Pimples, Boils, And Carbuncles result fromadetflltated, lripoveriahed, or impure condition of the tlood. Ayer's twsaparJlla prevents and cures these eruptions and painful tumors, by removing their cause ; the only effect ual way of treating them. - AVer's Sarsapartlla has prevented the .usual course of Boils, which have pained and distressed me every season for sev eral years. G-. Scales, Plainville, Mich. I was badly troubled with Pimples on . the face; also with a discoloration of the skin, which showed itself in ngly dark ' patches. No external treatment did more than temporary good. Ayer's Sar saparilla effected A Perfect Cure, and I have not been troubled since. T. W. Boddy, Kiver St., Lowell, Mass. - I was troubled with Boils, and my health was mnch impaired. I began . using Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, In due time, the eruptions all disappeared, and my health was completely restored. J ohn B. Elkins, Editor Stanley Observer, Albemarle, N. C. I was troubled, for a long time, with a humor which appeared on my face in ugly Pimples and Blotches. Ayer's Sar saparilla cared me. I consider it the best blood purifier in the world. Charles II. Smith, North Craf tsbury, Vt. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is sold by all druggists.' Ask for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and do not be persuaded to take any other. ff - Prepared for rr. .t. ijT .tt t i-.it i Price SI; six bottles, SB. NXOUNCEMENT. . A&niviT.i.x. Rent. 9ftlh. Ta the Voter ef Buncombe County: In compliance w'th the wishes of many gentle men of both political parties who have spoten to me on tl-e subject, 1 annonnce myself as a candidate for tiie office of Sheriff of buncombe county. I it -1 no desire to be nominated by any convention; i he only convention I can recognize is the grand e '.sembly of the freemen of Bun combe county who will, on election day, annonnce their opinions. By their action I am willing to sbrnd. My views will be made known to the voters of Enncombe county in the coming campaign. . Very respectfully, sept 29 dswtde MARK JONES. TIIE ONLY First-Class Restaurant In Asheville - is to be found at TURNER'S, Johnston Building1 Corner Patton Jive, and JWaln St. Every delicacy of the season served at the shortest notice and at the most reasonable rates. Game, Fish and Oysters will be served after the first of September in any style, and families served with oysters as de sired. Elegant lu aches put up in baskets for parties, and any one going off on trains will find it to their advantage to call and get lunches before leaving. Cofl'eC; Chocolate and Tea, of the fJ nest tiua'ity, served at the counter. The 11:3b. st prices paid for these goods. Change of bill of fare at lunch counter every day. Different soups every day. Our kitchen is open for public ipvjec tion at pn? time. au 2S-utf P. 8. McMULiEN. GEO. W. 1ILB0K ATs-AFiilln irW.-lcAI4UUV.li - r - andTilson, HEADQUARTERS IN WESTERN S. CAROLINA FOR Furniture, Carpets, Shade Goods, CORNICE POLES, &c. We Ucve just received a car load Of .r,ooi?3 hova Grand Rapids, and invite t'lepublictocalland seethm. Our irises are as low as thej ow est, t r : wo defy competition. We mean Business. We have with us Will A. Blair and J. C Moore who are always glad to see their friends and cus tomers. DONT FAIL TO CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS AND PRICES before baying elsewhere. Soliciting a share of your patron- age, we are youra, oursj espectfully, . , JtlcJtlUEEEJYSr TIESOJY. june 23-dawly MOORE & ROBARDS, European Restaurant, CONFECTIONERY and BAKERY. Have just received a large shipment of Fresh. Norfolk Oysters, and are pri-paiud to furnish them to the trade in cans or serve them in an stvle at . tlielr Restaurant. 'They desire to call the attention of the Ladies Especially., . to the fact that their dining-room has been handsomely fitted up for their ' ' OOMFOBT AXD ACCOMMODATION, nd assnro them' that they will receive every Courtesy should they honor re wui a can. ujvciies MArvf ! far 10c. and Howards nt all v hours or the day. " - MOORE A ROBARDS. v J. C.BROWN & co.; MERCII AWT TAILORS, Patlort Avenw, next (hand Crntrcl Hotel. Rctnrn thanks for the liberal suppoit extended tnem aanng tne past twelve momu?. - Nothing will be wanting on tbeir part to retain confidence, and merit Increased irvora. - Alw. ys au excellent line of pr.emi on hand. EXCLBU-MADK i'ASTS A GPC1AU.TY. - Fii .st class fit and workmanship guaranteed. Medical Instinct of Animals. : " Animals get rid of their parasites by using dust, mad clay, etc. Those ; suf fering from fever restrict their, die V keep quiet, seek dark, airy places, drink water, and sometimes plunge - into it When a dog has lost its appetite it eats that species of grass known - as ' dog's grass, which acts as an emetic and a purgative. .- Cats also -eat grass. - Sheep and cows, when ill, seek out certain herbs. An animal suffering from chfonio rheumatism always keeps, as far as pos sible, in the sun. The warrior ants have regular-organized ambulances. Latrieilie cut the antennas of the ant, and other ants - came and covered the wounded part with a transparent fluid secreted in their months. If a chim panzee is .wounded it stops the bleeding by placing its hand on the wound or dressing it with leaves and grass. When an animal has a wounded leg or arm hanging on it completes the amputation by means of its teeth.-. " - A dog on being stung "on the muzzle by a viper was observed to plunge its head repeatedly for several days into running water. This animal eventually recovered. A sporting dog was run over by a carriage. " Daring three weeks in winter it remained lying in a brook, where its food was taken to it. This animal recovered. A terrier hart its right eye. It remained under a counter, avoiding light and heat, although it habitually kept close to the fire. It adopted a general treatment, rest and abstinence from looa. Une local treat ment consisted in licking the uppeu mr. face of the paw, which it applied to the wounded eye; again licking the paw when it became dry. Animals suffering from traumatic fever treat themselves by the continued application of cold water, which M. Delaunay considers to be more certain, than any of the other methods. In view of these interesting facts we are, he thinks, forced to admit that hygiene and therapeutics as pro duced by animals may, in the interest of psychology be studied with advantage. New Orleans Picayune. " Good Qualities of the Oyster. "It is all nonsense about a steady diet on oysters being injurious to the sys tem," said a wealthy Thirty-fourth street physician to a reporter the other day. "Many persons think so, however. It may be that oysters do not produce the most pleasant results when cooked in a rich style and eaten just before going to bed.- When taken with wine late at night, of coarse, if there is any bad ef fect the next day the oysters are blamed for it. Oysters have excellent medicinal qualities, are nutritious, and when plainly cooked or eaten raw are very wholesome, especially so in cases of in digestion. Oysters never produce indi gestion, and that is something that can not be said of any other alimentary sub stance. Daring my experience I have found in several case where oysters have been taken daily they have done much toward curing the patient. Invalids have discovered in oysters the required aliment, besides being by far the most agreeable food to take. - Raw oysters, too, are said to be -very good for hoarse ness, although I have never tested their merits on that point. It is my belief that the oyster is - the most healthful article of food known to man." New York Mail and Express. - The Vires of Glanders. Glanders has become so prevalent and , s6destrucTive? In - Illinois that the state live-stock . commission will probably hasten to avail itself of the results of the recent investigations of MM. Cadeac and Malet on the resistance of the virus of this disease to the destructive agency of atmospheric air and heat. " In a general way it may be stated that these prove that the virus like Koch's cholera germ ia rendered inert by thorough drying. Fragments of farcy buds from the longs retain virulence in the central parts as long as twenty-four days, -while the more external layers lose theirs at rates dependent on the facility with which they become desiccated m the atmos phere. An atmosphere saturated with moisture and at ordinary temperatures preserves the virulence of the morbid humors for very long periods of ' time fifteen to thirty days. Boiling the virus for two minutes in water suffices to de stroy its activity, but simply pouring boiling water on the ' morbid material does not destroy its virulence. Chicago News. A Bint for Oculist. Writing from Darjeeling to' Nature, the Hon. Ralph Abercrombie says:"Threo cases have come under my personal ob servation in which brown-skinned - na tives, in very different parts of , the world, blacken their faces to protect them from the intense light and heat." The examples he gives are those of the inhabitants of Morocco, as well as of others along the north of Africa, who blacken themselves around the eyes to avert opthalmia from the glare of hot sand. The natives of Fiji do the same and so do the natives of theSilkim hills, and it is only reasonable to suppose that a practice of such wide diffusion,', and such striking similarity, is found utieful, that is, protective in the places and ' un der the conditions contemplated. . Origin of Bait Mine. - ... - Ta tfct eastern coast of the Caspian sea a carious phenomenon- . is in progress. Kara Bobhaz'is an estuary nearly sep arate from the main body of the sea by a bank through which there is an inlet. The evaporation - from this gulf is so great that a current continually sets in from the Caspian; and as there is no re turn current, the water of the gulf be comes more and more salif erous, and a deposit of salt is in course of formation. ' In time this gulf will be cut off from the Caspian,' and will then be dried up and' become an extensive salt-bed. New York Commercial Advertiser. ' Tha fiasln of the Congo. - - A famous French authority . write from - nine years' experience in French. Congo that he has come to .. the ' conclu sion that the west African territory and the basin of the Congo must be loft to be developed by the original inhabitants and not be colonized by immigrants. Boston Budget . ' . " - Ask roar retell er for the Original SX SM Bewara ol Imlf stlnns, KOramlaBleM bMrlBtMaBtaBa C3 SUOSi ' Ksdeln Button,OcmCTMS ft Laesv DtirabUity.Oomfort m&Ap pearanct. A portal card sen to us wiU brir: H yoa i lorma V tlon now to get t n booa Inaoystateor Trriujr. SUTTSN This shoe stands fcfohor in the estlTnattna C VTearrs than any othur In the world. Thouamta Who wear It will tU you tim reason if yoa ak Uwta, i - MISSION HOSPITAL, Suffering women should remember that the Mission Hospital offer all the advantages for treatment and cure of dianaae peonliar to their sex, that can be tonnd in Northern cities. Address, Mission Hospital, Asheville, N. O. .- febB-ly Call and get some of those bargains this week, .at WHrrtocx'a. ' Try Duffy's Pure Barley Malt Whis key, for sale only by W.'O. Mailer & Co Whitlock cells the folio wine celebrated makes of corsets: Madame Foy'sWar ner", Thompson's, Glove fitting 800 bone French, and the very best 50c and 75c corsets in the city. ' Try our .Barefooted an4 Baldheaded Corn, to be found tnly ai original Bob Jones' Pioneer Bar. W.L.DOUGLAS' G3Xa SHDI W.LDOUGLAS! 3.00 W.LDOUGLAS $3.00 SHOE FOB SALE AT THE OneMciiBootaiSlioe SW SOUTH MAIN ST, f Ashsvii.i.b,N. C. Jj25:dSm SOMETHING NEW. . THE "Embostype" Printing Stamps (PATENT APPLIED FOR.) These stamps answer all the pur poses of rubber stamps and cost much less. jg-Look ! A stamp of your name, a bottle of indelible ink,' (suitable for marking clothing,) an inking pad and a distributor, secure ly packed in a neat box, post paid, for only 25 cents-. Satisfaction Guaranteed. - Also all kinds of rubber stamps at lowest prices. Goods shown and orders received at Estabrook's. Write to - Walter S. Cushman, - . . Asheville, N. G. TAKE JYOTICEt "W. O. Muller & Co JLiquor Dealers and, MHs- ti llertP Agents. 0 " HAVING just received a new and full supply of all kinds of goods usually kept in our line, we are prepared to furnish oar many patrons and the public in general, with something good for the Holidavs. Jspecial attention is caned to uunys Pare Barley Malt Whiskey for which we are agents in this section, also the cele brated Bavarian and Budweise Lager Beer on draught, and bottled for family use, which is guaranteed strictly pure. We also have a lot of Fine Old Pure N. CL Corn Whiskey that can't be beat, and the beet and most popular brands of fine Old Kentucky hand-made sout mash Bye and Bourbon Whiskies, fine imported Cognac Brandy, Jamaica Rum, imported and domestic Gins, Pure N. C Apple and Peach Brandies, Pure N. C Sweet Mash Corn Whiskey, fine old imported Sherry, Port. Madeira. Claret. Champagne and all kinds of domestic Wines, Imported Ale and Porter, line Cigars, Tobacco, sc., aic We have with us Messrs. Lee C. Sor- rells, Jesse J. Lange and W. Columbus Featherstone who will be glad to have their friends call and see them. - We have in connection with our Bar an elegant Billiard and Pool Hall up stairs, famished with the celebrated Brunswick, Balko & Collander. Co.'s Tables, the best in usewhich is are charge of the old jovial Tom Pope who will give a cordial greeting to all. Ordet raolicited and promptly niied. -- - W. O. MTJLLER & CO., . Main St., opposite Public Square, Asheville. N. C. Jl'etc '"' and . Valuable JUa ' "T ' chtnerm for Sale. T OFFER the following new Machinery for I sale:- neS4-inch Planing and Hatching Machine, On four-sided Moulding Machine, , - . One heavy Morticing Machine. ' Oh large Iron Ten boning Machine, One aaaaU Feed Mill, , , also some second-hand Machinery, as good as new, as follows : - .7 - One 20-(nch Planing Machined T - One Atlas Engine, l&-borse power, 1 Westing House Engine. 10-horse power, - 1 lO-hoise Tortable Boiler. - . -" ' - One 20-horse power boiler, " ? One Cireuiar Saw-Mill. - - - This Machinery la being used every dav. ' All or part of the above will oe sold on reasonable terms. . Apply to - V N. W. GIRDWOOD is 1411 waw2w AahevUle. N. ALTER W. VANDIVEE, ',; . Attorney at Law, -. MARSHALL, NORTH CAROLINA. Offices also at AahevUle asd WeavervUle. Special attentlonglventothecf lieetionof clainu Western North Carolina. mch-8 AShEVILLE C ? S. F.'TENABLS, Principal.? - W. PINCKNEY MASON, Commandast : -y ; V o jCadei. , : . Opens September SCtli, 18SC. Continnes for 40 weeks. ;. : Por terms, &c, address . " Bept 4-diwtf Thb pBiKcirAU SI 1 1 hm- M Ml INSURANCE. Lii!! L!wLn.nat!Oi.s T HK VALLEY MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION . OF. VlilUUilA ; . . V t .Issues policies for from 1 1,000 to $3,000, - . AND " 1.' combines the guarantee feature of "OLD LINE". Companies at the cost of ordinary co-operative : insur ance in Secret Orders. FIRE INSURAflCt. insurance against loss by -Jbire in City and County on all kindfl of Property, Bcal'and Persoika . Short as well as long term). . . Policies issued at fair rates in A. 1 Companies, '. Horn e and Forefen. TITOS. W. BC1nC1I AgW Office Northl .le Court Square. . my 20-tf-, r ,1 -. ..-if . REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE ' v.- CENT, -'-r Asheville. .Morth Carolira. - CIIJ1S. MMOMjTJEIPS PROSPECT BREWERY, , PHILADELPHIA, PA. W. O. MTJLLER & CO., Agents, ASHEVILLE, N. C. We herewith take great pleasure in introducing for export and family use tnis . r Extra Quality linger Beer, Brewed of the best Barley and imported Bohemian Hops. It surpasses in fine taste, flavor, brilliancy and nutritions qualities any other Lager Beer, and is strictly pure ana unadulterated, ffiysi' ciana advise the use of this Beer, and we call your special attention to the follow ins?, analysis : , "Budwcis" layer Beer, . ' Emanating from the Prospect Brewery, in fniiadeipnia, ra. The undersigned, at the request of the Technical Society, has completed an analysis of the "Budweis" Beer, lrewed atChas. Wolters' Prospect Brewery, in Philadelphia, which analysis exhibits the following results ; . Specific gravity, 1,0124 Alcohol, 3,94$c Extract, - 4.9213c - Carbonic Acid. 0,22c Ashes, OOc - : This signifies that the"Budweis" Beer in its essential qualities is .almost the exact counterpart of the best Imported Bohemian Beer. : A further examination, seeking adul terations, proves conclusively- that it contains naught of that nature. ' : Da. D. H. iAaknkbaum, -Tacony Chemical Works. Bridesburg. Philadelphia, Oct. 28, 1881. For Hotels, Boarding Jlouses, Private Families and the Trade, the above Beer is put uain patent-stopper Bottles (pints.) and in export bottles (pints,) well corked. wired, lolled and labeled. We deliver the Beer free of charge to any part of the city, .and call for the empty patent stopper bottles, which are never sold but must always be returned with the crates. - Having erected a large refrigerator for the storage of Beer, we are enabled to keep our Beer cool, fresh and in good order, and it will -bo furnished direct from our refrigerator to our customers. All shipping orders will receive prompt attention. - - apl3-dtf - W. O. MTJLLER & CO. - X BRAND tfe CO, UNDERTAKERS. : ASHEVILLE, N. C. - Metallic and Walnut Cofiins constantly on hand. Every requisite of the business furnished. - All calls day or night prompt ly answered. Hearses 1 irnished when desired! . ; mi.-wly . BOB iOHES, - v The Pioneer. To my Customers: ' . . -. I desire to inform my eustomera that I keep no cheap beer, either in bottles or on draft. My goods wines, liquors, beers, &c., are all pnre ana jresu. vruers souciiu nut( wuuwuuh guaranteed." Orders- from distance specially solicited. -"' - " Goods delivered free of charge to snypajt of tne city Dy poute servanta. . - Shep Dearer, the curious concoctor of cocktails, to with me and rupectfully invites his friends to call. Call on or address - - " L - - BOB JOMCS, The Pioneer Bar, S doors below 1st N f Bank, GRANITE YAB1, HENDERSON VILLE, - : -.A IX. J. 1-VT Jt I : P; CORN & Co-., lroi8. The granite tonnd near - Hendersonviife is recognized for its beauty and durability, j The undersigned is prepared to furoiss on short notice, all work In granite, for Window- sills, uoor sum, steps, c inaeea every deed eve thing neeaea lor unuaings. -..- TERMS SEASONABLE. CaU on or address , A. P CORN A C0V fseptlldlf - ' . . HendersonviUe. N.C. -JOSEPH 8. ADAM3, ? f -.: J.'Jr.:; Attormejr and Counsellor nt . - Office in" law Building, jN : adiolnlng First National Bank, ASHEVILLE, N. C. : "-, " Practices In all courts, state and Federal. rsept 7 I year - ' ASK FOR :-" -itVv'x-i - The Hamilton Improved Fruit Jars for sale at : - , ; BEARDEN, RANKIN & CO. julylS-dtf .. . . : " RYE! RYE! ; WANTED L3f( BrsilEUofRveatonoe. 1 CjfJ UEAKDh.2 KAMilN & CO L, Aijftsr Hotel Bife . Dryer's Sulphur Springs Sold. Tha remainder of the land, will be anld In tracts suitable for farms, villa plots and business lots. Also, old mill and fine water nower. - - The most desirable place of residence in - The Land of Health, Beat Hlietal Wsten, Beat Climate, i latest Scenery. - Five miles west of Asheville. on Bnmht TM W.H.C.K.E. . 15.000 acres mountain and vallevland in Trmn. sylvan ia county, suited for stock raisins:, tann ing, mui culture, lumbering, die 60,000 acres mountain land in Swain county, en Tennessee Kiver. Bich land, well timbered. Both tracts will be eot Ot to suit ourchasen or colonies. Several other tracts in western counties for sale. ' uora naeer mining land and timber on tne stump lor sale. Apply to - " H. Plasuden, :-1 " ' Snlptrar Springs, or ' Address Asheville, N. C. ' 1nn2M4w6m . . Main Street, (Above Eagle Hotel) .' Asheville, JT. C. ' : 0 The oest stock always oa hand. Work always guaranteed to give satisfaction. I am especially prepared to moke boots and hoes so as to prevent dampness v udsQUKAUNO. Beady-Hade ustom Work of all Sorts on Hand. Gentlemen and Ladiri' Repairing a Spe cially. Fine Custom Work always on hand, any s tyle and satisfaction guaranteed,' as to stock and work. Shoemakers' Findings always on hand and tor sale, the beet in the market, at low prices Gents' custom-made, low-quartered dress shoes made of best material, now offered for $4 and t4.S0-U9Ual price, t6. Call early. . Pine Groceries! Imported and Domestic Table -'-. Delicacies at KEPLEU'S. T. T. T. EXTRA CHOICEST New Crop TEAS, Choicest Moyune Gunpowder, bnglish iireaktast, ' Formosa Oolong, Extra Fancy Japan: .. FINE COFFEE. Mocha, OXd Government Java, Cordova, Santos Peaberry," Finest Bio and Laguayra, Instantaneous Chocolate, Cocoa, Bakers Chocolate and Broma. CKOSSE & BLACKWELL'S Jams, Gordon & Dil worth's Jellies Si Preserves, G. & D. Pineapples, in glass jars, U. & ii. Cranberry bauce, CANNED VEGETABLES. Gordon & Dilworth's Asparagus, Oyster Bay Asparagus, Sifted Early June Peas, : Succotash, Corn, Whole Tomatoes, Okra and Tomatoes. French Peas and Mushrooms. CALIFORNIA CANNED Fruits, Peaches, Apricots, Pears, White Cherries, Green Gage Plums, Bahama Pineapples grated, and sliced, EDAM & PINEAPPLE CHEESE, Boss' Lunch Biscuit, - Boss' Wafers, Mushroom Crackers, Imported Albert Biscuit. Finest New Orleans Molasst. Kev 'Yest and Imported Cigars. FULL STOCK OF STAPLE GROCERIES South Main St, opp. Eagle Hotel. SOMETHING CHOICE! lot T OVERS OF THB WEED, who enjoy a really m gooa smoae, snoaia always au lor DOLMES1 Golden teal. Land of the Sky, . PisKata. These brands aie mannfar .ared from the eele brated Tobaccos grown in Western North Caro lina, ree rrom au perrumenes, aaniieranons o anpunaesaa are pnsea for tnerr 1p!6tr3n3lg Qualities Ask your dealers or nozjriES' tobacco, and take no other. IS. L HOLMES & CO. Pbopeiitoes n 2-Umos , ASHEVILLE. N. C. ; FRAMtXIN HOUSE D. C. CUNNINGHAM, PROPEiirroR, FRANKLIN, - C -' & G . Table supplied with the best the market affords. - :. First-Class Livery and Sale Stables in connection with bouse. " s Dally Hack between Webster aT- .. Fran.li.llw. . - - ' 74 Bmmtplt Momma Tor Jfrmmimtrt. . .' TJiHMH MJiU 8 JVLf HjLH. . . .; .. Beptll-dly - : -. ". - ptANADA COWAN J . . (Establislied in 1855.) :J-rt:;.y: Watclmiaker, ; Jeweler, r ; AHD DEAXXB Of ' , Wotchet, Clock, Jewelery, Spectacle!, &cS ' : Patton Avenue. Asheville, N. C. V Leror W. Fairchild's Gold Pen. Good stock always on hand.'j v First Class Saddle, and 1 ;.';;; Ilarucss -Horses,;; -';.; 'S' For Sale THTC UNDERSIGNED has at his stables on fcaele street, rear of Eseie Hotel, a large number of CHOICE FINE HORSES, well broken, either for Saddle or Harness, for sale. A 11 younir, and perfectly sound and gentle. -Call early. M. U AREY. Jul 8-dii WINE AND LIQUOR STORE. MAIN ST.,' 3rd DOOR ABOVE. THE BANK OP ASHEVILLE. - . The largest and most complete- assortment of . . Imported and Wines, Liquors and Brandies TO BE WESTERN NORTH C A.ROLINA. r make a specialty of Champaigns, Sauternes and Clarets by the case, and carry a large stock of fine : " Havana Cigars. TH E 'BON ANZA' Sample and Pool Room in the Rear, , Is unsurpassed by anything of the kind in the State. JOHN Z. MILSTER & J. A. MARQUARDT, Managers. Itlcbmond and : Danville Railroad. . WESTERITKORTH CAROLINA DIVISION. General Passenger Office, 1 Asheville, N. C, Aug. 21st, 1886. f On and alter Ane, ttnd. 1886. and mnercedins all others, the following schedule will be opera ted ovet this road MAIN LINE. Train No. 63. - Train No. 53. WEST. EAST. Ait. L've. Arr. L've. Salisbury, 11.35 am. 6.13 p.m. 8tatesville - 12.55 12.67 4.12 4.12 Newton, 2.10 2.10 S.10 8.10 " Hickory, 2.43 2.43 S.38 2.43 Icard, 3 06 3.31 13 S.16 Morganton, 8.56 3.36 l.iS 1.28 Marion. 5.02 5.02 12.K M.ST - Old Fort, S.S3 5.35 ' 11.66 11.67 Round Knob, 62 5.58 11.40 11.40 ' Black Mo'ain, 6.29 7.00 10.59 10.52 Asheville, 7.62 8.05 ' 9.56 10.01 Alexanders, . 8.43 8.43 9.16 9J6 Marshall, 9.21 9.21 8.40 8.40 Warm Spr'gs, 10.17 10.20 7.20 7.4T Paint Rock, 10.40 7.00 Train No. 50. Train No. 6L WEST. EAST. Arr. Lve. Arr. Lve. Salisbury, 1.20 a. m. 12.40 Statesville, 2 43 2.44 11.39 11.40 Newton, 8.56 8.56"" 10.S8 10.38 Hickory, 4.33 4.34 10.12 10.12 Icard, 6.09 5.09 9.50 9.50 Morganton, 6.44 6.44 9.26 9.26 Marion, - 6.69 6.59 8 30 8.30 Old Fort, 7.36 7.37 . 7.69 8.00 Round Knob, 8.00 8.26 7.20 7.40 Black Mount'n 9.0T 9.07 6.24 6.30 Asheville, 10.00 10.08 5.21 6.31 Alexander's, 10.48 10.48 4.43 4.43 Marshall, 11.30 11.30 4.01 4.01 Warm Springs 12.28 3.05 1.35 .300 Paint Rock, 8.25 1.15 MURPHY DIVISION. Going West. Going East, Arr. L've. 10.18 11.12 11.33 18.40 1.85 2.35 2.46 Stations. Asheville, Turnpike, Pig"n River, Waynesv'le, Balsam, Sylva, Web'rStat'n Whittler, Charleston, Nantahala, Jarretts, Arr. L've A M uai 3.20 2.13 1.48 12.26 11.42 10.26 10.15 9.28 8.36 7.34 P M S15 153 100 1202 10 27 1016 929 11. S3 12.31 1.15 2.35 2.45 8.36 4.20 530 7.05 4.25 6.30 845 T.34 a. m 6.00 - 'Meal Stations. Trains Nob. 50 and 51 run solid between Lonis- ... .4 C H..V, 1 ,nll .1 between Cincinnati, Loutsvule and Knoxviile ; aiso oetween warm springs ana uoiasDoro. Trains Nog. 52 and 53 runs solid between Mor- ristown and Salisbury, carrying Leighton sleep ing cars Deiween vnaiianoogr ana jLsnevme. C. W. CHEARS, A G P A. Richmond, Vs. W. A. TURK. A. G. P. A., Salisbury, N C . V. E. McBEE. 8upt.. Asheville. N C. Schedule of Passenger Rates FBOJf PEUJCIPAL POINTS To Asheville, Jt C. 1st Class. Bound Trip FROM - Summer Settlers. Limited. Excursion. New York, 8:3.55 $32.00 $14.15 Philadelphia. 21.05 28.00 11.66 Baltimore, 18.25 22.40 8.85 Washington, 17.05 20.00 7.65 Richmond, 13.80 15.25 6.16 Norfolk, - 16.65 18.00 Wilmington, 13.16 15.85 Chariot ton, 14.15 17.30 Augusta, . 13.25 13.45 Atlanta, 10.85 15.80 Montgomery, 14.75 .5o Mobile, 20.20 27.75 New Orleans, 22.45 30.65 Chattanooga, 7.75 11.65 Memphis, 17.06 23.30 Louisville, - 12.40 . 17.75 Cincinnati, 12.75 18.60 Raleigh, 10.60 12.35 4.15 Savannah, 17.20 18.75 Columbia, 10.25 12.15 Jacksonville. 2160 28.95 Atlantic & H. C. R. R. . . TIME TABLE HO. 2. ' In effect 12 M., Sunday. January IT th, 1886. EAST. WEST. No. 61. Passenger. No. 60. Passenger. STATIONS : Arr. L've. Arr. L've. F. M. 6 51 182 847 11 18 1140 T. M. 607 654 -652 1128 A.M. 1111 10 96 943 446 A.X. 1019 147 7 47 606 485 Goldsboro LaGrange Kinston ; ' New Berne 1 Morehead City -Morehead Depot Daily Except Sunday. Train 50 connects with Wilmington A Weldon train bound North, leaving Goldsboro 11:85a. mM and with Richmond & Danville train West, leav ing (rnld.4ara 12:35 p. m., and J-ihnLXOtr xt V, eiaon Train .hww wrm p. nt. ; J:- . Train 61 connects with Richmond & Danville Tralii. arriving at Goldsboro 4:40 p. m, and with Wilmington & Weldon Train from th North st 4:54 p. m- ' , GiBFear&Y.l.E'F.CoiB'y. " ; TRAIN NORTH. ' ' - - - Arrive Leave Bennettsville, '", 820 pm Fayelteville, ... 1200m 1226 pm Sanford, . 216pm 126 pat Greensboro, - . -- 600pm . v' - Dinner at Fayetteville. TRAIN SOUTH. " - - ' '..- Arrive. Leave. Greensboro -. . . 9 to a m Sanford - . - 120pm 1 46 p m Fayetteville : 8 50pm 4 00pm Bennettsville - '7 30pm Dinner at Sanford. . Freight and Passenger Train leaves Bennetts ville Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 2 30 p m, arriving at Fayetteville at 8 p m. - Leaves Fayetteville on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 6 30 a m, andr arrives at Ben nettsville at 12m. - - - Freight and passenger Train North leaves Fay. ettevilie on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 a m, (connecting at Sanford with Freight rnd Passenger Trains to Raleigh), leaves Sanford at 11 80 a m, and arrives at GreeDsboroat540pm. Leaves Greensboro Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 6 a m, leaves Sanford at 11 15 an, and arrives at Fayetteville at 2 4e D m. - JNO.M. ROSE, Gen.Tas. Agent,-'. . J. W. FRY. Gen. Superintendent. - Mason's -Improved Fruit Jars and Jelly Glasse, Ice Cream Freezers, at BEARDEN, RANKIM & CO. - july 18-dtf . ; .; PATENT BOLLEn PROCESS . ; (Sweet Home) '. IS THE BEST FLOUR ON THIS : MARKET. : Send and get a sample package from S.B. WEST & CO, sept 22 dtf Sole agents. FOUND IN JOHN HART & CO. Contraetors'and BttHdcra. ASHEVILLE, N. C, "MAKERS OF DOOIt and TVlJn. tt . FRAMES, JflJtTELS and BRACKETS. Keep in stock Mouldings, Newels, Handrails, Balusters, etc., etc. All kinds of Builder's woodwork solicited apl 9-cUwSmos .THE HAZLEGREEN Sash & Blind Factorv Has recently purchased a large amount oi Oak Ash Chestnut, Cherry and Walnut Lumber, am CAN FURNISH WORK manufactured of thoroughly dried vateria!. We propose to furnish work at the lowest figures, and equal to any imported goods. a rrr THOK L. CLAYTON. Propr J 8. CLAYTON, Business Manger. fob4-awtf Pomona Hill Nurseries. J. Tan IJndley, Prop' SALEM JUNCTION, N. C, 2 Miles west of Greensboro, on the Richmond & Danville Rail Road. Oyer 1,000,000 Fruit Trees, Tines, Ac, Consisting of Apple, Peach, Pear, Plum, Apricot, Nectonne, Japanese Persim mon, Quince, Figs, P-icans, Mulberries. Grapes, Raspberries, Currants, Goose berries, Shade Trees, Evergreens, Rcses &c, in great variety. Send for descriptive catalogue, which gives lull description of all, and retail price list: Correspondence solicited, special in ducements to large planters. Address J. VAN LLNDLEY, Salem Junction, Guilford eo., N. C. A. R. Oeburn and N. A. RnvnrMn Agents for Western N. C. ' at Asheville, NC. . men 16-dAw6mos HARNESS. Our Stock is now complete and mad' of the best materials, with 11 the latest improvements, oingie ana aouDie set -in nickle and oriental rubber, either gi or nickle lined. All other trimmings o short notice. Saddles and Bridles Of every grade and price, from cheape Morgan to the English Shaptoe. -. . UOJISE COJLJLAltS Of every kind, size, grade and price. IIOItSE CLOTIIIJVG Just .received a fresh stock, including Track Suits, Sweat Hoods, Jowl Hoods, -Cooling Blankets, Ankle Boots of differ- ent patterns. Linen Sheets of all prices , LAP ROBES. The finest stock in the market Call a see them. lYtUps, Saddle Cloths ana Ely JWets, in pvcry variety. KIJYBS A SPECIAL Remember . we have no machinery all work done by band and guaranteed Call on us and see what can be bouaht in Asheville in our line. T. W. RRAIVC1I. North Main street, opposite old Central Hotel, Asheville, N.C v .; i . FAWCY SIGN AND ORMANENTA1V PAOTTINO, andVphoIsterinsr. .' L. SWICEGOOD ' - Willow street, Asheville, N. Is ready to do the very best work in h " ' and will guarantee satisfaction la work ' prices. ' j,.'.- " .'- -r Gold Signs a Specialty Estimates furnished ' for -large contracts. Invite examination of prices and work. Giv me seal!. .- mchlO-d - . . ' .... U SWICEGOOD. A GEM OF A HOME FOR SOME- : - -; body, ; ' ' THE prettiest little p?ace In nnncombe consi ty, two miles from a depot, four miles from the city, on Swannanoa river, contains ninety aores.twenty of which are good bottom, thirty bo land, as good as any on the river; . no washed worn-out land on the place; forty asres wet timbered. Good, new dwelling house, with? rooms, all out houses, splendid spring with spring-house, ISO choice apple trees, one-ht fot which are just ready to bear; 75 peach trees ail o superior quality; some grape vines and pwars. This property is well adapted to growl"? r and clover, and now has about twenty-hte k.us In clover. Also crood tobaceo iand. Por further paruculurs aprW at the mctU2-d4WU CiilZKN OFFICS