irriiiii.w.rii j QrrteOm-tn(iiUrgi&o. 6. A. J. Blair, Imminent Commander; Jordan Stone, Secretary. Meets first Wednesday night in each month. Atkeville Chanter, Jt, A. Jf. A. II. Balrd High Tries : ,11. A. Uudger, Secretary. Meets I ho second , ednesday night in each month, and .lectscve '.'Krtday night tor instruction. " Jfi. Ber n n L ". No. 118, A. F. fc A. X. 1. A. Porter Worshipful Master; Sam'l H. Reed, secretary; 'leets the first Friday night in each month. Swauuan vt Lodge, K. ot JL, No. 616. J. C. Brown, ,D tutor; Jordan Stone, Secretary. .Meets the tirst and third Monday nights in each .mount. fVencri Br 'i vl OanneU, No. 701, R. A. 3. IA Vlnsky, Recent; Jordan Stone, Secretary. Meats in the nail of the Knights of Honor on the second and fou.Ui Monday nights in each month. Aslyecilif DioUion Xo. 15 S. of TP A Cummings Worthy, I atnarch ; W T Robertson. Recording dcribe.' Meets in the hall of the Knights of Honor, very Tuesday night. The Wo rm's MUrtonary Society of the M. E. Church, Su ila, meet in the church class room on the First Friday of every month at 4 o'clock P.M. MAtheviUc Literary Society J. D. Cameron, Presi dent; T. A. Jon-js, Secretary; Locke Craig, Treas urer. Meets every Friday evening at rooms of isheville Library. ASHEVIUG CHURCH DIRECTORY. HetioUt Episcopal Church Church St, f Rev. W. W. Bays Morning servioea 11 a. in. ; tveniag tervicea 8 p. m.; prayer meeting Wed nesday evening 8 p. m.; Sabbath school 9 a. m. j- . Presbyterian Church Church St. Rer. J. P. Ganim on Services 11 a. m. ; p. to.; prayer meeting five p. m. Wednes day; Sab'uath school half-past 9 a. m. Episcopal Church, I'rinitu-corner Church and Willow St. Rev. Jarvis Buxton Services 11 a. m.; 6 p. ta. ; Sabbath school 9 a. m. Baptist Church corner Woodfin and ifpruce." Ref. J. L. Carroll Services 11 a. m.; 8 p. jn.; prayer meeting 8 p. r. Wednesday ; Sab bath school 9 a. m. ..-fc -,--:, Roman Catholic Church. Kev. Mr. McGinity Services first Sunday in each 11 a. m. M. K. Church corner Falton Aoetvte and Bailey St. ' (No pairtor at present m charge). Doubleday Mission Church Uev J ! Hill, 8njt. urnett, Pastor. Sabbath School, J J V. M. C. A. kVl to 12.30 o'clock. All invited to attend. Ooapel Services every Sabbath afternoon, at ' clock, on Battery Porter. Gospel Services at Prof. Veuable's Academy very Sabbath afternoon at 5 o'clock. Gospel Services at Smith's Bridge old De iHjt over ' a. M. Roberts' store, aj 5 'clock. Sabbath fcshool at 4. All are i.ivited to attend the above services. COLORED CHURCHES. A. rf. JS. CliurchlZion) College St. Rev. Mr. Sherman Services 11 a. m. ; 3 p. in., aud I ilf.past 7 p. rn.; Sabbath school 9 in. Baptist. Rev. M . Ilumley Services 11 a. in.; 3 p.m., and half-pa; t 7 p. m.: Sabbath school 9 a.m. Hpisc&paL Bey. Vt. J'rry Services 11 a. m.; Sabbath school 3 p. i . SArvic i held in Court House 03 Sunday 11 a. m., hi if-, ast 7 p. m.t by Rev. Mr. Metts, of A. M. E. Oh arch Dr. deems opinion of v. H. VANDERBILT. "Those instances of Mr. Vander bilt's liberality are rarely heard of," continue t Dr. Deems: "he did not care to L ive them spoken of, but I know of 'nindreds of people whom he has aided generously and un asked. Here is an instance: I have iust received this morning a letter ft' m Dr K P Battle, the pres ident bt the University of North Carolina, at Chapel Hill, near Ral- eieh. There are seventy young meri in ''that university to dav who are 'receivine the benefit of Mr. William's kind and Christian generosity. Dr. Battle writes me that one, the Rev. R. T. Bryant, has just sailed as a Baptist missionary for China. I had started a small fund, fcw the purpose of loaning voting men sufficient money to ed ncae themselves. The money is afterward repaid as they are able to return it.- This is known in the rmiversitv as the Deems Fund and mv rmrDose was to make it a me inorial to mv son. who was killed in the war, in North Carolina. It was but a little fund. One day Mr. wniMirkwlm had learned of this full &btn ome source said to mj 'I have heard of this fund, Doctor. TVH mft.ahmit it' I. explained to him what I had done and its pa r- fjose. When I had finished he con tinued: ll . want you to let me ViAlri vim in this. Put me down lor ftinniVi That was not the last of it Shortly after a lady in the state hearing of Mr. Vanderbilt's action wrote no that she wanted to give tlKOfrP The fund is now perma nnt. ami Senator Brown, of North CurftHnn. has. I understand, ex pressed the intention of contributing to it. Uu Vanderbilt frequently inniiirArl about it. and would have wintrihnted more if I had desired i,im in An an. . I cannot sav what mm w v - - . iurther disposition he has made ot hia moans. Mr. Cornelius, who is the oldest on, as his father was will no. doubt have an important ttharn nt the direction of the estate. His fatlier will be found, I -think, to 'have loft evervthins in its accus tomed order. That was part of his lie was used to give and receive roueh usage from his early rninin rut he was never deliber atelv and intentionally unjust. fEitlisr th e Senator Brown, or the iV,.rM. ( i.i-.klina, iust following, in Tn is a miss print. Eds w l 9 t - -( For Sai-f.. A -pit-ntlid Setter Dog, 3 years old, can boy kIu. ly application to R. A. Ing, be at VanGi jer & Brown's, llolidav Mks for children elegant Works of E. P. Roe, Francis ' it!!! U:t.-.-real's workp. . J. N Morgan & Co JDoop, Sash ana Bima Works Tho. Jj. Ciayton, jatfeevle. - . -' - ar.x rully winippcd with the atest machinery, ana rith au nxiautible aupply of the b-rthard Tud ioft timber on the oontinent. my &cilitSe Tot CUini? orders promptly with the very best fpo&A are unsurpasuea in iue ovum. , i ' OR RETA11.. n MouWlnn and NeweT Wort, liWe Finis Id Hard and Soft Wckki, f ancy tront ' - aa l Vestibulo Doors a specially A.11 orders sent or given the undersigned or U 8. Clayton, 8npTinteaaiit, wid receive prompt attcn'ion, auu SATISFACTION GUARANTEED TIio. I,. C'laytou. ly Trift Career op "uncle ksmus.1 Literary Sneeesa of the FonnyswSIan Who Deals with Negro Folk-Lore. Kew York Mail and Express. Mr.-Henry W. Grady, editor of The Atlanta Coustitution, who is visiting New York, in an interview with a reporter gave the following account of the circum stances that "developed" "Uncle Re mus:" "L'ncle Tenuis, " our other humorous writer, was a freckled-faced, red headed printer's devil in a country optica He was the consummation of homeliness and very small in stature. - He could not reach up to the case to set typo and had to elevate himself on a box. Now and then a quaint piece of humor would ap pear in the paper. It was finally discov ered by the editor that the little devil, Harris, ' was the author, and instead of writing it. just set it up in type. - The true quality of the humor attracted The Savannah News, and he was employed by that paper and then by The Constitution where he is now. When he went to work on the lattei paper Old Si was the funny writer. He was "o$ " and was unable to contribute his usual stu J. We. put Harris to writ ing for him. and not t hurt Mr. Small's feelings he took the uama of Uncle Ke mus. b mall's humor was of a political and local nature; Harris dealt with the negro folk lora Very soon Harris' writings were copied everywhere. He received of fers to write stories for magazines and periodicals The first he wrote was Mingo. " it was illustrated Dy Aooey and published in " Harper's Christmas. " The price paid f r it was 400. A tunny incident occurred in connec tion with ibis story. . Harry came to New 1 ork to talk t; Air. Abbey about the il lustrations. Now. Harris cis the most timid of men. They concluded to give him a social spread He attended, but before thev sat down he said he wanted to see about his overcoat. He went out. cot his overcoat, rushed off to Desbros- ses street ferry aud started for home, hav- inff remained only two days, iiis negro stories are published in book form by Ap- pleton fc Co. The Century puousnes an hi3 stones, for each of which he gets :J00. In England, Lavid Douglas re mits him $600 a year for publishing his negro stories in book term, tnougn tne copyright law does not compel him to do so. Uouglas publishes ins stones in a scries called tue American classics, in cluding the following authors: Bret Harte, George. W. Cable, Howells.and Aidrich. Indeed, to'sum up, Harris re ceives :f5,0.0 aunually from his hooks, and a salary of Si.olW a year irom ine Constitution. v l'i ze Tale Comj etitloii. Brooklyn Evjle.l The Taris Figaro having started a prize tale competition, the jurors, who were M. M. Jules C.aretie, F. fcaroey. and Auguste Vitue, express their astonishment at "tht morose and lugubrious train of thought generally manifested by the competitors. iweryDouy seems to go ma.i anu commn suicide. " The wonder is that people who are reduced to writing prize stories nave not themselves gone mad and committed suicide long since. Steam In a Ked-Hot Boiler. Baltimore Herald. A boiler been made in France in which the metallic surface exposed to fire does not touch the water. Ihe boiler, it is said, can not become red hot, but is en veloped all over by the same temperature. ine vaponzuuou is vcij gicai uu v last drop of water can be converted into steam without any danger or explosion. Ullas and Bad Coffee 1'ar Asunder. New York Herald. 1 Bev. David Swing proclaims the fact that "putting an egg into colTee to make it clear is still au active uumoug, anu that "although the nineteenth century is nearing its close its b!ae has not yet shined into the coffee pot " Good to rennsylvaui i. Detroit Free Press. 1 A southern paper says that God is good to Pennsylvania, for when the whales ran scarce petroleum was discovered, ana iust as cheap southern coal and good iron ore threaten to undersell me jreuusyivauia mines natural gas was found. Arctic Expedition. Boston Herald. Secretary Endicott believes, with justice, that sacrificing good men s lives in Arctic expeditions whose results are limited to obtaining materials for lectures and curiosities for dime museums is a wicked waste. Let him stick to it meric in zhi ;. In England whenever a politician doe3 anything which doesn't bear the seal of approved precedent, wnicn impresses iub people as rude or revolutionary, he is said to be "Americanizing" English politics- just as we talk about "Mexicanizing" our home poimc3. . A ut Axial Colors. Pfcilad Iphtt Tunjs.J . Those also are wrong, poets and all, who attribute autumns colors to the agency of frost Leaves ripen, like cherries and peaches, simply because it Is their nature to do so and this ripening may begin as early as July. Hi.- rreu in lndi. The total circulation of the vernacular cress of India is estimated at about 150,- 000 an amazingly low figure when com pared with the vast population among which it circulates. The Hindus care nothing for the date of a paper, and read it as long as it holds together. sheep in Europe. It is asserted that the number of sheep is diminishing in Europe. - This is at tributed to more land being brought into arable cultivation and cropped with roots and foraze plants, liut the total amount of meat ami wool does not appear to have decreased- - f atiitoza' Tobossnn Slide- The great triple toboggan slide that is to be the joy of the Saratogians during the winter, is almost finished. It has been graded for' a distance of 1,500 feet, and is twenty-two feet wide. The grade is one in four. ." Kotis Dojr-. Bogus dogs are frequently sold in New York. A. woman there bought an al leged ecru poodle, which was afterward found to be nothing but a common cur ingeniously covered witli a poodle's skin. W hat Few l'eople Know. Few people know that t)y setting a glass fruit ar on a folded towel thoroughly soaked ia cold water, the fruit can be poured in boiling hui with no more danger of breaking than with tin pan. - Nothing Hotter. . ILoneU tituen. ' The English language contains over 88,000 words, and yei when a man wishes to stop a street car he can not think of anvthin? belter to sav than "Hil" BEEF MARKET AND Grain and Provision Store. MURRAY & HARKII7S, - DEALERS IN Grain, Fted, and Groceries. SOUTH MAIN STREET. we also nave in connection a nrst-tiass Meat Market, and the well-known George W. Page as Cutter. .Nothing but good meats delivered anywhere in the city. Ail xkYi n .ft .am j C fn T o 3 II IT 4 ! f V f rj.t Will have in a few days for the Whole sale trade, ia large lot of ; CRACKERS, BRANDY FRUITS, FIRE-WORKS; CANDIES OF : . ALL : KINDS, ' CHEESE, ; PIGS' FEET, PICKLES COF- FEE. TOYS, XMAS; CARDS, &C. Notice for Announcement. . J. DESMOND, South Mai St. ft. t t , . - i "-) J I' 'y..i :' ' aSSsSlJFE-. INSURANCE. Y" . ' wluChaffeotfthitS4iow5oiAj''t,i ' ' o -." East Point, Ga.,' April 2, 1884. My wife has been afflicted .with a terrible form " b? -Scrofula -.Tor1, over ten years, TPhy icianir exhausted their' skill, and numaous patent ,edidneg were ' used without benefit Her rendition ' pew'; ' wors-ner : ;appe tite failed, attended,, with debilir, -emaciation, falling out of the hair and frightful breaking OTtrftteikta.' jHef hones became verynfufch diseased irid painful (some calling it 'white awelfiwtV Vfth aI5pleM trights nd a general 44UnB horror'. SomffMend said that B. K J.WOnld cure her. I procured it and placed her upon its use, and to the utter astonishment of all who know hVthe Wcdvery was frapid and complete., I acfed as a .powerful tonic, , gave her a'fplendid appetite and acted upon the kidneys; A few botttee did the work The ac tion of B. B. B. was decidedly quick, and the medicine cost but little. I advise nay friends to use it it V blooaurififcrt ) Tours tnily, . . B. M. LAWSOS. J - ' ' ' . " - - BLOOD POISON. " Mr. A. P. W."f of Hampton; Ga., has recently eaera from" bVsMr tni' most4 1'emariaDW cases of "BIoo Pofibd'Sfl His' body and limbs had no less than four hundred small ulcers his bones, tormented him with pains his ; appetite failed W' kidneys presented frightful g-raptomnj and all doctors and 100 bottles of the moet popular lood Poison Tern-, edy failed to give him-any relief." 7 He secured BLB. B., the concentrated qTrfck cure, ind ve bottles healed up the ulcers, relieved his pain, eared hia kidneys, restored his appetite, and made him a healthy and happy man.. Any one can secure his full same and correspond with him FALL AND WINTER James ir. Has iust received the largest and best selected stpes oi blo rtriiN u Consisting of Prince Alberts, Nor folk Jackets, Chesterfield, Cut . awaj- and Sack Suits,; for . Men, Youth4 and Boys, brought to this market. Hi9 stock of ever OTE It CO-ALTS is, larger and cheaper than ever be- ' : lore. DRX.SS GOODS rom 10c a yard up. W BOOTS, SHOES & HATS bv the caxloa,d; alL,sorta .and eizes at prwes s io-4as ujc iuwcom in any quantity you want, v : Coffee, Bacon and Lahd ower than ever before. - Carve ts. Blankits ana Mings A full t flHeortment "all wool and a : yard wide. Wholesale and Retail. Kerosene and White Oil by the car . load. --v. . 1 1 1 UAJt 11..? is the place to duy, auu ium i Western ft. Carol inaJU W'KSTERN N. C. RAIUROAD CO.. V General rassenger urace, Salisburj.SpU&tl1,l8a.J - n dtile will b operated bjfjam Company Ej V GOft SUES' Traitfifofl. Salisbury, HUtesville. Mwton, Hickory. I card, Moreanion, Marion. Old Fort, Hound Knob, Coopers, f 8. Alexanders, Maranall. W.48 Barnards, ii.i' I j Warm Spr'i 11.451 "TBOINQ EAST tTrainNo.2. Arr. ' L've. 12.80 am 11.89 pra 11.32 10.33 10.3s VJ0 , -fjlO.Oft. 9.38 ' 9 Arr. uve 7.80 pm 8.80 5.50 4i 4.05 , . Jill 3.20 1.09 1.30 : 11,3& Itai up ' -10.J3 rl0.v - ' galiibury, Stateavtue, Nawten, fcar,-T." MOTXaoiOD, t Marion. Ai t t:l2 9.10 . 9.W ' ' 1 . 7.42 Old Fort: T.4-2 Hound Knob, . 7.07 BlaclMla.n fl? r J.27 , - f V .20 1 -J8.a I Caooers. t 6.06 6.06 7.05 v.&o -7.41 7.07 7.07 6.3X 6ii5 . 4.49 4.12 ? Bp g jancuv i, Ashevllle, Alexanders, Marshall, Bamards, Warm Springs 5.41 5.12 4.48 4.11 8 JO. A MtRPH"iV brvisioN. I f Going West. Going East Train No. T. it .iram Itations. , t - Arr. gnevUle. , .Train No. 8. Att. AM 10.26 10 54 11.21 11.51 11.19 1.49 2.28 2.89 J.31 As . . 10.29 10.58 11.26 11.54 19.29 1.53 2.99 2.41 8.31 . Hominy, : Turnpike" IVn River, Clvde. W o 9 a. a. o W'aynesv'le vaisam, t Hallf Ml 49 Web'rsiavif 7 M f Chi arwstoii. 109 ootid Knob ia breakfast station for X6. 1 , sup ner station for So 2. ; . Trains Nob. 1. , 7 and 8 run daily. - , " -frniM Koa. . and 4 rnn -Mffig St. BLAPGHTER.G.P. A. - " LTk.T fOTIOE. I Li . . Earties. wiatunx a bargain iioun&inlafa8,jjng on ije Wantiriala. rlvfer in Macon county, aiTd I ki, ih Western North Carolina Railroad, l . . . , 1 . 11 .1. kA UAnl. f mi it io wen io nui i " AaheYille on J E Rankin, who is author ised to dispose of same for me. There are 4400 acres in the body of lands men tioned and I wanWotsell: pnfoufth interest. The ot&&eoinihKowi jointly by John Everett, of Swain coimty aid Hon E R Stamps, of Raleigh, N C. Sale without reserve and full warra of title Riven. i. idhiiv -iJfov5.18S5. no6dawtf 4 v4H-fi 1 i -1 i-. :'.'A' 1TOR SALE CHEAP. ; - ;:, A yonnp; horse, sound .-.i v!,i A shot Wincbeer Rifle isted for 000 yards with cfe-ie'-e. IT. DOUBLED AY. oawyer SI w fralifK&.-ft Arr. Ive. Arr. L've. 1.26 a in. 6.30 a. Hi. 2.S1 2.35 7.54 8 14 8.43 8.44 10.02 10.07., . 4.09 4.10 If. 07 n.-2fOt 4 40 4.41 12.0 12.25 pVraf 1 5.15 &.16 l.uo - 6.33 6.S3 2.B9 2.59 7.13 7-14 j! 3.43 8.55 7.31 8.01 XIL. , . 5: &6 T 6M .06g li 9.21 6.45 6.17 H 3 am ; it S7 ti m tk J io'.is ' ft m Train Ko- 3.59 4 VI '" 3.37 3 39 V 3.12 : 3 17 p 2.45 2 47 O 2.00 8 25 i n . a n or e j 11.45 10.4 AM ease. ' DO 17 'V-'w 'AVbia-Tf'IllfraFlATIOJ r 'Of TlKOXSf A v-- w mHKV Issues policies for from W 1,000 to $15,000. 'j . .tr-C feature combines the guarantee the cost bl jprdinary co-operative inur- 1 ance m Secret wders. FIRE"""INSURAHCt. , Insurance against loss by Fire in City and County, gn ajljdnd PJU PropertyItieafaiid Persons Short as well as long, i-erm. : . , Policies ipF&Bd striatrTatesf i IIonii3 and Foreign. THOS. W. Bit ARCH, Agent, Office North Side Court Square. my20-tf ;v:vv f 'i k EDWARD JASTQH, - vSEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE : 7. CENT, AshPviiFe, A'orth Carols a ills? f y; gwwie . til cies ?-5cr!Ptri'a. veUiihif Adcitexl flirecfi &om m- norters. (in original packages.) the iol- lowingrWnlch-wc -recommend for their fine flavorj: aiijstfpertor: drawing quali ties: - finest Moyune Gunpowder, tcoices-t ormosa uoiong, i , . Choicest English Breakfast, Extra Fancy Japan. HIGHEST GRADE COFFEES. Old Gov't Java Cofiee, green and roasted, Genuine Mocba, . liguayra, Feaberry, ncy Golden Rio, Cordova, Coffeet " " ' BaVef's Chocolate, RiLlrar'A Tirnnia. Epps' Cocoa. I UST ARKiyEp, talifornia'Ffnit in glass" jars ' Oranges, Quinces, Apricots, Muscat. Granes, Eg" Plums, . , , , uart'ett rears. t"ri - -- QnmH CSalifomia Fruits, 5 . Golden Gate Peaches,' Imon Cling Peachea, Anneota. Bartlett rears. Bahama Grated Pineapple. FOR LUNCH ; AND' PIC-NICS. Pates of Game, (truffled) Quail, ridge, Wild Duck, Grouse Part- and wooacocK. Boned Chicken and Turkey Potted Game, Lunch Tongue, KTnRPted-llerTiTifferrShrirrjn, Anchpvy, Paste, Yarmouth Bloate. s Conelcss Sardines, uevniea craos, Edam Cheese, Albert Biscuit, i Dundee Marmalade and Jams, Instantaneous Chocolate. Frsh Crackersa great. variety --r "2S . AT KEPI.ER'S.: Trenaa ma?eas and UuAtotmuu , Qneen C)nves. I'apers, Clinic Powder, f alad Dressing, "ttroWWi rntsfitriiftiRlirnnm C.atsco. ' Preserves-rin glass and pailsj Ci3WO 6lnefeR,' ' i J --'. f r . R & R Plum Pudding, M ,., Spaghetti Macaroni, ermlcelll . Staple Family Groceries r4ofWX dwritotwny. : 'it? i A 1 tl ..T.. :.l .. -f 1 4 .1 rijtif- i iim-i. A i 'tST A ti.mW7.p 1864. i Wholesale Commission Merchants, SEAXERS IN DB1SD AND SVAPOBATED FaojTS, Ain Pbodttok of Alt. Jv'8! -' I1N THB1BEA80P, WOOU BEESWAX and. FEATHERS 19 ?kset JP5SR & 50 & 52 Bkoad A Ate., W. H. FfRMAN. I . u FvEmanJ j . NEW YORK, a References: Levi APKar, Pres. ftorth River mvyv.i r r,t llon(nn Md. O. N. W ll- Ktuns rnnHiidnimia. N. Y. Gordon & Dilworth JT75 Greenwich Street, N. Y. W. Tl-o-ipson, Pres. N. Y. P. B. Co., 82 Sullivan St. ADos-vbm .iU ii t ftU.E. - ; RA Z LEO--ll- EEN Sasli St Blind Fac torv rrhiRpd a laree amount ot Oak, Ash Chestnut. Cherry and Walnut Lumlier. and f CATS. FURNISH WORK mannfkrtiimil of thorouehlv dried" n'atenal. We propose to furnish work at the lowest figures, and equal to any OTU4TPX,Pro, f ' i S CEAYTt)K,'Bush8 Manger1. ' ' fet4-swtf 1 1. m. ttl.JiM' twiu-iriatAhiuyij i lfihevitte. Jt C. lAie oest stock alwas ca hand. Work always guaranteed to give satisfaction. I an especially -prepared to tn'lto Dcow and hoes so as ti prevent D&xrVBSBt -(HQCEAJUNi. FiCnetinv Work always onhandj an tyle anrf hatfsfactkyn guaranteed, ' as to 'stock and work. Shoemskers' Findings always on hnudand or sl. the best in the mark.efr, at loy vrfw a i It! .'l.A! rd i I i .FRANK LOUGHRAN-: & B RO, : Wine and Liauor Merchants. PIUpilEaK OP-JlfK- . -f.'BOHAHZA,!'.mo 1 iSt' .1, '-! door above, the fj. a1 . 1 JM We llnj rOOL AND BILLIARD CABLES AT BGHTAM. Our Wines and IJqiiors pireet rrm flic JM f liters anaimporteri.r OUR LIQUORS ARE' RE( 'OMM ENDED -RV tIjE I.KAbiKa I'll Y ,..t SICJANS OF THE. STAT." k ,"'.rV"'.' UJUiIQUNljiJLQ WHlSKEyy'PBA Ctl AXM A ' Goods Packed and i. o.bx aiior.qr a '1 MOTHEIIS' HLIEND! Xo More Terror 1; This invalusxile prepar auon is ruiy a innmpn or scientilic skill, ana no more inestimable benefit was ever bestowed on the mothers of the world IV It not only shortens the time of labor and les Sn More 1'aln So or Panjor ! TO sens the intensity of pain, but, better than all, it greatly diminishes the danger to life of both mo ther and child, and leaves the mother in a condition hiffhlT favorableto speedy Kother or 4'jlld, The nreatl of i recovery, and far. less li-. Die IO DOOUU,' OOBYB1S TTTikf lifrhnOfl ions, and other alarming k " jsymptonis incident t flnl ' V - i icennKand atnfoi laborj TKASSFORMED to 1IB irUIJ 1TUUUC1JU1 villi;. acy in tnis respect entities the Mother's Friend to be ranked as one of tne life-saving applicants giv HOE en to tne worm Dy ineuis . . icoveriesr.f moiiernsctence ; f $r i J f i , From the naar of the . v v . .t x fease it will of eooiSeb JOY 'understood that wecannot inublish certit'eates con cerning this Kkmkdt with qut woundingthe delicacy of the writers. Yet we have Safety anil Ease TO- hundreds of such testim onials on tile, and no mo iher who has once used it will ever again be without it in her time of trouble. Snfrering: Woman A prominent phTSlclan lately remarked to the proprietor, that If it were aiinnesioje io nisne puuiic me leneis we reuciTc, lire Jin Friend" would outsell an thimg on the market. I must earnestly entreat every female eipcctlcg to be couHneil to use Mother's KeHet. couplea with this entreaty I will add 6hat duriug a long obstetrical practice (forty-four yeais). I have never known it to fail to prodrice a sale and quick delivery. H. J. HOLMES, M. !.. Atlanta, Ga. Send for onr Tr-atises on "Health and n&ppiness of Woman," ma.ied free. J f -J,HBADFIEID KkOULATOK CO., AllBnia, U. X BRAND & CO, ; - - U UJUSS. X A.AVXJf. $ l J ASTIEV IIXE N, ' Metaliir and Walnut Coiiins constantly on hand. Every requisite cf the business furnished. All calls day or night prompt ly answered. Hearse? i flushed when desired mt-wly SOMETHING CHOICE! JoJ LOWERS OF THE WEED, who enjoy a really good smoke, should alway ask for IIOLMFJi- dlolden Ix'flf. Land of Ihe Sky, Iisgah. These brands aie ii.auufacturvd fmia the tele hrated Tobrcco? erown in Western North Caro lina, tree frosu ull perfumeries, adulterations o - a -ti e,k Iiav a. I Ask your dealers or ft . f -and take uo other. Orders from Ik Tridt Sttic4lrd. K. 1. IIOLMEF & CO. Pbopriktoes aB 2-12un . ;. -.v, ASIJKVILJ t. - STEAM GRIST 'MIMi, SEMI NEW- DEI'OT, OUR NEW STEaM MILLS are in fulf oiiertitin, and we are feady to supply families or with b : mtrehantfl 1 THE BEST MEAL, REST MILL FEED, , HAY ANP FOPDEJl. &t At the lowest prices, f ' i FOR CASH!' Corn ground for usual toll, prompt delivery guaranteed. Give us a call. JORDAN & HALYBURTON. au.l-swtf r 1 r ' 9TGP AT THE Qrantl iCeritrl H5tel - ... . r . m . ntlllTTTf T T. W tl KB 1UU . V 151 i ABH Cj V AAjXjJv, If yyou like good fare, fine rooms, good attend ance, etc. . 14,150 Arrivals In 2 Years, Oroerls per-day, shows the lows' Uik lifEhf rsteijn In which it is held, V. -aaV nAllla wullAM InwIi VllM1 fmm CUliU liW. iivtju " " ' ..v. Beauaatcher Mountain, cold and hot baths, elec tric bells in each toom, Board 1.50, and $2.50 per day; 8 to 110 per week; 930 to 145 per morh. Satisfaction guaran teed. . ... ..... ' J :17 Chcdester fftSoty, ..;',:.' -owii'ers ina'Xroprior. . A. L. WtLF-Y, of Virginia, Clerk. " . R. O. SEVILLE, late of Raleigh and of Turcell 4 ;iTous4 KorfoUt, Caterer. Look Out for Ihe. Red Bva at the Depot. ; Jel6.daw3m - - ; J0TTLLER WANTED. A good Miller, well recouimt nded, csnjiri employment, by immediate ap plication to mo. A. B. FORTUNE, nofiw2w tVirtnne.nB oen mie Co., X. G ':JlROPIEt6RriF'TVK,'-- ' ACME,'' , "S -aS0" i,itt 4- -8,e under V h.itloc k's . J-'-X.U i'-'.V !. A SPECIAL Til Shipjitdlttf Mtl' Point. PRdFESSlONAL SARDS. C M. McLOCP , i. ; . -lA5 A. y.O. KK MbLouD a-aiookk; - Attorrwy and tatmtell&r n f ntl ' ASUEV1LI.E, . V. ' Practice in the t'nited States ( ireuii and Mi rlet Courts at Asheville, htatw iile, Charlottt' and Greensboro; iu the Supreme ( oort a: Kaleiirh and in the Courts of the 8th arid Wh .iidi(Mnl K trictsof the State oi North Carolina. , Special attrition given toco! lections .it clfcim. may 24 1 j vr A s w VI 7 ALTER E. MOORE, - . - v , Attorney at Law,. -Webster, N. C. -. . Practices in all the Gout f Western North Carohna, and the collection oi claims a speojalty. mh 18-wly K. JOHN HEY WILLIAMS, . t , Phurktan and Surceori. t . V jfl'te: Alain St.. 2 doors snnth of Rank nui ence on French Broad Avenue. . Office hours 11 1 , to l p. ra., and from 3 to 5 p. in. Thec. i Davidson. fVAVlDSON 4 MARt?.4? Jas. ti. Mart: - Attorneys Coanseltors-at.ljiw A uuvnfi V f I ViJ pri tlo In the 8th and'vth Judicial Distrwal fva iu tht Supreme Court of North :i.iin. un.i S.il6.?'11 oxutMot ihe Western Ulsfrtotof North Carolina. Refer to the Bank of AsBeville. - aepl9-awAwni' yOCKE CRAIG, ' Attorney at Law, . ASIIEVIJJJN. (X Office in'Court H ouBe. dec C-l y JAMES A. BURROUGHS, ' " Physlciau autl burgeon, : XSllEYILIJ-:, N. V., :: Office over Powell & gnider's. 4 ;. VST" Resideneu i-orner of Main am Woodfin streets. '-' do 16-ly i" " W. H, MALONK, r . Asheville, X. C. . WtOWMANt Bakersville, X. C.t J Halone and Bowman, 1 Attorneys at Law. . HAVING FORMED A COrARTNF.KSHlp'iu the practice ol tne law, will do busineis in several counties of the 11th find '2lh circuits", especially in lie counties of Mitchell, Yancev, Madison and Buncombe. Will practice In th'e United States Court and the Supreme Court oi the State. Controversies in regard to land title made a specialty. Offices onen at Ash, -vine im! Pl-crtr!;i.. 0ct31-6mot ( , , .,-. . , . . , .-1 . . , i , t s. F. VENABLE, Ciril JEngineer and General Purveyor, . prepared to do all work in Mb profeiron, su. offers his services especially in Leveling, Koeii Making, Making Estimates on Work. Laying Off Locating and Platting or Mapping Ctiy Lota, so." Estimating or Mapping Work already done Je 8-tf J. A TEXXKNT. Architect and Civit' Jtrrglneir. Designs, Specincatioiui, and Estimates 01 aii style ot building furnixhed npon application, and work superintended when desired All work en trusted to me as Civil Uigiueei U1 receivai prompt attention; -Thorough drained xnf landr specialty. . Fost Oflice address, Asheville oi Best, X. C. Residence Swannanoa Bridge, - may 16-6mos . rjlHOS. A. JONES, . Aflorii- al lAin ASHEVILLE, N. C. oct i2-l w OfTxe iih 1 i id.i t Van f - - - JR8 V. h. A' VV. I). IJ1L1.IAKI. rh vaiciant ami Surg-!. 0f6ee next door i-oiith Old rit V. jan 3-6 mew " , - : - i . Taos. U. Johnston. Gfo. A. Bxrcat-, JOHX&TON & SHUFORL", Attorneys fc Coanafllor-ntI.i AfHEVIIX8 N Ky ' Wil uractice in the 8th and 9th judicial Diftrlc ot .North Carolina, in the Supreme Court ol State. aud i tkidaral Wjortat vVfaeriUe "f - a Tht coHecttotr' of'claiuis the exahrlnatu.c titles to real property, and the settlemcntof em a STeffclty by the linn, Office lr the Job not a 17-ly Duunui; TOYS ! TOYS! Vov the Holiday .trade We hay bought a 1 arget Ok fi kV r wf 1 1 sell at low prices. 1 . Dolls in groat, variety, W agon s , ii ed s, w 1 ieel- DaiTows Si 111 A. ' 1 - : I I i 1, FiiieslCoii feet i on n- nes we ever naa- on- vJ and retaj ; erspRornancaiftlles,' ; tor es, etc. ii yo.n wani io g ret r, cauqi(3and tof :west priees,eaU af your at low ,.-ia.-; ' . i-. V rl Kaffle llott'l BlccV ' i we ask is a trial? - au It-tdec2