1 ' i Vour Cfiildrcn Ax constantly exposed to danger from Colds, "Whooping Cough, Croup, and diseases peculiar to the throat and hina. For such ailments, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, promptly adminls tared, affords speedy relief and core. " As a remedy for 'Whooping Cough, wi;a which many of onr children were Jiicted, we used, during the past win tr, with mnch satisiaction, Ayer's Cuerry Pectoral. For this .affection, we consider this preparation the most effi : cadoas of all the medicines which have come to. our knowleri ee. Mary Park hnrst. Preceptress,' - Home for Little an&orers, Poacaster, Md. Hycluldren have taenpecnllarly sub ject to attacks of Croup, and I failed to Lad any effective remedy until I com menced administering Ayer's Cherry I-eetoraL This preparation relieves the (kifieulty of breathing and Invariably cures the complaint David G. Stacks, Chatham. Columbia Co., ET. Y. I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ' la nrr family for manv veara. and hmrm found it especially valuable In , rr nooping vougo. xms moaicme auays all irritation, prevents inflammation from extending to the lungs, and quickly sub does any tendency to Siung Complaint. J. B. Wellington, Plain ville, Mich. I find no niedicdne so effective, for Croup and Whooping Cough, as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It saved the life of my little boy, only six months old, carrying Jim safely through the worst case of Whoopin Cough I ever saw.' Jane Malone, Hney Flats, Tenn. tf Ayer's Chsrry Pectoral, rTwvmra Bjvr.j. u. Avers Co., Ixwell. Vfu. Boia by all tfrnggUU. Price 1; tlx bottles, C5. THE First-Glass Restaurant i In AMtteTille is to be found at TURNER'S, Johnston " liulldlnsr Corner . Pat ton mMve. and JtMatn St. Every delicacy of the season served at the shortest notice and at the most reasonable rates. - Game, Fish and Oysters will be served after the first of September in any style, and wmuies served with oysters as de sired. ' . -. Elegant lunches put up in baskets for parties-and any one going on on trains - will find it to their advantage to call and get lunches before leaving. vouee, Vsiiocoiaie unu xea, ui luennest quality, served at the counter. The high est prices paid for these goods. ChangSLQf bill, of fare at lunch counter every day. ' Different soups every day. - Our kitchen is open for public inspec tion at any time. au 28-dtf S. JlrMULLEN. GKO. W. TILBON McMullen : and Tilson, HEADQUARTERS IN- WESTERN Sm CAROLINA -FOR iM.fe'. . Euniiture, . Carpets Shade Goods, . CORNICE POLES, &c - We have just received a car oad of goods from Grand Rapids, and invite the public to call and see 1 hem. OwTDrices-are as lov? asthe ow eat, an We Jefy competition. ytW4 mean Business. We have with us Will A. Blair and -pi? OvMoore who are always glaxt ito-'-W&Xtaeir friends and cus- - DON.? FAIL TO CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS AND PRICES , "before buying elsewhere. Solioiting a share of your patron age, we are youra, Respectfully, .TZcJtlltEEEJVA TIESOJY. jnnf 2jtlv ' - MOORE & ROBARDS, , European Restaurant, r.- COSfrECTIONERY and BAKERY. u.3 , Have just received a large shipment of Fresh BTorfolls Oysters, and are prepared to furnish them to the trade in cans or serve them in an style at their Restaurant. i ney acmro-y wnnon. -oijtne Ladles Esprclalty, tn tha M Lhat their dining-room has beeu handsomely fitted up for their COMFET ASD AC0OMMODAT10S, and assure them that t hey will receiw every Cosrl.-sy fhonM they honours with a oafl. ' ' . : 'x v .v v ii e sr ; erved for toe. and ' opvrds at all . f - jaours or tne- ..Antu i WARDS. 1 UUlViJ .a. w ptl-dtt - - ' lit. StJQsopli's OFTHEBLTJBRIDGE.DICKORY, N C lads ckwfltflIterr erey. Bord and Tmtlon.sUS-nvedoUaTsperst!sion oly -dmo - 1 .irv IljOli ' morcs-ed i,rtin - , .1. rJSr" lam , jt.I"II-MADK ? r - jTy ' ' " , V" " DIRGE. Weep and sigh, weep and sign; No heart-rest 'neath a pitiless sky; No hand-clasp that wo most jiot leavaj; . No soul-web but must soon unweave; . ;- , Weep and sigh. Tears of pain, tears of pain; . " Ripplo on ripple of dark winter rain Over the pall of a pale winter snow; ' The rain is promise, the tears are woe; , , ' Tears ef pain. W Sleep no more, sleep no more; Sleeping Is dreaming of long buried yore; " -Awake and sigh with chill winter blast,, Of sorrowful murmuring over the past; ' ; . . Bleep no more. Only todie, only to die; . : ' 'A Down in the earth there is never a sigh ; , . Only a grass bed cold and rank,. . "' And ths shirering gloom of an endless blank; Only to die. - " ; TV. J. Henderson. - Talue of Salesman. "But it is in the retail clothing business that salesmen's salaries are measured by the number of friends they have, more than in any business that I know of. In burins clothing every man feels that he needs good advice, and particularly that he likes to buy of a salesman who has good taste, and who appears to be cancua and anxious to please. Yon know there are salesmen who appear to know just what a man wants even if he doesn't know himself, and these men are sure to make friends and have customers follow ing them wherever they go. ; ''I know a man who began, two years ago, in one of our clothing houses, on a Siilary of $8 a week. He made a study of the business and of customers, did the best to please, and carefully jotted down the names and addresses of all men to whom he made sales. A year or more later he engaged with another firm on a salary of $1,200 a year, and then sent a -note to all of his customers advising them of his change of base and inviting them to call and see him. Soon men were call ing at the store every day, asking for this salesman, and making purchases of him. He was busy when his brother salesmen were idle. Amid the selling checks the proprietor found this salesman's name more frequent than that of any other man in his employ. What was the re sult? Why, the very natural one that the salesman became well nigh indispensa ble, and he is now drawing a salary of $3,500 a year. Young man, instead of complaining of the wretched wages paid clerks, and cursing your employers, jump in and see if you can't make your self Indispensable. You are not a clerk? No matter the advice is good, and I stand by it." Chicago Herald. Character Indicated by Penmanship. There aro people who claim to read men's characters from their writings. As the writing of every nation is distin guished by certain strong national pe culiarities, it is easy for an expert to de cide to what nation a writer belongs. Having settled that, certain large charac teristics, which are common to all men, but in different degrees, can be seen in every handwriting. A certain number of men are calm, even-lived, sensible and practical. Men of that class are almost certain to write plain, round hands, in which every letter is distinctly legible; neither very much slanted forward, nor tilted backward; no letter, very much bigger than its neighbor, nor with heads much above or tails much belo rr the let ters not so distinguished; the letters all having about the same general upright ness, and the lines true to the edges of the paper, neither tending upward nor down ward. - Exact, business like people will have an exact handwriting. Fantastic minds revel in quirks and streamers, particu larly for the capital letters, and this quality is not infrequent in certain business hands, as if the writers found a relief from the prosaic -nature of their work in giving flourishes to certain let ters. - firm, decided, downright men are apt -to. bear, on, the pen while writing,! , auu w uia&e meir ulixtkcb jiaru buu muck. On the contrary, people who are not sure of themselves and are lacking in self control press unevenly and with anxious looking, scratchy hands. Ambitious peo ple are apt to be overworked; they are always in haste and either forget to cross their t's or dot their i's. They are also opt to run the last few letters of every vord into an illegible scrawl. Flurried, troubled, and conscious-twinged persons Lave a crabbed and uneven handwriting. Henry Kckiora in fct. .Nicholas. - . , A Whiff of Frnssle Acid. "If you were going to commit suicide," asked Professor H. C. White, "how would yoa do it:'. - " "Queer question," he replied smiling, "but I think I should take a whiff of prussic acid." --. "Would that kill qulckiyf" "In about a second. You would simply catch a scent of bruised peach kernels and all would be over. An hour after death there would be no trace of poison in your body. The flrst effect of the prus sic acid would be to turn your blood black. " As your corpse cooled the poison would evaporate and in an hour au would be gone. IJke lightning the breath of the acid flashes through the veils, kills and vanishes." "Is this acid to be found in the drug store?" "Yes; but not in the concentrated form I speak of. If I wanted to kill myself, which I clearly do not, I should pour hy drochloric acid over cyanide of potash, whilf the prnssic acid gas that arose and go off in a twinkling." "I have in my laboratory at Athens." the professor continued, "a piece of parchment bearing these words- 'This is writ'.cu with the blood of Jerry Twincher, who was poisoned with prussio acid. The writing is as black as ink." At lanta Ccr.sf.ta'.ion. Anocdote of Horaco Greeley. Mr. Greeley was a queer character and could be funny when he liked. .He was .. .rf-tnaf ora of , the American institute and naturally took a deep inter est in its weuare. wnen toe annual ex hibition was in progress, The Tribune columns wero full of it. Sometimes Mr.' Greeley took a hack at it - himself.' Though a strict temperance man he one day astonished the staff by writing a paragraph on the wine exhibit, saying that it Included port, sherry, claret, Cliquot, Mumm, Roeder ,r and cham pagne. The staff were laughing over the old gentleman's blunder, when he came In and asked the cause. The slip of his pen being pointed out, Mr. Greeley re marked in his squeaky voice: "Wa'al, I'm about the only man on this paper who could make such ad d fool ish mistake as that." He was quite Tight there-Interview tn The Journalist. . h- L-.jU., On the door of Prince Bismarck's study at Friederichsruhe are notches Indicating the height of all the members of the family. Ask your retailer for the Original S-'Shasfe Beware of Imitations. Kons Genuine nnlea bearing this Staas JAMES LtEANS 3H0S. Hade In Battott,Ooiffiae ft tAOflh acM voir fi wifw unexoeuea in jsuraouuv,tjomjort amafK pearanm. A posr-ft ffmrd ham I to oivpiti brii fur t lion bnw to ft' 9 J.L - 'fit , Trra.swsi trmn itnv ntriAF In triA tvnrhi 1 bQ, wcw: it wlU tU you tbereftsoa if jrou titcx I rv MISSION HOSPITAL. ' Buffering woirsa should remember that the Mission Hospital offer all the advantages for treatment ana euro 01 diseases peauu&r. to their sex. that can be I onnd in Northern ciuea, Address, Mission Hospital, Asheville, K. C, Try Duffy's Pare Barley Malt "Whis kevi for sale only by W. O. Mailer & Go Whitlock cells the following celebrated makes of corsets: Madame Foy's, War ner's , Thompson's, Glove fitting 800 bone French, and the very - best 50c and 75c corsets in the city. . : y ; .'- :; Try oor Barefooted and Baldheaded Corn, to be found only -at,- original Bob Jones' rioneerBar. , , ;. . PIEDMONTjAIR LI HE. Richmond and Danville Railroad. . WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION ' :. -. General Passenger Dep't, I. Asheville. N. C, Nov. 0th, 1886. f Condensed schedule, taking effect Nov. 't, 1886. Read Down. Read - Up. WEST. CAST. 4 30 p m Leave 69 " 9 4s '" -1100 " 6 15 a m 745 arrive New York Philadelphia Baltimore :. Washington Lynchburg Danville Arrive SSOpm ' IS 36 pm ,i - 10 0 am - - o ou ' Leave 11 40 p m 230am 730 943 ' Lve Richmond . Danville Arr Greensboro Arr 5 80am - 1120 pm ive v m 500 p m 100am 900 1140 Lve Goldsboro Raleigh Arr GreensDoro Salisbury Arr 11 SO am 6 60 . J 9 47-p m 645pm 8 01 Lve Arr Charlotte Salisbury An is Lve 11 30 am 00pm 11 SO am 19 89pm 144 a 15 933 3 30 433 Lve Arr Salisbury Statesvillo, ' Arr lip m us 07 40 55 25 25 fiewvm Hickory Connelly Springs Morgan ton ' Marion Black Mountain Spart. June Asheville Alexander's -Hot Springs . 2 v.. S 1 -11 11 . 10 ;6 0S 51 a m 0 47 C55 738 9 39 09 51 io IG 8 Lve 8 Arr -6 3 Lve 1 20' 00 so 13 45 10 00 rami kuck Morristown - KnoxviUe 910 1 10 am 4 46 Lve Arr MURPHY BRANCH, 11 10 a m Lve Asheville. Arr 5 00 p m ipm arr wajnesviue Z4 825 . 8ylva - 1211 8 35 Webster 12 00 m 610 Charleston 10 SO am 6 19 Bushnell 9 19 7 54 Jarrett's Lve 7 46 75th Meridian time used East of Paint Rock 90th - " - " West Trains on Murnhv Branch ran daily except Sunday. - .. Through Pnllman Sleepers on south bonnd train leaving Salisbury at 11 00 p. m. tor Atlanta ana new urieans. Through Pnllman sleeper on north bound train leaving Salisbury at 8 06 p. m. for Wash ington. Pnllman sleeoer on same train from Greensboro to Richmond and Greensboro to Ral eigh. Does not leave uoiosDoro snnaay nignt. IDoes not leave Greensboro Saturday night. JA8.L. TAYLOR, G. P. A., Washington, D.C. W. A. TURK. A. G. P. A., Asheville, N C. Schedule of Passenger Rates rEOM'PEIKCIPAL POINTS To l8hetllley JIT. C . 1st Class. Round Trip Summer Settlers.' Limited. Excursion. r23.55 $32.00 - -$14.15 21.05 28.00 11.65 18.25 22.40 8.85 17.05 20.00 7.65 13.30 15.25 5.76 16.65 18.00 . 18.16 15.85 . . ' , : 14.15 -.- 17.30 13.25 , .13.45 . .. 10.85 15.80 14.75 20.55 - - ..... - 80.20 97.75 99.45 . . . 30.65 ' ' 7.75 ' " 11.85 17.05 , 23.38 : -, 12.40 - 17.75 " - -- i ' r. 12.75 18.60 ' . ' 17.20 ' ,. ' 18.76 ' -10.25 19.15 . " . 2160 r 28.95 ' FROM New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Kicnmona, Norfolk, Wilmington, Charleston, Augusta, Atlanta, Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, Chattanooga, Memphis. Louisville. Cincinnati, Raleigh, Savannah, Columbia, Jacksonville. SOMETHING NEW., THE "Embostype" Printing Stamps (PATENT APPLIED FOR.) These stamps answer an the pur poses of rubber stamps and cost much less.- jsy-Look! A stamp of your name, a bottle of indelible ink, suitable for marking clothing,) an inking pad and a distributor, secure ly packed in a neat box, postpaid, for only 25 cents- ': Satisfaction Guaranteed. Also all kinds of rubber stamps at lowest prices. Goods shown and "orders received at Estabrook's. -: " Write to ; Walter S. Cushman, Asheville, N. C. ' T.1KE JVOTICE ! W. O. Muller & Co. tAquor Dealers ana Dis tillers' JIgents. : - o : , , ,:f : HJkSTKQ just received a new and - full supply of all kinds of goods usually kept in our line, we are prepared to furnish bur many - patrons - and the public in general, with , something good for the Holidays. Especial attention is called to Duffy's Pure Barley Malt Whiskey for which we are agents m this section, also the tele brated Bavarian atid- Budweise l.ager Beer on draught, intfTroraea-for-fUuiiir-use, which is guaranteed strictly pure. We also have a lot of Fitu CM Pure N. C Corn Whiskey that can't be beat, and the best and most popular brands of fine Old Kentucky hand-made sour mash Bye and Bourbon Whiskies, fine imported Cognac Brandy, Jamaica Rum, imported and domestic Gins, Pare N. C. Apple and Peach Brandies, Pure N. 0 Sweet Mash Corn Whiskey, fine old imported Sherry. Port, Madeira, Claret, Champagne and all kinds of domestic Wines, Imported Ale and Porter, Fine Cigars, Tobacco, &c, &a We have with us Messrs. Jee C" Sor rells, Jesse J. Lange and W.. Columbus Featherstone who will be glad to have their friends call and see them. ,We have in connection with our Bar an elegant Billiard and Pool -Hall up stairs, furnished with the celebrated Brunswick, Balkcr & Collander : Co-'s Tables, the best in use, which is are charge of the old jovial Tom Pope who will give a cordial greeting to all. Ordarsolicited and promptly filled. ... W. O. MULLER & CO., ' -- Main st, opposite Public Square, Asheville. N. C. . PROF. C FALK, :: Teacher of Music. ; Ladles will find comfortable private 'music room in Vie Asberille Music House, north side ol Public Bauara. augfedtf ALTER W. VAND1VEK,- 4 . i. - Attorney at Law, . MARSHALL, NORTH CAROLINA. . Offices also at Asheyine" saa Weaverrule. Special attention (tlven totbect liettion of claims Western North Carolina, - . meb- INSUKAKCE. - ' - I (j i ak A W aastf -tot- mHR VALLEY MT7TTJAL LI?BAS30CIATI0 - M. - . . ... UJJ- Yl&vJuNiJl - Issues policies for from - ; . -. , i,6 io $s,oooi 3. combines he "ffuaremtet -feature xo: "OLD LINE Compinitr -At the cost cf ordirmrtci6-operatave"'lnBur ; ance Lu Secret Orders. fire:, ilinA?;ct; Insurance . against loss By ,t,ire in City and County Oft all kinds of Property, ESeal and Persona s Short as well as long term.",;' Policies "Issued "at lair rates J " in A.-1 Companies, . Home and : Foreign. i THOS,"n'. BKASCW, Agent, ; Office North Side Court Square. - my 20-tf - -..-. EDVAHO J. ASTCiV RAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE - AshevilFe, .MorlrVCaroIlrai. PROSPECT BREWERY,' ff j PHILADELPHIA, PA. yr. O: MULLER & CO., Agents, ASHEVILLE, K. C. - We b fir ft With tnlrA rrreot nlooDnrA in introducing for export and family use Extra Quality tager Beer, ; Brewed of the best Barley and imported uuuciuiau tiops. jli surpasses in nne taste, flavor, brilliancy and nutritious OUftlitiPR H71V nt tiPr 1 .ocmv Da.. Sn strictly pare and unadulterated. Physi cians aavisa ine use ot this Ueer, and we Call VOUr suecial attention tn tliA fnllnnr. ing analysis ; . ; "BnsJweis" iMsrer Beer, Emanating from tlie Prospect Brewery, m jriiiiaueipma, ra. The llllfinrsifrnpil at. tha rannoot ri)i Technical Society, has completed an ana!VElS Of the 'Rllrlwiia" Roar KntmaA atChas. Wolters' Prospect Brewery, in Philadelphia, which analysis exhibits the following results : ' . Specific gravity, Alcohol, -. Extract. ." : Crbonic'Acid, Ashes,. .;-.-...: Ir0124 3,94c 4.92c This siraifies that ihH"Rniliroiii'' Kn in its essential qualities is almost the exact countfimnrr. nf Iho hoot TmnnrfaJ Bohemian Beer. a runner examination, seeking adul terations. Droves mnflnni vlr. thof t contains naught of that nature. - UK. u. II. UANXKBAUsC, - Tacony Chemical Works, Bridesbura. Fur TTntola Tlnorlirx. vrn..o, t.:.t- Families and the Trade, the above Beer is put up in patent-stopper Bottles (pintsi.) and in export bottles (pints,) well corked, wired, foiled and labeled. - We deliver the Beer free ot charge to any part of th, city, .and call for the empty patent stopper bottles, which are never sold but must always be returned ' i . wiiu toe crates. - - - Havinsr erected . lartrr- rfV5rKVot fnr the storage of Beer, we are enabled to accp our neer cooi, ireen ana in cood order, and it .will c be furnished direct from our refrigerator to our customers. All shinnind' nrripra will iwwiim nwimnt attention. : apl 3 dtf AV. O. MULLER & CO. - XJBRAND&CO. lUNDERTAKEIlS. ASHEVILLE, N. C M etallic and Walnut Coffins constant! v on hand. Every requisi te cf the businets furnished. All calls day oi uichtoromDt- ly answered. Hearses it nished when desired! - v-s mi-wlv BOB JOMES, The Pioneer. To my Customers; ' , v'T I desire to Inform mv evssomers that I keet no cheap beer, either in bottles or on draft. My goods wines, liquors, beers, etc., are all pure and.fresli. -Orders solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. Orders frbm a. distance sneciallv solioited. , Goods delivered free of charge to any part of the cltyby polite servants.-. awpTiw hi. thg,ijirioiis concott r of cocttaili, is with, mo and rtspectfuliy invites his friends to cell. ali on or address . - - - . ' , - ' BOB JONES, -The Pioneer Bar, 8 doors below 1st Nat Bank. apl25-2m Asheville, N. C , GRANITE YARD, HENDERSOITVILLE, 1 - n. a A. Pi CORN & C.,yrop's. sinuiw ivuuu near ouiiuvrBUUvlliV 19 recognized for Its beauty and durability. The undersigned is prepared to f Ornish oa JTViA m.AnTfn . . tt js r t i r ouun uuuuv, tvii . wura. in- yruiifte, ior mnaow sills, Door Bills, Steps, Ac, AXt indeed every mi aiwuU IU1 liUUUiUgS, -. TEEH3 REASONABLE. Call on or address , ,r A. P tOEN fe CO- Csepm dtf . . ... i HenUeraonviileN. C. . W. A. BOYCE. G. L. GUISCHAED Boyce artd:GfUchard, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, ,and J inning, Roofing; .Guttering, amd Geaeral jjobhing. All work and material guaranteed to be first-class. COXTRA CTOrl? FOR .NET? WORK. -All parties, desiring Prainbtofr. and T!nri!tsr, give ns a call. f. O. addreMi. BOX 87 Bnof. " . 80 dljear . - J - B-A ... - - Sl, i 1 ... i , S 41 C::T:r!s Esljtsr prl c!l The remainder of the land wDJ be said fat tracts suitttois for farms, vllia plots and business '. .. """5 iuu niio waw power. --la most desirable place of residence in - The Idmd of Health. Best flaral Waters, Best Climate, ruseas Beeaery, - w'sTSV"' 01 AitteTm. n Mnrphy PIt. . T ' ; sa swu Tmiev tula in. ZTBn WJ. n. farm- viMimc, Auiuuvruig. cm, w.wq went mountain land in 8wain county, on TenncwMw . , . wwm vuunties lor ssia. Goid Placer mining land and timber on the stamp for sale. Apply to . " - . ,- BT. Planadsn, - .. . ". - . Snlpnur Springs, or . fc , , - -.- ,. EOOTAJVD - - SHOE JflAUEIt, vam street, (Above Eagle Hole:) UsnextlU,Jr. C. o The oest stock alwavs oa band. Work alwava guaranteed 10 give satisfaction.- - x ant especially prepared to mke boots and aocs so as i9 prevent DAJLPNSssi aasQumAxnte. BeadySIade ' nstom IVork ot . ail sorts on Hand, Gentlemen and Ladies' ' Repairing a Spt - dally. Fine Custom Work atwava nnhiuiil. an m Ma and satisfaction guaranteed, cs to stock, and hit paoe. ( ne ness in Uftnma. at low imai Gents' custom-made, low-ouartemil drensiitioM tuauo ui oest mafconai, now unerea ior ss ana mo usual price, d. vau early, Fine QroCwriesl Imported and Domestic Table Delicacies, . at KEriEU'S. T. T. T. EXTRA CHOICEST New Crop TEAS. Choicest Moyune Gunpowder, En gl ish " Breakfast, Formosa Oolong, Extra Fancy Japan: FINE COFFEE. Mocha. 011? Government Java. Cordova, Santos Peaberry, . . Finest Bio and Laguayra, -Instantaneous Chocolate, Cocoa, Baker's Chocolate and Broma. CROSSE & BLACK WELL'S Jams, S,i.& D. Pineapples, in class jam, u. a v. vnuioerrv csauce. NEITVEGETABLES. - - Gordon Di! worth's Asparagus, Oyster Bay Asparagus, . Sifted EArlv fnn Pnu ". . "" --' Succotash, Corn, , wnoie t omatoes, Ukra and Tomatoes. French Peas and Mushrooms. j CALIFORNIA CANNED Fruits, Peaches, Apricots, Pears, ' vmte Uiiernes, Ureen Gage Plums, Bahama Pineapples grated, and sliced. EDAM & PINEAPPLE CHEESE, Boss' Lunch Biscuit, ; Boss' Waters, Mushroom Crackers, Imported Albert Biscuit Finest New Orleans Molasses. Kev .'est and Imported Cigars. ' FULL STOCK OF ; STAPLE CJKOCEKIES If KEPEEIVS , South Main St, opp. Eagle Hotel." SOMEraiNGOTOICE! LaVXBS or THK WEED, whoentoy really -good moke, should alwafi ask for HOIJtEES' Golden Iai, ' " : w Land of the Sky, "The bnnds Me-mannfteraimd frnrn ttm eel brmted Tobaeeoa otowb in Western North Can. una, rave irom au penumenes, aauitenuions o bDporlties.and aro prised lot their - Superb Sasioltliis Qnalitieit, Aide yonx dealeri ct . : Yrn r. jrrm,.is 7nR.rA Y ... tad take no other. - F E. L HOLMES & CO. Pbopbitom : an 3-12moa ... - - ASHJCVILLK, N. r. FKUfRLIX HOUSSSr i D. C. CUNNINGHAM, iwjrarisrd8, : FRANKLIN,- - N. C. - Table supplied mith the best the market - affords. - -First-Class Xivery and Sale Stables In - connection -witn boaae. -111t Hack 1tweai Weksteraad ' I-jMuatUia. - ataml Btnttpl ItaM tor Zi aniani g. " sept ll-dir - ft ANADA COWAN (sUblishedinl855.) lratcluDftlcer, Jeweler, Watchet, Clockt, Jcwelery, SpectaeUf, &c ' Patton Avenues Asheville, N. C. Ijerov W. Fairchild's Gold Pen. Good stock always on hand. . First Class - Saddle, and ' IXarner Horses, ": rr Gale.- THT UNDERSIGNED bM at hj ttablei on lele street, rpar of E!rl9 botel, a Iflrse number of CKuiCK, FlJt HORSES, well t'" 4sa, euiie' for Samite or Barnega. for " e 1 yra... md perfecur louodaad gnt!. ' Cb.iM - V. Ii. AErTT.. M 1 H-O'.l (it- u - - vJt" - n nm t I 3 WINE AND LIQUOR STORE. MAIN ST., 3rd DOOR ABOVE THE BANK .31 1SHEV77 JE The largest and most Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Brandies TO BE WESTERN" NORTH CAROLINA. I make a specialty of Champaigns, Sauternes and Clarete by the rase ... .: -..: . and carry a large stock of fine Havana CJiars. THE 'BONftZ A' Sample and Pool Room in the Rear, Is unsurpassed by anything of the kind in the State. JOHN Z. MILSTER & J. A. Some New Goods SOME NEW DRESS GOODS ! SOME NEW DRESS GOODS ! SOME NEW DRESS GOODS ! The Finest Stock OF DRESS GOODS EVER brought to Asheville I -A. Splendid H,ine Ot SILK, BLACK and COLORED, PLUSH SILK VELVEES' IS STRIPE AND SOLIDS ! Colors, Calicos; A Splendid line of. GINGHAMS AND SATIN ES 1 Blankets. Blankets. (.wool) Made of Wool Blankets. A few very fine ones and all at last 3'ear s prices. - .. ; .A. GOOD STOCK ot GOOD BOOTS, and SHOES, HATS, (in every style,') J. B. Stetson's HATS A SPECIALTY. COFFEE, SCO All, BICE, SOLE IiF-ATlTEB, J EANS. From Tennessee All-Wool Filling, uotton Yarn, Wool Yarn Domebtir. A few Dress Patents aFa" Bargain.. J. O.HOWELL. Spot Cash Store. Oct. 26th, 1886. , - . , . Atlantic & N. C. R. R. TIME TABLE BTO. 2. . In effect IS If., Sunday. January 17th, 1886. EAST. . WEST. No. 61. So. SO. Passenger. 8TATION8 : -'Passenger. Arr. li're. . Arr. L've. A. M. A.M. . 11 1. .1086 10 943 947 7 47 4 46 106 p. m. p. v. 507 f 51 S64 182 652 847 1118 1123. 1140 Goldsboro LaGrange K-insion New Berne Morehead City Morehead Depot Dailv Except Sunday. 485 - Timin 50 connects witn Wilmington & Weldon train bonnd North, leaving Goldsboro 11:85a.m., and with Richmond & Danville train Wect, leav ing Goldsboro 12:36 p. m., and Wilmington A Weldon Train South at iM p. m. Train 61 connects with Bfchmona t Danville Train, arrivinj? at Goldsboro 4:40 p. m., and with Wilmington & Weldon Train from th North at i-M p.m- GEE3 Rar & Y. V, ConpT. . . - TRAIN NORTH. i. ...... ...Arrive Leave Bennettsville, 8 20pm FayettevUle, ' -s - 1200m 1226pm Sanford, - -il8pm 8 26 p m Greenaboro, ' " -- - 6 00 p m - Dinner at FayettevUle. 'a - TRAIN SOUTH. ' ' . Arrivo. Leave. Greensboro c . v ; 960am Sanford 1 20pm 145pm FayettevUle 350pm 4 00pm Bennettsville 7 30pm Dinner at Sanford. Freight and Passenger Train leaves Bennetts' ville Tuesdays, Thorsdaysand Saturdays at230 p m, arriving at FayettevUle al 8 f aw '' : .Xeaves FayettevUle on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 6 30 a m, and arrives at Ben nettsville at 12 m. . Freight and passenger Train: North leaves Fay ettevUle on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 a m, (connecting at Sanford with- Freight tnd Passenger Trains to Raleigh), leaves Sanford at 11 SO a m, and arrives at Ireensboroat 5 40 p m. Leaves Greenaboro Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at IS a m, leaves-San ford at 11 15 am, and arrives at FayettevUle at 2 4o p m. . i . JNO. M. ROSE, Gen. Pas. AgenU. : - J. W. FRY. Gen. Superintendent : - F 'AUCY SIG3T AT! yz-rri-m-v?, rAISTIXO, and TJpboIatcrins. , L. SWICEGOOD J . . -J - Willow street, Asheville, N. C, la readv to do the verv best work in h r . - ' and will guarantee satisfaction in work. prices. -- : - . - . Gold tiins a Specialty. -' IWimates furnished for iartre contractu, in vile examination of prices and work. Giv me acail. ..,..,. ,- mehlO-d " I SWICEGOOD complete assortment of FOUND IN MARQUARDT, Managers. HEBRINGf WEAVBB. DEALERS IN D C CYTQ ' CTTrnr I II II I I V I I I - t-L. TnuuKsfic, ac INVITE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC TO THEIR STOCK. Mr. Herring has gone to the Northern markets to add to th already large stock of the establish ment, nov 11 dtf . HEAVY CLOTHIlra, OVERCOA1S COMMON GREY BLANKETS, SCaRIET AND FINE WHITE BED BLANKETS Large line double and single width Flannels waterproofs CASHMERES. Oct 31 dtf BEARDEN RANKIN & CO. BARE CHANCE TO PURCHASE A Beantifu an d ompact Farm. The undersigned after a residence of eight years in the mountains, feeling that his healthia sufficiently restored desires to return to active mercantile life, offers bis farm situated on the French Broad near the mouth of Davidson's Riv er, for sale. Farm contain about lis aerea. one-hall cleared and in a high state' -t cultiva tion, 45 acres of which is exeell. nt bottom land. Entire farm is well fenced, divided and sub divided by good fences for rotation. Well drained. Running water in each division for stock. Good springs near house. Rockdairv and aU necessary buildings. Good orchard; grapes and nearly all the small fruits. erjr conveniently situated on main countv roaa, 4 1-2 miles from Court House. Post Office, (daily mail) Presbyterian church, (service every BlSd,W wi thin a mUe. Excellent neighborhood. Ac c 01 witnout8tock implements Forfurther Information address LOCHS SHKRVF9VP . Davidson River, 16- wtf Transylvania c., n. C. JOHN HART & CO Contractors and Builders. ASHEVILLE, N. C, "MAKERS OF BOOK and WIJVDtk II rii.MIESi JtlJijrTEM.S and B Rf CK ETS. Keep m stock Mouldings, Newels Handrails, Balusters, etc., etc. All kinds of Builder's woodwork solicited apl 9-daw3moa HARNESS. Our Stock ia now complete and mad" of the best materials, with 11 the latest improvements. Single and double set in nickle and oriental rubber, either gi or nickle lined. All ctner trimmings o short notice. Saddles and Bridles Of every grade and price, from cheaper Morgan to the English Shaptoe. uonsE coEEJUZs: Of every iand, size, grade and price. IIOnSE CEOTHIA'O, Just received a fresh stock, includin. Track Suits, Sweat Hoods, Jowl Hoods, Cooling Blankets, Ankle Boots of differ ent patterns, linen Sheets of all prices - -LAP ROBES. The finest stock in the market Call a see them. . .- . - Uitips, Saddle Cloths and :. Fly JVets, In civery variety. - REPJIIRIJYG OE AX -KWJVDS A SPECME- - : . i ' ti. : . Eemetnber we have no machinery all work done by band and guaranteed Call on us and see what can be boujjht in Asheville in. our line. . . T. W. BBAKCSL North Main street, opposite old Centra) Hotel, Asheville, '.N.C. CITY MARKET, " j - JUST OPENJCD, On Pulton Avenue, tender PotctU t Snider', I iiave opened FIRST CLASS MARKET where I will keep constantly on hand the best ot t ISeef, Pork, Slniton, Sausage I :"."Fisli and Oysters. that the arkei affords.-. " - I have had several years experience tn the business and respectfully solicit a share of your patronaee. Cash customers will find it to their advantage to call and see for themselves. . My tiuiu) is "Good quality and honeat ontWr Respectfully, . - T. J, fe I'm nn.it, oct 13 dtf