"C . In.- ISM 4 . - mhmmMMM 1 V,' v ' m , 7 dailt edition; i. ' -J-""' . - ' J.A.TX.T'.v ' $3.00 :, 3.00 .."'X.BO TO ,.: 1 Year, j Mo., j y j ? 'RRTfSrXG RA TS tLOW. - v- I 'OWE LI" & SNIDER'a OOLtN ,':,u ? ... POlNTERSi! VjtUirory c , Trad'fc JoulS3xroitftset in dications the coming season promi SCB WtU. ; : V ' . CANNED GOODS Our Stock is the largest ever of fered hi .Western North Carolina. Quality guaranteed, and prices very low. , ' TEA. We carry a full Hue of the finess Teas that can be bought in New Yorlc, 40c. to $1.00 per lb. COFFEES. Our Stock is-large, arid emhiaces Green and Roasted Mocha, Man deling, Ptdany and genuine O. G. Java, Costa Rica, Maracaibo, La gu:iyra. Santos and Rio. SUGAR. (Jut L'oaf, ' 'Powdered, v Standard . G ranu lated y Extra. C and Yellow, at MOLASSES AND SYRUPS. New Orleans, P, 11., May agues, Golden or kegsL and Silver Drip, in bbls. all prices and grade-.. RICE. Always a large stock of Carolina Rice on hand, 51 to 8Ja SPICES. Oartock is specially large and "well selected. SUNDRIES .- We have some special selections and bargains, as Raisins, Prunes, .JFigs, .'Nuts, Candies, Cranberries, -riCurrents, Citwm,-Oranges, Lemons, 01?YeS Mince Meat, Jellies, Jams, lOIiye Oil, Pickles, Sardines, Pre tvc$ -Gingrr, , Catsup, Gelatine ' ClKAColate, Broma, Cocoa, Macaroni, . YertnUjelli, Extracts, Herbs, Crack- - ers, Soap, Checse,"arid in fact, a tock of Ffuiei Groceries that cannot fail to suit the most fastidiou, in prices and quality. Our - Flour . tirain and Feed department -- ... . v Is oomplete. .We: buy direct from producers, and always keep on hmnd car lots each of Flour, Corn, Oats, Jlay, Bran and Shorts, which w can furnish at ,oieet vllarket Friees -t. To cash Wholesale buvera in our line we will say price bur goods be for buying;.' " i5; 'f '" V Tu r tail buyers we will say that our 8 ock is always fresh, full and complete -boueht for cash on the Wst markets, and sold at fair and reasonable prices.' , 1 . ' . PapU '& "Siiider, por. ifain et and Pat ton AvV, VOL. I.-NO 221. DAILY EDITION. INTERESTINQ , READLNQi MATTER , ; ON THE FOURTH PAGE. Arrival an4 psrtar oftm Trslm. Salisbijbt Mfl trla ikTrirwi f:29 A. k. ' f-v . M Departi 5-3 p. uS. . .. ..departs ftt IChSO a. X. Tannessee Arnrea 637 r. m. - .; ' Departa 9:47 A. tu. ,r ' -Watmtiixi ArriTe 48 x. V M , Depart 9:89 A, M. .V - The Waynesvllle traSn reacheajhil point at ii:3u ; returning,' earea naynesnue a( i jo. THE t DAII.Y CITIZEN ; Wiil be published every Morning (ex cei)t Monday) At: the following rate- ttrtctly cathi V . . " One' Year, . -. . Six Months, ; . ; .. . Thre -.- . r- $d 00 . 3 00 ; I 60 , so 15 Oar Camera will deliver, the papierv- ery Morning in efely ar of the .city to onr subscribers, and parties wantingit :n i . l it... r- gas nn W. T. Weaver, Sole Agent for Hess' Hand-Made Shoes for men. tf Send your Job Work of all kinds to the Citizen Office, if you want it done neatly, cheaply atxd vAth dispatch. Billiard and poll tables with raonarck cushions, upstairs, at Hampton & JTeath eretone'e. No kind of wine made uut what ran be found at Hampton & Featheretone's. The Telephone will be ready for use by the 1st. Wind to the South: now look out for squalls. Dusty stneets in December have been a novelty. Probably the dust will be laid before we go to press. Mr. Milton Ledford is the most successful "wire-puller" in Ashe ville. At least he has proven him self so in putting up the telephone wires, lie has done a good job. We were glad to learn from the father of little Mamie Featherston, burned on Monday night, that her condition is assurino:, and that her recovery may be looked for. All the ladies of the city will soon have an opportunity to talk a.s-much as they please, and hoid sweet con verse with friends without leaving their homes. - The telephone will do. - - c The regular monthly meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held in the Yi M. C. A. rooms, tuis p. ni. 'at 4 o'clock. All persons 'interested in the cause of temperance, are cor dially invited to attend. The Citizen staff acknowledge? with much pleasure the invitation of Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Ksndall,-of Ennis, Texas, to attend the mar riage of their daughter, Miss Lillian Pringle to Mr. A. Mairs Butler, which happy event took place on Wednesday evening, the 30th inst. Bell ringing is a fine art, assidui ously cultivated in' Europe. Would it not be well to open a bell school heie? The fire bell is rang with awful jangle and by fearfully 'un- practiced hands. We want to know whether we are sumoned to churcu, or to a furneral, or a public meeting, or to a fire. ... The me mbers of Asheville Divis ion S. of T. are requested to meet at their Hall this morning promptly at 9:30 o'clock, to attend the funeral of their deceased sister, Addie Edv wards. By o:der of the. W. if.- P. A. CmrjtiKGs, .- It. S. protem. The Citizen staff tender their ac knowledgements to the President and faculty of the Asheville Fe male College for the cordial invi tation to attend'the .Annual supper of the Senoir class, given on Tues day. Unavoidable circumstances denied lis the pleasure.; of . atten dance. Col. Andrews and( Maj. Wikon went out over the Asheville and Spartanburg Road , this A morning. The work of leveling up the track is proceeding as rapidly as possible and it is hoped that .a regular through schedule can be fixed be fore many weeks. As soon as prac ticable it will be done." :. ; In the notice of the fire alarm cn Thursday evening, we stated, as we were informed, that it was a burn ing chimney at the nouse ot Mr. Redwood. In justice to tharecntle- man, we correct that statement The cause was more serious, r rom some cause altogether inexplicable, a fire broke out in the basement, near the front porch, and for a - short time burning fiercely, the whole base ment being for a time in full blaze. The prompt activity of the neighbors soon extinguished the flames. The fire organization was quickly out in full force. ' : - v --'. Go to Law's fob Pbesknth. . '' A larger and finer line : of goods offer ed this j-ear than ever before, and prices lower than ever. s . A grand etock of Silverware, crystal, cut, engraved and colored.., Bohemian Glass. A lot of real Faience pitchers in three sizes, at 60, 05 and 75 cents each, (about half price.) Hammered Brass Trays. New style clocks in brass and Faience. For Christ mas or bridal presents o to Y Law's,, v , - - . , ; opposite Eagle Hotel. Bbass' CiiOcks. T.''." " New lot jnrt in at Iaw'b. : .. - AH - Notice the advertisement of Mr. J. D. McCattlees, at whose otore something good awaiUjroa,, Af Nick Opxbation : -Was performed on Sunday 20th by Br. John Her Wnn&ms inltbe .ixUipatkMi of a canceoras wart from, the left eye of writ' i-k -rr ' : f'.'.f' wl ' xaaj. y, am or warm j&priBga. wan was of considerable size, but was .removed, leaving scarcely a" scar. . The operation was a triumph of skilful aorflrerr.'- a.: W.i.- . V i - 'i- .' . Boahd Mextiko..' r ..Z The Board of Missions, and the Sun day School and Bible SoardsMriIl meet in their regufar quarterly meetuiin the Baptist Church, in' Ashevilleoa ThurH day, Jan 7th at 11 a. m. : A fuil meeting is desired. ' Let every member attend i : v.Fraternallyp .-. VK- -Win )v Kh WHtw A " ..IT. Mr, Ader, CIV,,wa J.of ia.fr uity, and flowery Florida,- never forget his friends of the Citize. : 'Aannallj, at the Christmas times, some of the fruits that the tropic son had- ripened for him while he enjoyed thaeool breezes. of our mountains, come to us to cheer our sanc tum, to be enjoyed in some more appro priate place. His thouerhtfulnesa this season did not failhimf and the annual tribute of nood . will i was paid with the pleasure with which was received. 1 The thanks of all of us to Mr, Clarke.' . Appointed Clekk. r- . - - ;., Judge Gudger sent in yesterday eve ning the appointment of Clerk of the Superior Court of Buncombe, vice Major Herndon resigned. , Mr. W. A. Key nolds is the appointee That Mr. R. will make a most efficient. - courteous, atten tive clerk, all will admit; and the ap pointment was due him, from the fact that he was the .nominee of the Demo cratic party at the last election for clerk, and was only beaten some 75 or 80 votes; and hence the appointment is but the recognition of the wish of a large major ity oi tne vein crats- or Buncombe, as expressed at that election. We congrat ulate our friend upon his appointment. Funeral Notice. ; ; , The organization of the Sons of Temperance are requested to meet at their Hall at 9 o'clock this morn ing to attend the funeral of their de ceased sister Addie Edwards. . Married. In this city on Christmas Eve by the Rev Dr. Bays, Thomas Jeffer son Mitchell, late of Tennessee, and Ada, daughter of Mr. Joseph Ab bott of Asheville. - ' The Sad End." Addie Edwards, the -youngvgirl burned by the explosion of kerosene on Monday night, died on Wednes day morning at half past 5 o'clock. In agony she passed away in the midst of a season lately so bright to her, and death comes with the dy ing year to close the vista of her young life. . , Sudden Death of a Good Citizen. I We regret to learn of the sudden death of Mr. J. T. Pickens, which oc curred at his home on Swanuanoa' yesterday morning. He arose very j early, apparently in his usual! health, walked to the fire-place, looked at the clock, remarked that it is just four o'clock",' sat down by the fire, and almost instantly fell over a corpse. Mr. fickens was over seventy years of age, and leaves' a large family, who have the- sym pathy of all- Mr. W. S. Patty of McMinnvilh Yamhill, county Oregon, and , Mr. L, .Patty -of, Morristown, Tenn.. visited our office yesterday . The for mer returns, to the Atlantic Slope after an absence of twenty years. He has the air, of one who would not willinorly remain lon? away frohi his far away home on the Pa cific coast. As he comes on a busi ness matter, in whioh ;many of our people may become interested, we defer a farther notice, which, we will give at another time. u- . , Watch-Nigiit Service. -' ' ' There will be a watchynight ser vice at the Methodist church to-night begiLning at 10 o'clock; and continu mg until mid-night the coming ot the new year. The services will aim to be varied and .. interesting.: All the congregation, who cau, are urged to attend. The public cordially4n vited; come, and let u:s all dedicate ourselves anew to God. i . ;. Election of Officers. ; . . At the meeting of . French Broad Council Royal Arcanum, held Mon day night, the following 'officers were elected for the ensuing yean Past Regent S.'Lipinskyi ; -s.,,-Regent Ellis Levy; , . V. Regent Jesse K. Starnes. -Orator Dr John HeyJWilliams, Secretary Jordan Stone." ! Collector E. I. Holmes. J; ; Treasure'r-MSeol S Powell.1 ; Chaplain Wi H. Penland, ' 'V,; Guide A. A. Featherstone. ' Warden W. H. Cook. , , ' .. . Sentinel Ji MVAlexaricfer. Trustees T I. Vangilder, ' D. C. Waddell and A. Rankin. . The Council is in a , most flour ishing conditioo,' a number of - new members having been recently add ed.' '. V-..rtr; f'i-f .-'m . fit ypa want som fine . old J'ereN. Cl Corn Whiskey, go to . L . ;.y - Wa Mclleb & Co. , . Imported French brandies and wines uuaduHeraiea ai-iiampion . ii-auwr .stone's.:,: : --'r ; '. -v '. ' . " v at 5 CENTS; TnE StaOo'5 Cof?2 Pot. A Gkeat A)uif sister to wti of llepdersonyifie has "ahotlrer sehpauon This tim it is not a bi? hotel," a ;,4breacb of promise iiCCoftau but x coue pot; that p Causing ,M excitement.': Some weeks since the CiTiziiNailaUedto the Stagg'sSteanj Drip" CtHfee pot as in, invention jo rare merit.: Matiyul ' our most brbhitntttiVr; housevkeepers I in I the city ; nave ?gt veil .i.n. ws. w un qualified endorsement, Ift the last ten days, as we are informed, a hale his been made to a' prominent and wealthy firm in . "who ; will manufacture" and;.eH"; the" patent in jlew York and -i5w Jersey r-he firm hvinpuchadtlUrritory at a heavy - price.' It fa raid- that $30,000 cash 5was offered foe the States i(Qd Territories by Ihe game firm, but refused. Large blocks of territory-have also becn- sold in Florida. Georeia. South Carolina and Tennessee. The success of the invention, aside from rte great merits w largely due to the energetic and vigorous manner in which it has been iimahed by Major. R. H, Bigger. wnOi will be recalled by many southern ladies as one of the most tfficient and popular staff officers' of the lamented General Maxey Gregg. : We wisn the Major good luek in lws tour of the South em and Gulf States, in the interest of the invention See Pelham's cheap counter, th quality ana ine cneapnesa mereoi is umaiu-.'. Trv Duffv's Pure Barley Malt Wbis- kev, for ealenly by W..O. MuUer& Co. Hampton & Featherstone enjoy -agreat . . . 1 i : j . . repuiaium lur Keeping puro jsuuus bi popular prices. ' . vi ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. yAXTS SUPPLIED. ; , f ..' ,:."','' llsvhw purchased tt et-ick of Dr. A. B. Ware, I ahull continue tb sama businefs in the build ing lately occupied by him, in the old Central Hotel, and offer a full gnpply of . r FA MILT GROCERIES ' ' :-f of the highest gTaies-, Flour, Canned Good, Fruits, Vegetable. &c, 4c -Give me a call. J. D, McCADLtSS. dec31-tfi .; : : i t V OTICE. IN All partita owing us, wtre the tccoant has been stanclinir over thirty day, tbill save tronble and cost b; settling lmmerfiatlr. CITY BOXDH. MAYOR'S OFFICE. , ) . AabevUte. N.C., : y T-Deceaaber 29, 18SS. ). ' he Interest on the City Bonds maturlnKJan- nary 1st, 18S6, will be paid on the 2nd prox. at the 'Bank of Asheville on. presentation of the coupons. liy oraer or tne Board oi Ainennen. T. C. H. DUKES, Secty & Troas'r, dcc30 3t t: O OUK CTJSTOMEItS! After the 1st Januorr, 1S86, all accounts cur- ent, that may be contracted with as. will be presented for payment on the 1st each mrnth. The growing demands of our business, the pres sure for low prices ana tne necessity or more archase for cash, make this new arrangement niDortnnt. Now that we are about enterine up on a new year all parlies owing as old acoouuta can substantially am us in. joeeung our own placing us in lunas. 4 by low ricea and a fair count to have a continuance of your very liberal natron- age - BAKDEN, RASKIN (Cp, aec 3u-iwa.tzww " Ch ri sim as i s 0 vei v'. I Thaiik$:for tlioyvery liberal patronage oj" the citizens of Ashe ville. Sonid gobilsjare left over will " sell theinatTCost.- " 1 0 ' Boxes Oranges from J, A, Olarke's grove' reced to-day Box of finest 'Dates we ever gold.' W?X' , NdwNuts xarid Mai aga Grapes on ythe way. " ' "': H E S T O N 's, ' ' husi - Eagle Hotbr Block. - Th most popular Weekly u Tffitswnm ; prdTotd toscience, mecbaniea, engineerlpg f jgemmri , m- . Atntion ana paunia emrpinvuN. - Bsr luiuvniw wjwi iiwm .m-..- - -. pablicationfurnisheaainortTalnabtafnoywopadia of information whioh do penon haaM be without. The popularity of tho BcntirnFIO Amkritaw U w such that Ita ciroolatioo nearly tkjaala that f al I - other papers of it olaaa oombinad- Pnca. S3.2) a . Tear. Diacoant to Club. Sold by 11 newwUalers. ilUKN A CO., Pnbliahara. No. 3iaBroa4way, N. X. 1 Elht Jtho PaUntOffloa and tjopo'. practice ion. .. I more M,une nunurww fiyw l.anH anDllcation for patenU in tbo ' Doited BtatM and f oroian oowntjioa. Anicnraeata, and all ptaer PPn lor C..u Trads-MSrKa. VOW-nfa .; Marine o inwntor; thejr "A1f"J . United States, Canada,, atnand, ". . German? and other foreign eoanlrieB, pre narwlat.hortnotioeandonreaaonabl.termj. InfoJmaUon " to obuinins patonteej- - ' torMTS"id intheSotentiflo - aZSs..Jrr.. The adrantam of each notice f well under. tood by ail persons who wiah tottja- SrWS CO.. Offlo. Bcnrsno i AMKUOaX, 861 Eroadiraj, Now iorav. THE ANNUAL MEETIKG f the St-.ck4olders of the Bant, of Ashe- villervill be held in Directors Room In kald Banl: :Trieslar Dec, 22 188. at 4 P. M-' JAMES r. SAWYER de lft-t!". - - Pri sident. IWIH A Dairy Farm., i Qn Tuesday wewisited tlie beau f ul tUrm of Mr: V1. S.4- Lusk, on the Swannanoa river, adjoining the OonnnUy farm, which lies north o t The farm : contains 140 acres part bold hilly upland, the remain det perfectly level, flat as a billiard table', and in the season, as green Mri Lusk in the cultivation of this farm set himself to solve a problem which has suggested itself to many but which, unfortunately; few have Worked u pony a.n4x tat is , whether dairy farmiug could be jnado profit- nuia. iiw mis view, ne suppuea himself with a6tock of rru,lch cowg f mm oi approvea breeds, -out mixing Ahem forvtKe 'prest-nX, to,ri comparative merits. ,He has now, about 20 cows,,, Jerseys, Ayrshire, Devons, Shorthorn3,' not all pure, but satisfactory milkers. He has also about 20 calves, from 6 months to a year bid. A full blooded Jer sey bull is at the head of the herd. The product" of the cows ' is sold as resh milk, delivered in Asheville every morning. Ihe present yield is about 40 gallons daily, of the richest Quality. The cow- are hous ed in a large airy stable, each one having and knowing Its own stall, in which it is regularly and fully fed. Abundant water is convenient, and contentment plays on every, bovine tace. , As an essential to success, every effort .is directed to an abundant supply of good succulent provender. With the exception of culture in the hill land of corn, and potatoes, the ground is given up to grass, rve. oats, corn sown in drills, and also to urnips and mangold wurtzel. Of this last, we saw on ' the premises last season 4he finest we ever saw growing any where. So the barn yard is thick with stacks of hay, fodder and straw, and the barn loft groans with its load of forage, and the cellars burst with heir, storage of root crops. , But the crowning glory of the arm is the silo... It is not necessary here to describe its structure, be cause it has been written about; our only object -being to show that it proves itself to be what it claims to be. 'The silo of Mr. Lusk is 30 feet ong, 12 wide and 10 deep. It is sunk in the ground, and is made of stone with cemented watts. Over it is a barn, the floor of which is used as a cutting room, from which the material is conveniently - shoveled into the pit below. When filled the top of the ensilage pile is covered with loose boards, upon the top of which, stones to the weight ot twenty-five or more tons were heaped to secure solidity by compiession; and the mass thus becomt-s very com pact - - '.-Corn sowed in drills, and cut about the time the tassel begins to show itself, is the principal materi al used. Thi is cut by an ordinary cutting machine run by horse pow er, into pieces as small as possible, the pieces of corn stalk being not more than half an inch long. .Gnis?, clover, pea vines, any other forage' may be cut and mixed in with equal acceptability to the cattle, who de vour every particle, even to the very smallest, with avidity. Mr. Lusk's silo has been opened only about a week, and its condition w,as perfect. We cannot call the contents special ly odorous- It is enough thatthey are so to the cattle. Mr. Lusk esti mates the supply in his silo suffi cient to supply his cattle for four or five manthe. ' It is too early, after a week's use, to note the effect on the increase of inilk but it may be as sumed that the effect will be good; for it is evident that the cattle are in a highly thriving conditio. We regard this silo a succe; and with success, the problem of dairy farming is solved. The cost of the construction of a silo is small, one of labor rather than of money. Any farmer can ' make one. The chief element is the provision of the ma terial, and that depends upon in dustry altogether. - ; The iarm is under tne eharge oi Mr. Thomas Orr, a Scotchman, from near Glasgow, who has. all the in- dustry, intelligence-ana inrnt oi nis countrymen, with much practical expeneuce'in dairy tannin:; and lie is ably aided by his worthy wife, the very embodiment of good humor, hospitality and industry; herself the epitome of all the substantial excel lencies of the Scotisli race. i . - - - - ' The Iowa courts have made an important decision regarding the C1VU nguis Oi coioreu peujuc. a uc- who was refused admission to a place of.arausement because of his color apieaied to the law, when the Circuit Court held that it did not appear from the averments that -the plaintiff had any right to enter the place of amusement. : The Supreme Curt affirms this ruling and says: "The.' act complained 1 of by the : plaintiff was the withdrawal by the defendants, as to him, of the offer which they had made to admit him, or to contract with him for ad mission. They Jiat the right to do this, as. to bim or Any other mem bsr of the public This right is not based upon the fact that he belongs to a. particular race; but arises from the consideration that neither he not any other person could demand as a ngux,. unacr ine, iaw, m. uic privilego of entering the place . be accorded to himself. " ' . . LATEST NEWS. DOMESTIC. " Several sharp shocks of an earth quake were felt ? at Hartford, Conn.. it ... . . on ine morning oi ine ZVui. n A man ndmed Falkrod of Ouiner. I in., worm 'ju,mAJ,made six differ ent wilJc, and then to close the mat ter, blew his brains out and left the heirs to continue th?ir quaml over me property. A young farmer and his hired man near Lancaster. Pa., were in- stanQy killed on the 29th. by the explosion of an engine they were "ggvPS p cut ieea. .. James Turner, ir nephew ef Sena tor Erowivaf Georgia, was killed in Atlanta on the. night of the-2Sth by oemg ran tver py a switch engine. The cat is not aniltr . Tfc ti!l? ( .r... : ri: -i 3 , , . . , ftf (in lnwnt in I'hilnHnli.hi.i na,..;i . i j ; ,. ed to a feline net. turns out to be the iiiovuiiu luuuier, wno lias " uv oiikq muttut4Hi uj shown eigns of insanity since thel"?156 thb snowing good and t death Of hr rtlltdmnrl fivon-oat. rri , . . ... 3 The deed was done with a knife. A fire in a cotton vard in Green ville, Miss , on the 29th deatroved Cllf a w r.r mm - 40uu qui oi iuu oaies ot cotton in the yarck Secretary Manning has issued a call for ten million 3 per cent bonds payaoie reb. 1st. President Cleveland has ex Dressed lis wish to subscribe to a monument to Jlix-Presidont Hendricks. The Gulf City oil mills in Mobile exploded on the 29th, burying four coiorea laborers in the rums. Three were taken out dead. Several other persons were wounded. FOREIGN. The four little children who were bitten by a mad dor in Newark, N. J., and sent to Paris, are doing well under the treatment of Dr. Pasteur. le thinks their safety is assured: and tbey will soon return to Ameri ca..- A Mr. Kanfman of Franklin. N. J., bitten on the 21st of Novem ber, is also under treatment, but his condition is not encouraging. The Kins of Bavaria who iiaa wasted ine suDsianceot nis peopleiyaru upou-his insane extravagancies, is in trouble, the people threatening to seize his personal effects. ' On the 29ih Mr. Gladstone cele- brted his 76th birthday. A very beau: If al illustration of the de si re for spoils by the Republican Senators is portrayel iu too action of Senator Sherman in the di8:harge of littfe Harry Morgan, wnn was made a door-keeper bv the -1? to. Vice-President Hendricks. r. Sherman had not been in office as the sococsaer of Mr. Hendricks twenty - four hours before a clean Democratic sweep was made and Republicans placed on the watch. . D. Cooper, ;,r. Dealer in Groceries. Previsions. &c. keeps fully up with the times, and says he U now fully prepared to meet all . r. . i , iiont-M t-iii)i)'iin ii. ne uas in biock and on the read 1.500 Sacks lamily Flonr. He buvs all staple goods in large ouand securcM the lowest prices. Engraving. Mr. Burt I)euion, of Cav Citv, Mich.. with J. I. R l ei teon, will do all kinds of engraving, in initials, names and mon - rums. . urine in your work. liespectfully, J.'D. Robertson. BUSINESS NOTICES. Graveley's and other tine brands of chewing tobacco at Hampton & Feather- 8tne i. Ul.io Grx8 Club, Kentucky Belle' and Rix-kinghaiu Rye whiskies at Hampton & Featheretone's. Whitlock has a full line of Gentlemen's Underwear in all qualities, call and ex amine. A eood restaurant is a necessary es tablishment for every city. Doc. Hutch ison supplies this need by the While Man's Restaurant on Main street, be tween the Bonanza and the bank. Dock advertises oysters now daily, and offers a tempting bill of fare,, - toe-20 Call to-day or night at Farmer's Board ing House if you want Fresh- Xoriblk Oysters served in any style, nov 13-tjanl McCABrf & Co, Ladies must by all means examlna Whitlock's urap before purchasing else where, tf Ilandsoine cups and saucera, work boxes. Dhotoeraph frames, boxes of paper, whisk broom holders, Sic, at Pelham's.3 , Whitlock is showing some very hand some styles and would advise all to call on him who desires anything in the mil linery line. ; . . . tf Gents' attention is ralbd to Whitlock's handsome scar fa at 50 cents. tf - Ladies look at Whitlock's 111 centspure linen fast colors Hunstetcher handker chiefs. . tf - Gibson's . celebrated XX, . XXX, X XXX whisky, kept at Hampton & Featheretone's. f " . . - : Cashmeres in all grades and all colors and black, at . - ? Whitlook's. ' Your old bhocs can bemade as good as new only at ....... W. T.. Wcaveb's. ' Dunlap & Co.'s celebrated hats and Earl and Wilson's Collars and Cutis al ways on hand at Whitlock's. . ,. , tf HELLO, FRIEND ! . ' v Arc You Hungry - j . . . :. . ' . ...... . IIIIS. IIni.g Il90iuf And get sometinn)? ice to eat. P U IIX is always on hand, and the V t A cnesi ine risruet auorus w u- tain him.- ? South Mum nt., nelR-dlf ' : 5 lorrs above EhIh r CITIZEN: JOB 1 Of Fit' t, , WEST BIDE PUBLIC 8QTJA LI . BIL1V HEADS, ; ) LETTER HEADS, :: POSTERS, - r - .'. BLANKS, & And J0h Work pf mil hind dam wit tromjtntss ami at law frieaa. WHITLOCK'S Great Sixth Annual XXark Down Haerlflre Hale. For the Bxt60isys Wbltlwrk iUalT I pii rcsvui8B i com. , wiirS uQOKn IT . . . ; v . m 1 txjBi, ue means norning else; am oh I wbo is d8irotw otvamsimmimr uv atlrU. t v""H '' UWB ofieied before i ABdroecoein 38 inch bleached Dumev tic, former price 10c. no foing at 8e Domeetlc, former price lie now 91c Peppereal 81 bleached Sheetinar orth 30c now aelling for 22J. A good 1-yard-wide onUeached Do mestic, mortli fully 8c now at 6c Good fast colon A prbn Ginehaia worth 9e now going at 7c ecu uaiicoea are now elling for 6. -ALL DRESS GOODS sold at a great sacrifice.! Those beautiful 38-inch SaUa Berber worth fully 65c now Belli ne at uor 54 -inch all wool dress Flannel that haar been selling at (t 00 now going for 78u. lseautiuu balls finished ttrooads worth 35c now sold at 17c and Other at equally as low prices ana luuiuaajr whiduuu. Hisfitccz or button Mnf dives trim mings are all sokf at prima cost , - UOSIKUY and LOVES. Ladies all-wool Hose worth 65e are aow aelling fr 37. Ladies full rt-cular made Cotton Hon worth (Xh- jroinx now for 40c. Children s all-woul Hose la all sizes at . 3()c per air worth 50c -v ' Cltildrf n s lull regular made Cotton Hose at 25c worth 40c. Indies 3 Buttou Kids worth $1 00 now for 05. Silks, Satins -AND- Velvets ! An extra heavy lla -k silk 20 inches wide worth $1 40 going lor 90c. very heavy black silk 20 in hjw W worth It 5 goionnow for Wjo. ' r ; A very handnoine black SaliiT 19 inches wide worth ft 25 now selling for 90c A still ajiiniomerqualitT black satin wofth $1 60 now sold for 91 16. Silk velvets sold for fl 00 per yard worth f I 60. All colors in ZEPHYS are sold for 9c nerounc. . v EcBtiTul black diagonal Xesmar., trimmed in Astrachan which sold - for 110 00 now goingt $6 25. and others old equally as low. lie has only give yoq. onie prices bo ae to show jou b . means bnBiness so call oo -.- ,, .' ' ' i ' ' . . - iHITtOCK -I and secure come of the rare .bais-Rlm & . if offering. Kemeunber there w UAfci OSK WiIiTLOCK in town, and I cxn be found on Ma'n.st , under U .! L v i.