HOW J)AViDL. SWAIN";BE CA M $ PRESIDENT O F THE JJNIVERSITY OF V 1--NORTH CAR- w olina: o y Brother LYeecy,: of the Elizabeth Cith Economist, commenting npon a recent address of President Battle, introduces ,e following bit of his tory, which will li&ve an interest to the section of which-the subject pf notice was a native. Mr. Crcecy say3 : The reference to President David L. Swain recalls an incident in his life for which we are indebted toPaul Cameron and which may not be out of place here. He was President of the University for nearly thirty years of useful and distinguished administration. He was undec a cloud of sadness .when the idea of the Presidency first entered his mind, lie had been solicitor ofthe first judicial district, Judge ofthe Superior Court, Governor of the State, a prominent candidate for the U. b. benate, and a conspicuous n member of the Convention of 1835. His ter.u of office as Governor . was about expiring. One evening he was eutinz in his office in the ca ji tal grounds in Raleigh, when Judge Nash, of the bnpreme Court, passed through she grounds and called in to see him. During the con versa tion that ensued he said to Judge Nash, that he was troubled to know what to do when his term of office as Governor expired, that there was no racancy in politics, the bar was crowded, and he was under the 'ne cessity of doing something. He then added, that the Legislature, then in session, had to supply the vacant place in the Presidency of the university, and he had thought of being a candidate for the place. Judge Nash did not encourage the idea. Gov. Swain, though a man of literary tastes, and thoroughly equipped in the learning of the world,was not thoroughly equipped in the learning of the schools, and the President of the University was especially a representative of learn ing in Worth Carolina, Dr. Cald well, the president deceased, having been eminent in learning, uov. Swain quickly saw the idea was not approved by Judge Nash, and he asked him to consult Judge D.Cam eron about it, and he would be gov erned by his opinion. Judge Nash was then on his way to Judge Cam eron's in Iialeigh to tea, and during the evening mentioned the subject to him. Judge Cameron was star tled when the name of Gov. Swain was mentioned, and he said at once that he wondered he had not thought of him before, that such a manager of men as he was, was certainly able to manage boys, Gov. Swain was brought forward for the place, was elected to it, and conducted his administration of nearly thirty years w ith the most eminent ability, usefulness and distinction. A special dispatch from Chatta nooga, t'enn.,says: Chas. Carton, a swindler, was arrested at Birming ham, Ala. He swindled parties in this city out ot yu,UUU worth of land, He will be brought here on a requi- on the governor of Alabama. He is wanted in several States and cities, where he has committed similar crimes. Ex-1'residents do not seem to last very long. Their widows, however, hang on to life more tenaciously. A yearly pension is being paid by the country to the widows of Presidents Tyler, Polk, Grant and Garfield, ana the two former have now survived their husbands nearly half a cen tury. t aminglm Post. The Verdict Fnanimons. W. D. Suit, Drnggist, Bippas, Ind,, tes tities: "I can recommend Electric Bitters as the very best remedy Every bottle gold has riven relief in every case. One man took six bottles, and was cured of Kheumaliiin of 10 -years stancine." Abraham flare, druggist, Bellyille, Ohio, ainrms: "lne Dest selling medicine 1 have ever handled in' 20 veara' exneri- ence, is Electric Bitters." Thousands of othen have added their testimony, so that thn verdict is unanimous that Elec tric Bitters do cure all diseasesof the Liv er, Kidneys or Blood. Only a half dollar a uottie at 11. 11. Lyons, Drug store. Fh-.nnel Overskirts, white, Laundried and I'nlaundried Shirts, another invoice of 49 call's Shirts just in at ' . Whitlook's. A New City to be Built TEN MILES FROM ASHEVILLE, On W. 2. . Road. At the central point of the celebra ted Hominy Valley, where streams and public roads intersect with the Western' N. C Railroad, ten milaa west . of Asbe ville, I offer Valuable Property for Sale,- In lots to suit purchasers. The many important surroundings of this point sruarantce the early and permanent es tablishment of a thriving town. Among the most important of these is the Unsurpassed Water Potcef For milling and manufacturing purposes. Parties desiring to enter upon enterpri ses of this character, specially those with small capital, will do well to call and ex amine this locality.- Believing this point to be a most advantageous one for a Prosperous Town, I shall prefer to sell in small lots, with water power privileges. However, I will Bell the entire property in a bod Terms verj reasonable. There are over three hundred acre of excellent land, much of it highly im iroved,"with good dwelling and other buildings, in this property. For further particulars apply to W. G Candler, Hcminy, N. C. . , ior the Citizbs Office. my fC-dlawawti ,v ... Unitarian' ' " : Publications 'rENT,FREK-"1'rfs SECRETARY WOMIH'S AUXlt.IABYtOXFKBENCB, LexlDgtoa, MaHfc, :m !'i sept 9 wlnx t STATE NEWS. 1 Sixteen death in Charlotte.during . November, of which eleven were negroes; I 'if-K '--''"iJ The Greensboro Workman says : We learn that Hon. James W Reid has made an assignment for the bene fit of his creditors. We nave not learned the amount of his liabilities, or who is the assignee. - The Wilmington Star says :T The Baptists did well during the last twelve months in support ofthe Thomasville Orphanage. The re ceipts, official, were $8,230,93. One of the speakers in the convention was in error in stating the ngures at $10,000. Give Mr. jlillo, the Su perintendent, the coming year $10, 000 and he will accomplish mor9 and use it wisely. - ' , The Nno-Obscrver says : The Gov ernor vesterdav appointed Col. J. N. Amis. of Oxford, one of the directors ofthe N. C. Insane Asylum, vice' Dr. Bobt. Dillard, of Edenton, resigned. The Governor also appointed L. W. Barringer, Esq,, of Philadelphia, to represent him in the convention of Governors to be held in Phildel- phia next week, for the purpose of arranging for a celebration ot the 100th anniversary ofthe adoption of the Federal consttution. The Weldon New says : On Sun day morning one ot the doors of Maior Emry's store was found open and an examination showed that the building had been entered dur ing the night by a burglar who took goods out to the amount of about $600. A clue was found and Major Emry, with his accustomed energy, followed it up. The thiet was track ed easily because he wore rubber shoes. He was found near the fair grounds in a ditch with most ofthe goods lying around him. The Washmton Progress says : Mr. Tom Bobbins, living some miles below town, shewed us on Sunday night the livid scar of a terrible wound inflicted upon his head with a fence rail some two months ago by a black brute whose intention was robbery. Mr. Bobbins, will never regain the clear intellect clouded by that dastard blow. We also learn that Mr. Adams, who was brutally assaulted near Chocowinity bridge by three black devils a few weeks ago, will be an invalid for the re mainder of his life. ' The Lenow Topic says : Yester day evening, about an hour after dark, Mr. D. D. Coffey, Represents tive elect, was thrown from his horse near Mr. Henry Bowman's, on the John's River road about 7 miles from Lenoir, and had his right thigh broken. Mr. Cofiey was in town yesterday until late in attendance upon the Board of Commissioners, At Mr. Bowman's ,his mare, which is a splendid animal and nearly blind, became frightened at some hogs and, dashing off, bacame un manageable and rushed up the grad ed road which winds around the hill, and at a bend she jumped off an eight foot bluff and fell on top of Mr. Coney. Mr. James White was with him and going for Mr. Wm. Estes. eot a wasron and Mr. Coffev was conveyed to his home at Col lettsville. Dr. Scott went up last night as well as Dr. Kent FOOD FRAUDS. The Shameful Use of Lime and AUon in jsamng rowaers. Many food frands, such as chicory coffe or watered milk, although they ' are a swindle in a commercial sense, are of ten tolerated because they do not par ticularly affect the health of the con sumer; but when an article like baking powder, that enters largely into the food of every family, and is relied upon for the healthful preparation of almost every meal, is so made as to carry highly inju rious, if not rankly -poisonous, elements into the bread to the imminent danger of the entire community, it is the duty of the press to denounce the practice In the most emphatic terms. Among recent important discoveries by the food analysis is J that by Prof. Mott, the U. S. Government Chemist, of large amounts of lime and alum in the cheap baking powders.' These are, one the most dangerous, and the other the most useless adulterants yet found in tne low-grade, inferior baking powders it is a startling fact that ot overdone hundred different brands ot baknz powders so far analyzed, comprising all those sold in this vicinity, not one of them, with the single exception ofthe Royal Baking Powder, was found free from lime and alum.. The chief service of lime is to add weieht. It is true that lime, when subjected to heat, lei ves off a certain amount of carbonic acid gas, but a quick-lime is left a caustic so power ful that il is used by tanners to eat the hair from hides of animals, aod in dis secting rooms to more quickly rot the flesh from the bones of dead subjects. ; A small quantity of dry lime upon The tongue, or in me rye, produces ptaniui effects; how ranch more serious most these effects be on the delicate mem branes ofthe stomache, intestines and kidneys, more particularly of infants and children,and especially when 1 1 lime, taken into the system day u.;vr day anawnn almost every mcai. Tim is saidby physicians to be one ofthe chief causes "of indigestion, dyspepsia, and those painful diseases of the kidneys now so prevalent. . Instances ofthe most serious affecUoo ofthe latter onrans from arintlhgKrne water fonnd in some sections or tne west are noted m every medical journal. Adulteration wun lime is auite as mnch to be dreaded as with alum, which has heretofore received the most emphat ic condemnation from every food analyst, pnysician and cnenust, lor tne reason that, while alum is probably partially dissolved and passed off in gas by the heat of baking it is impossible to destroy or change the nature ofthe lime in any degree, so that the entire amount in the baking powder passes, with all its injuri ous properties, . into ' . the i . stomache. When we state that the chemist have found twelve per cent of one-eight af the entire weight of some samples of baking powder analyzed, to be lime, the wicked ness ofthe adulteration will be fully ap parent. . , J.-" . Pure baking powders are one of, the chief aids to the cook in preparing per fect and whojesome food. While those are to be obtained of well-estahlishe rep utation, like the Royal, of whose purity there has never been and cannot baa questirn, it is proper to avoid all otbere. Judge Gudger Retirement Halifax County, Nov. 26. , On the7 adjournment of the -court at Halifax," on Friday," November 26th, 1887, the members of the bar met in the court honse, and,1 on mdr lion, lhos.N Hill was called to the chair, and J. M. Grizznrd appointed secretary -.5 1st I pe, following-- resolutions: wtre unanimously adopted: Whereas, Tne othcial term of the Hon. J. C. L. Gudger expires with the adjournment of this term of our court, and the resident and visiting members of the bar of Halifax coun ty desiring to express their appre ciation of him do unanimouslv Resolve, 1. That Judge Gudger in retiring from the bench carries with him our highest respect 'and esteem, both as a public servant and private citizen. 2. Thai an acquaintance of seven years has found in him those quali ties that adorn the ermine. ihout invidious comparison to others we are pleased to call" Mm the model judged patient, learned, tearless, impartial, urbane and just We respectfullysuggest that these resolutions be spread on the records of this court aud that a copy under the seal of the cocit be handed to Judge Gudger by the sheriff of this county. - . v Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the Raleigh News and Observer with-a reojiejt tor the publication of the same, ft Thos. N. HiiA..Chm'n- J. M. Geizzard, Sec'y. !Q' A Captain's Fortunate Discovery, Capt. Coleman, schr. Weymouth, pi ing between Atlantic City andN. Y., had been troubled with a cough so that he was unable to sleep and was induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Gob--sumption. It not only gave him instant relief, but allayed the extreme soreness in his breast. His children were simi larly affected and a single dose had the co m hanntf flffiuit Hi- U itio'n Tro TliOJ covery is now the standard remedy in'' tne Coleman household and on board the schooner. Free Trial Bottles of this Standard Remedy at II. H. Lyons Drug Store. Ladies' Underwear. -Ladies' Underwear, Men's Underwear, . Men's Underwear, Boys' Underwear, ' Boys' Underwear, Misses' Underwear, Misses' Underwear, Children's Underwear, Children's Underwear, 8t at Whiilock's Wasted. Patties in Mitchell, Yancey; McDowell; Madison, Buncombe, Rutherford, Polk, Henderson, Transylvania, Haywood, Jackson, Swain. Macon, Clav, Graham and Cherokee ' counties owning well defined IRON deposits may accomplish good results for themselves and Our sec tion by sending to the Citizen office, properly labeled, specimens of ores, with accurate description of location, quantity as well as can be ascertained, means and convenience of reaching same; and also state whether or not lime or marble deposits are contiguous, &c. The Citizen is now going regularly to a large number of capitalists whose attention is attracted to our section, and we desire to invite special attention to our iron resources, dec 1 dtf Ons Hundred Thousand "Acres '.'of W. N. C. Land Fob Balk. Over 100.000 acres of fine timber and grazing lands in western part ofthe State for sale very cheap if application be made within nest few weeks. - ' ' dec 3dtf - Atkinson & Cocke. Laege Stock of . Ladies' and Children's Wraps, Ladies' and Children's Wraps, t8 at Wiiitlook'8. To the Ladies. We have fitted up our dining room with a view especially to the accommod ation and comfort Of the ladies, and will put forth every effort to please thein should they laror us with a call. dtf MOOBE & ROBAKDB. Important Notice. There are a number of deeds and other prfpers reouirine registration, and which have been registered, now in the office of the register of deeds upon which the fees, is required by law, have not been paid. I request all persons owing such to call at once, pay the fees, and take their papers.- This is important. J. R. Patterson, nov 11 ditwtf Register of Deeds. Female Institute, NO Institute for young ladies in the Sonth has advantages superior to those offered here in every department OoUeeiate. Art and Music. Only experienced and accomplished teacbert engaged, i ne Dmiuuig is ugntea rraa . gas,, warmed with the best wrought-iron lurn&cet, has hot and cold water baths, and first-claw ap pointments as a Boarding School in every respect T-flu scnoui in me aoum naa superior. For Board and Tuition ner session si 00. Deduction for two or more from. same, ftmlly or neighborhood. Pupils charged only trom Qate of entrance . - - For Catalogue, w.te full particulars, address Jtfar,. WMJt. ATKINSON. J ue o-aawjanuuci 1 linarioue, s. Vn New Meat Market THE imdeTslgned. having purchased the inte restpf Mf.Ueo. W. BeU In the Butchering buslnesa. and secured his excellent stand on Ea gle street- near Main, invites the public to call on Mm, where he will constantly keep ihil sup plies ofthe .. . . , - Best Reef, Station, Pork andTother Meats this country can afford, dressed in the best style, and sold as low as ean be af forded for strictly Jim -class meats. Give me a call. : . ;..:. s del-d2m A . t- WM. 8. BRADLEY. lOPYIAO WANTED, "s Vi. 'ey a Lady. Work promptly and - correctly executed. Address , . v r. O. BOX M, - AshevlUe. nov 30 dtf - . POR RENT. . A neat S room cottage, 100 yd's from corporate limits ; excellent spring.' -'Apply to 4 ; J- A. BBOOKSSIBJE at Leyj'i store. Ff1 SALE.'---, ' ' Three Bedroom Soita. (single bedsteads,) some Crockery, Lamps, Glass and Kitchen Uten sils, at private sale. no24-2 DOUBLEDAY SCOTT. PRIVATE BOARD..- - Best Winter Location in the City. ITew Honse, Well Fnrnished, Splendid W'ater, , ; i -? -- . aad Good Fare. . 7 - ' ' .;' .j, , C'Txaaia Reasonable i.J'Ui J Misata BROWN & POI2CTS, no as tiu-j-j. -nerry nan, cnestnot se Blood ana Money, The blood of man has aaoch to do in ihaplng his actions daring bis pilgrimage through this troublesome world, regardless of the amount of present or expectant money in pocket or stored away in the bank. It to a conceded fact that we appear as ohr blood makes us, and the purer the blood, the happier,- healthier, pret tier aad wiser we are ; hence; the. oft-repeated interrogatory, "how is-your Mood?" With pore streams of life-giving fluid coursing through oar veina, bounding MKOngh our hearts and Dlonffhinir throiura.. our nhyatoal frames, cur morals become betier. onr consUr tutioa stronger, our intellectual; faculties more acute and grander, aaffinen, women and chil dren happier, heal thiet and more lovely. - The unprecedented demand, the unparallel ed curative powers and thennmistakable proof from those of unimpeachable character and intemitv. tnint with an unerring Anger to B. a. a. tiotamo xuooa jHums iar ue ot the cheapest, the quickset and the grandest and most powerful blood remedy ever colore known tt mortal man. in '-he relief and Doal- tive cure ot Bcrof ubv Bhenmatjam, Baun dis eases, all taints of blood poison, kidney com plaints, old ulcers and sores, cancers, cacarrii, etc . ....... B.B. B. is only about three years oldaba by in age, a giant in powerbut no remedy in America can make or ever has made such a wonderful ahowins in its magical powers in curing and entirely eradicating the above com plaints, and gigantic sales in the face of fren- siea opposmon ana wonia-oe moneyed nonolists. . Letters from all points' where introduoed are pouring in upon us, speaking in its loudest Dome say iney receive more ncueiu bottle fB."B. B. than they have from twenty, thirtr 'and fifty and even one hundred bottles of a boasted decoction of -inert and non-medicinal roots and branches of common forest trees. We hold the proof, in black and white, and we also hold the ion. All who desire full information about the cause and cure of Blood Poisons. Scrofula and 8crofnlons BweUines. Uleen.-Seaes. Bheuma- tiSmy Kidney Complaints; Catarrh,' etc, can secure oj mail, tree, a copy 01 oar a J page IUnstrated Book of WoHd erst filled With the mostwoAderrnl and startling proof ever be fore Known. Address, BLOOD BALM GO., tfebl - AUanta,Ga New Stock of FuBxrrvBE, &c Mr. McMullen of McMullen and Tilson has just returned from the -Eastern, and Western markets where he bought the largest stock of Furniture ever brought to Asheville. uur new stock will be arrivine daily now. The public are in vi tea to call and examine goods ana nrices. uur stock of-tJarpeta. .Pictures, picture frames ana mouldings are large and complete. Don't fail to ask for a bottle of their furniture' polish, only no cents.. Hoping to share apart of your patronage, vv e are, yours truly, ( - McMullen & Tilsox To Merchants and Business Men. Send your job work, for band bills, letter-heads, bill heads, professional and business cards, pamphlets,' &c., &d. to the Citizen Office. We have latest designs in types, ' material, &c, the very best work guaranteed, and the lowest prices chanced. Give the Citizen Job and Book printing office a show at your wwa..". - " ' usu Goto the Pjoneeb Bab. i---- ;HFor your fancy mixed' drinks , of all kinds, such as Sahgaressv- Mint. Juleps Big-Yellow, Milk Punches, and all other mixed drinks -which are found in first class saloons. . Orders for these- drinks will be filled and sent- to any part ofthe city, free of charge. .1 Rooms three doors below 1st National Bank, No. 9 K. K. Ionbs, Prop. june27-tf JOTiCKfil s AU are politely but earnestly requested to come forward and settle their city taxes at once. I can be found t the Superior Court Clerk's office eyen day.lrom 9 to 4 o'clock, . . jl- . ; N. A. KYNUiafi.- 2idlwk Town Tax Collactor. vins- tented the commodions 'ahd handsome residence ot -Capt. Q. M. Roberts, situated on Patton .Avenue. - the same will be open at once fpr thor-Teoeptlon of boarders table boarderr also-wanted. Apply at the residence, hoji 18dtf - W. B. TROY. Agency J orth Carolina . Jtllneral f uter. One of the wonders of North Uarolina is Pan aces Water, Nature's Marvellous remedy for Dis pepsia, Torpid Liver, General Debility, " Chronic inarracea, scroraia, eczema, au ciuaneoua dis eases. -. .,. The Panacea water is not without honor at its own home and in its . own Statea' lUr eficacy ia aesiea oy persons weu aitpws in uie via norm uuue wno nave Deen qune miraculously restoreo .a With h, i" . XI -.1 H It is recognized as an excellent remedy in other maladies besides -those named above and is an efficient appetizer under all circumstances. Price 94.00 per dozen (HgaU) bottle, F. O. B. at Littleton, N. C. Address - x JOHN A. WILLIAMS, Sole Agent, nor 10 dlUw4w: - Oxford, K. . pROF. V. KNERINGER Respectfully informs the public and his friends that he is' ready to - open, his class music for the f all and Winter. He will devote bis utmost efforts in kindly, but strict system of teaching, to i - .1 . - r -1 i'j. s uruuiuw me prugrcBa oj pupils ronaueu to ins care. ' - .Tebms will be moderate.' Pianos tuned and repaired, and put in first-class order at reasonable rates. Applicants sent through post-office or left at Citizen office", will be promptly attended to. 1 - V. ICKKsraaBB. . ; sept4-dtf ' West End Pharmacy LARGE SUPPLY" OF.. JUST RECEIVEP; Tf7th&"WestEnci Choice" best 5c. ." ; . Cigar on the market. FINE SELECTION OF CHOICE (til L'ltMd-test FRENCH CAN DIES,: lowest: prices, and a large supply of SMITHS PLANETARt ALMANACS" aJwavB on hand. .: . ? Very ResDectfufly, . "'. ; j. H, "WOODCOCK, ;- ,yir--Z Graduate ot Pharmacy, -- ' Patton 'Avenuej .': -flee 3d3m ' ' Belw J5epot st". 1T ANTED, '. j.- v , - .."..'v.n- . - A eliale Kwn to open an office fn thli' city jtitv, .- ,.,,bwii 'J3L -jiitnrwnn, PSOFESSIOKAICABDB. COA3. A. KOoSX. Tt A. CUJfMINGS OORE A CTJMMIKGS, Attorneys mmd CotmtcUort at l.aie ASHEVILLE, N. C Practice in the United States Ofwmlt m-nA TH riot Courts at Asheville. Btatanrllla. rhtrlntu and Greensboro; in the Supreme Court at Raleigh and in the Courts of the Twelveth Judicial Sis trie ofthe State of North Carolina. . opeeuu atteuuon given to ool lections of claimr aug7-lvwfcsw nHAS. D. McCANDLISS. Snrrejorand CItII Engineer, ASHEVILLE, W. C. Office with A. J. Lyman, Real Estate Broker. ol6d3nt ... rjlH08.A.J0NB84 . Attorney at Lav - - ' ASHEVILLE, N. OCt 22-ly w Office with Dav'dnon a Ma Thkc. t Davidsom. jas a. itAasiy TAAVlDSON A MARTIN. AJ . Astorateya si CoanseUen it TLmwl ASBJCVTLLK, N. C. WU practice In the 3th and sth Judicial Ilntrica ana is the Supreme conn of North Carolina, sdo u ne reaerai uoumiox we western District 01 norm varouna. Kef er to the Ban of AshevlllsJ aepls-awAwsm JAMES A. BtJRROUGHS, Physician and Surgeon, r;f : ASHEVILLE, N. Office over Powell & Snick 'a. sf Residence corner of Main and woodfin streets. del6-ly . J ! A . TENNENT, ' Architect and Civil Engineer. Deslnav-iepeculcatlons, and Estimates ol the style of boilding furnished npon appjicatlon, A. wo snnennienaea wnen aesirea. aii von en trusted to me as Civil Engineer will receive prompt attention. Thorough drainage of lands a specialty. Post Office address, Asheville 01 est, N. C. Residence Swannanoa Bridge, maylS-Smos WATSON, M. D. OFFICE AT HIS RESIDENCE. Corner of Grove street and Patton Avenne. . omce hours : a to 11 a. m., i to s f. m. Calls left at Carmichaera or Felham's Dm Store will beconveyed, and responded to, by tel epnone. JR. M. SOUVIELLE, LATE OF THE PASI8 A LONDON HOSPITALS, Sissases Of the Ssad, Heart, M-X lw A SPECIALTY Office Hours : 10 a. m to 5 p. m. Office, Eagle Hotel, aug 7 dim ASHEVILLE, N. C. J)R.A. M. BALLARD, PIITBICIAK sad StJBGEOBT, Office North side Public Square. Residenceon Haywootf street. Office Telephone Call Jt Residence Telephone Call So. 43, tune S7-d6mospd . 64' R. G- W. PUREFOY Offers his Drofessional servicea to the citizens of Asheville and surround hifc country. Office over Carnuchael'e Drug store. Residence Charlotte at. del5-dly D ES. McGILL & BATTLE, Practice limited to Eye, Kar,l roht and Lungs. Bam. Wbstbat Bxttlb. M. D.D. B. N.. Physician and Boigeoa. Offices over Be Vault's Drug Store. M.Offioe Bonn 10 a. m. to 12 m., and S to i p m. . . se M-tf D K. JOH BET WILLIAMS, . Physician and Surgeon. Office tf sin St.. 2 doors sonth of Bank. Beat deuce on rrencn Broad Avenne. Office hours 11 in. to l p. inland from s too p. m. W. W. JONES. . QEOBGB A. SHCFORD. JONES & SHU FORD, ' Attorneys at Law, ASHEVILLE, - - - - N. C. Practice In the Superior Courts of Western North Carolina, the Supreme Court of the State, ana tne neaeni iorts at Asnevnie. Office in Johnston Building, where one member oi tne nrm can always oe louna. nov 11 dlyear J OSEPH 8. ADAMS, . Attorney stisd Counsellor mt Law, Office in Law Building, adjoining First' National Bank, . ASHEVILLE, N. C. Practices in all courts, State and Federal, sept 7 1 year JOHNSTONE JONES, . Attorney, and Counsellor t law, ASHEVILLE, N. C. . : Office in Burnett Building, ConrtBonse Square, nov aaomos .. FIRE INSURANCS H INSURANCE ' w INSURANCE PUDiiiM go. At Bank of Asheville, BEST COMPANIES- FIRST TO P4X;vlXSES,liTHE WII. ""MlNQTON". - tah 16-dlv - ' TTRESH AERIVALS OF J! - " --. - Bay State Boot! and: Shoes; HATS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, - BED-COMFORTS. ' BEABHEN, RANKIK & CO. oct 31-dtf J . Furnished ea unfurnished, the commodious Collins Boardtag Houso, corner ot Patton and French Broad venues. For terms, apply to - nor dtf SL J. FAGQ. 1ST ones. All nersonaare notified that they mas not set sand off myland without havinar paid lor it in adranoe. Tker will be Indicted if they do. nxUdf - MATT ATKINSON it , PORTLAND AND JAMES BIVEE CEMENTS, , :., . C ALCINED PLASTEB NAILS, N PLASTERING, HAIR LOCKS, &C . BEARDEN, RANKIN & CO. f oct 3I-dtf - ' .. .':.' : R SALE, A CITY LOT--cheap. by C. TALK, . Asheville Mnsic House . nov 13 dtf GROWTH OF FIRST WE VOTE TO SPEND $100,000 r . ZI0T7XTTAZ1T CITY I ; ; .- : v All kinds of business improved thereby, property on the bojror 'm6r building'1 a demand for another Iuniler yard, you have it,-; V ; ASHEVILLE LTJ1IBBR CO. North-East CourtHouse Square, .' ' , Will keep a full line of building stock at lowest market prices, call and see us. - .? ' 1 - i . IlTSSEIsL, nilOTIIEIZS, Proprietors nneMaw8moa ... - , COWMON-SENSE LIFE INSURANCE ! BY AN OLD LINE COMPANY 1 ; Renewable Term Insurance- As Offered LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. II challenges criticism. Is the safest, most equitable and least expensive tyBtenf . ever devised. It is regular insurance, within the reach and means ot ; all the people, and has received the hearty commendation and endorsemdnt ot Insurance Commissioners. Actuaries and hundreds of the sharpest financiers and leading; thinkers of the day. Among all the Lire Insurance Comdanies in the; United States, The Provident shows for the year i885 : - 1. - smallest out-go lor .expenses, 4.16 per 1,000 insured, .; 2. Smallest out-go for Death Claims, 5.67 " - . V 8. Smallest ouc-go for Cost of Insurance, 9.38 " -. .4.. The lowest average rate of Premium, 11.95 . ." -.- 5; The largest percentage of Asteta to Liabilities, 2.29 to each $1.00 - 6. The largest per centage of increase to New Business,; . 980 pr oent 7. The largest percentage of increase in Surplus, : . 64.99 pr cent.t . Wft.E. Stevens, Secretary. Sheppard Hgmahs. President "'' E. J. ASTON, Ix)cal Agent, Asheville, N. C. For special information, apply to ee 23-d3m PENNIMAN & CO., .9 SIM El I, I LI, .V. C. JOBBERS AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OLD HICKORY WAGONS, BUGGIES, ANCHOR BRAND . FERTILIZERS, LIME AND PLASTER, CORN SHELLERS, FLED CUTTERS, &c. AGENTS via MMicKory wagons izagiatuvs Tobacco Sleea, vn chor Brand Fertilizer, Zimmerman's Iruit JErap- -orator lIcCormirk,8 Harvesting machines. AND BEBLERS IN 1 SEEDS, INCLUDING CLOVER, TIMOTHY, AND OTHEK ? GRASS SEEDS. jsayOffice at Penniman & Co.'s, corner North Main Street and CourU house Square; and at Old Denot building, near French Broad Iron Bridge ja 30-ly st: Where you both foreign ca: ni: et the best oinestk JtTy Brands are the Old Gibsn?s XlXl, My CORN WHISKIES are absolutely pure, ma.le . of ihe.sottnde- I handle nothing but North Carolina APPLE and PEACH BRANDY. My. WINES are pnre Grape juice, unadulterated. ' ' You will find BERGEN and ENGEL BEER always on draagbi,oiiI i and fresh. Bottled Beer delivered to vvemaKe a specialty in utUAito ana lUiSAUCU, ana Dandle the leading brands. Call and see if I have misrepresented my goods. You will find my find tbo flnrinna Pinprntj-if nf nnoktoila STIIT'.P nifATOP nial II. C. JONES to wait on you. -Any intormf.tion given strangers with pleasure. jell BOB JONES. J DOUBLEDAY & SCOTT, NORTH PUBLIC WllJAUK, Asheville, ST.' HAVE THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF bAJrt, tJllINUb and UUUKS; IN WI1STKIXX If ORTH CAROLINA, . : r at lowest price 'f S V " A V T -m. T ". Estimates promptly furnished, and special sizes procured at short notice They also keep every variety of Building and Fencing Lumber, Lath- . and Shinsrles. feb 21-dAw A T T A. J. L I MAIN, , ; (MEMBER NAT'NAL ASSOC'N REAL ESTATE DEALERS, U. S. A.) Eeal Estate and omce in roiinrnoiKe. Property of every description and vicinity. Also nouses tor Kent. Lo? lis placed on the best rea per annum. "', Timber Lands in W. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, FOR STEAM ENGINES & SAWvrTTT m - at greatly reduced prices. Call on or write to N. W. GIRDWOODi ASITETII.L -;"'V-rr--- ' ieb2-12ip " '.; " Agitjille. RC. ,: i k k mnrs) rg?3M ntpri ASHEVIlME. 3 IMPROVING OUR BEATJTlFU l dry, nicely assorted 'aii(t piled, Onlx by tje JOHN CHILD, Special Agent, Offie with A. J. Lyman, Courthouse. DEALERS IN FOR - - Whlsfcoy, IVine an1 llrnndy JRettrttctv, UoHongahal all 6 Years old. ' every part of the city free of charge. . afsl 4 bAk' 4pW mi en, ssk : f A TVT . r Loan Broker, Asheyille, IS C. for Sale, both in Asheville state security at 8 pr cent. N. 0. knd East Tenn'e JV MILLS, &c. n v CO" FOtftttRT,

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