A Creaking Hinge la dry and turns hard, until oil is applied, after which it mores easily. When the Joints, or hinges, of the body are stiffened and inflamed by Rheumatism, they can not be moved without causing the most excruciating pains. Ayer'a Sarsaparilla, by its action on the blood, relieves this condition, and restores the joints to good working order. Ayer'a Sarsaparilla has effected, in our city, many most remarkable cures, in cases which baffled the efforts of the most experienced physicians. Were it necessary, I could give. the names of many Individuals who have been cured by taking this medicine. In my case it has worked wonders, relieving me of Rheumatism, after being troublod with it for years. In this, and all other diseases arising from impure blood, there is no remedy with which I am acquainted, that affords such relief as Aycr's Sarsaparilla. B. II Lawrence, M. D., Baltimore. Md. Ayer's Sarsaparilla cured me of Gout and Rheumatism, when nothing else would. It has eradicated every tiace of ' disease from my system. K. 1L Short, Manager Hotel Belmont, Lowell, Mass. I was, during many months, a sufferer from chronic Rheumatism. The disease afflicted me grievously, in spite of all the remedies I could find, until I commenced using Ayer'a Sarsaparilla. I took sev eral bottles of this preparation, and was speedily restored to health. J. Fream, Independence, Ya. . tt - Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. J. O. Aver k Co., Lowell, Ifaaa. Bold by all DrsggliU. t'rmtlfU bottles, a. TUB OXI-Y First-Class Restaurant la AisbeIle i- to be found at TURNER'S, Johnston Building Corner Patton Ive. ami Main St. - Every delicacy of the seasoD served at the shortest notice and at the moat reasonable rates. Game, h ish and Oysters will be served after the first of September in any style, and families served with oysters as de sired. Elegant lunches put up in baskets for parm;.". ;inu any one going uu on trains will fim! it to their advantage to call and get liinuli!!i before leaving. Cofl'f .!, Chocolate and Tea, of the finest quality, served at the counter. The high est prices paid for these goods. Change of bill of fare at lunch counter every day. Different soups every day. Our kitchen is open for public inspec tion at any time. au 28-dtf 8. Wiwrnr:. GEO. W. TILfON McMullen and Tilson, HEADQUARTERS IN FOR Furniture, Carpets, Shade Goods, CORNICE POLES, &c. V have just received a car load of go; J from Grand Rapids, and invit the public to cail and see them. Our nri-'as are as low U3 the ow est, i;n.l we defy competition. 1ft mean Business. We have with us Will A. Blair and J. U. Moore who are always glad to see their friends and cus tomers. DONT FAIL TP CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS AND PRICES before buying elsewhere. Soliciting a share of your patron age, we are youra, Respectfully, JtIClIUEEEj& TIESOJ jane 23-dawly MOORE & ROBARDS, European Restaurant, CONFECTIONERY and BAKERY. Have just received a large shipmeut of and are prepared to .furnish thorn to the trade in cans or serve them in an st vle at their Restaurant. ' They desire to call the attention of the ' Ladles Esprctally, i to. the fact that tapir dining room has tbeen handsomely titled u; for their COMFORT AX D ACCOMMODATION, wn'd aaaare theia that they will receive . every Courtesy. should they honor cs - wna a can. - :; E UJY C SI E S served for 10c. and upwards at all -honra of the dav. r f in . ti - r-t , ri r. r- etpt 10-dtf JlTOTlCE OF SALE. By virtue of a detd of trust execute"! to me by A-if.' Ware vu tho ttHh day orAuril, A. D. 1884, toecure the purthise money of Five Hundred lM(irs and luterc-iK.n MitsoVllo said War by W. iLCocke, ;r., tyiiiit 'ii touth margin if Fat, too Avemie end Joins l ie iiuncoraba Ware-house, ud runs to Siagie's. North West corner, being ab"ut JO leet wuto, and, one buudred feet deep. Said properly Is lying- within the corporate limits of the city of Asheville, N C. I will sell the Above property to the highest bidder at the Court u.ase aoor la tne uuy ti ABneviuo ac me usual hours of such sales, ou the 3rd day of December, A. !., lax. lots zna iKiiooer, unn .. i. E. RANKIS, Trustee, nor 4 wtwks- r J. C. BROWN & CO., :jIEKCJIA7ST TAILORS, PaUori AwMitnextjCfr an $ Central Hold. y ifijirrtrhMs Tut the ribert support extfeaded tbt-in dtuiisK the I st twelve mooUi. - p.itti'Tg win be wantu-f! cm their part to retain confidence, anJ merit lncrsavl lnvors. . Always an excelieot lino ot pattera on hand. KXtiUfH-KADK 'ANTsS A Sl'ECIALITY. . t i i :i l ' 1 1 V M) n f t f ) arrtittud. POINTS FROM A BARBER. The Difference Between America and German Faces Barberlng by Contract. . A fashionable up town barber of Ger man extraction ventured, with the usual timidity of members of his profession, to give a reporter some facts about the face and the way some people desire, to be shaved. He said: "In Germany we can shave more rapidly than In America. The Germans have longer and rounder faces, which permit long swipes with the razor. Their beard, too, Is not so stiff as the American's. . In the United States small and angular faces prevail, so .the razor cannot travel nny great length without coming to a turning point. Hence the razor is limited as to its sur face capacity as far as one stroke goes. A number of small and indefinite swipes are made with the grain. It is difficult to shave the average American against the grain. His beard Is too hard for such a task and his flesh too tender. Once in two years perhaps, a man may request a grain shave. There is no need of a request, though, for I can tell a man who is in the habit of shaving against the grain. His beard sticks out from his face. About twice a year an American atsonishes me by asking me to shave him with long strokes. Now I don't like the long strokes, for they are liable to cut the face. "One of the nuisances in tho barber business is the customer who rushes in and swears he has only two minutes to spare to get shaved. I hurry up as rap idly as possible and in my anxiety I man age to cut him In several spots. The would-be hurrying man who has worked me like fire, then coolly stops and chats half an hour with another customer. It Is dangerous to be shaved in a hurry The barber is somewhat excited by the order to shave quickly and is always wondering while at work if ho is fast enough. " ' - "We have monthly customers. -1 make on some and lose on others. For $3.50 I barber a customer one month that is, give him a shave every day, if ho wants it, and one hair cut during the month. Remember, bay rnm, pomade, hair oil, vaseline, brilliantine and powder are in cluded. Well, if he took a ten cent shave he wouldn't get bay rum, but he saves all these extras by tho wholesale contract. If he shaved every day at a dime it would only be about $3 per month, not counting a hair cut The reduction then amounts to 75 cents a month. Now, very few men shave every day in a barber shop, and there is where the profit comes for monthly con tracts. Frequently, though, I have a customer who gets the worth of his $3.50. He comes once a day regular (before he only came three times a week), and wants a three day) under the skin shave. I have to dally over his face the same as if he were paying 25 cents a shave. He is more exacting than ever, wants more bay rum, and appears very much afraid he will not get his money's worth. Now, that kind of a customer takes up time, which is more expensive than bay rum. lie happens, too, to always be in at the proper moment to keep good customers waiting. The daisy monthly customers drop in three or four times a week, says nothing about regretting he cannot come every day, and requires no extra atten tion. Yet, if ho wanted to, he could mate a contract tor three or four shaves a week and a hair cut for tho sum of $1.50 per month. Still he is not cheated, for if he comes once a day on the $2.50 contract it is all right, he gets his shave. There is no fortune in barbering now. Competition is too great" New York Mail and Express. - Mrs. Cleveland at Sarauac. nave you received from tho president's bride a cardboard with a leaf, cut neatly out of birch bark, pasted In the center, and under that the autographs of herself and Iiusbandr You might have got one if yon had asked at the right time and place that is to say, while she was in the Adirondacks. An artist named Leutz from Albany was in the hotel, and one day he fashioned a bit of bark into a leaf, penciling it a little to perfect the sem blance. Mrs. Cleveland chanced to see it and her admiration was girlishly emo tional. She declared that it was just too lovely for anything at all except to adorn the page of an autograph album, and to that use she put it Somebody had mailed an album to her, begging that she would return it with the president's and her own signatures. She embellished a leaf of the book with the birch leaf, got Mr. Cleveland to write his name and then signed her own. The result pleased her, and she responded to every call with a similar souvenir. I have one before me as I write. It belongs to a friend who was nt Saranac a week during the stay of the presidential party. She says that Mrs. Cleveland made not less, than a hundred, and that every ap plicant for an autograph got an example. Leutze did the cutting and tracing, but Mrs. Frankie's own hands completed the jobs, except that the president, being In terrupted in a chat or awakened from a doze, wrote his name in nonchalant obe dience to her request Albany Journal. Statistics of the Sensational Drama. Somebody with a passion for statistics has taken the trouble to dissect the sen sational dramas of Alphonse d'Ennery, and he reports that they require the co operation of 18 widows; 16 sons and 3 daughters of persons executed; 80. or phans of the male and 112 of the female sex; CO blind persons, and 10 feigning blindness; 93 defamed virgins, 22 fratri cides, 8 patricides, 145 foundlings 62 lost and 116 kidnapped children; 124 ex changed or foisted; 212 false wills, 216 stolen pocketbooks; 198 duels with swords, 168 with pistols, 2 with sabres, 8 with knives and 10 with axes; 43 fires, 123 mur ders with weapons and 136 with poison; 46 drownings; 20 guilty and 62 innocent galley convicts, 80 freed and 86 escaped prisoners, .77 adulterers, 64 seducers, 115 burglaries, 206 distraints, 79 lunatics, 02 cretins and 28 feigning lunatics, 113 false marriages and 41 bigamists. Boston Transcript New Waterproof Garment. The English shower proof cloth has been found wanting, because it allows water to penetrate it if any pressure comes upon it; so that if the wearer take a horse car after being out in the rain, and be lucky enough to get a seat in it, her dress is dampened. A London firm, noting this, has endeavored to please both the ladies and the Lancet, and has succeeded: as far as the latter la concerned, having extracted a kindly notice from it The new garment is of shower proof cloth, coated with India J rubber placed between it and its lining. On the shoulders the rubber coating is omitted, Ahd thus ventilation is obtained. Scientific Journal. . President Diaz is said to suggest by hiM manner and garb one of the gallant brig ands who live chiefly in the minds of im aginative writers. . Ask yoor retailer for the Orla-iaal S3 Shoe Neae Genuine aalesa bearing tbls8tsw JAMES MEANS' SHOE. IK tw oma unexosuaa ut - LHLmouit yf Comfort and Ap- m ADnUUCHTUDeul . bring you inform row to get this Bb09 .Ueassaco vil Lincoln St- This shoe stand higher In the eattmatfa of wtartr than any other In tho world. Xnouunda wuwMiuviuieujoa we reason u ron a lusub u f- v MISSION HOSPITAL.' - Buffering women should remember that the Mission Hospital offer all the advantages for treatment and core of diseases peculiar to their sex, that can belonnd in Northern cities. Address. Mission Hospital. Asheville, N. O, . - . ,. feb 23-ly Call and get some of 'those bargains this week, at VVhxtlock's. Try Duffy's Pure Barley Malt Whia: key, for sale only by W. O. Mailer & Co Whitlock cells the followine celebrated makes of corsets: Madame Foy's, War ner, Thompson's, Glove fitting 800 bone French, and the very best 50c and 75c corsets in the city. " Try our Barefooted and Baldheaded Corn, to be founds only ai original Bob Jones' Pioneer Bar. - ' W.LDOUGLASr $3.00y SHOI OTTOt W.LDOUGLASi S3.00. SHOE mm a mm m m9i W-LUUlMASi $3.00 SHOE WARRANTED FOR SALE AT THE It . WEAVER. SOUTH MAIN ST., - Abbevh.t.e,N. C. Jy25:d3m SOMETHING NEW. THE "Embostype" Printing Stamps - (PATENT APPUED FOR.) These stamps answer all the pur poses of rubber stamps and cost much less. a-Look ! A stamp of your name, a bottle of indelible ink, (suitable for marking clothing,) an inking pad and a distributor, secure ly packed in a neat box, post paid, for only 25 cents- Satisfaction Guaranteed. Also all kinds of rubber stamps at lowest prices. Goods shown and orders received at Estabrook's. Write to Walter S. Cushman, . Asheville, N. C. TAKE JmOTICE! W. O. jSJIuller & Co. Eiquor If eaters and I9is HUers1 Agents. o HAVING just" received a new and full supply of all kinds of goods nsuallv kent in cur line, we are DreDared to furnish our many patrons and the public in general, with something good for the Holidays. Especial attention is called to Duffy's Pure Barley Malt Whiskey for which we are agents in this section, also the cele brated Bavarian and Budweise Lager Beer on draught, and bottled for family use, which is guaranteed strictly pure. We also have a lot of Fine Old Pure N. C. Corn Whiskey that can't be beat, and the beet and most popular brands of tine Old Kentucky hand-made sour mash Rye and Bourbon Whiskies, fine imported Cognac Brandv, Jamaica Ram, imported ana domestic Gins, Pure N. C. Apple and Peach Brandies, Pure N. C. Sweet Mash Corn Whiskey, fine old imported Sherry, fort, Madeira, Ularet, unompagne and an kinds of domestic Wines, Imported Ale and Porter, Fine Cigars, Tobacco, &c, &c. We have with us Messrs. Lee C. Sor rells, Jesse J. Lange and W. Columbus Featherstone who will be glad to have their friends call and see them. We have in connection with our Bar an elegant Billiard and Pool Hall up stairs, furnished with the celebrated Brunswick,- Balko & Collander , Co.'s Tables, the best in use, which is are charge of the old jovial Tom Pope who will give a cordial greeting to ali. Ordes rsolwitcd and promptly filled. - Main st , opposite Public Square, . Asheville. N. C. JYete and I Valuable- Jfla ehinery for Sale. 1 OFFER the following new Machinery for sale:- One 84-inch Planing and Matching Machine, One four-Bided Moulding Machine. One heavy Morticing Machine. One large Iron Tenuoning Macldne, One small Feed Mill. -Also some second-hand Machinery, cs gcod as new, as follows f f..,' . L", ' One SO-inch Planing Machine. ' - 7 ' One Atlas Engine, 15-horse power, 1 Westing House Engine. 10-horse power. 1 10-horse I ortable Boiler. One 20-horse power boiler, - " One Circular Saw-MiU. v.. This Machinery is beinz used every day. AU or part of the above will oe sold on reasonable terms. Appiy to - N. W. GIRDWOOD Jyl4-dlvaw2w - . Asheville. N.- W ALTER W. VAN DIVER, Attorney at Lair, MARSHALL, NORTH CAROLINA. Offices also at Asheville acd Weaverrille. Special attention tlven to thec licetion of claims Western Kort'a Carolina. - mchm ;. . ASHEVILLE, ...ilitary.Academy ' WssMsssMssssMBssMSJs . 'f , ; S. F. YENABL2, Pjuwcipal. , , W. PINCKNEY MASON, Commandant :x:r- - . or Cadets. Opens September 201b, 18S0. -. ' Continues for 40 weeks. ' ; - For tents, Ac., addrees ; v ; " sept 4-dAwtf ' Tim Principal 9 &37 J wrr m Sim A 9 ' EM INSURANCE!. LIFE inSlinAE'GE; mH S VALLEY MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCtATION Issues policies for from $1,000 to $3,O0O, ' ':. AND . combines the guarantee ieature pi ''OLD LINE" Gompanif at the cost of ordinary co-operative insur ance in Secret Orders. ' FIRE INSURANCE Insurance against loss by Fire in City and County on all kinds of Property, Real and Persona . Short as weU as long term: Policies issued at fair rates : in A. 1 Companies, Home and Foreign. THOS. W. BKAJXCH, Aeerit, Office North Side Court Square, ray 20-tf . EDWARD J.; ASJJH,';v' - REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCI .- - CEKT, " ' AshviIIo,k.Vcrlh Carolira- CHAS. HOZ.TEIFS -'PROSPECT BREWERY,' PHILADELPHIA, PA. . IF. O. MULLER & CO., Agents. - ASHEVILLE, N.,C. We herewith take great, pleasure in introducing for export and family use this Extra Quality Imager Beer, Brewed of the best Barley and imported Bohemian Hops. It surpasses in fine taste, flavor, brilliancy and nutritious qualities any other Lager Beer, and is strictly pure and unadulterated. Physi cians advise the use of this Beer, and we call your special attention to the follow ins; analysis "Badwels' layer Beer, Emanai'cg from the Prospect Brewery, in Philadelphia, Pa. The undersigned, at the request of the Technical Society, has completed an analysis of the "Br.dweis" Beer, torewed atChas. Welters' Prospect Brewery, in Philadelphia, which analysis exhibits the following results : Specific gravity, 1,0124 Alcohol, 3,94$c Extract. 4,92c Carbonic Acid. 0,22c Ashes, . OOc This sisrnifies that the"Budweis" Beer in its essential qualities is almost the exact counterpart of the best Imported Bohemian Beer. A further .examination, seeking adul terations, proves conclusively that - it contains naught of that nature. Dr. v. H. iJannkbauji, Tacony Chemical Works, Bridesburg. Philadelphia, Oct. 28, 1881. For Hotels, Boarding Houses, Private Families and the Trade, the above Beer is put up in patent-stopper Bottles (pints.) and in export bottles (pints,) well corked, wirea, loiiea ana laDeied. We deliver the Beer free of charge to any part of the city, and call for the empty patent stopper bottles, which are never sold but must always be returned with the crates. - " Having erected ft large refrigerator for the storage of Beer, we arc enabled to keep our Beer cool, fresh and in good order, and it will be furnished direct from our refrigerator to our customers. All shipping orders will receive prompt attention. " apl 3 dtf W. O. MULLER & CO. X BRAND Sl CO. ASHEVILLE, N. C. ; ! Metallic and Walnut OofiSns constantly on hand.- Every requisite of the business furnished. All calls dav or nieht prompt ly answered. . ilearsee 1 lrnished when d ssired5 mb-wly BOB JONES, ff T The Pioneer. To my Customers: I desire to Inform my customers that I keep no cheap beer, either in bottles or on draft. My goods wines, liquors,beers, to., are all pure and fresb. Orders solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. Orders frbm a distance specially solicited. -, - - . : Goods delivered free of charge to any part ot the city by polite servants." Bbep Deaver, the curiona concotior of cocktails, is with me and respectfully invites his friends to cclL Call on or address , The Pioneer Bar, & doors below 1st Nat Bank, api j-im , : . ,. Asaeyiue, . v. GRANITTB yard, . HEVDERSONVILLE,' ; - N. C. A. P. CORN & Co., '.Prop's. The -Kranito found near - Hendersonvllle 1 recognized for its beauty and durability. The undersigned Is prepared to furnish on short notice, all work In granite, for Window sills, Door sills, Steps, Ac, ic, ' Indeed every thing needed for Buildings. TERMS SEASONABLE. " CaU on or address : A. P CORS & CfX, . sept 11 dtf ;- HendersonviUe, N. C. W. A. BOYCE. . O. I GCISCHAED Boyce and Guischard, Plumbers, Gas and Steam . Fitter s, and 1 inning ' Roofing, Guttering, dtnd . Gcnvr al i, Jobbin g.' ; All work and materiel guaranteed to be first-lass. CONTRACTORS FOR NEW WORK. All parties desiring Plumbing, and Tinning, give as a call,- f. O. address. , BOX 87 BUOP. cot so dlyeur ' - - ; - "AillisfHislfiiips Mufs Sulphur Springs Sold. The remainder of the land will be told in tracts suitable for farms, villa plots and business lots, aibo, ota mm; ana nne water power, ; The most desirable place of residence in The land of HealCh. Best Mineral Waters, Beat '.Climate, Flaeat Scenery. Five mi'cs west of Asheville, on Murphy Dir. W.K.C.K.B. . 15,000 acres mountain and valley land In Tran sylTanla county, suited for stock raising, tarm- mountain land in Bwain county, en Tennessee &iver. mcuuma, wen umoerea. uom tract win do out op to suit purchaser or colonies. Several other tracts in Western counties for sale. Gold Placer mining land and timber on the stump for sale. Apply to X. Plmadre, , " Sulphur Pprings, or - AdJreas AshevUie, N.C. un2S-dfcw6m ' BOOT AJVD SHOE MAUER) Main Street, (Above Eagle Hotel) Asheville, jr. C. The oest stock always on hand. Work always guaranteed to givo satisfaction. - I am especially prepared to mike boot and hoes so as to prevent dampness ,jtisqCBUJ3iia. Ready-Made nstom Work of all Sorts on Hand. Gentlemen and Ladie' Repairing a Spe dally. Fine Custom Work always onhand, any tyle ana saiuntcnon guaranteed, as w stock ana work. Shoemskers Findings always on hand and lor Rale, the beet in the market, at low Drices -Gents' custom-made, low-quartered dress shoes made of best material, now offered for H and $4.60 usual price, 16. Call early. Fine Groceries! Imported and Domestic Table Delicacies, at KEPLER'S. T. T. T. EXTRA CHOICEST New Crop TEAS, Choicest Moyune Gunpowder, English Breakfast, Formosa Oolong, Extra Fancy Japan: FINE COFFEE. Mocha, Olc Government Java, Cordova, Santos Peaberry, Finest Rio and Laguayra, Instantaneous Chocolate, Cocoa, Baker's Chocolate and Broma. CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S Jams, Gordon & Dil worth's Jellies & Preserves, a. & u. Pineapples, in glass jars, G. & D. Cranberry Sauce, CANNED VEGETABLES. Gordon & Dilworth's Asparagus, Oyster Bay Asparagus, Sifted Early June Peas, Huccotafh, Corn, Whole Tomatoes, Okra and Tomatoes. French Peas and Mushrooms. CALIFORNIA CANNED Frulta, Peaches, Apricots, Pears, White Cherries, Green Gage Plums, Bahama Pineapples grated, and sliced. EDAM & PINEAPPLE CHEESE, Boss' Lunch Biscuit, Boss' Wafers, Mushroom Crackers, Imported Albert Biscuit Finest New Orleans Molasses. Kev 'Vest and Imported Cigars. FULL STOCK OF STAPLE GROCERIES .It KEPEER?B. South Main St., opp. Eagle Hotel. SOMETHING CHOICE 1 jot LOITERS OF THE WEED, who enjoy a really good smoke, should always ask lor HOLMES' . 4 Golden Ieaf, Iantl of tbe Sky, PiBKaii. These brands aie mannfai.anid fltmi the eele brated Tobaccos grown In Western North Caro lina, free from all perfumeries, adnUeratlons o imparlties,and are prized for their Superb SniokJng Qaalltlea Ait jroor dealers or , . HOlJaE8 TOBACCO and take op othitr, ., ... -s, -:, 0rtn ftrmm tht Trmda smUM.' E. L HOLMEi? & CO. Pbopbdetobs an2-12mot ASSJEVILLB. N. C. FBA?fKII HOCSE, D. a CUNNINGHAM, Peopkibtob, FRANKLIN, - . - N. C - . o " Table supplied with the best the market - affords. :; . - Firet-Claaa Livery and Sale Stables in - connection vith, honse.- - ' Dally Ilaclx btwea Webatev ava4 Frskaklla... asf Momma ftr Ji'wii'l, ' TXMJUS MSJB9JViMMtM. sept 11-dlv -. ; CANADA COWAN - : ; VJ ' (Established in 1855.) f4f?Jk . Watcluker, : Jeweler. ,r -V--ASP BKiXSB IH -f:i , :v Watches, Clock, JeveUry, Spectacles, &cS Patton Avenue, Asheville. N. C. ' lieroy Faircblld's Gold Pen. Good Btock always on hand. . First - Class : ; Saddle -. and a : Harnesar Worses,'' j -r-For,;; Sale u'V THTt ITNDEE8IGNBD has St his stables on Kagle street, rear of Eaele Hotel, a large number of CHOICB FliSE EORSE8, well broken, either for Saddle or Harness, for sale All youD, and pcrftetly goond and gentle. Call early. , , - U. U ABET. jui 8-dti . -s; -;, - . ... .. " WINE AND LIQUOR STORE. '.?M ATM RT 9-11 Trnr nni r,n . .. .. . JS aSZSXxu V J XiViH The largest and most complete assortment of Imported and Domestic Wines, iivjuuio aim ctllUlCS ; . TO BE FOUND IN WESTEBN NORTH CAROLINA. I make a specialty of Champaigns, Sautcrnea and Qarets by the case, and carry a large stock of fine Havana, Cigars. THR 'RAW A aj r v , A A . A. a JUL XTL Sample and Pool Room in the Rear, Is unsurpassed by anything of the kind in the State. JOHN Z. MILSTER & J. A. Some New Goods SOME NEW DRESS GOODS ! SOME NEW DRESS GOODS ! SOME NEW DRESS GOODS ! The. Finest Stock OP DRESS GOODS EVER brought to Asheville ! -A. Splendid Line Ot SILK, BLACK and COLORED, PLUSH SILK VELVEES IX STRIPE and solids ! Colors, Calicos; A Splendid line of GINGHAMS AND SATIN ES ! Blankets. Blankets. (.wool) Made of Wnnl Tll.inkpfa A few very fine ones and all at last years prices. A. GOOD STOCK ot GOOD BOOTS, and SHOES, HATS, (in every style,) J. B. Stetson's TT A mn a nnnrtT a v rwv v XIAIO A OrJiUlAJji I. COFFEE, SVGAS, BICE, SOLE LEATHER, JEANS. From Tennessee All-Wool Filline, Cotton Yarn, Wool Yam -Domestic. A few Dress Patents at a Bargain. J. 0. HOWELL. Spot Cash Store. Oct. 26th, 18S6. Atlantic & N. C. R. R. TIME TABUS KO. 2. In effect IS K., Sunday. January 17th, 1886. EAST. AVEST. No. 61. No. 60. Passenger. Passenger. STATIONS : Ait. L're. Arr. li've. r. m. p. k. A. K. A.K. 111S 10 86 10 89 942 947 7 47 I IK B OH 6 07 CM S64 182 6 62 847 U18 U28 U40 Goldsboro - LaGrange Kinaton Morehead City Daily Except Sunday. Train 60 connects with Wilmington A Weldon train bound North, leaving Goldsboro 11:36a.m., and with Richmond & Danville train West, leav ing Goldsboro 12:35 p. m.. and Wilmington & Weldon Train Booth at 4:64 p. m. Train 61 connects with Richmond t Danville Traiu, arriving at Goldsboro 4:40 p. m., and with Wilmington A Weldon Train from th North at 4:64p.m. -. K ... Gapa Fear & Y. T. B"y Coiflj'y. - ' TRAIN NORTH. ' . ... ' ' - . -' Arrive Leave' Bennettsvllle, - 620pm Fayetteville, ' ' 12 00m 1226pm Baa ford, . . 216 pm 26 pm Greensboro, 6 00 p m . Dinner at Fayetteville. TRAIN SOUTH. '. Arrive. Leave. Greensboro - 960am Sanford - . 120pm I4Spm Fayetteville .' . 350pm 4 00pm Bennettsvllle 7aopm .. ;( Dinner at Sanford. .. ,., Freight and Passenger Train leaves Bennetts ville Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 2 30 p m, arriving at Fayetteville at 8 p m. Leaves Fayetteville on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 6 80 a m, and arrives at Ben nettaville at 12 m. , Freight and passenger Train North leaves Fay etteviile on Uondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 a m, (connecting at Sanford with Freight and Passenger Trains to Raleigh), leaves Sanford at 11 SO a m, and arrives at Greensboro at 6 40 pm. Leaves Greensboro Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday at 6 a m, leaves Sanford at 11 16 a m, and arrives at Fayetteville at 2 4o p m. JNO.M. ROSE, Gen. Pa-a. Agent J.W. FRT. Gen. Superintendent. ' FAJrCY SIGHT AKD ' , OBMAHENTAI PAINTING, and tJpholsterliig. L. 8WICEGOOD Willow street, Asheville, N. C Is ready to do the very best work in h and will guarantee satisfaction fn work . pdoea. Gold Signs a Specialty. Estimates' furnished for large contracts, invite examination of price and work. Git me a cam , . " , men 10-d : I 8WICEGOOD. ' MARQUARDT, Managers. HEREING i WEAVER, DEALERS IN BOOTS & SHOES, TRUNKS. SC., ftO. INVITE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC TO THEIR STOCK. Mr. Herring . has gone to the Northern markets to add to the already large stock of the establish ment. nov 11 dtf HEAVY rLOTJIIXG, OVERCOATS, COMMON GREY BLANKETS, SCaRLET AND FINE WHITE BED BLANKETS Large line double and Ein;le width Flannels waterproofs CA8HMERE3. oct 31 dtt BEARDEN RANKIN St CO. A BABE CHANCE TO PURCHASE A Beautifu and omp act Farm. The undersigned after a residence of eight years in the mountains, feeling that his health is sufficiently restored desires to return to active mercantile life, oners his farm situated on the French Broad near the mouth of Davidson's Riv er, for sale. k wriu couuiisk boons lia aercau one-hall cleared and in a high state of cultiva tion, 45 acres of which is excell nt bottom land. Entire farm is well fenced, divided and sub divided by good fences for rotation. Well drained. Running water in eaoa division for stock. Good springs near house. Rock dairy and all necessary buildings. Good orchard, grapes and nearly all the small fruits. Very conveniently situated on main county road, 3 1-2 miles from Court House. Post Office, (dally mail), Presbyterian church, (service every Sunday), within a mile. Excellent neighborhood. Will be sold with or without stock, implements, ate, c. Korfurther Information address LOUIS SHERFESEE. Davidson River, 16- wtf Transylvania ce., N. C. JOHN HART & CO Contractors and Builders. ASHEVILLE, N. C, MAKERS OF tW fa Bk avm . m -mm A-n. iww wtsAt ana. wVmjM9 l FRAJtlES, jri.tJTTELS and BRACKETS. Keep m stock Mouldings, Newels, Handrails, Balusters, etc , etc. All kinds of Builder's woodwork solicited apl9-dw3moa HARNESS. v Our Btock is now complete and mad of the best materials, with ill the latest improvements. Single and donbleset in nickle and oriental rubber, either gi or nickle lined. All ctner trimmings o short notice. Saddles and Bridles Of every grade and price, from cheapea -Morgan to the English Shaptoe. IIOKHE COEEAR Of every kind, size, grade and price. HORSE CEOTUIJYG Just received a fresh stock, including Track Suits, Sweat Hoods, Jowl Hoods, Cooling Blankets, Ankle Boots of differ ent patterns, linen Sheets of all price EAP ROBES. The finest stock in the market. Call a see them. Whips, Saddle Cloths and Ely JYets, .. : In every variety. -REPAIRIJYG OF Ai . KIJVRS A SPEC1AE TI. Bemember we have no machinery -all work done by hand and guaranteed Call on us and see what can be bonsht in Asheville in our line. T. W. IXIIAXCIX. North Main street, opposite old Centra) . Hotel, Asheville, N. C. . A GEM OF A HOME FOR-SOME-' BODY.'- TEE prettiest little place in xiuucombe eonu ty, two miles from a depot, four miles irons the city, on Swannanoa river, contains ninety acies.twenty of which are good bottom .thirty a p r land, as good as any on the river, no washeOo . worn-out land on the place; forty- acres w' timbered. Good, new dwelling bouse, with 7 rooms, all out houses, splenaid spnrjg with spring-noose, ISO choice apple trees, oue-ha f ti which are just ready to tear; 75 ppacb. trees ail o superior quality; some crape vines and pe.im. This property is well adapted to itrowlug gruM and clover, and now has arxmt twuuty-iive aoi- in clover. Also good tobacoc land. Por further particulars arnW si t mchl2-dwU - .it.i. OFCO .