AsHEvtLLE. Citizen: R. M. FURMAK, JORDAN STONK, J D. CAMERON. - 86.00 3PEXS ..A43"T"Cr. - SUN DAY MORNING, JAN. 31, 'S6. OUR SUNDAY" SERMON We present the following outlines A livered on Sunday morning, Jan' i.rv 24th, in the! Baptist Church in this city, by the Rev. -J. Carroll P.tor. -We only regret that from the fear of overtaxing our space, Mr. Carrol hid thought proper to present his most excellent discourse in the form of outline. In future he will give the full sermon, without -abbrevia tion. We very gladly yield our col nmns to tne bunday teatures, con scious that to very many the idea U highly acceptablej.and to all,URe if rightly apnlied. The follow- ing are the outlines: .- AGAINST WORRYING. Text Phil i.v. 6 "Be dtreful for Nothing. . , ; t , . ; These words are not r to be taken without limitation. There, are many 'thing- for which God's people are to have a care. , Their: bodies, their minds, and their souls are an im portant charge committed to their trust which they must not neglect. And they are to have a eare for. their families, providing as best-they can for their physical and mental and moral wants. Su Ji as neglect this charge 1 lim. 5: 8 "Have denied the xaith, and are worse than inn dels." And they are to have a care for all men, as patriots, philanthro pists and Christians, engaging in every good cause for the welfare ol man and the glory of God. Every Christian may sing with Charles Wesley: "A charge to keep I have, A God to glorify; A never dying soul to save, And fit it for the sky. Let all my powers engage s This calling to fulfil,' To serve and bless the present age, And do my Master's, will." But the Apostle is guarding us against a worrying solicitude about the tuture which is born of distrust, or iorgetfulness of Divine Provi- !ence. "Be careful," that is, literal ly, lull of care "for nothing." Our Lord taught the same lesson in Matt. G: 24 , "Take, therefore, no thought for the morrow, for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." He means that we should not anticipate evil ly indulging in inordinate anxiety about the future. Such conduct is unwise and improp er, because, 1st. It does no good. This is one of the Master's arguments, Matt. 6: 27, "Which cf you by taking thought, . can add one cubit to his stature," or to his age, as the same word is rendered in John 9: 21, where the parents of the man who was born blind when questioned about him by the Jews, wisely answered, "He is of age, ask him." . And in Heb. 11: 11, where Sarah is spoken of as being "past age." The idea is with all one s worrying he cannot pro long his life by so much as the dis tance from his elbow to the ends of his fingers. "If, then," the Savior argues in Luke 112: 26, "Ye be not ahleto do that which is least, way take ye thought for the rest?" And the argument is a strong one. If worrying does not heal the sick nor put bread on the table, nor clothing on the children, nor money in the purse; then why continue to worry? 2. It does harm in the first place to the worrying individual himself. It is utterly destructive of his happi ness. Happinefs i3 very much a matter of. habit, and habits grow on us rapidly. One who habitually cultivates a cheerful, hopeful spirit does much to increase his happi ness. On the other hand he who habitually looks on the dark side of everything and complains and wor ries over the ills of life destroys all hope of happiness.,. Such a habit prows rapidly on him. Sapping the foundation of his faith which is the basis ot all christian enjoyment, dimes the brightness of his hope, and grieves awav- the Holy Spirit, who is called in 2 Cor; 4-13 "the Spirit of Faith." Left thus to himv self, he gropes on in the darkness of doubt and despair, and then it does harm to others. It destroys their happiness. - What is more unpleas ant than to have in the family, "or social circle, or church, or in a busi ness relation, a worrying, complain ing person, always, -looking on the dark side of things, and constantly prohesying evil. ;Hia "ery presence i- u standing rebuke to sunshine jiivl bore and enthusiasm. .And how contagious is the-habit among those over whom the complaining, worrying one has any influence. How quickly does itembittter their spirit also and impair , their chris tian character. How unconsciously, and yet how certainly docs this doleful-habit grow upon one, and from one to another. What a deadly foe it is to all christian enjoyment. .-..' - 3. TJte Lord has a eare for his people. -ments. 'Matt:, 6:32, "For your heav only "Father knoweth that ye have neea ot all these things, -that is food and drink and raiment. And he will provide thcnC Matt. 6:25 ''therefore I Bay unto you, Take no thought fox your life, what ye shall eat, qr what ye shall drink , nor yet for your body, what ye shall" put on. Js not the life more than meat) and the bjdy than raimeth ?" That is, he has already "given the life, which irf far more valuable than the food which is necessary 5 to sustain, it, and therefore will not withhold the latter which is of less value. He has given already the body, which is much more important - than the clothing .which is needful to cover it, and "therefore cannot fail"; to give the less important raiment. And riot content with the argument on general principles he gives us an illustrated - one Matt. 6:26-:"Bc-hold the fowls of the air, for they sow not, neither do they reap, nbr gather into barns ; yet your heaven ly Father - feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they ?".; Ai th- ugh the. wild birds have no chance to' sow and reap and gather into .barns.. God feeds them.-. Ihe argument is will he not much more certainly teed his children wno are of,incalculably .greater value, and to whom he has given taci hues, tor earning and reaping and gathering into bains?.,: - . v Again, in verse 23 "And why take ve thought for raiment ? Con sider the lilies of the field how they srrow : thev toil not, neither do they spin. And yet I say unto you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed - like "one of fthese. Wherefore if God so clothe the grass of the field which to-day is, and to morrow - is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith ?" . The lilies have no power for providing. their clothing: and yet, though then s la an ephem eral existence, and they are then fit only for fuel, God clothes them, so clothes them as to put to shame the. splendor of Solomon's royal apparel Will he not much more clothe his people whom he has created for a nobler"" end and endowed with im mortality? This is the Saviors ar gument. And now hear his con elusion : Matt. 6:31-32, "Thorefore take no thought, saying. What shall we eat? or what shall we drink? or, wherewithal shall we be clothed ? For your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have'need of all these things" Here almost every word is an argu ment to inspire us with hope and confidence. He is & father, and there fore will care for us: he is our heav enly-father; and therefore has con trol of the.resources of the universe: and he knows all that we need in every relation or emergency of life. Provision for our v wants is. thus in sured : for a - father who is able to upply the wants of his children needs only to know just what they are. , Ana. his Knowledge and care extend to the least and most trivial circumstances affecting us. Matt. 10:30, "For tho very hairs on your head are all numbered." Ihoiigh they be of so little value, not one of them falls out without his notice. How then can he fail to care for the food and drink and raiment of his children, and all else that is for their good ?- Why then should they worry when ithey have a guardian so kind and wise and abundant jn resources? . A. It dishonors Christianity 'This is another of the Savior's arguments Matt. 6 : 32. "For after all these things do'the Gentiles seek." They live after the manner we have been commenting on. And nothing bet ter could be expected of those who aho decided in Eph. 2:12, as 'hav ing no hope, and without God in the world.'-" But more is expected, and rightly too, of , those who pros fess to believe that there is a God, and that they are his children, loved and cared for by him, with a con cern extending to the very hairs of their heads. What an . unfavorable impression of Christianity does it make upon tbe unconverted. How can they help being repelled from all thought of a 'religion so destitute of consolation and comfort. Who can tell the e xtent of the injury done immortal souls ia this way. How careful should christian peo ple be to reflect the peace-, the fun shine and the joy of salvation as a means of bringing sinners to Christ. -5. It displeases God This worry ing habit indicates a want of faith in God, and Heb. 11:6, "Without faith it is impossible to please him." How often did our Lord chide his Disciples with the . exclamation. "O ye of little faith J" The reproof in dicates his displeasure. And well maylhe be displeased at our want of faith. It dishonors him. It im pugns his veracity. 1 John 5:10 "He that believeth not God hath made him a liar." And what could be more offensive to the God"' of truth? ,. Even honorable men feel keenly a reflection upon their verac-ity.-HHe-w much more shall a pure and holy God do so! And how unwise-it is for christian people thus to displease him. May they not certainly expect that displeasure to be visited upon them in some form or other until this 6inful habit is corrected? -'We .need more - faith. How opposite to us all the prayer, Mark 9:24, "Lord I - believe; help thou mine unbelief." - -The tariff committee has not yet reached any conclusion- upon tar iff revision. "At every meeting of the committee resolutions are pre sented providing for" the retention of present duties upon certain articles. ' - - -. -. Pkiisokai. . - Oar old neighbor and townsman Major Scott was on our streets yesterday, look ing as young and spry 'as though he car ried the weight of but two-instead of four score years. The old man was be ing congratulated byall ofiiisolU friends, and when questioned as to the object ol his visit, be said he baa walked all the way from Grassy Valley expressly to lay in a stock of that Great Cough Remedy. Symphyx. He said he thought both he and his old wife would have been dead long ago, had it not been ; for Symphyx, and that be had come himself to get the genuine article. Long may the old Maj or live. Exchange. - - Gibson's celebrated XXXX whisky kept, at Feathcrston "e's 1 . , .: XX, XXX. Hampton & The purest Western N. . XX apple' ant peach Jbrandy at Hampton & Feather stone'?, s THE WINSTON SENTINEL -: -Is nothing .. if not enterprising. The tireless energies of. its editor are always on .the lookout - for new fields of industry, - and It is fair to say they Jare usually filled with as much intelligence as enthusiasm. The newest venture is in the expan sion of the Weekly Sentinel into a Semi-Weekly, with the prospect of a future conversion into a Daily. It strikes us that the business.interests of towns so popular, so energetic, so intelligent-and so fully alive to wide and general interests.a Win ston and Salem would eagerly: in vite such addition , to the: agencies which would increase their pfomi nence, and ' enlarge ' their powers. We therefore think Mr. Oldham's step in 'publishing a Semi-Weekly is a wise and a safe one ; in which we hope htf will find such encourage ment as to justify his TstiU. higher step to the more ambitious, but yet most necessary Daily .v ( 'l'- :':-- ; MR. HINTON" A. HELPER. I We have observed in two tit three of our exchanges a disposition , not only to dispaiage this gentleman, but purposely to do him injustice and real wrong. This savors, to say the least, of ingratitude. The jno tive may be worse than that. But ingratitude is out : of place, when North Carolina Btand3 in s need of all the friends she can enlist; and it is the more inappropriate and inex cusable, when applied to Mr. Help er, a.North Carolinian, returned to his native State after long absence, full of ardor to devote to her use the fruits of study and experience ac quired abroad. And Mr. Helper is doing hi3 work well, thoroughly, and unselfishly. If, hy chaiice, he has trodden on the toes of individ uals, and disappointed the expecta' tions of personal vanity, the real and substantial service he has ren dered and is still rendering to com munities, and to the fstate, cannot be overlooked. Through his instru mentality, the State has been made familiar throughout this country and in Europe; for tbe South, to which he is a regular, ydluminous and well informed contributor, is read everywhere. - We have said that Mr. Helper was disinterested: He has spent out of his own means, since his return to the State at least three hundred and fifty dollars, a degree 6f generosity characteristic of the stock from which he came." . - Let simple justice be ' done to Mr. Helper. He will not ask any more.. JAMES BUTTHICK - - Carpenter and Dnilder, ASHEVILLE, N. C. f Manufacturer of all Kinds . of Building Materials, Matched Flooring and Ceiling, : , MOLDINGS BRACKB1S, BATLUSTERS, NEWEL POSTS HANDS A ILING, &C, &C. DRESSING LUMBER FOR THE PUBLIC : - A Specialty. All work done .with promptness at lowest prices. . - ap24-12mw F OR SALE. The Mt Island Manufacturing company todbcco taciorv fliacmne, rumps, Retainers, Shapes. Screws, Knives, Scales, Plug Machine everything - omplete capacity 75 to 100,000 fos. annually. A good bargain can be had by applying to S. B. WEST, Agent, at the Buncombe Warehouse, JanS-d6 Asheville, N.O, STEAM GRIST MILL, NEAR NEW DEPOT, -ASIIEVILXE, IT. C. : OUR NEW STEaM MILLS are in full operation, and we are ready to supply families or merchants with - ' . - . '. THE BEST MEAL, . - ' BEST MILL FEED i V :, HAY AND FODDER, &c. At the lowestprices,: ' ; - fo-r'oashi. Corn ground for usual toll, prompt delivery guaianteed.' Give us a call. " JORDAN IIALYBURTON: V ap,l-swtf ; - , ' ' BUTTRICK & COLE, fiucmsor to Girdicood 'and McLcllan, ,ch s:yiiae foundry, . ASHEVItLE,.C. Manufacturers of SA W MIILS,-CANE MILLS, SHAFT -- ISO, PULLIBS, IIAN&ERS, -JOURNAL BOXES, MILL GEARING, GUDGEONS," SASH WEIGHTS t HOLLOW WARE, TLOUGH POINTS MOULD BOARDS, WINGS AND - LAND SLIDES, and every thing in connection with the business of the Foundry ' All orders filled promptly at lowest prices. . - ' - p 24-12 mw SrORMATION WANTED. An; information of the whereabouts of Annie O'Connor, or John O'Connor herjson. ho moved from Morristown, Ttnn , in ls2 to . Ashevil'.e, N. C, will be gratefully received of i'ATRKKO'CftNTOR, deCitf-dlmo - Staunton Va. .he Farmer"B Jtioardmg Hause. jov 13-tjafil Gents' attention is called to Whitlock's handsome scarfs at 53 cents. - - . tf WARD'S WOES. Ills desperate Struggle and . How it Ended. - . Just twenty-seven miles from tbe classic- city ot Athens, Oa., is Ioc&ied the thriving little town of Maxey's, the - reaidonce it Mr. Bobert Ward, who baa jnat been released from'a moat perilona predicament, tbe particularr of whiob he has consented to give to the public He writes hf follows: - . ;-: ---:, Maxbt's, Oouthobpx Co, Oa. 4 ' : . , . : July 9th, 1885. : For twelve or fourteen years I hava been a great sufferer from a -terrible : form of blood poison which ran Into the : secondary, and fin ally it was pronounced a tertiary form. My head, face and shoulders became almost amaas of oorrnption, andjlnally the disease commenc ed eating away my skull bones. I became so horribly repulsive that for three years I abso lutely refused to let people see me. I used large quantities of most noted blood remedies and applied to nearly all physicians-near me, but my condition continued to grow worse, and a0 said that 1 must surely; die. My bones be came the seat of excruciating aches and pains; my nights,were passed in missery; I was reduc ed in flesh. and strength;, my kidneys were ter ribly deranged, and life "became a burden to me. - : , , . :-- " . -I chanched to see aa advertisement of B. B. B., and Bent one dollar., to W. O. Birch more h Co., merchants of our place, and they procur ed one bottle for me. It was used' with decid ed benefit, and when etght or ten bottles had beea used I was pronounced sound and well. Hundreds of scars can now be seen on me, looking like a man who had been burned and then restored. My case was well known in this county, and for the benefit of others who may be similarly affected, I think it my duty to give the facts to the public, and to extend my heartfelt thanks for so valuable a remedy. I have been well for over twelve months, and no return of the disease has occufed. . : BOBEBT WARD. Maxey's, O a,, July , 1885. We, the un dersigned, know Mr. Bobert Ward, and take pleasure in saying that the facts above stated by him are true, and that his was one of the worst cases of Blood Poison we ever knew in our county, and that he baa been cored by the use of B. B. B Bottanio Blood Balm. A- T. Bbiohtwkix, Merchant. . J W. O. BiBCEOtOBC AGO., Mer'nta , . J. H. BhightweUi, M. D. - JOKK. HAKT, . -- JV. B. CiltPBKIX, Atlanta, Oa., Jnly 10, 1885. We are ac quainted with A. T. Brightwell and W. C. Birchmore & Co., whose names appear above, and take pleasure in saying that they ar gentlemen of undoubted veracity and worthy of confidence in any assertion they may make. HOWARD A CHANDLER, ' Wholesale Droggiste, Atlanta, Ga Sold everywhere. . ' . . Remarks. If B. B. B., will cure such terrible cases as the above, is it not reasonable to .suppose that any and all cases of Blood Diseases can be cured? We do not announce the cure of a man while he is at home groaning and suffer ing wun tne aisease. but all oi our cerun- eates are words of truth from those who have been cured and can look you squarely in the face and say bo. We eure in a shorter time, with less money and less medicine than ever before known. We wQl mail our "Book, of Wonders," free to any one, filled with more astounding home ev idence than ever before published. Call on your ornggist, or address ' . , ; BLOOD BALM CO.. Atlanta, Ga. NEW GOCXDS ':' AT ' SPOT CASH. 150 ors Blankets at 75 ctfl. to $8.50 per pair. JNew lot .Boots, Shoes and Over shoes, In every style. Bobber Boots for Hen and Boys." A splendid line of Dress Goods, Flannels, Cashmeres, Ladies' Vests, Children's Vests in every size and quality. - ' . 50d piecep Standard Prints, 4 to 7jcte. 50 pieces Indigo Prints at 8 l-3cts. 300 pieces Bleeched and Brown Do mestic, 4 to 12 J cts. for very best brands. a heavy stock of Gents' Underwear, Cassimere, Hats. Hosiery, Canton Flan nels, &c, &c. : " v 100 pieces Canton Flannel from 7 to 18c., very best brands. - Bunch .Thread Wool Tarns and Cot ton Batting.' : : - , My prices " make the docest buyers smile, and are warranted to core cases ot dyspepsia under four years' standing. My terms are strictly Spot Cash bap pin ess and 'prosperity insured. . Spot Cash Store BALE'S Th ONLY CORSET made that can be reCorocd - by its purchaser after three weeks wear if act found .. . . . .... . ,. ; PERFECTLY SATISFACTORY In every respect, aod its price refunded by se&er. . Made in a variety of styles and prices. Beware of ' worthless imitations. None genuine without Ball's - assae oa box. ;-. . - -. - FOE S ATiFl zbtz ' - " - : ' J. 6. HOWELL. tSSulf mod saggests Rubbers, go to Spot Cash Store and get them. A fnll line. , - - - - VJOTTCE. " ' " . ' JLN " Parties wishing a good bargain In mountain lands, lying.on. the Nantihala river in Macon -county, and on the Western North Carolina Railroad, would do well to call at the-Bank of Asheville on J E Rankin, who is author lzedto dispose of same for me. There are 4400 acres in tbe body of lands men tioned and I want to Bell my one-fourth in3rest. The other three-fourths owned jointly by John Everett, of Swain county and lion E R Stamps, of Raleigh; N C. Sale without icserve and full warranty of title pivrn. Z. T, LEDBETTER. Nov 5, lSSST ' noGdawtf Freeh Oysteis to-day CORSETS. HARNESS! Oar Stock Is now, complete and made of the best materials, with all tbe latest improvements. Single and : double sets in nickle and oriental robber, either Kilt or nickle lined. .All other trimmings on short notice. : , . .. Saddles and Bridles; Of every grade and price, from cheapest Morgan to the English Shaptoe. - Of every kind, size, grade and price. MIOIlSli CJLOTiiIJG Just recaived a fresh stock, including Track Suits, Sweat Iloodn, Jowl Hoods, Cooling Blanket, A kJ 3m4 of differ ent patterns, Linen Shets of nl pri't-s. t r. ' ,nrli ROSSJRS. The finest stock in the market. Call and Bee them. . - , TfJiipSj Saddle Cloths and Fly Jl'ets, In every variety. miIlllUJG OF AX,X KUYnS A SFVC MAL TA. ; Remembe? we have no machinery, all work cone by fiand and guaranteed. Call on ob and see what can be bought in Asneville in oar line. S. tt. II.IlEnT fr CO., North Main street, opposite old Central Hotel, Asheville, is. U. ; -' O PFJ El AOAIHT! IIA.1IPTOX A FEATIIJSUSTON Opposite Oovrt House Squart, : Jt sheritle, JT. C ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IS Pure North Carolina and Kentucky Tlrandies, and Wlilskies. ALSO A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CIGARS, CHE ff IJYG ' AND , SJtlOKJ IG TOBACCOS, ' POBTER, ALE, BEER . AND ' HIJYER.llj WJMTJERA IN VAKIETT.- ' Great care haaeen token ' in the selections oj the above ; -ARTICLE, AND Our patrons may be assured that they viU find themselves AMPLY COMPENSATED - by a visit to as. - .- - JWThe attention of dealers Is respectfully lnvll- iea to our stocc, as fp are preparea to supply an aemana. ... Jnnj ?7-u PROSPECTUS OF THE , MfiralCarflliialajtil AN OR BEFORE THURSDAY, THE FIRST DAT OF APRIL, 1SSC, the BLUE RIDGE BAPTIST will be moved to Asheville, N. C, and the name changed to WESTERN NORTH CAR OLINA BAPTIST. The. paper will be published weekly enlarged to tbe size of 24x30 inches, printed on beautiful white paper, and will contain 18 columns or more of read ing matter. The WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA BAPTIST will pulsate with the push and enterprise which out day demands. It will be sound, newsy, spicy, and vigorous. Planted in Asheville, our Mountain Metropolis, the paper will secure advan tages not possessed before, and will fee spurred to new exertions in order to bold itself abreast of its surroundings. REMOIOIS IPARTAfEKT. This wjll embrace, I. Sunday School Lessons among the best published. 2. Select short Sermons and essays from tbe finest preachers. 3. Extracts of sterling merit, from the pens of our con temporary religious editors. 4. Able correspondence from home and in other State?. 5. Home news from the churches and such . as is usual from our own brethren. In addition, will contain a ' FAMIIiY DEPARTMENT. r AND A ; . . SECULAR DEPARTMENT. ADVERTISING MEDIUM. The ''Baptist," on account of its large subscription list and general circulation, claims to be, and doubtless will be the best advertising medium, as a general rule, in all this section. . AVEBAGB CIRCULATION" X,G86 Cojjies: ' For three month e ending first day of lecember last. .-. o Price $1.50 a year, . Invariably in advance 73 cents for six months. " To every new subscriber who sends $1.50 tbe paper will be sent from date of bis payment to 1st of April, I887;- "fgyBe sure when sending to state to us that yon take it on these terms, or a mistake will be made in giving the credit - Aaaress -' - ' - -.- BEV. JOSEPH E. CARTER, , . Editor and Proprietor; J - Henderson ville, ' , " Henderaon county, N. C. jan 14-3mos - - ' - . TJRIVATB ECHOOL AND KINDEROAKTEN M- ' wauey Street. . i Mi Hatch and Miss Kiley lieg to announce scnool duties will toe resumed srondai Jan 4Ki. . Classfs.for inRUnction in Krench both elemen- tary aud advanced are beins; formed. Those !eiroiis ot Joining are requested to tend in their Dames to; amd further particulars will then ie lurnif-nea lt him hillk, Jan i-dlwk Box 6J, Atheville The White CORNER MAIN AND EAGLE STRlTETS U NDE R'.WH I T L O CK'S 8 TO R'E. V " "PR0PBIET0S. Headqunrters for fine LIQUORS. I keep none but the PUREST, and charge accordingly- My ', '.'0 ARE ABSOLUTELY XPIIUE AND VSA DUI.TEII ATEI. ; and are recommended by the best judgea for medicinal use. . Also Fine Billiard arid Pool Parlor. " Goods shipped to all points. No charge for boxing. P. O. Box 309. Asheville, N. C. The only strictly White Man's Bar in the State. ja6dawly ' . ' ; TW11ER and PVEEIJlmll STS.9 OFFICE ON PULLLI AM STREET. S- F- VE1M ABLrE, DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF HARD AND SOFT COAL. BEST JHlUtHI'i uil, S UESTNUT, ANTHRACITE, STOVE; " EGG, " FURNACE, - All COAL weighed, and certificate all parts of the city. TERMS Wholesale and Betail Druggist, ' AND DEALER IN STATIONARY. PUBLIC SQUARE, TWO DOORS NORTH OF . PENN1MAN A CO. i ' HARDWARE STORE. ABHEVILLE, 1ST. O. WIIIS1CIES, BRANDIES & WINES FOR MEDICINAL rURPOSKh ALWAYS on hand a lull and well-selected stock of DRUGS. I'A'l ENT MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, CIGARS CHEWING TOBACCO, MINERAL WATERS, STATIONERY BRUSHES OF ALL KINDS, SPONGES, TRUSSES, and all the Med icine manufactured by J. L. Lyons, of New Orleans, whom I am BtU agent for. . Give me an early call tUS- J . T A Y LOR AMTSS and F.-L.JACOBS-are with ine,aixd.would be pleased to see their friends and all who wish goods in their line. 'Sole manufacturer of Nelson's Kidney Cure and. Nelson's Diarrhoea Cure, and Lyon's Cough Syrup, Amiss' Fragrant "Land of the Sky' Dent- ifice, Ieidy's Rheumatic Cure, Steven's Cleansing Compound for Cleaning " Clothes, etc ' " ' Prescriptions filled at any right of door - :"0TOl- STILL TO THE BREEZE ! TTOTJK TOBACCO TO Corner Walnut and Water Streets,, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Not excelled for good accommodations and High Prices by any Wan - house in the South. - Extraordinary facilities offered this every department. Good accommodations for farmers and teams. Drive rigJii ahead for oct 17-6mo iaarbrsnitLlL. " 'fWn The creat Southern Music House an Agency in this city. --Pianos and time. Save freight and correspondence and from lo to $75 besides. '.. V- At FURNITURE- n ft -S&h . W.VB. W1LLIA1IS0IT G . CO., ; . . , WHOLKSALB AND RETAIL. DEALERS IN' rurhiture, ; Doors, Sash and Blinds, . . ; - ASHEVILLE N. C. Vou . wiU find at WILLIAMSON'S 'the larcsi -and best selected St. tk i l rrrnlture vtr - brought to Wetter- North Caroliaa. Large stuck ol Sath, Doors inl IJlit-ds constantlv on hand. ' " Call on him and get prictB before ptiVchasing. We will avcfvcu money. SAi.tfMEN-CHAP. A. MOSELEy & B. M. )ONES. Man's Bar! . . . PENNSYLVANIA, " " - $ BIO 10.50 10 50 10.50 1050 furnished, CASH. DELIVERY FREE to nour ot day or n,gnt. JNight Hell cr. malJMy ' . season. Special attention given tc the OLD BAWJfEIi. & perry. prp'e on. Milli UmiirrmnttiiDire, VLJOLtL of Ludden & Bates has estabiished Organs sold on one and two years' C. W A-TK, ; Ap ent, ; MOORE & FALK'S Furniture Store. X