. - V DAILY EDITION, i rmuuvSteat & Cameron, ' " EDITORS AMD PROPRI KTOR8. r,:'. ' :.v' --. . O. fl ! GHIZEftJOB OFFH K, ) WEST SIDE J PUBLIC SQlX l:h. t 1'.: vii-i ? Lr.jv BILL HEADS,1 ; LETTER HEADF, POSTERS, v " BLANKS, do And fob Wor of all kinds done -with fromftness and at Urm f rices.. ZZST, . 1 Yer, .00 e azo.. ' .oo Wwteljr, i 1 Year, " 1.60 " Mm., ' ii'i'BRTlSlitG RATES LOW. VOL II NO 267. ASHEVILLE,;N. O FRIDAYMORHING; DECEMBER io .886 PRICED " CENTS 1 he -iig AiniiTIUC SOCIETIES. C'Sorrme 0miAt,,No. 5.-J.-A. Porter Eminent ommander; Jordan Storje. Secretary. Meets first adneadaT night In each month. tArfer, a. . If.-O. H. Bell, High - Crisai; B. HmmerhJ, Secretary. Meets k sacond Wednesday night In each month . Herman i.Vo. UK .4. 4 A. JC V. C. Fagg Worshipful Matter; Fred. L. Jaoobf aruuy. Meets ;the first Friday night In each '"Saoa Lodge. K. ot B., No. Buardman. Dictator; Jordan Stone. Secretary. MeeU the Unit and third Monday nighu In each "tMHrold Cornea, No. 701, R. .-K1J J wryTBerjt: Jordan Stone, Secretary. Meets :. STthi hail of the Knight, of Honor on the lecond nd fourth Monday night in each month. TW Woman's Jfiwi'onarif SoeicLy of theM. E. ;kareh. South, meet in the church class-room on be First Friday of every month at 4 o ctock P.M. Tt Bern of the Wert I9 A T. M. lleeU on the Ant and third Monday iahta in each month. Jamea Lattunore, Worahipf ol Muter j H. B. Brown, Becretary. " - TbeAthevmPubUc Libraty.'oter Mr. Kep arf TBtort, oppoaite Eagle Hotel, and next iyor to The Bank of AheTille. is open to vnv tors from IS a. m. to 1 p. m. and from 4-J0to iSOp. m. - HETIIXS CHCBCtf DIKKCTOBT ' MeOiodlM XpUoopal Church Church SL . tWf. W. lK.BaT-Hoin awiiac terrinee nf? rtyer meetopWad- Jribytene ChorcV ;krc St Bar. Mr. DeFerre flerrfcet 11 a.mjTJip. n. s prayer meeting five p. m, Wednea day! Babbath aohool baW-pajrt 9 a. ai. JSoincopal Church, Trinity corner ClainiKdnd - . fPiOou BU. Ber. Jarrla Buxton, D. 8erviooa Sunday, 11 . m. and 4 p.m.; Wednesday, at 10 .m., aad Fridayt at 4 p. m. Sunday school 9:30 a. ' m. Baptitt Church corner Woodflnand tipruas. Ber. J. Jj. CarroU Serrtoe 11 a m.; 7-30 " p. m.; prayer meeting 7:80 d. if. Wednesday; Babbath school 9 a. m. Roman Catholic Church, - Km. Fred. Price Servioes every 8un dav at 11 a. m, but the first Sunday of the month, when services will be held at the Warm Springs. Bun day school at 10 a. m. at Ashe vUe. Domm.day Mistkm Church. Key W W Bays Pastor. Sabbath School, J H Wssver Supt. COLORED CHURCHES. A. Jt. X. Church (Zios) College St. Bev. Mr. Sherman Service 11 a. m.; 8 p. m., and half.past 7 p- ra.; Sabbath school 9 a. Baptiit. Bev. Mr. Burnley Services 11 a. m., S p.m., nd half -past 7 p. m.: Sabbath school 1.30 p.m Episcopal. Bev. Mr. Services 11 a. m.; Sab bata sobool S p. m. COMPOUND OXYGEN. Drs. Hargan, Stone &'Gatchell, SPECIALISTS, v. . rtl CMrmUiam BmlUUnv, JImlH SI. ASHEVlLLE, N. C . We use in the treatment ofC'hronC jecases, C0Ml?0tJND OXYGEN ad Medicated Vapor by direct inhalation. Those and who hive failed to be cored by the ordinary SreatmenVw Co. Liver Oil, Hypophosphite., Pocket Inhaler., and the like, may be permanent ly cured by pur new treatment: since we have oared and ate curing caM. which bad resisted all - other means aad which bad been pronounced Incurable by the bert physicians. The Compound Oxygen Treatment Is not only valuable In diseases ot the respiratory tract, but is working prompt and permanent cures In all 4iraanea depending upon an impoverished or Impure condition of the blood, sucn as Debility, EfKlepoy, Rueumatiam.Choiea. Neuralgia Paral jitit, Dlabetea, Bright'. Disease, Aniemla, Scrolu la,ad all ftiaesaes ofhe Skin. Tlr Only Treatment blab will permanently care Nasal Catarrh! - rbe only Specific lor Asthma I The treatment is pleasant to take, and cannot acgravate any case however delicate and sensi- live. - Special attention pnid to diseases of the Beo--tam, sock as Piles, Fissure, Fistula, .Prolapsus, tc . .. . A NEW TREATMENT, Mtuileaod Invariably successful. No loss of rse rrom unnes. or pleasure aunng treatment. or thoaa.wbo cannot aome to oar office, and woo aeed the Compound Oxygen, we have a me Treatment, which in many cases teas val . ' able as the Office Treatment. We will send the apparatus and chemicals to last two months for ' ' . REFERENCES. Rev.N. 8. Albrieht. Weffineton.O.: Wm Bit- ue, M D. Pulaikl, Term : L. T. Iglehardt, Esq., Xvanwrille, Ind ; John B. Snow. Esq., Tipton, Tana ; hob. it. o. Fuller, uoonvuie, ina; u. a. Mears!&V, Asbeville, N. C; Key. G. Bell, Bell Write for mnstrated Pamphlet, which will be ailed free. In regard to treatment. Address -DBS. HARGAN, 8 TONE tc GAHrXL. sev l-daw6m ASmWILLE HDSIC HOUSE NORTH SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE. Bells PtAWOS and OBGAK8 on Monthly In ataUmentsof &andtl0.r . ONE PRICE ONLY. Sheet Murie and Uuxle Books. Old instru sanu taken in exchange. lot Catalogues and Circular! apply to 0. FALK Ugl7:d&wly " The fPinafore Steam" is one of the rays cyeters are served at Turners. J - r DAILY EDITION. THE DAIIiT CITIZEN Will be published every Morning (ex cept Monday) at the following rates sir idly cash! One Tear. . . . .18 00 Six Months, . . . . 3 00 Three u . . . . . 1 60 One .. .. . 50 One Week, . . ... . . . 15 Onr Carriem will deliver the Darter ev ery Morning In every part of the city to our subscribers, and parties .wantingit will please call at the uitizen umce. ' Send your Job Work of all kind to the Citizen (Met. if you vxmt it done neatly. cheaply and uilA Uitpaich. Arrival and OrparSwre er Paaacnscer . Trmiaia. SaXJBBUBT Arrives 6:85 p. m. and departs 101 am. Tenneeaee Arrives 10:55 a. m. and departs 7)5 D m. WAt.imviUJt Arrives OW) p m-ana aepans- u:iu . m. aAsrswBoas As bawilla 1M a m ; arrrre at Htaxienonvilw -40 a m; at 8partaa burg 11:40 am. : , . Ieave Spartanburg 4:00 p m; arrive at Hen dersonville 7:10 p m; at Asheville 8:15 p m. IS" INTERESTING BEADING MAT TER ON FOURTH PAGE. lWe invite attention to the adver tisement of N. Piamadore, concerning lands foJ Bale. - - tf An excellent stock of Clothing, Over coats, and Wraps, to fit all sizes. tl ' H. ItKDWOOD cc to. Mr. Hinton A. Helper .;s among us agam. The sleighing was line yesterday, and numbers were out enjoying it The track is now well beaten down. The tobacco market is at a stand still. There is a fair stock on hand, brought in before the snow, but the weather is too cool and .dry lor handling. Our new Sheriff Worley has leased for four years the house and premises belonging to Mrs. J. L. Henry, near the iron bridge and known as Silver Springs. He will move in soon with bis family. We learn that an engine was sent out on the Asheville and Spartanburg road on Wednesday on a voyage of discovery to nnd Uendereonvme. it returned without having made a port. The road is still blocked. Mr. Kissimmer Smith, of Florida, who purchased the residence and land adjoin ing belonging to Capt. Natt Atkinson, is here looking after his possessions. He has large interests in Florida, and will not remove here with his family until next summer. Efforts are being made to clear the Murphy division. . An engine with snow plough attached, and a considerable force is at work trying to force a way. But progress is slow. The same is the case on the Asheville an J Spartanburg road, thougb it is expected to be open to-aay. Buyers are on the qui vice for Christmas purchasers. Let adver tisers be cn the look out also. They know the value of the Citizen as a medium for making their prepara tions known. Ihe snow is now about two leet deep, having become compacted. The thaw ii very gradual. The lVWUO lAU VI VIA ttt3 VA- J OblVkOj UAV gradually wearing into good passa-r Ble tracks. The wood wagons from the country arc resuminsr their daily routes. We had the pleasure of a visit yesterday afternoon from Mr. R. H. Brown a member ot the Jsjet House of Representatives - frt omlJackson county. He has just retfc-Jed from Richmond where he disposed ot a car load of cattle to good advantage. He is here snow bound. Cold in the mountains is not like cold in the low country. The atmos phere is so dry that a low tempera ture is scarcely felt as uncomfort able, always provided the wind does not blow. With the mercury at 10 above zero, and a still air, no ore thinks .of the cold; men walk the streets or stand on the square with out their overcoats,' and ladies go about with the ireedom they would use on a May dav. last winter, when for several days seven the mercury fell below zero, after the first day, when the wind blew fero ciously, no one complained of the cold and only looked M the mercu ry with curious interest. Our suf ferings cannot excite commiseration unless the wind blows, jtnd then we are to be pitied. Ayer's Sarsaparilla works directly and promptly, to purify and enrich thn blood improve the appetite, strengthen the nerves,' and brace np the eystem. It is in the truest sense an alterative medicine. Every invalid should give it a trial. t2 Cbristmas Opening At Law's on South Main st .Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Dec. 2nd, 3rd and 4th. All are invited to- come and examine and price our goods. The stock is larger than ever before and the Jap anese department has been doubled in size. We rre ready for business after Dec 2nd. nov28dtt Arbivxo. Handsome line cf Ladies' Dress Goods &c. just arrived at the Ladies' Furnish ing House, corner- Fatt ; Avenne an- Chureh street. ict 14 dtfd Buy your fireworks for Christmas of Moore at Kabards. . Mn fliers and Silk Handkerchiefs, . Mufflers and Silk Handkerchiefs,' New Stock just in, at ' 18 - : -. j... Wjiitixck's-. Jus Received.' Stylish Clothing (indud- ina Overcoat) and Derby Hat in Dunlaps, Youmm't and ifiller'i ihopet; also new UyUi in Soft Hats. -.-trplty IT. REDWOOD t CO. Pyrotechnic Disflav i , Mr. Sooth wick of the Battery Dark Ho tel delighted Lis guests and such towns people as were attracted by. the spectacle to m brilliant display of fireworks on Wednesday nignt. ine only drawback was the bright moonlight, but that only partially dimmed the splendor, of the rockets, the Roman candles.) double headers, serpents, &o, and the effect of tne brilliant nasbes on the snow covered ground was something -: marvellously Beautiful. Unfortunately-Ve can only speak from hearsay, and cannot write of the occasion descriptively. j , c . aw ' ' jf 1 ' .- '- Snowheaps. : ; : " In clearing the side walks immense piles of snow have been gathered along the whole line of Main street and a part of Patton Avenue. These 'piles are six to eight feet high and eight to ten wide; and meeting from each side of the street narrow the carriage way to a very cramp ed compass. If the snow is to remain on the ground unchanged, indefinitely,' as the court seemed - lO'. think, when- it sojourned at7wtf:atnost serious perman ent inconvenience will arise. Novelty of tne situation might jnstily lor a few days the tolerance of these snowy masses. But they cannot be allowed to stay forever. Therefore we suggest their" removal. Labor can be had to do so; and in the want of employment, there are many who will suffer for the necessaries of life. Public uses will be servedrwhile employ ment necessary to provide daily food will be given. Value of Fieb Exten-guisiiebs. On the alarm of fire on Wednesday Mr. Southwick of the Battery Park Ho tel, Mr. Randolph Curtis and Mr. Churchill leaped into a carriage standing at the door of the hotel, and posted to the scene. Mr. Southwick thoughtfully took with him three of J. E. Long's fire extinguishers, with which the hotel is abundantly provided. He had never tested them, but had full faith in them. Arriving at the house he pushed his way into the room which was most in flame. The application of three of these exting- uisners instantly subdued tne name wherever they were applied. The parties were driven out by the smoke and the fire company perfected the work of ex tinguishment. The value of the Long's extinguisher being proved, not only sug gests the . wisdom of each householder supplying himself with them, but also tne good policy ol creating an exting uisher -brigade. Many fires can ba con trolled in their early stages without the application of water, which coming in such volume is as damaging to good3and furniture as fire. We attach the highest possible value and importance to the fite company and the water works, and have no idea of abating the confidence so im plicitly imposed on them. But thore would be no possible conflict between them, and the one would be effective only In incipient stages of a tire; still it may be made an important adjunct of the other; and we hDpe the idea will receive consideration. Builoing Inspectors. Our intense interest in :thia sub ject has led us to urgent with a per tinacity that mightTmpugn ;tKff'Rftf; delity to their trusts of those who alone could take action intheprems ises. We have never had, until yesterday, the lightest intimation that former suggestions had been heeded. Meanwhile our position had earnest endorsement, and we were urged to Dress the suiect until a hearing was had. The experiences of this week justified our article of yesterday. Now, we are glad to be informed by one of the Board that that body has been for sr me time engaged in formulating a system of ordinances applicable to the case, and so soon as they are matured they will be promulgated. And then we pope to see them strictly entorced. The Raleigh Carrespondent of the Richmond Despatch says: Mr. Peter M. Wilson yesterday retired from the office of secretary to the State Board of Agriculture. He has filled the position since 1880 with ability., and much matter concerning the State's resources,'&c, has been the product of his ready pen. His snc cessor is Mr. Thomas K. Bruner, of Salisbury. - Tha latter has for some time been the mining editor of the Salisbury Watchman. He is not regularly chosen secretary until the January meetng of the Board ot Agriculture.. Commissioner ot .Immigration Patrick says that he has discovered at Edenton the most attractive loca tion for a sanitarium he. has ever seeh. It fronts upon the splendid Edenton bay, and lies about twenty feet above the water, with oaks of large size., standing here and there. The discovery is important, in view of the fact that special efforts are to be made to establish a sanitarium in that section of the Sta'e, as well as at Asheville and Southern Pines. ' Florida oranges :' two'fbr 5 cents, at Moore is tiobards, - - ... . - - . - Fresh Fish and Oysters to-day and to morrow at T. J. Summer's city market unaer roweii ami amar.ra. .. . Fine Silk Plush Wraps. - Fine Silk Plush Wraps. ' Fine Silk Plnsh Wraps, t8 at WniTLOcx'e. Merino and Wool Underwear, Hosierv. Gloves, Handkercliiefs, Ribbons, SAojming Bags, Buttons, Braids, and 'Fancy Goods generally. , H. KEUWVVV & W. FISH, AND OYSTERS receiv ed Friday and Saturday at T. J. Sum mers (Jity Market, call and get some thing very nice. - Warranted Shoes from followinq makers Ziegler Bros., J. A. Banister, Packard and Grover, Merriam and Tyler, and Morgan Bros. : U. Kill) yr OUU at L'U, We are showing very new. styles, in Car pets, Art squares, imyrna tiugs ana ; Lp holstery Goods. tod II. REDWOOD d- CO lleaiurcs taken for A. Raymond & Co Fashionable New York Tailors, and afi guaranteed. Samples now ready for inspec tion. U. KKUWUUU l'U, $rpt28-deod , : OUR CORRESPONDENT JOEL GETS ' INTO KENTUCKY VHAT HE SEE&lNDi HEARS". i-"M - - v: ;" AsHtANi), Ky., Dec ist, 1836. Ouc party of railroad experts has reach ed this city after tc long, fatiguing, 'but most interesting journey The 215 miles between Johnson City . and Ar.btl covers "a' country' of such immense and varied resources that brie: is lost isr won der that they should have remained un developed all the jo years Awhile great i-i.i i i ' - l 3 :i k I - . oiaiea iinve ueen peupieu i w western wilderness, and great centres of industry been established with millions of capital in regions remote from eoat, iron and timber, the three prin e essentials of mo dern manufacturing prosperity Yet nere are tnese raw materials in sncn vast abundance that the mind can tKarcelv crush (he idea of their immensity; 'From thVBlK Sandy river through to ' Scott county, Virginia, are coal measures, of unieasured magnitudes, and hard Woods and poplar in virgin. JbrsU covering millions ot acres. At f&emr are twenty-eight miles of Bessemer ore of tne purest quality A railroad 250 miles long, of which but 160 miles remain to be constructed, will open up all this - terri tory.' and bring the ore and coke to the blast furnaces of this Hanging Rock dis trict which lies on both sides of the Ohio River. In this district are more- than twenty blast and charcoal furnaces, many of them idle for want of ore, while others are making cheap pig iron at a small profit because they cannot afford to pay for hauling the Marquette, Lake Su perior, ore 650. miles.' There is one great furnace and nail works employing seven hundred men that makes soft pig for the market, but buys iron made elsewhere for . its nail manufactory. These iron men tell us that when they can get the Cranberry ore and the .youthEastern Kentucky coke, they will require eigh teen, trains daily of twenty cars each to supply their present capacity, and that witmn nve years their works will be doubled. So much for this end of the route But there is another view of the subject of infinite importance to North Carolina. The same freight trains that bring ore and coke this way will carry back coke and coal to the Cranberry dis trict in juitcneu county and supply the fuel for any number of blast furnaces c!o3? to the ore beds. What that means lor Mitchell county may be inferred from the fact that within a radius of five miles of Ashland is a popnlation of 22,000 dependent mainly on the iron industry for a living. But let us go a step further. Saproae Asheville were to construct a road across to Bakersville to effect a junc tion there with the Charleston, Cincin nati and Chicago, and thus get cheap coke. The Western North Carolina would bring from the great deposits in Cherokee county theirpurest hematite ores, and blast furnaces in Asheville could convert them into pig for distribu tion East, West and South. The same connection would give Asheville a short line to the North East and to Cincinnati and the Lakes. ' These are not specula tive or mythical suggestions, but practic able for execution if Asheville so elects. Much might be written had I time, of the immense resources' of the territory wo. traversed in other than the great staples "heretofore mentioned. "Jko coun- xryis thinly peopled, especially in South western Virginia. The greatest simpli city prevails. As a rule the people supply tueir lew neeos oy tneir own labor. Geese and duck feathers and ginseng purchase such luxuries as snuff, coffee and gunpowder at the little mountain stores. Homespun for men and women is the usual material for garments. Churches and school houses are far apart except in the county towns of Estillville, Gladeville and Clint wood. But there are vast natural pastures abundantly watered when stock will thrive, there are rich coves and bottoms that never felt the plow, there are tens ot thousands of acres that might be brought to the high est condition of fertility on which no man lives. To all these now remote re gions the railroad will carry population and enterprise until the "solitary place shall rejoice thereat." Jobi- Another Fire Alarm. - Yesterday afternoon - about half past three o'clock, the fiie alarm w as again sounded, and attention was directed to.he residence of Dr. McGfiH on" Chestnut . street, from which smoke was rising. The hose company pressed forward with all possible speed through . the snow, and got theVe In time to. subdue, with other aid that had. preceded. the flames. The fire had broken out in the chamber of Mrs. McGill while the family were at dinner in the room below, and had time to to make some progress before dis covered. A log had rolled from the fire upon - the floor, -r burning a'large hole, and thence finding its way into tne ceiling, and thence bursting out under the roof, serious ly jeopardizing the building. The flames were subdued with some damage to the furniture in the room, and some also to the Ttiilding. Asd Still "Anothbb - " "'- C -Of fire was sounded last ' evening just about 6 o'clock. Forage by some means becarue ignited in Chedester's 'stables, in the rear of the Grand Central Hotel. The fire company was quickly pfe the spot, and a plentiful supply of water soon extinguished the flames. No serious damage was done. We learn that one horse vats somewhat burned, but not seriously., - ..'- ' . , . ; ,0 " . If people troubled with colds, would take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral before go ing to-church or places of entertaiument, thev would avoid coughing, greatly to the comfort of both speakers and hearers. Public speakers and singers find that the Pectoral wonderfully increase the pow er andnexibiuty or tne voice. - u tz .i i aa I V" . Pay a Visit-to. the Japanese "depart ment at Law's. You wili find it inter- esting ; "" " ' . ; . - Stylish 'Air Wool Suits - at $10. $11.75 $12.50, $14. $15, and up ta $24.- Heavy Serviceable Suits, nearly all wool, at $7.90, $8 50, artd$9.50. Four Buttati Cutaways from f 11.50 to $24. , V -; Overcoats for children.boys and: tnen, ranying from $2.40 to $20. " Children's, Boys' and Youth's SuiiL Real Turhish Fezes. Po!o . Cap-, Itvsh, Beaver and Seal Caps, Derby Hals and Soft Hats., Hn" nnA "$9 nu" Rhn .' Umbrellas and Traveling Bags. rod - . II. REDWOOD 4' CO LATEST NEWS. 'The President still suffer with se vere rheumatism, which is in his knee, . , " Jadgfl Baxter, of Tenneseee, de clines the appointment tendered ' as Governor of Wyoming. A five story candy factory in Buf falo, N. Y., was burned on the 8th with a loe of f 200,000. - - -.The jury of the McQuade case has been completed alter eight days work and the examination of 392 talismen. There if a panic in the Pittsburg Oil Exchange, and oil has dropped to 66 cents per bbl.. a fall of 13 cents since ihe day before. On the evening of the 8th Gov. Lee respited Clsverius, who was to have been banged today, nnitil Jan nary 14tbi 1887; No reasons giv en. ' ' At 4:20 a. in. on the 8th, there was an earthquake shock at Colum bia, S. C , lasting a minute, and strong enough to wake sound sleep ers. On the evening of the 7th there was a perceptible shock ut St. Louis. On the 8th two pedlers entered the house of a lady in St. Louis os tensibly to sell their wares. Instead, the dragged her from the house, carried her to a secluded spot and outraged ber. They were subse quently arrested, and one makes a confession. Thanks. To friends and the firemen of Ashe ville we would return our best thanks for timely aid and efficient service: neither wonld we pass by our colored friends.their work was noted andpraised. Miss Hatch would particularly thank her pupils for their quiet behavior and for the intelligent manner in which they acted. Thanks to them .many a delicate thins was saved where value to the owners cannot be counted by dollars. - It is not pleasant to be burned out even in day light. When it happens on ttaiiey street, every house is at one's disposal. It is moving from one home to another. Lxwis M. Hatch and Family. ' The Forum for December, is a strong number, containing as it does ten able articles by distinguished writers on live subjects. W. S.Lilly opens in an article on "The Present Outlook of Christianity," in which he takes the ground that the greatest peril of the present age lies in this that those who profess to be teachers of religion and defenders of the faith so seldom endeavor honestly to-follow out the lines ofthought familiar to earnest and cultivated men of the world. President E. J. "Robin son writes on "How I Was Educa ted;" Prof. Lester P.Ward on "Broad ening the Way to Success-" Francis Minor on "Woman's Ijegal Kight to the Ballot;" Judge Edward A.Thom- as 'tAbont Wills and Testaments;' Major J. W. Powell on " 1 he Cause ol Earthquakes;" Philip G. Huber, Jr., "An Interviewer on Interview ing;" Rev. Dr. L. W. Bacon "The Alternative ot Froliibition;" Howard Cro8by,"A Letter to the people of New York' and an anonymous au thor contributes the Confessions of a.Iethodist." The articles in this number are all so fine that each one tempts to copi ous extracts We . commend es pecially the articles of W. S. Lilly, Rev. Dr. Bacon, and the anony mous article, Confessions of a Meth odist. We must refer to tins num ber again. - -- The number of hoi semen in town yes terday proves that our men are not tend er babes, and that a half dozen feet of snow on tne ground would not nave Kept tbem cowering by their -nresioes until the ground was clear.- So that we ven tare the suggestion that after the first two days of the term court might have gone on, and witnesses, suitors, juries and all might have got here without peril of life or limb, or even without inconvenience. It is believed in Richmond that Goy. Lee will grant to Cluverius a respite for 6ixty days. JThe crimi nal has sent his statement of where he was on the evenful day and night. As we said before be is either inno cent or guilty. If innocent he should not be sentenced to the penitentiary tor life, or twenty years, or less, but nardoned. If - he s guilty then hanging is good enough for such a vile wretch. star. . Liver Pilto. v sUaa Dr. Gann'a liver Pills for Sallow com plexion, pimple, on the Faca and Billions- nesa. never sickens or gripes, umyoue iot a dose, sample tree at it. u. A-yonB. - t - . dawlw, AfrM mnA TCilkanla fiavA inftt rweivpd a large stock of canned goods, which they offer at tne lowest privs. . ... - Choite effects in eloiht'ntrjust received, tf : .- H. REDWOOD & CO. t8iG Lak Stook of -" Ladies' and Children's Wraps, -' Ladies' and Children's Wraps, at Whiti.ook'8. Oysters and game served in tthy style at Moore ana liODaras". an , Dress goods and Trimmings, Velvets, Silks Satin, Tricot, flannels, L.inseys, Tweeds Catsxmeres, Gingams, Prints, Canton Flan nels, iSleathea and Unbleached vottons, dec. U. JirJJJ WUVJU X CTA, ;--. One Price Store. A special bargain , ia Four in . Hand Hearts at ooc . - ; . .. : H. REDWOOD & CO: ' In Wraps we are offering a varvly, rang' inn front tltn S29.7S. - PVnm SiSS tn 87.00 the line is very attractive, embracing durable gooas or nice appearance. - -tod II. REDWOOD A CO - STATE NEWSAi - : The snow in Raleigh was only 7 inches deep. There "VTAst; none ini Wilmington. - - ..- The New-Obaertereaje :- Mr j. J. Christopher, one of the" oldest and most highly esteemed citizens of Kaleign. sustained a narnful acci dent Sunday morning, by . slipping uu uie enow in dib irom porcn, ana breaking bis left arm," -; , Since the cotton season, camo in, fourteen British steamers have ar rived at Wilmington to load for Liverpool; This is a remarkable increaseand a good indication of tne somrng im portance of that, port. The Charlotte Observer. "Bays: The snow crushed toe house ofMr John McConneU, making it ar complete wreck, the family narrowly .escap ing. The large,new ""Warehaisoof York &- -Wadsworth. at Goncorcl, was crushed. . it was fillel ; with buggies, ' pba:tons, hacks and agri cultural implements, some of which were entirely destroyed. A telegram to the Neivs- Observer from Washington, N. C. dated the 7th, says: A great sensation was created this fifth day of the Owens trial by the confession of Stark Simpson. He acknowledged that ne, Mrs. Uwens, Isaac Jones and James Ambrose, who was killed while resisting arrest, com miited the murder. The State accepted him as a witness. The Charlotte Chronicle soys: A sad story of the sudden death of-a little girl comes from Clear Creek, attributed to chewing gum. Last Saturday a number of the children in the neighborhood of Mr. Robt. Simpson indulged in thi3 practice. That evening the eleven-year-old aaugoter ot Air. bimpson was taken sizk and vomited, a great deal. Mrs. Simpson, who was visiting a neigh bor, was sent for but before the mother reached home the little girl died. Her death occurred about 9 o'clock a few hours after she was taken sick. Mr. P. C, Mungo and Mr. John Wilson, both had children very sick tor a while, and their sickness and the death of Mr. Simp son's little daughter is attributed to the gum theyjhad been chew ing. N.ew Good now arriving by almod every train . s22rdi . H. RED WOOD & CO. See the new Library Lamps at Law's and learn prices. . Oysters recei vetHn bulk daily at " ' dtf . Mooee & Bobaods'I Stylish heat i Cassimcre in dark effects at 69c. to $1.00; worth at least one-fourth more. just received. 26eod JJ. II KD WOOD k CO. The beautiful songs Marguerite and White Wings, sung recently by Mies Miller here are for sale at the Music Store. I have received a new eupply of the brilliant Valse Belles of New York. tf. C. Falk. Carpets, Art S'jucr, Smyrna Hugs, Kalx, Vpbohtern Goods, tc. U. RED WOOD. & CO. For Carpets, Smyrna Rujtp, Oil Cloths. Upholstery Goods, and Housekeepinc Goods generally, call on tf 11. Kedwoou i: Lo. Underwear, Hoisery, Gloves, Handker chiefs, Ribbons, Corsets, Neckwear, &c. tf 11. Kedwood X uo. -NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. N OT1CE. Parties whose urn aid tills have been rendered over thirty days will save costs by settling them witnm ten aays. . aec iu aim uui ul&ua i ac oiam i. Christmas is Coming! f SBBBBBBBBBBaBBfBSBBBBBBBBa SEE OUR LINE OF DOLLS, all prio: and kinds. Tin Toys, " . Boys . )agons, Doll Carriages, Iron Banks, - Scrap Books, Albums, all prices and kinas. II of Jjoxes. - Writing Desks, . Very line and big liue of -Nice Holiday Books. J. N. MORGAN t CO., ' Booksellers, Stationers aud Newsdealers, UelO-Ual Eagle Blocic. Asheville, N. C. FROM MOSCOW. I came here from -Moscow. Russia, to establish a Ftir Market in Ashe ville. . I give notice to my friends of Asheville and the surrounding country that- there isa Fur Market now in Asheville run by M. ELLICK, " . who received the premium in 1S09 for the best Kaccoon Carriage Kobe which was awarded by the Agricultural Soeiety of Richmond, Virginia. That I am the best practical "Furrier in America. My Furs are now on exhibition in Asheville, where there never was such a business before. Therefore I invite my customers and the public to examine for themselves all kinds of Western North Carolina and European Furs, such as Prairie Wolves. Black and Brown Bears, Gray and Red Foxes, Musk rat and Mink, Deers, Cata mount and Wild Cat, Otters, Beavers, Opossum, White Spanish Merino and Hermoline Sheep Skin. All these Furs are obtained in Western North Carolina. - European Furs. " Silver Gray Fox, Silver Gray Martin, Black Martin, Brown Martin, Hungarian Astrachan, &c. ', - - I am now ready to receive all orders in the Far line for Ladies' and gentlemen's wear made from Fura. Also mounted Bugs and Carriage and Sleigh Bobes. All these rurs are worn bv Kings and Queens, the Emperor and the Empress, and by the irmce and the Princess. They will be on. exhibition the next coming caiuruay. ' . . Highest rash prices vald for furs. " ' " M. ELLICK, dec8d3m Buck Ilofel Buildins h3 CD W CD 03 ct- w p. 13 m CD : CD o CD 03 CJT o o Q P 13 CD J O 13 13 & P ct- tr U2 U o cr M p o O p ,p rr- tr. .... to v. m O O i to S3 S O i ' VJ W r 1 o o o MDirat Mis Treat AT Weldon's Gem Bakery, WHERE YOU MAY Feast your eyes for nothing ANU Pay the penalty of a tempted appetite. THE GEJTI Ha3 reached the culminating point and now Bristles and sparkles wilh its dtt?:li; array of ' Combined sweetness and beauty. Its show cases filled with The choicest collection of French Candies Ever brought to the city, Present the appearance of A "Beautiful Boqms" ' Its show windows suggest The ''hand of Genius." The crowning feature of the whole is A beautifully Ornamented Pyramid Over three feet high. Rising Pha-nix like from the midst of A rich profusion of handsomelv ornamen ted Pound Fruit, Wine and other Calm and Dresided over by Cupid, Who has already sent his arrows home To the heart of every passer by. DON'T BE DECEIVED. Weldon's is the only place in the c'.ty Where yon can procure ornamented cake3 Unless you buy them second-hasdeh. Weldon's is the only place That can manufacture daily . "Ground Alum Macboroons" "Pound Wa- fers," "Jelly Pastru,". "Crram .Puffs," "Jenny Lindsr . , An endless variety of Fancy Cakes . and Candies. If you purchase e'i-sewhkee, ..." YOU" GET TOEM SECOND-nANDKn. CK ACKERS. A full line of Snowflakc Egg Biscuit,. Lunch Milk and other makes, -- Tropical fruits in profusion, Figs, Prunes, Raisins, Dates, Currants Finest 5c Cigar in the city guaranteed, Best 10c. plug of Tobacco in the city. Our Snowflake Bread has no su perior in America, And no.equal in the city. Fire-works of every description, ' Ask for Welhon's Gem Bakkry, - . If you wish first-class goods, And desire Togo home happy and contented." 4 Pappy Christmas to You. 70R SALE. . - LEON BERG PUPS. 2 months oId.Twentv- five Dollars each. Address T. B. I,., Thkeeostee r arm, aux. vs, Asneviue, a. u. aec 3 aim . JIOR SALE AI AUCTION. Til! On Saturday the 18th of Dec II! ember. 1686. I will offer for 'ale at auction on tbe premises at 12 M. all that piece, parcel or lot of ground on College street, 011 which I have resided for many years, containing about 2 acres oi land froit on CoUege street of two hundred and thlrty-s'z feet running to Eaglo street less li of an acre where tbe new Jail8tands. With sp'cions mansion, splendid grove or lore&t oaks, good kitchen, servants' houses, outhouses , first rate well, good orchard with about forty grown apple trees in fall bearing first class selec ted apples, good vegetable gardens, stable and grass lots for cows. The property will be sold a'togcther or divid ed to suit purchasers. - ' Terms one third cash, balance on ono and t o years in e-iuul instalments, w'.th interest from date at 8 per cent payable semiannually. For farther particulars iaonlre at tbe - office of Locke Craig or of tho undersigned. Nov. 26, m. . - . - .A. TV DAVIDSON. nov 27 did It CD Ol p p 03 el- Ul -is-: o CD 03 ct CD n o 03 cr b P cr r CD Ul tf o P & CD (- 03 P CO isfiTt 4

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