Perf ect'Hair-! Indicates a natural and healths oondi. . tiort of tlio scalp, and of tho glands i tii&UiislintMi r'ken, 1 oormequenca-et age case, the hair becomes weak, thin, and gray, Aye' Hal Figor will strengthen it, restore its original color, promote its. .rapiid and rigorous growth, sad imparl ., to it the lustre and freshness of youth. ,; v I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for a Tlong time, and am convinced of tta - value. When I was IT years of age my " hair began to turn gray. I commenced. using the Vigor, and was surprised at the good effects it produced. It not only restored the color to my hair, but so stimulated its growth, that I have -now i morouJiair than ever belorew J. V. Edwarda, Cold water, Miss.-.- j Ayeri; Hairy Vigdiv Sold by all Druggists sad Perfumers. Ir tott Aim suFFBEura from debility 5 -and loss of appetite; if your stomach is out of order, -or your mind confused;' take Ayer's Sarsapariila. This medicine will restore physical iorce &im elasticity t to the 'system, more Enroly ISn jpeedily than any tonic yet discovered. Vat six-'months' I oreA from liver : and stomach troubles. My iood did not nourish me, and I became weak and. : very much emaciated. I took six bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and was cured.. . J. M. Palmer, Springfield, Mass. Jt . Ayer' s Sars apixril fa; Prepared by Dr. J.C. Aycr Co., t.oveH, habs. Sold by Drnjrgiats. Price uuUks, AUU ARE INVITED p V TO CALL AT r - f HESTON'S, Eagle Hotel Block, and partake of Delicious Ice ('ream. Just as nice as made any where m 1 the country. If you want to take some home, we have pockets Irom o to oucts. Or will put in ice that it will keep solid for any length 01 time. Just came in to-day fresh stock oi WHITMAN'S & ROYSTER'S FINE CANDIES, Fruits, Marshm allows, Finest - CHOCOLATE CREAMS, CARAMELS, ', Double Strength Mint Drops, Lime - Juice Drops Imported and "Domestic Segars Fine Cut -CHEWING TOBACCO. Try our Beaucatcher Segars; nothing Y . better in a 5a Segar. ; ? f- J. M. HEST03J; Eagle Hotel Block. James P. Sawyer, Wholesale and Retail, PATTON AVE. - ASHEVILLE, N. C. Having just returned from the North ern market. I have now in stock the prettiest, cheapest and best stock of general merchandise it has ever been my pleasure to offer consisting of GENTS' FINE CLOTHING, any price you want dress a oons, from 5cts. up. s ujiijiier sijjKS in different shades. IPJIITfi GOODS ,;. to please any one. . B j A C K , GOODS . , iast what you want. ., CARPETS, , new and pretty all shades and prices. ' .'-".' RUGS, ' . the prettiest you, ever saw. -MMOISERIT " ' " the cheapest in the city. IIAiVDKERCHIDFS, at your own prices. SILK r.HUlSOLS, new and handsome. . TOIWEESy ,,, s - by the 100 dozen. . . I - si s . to match: ' LINEN DAMASK, V something good. -GENTS' FINE SHOES, the best in the market. LADIES' SHOES, come and see. HATS, ' . " at all prices. . .,. '' v riUGAR AND COFFEE, , . as cheap as the cheapest. , "' BACON AND FLOUR, as low as the lowest -. . SILVER AND GOLD. . shirts. . v COLLARS AND, CUFFS, y . ; all sizes. . ; MY MOTTO 7 f.- A talisfied customer is my best advertise ment." JAMES P. SAWYER," ' K Palton Avenue. - Eureka-Meat Market: W E WILx)PEN,t on 1st day of Aprl, -T'.u-.- -.---7. --ri ll! a part of Zachary & Jordan's, store, , on I" - ' -.Patton Avenue ' A'FBESII MEAT ,11 AUKET, where,' arid after which time, we shall endeavor, in accordance with arrange menta already made to keep an ample sup ply of the best meat the -country-, will afiord. s 'rrri - We expect to bay find sell for cash, and thereby be able to accommodate--our customers in the most efficient 'mariner. . Our slaughtering shall be neatly done, and a neat, polite and skillful salesman will always be found t the block-- -e - - Meat delivered free of chirred AlTor--deis. shall receive, prompt attention,; f Most respectfully, -! t-. . JOHN AND DAVIS ZACll ARY. - - mch 25-dtf - .". T r 1? ASK FOR - X- s-' - - The : Hamilton Improved .Fruit Jars for sal? at- ' ";'i?T ' . BEARDEN, RAttKltf cV- CO.' july 18-dtf HUMAN KODENTLL "TWO CLASSES OF WHARF RATS, ONE 'pJUMArt THEOTHER ANIMAL.' Cat-Throat Tarlet f Tile Habits, Wh.o 4 Save a Vay of filding la Dark Holes, . rCavea. , and TJndarneath - Ikw Wharf A police officer well up in his business will tell you that there are two classes of wharf rats one human and the other ani mal. He will tell you, also, that the ani mal Is a long, lean, lank1 rodent, with sharp, white teeth, an empty, stomach. and a disposition to fight fiercely when at tacked. He will also point out to you the resemblance existing between the rodent and his human brother, who is nothing more or less than a vagabond of the street Not the vagabond of "Roger and I," but a sneaklg, cut-throat varlet, with theivisa propensities, vile habits, and a way of hiding in dark holes, caves, and under neath the low wharf landings that baffles that ferret the metropolitan policeman. In the sunlight of a summer afternoon the river's edge on the : east aide, from the stock yards to Dayton's bluff, is. a tempt ing place for all to seek. It is & compara tively quiet locality, except at the wharves, where all is bustle and confu sion. . . . . ' - . , SLEEPING PLACE OF VAGABONDS. ; . . But at night, . when the shadows come down, and the mists rise, thft character of i the place is changed and it becomes the great sleeping berth oLscores of the most worthless class of the city's vagabonds. What more tempting spot can they findf Darlmesv aided by a scarcity of gas lampsshrouds the warehouses, elevators, landings, caves and box cars with an al most Impenetrable veil, underneath which the homeless wanderer can seek a resting place. '!, A few watchmen, with heavy clubs and lanterns," patrol the railroad yards, but rarely dive into the innermost recesses of the spot The regular police keep aloof, except when necessity de mands their presence. So that It has come about that the wayfarer With broken purse finds the loneliness of the spot, the cool river breezes and the absence of guardians of the peace all in his favor, and he lays himself down to sleep in peace with his companion, the wharf rat . Bat if there are animal ferrets there are human ones, too, who wear brass but tons, a glistening star, and carry mahog any cluba And when en masse they de scend to the levee and begin their search for prey, there is fun ahead. It is gener ally after a series of petty robberies have, been committed that some valiant ser geant of police deems it necessary to lead a squad into the depths and to tempor arily destroy the lodging arrangements of the suspected thieves. HUMAN FEBRETS ON THE HUNT. Late some night.when all is still, half a dozen " belted officers, with naming "bullseyes," can be seen stealing down to the levee, whispering as they go and treading softly. They know the charac ter of the animal they are searching for, and that sometimes he unsheaths claws that are dangerous to attack. Once fairly on the levee they separate, each alone on his hunt Down under the wharf landing they go, the river in front Of them, the dark dreariness of the place around them, and naught but the lit tle "bullseye" to guide them to their game. . The shadows are frightfully fan tastic and deep, the walking rough, and the opportunity for a sudden Bupprise and attack on them by the foe so favorable that no wonder clubs are drawn and pistol belts placed conveniently at hand. Here and there curses and oaths, growls half like snarls apprise them that some one has been rooted out and started on a jour ney, thaL..enda in . the - workhouse. - The search is indefatigable -and untiring. Every empty box car, Ill-smelling cave, vacated shanties and pile of lumber is ex plored. Tramps are found in the most in conceivable places, and where less shrewd men would never think of searching for them. Anything and everything that will afford them shelter and concealment from the elements and the police they call into service and utilize. And what jt sorry- looking set they are when routed ont Such bard, rough faces; torn and tattered clothings saeaking, desperate expressions. Their captors treat them with but little mercy, and bhey retort with personal abuse that is of the vilest Up the street they go like a collection of unlicensed curs, the damned of earth. The patrol carries them off to safe quarters, and in the morning off to the workhouse. There by hard labor their term Is served out and back again they go to the old life. Such is the rodent of the genus homo, and so is he hunted. The quality of mercy doled out to him Is badly strained, and his posi tion that of his bedfellow a dirty, loath some rat St Paul Pioneer Press. Fascinations Nature Has for Children. At enthusiastic botanist and teacher, speaking of the children, said: "They bow as to some fetich before poisonous plants." Monstrosities in nature fascinate them. Double apples, strangely shaped knots from trees, grotesque roots, curious lichens adorn many "play-houses." Their readiness to get hold of the properties of plants explains,, how it is that children (boys particularly, because they are more in the outdoor world) find so many things to eat in the woods and fields. A boy ac customed to tramp about, will seldom go 100 rods afield before he begins to nibble or chew something that he finds growing in his path. Can you not recall a dozen wild things of which ' you were fond in childhood which long . ago passed from your list of edlblesr . , . v bassairas-Darx, both of twig and root. spice-wood, "slippery-elm," the buds of the linden-tree, the tender shoots from the spruce and larch, all tickle the Dalate of the boy or girL Men whose boyhood was passed anywhere in northern New England may recall how fond they once were of something which was called "sil ver,1; the cambium layer of the white pine. In certain places it la the 'fashion to chew the leaves of the aatennarla, "Indian to bacco" in others, thistle blossoms, will ver honey taste as sweet as did the dainty droplets taken direct from some unfort unate bumble-bee captured and dismem bered by the boy seeking what he may de vour t Popular Science Monthly. - -, : ; . A Horror of Untidy Copy. . Mr. T. B. Aldrich has a horror of un tidy "copy," and wants every contributor and correspondent to send In as immacu late manuscript ashisjDWn. - Ownerrf Daniel Webster's Ann-Chair. " ' The late Horatio Sevmour was the owner of Deniel Webster's arm-chair. His fire place was let with tiles .taken from the hearthstone of John Jay. t , - .. " .1 " ' '.' .-- If a man " be absolutely Just, he will be absolutely merciless. Prof. Arthur S. Hardy. . ... v ' .-- ' -- - - j- - ng Carriages, Haggles of all descriptions. Cone in the best and most permanent style find at short notice. ' . JDn bAadU varieties of horseshoeing stock. Shoeing- Fast IXorse A Speciality .Those wanting work dona will do well to call quickly to anticipate OTerCTOwdtni. My work is In demand. Call on ! ou;n2ti-8moss w J.H. WOODV WHJow St. DlAERHOEA. We are informed that this disease is now very prevalent all over the country and in some cases has proved fatal by being allowed to run on into cholera mor bus, dysentery, &c. : Dr. Ly tie's Elixir is acknowledged to do tne best remedy in the market. - Physicians who have. ex amined the formula say it can't help be ing a - first-class medicine. Every one who has tried it knows it to be so.-- . ' Call and get some of Jthose bargains this week, - .y-at vvhitlock s. Try Duffy's Pure Barley Malt IWhiB key, for sale only by W. O. - Fruit Jars ! a largo - lot of the Pat, Woodbury Jars just received at . y Ballard Bsc's.. june 12-eod2wd ' i, Try our Barefooted and Baldheaded Corn, to be found only at original Bob Jones' Pioneer Bar. i . : 1. T.IKE JYO TICE ! W. O. Muller & Co. Isiquar Dealers and ; Dis tillers Hgents." 1 ; ' HAVING just received a new and full supply of all kinds of goods usually kept in our line, we are prepared to furnish our many patrons and the public in general, with something good for the Holidays.-'"' ' ' !' i Especial attention is called to Duffy's Pure Barley Malt Whiskey for wnicn we are agenta-n this section, also the cele brated Bavarian and Budweise- Lager Beer on draught, and bottled for family use, which is guaranteed strictly pure. We also have a lot of Fine Old Pure N. C. Corn Whiskey that can't be beat, and the best and most popular brands of fine Old Kentucky hand-made sour mash Rye and Bourbon Whiskies, nne imported Coernac Brandy, Jamaica Rum, imported and domestic Gins, Pure N. C. Apple and Peach Brandies, Pure N. (J. Sweet Mash Corn Whiskey, fine old imported Sherry, Port Madeira, Claret, Champagne and all kinds of domestic Wines, Imported Ale and Porter, Fine Cigars, Tobacco, &c, &c. We have with us Messrs. .Lee 1;. fcor- rells, Jesse Jr Lange and W. Columbus featherstone who win be glad to have their friends call and see them. We have in connection with our Bar an elegant Billiard and Pool Hall up stairs, furnished . with the celebrated Brunswick. Balko & coliander ca's Tables, the best in use,which is are charge of the old jovial Tom Pope who will give a cordial greeting to alt. uraes rsMiouea and promptly filled. W. U. MUL.L.H.K X UU., Main st , opposite Public Square, -. , Abbeville. N. C. AT THE SAME OLD STAND Eagle Street, Second Door from Main. I hereby notify my friends and the public that I will on the first of June, open my JflEAT JtlMRKET at the same old stand, Eagle st, 2nd door from Main, where 1 will keep the best Mountain Beef. Jflountain JTIutton, Veal9 and all meats usually kept in a first-class meat market. Give me a call. may 29-dtf -G. W. BELL. AGAIN IN THE COMMERCIAL FIELD. S B. WEST & CO., Successors to Jfl. X. IWHlliams, D ESIKE TO SaY TO THE PUBLIC that they Intend to offer a full and complete line of fresh family Groceries, Select Confectioneries and many articles necessary to family comfort.- - Call and see them on Mala street opposite the Post Office. , S. B. WEST fc CO. may iil-dlwAwlm Advance copy one ti"ie and send bill to 8. B. West t Co JYetc and Valuable Jfla chineryr for Sale. I OFFER the following new Machinery for sale : : ' One 34-inch Planing and Matching Machine, One four-Bided Moulding Machine, One heavy Morticing Machine. .- One large iron Ten nooing Machine, One small Feed Mill, - lso some second-hand Machinery, as good as new, as follows: '.... . ': One 20-Inch Planing Machine. - .. , One Atlas Engine,15-horse power, - -Jl "-i 1 Westing House Engine. 10 horse power. 1 10-horse I ortable Boiler. . : One 20-horse power boiler." One Circular Saw-Mill. - This Machinery Is belntr nsed everv dav. All or part of the shove will be sold on reasonable , - . " X. W. GIEPWOOD.' Jy J4-dl waw2w - AsheviUe, N. C. BORN IN ASITEVII.I.I: MARCH 2ith, 18Z6. The brightest star that ever bedecked an epicurean sky--the wonder and . admiration of the public ! SAM WELDON'S "AMERICAN" v-., Fancy "Gem" Bakery w and Confectionery AH doing as well as could bo expected ! MORE TRUTH THAN POETRY I You may talk of your gas and electric : lKht, .. For the purpose of lighting' yonr city by 'night, . -But the beacon whose brightness illumes " night and day ' : , Is WELDON'S "Gem" Bakery just over the way. ( -" Here joy and contentment with satisfied ;' smile ' ..',":.i.." : . '-' '"-- Pass hours of leisurely ease, Having found every thing a sad heart to beguile, ' f ..-J- .;," All murmurings forever now cease. . , -- - .-v t. ; The Epicurean has ljeen caught by its beams, - . " . - - : When wandering m sadness along, " And the full rice fruition of his heart's wilnest dreams . v ' . 1 " '' Are voiced in a glad "buret ofsong ; . i- ' - . t , Let the public remember that we have A FREE DELIVERY. ': : That we "manufacture any "kind of Bread and Cakes desired and guarantee its perfection or no charge.: Then why buy inferior goods? Instruct your servants to ask for the Gem Bakery." Other parties have taken up our tick ets and Bent you theib bread. ,. 5 1 " Thope fine Pin Money Pickles reduced to 30 cants.. . - 1 -,f - Full line of evervthing choice usually kept in a place of this kind. , v ' INSURANCE. i"- 1-. Lim II UHAHGE. -tot- friHlC VALLEY MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION JL - .' OF VIRGINIA . , Issues poKcies for from ; $1,000 to 3,000, ' ? AND "f ':kr combines the guaravieel. feature oi "OLD LINE " Companies at the cost oi ordinary co-operative insur - : 'ance in Secret Orders. iFIRKKlHSURANCt, Insurance against loss by Fire in City and County on all kinds of Proper ji Heal and Persona ; Short as ineU as long term. ' , r ' Policies; issued fair rates " - in A. 1 Companies, Some and Foreign. THOS. iv. BRANCH, Agent, ' Office North Side Court Square, my 20-tf . ; ; ,. '. m EDWARD J. ASTOJI, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE -.-' :: , ACENTf Ahpville. tMorth Carolina. r i : PHILADELPHIA, PA. ' : .". :, " ; ;.-..-., W. O. ilULLER df.COm. ASHEVILLE, N. C. Wo herewith take great pleasure in introducing for export and family use this Extra Quality Imager Beer, Brewed of the best Barley and imported Bohemian Hops. It surpasses in fine taste, flavor, brilliancy and nutritious qualities any other Lager Beer, and is strictly pure and unadulterated. Physi cians advise the use of this Beer, and we call your special attention to the follow ing analysis : . - "Budweis'. linger Beer, - Emanating from the Prospect Brewery in Philadelphia, Pa. The undersigned," at the request of the Technical Society, - has completed an analysis of the "Budweis" Beer, brewed atChas. Wolters' Prospect Brewery, in Philadelphia, which analysis exhibits the io.llowmg results : . Specific gravity, 1,0124 Alcohol, 3,94$te Extract. 4.92!c Carbonic Acid, 02c Ashes, - - 0,20c This signifies that the "Budweis" Beer in its essential qualities is almost the exact counterpart of the . best Imported Bohemian Beer. - i - A further examination, seeking adul terations, proves conclusively that it contains naught of that nature. - Da. D. H. Uannkbaum, Tacony Chemical Works, Bridesburg. Philadelphia, Oct 28, 183L' - For Hotels. 'Boardins Houses. Private Families and the. Trade, the above Beer is put up in patenetopper Bottles (pints,) and in export bottles (pints,) well corked, wired, foiled and labeled. We deliver the Beer free of charge to any part of the city, and call for the empty patent stopper bottles, which are never sold but must always be returned vfith the crates. Having erected a large refrigerator for the storage of Beer, we are enabled to keep our Beer cool, fresh and in good order, and it will be furnished direct from our refrigerator to our customers. All shipping orders will receive prompt attention. apl 3 dtf : W. O. MULLER & CO. X BRAND & CO. Xmi UNDERTAKERS. v -ASHEVILLE, N. C. "" Metallic and Walnut Coffins constantly on hand. Every requisite of the business furnished. All calls day or night prompt ly answered. Hearses nrnished when desired! - -' .'" m-wly Door, M M BMWorfci, 1 J Thos. JL. Clayton, -:o:- TrniiTr onninTiAl with fheiatest machinery, and with art Inexhaustible suDDly .of the but hard and soft timbers on the continent, my facilities fhr filllno orders nromntly with-the vexy-best goods are unsurpassed in the South. . ' ; ' . r ; WHOLESALE OB RETAIL. Fine Mouldings and Newel Work, Inside Finis. in Jara ana sort nooa, fancy front -and Vestibule Doors a specialty . -All orders sent or given the undersigned or U 8. Clayton. Superintendent, wUT receive prompt attention, and . ", s x-: . SATISFACTION GUARANTEED: Tbos. I. Clayton. irOQ ly BOB JONES, ; y - SlSlMlft?:' Pioneer. Tc my Customers: iv-'f: r - rdesire to inform my customers that Z keep 1 V... .(4Vl J WtlM A. A. JmA good wines, litfuort, -beers, 4c, are all pure and fresh. Orders solicited and satisfaction guaranteed.' .Orders frbm a distance specially solicited. - . .. . . , . .. Goods delivered free of charge to any part of the city by polite servants. 1 Bhep .ueaver, me curious concocior 01 cockiiuib. Is with me and rbspectfully invites his friends to call. . Call on or address- - , BUB JUNIUS, v The Pioneer Bar, S doors below 1st Nat Bank, apiua-zm . '- - - . Asneviue,. u. IJIPOllTAWT. jdBROWN & CO., ; MEISCHAI,TTAII.OIlSr : Potion- Avenue, over Cancan's Jewelry Store. Spring and Summer Patterns now ready in great variety. Long practical experience. Per feet Stand workmanship guaranteed. Repairs promptly and neatly exeoutcd. - ? v .MODERATE CHARGES. Parties entuBtlne their own cloth will have it well shrunk and every attention paid in the making up. . .. .' apl 14-d9m, &x.ff ''"""""" ' Ijg " h t t f :. W.ur -rr Homes .-Without Capital THE FOUNDING OFTIIETOWNOF WHITTIER. SOMETHING UNIQUE AND 1.EW GLARKE WHIfTIER, of California,. Is divi ding 60.000 acres of land. In Swain CO.. N. C . In the "Sky land region," Into small tmcts lor ac tual settlers only.' . -They will be sold tor cash, or on a creditor nom one to ten yean.- a aesiraoirtne prmoiptu may lay ten five years at 6 percent Interest, pay able annually, and one-fifth tof the principal to bepaid each year thereafter. The soil is rieh, its tobacco brings the highest prices in tne manet , averagins; net prom 01 from $75 to 1150 per acre. .-.. The lands are divided into- farms of from 20 to 1000 acres to suit purchasers. - The labor required in opening np these lands has made the Town of WBITT1EK aeoesslty, which is now a stationon the Western North Car- ouna Kajiroaa, e mnes ea 01 unariesion. ine founder of Whitller will spare no pains or ex pense to makeii the-most attractive and desira ble resident and business town in Western N. C. Hills, stores, mechanics' shoos, residences and hotel now erected. Lots are donated to churches, schools and public buildings. -- The improvement of the lands and the town requires nil kinl of mechanics and laborers. Purchasers will be furnished lumber for Im provements at tlO to $12 per 1000 feet. Comfortable quarters and rations will be pro vided for purchasers and their families, at the mere cost, until they cafe erect their own houses. Come right along. Thus you can bay lands, lots, and baild houses. on long credits and work to pay for them. Such inducbhknts have never been offered be fore, as are now offered at Whittler. Come at once and erect your houses. Plenty workat fair prices. -Fences, roads and houses to build. Plenty of work ready now. C. WHITTLER, Whittier, Charleston P. O., June 29-tfSent. 18. - Swain Co. 1 N.C.. . a 13- fs-W!s.. I'rst 31 iiOOT JUYD SHOE W Jill Ell, Main Street, (Above Eagle Hotel) jlsheviile, JT. C. o The oest stock always on hand. Work always guaranteed to give satisfaction. 1 am especially preparea to miKe ooots ana hoes so as to prevent dampness t jd sQCEAXiNO. Ready-Made nstom Work of - ail sorts on Jianu. Gentlemen and Ladie' Repairing a Spe cialty. . . Fine Custom Work always onhand. any s tvle and satisfaction guaranteed, as to stock and work. Shoemakers1 Findings always on hand and tor sale, t be best in the market, at low prices Fine Groceries! Imported and Domestic Table Delicacies, at KEPLER'S. T. I. T. EXTRA CHOICEST New Crop TEAS, choicest Moyune Gunpowder, English "Breakfast, Formosa Oolong, . Extra Fancy Japan: FINE COFFEE. Mocha, Olc Government Java, Cordova, Santos Peaberrr, . Finest Rio and Laguayra, Instantaneous. Chocolate, Cocoa, Baker's Chocolate and Broma. CROSSE & BLACK WELL'S Jams, Gordon & Dil worth's Jellies & Preserves, G. & D. Pineapples, in glass jars, G. & D. Cranberry Sauce, " v : " CANNED VEGETABLES. Gordon & Dil worth's Asparagus, Oyster Bay Asparagus, I Sifted Early June Peas, Succotash, Corn, " ! Whole Tomatoes, Okra and Tomatoes, French Peas and Mushrooms. ! " CALIFORNIA CANNED Fruits, Peaches, Apricots, Pears, White Cherries, Green Gage Plums, Bahama Pineapples grated, and sliced. EDAM & PINEAPPLE CHEESE, Bobs' Lunch Biscuit, . ! . Boss' Wafers, Moshroom 'Crackers, ; - -Imported Albert Biscuit - Finest New Orleans Molasses. ' .' : Kev West and Imported Cigars. : FULL STOCK OF STAPLE OUOCEBIES , , ; - KEPJLEieS. South Main Si, opp. Eagle Hotel. CANADA COWAN - ' ' VJ - (Established in 1855.) Watehmlter, f -'. - , - KLt - Jeweler, :.:y-ri- . AxmnxALZsnr Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, Spectacles, dec Patton Avenue, Asheville, N. C. Leroy W. FairehUd's Gold Pen, Good stock always on hand. - SOMETHING CHOICE! : , Jot- . : - LOVERS OV THE WEED, who enjoy a Teally yood smoke, should always ask for - Qolden Ireal, ilAnd of the K3sy Plsffafa. i;.-. r'Kranffaife aisAufkctured from. th eele b rated Tobaccos grown la Western ' North Caro 11.. n fre from all. nerfumeries. adulterations o ImpnriUesAnd are.piiied for their , . , Superb Smoking Qualities, Ask your dealers or v y '3 vtioiE&:T&jbc;aS3& and take aq other4 4 ;-: f .v E. I. HOITES k CO.'ToPEiSTOEa an2-12mos - ''- ' ASHSVIIXK. N.C. D. C. CUNNING II All, PaoPRiKOB, FRANKLIN, K.C. Table supplied with the bestlhe market First-Class Livery , and Sale ,t t connection wim nouuo. . -Tailr Hclt btwM Wbstr' T rrwsiklia, . i GA -ftouunU JBavmt tor Mfrummurt. -TJiUMS It KJl t 0vYVf BL4S. septll-dly WINE ANlirQtJOR STORE. MAIN ST 3rd DOQRJ ABOVE ?THE BANK OF ASlIEVILLE. , ' The largest andrmost complete f assortment of ' Imported ah Liquors and Brandies -.' ; .'; .'-::-.!'? TO 'BE FOUND IN ' . WESTERiT': NORTEC ARQLINA. I make & specialty of Champaigns, Sauternes and Clarets by the case. ': T J ; and cany a large stock of fine I:rililB;0;N AN Z A' Sample and Po ol Room in the Rear, : Z , v , .-, Is unsurpassed by anything bf the ! kind in the State. JOHN Z. MII-STER & J. A. Atlantic & N. C. R. R. - TIME TABLE Jf O. 2. In effect 18 Sunday. January l'lth. 1886," ' SAST. WEST. No. SI. No. 50. t Passenger. Passenger.' STATIONS : Arr. . L've. Arr. L've. p. x. P. K. 507 5 64 6 52 1128 A.M. lilt 10 86 .942 446 A.K. 10 89 47 7 47 606 . 435 Goldsboro LaGrange , Kinston New Berne MoreheadCity ' Morehead Depot Dally Except Sunday, 6 51 182 8 47 11 18 1140 Train 50 oonnects with Wilmineton A Weldon train bound North, leavina- Ooldxboro ll:s5a.m.-. and with Richmond & Danville train West, leav ing Uoldsboro 12:35 p. m., and Wilmington & Weldon Train South at 4:54 p. m. Train 61 connects with Richmond A Danville Traiu. arriving at Goldsboro 4:40 p. m. and with Wilmington & Weldon Train from th North at 4:54p..m- TRAIN NORTH, v Arrive Tkv Bennettsville, 8 2U p m FayettevUle, - 1200m 1226pm Sanford. 215nmS2Snm Greensboro, 6 00pm. winner at r ay eitevmc. TRAIN SOUTH. Arrive. Leave. Greensboro . 9 60 a m Sanford 120pml45nm Fayettevllle ' 850pm 4 00pm Bennettsvillo 7 80pm Dinner at Sanford. Freight and Psssenger Train leaves Bennetts ville Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 2 SO p m, arriving at Fayettevllle at 8 p m. Leaves FayettevUle on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 6 80 a m, and arrives at Ben nettsville at 12 m. - Freight and passenger Train North leaves Fay. etteville on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 a m, (oonnecttng at Sanford with Freight nd Passenger Trains to Raleigh), leaves Sanford at 11 30 a m, and arrives at Greensboro at 5 40 pm. Leaves Greensboro Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 6 a m, leaves Sanford at 11 15 a m, anu arrives air ay ette vine at z 40 p m. J NO. M. ROSE, Gen. Pas. Agent W. M. 8. DUNN. Gen. Superintendent Richmond and Danville ; Railroad. : " WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION. ' : General Passenger Office, Salisbury, N. O, June 19th, 1886. f On and after June 80th. 1886. and sopercedlna 111 others, the following schedule will be opera- wi over inis rooa : ' MAINLINE. ''- M ' ' -'-- TralnNo.63. Train No. 51 . W8T. - , IAST. , Arr. X've. Arr. ' L've. Salisbury, Btatesville Newton, Hickory, , Icard, Morgan ton, Marion. - 11.25 am. 5.80 p.m. 12.28 1.82 1.68 220 8.05 4.08 4.21 4Ji3 8.14 8.43 1.56 1.88 12.97 11.66 11.40 10.59 9.56 8.56 8.18 7.20 1.69 2.4S -r 8.21 1.28 U.57 11.40 10.62 10.01 ; 2.40 8.06 4.87 4.58 6.21 71 7.58 8.55 4.87 Round Knob, 4.52 Black Mo'ain, 6.29 Asheville. 6.16 Alexanders, C.06 Marshall, Warm Spr'gs, Paint Rock. T.67 .62 8.18 T.4T 9.1 ' Train No. 50. WS8T. . Arr. - Lve. Train No. 51. AST. Arr. Lv Salisbury,' " Statesville, Newton, Hickory, Icard, Morgan ton, Marion, Old Fort Round Knob. 1.2 0 a. m 2.44 3.56 4.34 6.09 6.44 6.59 7.37 aao - - 9.02 -10.00 10.40 11.85 1.05 12.4t 11.86 10.17 9.40 9.13 8.40 ,7 80 6.67 6.16 6.24 - 4.21 8.43 B.61 1J5 9.43 3.56 4.33 6.09 6.44 : 6.59 7.3 , 8.00 . 11.28 10.17 9.41 9.12 8.40.. 7.20 6.57 , 8.89 : 4.SI ' 8.43 8.01 : 8.00 LIS Black Mount'a 9.02 AsheviUe, 9.65 Alexander's, 10.40 Marshall,- 11.85 Warm Springs 12.30 raint .bock, 3ja ... MURPHY DIVISION; Going West ; Going East ' Arr. L've. Stations. A M 10.10 AsheviUe. 11.08 11.10 . m Turnpike, 11.33 - 11.88 S Pig"n River, . 13.31 18.40. fc Waynesv'le & 1.15 1.85 o. Balsam, g 2.35 ' 2.85 f Sylva, . 2.45 2.46 Web'rStafn K 8.36 8.86 P Whittier, -4.80 4.26 , Charleston, 6.30 - 5.80 . .Nantahala, "7.05 Jarretts, . Arr. sas I. 48 12.26 ' II. 42 1Q.26 mis 9.28 8.36 7.84 Ive P M S15 158 160 1202 10 27 1016 929 84ft 7.84 .L00 Meal Stations. - K. -t'Z'- Trains Nos. 50 and SI run solid between Louis ville and Salisbury, carrying rullman .sleepers between Cincinnati, Louis vUle and Knoxviile ; also between Warm Springs aod Goldsboro. Trains Nos. 52 and 53 runs solid between Mor rlstown and Salisbury, carrying Lelghton sleep ing cars between Chattanoogr and AshevUle. C. W. CHEARS, A G P A. Richmond, Va. . . W. A. TURK. A. G. P A.,Sallsbury, N C ' . V. E. .McBES8upt. AsheviUe. N C. Schedule of Maenctrt Rates 1K0K PBISC1FAL rorHTT' 1 . f if-ii.To- jlshevlitcr-jr. c. : ' 1st Class. r-' S JJmlied. y-8.S5.5o h 21.06 V 18.25 , A-17.05 Bound Trip?' Summer Settlers, FROM New York. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Richmond, Norfolk, Wilmington, Charleston, . Augusta, -i AUanta, f Montgomery, Mobile, ; ; New Orleani. lii cannon.' , : t- $82.00 1U5 - 88.00 22.40 . 80.00 15.25 .T8.00 v 15.85 17.30 s 13.45 ) 15.80 11.66 U i.76 ' lit ' : V 13.30, "16.66 - 13.18 13.26 10.85 - 14.75 . 90.20 98.45 775 17.0 3 12.40 i 97.75 30.65 r 11.65 23.80 Chattanoogsb Memphis.-., Louisville, 17.75 Cincinnati, 13.CO Raleieh. in bo 12.S5 Savannah 17.iM, . ! 18.76 10.25 ! 18.15 2L60 T S85 Columbia. Jacksonville," IF X0ij J . ', f I- fit . - i ' . ' -HIiLJ' Dining Rooxrt,. Where the best the market af-! fords can be obtained at reason. abl- rates. South Main st. 2 doors above Eacle Hotel. MARQUARDT, Managers. JOHN HART & CO. ;; Contractors and Builders, ASHEVILLE, N. C, i MAKERS OF- OOOIl and JVUVDu If ;; THAMES, JtrjJTTEI.8 and BRACKETS. Keep in stock Mouldings, Newels, Handrails Balusters, eta, etc. AH kinds of Builder's woodwork solicited apl9-Uw3mos Pomona Hill Nurseries, J. Van Iilndley, Propr. SALEM JUNCTION, N. C, 2 Miles west of Greensboro, on the Richmond & Danville Rail Road. Orer 1,000,000 Frnlt Tree, Tin438, etc., IT- . A u T Til Apricot, Nectorine, Japanese Persiru mon, Qnlnce, Figs, Pecans, Molberriei Grapes, Raspberries, Currants, Goose berries, Shade Trees, Evergreens, Roses &c, in great variety. Send for descriptive catalogue, which gives lull description of all, and retai 1 price list: Correspondence solicited, special in ducements to large planters. - Address s J. VAN LINDLEY, Salem Junction, Guilford co., N. C. A. R. Ogburn and N. A. Reynolds, -Agents for Western N. C., at Asheville, N. C. " mch 16-dAw6mo8 ; ' THE HAZLEGREEN caslz tss 31inp Jb aotorv Has recently purchased a lanre amount ot Oak Ash. Chestnut, Cherry and Walnut Lumber. and CAN FURNISH WORK manufactured of thoroughly dried iraterial. We propose to furnish work at the lowest figures, and qutu to any unponea goods. THOS. I CLAYTON, Propr ' J 8. CLAYTON, Business Hanger. CebfHiwtl . , . . i ... - . HARNESS. Our Stock is now complete and made of the best materials, with all the latest improvements. - Single and double sets in nickle and oriental rubber, either gilt or nickle lined. All other trimmings on short notice. v Saddles and Bridles Of every grade and price, from cheapest Morgan to the Knglish Shaptoe. ilORSE COEE1KS Of every kind, sixe, grade and price. ' nonsE ceo tuijvo Just received a fresh stock, including Track Suits, Sweat Hoods, Jowl Hoods, Cooling Blankets, Ankle Boots of differ ent patterns, linen Sheets of all price "'.yV - JLAP ROBES. The finest stock in the market Call anl see them. Whips, Saddle doths and Ety Jtots, In every iarie v. . : ' BEPMUUVO OF A.EE IE &MrMUMIM.Mjm " Remember " we have no machinery, all work done by hand and guaranteed. Call on-ns and see what can be bouoht in Aehevilla In our line. , , .S'T-'w; mUxcu. North Main street, epposlte old Central Hotel, Asheville. N C, , , . -. , , FANCY SIG3T AW1 k ' iif ': i r i,i t... 'j iu-.irr.'s lr. l. S.WICEGOOD." It ready to do the very kest work, in his line and will gnsrantee satisfaction In work aad uoia Kisns a specialty. Estimates fnrntahed for larra eontracta. inTlte examinatkni of prices and work. Giye me scan, .v- ' . - - meb 10-d - - L. SWICEOOOD. A CEMrOFXilOME FOR S0ME- TUT jWttlwt Kltte 'plum" 1 Buncombe coon ty, two miles from a depot, four miles from see tty, en sw&nnano nvf, eon tains ninety aores,twenty of which are good bottom.thirty sp laud,as rood as any on the rirer, no washed or worn-eui land on. the place; forty acres wa Umbered. Good, new dwelling house, with 7 rooms, all ou honsps, splentiid spring with spring-house, 150 choice apple tree-, one-half of which ere Just ready to bear, 75 ra.tH trwe all of superior ouanty; some rrtx riis- ana per. This property is well aaaiiwd to growing grass and clover, and now has auout tweaty-flve acres in clover. Also pood tobacco land. Por further paruculars !-'' t the mcma-dwM Oituax ovnas,