . deemed every bottle of 8. S. S. as worth a thousand time its weight in gold. - . - . . - - - ' . Any further information concernuig her case will m eheerf uliy given by herself at her resi- dence, 145 Mullet (Street, o. by me. - JOHN F. BRADLEY, 44 Griswold Bt 1 Detroit, Mich.. May 16, 1835. S . : For sale by ail druggists. - ' " THK SWIFT SPEOIFIG CO., " N. T. 157 W. 23d Ht. Drawer 8. Atlanta Ga Dpor.stsiil.BliiJWorU . Thot. Ij. Clayton, - tivle. -:o:- Kully eaidpped with the latest machinery, and ysith an itiexiiauKtible supply of the bst hard and toft tin-, uenou tho continent, my facilities fr filling orders promptly with the very best goods are unsurpassed in the South. - ; WHOLESALE OB RETAIL. , VKiue JtouldingH and KewetWork, lnn'e FlUls Vs.' in Har'. mm sort vvooa, rancy f ront . and r"ctibuie iKiore a specialty ,.- - I order wilt or riven the undersigned or U 8. Ciavton, Superintendent,, wul receire irmpt actentiou, aud - . TISFACTION GUARANTEED. - Tho. I, Clayton. A IGHTNIiWS STROKE.: ANK3 PLAYED BY THUNDERBOLTS : ; AMONG THi TREES. ' Certain Kinds of Trees Much Mare X.ikely To Bo Injured Than Others An :, Observer's NoteiSoms Cu J . v, . Chicago Times I All who have been in a forest during a inunaer siorm nave witnessea tne pranu of lightning among the trees. An English engineer who spent several years in thin country inus writes on the sub ect: Dur ing surveys" in the forests of the United t tates, when I . necessarily live 1 under canvas, I often had the opportunity of witnessing the elects of lightning on treej, and my experiences lead me. to be lieve that trees are-: only destroyed by iignmiog wneu iney have been previously wewa oy me rain. A sojourner in the woods, whether he is taken in pursuit of irame or with the ooje;ior prospecting-for timber, miner als, and land, is always careful to erect his -tent under a short thick tree iu order to escape the danger of lishtniatr or of trees lauing and hnnsms- down others in their way on him: aid it was often whi o thus situated. 1 noticed after stormy nights when lightning i and"- thunder were accompanied by rain that many treei had fallen. . The report of the snapping of the trunks would remind one of that of the firing of a cannon, and when lightning and thunder were not ac- com. anted by rain . (in the immediate locality of our camp at atiy rate) no trees Y,n,i K,. ,.l,i f - :f r . i. observations that the lightning always strikes the tallest trees, : whatever their species may be, for the ta'ler white pines and poplars were most often seen de stroyed and the shorter maples, linden, birch trees, etc., rarely so; also that the sap between the wood and the bark of the tree does not increaso the chance of its destruction. .. - - AS OB3EBVER'S NOTES. A eentleman connected with the new botanical gardens suggests that the mete orological office.? in different countries collect reliable data embodying the ob servations of dili'ereat persons as to the particular circumstances fittendinz thun der storms during which more or less in jury has been done trees. He states as the resuit of his own observation that cer tain kinds of tress are much more likelv to be injured b lightning than others, which goes to show that they are very poor conductors of electricity. The con- ditioa of the tree in regard to are and vigor has also, in his opinion,, much to do in making it a good or bad conductor. In a communication to a London paper he says: l he comparative couductibility of diiferent trees is not wholly, in my opin ion, a question . of species. The same species at di jerent stages of growth, and growing under different circumstances, will exhibit widely diiferent degrees of conductibility. Joubties3 the hardness of the wood and the character of. the grain, and also the character of the ramification, have much to do with that resistance to the electric fluid which results in damage to limbs or trunk. Hence, probably, why the oak, which is remarkable for the general close ness and hardness of its grain, and the ruggedness and contortion of its ramifica tion, so frequently suffers, while soft- wooded trees, like the nonlars. escarje. But younger oaks under the same circum stances might escape, while older and harder and drier trees would be broken by the electric fluid. A mistake com monly made is to speak of 'certain trees being "struck" by lightning, the word 'struck" being only applied to those trees that are lniured by lightning. Thousands of trees are struck during every thunder storm mat tates place over woody coun try; but, being struck noiselessly and without resulting injury; they are not noticed. It is doubtless . the superior or inferior conductive power of a tree which subjects it to, or exempts it from, harm from lightning; but it is the greater or less moisture of. the branches aacfe trunk which regulates the conductive power. EXEMPTION ASt LIABILITY. - The form of a tree, too, has much to do with its exemption from hurtful Strokes. The Lombardy poplar is about the best form, because its branches, pointed up ward, are like so many lightning con ductors. The oak is about the worst form, because its branches and limb3 are nearly e I wavs (in those trees, which arc mostly damaged) placed across the course of the electric fluid. The Lombardy pop'ar .also is of much moister and softer sub stance than the oak, aud consequently lives freer passage to the electricity. Tb best Conductors of electricity are not those that are-"struck" by a discharge from a cloud, but those which, silently convey it to the earth without being shattered or injured in any way. That many trees do this seems certain. In all probability trees whose leaves present many sharp points are the best conductors of electricity. l!ach point attracts elec tricity, and is the means of directing it through the branch and trunk to the cdi-th. The amount conveyed by each is so small that no part of the tree sustains any damage.. Leaves like -those of the holly tree are admirably formed . for at tracting electricity. The points on the foliage of fir are of the desired shape to attract electricity, but the resin in the fir tree serves to make it a poor conductor. In a flat and nearly kvel country like our western " prairies' lightning does not always "strike" the highest objects. It sometimes enters the side of a building instead of discharging itself on the chim ney, the highest place "on the roof, or ether projecting point. The presence of suitable trees next a house, or at some distance '. from it In the direction toward the course of the-prsvailing thunder clouds, would serve to protect the dwell ing'. Trees that are better conductors than the materials of whii-.h buildings are composed would protect them as well as mstal rods. , : t v ; ; . . t T ' The Divining i:' ' ' ' The divining rod is still belie ed hi and used in some parts of England. It is said to have been successfully used a short time ago in finding water on the premisss of a-brewer, where . digging, and boring had failed. - - ' 7-- ,. . -, , Vr.- '. Sj"iI To Ba the Or'cH. ' Natives of Eorneo eat monkeys and tie the skins around their - waists, letting the tails bang down behind. This is said to be the origin of the existence tbere of men with tail -. . . - : v A San Francisco" paper asserts" that there are on the 1 acific slope to-day more divorced and unmarried couples than in all the test of the country. f "The " Loudon police : have been in structed to arrest persons about to com mit suicide on a charge of misdemeanor. . The cork oak and camphor tree havo both been introduced -into southern t'all f ornia. and appear to be doing well.- " ; BEEF ; MARKETS &rain and ProYisien Store. MURRAY & HARKI1IS, . - - ; . " DEALERS 'lN .-' .- '- Grain, Feed and, Groceries, - SOUTH MAIN STREET." . , - . . - . - We also have ill connection a first- liass Meat Market, and the well-known George VV. Page as Cutter. .Vothing but- good mea ts rieliercd anywhere in the city. All we ask is vtrial. " ' an ji-tdecia 4 .' . l St ': i Vi' if J 5 1 4 '? its Will have in a few days for the Whole sale trade; a large lot of - CRACKERS, BRANDY FRUITS, FIRE-WORKS, CANDIES - OF ALL KINDS, CHEESE, PIGS' FEET;, PICKLES,1 COFr FEli, TOYS, XMAS CARDS; &C. .- ' . .... t -. t - Notice for Announcement, ij'.ic J. J. JD ESMOND, South Main St, ': .- t- '" -' '''' ' ,'3' :vi;rt-. 6 Dr. L. A. Guild, Atlanta, says: B.B. B. cured Wm. Bealock of a terrible case of Scrofula, which affected Che entire elbow Joint: AVOTIII.It CASE.' krif 4 4eeffikted wOk terrible form f fierofnU: for ever ten years. , Phy- iciahe, exhaosted their . skill, and nnmuxma patent medicines were used without benefit. Her 1 condition : . grew n. ' worset-her appe tite faded, attended with debility, emaciation, failing mt of the hair and a frighyul breaking oat o the aktov ' Her hopes became very much diseased and painful (some - calling it white welling), with sleepless nights and a general feeling eXJtancT, Some friend said that B. B. B. would cure her. I procured it and placed her npon its nse, and to the utter astonishment of all who knew her the recovery was rapid and complete. ' It acted as a powerful tonic, gave her splendid appetite and ested upon the kidneys. A few bottles did the work The ac tion ef B. F. B. was- decidedly quick, and the medicine cost but little; J advise my friends to use it m a blood purifier. Yonrs truly, , IH.OOD POISONV ' ' ..;-: -j.. . .... Z. ' i.4.r-.!?. i-ir. . . - Mr. A. Pi W of Hampton, Ga., has recently emerged from, ouo of jthe. jnost remarkable eases of Blood Poison o& -, record. Mia t and limbs had no less tbfin fiT-cnd?i II 11 i 1 1 11 II 1 1 1 his appetite failed his . kidneys pi frightfnl symptoms and all doctors and 100 bottles of the most popular Blood Poison rem edy tailed U( give him any relief He secured B. B.' B-., .the concentrated quick cure, and . five bottks healed np the ulcers, relieved his paki, cured his kidneys restored his appetite, and made him' a healthy and happy man.' Any one can secure his full came and correspond with him. Zi v.':1 JattioiP. Sixyer Has just,receivea"tbe largest and ConsMing' W linW Albert?; Nof . folk Jackets, Chesterfield, Cut- - awifliaL8ack:Suit?i for ; - 8 Men3l5oth and 1. Boys, ever", fcroflght to this market. His j.3 larger and cheaper than ever be- lare? ; . DZtLSS GOODS from 10c a yard up. BOOTS, SHOES & HATS by the car load; all sort3 and sizes .at prices as low as ti e loweit. Sngirr Salt i-dd Bomsstio in any quantity you want. . Coffee, Bacaiiaf XiTfad lower" than ever before. -; :' Carpet, niaukit"and lings A full aFsorlment fcall wool and a yard wide. Wholesale find Retail. Kerosene and White Oil by the car . ' . - load. : " - is the place' to.,- boy,4 And Don't You Forget it." Public Square, Asheville No. Ca. Western N. Carolina H. It. Wkbteks N. C. RailkoadCo., Y c' -- Oenerat Passenger Office. . T SalUbury.N.CwSept.5thta885.) On and after Sept. 6th, 1885, the following ache dule will be operated by Una Company : ti--r OOIMQ VEST- i Train No. J. Train Ko. 3. Arr. L'tc .a, . fi.S0a.4ii. 7.54 -8 14 ; ia02 10.07 11.01 ' U.2S -12.03 ,12.25 p. n 1.21V , 4.69 i69 , 3 49 ' 8.55 SArr. L've. Salisbury, - " " 1.25 am Statesville, . 2.S4 : 2.35 Nawton, " S.43 8.44 Hickory, . 4.09 4.10 Icard, - 4 40 4.41 Morganton, 5.18(6.16 , Marion.. ' i 6.t. 6.S1, 4 Old Fort, ' 7.18 1-14 " Bound Knob, 71 ! 8.01 f -Black Mo'ain, 8.42 - 8.43 J ;. Coopers, 8.5S a56 . Sp' Junction, 9.21 9.21 . AshevUle, i ; - 9.29 9.38- i Alexander. -10.12 10.13 - 5 VLV S-18- i 5.38 tS.0fi .. M71 ,: P.57pm T Marshall, 10.48 10.49 -.-! - . , . 4 Bamarda, XU. 11.12 -' Warm Spr'ga, 11.45 . V, ,;':',--:,,-V": -. --." j. ' ' 60INO XiBT " v ' : i ". VITtbU Ko.2. . t . Train No.. Att. " jliTC ' .3d pa 5.30 6.60 Salisbury, . -t 12.30 am-" f H.pm 11.32 " 10.S3 - - lo.3g i 4.00 4.05 , 10.04 " ? 10.0ft-4 ii 2.57 i 8.20 s , Icard, 1 . 984 7 ' 9.68 2.17 2.18 -Marwn. 8J2 - 8.12 1 UJ a m Old Fort, . 7.42 f - X - 7.42.. , 10.33 .J0.4IK, i Sound Knob,' it ITnnf. 1 (17 " - 7 V7 " ' . - 727 BlackMou'IU - .19- . 6.20 .- 8.20 .43 Coopers. - - 6.06 , OB 7.o 7.oo Sp'g Junction,- 5.41 - ;L-.'r 1.41. ... .7.07 7.07 Aaheville, . - 5.12 -; B.Sr -' '. ; - i .6f4 Alexander. 't' '4.48 4.49 i - i . Marshall, ' f 4.11 4.12 -it. '. Barnarda, - 8.50 8.80 : - , . Warm Springs : 3.15 ' ; - V : MCRPHV DIVISION. Going West ".' - . J - Going East Train No. 7. ' V Train No. 8. , Arr. ": L' 4i . P M Arr. . .. Iye., - , ' ' station. A M -9.49 Agnevme. 10.29 HominT. - 106 10.54 11.21 11.M 19.19 1.49 2.28 2.89 3.31 ." lO.Stt Tnrnnite. -' 8.37 ny, v- a.o . U1 ike, ' --3.37 S3? 11.26 Plg'n Klvert s.iz ii w 2 rdvde. -..v H 2.4 01 2 47 U.2S .a, Waynesr'le, I U.0Uj 9 25 1.63 2 . Balsam, ;g 12ib4 ; 12 :i r 2.89 " 3 Hall, : li6 w.1167 2.41 Sylva, 11.45 , 1146 v 3.81 V - Web'rStaf B - -.t 10.64 10 5o ? M CaMU-leatou. . -.' .A M W09 4.15 iound kdoo l Dnjaaiaal siauon io io. i . per station for No 2. d - ,' . . . Trains Noil 1. 2. 7 and S ran daily. - ; : ; '-' Trains Soa. and 4 run daliy except Sunda, y-4 j a W. A.JCiUC.A.q.P. A-.., J i?8LAUGTrfEfi.G... I ; ' f -T 1 t- JT Parties . wishinj ft good bargain in mountain landa, lying on, the Nantihala river in Macon county, and on the Western North Carolina Railroad, wonld do ireil to call a the Bank of Aeherille on J E Rankin, who is author ized to dispose iofsame for: hie. Mhere are 4400 acres in the body of lands men tioned and I want to sell my one-fourth interest. The other three-fourths owned jointly by John Everett, oTSwain county aud Hon E R Stamps, of Ealeigh, N C. Sale withou reserve! and full warranty of title given. . . Z. T. LEDBETTEK. Nov 5, 1885. . oGdawtf, I70R SALE CrfEAP.-- V J7 - , V A young horse, sound ud kind! "AC shot Winchester. Rifle mshtad for 1000 yards with oole-leather fe. - TJ. POUBLEDAY. ' no 17-dCw. , ' INSURANCE, life irisunmipg: -7 OF-VIRGINU . . - , .. - Issues policies for. from , . '3-nV;3fi.A'AK4''J--: ii-fiLsJ t combines the guarantee feature 61 "0LD;.LJ,X: Y Company at i the coa ofordinary. co-operative linsiir- --'if anceJn Secret !Orderf.v u... FIRE -INSURAHCE Insurance against loss by Fire in o City and County n all kinds of Property, Real and Porsona .. Short. s well as long termZ ' roucies- ipsuea at uair jrates' 4a A... 1 Coinpanies, ;r .t Home arid Foreign. TIIOS W. BKAKCH, Agent, , TSiee KortU Side Poiirt Square. EDWARD J. AST0H, . REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE ' '' '1 V' CENT, - i Ashpvillo-Morih Carolir a T7 - Groceries. "rTt .' lu CtI.42i3 Domestic abb Delica cies .-r Vieriptioa. . -i ', - We make 8petirt.i.j:o 'le Teas, and have just received direct from Im porters, (in original packages,) the fol lowing, which we recommend for their fine flavor and superior drawing quali ties: Finest Mftyune Gunpowder, , v ..... - Choicest Formosa Oolong. -. Choicest English Break fait, Extra Fency Japan. HIGHEST GRADE COFFEES Old Gov't Jftra Coflee, green and roasted,. Genuine Mocha, " " Laguayra, Peaberry,- ' ncy Golden Rio,. . Cordova Coffee, Baker's Chocolate, v " Baker's Broma, ' , ... Epps' Cocoa. ' I" " JUST ARRIVED, tlifbrtiia Frnit InVglass jars,' " - - Oranges, Quinces, Apricots, Muscat. Grapes, Egg Plums, .- . Bart'ett Pears. ' ". 't v ' - -. , . Canned California : Fruits, - - Golden Gate Peaches, . .' " Lemon Cling Peaches, . A pncqtflj Fartlett rearji, BaLama Crated Pineapple. FORUNCH AND PIC-NICS. Pates of Game, (tnifliedf Quail, Part- - ridge; Wild Duck, Grouse ,-"V and Woodcock. . Boned Chicken and Turkey, , Potted Game, Lunch Tongue, Kippered Herrings, Shrimp, Anchovy Paste, Yarmouth Bloate. 8 Loneless Sardines, Devilled Crabs, Edam Cheese, Albert Biscuit, m DundeeMarmalaJe and Jams, . J ' InsUntaneona Chocolate, -v'? - Fr"sh Ciwkers a'great variety.. "iiSi AT "KEPLER'S. Frencn Peas aud Mushrooms, ' . Queen Olives, Capers, Currie Powder, falad Dressing, I fs Walnut Catsup, Mushroom 1-atsup, T U'rt , prescryes in glass and pails,! CANTON GINGKR, - R 4 E Plum Pudding, - - Spaghetti Macaroni, Venj!elli. , Staple Family Groceries Of'everifilefieriution, i .-'..'.." it AT KEPLER'S, !f " Opposite Fae Hotel. - ESTABLISHED 1861. ; .. G, FIRMAX 3L ;0 Wholesale Comntl-ision Merehnnts, fiEALKBS TN BBIBD AMD EVAPOBA.TKD FKCita, Aim Pbodccjj of Aut Kinds, - .',' 1M THI 'SEASON, . . . :. WOOL,; BEESWAX and FEATHERS, " 19 Vbskt Pikb & 50 & 52 JJboad Ave., w.'h: ruRSAK.l ; W. Washington Market, ''"' : - j. u fckmak. - r - NEW YORK. References: Levi Apgar, Pres. North River Bank Col. R. C. Carter, Denton, Md. G. N, Wil liams, Can&ndalgua, N. Y. Cordon i DU worth. (T?5 Greenwich Street, N . Y. V. Tr-"ipsn, Pre a. N. Y. P. B. Co.. 82 Sullivan St. Ad3s-v6ib 2-kGltEKN Susli & Blind FfactoiT lias recently purchased a ltflfee amount of Oak, Ash Chestnut, Cherry and Walnut Lumber. . id - : : CAN FDRNISU WORK - : '. j manufactured ofthoroughfy dried D'ntenal. We propoie to furnisti work at the lowest figures, and equal to any imported goods. : - ; 1,8. CLAYTON, Business Jlangcr. fe IWtf - - It !. ' :'fi tr? i" ffaJa-lit'MK.H. Xhe oest stock always ca hftnd . V.rrk always riaranteed to fire satisfaction. - V , '. am especially prepared to m tkc xts -and hoes so as t" prevent dampness, .hi - 1'eakiso. ' Geitthmevrond Ladle? Repairing M ' fyr- . cialty. 7- ;'' v. ' Fine Ciwtorri Wcrk always cchand, ftn i tyle and sattufttctioti Runrantcedl, as to tock and work. bnoemMkert' iinr1inim &1wavji on hfinrlnil 5-' If ior ali. the best In the market; at lov uru-es- FRANK LOUGHRAN & H R0., ine an(l Liquor Merchants. -J: PKOPRiETOKS ()F THK " ; J --BOriANZA, 1 r; Street, dW'aboyehe a;; '! ?VF I COL AKD BILLIARD TABLES AT BOTH STANDS IVe B115 Our T1rcs and Liquor Direct Crem the 111 . Illlers and Importers. OUR LIQUOPS APE KECOM MENDED BY THE LEADING PIIY ; : ; SICIANfcf OF THE STATE. r PURK AtOUNl AIN CORN WHISKEY, PEACH A X) AP " " " PLE BANDIES A SPECIALTY: ' Govdx Packed and Shinned to Jill Woitmt t O. DOX 220. : .,.,I'JV-. MOTHERS' ' 'Su 'Jlotr t'errwrl' Tiiia invaiaable frepar ation is ruly a iriomph of scientific ttill, and no more inestlnialile benefit Xo Sore Fnin o .Wore lB(;rr i mothers of the world lt not only shorten tbe Urne of labor and lea sens the Intensity of pain, but, belter than all, ii greatly diminishes the danger to life of bo'.h mo ther and child, and leaves i ... TO . - r- '. Hothri; or 4'ild. the mother in a condition (highly favorableto speedy ; recovery, and far less 11a- J .. - . me 10 nooning, eouvnls- iSXotbcrllOOil ions and other alarming ! rap to ie s incident to lln i 1 . igeringand alnfnl labor. .teaISSformkd to Uw trnly wonderful fflc . - - ' - -!acy in tola respsct entitles HOE AND JOY ;ilie MOTHER'S FXIIKD to ,be ranked as one of tbe ( life-saving applicants gly jen to the world by thedia i coveries 'i moi'ern science ' From tl,e nature of the lease it will of course be understood tii at we cannot 'publish certii'-cates con cerning this HEMEDT With out woundlnjrthe delicacy Safety and Ease TO of tbe writers. Yet we have hundreds of such tcstim oniats on Die, and no mo ther wbo has once used it will ever again be without it inher time of trouble. Suffering; Woman A prominent phvsloian lately remarked to the proprietor, that if it were admissible to ninke pnblic the letteis we receive, the "Mother's Friend" would outse If any tliiujg ou the market. I must earnestly eL treat every female expecting to be conhned to use Mother's Relief. Coupled with this entreaty I will add 6hat tlurlug along obstetrical practice (forty-four yeais). I have never known it to fail to produce a sale and quick delivery. H. J. IIOLMKS, M. 1)., Atlanta, Ga. Pond for onr Treatises on "Health and Happiness of Woman," ma.ied free. Bradfield Reoulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. X BRAND & CO. - UNDERTAKERS. ASTIFVILLE, N. C. 5letalli- and Walnut Coffins constantly on hand. L try requisite cf the business furnished. All calls day or night prompt ly answeroiL Hearse'- t mishea when desiredt . - . . mh-wly i SOMETHING CHOICE! tot- f OEltS OF THE WEED, who enjoy a nmiIIj uj good smoke, snouid always asK tor Golden Lteaf, Itnd of (be Sky, PisKali. These liraudsaii; u.auudictured from the cele brated Tobaccos jfrowu in Western North Caro lina, free from all perfumeries, adulterations o impuritlcfatiid are prized for their Superb Kiiiokliig QualKIeM, Asi your dunlets or . sjd lake nioiliei.. Crihri rir Trmdt fioUciltd. K. . im'..: A.tO. Pbopkiitoks' M . , - APHEV1UX. STEAM GRIST, MILL, - ni:ajj new depot. : OUR NEW STEaM MILLS are in full operation, and we are ready to supjily families or merchants witli ' ' ' ' ' ,' , " - ' '": THE 15EST MEAL, ;. J'.EST MILL FEED, V HAY AND FODDER. Ac Lu,!, e lowest price's,' - -r .L r. FOE-OASHI : Corn" ground for usual toll, prompt delivery guaranteed. Give us a call, JORDAN & HALYBIIRT0N. ap 1-swtf ' - - : . ' STOP attue . 'v.' v : - . :'. 5,:-.- v - -. ' Graiul Centi-al Hotel WIIEir VOU VI SIT ASHEVILLE, If you like good fare, fine rooms, good attend . . , " .... ance, etc, ; : 11,150 .trrlrala lu.2 Years, ' Or over 18 per day, shows the hish exteera in which it Is held, , - , r.; ,. ... . French cook, polite waiters, fret water from Beaucatcher Mountain, cold and hot baths, elec tric bells In each room, , ; ; - ' ;. , J Board li0, W and $2.50 per d(iy ; $S to 910 per week ; $30 to $4pcr mor 'h. SatiFfaction giaran teed. .. v ' . . - : j - S. I. Chcdestcr Son, 5 .7 . ' j Owtcrs and Proprietors. ..' A. Is WxtEY, of Virginia, Clerk. - " '' - " R. O. NEVILLE, late of Raleigh and of Purrell House, Norfolk, Caterer. v- -. - Look'Oui for the Tied Bus ai the Vevot;. - " jelB.daw3m ' . ' t' ' " '" " JJ-ILLEK WANTED. ' ; ' ; - A good Miller, well recommended, can find employment tv immediate ap plication to me. - A. Ii. FORTUNE, norww Fortnne.nTJ ocn nibe Co N- C I'kOPRlKTORsJoF i ll E v ' ACKE," ; ' ; i tor. Maiir & Eagle pU, under Whillock' ' '. -' ' -' .., PROFESSIONAL CARDS. C M. MtiOCD CHA- A. si CORE JoLOUl & MOORE, Attorney ad Ctmnsellvr at ' : -asheville, n.: --i JicJn eS'ted States Circnn kd4 Dii 1 rict Courts at Asheville. Matesvilje, ibartotu' and Greensboro; iu the Supreme Court a Raleiah .' f5,d.,BJb '"Ef0 an'l 9th Jidi,-.al 3 " tric ts of the State ol North Carolina. UpecicU. attention given to oolln-tiomi ,x inu may 2 1 y w fc w ' ; ALTER Ii. MOORE, - Attorney at Law, Vthaer, N. C. v H?68 n the Courts of Weotern Aorth Carolina, and the collection ov claims a specialty. mh 18-wly K. JOUX BEY WILLIAMS, Plysian and Surgeon. 1 . ; Offte : As'ji St., 2 doors south of Bank ieuce on French Broad Avenue. Office hoolrali . - . to 1 p. ca., and from 8 to 5 p. m. Tbec. Davidson. I"fcAV?OSON & MARTIN. JAS. G. MAKT7J J itorevo CounfteUora.ai.Lam W ... ASHEVILLX, N. C. tbt h ml tl' JodlcUil Dunrio al f l - "Pr?e Co"" of North Carolina, rad MfiiuiO0Brt,Of lHa WeB,Wn rtctof Kefer to the Bank of Asheville. . . seplswAwsm i: JOCKE CRAIG, - Attorney at Law,1 ASHEVILLE, N. C. Office in Court House. dec C-ly JAMES A. BURROUGHS, Pbyslclan and Surgeon, ASHEVILLE, N. Office over Powell & Snider'a. ' 1 Residence corner of Main an i Woodnn streets. ' de 16-ly W. n. MA LONE, J. W. BOWMAN. AshevUle, N. :. iiakcrsvllle, N. C, Malone and Bowman, Aikornejs at JmW. HAVING FORMED A COPARTNERSHIP in the practice of the law, wtil do bualnera la several comities of the lltb and mh circuit, especially in tke counties of Mitchell. YanceT Madison and Buncombe. Will practice in the United fctatea Court and the Supreme Conn oi the fctate. Controversies In regard to land title made a specialty. Offices open at Asheville end Bakerkvllle. oct 31-Gniot. . g F. VENABLe", Gvil Engineer and General Surveyor, prepared to do all work in bis profession, am offerahu services especially in leveling, Road Making, Making Estimates on Work, Laying- Off Locating- and Matting or Mapping Cliy Lota? am Estiinatlng or Mapping Work already done Je 8d-tl J A TENNENT, Architect aud Civil Engineer. Designs, Specification, and Estimates oi . style ol building furnished upoa application, and work superintended when desired. All work eg. M us tod to me m Civil Engineer 111 receiva nroinpt attention. Thorough drainrxe of lands. spwaalty. Post Office address, Asheville ot Best, N. C. Residence Swannanoa Bridge. may lfi-r.mos - rpnjs. A. ONE8, .. .' " . m. Attorney at Law ASHEVILLE, N. C, M Office with Davidson A Van K8 W. J.. & W. D. MILLIARD, Pli j Hl,laiis and Surgeouw. OfBce nextt1ocr tvth Old EanV. I jan 8-fi mon . '--. raos. D. Johnston. Oxo. a. wvwcmi JOHNSTON A. SHLFOIU), Atlrae 'nllr-a.Lii( ASHCVIIJuX, If C WiU uraclice In the 8th and 9th Judicial Dlstrio ol North Carolina, in the Supreme Court ol -'tate. ai.d iu the Federal Courts at Anheyilla The collection of claims, the examination titles to real property, aud the aettlemeaiof esta 4 srecialty by the firm. vOflioeb the Johnn building. a 17-ly ' ' . i ? : r i ,' f; i TOYS ! TOYSlil For t h 6 Holid jiv tVacf o ,-t Wo ha vt; bo ii e:h t a stock nrul will ; sell at low prices-' i: Toys of nil kinds. Dolls in great variety- 1 Wagons Sledsjwheel- ; barrows, Toy Carts. : Fin est Co n f ectionaV ries wc ever hacK -Sn gar Toys, wholesale and retail; flro cmck ers, : Homaii candles, torpedoes, etc. ;: ; ' J Tf jou want to get your caiidies and toys at lowest prieeSjCall at Eis : sS 3 JL 0 ail c r - X. -J . - 1 - f v A i ,.?i'' 1 1

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