"r i - i jt: To all who are sunenns from the er rors and indiscretion of youth, nerrous - weakness, earlv decay, loss of manhood, Aa, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CUAEGE..- This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in Sooth America. Bend a seir-aaaress- ed envelope to the Rev. Josxph, T. Iw it xv, Statiom D, Ne YarlOUy.: ' no 10-waeodlr - 'At.. 'I To BuaiKias Max. It won desire to reach the largest nam- ' her of the best people in Western Caro- Una and East Tennessee, use the adverti sing columns of the Cmzis, Daily ana Weeklv. The Crrizis has a much lar er bona, fide circulation in the territory ' mentioned, than anv other paper. Rates are Jow. considerinz circulation. MISSION IIOSPITAIw ' - HntTarina wosaen should remember that the Mission Hospital offer all tho advantages for treatment and cure- of diseases peculiar to their sex, that can be found ia Northern eioes. Address, Mission Hospital, Asheville, N. 0. f eb SS-ly Cincinnati Noniiariel l.azer Beer on draught at the "Bonaora! Sample and Pool Boom in the - rear: f Frank Loug- hrans Wino and Liquor store, Main street, opposite Eagle Btreet.- - Straw Hats, all nest, at grades, cheapest to fi- W JIITLOCK'8. ALL ARE INVITED TO CALL AT HESTONfS Eagle Hotel Block, and partake of Delicious Ice ('ream. Vastus nice as made auy where in the country.- - . ;' . :' v . - If you want to take some home, we , . have pocltets trom o to ducts. Or will put in ice that it will keep solid for any length of time. "Just came in to-.day fresh stock of WHITMAN'S & ROYSTER'S FINE CANDIES, Fruits, Harshm allows, Finest CHOCOLATE CREAMS, CARAMELS, Double Strength Mint Drops, Lime ' Juice Drops Imported and . Domestic Segars Fine Cut CHEWING TOBACCO. Try our Beaucatcher Segars; .nothing ; , pett.ec in a oc.-5egar; . - Eagle Hotel Block. James P Saer, - WholeisaferiEnc.Retait, PATTON AVE. - ASHEVILLfi; N.C. Having just returned from the North ern market, I have now in stock the prettiest, cheapest : and best stock of general merchandise it has ever been my pleasure to offer consisting of GENTS' FINE CLOTHING, any price yon want. niZESS GOOJOSr r ' '!- ' from 5cts. tip. SUJflJflER SIJLIIS in different shades. -WHITE GOODS to please anyone. BLAK GOODS just what you want. CJMIZFJETS, - new-and pretty . all shades and prices. RUGS, . the prettiest you ever saw. UOISEHY, the cheapest in the city. HANDKERCHIEFS, at your own prices. SI Lit : IK1IIASOT.S, . new and handsome. TOWEES by the 100 dozen. to match. LINEN . DAMASK, . something good. - GENTS'- FINE SHOES, . the best in the market. LADIES1 SHOES. come and see. : -.- . HATS,. .. at all prices. SUGAR AND COFFEE,-.. ' as cheap as the cheapest. BACON AND FLOUR, - " as low as the lowest. SILVER AND GOLD, shirts. : COLLARS AND. CUFFS, - ' r 1 ail sizes. r my motto: ' "A vilified customer is my best advertise JAMES P. SAWYER, ; - . : ' Palto'n Arenne. - opfivi; i ag a mi JIAMrTOX & FEATHEBSTON . ' Opposite Court House Square. , WHOLESALE AJMD RETAIL OEAXEBS tS Pare Xorih Carolina anil TCentncky TXrandies, and Whiskies. : -: " . :.. ALSO .-'': v ,-AFCELLlNBOFCHOICS :., ... :;V .' ' ' 'i'r AWD . . "' y" J. v POBTEK ALE, BEER ; . " j , - - - -..." ' " -: . Great care has been taken : . - in the eUdtojf t'twm'-; Ocr i atrona may be assured that iv.x 1hey'v8lfii ikmeefoe 'i ' -AKPLT COMPENSATED by a visit to us. x; - . - ' i-The attention of dealers Is respectniHylBVlt. jiid to our stock as ve are prepared to supply any demand. - " - . - , - - , lnaa-tf.--. - - NURSE FOR THE ROYAL BABE. ; . ;j - - Aa Importaat Vametloa Thst Now Dl- The great question of the hour at . the court of Ha4rid.it the choice of a nurse for the '-royal "infanf-Formerly,' and down even to the reign of Ferdinand YIL, a high court functionary, ' accom panied by a physician and a numerous suite, traveled through the provinces "ot Galice.and Santander in quest ' of the nurse who was to be chosen for . the royal babe. It is the province, of-San tander. esDeciallr that coition known as "the mountain" that has furnished the greatest contingent of royal nurses. It was once regarded as one of the indus tries of the place. - The royal delegate visited Santander first," and his arrival was ' solemnly announced in all , the towns and . villages. ; The major pre sented the candidates to him and the doctor put them through a public exam ination.' . " ' . To-day it is the nurses who come to Madrid. They are presented to the major domo, who takes down their names and .then passes them to the physician. - The work of ehoosing fa no light affair, for the number who aspire to the position of royal nurse is enormous and the applica tions and recommendations pour in from all sides.- This is not surprising, as the position is a very agreeable one. The occupation of royal nurse is very digni- hed, to begin with.. .The waxes are also very high. The nurse is treated as one of the ladies of. the palace, her magnificent costumes are frequently renewed and as they become her own property her ward robe is soon varied and luxurious. The nurse is never asked to attend to the toilet of the royal infant; a f emme de chambre is especiallyappointeiforthat tfutyv-r-The" Infant remains with the nurse , at night, however. Apart from the promenades which she makes with the baby,- the nurse may go out when she pleases, but she is always accompanied by two ladies of the palace. When the royal infant is weaned the nurse re ceives a large money gift, all the mem bers of the royal family give her rich presents ana tne sovereign bestows on her a pension from the privy purse. It will be readily understood then that the number of applicants for the position is large. . A few days ago Dr. Sanchex Ocana, oi uie royal faculty or medicine, exam ined twenty-two robust young women, a few of whom evidently did not belong to the peasant class. They had already nursed the children of some of the high est of the Madrilene aristocracy. Among the applicants one attracted the special attention of everybody. She was decked out in a splendid costume of red and black velvet, trimmed with gold lace, and wore " diamond earrings and a den- telle mantilla. She was Raimonda, who has recently ' been nurse to the baby prince . of Bavaria! - A repose of . nine months t in her .harming cottager of Ee villa allows her to resume her former functions. AH the women who .- have presented ' themselves are remarkably beautiful, bat no choice - has yet- been made. The most minute investigation takes place before final acceptance con cerning the family, the children, and especially the . moral character 6f the nurse. - The choice is regarded - as quite an event in: Spain. Madrid Cor. Paris Figaro.- ------ Method of Arranging the Climax. Miss Gu&hy (at a literary reunion) I often wonder, Mr. Hack, how you suc ceed so well with your stories. You must be a regular genius. Mr. Hack (blushing shghtlyV That's what my friends ay but I attribute my success to patience and bard work. Miss Gushy (unconvinced) But "hard work alone won't surmount the difficul ties of authorship, 1 My greatest trouble is in introducing dramatic scenes- and describing those thrilling incidents upon which the plot of the story hinges. What do you do in such . cases, may I ask ? Mr. Hack (confidently) Oh, I just run in a lot of star marks. Tou must allow the reader to draw on his imagination a little, you know. The Judge. The Tarm Bands of America. The farms of America equal the entire territory of the United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Germany. Austria, Hungary, and Portugal. The corn fields equal the extent of . England, . - -Scotland and Belgium; while the . grain; fields gener ally would overlap Spain.: The cotton fields cover an area larger than Holland and twice as large as Belgium. . The rice fields, sugar and tobacco plantations would also form kingdoms of bo insig nificant size, and such is the stage of ad- J- vancement reached by American agri culturists' that it is, estimated that one farmer' like Mr. Dalrymple, with a field of wheat covering 100 square miles, can raise as much grain with 400 farm ser vants as 5,000 peasant proprietors' in ivrance.-cmcago Herald. -T Examples of Brain "Brain,-, There is more than one part, of the world where brute strength is : an over match for human ingenuity. The Chv galees coast dwellers flee like deer at the sight of an elephant," The Grigua Hot. tentota give a lion a wide berth, even- if he should insist - on. making his head quarters at the Seat spring in the neigh borhood. The Nubian valley-dwellers run even from the larger species of bab oons, who, indeed, treat them with the insolence of superior beings, and -: often go out' of their way to insult them with their defiant whoops. --Dr. Feliz L. Osh wald.'- . : rr?-- .-' JSm Had Searched the Scriptures -. "Ton attend Sunday school, da you?1? inquired Bev. Mr. Smith of -Nellie. "Then yon must know a great deal about the Bible. Now tell us something nice tnats in the Bible, bare, can your "Yeth, thlr; Sis had some -dried leaves in it, a pieth of Aunt Jane's weiidindreth. a pieth of my dreth when I was a baby, tbome ban, and Sis' fellow's picture. JEfrchange. k z . :tr j . Er man dat hab once been yerfrien' ken be ' yer " wust enemy. ' Er mad dog would ruther bite . his marster den any uder pusson. Arkansaw Traveler. . Repairing; Carriages, "- AND ' Vc2alcle of all description. Done is tne ret ana most permanent aiyie Jma at short notice. - - i . - J On hand alVrarieties.of Jtiorse ihoelng stock Shoelsta; Faat Boraes A Speelality Those wanting work done will do .well to call qukskly to anticipate overcrowding. - If y work Is ia demand. Call on ; web 26-8 moss w J.H. WOODY Willow st -. T Ciree COwtmanderySa. 5. A. 3. Blair, Eminent OoniMAiHler j Jordan Htona, Secretary. , Meets Hist Wednesday nigm in eaon momo. , . : AshariUe Chapter, it. A. M. A. H. Balr4 Hieh IYiest : H. A. Gndeer, Secretary.- MeeU Uie second Wednesday nig hi In each month, anc ateets every moay mgm tor uutrucuon. -. Mi. Herman Loatfe, Na 118, A. F. ft A.M. A f -Dial Wiwaktnkl V.aA. VmA T. TaaaKa (Jecretary. MeeU he first Friday night in each - Bwannanoa Lodge, JC of JL, No. 648. J 4. Bo&rdman, Dictator; Jordan Stone, Secretary. Meets the first and third Monday nights in each month. - i ' - t ' VrmcX Broad OouneO. No. 701. S. Kllil Levr. Beeent: Jordan Stone, Secretary. Meets In the hall of the Knights of Honor on the second and tourtn Monday meats in eacn montn. . Thf. Woman.' t. IRtaumani Boeietu of the! Church, South, meet in the church class-room on the First Frjday of every month at 4 o'clock P.M. ABHETIUJB CHTJMCMl DIKJSCTOBT .... i -'... : Methodist Episcopal CtturchCJuvrdi BL : Bev. W. W. Bays Horning services 11 a. m, ; trening t ervkes 7pm.; pirer meeting Wed oesday evening X p. m. Sabbath school 9 a. m. - Presbyterian Chureh Church BU Bev. J. P. Oammon Services 11 a.-m.-.TXp. m.: prayer meetinir ' five p. ' m. Wednes day; Sabbath school half-past 9 a. m. - Episcopal Church, Trinity corner Church cmd WWow Bts. Bev. Jarvis . Burton, D. D. Bev. Varday MoBee, AssiBtant K ctor. Servicea Sunday, 11 a. m. r5 p.m.; Wednesdays, Fridays and Holy Days, 10 km. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satnrdaya,. 6 p. m. ; Friday, 8 p. m. Sunday school 930 a. m. BcwttstChwchr-wrnerWoo Bev. 3. L. Carroll Services 11 a m.; 7:80 p."m.; prayer meeting 7:30 d. m. Wednesday; Sabbath school 9 a. m. : : Raman CathoUo Church, Bev. Mr. McQinity Servioes first Sunday a each menth at 11 a. m. . .. . If. H. Church corner PaUxm Avenue and BaOeyBU (Mo pastor at present in charge). weaver trap, . - ' ' . prayer, Moeung every aay rn I'elock. - All invited to attend. Prayer: Ueeung every day from li to 12.80 Oesnel Services every Sabbathafteraoon. at ejo ciocKf on asxwrj foner. ...... Gospel Services at Prof. Yenable's Academy every sabbath afternoon at fi o eioca. Gospel Servioes at Smith's Bridge old De pot over i. Jn. rtoDeru' store, at a vomer. Sabbath School at 4. All are invited to attend the above serviees. COLORED CHIJRCHES. . J.. Jt. B. Church Zion) College St. - Bev. Mr. Sherman Services 11 a. m.; 8 p. m.. and half. past 7 P- ra.t Sabbath school 9 m. Baptist. ' ' Bev. Mr. Burnley Services 11 a. in.; 3 p.m., ana nau-p&st 7 p.m.: tjabbatn acnooi y a, nx. JCpiscopaL Bev. Mr. Kasaiah Services 11 a. m.i Sab bath school 3 p. m. TAKE JYOTICE ! "W. O. Muller & Co. Eifiuor Dealers and, Dis- tiller 8 Agent 8. TTAVING just received a new and JLJl full supply of all kinds of goods usually keot in our line, we are nreDared to furnish our many patrons and the public in general, with something good for the Holidays. - Especial attention is called to Daffy's TT. 1 ir.lL XTT1 1-1 J 1 " L jrure xariey man vv iiisitey lur wuiuu we are agents in this section, also the cele brated Bavarian and Budweise Lager Beer on draught, and bottled for family use, -which is guaranteed strictly pure. We also have a lot of Fine Old Pure N. C. Corn Whiskey that can't be beat, and the best and pioet popular brands of fine Old Kentucky hand-made sour mash Rye and Bourbon : Whiskies, fine imported Cognac Brandy. Jamaica Rum, imported and domestic Gins, Pure N. C. Apple and Peach Brandies. Pure N. C. Sweet Mash Corn Whiskey, fine old imported Sherry, Port, Madeira, Claret. Champagne and all kinds of domestic Wines, Imported Ale and Porter, Fine Cigars, Tobacco, &c, &c We have with us Messrs. Lee-Gw Sor relte, Jesse-. J. Lange and W. Columbus Featherstone who will be glad to have their friends call and see them. - ; ' We have in conneetion-with : bur Bar an elegant Billiard, and Pool Hall up stairs, famished with the celebrated Brunswick, Balkc & Collander Co.'s Tables, the best in use, which is are charge of the old jovial Tom Pope who will give a cordial greeting to all. Ordes rsolicited and promptly filled. W. O. MULLER & CO., , Main st , opposite Public Square, - Asheville. N. C. Natural Briflge, YirgMa. mHE HOTELS, FOREST INN AND APPLE- 1 DORK are now open, under the manage ment ot W. B. 8outh worth. Everything possible to make provision for health and oomlort and pleasure has been done. It is on the same latitude as Old Point In Fine forests. Tne air Is dry, The drainare ia perfect. ? - Reduced rates for April, Hay . and Jane. For circulars, arc, address api iv-aun junntusi i. iuuu, tsnpc BOB JOMES, ; : To wy Customers t I desire to inform mv enstomers that I keer- foods wines, liquors, beers, 6c.( are all pure ana -iresn. uraers sououea ana saiisiacvion guaranteed. Orders frbm a distance specially solicited. - ; - :-. --' - . v- Goods delivered free of charge, to any part of the citr by oolite servants.- i' ' Bhep Beaver, thecurioosconoootorofoooktalls. is wnn me ana rbapectniiiy invites- his Helenas to cau. cau on or aaarees - ; - The Pioneer Bar, 8 doors below 1st Not Bank, upi ta-aa. - . . . -. s . AsneviueM. u. A GEM OF A HOME FOR SOME- BODY. THE prettiest little place In Buncombe coun ty, two miles f rom a depot, firar mUes from tbe city, on Swannanoa river, contains ninety acres.twenty or which are good bottom,thirty ap land.assxmdasanron the riven no washed or worn-ont land on the place; forty acres well Umbered. Good, new dwelling house, with 7 rooms, all out houses. SDlendid snruia- with spring-honse, 160 choice apple trees, one-half of which are just ; ready k bear, 75 peaci trees an of J This property is well adapted to growing grass aaapiea 10 grow ss ahout twentT ana cujver, ana now nas aaout y-ave acres In clover. Also good tobacco land. For further ppiy at tne mchia-d aw C3TI2 IZN OFFICE. SOMETHING CHOICE I ' JOI - v., T OfER8 OF THB WEED, whoenjoy a. really M-A wiHuvu, wtyuwt always asa ivj. t , Golden Ieaf, v Iand of ibe Skyt These brands ai manDbctnred from tha eela bTated Tobaccos rrowa in -Western North- Caro lina, i a ii-on tut perfumeries, aoultorauon o tmputiuesianaareprueator uietr - - -- Ask your dealers' or X '; '; V ;; ; : f' ; .jaoijiiEs: tobacco t and take no other. ' - '. J V3 .,-, fnbnTrM ik Trm sTWrffaVc , , E. L HOLMES A CO. 1bopbiitoes an S-12moa : ASHKVIIXK, K. C. INSURANCE;' li.Waiiikayil. max Vallkt MtrrtrAL lits associatios Issues policies for from T ? 1 01,000 ;tV 03,000, f - - akd combines the guarantee ..' feature o: "OLD- LINE "- Companies at : the cost of ordinary cooperative insur- ance in .Secret, Orders.. . . fire ; ,;msuRArict. Insurance against loss by Fire in City and County on all kinds of Property, Real and Persona Short' as well cu long term. ... Policies, issued at fair rates -: in A. 1 Companies, Home and Foreign. TIIOS. W. BUANCII Arent, .- Office Nprth Side Court Square, my 20-tf : j,- : -. EDYARDJJSTCJt REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCI ; I - vi - -AcswirTv ? ; yx cmis. UOZTJEIPS - - .. . l.K- - . - . .-- PROSPECT BREWERY,' PHILADELPHIA, PA. W. O. MULLER & CO., 'Agents. ASHEVILLEl N. C. We herewith take great; pleasure- in introducing for export and family use thlS " --. - - ' Extra Qnality Imager Beer, Brewed of the best Barley and imported Bohemian Hops. It surpasses , in tine taste, flavor, brilliancy and nutritious qualities any other Lager Beer. - and is strictly pure and unadulterated. Physi cians advise the use of this Beer, and we call your special attention to the follow ing analysis : "Bndweis' Tjasct Beer, Emanating from the Prospect Brewery, in Philadelphia, Pa. The undersigned, at the request of the Technical Society, has completed an analysis of the "Budweis" TJeer, brewed at Chas. Wolters' Prospect Brewery, in Philadelphia. . which analysis exhibits the following results i - Specific gravity, Alcohol, . . Extract.' " ' Carbonic Acid, Ashes, . 1,0124, " 4.92c 0,22iPc OOc This signifies that the "Budweis" Beer in its essential . qualities is almost the exact counterpart of the best Imported Bohemian Beer. A further examination, seeking adul terations.' proves conclusively that it contains naught of that- nature. De. D. II. Dannxbaum, Tacony -Chemical Works, Bridesburg. : Philadelphia, Oct. 28, 1881. . For Hotels. Boardine Houses. Private Families and the Trade, the above Beer is put up in patent-stopper Bottles (pints,) and in export bottles (pints,) well corked. wireu, roileaana labeled.: ; We deliver the Beer free of charge to any part of the city, and call for the empty patent stopper bottles, which are never sold but must always be returned with the crates. . - Having erected a laree refrigerator for the storage of Beer, we are: enabled, to keep our Beer cool, fresh and in good order, and it will be furnished direct from our refrigerator to our customers.. ah snipping orders will receive prompt attention. apl 3 dtf W. O. MULLER & CO. X BRAND & CO. 8 UNDERTAKERS. ASHEYILLE, N. a Metallic and Walnut Coffins constantly on nana. Hivery requisite of the busuu furnished. All calls dav or nfe-L t Drom ut- iy answerea. nearses t umanea wnen . . i : . desired! mi-wly SWANNANOA, HOTEL AsheviJle-AN; . Altitude, 2,339 f eetiUove the Sea Tex recent additions an5imDrovernenta to the Bwabxahoa make it, perhaps, the most attractive anJ comfortable Hotel m the South. Its Tower and 450 feet of galleries furnish views of the Swannanoa River and the French Broad Biver valleys. Also views of the Blue Ridge, Pisgah, Balsam, New Found and Elk ranges of mountains, peaks of which are over O.UOO zeex nign. txmvemenc to i.'ost, isxpress, TeleeraDh and Railroad Ticket Offioes. and AsheviUe Bank. Asheville Library and Ashe ville Club Rooms. - Purest mountain water conducted to and thraugh the Hotel. All Modern Conveniences. The Ball Boom Is 60x150 feet. A fine Or chestra fronL Philadelphia iaengaged.ior the Special Rates to Parties by the Month. The Pronrietors take snecial nride In the Tidiness of their House, and the successful management of tbe cuisine aepartmenc . RAWI BBOTHSRS, , jun"-",- : " Proprieiora, I rTio81Zaytonf Asnevle, -..'-.--' - V r -C Fully equipped with the latest machinery, and with an Inexhaustible supply of the bro hard and soft timbers on hs continent, my fccili'ies fnr filiino Mr.iTm Tirol, -rt with the very test goods are unsurpassed itue bouth , .: ."Wilt XPMtlVal; jOSJfe jt$TaiX.-: -'f Fin Mouldings and Newel Work, luxirfe Finis in liara ana wore nooa, fancy-front :; and VesUbule -Doors a specialty , .-; ! ; All order sent or (riven the undersigned or U 1 8. Ciavton. SuTjenntendent. . will : receive prompt attention, and .'. -i.;- -,.: U I SATISFACTION GU AANTISD; Xli 1 CJay ton. : ' t ir ill i IfSOy root Ajrn .r shoe JuiizEn, . . Main Street, (Above Eagle Hotel - &hevitle,jr The eest stock always oa hand. ' Work always guaranteed to rive satisfaction. i am especially preparea to muce ooots ana hoes so as to prevent saxpnxss l nd sttuaAKina. Beady-Made k- nstora Work efl : an sorts on liana. Gentlemen and Ladies Repairing a Spe- Fine Cnstom Work alwan onhand. any tvle and satisfaction . anaranteed. aa to stock and work. Shoemakers' Findings always on hand and tor sale, the best in the marfcet. at low nrlces Homes Without Capital THE FOUNDING OF THE TOWN OF WHITFTIER. SOMETHING UNIQJJ E vAND U EW GLAEKE WH1TTIER, of California, is divi ding 60.000 acres of land, in Swain .. N. C . in the "Sky land region," into small tracts for ac tual settlers only. - -xney wut Desoto- tot easBu or on eredn ell iroin one va ten ve&n.. ii aesimnietiin nmuy nai may lay Art aye years at 6 per cent. Interest, pay. able annually, and one-fifth of the principal to oe paia eacn year thereafter. - The soil is rich, its tobacco brings the highest rices in the market, avejaging net profit of rom ST5 to SL50 ner aore. im nf lanA. km oeing cleared to rent on shares lor tobacco grow insr. ' - life lands are divided into fttrms of from 20 to 1000 acres to suit purchasers. The labor required in opening np these lands has made the Town of WHITT1ER a neoeseity, which is now a station on the Western North Car olina Railroad, 6 miles east of Charleston. The founder of Wnittier will spare no pains or ex pense to make it the most attractive and desira ble resident and business town in Western N. C. Mills, stores, residences and a fine hotel are now being erected, and other manufactories will follow. Lota are donated to churches, schools, public buildings and works. -. The improvoments of tbe lands and the town requires all kinds of mechanics and laborers.and au purcnasers oi ianas or lots can get immediate an d constant employment at common labor. Purchasers will be furnished lumber for lm-1 provements at S10 to S12 per 1000 feet, and work to payiorit. - Comfortable quarters and rations wOI be pro vided ibr purchasers and their families, at the mere cost oi rations, uniu tney can erect tneir own nouses. - uome ngm atonav Thus you an boy lands, lots, and build honaes. on long eredlts and work to pay for them. buch umucKKJurrs nave never oeen ouerea oe- lore.asaie now ouerea at wnittier. come at onoe ana erect your houses. Plenty work at lair prices. Tobacco lands to clear and get ready for spring crops. Fences, roads and nouses to ooua, nurseries ana rruit trees to plant, ecu. xxciiwj ui ivurx iwvuy uuw. - . C WHITTIER, - Whittier. Charleston P. O.. Septl8-tt 8wainCo..N.C. Fine Groceries I Imported and Domestic Table Delicacies, at KEPLER'S. T. T. T. EXTRA CHOICEST New Crop TEAS, Choicest Moyune Gunpowder, English Breakfast, Formosa Oolong, Extra Fancy Japan: FINE COFFEE. Mocha,. 01? Government Java, Cordova Santos Peaberry, Finest Rio and Laguayra, Instantaneous Chocolate, Cocoa, Baker's Chocolate and Brora a. .. CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S Jams, Gordon & Dil worth's Jellies & Preserves, ii. dt 1J. Pineapples, in glass jars,' G. & D. Cranberry Sauce, " - " CANNED VEGETABLES. Gordon & DU worth's Asparagus, V ; Oyster Bay; Asparagus, v SLEted Early June Peas, JZ, - 8uccotaih, Corn, - ' ' - Whole Tomatoes, Okra and Tomatoes, French . Peas and Mushrooms. t 1 y gm fi" , Z. : -- - - CALIFORNIA CANNED Fruits, Peaches, Apricots, Pears,- H J '' . r -White Cherries. Green Gaze Plums. Bahama Pineapples grated, and sliced. EDAM & PINEAPPLE Bobs' Lunch Biscuitr- i CHEE?E' Boss'-Wafers, MuBhroom Crackers, Imported Albert Biscuit finest New Orleans Molasses. Kev West and Imported Cigars. " -" -5; FUf STOCK OF V J STAPLE GROCERIES .fatff KEPEEIPS. South Main St, opp. Eagle Hotel,; 8 WAMP LANDS FOR SALE I STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, STATIC BOARD OF EDUCATION, v -v . BAlkioh, April 10, 1836. Until July 1st. 1886. sealed cash proposals will be received at this office, addressed to the Secre tary of tbe Board for the purchase of Lands be- longrngr'to tha Board In Pender and Dunlin counties, and known as ADgola Bay, including uum ewamp. - - - . ---' This advertisement is made in accordance with section 2629 of The Code. - v.- - A map recently made can be seen at this office, describing the-Tand and locating" the public roads caniitruoted throi The whole tract is estimated to contain 44.738 UKQ tnem oy tne cnie. acres. -There are of this amount about susoOl aores ofKeed Land. In Gam Swamp there are I estimated to be ' 4.688 acres, about one-third of which is well tlmoerea with very nne (jypress. and the balance with Oum, Maple, &e. The bids may. be by tbe acre fot the whole traea or an aggregate sum for tha whole. ..The Board reserve tho fight to reject any or alLbids. . , Capitalists who are looking after timber, good farming lands, or lands for stock raising will And u to tneir aavantage to examine tnese ianasr Gen. W. & Lewis. Engineer. Goldsboro. K. C. wQl show them and furnish information' as to their character. . .... . .. , - 8. M. FINUEK, Supt. FUb. Ins. , apt 14-dSw. ; ; See'y SUte Board oi ddcatfba. G ANAPA COWANS . i i (Established in 1 2Z3) Watches, Clocks. Jewelery, Spectacles. tc? " Patton Avenue, Asheville, N. C. -Leroy W. Fairchild's Gold Pen. -Good stock always on hand. 1886. SPECI AL NOTICE. To my numerous natrons in the dtv in my efforts of the past, I extend my sincere thanks, and ask them and all othora who wish a pure article of Wino or liquor to give me their support in my present' effort to estabiiah a First-Class , - . J,... . 1 shall make every effort to keen on' my line In " VESTEnn JOnTUi GACuUIJA It is not necessary fur ma to eiva anv business relations with all in the past is nc7- n; m nn iri i it ill inr : v. 'i i f inr? i I., i-, ' ii - mi in ii - UH.aU W U U' L3 MAIN STM 3rd DOOR ABOVE The "Bonanza" Samnle. Billiard and State and is strictly a dbnt forget the place Main at, solid Red Curtain Front. : WHITE P..0. Box 220, Shipping a specialty". Boxing and Packing Ffea, iVcstern N. Carolina R. It. Wsstxkm N. C Ratlxoad Co., . General Passeturer Oi&ce. Salisbury, N. C, Feb. 16th, 18S0. On and after Feb. 15th. 1886. and sosereedina all others, the following sohednle wlU he opera- ed over this road : Train No. 1. Train No. 1 EAST.. Arr. - L'ye. . Arr. L"ye. 11.25 am. 12.28 1X SaOisbury, Statesviue - OJK p. 4.21 4.23 Newton, . Hickory, - 1.82 8.14 ' S.18 -16 . 1.18 12.87 1L66 11.40 10.58 956 8.56 8.18 7.20 1.C8 240 8.06 2.18 ' 8.06 4.S7 iM 6.21 ' 7.88 8.63 Z43 1.28 1L67 11.40 10.52 10.01 8.18 1X1 7.00 icaro, Morgan ton. Marion. 4.08 .rion. Old Fort, 47 Round Knob.' 4.52 Black Mo'ain, 6.29 Asheville, 6.18 Aiezanaers, - .m Marshall, T.S7 WarmSpr'gs, 8.62 Paint Rock, 9.15 MURPHY DIVISION. Going West, Going East. Arr. L've. 9.58 10.34 1058 11.26 1154 18.29 1.63 ; S.89 .! 2.41 3.81 4.24 6.05 Stations. Asheville, -Hominy, Turnpike, Plen Bivez, Clyde, WaynesT'le, HaU, , Arr. 4.8-J 3.S9 Xi 8.12. 2.45 2.00 12.84 10.54 10:00 8.19 a. L'ye P M 4 01 8 39 : 817 2 47 S26 r12 85 fll67 . 11 46 10 55 10 09 8.19 m. 7.19 A M 10.82 10.55 11.21 11.61 U.19 1.49 2.28 2.89 we eb'rSUt'n 8.81 4.15 Whittier, Charleston, Nantahal, Jarretts, 605 7.05 The trains on the Murohv Diylakm ran daily except Sunday. TV. A. XurUL, a. u. r. Jl. V. E. McBEB.Supt. . Atlantic & U. C. R. R. TIME TABLE HO. S3. In effect 13 If., Sunday, Januarr lTth.1886. EAST. WEST. No. 51. No. 60. Passenger. Passenger. STATIONS : Arr. L'ye. Arr. L've. r. if. P. X. 607 554 6 62 1128 A.M. . 11 18 10 86 942 446 A. X. 10 89 47 7 47 506 485 Goldsboro LaGrange . Kins ton . . New Berne MoreheadCity 'Morebead Depot Daily Except Sunday. 6 51 1 32 8 47 11 IS 1140 Train 60 connects with Wilmlnston A Weldon train bound North, leavine Goldsboro 11:35a.m.. and with Richmond & Danville train West, leav inrOoldsboro 12:35 p. m., and Wilmington fc Weldon Train South at 4:54 p. m. Train 61 connects with Richmond A Danville Traiu. arriving at Goldsboro 4:40 p. m. and with Wilmington & Weldon Train from th North at 4:54 p. m. CaseFear&Y.y.R'yCoiDB'r. TRAIN NOBTH. Arrive Leave Bennettsville, - 8 20pm Fayettevule. 12 00 m 12 2S pm 8anford, 21Spm92Spm Greensboro, ' 6 00 p m innner ai r ayetteviue. TRAIN SOUTH. Arrive. Leave. Greensboro ; ' 9 AO a m Sanford 120pm 145pm Fayetteville 350pm 4 00pm Bennettsville 7 80 p m Dinner at Sanford. Freight and Psssenerer Train leaves Bennetts ville Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays at 2 SO pjn,.arriv4ng at FayettevUle at 8 p m. Leaves Fayetteville on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at fi. 80 a -m, and arrives at Ben- nensvme at yz m. Freicht and nassenzer Train North leaves Fav- rbt andpasi eneviue on Mondays, Wednesdays ana irrida I at 8 a m. (connecting at Sanford with Frele e on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays eanrora wun nreignt snd Passenger Trains to Raleigh), leaves Sanford at 1130 am, and arrives at Greensboro at 6 40pm. Leaves Greensboro Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at a m, leaves Sanford at 11 15 a and i ' amy lyes at Fayetteville at 2 a v m. jnu. m. kubjs, uen. ras. Agent. W.M. S. DUNN. Gen. Superintendent. the Asheville Cemetery. LOTS READT FOIt SA1J3. The Directors of the Asheville Cemetery Com pany are now preparea to sou lots to u puDiia rhev are laid off in- various forms, and of the average size of four hundred superficial feet, and I vary in prie e from $10 to SfjO each. . ranies wismng to purcnase,- can ao so vj cau ing on M. J. Bearden or T. W. Patton. . . . The comDanv. offer the lota1 now at the above low prices, hoping to induee the people of Ashe ville to take an interest In the enterprise. They win not do oouna Dy tne same rates in tne niture, but reserve to themselvis the risht to increase prices on unsold lots at any time. I All persons purchasing, can do so subject to rules oi we company, woien will De puousnea as soon asposBwie. - . men a-uu IF YOU WAIST : A GOOD MEAL rvo to IHIiZia Dining tUtom, Where the best the market af- fords can be obtained at- reason- aW rates. South Main st, '-'i .m , 2 doors above Eagle Hotel. SUGGESTION TO ' ME IT A 1 I haye in stock ; a Suit line : Fine Fie Tobacco -and LncV Hunt. fa lead ing; brand of fine 9 Inchplug.) These goods are all made of the beet Henry County Eeath-s. erwood leaf .and manuf acturea by J. II. John son A Co., Danville, Va,, and are gnarantaed to be finest on the market.- -. ' ' Frank LacIiran, i " Kain SU. Std door above Baak of Aahsville EES and surroundiniy'conntrr vhn imtfifn hand the Lareest Assortment of GonAa in ' - 3 I t (marantAa of tha nnri tv Afmv tw1r. aa m . a sufacient recommendation for the future . VL - W VJ - u u THE 1 BANK7 OP ASHEYILLE. Pool Rmm In fh nvnr Ha tr. flnoat In II " : - mmmmm 3rd , door above the Bank of Aaherille - . . PROFiSSIONAL CARDS. C M. McLOUI) CHASA.2fOoRa roLOTJD & MOOEE. ' - Attorneys m& ConnUar$ mt. 1m :: ' ASHEVILLE,. N.: a ; 1.' . ' : Practice in the United States Circuit and DU Tiet. Courts at AshevUXa ttatesyilla, CharfoA" and Qreensboroc in the Snpreme Ceurt at Kalelirsi and in the Courts ofthe 8i and BthJmdloiaiUa trietaof the Statd Of Karth-Carollaal - r Special attention girea Wl qoIIjmUom ST Hmiam may 24-1 y w A i w.wsw,sbi JK. M. H. FIXTCHEtt, ' Physician and. Surgeon.. Office and residence over Weaver's fbl8-tlly G W. PUEEFOY 4kI ..0taJ5ftf-"nrJpWyi the citizens of AsheTul. and sarroand ing country. Office over Carrtichael's Drag store. Residence Charlotte st. ' de 15-dly JJOCT0RS GATCHELI, PIIYSICJAXS, Special attention to Chronio Dia eases, including; those of . - - Throat and Xungs, : Office over CO'WAN'S JEWELRY STORE, Patton ATenne. de "" W. JONES, Attorney at Imw, "' ASHEVILLE, - . . - N.C Office in Johnston Building opposite Co . Jlouse Square. Practices in the Conria nf Wrafnra North Carolina and Supreme Cort at Raleigh. ' - nov 26-iyd JjBS. McGILL A BATTLE. " - Waxplaw McGiix, Jf. D., Practice limited to Kye, tar.l roht and Lungs. 8am. Wkstxat Battix M. g. N., Physician and Soigeon. Offices over De vault's Drug Store. 3Office hours 10 a. m. to 12 m., and 1 to 4 p - . - seM-tf JK. JOHN HIT WIIXIAKB, " ' Ptiysician and Surgeon. Office: Main St., S doors south of Bank. Beat denoe.on French Broad Avenue.. Office hoursO s.m. to lp.m..andirom to6p.m. .. Th so, r. Davidson. jas. g. XAam DAVIDSON A UABTTN, : -; A trjTUr'VT.sw WIS practice in the 9th and sth Judicial DiaaiO'A and In tbe Supreme Court of North Carouaa, aai NonhaSSt" " WtM5ay : Kefer to the Sank of AshevllleJ sepiHnr&wtn : . ; .. JAMES A. BTJBEOTJGHS, Physician anSorgsjoua, ASHEYILLE, N.C, Officeover Powell A 8nidt. Jt& Ileeidenca corner of Main and Woodfin streets. -de 16-ly . - W. H. MA LONE, J..W.BOWMAH Aahevflle, N, C. Bakersyule, N. O Malono andiBavpan. Attorney at'iUtw. ; HAVINCr FORMED ji OOPAKTNEUHH la tbe practice of tha law, wilL do basiaata u several counties of the 11th and Istb, elrcuita especially in the etmnttes of MltcheU,'Taae Madison and Buntoaib.. WU praetioS laAhv United States Oonrt aad lh Snprama emsn or the 8ate.- ControvaMes ia retire tallaad teief madaaspeeiatty.- - - - . '.:TTTTr - OffigiAabTlUe aBsf TENNENT, AtchUed and vd Engine. Boattonav and Brtunatsa at.thC: style of building funushed- upon app UoaUoa. At work superintended when desired: All wark ear trusted: Ur me aa Clrlt Xngiaeei; wUI Teeelva' prompt attention. Thoronfh draincM fland. a specialty, fust -Office' address. AvhavriiSL i Best,N.Ci BeaUeaoe Swannanoa BridweC 4UJV IMIW . mOOB.' A. JOMB,-?;'- ? ' Attorney at iJiir;-" ! ASHEVILLE,' N. (X, : w oct 221y w . ' Office wit Davidson Jfa l; i w. d. Hit.Tji.my-: -p PAysiclans and fetarseomik ; Office next door south Old Bank janS-Onios - -' T H E HAZLEGflEEN .' Sash Si? Blind Factory Has recently purchased a 'larg amount at Oakv . Ash Chestnut, Cherry an Walnut Lombet. ana CAN FTJENISH W0EK . manufactured of thoroughly dried cratarial. We propose to furnish wort at tbe loireat figarea, aatl equal to any imported goods. . THOS. L. CLATTOK, rropvV " j 8. CX ATTOIr, Bualnest Kasgor. - - v febHiwtf . .. XjXJBCUTOB8 jrOTICE - " JCi - i'.-s - - c " .- . i -.. - The nadeniimed. havtaf osaMSf d aa Ftits. tor of the w ill of Nathnn Brown, dc !. fcc-,-' by notifies all beiwms tnnt oiaimi aku.t tha said Brown, to exhibit the same to ti at -v before the 1st-da of -Kay,-Js7,or. ti r'i . , ; will be pleaded' .n bsr of their" ro-'. ' Ail ' Persons indebted to the said Brewn fU eoni ! forward and make settlement st eiia.ttW ' proceedings wiUbe Instituted tft.' ' ': . r. u. ba Jt U4, etar. Aghsville, N. OulAM. - , - -t JESIEABLS LOTS TOU SALE. for salt at a tacrine, four c"tirtV Vm taf the eastern portion of the city. 1 i.-re efUe lnt are vacant and beautiniUy r.oo.,.i, atJa us iourtn is siiuatea a diick wrand aao for any one wishing to purcnase ic In ui as propefty must be so.d at nan r" j .4 - further Information apply to W. K, V s- - i- -Court Honse or to - aaa. U. U. ul mcha-tt . .." i j : -. 4t 1 1 t X