DAILY EDITION; . EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. " L . . . v .TT.TT, X Year, "Ifca.e ' . , . o Mw, , aoo Weekly 4 ' X Yar. .1 (I HfSO " :s' - . . O M,, 6 ADVERTISING RATES ' 'LOWl .3 iHlzy'-Q uC-lciM-ys -;u Jut! ' I iIVil t-i .'''I' -1 1 T7Z ?V-'fVr; 11 1 i y X Jf MrMM II 11 LETTER HEADS, ppsTEEs, : - : - : r- BLANKS, te itamftmett ani at Unxtjricet, Mkyv -iWW -vvVJ w ;- -TK-snfKV .m-- --:-; v VOL ir.NO 96. - t ASBLE,VIL NC"TOSDAYyMORNINGt-AUGUST 3, 1886 - 1 PRICE : 5 CENTS WEST fJIDis . A KG - V. I - ' in f,' , f 9 "Cyrene ebswwdtTy,Ntf.5.-7: A. Porter Eminent Wednesday night in each month. AfhevUle Chapter, Jt. A. JT.0. II, BcHj High Priest; H. Hammerahlae, Secretary. Meets the second Wednesday night in each mouth. ' Mt. Jlemum Xodge.No. 118. A. F. & A. M. H. O. Fags Worahipfol Master: Fred. L. Jacobe ' ecretary. KeeUhe first Friday night in each "Swoiaanoa od9, K of B.', "No. W8.J 4. ' Boardman, Dictator; Jordan Stone, Secretary. Meets the first and third Monday nighu in each , mouth, . " i. frotcA Broad Couned, No. 701, R. X EUia -Itt. Begent: Jordan Stone Beeretary. Heeti ' In the hall of the Knights of Honor on the second and lburth Monday nishU in each month. ' The Woman' Miitary Soddy of th$M. K. - Church, South, meet in the church class-room on the First Friday of every month at 4 o'clock P. M. ABIIETIIXJS CHCBCH DIRECTORY ' BeT.Ty.W.By ltmlng teniae 11 . m. j ironing lervicea T prawmeetiirgWed nos day evening fx :t mbbata sonoolS gn.i prayer meeting nre p. m. www day (.SftbUth aohool fiaif-paat 9ft.m, . mOovr 8tL ".,.-:. - Ber. Jaxvi Btttton," D. . 'Bev. -Yarday UoBee, 'AssiaUnt Bfctor-Sexrlcat Sunday. WedneadavB. Fndavs and Holy Pays, 10 a.M. Mondays, Tuesdayg, Thursdays and SatnMira, p. m. i Friday, 8 p. m. Sunday school 9:80 a. m. . ? Baptist CTiiKrcA comer TKoodfla and jsprttoo. Ber. J. Ii. Carroll Servtoet U a. m.; 70 p. m.; prayer meeting 7:30 d. n. Wednesday; . Babbatfi school 9 ft. m. . ' : V : Ionian CaOuMo Church. - EeT. John A. MoHngh Services every Sun day but the first Hnnday of the month, when " serTioos irill be held at the Warm Springs.- : DouUeday Mimon Church. " Key WW Bays Pastor. ; BabbathSchool, Jfl ' Weaver Supt. , COLORED CXIITRCBES. A. Jf. S. ChurchlZton) College St. HOT. an. Duenuaa DurTiwa xx m. ui.i o y. m., and half .pant 7 P- '; Sabbath school 9 m. ' BajptUt." Iter. Mr. Burnley Services 11 a. m. ; S p. m., and half-past 7 p. mSabbath school 9 a. m. JCpiteopal. Bev. Hr. Maagiah Services 11 a. m. Bab bath school S p. m. Preabyterian Church, oot.aomer Potion '. - . enue and BaHey St. Rev. G. W. Higgins. service 11 a. m.. 8 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting 8 p. m, Thursday. Babbath School 4 p. m. COMPOUND OXYGEN. Home Treatment. WI ARE PERMANENTLY LOCATED IN AshevlUe, N. C, Office on Main Street, Pnlliam House, first floor. if i ; Asthma. Broncaitls. Rheumatism, Paralysis, uiww, iicurniKia, Buy, 111 1 act, nil cuiduiu u eases, and all diseases resulting from animpover ished condition of the blood. - ; . If you are able to walk to the office, you CAN be CURED, as many are being .cured by our new treatment. We nse in addition to the Oxygen, th . Medicated, Tapor. . ; In Uiis way we can treat the lungs locally, as we vaporise all medicines; and the patient in . hales the vapor, holding It for a short time in the ......... iungguing medicine held In suspension in ' - the vapor is deposited in the air cells, where it is taken op by the blood. It not only produces the r' ::v: local enMt desired, bnt A.-CONSTITUTIONAL EFFECT. : " If yon have any kind of Lung disease, come and consult us. We will not charge you anything for consultation. , . - . . .T1IE OXYGEN GAS, ...breathed two or three times a day, will. res to re you to perfect health, though you may think v yourself beyond the reach of remedies. There is .. not the least danger connected with the treat ment. The effect is pleasant,' and the result s permanent - For Asthma, it is a specific as much as Quinine isforchills. If yon have Asthma, it will cure you, and the relief is almost instantaneous. -. : '.VI NASAL CATARRH, ; i ', O '; ,'. our treatment will permanently cure you. . We have been usiDg the . -? . " , - ". ' .-. :. oxygen - -:: ' ' V;';-. .-, AND THK ' .. . 'v . MEDICATED VAPOR . for some years, and in that time we have cured . hundreds ot easenof Consumption aRer they had repeate hemorrhages, and were given up . - ' by the best physicians in the land. " "r"" --NP. medicine given.:: All diseases treated WcaUy. - Quit taking med- i Icine. Come to our office, and get nature's remedy, .,.- , ,, , - COMPOUND OXYGEN. ,y .:. We also pay special attention to RECTAL DI3 . - .. EASE 3. 7 ' PILES, FISTULA, FISSURE AND ' RECTAL ULCER. - We have an entirely new treatment, that is , .. .painless; the patient need not lose one hour from : business or Dleasure. We do not nm thn knife , 'if or UMatare, or thr carbolic acid Injection. - We ? 1 Ton, ana are wuung to uioUivKa . S E CURE, If yo so desire. -v rrjQ vure;so vayi '.''i Wo send the HOUR TREATMENT with . , ohemioals to last two months for sis. We do not publish Testimonals. but on aBmlin&tion " riU lurnish any number of poet offloeddresa, nuuk - uen ui piuieni woo nave oeen curea unaer our ircauaent, consultation tree. DBS. HARGAN & STONE. . Members of the firm of H., H. B. Pbysicjajis, il imiB pTOTlCE, - -jr., 7. I win sell whJe In. the' city until August 18, Pianos and Organs at wholesale prices direct from factory. I have sot expected to work this. sec tion exeept in my profession of tuning. tc, but I was forced this morning to take out license or carry a suit through the courts. I therefore offer to me citizens oi this section an opportunity to buy at wholesale prices. You pay no ware-room ex peases or agents or suo-sgeni s proms. - Jy 25xltf . . f, ;t, i i. H. w. SHIELD 3,' EOUQUT, S0t AUD; EXCHANGED 'ASIIEVILLE, - --. : N. G Office one door : South .. Eagle Ilotel,' opposite . ewannaona. i - t . i . ', uty y-duinos , . .. j -DAILY EDITION. ,y THEBAIIVY CITIZEN ' Will be Dublished everv Moraine (ex cept Monday) at the following rates urtctly casn One Year, f Six Months, Three " .. 8 00 . , 3 00 . . , . , . s, 1 '60 - v v ' : ,. 50 One. WeekM Our Carrtem will deliver th paper ev ery Mornmp m every part oi the city to oar subscribers, and - parties wanting it will please call at the citizen lmce, Send yovr-'Job' Wort of all Udtto (he Citizen Office, if you want it dene neatly, cheaply and vnlh dispatch. Arrival! sod sWpsrtnr. of Passenger ' Saubbubt Arrives 9:55 iga. and 6:16 r. at. - " departs iohw a-raaaa 4:3t p m. Tennessee Arrives 9:60 s mi and 41 p. m. wi.-j.f IJiiLrt;j 10:01 and fi:21 T m. - WATjrKSVTLU Arrives 3 p m. and departs 10:10 a. m. -i - . , The general mail from the East is received by the 9:65 a. m.. train ; the general mail from the Paint Bock branch by the 421 p. m. train. A mail ifrom ' Washington and Charlotte, or Txrnehoa from lines connected with these no ints is received by the 6:16 p. in. train and ponch os for the same points, and to points between Asheville and Salisbury, ' inclusive, and for- fuoea DT.uie v.zv a. m. train going can. INTERESTING READING MAT TER ON FOURTH PAGE. . fWe invite attention to the ndver- tiaement of M. rlumadore, concerning lands fbJ sale. - tf ' Go to Weldon's Gem Bakery for Choici Ice Cream. ' . i Schedule on the A. & S. It. R The following is the schedule at pres ent run on the Asheville and Spartan burg Rail Road Leave Asheville Arrive at Henderson ville " " Spartanburg Leave Spartanburg Arrive at Hendersonville " Asheville 7 a. m. 8:15 " 11:40 .' 4 p. m . 7:10 " 8:15. " Col. Cameron of. the Citizen is in attendance upon Madison Superior Court, which convened yesterday. - For 10 cts a splendid genuine im ported Havannah cigar can be ob tained at the White Man's Bar, S ' : A splendid line of Carpets has just been received at ' McMullen, & Tilson's'. Call and see them. . Hon. Henry. A. Gilliam ' leaves this evenicg for hid eastern home. We tniBt he returns much invigorated," and regret he could no stay longer. ; ,. Messrs. 1 Jones and Hardwicke, M. E. Carter, J. II. Merrimon, J. M. Gudger, BVA. Gudger, H. B. Carter are in atlen- Madison Superior Court convened yesterday, Judge Avery presiding. This coutt is held for the trial of both crimi nal and civil cases. The term in Novem ber is for civil cases only. There will be a special communi cation of the Grand Lodge of Ma sons of North Carolina held at Pig eon River, Aug. 5th, at 10 a. m., for the jpurpose ot dedicating the Lodge at tnatplace. Junior Grand Warden H. A. Gudger of this city will hold the communication. All are in-, vited. . . Esq. Summeyj lax" lister for this town ship, filed his returns yesterday with the county commissioners. ! He filed eighteen hundred abstracts of property or polls listed against tax payers. - The assessed value of the property of this township will be about $3,000,000, an increase of about half-million dollars since the last assessment, one year ago. From present indications, by another year a million will still be added. ' Meteorology fob thi Mouth of July. Rain fell on 14 days, 5 days were line, and 12 fair. Total precipitation 3.87 inches. ..-Heaviest rains were on the 1st and3dr-93 andaL23,incheb respectively. TpEv Baltimore t Manufacturers Record. ' " ' : We are pleased to see in our city Mr. W. M.rPegram, a representative of the above very excellent ahdjuse- ful publication, who yisita 'our; sec tion lor the purpose ol investigating its attractions 'and resources ana making them inown to the readers of his" journal.,. The Record . has proven itself one of the best friends the South has, and its efforts and usefulness are bringing forth much good, and permanent results.- Our own section haB been liberally con sidered ard treated. We thanfe its patriotic publishers, and commend this journal to" tho most favorable consideration of i '- Western Caroli nians. ' ; , Fruit Jars And Jelly Glasses,"" V - Lowest prices, . . at .Law's. Coral and Lnetcrless, Peach Blow Vasea and Jugs, ' . j- at Law's. . Silver Plated Spoons; Forks atid Knives, prices lower than ever. at Law's. j If you need wines liquors .and bran dies fortnedlcal Use' purchase them a.t Frank Loughran's wine and Liquor ! Gln.n .- . r - , V To VisrroEs asd Others. J Wines by- the case, and other first-class goods, can be obtained at reasonable rates as me vvmte Man's liar. . -. . T-be neatest and quietest place in town is at the White Man's Bar. Laces anSEmbroideriet in great variety.' eo 'vO- RED WO OD & CO. iTho, visitors t thla sectioli Late unan imously "pronounced the "Bonanza th J Jeadicgresoct oObe kind in the South. New supply Helmets and Straw Hate. .Cj ,1 1 r. ) i. ; , ; ; ' ? Whitlock. " . New stock.Ribbon just Jn at I - awe-Visitor's ReJsteiioiien for' the season at Law's China and Novelty store, opposite- Eagle Hotel. All visitors to Asheville and vicinity are invited to isiteorBeewhqareifcere. ; The Asheville Club Rooms are a' spoat delisrhtful resort for our visitors. ! The 1 A number of onr correspondenttf?alpe upon us, but, "when the clouds roirty, Jennie," we will try to come to time'; w Maj. W. H. Malone annoanees himielf as an Independent candidate for the uf- ienng people; to vote lor lor uongress. ' Mr. Timberlake of the Waynesvilte "White1 Sulphur and Black Mountain,' ho; tels was in the city yesterday. He makes glowing reports of both places. - The Danville RegitUt i& guilty -' Of con- tempt ; It copies our circus joke, arid.th6 paper was read in AsneviIIe. We call the attention ef oar friend, Mr. Joseph, Adams theretcvi ' v i ". IMr; J. -G; Chambers antfotmces hlav self a candidate- for the iiheriflalty .of Buncombe, subject to, the action of the jUemocratie county convenuon.Tif.Mr. Chambers is known thronghout'-i the cuumy aa uueui uur uvui ciuzeus.' ; fr-l csA : . 1- 1 Thk Ixfxbios Cotjkt "i " r? . Jned a number 'of cases' laat week, many of whiche"re stubbornly resisted Four parties go the: penitentiary, as fol lows: Fred Lawrence. 3 years; Tames bmitn, Kjcnard Hunstetter, jonn uoram, one year each. In all the cases ; tried there were only two acquittals. .' "; Hobeas Corpus. . ,j,-' ' v : His Honor Judge Gudger has granted the writ of habeas corpus in the case- of Lakcyj confined in Buncombe jail on charge of complicity in the murder of Prof. Madison - near Pigeon Riverj re turnable on Saturdaynext Messrs. Jones and Hardwicke are I counsel for Lakey. , ' . . Southern Publisher and Printer l v- We recommend to our brethren of the "Fourth Estate'r the above 'Vfery excel lent journal as 'conspicuously worthy of consideration. It is puoiisned at L.ouiav ville, Ky., by Mr. James Davidson. It is a novel of typography, and filled with excellent matter for publishers. Weatjeb Forecast. - " , . . Prof. Smith of Montreal says : x ' , ' 'For the week endint; Wednesday Au eust 4 :. May opens cool.but the last days of the month will be1 sultry, with some Heavy storms (severe in tae west; August opening fine, followed - by very hot weather and tiiunder storms. r , " For the week nding; Wednesday Ade. 11: Stormy weather generally-Hjloudy, and rainy with, some sudden dampness a fine change cool weather with .cool frosts notably in the North and North west." , .. Sale of the Cakteb Lots. ' l,,: Messrs AtKtaBonesu-'0cke,Lafi Agents, according to previous announce ment, sold yester day seven of the twelve lots advertised, the property of Mrs. Tho mas D. Carter, located just in the rear of the market square. ? It is valuable pro perty, and like all good property in the city sold well. The lots sold were 40 by 95 feet, and the seven lots aggregated $3,415. Messrs. F. M. Johnson, Locke Craig, J. W. Starnes,' Henry Snow, N. A. KeynoldP, I. (J. Eaird, being purchasers. Asheville City Credit the Bibs for the Bonds. , T : The credit of a city is always based upon its promptness as well as integrity in financial matters, its good government, its prosperity. All of these elements Asheville claims, and its claims are re cognized. The city, by a large vote of its ople, for good reasons, recently author ized tne issue or one Hundred thousand dollars of securities, said securities to be sold for not less than pat. The author ities advertised for sealed bidrfor these bonds, to be received up to 12 M. on Saturday 31st alto., and it is of the bids sabmitted we wish ' not only 'to speak, Dut to ooast; ana wnue we cannot give the bids in derail now, we feel at liberty to make a general statementand to speak of its import. We are informed there were several bids for the entire amount, offering a fbehivh fob thohds; there were a number of otherstior smaller rants, from five to twenty thousand, aggregating more in amount than is offer ed, l bis, we claim, is a just recognition of the claims of Asheville for promptness and integrity in financial matters.' its good and sound government, f end its prosperity and growth and future. Of all people on earth who are scary, cap italist are the most so; and these oners of capitalists sustain all we sav. It is a "matter of which our people may be justly proud; they only desire such a character, knowing themselves to deserve it, and, are therefore pleased to know that other careful men recogmzeat. ' , ; V ' J1 " riurran : for Asbeviiie r "The - city bonds have been awarded on a bid offer ing one per cent premium, . making the sale of ne hundred thousand dollars of bonds for . a smooth one hundred and one thousand dollars of clear cut cash. - Mr. S. G. Worth, editor of the Fayetteville ATeioi, - says that the surest and easiest way to kill J tobac co flies is to plant Jamestown weeds --and keep some of the ., blooms fill ed with cobalt The fliefce l says, will stick this . solutionC. from th flower and death is tettairfr- iEmp ty the blooms daily, and put the cobalt in other flowers. If the poison is left too long in the bloom 16 Will Kill lfc x Book Stand. - -v '.-.! Capt H. G. Robertson. ColDorieurfoi the - American -Tract' Society, is.' .-now keeping a book stand on the porch of the old hotel a few doors above the post of- nee, wnere ne sens the very best reli gious literature for children, as well as for older, people. Also sells nice, and cheap Family Bibles- and .Testaments. This is a noble enterprise and if patron ised will be a means of doingmuch good. All sects and classes ought to patronise an sucn agencies oi nuing our country with good and valuable bkr f He also gives away tracts. Ua.l i dj tone. Flannels. Commerce. Uicesds. Jeaut. Cot- KMaae$,&C. y - - --i ; - od-f , 'u.jtuvwvijn .cxa- WooU Dress Goods. Velvets. Satins, Sills Salines, Seersuckers, Ginghams, Percales, mnts, &c. - II. REDWOOD & CO., eod r ; ' , One Price Store, jpdilipr43 by : Uie ttalnJ load nowin-A-9heville -Eat and be baer- T&tH-r s-i.l-j jld-.v v. f.v ... ' Mr d JL-Blacknaell, prominent tobacconMoKaitrflls, J-Aj is n he city, An ijoii Aocn ju..-5arnarrjj fji Alex fcnejsrttor his section itf anything bnt Tfromis !ua -. tj.t. vt ,.niX. n-- iluti , ,V UxJ$?WflfcM&lv&: some j hdifcBhifpiiiii this librning. -XQet .. aT. delicacy direct Ffrom 'old Ocean;1 3iwrMv. -u We have attinterrestitg poem from "Mountain Jomer" on,Uje impors tant local icMeint cf tlS, day which will atJtear tomorrowJo . ; ; 9a; Kr-Ti i'i -- . 4a-s.-r??r 'itCrowdsfc(ntinue t Jcome -fo this 'IW.iifAa7' M '.treezes. OuKiiteLi: ail Vbdl "iouies aie u Thursday -wilt.be; & -breey time lhRaigh, rejrdlea':Of the ther rfebmt Tle'Ctohgwssiorial Cor Tentioul of ihi4th district will meet their; J ' . -USiJ. tint j- ;e'Kni2ht3 6ffH6nor;::and the Knights of Labor and the Nights of the Qaill about the Citizen ofllce are in a flourishing and continuous con ditioiL A-i'' A."-.":: ;."-7;f- :' . .'. Z -J A' fine, silver -headed" cane, with monogram "C. E. S.? engraved upon it, was lost Monday "evening, between the depot .'arid Swannanoa: Hotel. Thi& finder will be rewarded - by re turning it to C. E. ShOber; at Swan nanoa Hotel. : '., - . "Monkeying, wixn tc Bum-Saw." ;v Dot friend Mr.1 A. Clark is .! also a sufferer from; the ; aboi er pastime, this ;tinae, with a saw of that august and JiangerQ.ua character a few days ago,henTns"tand which evident- ly "forgot its cunning," slipped up against the saw and several fingers were badly -lacerated. We hope Our friend will suffer no permanent injury, And that he may still sur vive the Buzz-Saw. r - . . ' The Ravbksoroft Institution an Ih- poeta nt Institution for Asheville. Atthdlate meeting of the Board of Fellows, of tRay.en8croft Institution, the following resolution was passed : ; Resolved, that a committee of two be appointed to confer with some building contractor for . tne purpose or securing estimates of the cost of a new building. and of altering and enlarging the original kftvenscrofs. buildjag-fbx thcclasBtetil an4 academical high school, to locate the site for the new building for the Theological department, to obtain plans for these im provements, and to report at or before the next convention to meet in Raleigh in May." Rev. Kobt ii. urane, ot Udenton, jn . o was chosen head-master of the classical school, at a salary of $1,000. ' The Bcbool was appointed to be open ed 'on the ensuing October with such arrangements for the present as could be made. . . - . - . This school wid be a Diocesan board ing and day school for boys. Its esta blishment has been impatiently called for throughout the Diocese of -North Car olina and the demand for it we are happy to say is in a fair way at last to be gratified. " ;":" ,' U. ii - , i, ' rr ' From the Raleigh News and l Ob server wo learn v ; . . 1 Mr W. O. Mosely and Miss Fan nie D. Woo ten, of Lenoir county. were married last Wednesday, and are now at Asheville. .? a Mrs. T,T. Hay and children and Miss Orta Gales are at Black Moun tain. -t ' ; - .,...-0 -r.: Col Theo. F Davidson and wife were her yesterday ' on their way from Morehead to Alexander's-on Frcncbi Broadr3uncombe county. They have been at ,the : seaside a month. " ' ' 'L ""'' :- Sanitary Engineering. This is the third edition of J this valuable little work edited by Professor yUs liam Cain', C."E., former member of the North Carolina; Board of Health. It has been considerably enlarged acd.treatsin an interesting and intel ligible manner . of'drainage, Ventil ation, wate supply. 'sewerage, etc Ab is mtnuBii jjia a guiue iur smaii cities, towns ! and J' families wishing to improve their sanitary condition, and we can recomnaend it as meet ing in a concise and -very practical way 'the ' Object" fdr which" it was written.? Jit can be had, free of cost, on applicatioii: to 1 the Secretary of the State oard'of Health" at Wil- mineton. ;BulletIn : N. C. Board ef Health; : ' ?;f$ j. - ' A Boston professor is lecturing on the "Uselessness of Profanity." Did ne ever hit his thumbnail with; a hammer 7 "Whv does the nose of a pug tarn up?" asks a. writer. We ausoect it is because he has to associate With dudes so much. Burlinatott Free Press.' lL:t'i4i .'.'The members of the corncob sohool of foolosify are again exhaling the antino my of their ijuethysical luminosities. Vm Bi Qtrmfs Liver Pills for Sallow - com clexion. Pimples on the Face and Billions- ness. Never sickens or gripes. Only one for a dose. Samples free at a. 11. Lyons. I targe I'm 'of Clolhiug, ranging from $5 tiitioaiuiti The stock embraces one but ton etndlfivt huton Sdck Suits,, one button aiid-v4hbuito Cutaways, and Frocks ' (or Prince Albert) butts. . Shirts and Drawers, Collars and Cuff's, Scarf s, Ties, Valises and Umbrellas, &c. ,,i .,'.-;! '.;. JJ, RED WOOD & CO., 'eod ' ' ' f One Price System; '. - fFor ths Asheville Crranc. BUGS AND HUBBUGS IN COTJBT-A ;V. ', CASE OF BUGS. ;. .-.V.- V r.-i. From the 1 MsU Gsxtttek' " ' ' How many bugs in a house" suffice to make it "unfit for human - habitation ?" This was the question which Mr; Justice Mathew was called on to answer on Sat urday. It was proved that "the famish ed house in a fashionable West End quarter" contained several dozen of the brutes: ; bnt this number the learned Judge decided was "not. enough to oust the. .tenant,': who accordingly had to pay the rent. How many, then, are "enough, to oust a tenant?" As !a . matter of fact they had. been ample enough to oust this particular tenanant, who bad left the house at the first attack. But law is not made for particular cases.: Itfwould have been satisfactory, however, if Mr, Justice Mathew had laid down at what point a tenant may capitulate to the enemy without forfeiting bis right to legal con sideration, v " :- - Messrs: Editors : You are not the only Bugs who went courting. 4 ' r ; . , .:--w--...--.jat iQgABT Rock.!;.: Congress wiU adjour his wpeki -It is asserted that Gen.' John B. Gordon, of Georgia, was born in Richmond county, this State, j . Mi, Kerens Mendenhall is spoken of as the prohibition candidate for Congress from the fifth district . ; ' New -York city is still a piseon for adventurers to pluck. This accounts for a tax rate of $2.28 on a valuation of about $1,250,000,000 as well as for a monster debt that has increas ed over $3,000,000 in 1886. : A Bad Showing. The statistics of tobacco on the markets of the world on the 1st of ' July for -five years past, which we publish else where, are such as to leave no hope for any improvement in prices dur ing the remainder of this season. . If present prices can be maintained, with the poor, nondescript character of tne tobacco being onered on all the Western markets, in the face : of these stocks, together with the large 3 A? 3 . J " i -It , ana cpniinueu receipt, it will oe a wonder, and inexplicable to .those who make estimates based upon the old iule of "supply and,demand." it will be seen by reference to tne table that' there are 70,000 'hhda now on hand in the markets of the world, more than there was at the same date in the last five years, ex cept in 1882, and 40,000 hhds more than in 1882. The great bulk of the stock is inferior and nondescript, what is to become of it ? How are the marketsto be relieved of it? If another crop of the same sort is made what will it be worth and who will-buy it? 'These are questions tht plan ters would -j4o riwfctt to re- fleet upon who are making a crop this year. Those who are holding the present inferior crop might find it profitable to ask what it will be worth if a good crop is made this je&r.'-NaihvilU Spirit of the 'farm. Baeklen's Arnica Salve The best Salve in the world for cuts, braises. sores, tiioera, rneum, lever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively curea piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cts per box. For sale oy H. H. Lyons. daw Rook. For Sale. " . . . You .will nod all kinds of rock at Atkinson's Rock Quarry for sale. TnJKtm Timom m f f 7fa asitiMifi trail 7sn. 4.lUifV Srrif SM a taK V ytURO. VC-r en Lawns, Dot Swisses, Striped and Checked Nainsooks, &e. - - -" eod t - - H. RED WOOD & CO. Thanks to an" appreciative public you will always find the Bonanza" lovely and cheerful. . . : Hokk-made Jellies, ' Of various varieties, of excellent quali ty, just received by James Franks, : jya-iwK une aoor oeiow post onice. '. New Black Silk Mitts and Gloves, full supply, all sizes light tan-kid Gloves ' at vvhitlocks. Railroad menattention, Whitlock'has received W. N. C. R. -R. Buttons in Gilt andNickle. - . " TO RENT,- - - ' '- . - Furnished house, corner of Bailev and Phillips streets. ' JIBS. WALKER. . Julj-81-dlw - - MONEY. t 1 to loan oh Real Estate3 in ums not less than TITOS. A. JOXES, ; E t.-; -Attorney alXaw. . Court-House Blinding,' Asheville, : N. C. aug 1-eodIwd- .r;,Vl . JYew and Valuable JtXa f OFFER the following new llaehine7 r 1 sale: .' . . , - - . -. - vOne M-inch Planing and Matching Machine, " - One f oar-aided Moaldiog Machine, . One heavy Morticing Machine. " ,;.,i!ihi , One large Iron Tennoning Machine, , ; . One amaU Feed Mill. . .; ; ' Slaosome second-band Machinery, as good as heWf'asfbUows: ;?: ::. . .i. -'if.su ; One 20-inch Planing Machine. ; VN I " One Atlas Engine.lS-borse power, " f 1 Westing House Engine. lOVfaorse power. - 1 10-horse lortabte Boler- ., . , . ' One 20-horse power boiler.: . - ' Ona nirmiir 8a-MilL -i fi.ri - - ' '- This Machinery is being bScd every dot. All or part of the above, will DC sold on reasonable teimv Apply to -: ' . ' ' -' " - V -K.W. GIRDWOOD. . Jy 14-dlwaw2w : Ashevule, N. C A NNOCNCEMENT. Alio aAA ssaj y i a icuusi ui vs v j TV a A. A Ul UW USU1 vviwsv suv aviiiww Convention for the ollice of Superior Court Clerk, anhlant a tm mnt rn nt aoil AAnvantinn " " BUUlfl W V-UV aVWVH Vi ssa mtj, voui viiHVHt July 2S:dto , .: , : . MASON'S 1U improved Fruit Ja?s and. ' july ISnltf " ;. ;;-'.? - - ' POLK COUNTY' CONVENTION. ':,!.; v,; tun'; ..c.y.rta ; The' delegates fromvlhejdiflrent townehips met at Columbus', uly 2ist.-r;. ;: -i'ifl t:v rzi.'j Uli The convention was called to'bf der by J. McFarland Esq , Chair man Co. Dem. Ex. Committee, whp explained the object of the meeting. ' Col. John Garrison was r elected, Chairman, and -Dr. J,: A;' Hagner, Secretary. i f - -r v -The foirowifig genllemeri were elected delegated to ' represent Polk county in the- Siate ; convention - at Raleigh: r.'i l-j- ; - Col. Frank Coxe. Col. J.TC Simp-1 son. Dr. K. Thurston, - CaptiW. E. Mills, and H, E, Morham, Esq. , WithouXinstructions as to cndl --The foilrJffinffwere'elecSd 'jletcj.' sates to the Judicial Convention at'LincblntohjMdj.llamilton, J. U. Mcfariand, w. a. Cannon, James Ridings and W; H. MoFarland. . .' With instructions to cast the vote ofPolk county .for; Hon,' Frank' L Osborne, for Solicitor 11th: . Judicial DisL , ! .:;?r.v:? M-fOc '- ; The 'following . gentlemen, were elected to represent Polk county in the Congressional convention, at , CoL J. M. Hamiltoii, .Capt. W;E. Mills, H. E. Markham, Col. A. Far mer and the Chairman and Secreta ry of this convention.' ' - : "i1' On motion of Col. . Hamilton Jthe delegates were - instructed', by ' a unanimous vote to cast the - vote oi Polk county for Hon, Thos. L. Johnston, of. Buncombe, 'for, Con4 gress. : . ." , , . ' . . On motion the Secretary - was in structed to send a copy . of the pro ceedings of this convention to Ashe ville Citizen and Rutherford Banner for publication. j fj ) i- On motion adjourned." ' v.-i? John Garbtson, Ubnv nWRB. Sec'vi " i " ' J. A. Hagneb, Sec'yi ''Hi'- Fresh Sulphur Springs water is now kept en draught, free, at Hampton and Featherston's. It wiU be brought from the Springs every morning. ' - ; ' r-i -aawwi if) vv-B's vituvr wvui a uiw sv : ions, CorsetSj Ruchings, Parasols, Shopping Hags, &c, . , , . - u eod H. RED WOOD & CO. 3 NEW; ADVERTISEMENTS." " ' OB SALE., A fine MAOIC LAN TEEN, and complete outfit. complete with everything, eost 118, prtoe S3 eaah. Bend at once. -T y. ' ' H. t. FORSKY, augs-oaw . '-.. ft 'ifx-,.nttunMt,,it. y A NNOUNCKMENT. rm .. ,. 'a: ; i !-.-'. .-. lam a candidate for the office of sheriff of Buncombe county. subject to tne action of the County Democratic Convention. auganiitawta iau. u. t;iiAuui!.na. THE VALUABLE SILVER t, SPItlXOS IIOTEI,, ..; near the Iron Bridge. Terms reasonable Call on - H; T. ESTABROOK.. aug3-dlf . - at Estabrook's Book-store. 1 . QEIotel Giiests, . - BMark your clothing indelibly, with a One Rub ber Printing; Hand Stamp your name, or any one line-alamo, in any style of type, with India ink box, pad, distributor, Ac., for 60 cents. Drop me your oraer torongn tne post emce. ana in aoow. a 'week, I can have your stamp readr, and will dellveritto you.: ! - ii.? ; , '', ,,. , - ' TO BUSINESS MEN, t -' '' If yoa want to save money, here is yoar chance.. Look at your printing; bills for IS months. I can mount you a fine Rubber Printing Hand Stamp, of any reading or any kind of cats, and sell you stationery at wholesale prioes, and you can -do you! own printing lor 6 years or mora, .Prices -of stamps according to size. An ordinary card -for about SI .CO or S2.00. Am. agent for $10.00 Type Writers, Stencils, Steel Stamps, Rubber Type, Printing Presses, Fancy Cards, R. R. and V. O. dat era. Heal Presses, German silver key checks, pen and penoll stamps, electroty ping and engrav ing, Ac. Orders by mail solioltid. -, - -A. B. SAMS, Js, Asheville, or aug- '. - , Marshall, N. C. J OST, APWaCETBOOK, .Mr: Containing 913-93 in ' silver and 85 In green backs, somewhere i between Court House- and Post Office will give a liberal reward lor Its re turn to - - . ; H. B. BROWN-: augl-dtf v . : , - f pp R. ft EMIY. x -1 !: Ici tj ; Large boarding house, furnished com plete, even to tableware and linen if de sired. Good patronage. Apply fc j-,. ? P .1 .WALTER B. GWYN, ri dtf r-zhi.itHi.uiuU -Land Agent, i.i '.Ui - .ft')rri i Ult lien I , ,, r 1 O wine to the . death of i Captv U.t M. Jones, the Patton Ayenue -.Hotel i is for rent. 'The Hotel was in tbo lull tide or patronage, and the incoming' tenant will step intp a good business if arrangements are pertectea aionce Appiy tq Land,4gent; WIiitoSlllpliurSnrinGS, il ' "7. l-iniccdstRE county. i.'! ! w V(- Hear AliuiSkdrBU C ; . -,i . v. . i. i n ;. .;:f:-i -1.j: Asaont the notable- watering places in this State we cannot too highly commend BLACK WELL'S WHITE 8PLPHTJB , SPRINGS. They am in thla. Buneombe. coootv. some doaek miles northwest ef Aabevilie, and fbur- mile Sooth of Alexander, a station on the western t. iv aw . They are right in the mountains, with lofty peaks on every slue, and from one of which is constant lv flowing a stream of very fcold -sulphur water. The buildings are large enough to pleasantly ao- commooate tnuty or more persons, aim mo amusements are: playing cmquet, chess, fishing, S Itching qooitsandrambUng ever the adjacent ills. Among toe guests already Ahers are ut number of very beautiful ladies.' ,.. Mr. u. a. macEwei 1, tne owner ana propriciur is a genial. whole-souLed, aooommodatuig gen tie- man, ;to the. manor born. He has -: several nunarea acres oi iana anjoinmfr, irom wmci ne abundantly supplies his tables with -too frenhest and best of milk, creaai, butter, epirs. chlrkons, beef, mutton, veal, lamb, and au tue veKeuUuus of the season, t The air around is perfectly pure, and the country is absolutely free of all malaria. No ease of chills and fever was ever know a to originate here. 1 he- thermometer wry rarely rise above 8ain the ti mmer and usually fails to aucDt 6us at nieht, so tnat it is quite cold enough to require blankets for cover wtew asleep... I or. sons wishing a quiet retreat from towns or v-ities or afflicted with hay fever, lung troubles, or ma larial poisons. will bo delighted and benefitted by a sojourn here. A dally coach goes to Alex auder to meet the trains and for the malls and visitors. The charges for board to suit tae times, and are exueeul&gly imtal...j,f. Come and see tor yourself. . . ....-?. a. Jy23:dU . i - '- '' : ,.- r- 1 5-.- : x i-"iJt- 'f'KL '.Ut KMX. pR0"FioN,A CAKDX G;M.McLOCTJI4 . : : : v r. f rCHAS A. MOWsTA ' i'J Ai0rucyt udOimmUonatlA9, Mfvw. n j ASHEVILLE tV 5 , - Practice in the trnlted States ClreaK and Dts U& ConrU at Ashwille; StaseavUle, Charloua and Greensboro; in the Supreme Court at Raleo-h and in the Courts of the 8th and 9tb JudictalLiS tricts of the SUte of North Carolina, , Special attention given to eollecUoM of etata i mayai-lywAaw ii. . -j. , -i - ' PiTxIncxAY smsi ' fttntoca . f Offlea Korth side Publie Siroarsw Jteatdenos en Haywood street. Office Teleuhooe Call No. Residsnce Telephone Call No. a, - - DRG "WiPTJEEFOY '2'' ' ' Oilers his rmfesslcmjiarvices) to the; citixens of. Asheville and anrroond- insr ennntrv. Offim niw'nintlili.J. urug store, liesldence Charlotte Bt, t elMly,! ;t-lj t ''fJ'i'' Special' antioi, U ClMioH& tST Office bver OOWAITO. JfrWCTi? STORE, fotton Avenue... ? delO-dly ' Attorney $U Iw,"' ' ASHEVTLLE, ;k J.1, .. W.C; Office in JeTinston " Building: ' opposite Com ..... ,y Hout Square). ;!Pracfices!irii the Couita1 of "Wester North Carolhui and Supreme' Cyrt alr Raleigh. ; j t; i ;i j i aor 2S-iyd - JJRS. ilcGILL &. BATTLE;. u!; WABtLAW MoGlLi; Mi !., I i ' 'C practice limited to Eye, Ear, 1 rant tad Bam. WssraAT Battle. M. D.TJ. B. N . it a , i o iiL.-ij ... Physician afteT Bsubmoss,- ',. .Offices over Ce Vault's Prug Etont t3-Offlcehouril0a. m. to 1? nj., and 1 to ' jrK jorcr mrt Williams, r u " ' 1 " PJiysician and Surgcoiu' ' - OfiM: HslsHLl dUMkibfkof Iknl.' W denceon French Broad Avenue. Office aowrs M s.ast 1 p. nu and from to i p. ttu, - Taao. v: Davidsow.' ' Jas. Mastx DAVIDSON A MARTIN, , v ,J t , AtUmey Jk Ceinallers).et.f tmi .. ' i i AamrnLULJL a -i-.t WIS pra:tlee In the 8th and tth Judicial DisalelS' sdd in the Supreme Court of North Carolina, a to In 'the Federal Ooorts of ! Wastan PMtriotel North Carolina. ---.. ..... i Refer to the Bank Of AjUsnfUeJ , , ,. ' aeplt-swAwSm -. J : T1WBS a ' -nTTo-pnTrriTfa ' i . , rhyslelan and Sixrssi. vlibl-'! ASHEVILLE, JL eU . -t Office ever Powell A Satdiaj v VST" Residence comer pf Mala aad Woodfin streets. -' -r - ArcULeet eeki CXAgismr, .. .. K Designs, Bp-cificatlona, and Estimates M the style of building furnished upon app jtcatioa, A work superintended when desired. All work sa trusted to ase as Civil Engineer will reossw prompt attention. Thorough drainage of lands a specialty. Post Office address, AaheviUe Best, N. C. Residence Swannanoa BridgeX imaylS-Anos ,!;; -.,-.! j.n A. WATSON, M. JL . i:-. hi, V? . , ' OFFICE AT HIS REDENC,.' Comer of Crove street and Patton Avenue. ' OfUce hours i 8 to 11 A. M., 1 to s P, Mi Calls left at Carmichael's or Pelham's Drug Store will beoonveved. and' rasnonded ta. bv tal epbono. . , . r ... , . ;.. .. - ' . une la-au; u v. ku v.--i--j i uti flHOS.A. JONES, . t...1 .-a,, f V JSaWvr.MV VSJ eLZhfMW Ci OffioswUhrjavidSDSi4iMa "pJRS. W. L. I W.-D. HILliARD, rl- vr ivt .'. Mn - l'ltyalclana and sors Affluk nA-rf Arvm umtV IWA T. l ' 1o r. .'pmtjits cXRi)s: Jti - JL Bv H.'BOUGUSa,.JATa4 -.li i-J .. j. . r ' " Dental Booms over De Vault's. : Draa- Itan sidanoe . lnsaoe bmdAaheyllK H. C MUl-SSIV ' 1) R. X.ol QUKENhas ramsve'd aia offlee to the Y. V. C A. moms on Patton Avenue. and offers his professional services to the pablie. All professional -work done with, skill and neatness. - .'-- ...i.- tune 10-dAwU ,,-nirli . rt'vh't-. 4 -.if. : D-lsR.H.nEEYECD.D.C. J ,',, Orncs in Sindec Building, r - j pposjUqentral Hotel, ASBXTILLT, H. 0 i-J lr;-i-ii w. u J 1 lit !;"!,' 'Persons having art! Sot el work 6oa, after lying it twor three weeks, tf mot sat i.Qsd, eae return it and the mosey wuibe ref ucued. Jy l Xentat isiorceori. Office t&r Cttison buildtnsr. em-nd floor. Al work wiU receive prompt aui eaiciul attenUoa. 'r !,i VAy, 'l'.-rr.if ii av.".iii- a - loiiW a ur.i Su al BOUGHT AKD Z0U CRAi:TllE"il0L pVESIRAELK LOTS F03 SALE.".'- - - AJi " ti-'-i f - ; i . - ; f " i or sal e at a'nacrifloe, fortr ('(raUs lots M Uteea&era portion of th ti.jr.-' i uree ertke lots are vacant and b?utU--y wooded, nlo tae fourth is siuisted a bi ,... stabU.- v.- ncd cuaaes . -1... jv, m.tj vnfl vibuuig wj nrvHwa r- uncut'-., as propei t tuust -ba soiJ at ... . j n-. i j further information frp!y to W. it. V ( Court Hotise oil turn. H. U. UZ-uw. Bicnw .2 -i'': -