G aftsjs? Rat & Co.'J Lmi Km. , T!, valley of the WaroSjgsfe of thari' mlIuiuuii p mite:relow. tlie Spring by. then'oW ' tains which press, up their spurs yvery , close to the river margin. They abut boldly upon the river in bold, rugged, 01 wnicn vines ana .snniDDery nna. a footing, their flul3iasJpTf9liige enriching the coloring in the contrasts of vivid green with the pure white, creamer Mpfe p the! rpek.) These cliffs Vabout one iiunclreed feet in height They do not appear continu ously, but project out at intervals,pic turesquely alternated with the wooded slopes which come down 'with 'gentle angle to the 'water side. In these cliffs are found the materials which furnish the industries i of the above named company.''' m 1C- T There is a singular, somewhat anom alous. interposition 'of this' strata of limestone in a formation geologically Isb different. The outcrop extends down the river about a quarter " of a mile, exposed only when the cliff char acteristic is " presented;" but readily traced and ntilized wherever;, desired. The line" of direction is, as usual, from the northeast to the southwest, and is traced for many miles . from the river .along that line xf direction. The strata is vertical, and Sometimes laminated, in some places the (lam inaae being not more than an -inch thick; but main taining their continuity from top to bottom. The more usual' form, how ever isr that of greater thickness ; and solidity. The cliffs press so closely on the river that there was no room for rail road track until one was made by blasting. This has made the selection of a site for the kilns, which was found in a narrow recess below the second cliff, w Here, was xoom enough for short side-track, and here the kilns are placed. 1 None anywhere in the world are more advantageously situated. The stone is quarried immediately above the kiln and comes to its mouth by force of eravitv. bxnaustless iuei is gotten overhead and . comes down to its' place by the same force. The mouth of the kiln opens upon the rail road track, and the. cars arelnlled with . the least possible waste of labor, and then are taken to their destination. . The limestone, blue , and white, is hard and approaches very nearly the character of crystalline. The pro duct is a fine white substance, slacking readily, and setting quickly. Wher ever used, either in mortar or plaister or hard finish it has proved the equal of any lime known; and there is no reason why it should not replace the Maine lime so largely used east of the mountains. The quantity is inexhaust ible ; and there are so many facilities for manufacture and shipment that it . ought to defy competition. It ought also to come in very largely for agri cultural uses, which" will be the case if freight charges be made low enough to encourage the: structure .of ; more kilns. The new building of the First Na tional Bank here has used this lime al most, if not quite exclusively ; and the satisfaction of the builders is complete. Let it be done. Water street is the only street in Asheville which has fixed its char acteristics for a special line of busi ness. It is emphatically a tobaeco srteet. On it are the'Asheville To bacco works, the Banner Ware house, Walkers Leaf Factory, the Farmers' Warehouse running back nearly down to it, and another leaf factory near by . .The street has pe culiar advantages for this business, and might become a long line of to bacco houses, factories, leaf factories, warehouses, &c, confiictingwith no other business, at the same time constituting a distinct and valuable feature in the business of the place. The peeuliar fitness of the locality for Jtuch purposes is illustrated by the fact that the business has gone there in the face of very great and forbidding obstacles. .There is not a side-walk to the 'street. There is ndt a semblance of care for the street way, and yet it has become a very1 important thoroughfare for those engaged in ; the handling of tobacco, and would become greatly more so underthe subject of petition to the Board of Aldermen. We hope there will be no hesitation in granting the petition. It involves a question of vast public. ; Messrs. Fag?, Garren & Co. are prepar ed to deliver the best of lime, for build ing or other purposes, at the depot in ABheville. at twenty-five cents per buB hel, or ninety cents per barrel, by the sir-load. Address all orders to the above, at Warm Springs, N. C, oi M. J. Fagg in AsheTille. ; , t t r r i ' - It Js kept on hand and for sale in any quantity by" Bearden, Rankin & Co., Asheville, fit. Km 1 ' f - f - . i i junel-tf v ;.J; F. G."& Co. 8ee the three little maids from school at - the "Bonanza" . , .,, - . v. New India Linens", "bought "late and .... t Whitlock's. ' ??- Billiard and pool tables with monarch cushions, JipstairSj! Hampton icFeath eratone'sv - . . .... - , 4 AU persons are notified that they must not get sand ofl'my land without having paid for it in advance. They will b indietedlf tbey do. ailfUdtf -- ' .' MATT ATKINSON. a MO BUILDERS-WANTED f , ,,v . y . . -.i "! --i-r - s . ' - A contractor to build a school house at Franklin. N. trick and all other, material on U StouimL, Apply at onee to , v , acg 2t dlw Webster, N. C. AHTED,, A BTPtitlfTTifln wants Permanent conntnr hoard witii-n to juUes of AsheTille. Address "X." rare CITIZEN office, staiiogtenns, dts. - ,;. . aos 86 olw.k -xv , r:iv t'.S ,i fFor the AshevlJe Oman. - SOMETHING FOR CONSIDERATION , J Abhkvillk, N. C, Aug. 28, 1SS6. - -Jitssrs. Editors Prompted by a genu ine sympathy J with the afflicted, and desirous of Inducing them to ' try 'the treatment which has as signally-benefit- ted me, I offer to your readers the follow ing statement "of my case : - For twelve years.'! have been the vie.; titojjf rectal , disorders, which, for Jive, years past, have given me no rest, and at times have necessitated the use of hypoxemic- injections of morphine to alleviate the unbearable pain. Medical advisers dissuaded me from attempting a curative treatment, on the ground that my state of health made it imprudent Five years ago I was near dying from congestion of the right lung; since then I h ave had a constant cough, and for two years, have been subject to hemorrhages. In June last I was so prostrated, after the twenty-fourth, hemorrhage, th at I resigned- toy charge as pastor of the M. E. church, Wellington. Ohio, and abandon ed my profession, apparently for ever. Leaving; oar -children behind,, my wife brought me to Asheville, some advising the change as the last chance in a des- that I could never survive such a journey. I arrived six weeks ago, so exhausted as to take my bed at once. It was almost impossible for me to climb a flight of stairs. . Two weeks ago , I commenced treatment with Dra. Ilarcan and Stone. Their treatment ot the rectum bas been a Buccess from the beginning and by the use of Compound Oxygen, my lungs are so far improved that a week ago I made the ascent ot Beaucatcher mountain on foot without weariness. I am already a new man, with bright prospect of entire recovery of my health and restoration to my worV. ': Respectfully yours, Newell S. Albeight. Personals. Mrs. Dewitt Talmage has ; re turned and is a guest of the Battery Park Hotel, at which place her daughters remairied during her ab sence. Positively Dr. Talmage will not return here. ' Mr. Donald Bain, the excellent State Treasurer, and the model man, is here on a visit with his fam ily. He is in most excellent health but does not show that he has grown fat on treasury pap. Mr. J. C. Mills the coming repre sentative from Burke, is at the Bat" tery Park Hotel. Mr. J. J. Hill at present with headquarters at Newport, Tenn., made us a brief, bnt pleasant. call yesterday morning. Col. Wm. Johnson, after a pleas ant sojourn of a fortnight,, returned to Charlotte yesterday. Moat Excellent. J. J. Atkins, Chief of Police, Knox ville, Tenn., writes: My family and I are beneficiaries of your most excellent medicine, Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption; having found it to be all that you claim for it, desire to testify to its virtue. My friends to whom I have recommended it, praise it at every opportunity." Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption is guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds, Broncitis, Asthmas, Croup and every affection of Throat, Chest and Lungs. Trial bottles free at II. H. Lyons drug store. Large size $1.00. DIC. M. LYTLE'8 ELIXIR will cure Bowel Complaints. Call for Berline-plaster imported cakes at Moore and BobardB'. . &ug 20 dCt Ladies Muslin and Gauze Underwear; at Whitlook's. CEMETERY. For choice burial lots In the Aal.eville Ceme tery apply, w.thout delay, to A. J. LYMAN, angl8d3moa. Ileal Estate Broker. OTICE: The City Tax List is now in mv hands. All who desire to take advantage of the 5 per cent discount will find me at the Mayor's office from 10 to 12 a. m. and from 3 to 5 p. m N. A. REYNOLDS, anew dlw. City Tax Collector. The Dramatic Event. OPERA HALL, One JSTight Only, Thursday, Sept. THE GSEAT LONDON SUCCESS, , : Under the Lash. A car load of icenery and mechanical effects. The original New York cast. The 110,000 trained mastiffs, HERO AND HECTOR. RESERVED SEATS, 75c., NOW ON SALE AT J. P. SAWYEB'S. an24td. ' i - : : . v: ' Men, i : AU MESSRS. GUPGER AND JONES AC- :; CEPt, To Messrs IL M. Furman and others, Coin- mxttee t-llt.'-iiii Z'ti Gentlemen: After mature delibera tion we have concluded to accept the nomination . so : flatteringly tendered us by the convention which was held oh last Saturday. At the proper times and places we hope to -meet - th people and give them our views on public questions. Thanking the convention through you, for the expression of confidences, we are ; . - " Your obedient servants, Johnstone Jones, .. .i. . 'r H. A. Gttdgkh. - AshevillerNVC:;Anc,30.1886, ; Thb Hospital Collections' In the churches on ' Sunday did not equal expectation. In the Episcopal they ' were t TO; , in f the , Preaby terian $16.75; in the Methodist $17; and in the Baptist $19. - ' . - The ladies interested in the accumula tion of the fund by the means think that the deficiency ; grew,, out of failure ?to announce from all the pulpits on the day of collection the objects thereof; and this belief they propose to adopt some method by which those who were doubt less disappointed in their charitable pu pose "may retrieve their error. No doubt at the proper -time they will indicate their plan. As the facts no w Bland the results are not creditable to. the very large congregations gathered last Sunday. Reserved! seats for "Under the Lash" are selling . like hot cakes. Everybody seems to be, anxious to gO. :, -: ' : . ' Brace Up.; ;. . . You ate feeling depressed, your appe tite is poor, you are bothered with Head ache, you are fidgetty, nervous, and gen erally out of sorts, and want to brace up. Brace up, but not with stimulants spring medicines, or bitters, which have for their basis very cheap, bad wbisky, and which stimulate you for an hour, and then leave vou in m orse condition than before. What you want is an alterative that will purify your blood, start heal thy action of Liver and Kidneys, restore yoir vitality, and give renewed health and strength. Such a medicine you will find in Electric Bitters, and only 50 cents a bottle, at H. H. Lyons drub Store. Very Cheap. . . Seventy three acres of Land, with beautul view, just outside corporate limits, to sell at a bargain within the next ten days, by . . Atkinson & Cooke, t f. Real Estate Dealers. In every land and clime, the merits of St Jacobs Oil as the only conqueror of pain, are being acknowledged by the press and people. Thanks to an appreciative public you will always find the "Bonanza" lovely and cheerful. T-nrtrn ntnolr of fifrmftntnwn Sftxonv and Shetland Wools, Embroidery, Fill ing and Knitting silks, arrosene and che- mille, just received at Whit-look's. If you want a good meal go to Moore and Robards' European Restaurant aug29dCt Walter S. Cushman, manufacturer of Kubbcr and ".kmbostype " stamp, Uitizen Building. (2 flights, rear room, Asheville, North Carolina. Moore and Robards' takes the lead. PATENT BRXAP aug 29 d6t Proposal For Hauling . "Water Pipe. MESSRS. COLE AND GILLETT, CONTRAC tors for laying the pipe for the new water supply are now ready to recelre bids for hauling' and delivering the water pipe as fast as received by the City, rrom Spatanburg Junction or Ashe Tille along the line from Pattoa'g Hills to the present reservoir. Bids must be in writing and state the price per ton of 1,000 Bis., the weight of pipe hauled to te based upon the figures marked upon the pipe at the foundry Alt the delivery to be done under the immedi ate direction of the assistant engineer in charge. Bids to be addressed to COLE & GILLETT eare of J. P. Talbot, asst. engineer, Asheville, N. C. aug21dlwk OAA ACltES 4 MIXES OUT, 4)JJ to be sold as a whole or sub-divided to suit purchasers at private sale for 30 days,and if not sold befoie expiration of this time, will be offered at public auction August SOth. i cash, remainder in one and two years 1)7 ATKINSON & COCKE, july 29 djtwtd Real Estate Dealers. THE ONI.Y First-Class Restaurant .. In Ashe ville is to be found at TURNER'S, Johnston Building1 Comer Pat ton iire. and Jttain St. ! Every delicacy of the" season served at the shortest notice and at the most reasonable rates. Game, Fish and Oysters will be served after the first of September in any style, and families served with oysters as desired.- Elegant lunches put up in baskets for parties,' and any one going off on trains will- find it to their advantage to call and get lunches before leaving. . Coffee, Chocolate and Tea, of the finest quality, served at the counter. The high est prices paid for these goods. . Chance of bill of fare at lunch counter every day. " v . - .: Different soups every day. 'C'l' Our kitchen is open for .public inspec tion at any time. ' au 28-atf , Youths Bbys and Children,; styles and prices. PEARJi'Laundried and Unlaundri $KoO. Homemd made to oirdor at short notice ' . The fide8timportedten cent cigar is - be found at the White Man's Bar. New stock i. fonts' Summer Scarfs, Shirts, Collars and Caffs, Underwear and a new supply or Soft Pocket Hats at 60c, 75c., $1.00 to Dunlap'B finest, just in - I Fresh Sulphur Springs "water Is now kept on draught, free, at Hampton and Featherston's. - It wilt be brought from the Springs every morning. . TO TOURISTS AND OTHERS 1;G bates t I $ 2 jOO per day . 12.00 per week, -40.00 per montli. Dinner and Supper 75 cts. each. ; Address '--?- . . -THOS. A. MORR18 . may 19-dtt. 1 ! " ' '.. Proprietor;- SWANNAN0A HOTEL Asheyil le, N. C. Alb'tude, ,339 1 Y eet Above .. the Sea The recent additions and improvements to the BwkmmoA make it, perhaps, the most attractive anj comfortable Hotel in the South. Its ToWer and 150 feet of galleries furnish views of the Swannanoa Bivar and the French Broad River valleys. Also views of the Bine Ridge, Pisgah, Balsam, New Found and Elk ranges of mountains, peaks of which are-over 6.000 feet high. Convenient to Poet, Express, Telegraph - and Railroad Ticket Offices, and Asheville Rank, Aahovule library and Ashe villa Club Rooms. Forest mountain water conducted to and through the Hotel. . ' . ' All ,Modetn, Conveniences.- - The'BalhBdonf is 60x150 feet - A fine Or chestra from Philadelphia is engaged for the Bummer. - . - .. . . Special Pates to Parties by the Month. The Proprietors take special pride in the Tidiness of their House, and the successful management of the enialne department. " 5 - ; ' BAWLS BROTHERS, JunS . Proprietors. SLAGLE'S HOTEL Patton Avenue, near Bailey street., J. L. L. SLAGLE, Proprietor and Owner. This houBe visitors will find- to be quiet and home-like, and the manager devoted to the r comfort. ... Accommodation for a number of guests. It enjoy a vc ry large tramien t business. july 8-d3mos. ' Land of the Sky! Far in tlte lead!. The Star" of Buiicoml3e ! Great Sneeess of the Grand Gentral Hotel, AsheTille, KT. C. 31,000 Arrivals In S yeara 300 la tbe but lO Daxsi .. Compliments and praise of guests is fer sweeter music than any brassband. Come to the Grand Central for nice, cool rooms. Best fare in this end of the State. Board 91.50, 52.00, and $3 00 per day; 925 to US per month. . A fine buss, drawn by six fine horses, as well as nice carriages, meet all trains. Deliver checks to parties at the depot Splendid Livery Attached. The cheapest store in the city line full in al departments: DRY- GOODS, NOTIONS. BOOTS, SHOES AND II ATS, GROCERIES AND HARD WARE. Also agents for Domestic and White Machines. S. R. CHEDESTER & SON, Owners And Proprietors. July 6-d3mos THE NEW Mountain Park HOTEL, Hot Springe, 1T. C. (FORMERLY WARM SPRINGS.) The Baths at this celebrated resort are now finished. For curative properties or as a luxury, they are unsurpassed. The hotel is modern and ' First-Class in Every Respect, and all departments are maintained at the high est standard of excellence. On and after Sunday, August 23, the following schedule will be in force : . Leave Asheville, 10.00 a. m. Arrive Hot Springs, 12.90 p. m. Leave Hot Springs, -. . ft. 00 p. m. , ' -Arrive Asheville, t : 5.00 p. m. ; Round Trip Tickets, $ 1 .85. Visitors and citizens of Asheville are thus of fered a mot delightful excursion, a beautiful railroad ride along the picturesque French Broad, and ample time at the Springs lor a Bath and Dinner. Good roams can still be secured by permanent guests. - . B-P-Oliatfiold, .y ; ' .- Proprietor. " ' -jLlso pbopbietok l " HIGHLAND PARK HOTEL, -:, '.:a'ikj5n; b. a,"''-.?' " The Popular Winter Besort. . ' au22:dlm. ...r"' : ' on- ECen 3eT'on ville "N". O. Remodelled, refitted, repainted, the ARLING TON offers -itself as the most comfortable and pleasant place for summer visitors. A Rood and abundant table, good rooms, a well shaded yard, combine to make it a real summer retreat for summer visitors and the trave ling pubiiot j , t : Terms liberal. 8pecial rates to families. : - ;- - -J T. A. ALLEN, Proprietor," July 24: dim : H :ndersonville. N C. Ariingi moms Ladies Meni Misses and All sizes WmlB - New supply Helmets and Straw Hala also 4 in hand Pigeon Ties at -V, ;.. ;- Whitlock. Florida Tonic I Mr, Foster S. Chapman, - - one of the landmarks of the Georgia - Drug trade, now of Orlando, Florida, writes ; , . ; ' "I eaa hardly select a single case of : the many to whom I have sold - - Goian't Fioaoer Blood Eono-wer, but what - have been satisfied: and I find it the . best remedy for all Skin Diseases I ' have ever sold, and a fine Florida J " ; Tonic. - FOSTFR S. CHAPMAN, Orlando, Fia." A Certain Cure ' Catarxfc. A SUPERB FLESH PRODUCER AND TONIC eTJIira'sPIOXEER BLOOD RES EWER Cures all Blood and Sain Diseases, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Old Sores. A perfect Spring Medicine. If not in your market it will be forward1! on receipt of price. Small bottles 81.00, large bottles $175. Essay on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. MACON MEDICINE COMPANY, . v ." ; Macon, Georgia. : FOR SALE BY H. E. LYONS, Asheville. N. C. ... apl8dfflv : FIRE -INSURANC3 INSURANCE. t 3 t i INSURANCE! PULLiIAM- GO., At Bank of Asheville. . BEST COMPANIES. FIRST TO PAY LOSSES IN THE WIL MINGTON FIRE. inhl6-dlv w ANTS SUPPLIED. Having purchased the stock of Dr. A. B. Wsre, I shall continue the same business in the build inglately occupied by him, in tbe old Central Hotel, and offer a fall supply of FAMILT GROCERIES of the highest grades, Flour, Canned Goods, Fruits, Vegetables, &c, Ac Give me a call. J. D, McCA VDLESS dec 31-tt CONFECTIONERY, BAKERY, AND ICE REAM PAKOR. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Fine assortment of Whitman's best FRENCH CANDIES; fresh, tropical and other fruits. ' FRENCH ROLLS, RYE and Brown BREAD always on hand. Ice Cream furnished to Pic Nics, and Private families on short notice. Dont mistake the place : Desmond's old stand, " South Main street, Asheville, N. C, MOORE & ROBARDS. jnno 17-d mos ST. MARY'S SCHOOL. ; r RALEIGH, N. C. The Advent Term, the 91st Semi-An-nnal Session begins Thursday, September 9th, 1886. - For catalogue, address the Rector, Rev, HENNETT SMEDES, M. D. june27-d2mos Mt. St. Joseph's ACADEMY OFTHEBLUE RIDGE, HICKORY, NC Under Charge ef tbe Sisters of Mercy. TERMS: Board and Tuition, Sixty-five dollars per session of five months. For further particulars send for catalogue. Address, MOTHER AUGUSTINE, JHt. St. Jo$rphU, Hickory, JV. C. July S-dftmos First Class Saddle, and Harness Horses, . For Sale. rriHlC UNDERSIGNED has at his stables on I . . -- Eagle street, rear of Eagle Hotel. a large number of CHOICE FIN E HORSES, well broken, either for Saddle or Harness, for sale. All young, and perfectly sound and gentle. Call early. , M. L. AREY. Julva-dtf .- ASK for y . : . .. xhe Hamilton Improved Fruit Jars forsale at BEARDEN, RANKIN & CO. -july 18-dtf . v -.-yf , , - and widths. made Bfogans - !- J Enron SHOES A. J. JL V ; U (Successor to Lyman a ,Gw.p,),wiuiwii-4jrf REAL ESTATE BRGKER V V office in Court House. Property of every description ;f6r'; Se';bo and vicinity. Also Houses for Rent. " ' .-.-i.? . w . Timber Lands in W. 'North1 Carblina Vahsl I'enriessde.-. Nota Has made arrangements with conipetentiviLEngirteer ibrshow ng Timber.iirld Mineral Lands to parties ivlio contemplate rtsfkinar such purchases. ' , .- ; .Ai'T..;' .. Tli t.y GROWTH OF FIRST VFj VOTE TO SPEND $100,000 IMPROVING OUR BEAUTIFUL - All kinds of business improved thereby, property on the boom, more building" a demand for another lumber yard, you lwfve itv THE ASHEVILLE LUMBER CO.- North-East Court House Square, ' , ; V : Will keep a full lino of building stock dry, nicely assorted and piled, at lowest market prices,- call and see .us. ' '. I ItUSSEIsL, MtOTHEUS, Proprietors. June 8-daw6 mos ;- . . . . - ., P Did We Hear, You Sigh for an Ocean Breeze ? : ..... : . ... ... .-t .. . .... Then visit the South's Greatest Seaside Kesort, the-; - ; ' " Atlantic Hotel , MOREHEAD A trip that yon will never regret It is immediately on the Atlantic Ocean, and one of the inoet delightful summer resorts in America. The finest beach on the Atlantic coast. Surf and stili-water bathing unsurpassed. Trollinjr for blue-fish and Spanish mackerel the finest in the world. No seaside ' resort on the A limit ic Coast has more natural advantages than Morehead Citv, and the new manage meni are determined to make itserond to none in the South. For terms and new descriptive pamphlet, address au6-d2w - COOKE & FOSTER BROS., Proprietors. OOUBLEDAY & SCOTT. XORTII PUBLIC SQUARE, Asheville, BT. C, HAVE THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OE. , . SASH, BLINDS and DOORS Itf WESTERN XORTII CAROLINA, at lowest prices. Estimates promptly furnished, and special sizes procured at short notice They also keep every variety of Building and Fencing Lumber, Lath nd Shingles. feb 21-dAW Wholesale and Retail Druggist, AND DEALER IN STATIONARY...--, , ,t. PUBLIC SQUARE, TWO DOORS NORTH OF PKNNIMAN & CO. HARDWARE STORE. .ASHEVILLE, N. C. WHISKIES, BRANDIES & WINES FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES ALWAYS on hand a ull and well-selected stock of DRUGS. PAT ENT MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, CIGARS CHEWING TOBACCO, MINERAI WATERS, STATIONERY BRUSHES OF ALL KINDS, SPONGES, TRUSSES, and all the Med icine manufactured by J. L. Lyons, of Now Orleans, whom I am sole agent for. Give me an early call m- J: TAYLOR AMISS and F. L. JACOBS are with me, and would be pleased to see their friends and all who wish goods in their line. Sole manufacturer of Nelson's Kidney Cure and Nelson's Diarrhorn Cure, and Lyon's Cough Syrup, Amiss' Fragrant "Land of the Sky' Denl ifice, Leidy's Rheumatic Cure, Steven's Cleansing Compound for Cleaning Clothes, etc. - . s - Prescriptions filled at any hour of day or n,ght. Night Bell r n right of door " ' v ; V . mal0lv Where you can get the host Whiskey, IViuc anil II randy both foreign and domestic. , ' x . ' ' Jtly Brands are the Old Kentucky Jtiouong ah al a, Gibson's XXXX, all G Years old. ' My CORN WHISKIES are 'absolutely pure, "niftde of the soundest corn, on the Bald Mountain, Rutherford countyrN. 0. s - f; I handle nothing but North Carolina APPLE and PEACH BRANDY; My WINES are pure Grape juice, unadulterated.' '.'. You will find BERGEN and ENGEL BEER always on draaght, cold and fresh. , Bottled Beer delivered to every part of the city free of charge. We make a specialty in CIGARS and TOBACCO, and handle the leading brands. Call and see if I have misrepresented my goods. , You. will find my Saloon three doors below the 1st National Bank, No. 9, where you will find the Curious Concoctor of Cocktails, SHEP DE AVER, and the ge nial H. C. JONES to wait on you. '-' Any information given s'rangers with pleasure. jell , ' , BOB JONES. MEDICAL COLLEGE OF VIRGINIA,. RICHMOND. ' F0ETY-KINTH SESSION COMMENCES OCTOBER 1886 O0NTINUINQ SIX "MONTHS For further information write for catalogue. . . fVV.'' ' ' '' . - ; J. S. DORSEY; CULLEN, juljr 7 irSmos , ' Professor of Surgery, Dean of Faculty. HTS gaps silk, Soft and Stiff, Trunks and Valises, Silk and Alpacca Umbrelas M1IIMS m , I l y l 1 I - WW ThePo pular Low Price House, I.Tain st ; T VM A M ASHEVILLE. CITY, N. C.c .17. ;,,vv,yVl(T . I I a I : I

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