"Ml o - o CITIZEN JOBj OFFICE, -WEST BIDE PUBLIC-SQUARE." BILL HEAD3" - - LETTER HEADS, -POSTERS, " BLANKS, ke And Job Work of all kind ion with, -. promptness and at lo-gt prices. A. T'izzax Sts&9 ft Cimcron, Vtf":W AST' TUnPP.JETORH ' ne cizen j -r.. S.OO I Year, 1.BO VOL II -NO 184. ASHEVILLE, N. C SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 13 1886. PRICE 5 CENTS FRTlSMfi- ft A TVS ICW. DALLY EDITION.. a -n Ul ASMKVU.I.K SOCIETIES. iirtat Comm.ulery, No. 5. J. A. Porter Eminent o.-nmander; Jordan Stone. Secretary. Meets nrst . Ancsjay nUrht iu eacn month. .I.Vi-wif Ci'npUr, H. A. X.G. H. Bell, High r.ent: 8. Hainmersulair, Secretary- Meets . . " 1 tV 1 1..- 1.. ninnlh Hnreum L 'in. No. IIS . X. Jf. TJ Fair Von,hinful Master: Fred. L. Jacot enfi.-wy. Meets .the Aral Friday uight in each -.ilh. .-u-n.,i bUje, A . A., No. 646. J A. iMM'in. nicti'tor: Jordan Stono, Secretary. heuw and third Monday nights In eacn r-nl Council, So. 7'U, .'. A. Ellis y, iU-;.:;: Jordan Stone, nocrstary. Meats q ihs ii:vM or tns Krdgnts oi Honor on me secona n.l r.Mi.-t, VCrviulRr nitfhtjt In each month. Tkt Wnm't Jiitowl CsxAfty of the M. E. . -hurch. vrvnh. meat tn the i-liurch class-room on . n f trnt r'riday of evrv i-i'-mh at 4 o'clock P.M. The ReaUy of the West Lodjc Ko. 40, F. A. .1. K. M Meets on the first and third Monday Dightj in each month. James Jjattimore, Wbrahinf nl Master : H. B. Crown, Secretary. The Aslixcille Public Library, over Mr. Kop ec's Store, opposite Eaglo Hotel, and next djar to The Bank of Asliovi la, is open to via tors from 18 a. m. to 1 p. m. tna irom ik to ?ut0p. ra. UtTILLE CUl'BCll DIRECTORY Mrthodisl Episcopal Church Church SL Rev. W. W. Days Morning services 11 a. m. ; dy evening p. m. 8abbaih. aohool 9 ism-- -v---- . ' rVrriitvjienan Ghu,-60hui'ch St. rc. 3. P. Gammon Services 11 a. m.;74p. , prayer .'meeting five pt m. Wednea Sabbath school naif-cast 9 a. m. itcojxd Church; Trinity comer Church and n iuow oil. Uev. Jarvis Bnxton, D. D. Be v. Varday rlcBeo, Assistant Bfctor. Services Sunday, 11 a. m. ; 5 p.m.; Wednesdays, Fridays and 3oly Days, . 10 a. m. Mondays, Tuesdays, ?hursdays and Satnrdays, 5 p. m. ; Friday, 8 p. m. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Baptist Church corner Woodftn and Upruce. Rev. J. Ij. Carroll Services 11 a m.; 7:30 p. m.; praver meeting 7:30 d. v. Wednesday; Sabbath school 9 a. m. Soman Catholic Church. Itb,. John A. McHngh Services every Sun day at 11 a. m., hut the first Sunday of the month, when services will be held at the Warm Bprings. Sunday school at 10 a. m. at ashe viUe. Do-JM&ay Ucstion Church. Kcv W W Bays Pasior. Ba'obath .School, J H Weaver Supt. ( OiaRE!) csicrcjies. . t. jf. JS. Church (Zioic) College St. Kcv. Mr. Sherman Services 11 a. m.; S p. ni.. and balf.past 7 p. 'a.; Sabbath school 9 in . Baptist. llev. Mr. Itnmloy Services 11 a. in . 1 p.m., and half-past 7 p. m.: Sabbath school 1.30 p.m Episcopal. Rev. Mr. Mafsiah Services 11 a. m.; SaL bath school 3 p.m. COMPOUND OXYGEN. OFFICE OR Home Treatment. Wfl ARE PERMANENTLY LOCATED IN Asheville, N. C, Office on Main Street, Pulliain House, first fioor. We make a specialty of treating Consnmption, Asthma, lironeiiitis P.heumaUsm, Paralysis, Chorea, Neuralgia, and, in fact, all chronic dis ease, and all diseases resulting from an impover Ished condition of the blood. If you are able to walk to the oflice, you CAN be CURED, as many are being cured by oar new treatment. We use In addition to the Oxygen, th Medicated Vapor. In this way we can treat the lungs locallv, as we vaporio all medicines; and the patient in balcs the vapor, holding it for a short time in the lunga thus the mKUclne held in suspension in ihe vapor is deposited in the air cells, where it is taken up by the bl'iod. It not only produces the :ucal fleet desired, but A COXSTITUTIONAL EFFECT. It yon nave any klnl of Lnng disease, come and cons u it us. We will not charge you anything lor coiiMiltation. Till: OXYGEN GAS, breat'icl tVo or three times a day, will restore you lo perfect heblth, tliough )ou n:ay tliink yoursell i iyia1 !io rnch of remedies. There is not the Vtot danur connected with the treat ment, 'lne eS'ect is pleasant, and the result perinanen'. Kor Ahtl.ma. it is a ppeciflo as much as Quinine s for chills. V jou liive Asthma, it will cure you, ind the tell lis almost instantaneous. A A 3A L CATARRH, ir trentment will permanently cure you. , v.'e have been u-,iog the OXYGEN AND THB . . MEDICATED VAPOR for tome years, and in that time we have en red bandrrds of caces of Consnmption after they had reneate I hemorrhages, and were given up by the best physicians in the land. All diseases treated locally. Come to our office aod get NATURE'S MKUICTN'E. COMPOUND OXYGEN. We also pay special attention RECTAL DIS EASE !. "ILES, FISTULA, FISSURE, AND RECTAL ULCER. , We have 4 ei.'.'..t.!v new treatment, that is C ainiess; tne patient need not lose one hour irom usiness or pleasure. We do not use the knife rr litgatare, or the carbolic acid injection. We san CURE you, and are willing to INSURE a MRi', ii you so acsira. - . NO CURE, NO PAY I ' We send tho . HOME TREATMENT with ;nemioals to lait two months for CIS. We do not publish Testimotials, but on application will turnish any number of post office address, man ners of patient who have been cured under our DH3. HARUAK. GATCHrLL 8TONE. Members of Ihe firm of Ii , II. A B. Physicians, aujr 1-dawSm - - ASHEVILLE MDSIC HOUSE NORTH SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE. Sells PIANOS and ORG ANS on Monthly In stallments of $5 and S10. ONE PRICE ONLY. Sheet Music and MmJc Cools. Old inetm oents taken in exchange. For Catalogues tnd Circulars It pt.l; to ug17:dAwly The "Pinafore SKhiii" is one of Ihe waya oysters are served at Turner a. JfflBtlk r mm DAILY EDITION. THE DAII.Y CITIZEN "Will be published every Morning (ex cept Monday) at the following rates strictly ccu'i: One Year, . . . . . f 6 00 Six Months. . . ; . . 8 00 Three M ... . . 1 60 One . . . . 60 One Week, ... . .15 Onr Carriera will deliver the Daner ev ery Morning in every part of the city to our subscribers, and parties wanting it will please call at the uitizen omce. Send your Job Work of all kind to the Citizen . Office, " if you want it done neatly. cheaply and vnlk axepatch. " Arrival and Depavrtnr of Passenger -- - . inuas. Saubbttbt Arrives 7:52 p. m. and departs 10:00 am. Tennessee Arrives 9:55 a. m. and departs s aO p m. : - , - , r v" aTjnsvrrjL Arrivet 8 -2Si p in. and departs 10:10 a. m. ; .. - j SfABTAKBUBo Leave Asheville 7 .-00 .a tn t arwve an ueoasnoayiu 8:16 am; at rJpartan bnrg 11:40 a m. . leavc Bptauuurr'43uj m: arrive at Hec- dersonville 7:10 p m; at Asheville 8:15. p m. tW INTERESTING READING MAT TER ON FOURTH PAGE. ' E"We invite attention to' the ad ver- tisement of N. Plumadore. concerning lands foj pa!e. . ' tf An excellent stock of Clothiuc. Over- coata, and Wraps, to fit all sizes. U, a. ItEDWOOD & Co. Bleached and Unbleached Sheetinz. Shirting, Domestic, Canton, Flannel, Table Damusk. Bird-Eve Diaoer, (cotton and linen); also Towels, Napkins, Crush, &c, at bottom prices, at A. tl. STOCKTON & bONS, dtlS North Court Square. Our old friend Dr. Council, of Watauga, was defeated for the House by a small vote. This is a surprise and much regretted. The work of putting down the new pavements on lain street will be begun in a few days. Our city continues valuable improvements. Raleigh is to have its water sup ply. The contract for work3 has been given to the National Water Works Construction Co., of Dayton, Ohio. The circuit to be made by our street railway, when completed, which will be in a few'rnonths, will be a most convenient one for most of our citizens. , Judge Avery passed through Thursday evening from Swain court; enroute home. lie will hold a court in Madison, for civil causes only, and in Buncombe, before his fall term ends, - - - : A stray milch cow has taken op very comfortable quarters in this city, and the owner is requested to call and get her. She is a red cow, hole in left ear, smooth crop off right ear, giving milk. Call at this office, pay charges, and get the cow. In alluding recently to the death Mrs. Mary Robertson on South Tur key Creek, we stated that she was a member of the Baptist Church. This we are informed was a mistake, she was never a member of any church. We had visits yesterday from Maj. W. C. Troy and his son Capt. W. B. Troy. It was the latter and his sister who were hurt by the recent accident near the mouth of Nanta la. Capt. Troy has recovered : from his hurts. Mis3 Troy was more se riously injured though she is recov ering. - A week ago Col. J. K, Connally bought a portion of the Hugh John ston property on Patton Avenue, purchased at public sale hy Mr. Barnard. Work was immediately begun for two jlarge and handsome brick tenements, and already the basement is dus out, and brick lay ing will legin in a lew days. 1 his is quick work. Hon. J. H. Merrimon -received 1'378 and Mr. Cummings 1,282 votes respectively in Rutherford. Our Judicial ticket, Mr. Johnston aud Mr. Twitty lor Senator, carried the county, Mr. HaTrell, dem., was beaten by Mr." Stewart, rep.; by 7 votes. - Mr. J. B. Eaves, iep., beat Dr. Twitty, for Seriate, in; Polk, by 25 majority, thus beating him in the district 6 votesi Ihis is unfortui nate for Rutherford. . We regret to learn, by private let ter to a friend in this city, that Dr. Rodier, who resides at Tuckasegee, Jackson county, had the misfortune to have his house and all contents burned a few nights ago, the in mates barely . escaping with their lives. The fire occurred about 4 o'clock in the morning. - Dr. Rodier and family lived for some time in our city, connected with ,the Flori da Health Association, and his many friends here - will much regret his misfortune. - Why go about with that aching head ? Try Ayer's Pills. They will relieve the stomach, restore the digestive organs to healthy action remove the obstructions that deprees nerves and brain, and thus cure your headache permanently. t27 The Bargain Cocktob at Law's. Ju6t started, on it will be placed all yoods that for any reason will be sold at half price. A splendid stcck of fine Sit- t rw are, Decorated China and Art Glass, rui able for Christmas or Bridal Gifts; a iirt e stock of Crockery, Cutlery, Glass Bu-t iamps ana at , lower prices . than i v. r Deiore at law's, - . opposite Eagle Hotel Surprised. ""'-"'.-7 UVY." ' Mr. W. T. Jenkins of Robbin-. ville called on us . yesterday. He says this is his first visit to Ashes ville since 1861. He says but for & few old landmarks ia the centre of the . town he would not have known where hejwas. The old Buck tavern was one of these; but even that has changed, and every thing else was new." It is pleasantly in teresting to observe the effects of these changes upon the minds of those wrio knew Asheville at a for mer time and now pee it in the full vigor of its new growth." Our Congressional District Vote. We are indeavoring to get . up a tabulated statement of the vote in thU congressional district by coun ties, but have not yet : received the returns for Jackson Swam or Clay. Without these theVote .p li as fol lows: j - ; ' . , Johnfeton 10,377, Jones 3,097, Ma- lone Mr. Johnston is now 112 ahead of both-Jones and Malone, is 3,209 ahead of Malone, and 7,280 ahead of Jones. From Jackson. Swain and Clay about 1,200 .more will be added to Mr. Johnston b majority, thus beating both com petitors from 1,300 to lv400 majority, almost as much as he beat Mr. Ew- art two years ago. Tbao is good enough. Later. Since the above was written the following dispatch has been received from Charleston Swain county, under date of the 12th : "Johnstone 5b7, Malfvne bd, Jones 29. Johnstone 555 over both com-i petitors." The Right Sort of Enterprise. Capt W. W. Lenoir offers the top of Hibriten, a beautiful mountain 2,300 feet above sea level, five ra iles from Lenoir with fifty acres of land, as a gift to any who will build a $10,000 hotel at or near the top. It is is believed the liberal proposition will soon be accepted and the hotel be built bv next Summer. . This is the right sort of enterprise. Suppose the people will select good cites and oner them to parties who will put up machinery and manu facturing enterprises ; and then let our merchants give assurance that they will co-operate with all such, those we already have as well as those we may get, in selling their wares, we can soon start a manufac turing boom here which will put the brightest of bright faces upon our city's ' prosperity.- Manufactu ring enterprises here will give ems ployment to labor, this labor will spend their earnings in house rents, and for living to our merchants and farmer. Our merchants and farm-, ers, therefore, are directly interes ted in co-operating with and sus taining every such enterprise here at home. Our people must work together, must unite, and work, sys tematically for such improvements. This is not sentiment, it is a cent I meant. (While horrible, we hope this is pardonable.) Our Knights of Labor propose to co-operate in such purposes as herein suggested. Let our .business meD, landowners and farmers unite with the Knights and let all work together for so good a cause. Let us all work:, and work in the right way, to keep Asheville a booming. At Public Auction. To-day Mr. A. J. Lyman, real estate broker, will sell at the court house door in this city, some very valuable real estate, near Arden, in this county, on the Asheville and Spartanburg rail road, the property of Maj. John iwans lirown. Kead Mr. layman s advertisement, and De sure to attend the sale to-day at the court house, at 12 Ml . Messrs. A. H. Stockton & Sons. We invitt the attention of the readers of the Citizen to the adver tisement of the. above new firm. These gentlemen havOust opened a very large and attractive 6tock" of general merchandise, groceries, &c, fresh from markets, at their store on norrh court square, and tbeir prices areas low as Ihey can be offered. Call on them.; - Impobtant Notice. There are a number of deeds and other papers requiring registration, and which usvb uceu regibtereu, iiuw in me uuiix of the register of deeds upon which the fees, is required by law, have not been paid. I request .all persons owing such to call at once, pay - the fees, and take their papers. This is important. . ; . J. K. t'ATTERSOM, - nov 11 dawtf Register of Deeds. Just What They All Say Hon. D. D. Haynie. Of Salem, Ills., says be rises Dr, Bosanko'a cough and Lung Syrup in his family with the most satisfactory results, in all eases of coughs, colds and croup, and recommends it tn particular for the nttle ones. Sample bottle free at 1. n. juyens. aawiw.- You can set a nice "black Seal Skin Muff for only $1.00 at J. L. Wilkie'e, corner Patton Avenue and Church Et. t20 Warranted Shoe from following makers: Ziegler Bros., J. A. Banister, Packard and Grover, Merriam and Tyler,1 and - Morgan Bros. - - U. KED WOOD fc fcX r For durability no Shoe superior to C 8. tarsons s Sons, ror sale by - ' , - A. H. Stockton & Sons, dt!8 '- North Court Square. For Carpets, Smyrna Rryrs, Oil Cloths. Upholstery Goods, and Housekeeping Goods generally, can on . tf - . : H. Redwood & Co- V .:. IFot the Asheville Cmzax. IN FUM, LUCK.. .; ; . Charleston, 3T, CNov. 5, 's6. Editors Citizen :AGet several years of exertion", by our ablej-'Jlepresentative Hon. E. B. Vance, I have received a pension for f 1982, which is a great help to me as wen as.my neignDors; ror i am enabled to pay all my indebtedness and have a surplus of $1200 left, which I have deposited in the'First National . Bank of Asheville. The amount, which i have left after paring all my indebtedness will give me ample support' daring life. I have been trying to obtain it for the last eight years and was douDum whether I would have gotten it, but for Mr. Vance: he- has done' every thing in his power towards getting it ever Bince l made the application. - itespecumiy, - . - - V ilES. O. A. liCBCHFIBLD. - Religious Notice. 1 - ' . - . -- There will be . services at the Cath olic Church Sunday- by the Rev. Father Price, of VVUmington . . ; r , Cold Wkathsk Bigv.-zZ iWS '-- joy unicr n uic wtsimer oureau as juu- eigh the Cold Wave Signal was ordered displayed at Battery Park Signal Station yesterday at 10 A. M.; so our readers will have a cold wavebout the time they get me citizen tnis morning. A telegram from Jackson county gives Johnston's vote 930, Malone's 89, and Jones 67 giving Johnston a majority oyer both competitors of 774 in Jacks jn. This puts Mr. Johnston 1,343 ahead ot both Malone and Jones. 4,558 ahead of Maloue, 8,661 ahead of Jones, and Clay to hear from. This latter county will doubtless in crease his majority over both com petitors trom loOO to 1600. Gracious Heavings! Capt. W. S. Tipton is in the city on business connected with the Fed eral Court, and paid us a pleasant visit. Capt. T. illustrates some re markable powers a3 a journalist, having editorial charge of three pa pers, namely, the Lincoln Press, the Newton Enterprise and the Dal las Current all weekly, and all Democratic. Sheriff Tweed, who had accept tably served the people of Madison for a number of years, declined a re-election this year. He has since been .appointed a United States Commissioner, and has entered udoiI his duties. No doubt he will prove as faithful and as acceptable as Commissioner as he was a Sher iff. . . Mrs. Fred. Nash Ogden, wife of the late Governor Ogden of Louisiana, and family,- are in this city, stopping, at Madame Choppin's, at the Sluder Buil ding, on Main street. Mrs. Odgen has many relatives, br' marriage, in this State, some in this city, who will be pleas ed to know she is again in the state. Will the Advance please tell us where is that 'upheaval' it gassed so much about concerning Mai. Man lone's sweeping this district? There seema to have been an upheaval, but the Majah wa3 "thrown up" along with other things. Gov. Scales has issued a proclamation setting apart Thursday 25th inst., as a day of Thanksgiving, in connection with the recommendation of President Cleve land, There have been more than 500 witnesses discharged during the present term oi the Federal Court. The following are the bids on the iron bridge to be erected at Dan ville Va.: : " According to previous announce ment the bridge committee met yesterday at noon, and opener7 the Dids on hand lor constructing the iron bridge across" the Dan river. The following bids were offered . JNew Jersey Bteel and iron company $35,885, same $35,685, King bridge company $37,340, Morse bridge com pany fceo,oJ7, same. S3o,&8, Pitts burg bridge oomDany $37,800. Pen- coyd bridge company $40,794, Edge Moor bridge company $34,000, Can- ion iron Dnage company sab.zuu. The bid of the Edge. Moor bridge company being the lowest the com mittee recommended that the con tracts be awarded to that company. Hundreds of letters from those using Ayer's Hair Vigor attest its value as a :estprer of gray hair to its natural eolor. is a stimulant and tonic, j preventing and often curing baldness, and cleansing and soothing the scalp, its use cannot be too strongly recommended. ' : t20 Wash Leather Driving Gloves. S weeds and Dressed Kids, embroidered and plain in good qualities and low prices, at J. L. Wilkie's, corner Patton Avenue and Church street. , : v , - ' . t20 - Underwear. Hoisery, Gloves, Handker chiefs, Ribbons, Corsets, Neckwear, &c. tf . 11. xvEDWOOD K CO. Flannel Overskirts, white, Laundried and TJnlaundried Shirts, another invoice of49centsShirtjustin at - . - . wkitlook s.. Pnv n. visit-to the " Jananese dpoart- ment at Law's. . You will find it inter esting. ; r, -'. ; . T OST OR STOLEX,2 "Vrc mm Dr. Battle en BaileT street On tte nieht of the 41 h November, my Setter "RUBY." she has a solid black bend ana ears, wnite mnzz,e, rimmed and spotted with tan, white body and lees with blue black snots, well feathered tail. Has a litter ot pups a month old. Any informa tion tnti leans 10 ner recovery wiu oe treated conndenticaliy and will bs paid for, novl2d2t J. R. HAMILTON. pRIVATE BOARD. ; . , Beet Winter Lccation m theCitv, New Hocse, 'Well Kurnished, Splendid Water, :-v ana uooa i-are,, - - ; X"1' Tep.ms Reasonable. 1 .' r. ." ,"" "Missts BROWN & POINTS. nov, 12 df . . .Cherry Hall, Chestnut st -' 1 For the Ashe vine CmiEn". THE RAVAGES OF THE EARTH QUAKE. " ' A GRAPHIC DESCRIPTION OF RE CENT EVENTS AT DORCHEST ER, SOUTH CAROLINA. The following very interesting letter to a mend m thu citv has been kindlv furnished us for publication We use it with pleasure, as it relates to points of historical interest The writer. Mr. J. Irvincr Westervelf. of Summerville, has many friends in Asheville, who will read this with pleas nre. He says: - A party, of which the writer was a member, set out on an exploring tour to me points oi interest in una locality. caused by the recent earthquake. Tak- mg "Dorchester in our route, we Boon arrived at the old chtrch tower of revolu tion fame, and found the ruins of the wans still standing erect, but alas the earthquake has in a moment shivered and fractured the front face including the arch of the doorway from the top to bettom, and from the top-corners, of -the walls, great masses of masonry, six or eight in number-and probably weighing three or four tons each, have been-hurled to the ground a distance of thirty feet or more from the base; bearing evidence not oniy oi we laittiruiness of the', work and strength of the mortar in earlier days, bat also of the tremendous and terrible power of the asrencv niacins them in their present position, thus do ing greater injury to the old tower in one instant tnan time nas done in more than a century. The walls of the several family burial enclosures hate also hnn shattered and thrown down by the shock, tablets and tombstones broken. The vandals will now be able (not with out pic ana sieage nowever? to add to their Chimnies, and the Relic Hunters to tneir treasures. - Go we now to Oak Forest Plantation, on the old State road falso ol Ravnlntinn days) leading from Dorchester to Charles ton, ana aoouc luree miles Irom the old ruins, we enter the s venue of live oaks leading to the enclosure ot the once fam ily mansion of the then nrnnrietnr in days gone by, (time having obliterated it; we arrive at the quarters ! at present ".utnBU- "j oevenu lamiues oi negroes, living in temporary huts near their houses, they having been so fearfullv terrorized by theshocks and awful visi ble effects at their very door steps 1 They cannot be induced to enter or put foot within; several of them telling me they wou'd sooner perish in the open air rather than go near tbem. Some of the larger fissures, oveninos and land slide r to be seen within one hundred vards of these houses, and indeed cracks and crevices actually pass under them; and irom mis point tne wnoie distance down to the water edge of the river (the Ash ley) these fissure chasms occur in horiznn- tal lines, separated from a few inches to several feet, extending parallel with the river, several Hundred yards, and at one point, the entire top surface of the river bank has slidden fully a hundred feet down into the stream, carrying with it several large trees, which are yet stand ing at a considerable angle over the wa ter, their bases submerged 8 or 10 feet by the water of the triver. Many of these fissures are from 4 inches to 5 feet wide, and in several you may see into the depth of the earth fifty feet or more. I am informed by those who have opportunity of observing them daily, they are gradually settling and closing, and my impression is, (given for what it is worth) this whole mass of earth form ing the entire Bluff, will eventually be submerged and form the bottom of the river, especially should there be prolong ed arid heavy rains with severe freezes. About three miles from this place and near Ladson's station on S. C. K. W. in an open old field are to be found num bers of band Craters or Geusers, the sand deposit immediately around the basins is in many places 2 or 3 feet deep and of various shades, many specimens contain ing large quantities of mica in minute particles. Within these sand upheavals the" mouth of the crater or basin, by digging a few feet, may be found bedded, masses of a soft unctuous matter of differ ent colours, and weighing from 1 oz. to 6 pounds. The basin of this one described measures 10x16 feet and 5 feet deep. The bottom partially - covered 2 or 3 feet in depth with a soft tenacious blue mud resembling somewhat a paste of powder ed pumice stone; this white soft may readily be cut with a knife, soon becomes dry and exceedingly hard admitting of a high polish. . These masses and the dif ferent coloured sand are unmistakably upheavals from some unknown depth during the eruption. . There are at least a dozen, large ones in this immediate locality; aud within two miles of Summerville we counted in pass ing them . no less than forty-four sand deposits showing earth fractures and upheaval?, all making tbeir distinctive mark: in fact the surroundings of this particular section abounds with these sand geysers; they are to be" seen in ev ery direction.", one gentleman oi tnat neighborhood was obliged to gather his Corn from one field in baskets by hand. it being dangerouT to drive a team and waeon over the -ground, quick sands in every part of the field. v J. I. W. . ' . Don't Experiment. . Yoa cannot afford to waste time in ex perimenting when your lungs are in dan ger. : Consumption always seems at first only a cold. Do not permit any dealer to impoeo upon you witn some cneap imitation, of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, but be sure yon get the genuine. Because he can make more profit he may tell you he bas. something just as good, or iust the sauie. .Don't be deceived, but insist upon getting 1. Kjngs JNew Discovery, wbicn is guaranteed to give relief in all Throat, Lung and Chest affections. Trial bot tles free at H. fl. Lyons Drug Store. 1 . . . ' For all kinds of Dress and Wrap trim mings, such as Felt and 'Bead Edging?. Mordbout?, Feather,' Moss and Astrakan trimmings, bilk Bending and Astrakan b raids, in black and colors, go to J. jl,. Wilkie's. corner Patton . Avenue and Church street. t20 Men's Kid,- Dryskin, a fine stock of neavy gloves, at wbitlock's. . rJLSH, - AJND U X ST JK5 receive ed Friday and 'Saturday atT. J. Sum mers City Market, 4 Call and get some thing very nice. ' - - ! ..... : " More new millinery to arrive first of week at vvbiuock s. . : JV.eifl Goods now arrivma by almost every tram - . . 22 dy II. REDWOOD & CO. . ;'::...-.-; : .. -. . ITindxnme effrrtk in Tjtdift . Wrnn Jsress hoods ana J rtmmmftx, just opened. sep-j.6tf u. HEUWVUJJ & VU, A remarhable feature in the late elections there has been no charge of force or fraud in any. of the larere cities, no allegation of violence or intimidation in the Rnnth. fh only irregularitie8complained of are alleged use oi money toy the protecs tiomsts to carrv Morrison's and Hurd's districts. It was a snrt of millenium. Charleston proposes to ask aid of the United States Government but to do so in a manly and legitimate way. She asks nothing as charitv. w s j iothing as loan, nothing in money: she only asks the ' government, to push - the work of the jettie con struction- forward raDidlv. so that bv the aid eriven to com merce Charleston can help herself try tn9 impulse giyen to its business. This is right to ask, and it is right to eive. We hone Conoresa will not lose ft'jdayjba enacting the jiecessa t Jf 1C1B1U.UUI1. - . Some rain fell on Thursday night and the dust is once more laid. But the rainfalls through 7the autumn have been few and remarkably lighf,. It is to be hoped that good rains have visited the coast. - A tew days affO the Nr.lox and 0?.rjr stated as a remarkable fact that no rain had fallen in Charleston Rinre the earthquake of the 31st of August. a nis in many respects proved a great blessin? : for the sufferers planed1 exposure to the elements. But now the drought has become a serious il rni .-. inings. ine cisterns aro mostly dry, and almost the sole reliance for water is on the artesian wells. Liver Pills. Use Dr. Gnnns Liver PiUs for RaTInw mm. pleiion, Pimples on the Face and Biilions nesa. Never sickens or gripes. Only one for a uose. oampiea rree at t. u. Aijons. aawlw. 38 in., nil wnr.l Tr!il at n5r TTlonnol at 45c, all wool Serge from 43c. up, Aluny Clothes, Homespuns, Cassiraeres, and all the leading styles in dress mater ials, at J. L. Wilkie's, coiner Patton Avenue and Church street. t20 Cn.ll at A. H. SinnVtnn Xr !nno fX Ribbons, Pecat, Edge, Gro Grain, Satin anu veivei, ait mos. and colors, dtis The "Mikado Fry" served at Turner's. Ladies' and Misses' Wrans. real nice and cheap, at Whitlock's. Ladies' best grade Kid Glovrs. Cen- temeri, Foster's and Alexander's, and cheapgrades, at Whitlook's. Ladies' all wool Jerseys, from $1 25 up. at A. H. Stockton & Sons. dtl8. North Court Square. Dress goods and Tri'nminos. Velvets. StUr Solins, Tricots, Hannels, Linseys, Tweeds Casstmeres, Ginghams, Prints. Canton Flan nels, Bleached and Unbleached Cottons, &c. H. KILL) w vvu t uu., One Price Store. Oysters in the shell received at Turn er's last night. Splendid stock of best Silk Alpaca and Gingham Umbrellas, at WHITLOCK S. Measures taken for A. Ilavmond & Co. Fashionable New York Tailors, and a fit guaranteed. Samples now ready for inspec tion. H. REDWOOD & CO. sept 28-dtod . The beautiful soncs Martrnerite and White Wings, sung recently by Miss Miller here are for sale at the Music Store. I have received a new supply of the brilliant Valse Belles of New York. tf. C. Falk. Choiee effects in clothing just received. If H. REDWOOD & CO. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. F IOR SALE, A CITYLOT-cheap. by C. FALK, Asheville Music House. nov 13 dtf w AITEBS WANTED. Two first-class white waiters wanted at TURN ER'S RESTAURANT. Reference of character and qualification required. .Good wages and steady employment. Aiso a oecona uook. Apply on tne premises, nov 18 d3t IT WILL PAY YOU It yoa propose going Wesf, or North west, to write to me. I represent the Short Line. Fred I). Basis, D. r. A.. Atlanta, Ga. . ' novlSw6mos .v. . GREAT SALE! Solid Real . Estate at auction On Saturday, November . " the 27tli, , The Eagle Hotel property, 300 feet front on South Main street, running back 136 feet on Eagle and Sycamore streets to isarie street. The hotel is a three story brick build ing, witn basements, 252 feet front, with stores on me ground floor. The oroDertv will be subdivided and each store with basement and rooms above will be sold separately. These stores are among the. most de sirable in Asheville, and are situated in the heart of the business portion of the citv. ' ' "' : . -.. . - : - -. Terms J cash, balance in one and two years with 8 per cent interest payable semi-annually. , t or farther particulars, address - - D. C. WADDEIL. or W. B. Gwts. nov 11 dtds - B Y PUBLIC AUCTION, On Thnrsday 11th inst. TWO well- broken YUUiSti MULKs. ' MURRAY & LANCE, nov 10 d2t -.. r Auctioneers. F OR RENT, Fnrnlshed or unfurnlshad. -the cnmmndions CoUina Boarding Houso, corner oi Patton and Irenes sroaa Avenues, tor terms, apply to nov 9 dtf ; , -. r M. . FAGG. 6 sr -.- r. o o 2 m