- r Provincialisms Heard la Ulster. A man after being exposed to the vicis situdes of weather becomes seriously 111 without knowing what Is the matter, and he expresses his condition by saying that ' he has got "a regular founder." "Head "beetlcr" is used in the same vulgar sense as "bead cook and bottle washer" in some localities. The beetle was a ma chine for producing figured fabrics by the pressure of v. roller, and "head beetlcr" probably means the chief director of this class of work. A "heeler" is a cock which strikes ont well with his heels. In Ulster the word is sometimes used for a lold, forward woman. When a child begins to nod and look sleepy he is told that "Johnny Xod is coming up his back," which is understood as ft signal for going to bed. "Potatoes and point" Is a curious phrase in which the poverty of the lower classes in Ireland finds unconscious ex pression. The idea is thnt tho potatoes before being eaten aro "pointed" at a her ring, which Is hung up to serve as an imaginary relish to the simple fare, but too precious to bo freely consumed. "Dab nt the stool" is another expression re ferring to eating customs; salt is placed upon a stool, and eadh individual, as the potatoes are taken out of the pot, takes one and "dabs" it at the stool to get a portion of the salt. "Ponce" and "poucey" mean dust and dusty, but by a common perversion of language "pou cey" comes to mean a person in a flax mill who is exposed to the irritation of dusty particles and becomes in conse quence short winded and bronchitio. -Roughness,"" ns in Scotalnd, means plenty. "Ruction" dignifies a row, a dis turbance; po.-sbtly it is a contraction ot nictation, from the Latin verb ructare. "Skclly," to squint, is from the Scotch, and is found in Scott. The Danish is "skele." "Smittle," also used in Scot land, means infectious, and is connected with the verb to smite. "Think long" means to be homesick. Chambers' Jotir nl. London Leads the World. London, with the single exception, possbily, of Ronic, is tho only capital in Europe where the festivities of a court nre to be enjoyed. Berlin was never very gay, nud now that the emperor and em press have become so very old the social elements of court life have become ex tremely primitive, as well as formal and restricted. The haughty aristocracy of Vienna decline to receive at their enter tainments any foreigner below the rank of a prince, even the attaches ot the different legations having but a dismal t ime of it. Since France became a repub lic the social prestige of Paris has wholly vanished. Spain and Portugal are too far out of the beaten track, and especially the lat ter, and the stiff etiquette pervading at both courts, renders them anything but popular. Since King Humbert ascended the throne of Italy he and his fair wife have done much to make Rome a brilliant and attractive social center. But it is now an undoubted fact that London, during the season, has taken the place which was occupied under the second empire by Paris, in the affections of so ciety lovers on lxth sides of the Atlantic. Detroit Free Press. The Duration of Life. How long may a human being live 4n perfect possession of his faculties and powers for good or evil? The question is important to all. Conceive a statesman with a despotic power of influencing men's wills who should last as long as old Parr! Think of a beauty who might eclipse the maidens of each fresh season, and whose hesternce rosas should outgrow their fresh lovclhess, as long as Ninon de l'Enclos was a toast, or Marion Delorme, to whom Balzac assigns 130 years 1 His tory, social or political, would be altered; the whole progress of humanity might be advanced for (eons or retarded by one mun, who varied from the kindly race of men and lived twice as long as his oldest neighbor. If we may believe a curious old French book, "History of Persons Who Hare Lived for Many Ages, and Grown Young Again" (Paris, 1710), this fancy is not wholly absurd qf impossible. All Eur ope expects great changes from the deaths of Prince Bismarck, of Von Moltkc, of the emperor. How would all Europe look if they retained their vigor till, say, 1950? Before the deluge such lives would have seemed prematurely cut short at 150. Longman s Magazine. Hint to Suburban Home Owners. There is one of the new fashions now coming into vogue here, in the suburbs, which is really a sham and a very objec tionable one, though it is made to ap pear us if it were a case of "realism." The rontrli stone walls which the new style of building seems to require around the smallest of tho little Queen Annes are the reverse of an improvement on the former modes of protection to property, It should always be the endeavor to keep the spaces about houses and gardens as unobstructed as "possible for every rea son. They aro more easily kept clean and cultivated; there Is a better circula tion of air, and the appearance of open space Is always attractive, and so far as n desire for good effect is concerned the - thing of prime importance in a suburban house should be the utmost possible nreautn ana openness. Nothing adds so much to the apparent size of a building or piece of ground or garden. In some of the clow villages both in old and New England, this breadth is obtained by the total absence of fences or walls between properties, and ' everybody must observe how much more attractive such a treatment is than the absnrdly rustic walls, with rough stones on top, that are now springing up all over our outlying districts. They aro a th.-ini. because they nro of no use, and they nre objectionable, because they are ugly and cumbersome. Philadelphia - i imes. A Crazy Woman' Intellectual Powers. A lady died recently at the Georgia asylum, whose case was. one of the most peculiar In the history of the institution. She was a perfect encyclopedia.' - She read voraciously, and remmcmbered everything she read. As she had means, she was indulged in the matter of books. She always bought from Lippincott. - Whenever information was wanted . in law, medicine or letters, she was appealed to, ann ner answers were always correct. The legislative committee, on one occa sion, was entertained by her for an hour. So Impressed were the members with her accomplishments. that they complained or ur. roweii lor detaining her in the In stitution. "Jnst go bock," said the doc tor, "and ask her what she thinks of the Free Masons." They did so, and founl ont that she was the craziest woman in the building. Atlanta Constitution. Not a Bit of Danger. He (with a view toward further ac quaintance with owner) What a pretty iiuuiiiogi ne wouldn't Dite me. would he? She Oh, no, wd give him salt food only. , M A Captaia's Fortunate Discovery. Capt. Coleman, schr. Weymouth, ply - insr between Atlantic City and N. Y., bad been troubled with a cough so that he was unable to sleep and was induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. It not only gave him instant relief, but allayed the extreme soreness in his breast. His children were simi larly affected and a single dose had the same happy effect Dr. King's New Dis covery is now the standard remedy in the Coleman household and on board the schooner. - Free Trial Bottles of this Standard - Remedy at II. H. Lyons Drug Store. -. , Oysters 35cts. quart, finest in town at -tlif - - """Moore t Robards'. James I. of Scotland. -J f John Skelton. - - : -'". The story of James I. is a roman tic and melancholy one. -He was the second son o? Robert III., by Arabella, daughter of Sir James Drummond, of Stobhall, his elder brother being that unlucky uuke oi Rothesay, who, if the story is true, was starved to death by his uncle at Falkland. Born in 1394, he was barely twelve years old, when, on his way to France, he was captured by the English cruisers. During his" captivity in England, which lasted ktill 1424, he resided"succes sively at London, Nottingham, and Windsor ; ana it was aunng una Seriod that the Lady Jane Beaufort, aughterofthe Earl ot Somerset, granddaughter of the Duke of Lan caster, and so connected with the blood-royal ot England, excited ine romantic love which i3 described in "The Kingis Quair." James return ed home with an Itinalisn onue, ana was crowned at Scone on the 21st of May, 1424.. A more accomplished rnnce never governed ocouana. no had studied philosophy and juris prudence; he was a painter, a musi oian. and a poet : a keen hunter and a dexterous swordsman. - Many of these accomplishments were not probably regarded with any partic ular lavor Dy an illiterate society ; but the mild and graceful scholar auickly convinced his turbulent subjects that liberal studies had not , 1 1 - ! ' 1 - incapacitated mm ior vigorous ruie. He kept the nobles in order, and he reformed the clergy. He founded tho University of St. Andrews, and he diligently encouraged commerce, literature, and the arts. His reign is an oasis in the desert of Scottish history. It was unfortunately cut short. IheXing was assr ssmatea on the night of the 20th February, 1437, :n the monastery ot the .Domi nican friars at Ferth by a party of conspirators who were in league with his uncle, the Earl ot Atholj. Ine evenins before his death was spent in the usal way "Yn reading of romans, syngyine, and pypyong:, in harpy ncr, and in other honest solaces of grete pleasure and disport. A Poisoned Well in France. The Academy of Sciences has re ceived a communication Irom M. Dujardin de Beaumetz on the great 1'ierreionds typhoid case last sum mer. Al. U ernet, who occupies a high post at the Ministry of Public Instruction, his wile, toui children, mother-in-law, and four servants, hired a house at Pierrefonds. a fash ionable resort near Compieene, con tiguous to two others. Alter they had rented it lor the season they were told to beware ol the water in the well. On this account they drank exclusively mineral water until the last day. when the stock was out and the servants were too busy preparing to return to Paris to go toietch some bottles at the chem ist's. Mme. Fernet said, "For once surely there can be no harm in drink- ins the well water." They. drank it, Six-out of the nine persons have since died, including ode of the serv ants. The cook, two of the four children, and Mme. Fernet had typhoid-fever before, and, through attacked again by it alter their re turn from Pierrefonds, have got through the illness. The well-water ha3 been examined and is found to contain typhoid bacilli. There was a latrine at a short distance, which, th surrounding soil being sodden and cracked, would account for this; but the mayor of Pierrefonds con tradicts in two important points the reports of M. Dujardin de Beaumetz. He asserts that there was not anv case of tvphoid in the houses next to the one rented by M. Fernet, and that Pierrefonds has not for many year suffered Irom that disease. The people in the two houses in question drink well-water. I dare say the mayor 13 right, but nevertheless the Jvernets caught typhoid-lever irom the wellwater because not insured to its poison 1 have often known persons come with germs of typhoid irom seaside places in France, where latrines are close, to wells, from which the native inhabitants drink freely and with impunity. Minister . Jarvis was mtt by the inevitable interviewer on his arrival in NewYork, and he and Mrs Jar- vis are both reported as delighted with Brazil and its people, and as having greatly enjoyed their resi dence among the South Americans, who look upon the United States as a model country in enterprise, even if they still have a fondness for monarchical government. - Unlike theTSuropean Portuguese, the Gov ernor says, the Brazilian people are progressive and active, and look lor ward with pleasurable anticipation in the near future to more intimate relations of a social and commercial character with the nf niiVof this re public. The trade ret uiuiuns which now force them to buy from England and France instead of America they hope to see removed, so that the lm port trade from America may soon bear the relation it should to their great export trade with this coun try. News Observe . i The Verdict Unanimous. ' W. D. Sult'Druggist, Bippus,Ind tes tifies: "I can recommend Electric Bitten as the very best remedy Every bottle Bold has given relief in every case. One man took six bottles, and was cured of Eheumaliim of 10 years ' Btancing." Abraham Haze, druggist, Bellyille, Ohio, affirms: "The best selling medicine I have ever handled in SO years' experi ence, is Electric Bitters." Thousands of othen have added their testimony, so that the verdict is unanimous that Elec tric Bitters do cure all diseasesof the Liv er, Kidnevs or Blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at H. H. Lyons, Drug Store. The "Mascot Broil" is the thing in the way of oysters at Turner's. - v Men's and Boyb' Far Caps, ; -: Men's and Bojb' Fur Caps, t8 at WmTi.ocKVr - CONGRESS. - SENATE DKC. 8, " : . Among the transactions; - , After the introduction of & 'hum -bor of bills, the Senate proceeded to consideration of a bill reported ;r. lilair, irom . the select com- ijt.:-con woman-suffrage, (Febru- r-ry 3, 1886) proposing an amend ment to the consititution of the Uni ted States, extending 'the right of suffrage to women, and the Senate was addressed-bv Mr. Blair in sup port of the bill. ., At the. close of his speech, Mr. Blair gave notice'that he would at an earlj day csk action on the bill, .Nothing else ol interest. . THE HOUSE. The following only is of general interest : " Mr..Boutell of Maine, asked for ..unanimous consent to put upon its passage a bill admitting free of duty material to be used in rebuilding the tow a of Eastport, Me., destroyed by Are October,14, 1886. Mr. Breck enridge, of Arkansas, objected to the immediate consideration of the bill, expressing his opinion that the peo ple of the whole country were as much in need of relief from taxas tion as the peopje of Ear-tport. He was glad to and the gentleman con fessing that tho tariff was a tax, and he would insist that the bill should take its regular course, and be sent to the committee which had charge of the subject cf taxation. Mr. Bou telle was pot surprised that the gen tleman should take every occasion to air his views on the tariff. Mr, Breckenridge admitted that he was always ready to stand here-in des fense of the rights of all the people. ine bill was. referred to the com mittee on ways and means. Advices from London, dated the 8th, say: A terrible gale accompa med by lightning and thunder pre vailed last night and this morning over several coun lies of England and in the Channel, where a num ber of vessels were wrecked. At Brighton much damage was done to property. The storm caused wide spread disaster, In Scotland there was a heavy fall of snow Almost liaised From the Dead. Thomas Johnson writes us that recent exposure gave liirua terrible cold, the cold a bad coti;:h ; and the cough gave him what even body troueht to be con sumption, lie was induced to try a bot tle of Symphyx, keeping his bowels open with Ur. llart s uiood and Liver fills, Ho savs in two weeks he was nearly as well as ever and that he considers him self as almost raised from the dead, To Merchants and Business Mbn. Send your job work, for band bills, letter-heads, bill heads, professional and business cards, pamphlets, &c, &c. to the Citizen Office. We have latest desigtis in typs, material, &c, the very best work guaranteed, and the lowest prices charged. Give the Citizen Job and Book printing office a show at your work. dwti The Valley dlutual Life Association of Virginia rESIRES to secure the services of a U number ot elhcient solicitors to can vass in North and South "Carolina, Geor gia, Alabama and Tennessee. The Val ley Mutual is an established company sound in principles, strong in member ship, solid financially, and is conducted in the interest of its policy holders. The superiority of its plan renders it easier to work successfully than any other com pany, and consequently agents who have had any success in the business ot insu ranee accomplish better results and rea lize larger income. Correspondence or calls are solicited from gentlemen who have the energy capacity and address which is essential to positive success in the insurance busi ness. Cominnnir-atior.K may be addressed to Messrs. Beikeley & Aruall, Managers, Raleigh, N. C , or 6 Whitehall st, At lanta, la., or X. w . liranch, Asheville, N.C. District Managers are aldo wauled to take charge of several counties in each of the States named, to whom valuable contracts will be given; T, W. BUA.SCH, Local Agent, de8 2t . Asheville, N. C. West End Pharmacy , LARGE SUPPLY OF Pure Fresh Drugs JUST RECEIVED.. Trv the. "West End Choice" beat 5c . Cigar on the market. FINE SELECTION OF CHOICE Sikii, (Mil Maw. ' Purest and best FRENCH CAN .DIES, lowest prices, and a large supply Df SMITH'S PLANETARY ALMANACS always on hand. ? ?; Very Respectfully, ' j. h! vvbpDcocK, ': - . ' Graduate ot Pharmacy, Patton Avenue, - dec 3-d3m - Below Depot st. '.: PROF. ,y: KNERINGER " , C Respectfully informs the public and his friends that be is ready to open his CiA3s in Mcsio for the Fall and Winter. Ho. will devote his utmost eflorta in a kindly, bat strict system' of teaching, to promote the process of pnpila -confided to Lia earn ; : - : " 'Teems witL bb moderate, i; - Pianos tuned and lepaired, and put in first-class order at reasonable ratee. i . Applicants sent through post-office or left at Citizsw office, will be promptly attended to v ' V. Kneringkk. sept 1-dtf Blood and Mouejv . The blood of man has much to do in shaping his actions daring Ms pilgrimage through thir troublesome world, regardless of the amount of present or expectant money in pocket or stored away in the bank. It is a conceded fact that we appear as our blood makes ns, and the pnrer the blood, the happier, healthier, pret tier and wiser we are; hense the oft-repeotod interrogatory, Mhow is your blood?"- 'With pura streams f !ifo-giving fluid oocrsing through our veins, bounding through oar hearts and ploughing through our physical frames, cur morals become better, our const tation stronger, oar intellectual faculties more acute and grander, and men, women and chil dren happier, healthier and more lovely. ' -i ne unnreeedentea aemana. ine unparanai- ed curative powers and the unmistakable proof irom uiose Ol unimpeaonaDie cnanoier maa integrity, point with an unerring finger to B. B. B. Botanio Blood Balm as far the be the cheapest, the qnukest - and the grandes' and moet powerful blood remedy ever befon known ti mortal man. in the relief and posi tive cure or Bcrotnia, itnwimangm, earn ais eases. all taints of blood ooiaon. kidney com plaints, old ulcers ana sores, cancers, caiarrn, etc. B.B. B. is onlv abont three years olda ba by in age, a giant in power but no remedy in America can make or ever has made such a wonderful showing in its magical powers in curinsr and entirely eradicating the above com maints. and eieanuc sales in ine iace ci iren- sied opposition and would-be moneyed mo nopolists. . Letters from alluointa where Introduced are pouring in npon as, speaking in its loudest praises. Borne say they receive more benefit froA one bottle of B. B. B. than they have from twenty, thirty and fifty and even one hundred bottle of a Boasted decoction of in ert and non-medicinal roots and branches of common forest trees. We hold the proof in black and white, and we also hold the fort. All who desire full information abont the cause and core of Blood Poisons. Scrofula and Scrofulous Swellings, Ulcers, Sores, Bheuma tism, Kidney Complaints, Catarrh, etc, can secure by mad, free, a copy of onr 83 page uinstrated dook oi tvonaers, niiea wun me most wonderful and startling proof ever be fore Known. : Address, - v BLOOD BALM CO.. tfebl Atlanta. Oa. ? mm One Hundred Thousand Aches of W. N. C. Land Fob Sale. Over 100.000 acres of fine timber and grazing lands in western part of the State for sale very cheap if application be made within next few weeks. dec 3dtf . Atkinson & Cocee m - 9 . T the Ladies. - We have fitted up our dining room with a view especially to the accommod ation and comfort of the ladies, and will put forth every cnort to please them should they faror ns with a call. dtf MOORE & KOBARDS Flannel Overskirts, white, Laundried and Unlaundried Shirts, another invoi. e of 4'J cents febirtsjust in at ' WlIITLOOK'S. Go to tub Pioneer Bab For vonr fancy mixed drinks of all kinds, such as Sangaress, Mint Juleps Big Yellow, Milk Punches, and all other mixed drinks which are lound in n rat- class saloons.. Orders for these drink will be filled and sent to any part of the city, tree ol charee. Rooms three doors below 1st National Bank, No. 9 R. R. Jones, Prop, june 27-tf J1RESH ARRIVALS OF Bay State Boots and Shoes; HATS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, BED-COMFORTS. BEARDEN, RANKIN & CO. oct 31-dtf ' James P. Sawyer, Patlon Avemte near Public S'nnre, IS NOW Receiving his Second Stock oi FALL AKD WINTER Goods, consisting of Gents' Fine Clothing, Ladies' Dress -Goods, Wraps, Cloaks," Boots, Shoes, and llats, overcoats; Blankets, Comfortables. Shirts Drawers, Carpets, Shawls, Rags Hoods, Jackets, Jerseys, Pant Goods Domestics, call, COFFEE,' Sugar, Bacon," Lard, Tobacco, Ci gar, bnuff, Leather, Cotton Plaids Velvet Trimmings and Indigo, Kerosene OiL For Christmas -Goods ' ' : I HAVE DOL LS In 'endless yariety, prices from five cents to thirty dollars; Candy, Cakes soda Crackers, Oranges and . IRE WORKS! Besides thousands ot other things suitable for the holidays. Mjr large and daily increasing trade baa .compelled me to put in large orders for December. . These goods are now In store and arriving, and I respectfully invite my many ffiends and customers U call and examine the an me, feeling assured that I can please them in quantity. quality and prices. - - .. , JAMES P. SWYEB, - Patton AvCntie'near Vublic Square. WANTED, lvanrKAilv in Vnrfb Hamlina vhn am nat arrest!? suucriDera, o neaa tnrir anaress on postal card, for rample copy of tbe IVeekly JVetea and Observer and special offer during December. Address & if o AJaxs UDOinviLn, deS-dawlw Raleigh. N.C W ANrtav irirat-lKa scents to handle a erand New. Holiday Book eomethlng entirely oat o tbe ordinary line. 8plendid terms! A chance to make money last. Address, , JOHNSON CO., de -dlw - 1013 Hain St., Richmond, Va. -IS30I.UTl65. . - - VII MIO W w v.wn, , Awv, " .J amiabilities.' . - .- - - . deSOlm. . - v. c ukamas. N OTICBIfl All arc nolttely bnt earnestly ((oueBted to Come forward and settle their city taxes at once, I can be foond at the Superior Court dork's office every day Irom to 4 o'clock, - - N. A. BEYNOLDS, nov21dlwk Town Tax CoUector.. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. CflAS. A. MOORE. P. A. CTJMHIXGS JOORE & CUMMINGS, Attorney and ConnteUort at Imio ASHEVILLE, N. C." Praotlee in the TTnlted Rtntiui rHnrnU nrt rrio rtct Courts at Asheville. Statemille. ChurlntU and Greensboro; in the Supreme Court at Raleigh maa in me vouns oi ine Twelvem Judicial Uifl trictoftheStateof North Carolina. especial attention given to collections of cluar . aug7-lyw&sw . riHAS. D. McCANDLISS. Surveyor and Civil Engineer, ASIIEVILLE, X. V. Office with A. J. Lyman, Real Estate B.-oker. ol&lSm " fJlHOS. A. JONES,! Attorney at Law - ASHEVILLE, N. C, Oct 22-ly s w ; Office with Dav' ason A Ha THSC. DAVIDSOK Ji.1 . HlRTIV TAAVIDSON A MARTIN. J Attorney A Counsellors--Law) ASUXVILLK, 14. U, Win w.ctct in the stb and 9th Judicial uistrus-a sua ui ine sopreme uourt oi North Carolina, rno m me federal courts or ine western iiistrict OJ worth Carolina. Kefer to the Bans of Aartev.Ue,? scpis-sw&wsm . TAMES A. BUkROUGHS . Physician and Surgeon, ASHEVILLE, N. O, Offlce.over Fweli & Snick .'a, teg" Residence "corner of Main and Woodfin streets. .. de 16-ly - f A TENNENT, -Ar-chitect and Civil Engineer. Desiiras. Specifications, and Estimates oi the style ox DUiicung mrmsnea npon application, A. wora sunenntenaea wuen aesirea. ah wora en trusted to me as Civil Engineer will receive Drompt attention. ThorocKh draineee of lands a specialty. Post Office address, AsheviUe Ol Best, N. C. Residence Swannanoa Bridge, may lo-omos A. WATSON, M. D. OFFICE AT HIS RESIDENCE. Corner of Grove street and Patton Avenue. Office bouts : 8 to 11 A. M. 1 to 3 P. H. Calls left at Carmichael's or Pclham's Drus 8 tore will beconveyed, and responded to, by tel epoone. lune iz-a u JR. M. ROUVIELLE; LATE OF TUB PARIS A LONDON HOSPITALS. Sissases Of ths Esad. Heart, ThrQai. Iwi A SPECIALTY. Office Hours: 10 a. in. too . ni. Offioe, Eaolk IIotkl, aug 7 dim ASHEVILLE, N. C. D R. A. M. BALLARD, PHTS1CIAX and NIR&EOX. Office North side Public square. Residence on Haywood street. Onics Telephone Call J Residence Telephone Call No. 43, lane 27-d6mospd . 64- R.G W. PUREFOY Oilers his DruftSHiona.l services t the citizens of Aphevillo and eprroimd ing country. Office over Cara.ichael't Drug store. Residence Charlotte st. de lordly - D RS. McGILL & BATTLE, Wabdlaw McGill, M. D.j Practice limited to Eye. Ear, 1 roht and Lungs. Sam. Wistbat Battli. M.D..T. S. N., Physician and Sujgeon. Offices over De Vault's Drag Store. SOfce hoars 10 s. m. to 12 m., and 2 to 4p m. se S4-tr D K. JOHN HSY WILLIAMS, . Pfi.ysictan and Surgeon. Office : Main St., 2 doors south of Bank. Best dence on French Broad Avenue. Office hours 11 . -z . to 1 p. m., and from 3 to 5 p. m. W. V. JOXES. GEORGB A. SHUFORD. JONES & SHUFORD, Attorneys at lav, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Practice In the Superior Courts of Western North Carolina, the Supreme Court of the State, and the Federal Courts at Asheville. , Office in Johnston Building, where one member of the finn can always be found. nov 11 dlyear J OSEPH S. ADAMS, Attorney nud Counsellor at f.nw, Office in Law Building, adjoining First National Bank, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Practices in all courts, State and Federal, sept 7 I year JOHNSTONE JONES, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Office in Burnett Building, Court-Honse Square, nov 9 d3mos ' Florida Tonic ! Mr. Foster S. Chapman, One of the landmarks of the Georgia Drug trade, now of Orlando, Florida, writes'; I can hardly select a single case of -the many to whom I have sold ., Qglu's FiosMr Blood Besever, but what - have been satisfied; and I find it the best remedy for all Skin Diseases I have ever sold, and a fine Florida -. Tonic. FOSTFR S. CHAPMAN, Orlando, Flo' . A Certain Cure for Catarrh. A SUPERB FLESH PRODUCER-AND TONIC eUIJOf's PIONEER BLOOD BESEwIB Cures all Blood and Skin Diseases," Rheumatism, gcroiuia, jia sores, a reneci spring Aieaicine. If not in rour market it will be forwarded on receipt of price. SinaH bottles $1.00, large bottles ii to. - . Essay on Blood and Skin Diseases maile 4 free , , . MACON MEDICINE COMPANY, S ' . . Macon. Georgia. ft ,43lN?, VSA. 5,19- .i f "et t5V - FOR SALE BIT H. H. LYONS, AsheviUe , . N. apl8dlT F OR REN Famished es uufurnishod. the cornmodlous Collins Boarding Honao, corner ot Patton and creni-n onwu fnuuea. rur Krus. ppiy w nov 9 dtf M. J. FAGG. 1 TOTICE. ; All persons are noti8ed that they mils not get sand off my land without having paid for It in advance. Tbey will be indicted if they do. anglftdf NATT ATKINSON . ROSENWAL.E, ' . , PORTLAND AND JAMES RIVER CEMENTS, . . - CALCINED PLASTER, NAILS, : PLASTERING, HAIR LOCKS, &C BEARDEN, RANKIN & CO. oct 81-dtf ' , - E OR SALE, A CITY LOT c"iTa"p, by Jb ALri, nov 13 dif ' A'.ieville Music Hons e AUCTION ; MUR RAY Give special attention to consignments or Household Gddda, Merchan dise, Houses, &c. Also ?o the sale of . ... - ; Beat Estate. ; " All consignments of Persoual or Keal ProDerty .entrusted to our care will receive prompt attention. rublic sale ol personal property every Saturday at 11 "o'clocky on the Public Square. Sales of Merchandise at auction room' eyery. niglit. boJiciting your patronage, we are very respectfully, ' ' - . : MURRAY &. LANCE, Auctioneers, de5-d6m . . ; .AsheviUe; N.C. A. J. LYMAN,-- (MEMBER NAT'NAL ASSOC'N REAL ESTATE".' DEALERS, U. S. AO Eeal Estate and Office in Court House Property of every description and vicinity. Also Houses for Rent. : Lo? cis placed on the best real estate securrfcy at.8 pr cent, per annum., ;- Tirnber Lands ia W. N. 0. and East TennJe. CGKMON-SENSE LIFE INSURANCE ! - BY AN OLD LINE COMPANY 7 . Renewable Term Insurance;' ' As Offebed Oxlx by the LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF NEW YORK- IT challenges criticism. Is tbe safest, most equitable and least expensive irstem ever devised. It is regular insurance, within the reach., and means ot fill the prople, and has received the btarty commendation and endoreemdnt of Insurance Commissioners. Actuaries and hundreds of the sharpest financiers and leading tUr.kers of the day. Among all the Lire Insurance Comdanies in the United The Provident shows for the year iSS.") : - . . 1. Smallest out-go for Expenses, 4.16 per $1,000 insured. 2. Smallest out-go for Death Claims, 5.C7 ' 3. Smallest ouc-go for Cost of Insurance. 9,38 . " '. . ' 4. The lowest average rate of Premium, 11.93 ' . ''. 5. The largest percentage of Astets to Liabilities, 2.29 to each $1.00 0. The largest per.centase of increase to New Business, 98.9Q pr aent 7. The largest percectaije of increase in Surplus, 64.99 pr cent. : Wm. E. Stevens, Secretary. Sheppard Hgmans, President. E. J. ASTON, Local Agent, AsheviUe, N. C. . For special information, apply to JOHN CHILD, Special Agent, se 23d3m Offie with A. J. Lyman, Courthouse. , Where you caj both foreign iv et the best oniesti ISy IS rands are the Old Gibson's XX XX, corn, on the Bald Mountain, Rutherford county, .N. C." I handle noti.ing but North Carolinav ' ' APPLE and PEACH BRANDY. My WINES are pure Grape juice, unadulterated. You will find BERGEN and ENGEL BEER always on draaght, coltl and fresh, l.'ottled .Beer delivered to everv nart of the citv free' of charee. - We make a specialty in CIGARS and TOBACCO, and handle the leuumg urunus. . Call and see if I have misrepresented my goods. You will find my Saloon three doors below the 1st National Bank, No. 9, where you wiu find the Curious Concoctor of Cocktails. SHEP DEAVER. and the ee-, nial H. C. JONES to wait on you. . . Anv intorniation given strangers with pleasure. jell - BOB JONES. D 3UBLEDAY & SCOTT, NORTH 11 n I.I C SQUARE, Asheville, If. C, HAVE THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF - SASH, BLINDS and DOORS IN WlWTERJf XORTH CAROLINA, ' at lowest prices Estimates promptly furnished, and.special sizes procured at short notice They also keep every variety of Building and Fencing Lumber, Lath and Shingles. . feb 21-dm GROWTH OF t ins iv Hi v v i a iu or ns u iuu,uuu lMrjttu viwuuun tasix u 1 1 ti it - ; M0TJ1TTAI1T CITY ! .. 7 'C? ' . All kinds of business improved thereby property on the boom, more building" a demand for another lumber yard, you have it, . Will keepTa full line of building stock dry, nicely assorted . &t.d piled ; - - ;, ; ap lowest market prices,- call and see-us.- a " s : 12 USSEIjIj IS - lune MawG mos AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SAW MILLS, c. STEAM ENGINES & SAWilSjLS at ffreaflv reduced Drioes.; 7" " ' Call on or write to - -. " N. W. U1EDWOOD & CO " . . ASnETILLE FOUNBRT, :- feb2-12m : Asheville. N. OrcbOrfifirrdUGinr i(jnTifn Crab OrfT-(j r iircnura pii's m fii!0 paesaires 1-rOXJSB. &:iLAN.CE:v;;;; COMMISSION MERCHANTS ; . ! ';. Loab" Broker, ,AsTllle. N. C. for Sale, bom in Asheville ' ' Wlifslltey, IVine and Brandy Avmncky Jtlononjahala all O Years old. ,. ASHEVILLE. no TliEIZS troprittrs. . k ' 7' .V ' "J" ' ESQ DYSPEPSIA," SICK HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION, A RcnelT fnrsll CliMm th '. r can for lnCTJs, fctic j st i ana :cu. yn t,iu 1