1 -; : I" . A Creaking Hinge Is dry and tarns bard, until oil is applied. after which it mores easily. "When the Joints, or hinges, of the body are stiffened - and inflamed by Bhenmatiam, they can sot be moved without causing the most excruciating pains. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, - by. its action on the blood, relieves this condition, and restores the Joints to good working order. ' ' Ayer's Sarsaparilla has effected, in our city, many most remarkable cores, in cases which baffled the - efforts of the most experienced physicians. Were it necessary. I could give the names of many individuals who have been cured by taking this medicine. In my case it has worked wonders, relieving me of Rheumatism, after being troubled with it for years. In this, and all other diseases arising from impure blood, there is no remedy with ; . which I am acquainted, that affords such relief as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. R. H . Lawrence, M. D., Baltimore, Md. . Ayer's Sarsaparilla cured me of Gout and Rheumatism, when nothing else would. It has eradicated every trace of disease from my system. B. H. Short, Manager Hotel Belmont, Lowell, Mass. . I was, during many months, a sufferer from chronic Rheumatism. The disease afflicted me grievously, in spite of all the remedies I could find, until I commenced using Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I took sev eral bottles of this preparation, and was speedily restored to health. J. Fream, Independence, Va. - tt . Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. j. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mm. Bold byall Druggists. Price!; tlx bottle, SS. ALL ARE INVITED TO CALL AT HESTON'S, Eagle Hotel Block, and partake of Dellcions Ice ('ream. 'Just as nice as made aiiy where in "the country. If you want to take some home, we have pockets from 5 to 50cts. Or will put in ice that it will keep solid for any length of time. Just came in to-day fresh stock ot WHITMAN'S & ROYSTER'S FINE CANDIES, Fruits, Marshmallows, Finest CHOCOLATE CREAMS, CARAMELS, Double Strength Mint Drops, Lime Juice Drops Imported and Domestic Segars Fine Cut CHEWING TOBACCO. Try our Beaucatcher Segars; nothing better in a 5c Segar. J. M. HEST02T, Eagle Hotel Block. James P. Sawyer, Wholesale and Retail, PATTON AVE. - ASIIEYILLE, N. C. Having just returned from the North ern market. I have . now in stock the prettiest, cheapest and - best stock of general merchandise it has ever been my pleasure to offer consisting of GENTS' FINE CLOTHING, v any price you want DRESS GOODS, from Sets. up. S UJflJtlER SIEKS in different shades. WHITE GOODS to please any one. ItLACK GOODS just what you want. . CARPETS, new and pretty Jtfjt TTIJi tS, all shades and prices. RUGS, . the prettiest you ever saw. IMOISER the cheapest in the city. -v IIANDItEItCIIIttFS, at your own prices. new and handsome. -TOIYEES, by the 100 dozen. " to match. , LINEN DAMASK, " something good. -GENTS' FINE SHOES, . the best in the market. - LADIES' SHOES. - come and see. - HATS, :' at all prices. rfUGAIt AND COFFEE, " "as cheap aa the cheapest, v BACON AND FLOUR, as low as the lowest. -; , SILVER AND GOLD, " .' - shirts. -COLLARS AND CUFFS, " ; ' - :all sizes. "" . . MY MOTTO: ' " " A satisfied customer is my bed advertise ' ' -. - ment" . . "JAMES P. SAWYER, , , Patton Avenue. . BARGAINS IN LAND. ;'; Farm of 120 acres, 35 bottom, plenty of ' fine wood land, fair improvements, fine water, i good orchard, near rail road ':. station. Immediate possession given if bought soon. Terms easy, price low $1,500. .. . . , Farm Of 50 acres, 10 acres bottom 25 wood land, fine for tobacco, several acres tost cleared read ' j for a crop, orchard.log louse, 3 miles from rail road station :,, f 16 per acre. . - - ' - Mountain farm, 380 acres, fine timber, - -,fine stock range, near public road. A few 'acres cleared, good cabin, some fruit trees, , fine! -Water, terms easy $1.50 perocre. One hundred acres, fine mountain land, splendid timber, near mill land, fine for grain and grass, terms easy price $350. -. - For particulars call or addrets early. - i . v jWiLTJB B. Gwtn, i fe 26-dwtf ;i ; f Land Agent.' v ; TDMINISTRATOE'S NOTICE. . , - '" - . All persons holding claims against th estate " of the late 3. M. Stradley most present them to.' payment within twelve months of tbis date, or this notice will be placed In bar of recovery. All parties indebted to said estate- are required tottieatonce. TbisABg.imh,gl86ii)LB US 19 wCw ' Adm'r. of J, M. fctradiey. f PLYMOUTH AND THE PILGRIMS. A Silent Village Disturbed by Tourists , sad Base Ball Nine. '; The Pilgrims have made so much noise in the world, and so powerfully affected the continentthat our tourists were sur prised to find they had landed In such a quiet place, and that the spirit they have left behind them is one of such tran quillity.' The village has a charm all its own. . The houses are old-fashioned and square, with colonial doors and porches, irregularly aligned on the main street, which u arched by ancient, and stately elms. In the spacious dooryards the lindens have had room and time to ex pand, and in . the beds of bloom the flowers, if not -the very ones that our grandmothers planted, are the sorts that they loved. Showing that the town has grown in 'sympathy with human needs and eccentricities, and is not the work of a surveyor, the streets - are irregular, forming picturesque angles and open spaces. Nothing could be imagined in greater contrast to a western town, and a good part of the satisfaction our tour ists experienced was in the absence of anything western or, "Queen Anne" in the architecture. - In the Pilgrim hall a stone structure with an incongruous wooden-pillared front they came into the very presence of the early worthies, saw their.portraits on the walla, sat in their chairs, ad mired the solidity of their shoes, and im bued themselves with the spirit of the relics of their heroic, uncomfortable Uvea. In the town there was nothing to disturb the serenety of mind acquired by this communion. The Puritan interdict of unseemly excitement 'still prevailed, and the streets were silent; the artist, who could compare it with the placidity of Holland towns, declared that he never walked in a village so silent; there was no loud talking, and even the chil dren played without noise, like little Pilgrims. God bless such children, and increase their numbers ! It might have been the approach of Sunday if Sunday is still regarded in eastern Massachusetts that caused this hush, for it was now toward sunset on Saturday, and the in habitants were washing the windows and the fronts of the houses with th hose, showing how cleanliness is next tc silence. Possessed with the spirit of. peace, ouf tourists, whose souls had been vexed with the passions of many watering places, walked down Leyden street (the first that was laid out), saw the site of the first house, turned round Carver etreet, walking lingeringly, so as not to break the spell, out upon the hill Cole's hill where the dead during the first fearful winter were buried. This has been converted into a beautiful esplanade, grassed and graveled and furnished with seats, and overlooks the old wharves, some coal schooners, and shabhy build ings, on one of which is a sign informing the reckless that they can obtain there clam-chowder and ice-cream, and the ugly, heavy granite canopy erected over the "Rock." No reverent person can see this rock for the first time without a thrill of ex citement. , It has the ; date of 1620 cut in it, and it is a good deal cracked and patched up, as if it had been much landed on, but there it -is, and there it will remain a witness to a great historic event, unless somebody takes a notion to cart it off up-town again. It is said to rest on another rock, of which it formed a part before its unfortunate journey, and that lower rock, as every body knows, rests upon the immutable principle of self-government. The stone lies too far from the water to enable anybody to land on it now, and it is pro tected from vandalism by an iron grat ing. Tho sentiment of the hour was disturbed by the advent of the mem bers of a base ball nine, who wondered why the Pilgrims did not land on the wharf, and, while thrusting their feet through the grating in a commendable desire to touch the sacred rook, ex pressed a doubt whether tho feet of the Pilgrims were small enough to slip through the grating and land on the stone. It seems that 'there is nothing safe from the irreverence of American youth. Charles Dudley Warner, in Har pers Magazine. A Brilliant Yellow from Camphor. A brilliant and permanent yellow coloring element is now obtained from camphor. It can be used upon linen, cotton, and silk, with no apparent differ ence in density and brilliancy, and goods thus dyed are said to be entirely unaf fected by the ordinary tests to which they must be subjected in use. Boiling for hours in a strong soap solution barely turned the shade of a cotton sample. With indigo a handsome green has been produced. This new dye, it is stated, may be produced very cheaply and the processes involved are said to render it one of the simplest coloring matters to make and apply. Chicago News. An Appetite for Hot Water. It ft said that people who have been in the habit of drinking hot water as a medicine for some time, form an appe tite for it that is difficult to break. They want it hotter and hotter and. more and more frequently. Is it possible that mankind is threatened with another mania, and that tho time is coming when hospitals must be provided for the cure of victims to the hot water .habit ?" Per haps societies will be formed to induce men to pledge themselves 46 abstain from the intemperate use of hot water. Texas Sif tings, j- , r , -, A. Very Rare Piece of Lace. One of the finest pieces . of lace ever seen in England is being shown at the Edinburgh exhibition. It consists of a huge counterpane, more than two yards square, in point de Venise, and of ex treme beautv and richness of design. It wasmade about 100 years ago for the reigning pope, and it occupied two or three lifetimes .in the working. A few years ago it- found its -way back to the royal lace- factory at Venice, whence it was added to the collection of Mr. Stuart Samuel, of -London. Chicago Journal. Upward of 28.000 persons registered aa visitors to Bunker "Hill monument the past year. ;;.-." . OTICE TO TOBAOCO PLANTERS; . e. the undersigned, warehousemen of Ashe ville, find that we nave lost large sumo of money by sending empty tierces to the country. In view of this fact we nave decided to furnish no more, under any circumstances. All future applications for tierces mn De given to tne manuiacturers here, who will fill the orders If satisfactory to them. , - SMITH, NELSON & CO. -,.- . " STEVENS & CHILDS. tHAMBERS, TEEBY E WEST. aug7-w2mos - - ' . " ' V KKO UNCEMENT. i; ., -;; .:. . 1 am a candidate for the office of sheriff of Buncombe county subject to the action of the County Democratic Convention. - augKUiWTa - - iu. u. A-tLa.nujtu3. ITtOK SALE, .,. ; V i -' A Ko, 1 half DEVON COW and Calf, 6 weeks old, and Eome fc heats, at Swannanca Tunncll. by , .-;:-. T. cfPAKKS.-. 7 luiy 81-wlm - r m-. :' . 'CalPand get some" of "those bargains this week, - at vv hitlock's. Try Duffv'B Pure Barlev Malt Whis key, for sale only by W. O. Muller & Co Fruit Jars! a large - lot of the Pat, woououry jars just received at . . ' v ' . Baixard Bud's vjune 12-eod2wd ' i "': ; Try our Barefooted and ' Baldheaded Corn, to be found only at original Bob j ones Jt'ioneerisar.- -.. - . - apital Frf zy $150,0 C C . "We do hereby certify that we supervise the arrangements for all the Monthly and - Quar terly umwiura qi me lvomsiana state Lottery Company, and in person manage and control the Drawings themselves, and that thn uuifia ATA nnn. auctea witn roaesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all prrties, and we authorize the Company to use this certificate, with fac-similes of our signatures anacnea, in its advertisements " ; Commissioners. We the undersigned Banks and Bank ers will pay all Prizes drawn in The .Louisiana btate .Lotteries which may be presented at our counters. v . J. II. OOLKSBT, Pres. Louisiana National Bank. J. W. Kildeeth, Pres. State National Bank. '. - A. Baldwin, Pres. New Orleans National Bank. UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION OVER HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTED Louisiana State Lottery Company. Incorporated In 1868 for 25 years bv the Lcel&la- ture for Educational and- Charitable purposes witn a capital 01 i,iwu,uw to wnicn a reserve fund of over $550,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was maae a nan oi tne Dreseni state constitution adopted December 2d, A. D., 1879. Its Grand Single Kamber Drawror taxe piace montmy. it never tcattt or pottponet. ixk)k at tne iouowing uiscriomion : luum vrnna Jnontniy AMD THI Eztraordinarv Quarterly Infill In "the Academy of Bf nsle, New Orleans, inesaay, septemoer i-i, a, . Under the personal supervision' and manage ment oi - Gen. ii. T. BEAUREGARD, of Louisiana, and Gen. JUBAL A. EARLY, of Virginia. TAPITAIi PRIZE, 915O,00O. 3-Bfotice Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves, $5. Fifths, $3. Tenths, $1. LIST OF PBIZS8 ' 1 CA PITAL PRIZE OF $150,000.. )&50.00 1 GRAND PRIZE OF 50,000.. 20,000.. 10,000.. 5,000.. 1000.. 500.. 300.. 800.. 100.. 50.. .. tO.000 .. 20,000 - 20.000 1 GRAND PRIZE OF 2 LARGE PRIZES OF 4 LARGE PRIZES OF 20 PRIZES OF ,. 20,000 ,. 20.000 60 do do ao do do ' 25,000 100 200 600 1000 30,000 ,. 40,000 ,. 60.00 60,000 20,000 . 10,000 7,500 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 Approximation Prizes of S200.. 100 do do 100. 100 do do 75., 2279 frizes, amouuuug to- .......4522,500 Application for rates to clubs should be made only to tneomceot the company in JNew Orleans. For further information write clearly, giving full address. POST AC NOTES, Express Mo ney uraere, or Mew xoric -txenancre in ordinary letter. Currency by Express at our expense addressed M. A. DAFPHIJT, New Orleans, l.a. or M, A. DAUPIII3V, Washington. D. C. Make P. O. Money Orders payable and address Regis tered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, New Orleans, La TOTICE. Valuable City L,ots for Sale. By virtue of a decree of the" Superior Court of uuncomDe county, tne unaersignea win sen, at the court house door in the city of Asheville, on the 6th day ot September, 1886, lots Nos. 2, 3 and 12. on Patton Avenue, in said city ot Asheville, adjoining the lots of J. E. Ray, and being a part of the lot known as the Chapman or Clunn lot. Ten per centum 'f the purchase money will be required down at the time of the sale, and note with interest at 7 per cent, per annum, will be re quired tor the balance, in equal instalments, payable in one, two and three years, with good personal security. Title retained until purchase money is paid. These lots all front on Patton Avenue, immediately opposite the stores of Jas. P. Sawyer, W. B. Williamson .Si Co. and C. E. Graham & Co., and lots Nos. 2 and 3 are only a lew yards west of Powell & Snider's store. These are the only unimproved lots suitable for busi ness nouses near toe ruDiic square wnicn can be bought. For further Information apply to Chas. A. Moore, attorney at law, Asheville, N. C, or to tue undersigned, W.J. ALEXANDER, Administrator of " J. M. Alexander, aug. lm. - Deceased. IN SUPERIOR COURT, 1 Before the Cherokee county. Clerk. W. H. Phillips, Administrator of Matilda Fisher, Against David Fisher, heir or Mttilua Fisher. PUBLICATION. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, by the affidavit of plaintiff and return of sheriff that tbe defendant David Fisher is a non-resident of this State and that the plaintiff has a cause of action against the defendant, It is ordered that the Asheville Citizen, a newspaper published in the town of Asheville. notifying: the said de fendant to appear before tne clerk of the Superior Court of Cherokee county, on the 87th day of September, 1886, at his office in Murphy and an swer tre petition oi tne . piainun now on nie in said office, in which petition plaintiff asks for a license to sell real estate described therein for ftsscts oVc. ' And' let 'said defendant take notice that if he fails to appear and answer said petition the plaintiff will be awarded the relief sought. Given under my hand at office in Murphy, this Angust 2nd, 1885. - JAS. C. AXLEY, C. S. C. Axleyt Posey, plaintiff's attorneys. - ? . ; aug 12-w6w . A New City to be Built TEN .MII.ES PROM ASHEVILLE, On W. 3i. C. Road. At the central point of the celebra ted Hominy Valley, where streams and public roads intersect with the Western N. C. Railroad, ten miles west of Ashe ville,! offer ; ,' Valuable Property for Sale, Id lots to suit purchasers. The many important surroundings of this point truarantee the early and permanent ' es tablishment of a thriving town. Among the most important of these is the -. ' . Unsurpassed Water Power For milling and manufacturing purposes. Parties desiring to enter upon enterpri ses of this character, specially those with small capital, will do well to call and ex amine this locality. Believing this point to be a most advantageous one for a ; . Prosperous Town, I shall prefer to "sell in small lots, with water power privileges. However, I will sell the entire . property in a bodjj Terms very reasonable.- :- - - - There are over three hundred acrep of excellent land, much of it highly im proved, with good, dwelling and other buildings, in this property. For further particulars apply to ' 1 .; i-i - r: :y W. G Candler, f T: V : . ' Hominy, N. C. 7 U , : - or the CiTiZEH Ofjce. my 26-dlawawtf " -" - , GEINKLED Sursuckers, 4 in hand Cra vats, dude ties Ginghams, Lawns, White good3, Baggy Eobes, Waukerp hast Shoes, Straw Hats Clothing. ! , BEARDEN. RANKIN & CO. m K-rX - fJ M ST IXlecese of NortU Cnrellnn.' ". BI3HOP LYMAU'8 APf0IKTMNT3. Ansr.12 Thursday. Lincolnton. Consecration. ' 12 Thursday, 8 pm, Chapel, near Lincolnton v is-'riaay, imcoiLwn, urainauon. - .15 Sunday, Tryon City, Polk ooanty. : - " 17 Tuesday, Mills' X Roads. - ... : " 22 Sunday, Cuilowhee. - - ' " 84 Tuesday, St. John's, Macon county. .. " 25 Wednesday, 8 p.m. J ranklirr 27 Friday, Webster. ... ' 9 Sunday, Waynesville -- - 4 n. uis. Mica Dale. Sept V-Wednesday, Jit Andrew's, . Buncombe . county. - ..... " 6 Sunday, Trinity church, Asheville. -iu .. .. g p m, Trinity chapel, AaheviUe M 9 Thursday, 8 p.m., Morgan ton. io Friday, 8 p. m StatesvUle. ' 12 Sunday, Winston. - ; 14 Tuesday, Walnut Core. . ' Holy Communion at all morning services. Col lections for diocesan missions. INSURANCE.- life ifisunnncE. T IHt VALLEY MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION OB VIBOINIA Issues policies for from $ 1,000 to $3,000, combines the guarantee feature of "OLD LINE" Companies at the cost of ordinary co-operative insur a&ce in Secret Orders; FIRE "iNSURANCh. Insurance-: against, loss' hj Fire in . City and County on all kinds of Property Real and Persona , " Short' aa iweU as hng term. " ; Policies issued at .fair rates mAl Companies, Home and Foreign. THOS. W. BKAKCIi; Agent, , Office Korth Side Court Square, my 20-tf ; - EDWARD' J. ASTON, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE ; ACENT. " - AsheviIIet Morth Carolina. PROSPECT BREWERY,' PHILADELPHIA, PA. W. O. MULLER & CO., Agents, ASHEVILLE, N. C. : We herewith take great pleasure in introducing for export and family UBe this Extra Quality Ii:igcr Beer, Brewed of tho best Barley and imported Bohemian Hops. It surpasses, in fine taste, flavor, brilliancy and nutritious qualities any other Lager Beer,- and is strictly pure and unadulterated, rnysi cians advise the use of this Beer, and we call your special attention to the follow, ins; analysis : . v .. : f "Bud wets' Layer. Beer, Emanating from the Prospect Brewery, in rmiadelpma, 1'a. The undersigned, at the request of the Technical Society, has completed an analysis of the "Budweis" Beer, brewed at Chas. Wolters' Prospect Brewery, in Philadelphia, which analysis exhibits the following results : . Specific gravity, 1,0124 Alcohol, 3,94fc Extract. ' ' 4.92?lc Carbonic Acid, 0,22c Ashes, 0,20$c : . This signifies that ihe IBudweis" Beer in its essential qualities is almost the exact counterpart of the best Imported Bohemian Beer. A further examination, seeking adul terations, proves conclusively that it contains naught of that nature. Db. LVH. iJannebaum, Tarony Chemical Works, Bridesburg. Philadeli hia, Oct. 28, 1881. For Hotels. Boardine Houses'. Private Families and the Trade, the above Beer is pat up in patent-stopper Bottles (pints.) and in export bottles (pints,) well corked, wired, foiled aad labeled. . We deliver the Beer, free of chargo to any part of s the city, and call for the empty patent stopper bottles, which are never sold but must a ways be returned with the crates." '. f - Having erected a large refrigerator for. tne storage oi iseer, we are enabled to keep our Beer cool, fresh and in good order, and it will be. furnished direct from our refrigerator to our customers.. All shipping orders will receive prompt attention. " . . - apl 3-dtf W. O. MULLER & CO. X BRAND & CO. l trnrrm. - UNDERTAKERS. : , . .;ASHBVILLE,. C. - : , Aletallic and Walnut Coffins constantly on hand. Every requisite of the business furnished. . All calls day or night prompt- answered. Hearses xirnisnea wnen esiredl ' - - ,mi-wly BOB, JONES, The Pioneer. To my Customers : 1 ' ' I desire to Inform inv CTstomers that 1 keer no cheap beer, either In bottles or on draft. My trooda vines, liquors, beers, fcc., axe all pure and fresh. .Orders solicited and satisfaction guaranteed.. Orders frbm a distance specially solicited. . Goods delivered free of charge .to any part of the city by polite servants. - Shep Deaver, the curious eoncoctor of cocktails, is with me and respectfully invites his friends to call. - Call on or address i . - - - - . - ' BUM JVTJU, The Pioneer Bar, 8 doors below 1st Nat Bank, apl25-2m , Asheville, N. C. C. BROWN & GO-, i MERCHANT TAILORS, ' Potion Avenue, over Cowarit jewlry Store. Sprlni and Summer Patterns now ready in hw At inii vnrirTiifinahln siiaTanteed.' Xtenairl promptly and neatly executed. T . ; ' MODERATE CHAKGES.' VhtHph Jvntnanntr thrtr ntrn cloth Will have t well shrank and every attention, paid ln.lie makinjrup. r-.-ij , . apU4-d9m. JOHNSTON'S Kalsomine, Linseed Oil Turpentine, Varnish, Lard Oil, Dry er, Iron Clad Paint, Window Glass Putty &c, SEARDEN. RANKIN & CO. Homes Vithout Capital -1 ' m THE FOUNDING OF THE TOWN OF WHITTIER. SOMETHING UNIQUE 'AND 1,'EW GLABKE WHITTIEf , of CalllbrnU, Is divi ding 60,000 acres of land, in Swain cx, N. 0 , in the "Sky land region," into small tracts for ac tual settlers onlv. - They will be sold lor caHh. or on credit of irom one to ten years. If desirable the principal may lay foi five years at 6 per cent. Interest, pay able annually, and one-fifth of the principal to bepaid each year thereafter. " ' -The soil is rich, its tobacco brines the htohMt prices in the market, averaging net profit of from $75 to 8150 per acre. The lands are divided into Jarmff of from 20 to 1000 acres to suit purchasers. . - r xue taoor required in opening up these lands has made the Town of WBITT1 KR a neoeanttv. whicn is now a stationlon the Western North Car olina Railroad, 6 miles east of Charleston. The founder of Whitller will spare no pains or ex- rensetomakeil the -most attractive and deslra le resident and business town in Western N.C. Hills. 8 to res. mechanics' slMna. rMidnvvi atM hotel now erected. Lots are donated to churches, schools and public buildings. . - r- The Improvements of tbe lands and the town requires all kinds of mechanics and laborers. Purchasers will be furnished lumber for im provements at $10 to $12 per 1000 feet - Comfortable quarters and rations will be pro vided for purchasers and their families, at the mere cost, until they can erect their own bouses. Come right along. - Thus you can buy land, lots, and build houses, on long credits andFwork to pay for them. Such inducements have never been offered be fore, as are no w offered at Whlttier. Come at once and erect vonr honna. . Plmitv work at lair prices. Fences, roads and houses va uiuiu. .rienty oi wort ready now. C. WHITTIER, Whlttier, Charleston P. O., Jane 29-tfSept. IS. . . ; . Bwain Co.. N. C HOOT J1JYD SHOE rlJiJim, Main Street, (Above Eagle Hotel) o The ocst stock always on hand. Work always guaranteed to give satisfaction. l am especially preparea to maae ooots ana hoes so as to prevent dampness i nd squeaking. Ready-Made nstom Work of : ail Sorts on nana. Gentlemen and Ladies' Repairing a Spe cialty. Fine Custom Work always onhand. anv a tyle and satisfaction Guaranteed, as to stock and work. Shoemakers' Findings always on hand and for aaie. t be best in tne market, at low prices Fine Groceries 1 Imported and Domestic Table. V Delicacies, at KEPLER'S. T. T. T. EXTRA CHOICEST New Crop TEAS, Choicest Moytme Gunpowder, v : Enclisn isreakfast, . , Formosa Oolong, - . ' Extra Fancy Japan: . FINE COFFEE. Mocha, Old Government Java, Cordova, Santos Peaberry, Finest Rio and Laguayra, Instantaneous Chocolate; Cocoa, Baker's Chocolate and Broma. CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S Jams, Gordon & Dil worth's Jellies & Preserves, G. &,D. Pineapples, in glass jars, G. & D. Cranberry Sauce, " " CANNED VEGETABLES. Gordon & Dilworth's Asparagus, " OyBter Bay Asparagus, - ' Sifted Early June Peas, Succotaph, Corn, ' Whole Tomatoes, Okra and Tomatoefl, French Peas and Mushrooms. CALIFORNIA CANNED Fruits, Peaches, Apricots, Pears, ". White Cherries, Green Gage Plums, Bahama Pineapples grated, and sliced. EDAM & PINEAPPLE CHEESE, Boss' Lunch Biscuit, Boss Wafers, Mushroom Crackers, Imported Albert Biscuit. Finest New Orleans Molasses. Kev West and Imported Cigars. FULL STOCK: OF STAPLE GROCERIES Jit KEPXjER?S. South Main St, opp. Eagle Hotel. GANADA COWAN (Established in 1855.) ' Watclim ker, ' I Jeweler, p i Watches, Clocksr jJewelery, Spectacles, tc' Tt a ABi,;nn xr r Lerov W. Fairchild's Gold Pen. Good stock always on hand. - ' J ' '" SOMETHING CHOICE I : IO! LOWERS OF THE WEED, who enjoy a really food smoke, should always ask for HOL.MES' Golden Leaf , Land of the bscyt -'-s I b rated Tobaccos grown in Western North Caro lina, Tree rrorfl au perramenes, huucuuui v. lmpuritievuid are prized for their t ;-, . . Superb SnioIrJng Qualities Ask your dealers or .r '" ' ' UOZhJUES' ' TOBACCO, and take no other. V . - '..liXi, ? K L HOLMES &CCv Pbopbtxtoes an2-12mc-.. . " ASHEVILLE. N. C. FRANKLIN HOUSE, D,C CUNNINGHAM, Pbop4ustob, , FRANKLIN, - -o- Table supplied with the best the . market Firet-Class Livery and Sale Stables in connection titn noosar . Pally Haek between 'Webster kud . Franklin. . .;. -.- - Gtod Smitplf Rnamt for ttrtrmmtn, .. THUMB MEJtfJWIBLM. sept 11-dly -t -1 - . i , t ' WINE AND LIQUOR STORE. MAIN ST., 3rd DOOR ABOVE THE BANK OF ASIIEVlttEi The largest and most complete assortment of Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Brandies 1 . . 4 " TO BE FOTJJH) IX ' WESTERN NORTH C AROLINA. II make a specialty of Champaigns, Sauternes and Clarets by the case, and carry a large stock of fine Havana Cigars. THE BONANZA' Sample and Po ol Room in the Rear, Is unsurpassed by anything of the kind in the State. ; .' - w JOHN Z. MILSTER & J. A. Atlantic & N. C. R. R. Time TABLE HO. 23. In effect 18 ST., Sunday. Jannarr lTth, 1886. EAST. WEST. -No. 51. No. 50. Passenger. Passenger. STATIONS : Arr. L've. Arr. L've. A. H. A. X. 1113 10 86 10 89 942 .947 7 47 446 SOS 485 P. K. P. M. 6 07 6 51 5 54 1 82 6 52 8 47 Golil8boro LaGrange Kinston New Berne Morehead City ' Morehead Depot Daily Except Sunday. 1118 1128 1140 Train 50 connects with Wilmineton A WnWrn train bound North, leaving Goldsboro 11:35 a.m., and with Richmond & Danville train West, leav ing uoiasDoro rziiis p. m.( and Wilmington A Weldon Train South at 4:54 p. m. Train 61 connects with Richmond A Dnn-rina Traiu. arriving at Goldsboro 4:40 p. m., and with Wilmington Weldon Train from th North at 4:54 p.m. GaBeFear&YJ.E'FCoi'y. TRAIN NORTH. Arrive Lmva Bennettsville, '- 8 20 p m Fayettevllle, - 12 00 m 12 25 pm Sanford, 215pm 828pm Greensboro, 6 00 p m winner at t ayettevuie. TRAIN SOUTH. Arrivo. Leave. Greensboro 9 CO a m Sanford " 120pm 145pm Fayettevllle 350pm 4 00pm Bennettsville 7 30 p of Dinner at Sanford. Freight and Passenger Train leaves Bennetts ville Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 2 30 p m, arriving at Fayettevllle at 8 p m. Leaves Fayetteviile on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 6 30 a m, and arrives at Ben nettsville at 12 m. Freight and passenger Train North leaves Fay etteviile on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 a m, (connecting at Sanford with Freight t nd Passenger Trains to Raleigh), leaves Sanford at 11 30 a m, and arrives at Greensboro at 5 40 pm. Leaves Greensboro Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 5 a m, leaves Sanford at II 15 a m, and arrives at Fayettevllle at 2 4o p m. J NO. M. ROSE, Gen. Pas. Agent, W . M. 8. DUNN. Gen. Superintendent. Richmond and Danyille Railroad. WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION. - v General Passenger Office, I Salisbury. N. C, Juue 19th, 1886. f On and after June 20th, 1886, and superceding ill others, the following schedule will De opera ted over this road : MAINLINE. Train No. 62. VEST. Train No. 53. KAST. Arr. L've. 5.30 p. hi. 4.21 4.23 3.14 9.43 2.43 1.56 2.21 1.28 1.28 12.27 11.66 11.67 11.40 11.40 10.53 10.52 9.56 10.01 8.56 8.18 8.18 7.20 7.47 7.00 Train No. 51. KAST. Arr. Lv I. 12.4L . 11.26 11.28 10.17 10J7 9.40 9.41 9.12 9.12 8.40 8.40 . 7 80 7.20 6.57 6.57 6.15 6.35 5.24 5.29 4.21 431 8.43 3.43 8.01 3.01 1.35 ' 8.00 1.15 Arr. L've. Salisbury, StatesvUle Newton, Hickory, Icard, Morganton, Marlon. Old Fort, Round Knob, 11.25 am, 12.28 12.19 l'. 220 8.05 4.08 4.37 1.59 2.40 S.0G 4.37 4.53 4.52 Black Mo'ain, 6.29 Asnevuie, Alexanders, Marshall, Warm 8prgs, Faint Rock. 6.16 C.21 7.21 7.53 8.55 6.56 T.57 8.52 9.15 . Train No. 50. WKST. Arr. Lve, Salisbury, 1.20 a. m, StatesvUle, 2.43 2.44 Newton, . 3.56 3.56 Hickory, 4.33 4.34 Icard, 6.09 . 5.09 Morganton, 6.44 6.44 Marion, 6.69 6.59. Old Fort. 7.36 7.37 Round Knob, .8.00 8.20 Black Mount'n 9.02 9.02 Asheville, 9.55 10.00 Alexander's, 10.40 10.40 MarshaU, 11.25 11.85 Warm Springs 12.30 8.05 Paint Rock. 8.25 " MURPHY DIVISION. . Going West. Going Bast. Arr. A M 11.08 11.33 18.31 1.15 2.35 2.45 3.86 4.20 6.39 17.05 L've. 10.10 11.10 Stations. Asheville, Turnpike, Pign River, Waynesv'le, Balsam, Sylva, Web'rSUt'n WhUtier, Charleston, Nantahala, Jarretts, Arr. 3.20 2.13 1.48 12.26 11.42 10.26 10.15 9.28. 8.36 L'va P M Vi 100 12 02 10 27 1016 929 8 45 7.84 6.00 11.38 19.40 1.35 2.35 2.46 . 8.86 4.25 -6.80 s 7.84 a.m Meal Stations. Trains Nos. 50 and 51 run solid between Louis, ville and Salisbury.- carrying Pnllman sleepers between Cincinnati, Louisville and Knoxviile ; also between Warm Springs and Goldsboro. Trains Nos. 52 and 63 runs solid between Mor ris town and Salisbury, carrying Leighton sleep ing cars betweenChattanoogr and Asheville. C. W. CHEARS, A G P A. Richmond, Va. ' W. A. TURK. A. O. P. A Salisbury, NO. - V. E. McBEE. SupL, Asheville, N C. . Schedule of Passenger Rates ' FROM FBINCIMX ronrTS ' , - Tc Asheville, JT. C, 1st Class. Limited. - $23.55 21.05 . 18.25 17.05 13.30 16.65 - 13.15 -14.15 , 13.25 . - 10.85 14.75 : 90.20 28.45 : "7.75 ' 17.05 y - . 12.40 ; 12.55 10.50 ' 1 17.20 105 4 2L60 Bound Trip Summer - Excursion.' , 832.00 a 88.00 -V '22.40 , 80.00 , . 15.25 18.00 ; . . 15.85 - - 17.30 ' 13.45 : ' 15.80 . 20.65 -x ' 27.75 80.65 " 11.55 23.30 17.75 : - 18.00 12.35 ' 18.75 r 18.15 .. . 28.95 FROM - . New York. ' Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Richmond, -. Norfolk, Wilmington, Charleston, Augusta, Atlanta, Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, Chattanooga, ' Memphis, Lonisvitte. Cincinnati, Raleigh, .v Savannah,'" Columbia, - Jacksonville. Settlers. J14J5 11.65 8.85 " 7.65 B.IS -: 415 ir YOU WAKTJ u'U k 1 A GO,OD MEALi Q.0 - TO y.- - - :J ' . HIXX Dining Ilooni, Where the Vest' the' market af -. fords can be obtained ati reason- w , A abl-i rates. South Main st, S doors above Jiagle Hotel. . MARQUARDT, Managers: JOHN HART & CO. Contractors and Builders. ASHEVILLE, N. C, MAKERS OP noon ana ivijrnon FRAMES, JfIAjrTEZ.8 and, JtTtJl CMETS. Keep'in stock Mouldings, Jewels, Handrails, Balusters, etc., etc -All kinds of Builder's woodwork solicited apl 9-dawSmoa Pomona Hill" Nurseries, J. Van Iiindley, Prop'r. SALEM JUNCTION, N. d, 2 Miles west of Greensboro, on the Richmond & Danville Hail Road. Over l,00O,000 Fruit Tree, Tines, Ac., Consisting of Apple, Peach, Pear, Plum, Apricot, Nectorine, Japanese Persim- mon, Quince, Figs, Pecans, Mulberries Grapes, Raspberries, Currants, Goose berries, Shade Tree, Evergreens, Roses in great variety. Send for descriptive catalogue, which gives lull description of all, and retail price liBt: Correspondence solicited, special in- dncements to large planters. Address J. VAN LINDLEY, Salem Junction, Guilford co., N. C. A. R. Ogbum and N. A. Reynolds, Agents for Western N. C, at Asheville, N. C- mch 16-djtwCmos HAZLEGREEN Sash. & Blind Factory Has recently purchased a large amount ot Oak Ash Chestnut, Cherry and Walnut Lumber, and CAN FURNISH WORK . manufactured of thoroughly dried iraterial. We propose to furnish work at the lowest figures, and equal to any imported goods. THOS. L. CLAYTON, Propf j B. CLAYTON, Business Manger, feb 4-s w tl HARNESS. Our Stock is now complete and made of tho best materials, with all the latest improvements. Single and double seU in nickleand oriental rubber, either gilt or nickle lined. All other trimmings on short notice. Saddles and Bridles Of every grade and price, from cheapest Morgan to the English Shaptoe. HORSE COEEJ1RS Of every kind, size, grade and price. HORSE CEOTUIJra Just received a fresh stock, including Track Suits, Sweat Hoods, Jowl Hoods, ' Cooling Blankets, Ankle Boots of differ ent patterns. Linen Sheets of all prices EJtP ROBES. The finest stock in the market Call an see them. Whips, Saddle Cloths and ; Fly JYets,. In every variety. ' . .. . , . REPJIIRIJYCr OF AEE Kijvns ji srECEiE- r. . - : . TP.r r.J '. Remember -we have no machlBery -all work, done by hnd and gnaranteed. . Call on as and see what can be bouaht ' in Aimeville in our line. - . i T.VWV BHAKCII. North Main street, opposite old Central Hotel, Asheville, N. C. : . -: , FANCT SIGN AND -OI13IANEXTAI. PAINTING, and tJphoIsferin. . . L. SWICEGOOD. . Willow street, Asheville, N. C, Is ready to do the very best work In ata Bn and will guarantee Mtlsfhctloa in work aad Prices. .. . ' v Gold Signs a Specialty. ,Ktlmates furniahed for large contracts. invite examination of prices and work. Give me a call. - mch 10-d r ' U 8WICXGOOrv A GEM'OF A HOME FOR SOME ;. JJ0DY TKK prettiest little place in Buncombe cotiu.S ty, two miles from a depot, foai mllea troaa tbe city, on Swannanoa river, contains ninety ' acres,twenty of which are good bettom.thirty ma. land.aa rood as any on the river; no washed worn-oat land on the place;' forty acres wet timbered. Good, new dwelling house, with rooms, all out houses,-splendid spring with spring-house, 150 choice apple trees, one-half of -which are Just veady to bear, 75 pnaca trees mil ot superior, quality; some grape vines and peara. This property la well adapted to growing gnwa and clover, and now has about, twoutj-five acres . io clover. - Also good tobacco land. Por further pat uculars apply at tne mohl2-dawU. , cWlkhi OFFICK. . . , .- ft V. .. . ; '.: . .-- y it-

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