4-: Hand vff JIop, Friday). IJveii- . v,",v put Song Hirrrah'lji Band of Hope, I ".v-,-. ... .. - - -.- Children Talk, - ;, ' .i i ; Rev. Mr. Myers. JSjiueih-I'll take Wlmt Father Takes, ., - - -. "Harold Johnson. M uhlcForget MeNot, r String Band. WaIigue5-54ottjoeX A $ o r Vivie!Wa1f WIIlifRay, Nefii Cockef - i-ieweiien Morgan, wMiieuocae leo Morgan, wwietJocKe Fpeech Poor Little Blossoms. Edith Ward. 1 Music -The Old Church Tower, . CisaTucker. Dialocnefhfinences,! fJH A ) tore IliQlard, Uattie Broyles, Clar enuoF. Ray and Willi Cocke. . Duet Military Galop, Love Hilliard t' and Eleanor Firming. , Soeeob'-Little Harold. Master Fran- . . , . pes Gudger.J "Dialogue Making it Easy tojsay No Beardeo and Willie IBank in. r ; - m i ! ii Txr i, A i J - tMissTommrd Miller. Fieech Captain's Boots, t Mastet - ,i f: I -: IfWlip Cocke. Music Duet, Misses Tucker and Miller. UiHiitation Stolen, or the Mother's La- i ,-;:.unH--5ent, ; ' . y , . .. - 5 r, Mamie Bays. MiiBie-i-Flower W&lli:, 'String Band. Sonjr The Song 'for Me, (byMichael . , "i 7- WatsonT. ". . - 1 ' -C'Y"Y Mi8Tomiaie Miller., Benediction,' 'J ltev.- Mr. Gammon. ' Geu'i Mahigault,' Adjutant Gener al of Soutk Cafolin allied on South Inland i nir Citjijl est ii on tlj e 16th. Gov. Shepherd, upon receiving in forniationof tne1deatli. itnm'ediafe' ly issued his proc&taaUoti,1advis ing and ruesting ,lhe display at half mast on the funeral day, of the National flag, on the State house, Militaty Academy and armories of the State, and the observance oi other public testimonials of sorrow. . A large meeting ot religious pa triots at Saratoga; this week demand ed that God be recognized in the National Constitution. On general principles this would bo right, but, it would sirpply serve as an addition al stumbling-block to the strict ob- servanceofjihat.imstrument by the republican party. 4 That party finds too many excuses for disregarding that law now. The Catting Affair. Ex-Representative Rice, of Mas sachusetts, who recently spent three months in Mexico, a long communi cation to the Iribune says : All the best interests of Mexico are involv ed in the maintainance of peace with this country. The suggestion that she desires war in' order to get rid ot some her northern States and the turbulent population is as wild and baseless as a - lunatic's dream. The-idea that Mexico, with her de pleted treasury and low financial c edit, would incur. the -vast liabili ties of war in order to dispose of a Mm-. j.' . part oi ner domain lor nothing is too ridiculous to be considered seri dusly ' she should desire such disposition of her territory she would 'aim to sell it to us at a: large price, and so replenish rather than further exhaust her resources, '-- ; - m tiThtftiew-' Bilver certificates will not be ready until November. The $1 certificate will contain the vign ette of' Martha Washington, "$2 certificate that of , . MajorGeneral Hancock in full lanifown, Vandf. the $10 that of " Vice-President Hen dricks. - . ' ' mi 'tTk-AwttAmmt Ulatory. ,' - In the olden times, Achilles, the lead er of the-Greeks, chased.. Hector, the champion of the Trojans, several times around the city of Illinm and finally killed him. .This would look as if Hec tor lacked Vackcone, buf trothj such was not the-ease, he wasn't well. For unfortunately b had lost liis bottle of Dr. Heart's Great Relief. If this sad oc ertrrence had not happened, theissuf would have, bean- different. . - ; Moral Never be without Hart's Ee lief. - . ' - . . . . i joncir I hav la my poaseaslon CLAY BANK MARE, antral ia nanus nign na aoout7 years old, wmco I bcliev haa been stolen. The owner can have the animal, by. pioYing property and paying augmf ' ' i J . j 11 P. S. McMUlLEN. . GEO.. W. TILEOK McMullen aridTilsoii, a n-'ij on ' . IN- WESTEBIf Jjf. CAROLINA FOR : '' : Fumture, - -ilf.M'iirl.jtlll VtrvT'TTT7l TlftTtsn .- We have just received a car. load of goods from. Grand Rapids, and i n vite the public to call and sec tli em. ::. uur. prices ore as low as me ow rst, r.nd'we d6fr competition. :' " ff mean Business, : :. We have Wftn us" Wiifal; "nd JI.C. Ioorfil who are : al ways glad to gee their friends and-cus-' Comers. '.."" ' ' .'' vi vh tzrrx k'k h ? a fu? DONt ; FAIL TO CALL AKD EXAtGObm AND JPRICES V .Soliciting a fiharei pf qur patron-; aee, weaie touts : "; -: Kespcctfull r,C: HE AD QUARTERS "I lane l.i aavfy - r?, v y. STATE 1JEWS Large tus7-lhe Cenienhial gr$ldecf scbwot is,lt isjftlSit&f apparefite IbM it hjdst W madelarger, or th , 4et ter still, a new school m a dmerent quarter oi the ciy be established. The : Centennial ; Bcbo"l cost say $25,CKjOfaA(i is ona o the ; beet in TestmentaiRalelgb, (oorfhat mat-? fef anvQther place) ever made.' " i - - Burgaw correspondent writes the Star that -two colored boys, aged respectively. 13 and.16- .years sons of Riley TOi&t&i. Htini near!; South Washingion m render county, were run over by the North-bound train on the Wilmington .& Wei don Rail road Saturday night and instantly killed;. Jseenis the Jjovs had been at a tore in South Washington and VTCIO UU bllCtl TT CLJ UUI11C, TTdillVlUg 111 the J The crushing were not discolored f until ,th0 mail train passed up ounday morning. The railroad authorities at , Wilm ingtbn were then notified and an engine with some-o' jthe,ofiicials . jpf the road went to the scene bf-the ac eidentjhen the bodiwwere-taken toSouth Washington and delivered to the parents of the boys. Of Blowing Rock in ! Watauga county ne of the raot 'delightful summer resorts irt the mountains, the ; Topic says ; for ka. month, this delightful summer presort- has bejen on a ooom, ... l,he crowd comes ana goes, changing daily, and all of the houses there are probably 300 peo ple. It has- been the best patronized summer resort in the State and the eople whogo there are pick of our owland friends in North and South Carolina. The crowd at the Wa tauga Hotel is quite a fashionabie one and. composed of agreeable peo" pie.' Messrs. Findley and Corpening are fortunate in having at the head of trie house Mrs. and Miss" Brady, who know how to keep a hotel In (assing through the . town we saw, ast week, at a casual glance, . the following; distinguished guests (a mong others): Judge Dick, Hon. Geo. Davis, Major John W. : Dun ham, Col.r French, &c.;&ci. -. The Greensboro North State says: There is a good story told about some - drummers who generally spend Samday here, who left Greens bore early one Sunday morningfor a drive. They passed out by J. Van Lindley's; crossed the Salem road the other side of the junction, and at the point beyond where the turn pike crosses the track, thought . it would be a good joke to turn around and come back on the' ; ties. They went: along "bobby-bob" for some distance, when they heard the heavy whistle of the 9:30 train: out of Greensboro. She came whirling by the coal shute, but they felt secure in being able to get olf the track. Ihe wheels caught in the rails, and the houses could do nothing with Vanstory's jersey; it would stay on the track. Bv , the. time they got opposite the little ' church, the train was whizzing by Lindley's. It ssemed to be coming' straight for them. Two of the drummers jumped out head first the third was overcome and remained in his seat, and the driver held on. It on ly took about a minute for all this to happen; and in the meantime the train went to the left on the Char lotte track, leaving the commercial travellers, safe, except a few bruises on those who tumbled out. The prominence of the families of these young men and their respect: able connections, induce us not to give their names. Liver Pills. tJae Dr. Gnnn'g Liver Pills for Sallow com plexion. Pimples on the Face and Billioas ness. Never sickens or gripes. Only one for a dose. Samples free at H. H. Lyons. - dawlw. Laces and Embroideries in great rarieiy. eod, r II. REDWOOD & CO. t. Billiard and pool tables with monarch cushions, upstairs, at Hampton & Feath erstone's. WANTED. 100 dozen 0ts, " ' 60 ShoaU, weighing from 40 to 125 pounds. rn FOR SALE. Horn q niorongbbred jersey Bull Calves. ... t Xrd Woodlngton. . J Butter record of dams 18 pounds In 7 days. Finest b.ooded Jeisey in the State. Kept 1 miles north Iron! Court House. Service fee $3.0t Invariably in advance, Apply to - auglMiAf'i TWenvef 'ocherliy irml DONr FORGET! V - " ', . .-. - , :-. .. -v i Longman's, mixedpaintsareso heavily bodied, you can add one (iullon of Oil to every ; Gallon Painty tliUMdHcing, the price as low as thaf of inferior goods.' For Sale by ' ' BEARDED. RANKIN & CO. Men, oaiddlerof he railroad ace LTTT "rT'JCrrr train passed directly oyer them, I .nKksS3 "Sn-tStfSIr Tnii th them to death. The bodies leood superintendent, to eain time, ooint- e The Medical Record says that 25, 000 deatha from typhoid teyer occur annually in' this country, and this represents fully 150,000 cases, of the disease,. C Tha researches of medical )fCnd J sanitary' Bcience -have clearly demonstrated' that this ' disease is easily prevented by an observance of rules of cleanliness, ' It is easier to pay-taxes to support ; sanitary commission thati to pay : doctors' 'bills;, it' is: even more pleasant to hear? the . lonely5 rumbling "of the scavenger-cart at - midnight than the melancholy tramp ot frequent processions following the form of some loved one to the grave. - f V Qntte Plausible. f'Children," Bpoka the Sunday-school superintendent, after be had finshed reading the story o Jacobs ladder, "I will answer any question you may desire to ask about this remarkabledream of Ja cob's ladder." ' v Weil, sir, asked a' little boy, "what ed to another lad and said :. "James, can you answer that question ?" Up popped the lutte iellow and quick ly answered fJ -LS l - " v ' 'I guess may, be the' ango'? was a moo : " Glviig Tlianks. Jbby, did you , thank Mr. Featherly for ciyin you the ponny t' inquired bis DlOthtr. "Ycbj ma'amv' , "WJbat did you say?" -1 1 fl said encore.?,. ? The Verdict Unaniaftna . ; . W.DSult. DruesdsL BiDPUs. Ind.. tes tifies: Tcan rteeommend Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bottle sold has given relief in every case. One man took six' bottles, and was cured of Rheumatism txf " 10 '- years' standing." Abraham Hare, druggist, Bellville Ohio, aflirms: "The best selling medicine I have ever handled in my 20 years expe rience.'is Electric Bitters." Thousands of others have added their testimony, so that the verdict is Unanimous that Elec tric Bitters do cure all diseases of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood.. Only a half dollor a bottle at II. II. Lyons' Drug store. . ? - . . : In every land and clime, the merits of St Jacobs Oil as the only conqueror of pairi, are. being .'acknowledged by Jbe press, and people. . . Music Self Taught. ' ' .? Prof. G. S. Rice's. Piano and Organ Mnsic System, iiapid. Practical, Correct, teaches all chords, variations, accompa niments, thorough bass laws, - tunes, notes. Self-taught at your own home. The only system that brings musical knowledge within reach of all. . Sent on test. Send stamp for circulars to the G. B. KlfJlS MUS1U CO., 243 State, Chica go, 111. . . . augl8:w8w Klessrs. Fagg, Garren & Co. are prepar ed to deliver the best of lime, for build ing or other purposes, at the depot in A8heville, - at twenty-five cents per bus hel, or ninety cents per barrel, by the car-load. Address all orders to the above. at warm bpnngs, N. Vi, oi M. J. iagg in Asnevitie. It is kept on hand and for sale in any quantity by Bearden, Rankin & Co., Asneviiie, iN. iuriel-tf . j . . ; F. G. & Co. New-Searfa. Collars and Cuffs! Half Hose, Suspenders and Underwear at Whitlocks. To' Business Mbx. It you desire to reach the largest num oer oJ the best people in Western Caro lina and East Tennessee, use the adverti sing columns of the Citizkm, Daily and Weekly. The Citizen has a much lar ger bona fide circulation in the territory mentioned, than anv other paper. Rates I u : arc iiw, uuuoiuenuK ciruiuauuu. A few persons can get comfortable board at Mrs. J. W. Jones', at moderate prices, at Warm Springs, N. C. - aug'7-dtf ,- 's Head Hotel, - Located npon llie.snmmit of .CESAR'S HEAD MOUNTAINS, a bold outlying rpur of the' Bine BUge, Four UDousana &ix nunarea r eet (4buuj aDove uae water. Scenery grand bevond conception, Climate unparalleled. Average temperance from 65 to 70. Mineral waters abundant. .Every convenience provided at the Hotel. . - f n - :.-.. 'f : Tkbns: 92 per day, $10 per week. S35 per month. HOW TOREAClI CAESAR'S 1IEAD. Take 7 a.m. train at Asheville, come to Hen dersonviUe, N. C, 8 a, mn take stage at dspot, arrive at Casar's Head same afternoon. - fc F. A. MILES, M. D., Propr. augl2.dlm . If AEON'S JJ1 ; Improved Fruit Jars and Jelly Glasses, Ice Cream' Freezers, at ' V BEARDEN, RANKIN & CO. july 18-dtf;.,.j t.f.y.j THE LUTHER HOUSE; SITVJTJEM T2UV WXST OF JSHJSriZJLE, IJVrBFJSCOMBJ3 , -. VOVJYTYi At first depot on the Murphy 'branch of the Western North Carolina Kail Road? ; -' ., , l lull view of and within - : . ' rxJ MIM.BB or jn r. - nseua, , And anrronnded bv a magnificent Danorama o natural scenery that nikkers it on of the-moa In the mounta'.ns of Western Carolina. ifa U mtmrpM4i. Th Fmri U the famous SPZJrirum mrmuroa only tern miles distant. .- ri mt rermontn w.uv. -- t. ITTtHEB, Proprietor " j julya-wSmos . . Hominy Creek. N.C. ntna K lAlrlAW tt Vinvt K n fia! a l- M .1 CEOTliENe TotitHsV Boys and ;;ivv!:;.uhildrenV;U; styles and prices. uviiu Lis PEARL Laundried and Unlauhdnod Shirts. Ilonio nmdo Erogans mivii Jijauiiuj icu uui ;u uiuitiiuj iuu cim to. javAii dJlomo-riiado Kip Bals, $1.2 torrte sliorliiotiGfe ; V The jineet imported ten' cent cigar i$ to be found at the White Man Bar. - . . ,v New stock Gents' Summer Scarfs. Shirts, Collars arid Coffs, Underwear afcd a new supply of Soft Pocket Hats at 50c, 75c., $1.00 to DoTilap'a finest, Just in - Freeh SulphuVSprir.gs water' is now kept on draught, ;frep, at Hampton and Featherston's. -It will bo. brought from the Springs every morning. - ' TO TOURISTS AND , OT HER 3; COUWTIlir BOARD! THE ST. LLAIR HOTEL V - AT WEVERVILLE . , " OFFERS UNUSUAL ADVANTAGES .-. - . - fi at exceedingly moderate rates. July 4-dlmo : - . .. ... . . m RATES : 9 S.OO.'pcr day, - 1S.OO Dr'week. 40.00 pcr,niontli. ; Dinner and Supper 75 cts. each. Address TH08. A. MORRIS, " mayjW-dtf . Proprietor. SWANN AN0A HOTEL . ; Asheviilc7N. C. Altitude; 43clHtV Above; the Sea . ' Tbk recent 'ad&tisiia and improvements to thn SujijatSftl iVlnlin it. TiArh&no. the mna. attractive anj eomforUbte Hotel m the South. Its Tower and 150 feet of galleries furnish views of the Swannanoa Bivnr and the French Broad Biver valleys.: t Also views of the Bine Ridge, Pisgah, Balsam, .New Found and Elk ranges of monntairidj peaks cf whioh are over 6.000 feet high. Convenient to Post, Express, Telegraph : and Railroad Ticket Offices, and Ashevilfe Bank, -Aahoville Library and Ashe ville Club Booms.. -Purest mountain water conducted to and through the Hotel. .' - " All Modern Conveniences The Ball Boom is 60x150 feet. A fine Or chestra from Philadelphia is engaged for the Bummer. , .... - Special Rates to Parties by the Month. - The Proprietors take special pride in the Tidiness of their Hcuse, and the successful management of the cuisine department. - BAWLS BROTHERS, jun S Proprietors. Merchants' Hotel, Waynyilie, NC.,; Mes. EMMA -WILLIS, Peopeibtbkss. GOOD SAMPLE BOOMS. ATTENTIVE SERVANTS.' ' Fare the Vest , the Market affords. TERMS, 1.50 per day. r - Special month. rates to Families per week or apt ll-d3mos. TT on nouse, ECende'rsonville "yf. C. Remodelledrrefitted. rcDainted. the ARLING TON offers itaclf as the most comfortable and pleasant place for summer visitors. A good and abundant table, good room, a well shaded yard. comDine to make it a real summer retreat for summer vMtewand the trave ling public. lerms upeMU. special rates to amines. T.'A. ALLEN. Proprietor, - H sndersonvi.le, N. C. july24:dlm SLAGLE'S HOTEL Potion ' Avenue, near Bailey street., l. slagle, Pro 1 r 1 c tsr and O w n r. This house" visitors will find to be oniet and home-like, -and the manager devoted to the r comfort. Accommodation for a number of guests. It enjoy a v ry large transieu t business. juiy e-aamos. . . . .. Land of the Sky ! Far in the I-ead! Th Star ot Buncombe ! Grea2 Saccciis of the Grand Hotel, . AriieTllle, Jf. C. ' 21,000 ArriVKlK 1h S yean SOO In the Last IO Days! Compliments and praise of guests is fr sweeter music than any brassband. Come to the Grand Central for nice, cool1 rooms Best fare in this end of the State. Board S1.50, 2.00, and S3 00 per day; 125 to fis per month. A fine buss, drawn by six fine horses, as well as nice carriages. meet all trains.-. ueiiver cnecus to parties at tne depot. . Splendid Xlrery -Attaebrd. . . T6e cheapest store In the city line full in al departments: . -t: ; DRY ' GOODS, KOTIONS. ROOTS, -: : SHOES AND HATS, - r GROCERIES AND HARDWARE -Also agents for bpnstlc arjd 'W hllc 'Mftchinea. ;:.'Sv R. CHEDESTER &.SON, OWKERS AND 'FltOPErETOES. ;: : July 0-d3raoe . ! v,?i' . QAA ACRES 4 MILES OUT, A)JJ to be gold aa whole or sub-divid ed to salt purchasers at private sale for 30 daystnd if not' sold before expiration of this time, will -be offered at public auction August 30th. -4' cash, remainder in-one arid twO years -by . . , ; ' . ;- - . ? : ATK13SU tWM-, 1 july 59 dwtd liral EsUte Dealers. . 1BP0TS1 Arnngi Central FOR Indies, Men, .y : ;A11 sizes " New supply Helmets and Straw Hals also-4 in band Pigeon Ties at : - . .' -. Whitxock. Florida Tonic I Mr. Foster S. Chapman, -One of the landmarks of the Georgia Pruj trade, now of Orlando, Florida, writes ; - "I can hardly select a single case of ' s ' the many to whom I have sold Quina'i Fionow Blood Braewer, but what -- have been satisiied; and I find it the v ' best remedy for all Skin Diseases I have ever sold, and a fine Florida Tonic. FOSTFS S. CHAPMAN, . ' ; " ' " " v Orlando, Fia." A Certain Cure for Catarrh. A SUPER B FLESH PRODUCER AND TONIC On JTJf's PIONEER BLOOBREXGWEB Cures all Blood and Skin Diseases, Rheumatism, Scrofula. Old sores. A perfect Spring Medicine. If not In your market It wlU be forwarded on receipt of price. Small bottles SI .00, large bottles U 75. - . . '- Essay on Blood and Skin Diseases maile. free, i . MACON MEDICINE COMP NY, , ' Macon, Georgia. FOR SALE BY H. n. LYONS. AshevUle. N. C. aplS-dalT FIRE ' INSURANCE , INSURANCE INS U R A NC El PULLIAM 60., ' At Bank of Asheville. BEST COMPANIES. FlllST TO PAY LOSSES IN THE Wllx- MINGTON R1RIT. inh 16-dlv w ANTS SUPPLIED. Having purchased the stocic of Dr. A. li. Ware, I shall continue the same business iu tie build ing lately occupied by him, in the old Central Hotel, and offer a full supply ot FAMILY GROCEBIEM "; . of the highest ' grades, Flour, Canned Goods, Fruits, Vegetables, tc, Ac . Give me a call. J. D, McCA KDLESS decSl-ti 1. CONFECTIONERY, . AND ICE CREAM BAKERY, P AROR. MEALS AT ALL IiOURS. Fine assortment of Whitman's best FRENCH CANDIES; fresh tropical . and other fruits. FRENCH ROLLS, RYE and Brown BREAD always on hand. Ice Cream furnished to Pic Nics, ! and Private families on short notice. Dont mistake the place : - Desmond's old stand, ; : . " South Main street, Asheville, N. C, s MOORE & RO'BARDS. iuno 17-d mos ST. MARY'S SCHOOL R A L EIGH, N. C. The Advent Term, tho 91st Semi-An-nual Session begins Thursday, September 8th, 1886. For catalogue, address the Rector. Rev. BENNETT SMEDES, M. D. june27-d2mos -" . Mt. Str Joseph's OFTIIEBLTJERIDGE. HICKORY, NC Undtr Cbarge of tbe Sisters of Jlerex TERMS : . Poard and Tuition, sixty-five dollars per session of five months. For further particulars send lor catalogue. Address, MOTHER AUGUSTINE, v JHt. St. Jmltph'm, Hickory, J". C. "July 3-d6mos First Class , Saddle, and Harness Horses, -For Sale.- TKV UNDERSIGNED ibas at his 'stables on Uagle street, rear of Eagle Hotel, ' a large number of CHOICE FINE HORSES, well broken, either for Baddle or Harness, for sale. All young, and perfectly sound and gentle. Call early. M .L4KEY. JulyS-dtf .- . v . ' ASK FOR:,:, '-f r-,-, , ,x. ....... . The Hamilton Improved Froit Jars for sale at BEARDEN, RANKIN & CO. - july 18-dtf-, - . ''.: SHOE S Misse and widths.: T7 rNr idilY iiicivio Ji yjS a I II 1.1 I IIIIIIM. II II II II. II J HI im urii MUMI I llll II II European v' J r (Sucxessbr to Lyman a uiLv,) - ' - 4 REAL ESTATE BROKER, Office io Court House. AslieTilIc,;K, C. Property of every description for Sale, both in 1 Asheville : and vicinity. ; Also Houses for Rent. . . : Timber Lands in W. North Carolina and East Tennessee. Nota Has made arrangements with competent Civil Engineer forhow nsr Timber and Mineral Lands to parties who contemplate 4r.akin$ Buch ; purchases. J GROWTH OF ASHEViLbE; FIRST WE VOTE TO SPEND $100,000 IMPROVING OUR BEAUTIFUL -;f - ' HpTJNTAiiT city r All kinds of business improved thereby, property on the. boom, 'more . building" a demand for another lumber yard, you have if, , THE ASHEVILLE LUMBER CO. . ' ' North-East Court House Square ".' " Will-keep a full line of building stock dry, nicely assorted and piled, at lowest market prices,- call and see us. . lll!SSrfZ,Jj nitOTJIJERS, Proprietors. June 8-dAwC mos Did We Hear You Sigh TEen visit lrTc"Sutli,8 ant ic I-Iotel, MORE H E A D .A trip that you will never regret. It is immediately on the Atlantic Ocean, and one of the most delightful summer resorts in America.' The finest beach on the Atlantic coast. " Surt and BtiH-water bathing unsurpassed. Trolling for bine-fish and Spanish mackerel the finest in the world. No seaside resort on the Atlantic Coast has more natural advantages than Morehead City, and the new manage menl are determined to 'make it serond to none in tho South. For terms and new descriptive pamphlet, address v ' au G-d2w COOKE & FOSTER BROS., Proprietors. DOUBLE DAY & SCOTT, NORTH PCBLIC SQUAIIE, Aslicville, N. CV. HAVE . THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF SASH-BLINDS and DOORS f' - . . . . ; IJf WKJJTEBJnCORTU CAROLINA, at lowest prices, . t Estimates promptly lurnished,and'Bpecial sizes procured at short notice They also kfiep; every variety of Building and Fencing Lumber, Lath nd Shingles. - ' - feb2J-dAv Wholesale and Retail Druggist, ; -: AM) DEALER IN STATIONARY.: . V PUlir.IC SQUARE, TWO DOORS NOKTH ' OF PICNNIM AN & C(K HARDWARE STORE. ASHEII.IL.Tj, 1ST. C. WHISKIES, XIvANDIES & WINES FOR MEDICINAL PUKTOSES5 ALWAYS on hand a ulf and weU-selectecf stock of DRVGS. PAT ENT MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, FANCY GOODS CIGAKS CHEWING ' TOBACCO, MINERAL AVATERS,- STATIONERY BRUSHES OF ALL KINDS, SPONGES, TRUSSES,, and all the Med icine manufactured by J. L. Lyons, of New Orleans, whom I am sole agent for. 7 j . Give me an early call. 8-J. TAYLOR AMISS and F. L. JACOBS are with me?and would be pleased to aee1 their friends and all who wish goods in their line. Sole manufacturer,of Nelson's Kidney Cure and Nelson's Dfarrhcra Cure, and Lyon's Cough Syrup, Amiss' Fragrant "Land of the Sky' Dent-, ifice, Leidy's Rheumatic Cure, Steven'B Cleansing Compound for Cleaning Clothes, etc. - Prescriptions filled at any hour 0 day or njjht . Night Roll t n right of door v , . ' malO-lv' . Sto I oaLcl. Consider ! : Where you can get the best Whiskey tVlne and Brandy both f irtiirn and doiri'Elic. " "', fly 'Uranus are the Old Kentucky JfIonongaItalay ; Gibson's XXXX, all 6 years old.Z My CORN WHISKIES are absolutely pure, ma4le of Iho soundest corn, on'the Bald Mountain, Rutherford county, N. C- : ' . I handle nothing but North Carolina 7 -'.' APPLE and PEACH BRANDY: y - My WINES are pure Grape juice, unadulterated. - . - You will find BERGEN and ENGEL BEER always on Araaght. coM and fresh. Bottled Beer delivered to every part of the city, free of charge, ' - We make a specialty in CIGARS and TOBACCO, and handle the leading brands. 7--: ' . . : . - " - -' 7 ; . . . r - ' . ..- , : 7 ' ; Call and sec if I have misrepresented my goods.. You will find my Saloon three doors below the 1st National Bank, No. where you will find the Curious" Concoctoi' of Cocktails, SHEP DEAVER, and the ge nial H. C. JONES to wait on you. Any intormatidn given strangers with pleasure, jell MEDICAL COLLEGE OF VIRGINIA, FORTY-KINTH EES4ION ; C'Om"meNCE3 OCTOBER 4," 1880 CONTINUING SIX MONTIIS ' For further information write for catalogue. -. - " .' " v r : . - j. s. D0RSEY ctjllen, july 7 w3mos ' Professor of Surgery, Dean of Faculty. ' HATS GAPS Soft and Stiff, Trunks and Valises, Silk -and Alpacca Umbrelas v , .- . M A r n U VJ J - - - o 7N f v r " ThePopular Low: Price"' House, Main st LYMAN for an Ocean . Breeze ? , Greatest Seaside Resort, tho- 1 G IT Y. N. C. ' BOB JONES. f 1- ; 1 i V - I Y

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