STATE NEWS.- Thus far nearly $15,000 have been contributed to the-Baptist Or phanage at Thomasville. , Tho Winston Sentinal notes the death af Mr. Geo T. Foust a promi nent young merchant of that place, who died of nervous prostration, the result of over work, . The Star says : A correspondent of the Star,' writing from Burgaw under date of August 2d, says that James Batchelor, Esq., who lives about two miles from Maple Hill, Pender .county, killed twenty-six rattlesnakes, a" few days ago. All the snakes were found in a hollow log. . '. The Charlotte Chronicle says : A maa by the name of James Stout, was killed outright near Thomas ville yesterday. He was in a wagon and while crossing the railroad was run into by a freight train ; the wagon was demolished and he kill ed. His remains were - taken to Thomasville and an inquest held, lie leaven a wife and several chil dren. ; . ,. The Pittsboro Home says the ven-. efable Mr. Joel Williams, of Chat ham county, fell dead, of heart di sease, last Sunday evening a weeK ago. He was in his 85th year, and JuulWn roroplaiTTrrrg- or HOT Teel ing very well for sevt-ral days. His . daughter was careting her aged father in her lap when he suddenly tell forward to the floor, dead. The Beaufort Record says : Parties trom Swansboro, Onslow county, report the murder of a little boy in that county a few days ago by his school-mates. The particulars so far received are to the effect that two boys and a little girl, the chil dren of Isaac and Wallace Lewis, while on their way, from school be come engaged in a difficulty with a little afflicted boy, and punched up on him with clubs and rocks and had almost beaten the life out of him when a girl who saw the difficulty went over and related the story to the parents of the dead child. Upon examination it was found that the body was badly bruised and several bones broken. The three murderers were arrested and are now in Jack sonville jail. The News and Observer informs us of the death of Mr. Thomas H. Briggs Sr. which occurred suddenly of heart disease, Mr. Briggs was 65 years of age. He was a well known builder and contractor. The fete milttaire recently held for the bene fit of the newly formed Governor's Guardturned over $525,56 as the nett proceeds of the occasion. Of the Fruit Fair held in Fayetteville on the 4th, the ccrrespondent of the iVeioa and Observer says: At noon Capt. Octavius Coke delivered the annual address. It was a fine elf rt : worthy of such an orator, and was received with applause, long and loud. The display of fruits, grapes, &c, is, as has been said, very large' and beautiful. There are sixty exhibi tors of apDles, peaches and pears, fifty of grapes, one hundred of fruit in glass, fifty-four of dried fruit and thirtv-eight of flowers. It is im possible to describe the effect of this combined display. Everything shown is of course choice, and there are some really phenomenal ex hibits. . Prominent horticulturists and larmers irom all parts of the State are here. The display gives them special satisfaction. Our Sanitary Chief 'cannot be at every particular spot in our large city at one and the same time, though his quick movements have made a number regard him as ' ubiquitious; but a hint that his at tention is required at any particular spot is enough to have him there al most before the hint can be given. And when he gets through his work ii is always well done. Our people must remember they are themselves required to keep their premises clean, and a penalty will be im posed for a failure. Any citizen in town; knowing of a failure on the part of anyone to observe the sani tary laws, ought to report the same to Dr. Millard, not irom any dispo sition to be meddlesome, but as a necessity .to secure such sanitation as will preserve the health and lives of all. No one would hesitate to report a - case of small-pox or other zymotic diseases; that which may cause diseases which may prove as fatal as small-pox should be as promptly and unhesitatingly reported.- Dr. Millard is on the alert constantly, and doing .11 he can do, but, let all aid, in the important work he is engaged in. v Billiard and pool tables with monarch cushions, upstairs, at Hampton & Feath eratone'a. . - , . See the Cream White Jerseys, an en' tirely new lot, better and cheaper, also full line of Black Jerseys, . i . . i at Wmitlock's. ASK FOR r The Hamilton. Improved Fruit Jars for Bale at BEARDEN, RANKIN & CO. july 18-dtf Hotel Guests, RHark your clothing indelibly, with a One Rutv r Printing Band Stamp your name, or any one line itamp, in any style of type, with Itdia ink, box, pad, distributor, &c, tor 60 cents. Drop me your order through the post office, and in about a week, I can have your stamp ready, and will deliver it to you. . - 'A to business men, If yon want to save money, here is your chance. Look atflrour printing bills tor IS months. I can mount you a fine Rubber Printing Hand Stamp, ot any reading or any kind of cats, and sell you stationery at wholesale prices, and you can do youi own printing ior 5 years or more. Prices of stamps according to size. An ordinary card for about $1 60 or $2.00. Am agent for $10.00 Type Writers, Stencils, Steel Stamps, Rubber Type, Printing Premcs, Fancy Cards, R. R. and P. O. daters. Seal Presses, German silver key checks, nen and pencil stamps, electrotyplng and engrav ing. &c. Orders by mail solicited. . -. A.B.8AMS. Jb., Asheville, or ftug& K . Marshall, N. C. An Editor in Luck. Our friend-BrOi Harry. E. ; Har? ... m Mi- man, elitor ot tne waynesvme News, was married at Yadkin Col lege on the 3d' inst., to Miss Ella Walser. May the brightest smiles of Heav en always be upon our young friends. Rgligious Notice. Services will be held by the Rev. T. M. Myers of the Christian church' at 11 o'clock, a. m., to-morrowjm the rooms of the Y. M. C: A:, Palton Av enue; and at the same place at 8 p. m., of the same day. ' The public are invited to attend. f For tbe Asheville Citizen. AN OPEN FIELD AND A FKEE RAGE. Messrs. Editors :I see so many men wanting office in Buncombe this year, suppose we turn them all loose, as there ia no politics in this raceland we will have a free fight for one year. Let the boys all make speeches and try their hands.' We want about 25 candidates for every office that the county can give. Let us have one big free fight, every man for himself. Now boys, pitch in, sleeves up, here goes ! Now I have been voting the Democratic ticket for fifty years, and this is the first time that I . have not been able to see any politics "in the county; so for the first time I say turn her loose. 'Respectfully, Old Link Democrat. Tna Easteen and Westebh Asylums. The presence here yesterday of Dr. Grlssom and Messrs. Snow and Burwell was simply a pleasure extension to Ashe ville of a business visit made to Morgan ton. The Board entrusted with the management and control of the State Asylums went to Morganton to arrange for a more equable division of patients. The Western Asylum is larger than the Eastern, the first having a capacity for 450 patients; the other of 250. The last was overcrowded; the other not full. The arrangement adopted divides the State into two districts, adopting the line used for the division of the State into Federal judicial districts. This fortuna tely gives a well recognized defined limit, with no very great disparity on the white population, the Eastern exceeding the Western by about 35,000. The negro population did not come in as an ele ment of calculation, it having an asylum provided especially for it. A Novel Lunch House. Mr. J. Turner, late of New Mexi- co, has opened a lunch room and restaurant in the Hugh Johnston building, next to A. D. Cooper. It is novel from the fact that while the house is well fitted up and every thing served in excellent style, ten cents is the ruling price for each dish. Religious Notice. Preaching at the Baptist Church to-morrow (Sunday) at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m., by Rey. W. H. Strickland D. D., of Shelby, N. C. See card of Dr. Souvielle,the gen tleman whose able communications in the Citizen have favorable intro duced his professional system and ideas. Dr&JIIargan and Stone's office is crowd ed daily with people taking Compound Oxygen and Medicated vapor for Con sumption Asthma and Bronchitis and JNaeal Catarrh and every one is getting Deuer. , Jost Received Bought at a Laege Discount. A large lot of Zeigler's samples of very fine shoes for Ladies, Mis3es. Children, Infants and Men. II. Redwood, eod, tf. One Price Store. Rook For Sale. You will find all kinds of rock at Atkinson's Rock Quarry for sale. The neatest and quietest place in town is at the White Man's Bar. The visitors to this section have unan imously pronounced the "Bonanza" the leading resort of the kind in the South. Thanks to an appreciative public you will always find the ".Bonanza" lovely and cheerful. India Linens, Mulls, Organdies, all Lin en Lawns, Dot Svnsses, Striped and Checked Nainsooks, &e. eod H. REDWOOD & CO. Eureka Meat Market. WILL OPEN, oh 1st day of Apri, in a part of Zahary & Jordan's store, on Patton Avenue, A FRESH MEAT MAKKET, Where, and after which time, .we shall endeavor, in accordance with arrange ments already made to keep an ample sup ply of the best meat the country will aflord."' ... ; We expect to buy and sell for cash and thereby be able ' to accommodate our customers in the most efficient manner. Our slaughtering shall be neatly done, and a neat, polite and skillful salesman will always be found at the block. Meat delivered free of chnrsro. All or ders shall receive prompt a rtcntion. - - Most respectfully, JOHN AND DAVIS ZACIIARY. mch 25-dtf . Men, All PEA'RL $1.50. ade m Fresh, Sulphur Springs water Tsnow kept on draught, free at Hamptoh and Featherston's It wilt ie brougbtjrom the SpringB every morning. - -'.- ' tor the A8hevl.leCiTizw. 1 JONES VAND A. jB. FORTUNE .FOMHE LEGISLATURE. f Editors Citizen : A large nunw ber of the democratic voters of Hom iny would like -to vote for Gen'l Johnstone Jones and : Capt, A. B. Fortune, for the legislature. Two better men cannot be found in the county. ' . B. ' For tho Asheville Cmzni. -PATTERSON AND- COURTNEY, j V Leicester, as well as all the" rest tf Buncombe, is solid, for J. R. Patterson and f. II. Courtney. We will never go back upon these two gentlemen, as long J as they serve tne people so iaitniuiiy -as they have been doing. . " : - Hurrah, for Patterson, and Courtney. " : " . .." ..: , . Leicester. BucIilen'S Arnica Salve The best Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, rhenm, fever . -sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money retunaea. wice'zs cts per box. For sale Dy H. H. Lyons. daw Go to the .Pioneer Jae . For your fancy mixed'drinks of all kinds, such as Sangaress, Mint J uleps, Big Yellow, Milk Punches, and all other mixed drinks which are fougd in first ipWjs saloons. Orders for these drinks will be filled and sent to any part of the city, free of charge. : , - 1 Rooms three doors below 1st National Bank, No. 9. R. E. Jokes, Prop. ; june27-tf ; . Tbe Visitor's Register is open "for the Reason at Law's China and Novelty store, opposite Eagle HoteL '.'All. visitors to Asheville and vicinity are inyited to regisiter or see who are here. , . - ; Messrs. Fags, Garren & Co. are prepar ed to deliver the best of lime, for build ing or other purposes, at the depot in Asheville, at twenty-five cents per bus hel, or ninety cents per barrel, by the car-load. . Address all orders to the above, at Warm Springs, N. C, oi M. J. Fagg in Asheville. . ' ' :o "' It is kept on hand and for any quantity by Bearden, Bankin & Co., Asheville, N. C. v iuncl-tf F. G. & Co. The coolest place in town to spend an hour or so at billiard or pool, and at the same time "smile," is under Whitlock's mammoth store. . It will pay close buyers to inspect the stock of goods being offered at extraordi nary low prices, at Whitlock's. : See Frank's Female Base Ball nine at the Bonanza. New stock Ribbon just in at . " Whitixok. Home-made Jelmes, Of various varieties, of excellent quali ty, just received by James Franks, : "jy d-lwk One door below post office. New Black Silk Mitts and Gloves, full supply, all sizes light tan kid Gloves at Whitlocks.. JYctv ami Valuable Jfla chinerij lor Sale. I OFFER the following new Machinery for JL saie : One 2-t-inch Planing ami Matching Machine, One four-sided Mouldiogt Machine, One heavy MorticiDg Machine. One large Iron Tenno ling lchice. One small Feed Mill, lso some second-hand Machinery, as good os new, as follows : One 20-lnch Planing Machine. One Atlas Engine, 15-hori8 power, 1 Westing House Engine. 10 horse power. 1 10-horse Tortable Bo'ler. One 20-horee power boiler. One Circular Saw-Mill. This Machinery is being used every dav. All or part of the ebove w ill be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to ' . JJ. 7GIKDWOOD. ' jy 14-dlwaw2w Asheville, N. C. Florida Tonic ! Mr. Foster S. Chapman, Ore of the landmarks of the Georgia Drug trace, now oi urianao, x lonaa, writes ; ' " "I can hardly select a single case of - the many to -whom I have sold , Goisn'a Pioneer Blood Benever, but what have been satisfied; and I rind it the best remedy for all Skin Diseases I have ever sold, and a fine Florida" Tonic. FOSTFK S. CHAPMAN, Orlando, Fia." A' Certain Cura for Catarrh. A SUPERB FLESH PRODUCER AND. TOKIC GUIJfN's riOXEER BLOOD REX E WEB Cures all Blood and Skin Diseases, Rheumatism, Scrofula. Old Sores. A perfect Spring Medicine. If not in your market it will be forwarded on receipt of price. Small bottles 51.00, large bottles SI 75. Essay on Blood and Skin Diseases nailed free. MACON MEDICINE COMPANY, Macon, Georgia. FOR SALE BY H. H. LYONS, Asheville. N. C. apl3 dAwly - - OAfV ACBES 4 MIE.ES OUT, wUU to be soldasawholeorBub--divid- ed to suit purchasers at private sale for 30 days,and if not sold before expiration of this, time, will be offered "at public auction August 30th. ";- , . i cash, remainder in one and two years -by. - ATKINSON & COCKE, . . jijly29dAwtd Eeal Estate Dealers.? CLOTHING 'At por Youths, Boys and Children, , styles 'and prices. I J I Laundried and Unlanndried 8IiiHk'Home-niada'Brbgans-J iq made Bals, $1.25. Every style of Boots and Slioes:;: P Horn to ."order, at short, notice. -j. Af. Catcvgm;iuergh'tnrng'op fefftYou Sigh for an OceanjBreeze ,? - behind the bar, is to.: be, found only at ',; :r . :, .?. . .-v'.-v-rfr.-. ' : r j. ' . ' , -' .",.' . ' the White Man'-s Ban r . , . .t ,-, professors fostkb & MUSSALii, Ji &-The4 VfeAPtntt S&rfth'g Greatest -Seaside "Reaaxt, the -l- : New etOCkr fonts' Summer I Scarfs, (0t Xeipsic Conservatory,) " : 1 '"I C' - - Ut'.: " " 5hirta..Co) tod8,TJerwJ and a .JecelveW lifted iuihVof VVL- feTfifp'i ' 1' a new supply of Soft Pocket Hats at 50c, Schofara desirous' of Tecciving Musical Instruc- :,is 'e jjt I. rjt i . - 1 X.V- - JL ; 75c; $1.00 to Dunlap'B finest, just in tion manyof the ollowin? branches :VioUn, :d.i,KV?Zv,tiXZr-. I'floll !TI ',, .'.;.., v , '.V TO TOURISTS AND- OTHERS. , the : st. . Glair pm AT EAVERyiLLOEJ4 OFFERS xjNUSUALADYiTAGES " at exceedingly moderate rates. ' July -dlrao -j; i Ut j ' '. ' ;" ." BATES : ' , ; - 2.00 per day, . ' ;"." V' ;' " 1S.OO per week; ; v . 40.00 per montli. . . - Address - THOS.' A. MORRIS, ; may 19-dtf . Proprietor. SWANNAN0A HOTEL Asheville,' N. C. Altitude, ' 2,39 r-eet Above the Sea Tee recent additions and improvements to the Swansanoa make it, perhaps, the most attractive anJ comfortable Hotel in the South. Its Tower and 450 feet of galleries furnish -views of the Bwaonanoa River and the French Broad Biver valleys.- Atooiews of the Blue Bidgo, Pisgah, Balaam, New round and Elk ranges of mountains, peaks cf which axe over 6,000 feet high. Convenient to Poet, Express, Telegraph and Railroad -Ticket Offices, and Asheville Bank, Ashoville library and Ashe ville Club Booms. - Forest , mountain water conducted to and through the Hotel. All Modern Conveniences. -Tho Ball Boom is 50x150 feet.. A fine Or chestra from Philadelphia is engaged for the Bummer. . , ., .-j , --, ,-. - ..-c . Special Rates to Partres by the Month The Proprietora take spocial prido in the Tidiness of their House, and the successful management of the cuisine department. -- , EAWXS BBOTHEBS, jun t ' Proprietors. Merchants-Hotel, Waynesvilie, N. C., : Mes. EMMA WILLIS, raoPEiKTEKsa. GOOD SAMPLE ROOMS. . ATTENTIVE SERVANTS.- . Fare the best the Market affords. TERMS, $1.50 per clay. "Special rates to Families per week or month. apl 11-dJmos. Arlington House, Henderson ville "NT. C. Remodelled, refitted, repainted, the ARLING TON offers itself as the most comfortable -and pleasant place for summer visitors. A good and abundant table, good rooms, a well shaded yard, comDine to make it a real summer retreat ior summer visitors and the trave ling public. Terms liberal. Special rates to Families. -T. A. ALLEN, Proprietor, july 21: Jim Hcndersonvllle, N. C. SLAGLE'S HOTEL. Patton Avenue, neat Bailey street:, J. L. L. SLAGLE, r Proprietor and Owner. This house visitors will find to be quiet end home-like, and the manager dtveted to the r comfort. - . Accommodation for a number cf guest3. It enjoys a v ry large iranucni busmctis. july 8-d3mos. Land of the Sky ! . Far in the Iead ! The Star 1 Buncombe ! Great Success ot the . Grand Gentral Hotel, AsaeYille, JT. C. 21,000 Arrivals In 3 years SOO In the Last lO Days I x Compliments and praise of guests is fur sweeter music than any brassband. Come to the Grand Central for nice, cool rooms.- Best fere in this end of the State. - Board 1.50, $2.00, and $3 00 per day; 825 to (45 per month. .. . : A fine buss, drawn by six fine horses, as well as nice carriages, meet all trains. - ,- Deliver checks to parties at the depot. v' - Splendid Livery Attached: : The cheapest store In the city-Une till in al departments: DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS, : 7 .. GROCERIES AND HARD WARE, Also agents for Domestic and White Machines. S, R. CHEDESTER SON," ' - Ownebs and Proprietors, .f jaly0-d3mos M. D. COOPER, livery and Sale Stables, In Hear of Post Office, .is hi: riLLE, - . jr. c. Phaetons Buggies, Saddle , Horses for -, "- . .. hire. .. ". -. Sale and intelligent drivers. II a tes J? eas on able. ; Horses boarded by "day "or longer. . july 2I-dlm : , , TO BENT, - - - . Furnished house, corner of Ballve and Phillipa streets. MRS. WALKER, julr 31-dlw ' . BOQTSISHOES Ladies, Men, I Misses ; and All sizes and widths. Lauu Theluoe Levy's $3, For terms, address '.-GEO. H. FOSTER, or ! J-:-,i t m; . i u- A. J. MTJSSALLI. .f Care BatterjParlt Hotel, Asheville, N. C." jy.22-dtfawlt . . .:,. GRrNKLEEtfiorsuckers, 4 in hand Cra vats, dhde ties Ginghams, Lawns, White goods, Buggy Robes, Wankerp hast Shoes, Straw Hats, Clothing. , f -- T. ,ft:. , BEARDEN,. RANKIN & CQ. FROM THE DEEP .BLUE SEA ! FRESH FISH. .f vTUEyDAY , - i" ri THURSDAY, and ,', - SATURDAY Y. , Send in-yotrr orders byia Ar M.; to I 1 july 25-dlw S. B. VVEST & CO, - FIRE" 1 INSURANCE INSURANCE1"' t-i i ....l-3 pyLLiAM;;.: go., , AtBank of . Asheville. BEST COMPANIES. , FIRST TO PAY LOSSES IN THE VIL-I A. MINGTON FIRE. . ' , ;; I mh lG-dlv; . '. ' : - TANTS SUPPLIED.' ...... Ilaviug purchased tto stock. of Dr: A. B. Ware, I sliall continue tho same business ia the build ing lately occupied by him, in the old Central Hotel, and offer a full supply of FAMILY GROCKKlir ; of the highest graces, Fiour, Cniiaod Goods, Fruits, Vegetables, &c, Ac Give me a call. , ; J. D, McCAVDLKSS. dec 81-tl 1 JUST RECEIVED. - BEST COUNTRY HAMS, . .. BEST FAMILY FLOUK. ! ' BEST COUNTRY BUTTEIt, f FRESH EGGS, . FINE SPKING CHICS1ENS, -FRESH BANANAS, ' PRIME COOKING BUTTER, V,M;lsaIb. COUNTRY CHEESE, THURBER'S "B." IIOASTEP COFFEE, and a full line of , FRESH GROCERIES, at tee lowest prices. June 20 at S. B, WEST &CQ S. EnroBean Restaurant. CONFECTIONERY, BAKERY, ICE CBEAM PABOB. A - " .:'-., -y.' MEALS t AT ALL HOURS. Fine assorlrnent of Whitman's best FRENCH CANDIES; fresh tropical eand ofher Fruits. FRENCH ROLLS, RYE and BrOwn BREAD always on .hand; . Ice Creani furnislied to Pic Nics, and Private families on short notice. Dont mistake the place : Desmond's, old stand, South Main street, .Asheville, N. C, : MOORE & ROBARDS. June 17-d mos ... AnollBr Hotel Builoing. Deayer's Sulphur Springs Sold. Tha remainder f the land will be . sold in tracts suitable for farms, villa plots and business lots. . Also, old mills and fine water power. The most desirable place of residence in Tlie'I.ana of Health. - Best Mineral Waters, Beat Climate, -j '. r Finest Scenery. ' Five miles west of Asheville, on Murphy Div. W.N.C.R.R. 15,000 acres mountain and valley land in Tran sylvania county, suited for stock raisin?, tann ing, fruit culture, lumbering, Ac. C0,iu0 acres mountain land in Swain county, on Tennessee River... Rich land, well timbered. Both tracts will be cut up to suit-purchasers or colonies. Several other tracts in Western counties for sale. Gold Placer mining land and timber on the stump for sale. Apply to . , ? , -K jPlnmaUore, i, -snipQur Springs, or . . Address . ,. it Asheville, N. C. Jun25-d&w6m . ' OFTHEBLUERIDGE.niCKOEY, N C Under Charge of tne Sinters of Mercy. . . , , - . -TERMS : , . ;. .. : Board and Tuition. slxtv-nvedollarsDcrsossion of five months. . - For further particulars send for catalogue. Address, MOTHER AUGUSTINE, . . Mt. St. Joitph'i, Hickory, J C. - july 3-d6mo8 - - , . ;v J r n mm J3 II It LdUVJ warranted shoe J . it "t.-ri !-.;-:-itii it-. I hvt .w-ii r Hn rh,v Wn nivtr rpWfit It is one of the most delightful snmmer resorts . in . America. The finest beach on the Atlantic coasfc ' Sn'rt and stili-watef 'bathing unsurpassed, Trolling for blue-fish and Spanish inackerel--the finesid th world, t JSo aeiislde resort on the Atlantic Coast has more natural advantage than .'Morehead Citv, and the new manago meni ape determined to make it Berond to noneln the South. For terms and new descripuvapamphlet,iaqareESir ' au li-aZW ;. U Wyiva 1 A ..T . '' ii-:,? i 4!. A A. I A- r- !; :,; ri'1 7 . ' (Successor to Lymana Child,) - , ;REAL ESTATE1 BROKER, : Office in Court House. p Asheyjule, 0. . Property of every description fof afeboth in Asheville and vicinity yV" AlsojHouses for Rent. . ' - ' ' -' 'i : ..J NoTAHas rtadc arrangements with cbnipetent Civil Engineer for show ing Timber and Mineral Lands to parties who contemplate ir.akins; such purchases. ' V,- ' ; v . ...... ,. .j GROWTH OF FIRST WE VOTE TO SPEND 5100,000 IMPROVING OUR BEAUTIFUL '!!y.:::,J'u'.z? mouittaiitcityi.i . ... ,, , . .All kinds of business improved thereby, property on the boom, 'more building" a demand for anetlier Iui2tler yard, you hnve it, THE ASHEVILLE 'LUMBEE CO. .. . North-East Court House Square, Will keep a full line of building stock dry, nicely , assorted and piled, ; at lowest market prices,-1 call and see us. IZUSSEEIj JBISOTIIEIIS, Propria or s. June 8-dAwC mos OOUBLEDAY & SCOTT, f WORTH vkjBT.IC SQlJAliEMievIlIc;: CC,5 HAVE THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF .' " SASH, BLINDS -and -DOORS 1ST WESTERN NORTH CAKOL1M, v: f at lovsest f rices. Estimates promptly furnished, and special sizes procured at short notice They also beep every variety oi nd Shinsrlcs. r , - . ' . : . . ... . ... o , J Contracts made for painting old nd new buildings. The coverins, painting and repairing of roofs a specialty. . All work done in a (iret-clasa manner at the lowest possible rates, and satisfaction guaranteed Prices on application. Estimates on short notice. , -."'' . . J. CARSON, Agent and Contractor. Office with "Town Topics," Write for prices and samples, or call and see them at the office. "Country work solicited. - - ' - Stcrp I aiid! CoiieicLerr Where you can get Uio best Wliislccy, IVlnc anl 'llraiuly both foreign and domestic n liy AZi ji.i flx.are the f)ld IlcnttuLy llouoiiahala, Gibson's IIII, all G Years old." . , My CORN WHISKIES are absolutely pure, uwdo ;of, tho soundest corn, on the Bald Mountain, Rutherford count', N. (J. I handle nothing but North Carolina APPLE and PEACH BRANDY. My WINES are pure Grape juice, unadulterated. ' ! . V You will find BERGEN and EJJGEL BEER, always on draaght, cold We make a specialty in CIGARS and TOBACCO, , and handle the leading brands.' - - Call. and see if I.haye misrepresented my goods. r You -will find myx Saloon three doors below the 1st National Bank, No. 0s, where you will find the, Curious Concoctor. of .Cocktails, SHEP DEAVER, and the ge- Any intormatioirgiyeu strangers :V l '' ". MEDIGAl GOLtEGB- OF' VIRGINIA; rORTY-KIKTH ' SKSJION COMMENCE irMnrOBEIl 4,4 18S COSTlKUIKa SIX MOXTJW For further 'information write for catalogae. .K .-V i w... july 7 Wiimos , . i ' ' t - HATS!AiPS;; -f.'.t-'.: ...; ; Soft and Stiff,: Trunks and r i i ; Valises, Silk ; and Alpaccinmbrelas W ; . ,; i i r ,i T7yn : TT rSTJi I lyilo ' JJ PVA The2 Popular'Xbw ."Price H :i....2f ..' imrnediatelv on the Atlantic Ocean, and ,t?X t, , $C WiJjo Aiupnemm. U1- A. ATX A A.X 1 ASHEVICLE: .Building and Fencing Lumber, Lath , - ieo zi-ciaw Ih firo and water-prof, durable, and much ehean- ffier llian Tin or Iron. Can be applied oy anyone exciilleiit ,fr covering foA eliinyle rocj). h FIKM-PKOOF- lionse and roof iminls Tor inside anil ilitiilc. uif-L" all colors, rtTidr mixiil ' liUILDlK'O PAl'EUS e JarypBt lino of ham plea to select from in The aboye mfttenaiH lare oi tu v tl (julily and I will be boU at rcisouahle Jpricea, y , 1 ' -4 .11 with pleasure ' " TrT irvvrr'a P0'ess0,, f Stirsery, Dean of Faculty. ", .tiitf.n z I . Ill' Q ou se,'Lfa in st T-YM AN ) i A4 ii II

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