JL-- 1 I- ' : naBOaB3aai V It Savcir.lv Ufa" Is common expression, often beard from those who ha.ro realized, by per sonal ue, the curative powers of Ayer'a Cberry Pectoral. Icann0t say enough is ptaiae of Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral, be lierinf m I do t&at, but I or its use, X ahoold long alacft have Sied from lung ; troubles, E. Brandon, Palestine, Tex. 'r, ' l Abont six montbi ago I bad severe . ' Boaoorrhae of the Icings, brought on by a dintreaaiziz Cough .which deprived . ca-snt sleep and aest. I had used Tftri ons cough balnams and expectorants, without obtaining relief. A friend ad vised aw to try Aytr't Cherry Pectoral. X did so, and am happy to say that It r m klped me at ooee. By ontinned nse this medicine cored my cough, and, I am satisfied, saved my life. Mrs. K. Coburn,13BeoodsWlWeUf Mass. X hare ed Ayer Cherry Pectoral . lot over ft year, and elnoerely believe I should have been 4n my -grave, had it awt btmn for this, medicine. It ha cured v me of a, dangerous affection of the lungs, . . Jot which X had almost despaired of ever ' rinding remedy. D. A. McMullen, Windsor, Province of Ontario. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral saved my life. Two years ago I took a very severe Cold Mch settled on my lungs. I consulted ' physicians, and took the remedies they prescribed, bat failed to obtain relief until Jra using Ayer'a Cherry Pec toral. .-4 wo bottles oi this medicine completely restored my health. lizzie hL Allen, West Xnoaster, Ohio. tt Ayer's C&rry Pectoral, , oM-rttfnaA fcrPr. J.C Ayr fcOawsowlL Hum. (Veld by U DrossUW. Frlee $1 ; sis bottle, SS. THE 03IIiY First-Class Restaurant la AHhevllle is to be found at TURNER'S, Johnston Building Corner Patton ite. and Jfain St, Every delicacy of the season served at the shortest notice and at the most reasonable rates. Game, Fish and Oysters will be served , after the first of September in any style, m and families served with oysters as de aired. Elegant lunches put up in baskets for ' parties, and any one going off on trains ' - will find it to their advantage to call and get lunches before leaving. --Coffee, Chocolate and Tea, of the finest - - quality, served at the counter. The high est prices paid for these goods. Change of bill of fare at lunch counter every day. Different soups every day. Our kitchen is open for public inspec- - tion at any time. au 28-dtf A McMDt-LEN. OKO. W. TIL60S McMullen and Tilson, HEADQUARTERS IN WESTERN S. CAROLINA FOR Furniture, Carpets, Shade Goods, CORNICE POLES, &c We have just received a cai oad of goods from Grand Rapids, and invite the public to call and see them. Our prices are as low as the off eat, and we defy competition. We mean Business. We have with ua Will A. Blair --i ud J. tJ. Moore who are always " .; --glad to see their friends and cus tomers. .::;l;-tX)llTFAIL TO CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS AND PRICES before buying elsewhere. Soliciting a share of your patron age, we aie yours, Respectfully, '&i:ejtiUEEEJV tiesojv. june 23-dswly MOORE & ROBARDS, ; Emopean, Restaurant, CONFECTIONERY and BAKERY. Save just received a large shipment of Tresis Norfolk Oysters, and are prepared to furnish them to the trade in cans or serve them in an style at , ; their Restaurant. They desire to call the attention of the ladies Especially, .to ike fact that (brir dining-room has . i been handsomely fitted up for their COMFOBT AND ACCOMMODATION, and assure them that they will receive every-Oourtesy should they honor rs - v. v -s; Wth a calL . X TTJYCIIES served for lOc and upwards at all ' - 3ours of the day. MOORE & ROBARDS. ntr-dtt ACADEMY OFTHE BLUE RIDGE, II IKORY,NC Ta4er Chmrsre of the Sisters of Kerey. ' TERMS:. Board and Tuition, sixty-live dollars perieiaioa ! (Smooth!. For farther particulars send for catalogue. Address, KUiHUt AUWUB11CT1S, SC. Jmfh't .Hictemrjf, J C. uly S-dmo ??.JJVewt next frrM- tn'al JloUL ' ' 'e iwol twaive-moliilis. .1 - i. munr-oe innrfvl toftaln . . .n ,o.t wvnnu f ' "uaiiii(i tu tuwiwl llu of paiterm on h&nd. r r?lflUf!T-MAPr: -TA 8PECIAT.TTY. I i NO JMORC COOKING AT' HOME. Shop Which Supply Families With All Kind of Food lteady for the Table. Over o:i the east side, where the Ger- man eier....t preaominaies, mere is on increasing number ot shops which- are novel in their way and are largely patron ized in the warm months, and even In cool weather do a fair trade. They fur nish all the food eaten In many families, and dar away with the heat and trouble of private cooking. The shops are large and cleanly. They are owned usually by Germans, who in many cases keep their wives and their children -old enough to walk busy as clerks. Most of the fronts are painted a bright red, and the more red is shown on the inside the better ap parently the place is liked. "Big sales and small profits" is the motto in favor, and those who have tried it, say they can live more cheaply by using these places as a base of supplies than in any other way, and also live well. In the stores are shelves on every side and the counters are so dose, that in the birsy time ot the day locomotion is nearly impossible. The hours when there is a rush are between 0 and 7 in the morning, an hour before noon and between 5 and 6 at night. Women and children are the. principal buyers and they go from ond part of the store to another, selecting what they want. Almost everything good to eat is there. On the shelves are all the canned goods, consisting of fruits, vegetables, meats, and fish, and also bot tles of pickles and chopped meats. All the cooked stuff is on the counters. On huge white platters are whole boiled hams, large pieces of boiled corned beef, roast beef, legs of mutton, roasted chick ens, beef and lamb tongues, meat balls, Hamburger steaks, fried pork and -mutton chops, veal cutlets and several varie ties of fish. Boxes of fried potatoes are in different parts of the store. Every thing is cold and cooked "well Hone." The prices are all reasonable. All the canned and bottled goods are sold for low prices. A good meal foran average sized family can be obtained for less than it could be bought and cooked in the house. The food looks and tastes good. Bought In large quantities by the shopkeeper, it con be sold more cheaply and give a small profit than the ordinary person could buy it for uncooked in a store. Working people go to these places on their way to work and have a lunch put up in the morning, and factory rt'inds at the noon hour can get a good lunch for 10 cents. Tho temperature of a tenement house in summer is greatly increased by the many fires in it, but where the fami lies live on the food bought readcooked, the houses are kept at a heat where life is not all misery. No large fortunes are being made in this business, but there Is enough in it to induce the practical and economical German to go into it and new stores are being opened frequently. They all pay. Xew York Tribune. " A "Society New" Reporter. She said, rising to go, "I am so glad to have had the pleasure of meeting you at last. I have alluded to you in my col umn, on one or two occasions, but this is the first time I have had the gratification of seeing yon in person. Perhaps you can. tell me," she continued, still hold ing my hand, "whether there is any truth in the reported engagement of one Miss Leonard to Mr. Clarence Butter field. And if you happen to know who are to be the bridesmaids at the wedding of Miss Newton of Philadelphia to one Mr. Lester, I shall consider it very friendly of you to tell me." - "I want to put in something," she urged, noticing my hesitation. " I shall either contradict or confirm the report of the engagement in our next issue. Of course, artistically, it makes little difference to me which; but it is much more satisfac tory to the immediate friends to have an item correct just as the friends of a person who sits for a portrait prefer to have the likeness speaking, whereas to the painter it is much more important whether the tout ensemble is a work of art. Am I clear? And 1 trust that you agree with me. It will do just as well Wednesday, and if you have any other items of interest in my lir.e, please note them. You have no idea of the com petition I have had to encounter. Some artists go so far as to invent their ma terial, but it is not considered strictly professional. Well, I must run along." Robert Grant's "Romantic Young Lady." ' . New York' Stages. The Fifth a'venue stages are a large im provement on anything we have ever nnd. In one important sense they are a huge improvement on tho street car. This is the recognition of the fact that people v.'ho pay for a ride have a title to a seat also. When the scats of a stage are all occupied it takes up no more pas sengers. The places on the roof behind the driver arc already popular with dude dom and with the oppressed devotees of the cigar, who have usually no rights in a public-conveyance. As conveyances the new stages are incomparably superior to the old ones. You need not risk being crippled getting into them, and when you are in them you do not have your in ternal economy shaken together like pota toes in sacks. There is no peril of your brainfag yourself against the roof or being shot out of tho back door like a cannon ball. If all the other metropoli tan improvements that are so long com ing pan out as well when they get here wo shall bo in luck. New York News "Wayside Notes." Tobacco a a Medicine. As a medicine tobacco was used in for mer years to a considerable extent, but more recently it has fallen into disuse becauso of the large number of deaths resulting from its internal administration. It is a useful remedy for loral applica tion, as it relaxes spasms and alleviates pain, but there arc many remedies which do better and nre not so dangerous, it is sometimes used as a remedy in poisoning by strychnine, as its 'action is directly opposed to that of strychnine, and it is also used in lockjaw.' . For poisoning by tobacco alcohol is a good remedy, which is the reason men can smoke so much while drinking alcoholic beverages. As' a poison nicotine is so virulent that death ensues almost instantly. A case is reported of a man who committed sui cide by taking au unknown amount. He fell immediately to the floor, sighed deeply, and inside of three minutes was dead. Pittsburg Dispatch. . -,. ' - - . Partial to Game. A story has been started that the late Alexander H. Stephens, of Georgia, was very partial to racoon meat, which he would absorb in preference to squirrels and opossum. Ho would not eat pork. Chicago Times. - A Compliment. Take it as a compliment if some way farer comes to you to direct him which street or which train to take; your man ner has struck him as belonging to one he can trust Brattleboro Household. mtener for Iie Orlirrnal S3 Sheet tieware ex imiuiMini. Hen Geaalneanleas heariafthIaStaar JAMES MEANS' S3 SHOE. afcuta fo Button,Oofl9reM k tM. aem vHr ccm. uzwxoeuea in j JitT-amAsxii. uom ran uai OS will bring you Inform- tioB now to genu is dm J.2eassfiC&. 41U1HOUIVU Bnntnn Mum, III J This (hoe Btsnd higher la the etttmsiiaa Ot wearer man any oiner in uio wona. tdoumhos tiuwiuHuri me reason u ou a it tr 7 I "". It ..-V. MISSION HOSPITAL S offering women should remember that the Mission Hospital offer all the advantages for treatment ana cure ox diseases peculiar to their sex, that can be found in Northern cities, Address, Mission Hospital. Asheville, N. 0, - fel,28-ly , Try Duffy's Pure Barley Malt Whis key, for Bale only by W. O. Muller A Co Whitlock cells the following celebrated makes of corsets: Madame Foy's, War ner'e, Thompson's, Glove fitting 800 bone French, and the very best 50c and 75c corsets in me city. Try our Barefooted and Baldheaded Corn, to be found only at original .Bob Jones' Pioneer Bar. PIEDMOMTAIR LINE. Richmond and Danville Kailrqad. v WESTERIf NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION. " General Passenger Dep't, 1 Asheville. N. C, Nov. 6th, 18S6. f Condensed schedule, taking effect Nov. 7, 1886. Bead Down. Read Up. vm. EAST. 4 30 p m Leave 6 6 9 " n oo " 5 15 a m " 7 45 arrive New York Philadelphia Baltimore Washington Lynchburg Danville Arrive S iO p ra " IS 35pm " 10 03 am " ' 830 200 Leave 11 40 p m 2Soam 730 9 43 Lve Richmond Danville Arr Greensboro Arr 5 30am - 1120pm Lve 930 6 00 p m Lve Goldsboro Arr 11 80 a m 660 9 47pm Lve 8 06 warn 900 11 to Raleigh - -Arr GreensDoro Salisbury 6 43 p m 8 01 Lve Arr Charlotte Salisbury Arr 12 Lve 11 30 am 00 p m 1130am IS 39pm Lve Salisbury Arr Statesville, Newton Hickory Connelly Springs Morgan ton Marion B!ack Mountain Span. June Asheville Alexander's Hot Springs Arr 6 5 4 3 2 2 1 li p m 08 07 40 -55 25 25 1 4 215 2 38 830 433 .0 08 6 47 655 788 9 3!) 11 It 10 51 a m 9 51 10 16 8 20 10 00 rami hock Lve 8 Arr 6 3 Lve 1 00 910 1 10 a m 4 46 Lve Arr CO 13 45 Horrislown Knoxvllle MURPHY KKANUM, 1110 am Lve Asheville. Arr 5 00pm liMpin Arr Waincsvillc 2 45 3 25 Sylva 1211 S sr. Webster 12 00 m 5 10 Charleston 10 30 a m 6 19 BushneU 9 19 7 54 Jarrett's Lve 7 45 751 h Meridian time used East of Paint Rock. 90th " " West Trains on Murphy Branch ran daily except Sunday. Through Pullman Sleepers on south bound train leaving Salisbury at 11 03 p. m. lor Atlanta and New Orleans. Through Pullman sleeper on north bound train leaving Salisbury at 8 06 p. m. fer Wash ington. Pullman sleeper on same train from Greensboro to Richmond and Greensboro to Ral eigh. Does not leave Goldsboro Sunday night. IDoes not leave Greensboro Saturday night. JAS.L. TAYLOR, G. P. A., Washington, D.C. W. A. TURK, A. G. P. A., Asheville, N C. Schedule of Passenger Rates FROMPBINCrPAL POINTS To Asheville, Jt C. 1st Class. Round Trip Summer Battlers. Limited. Excursion. S-23.55 $32.00 S14.15 21.05 28.00 11.65 18.25 22.40 8.85 17.05 S0.0J 7.65 13.30 15.25 S.76 16.65 18.00 ' 13.15 . 15.85 14.15 17.30 13.25 13.45 10.85 15.80 14.75 20.65 80.20 87.75 82.45 30.65 7.75 11.65 17.05 . 23.30 " 12.40 17.75 12.75 18.60 . 10.60 12.35 4.15 17.20 18.75 10.25 12.15 21 60 28.95 FROM New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, menmouu, Norfolk. Wilmington, Charleston, Augusta, Atlanta, Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, Chattanooga, Mempnis, Louisville, Cincinnati, Raleigh, Savannah, Columbia. Jacksonville. SOMETHING NEW. THE "Embostype" Printing Stamps N (PATENT APPLIEP FOR.) These stamps answer all the pur poses of rubber stamps and cost much less. jLook! -A stamp cf your name, a bottle of indelible ink, (suitable for marking clothing,) an inking pad and a distributor, secure ly packed in a neat box, post paid, for only 25 cents- Satisfaction ' Guaranteed. Also all kinds of rubber stamps at lowest prices. Goods shown and orders received at Estabrook's. Write to Walter S. Cushman, Asheville, N. C. T.IKE JS'OTICEl W. O. Muller & Oo. . Ztiquor Dealers and. Etis tiUvrs' Agents. HAVING just received a new and full supply of all kinds of goods usually kept in our line, we are prepared to furnish our many - patrons and the public in general, with something good tor tna Holidays. , -Especial attention is called to Duffy's Pure Barley Malt Whiskey for which we are agents in this section, also the cele brated .Bavarian ana isudweise imager Beer on' draught, and bottled for family use,' which is guaranteed strictly pure.. We also have a lot of Fine Old Pure N. C Corn Whiskey that can't be beat, and tbe best and most popular brands of nne Old Kentucky hand-made sour mash Bye and Bourbon Whiskies, fine imported Cognac Brandy. Jamaica Rum, imported and-domestic Gins, Pure N. C Apple and reaca urauaies, .rare jn. u. sweet Masn Corn Whiskey, fine old imported Sherry. fjrt Madeira, Claret, Champagne and all kinds of domestic Wines, Imported Ale and Porter, Fine Cigars, Tobacco, &c., &c. We have with us Messrs. Lee 0. Sor rells, Jesse J. Lange and W. Columbus Featherstone who will be glad to have their friends call and see them. ; We have in connection with our Bar an elegant Billiard and Pool Hall up stairs; furnished with the celebrated Brunswick, Balko & Collander Cc's Tables, the best in nse.wbich is are cb arge of tbe old jovial Tom Pope who will cive a cordial greeting to all. Ordts rsolicited and promptly niled. W. O. MULLER & CO., . Main st, opposite Public Square, AshevUle. N. C. PROF- C FALK, -Teaclicivof Music; Ladles will And a comfortable private music room in me Asnevuie aiuuc House, norm siae 01 Public Sqatxe. . . sag 82 dtf ALTER W. VANDIVER, Attorney at Law, MARSHALL, NORTH CAROLINA., Offices also at Asheville and WeavervUle. 8pecial attention friveo to the w liettion of claims enern ivorta Carolina. mcn-e -insurance:: LiFEsinctnOE. T Bt VALLEY MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION OF VIRttlBIA ; -. - - Issues policies for. from " $1,000 to $3,000, - '.'- AND : " combines the ; guarantee leature ol "OLD LINE Companies &t nine cost of ordinary, co-operative instuv ' ance in Secret Orders. FIRE ?IN3UflANCt. Insurance against- losa .by Fixe in City and County on all kinds of Property, Heal aud Persona. Short-as well aslong term. : Policies -issued at fair jrates in A. 1 Companies, Home and Foreign. TIIOS. W. BUABiCVU. Agent, " . ; Office North Side Court Square. "., my 20-tf. ' , ' . "- ' "' EDWARD XJlSTOil, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCt CENT, Ashevil!et Morth Carolir CII.1S, HOIjTEII'S PROSPECT BREWERY,' PHILADELPHIA, PA. W. O. MULLER & CO., Agents, ASHEVILLE, N. C. We herewith take- ereat pleasure in introducing for export and family ,use this Extra Quality Xager Beer, Brewed of the best Barley and imported Bohemian Hops. It surpasses in fine taste, flavor, brilliancv and nutritious qualities any other Lager Beer, and is stricuy pure ana unadulterated, rnysi cians advise the use of this Beer.-and we call your special attention to the follow ing analysis: "Butlweis" iLag-er Beer, Emanating from the Prospect Brewery, in rnuaaeipnia, tro. The iindirKiOTipd nt. tha rosinoat nf Vi Technical Societ.v. has rrmnlotl an analysis of the-"Budweis" Beer, brewed at Chaa. Welters' Prospect Brewery, in Philadelphia, which analysis exhibits the following results : Specific gravity, 1,0124 Alcohol, 3,94fte Extract. . . 4,92$c Carbonic Acid, 0,22fte . " Ashes, 020"&c Thin sifi-nifirR that. lhe"T?nltirAia" Uwr . o 1 . in its essential qualities is almost the exact counterpart of the best Imported Bohemian Beer. A further examination, seeking adul terations, proves conclusively that it contains naugui 01 loan nature.- DR. V. li. UANKKBAUH, Tacony Chemical Works; Bridesburg! Philadelphia, Oct. 28, 1881. For Hotels, Boarding Houses, Private Families and the Trade, the above Beer is put up in patent-stopper Bottles Coints.l and in export bottles (pints,) well corked, wirea, ioiiea ana laoeiea. We deliver the Beer free ot charge to any part of the city, and call for the empty patent stopper bottles, wbich are never sold but must always be returned with the crates. Having erected a large refrigerator for the storage of Beer, we are enabled to keep our Beer cool, fresh and in eood order, and it will be furnished direct iron? our refrigerator to our customers. All shipping orders will receive prompt attention. apl 3 dtf W. O. MULLER & CO. X BRAND & CO. I UNDERTAKERS. ASHEVILLE, N. C. M stallic and Walnut Coffins constant! 9 on hand. Every requisite of the businete furnished. All calls day or night prompt ly answered. : Hearse? 1 1 nisnea wnen desired! mt-wly BOB JONES, The Pioneer. To my Customers : '-' I desire to Inform my er stamen that I keer goods wines, liquors, beers, tc., are all pure ana rresn. uraers sniicuea ana Buisiaction guaranteed. Orders fi-bm a distance speciaUy-J solicited. - Goods delivered free of charge to any part of the city by polite servants. Shep Deaver, the curious concottjr of cocktalla. Is with me and respectfully invite his friends to ceil. Call on or address - BOB JONES, The Pioneer Bar, 8 doors below 1st Nat Bank, apl25-2m --.- Asheyille, N.-C. GRANITE YARD, HEVDERSONVLLLE, - N. C. A. P; CORN & C.,.Propa. The crjnlte found near Hendersonville Is recognized for its beauty and durability. The undersigned Is prepared to furnish on short notice, all work In granite, for Window sills, Door sills, .Steps. c, &c Indeed every thing needed for Buildings. TEEMS REASONABLE. r Call on or address sept U dtf . A. P t ORN A CO., Henderson vlUe, N. C. W, A..SOYCE.- :l . G.: L. OCISpBABD Boycec and Guischird. Plumbers, Gas and Steam ' Fitters, and Tinning Hoofing, Guttering, amd -General Jobbing:. 4AJ work and material guaranteed to be first-claas. CONTRA CTORS FOR NEW: WORK. All parties desiring Plumbing, and Tinning, give as a call.. P. O. address, BOX 87 8hOP. aodlyear , . AiottBrHoM Mlty.: Dmer's Sulphur Springs Soli tracts suitable for farms, villa plots aad business mvva. aiw, viu uuu ,UU Ulitf WMBT power. Toe most desirable place of residence in - Tbe iAnd of Health. Be Wasral Waters, Beat Climate, . i'laeat Scenery. rFiTeIne?weat f A!eT"le, ou Murphy DiT. Yf. H. C a. R. 15.000 acres mountain and nllvlti in Tmn. sylvan i county, suited for stock raising, tann ing, fruit culture, lumbering, Ac. 60.000 acres mountain land in Swain county, on Tennessee River.. Richland, well timbered. Both tracts wiu wvui up to suit pure nine rs or eolonlas. Several other tracts in Western counties for sale. Gold Placer mining land and timber on the stamp for sale. Apply to . K. Plaiaaslore, Sulphur Springs, or . , . . Address Asheville, N. C. iun25Aw6ni IlOOTJiJYD . SHOE JtlJkKER, Main Street, (Above Eagle Hote.) Asheville, Jt C. 0 The nest stock alwavs on hand. Work alwavs guaranteed to give satisfaction. x am especially prepared to miae doom ana hoes so as to prevent dampness i jd so.cii.Knte. Ready-Sf ade nstom Work ol ail boris on aland. Gentlemen and Ladies' Repairing a Spe cialty. fine Custom Work alwavs onhand. anv tvle and satisfaction guaranteed, as to stock and wora. anoemsKerr inaings always on nana and tor sale, the best in the market, at low prices Genta' custom-made. low-Quartered dress shoes made of best materiaL now offered for S4 and $4.50 usual prioe, (6. Call early. Fine Groceries ! Imported and Domestic Table Delicacies, at KEPLER'S. T. T. T. EXTRA CHOICEST New Crop TEAS, Choicest Moyune Gunpowder. cngusn -tsreaktaat, Formosa Oolong, Extra Fancy Japan: FINE COFFEE. Mocha, Olt" Government Java, Cordova, Santos Peaberry, Finest Rio and Laguayra, Instantaneous Chocolate, Cocoa, Baker's Chocolate and Broma. CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S Jams, Gordon & Dil worth's Jellies & Preserves, G. & D. Pineapples, in plass Jars, G. & D. Cranberry Sauce, ' " CANNED VEGETABLES. Gordon & Di! worth's Asparagus, Oyster Bay Asparagus, Sifted Early June Peas. Wnole Tomatoes, Okraand tomatoes. -French Peas and Mushrooms. . CALIFORNIA CANNED Fruits, " Peaches, Apricots, Pears, White Cherries, ureen Oage iums, Bahama Pineapples grated, and sliced. EDAM & PINEAPPLE CHEESE, Boss' Lunch Biscuit, Boss' Wafers, Mushroom Crackers, Imported Albert Biscuit Finest New Orleans Molasses. rKev "Jest and Imported Cigars. FULL STOCK OF STAPLE GROCERIES .tt KEPEEWS. South Main St, opp. Eagle Hotel. SOMETHING CHOICE I -tot- L0VXR9 OF THE WEED, who enjoy a really good smoke, should always ask for HOLMES' Uolden Leaf , " Land or the $ky, Plsjrah. These brands aie mannfacared from the cele brated Tobaccos grown In Western North Caro lina, free from all perfumeries, adulterations o imparitiesuid are prized for their Superb gnioklng Qnalif lew. Ask your dealer! or , HOUSES TOBACCO, and take no other. . E. L HOLMES 4 CO. Pboprsrobs an 3-12mos - ASHEVILLE. N. C. - FBAHTRXIN HOUSE, D. C. CUNNINGHAM, Peoprietor, : FRANKLIN, - ' N: C. . 0 Table supplied with the best the market affords. First-Class Livery and Sale Stables in connection with house. Daily Back betweca Webater aal Frankll. Sswal Bmmqtl Mtmmt ftr Jrwiairi. septll-dly CANADA COWAN -J . . , (Established in 1855.) . Watchm ker, ..Jeweler. ' axo dkaxxb rjr' ... Watches Ctoekt,.iJfleTytJtp2adS, &o. - Patton Avenue, Asheville, N. C. 1 Jeroy W. Fairchild's Gold Pen. Good stock always on hand. First Class , . Saddle, .and , For '- Sale-r- mn VrTDERSlGNSD baa at his stables on I Kagle street, rear of Eae;le Hotel. Targe number of CHOICE, FINE HORSES, well broken, either for Saddle or Harness, for sole All young, and perfectlv snnnd and gentle. C'J Call early. . M. C ARET..m 1 S-dil ' - W fr WINE AND LIQUOR STORE. MAIN ST., 3rd DOOR ABOVE THE BANK OT lIHEY'flS - , The largest and most complete assortment of Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Brandies TO BE yOUKD IN WESTERN NORTH CROLIA. I make a specialty of Champaigns, Sauternes and Clarets by the case .and carry a large stock of fine Havana Cigars. THE 'BO NAN Z A' Sample and Pool, Room in the Rear, Is unsurpassed by anything of the kind in the State. JOHN Z. MILSTER & J. A. Some New Goods SOME NEW DRESS GOODS ! SOME NEW DRESS GOODS ! SOME NEW DRESS GOODS ! The Finest Stock OP DRESS GOOD EVER brought to Asheville ! A. Splendid Line Ot SILK, BLACK asd COLORED, PLUSH SILK VELVEES IN STRIPE AXD SOLIDS ! Colors, Calicos; A Splendid line of GINGHAMS AND SATIN KS ! Blankets. Blankets. (.wool) Made of Wool Blankets, A few very fine ones and all at last year s prices. A. GOOD STOCK ol GOOD BOOTS, and SHOES, HATS, (in every style,) J. B. Stetson's HATS A SPECIALTY. COFFEE, SUAK, RICE, SOLE LEATHER, - . JEANS, From Tennessee All-Wool Filling, Cotton i am, Wool Yarn Domestic. A few Dress Patents at a Bargain. J. 0. HOWELL. Spot Cash Store. Oft. 2Gth, 18S. Atlantic & N. C. R. B. TIMETABLE NO. 32. In effect 12 M., Sunday. January 17th, 1SS6. EAST. WEST. No. 51. No. 50. Passenger. STATIONS : Passenger. Arr. L've. . Arr. L've. r. M. P. M. A. M. A. X. 5 07 Goldsboro 11 18 6 51 5 51 Lfttirangc 10 26 10 39 1 32 6 52 Klnston 9 12 9 47 8 47 New Berne 7 47 11 18 11 28 Morehead City 4 16 S 06 11 40 Morehead Depot . 4 35 . Pflily Except Sunday. Train 50 connects with Wilmington & Weldcn train bound North, leaving Goldsboro 11:35 a.m., and with Richmond & Danville train West, leav ing OoldSDoro 12:35 p. m., and Wilmington t Weldon Train South at 4:54 p. m. Train 61 connects with Richmond i Danville Traiu. arriving at Goldsboro 4:40 p. m , and with Wilmington A Weldon Train from th North at 4:54 p.m. -, ; CajeFearH.yi'yCoiTr. TRAIN NORTH. Arrive Leave Bennettsville, 8 20pm FayetteviUe, 1200ml22Spm Sanford, 215pm 229pm Greensboro, 6 oo p m Dinner at FayetteviUe. . TRAIN SOUTH. ' - Arrive. Leave." Greensboro 9 60am Sanford . 1 20 p m H5 p m Fayette vtHe S5flpm4 00pm Bennettsville 7 36pm Dinner at Sanford. Freight and Passenger Train leaves Bennetts Tllle Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 2 30 p m, arriving at FayetteviUe at 8 p m. Leaves FayetteviUe on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 6 30 a m, and arrives at Ben nettsville at 12 m. Freight and passenger Train North leaves Fay etteviile on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 a m, (connecting at Sanford with Freight rnd Passenger Trains to Raleigh), leaves Sanford at 11 30 a m, and arrives at Greensboro at540pm. Leaves Greensboro Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 5 a m, leaves San lord at 11 15 a m, and arrives at FayetteviUe at 2 4o p m. mo. M. ROSE, Gen. Pas. Agent. J. W. FEY, Gen. Superintendent FANCY SIGN AND - f OKMAJfEXXAL PAINTING, and Upholstering. - V. L. SWICEGOOD , ' 1 WUlow atreet,' Asheviile, N. Is ready to do the very best work in h : '' and will guarantee satisfaction In wort ' prices. , ' t Gold Signs a Specialty. ' Estimates- furnijined for large contracts, invite examination of price and work. Glv me a call. . mcnlO-d .' . L. SWICEGOOD MVS MARQUARDT, Managers. HERMMiWEAFEB. dp:alers ix BOOTS & SHOES, TRUNKS, &G., SC. INVITE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC TO THEIR STOCK. nov 11 dtf TTI E.WY rLOTIIISU, XX OVERCOA1S COMMON GREY BLANKETS, SCaRLET AND FINE WHITE BED BLANKETS Large line double and single width Flannels waterproofs CASHMERES, oct 31 dtl B HARDEN RANKIN & CO. RARE CHANCE TO PURCHASE A Beautiful and ompact Farm. The undersigned aftor a residence of eight years in the mountains, feeling that his health is suiheiently restored desires to return to active mercantile life, offers his farm situated on the French Broad near the mouth of Davidson's Riv er, for sale. Farm contains abont 115 acres. one-nail cleared and in a high state -jf cultiva tion, 45 acres of which is exeelh nt bottom land. J.JPir,e.iiu'I is well fenced? Uiwided and s,n! aivided by good fences for rotation. Well drained. Running water in each division lorstoct. Good springs near house. Rock dairy and all necessary buildir.gs. Good trehard grapes and nearly all the small fruits. Very conveniently situated on niiin county road, 3 1-2 miles Trofc Court House. Post Oince. (daily mail), Presbyterian church, (service every Sunday), withinamile. Excellent neighborhood will be sc .d with or without stock. Implements tc, frc. Forfurthcr information address LOUIS S1IERFESEE. Davidson River, lo- v. tf Transylvania co., N. C. John hart & ccf t'CEitractors and Builders. ASHEVILLE, N. C, MAKERS OF ooon find wijvnii n FH.2JfIES, 7 t JtTTEEiS and BRACKETS. Keep m stock Mouldings, Newels Handrails, Balusters, etc., etc. All kinds of Builder's woodwork solicited apl 9-dAw3m3a HARNESS"" Our t-tock ia now complete and made of the beat Materials, with 11 the latest improvements. Single and double set in nickle and oriental rubber, either gi ox nickle lined. All ctner trimmings o short notice. Saddles and Bridles Of every grade and price, from cheapes Morgan to the English Shaptoe. HOUSE COEEJUtS Of every kind, size, grade and trice. bouse cEOTniJvc, Just recaived a fresh Btock, including Track Suits, Sweat Hoods, Jowl Hoods, Cooling Blankets, Ankle Boots of differ ent patterns, Linen Sheets of all pricea XwJI IIOBES. The finest stock in the market Call a see them. tVtiips, Saddle Cloths and Fly JYets, In every variety. . -UEI11IIIJYG OF. AE KIJYnS OL SPECM1E- -TP..-Remember we have no machinery all work done by hand and guaranteed Call on ns and see what can be bought in Asheville in our line. , v T. W. BR ARCH. North Main street, opposite old Central Hotel, Asheville. N. C. - CITY" MARKET, JUST OPENED, On Patton Avenue, under Powell fc Snider1. I have opened s FIRST CLASS MARKET where I will keep constantly on hand tbe best ol Beef, Pork, . Mutton, Sausage - Fish and Oysters. that the jiarliet. affords. I have had several years'- experience In the business and respectfully solicit a share of your patronage. Cash customers will And it to their advantage to call and see for themselves. ' My motto is "Good quality and honest quantity, -Reipcctfufiy, - T, J. SUJlilER, oct 13 dtf -1 If

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