i - J i 1 i i - .. 1 2 t - - - ; ' ; t N Miss Gertrude Martin, of Fort ' - Valley, Ga, . while r picking black berries near Atlanta was bitten by a .rattle snake, and died in great ago vny nre noun later. V- a card. :': - ' ' To all who are suffering- from the er run and indiscretion of youth, nervous -.weakness, earl decay, loss of manhood, Ac, I will send a recipe that will care roa FREE OF CHARGE., This great remedy was discovered by a missionary . in ooutn America, send a seir-address-.ed envelope to the Rav. Joseph T. In- "A, Bottom 1), New YorkCUy, ' no 10-waeodlv A XAKESIDE MUSINGJ ASirKYIIXl; SOCIETIES. INSURANCE; A PRETTY ROOM IT WAS, WARM AND , ; RICH IN IT8 COLORINGS. ' Jommander : Jordan Stone, Secretary.- .Meets Ant Wednesday night in each month. . AtheviilA Chanter. X. A. At. A. IL Baird H.A. Gudger. Secretary. Meets Presently There Came to Arthur - lelgh's Kar the Soft Frou-Frou of woman'! Dress He Bald, la Tone "Unsay with Horror, Etc r the second Wednesday night In each mouth, anr irt. Herman Louat. No. 118. .A. fc A. U. A. J. Blair, Worshipful Master: Fred. L. JaeoU Secretary. . Meets ;the first Friday night in each month. ' " -. . 1" Suannanoa UMO. X. of II.. ho. w. I Boardman. Dictator;. .Jordan Stone, Secretary. I eavii ?LiFEincynAiiGE; ,." 3-5"?-:'" ? -. if 1 -. H VALLEY MUTUAL LIFR ASSOCIATION Issues policies for from " " ' $i,ooo to 3,b6v r T To Bcsnrgsa Maw. : It Ton desire to reach the largest nam I bet of the best people in Western Caro lina and East Tennessee, use the adverti sing oulamns of the CmzBjr, Daily and Weekly. -The Crmsx has a much lar tfer bona fide circulation in the territory mentioned, than any other paper. Rates are lo w. considering circulation. MISSION HOSPITAL. ,. , . Bafferiny women should remember that the ,:- SCasion Hospital offers ail the advantages fox treatment and cure of diseases peculiar to - their sex, that can beloond in Northern cities. - Address, Hiaaioa Hospital, Aaherille, N. C ... t eb 83-ly JOHNSTON'S Kalsoinine, Linseed OiL Turpentine, Varnish, Lard Oil, Dryer, Iron Clad Paint, Window Glass Putty &c, BEARDEN. RANKIN & CO. ' "A TIIIXG OF BEAUTT ISA JOT - . , FOBETEB. OreeahBa Plaata, EteM Far 8I v AT THE HARDY HOUSE, r; ' (lommodlous quarters for the parchaae of choice Potted Plants, Boots and Flower. - , dolernt fix Fernlhurst, under VUt charge of ,, Ofilford, an experienced English Florist. !-'ces at Fenaihorst and Ashevliie will In an '. be uniform. Cabbage, Tomato,' Cauliflower, Sweet Potato, ' iid Celery Plants. rnanu delivered in all parts of the city free. . W.-WARD. Agent, Box 184, AsheviUe N C. P. 8. My stock replenished fron Fernlhurst Oreenhonses to meet all demands. - Aim Classes for tne study of Pitman's System it PhonograpbT. French, etc.. etc. Introduction books on hand, Interviews and lorreipondence solicited. Beasonable satisfaction guaranteed. - apt 7 dawv tf OPFUED AGAIN! IIAUPTON & FEATHEBSTON Oppotiie Court Howe Square, WHOLESALK AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Pare North Carolina and Kentucky Ttrandles, ;; '-v., .'. ALSO : ' A FtriX UHS QF CHOICS '-.V '-: ' '-A 'D--V. ';:;'. S.1IOUWJC TOUJlCCOSy PORTER, ALE,-BEER r -IN 'VAKIETy. i been taken -: ;- ; in Uie selections oj the abov i ARTICLE, ' AND Orr i atrona may be assured that '.hey will find themselves " AMPLY COMPENSATED bv a visit to us. 43-Tbe attention of dealers is respectfully Invlt- ou to our noca ms we are preparea to supply any demand. . Innet7-U - P 8. McMCJi-LEN. GEO. W. TIUBOK. McMULLENand TILSON HE 4DQUARTERS I IV 1SH& T ''I' VILLE FOB : ; ; : THE VERY BEST GRADES OF ' FURNITURE, CARPETS, ' ' . SHADE, GOODS, house; jurnishing goods generally, ; i a full tlock, and at low prices to DEFY COMPETITION. L' ALL OF OUR GOODS ARE FROM ; tit niost reliable factories, AND OF THE BEST MAKE. .. ' - ... V : ; Having bought out fcloore & Falk, f thus enlarging our stock, we are pre- : pared ,to furnish private homes, boarding-houses, hotels, " ., t- :&e., to order, ' on reasonable terms. jr.:.- - - CALL AND SEE US, EXAMINE STOCK AND PRICES: " ' Goods delivered free in . the city or. at the depot, r : ; jane-dawly :, ?. von SALE. ; ' S ycars time, 8 -per eent Interest.; Apply to r A i AYLOR HOrSC IIENDERSONVILLE, K.C.; -. This fivorite Summer Boarding House baa 4een newly painted, renovated an? furnished, and will be opened for the re ception of guests, June. 1st, 1886, The vruiefsigned has secured this plaee for the season and will ose every exertion to "niake'.hia guests comfortable. 1 Those ishtng to correspond id regard to terms. Ai., will please state how many rooms, and beds wanted, and number-of party, witli ages of children. The long experi ence at the proprietor and his wife gives assurance ot satisfaction.' .' f " ' . Addrere, ' - : : y ,f A A. HAKK8.:.i -:. - Proprietor. - Natalie, my darling, Arthur Is here. .The glrL a talL lissome creature, with great violet eyes ta whose uluaky depths many a man had sought to read his fate. rose quickly from the fauteull on which aha had been lying when her mother spoke, and paused for a moment ere she entered . the apartment where Arthur Ainaleigh was pacing nervously to and fro. A pretty room it was, warm and rich in ail its colorings, and as a great shaft of sunshine streamed through the oriel win dow its golden brilliancy was so softened and mellowed by the tinted glass that it fell in subdued radiance on statue and vase, on painting and drapery, seeming at last to lose itself in gentle blending with the bright hues of an oriental rug which lay in iront or the fireplace. j.o tne westward, where in: summer stretched away in vernal beauty the lawn that was such an attractive feature of Cy clone grange, there was little to be Been save a great expanse of snow, across which a pleasant woman, with a bundle of fagots, gathered in the neighboring copse, on her back, wearily trudged. A broken saw- buck that stood oat gaunt and haggard against an onpitying sky was the only jarring chord in an otherwise perfect symphony. Presently there came to Arthur Ains- lelgh's off ear the soft frou-frou of woman's dress, and an' . instant later Natilie Neversink, "tall and stately as a lily, In all the virgin beauty of her bad ding womanhood, stood beside the only man in au tne wide wide world that she had ever loved, and with a tender- grace that was ; beyond compare- gave to him with the wine-red lips that o'erhung her drooping, sensitive mouth a rapturous, clinging, do-not-move-or-yoa-wlU-break-your-halter kiss that came like a revela tion to this man, who had spent nearly all of his life in Boston. And then the girl, placing her soft, white arm caressingly about Arthur's neck, looked up to . him with pleading eyes in which the mists of sorrow were fast gath ering, and ere he could speak there glist ened on her damask cheek a tear the salt and silent emblem of a ghastly horror Uiat was haunting her life and that had cov ered the erstwhUe rose-tinted horizon of her girlhood with the black paU of an over whelming sorrow. "I had such a terrible dream last night, darling," she said, seeing in his eyes the thoughts that his lips had not uttered "such a weird, eerie dream, that ever since it came to me I have thought of nothing else." . "What is itf" he asks, drawing her more closely to him and fondling in lover fashion the coronal of fluffy hair that nestles so confidingly against the upper left-hand pocket of his vest. "I dreamed," the girl continued, "that while I was sitting here in the parlor one : bitterly cold day in the winter, when '- the wind was - moaning over moor and through Wold as if to chant a monody for the souls of those whose lives its fierce embraces had taken away, there came to me a cupld fat and rosy as I had so often seen him depicted, but wearing about him a curious garment. It was a linen duster, and, strangest of all, it was trimmed wita for, while in bis hand the little god held jauntily a silk hat. He spoke no word to me, and when I asked him why he was so queerly dressed I awoke. Was it not strange, Arthur?" "Yes," the man replied, "and the vision bodes you no good. It is an ancient belief that when a maid sees Cupid in her dreams he win in some measure assume the out ward appearance of the man whom she will wed. Dost believe this, Natalie?" A convulsive shudder and a closer clasp ing of his hand was her only answer. "Methinks I can interpret the vision," he continued. . "Do so," was the reply. "You say that Cupld worea duster?" "Yes." "A linen duster?" -. "Yes." "Trimmed with fur?" "Yes." "No shoes on his feet?" "None." . "And he had a stovepipe hat?" "xes." "It needs no sibyl," said . Arthur, read this riddle. The answer is plain. . "What is it?" she asks. . . - Bending tenderly over her, he says in tones that are husky with horror: "You will marry an actor!" Chicaeo Meets the first and third Monday nights in montn. . ' French Broad Council. No. 701. R. A.Eui In the hall of the Knights of Hon or on the second I combines 4he4QWimnt66 -AND". TV Wnrnnnft - ViAniaum Saririv of thd M. C I Church. South, meet-in the church class-ro6m on the First Friday of every month at 4 o'clock P.M. DIRECTORY "OLD LINE '? -Companies cost of ordinary co-operative insur- f ance in Secret Orders. feature at the Sat ASHEVILLK CHCBCH . Methodist SpUcopal Church Church SL Bev. W. W. Bays Morning' services II a. m. 5 Evening lerviees 7J4 p m.: prayer meeting Wed- oesday evening tyi p. m. Sabbath school 9 , Presbyterta Church Unurch fti. Rev. J. P. (lammon Services 11 a. m.';7ip. m.) - prayer meeting nve p. m. nww day; Sabbath school half-past 9 a. m. .... Episcopal Church, Trinity corner Church ana mnme St. r - s . Bev. Jarvis Buxton, D. D. Bev. Varday McBee, Assistant tU ctor. Services Sunday, 11 a. m. ; 6 p.m.; Wednesdays, I'ndays and Holv Days. 10 a. m. monaaya, mesaaya, Thursdays and Saturdays, 5 p. m. ; Friday, 8 p. m. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Baptist Church corner Wood fin and bpruas. Bev. J. L. CarroU Services 11 a m.; 70 m.: prayer meeting 7:30 d. v. Wednesday; ibbath school 8 a. m. - Roman Catholic Church. Bev. Mr. McGinity Services first Sunday n each meuth at 11 a. m. M. JS. Church corner ration Avenne and . ; ? - .. Bailey 8L , (No pastor at "present in charge). " O:;-! Doubieday JKtsuim Church.- " Hav W W Bars Pawor.- Babbath School. J If Prayer Meeting every day frdm lit to 12.80 o'clock. All invited to attend. Gospel Services every Sabbath afternoon, at (Sgo'clock. on Battery Porter. , . ' Goerjcl Services at Prof. Tenable's Academy every eaooatn arternoon at 6 o'clock. Gospel Services at Smith's Bridge old Do-1 pot over a. M. Boberts' store, at 5 o'clock. Sabbath School at 4. AU are invited to attend the above services. .flj5, .y ' ' ViS-d ; tiOOTiiJn ;-'a: ' . . ,1886. SPECIAL NOTICE. 1886. To my numerous patrons in the city and surroundinfr country wha anafain in my efforts of the past, I extend my sincere thanks, and aak them and-all otbu who wish a pore article of "Wine or Liquor to give me their support in mi present : effort to estabHshaFiftt-Class ' 3 , r , : I shall make every effort to keeD on hand - my line in -, , , ' V.-V! : . . the Largest Aasortmeat of Goods in i7FftTPnn rinjiTrTnnnfirrT! SSS.W I Bjaltli liUi 1 ViiUyiaiii i . - ' , I .;jr'T f.f, J- - '. j ' I It d , T -v - . It is Hot necessarv for m in irlva inv tmir-nfoa gt Tia rna-ffw' Afmw asrtftfe aas. business relations with all in the past is a sufficient recommendation for the future '.' aiu Street, Above tagle Hotel) ' ;:' r v . Ar f We, Jt C AUOUIOUV r isgwauoii ; wrr V a I giWlsutVWU tO IV9 WafclBUHJfclOIli FIRE '' KlSURAFiCfc. urn WML luJa ..- as well as long term. issued at fair 'Tates City and County on all kinds of; Property Keal and Persona Short ,i Policies inA. 1 .Companies, ; Home and Foreign. TIIOS. W. BUAWCII, Agent. , - Ofiice North Side Court Squared .- my 20-tf , .f... ' : EDWARD J. ASTOI, ; REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE :' ,.-' thrsT -; ' - ' ". -: .Ashpvil .Not thr-Caroiira. : I am esDedailTk.nrenared to mk! honta anil hoes so a t-prevent dampness i jd jdsakimo. JXeauy-siade ; ustom Work of . ait sort on Hand. - Gmllemm and. Ladies' Repairing aSpe- ' . eialty . .. , Fine -Custom Work alwavs onhand. tn . tvlo u Bsiuuaciiou gxiarameea,. as v sioca ana work. Shoemskerr Find urn always on hand and mr mui. i ae oesi in ins marKet, t low wices , MAIN ST; ;Sxd DOOR "ABOVE THE BANK OF A8HEVILLE. The "Bonanza" Sample. Billiard nd Pi1 Rnnm In th rHrlia th fln i i. State and is strictly a WHITE : Homes Without Capita! THE FOUNDING OF THE TOWN OF WHITJ1ER. SOMETHING UNIQUE AND UEW dont forget the place Main solid Red Curtain Front. P. a,JJox 220. Shipping st, 3rd door above the Bank of Asheville a specialty. Boxing and Packing: Free. 3 -a. a V t I- l f. Tfnnnf n p-0 I Western N. Carolina It. It. jciuis. iioMjTJEivs r 'PROSPECTBREWERY,' -PHILADELPHIA, PA. TF. a tyULLEIl'&eb., Agents, ASHEVILLE, N. C( - COLORED CHURCHES. A. Af. . Church (Zion) College St. Key. Mr. Sherman Services 11 a. m.; S p. m., and half.past 7 p. 'a.; Sabbath school 9 m. -Baptist. Bev. Mr. Burnley Services 11 a. in. ; 3 p. m., and half -past 7 p. m.: Sabbath school 9 a. m. i JCpiscopal. Bev. Mr. Maasiah Services 11 a. m.; Sab bath school 3 p. m. ,; - ; : TAKE JYOTICE ! W. O; Muller & Co. Liquor Dealers and Dis tillers9 JM gents. TTAVING just received a XJ. full supply of all kinds new and of goods usually kept in our line, we are prepared to furnish our many patrons and the public in general, with something good for the Holidays. - Especial attention is called to Duffy's Pure Barley Malt Whiskey for which we are agents in this section, also the cele brated Bavarian and Budweise Lager Beer on draught, and bottled for family use, which is guaranteed . strictly pure. v e also have a lot of June Via fure N. C Corn Whiskey that cant be beat, and the best and most popular brands of tine Old Kentucky hand-made soui mash Rye and Bourbon Whiskies, fine imported Cocnac Brandy. Tamaica Rum. imuorted and domestic Gins, Pure N. C. Apple and Peach Brandies, Pure-N. C. Sweet Mash Corn Whiskey, fine old imported Sherry. . , ... - - We herewith take' great pleasuro in introducing for export and family use mis . .. :. . :- -;;-- . i . Extra Quality linger Beer, Brewed of the best Barley and imported Bohemian Hops. It surpasses in fine taste, flavor, brilliancy and nutritious qualities any other Lager Beer, and is strictly pure and unadulterated. .Physi cians advise the use of this Beer, and we call your special attention to the follow ing analysis: . - "BudvrciM jLag-er Beer, Emanating from ; the Prospect Brewer, - ' itHhiladeJphia, Pa. ' The undersigned, at the request of the Technical Society, has completed : an analysis of Ihe "Isudweis" Beer, brewed atChas.' Wolters' Prospect Brewery in Philadelphia,' which analysis exhibits the following results: Specific gravity, Alcohol, Extract, . Carbonic Acid, ....-. Ashes, - This signifies that the GLARKE WmrTIEE, of California, is divi ding 60,000 acres of land, in Swain CO., N. C , In the "Sky land region,'!, lntosmall tracts for ac tual settlers only. They will be sold for easn. or on credit of I irom one to ten years.- u desirable tbe principal may lay fot five years at 6 per cent Interest, pay able annually, and one-flft fi of-the principal to bpaid each year thereaXier. a - The sou is rich, iu tobacco brfags the highest ? rices in the market, avjging k. net profit of rom ST5 to S150 Der acre. 150 acrt or larnl . being cleared to rent on shares ior tobacco srow- The lands are divided into -forms at rmm m tn 1000 acres to suit purchaser-. The labor required in opening Tip these lands Lhaa made the Town of WHITTlJEii. a neoessitv. which is now a station on the Western. Nnrth i'.,. ouna Kauroaa.e mues east or Charleston. The HHuiaer or v metier will snare no tuuna or ax. pens to make it the most attractive aad desira ble resident ano tragi nass town in western N. C. t Mills, stores, residences' arl a Ann Hrif ftl fir bow being erected, and othei jnanufactories will loiiow. tots are apnatea to churches, schools, public1uildings ana works. . The improvements of toe lands and the town requires all kinds of mechanics and laborer. and au an' 'l 886.) WBSTEBN H.' C BjULBOAO Co. - General Passenirer Officn . Salisbury, N.TJ., Feb. 15th, 1886. On and after Feb. 15th, 1886, and superceding xuotners, tne iouo wmg schedule win beopera- Train No. 1. Salisbury, SUtesviile Arr. Newton. ' Hickory, Icard. Morgan ton, WXST. ii've. 11.25 a in. 12.S9 12.28 1.32 1.58 240 S.05 Marion. - 4.08 Old Fort, 4.37 Round Knob, 4.52 Black Mo'ain, 6.29 Asheville, . 6.16 A lexanders, . ee Marshall, i r1 1JST 1J . I Warm Spgs .52 85 - Train No. 2. XAST. Arr. 1ve.- &.B0 p. m. 2.18 3.06 47 6.21 4.21 3.14 9.18 1JH6 1.88 1ZS7 11.M 11.40 10.W 9.56 &5S i 8.18 7.20 Paint Bock. .1S - ' . irrjBPHY division. Going West. Arr..1 J,'ve. a 99 i . 2.43' 1.28 i 11.57. 11.40 v 10.52 , .10.01 j 8.18 : 1M A H 10.32 1 pnrchasers of lands or lots can get immediate i Yi't? id constant employment at coinmon labor. 1 10 55 Pnrchasers will be furnished lumber for lm.U-2l provemenu ai ui 10 i. per luuu feet, and work to 1,012 . 3,94C J . 4.92c. 0c J "Budwei8" Beer pay for it. Comfortable quarters and radons will be pro vided for purchasers and their lamilies, at the mere cost of rations, until they can erect their own houses. Come right along. Thus VOQ can bnv lands, lots, and hnlld linnui on long eredits and: work to pay for them. ; ; Stjch inducements have never been offered be fore, as ate now offered at Whlttier. Come at once and erect mnr hnnami ... PlAiitv work at fair prices. Tobecco lands to clear and get ready for spring ctops. Fences, roads and houses to bund, nurseries and fruit trees to plant, (fcc. Plenty of work ready now. C. WHITTIEB, - , Whittier, Charleston P. O., ' 8ept.lS-tf. Swain Co.. N.C. 11.51 1U9 1.49 2.28 2.89 . 8.81 4.15 606 7.05 9.58 10.84 10.58 11.26 11.54 18.29 : 1.63 2.89 -8.41 .. 8.81 4.24 6.05 1 f Stations; Asheville. Hominy Turnpike, " Going East .t ; Arr. Ii've 4.89 P M ,k. 4 01 1 o. a 3.37 S39 8.12 1 17 Pign Elver, ciyae, Wvnesv'le, yivi, Web'rStsfn Whittier, Charleston, . Nautahalv, jarretts, , a.1 The trains en the Murphy Drriston run nntnt fionriav. - .... -- U i J " W. A. TURK. X. at. P. V. K. McBKB.finpt. 2.45. 2.00 12.M 11.56 11.45 10.54 lotoo 8.19 S47 9 25 12 84 1167 11 4 10 55 10 09 . 119 1. 7.1 dally PROFESSIONAL CARDS. C M. McLOUD CHAS . MOuKa jyT-oLOTJD it MOOBE, Attorneys and GonnseUort at lxtu Practice hi the tTnited States Circuit andU rict Courts at AsheyUle. Statesyille. CharlotM and Greensboro; in the Bnpreme Court at aalaiah and in the Court- of the 8th and 9th Judicial bis ' trteta ef the Ktats of North Carolina. ,. Special mttcutton givea to oollnctioiu of tsUiaw may 24-1 y wAsw , - , DR. M. H. FLETCHER, Physician and Surgeon. ymee ana residence over Weaver's f e bl8-diy tor WATSON, M.- . J.A Pbxalelaai tbe Waaais'a ,Wsv el Mlsaloa XlMBtltsd. ' A8HKVIIXE, M. ft, , Office over CarmichaeTs fhrug Store, : Janetf number : KeWece 46, Office . D TL G W. PUKEFOY Offers his nrofaaiiiAnal in the citizens of Asheville and sprroand. ion country. Office over Cam. ichael's Drugstore. Residence Charlotte st. de la-dly : - - 1 - . f Atlantic & N. C. R. R is. TiHE TABLE HO. S3. In effect 12 If., Sunday. January llth.1886. in its essential Qualities is almost the exact counterpart 'of the best Imported uonemian iseer. A further examination, seeking adul terations, proves conclusi vely that - it 1 contains naught of that nature: Dr. D. H. Daxnibauk, Taony Chemical Works. Bridesburg. Philadelphia, Oct 28, 1881. Fine Groceries ! Imported and Domes.ic.Table Delicacies. ' "aiKEPLER'S: EAST. : WEST. No. 51. Passenger. STATIONS : No. 60. Passenger. Arr. L'vc. Arr. L've. r. m. 6 51 132 847 11 18 1140 F. M. 507 B54 6 52 1128 T. T. T. Goldgboro v LaGrange Kinston New Berne Morehead City ; Morehead Depot ' Daily Except Sunday. A.K. 11 19 1016 942 4 46 ' ' 1 A.X. 10 99 9 47 7 47 06 435 EXTRA CHOICEST New Crop TEAS, For Holels, Boarding Houses, Private J Port. Madeira. Claret. Chamrmene and all is nut ud in Datent-stonoer Bottles ( runts. 1 Lhoicest Moynne Gunpowder," 1 ; j e j nrs i: ij . 1 I j ui . . . I Knffl iHh Krtmbfaat . ' udub ui uumebuv wen, juiuurieu Aie 1 uiu iu eiuun ijoiuea ipiais. wen corKea. 1 -"J- ana rorxer,rine ugars, looacco. cic, c. wireu. ioiiea ana laDeiea. We deliver the Beer "to News. Total Maafaetare f Chewing Gam. The total manrfacture of chewing gum in the United States is over 6,000,000 boxes a year, 'and as each box contains 150 pieces of gum the total sum paid by consumers, 1 cent for a piece of' gam, amounts to nearly tlO.OOO.OOO, . which would be about 80 cents per capita, on a basis of 50,000,000 population. Brooklyn Eagle. . ' High House Bent la Blexieo. House rent is so high In the City of Mexico that mdny houses are vacant in theolde quarters of thai city, new-comers nearly alt seeking the 'suburbs, especially toward the .west. Landlords do not come down, however, preferring to wait, since their , property is not taxld when unoccu pied Chicago Times. ' . ; v ; ' - - Do Library Books Cat ly Contagion? . The librarian of an onfeof-tho-city library has taken the precaution to prevent, as far as possible; - the circulation of books In families where diphtheria, scarlet fever or any other such disease exists, lest the books should become the means of spread ing the disease. Chicago Herald. r : , Timber la Louisiana and Mississippi. a srt a xaicnigan lomoer company has pur- cnasea cnousanas oz acres 01 timber land In Louisiana and Mississippi at $1.25, which they say Will equal the timber lands of f lriifTOT flT.fl VricranAinorlv Vwr.hai ""law v aarvwiaua. AMVUaUO) Oa Way, of Cnrtns Sheamatisvu aV Virginia aocior, wno was nnsuccess- rui m all other remedies, recently buried a rheumatic patient tip to the neck in the ground ana left him there ; for nine days. A core was effected. Chicago Times. . 1- They Soon Los Their Charm. Pomp, splendor, parade, and tinsel lure the Idle and enthuse the rabble, but mu sic ana canners -soon loser their charm to him who walks behind a Mareon-toed man in a procession. Chicago Ledger. ' " f ' sWoeaafttl Careotf 1st the Arms. LsArttio. the chief bnll-fishter of MadrirL daring his career has killed in the -arena S43 bulls without the slightest lniurv to himself. Chicago Tribune s ..... We have with us Messrs. Lee C. Sor rells, Jesse J. Lange and W. Columbus Featherstone who will be glad to have their friends call and see them. We have in connection with our Bar an elegant Billiard and Pool Hall up stairs, furnished v witn tne celebrated Brunswick, Balko . & Collander Ca's Tables, the best in use,which is are charge of tbe old jovial Tom Pope who will give a cordial greeting to all. Ordes rsolicited and promptly filled. W. O. MULLEB & CO., Main st , opposite Public Square, . - Asheville. N. C. Formosa Oolong. Extra Fancy Japan: free of .eharee to any part of the city, and call for tbe empty patent stopper bottles, which are never sold but must always be returned with the crates. Having erected a laree refrizerator for the storage of Beer,, we are enabled to keep our Beer cool, fresh and in ec order, and it will be furnished direct from our refrigerator to our customers. All shipping orders will receive DromDt I CRflSSTC At RT.APTTWTT'T.T.'ci Tamo attention. . : . , ... ' apl 3 dtf ' W.O. MTJLLER4 CO.. .wortn s jeines preserves, I u. u 1 lurapiua, 111 iiaaa Jans, G. & D. Cranberry Sauce, " Train 50 Connects With Wilmlnirtnn A VenAc train Douna wortn, leaving uoldsboro 11:35 a.m. and with Richmond A Danville train West, leav- ing uoiusooro ii:ja p. m., -ana Wilmington Weldon Train South at 4:54 d. m. Train 51 connects with Richmond A Dan villa 1 raiu. arriving ai uoiasDoro 4:4U p. m , ana with WUmingtondt Weldon Train from th North at 4:4 p.m. . - .. . FINE J5QFFEE. Moctia, pit Government Java, -Cordova, Santos Peaberry, -Finest Rio and Lagnayra, Instantaneous Chocolate, Cocoa, Baker's Chocolate and Broma. Natural Brln, YMa. THE HOTELS, FOREST INN AND APPLE lORE are now open, uuder the manage ment ot W. B. Southworth. Everything possible to mate provision ior neaitn ana com'onana pleasure has been done. It is oh the same latitude as Old Point hi Pine Forests. The air is dry. The drainage is perfect. . . , . - Reduced rates for Auril. May and June. ' For Circulars, Ac, address . apuv-oim- jiKiNJiai sauu, upt BOB JONES," i : The. Pioneer. To my Customers: '! v 5 I desire to inform my customers that 1 keep aKaAm Kaaa J,hn 4m 1ia,I aw An w gooda wines, liquors, beers, te., are all pure and fresh. Orders solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. Orders from a distance specially solicited. Goo-ig delivered free of charge : to any part of tbe city by polite servants. ' ' ' -Khtn nivir thARnrinm-cnnmctnrnf cocktails. Is with me and respectfully invites his friends to call. Call on or address . BOB JONES, The Pioneer Bar, 3 doors below 1st Nat Bank, ; apl25-2m . v AsheyiUe, N. C. X BRAND & CO; -Wa UirDERTAKEIlS. ASHEVHXE, N. C. Metallic and Walnut Coffins constantly on hand. Every requisite.of the business furnished. - All calls davrfrnic'httiroTnDt- ly answered. Hearsee i lrnished- when EDAM desired t . -, mb-wly CANNED VEGETABLES. Gordon & Dilworth's Asparagus. . . v Oyster Bay Asparagus, - i - -. -Sifted Early June Peas, $ wimowb; corn, v- KT9 WholeTomatoesrOkra and Tomatoes, French Peas and Mushrooms. .:STi t. I - in imu.iWi. f-hq i fJALlTORNiA CANNED'rmte74 Peaches, Apricots, Pears, J White Cherries, Green GageTiums, -Bahama Pineapples grated, and sliced. Cane Fear & Y. V. R'7 CofflpT. TRAIN NORTH. . Arrive Tavo Bennettsville, 8 20pm Fayetteville. "' ' 1200m 122Spm San ford, '215pm 9 2Spm unruBuuni,. . owpo ; - -xnnneratr ayeitevuie. . ' TRAIN SOUTEL' - . i i.rt- ? ..- : arrireJ Leave. Greensboro 9 60 m Sanford , 120pm 145pm Fayetteville ' '!50pm 4 00pm ixsuucHavuie ' - aupm .'. ;.-m: 1 Dinner at Sanawd. t . Freieht and Psssens-er Train leaves Bennetts ville 1 nesdays. Thursdavs and Saturdays at 2 30 p m, arriving at tayettevllle at 8 p m. reaves rayeuevuie on 'mesaays, Tnursaas and Saturdays at 6 30 a m. and arrives at Ben- ncttsville at 12 m - ; - Freight and passenger Train North leaves Pay. ttcvllle on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 a m, (connecting at Sanford with Freight ettcvlileon Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday nd Passenger Tralus to Raleigh), leaves Sanford at 11 80 a m. and arrives at Greensboro at 5 40 n m. ' Leaves Greensboro Tuesdsvs. Thnrsdava and Saturdays at s a m, leaves Kan lord at 11 15 i and arrives at Fayetteville at 2 4a d m. - j nu. j. kusis, uen. t il. Agent. a m, W. M. 8. DUNN, Gen. Superintendent. SWANNANQA -HOTEL 7? apple cheese, Asheje (neryv iiosB wafers; Muenroom crackerar Repairing v: CJarrlas-es, ;13iigles; ANJ , iTeliicleai";- of all descriptions.' "''Done In the besf and most permanent style and at short notice. On hand all varieties of horse shoeing stock. : Sboeinr Fast Horses- A Speciality Those wanting work done will do well to call quickly to anticipate overcrowding, y My work is la demand. Call en ' ; 1 ' - - ' mch 28-Smoss w , J.H. WOODy willow it A GEM OF A HOME FOR SOME BODY. ; . ' AskeTilleA N1. Altitude, 2,339 reet Above the Sea., ' Tec recent additions and imDrovements to the Swakhanoa mslte -it. perhaps the-most attractive anJ comfortable Hotel in the South. Its Tower and 450 feet of galleries furnish views of the Swaunanoa River and the French Broad Biver valleys. Also views of the Brae Ridge, Pisgah, Balsam, New Found aad Elk ranges ot mountains, peaks or which are over 6.000 feet high. Convenient to Tost, Express, Telegraph and Railroad Ticket Offices, and Asheville Bank, , Ashoville Library and Ashe villa Club Booms. Purest mountain, water conducted to and through the Hotel. '"Finest New Orleans Molasswt' Keri West andlXmnQrted.Cjgars. I' -' S FULI STOCK OF 4 - STAPJLiE GROC ERIES : " : South Main SL, opp. Eagle Hotel.-1 ' - .- - IK LOTS BEADY FOR SAUS. .The Directors of the Asheville Cemetery Com pany are now preparea to sen lots to tne puoiic. They are laid off in , various forms, and of the i average sise of four hundred superficial feet, and vary in nrlo e from tie to SSO each. - Parties wishing to purchase, can do so by call ing on M. J. Bearden or T. W. Pa toon... The company offer the lots now t tfcn above low prices, homing- to induce Gte rte ;Jeci' Ash- viiie to Utk-.- aa interest ku la ei: icri.tlse .Thev will not be-bound by tbe same rates in the future, but reserve to themselvis the rigM to increase prices on unsold lots at any time. .- All persons purchasing, can do sosublect to rales of the company, Which will be published as soon aspcaslbles ' i ' . f - 1 mchS-dtf All Modern .Conveniences. The Ball Room is 60x150 feeC A fine Or chestra from Philadelphia is engaged for the Bummer. : ?- TBE prettiest little place in Buncombe coun ty, two miles from a depot, four miles from the city, on Swannanoa river, contains ninety aciea.twenty of which are good bottom,thirty np land.as good as any on tbe riven no washed or worn out land on the places forty acres well timbered. Good, new dwelling bouse, with 7 rooms, an out nouses, splendid spring with pruig-aouBe, jaw cnoice appie trees, one-nan oi j . , , - I longing. to the Board an render-ana Duplifr which are just ready to bear; 35 peach trees all of I SpeCiaL Kates to Parties DV the Month, j eounties, and tnownas jiniolaiBay, lau-OiBa superior quality; some nape vines and pears. I ' -. 3 .. Gtim8wam::t j. c. Huautu ui KivwuiE grass i -s.1 i'"""?rr-r ?r- r Tidiness of their iicuse, and tbe raeoessful managamsct of ue ouisue aepartment.------ ;: , BAWLS BROTHERS, .- i " : TiovtietaH. slaw a xn t. a wna fip batvi .,1 .. Mj... 4 .AAAA f -l; ti.im ' I. -if'.f .it ,,ri.STATE OF NORTH CAROTJNA, . jt. . Kp ' STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION, . . V RAXHOH-i April 10, 1886. Until Jalr 1st. 1866. sealed eash proposals will be received at this office, addressed to the Secre tary of ths Board for the purchase -ef Lands be This property is Well adapted to Erowine grass a sooa tooae CITIZEN OFFICE, y and clover, and now has about twenty-five acres in- ciove. - atse gooa tooaeeo lana.--. For further partleulars apply at the memz-a awti SOMETHING' CHOIGE ! ;an;8 T. O iters OF THE WEED, who enjojra really MA iwa BiuuK.0, uiuoia always aac ior - HOLMES' ;PISralAr::ijix; i " f- These brands ai e maiibfactuTHd from the eele bra ted Tobaccos arrown In Wti Knrth fjtTa. Una, free from all perfumeries, adulterations O bnpurities.and are prized for their ; Ask your dealers oV.' : r . "c aad take bo othen- li't-l $ 'l ' j , 1 . ' ; ; ?' , r thritrt rVaaa th Trmit SolUttt. "j, . E. X .HOTaMISaL A I CO. iPiiorBraTORs an 2-12mos , - . - ; ASHEVILLE. N. C. -.-i-r4":-- s i -Fully eoulpped with the latest machliidry;aud with an inexhaustible supply of the bost hard land soft timbers on the continent my facilities for flllino- orders TtromDtly wtth the. Very best goods are ansurasod in the South. . ? j "Mriav ti-jsAKB-.c-t rifAit.'t" flu Mouldlufs aad Newel Woi. InKlc'e Tlais in Hard and Soft Wood, Fancy Front ; i and Vestibule Doors a specialty f . - f fAU orders sent or given the underslzued or Mr . a. Clayton, Bupcasitenaeui, . wui receive prompt at tentlou, and ?j ;A : j . " ; S ATisFACTIPGU ARANT EED. . '' UK-. liost,;,CIayton.:r1''' Ic201y. .. ": This aurertisement Ismade m at-eordaftcewlui section 2629 of The Code. i- A snsn-astlTWds can be seem attMs office: describing the lands. and locating the public roads constructed through, tnera by tne btate. -J fords can be obtained at reason-. 'MaMrf rta. Rnnth Ifninai. . The whole tract is estimated to contain, 44. acre. 'There are of this amount awut 'SUO50 aerer of Reed I And . - 'In Gum Swamp Obere . are estimated to be 4.CHS acres, .about one-third of which is well timbered with very fine Cypress, and the balance with Gam Maple, 4c . The bids may be by the acre fot the whole tract, or an aggregate sum for the whole. - The Poard reserves tne ngavo reject any or an.6 oa. Capitalists who are looking after 4iniber, go farming tanas, or janos ior stoca rauane wmn it to their advantage toxamin these lands. Gen. W. G. Lewis. Engineer. Golds boro. H: Cj will showtbem and furnish' Info rmatiou, 'sjto their eharacter. - . r 8. M. FINGER, Slipt. Pub. Ins., aec y fctate poarq oi txiucapon. apl 14-d6 j1 CANADA CO WAIT V ;: -.A-'i (li 'at::.! 112355.) ii. -laiiIaiiii iiCJr.,;- v-',--;;"-.;aHP dxaxjub ...v- r.-;:; Watchet J J3ock, l Jemlery, Spectactes &c : ' Patton Avenue, Asheville, N.C V" j Leroy .Wi Fairchild's Gold Pen". Good stock always on hard- " , - IF Y0U,rWiUiT w a. -v jl J.m -. at a fi O TO - ' - ' j : Whfcie the best the market af- 2 doors above i Eagle MkVrv HoteL F1IB rn'i nnrt mrTTwmin UMUUU UilillfEIlL) rr 1 " f I have ifa stock' aullJineof 5 ";r f' . ? k J -" ' - . I PLe i ig Tobacco and lidcy Hunt, (a lead ing brand of fine-,ft inch plug.)v. These gooda are all made of. the heat Xleury County Lest h erwood leaf aad manufactured by J- H. John son A Co., Danville Yt., tad are guaranteed ta be ftnest on the market .r- , - ; . , ' - s .. ' ' " ' ' - - "' SvAii Ffnii?V'iaghraxi, "Mln St , rd door above Bank of Ashe v (lie DOCTOES GATCHELI.. , - PHYSICIANS. Special attention to Clirwnle Dia eases, including those of ; ' Throat and tunga. tiSr Office over COWAN'S JKwri R STORE, Patton Avenue. t . delO-dly W. JONES, ' v. ... Attorney at Lav, ; - . ASHEVILLE, - . . ' ;i N.C. Office in Johnston Building opposite Cou ' House Square, Practices in the Courts of Weatera. North Carolina and Supreme Cort at Baleigh. --.OT 26-lyd JJRS. McGILL & BATTLE, " Wakdlaw McGill, M. D., Practice limited to Eye, Kar.l root and Lungs Sak. westbay battu. m. d "tr. a, k - Physician and Sujgeoa. OfBcci.over DeVault's Drug Btora. aOfflce hours 10 a. m.. to 12 m and t to 4 u au se4-tf jQK. JOHN HIY WTf TTiya Physicum and Surgeon. " V, Office: Main 8t 2 doors south of Bank. Rest deuce on French Broad Avenue. Ottios hounll - - m. a y. ia, mm uuu a to a p. as. THfiC. t. DAVLMOH. Jm. a. Haiti rVAVlDSON A MARTIN. Win prac-tkw In the Sth and ath JnHi.i tmam. sad in the Supreme conn of North Carolina, am Nortt CarS 0oUrt" W"fni Jterer to the Bank of AsaavlUaJ epiaawawaja ., T7 , ,-, JAMES A. BTJBBOUGHS,;, I :A Physician and Saiseenf ASHEVILLK.lS'.C; - Office over Powell A Snidia. , a aof Kesidenea corner nf Mala Woodfin atreeta. . . : del6-ly ... .i.. .. , V. JB. MALONE, ,ii s. .. . cJ.W.K)WMAN, Asheville, M. CU BaketarOks, X. O Ualonft and Bdinnn. AUorncyg ct Jaxt I I A VINO FORMED A onp.WTmrRfmrs ' 1 the uraetioa of tha lu. mm An k.,.nA. i several SounUes at the 11th and ttth eMaUs MpeekUly tu tea eounties of Miteheil, TasMey Madison and Buncombe. . Will praacice la tbe United States Court aad the Buprama Coart oi the State. Controveniaa ia regard to laad title made a specialty. - . umces open at aa&evttle aad Bakauville. ectU-Cmos . J.4 TENNENT, Architect and CSvQ ihofttear. 1 Designs. Specification-, and" -aaIbi-1m a. tha style of building furnished upon appdeatioa, Ai work mpariatauded when desired. Ail work ea trusted to me as Civil Engineer ' will taeelw prompt attention. Thorough drains of laads a specialty. Post OOioe addreas, Anheviua pea, n. ia - rtaatoeaos twrawnanoa Brunt! may M 6meei v!.eiw . rpHoa. A,o2aB.,jAw.av: r,v ,f; , t Jittorney at tm: '- ASHEVILLE, N.XL. oct23-lys w Office with Davidaoa Ma Dbs. wiLr t7vix nitLiAniy, . Pnyalelans acd fesr$ee, Office hStijxAisif. jan3-6mosK, .M A .r-.y ., - THE HAZLEGEEEITi; 8aslL& Blind IT'abtorv Has recently Twrrchased a l-- aroount of Oak. Chestnut, Cherry and Wauiut Luiuber, and can Fur.xis.1, worts aianufactured of -tbonw. ntf triad scaterial. We propose toiurnisk work at the lowest figurea, aad equal to auy iuipond roous. - - THOH. I CT.AYT0X, Props, IB. CLAYTON, Buaiuesa A.ccr. ' hbi4rU..7i ;:.! i TrXECTJTOa3' NOTICE.. r't -. . . ; The undersigned having qualified as Kxeea tor of the w 11 of Nalbau Brown, deceased, here by notifies all Dermn. bavinr claims - that said Brown, to exhibit tae "-e to t a at tt before the lrt day of l..y, l s7,or H,m notice . will be pleaded la bsr of their recor-ry. Ail persons Indebted to the mid brown wui coiuv forwanl and ctuke setiieiu-i t at ouee.or fesnJ proceedings willbe intitn' i e ""t. r . m. aitt.3, axecuter. Asheville, N.C. 1866. , . "-A. 1 r