V f 3P A Creating IHngo Isdryftnd tarns hard, until oil Isapplied, after'whlch it moves easily. , When, the joints, or hinges, olth body mstiffened and Inflamed by BheumatlsinVthey can not be moved without causing the most excruciating pains. Ayers Barsaparffla, ( by its action on the Mood, relieves this -condition, and restores the Joints to good working order. Ayer'a Sarsaparillahaa effected, in oar city, many most remarkable cures, in cases which baffled the efforts of the most experienced' physicians. Were it necessary. I could rive the names of many individaals who have been cured by taking this medicine. In my case it has worked wonders, relieving me of Rheumatism,; after being troubled with it for years: In this, and all other diseases arising from impure blood, there is no remedy with which I am acquainted, that affords such relief as Ayer's Barsaparilla. B. H Lawrence, M. D., Baltimore, Md. Ayer's Barsaparilla cored me of Gout and Rheumatism, when nothing else would. It has eradicated every trace of disease from my system. B. H. Short, Manager HotoTSBelmonWl-owell, Mass. - I was. during many months, a sufferer from chronic Eheumatism. me dis ease afflicted me grievously, in spite of all the remedies I could find, until I commenced using Ayer's Barsaparilla. ; I took sev eral bottles of this preparation, a was speedily restored to health. J. Fream, Independence, Va. . tt . Aver's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. j. O. Aver & Co., Lowell. Mm Boldta aU Pratt,!, rrtoe Slid bottles. f6. ALL ARE INVITED HESTON'S, Eagle Hotel Block, and partake 01 Delicious Ice Cream. Just as nice as made any where in the country. If vou want to take some home, we have pockets irom o to oucis. Or will put in ice that it will keep solid for any length of time. Just came in to-day fresh stock oi WHITMAN'S & ROYSTEITS PINE CANDIES, Fruits, Marshmallows, Finest CHOCOLATE CREAMS, CARAMELS, Double Strength Mint Drops, Lime Juice Drops Imported and Domestic Segars Fine Cut CHEWING TOBACCO. Try our Beaucatcher Segars; nothing better in a 5c. Segar. J. M. HESTOU, Eagle Hotel Block. lb LlVei (Xnrtclrl'i Little has been done or can be said in newspaper columns concerning the life of newsgtrla, For few of them can the same excuse be offered as for the boys, that it is the legitimate and only occupation by which they must earn their bread. It is not believed that there is one of them who has not a home and some person who should keep her oft the streets, i Some ,of them, however, are wayward naturally, or have been made so by evil associations In their extreme youth, while others and the greatest number, it is to be feared are knowingly sent out to the life of de moralization and vice that is inevitable by the very persons who should moat carefully have guarded them from such a fate. There are, of course, some few ex ception in the cases of girls who go out to sell papers with their mothers who have established stands, and though forced by TMirtv tn emnlov then children's aid in the battle of life, strive in so doing to shield them from evil by keeping them as closely as possible to the maternal apron strings. wKven then, it is rare that their daughters escape contamination from the thoroughly corrupt girls of their own age with whom they are brought - in contact daily. The areat body of the newsgim run ning wild on the street have acquired a iri4i nt ami nroflciencv in vice be- ( t.ViBv have crown old enoueh. to rec ognize its degradation and the inevitable ruinous consequences. The older ones educate the younger in vice; the youngest Btrivfl to emulate in all of which they should be innocent. A large proportion nf them are Italians, and many are very niwttv while thev are very young. In fact, a newsgirl has little hope of success if she ia not Drettv and soon finds herself forced rn- nf enmnttition to other walks in life vhent frond looks are not so essential- New York Sun. " " Starvation ia Egypt- ;,"A fellow-mania makes -lis wondrous kind: and the chief creditor Of the castle- buildina crank of ttohenscnwangau now turns nnfc to be the castle-building ex- khedlve. During the fourteen years of his administration the viceroy of Egypt built away some 300,000,000 franc3, wrung frnm the life-blood of starving toilers. Nine-tenths of the population of Egypt nr in the most liberal sense, subsisting upon the bare necessities of the vital pro cess; a little rice, a nine aurma twu, hnirnri into hard cakes, and washed down with a drauffht of ditch-water. Professor fiVrHr.tr. on his recent survey of The- bald, was for miles followed by a barefoot boy, who every now ana men apiiruaiiucu the wagon and watched the workings of the Instrument with haggard eyes. Ascribing his persistence to an impulse of scientific curiosity, the professor asked his dragoman to hand him a telescope and invite him to take a peep at the distant mountains. "He's after something else, I guess," laughed . the interpreter, and a short conversation sufficed to confirm that theory. "There is some corn spilt in your wagon," said the dragoman, "and this youngster asks your permission to eat a handful of it." The corn hard, dry, maize corn wa3 swiftly absorbed by the youthful son of the desert, who, with the same promptitude, devoured a quart of dried fruit and a lot of fluid butter, but took to his heels like a deer when the dragoman handed him a paper full of mustard pickles and yelled at him for dropping them after the first bite. Dr. Felix L. Oswald. ""mission IIOSriTAIi. should remember that the Mission Hospital offers all tho advantages for treatment ana cure oi . uihbbhu pwuu" their sex, that can be found In Northern cities. Address, JUassion uospiuu, aw"uo, v.. v - - . . ; -- r feb 23-tyj - ' i t ' I - ti 't Call and eet some of !those bargains this week, at Whitlock's. j Try Duffy's Pure Barley -Mai Wins Irev. for sale enlv W W. U. Mulier a j . - 1 - - . . .- . . . Trv our Barefooted and Baldheaded Corn, to be found only a original Bob Jones' Pioneer Bar. i ; lleef JTortli Caollav-; "BISHOP LYMAN'S APPOIMTMEKTS. " ; Aug.14 Thursday, Liacolnton, Consecration; ' 13 Friday, Lincolnton, Ordination. 4 v 15 Suuday, Tryon City, Folic comity . 17 Tuesday, Mills' a. Koaas. Aiofe Hotel Bite Omar's Sulphur Sprin id4llJ IA mm .94 Sundav. Cuilowhee. 84 Tuesday, St. John's, Macon comuy.T"j Iranian' Contentment, N. (J, -Aug. 11,1880. Deer Mr. Editor : f fVl3 A Excuse me while I wipe my specks vl . ; And get my thoughts collected, ? t f For to see my name in public print -I never had expected. s . . .- '' But at any sort of sacrifice , Truth must be ventilated, And that's the theme which all my life ; My soul has animated. . . And your paper as the organ of : ' Our city population, - , Is the true channel through which to give . j- . Such matters propagation. Now, there's Sam "Weldon's Bakery, Aboc t which all are raving, V; I stepped in there on yesterday, And it set my heart a-craving. His "Snowfiake" Breadln every Bhape From flour of besl selection, . And choicest cakes in every style Is the "acme of perfection." The "Geni" the butt of envy is Of all who try to ape it, '" And when it sends its arrow home Its rivals can't escape it. The sbafts of slander which they hurl With dark intent to harm them, Fall broken at their victor's feet, And never can alarm 'em. P. S. Sam Weldon tells me that his sales , Have grown to such a figger, That, bo will soon, without some change, Have to build his oven bigger. Atjn r Jase. S5 Wednesday. 8 p. m. : ' 97 TTrtrtflv: Webster. -? Sunday, WaynestllleJ v--' " " 4p.wMlearJale.. ' - v SepCl-.-Wednesday,. at Andrew s.-,JJnncoinbe UOUlilJ. - Sifrday. Trinity ehuich,- As6etni- ri '. 8 pm, Trinity chapel, Asnevme " 9 Thursday, 8 p. m., Morganton. " ift Friday, 8 p. -tea, 8tate3"3o4 -f A ifuSiT, V J W. N. C. R. R. Hoiv Communion at all morning servicis. Col lections lor diocesan 9iiaigu.i Thn mmnn1fr nf tho land will ho Sold. In tracts suitable for farms, villa plots and business lots. Also, old mill and fine water power. 4 The most desirable place or residence in- i .; xne .Land or uemui. . Best mineral Waters, Best CUmsta Finest Scenery. ? vn- Five mr.es west of Asuevllle, on Murphy Dlv. ; WINE AND LIQUOR STORE, i MAIN ST., 3rd DOOR ABOVE THE. BANK OP ASHEYILLE. . : - J Tholargest and most complete assortment of ""' ,' ; Importedvand Domestic Wines, z Liquors; ana Dranaies LIFE? HI L- ' i.HTOH UHAUGE. muv VALLEY MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION f v - ; S VIEGISIA . . , i Issues jyolcies for' from''' 15.000 anrea mountain and valley land in Tran- Bvlvania nonntv. itmted foi stock raisinK. iarm- lug, irtui culture, mmDeriiig, u. w,ww owe i mountain land in Swain ceunty, on Tennessee I Elver. Kich land, well tlmoerea. nara racu will be cat np to suit purchasers or coionlts. Somnl mhor tnut, In WAatnrn eonntics for Sale. I Gold Placer minlnfc land ana Bmoer on ine Btump for sale. Apply to '". ' J TO ! 1 , BE FOUND IN , r t Jun25-dbw6m . Address" Sulphur Springs, or AshevUie, N.C. jliOOOlto $3,000, !... t". corabihes , the! giiarctntes,' leature ol "OT.D LINE" Companies ,at . the . ance hi Secret Orders. : FIRE INSURANCt. Insurance' against ;los3by."Fite in ' City 'and County on'all kinds of Property; Ideal and Persona Policies issued at fair rates A,; X Companies Hdm6-and Foreign THOS. W. BRANCH, Agent, Office North Side Court Square, my 20-tfV - -' : ' EDWARD J. AST0H,; REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Ashpvllle. Worth OaroHra WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. ' , i : . j . .-.! Ji : I make a specialty of Champaigns, Sauternes and Clareta by the case, , - v -" "r- and carry a large stock of fine ; i - ; . - BOH ANZA?; Sample and Pool Room in the Rear; ' Is unsurpassed by anything of the' kind in the Stale. it ' JOHN Z. MILSTER & 'JJ A. MARQUARDT, Managers. sioot Jiwn Mala Street, (Above Eagle Hotel) jtsheville, JIT. C - o Thn noat. stnolc alwavs on hand. Work always guaranteed toWve ttofactlon. . - l am specialty prepares- w hoes so as to prevent dampness i jdiQDKAKiNO. Readv-Madc nstom Work or all sorts on jiaim. Gentlemen and Ladies' Repairing a Spe cialty. , Fine Custom Work always on hand, any style anH inHcranMmi ffiiamnteed. as to stock ana work. Shoemakers FindinRs always on hand and tor sain, the nest in the roarsei. ai iow mux rsjmt.9' cnatom-made. low-an.rtered dress shoes made of best material, now offered for H and 84.50 usual price, 16. Call early. Atlantic & N. C. R. R. TIME TABLE KO. 2H. In effect 12 M., Sunday. January lTth,188C EAST. .WEST. No. 51. Passenger. STATIONS ; No. SO. Passenger. Arr. L'ye. Arr. L've. Vt v.. 6 51 182 847 11 18 1140 P. M. 6 07 551 G52 1128 Goldsboro La(irange Kinston New Berne Horehead City 11 Moreliead Depot . Dally Except Sunday. A. X. 11 13 io se 942 . 4 48 A. X. 10 89 . 47 7 47 S06 485 To You want to save 500 per cent in I Ivour vearlv Printing bills? If so, rrn afnA nsfi mv fino Ruhber Print ing Hand Stamps, to print your bill and letter heads, postal cards, envelopes and statements &c, &c. I mount them to order, with anr read ing or picturing desired, and supply Stationery .."iirnArMiiif r-riBT Bo. rw. what you save ! You can print your own jobs for five years with thom Drnnme a card, and I will come and see vou, or give me an idea of what you want. nnBi niTl-OTC and AvervbOdV. BhOUlU maTK their clothing Indelible and print their visiting pdrns with name stamps. Your name. In any style ol type, with Indelible ink (can t be wash ed or boiled out) pad, box, distributor &c. 00 cts. A. B. Sams, Jr., Ashevllle, X. V. tf.aug 18. 'PROSPECT BREWERY,' PHILADELPHIA, PA. Pine Groceries I Imported and Domeslic Table Delicacies, at KEPLER'S. James P. Sawyer, Wholesale and Retail, PATTON AVE. - ASHEVIXL7N Having just returned from the North ern market, I have now in stock the prettiest, cheapest and best stock of general merchandise it has ever been my pleasure to offer consisting of GENTS' FINE CLOTHING, any price you want. . MtESS GOODS, from 5cta. np. SUJtlJlIER SIMjKS in different shades. imiTE GOODS to please any one. BLACK GOODS - just what yon want. CARPETS, new and pretty JTUlTTIliGS, all shades and prices. RUGS, the prettiest you ever saw. UOISERW the cheapest in the city.- IIANDKEItCIIIEFS, at your own prices. new and handsome, by the 100 dozen. jrjiPKijr&i to match. LINEN DAMASK, something good. GENTS' FINE SHOES, the best in the market LADIES' SHOES, . come and see. HATS, at all prices. SUGAR AND COFFEE, as cheap as the cheapest. BACON AND FLOUR, . as low as the lowest SILVER AND GOLD. shirts. COLLARS AND CUFFS, all sizes. -. MY MOTTO: " A satisfied customer i$ my best advertise menL" JAMES P. SAWYER, v Patton Avenue, - JYeiv and VUUuable-rJtla ' ehinery for Sale. W OFFER the following new Jtachlnery for OosW-lncli Planing and Matching Machine, One four-aided Moulding Machine, One heavy Morticing Machine. . One large Iron Tenaonlng Machine, . One smaa Feed MU1, . : lao some-second-band Machinery, as good as Bew.ufoHows: - One 20-iWfti Planing Machine. . ' ' One Atlas Engine, 15-horse power, 1 Westing House Engine. 10-horse power. -1 10-hors tortable Boiler. ... ' 1 One 20-taorse power boiler. f ,- This Machinery Is being used every day. All -mi of the above wlU be sold on reasonable term- AppU k. W. GIEDWOOD - Jyljlwaw2ir , . V - Ashevine.K. Advantage of Color Blindness. t TnicrVit. Biimriafi vou to know that oc casionally total color blindness has proven a decided advantage. . All colors appear ir.fr tn nph an one as shades of gray, or black, or white. An engraver thus af fected would possess a keener ability to discern fine lines. A cterk in a mourning roods denartment of a large dry goods store received extra compensation for his acute eye. for shades when it was iouna to depend on total color blindness. &ncn cases are exceptional as can De lmagmeu when railroad men are aiscnargea ior in ability to distinguish a red from a green lantern. Postoffice clerks have run short in their cash accounts through, selling stamps .of the wrona denomination, tne differently colored sheets genmg miu the wrong drawers. Lithographer and Printer. Ylews of the City. A standard business in every large city now is the sale of photographic albums of the principal buildings, paries ana puduc resorts of the city. For many years this business was confined to European cities. Gradually the album came in vogue in Xew York, and Washington city; but now the perfection to which photo-lithographs nave been reaucea maK.es tneir. puuuua tion a matter of such slight cost, that every city has its publications of views, and few travelers pass through a city of any note without possosing themselves of one of these cheap and interesting souv enirs of the visit. Formerly such an al bum of St. Louis viewa as now sells for 50 cents would have been cheap at $3. "G. C." in Globe-Democrat. Failure of tue Phonograph. Phonographs have never become more than a toy, although great thing3 were predicted of it Edison did nothing more with It ana turned nis attention to mo more profitable work of perfecting the svstem of incandescent lighting that -has since been such a success. The trouble with the phonograph was that the tin foil was not soft enough to take the im pression of the sound-waves deep enough to make the machinery talk loudly when Its time came to talk. In fact the phono graph was a very go6d listener, but a poor repeater of conversations. What a pity it is that humanity is not built more on the basis of the phonograph. Detroit Free Press. . SOMETHING NEW. THE "Embostype" Printing Stamps (PATENT APPLIED FOR.) These stamps answer all the pur poses of rubber stamps and cost much less. . a-Look ! A stamp of your name, a bottle of indelible ink, rsuitable for marking- clothing,) an inking pad and a distributor, secure ly packed in a neat box, post paid, for only 25 cents- Satisfaction Guaranteed. Also ali kinds of rubber stamps at lowest prices. Goods shown and orders received at Estabrook's. Write to Walter S. Cushman, Asheville, N. C. WMMULLERl&CO Ageidi, J ASHEVILLE, N. C. Wc herewith take great-pleasure in 5ntrnliipinr for exDort and family use this Extra Quality Imager Beer, Brewed of the best Barley and imported Rnliim5an Hons. It surpasses in fine taato flavor- brilliancy and nutritious qualities any other Lager Beer, and is strictly pure and unadulterated. Physi cians advise the use of this Beer, and we call your special attention to tne loiiow msf analysis : "Budweis" Iiag-er Beer, Emanating from the Prospect Brewery, in Philadelphia, fa. The undersigned, at the request of the Technical Society, has completed an analysis of the "Budweis" Beer, brewed nt Chaa. Wolters' Prospect Brewery, in Philadelphia, .which analysis exhibits the following results: S T. T. T. EXTRA CHOICEST New Crop TEAS, Choicest Moyune Gunpowder, English Breakfast, Formosa Oolong, Extra Fancy Japan: FINE COFFEE. Mocha, Olc" Government Java, Cordova, Santos Peaberry, Finest Rio and Laguayra, Instantaneous Chocolate, Cocoa, Baker's Chocolate and Broma. CROSSE & BLACK WELL'S Jams, Gordon & Dilworth'u Jellies &-Preserves, G. & D. Pineapples, in glass jars, G. & D. Cranberry Sauce, " Train 50 connects with Wilmington & Weldcn train bound North, leaving Goldsboro 11 :35a. m.t and with Richmond & Danville train West, leav ing Goldsboro 12:35 p. m., and Wilmington fc Weldon Train South at 4:64 p. m. . . A . 1. 11 r. 1 J Y-v I IT JTainoi connects wuu xuuuutuiiu nc ihuviud Tralu. arriving at Goldsboro 4:40 p.m., and with Wilmington & Weldon Train from th North at 4:54 p. m. - .... CapFear&Y.y.EtCoi'y. TRAIN NORTH. Arrive Leave Bcnnettsviile, 8 20 p m FaycttevUle. 12 00 m 12 25 pm Sanford, 218pm 23pm Greensboro, 6 00 p m Dinner at FaycttevUle. TRAIN SOUTH. Arrive. Leave. Greensboro 9 60 a m Sanford 120pm 145 pm Fayeltevllle 3 50pm4 00pm Bennettsvlllo 7S0pm Dinner at Sanford. Fretrtit and Pssseneer Train leaves Bennetts ville Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays at 2 80 p m, arriving at Fayetteville at 8 p m. Leaves Fayetteville on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 6 30 a m, and arrives at Ben nettsville at 12 m Freight and passenger Train North leaves Fay etteville on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 a m, (connecting at Sanford with Freight sntt passenger Trains 10 nuieigu;, lenvcsotiuiuru at 11 80 a m, and arrives at Greensboro at 5 40 pm. Leaves Greensboro xuesaays, Tnnrsaays aun Saturdays at S a m, leaves Sanford at 11 15 a m, and arrives at Fayetteville at 2 4o p m. JNO. M. ROSE, Gen. Tass. Agent. J. W. FRY. Gcu. Superintendent. Richmond and Danyille , Railroad. JOHN HART & CO. Contractors and Builders' ASHEVILLE, N, C.," . MAKERS OT- ' ' ' noon and WIJYDO f FRJIJIIES, : . JUljrTEL,S and JBIUtCMtiT& Keep in stock Mouldings, Newels, Handrails, Balusters, etc., etc. All kinds of Builder's woodwork solicited apt 9-Uw3mos Pomona Hill' Nurseries, I. Van Idnclley, Propr. SALEM JUNCTION,: N. C., 2 Miles west of Greensboro, on the Richmond & Danville Rail Road.- TJMKE JYOTICE! W. O. JSO-iiller & Jo. JLiquor Dealers ana tvis- tillcrs' Jl gents. received a new and Wages of an Organist. The Boston Post says that a salary of $350 a year is deemed an ample return in one of the richest churches in Boston for the services of an orzanist of the very first crade It also'says that Secently onb of the foremost organists in America ; was offered 2600 a vear to play tbe organ in a rich New York church, and he replied that, while he could earn as much as that driving a street car, he would not degrade Ma eallina by accenting the off er. lux- change. ' Freezing Necessary to Germination. A number of European botanists have had reason to believe that the seeds of many New Zealand plants will not ger- mlnAte readily until after they have been frosten. The same carious observation has been made in relation to . the Himalayan seeda. Boston Budget. Knows All About Them. The -editor of a morning paper knows ' all bout the nights of labor. Boston Bulletin. : . ' J Vermont proposes to establish a stata Institution for the criminally Insane.1 JZl full supply of all kinds of goods usually kept in our line, we are prepared to furnish "our many patrons and the public in general, witn sometmng gooa for the Holidays. -Rfuwial attention is called to Duffy s Pure Barley Malt Whiskey for which we are agents in this section, also the cele brated Bavarian and Budweise Lager Beer on draught, and Dottiea ior iamuy use, which is guaranteed strictly: pure. We also have a lot of Fine Old Pore N. C. Corn Whiskey that can't be beat, and the best and most popular brands of fine Old Kentucky hand-made sour mash Rye and Bourbon Whiskies fine imported Cognac Brandv, Jamaica Kum, importeu and domestic Gins, Pure N. C. Apple and Peach BrandieB, Pure N. u. sweet jwasn Uorn w niBKey, uuc mu miuuiiuuucMj, Port, Madeira, Ularet, unampagne ana an tinrls of domestic Wines. Imported Ale and Porter, Fine Cigars, Tobacco, &c., &c. vvehavewitn us jaessrs. jee wr rells, Jesse J. Lange and W. Columbus Featherstone who win do giaa o uavo their friends call and see them. We have in connection witn our car an elegant Billiard and Pool nail up stairs, furnished with the celebrated BrunswiCK, JJaiKC x wiiianaer vavb Tables, the best in nse,which is are charge of tne old jovial Tom Pope who will give a cordial greeting to alL Ordes rsolicded and promptly filled. . t VV . II. JUUJLOjCXI. Oi. jJ., h Main st , opposite Public Square, . . Asheville. N. C. Cesar's Head Hotel, Specific, gravity, 1,0124 , . . Alcohol, 3,94Hcj X .- Extract, M . ? 4.92c t y Carbonic Acid,1 4 J " 0,22Pc Ashes, - - , 0,20c Thia siffnifiea that thoBudweis" Beer in H PRRpntial Qualities is almost the exact counterpart of the .tbest Imported Bohemian Beerv- i ,7 A further examination, seeking adui fjratinns. nroves conclusively tnat it contains naught of that nature. Dr. D. h. jjannkbaum, Tawny Chemical Works, Bridesburg. Philadelphia, uct. vs, 158 1. Fur Hotels. Boardine Houses, - Private Families and the Trade, the above Beer is put up in patent-stoppei Bottles (pints.) and in export bottles (pints,) well corked, Wired, foiled and labeled. We deliver the Beer free of charge to any part of the city, and call for the omntvmtent. st.onnGr bottles, which are nvp.r sold but must always be returned Ko Mil.. "' Havinor erectod a larze refrigerator for the storage-of Beer we 'are enabled to keep our Beer cool, fresh and .in good order, and it will be furnished direct frnm onr refrigerator to our customers. . All shipping orders will receive prompt attention. ' ;' apiS-dtrt WPJdTOEK& CO. CANNED VEGETABLES. Gordon & Dil worth's Asparagus, Oyster Bay Asparagus, Sifted Early June Peas, Succotaph, Corn, Whole Tomatoes, uura ana lomaiwis. French Peas arid Mushrooms. CALIFORNIA CANNED Fruits, Peaches, Apricots, Pears, White (Jlierries, ureen age riuuin, Bahama Pineapples grated, and sliced. WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION. - General Passenger Office, I Salisbury. N. C, June 19th1886. On and after June 80th, 1886, and superceding ill others, the following schedule will be opera ted over this road : JIAIN LINE. Train No. C. Train No. 53. WEST. CAST. Arr. L've. Arr. L've. 11.25 am. &.3up. EDAiS & PINEAPPLE CHEESE, Boss' Lunch Biscuit, ' Boss' Wafers, Mushropm Crackers, Imported Albert Biscuit Finest New Orleans Molasses. Salisburv. 8tatesville 12.2S Newton, l.as Hickorj', 1.6S 1.89 Icard, 2 20 2.40 Morganton, f &.vo o.uo Marion. 4.08 : Old Fort, 4.37 4.37 Round KnoD, t.s .u Black Mo'ain, 6.29 Ashevllle, 6.10 6.21 Alexanders, 6.5 7.21 Marshall. T.57 7.58 WannSpr'KS. 2, 8.55 I'alntKOCK. - Kev West and Imported Cigars. .52. 9.15' Tram No. 50. WEST. Lve. 4.21 3.14 8.43 1.56 1.88 12.87 11.66 11.40 10.58 9.56 8.56 8.18 7.20 4.23 2.43 2.21 1.28 11.57 11.40 10.52 10.01 8.18 . T.47 T.0O Train No. 51. EAST. X BRND & r " 1 CO. -4 JLocaked upon tlie stimmlt of CAESAR'S HEAD MOUNTAINS, rT,i"C r A AXV A' A --(TX-WAtit Ladles will nnffaoomfortabla frrrat'innsij room In the AihevilM Music House, north side of Public square. - . , , ... TOTICK..; V " . ' ' All pertMrtisvlnf runs or other property ia the shop of O. W. Home, deceased, will please l- . 1. a nAMntmGA at nnm. nmre the same. . ut ehmeu. and take them away. e is deslr- ous of settling up the estate. V. BROWN, og S5 dlw . - - Collector. PLEASE TAKE, NOTICE rtL-anr mid nut mv urns Dusiness 1 aesire 10 close up everything at once. Parties whose ro tm mv hnnki will find their accounts ready at the Music and Lamp store of T. M. De Vault one door below my former place of tmsl- nesr. Mr. w. f. Kanaoipn oou. n. ieamv are my authorized agents.: have charge of nry books, ana wui recaip air u biouojo them. The cash Is sadly needed to close up my own indebtedness so please let ; na Jiave it at once, bold outlylnir Fpnr of the Bine Ridge, Foot Thousand Six Hundred feet (4600) above nae water. Scenery grand Devona conccpiH", Climate nnparalleled. Average temperance from 55 to 70. Mineral waters abundant. - r i- Every convenience provioea aitue owu - Teems : J2 per day, 810 per week, $35 per month. HOW TO REACH CiESAR'S HEAD. Take 7 a. m. train at Ashevllle, come io' fien- "dersonville, N. C, 8a.m take stage amepu. arrive at Uiesars ueaa same lujruwtu ; - jr. dlULOi in. Mt.t aug 12 dim - -. " -v- s ; - r :ugl7:dlm i aW.DJlVAULT.A 5-1. i-r 'I. J 1.1 pvESIRABLE LOT8NFOB SAWS. r- fonr desirable lots in nnrH , at th citT. L Thru Of the IOt rSd to are Vacant and beautifully wooded, and on the Spl my foorthltuated l Kia ll.v( ply to W. E. Whltson l U.SS. H. M. HERNDON UNDERTAKEJIS.: i.i ASHEVILLE, N: Cjl r f " f AtalliQ anrl Walnut CorfinS constantly nnhtnil. - Fverv reomsite of the business furnished. All calls day ornigntprompir w answprfid. Hearses 1 irnished when d"esiredl ' . ; . '-'.. v.: wt-wly BOB JONES, ; The Pioneer. To'mv Customers: ''j, ?: v;;, in wua. or on draft.. , Mr iroods wines, liquors, beers, fee., are all pure andfteshT Onlers 'solicited .and satisfaction guaranteed. ' Orders rrbm a distance specialty solicited. . - - Goods oeuverea iriw 01 ians the -tttj by poUte servants, a vlw..n-' Shep Deaver, the curious ronttorof cocktails. Is with me ana respecwuuy iuvum u call. Call on or address .nTt TrtOTQ The Pioneer Bar, 8 doors below 1st Nat Bank, apl 25-2a ' - r, Asheville N. C 'TOHNSTON'S Kalsomine, Linseed OiL Varnish. Lard Oil,:Dryer, Irontjiad raint, (TinQowumns uiiyw, r,.JSEAEUJJiJf. KAixJN o?uu. FULL STOCK OP' STAPLE GROCEUIES j ,South Main St., opp. Eagle Hotel. SOMETHINGGHOIOE! L oVEES OF THE WEED, who enjoy a really good smoke, should always ask for - HOLMES' Golden teal , jLand of the Sky, ' Pissah. mau hnmih u riAnufurnrtid from the cele brated Tobaccos grown In Western North Caro lina, free from all perfumeries, adulterations o lmpurities,and are prized for their Superb Smoking Qualities Ask your dealers or holjties TOBACCO, and take no other. Oritri mm iht Trmdf SoHHUd. K L HOLMES '& CO. Pbopbtetoes Arr. Salisbury, 1.20 a.m. Statesville, 8.43 2.44 Newton, a.uo 0.00 Hickory, 4 33 4.34 Icard, 6.09 5.09 Morganton, . s.m Marlon, 6.59 6.59 Old Fort. 7.3 J 7.87 Round Knob. 8.00 8.20 Black Mount'n 9.02 9.02 AshevUle, . 9.55 10.00 Alexander's, 10.40 10.40 Marshall, 11.25 11.85 warm tspnngs-ia.e'j -3 Paint Rock, 3.25 MURPHY Arr. 12AI 11.26 10.17 9.40 9.12 8.40 730 6.67 6.15 5.24 4.21 3.43 s.nt 1.85 Lv 11.28 10.17 9.41 9.12 8.40 7.20 6.57 , 6.85 5.89 4.31 3.43 3.01 8.00 1.15 DIVISION. r tl Going East. i- ttions.- i - Arr. ' L've 3.20 2.13 , 1.48 12.26 11.42 10.26 10.15 9.28 8.36 7.34 a. P M 815 158 100 1202 J 1027 Irt lit 1 : 1016 929 845 7.34 m 6.00 A M 10.10 Ashevllle. 11.08 , 11.10 m Turnpike,. 11.83 i 11.33 j f Plg'n River, 12.31. " 19.40 g, Waynesv'le, 1.15 f 1.35 o. Balsam, 2.35 2.35 2 Sylva, " f 2.45. ' - 2.46 3 Web'rStaf 8.36 3.S6 P. Whlttler, 4 80 4.2S Charleston, 5,30 5.30 Nantahala, 7.05 Jarretts, Meal Stations. ' ... , ' ", , Trains Nos. 50 and 51 run solid oetween Louis ville and Salisbury, carrying Pullman sleepers between Cincinnati, Louisville and Kaoxvule ; also between Warm Springs and Goldsboro. Tminii 'n m unit 53 runs solid between Mor- ristown and Salisbury, carrying Leighton sleep ing cars between Chattanoogr and Asheville. C.W.CHEARS, AG PA. Richmond, Va. .: W. A. TURK. A. G. R--A., Salisbury, N C. , V. E. McBEE. Supt., Ashevllle. N C. an 2-12mos ASHEVILLE. N. C. FBANKjLIN HOUSE, D; C. CUNNINGHAM, pEOPKrarroB, FRANKLIN, - N. C. n ... is TablesuppUed with the best tne market iWYorir. 1 23.55 l&f iyK i affords V ? H fladelpiila, 21.05 i First-lass-Livery ad Sale Stables In connection witn nouse. ttHilt Hk between Webater no f mmj aUli mom fmr ttrwmmtr. I sept U-dly il (Established In 1855.) Schedult s'otS &dstnger Jtktea IBOlt TBrtJcrPAL POINTS To Asheville, Jr. c. 1st Class. .55 Baltimore,1 18.25 Washington, i.w Richmond- 13.80 Norfolk, Wilmington, Charleston, Augusta, ; Atlanta, Over 1,000,000 Frnlt . Trees..; Tines, cVc, Consisting of Apple, Peach, Pear, Plum, Apricot, Nectorine, Japanese " Persim ; mon, Quince, Figs, Pecans, Molberriet Grapes, Raspberries, Currants, Goose berries, Shade Trees, Evergreens, Roses &c, in great variety. .... .. - Send for descriptive catalogue, which gives lull description of all, and retail nrice list. Correspondence solicited, special in ducements to large planters. . Address ' J. VAN LINDLEY. Salem Junction, Guilford co., N. C. A. R. Ogburn and N. A. Reynolds, - Agents for Western N. C., ' at Asheville, N. C. mch l&-dAw6mos THE - HAZLEGREEN Sash, & Blind ITaotorv Has recently purchased a large amount ot Oak Ash Chestnut, Cherry and. Wauiut Lumber, and CAN FURNISH WORK ' manufactured of thoroughly dried n-atena'.. We propose to furnish work at the lowest figure, and equal to any imported goods. . THOS. L. CLAYTON, Tropr ; S. CLAYTON, Business Manger. feb4-swtf HARNESS. Oar Stock is now complete and made of the best materials, with all the latest improvements. Single and dou Die set 1 in nickle and oriental rubber, either gi 1 or nickle lined. All other trimmings : short notice. Saddles and Bridles , Of every grade and price, from cheapen . . t-i 11 ri, a. . , Morgan to me nguiui duspmw. .- -. 1 HORSE COEItRS i . Of every kind, sise, grade and price. UORSE CJLO TUIJVG Just received a fresh stock, including Track Suits, Sweat Hoods, Jowl Hoods, Cooling Blankets, Ankle Boots of differ ent patterns, .Linen eneets 01 an price , XtJMM ROBES. The finest stock in the market.. Call and see them. . . y- . Whipgy Saddle 2oths and Fly JYetSj in every variety. ',".,.' :- REP&MRIJYG OF AM,!, KMJVnS Ji SF'ECIJMI Remember we have no' machinery all work done by hand and guaranteed. Call on us and see. what can, be boosht in Asheville ia our line. . . -: . .1 T. W BBAKCH. , ; North Main stit, opposite old Centra) Hotel. AahevUle. N. C. i .l-- Round Trip Sammer Excursion. Vt32.00 j , B8.0O V 22.40 .80.00 " 15.85 Jetreler;n TVONCFORGETl -5 i- AND DXtXiSLtST WatcfteiZ PJZ&'a. r Patton Averltie. Asnevme, a. w Xerov W. Fairchjld's Gold. Pep. Good stock always on Ifor any one wishing to purchase a race as property must Be sold at some pri furtheHnionnation apply to . W. R. .Wl roT.TOl4Banair?isl.reRo neS'vilv I atruik alwBTS on hand.s bodied, you can add one Gallon of Oil to j Q sstA fiisk ?ARJJt every Ajraiiuii -aiiti? uiuoiicuawiapwiw 6tiiaJow aiithat of dnfexior gooda. I Court House or to mcno-u For ale RTj jOAJJKIK & CQ.; N fOTICEi..' t V t- M Mlnn a TT.A V HANK HARE. .v.nnt 11 honila hlo-h and about 7 rears old. which T KfHpve has t een stolen. The owner can have aug 12 It pRINKLED Sursuckers. 4 in hand Cra it, nia rlndn ties Ginshams, Lawns, White goods,- .Buggy, Jtooes,, vauaprp- bast cnoes, Btraw nan muiuius. BEARDiiN. KAKri.ir rM I IH ' ' :. 'r," Improved Fruik'Jars'and JeUy Glasses lea Cream Treezers,atJ july 18-dtf - -The fine iarmjjeiTOg' Inst onWue the city limits containing 885 acres -TOScres of which is choice bottom, suttab le fat rtrdinlng. trucking snd general timing, wlU lb ffi me wui bV reiXeYon that ay to the hlgli tnfVV.?.. iiT,itiLhi and acceptable tenant can get this property for a tern of yes's If desir- I ed. CaU for particulars on , . aug 18 dcodwlm - Real Estate Dealers. Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans,'' Chattanooga, Mempnis. r. Louis Ville.fj.-Clnctnnatf, Raleieh. Savannah,. Columbia, Jacksonville. . - 13.15 s n3.2B I t '13.45 10.S5 - 15.S0 . 14 J4 t 20.55 88.45 30.05 7.75 M 11.M; 17.08 v 23.80' 12.40. - -17.75' 12.75 X-.rj?19.K 10.60 f . 12.3 17.20 1 . 18.78 , 10.25 2160 Settlers. 114.15 11.65 8.85 7.65 8.16 -nawmr isftrav A1VI P AIWTINO, and rpholsjerlni. L. SWICEGOOD. ft it ., V. UJ..15 28.99 A v Willow stieetj Asheville, N.C. IsretCy to do the verr best work ta hla and will guarantee satisfaction in won . Gold Sio A Specialty ' 1 ' '' ' . '. hi Estimates furnished: rIsrge eontrachL Invite examination orpricts aadwork. OltS me a call. - , brAwinnn ' t IFTOU WANJ a gem:ofa home fop. fco: I ! MEAL TBS prettiest little place In Bnnoomha eotm ty, two miles from a depot, four miles tr&ssj 1 the city, on uwannanoa nw, oHimnn umir, '9 ro 10 Where the fccsV iheTTuarket af-T fords can be obtained t- reason- WA abl-jratesw South Main, st, f-Tt 2 doors above Eagle Hotel. actes,twenty of which are good bottom i' T9 land, as goo as any on the river; towuo4 . ' bw dwelling bons, . with 1 ses, splendid -cpm: with idee apple trrst, m CI-ai J r to tear, 75 pcU trtoi ail el me rrspe .vlnM snd J"" rs, a aj.itad u rr! ' . thnbwed. Good, new dwelling bons, wit 7 Aim all ntit Hnuims. in enuia anni:r wiib 1 anrinif-hotue. 150 choice apple trrs, O4il'tol , wntcnarejusiresuj tub superior quality; some 'I'MsnrmwriTii wuu and clover, ana now n auout u-j ,. c In clover. Also good tobacco land.' .' For further particular rt;ly , "1

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