A8HEVILLE CITIZEN. U. M.rURMAN. 'I JORDAN STONE, VESITOBS. t D. CAMEKON, J TUIUY MORN'NG, MAY 18, '86. LUM BKR TRADE OF PEN ' " :.- SACOLA. - -"N rth Carolina for many years Mijoyftit almost a monopoly in the Mtnmvrc(B arising out of the pro- Iwctsof the pine forests. She had t !--fruininence not only in ."'tar, pitch and turpentine," hut in timber lumber, and shingles arid staves. , Her sceptre, has not altogether de parted from her; but it has lost much i. its power and brightness. The forests in some parts are nearly ex. h:iuted, and cease to give import tuuf) to Washington and Newbern, i'ce ereat centres of ri: vl store trade. Wilmington alone holds its own; but even these there ;ir -signs of decadence. The nine lii-It ; exfonds along 'the Atlantic cmist from Virginia to Florida, and then takes, along to" the Gulf coast through Florida, AIabama,Mis6issip- pi and Louisiana. And the tide of forest industry has begun to sweep with strong current along those shores. Savannah, Darien and Brunswick in Georgia are now large exporters of things that were once almost peculiar to North Carolina, But the most remarkable advance has been made in Pensacola. That city has the finest poit on the whole coast, Atlantic or Gulf, south of Norfolk. It is backed by a deep belt of long leaf pine country. Pro bably for a century, certainly since the acquisition of Florida from Spain in 1819, there has "been more or less coastwise trade in lumoer irom mis point. But it is only since the closeof the war that its real value as a lumber and timber market was fully ap preciated. We present below a ta ble of last years business taken from the Advance-Gazette. - Why Pensacola has not become prominent for other business than those referred to is not surprising to those who know the slow prog H 88 made in the past two hundred ears under successive Spanish, English, and again, Spanish occu pation, and who observed how readily American suoctsfors to them all fell into the leisurely foot steps of European occupants. But it ought to be a surprise, neverthe less; for it has, as we have remarked, the timet and most capacious har bor on the coast, accessible t all times uitU-chrpth of 24 leet vtater 6ft the bar, a healthy and notu hot ctiS mate; good drinking water, and few i the drawbacks of a low latitude. And beyond the pine belt' a back country, with which she is now con ii. cted by railroad,- by which she might get the coal and iron of Ala. and Tennessee, and also the cotton. Her communications extend to the far northwest and she might be the entrepot for all the vast im ports for that section, and'become Hie intermediary of the vast busi ly ss with Europe and South Amer ica which is now controlied by New Orleans. Enterprise and sagacity m i ni all that are needed to give Pensacola a magnificent future. . Here is the table; Mr. John Pinney, of., the U." S. custom house, has made an elabo nite statement of the export trade f lumber and timber from the port i f Pensacola for the year ending April 1, 1886. From this we get the following: Exports to Foreign Countries- Lu nber, 41,178,000 ft., - value i7,848;Hwn timber, 104,460,000 It . value $1,007,918; hewn timber, 1, 398,124 c ft., value $153,070; total vlue, $,048;836. Coastwise TradLc Lumber, 28," 780,000 s ft. Cluverius paay not weara charmed life; but the halter draws very slow ly. After the last action of . the Court of Appeals of Virginia, and it remand back to the Hustings Court; if w"n naturaLto expect-that nothing more was to be done but resentence to execution. !The Court of Appeals has consented to another hearing which will not -be had until the middle of September. . - The persistent efforts of counsel cannot be condemned if there is good reason for it. Butdoes not this look like an effort to hoodwink the c urt and defeat justice when it is presumed to convince the court that they did not understand what tbey were talking about when they not long' since deliberately - expressed .ineir opinions. ; - A clipping from the : Baltimorean :- yiVfS the following information: ' Thomas Judson Cluverius has a . new but very brief lease of life At the request of his senior counsel, Jndje Crump, the Supreme .. Court . of Appeals has agreed to entertain a motion for a rehearing at their term . to be held in Staunton,- Sept. 10th, - This is a very slight ray of hope. --Id 1 he mean time he eats : well, sleeps well,and dresses well. He also sees the morning papers, and some ot the journals afford him pleasant reading. One of these has recently informed him in what precise locals ity he will be hung;, who will adjust the rope, who . will ; pull the same, and that the rope is V be made in Baltimore and 'the-hempen strans are to be so" interwoven ; with .wire, that its strength will be sufficient to hang any man, who does "not weigh as much as Jumbo, the elephant, Cluverius is now in solitary confine ment literally. -He remains in his cell by day as well as by night-; It is true, that there is a guard who occu pies the cell during the day and an other at night, butthese are any thing else but .companions, for no mouse was ever watched more close er by-a'cat than is C. by his special custodians. " Escape or . suicide are now simply impossibilities. : -To those , who have - been : pooh poohing the operatioi s ' of the Fish Commission as an expensive and useless institution, it may not be amiss to say that, at least so far as the shad fisheries are concerned, the work of the commission has proved a great success. ' An unprecedented abundance of shad this season is noticed in all the rivers which have been heretofore supplied with young fish ,Vy the commission. An evi dence that the abundance of shad is due artificial propagation is that the same increase is noticed in waters on the Pacific coast, in which shad were unknown until the young fish were placed in these - rivers by the commission. The most inveterate scoffer . can scarcely deny that if shad can be made plenty by artifi cial propagation in streams where they were unknown, that the num bers can be materially increased by the same method in waters to which they are native. An idea of the relative frequency of labor disputes and strikes can be formed irom the census report on that subject by Mr. Jos. - D. Weeks. In the year.lboU the number ot strikes and lockouts in the,. United States was 762. In 1886 a mere re view of those mentioned in the newspapers shows that the number was much greater during the first four months ot the year. In 1880 about 200,000 men appear to have been engaged, estimating the strikes of which the number was not re ported, and the loss to the men in wages was over $13,000,000. This year things are moving at a rate which involves to the working pop ulation a loss of over $40,000,000 yearly, distributed among 600,000 workers, though of course it is to be hoped that the same state of things, will not continue an entire year. But the loss in the census year would heve sufficed to support throughout the whole year 26,000 families, so thai it would have been actually cheaper for organized labor io keep thai number -of men in idleness the whole year than to resort to strikes as a means of settling their disputes. As for this year, the entire cost of the army and navy of the United States Zfot the fiscal year ending June 30 will probablv be less than the loss of labor resulting from these unwise methods. - Cure for PI lea. Piles are freanentlv rjreceded bv & sense of weight in the back, loins and lower part of the abdomen, causing the patient to suppose he has some affection of the kidneys or negh- Donng organs. . At times, symptoms or indi gestion are present, flatulency, uneasiness of the Stomach, etc. A moisture like perspira tion, producing a very disagreeable ltcning, after getting warm, is a common attendant. Blind Bleeding and itching Piles yield at once to the application of Dr. Bosanko's Pile Rem edy, which acts directly npon the parts affected, absorbing the t amors, allaying the intense itching, and effecting a permanent care. Price ou cis. Address the Vt. Bosanso Medicine co , Piqna, O. . Bold by H H Lyons. dawly Just Received, " j V And on draught Cincinnati Nonpariel Lager Beer at the "Bonanza". ; , THE I I AZ L EG HE EN Sash. fc Blind Factorv Has recently purchased a large amount ot Oak, Ash Chestnut, Cherry and Walnut Lumber, and CAN FURNISH WORK . manufactured of thoroughly dried material. We propose to furnish work at the lowest figures, and equal to any imported goods. THOS. L. CLAYTON,- Propr. f 8. CLAYTON, Business Manger. ...... feb4-e w tf . . AT ALL HOURS, DAT ami WIGHT. We are happy to state that owing to freat exertion, and fine facilities thai we have at last struck the very article of BEER that every one who uses Beers should try.' We will in order to Introduce ouf specialty," 2i - :, . V; .1 THE TIV0L1 BERK, '- . .-- - ? For the - next 10 day ; furnish ' this Celebrated Bter, In patent stopper bottles at 63e. pr dozen.": Bottles to be returned. For Hotels, Boarding Houses, and families and tbe general trade; we beg to say that no other beer will give such general saMsfection. Com petent Judges pronounce it equul to the original Budwelser LagerBeer. .- ' ; ' ' ; ... Orders from all parts of the country solicited, and we guarantee satisfaction. ;.; . Our Beer will be furnished fresh and cold from our new refrigrators to our city customers free, kept in our refrigerator in new delivery wagon, until banded out ice cold. . . . . . "" HAMPTON & 'FEATHERSTON, apl 25-d4mo8 ': : Main st . Asbevllle.K. C. '. D ONrf-ORGET! Loneman's. mixRiIrai n ta arp i lioavilv bodied, von can tuA nnn -nallnn nf Oil rt every Gallon Paint thus reducing the price as low as that of inferior eoods. For Sale by BEARDEN. HaNKIN & CO, NEWS ITEMS. ' The first volume of Gen." Grant's memoirs has paid Mrs.- Grant more than $200,000. If the second volume sells as well v as it- promises- the Grant -estate will v; get $500,000 out of it. - ".; nn;' - . The Pole is to be again sought, this time by Col. Gilder, an Arctio travel!tT,who leaves New ' Bedford, Mass , next month on a whaler, and will prosecute the . search with "a party of Esquimaux. - .., ;VXv-: v Sir Thomas Erskine May, late clerk of the British House of Com mons, author iof a Constitutional History of England since the Acces sion of George III," and "Democracy in Europe ; a History,' . hiSr; been raised to the peerage, with the" title of Baron Frnborrough. There was a decided sensation at the racing grounds, at Cedarhurst, near f-ew York, on Wednesday, irh3n the sheriff made a raid , upon the book-makers. The -gamblers were deprived of one day's opera tions and the authorities threaten to keep up the war on the sporting fraternity. , A young man who pub licly offered a bet was arrested. Manager Hayman, Daniel - Froh man and . Marcus Meyer . have rust signed a contract . with Miss Fortescue for a long tour through the United States. Her first appear ance in New York will' take place at the Lyceum Threatre early in Octo ber, "and the engagement will con sist of six or seven weeks, during which she will appear in several plays.' Miss Fortescue has been acting since the termination of her suit against Lord Garmoyle both in London and the English provinces, and has been extremely successful. She is said to ; he a woman of Te markable beauty-and a little talent. Norway, whose annual revenue is barely about $5,000,000, spends yearly about $100,000, in fighting leprosy. A visitor to one of national asylums, in describing what she saw, thus concludes a long letter on the subject : Sadder to us than all the awful contortions and deformities we saw was to behold in one of the woman's rooms, knitting with the othera, a lovely girl. For years she may live ou some do for thirty or forty years after their admission, though mercifully 17 2 per cent die between 30 and 5Qyears. Yet tome live to an old age. It any are ever cured they are "ruins . of human beings." A gentleman,whose relations with President Cleveland are very inti mate, recently said that the Presi dent would not only be married .in June, but that the wedding trip had been partly arranged. The trip would embrace Buffalo, Canada and the White Mountains and might be even more extensive. While the bridal party were away several changes would be made in the White House for the comfort of Mrs Cleveland. The gentlemen said the President had beenjdecidedlyannoy ed when the report of his cominj marriage was first published huf now he takes the matter more philo ' sophically, and evtn enjoys some of the paragraphs afloat respecting the matter. . - Most Excellent- J. J. Atkins, Chief of Police, Enoxville, Tenn., writes : "My family and I are beneficiaries of your most excellent medicine, Dr. Kiug's New Discovery for consumption; having found it to be all that you claim for it, desire to testify to its virtue. My friends to whom I have recom mended it, praise it at every opportunity." Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption is guaranteed to cure coughs, colds, Bronch itis, - Asthma, croup and every affection of Throat, chest and Lungs.- Trial Bottles Free at H. H. Lyons' Drug Store. Large size $1.00. H E L IE F! Forty Years a Sufferer from CATARRH! Wonderful to Relate. For FOBTY YEARS I have been a victim to CATARKH three-fonrths of the time a sufferer from BXCRDCI ATI NG PAINS ACROS3 MY FOREHEAD and MY NOSTHILS. The discharg es were so offensive that 1 hesitate to ment.on it. except for the gcod It may do some other sufferer. I have spent a young fortune from my hard earn ings during my forty years of Buffering to obtain relief from the doctors. I have tried patent med icines every one I could learn of from the four corners of the earth, with no relief. And AT LAST (57 years of age) have met with a remedy that has cured me entirely made me a new man. I weighed 128 pounds and now weigh 146. I used thirteen bottles of the. medicine, and-the only recret I have is that being in the humble walks of life, I may not haveHnfluence to prevail on all catarrh sufferers to nse what has cured me GUiyN'S PIONEER BLOOD RENEWER. . - "HENRY CHKVES, " No. 867 Second St., Macon, Ga." Mr. Henry Cheves, the writer of the above, formerly of Crawford county, now of Macon, Georgia, merits the confidence of all interested in catarrh. .- - W. A. HUFF, - , " "Ex-Uayorof Macon." - OGIlfH'i PIOJSEEB BLOODRESEWER Cures all Blood and Skin Diseases,. Rheumatism, Scrofula. Old Sores. - A perfect Spring Medicine. If not in your market it will be - forwarded on receipt Of price. Small bottles $1.00, large bottles fl 75. ffsfST 'itii. Blood and Skin Dtaeasef InWed' free. MACON MEDICLN E VOUP ANY, - Macon, Georgia. FOR SALE BY H. H. LYONS, Asheville.. N. C. . apl8 dily - ... . ;. '. J. J. Summerlin Opposite -: Farmers' r" Warehouse, North j Main St Asheville, N.C. V ;- ' ' . DEALER IS ' : . ' GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, - " and '.- . : - C0UNT11Y PRODUCE " i of all kinds, fresh and reliable C3AZSS:Airj TOBJlCJCO. - High estjprices paid for chickens; eggs, batter, etc. v - ' . . may2:t The French Broad Bank; - - - ASHEVILLE, N ?v MAY 7, 1886. ; A TA MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS A. OF THE FRENCH BKOAD BANK called to-day by the Incorporators, Messrs. Edward J. Aston, Thos. L VanQilder,' James H. Merrtmon, and Charles B. Graham, -tne frllowingaamed gentlemen were elected Directors: , - ; ; Messrs.' Wi H. Penland.'Thos. I. VanOllder, Reuben R. Bawls, William E. Breeze an Charles E. Graham. - .--;.V' " . At a subsequent meeting of the - Directors, Mr. Charles E. Graham was elected President and Mr, William E.Breesc Treasurer. :r - K. 3. ASTdNi Chairman, ' may8-dlw . ; . - . -,. . iiiii- -m 1 E. Absolutely Pure and Unadulterated, j Absolutely Pure and Unadulterated. 'HOSPITALS, CURATIVE INSTlTUTtONS,. : " "INFIRMARIES. - i Aia Pmnaiuo sv-PHvaeMM Cvuvkwrs.: i. CURES -CONSUMPTION, : HEMORRHAGE S f 'Jmda TFastiiuf IHseaie f DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION J MALARIA. 'TUBOVir - PURE STIIIULAIJT ' For th Sick, Invalids, CONVALESCtNQ J PATIENTS," AGED' PEOPLE, - 'Weak and Debiutateo Wometi."; ; JTo4lr Ongvtat, Ofeeaataand Dttttara : Friaie, n 0llas,per BoU. . 8oM WF ta.M toMtM, u mm roatD. MpMchHbwMrlndMalrk hM oftbaoldohudrt M boT m4 tit. urn. of eomMny Um In botu. C7rmtwltfllM Beekf SmiWm (nrxv A. IWiitorlM), anabl. te frmamit It ftaai tlMtr tataa, out bT JUlf Dqmb Mat, III U!a cam, vnKMrkK&x pxmm aumim awpald, by wnlltl.g tto ailkilH - The Oufff HiR Whisker Cfe Battlmere, Ui.- - ' - l X : iwl,mtitnl prlncip lilt mf rmmkmfiUmkmmltmrmkii- I u. at fr wtutrt mm Mmm, wtlUtrtktw JlU kaM. WMaAli 1aH amri tw amMmMtmlDmtmmt. - (r r a n d E n t e t t a i n m b n t ! Entire Change of Pro ' gramme! PART FIHST. The eame bevy of beauties again have assembled At the Fancy Gkm Bakkby their favor ite rotreat, , And with innocent songs interspersed with gay laughter Are discussing the choice things they . find there to eat. .. pabt 2kd. v Says Sallie to Sarah "we've revelled so r often . 'Mid these sweets, let Katie their praises " ' now sing, . And let her dear voice in melodious . sweetness ' ' For the Fancy Gkm Bakeey in gratitude r .: ring. . ' pabt 3rd. bayseatis: Since upon me. you've placed such- a f. sweet imposition, As to ng our sweet praise of the Gkm Bakkby Stobe, . - I will tell of its maty redeeming perfec tions, ' " Till no minstrel can add one eulogy more. PABT 4TH. SONG BY KATIE: . J have heard and have read of gems of great splendor, But never in all my most ecstatic dreams Has my soul reached a tieight sufficient to render Such sweet satisfaction as I find in these CBBAM8." ... I 'jave tasted of joys that nothing could sweeten, So we thought at the time when by them regaled, But all things on earth that I ever have eaten - J In the light of these Bon Bons have . utterly paled. . ; And these delicate "Roses" so pregnant - with fragrance, - ' As to tempt the Hum-bird in liis roving . to dip In his bill and extract their nectarine sweetness. And from sweet intoxication to die with , . the sip. You may sing of the bliss to be found in these mountains, -In rambling o'er mountains and sweet scental dells, But none of these joys such recompense ' ' gives you, " As these stbawbebky ; and chocolate - : SWEST CABAftUXS. . . . ., . ' befkain . by orrizENs. We all have agreed with grand acclama tion, .' 7 , ' , - To vote the Gem Bakery the first meed of praise . Their Bread. Cakes and Candies have our fond approbation, ' Soour voices we will all in gratitude raise TO THE FRONT ! iNEW STOHE! 1STEW GOODS ! -; ;; ; -Aim . Tsriw PRICES ! HAVING OPENED a first-class Grccery ana:Pro7ision Store, IN JHl?: HAMPTON' BUILJDING, V r ' ' : North Main Street, - ?' - .. i ... ' , " I am; prepared to' furnish every thing wanted in: my line at the low est possible figures. . . ; : - . Ooiintry Produce : . a specialty Loth bougl.t and. sold Give me a call and I guarantee satisfaction, y . - v i: : v M. P. WILLIAMS. apisittf - Z i FRAN ItLIX HOUSE, a CTJNNINGIIAM, Pbopbtetob, I? FRANKLIN, 'N. C Table supplied with the best the market , - : r. afforda - '. First-Class" livery and "Sale Stables in " - . connection with : house. ' .' : Dally Jlnefc btwf Webster md ' :.' -t - . -aVrMfcllB. ,. .'rCawl Smmml JtM far sept 11-jdly -; ' - -' : v. :5 years time, 8 per cent interest. ; Apply to mays- POCBLEPA Y A SCOTr, Imoorted "French brandies and wine unadulterated at Hampton & Feather stone's. .' . - : '- At the Spot Cash Store. I A new lot of Straw' Hats. ;"; . Ladies', Misses' and Children's Hose, and Men's Straw Hat6.. . -Z -A job in Linen Towels,from $1 to $6 'f and Men'a Straw Hats. f Summer SUksVVhiteGoods and Lawns, and Men's Straw Hats. : ! Table Linen and N&plcins i n i V. gradeSj-Hrid Men's Straw Hats . f Press Goods Ribbon?, and Jklen'a Straw Hats. , ; , , ', ! Hand-made Shoes for ladies and Gen is,' and Men's Straw Hats. ! I have some Men's Straw Hats. . iA splendid line of Summer Silks and Shapes and Plaids at 35c i Also Black Silks at extremely low prices My Ginghams are going fast for they are low. " , LL'S The ONLY CORSET made that can be returned by its purchaser after three weeks' wear if not found ' PERFECTLY SATISFACTORY in erery respect, and its price refunded by seller. Made in a variety of styles and prices. Beware of worthless imitations. . None genuine without Ball's Suae on box. . IOE S ATYF1 SIT J. 0. HOWELL. Spot Cash Store. Pomona Hill Nurseries, j; JT. "Van Xindlcy, Prop'r. . SALEM JUNCTION, N. C, 2 1 Miles west of Greensboro, on the Richmond & Danville Hail Road. Over 1,000,000 Fruit Trees, Tines, tc. Consisting of Apple, Peach, Pear. Plum. Apricot, Nectonne, Japanese Persim mon, Quince, Figs, Pecans, Mulberries, Grapes, Raspberries, Currants, Goose berries, Shade Tree, Evergreens, Roses, &c, in great variety. - Send for descriptive catalogue, which gives lull description of all, and retail price list. Correspondence solicited, special in ducements to large planters. Address J. VAN LINDLEY, Salem Junction, Guilford co., N. C. A. R. Ogburn and N. A. Reynolds, Agents for Western N. C at Asheville, N. C. mch 16-djkw6mos HARNESS. - Our Stock is now complete and made of the best materials, with all the latest improvements. Single and double sets in nickle and oriental rubber, either gilt or niekle lined.. All other trimmings on short notice. Saddles and Bridles Of every grade and price, from cheapest Morgan to the English Shaptoe. UOKHFj COIsLAIlS Of every kind, size, grade and price. HORSE CJLOTIIIJVG Just received a fresh stock; including Track Suits, Sweat Hoods, Jowl Hoods, Cooling Blankets, Ankle Boots of differ ent patterns, linen Sheets of all prices. JLAF nOBES. The finest stock in the market.' Call and see them. , . . . - v - miips Saddle Cloths and In every variety. ' " -1 Remember we have no machinery, alPworlfdone by tuuid and guaranteed. CaU?n as and see what can be bought i A i -11 M ;t. w. iiuAKcii. North lain street, opposite old Central v Hotel, Asheville. N.C. - , . x I IMPORTANT, : ; j;C.BROWNcS:CO., MERCITANT TAILORS, Potion AvcnvA, over Cowan's Jewelry Store. Spring and Summer Patterns now ' ready in jrreat yarlety. . Long practical experience. Per fect fit and workmanship guaranteed. Repair promptly and neatly executod. j . MODERATE CHAEGES. '.'..'-"'- '" Parties entuBting their own cloth will have it well shrunk and every attention paid in tbe making up. - apl U-d9m, JB.: GEORGE F. SCOTT Will havecharge of my affaire dar ing my absence from Asheville. - - - :;: ULYSSES DOUBLED A Y.r mch 30-dlmo -; -r. BOARD, - ' r ; . , On Haywood street. Three new and fuinlsnea rooms, excellent ana cool. Apply P. O, BOX 72. . - aplS5-nwk CORSETS. The White CORNER 3IAIN AND EAGLE STREETS U N D E II W II I T L O CK'S STOR E. Headquarters for fine LIQUORS. I keep none but the 'PUREST, and charge accordingly. My ''; ' ' ARE ABSOLUTELY PURE AND raADlJLTERATEI). and pre recommended by the best judges for medicinal use. Also Fine Billiard anrf Pool Parlor. Goods shipped to all points. No charge for boxing. P. O. Box 309, Asheville, N. C. The only strictly White Man's Bar in the State. :ja6dawly . .' ' . '. Wholesale and AND DEALER IN STATIONARY. . ' ' PUBLIC SQUARE, TWO DOORS NORTH OF PENNIMAN & CO. ' ' HARDWARE STORE. ' ASHEVILLE, N. O. WHISKIES, BRANDIES & WINESFOR MEDICINAL PURPOSE. ALWAYS on hand a lull and well-selected stock of DRUGS. PAT ENT MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, CIGARS CHEWING TOBACCO, MINERAL WATERS, " STATIONERY BRUSHES OF ALL KINDS, SPONGES, TRUSSES, and all the Moo icine manufactured by J. L. Lyons,, of New Orleans, whom I sun gnli agent for.- -:- s Give me an early call ' aSt; J. TAYLOR AMISS and F. L. JACOBS are with me, and woult it p'.east c! to see their friends and all who wish goods in their line. :-le manufacturer of Nelson's Kidney Cure and Nelson's Diarrho :t riMi:. im Lyon's Cough Syrup, Amiss' Fragrant "Land of the Sky' Dtnt :i';v. . Li;ly's Rheumatic Cure, Steven's Cleansing Compound for Cleaning Cioliii p. tc- a.Tiescriptions filled at any hour of day or n,ght. Night Bell oi. riL'ht ol door mal9-ly ;: t-HintlnS, MMI ' AND- .. - 'vb mar m-i r i . Contracts made for painting old and new buildings. The covering, painting and repairing of roofs a specialty. All work done in a lirst-class manner at the lowest possible rates, and satisfaction guaranteed Prices on application. Estimates on short notice. . . J. CA.RSOX. Aentnd Contractor. Office with "Town Topics," W rite lor prices and samples, or call and see them at the office. 3F"Conntry work solicited. " . Robinson's Syrup Hypoph.osph.ites, Carefully and Skilfully Prepared from the Best Materials, (Quinine, Btrychnine,"Vanganese, fctc.) Syrup Ilypophosphites with Quinine, etc., is now very generally recommended by leading Physicians. Our preprrallon is equal to any made in any respect Valuable ae a Ionic and Restorative, palatable and Ereeabie, specially of service to those suffering with any Pulmonary trouble. Handsomely Tput up in flint bottles nnd cartoons. Price. $1 00 per bottle, ' cheaper than Fellow's, larger bottle and handsomer preparation. Each fluid ounce contains : - ; ' Hypophosphite Soda, 2grs. Hypophosphite Lime, IJrts. " Iron, U 44 " Quinine, !'" ilanganese, 1J M ' Strychnine, - Dose, one to four ilnidrachms. This excellent remedy is for sale by - . fe 4-d:iw::.n , Ii. H. LYONS, Asheville. N. C. IRON-ALU The product of Fourteen Gallon's of the best Mineral Water in the World Evaporated to a MASS.. A Gift, of Nature, nnd not a Patent Sledleine. Uhe finest Tonic and Appetizer known. Cures Dyspepsia and Indiges lion, Headaches, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chills and Fevers, Catarrh, and all Throat and Nasal Afiections, Scrofula and Eczema, Habitual Constipa tion, Amenorrhcea, Menorrhagia,. Lencorrhcea, and all Female Weaks nessess. Diseases of the Urinary Organs, Cholera Infantum, &c, &c. Price : S1.C0 for Large Size Bottle ; 50 cents for Small Size Bottle. Ask your druggist for it. If he 6hould not have it, and will not order it, then address the proprietors, and it will be sent by mail, postage paid :o:- No Cure, DICKEY'S PAINLESS EYE WATER cures Weak and inflamed x world. . - lJErice,Dnly-.425 cents-pr bottler - .; And Manofacturera of the Above lleniedies.. , fe 7-dawfy DOUBLE DAY & SCOTT, - IVOItTII PUBLIC SQUABE, AsliCTille, N. C, . . HAVE THE LARGEST SASH, BLI NDS rS SOKTH CAROLUXA) ; ; - Jtimatt s pron'ptly Jurmshed, and -Jni i l . r r .iney aiPO-Ktt; tvtry varmy vi nnrl SViinolpa . iV".' r .- ' ' ' ' wiTu ; - . - - : ; ' ' '- HAYNES, HENSON & CO., . '''' ' ' " Makcfactcekrs akd Jobbebs or - - . v ; . - No. 174 Gay Street, - - ; KNOXVILLE," TENN SOLID GOODS fob 20 w2mo Man Bar s- Betail Druggist, Is lire and wa'e propf. durnble.anc micii ( heap er ihnn Tin or Iron. Can be applied by anvone excel font for ' coy ing old shingle roofk FIRE-1'ROOr hbpse and roof paints for inside and outsido work ; all colors, ready mixed. BUILDING PAPERS the largest line of sam ples to select from in The above materials are of the best quality and will be sold at reasonable ntiJ prices. 5? ASS. No Pay ! i.i,.,.. .v;-'.- ABk for it,"" Have no other. . V " . V Bristol; Tenn; ASSORTMENT OF . . . and D OORS special sizes procured at short notice T 1 'v. T i -r , xuxiuiiig unu x ending uuinoer, juaui ' ' . ' . . fori 0 -tit, vet A SPECIALTY; ;

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