DAILY. ED1TI0H. ZTunaa-r, Ciena CrCansrca, KDTT0R8 AND PROPRIETORS. lYear, ga.OO 6 Mo-. .Y 3.00, 'X -5rar . , f ?l.fiO. Mo.. 76 ADVERTISING RATRS LOW. : VOL IL-NO 95. ASHEVILLE N..C;.SUN DAY MORNING. AUGUST .1,1886. PRICE : 5 GENTS WEST "SIDE PUBLIC - SQUA RE. .... v BILL HEADS, V, '" i . - LETTER HEADS, - - ----- POSTERS," " - .,y V, t , s'-. ; BLANKS, A 0 l?06. Jzr f.jOl k'nd djutK from finest and at lo-wf rices. $MKruxj LDAILY EDITION. ' I 'yy'rais cowTEJipa? case,; t tore CbwmaniUrv.Vo. 1 J. A. Porter Eminent Commander: Jordan atone. Secretary. MeeU flint Wednesday night In each month. amJ tUkvUr. H. A. JL-O. H. Sell. Hleh Priest: & Hammershlag, Secretary. MeeU the aeoond Wednesday night in each mouth. -ML. Memo idaae.No. 118. A. r. A.M.- Xl sj. X aUejC nunuiuiiu a)? , - a www Secretary. MeeUhe first Friday night in each monin. THE DAIIiY CITIZEN 'Will be published every Morning (e: cest Mondavi at the following rates strictly cash : Argument ofC. A. lfloore. Eaq., of Counsel for Res- J 'f ' pondenls. ' ;- :7 ter pending in cour;, say in their paper what, in their judgment, is a proper and JONES ' Amuikmm Lodge, Boardman, Dictator; A. A, No. tit. 3 ..., Jordan Stone. Secretary. Uf-et the first and third Monday night in each im!S2eA A nd Counett, No. 701, X. A.-EUls rrr. Recent: Jordan 8tone. Secretary. -Hears In the hall of the Knights of Honor on the second and fourth Monday night in each month. . The Woman's Mit'nnnary Society of the M. E. Church, South, meet in the church class-room on the First Friday of every month at 4 o'clock P.M. ASHETIIXE CHCBCtt DIRECTOR Methodist Episcopal Church Church SL Rev. W.W. Bays Morning service 11 a. m.; Bvoning lerviees 7f p m.; prayer meeting Wed nesday evening 1 p. m. bbath school 9 a. m. - ' . Presbyterian Church Church SL ' Rfl. J. P. Gammon Services 11 a. m.:7KP. , nraver rv'ii ' vf .-.-" weones- One Year, Six Months, Three " . One M- :-i One Week, $8 00 3 00 1 1 50 r so just criticism of any. court. They insist that they can, without being responsible for contempt, say any thing, just or unjust, wnicn tney may desire, lney insist that. while--thev- mav be-resnonnihln - i . ... . , . " x . i m (ii i la ani iiMmiita in . . . d.h u.&i:.a We are called upon to-day to witness a tion. but thev are in & vraPtReAiru uivtn, uuuau&i ana exiraorainary specca- contempt-, ..... cie. J) or tne cm time m-the history wof r 1 IFor the Asheviue citiaen. -1 Fresh Salphor Springs water is now FOB THE LEGISLATURE, kept on draught, frea, at Hampton and PROFESSIONAL' CARDS. ; CATHEY FOR CLERK, BAIRD i , . 7'., ; FOR SHERIFF. Editors Citizen :r-Permit us to say to the people of Buncombe that a very 'large number of the Democrats of Leicester township will support Gen'l Johnstone J ones for re-election to the House. Mr. Featherston's. ' ' It will be brought from 1 0 M. mclotjd - me Bpnngs every morning. ,r ( - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CHAS A. MOoKa OST, A P0CKETB00K, 15 this State, an editor of a public journal Brievof Abgdmentof Joskph S. Adams, J. L. Cathey for Clerk, and Mr. JL H, 1 ItAn V.amh .ltL ' i il : lu. TTV ; - ft . A - I D J J A 1 rt iL " r- n.;-. aiir0 t5io norr dv. I uao uccu iuieu uixju io answer at ine i ' .sq., op jounsei, advibibq thk ouet. airu wrsnenn. n mese genuemen are erv Mornintr in everv part of the city to bar f urt of justice, a rule to show our subscribers, and parties wanting it cause why he shall not be attachedV for will please call at the Oitizkn Uflice. contempt, fined and imprisoned for a . 1 """ - " I niiTl!ttTj.Ti ' in rla mar.. '" Tl !a ia 'k cheaply and vnih dispatch f wouldbe a hbei to write . Publish Kg&rL!SL of any citizen,; ihey wouldVhanghim the Democrats of the cofar we really do not know but thatthe coun try would be helped, and it certainly Otum Office, if you want U done neailyAT"" :r, '"""r" Mlw written ana puDUsned or the presiding Sr - ' . -T 1 I k S T A. J f X - 1 T . I A. 1 A. 1.1. m.-. prayer episcopal Church, TrirOlvcori (Jhurch and , . WiUtAD Bis. '.. s Bev.Jarrl Buxton, D. D. Eev. Tarday McBee, 'Assistant Eotor. Servicoa Sunday, 11 a. m. 6 p.m.i Wednesdays, Fridays and Holy Pays, 10 a. m. - Mondays, Tneedaya. Thursdays and Batnrdaya, 5 p. jn. ; Friday, 8 p. m. Sunday school 90 a. m. Baptist Church corner Woodfin and Upruae. : v .Eev. J. L. Carron-Servlces 11 a, m.j 70 S. m.; prayer meeting 7:80 d. rr. weaneeaay; abbath schaol 9 a. m. toman CathoUo Church. - Rev. John A. McHugh Services every Sun day but the first Sunday of the month, when services will be held at the Warm Springs. : Doubiedav Misstem OuurcK. Kev W W Bays Pastor. Sabbath ISchool, JH Wearer Supt. ; ; COtOBCD CHDKCRES. A. M. . Church (2ion)CoUegc 8U ' Rev. Mr. Sherman Services 11 a. m. ; S p. m., and half.past 1 p. u; Sabbath school 9 m. Baptist. ; llev. Mr. Burnley Services 11 a. m,; 3 p.m., and half-past 7 p. sa. : Sabbath school 9 a. m. ; Jiscopal. , V Rev. Mr. Masuiah Services 11 a. m.; Bab- bath school S p. m. : Presbyterian Church, cot. corner Potion Av enue and Bailey St. Rev. G. W. Begins, service 11 a. m.. 8 p.m. and 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting 8 p. m. Thursday. Sabbath School 4 p. m. Arrival and npsrtar of Pasaengrer .xraiai. .... Sausbubt Arrives 9:55 a. m. and 6:16 1. x. Departs 10:00 am and 4:31pm. Tennessee Arrives 9:50 a. m. and 41 p. m. Depart 10:01 a. xn. and 6:21 p m. WaTKMvnaj Arrivei(hf v rnand departs 19:1V a.' mT'' ''" - V:,'.-- .- Tbe general mail irom tne ast 18 xeceivea Billof Rights,has been questioned in this liberty-loving "old North State", by such. a proceeding, since the , days when olir lathers ; yrere subjectSj ot aw Enjilish crown.' ;:? :.' ;.V 'All persons interested in the future of our country, and Its deliverance, "from p i w fUQ tvM $M9 aa SUi m ajUv Sj vUvi Js SAaaaaa AIVAU 1 -4 - the Pamt Bock branch by the 4:21 p. m. train. mined-The dignity of! this coart itsel: A mail rrom Washington and v inches from lines connected with It is no defense to libel that the words were wntterrin jest. : , ? i- The offence of libel is .not -committed where the libellous matter is written, but where it is read and circulated. . and the court can see that this libel was read and n: . . ... j. I nn 'linTPn 171 T.no nrp.(inrr'. ni run pn irr i-ueuerBuuBoi me rBspoflueniB nave , ' . .-.riyi . .: training T.i'll.. sunit; ouj. sjgnS in view oi, jmpprt- , -Therefore we conclude" tHa defendants f."ie years of growth- and play.ean ance of the Question now to ba wletflriiaVft WTnin4tol t'midomMnn. tnmm I be successfullv and deliphtfullv cmnlov- OS libel and tending to a breach tf the u ia n eveiopmenioi wose traits or Containing $13 ts in sUver and SS in green- ubvjlb, . suinewuere oeiween uoun tiouse ana Post Omce-rill give a liberal reward foritsre- "J - ' ..... ; H. B. BKQWN. ,ng 1-o.u . - ; , , . pOR RENT. ' . Large boardin? hbusal'fnrnisrieri mm. plete, even td tableware, and linen if de- Birec. - trood patronace. AddIv to dtf ' ' : i - . -. .. Land Agent. FOR RENT. f Iwinn Ia k a J n .u r i. . r wuutuJ wuue. social - evils, ana m-j Jones, the Patton Avenue-Hotel is for temperance, khould go to hear Miss Coe f rent ' The-Hotel was in the tull tide of leotnrn nn thn now Ammon TvtKv4 krl patronage, and the incominar tenant will btep mio a pooa Dusiness u arrangements MB.jitwicus(OBce. Apply to ; ' ---j " c L i WALTER B. GWYN, ' tf - , : r," Land Agent.. the very full sections Let the Democrats of the counsv unite on mem.. ,v; - .- - juakt .ueuoosatb. mm" ' . " fFor tts Astevllle Cmzsji. MISS COE'S LECTURE. ' t - "jLjoLOUD A MOORE, 1 Attorneys and ' Gtmnteltirs at Law " ' '-: . ; ' ASHEVILLE. N. C r w5Slln "l5ined States Cirwiit and Dla net Court at Aahnviiia- at.triii. rw....ZT. mnd ?enboro; in the Supreme Court at VMeUch and in the Court ef the 8th and hJndiUU Dia trict of the State of North Carolina. vw auatuon given to oollnctioas of laia, may 24.1 y w A s w . . r pjR. A. M. BALLARD, ., PIITSlCIAJr mm SrRGEOX. Office North tlrlA PllVillo ilnnu T I J - Haywood itreet., Ofllee Telephone call No. 64 Residence Telephone CaU Ko;43. June t7-16iao8pd ... :. JJR. G-W. PUREFOY ' Offers his nmfpnnivnol the citizens of Asbeville and siirronni.' lmr country. Office over CarnJchael'e Urue store.-.ResidAncA rarWta a . de 15-dly. w. . . ; - ; PHYSICIANS. '. Special attention" to Chronic Dla - eases, including those of v Throat and jLunffs. ?7er?0WAN,S JEWELRY oTORE, Patton Avenue. . delO-dl v i , poi is received bv the 6:16 v. m. train s for the same points, and to points between Asheville and Salisbury, inclusive," and for warded. by the 9.20 a. m. train going east INTERESTING READING MAT TER ON FOURTH PAGE. -Schedule on the A. & S. R. R. .The following is the schedule at pres ent run on the Asheville and Spartan burg Rail Road Leave Asheville Arrive at Hendersonville' " " Spartanburg Leave Spartanburg Arrive at Hendersonville " Asheville Charlotte, or dwindles into insignificance la eornDkrl- PCaii Presence of the court and lathe XJiuZ?A l,e WnTmocTnll VlrA CxnI ith these point he oulstion fore thTrourt Urt rwmwbile the. court was-in: see- fnlahod d,womiinh ordc " 3,yneSVUl6 nlffll OCllOO, ilPt i thisr is tbe lasted frtmftrTa sioiW this: iseextainlv a contempt of SSfLi iaV':5S:."? JJZ-Sllia 7.;X Tr:..r mechanical BkilL : All other, virtaeslmav rX1& a word we think it is a contempt of b learned while the mind is so Dlastia, iTX " C 'a fZJZ.!i"-i court to circulate in the court room dnr-i nat impressions once jnade . will never liberty, a thine existine only in the im-t1? he "e881 of , the eourt a -libellous aginations of men T To-day the leading ?f1?" PWt fr-v- '- papers of the country contain the news that this trial will be held and the eves MAbmed . v j - oi tne reaaing woria are upon us, waiting uhe residence of B. T. Mowis papers of the United States" anxiormly I 5- llIIs River Henderson coiin- (MALE AND FEMALE.) vuers uie Dest aavaniages for young oe enacea. , -r. t ! pracueai aaa ttaorvaa-ta adncatiaa. Moral and SDintnal lessons ' miv be i MORAL.' ANn pur ffiinrta imct it ttt w learned in these schools. . which the I. v :l ', - jvjv.. . .. C ay8 w. maKe on- minos aiuu corps of competent and experienc- Attorney at JLair hardened bv transgression. ; ed teachers. l. anwney at jw. . if we love our children, let us improve I ' MUSIC A SPEfiTAT.'Pv . - I abxiilviLiLlK, - . . .N.C e,fldenomte of infancy and early For thorough instruction, good discip- Office in Johnston Building opposite Covt Phi If i riiMrl : fn imrianfinr Dnaia wViaK I linn nn1 iV.AA -.a i. . n I . rr r xBrui uegius aepr, isu jrracticesin the Courts of Western d ui lutmcr nuurmsuon. ionn i im nia onri Ki.na - . - i PflPKAM o- J-l I n , , " UCUTO VU ffc Uk -""V.V "pa, I naieign. . - . . nov Zoivd wavnaovi I. TV f i . - J .A. V, A.. . V. JONES, m. 7 a 8:15 11:40 4 p. m 7:10 8:15' whether we shall take the first step backwards towards the suppression of the press. To-day the. world is watching to see whether we shall make the first inroad upon one of the underlying prin ciples oi treeaom ana ngnv r'1- nor the respondents we submit that this court has no authority to issue its writ in such a case as this. It is a court GO to Weldon's Gem Bakery for Choice has not the naveni nf a mnrtnf rar.orol t- - .. . i. t .7.7 . . : : iw vrein. i- i lunsmcuon . ana never betore in tha hiii- Necessarily less variety than unusual I iorY th,e jarisprudence of this country .... . ... ... .. I or nf Knclann hoa an inforin. onnrt of. Sfe sidf UC W 1C WeBtand n WlSfoxl saie siae. I oil. i:i.1i L ' view of the court or where it did not dis- r whvuu..uh uasva VUVAI J LV. ;IU1 L IK1 LI H .ni.ll 1 1 I I i 1 Hi f . A nDTT MPU rttfrA AAr SMI nafia, Asn. a v V.M vuw l MJ . n dU,UUl LU DCC 1-11 XT 1 . " I . -. 1. .1 . I I J . TT1 T I uu ui.uuiuciauu'LuuiiLV... r . r:- j r wk r - " r ""w-w " v . sors of the Life Everlasting. Round Teip Tiokkts. .... - , - I M'ss Uoe will speak on the subject ol We are authorised toannounceforthe pID 'OTk.?1" aug 5-w2mos RS. McGILL & BATTLE, BSWe invite attention td the ndver tisement of N. Plumadore, concerning lands foi sale. . ' tf TO TOURISTS AND OTHERS. caiXrrxiir board i THE ST. GLAIR HOTEL AT WEA VERVILLE OFFERS UNUSUAL ADVANTAGES rates. information of the' public that the rail road company has put on sale at the aRa. . 1. - . M A 1 a". I 1 . . . uuicu uere ruuncr iriD ucKets co ino toi. lowing named places, good for two days. at ine ioiiowrag rates; - r,Z Waynesville, : 1 : , - r , $L50 Black Mountain,"v; - - r , 0 ;.!,. Round Knob, -: ' V-: lo. Hot Springs, - - - 1.85 Five Hung Juries in One Week. As a great living truth, we must state that juries in five causes tried in the Inferior - court this week; hate 'failed to agree,"in the vernac" 5 o'clock. Death of Mb. B. I. Smith. .-. . This gentleman, whose illness we re cently noted,died yesterday morning about 11 o'clock. : : An appropriate obituary by"' some friend well acquainted with the particu lars of his life and character will be fur nished us. We will therefore here only briefly, refer to both. : He was born in MONEY to loan on Real Estate, in sum s not less than DK J0HN WILUAMS raynctan ana cMrgevru Wakdlaw McGill, m. D., Fractice Umited to Eye. Ear.l roht an1 T.nnH Sax. Wkstbat Batti.m. tf. nnr a w thyBicianand siugeon. : Offices over Default's Drug Store, i 3.Office boursl0a. m. to 13 m., and S to 4n ses-tf $500. TIIOS. A. JOXES, Attorney at Law, Buncombe countv about the vear 1804. 1 Court-Houfi BnHrlinir Aehociilo v r and waa therpfnTu in hi a R9nrf c-? I r. an 1 i vmmu va WAA I '. aaM& A vvui n u. The danger o'f drought we hope passed. Good showers seem te be gen- tarD tQe proceedings of the court, so far eral within the past few days. f8 1 h.av? been able to discern. fBovier's : . I law aicuonarv. nacre z. i A number of bids were receivedl If. however, the mnrt shnnM ta 'nf U. j.. tn.j i. . . year. Most of his life waa aroint in th a i . ' . . ' - " v- i uavK i ;li i e i ui airrHH. in T.np vpmiin. i - . - . .... . , m. mm m ..a by the Mayor yesteMay for the city UUUUO. .. Kt Aa1 tKitf U .UM - . I VPTltlirA TO ftYnTfifla Oiripra nloocnrn lin lafavAAra a a li.T..lA. iV, 1,aaai a I ViVau AA VUAAVA kUaU ItUC JU UUVttVlUAl VUUi I w w.w waaavwaw - AVMJ UA V aaw J V J C0 JCUAAAVAUl Vi fcAlO AiUM?! Kli C. M. McLoud left vester- Plamed m not, m anyi view, a con- tnat no one else has been hung, aad Alexanders. He was a man of good ac- dayor New York on, ;an important both on the law and the fact A friends S TMnZ, nn ivV 8traita 80 tronglyrecognized by his fellow Dusiness trip. ; I xneiaw of contempts is now regarded! - . - - j . countymen mat ne- was entrusted to nAHnr nf tl, A.norr nf tha 9??tTO1.led P7- W Code. SeOCf Ti.;, - - " , P1?86 lD?m 111 .e l?POrtant j ' o lt$4. nnleRH tha.1 Bflntinn nf tin flnHo ,c in I -M-y-r"" I COnsUtUXlOnai Convention Of IKt. anrviv. T.. TUT- Tll J -J A.J1 , I . 1 . . . . . . . " i - r 1 r . M. . .Ii a- or. . . '. . juke,, wi, Aiiaunuuu .wiu uiui :iui i vioiauon or tnn Lnnaririitinn nr t.n Htofo i Capt. Chapel Hill, the name was inadvertently printed iilacKwell.. . . Plant, Ark.; is here stopping for the season with his sister Mrs. Sarah A. West on-Water street.. - R. A. Edwards, rector of a of North Carolina.1 it is conceaea. as it must be. .tnat nni less the alleged offense falls under the Deen committea. - mat section pro- BProf. John A.' Gilmer has returned l slated. from a visit to his relatives. Capt. B. A. Newland, one of the popu- at exceedingly moderate juiy4-aimo v': Rates': s-' 3.00 per day, 13.00 per week, 40.0.0 per month. Address THOS. A. M0RR18, may 19-dtf A Proprietor. oh in ihtk TSnlar-nnnl nhnrch othernsatters pending SWANPVANOA. HOI VAAnfthAvXt i nVlock. imade -with intent to rnisrepresentor to tromavisit to Waynesville and '- w r 1 I brine into contemnt the said nonrt." iviIIa - JNow the court rmust find that the pub- Mibs lNita Thurston of Greenville. S l : nn . . nAmwT;r. A Af Hn . ik. a i n . tk. ... l r at aw,. maa.es. an mjoriut p4aee.a publication of a grosslv inaccu- ton's. - . - ' - nouncement. "It is no less than rate report of a proceeding in this court: I - Mrs; M. R.' ColIett was called to Char- that he" has money to lend. See his I or a grossly inaccurate report "about any lotte Monday night where her sister Mrs: v Our resular Morganton correspondent I iag for fifty-one years an occasion which writes of yesterday's date: ... lhasbecome eminently, historical.' For Mri H. Hr Crowson of Marion I thn laflt t.wn VAOri ha hoa haari noMnn f I Waa in I - . . . .va.. i viAO pa fnllntra "Any person guilty of the fol- CaptB. A. Newland, one of the popu-1 , ine importance of the issue pre- Iowmg may be punished for con- par conductors on the W, N. C, Ii. R ,was sented in ": the CITIZEN contempt imuol. inanmmi'a .onArfg nf h I Mm ' n.i ma. t TJ .AnT.i. ' l CEHfl 1H lUllV ftlTl Dll JLSlZfifl WlifTl it IS . L . . TLT J 1 , ' glVBOlJ A AAA. V.AAAA. WV tAfWAW . VA . bU , 1 A. A AO. VAAAAA1V.A AJCUfi01(" UU,UWI Ul I T . X " I prominent church ol Tnil aaelpnia, ceedings in any court, about a trial, or I Hon. A. C. Avery, is visiting in Newto n. r membered that in addition to the fjr Office : Main St, 2 doors south of Bank. Bert dence on French broad Avenue. Office hours 11 m. to 1 p. m., and from 8 to 5 p. m. Thc; Davidson. a n vr a .ttb DAVIDSON A MARTIN, -Attorneys 4c CunsUorB-at.EI AsasviLu. N. c. WlB nracilCt? In the ftth ind ath .TnM.i n..u... fJ"U iJ.e ?nPrcme Cour ' North Carolina, a no Nono'caruSi 0nrU f WMtern Ai0' erer to tbe Bank of Asheville J epis-awawttm JAMES A. BURROUGHS, ' Physician and Snrgeon, 1 - ASHEVILLE, N, CL, - . ; ' " Office over Powell & Snidtl's. : Resid(nnA rnmo? F VToi'n m y w w j aaa jaamAl J. A. TENNENT, othermatters pending before said court, S. C'W. Tate, Esq.. has just returned Ashe- AsheVille, N. C. Altitude, 2,339 eet . Abov the Sea - Thk recent additions and improvements to the BwixxABo make it, perhaps, tbe most attractive anJ 'comfortable Hotel in the South. Its Tower and 450 feet of galleries ; famish yiewa of the ttwannanoa Kivnr and the French Broad Biver valleys. Abo views of the Blue Bidge, Pisgah, Balsam,' New Fonad and Elk ranges of mountains, peak of which are over 6,000 feet high. Convenient to Post, Express, Telegraph andBaOroad Ticket "Offices, and Asheville Bank, Asheville library and Ashe ville Club Kooms. Purest mountain water conducted to and through the Hotel. : ... - ' . - All Modern Ccmvenlehces. ;. , The Ball Boom is 60x150 feet A fine Or chestra from Philadelphia is engaged for. the Hummer. '... . . - , Special Rates to Parties by the Month The Proi notice. " The Asheville" and"" Spartanburg, road Vis "filline its - destinyr The Southern" people have discovered how convenient it is; and come over it in crowds'. . The incoming trains are filled every day. . .. . ... :- Remember that Messrs. Atkinson and Cocke, Land at auction on Monda uable city lots, less dred feet from the public square, It The rroprietors take special pnae.in tne t v.w.uwo aa u uuu Tidiness of their House, and the successful management or tne cnisine aepartmenu trial" pending in this court: or a grossly inaccurate report of any other matter pending in this court. The 'court must further, find, as a fact, on-its oath, that the .respondents made said publication with intent to misrepresent or to bring into contempt this court. With great earnest ness, and in all sincerity, I insist that by no grammatical construction of the al leged contemptuous publication can the Walter Brem is quite, sick. Dr. G. W. Linn and Mr. J. F. GloBser left yesterday morning for a mountain trip. ' - ". . . .- Little Jalia, daughter of Dr. R. C Pear sen is quite sick. . ' ' ' Mr; B. GrPearson. mail agent" W. N. C R. R., ie visiting his parents in this jiace. court find as a fact that it is a report of I Those Hpng - Jtjhies. any proceeding m this court it does I This inry hanging business reminds us iious, opinion of the court that it possess ed the power assumed, a number of I able, even distinguished members of I the bar, sustained tbe oourtin such assumption. ; Messrs, ,-. Davidson, Malone, J. H. Merrimon, W. W. Jones. V. S. Lusk, Jos; S. Adams and ' H. 3. " Carter, -all gentlemen learned, and we may say with justice distinguished in the law,' as friends and officers of the : court, not as counsel in the usual sense of the term, sustained theeourt in its po- Architect and Civil Engineer. Designs. SDeciflcatlnna. .nrl Ujrtl style of building furnihed upon appjicntlon, A work superintended when desired. All work en trusted to me as Civil Engineer will receive prompt attention. Thorough -dralntfe of land a specialty. Post Office addrem. Anhnvllln n Best, N. C. Residence Swaunanoa Bridge AMmmj AW1UUB , A. WATSON, M. D. Home Treatment. TTT' ARE PERMANENTLY LOCATED IN T T Asneviue, is. u., Office on Main Street, rulliam House, first floor. - We make a specialty of treating Consumption, Asthma. Bronchitis Rheumatism, Paralysis, Chorea, Neuralgia, and, in fact, all chronic dis. easei iuu an uisetuit-s rcnuiunx iron, an unpovcr WUeU GUUvMl'UIl VI mo DIOOQ. Jnn8 ..BAWXS.BBOTHEBS, . . - ' Proprietors.., We regret that several material typo graphical errors occurred yesterdays in If you are able to walk to the office, von TAN A A.-n . . 1 - ' 1 I diuvu. , iuiajavii,. oa , juiit ouo i ireaunent. weuseinaaamontotneuxygen.tn , tains the Citizen in accepting the! Medicated Taper. or issue made by the COUrt, and. mal In this way we can treat the lungs locally, as uror in a test case for final adjudication. IS Xrm,Sr. ffiKf.K: as an ine counsorior tne court aamit, u holding out against the remainder. Fin-1 A COUrt, nowever learned Or Hincere, iungs-tnns tne msaicine heiq in snspenion in a PUbllCaUon'lB the tmh. nO matterlollvtheiurv wafltollfid irtn mnrt .tH rir Anmmlt orrnro .nrl r1. inaAI?SSVmJ1. 1 1 " 1 A . L a II ... t-r- mm - Mm 1 rrf a. J Jl . a. - i tuaroeu juage aaaea ii iney owiog wp think Judo Khtlfnrrl hMftfim- enect aewrea. dus . He was told they had .not'-. He I j , , j A? CONSTITUTIONAL EFFECT. mri..i !- At. a rr.L ' t UXlltbCU Ui YCI V XlftVD C11U1 Ul iUlOl VY liafc IS ine troUDie. lOflOOe . . " ... . .. II inn but ,nr tlrnl nf Tm. ilknu 1 in a nnPHrinn in . . ' ... - A irun ra . UTl 1 1 BAA I 1 a. n. n .4 . A n a n a A n A il: I . x , 1 I II. li l hura unwmAnt nnthmo mnra nnr I - . " y, .IWclVe YIU I , ., ... .1. r .. I irilra - Dn nna niwiBinn k iirnr hnnn - . . I IrWV Smi HKUtUW LIIML LWI1 'inriPH 1 J T - " v . .- J a J "-'i tnan two nnn1 .-.i,. n,.k .o v. .... j rii'toi. r.;i. u nn : I liciv AAUA1E., AAAAVA A3 LA V. A A WW UB MM... A. AA VA . I UfVl f VVUKlJl IM1CU W MflvCi VUOJ OFFICE AT HIS RKSTDENnK. Corner of Grove street and Patton Avenue. " umcc nours : to 11 A. M., 1 to 3 P. M Calls left at CarminhiiAl'B nr Polb.m'. Tlmw Store Will beconveved. and Tesnnnrloil to hv tef epbone. - ....... luneiii-atf . fJlHOS. A. JONES, - Attorney at Iaw , ASHEVILLE, N. C . oct 22-ly s w Office with Davidson A Ma JQRS. W. L, W. D. HILLIARD, PhyaicianB and Snreona ' Office next door south Old Bank - jan 3-6 mos , . ; DENTAL CARDS. what it is, it is : no contempt. But tbisitha . court must not only- nna as a fact tnat I atrrpftd. 11 T 1 a e . . 1 , e . iuo puuiicauou was a rejwn 01 a proceea-1 asked very ; case; out when U: DOUGLASS, D. D. S., FOURTH AVEBUE HOTE Wytheville, Va., The Most Attractive Hotel in tbe City. Rooms large. Airy and elegantly furnished. Oiler the most inviting accommodations to vlsi ! ton in the "mountain city" which is the most pie isant summer resort East of the Rocky Moun tain, itis raw leei aiiove sea. uie puuucauuii via cuuiaiuuicauuii ireiu iu tuu wuii, ui iriaipjuuiagm it, jaror H)S9 nd eaid, "May it please the viMSC uub w"c" 1U a Hucouuu and conultns. We wiU not chaige you anything ur. aouvieiie. as the editorial corps of uu fcUO --vwut uiuo "uum.bm court ljiavenad no trouble in coming to I voivmg as we mina a great consu-1 w huamiuoii. i r I 1 1 A. - J T ? 1 A 1 I ' TUL' I the Citizes was in the hands of theeourt at a time when "proof" is corrected, al lowauce will be made for the mistake. tutional right "and , privilege, the court is sustained in -. what ii be lieved to be error by a THE OXYGEN GAS, breathed two or three times a day, will restore m.. naiuil Vnaltli tk.n.li vnn .1.1 1 , A I V A ... VCIitA. MUAUlf HIUUKU jUU A1AAA , , II 11J JL j num Det Oi I yourself beyond the reach of remedies. There is not tne least danger connected with the treat-I t ion ol 8000. Society elegant. Has a pooula- yipniy vo ODRTH AVENUE HOTEL. For board rates ner day $2.00. per week 8U.B0. with spscial rates according to rooms, & :. .' Free Omnibus toall trains. Circular mailed t) any one sending addrea. -e June S7-llmo ,? j. was a grosslv inaccurate report. No one a .nnolnainn. hnt T ha nrith can say tne publication was a grossly in- 0r the : d -d: most stubborn men you accurate report or a proceeding in court, ever saw." That jury was reported to be for an far a it TrtArn.a tn Rv .nvH-iini I u ..t... t, j - ji 1 a The night of the 10th of August, about what has'occurred in court ft save n7 thl inr. Xm. ""wh'r.,;5 able and learned -centlemen.' then Z$ fSSK ? -!?: .1 it nlrha tonth thn- t a fntri nn-n l- a 1 -!.. I . - v . .... .. . - 111 IT i 1 - " ine anniversary or tne ; purning oil r"D " " juv , ; , 106 learned court took railed to be made tne issue coma noi come, too soon permanent. . - . . . I hnncr. "No one will contend that the!.. 1 ; .... j r.i j . .i ol... I ForArthi the hotel at Havwood White SnU t;-Vt ;iVi," ,'7 vwu w J"'"- or ov raustw tou prtnupuy. auw w phur Springs will be celebrated ; by I or otherwise, about any trial in court. - j: j rdrou-reDorts come in .' more - . 3 J . T T A 1 J i-1 Vni-p-in it ha rnnf.nlal liv anv nna I 1 " .. Cherokee Indians will be present thatlfc publication, grossly inawurate couringly now ; pf-?zr: d(5 of : their cotirt - 8 Judge Seymour, of thelJ.S. Court that day and will play one celebrated ball Tames., But suppose the court should be of Ahininn thfll ffiA ; rtnKliMttinn . inoa -fnma totate immigration Agent.i under the provisions of sub-section 7 ' of tne statute, tnen it must and that the Ul. At . 3 "Al A A . . .. . , -ni. . v. i 3 puumauou was niauo wiiuout. intent to tier, to see wiat cuuniryt agaia,: ana misrepresent or bring into contempt this to investigate certain complaintsl court. As to this point, .1 insist that the Which have been - lod eed With the 1 reading of the publication is the strongest Ml A Waynesyllle, N. C, - Mas. EMMA WILLIS, " iWanTitiss. GOOD SAMPLE BOOHS. ,..f Vattbnttvb; sebvanta ; - r " ft- ' f "-'.-:.i ' . .' p Fare the best Hhe Market affords. - TEIIaTIS, per day. Special rates to Families per Week or month. - ,x apl H-d3mo&, on department by some parties who had been there. :We hobfiMr. Pat4 rick will find all : satisfactorily - and flourishing. :. ;f- VV-V ' Fruit Jars and Jku.y Glasses, . I.MTAAbt nrlM -f'-i'' f. T. hnr'a " J Coral : and , Lusterless, Peach Blow Vasea-and Jugs, y . ; .; ; , at Law's., argmnent against any intent to misrepres ent or-bnntr into . contemnt : this court, To argue that the publication ' was made seriously ill. -1 1- 1 -. - A A a A . I ... . . wjtu eucn mint seems to Binxe me as bo supremely ridiculous and absurd, that I do notpropose to argue it further fThe court has announced, When it ordered the rule, that it had no idea that the re spondents had any ill feeling towards the couit. . i most earnestly insist that the court, in that declaration, decided this case against itself. For without that ia- is at Black Mountain. A bunch of keys was f&iind :; yes terday and-left at the Citizen office. The owner can call and gtjt it. Dr. J. C Newlandof Lenoirj who was a resident cf Asheville : two or three years ago, is reported : as very Silver Plated Spoons, Forks and Knives, I tent there can be no conjempt prices lower man ever, - at iiAws. The Second" Regiment of N. C. State Guards proposes vto go ; to tticnmona on tne occasion . oi ine unveiling of GenLee's Statue. Glad to hear it. We will have something more to say of this. ' , . ; The- rhferior Caurf adjourned last . v i- -Vv-,"., ' Arlingt -: HCenderson ville. "N". C. - Remodelled, refitted, repainted, tbe ARLING - TOM offers itself as the most comfortable and .. pleasant place for summer visitors. A good and ' k-ounaani iDie, gooa room, a weu snaded yard, ' combine to make it a real summer retreat for untmer visitor and the trave ling public. . -Terms liberal, - Special rate to Families. - , - - i .; X. A. aUa.n, Proprietor, If you"need wines, liquors and bran dies for medical use purchase them at Frank Lough ran Store. . tnis account, ana because or the . serious To . VISITORS and Others; - 1 importance of th is case, I charge th e " TFlnMr,i'tta;a";r ntnftr rQt.r.1na court, that, upon its oath, it must fend as This is a serious charge and ought to night after a very -laborious,; busy, be well considered before it is decided. t . r - V;" The court is now trrin. both as' uTd and af times -very interesting week's ana jury, a case where it is tne plaintilf. no animus in this case on . either sidej as presented, it is & dry naked, very yitalquestion of law, and as such have we" contested V ther. power of the court in the cause now'pend- Rook For Sale. - . - - ' You will find all kinds - of 'rock at Atkinson's Rock Quarry for sale. Thanks tor an ' appreciative pnbllc you will always' find the "Bonanza'' lovely and cheerfhC ' ' : ; Home-made Jeixies,"- - -:y ; -J. - Of various varieties, nf excellent quali ty, just received by; Jakes Fbakks, - jy a-iwK une aoor beiow post omce. New Black Silk Mitts and Gloves, full supply, all sizes light tan kid Gloves at . wnrrLocKs. Railroad men, attention, WhiUocklhas received W N. O. R. R. Buttons in Gilt and Nickle. .-- - ' .- - 0 -- Asthma, it is a speclflc as much as Oufnlne is for chills. If you have Asthma, it will cure you, . ana ine reuci is aunuBk instanumeoua. Our - NASAL CATARRH, : ir treatment will permanently cure you. We have been using the , . . . OXYGEN - Dental Rooms over DeVanlt's. Drnir Rtnn. eatdence . in same buildinK AsheviUe. N. C. feb&w&sw - . :., DENTAX. SURGERY. OR. J. o: QUEEN has removed hls 'offlco to the Y. il. C. A.' rooms on Patton Avennn. and oilers his professional services to the pabllc u proiessionai work done witn iuu and neatness. tune 10-dAwtf - r - DR. R. H. REEVES, D. D. S., Omci In Binder Building, - ppoeite Central Hotel, r ASHEY1XLE, N. O work. It had a larsre docket, and the UD JUiVUOOW UU V Ui V I aau J jf t " -- VT w a W W V11U aVACa aA till .. 1, . . J , ' " 1 n's Wine, and; Liquor I For this reason great-caution, as I-ara COUrt.and officers, have Wprkcd Ulll : ' :t- J satisfied it will be, should be used. On gently and ' effectively.-. - ' . ? , . . - 7 m i m j - i out WAiuiesaie friuea a uu pnj uu wi Tt Ck AT,nO I thoVM'tHf tta n ft VI n CT h!ln - A. nanaoa n ananfa aw lukjunAnt's rirv.t.tl ewwl. Mn ka ntvtain at vAnw.nal.1a rates 5t the intent with which the poblica. . ... , A iy25:dtf . , .H.W.SIU : . ,'mr.. ... . v. .a i tion wan infi. i nn mnrt miiaf-. won irjiiiiuw atviiuii. jux ouuau m. - " I will sell wa Je fn the citv tmUP Angust 18. Piano stud Organs at wholesale price direct from factory- -1 have not expected to work this sec tion except in my profession of tuning'. tc, but 1 was lorcea wis morning vo laze oat license or . - . ... : . . V. V. AV.n .nna T , V. nufn aITa. Jlr. John NlChOlS .13 " reported by 1 to the citizens of this section an opportunity to uuy fc Wliuiesaie A CIIA j w wwcvvau Mureui s fronts.' - IELD8.T .111. WLIl. U..I. D.. ' -;'V. - weigh and decide the laws and it must ' 'a1 - .... .- : ; - be fully , satisfied, beyond areasonable . ilhe neatest and quietest place mtown doubt, of the guilt of the respondents. a u uo iiAuw iuuioAKu, , ,-?:.-jtt..v.- I " ltn an respect to me court, i oeueve a IXacM oim! Embroideries in great variety, great mistake lias been made, and I feel July 24U1 m . -JIflndersonville, N. C tod ... 0, KAg 4 iltiti Hffll. ug7 .' 1 i fcgg HfeaiS' Patton- Avenue;- neai BaUey Jrt?ce., J imously pronounced the "Bonanza" the The visitors to this secti6n feave unan- J. L. L. SLAGLE, . Proprletsr and O w n r. - This house visitor will find to be quiet and home-like, and the manager dtvotcd to their comlort. - . . -i - . Accoosmodatlon lor a" number ef guests. "It enjt i a v ry lare tianiiyul businei. ' juiy S-doiiios. leading resort of the kind in the South, . . . .... ,."- - New supply Helmets and Straw Hats, aho 4 in hand Pigeon Ties at 4 r , 1 ... s whitlock.:-. -Ntw ptock Riblxn just in at - - T . y , ..WlIlTLCCK. - tnat tne court, in justice to itself, m -as-tice. to its manhood,- ia justico t . the rights of the respondents, In justice to the freedom of the press, ought to discharge this rule. ? - The respondents insist that they have the right to criticise' this or any other court. They insist that, under the laws of the land, they can, unless it be in the publication of Bome. grossly inaccurate report ot a proceeding, trial or other mat- him fnr mnmpnt at. HlllsbOro On mo RENT. T,n--fl0r-U nrT bo aopmert J-' . Fnrntshed house, .corner o fBnlley luuiijuiii im-iuuun, i ana rniiups streets. aiui. tvAbaiat. nnAi.n-V. Krt Yyr ce IrQ t.l 1 tf a Clin I llllr Sl-dlW - .- -. " -. - I . . VYC11 CUUllULl ItU W lAA.yVA'llAAAC, M AJ AA 1 . - stroke on the head of the Democrat ic party . . - - . Ciit'EtDrTicliots, Uvr PllJs. Uaa Dr. Gunn's Liver Pills for BaUow com- BOUGHT. SOLD AND EXCHANGED nnua - Karp Bir-trPTiH nr mn. uiiit uub a lit i a dose. Samples free at H.-H. Lyons. . I EDV''I) II. IJATIIAK", filVA .lA.-w. ...... ..VA. 1 0,.,.t T?,.l TT.1 1 - , - . I owajiunuiii. CD erstone's. luly 9-d:Jmo . . ' " MFTlTPATrTT. - VlPOtt- . ,t . for some years, and in that time we have cured hundreds ot eases of Consumption after they had repeate I hemorrhages, and were given up 1 . V. A 1 11 . I IL 1 A WJ M1V WO IUfWUUUH 111 UIO JOllU. :-..:iNO MEDICINE GIVEN, " All diseases treated locally..; " Quit taking med icine. Come . to our office, ' and get nature'! remedy, , '. . , ;. ; COMPOUND OXYGEN. : We also pay special attention to RECTAL DIS- j PILES, , FISTULA , FISSURE. AND f 'J V ."V.; RECTAL ULCER. ' . . ; We have ' an entirely sew treatment, that painless; the patient need not lose one hour from business or pleasure. We do not use the knife or litgature, or the carbolic acid injection, we can CURE you, and are willing to INSURES tviu, u you so uesixc, , p- f . . , . , - yy. a Person n having artlilclal work dona.' after Jrrlngtttwoor three weeks, if not sat isfled, can itbiu u ii uiu ui wuuej win oe reranaeu. jy l jQli. A. B. WARE, . . .. . Dental ISarseom - 1 '- " NO CURE, NO PAYP We tend tbe HO HE TREATMENT with ehemicals to last two month for $12. We do not Kublish Teatimonals,' but on application win lrnish any number ef post ofllee address, man ners of patient who have been cured under our treatment. Consultation free. " ' DRS. , HAROAN fc STONE, . .If embers 01 the firm of H., H. A B. Pbrsiciana. augl-dlm ... j JYew - and Valuable Jtla -M-' chinert ftr:'&ale.'r:' I OFFER the following new AAUchinery for sale: . ;.- .,.' One i4-inch Planing and Matching Machine, - One four-sided Moulding Uaobine, t .-i -v- - One heavy Morticing Machine. One large Iron Ten noning Machine.; .c;j . : One siuall feed Mill, ; ... .. . 1 j lso some second-hand Machinery, as good as new, asfoUows:" . - r One 20-inch Planing Machine. ; " - . f One Atla Engine, 15-horse power; 1 Westing House Engine. 10 horse power. J j 1 10-horhe Tortable Boiler. . ... '..V One 20-hors9 power boiler, - .'. - :' One Circular Saw-Milt. - 4 ' This Jiiiohinery is being used every dV.y. All or part of t!ie tbove will be sold on reiusonabiO terms. .- Ap i'ly to - , N. W. CTRD,V0O', i . jjrll-dlwawSw. . iV AniieviHe, ii. C. flffifl. fn rttlMll VLllllltinM A 4IA. A 1 work will receive prompt and careful attention. J7 air - :.t: ..' ; RaUroad -Tickets BOUGHT AND SOLD' BY w. J. BRANCH;. .: ; CLERK Al THE? EAGLE HOTEL ' V" -. .Asheville, N. .. C.'y . : ; V ' je 13-dt ; . JESIRABLE LOTS FOR SALE. . - For sale at a sacrince. four dpslrabie lots in theeastern portion of the city. - Three of the low are vacant and beautifully wooded, and on the fourth Is smiatefl a brick stable, tiraml ciiauc for any one winning to purchase a nice lot choup, as propeity must be soil at Rome p-ici;. for further iniormaUon apply to V. H. Vlii!nl Court House or to - At as. II. il. UEU.MA.'i -BiCild-tl ; ' AH Y 1 M Mi 1 ( i