: '' . ' ' t. v' . ' - - . a . . ... ' r V. '' '. t -i Of..-; - 7 . For a gorenuneat to . perform its highest functions it must take co? nuance of fcllthft elcEtr inthe State which constitute tha. bod p o litic, and octl with each? according to its best interest, always seekiiig to elevate and benefit eachf-and to brie the whole in harmony iwita a united purpose to - secure to each, all u which each is justly 'entitled. Huolt, emphatically it aaajr be said, has been the trfsdpla upon which the DerofXC&O Xjh&S adnjimj tered the Btate government.-Yea more. It hag not bees conten) with aimnlv recoernizinir these treat, fun damental principles as the hatis upon which our beautiful fahrio stands, but it ha Hoiiffht tm frive- to, them active living force." To this -endIt has boldly declared .through its Chief Executive that as th govern ment is what the neoele make it, the better the people the better the government, and the mCH"intelli gent and virtuous the-, people;,' the better will be the laws and the more honest their execution. Hen'ceTit becomes the-dutytbe solemn ,uty,1 oi luoee cnargeu wiiu uie auuuu ration of public affairs,; to provide tor the people the highest attainable moans of mental and msvraLculture. The school bouse and school teacher nro the means. What U the. record of the Democratic administration n thii subject" Read --. it, Deoile of North Carolina, in the bold utterances of the Governor in the efficientworlcthe Superin tendent of Pubho--Jiwtrucuon, in ,he wise acU of tTo . Legislature, in the excellent .Normalcboola estab lished and prospering, iu the dozens of Gradeci pchOtl'Sbedding ..their light and blessings upon the 'com munities in which they .are, in the thousands of '.schools k houses that dot the State over,, and the Hun dreds of thousands' of bright, happy, joyous children that throng them. The work of educating her Bon arid daughters has. ..been marvelous in North Carolina. , How it has been accomplished, and how much 'yet remains to be don?, and . how the Democratic party propose to do it, will form subject tor future consid eration, and other great results which have been worked out by the progressive Democratic party and which have brought the State to its present high standing. Elizebeth (Jay f'alcon. FROM MAINE. The election for -State officers, four congressmen, legislature &c, occurred in Maine Monday1. The republican carry the ' State, of course, but by a reduced majority The democrats gained, the republicans-lnet. and the ferohibitianists have not yet been heard from.' All four republican "congressmen were elected, and ,tne 1 legislature is re publican, which insures Mr. Blaine's eieeuon to the u. e. Senate. t A Times e ial from ; Akron, O., says: .The people living in the coal him-in . regions embracing four . . towns . and quite a large range of ' ..'.'..' I .1 J 4 It ltAlAAL . Sunday 'morning- by - a lumbering sound. Accompanied by shocks of ' earthquakes s -distinct ' that the : bouses were terribly shaken and "articles on mantels were thrown to -the floor. S f -. Several years ago. the earth set tled several feet without apparent - enuse in this region and the people - were badly frightened,, fearing they ' will be swallowed up. To make , tuatt .rs more unpleasant very large meteors yesterday, passed over the shaken uppertien of the country! traveling close to the earth and throwing off heated particles every lex feet. The meteor illuminatid - the country for a great distance and ' js supposed to have struck the earth near the eastern part of the city as the 8 hock in that locality was dis Geronimb "'appears-' to have cap . ''.-tared' the army, ' instead of the reverse. Now that he is nomi iially a prisoner, no one seems to know what to do with him. We ' suggust that Gen. Milea place him i in the custody of some of the Arizo uiaus whose home he has desola- ted..;1- j- - A. N. Wilsoni' recently -removed from the postmastership at Savan- nali,Ga..on the.greund of offensive .....partisanship, 'denies, the authority , of the f resident to remove him, and , announces his intention to apply to the courts for-relief.; .-'He--will gue . vhJGrowrnnont for his salary up . .. to January, 1889, when his commis- a - arfthi - he . exjired-had he. - peen retainea m oince,- .Mrs. Phoebe Chesley. Peterson. 'Clay . county, Iowa, tells the following remark- able story, tbe irotbof wbicb is vdocrad for by the resldenU.of the town "i am 73 Tears old, have ; been troubled, with . il fc laser cooapUintand lamenees for naanr yean; could not drees myself without help. Now lam free from all pain and urencBB, auu mat oie a uu sti my own h oil Rework. I owe my thanks to Electric : ' ltittera fof baring reneired my- youth. nd removed completely all disease and .pain." J ' ' " ry bottle, only 60e. at H.U. Lyon For a good plate of e bicten, ham'; beef "- e'r the beat soap you ever ' tasted,' (ja to ' Turner's, in the Johnston building,, cor , HerPttou Avenae and Main streets. Anv dish can be obtained for 10 cents. GKA1TITE YARD, UEXDERSONYILLE, A -i A. P. CORN,! Ioyrlctor. .... .. ' '-. a .:.:.- ' Tb rni loans - new BesdereonTlUe ti irosniMd far lu beraty ud daretiiutf. . lb HB4nJRiw4 Is pmwi4 tm Airnlsh on I notice, all work la wuilie. for Wiadow-. ilia, hunt U1, Ptept, At., Ac, , indeed ererr tfciiif aceOedlorBiuMUBca. - -. ... XKH KEJSONABLK. . rail oa or tomm . A. P fORN. ". t f BexKleroQviUe, N. C. There is an increasing demand in Er&zii fomAmerica pine lumber. No doubt Virginia and Nortlr"Carolina v. il s in this fact' an avenue lor the opening up of n profitable trade. - Ever? iay adiiUonal buildiass areound in Charleston which1 have tolAaprn fdowti, JMid thef dis pUches state that the injury to the city will exceed amount $5,000- , The Sate Statistician of Indiana gayJbarTCport8 ihdicate .that the corn crop of that State this CieaJ WlITrield abefit45Q.QOO,000 bushels, an increase IfWlTJPQ bushels over Jthecrop of 1885. John. Jiobbar, a boy 1C years old, ittBtpted'Xo jufntriacroBS shailn the Alice mine, atr Butte,- Uontana. and, his head striking a timber, be fell 815 feet to the bottom of the shaft ' iThiWork in the departments at Washington ia said to be progress- jag verj.satisfactorily, now that the omitiala are ireea mm ine annoy ances'pf the .pieeente ofCongress men .. Qln the'recertt Senatorial contest in Atlanta. - 3.290 votea 'were ' cast. Rice, the prohibition. .candidate, re ceivig233 majority. He carried the eity br108 majority, and every precinct but one. This shows that Itrohibition is not dead yet in At anta. -.- - - . 'Th Florida tDiibatcK, ;"wbich i.is good authority on'the subject,' - says that the orange crop will be at least one-lialf and perhaps two thirds the usual, crop and that the fruit will b large and of fine ' flavor. This is an item for the croakers, in view of last winter a freeze. The Charleston physicians sug gest as a preventive of epidemics that the people boil all the drink ing -water they use. Sickness is now considered one of the greatest . dan gers with which the unfortunate city can he afflicted. The people would be almost powerless before; an epi demic While there has beenlmuch talk of raising monevfor the suffer ers the amount actually lorwarded has been comparatively small. "I see nothing," said Senator Ken na, "to indicate 'discouragement to the Democracy. Information re eeivedbvthe committee from all quarters promises active and; ener getic campaign- work by the local organizations, and. assures a good working majority in the next ilouse. Cincinnati Enquirer. There' is a rumor that Bismarck and Giers, the Russian Prime Min ister, are intriguing to put Peter, of Uldenburg.on tbe Bulgarian throne. If Pete shall first have a talk with his ebusin A-leck. late of Bulgaria. he will doubtlees decline to rake that chestnut from the fire. CEMETERY. . For choice burial loU In tbe Aalierille Ceme terr apply, w.thout del7, to A. J. LYMAN, suxl&Umoa. ' ' Seal Estate Broker. W.LDOUGLAS; G3.00 SHO ran W.U0UGLAS FOR SALE fTHE Price Boot ana Snoe sti If. 21. TVEJiVJEIt.: JSOTJT1IMAINST., Jy&danl - j ApnEviLLK,N. C. TjEDUuED EATE8. "oaid at the TOUNPIKK HOTEL, nan now be obtained at reduced rates for the balauce of the season. 'An' early application will secure good rooms. MRS. J. V. SMATHETiS. . .. sept. dlwk , . : - All -, OTTOt Ak. ST moos m shoe- 3m I PBARLLaunclri SUPERIOR' COURTS FALL TERM Courts in the 10th, Uth and 12th Dis tricts fidt as follows t . ,XNTH DI8TBICT JUOGt MOKTGOMEKY. . -t Caldwell September 8,1 week. ; " Mitchelh September 13, 2 weeks. -iYancey September 27, 2 weeks; v!- -McDowell October 11, 2 weeks. - ttvrjrni piBraior-JCDGa tiRAvaa. ; r Cleveland October 5,1 Week. '.' f : Meckleabuig August 30, 8 weeks. J- Uaiont-M-Seiitember 20,2 week. .- . . Li ncol n--Octobcr 4, 1 week.-' Gaston October 11, 2 weeks, -; Rutherford-r-Novembei lr2 weeks,,-'" IPoUvrNovember 15, 1 week. ' '' i (WELFTH DISTRICT JDEK3B AVEBT. ! i Mkdiaon November 22, 2 weeka. -. Buncombe December 6, 2 weeks. -- Transylvania September 13, 2 weeka Haywood September 13, 2 weeks. . Jackson &eitember Z7V l week. ; Macon October 4. 1 week, -Clay October 11. 1 week. .. . Cherokee October IS, 2 weeks. . . ,( ... 'Graham November 1, 1 week. - Swain November 8, $ weeks. ' Civil actions only. 2 ' tCriminal actions only. . jCivil actions only, except jail cases. Criminal cases .only, except citi; Citions not requirinjr a jury. r i .... - A dispatch from Galena, Ilia., Bays: "An epidemic prevails among the inhabitants oi Avoca, lowa county, Wis., - which has resulted fatally in manv cases. The disease is of the nature of dysentery, ending in the cases of children in spinal meningeus and deatn. . . J Cmplmltt't ftrtmf tHmtmmtrjf. . Capt Coleman, schr. Weymouth, ply? ing between Atlantic City and. N. YN bad been troubled with a coogh so that he was unable to sleep, and was induced to try Dr. King's &ew Divery for Consumption. It not only, gave him instant relief, but allayed the extreme soreness in his breast. His children were similarly affected and a single dose had the same happy effect Dr. King's New Discovery is now the standard remedy in the Coleman household and on board the schooner. Free trial bottles of this Standard Remedy at II. H. Lyons' Drug Store. . . To Business Mkn. t . It you desire to reach the largest uum- oer of the best people in western L'aro Una and East Tennessee, use the adverti sing columns of the Cmzax, Daily and Weekly. The (Jitizxn bas a mucb !ar- err bona fide circulation in the territory mentioned, than any other paper.' Rates. ;j -- ! 1 . are low. cuutuueriug circulation. Messrs. Fags, Garren & Co. are prepar ed to deliver the best of lime, for build ing or other purposes, at the depot in Asbeville, at twenty-five cents per bus hel, or ninety cents per - barrel,, by the car-load. Address all orders to the above. at Warm Springs, N. C, oi M. J. Fagg in Asheville. It is kept on hand and for sale in any quantity by Uearxien, Kankin & (Jo Asheville, N. C. junel-tf , F. G. & Co. GO TO THK PlOKEEa BAB For your fancy mixed drinks of all kinds: micb as Saneaiess, Mint Juleps Big Yellow, Milk Punches, and all other mixed drinks which are found in first- class saloons. Orders for these drinks will be filled and sent to any part of tbe city, free oi charve. Rooms three doors below 1st National Bank, Na 9. It. R. Jones, Prop. june 2-tf - ' Thanks to- an appreciative public you will always una tue ".Bonanza" lovely and cheerlul.. . . Large stock of Gcriiiantown Saxony and Shetland Wools, Embroidery, Fill ing Snd Knitting silks, arroseneand che mille, just received at Whitxook'9. rrux notice. The Tax List, for the year 18S6. havinK been K laced in my bands for collection, all parties are ereby notified to call at my office and settle weir taxes. - 4 Jt. mwn, sept7dlw4wlt Sheriff. A TTEN FION 1 Tne nnifoim cloih for the puptls of the ASHE VILLE MILITARY ACADEMY has arrived, and is in the bands of both Mr. Sebartle of Main st and Mr. J. Brown Jc Co., of Patton Avenue, Mer- cnant tiuiois, sua will be sola to tnose wanting sept7d3t . Prln. A.M.A. A New City to be Built TEN MILES FROM ASHEVILLE, On W. C. Road. At the central point of the celebra ted Hominy Valley, where streams and public roads intersect, with the Western li. C. Railroad, ten aoilss west of Asae- Tilie, l oner , Valuable Property for Sale, In lots to suit Dorcbasers. The many important surroundings of this point ouarantee the earlv and Dermanent ea- tahlisbment of a thriving town. Among the most important oi these is tne r Unsurpassed Water "Power , For milling and manufacturing purposes. Parties desiring to enter upon enterpri ses of this chanterpeciaUy thqBfi wiw small cjipitaT.'will do wOH'to call and ex aaithe this locality. Believing this point to be a most advantageous one for a - Prosperous Towni ' shall prefer to sell in small loU, with water power privileges. ..However',;. I will sell the entire property . in'a bod Terms very reasonable. - ' . There are over three htindred acrea of excellent land, much ' of it . highly .imN proved, with good dwelling' and other: buildings, in this property. For farther particulars apply to .. : , ; -. .. , W. GCanw.eb, - ' Hominy.NrC. .-' ' or the Citizes Office, my SS-41awawtf -. - ; .. CLOTHING -v';-, '; FOR"" ' Men, Youths, Boys and , r - Children, :vr styles and prices. 4 SX:gOi;.B ome:mdaeipM Shoesi J irmde t der at; ste TQ TOURISTS AND OTHER3. ABDEXf PARK, BATES i';";"'' ' . ; 9 2.00 per day, ' 13.00 per week, , - 40.OO per month. - Dinner and Supper 75 eta. each. - Address . THOS. A. MORRIS, mayia-dtf . .Proprietor. QLAGLE'O HOTEL: Patton Avenue, neat Bailey stred.3 ; J. L. Lw SLAGLJ3, Prt,rllr sad w r. This fconaa Ttsftoia- miik Snd to be aniel sad hone4ik. and Ina rnanaMr duvated ta the r o uilnrt. -;.,. .. ..-i Aceoiamodation tor a number of coasts. It enjoys a t ry large transient basinea. Land of the Sky ! ' ,3 for 'in th.e Iead 1 -" The Star rot Buncomtbol . Qraat Saeeeas f the ...,. 7 Grand Central Hotel; AaheTlIle, If. C. '.. 91,000 Arrivals la years -SOO la tbe ComnUmenta and nraiia 6t mests Is fir sweeter music than any brawband. - Come to tbe Grand uenirai lor nice, coot rooms, sest tare in una end of tbe State. . r Board 11.60, liOO, and tJ OO per dar. t23 to 148 A fine boas, drawn by six ftoe horses, as well as niee oamaaes, meet su--trains. SeUTer checks to part Le at tne depot. - Bpleadtd l33ery ttaeheal.-c The eh e pest store la tii city line rail in al departments: ...' "-i .' . . ' ' DRY ; GOODSi N0TIOXS. ,J30pT$, i.'r.. SUV EX J. ND HATS, "... GROCERIES AND HARDWARE. Also agents for Domestic and White Bf acblnea S, R. CHEDESTER & SON, Owners and PBOPBiEToita. jaly -d3mos . . . THE NEW HOTEL I Hot Springs, rj. C. - (FOBMEBtY WARM SPRINGS.)' The Baths at this celebrated resort are now Iniahed. For earative nroDertiea or as a Imnrr. they are unsurpassed. , The hotel is modern and ' First-Class in Every Respect, and all departmeats are maintained at the hijfh- est stanaara oi excellence. On and after Sunday, August 23, the following schedule will be in force : - lave Asoeville, 10.00 a. m. Arrive Hot SprUurs, ' -12.88 p.m. Leave Hot Springs, . S.00 p. n. Arrive Asheville, ' 5.00 p.m. Round Trip Tickets, S I .85. Visitors and citizens of Asheville are thns of fered a most deliehtnil excursion, a hentifnl railroad ride along tbe picturesque French Broad, and ample time a the Springs tor a Bath and Dinner. " Good roams ean still be secured by permanent guests. -- v. i, - B.F.Cliatfielde Proprtetor. , . ALSO PBOPBIETOa h(ehand park hotel, AIKEN, 8. C Tbe Popular Winter Bcsort. aemaias, . . - i. Cssar'sHea&Hotel, . Located npon the snmniit of CAESAR'S HEAD MOUNTAINS, a bold outlyinir rpur of the Blue Bldare.'Four Thousand Si iix Hundred-s'eet (4600) above tide water. Scenery grand bevond 'eoneeption, Climate unparalleled. Average temperance from 45 to W. Mineral waters abundant. Every convenience provided at the Hotel. . ' TKB5I8: 32 per day, tio per week. $35 par month. HOW TO REACH CiESAR'S 1IEAI. Take 7 a.m. train at Asheville, come to Hen dersonville, N. 'C, 8i.m, take stage at depot, arrive at Casar'i Head same afternoon. - F. A. MILES, M. D.,Propt., angiadlm - - , . , : .. "THE ., First-Cla3s' Restaurant In AKbevtlle ----r.r-. is to be found at . " TURNER'S, Johnston Hulldinz Corner . Patton jive, and Main St. p ... .3 . Jver jr.;.delicacy of tbe season served at the shortest notice and at the most reasonable rates. Game, Hah and Oysters will be served after the first of September in an. style, arid lamiliea served with oysters as de sired. .. -' ' Elegant loaches pat up in baskets for parti ear and, any one going off on trains will find it tb their advantage to call and ggt lunches before leaving. - c i Tqoffee, Chocolate and Tea, of the finest quality;' served at the counter. The high eat prices paid for these poods. . . . , , . phanice of bill of fitre atlqnch conhter every dayv" - .. -, -rrDmerent soups every day. ' c s .j-' Our kitchen' is open for public ' inspec tion at any time. ; i-. au 28-dtf ' BOW New suddIv Helmets and Straw Hats also 4 in hand Pigeon Ties at TloridaTonio X ait Mr. Foster S ChapiTian, fmarvfthM landmarks of the Georeria Drug trade, now of Ortando, Florida, writes ; t "I can hardly select a single case of -' f Uie many to whom have sold OsiSB'i Konesr VA Bmsww, but what f ' have been satisfied; and I find it the ft i- best remedy tor all Skin Diseases k.t ' ' have ever sold, and fine Florida -I f lonlo, .).. FOSTFR 8. CHAPUAN," ; , , OrlanaaFja." : JL 'Certala -Cura -Vi.Catanji..'..' A fiUPKR B JXESH PEODTJCEH.iAKD TOKIO OTJIITS's riONEEBrBl,OOlK3IE'WEB Cares aU Blood and Skin Ttiseasesr-itaatumttism, Scrofula. ' Did tiores. A perfect Spring Medicine: receipt of price. snsil bottles SI .00, large bottles ir .At in ronr mirm it win m lurwwu-ni uu H75. Essay on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. . " . . . ...ill . j.J.. w I III . MACON MKDICIlia COMPANY. h - yM:. Macon, Georgia. FOB SALE By H. H. LYOK6. Asheville. N. C, apis-daivlv .', . FIRE INSURANCE INSURANCE Si. I'N SU RAN C E ? Pi5LLiAMJ.:;(50.; At Bank of Asheville. . BEST-COMPANIES. FIRST TO ;.: PAY LOSSES IN THE Wllr ' ' MINGTON FIRE. idU 16-dlv " - . .. SHEVILLE FEMAI.K , COLTlEGE, j The Fall Term opens Wednesday Sept. Sth, at 9 o'clock A. M. Parents are earnestly urged to send their children in on the first day. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday will bs devo ted to the organization ot tbe Department and formation of classes. i . , , JB0JMJO 0 MJrSTMCCTIOJV. Rrv. JAMBS ATKINS, Ja., Ai M., President BEN I. E. ATKINS, A. M., Mathematics andNa tural Science. Ear. T. P. SUMMERS', A. W., Mental and Moral Sciences. VMS LAURA E. McLOUD, Literature and Prln ., cipal Preparatory Department. ' ' abas 8ALLIE FISK WEAVER, Assistant. ' Miss SALLIE C. OMBURG, Modern Language and Art. Miss V. KELLY, Instrumental and Vocal Music. Miss Kelly who takes charge of the Musical Department was educated ia the Cincinnati Con servatory and lias been for several years in charge as the Departmental Musie In toe Kentucky Fe male College, A new aad valuable feature in musical work for the coming session will be the holdingof a monthly mnsiiala In the Liteiary Hall. These entertainments will be given to pa trons and invited guests. Pupils will play by the appointment of the Teacher In the grade to which each belongs. The object of this exercise Is to Inspire the pupils to faithful conscientious practice and to prepare them for easy and grace ful appearance in society , . - ( - . . cHJKajs ran tmmm or nvB Primary Department SS.00, fioioo, $12.50. -Preparatory ' (15.00. . French and German each 310.00. fjolleglate Department $25.00. Painting in Oil. $15.00. laatramental or Vocal Music, Special Lessons. $2o. Pisco rent (3.00. Coattngent fee $2 except in Prim. Dept. -t .TERMS; Payable quarterly In advance. - '? iReekaUoo hours from 8:10 A. M. to t P. M. HtEE.V UOVSJBS. - There are in connection with the College two large Green-houses to which all pupils of Botany whether regular, or special, have tree access for observation throughout the whole year. This affords a rare- OBDortuuity for the acquisition of ciear anu practical auowieage iu mm ueuutuui oJeaea,, ' ..: , J'M'MOJWJBE. j., The patronage of the College under the present administration has extended to Maine, Pennsyl vania. Mamachufetts, South Carolina, North Car olina, Florida, Louis-ana. Georgia. Vh-glnU, VV. Virginia. Tennessee, Mississippi, Texas, ArkausaB and Ind.an Territory. - The numberof pupils in attendance last session was 191 ' .- . ME It At 07 1880. Bearden Medal fdr highest Scholarship : MUs Mary Spain, Sardis, Miss,; Miss Alice Yiiiaou, Lenoir, N. C. . Sawyer Medal for best English 'Essay:-Miss Mary Spain, Eardis, Miss. - '. 1 - Buttrick Medal for best Reading: Miss Fannie Ferguson, Waynesville, N. C. Art Medal: . Miss Sallie Fisk Weaver. Weaver ville, N.C. . 1 The Primary. Preparatory arid Collegiate courses are thoroughly co-ordinated so that pupils becinninff in the elementary branches are there thoroughly drilled and then taken on through a unixorm couree co iuu graauauon. - rurenia woo Intend to educate their daughters in the College would da well therefore to enter them at as early an age as convenient. In order that patrons may easily avail them selves or uus arrangement, tne tuition in tne Primary Department ia. as stated above. $1.00. tlMi and 820 per month, according to the grade oi me pupil. The course Is extensfVe: tbe teaching thorough: the disciDline firm ror annual catalogue giving run particulars, L address. AttV. JAMtto ATK1MS sept uv AehevUle, N. C. "y AShEYILLE:: Mlifery Academy ' ' S. P; VENABL2, Principal. , W. PIJfCKNEY MASON, Commakdant X- ., r' : of Cadets. .Opens September 20th, 1880. t Continues for 40 weeks." : ' For teracs, Sc., address 7. -? 'sept4-dawtf Th Pbincipaj )ES ; Children, r -All oises and widths. UNDOUBTEDLY lu...; Full-Pledged to the Sunny South ! . Th'pnly Blg3ailroadC3rcui and Monster Menagerie Coining this yearwlU Positively Exhibit t JOHN " v WHICH EXHIBITS IN The same performers, precnejy t Adaedto iramenselv, and shorn of nothing, it will exhibit prectse iv as it did this sum mer In the ORE AT NEW STATES, BOSTON. MEW YORK, FHILADELr PHIA, and other METROPOLITAN . ... rI 0f1 jSt. m Tt -' ' The 'Shaft (or whicbS Adjourn Factories saot-iowa, Schools are dismissed and the .VT?sf'WHiTJ;..wl. A aaov exclnslve In all its novelties requiring A C1TV OF SNO. - ', .CANVAS to hold its multifarious marvels, showing equal l...-. - wtrenage with theGREAT SOUTHERN EXPOSmoS. PApTlvlTy JUST ADDED S OFTME JUABQEST, GREATBST AND GRANDEST ELEPHANTS IN r""""' LABGER TttAK CHIE---EMPB WE CHALLENGE THE ; WRLD To produce such a featless, dashing and Valorous a.ctriaii Sachem as is v JAMES -EOBINSOir !;;':.., ' The Oitlv Mau who Rides, Who wears the Diamond Studded Champion Belt and Medals of France,&paJu,Ilussia. anti, his na Uire country. America : is more celebrated than any other living equestrian, who bas just complete the most brilliant tour arotmd the woild ever accomplished, and was received everywhere with as unbounded enthusiasm and marked distinction never before accorded another Artist In the pro- A TROOPS OF 13 GENUINE BMAWH r VERS. TBOUFM OF 8IBEJUAM KVLJCJt BA-ilJiJtn. The Greatest and Grandest EibJMttoaaver organized by John B. Doris, and undoubtedly U9 most magnificent eaer conceived. , , Otxxt yxtL S"fcxree-tb Parade TVi0takaplaceatl0a.nl. Doateilss it. Excursion oahH'raurbadfl. Twa cribrmances daily. Admission, L Vi; Gmldren under GROWTH OF F1EST WE VOTE id fePENP W00.00Q IMPROVING OUR BEAUTIFUL v i . . -MOtllTTAIlT CITY ! , - All kinds of business hn proved thereby, property on the boom, 'more .building" a demand for another. lumber yard, you have it, THE . ASHEVILLE -LUMBEE GO. 'a is:. North-Eagt Court ;Hdiis 6iare;-i , Will keep a full line of building tock clryj ; nicely assorted and piled, ' - at lowestjmarkej; prioca,- call and see lis. RirsSETjll liHOTirEKS, Proprietors. Jane 8-dw6 mos . - '1 ' T)OUBLEDAY & SCOTT, NOllTn PlJnilC SQ1JARE, Asbeville, I. C, nAVE THE - LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF . SASH, BLINDS and DOORS : . JQff WKNTKBN ypttTH CAROLINA, ' -''i-V. t''tf .'.J at lowest prices; ' Estimates promptly furnislied.'Sinviflnecial sizes procured at short notice ' -Thev. also keep every variety of Building and fencing Lumber, Lath and Slnnglee. . - .. ; '- : feb 21-dw Wholesale and" "Betair Druggist, ; , AND DEALER IN STATIONARY. ; PUBIJC SQUARE, TWO DOORS NQRTd:4 tF PENNIMAN & CO. -.'..'-" HARDWARE- ST0R2?. , ABHEVILLB, 1ST. CJ WHISKIES,-BRANDIES & WINES'F0I MEDICIN AL PURPOSES ALWAYS on hand a ull and. .well-select4d stock of DRUGS, PAT ENT MEDICINES, ' PERFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, CIGARS CHEWING TOBACCO. .MINERAL . 'WATERS, STATIONERY BRUSHES OF ALL KIND?. SPONGES; TRUSSES, and all the Med- I 2 - . nwkmfnn4-NW V. 1 T TTAM agent for. . . , Oive me an earlv call ' Sft- J. TAYLOR AMlcs and h nleaaed to nee their friends and Sole manufacturer of Nelson's CurWarid Lyon's Cough Syrup, Amiss' Fragrant "Land of the Sky' Dentf ince, Lievdy'fl imeumauo uure, eleven Qothes, etc, - . - '.; Preaerinti't inlled al, anv right of dooi..,.. SI HATS H A PS Soft and Stiff, Trunks and f Valises; BiBgigik X and Alpacca Umbrelas; 3 mm Ml .fi:7ryn.;!Ttri?;WTWf tciv ; jmi.Kr.rrr9.1 rj?.'i .r THiiSOUTERl CITIES sir the same Huge Tents, precisely the same Mammoth" Earirnad arid . . . . slsWalSiawita.iaiciiaiJ yr -i . .. ?" ? J: - " TKe irelpTKl only I .- las tin g institution t'a . which,, pay a ' rctxly- a. J fi vistts , TO Tif l via 4 tttfmt . it .'. '-t 3 COTTOJV. -1. " " The only , show for ' which Southern Rail roads ake-. axcur , ynirsions for their pa- V -iJ s i points. T11S FAMOUS, TUJtJta. tlULJXvn invvr. axmvfn .. . 1 v 7 , 75 cents. Years, , zs cents. ASHEVILLE. rt OV XT n TXT Hrl OOnD toVi fTY T a TVs C1 A ' -"-! -i . . 1 - . Ij., JAvUbo are witn me, ana womt all who wish goods in their line. Kidney Cure and Nelson's Diarrhcrd a wean 3ing wmpounuiur vieanm ' X ; ;v ;r 14 ' -Ti Hour oi uay or nnu, iwuimto - : -1 11V: St -1 !, ,; 5K'.-t-S n. . " -1 ma!9-ly t