Is a common expression, often beard from those who have realized, by per sonal use, the curative powers of Ayer'i Cherry PectoraL I cannot say enough in praise of Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral, be lieving as I do that, but for its use, I ' should long since have died from long troubles. E. Bragdon, Palestine, Tex. . About six months ago I bad a severe . Hemorrhage of the Lungs, brought on by m distressing Cough, which deprived ma of sleep ana rest. I had used vari ous cough balsams and - expectorants, without obtaining relief. A friend ad Vised me to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I did so, and am happy to say that it helped me at once. By continued use this medicine cured my cough, and, I am satisfied, saved my life. Mrs. E. Coburn, 18 Second St., Lowell, Mass. - I have used Ayers Cherry Pectoral for over a year, and sincerely believe I - should have been in my grave, had it not been for this medicine. It has cured ma of a dangerous affection of the lungs, for which X had almost despaired of ever . finding a remedy. D. A. McMullen, Windsor, Province of Ontario. Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral saved my life. Two years ago I took a very severe Cold which settled on my lungs. I consulted physicians, and took the remedies they prescribed, bat failed to obtain relief until I began using Ayer's Cherry Pec toral. Two ' bottles of this medicine completely restored my health. lizzie M. Allen, West Lancaster, Ohio... ft Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Prepared by Dr. J. O. Aver 8c Co., Lowell , Hsu. Sold by all DruggiMa. trioe 1 ; six bottle, 5. THE OJCLY First-Class Restaurant la Aslierille . . . is to be found at TURNER'S, Johnston Buildlnsr Corner Pat ton Ave. and JfTain St. Every delicacy of the season served at the shortest notice and at the most reasonable rates. - Game, Fish and Oysters will be served after the first of September in any style, and families served with oysters as de sired. Elegant lunches put up in baskets for parties, and any one going off on trains will find it to their advantage to call and get lunches before leaving. . Coffee, Chocolate and Tea. of the finest quality, served at the counter. The high est prices paid for these goods. Chanire of bill of fare at lunch counter every day. Dffferent soups every day. Our kitchen is open for public inspec tion at any time. au 28-dtf 6. McMClXEN. GEO. W. TILSON McMullen and Tilson, HEADQUARTERS IN WESTERN X. CAROLINA FOR Furniture, Carpets, Shade Goods, CORNICE POLES, &c We have just received a car oad of goods from Grand Rapids, and invite the public to call and see them. Our prices are as lov? as the ow est, ana we defy competition. . Wt mean Business. We have with us Will A. Blair and J. U. Moore who are always , gliiu tu ecf muir iridium iiuu uua- "tomers. , .i i 4 u . : i... . T 1 DONT FAIL TO CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS AND PRICES before buying elsewhere. Solioitlng a share of your patron age, we are yours, Respectfully, JtlcJtlUEEEJYA' TIESOJY. june 23-dawly Preserve -Your Sight. There is Nothing in (he World ) -"' More Irecions. The Eye above all other organs displays the infinite rower of the Creator. It is the most del icate Organ, the preservation of which "requires me areaiew care, too oiun juun, naiurauy cart " leas, neglects It. and only perceives his folly when it ts toj late, and nothing la left him but . hitter regret . , Therefore, if an article destined .o preserve .. and strengthen an organ of men ab3olute neces sity, can be obtained, it aiiouid be regaraea as a great blessing. LO M ARE S ROCK CRYSTAL . pec! soles and Eve Glasses stood the test for . any years and over 2,x,coo are now in use, we have never been informed of a are where they dd no', give entire satislactlon. We have many strong testimonials from prom ' Inent Oculists who certify that Le Mare's Rock fVvatal l.inr,f m ftdmH nf less heated rava than any ... thbie, tn&reiow aifora more comion. to tou eye and creater clearness and uniformity of vision - than any in use, they are mounted in all stylet OI uoul, silver, Bieei ana nicuci iramcsoi best quality. .Forsaleonly by- C. COWAN, : J?AL1RCJ WATCHES, CLOCKS JEWELRY, , ratio:! Avenue, ash ev uie, a. v. Mtprntrtntr promptly f totted to. ' nov23dw8mos - -". Mi -Si -Joseph's academy. :; OF TH E BLUE RIDG& U ICKORY, N C Carter Charge of the Sisters of Were J. -TKKM.-!: - Board and Tuitlon.slsly-fivedallarspcrsession o five monlna, For further particulars send for catalogue. Address, MOTHER AUGUSTINE, Ml. . Jo4ph?t, Hickory, JV. C. 'uly 8-dmos . ;! .. -J.-CBROWN&CO., rrCRCIIANT TAILORS,. I i n Anerm.i nert -SUarui Ct-nlral Hold. r tf.iii Thar, ks-for -the liberal Mrteateadod r, tin ii; tiiioi :tlie past twelve". v nni will be wanting on their part to retain i mi ic?, ana merit increased i&vors. -Ki av n excellent line ot patterns on hand, ' fAfK I'Jt'fHA SPECTAUTY he People of Holland. - Aa. people-jthe- Patch -aranot handi some. ; Ther are handsome typefi bat they hove come in. with .Flemish im migrations or by accidental admixture with come of the blonde tribes of north Germany. They are evidently not the old Batovians recognized In history 100 years before the Christian era, and, by a singular persistence Of descent, perpetuated Jill .the present day. - This perseverance of ancient types through thousands of years of pestilence, of sub mergence, of desolating , wars, , of inter necine contests, of successive Immigra tions, is one of the marvels of history. The Flemish, type is characterized by length of nose, breadth of forehead, snmllness of chin and shortness of face. The true Dutch type has length of nose, narrowness of forehead, thinness of feat ure, gauntness of body and often con siderable length of limb. These details are subject to modifications. The types mors, nearly approaching it are those often seen in Denmark. ' " - ' - You can wander for days through the street!, museums and public places of Amsterdam, : Harlem, The Hague and Rotterdam . and ' not meet a handsome woman, young or old, unless she is a for eigner. The climate, like that of Boston, proves more trying to the gentler sex. This absence of personal attractiveness in young women and girls is not without a certain pathos. The faces of old women become thin as a blade, the nose sharp as a needle, the complexion preternatur ally clear and white. There is no room for wrinkles on a surface so email and thin. Surmount this queer face with one of . the close fitting, white native- caps, and put about it a quantity of the cu rious gold ornaments of the country, 'and you have a personal ensemble to be re membered. Holland Cor. San Francisco Chronicle. - - . ' ' ' - Superstition of the Educated.' ' President Garfield, although a man of much sterling ' practical ability, whose life had been so full of hard experience, was afflicted with an unconquerable ele ment of superstition. His faith in lucky and unlucky numbers was implicit. V or many years certain combinations of figures haunted him, and he was con stantly expecting ominous, events to lake place on certain dates, and although in variably disappointed, he never ceased to form fresh prognostications. Such traits of superstition are not so uncommon, even in this positivistio Nineteenth cen tury, as one is naturally inclined to sup pose. There are as many hard headed, prac tical men of business to-day who would not start a fresh enterprise on a Friday as there are ignorant seamen who de clare that the rats desert a ship only when she is doomed to sink. Thousands of well educated men and women there are who would feel Insulted if accused of believing in ghosts, but who would frame any excuse for not sitting down at a table with twelve of their friends. As to the uneducated classes, superstition is as rampant among them as in the days when poor old women were set on the ducking stool. In a walk through any country village you will scarcely find a farm house without its lucky horseshoe, its charm for corns and warts, its terror of crossed knives and broken looking glasses. Ben: Perley Poore. The Cnute for Riches. Henry E. Ahbey, the noted theatrical manager, is a slender man, who carries himself well. He has a round, ruddy face and black mustache. He is always care fully dressed. Mr. Abbey was originally a jeweler, having learned the trade in his father's shop in a western town.- He may be "-seen riding about the. city, his favorite conveyance being . a hansom. Abbey has ttiad his ups and downs, but through them he has preserved an in? difference to wealth which is remarkable.. Chatting with me the other day he aid: "I cannot understand why men are crazy to be rich. It a man has all he wants I should think (hat would be enough. I would rather be in the place of one of the younger members of the Vanderbilt family than in do place of one or Uie efclcrs.-rl'itkc iYederfek yidM- bilt, for instance, with $8,000,000 or $10,- 000,000, which is ample. He has nothing to do but to enjoy himself, but Cornelius and William K., with $40,000,000 or f 50, 000,000 apiece, have all the responsibility of keeping up the family name and trans mitting their wealth, unbroken to some body who will maintain the family name and fortune. They are in trouble all the time, whereas the younger sons have nothing to do but to enjoy themselves." ew York Tribune. Paris and Her Visitors. I heard it estimated to-dav that the foreigners in laris arc spending $200,000 a day. I do not imagine this to be an ex tra vacant calculation. The city is full of Americans and English, and the hotel where I am stopping has little else. Paris bean ti lies herself as mnch for the rest of the world as for her own people. She lives off her visitors, and her store win dc ws are pnt up to catch the eye of the pxsser by. These great bonlevards are lined with stores, which at night are il laminated brilliantly, both outside and In. Lines of cos jets with reflectors are placed above the windows on the outside, so that they cast a strong blaze down upon tho goods displayed. Nearly all the goods of the store, as a rule, are in the windows, and the interior is not to be entered except for purchase. Small stocks are carried, I judge, and as a gen eral thing a first class Paris store is not more than twelve feet square inside. I except, of course, the grand establish- mont of the "Magazine da Louvre," and the "Bon Marche," which are like those of Macy's, in New York, Wannamaker's in .Philadelphia, only larger. Franco. Corpenter injCleveland Leader. - Courtesy of English Aristocrats. Every American who has traveled abroad knows that English men and women of established position are habitu ally nrusque to strangers, inferiors, or equalsr while In private houses they are sometimes capable ot a cool impertinence which astonishes an American. A distin guished, lady of fortune and position, who tor years had made every properly accred ited English man and woman welcome to her beautiful home and cultivated circle, passed three months at a well Known jng- lish water cure with her invalid husband. In the house were several English people of rank, friends and relatives of whom She hod entertained In this country. Not one of them recognised her existence In any wayr not even by a "good morning on tne stairs or a Dow in the gardens their position being that they did not go to a '"euro" to make acquaintances, t'ln three months," said the lady, "the creaking of my own boots was the only cheerful sound I heard, and I was cured of a belief in the courtesy of the English peerage." Harper's Bazar, ' Philosophize how we win,r the melan choly fact remains that life Is an aggre gation of mistakes. Signer Max in De troit Free Press, Ask your retailer for the Original $3 Beware of Imitations. NanaCMialneanleM bearlnr this Stasis) JAMES itEAii9 3 SHOE. U KXUJ 0Wi MWIIgllWI M brinRyou Informs, ow to set thin 8oo "X iaanyStnteor! 41 L. mm i'nne stan da , . i-j ft v r. 1 11 :-r- - Suffering: womett nulrl remember that the Kiseion Hospital oh 3 sJl the adrant.-'-fS for treatment and cure T diseases peomiar to their sex, that can be tonnd in Northern cities. .Address. Mission Hospital. AslieviUe, N. O, .am .'" ' ' M 2S"17 Try DafTy'B Pure Barley Malt "Wbls kev, for sale only by W. O. Mnller & Co Whitlock cellsthe followinz celebrated makes of corsets: Madame Foy's, War ner, Thompson's, Glove fitting 800 bone French, and the very , best 50c and 75c corsets in the city. : - Try our Barefooted and Baldheaded Corn, to be found only at . original Bob Jones' Pioneer Ban - '1 piEDi..onTjviR?Li::E. Richmond and DanVllle Railroad. WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION. ' -., " - ? General PRSsenger Do p't, I AsheviUe. N.C Nov. 6th, 18SS. C mdeased schedule, taxing effect Nov. 7, 1888. Read Down. '. .,, Read Up. BAST. 4 80 d m Leave Now York Philadelphia Baltimore Washingtoa Lynchburg Danville Arrive SJOpm ' IS 36pm " 1003am ' 8 SO 200 Leve 1140pm 6 69 " ll 00 " 6 15 a m " T45 arrive a m Lve Richmond Danville Greensboro Arr SSOam 1120 pm Lve 9 30 7 SO Ait 600 p m Lve Goldsboro - Raleigh Greensboro Salisbury - Arr 11 20 a m 60.. -t ? 47 p m Lve 8 06 1 00am 00 Arr 11 SO 45 p m 801 Lve Arr Charlotte Salisbury Arr IS 30 a m Lve 11 00 p m 1130 am It 89 pm Lve Arr Salisbury . -StatasvilleL' Arr Slapm 508 4 07 - 340 JB6' 2 25 16 11 61 m 110U . 10 51 10 16 8 20 8 00 6 80 -313 -146 1 VI 215 8 38 - rtewtoa Hickory Connelly Springs Uorganton Manon Black Mountain SparL June. . Aabevllle Alexander's Hot Springs 8 SO 4 33 16 0 b v 655 7 38 " 9 89 1000 rami kock (1 u Morristown Knoxville Lve Arr 910 Lve Arr loam 4 46 Lve MURPHY -BRANCH, 11 10 a m Lve Arr Asheville. WajnesviUe Sylva Webster Charleston Bushnell Jarrett'a Arr 5 00 p m 245 1211 12 00m 10 30am 919 Lve 7 45 1 3 D m 325 8 8T 610 619 7 64 75th Meridian time used East of Faint Bock. 90th " " " West " " Trains on Hurohv Branch ran daily except Sunday. Through Pullman Sleepers on south bound train leaving Salisbury at 11 00 p. m. lor Atlanta and New Orleans. Throueh Pullman steerier on north bound train leaving Salisbury at 8 66 p. m. for Wash ington. Pullman sleerjer on same train from Greensboro to Richmond and Greensboro to Ral-el?fi- uoes not leave iioiasooro tsunaay nigni. (Does not leave Greensboro Saturday night. IAS. Lu 1A I LAJK, Kj. f. A., Washington, D.C. W. A. TURK. A. O. P. A.. Ashevme, a U. Schedule of Passenger Rates FBOMtraiMcirAL ronrrs To JlsheviUe, JT. C. 1st Class. Round Trip Summer Settlers. Limited. Excursion. $'23.55 832.00 814.15 21.05 . 28.00 11.65 18.25 22.40 - . &35 17.05 . 20.00 7.65 -13.30 - 15.25 8.76 '16.65 - 18.00 13.16 15.85 14.15 . 17.30 18.25 1 13.45 . M.85 ' 15.SO . 14.15 20.55 ' 2QJ20 27.75 22.45 30.65 - . 7.75 1L65 17.05 23.80 12.40 17.76 12.15 18.60 10.60 125 4.15 17.20 - 18.76 10.25 19.15 ZT mm rr r - FROM New York, Philadelphia. Baltimore, Washington, Richmond, Norfolk, Wilmington, Charleston, Augusta, Atlanta, Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, Chattanooga, Mempnia, Louisville, . Cincinnati, - Raleigh, Savannah, Colombia. lniiniyiTltf SOMETHING NEW. THE "Embostype" Printing Stamps (PATENT APPLIED FOR.) These stamps answer all the pur poses ot rubber stamps ana cost much less. j-Look ! - A stamp of your name, a bottle of indelible ink, suitable for marking clothing,) an mking pad and a distributor, secure ly packed in a neat box, post paid, for only 25 cents- Satisfaction Guaranteed. . Also all kinds of rubber stamps at lowest prices. Goods shown and borders received at Estabrcok's. Write to Walter S. Cushman, . Asheville, N. C. TAKE JYOTICJE! "W. O. Mnller & Co. Liquor Dealers and MH tiWjr' Agents.' TT AvINCT iust received a new and XT. full supply of all kinds of goodB usually kept in our line, we are prepared to furnish our many patrons and the public in general, with something good for the Holidays. Especial attention is caiiea to uunys Pure Barlev Malt Whiskey for which we are agents in this section, also the cele brated .Bavarian . ana uuaweise imager Beer on draught, and bottled for family use, which is guaranteed strictly pure. We also have a lot of Jtn Old Pure N. C. Corn Whiskey that can't be beat, and the best and most popular brands of fine Old Kentucky hand-made sour mash Rye and -Bourbon Whiskies, fine imported Coenac Brandv. Jamaica Rum. imported and domestic Gins, Pure N. C. Apple and Peach Brandies, Pure sn. u sweet Masn Corn Whiskey, fine old imported Sherry, Port, Madeira, Claret, Champagne and all kinds of domestic Wines, Imported Ale and Porter, Fine Cigars, Tobacco, &&, &c. .We have wita us Messrs. LeeC Sor- reiis, Jesse. JXanga and AfcjColnmbus Featherstone who will be glad to have their Mends call and see them. - AVe have in connection with- -our Bar an elegant Billiard and Pool Mall up stairs, , furnished with the celebrated Brunswick, Balkc. '. (t . Collander Co.'s Tables, the best in use.which is are charge of the old lovial Tom Pone who will give a cordial greeting to alL Orde noliciled and promptly filled. ., - VV. U. WULbHK at tJ, : Main St- opposite Public Square. -; r 1 ' - ABhevUle. N. C. PROF. C FALK, ' Teacher oT Music. - , Ladles wilT find a comfortable private musie room in tne Aanevuie music iouse, nono sms 01 tTibilo liqnartt. -. - aug, uii WALTER W. VANDIVER, r . Attorney, at lav, r MARSHALL, NOETE CAROLINA. Offices also at Asheville and WeavervUle. Spwial attention elven to thewlleetion of claims WerUrn Nortel Carolina. mch-6 Urmwm tmi mBt VALLSY MUTUAL LIFE SOCIAT10N JL , OF VIRGINIA :.. Issues policies for from -01,000 to $3,O0O, K - ' ' AKJ V combines the guarantee ieature ol'J "OliD LINE " Pompanics at the Coal of ordinary co-operative insur I ance in Secret Orders. FIRE INSURANCE Insurance against Iqss-Jiy Fire in Uity and Uorinty on nil kindn of Property, Bcal and Persona Short as well as long term. Policiea issued at fair rates - ' ' in A." 1 Companies, Home and Foreign. TIIOS. W. BKANC1I, A cent, Office North Side Court Sqnare. -my 20-tf . - : EDWARD J. ASTOil, ftttAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE CENT, AsheviUe, Alorth Csrolira- CIMS. ISO ITER'S PROSPECT BREWERY,' PHILADELPHIA, PA. W. O. MULLER & CO., Agents, ASHEVILLE, N. C. We herewith" take ereat pleasure in introducing for export and family use this . Extra Quality Lager Beer, Brewed of the best Barlev and imDorted Bohemian Hops. It surpasses in fine tastet flavor, brilliancy and nutritious qualities any other Lager Beer, and is strictly pure and unadulterated. Physi cians advise the nse of this Beer, and we call yonr special attention to the follow ing analysis: "Bndweis" Layer Beer, Emanating from the Prospect Brewery, in rniiaaeipnia, ia. -The undersigned, at the reauest of the Technical Society, has completed an analysis of the "Budweis" Beer, brewed atChas. Wolters'. Prospect Brewerv, in Philadelphia, which analysis exhibits the following rasults : Specific gravity, Alcohol, Extract, Carbonic Acid, Ashes, 1,0124 3,94fc 4,92pc 0,22c OOPc This signifies that the "Bndweis" Beer in its essential qualities is almost the exact counterpart of the best Imported Bohemian Beer. A farther examination, seeking adul terations, proves conclusively that it contains naught of that nature. DR. I). H. l)ANNEBAUM, Tacony Chemical Works, Bridesburg. Philadelphia, Oct 28, 1881. For Hotels, Boarding Houses, Private is pat up in patentstopper .Bottles (pints.) and in export bottles (pints,) well corked, wirea, loiieu uhu laueiea. We deliver the Beer free of charge to any part of the city, and call for the empty patent stopper bottles, which are never sold but must always be returned witn tne crates. Having erected a large refrigerator for tne storage or seer, we are enabled to keep our Beer cool, fresh and in good order, and it will be furnished direct from our refrigerator to our customers, Ail snipping orders will receive prompt attention. apl3-dtf W. O. MULLER & CO. X BRAND & CO. f ; l-r 9 . UNDERTAKERS. ' ASHEViLLE, N. C. - ' At stallic and Walnut Coffins constant! y on hand. Every requisite of the businetis fhrniahed. All calls dav ornightnromnt- ly answered. Hearsee . ii'niahed when desired mt-wly BOB JONES, The Pioneer. To my Customers:' ; I desire to inform mv crjetsmors that I keer no cheap beer, either in bottles or on draft. My goods wines, liquors, beers, 4c., are all pure ana rresn. orders solicited ana satnuacuon gnaranteed. Order frbm a distance specially solicited. Goods delivered free of charge to any part of uie cur uj potiro servant. - - enep ueaver, me enriousconcocwDr 01 cockwu.i. is with l me and rtsDectfiillv invites his menus to cou. . iau on or aaaress ' .... - . - . .. : ' BOB JONES. - The Pioneer Bar, doors below 1st Nat Bank, api'Ktm r-; - u. GBAHITE YARD, HENDERSOXVILLE, N. C. A. P. CORN & Co.f:irop' The mnite found near Hendersonrille IS imvMrnizAd for Its beaatv and durability. ThA nnnAimirnea is nreireii so lumisa uu short notice, all work in granite, for Window- suls. IMor sills, eteps, c, maeea every thing needed for nuuaings. . - .. TERMS EEA60XABLE. can on or aaaress r iwm w, t sept It dtf . : Henderson vine, n. v. W. A. BOYCK. G. Ii GDISCHABD Boyco anti Gniscliard, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Vers'Janai'linng, Roofing. Guttering, amd -' O eneral Jobbi n g. All work and material guaranteed to be firat-claas. CONTRACTORS I FOR NEW WORK. All parties desiring Plumbing, and Tinning, give us a call. P. O. address, uux 87 Bttur . SO dlyear ..... D The remainder of tas lurid will Vrt tn tracts suitable for farms, villa plots and business lots. Also, old mills and fine water power. The most desirable place of residence in . TheXand of Health. ' Beat Mineral Waters, Best Climate, Finest Scenery. Five miles west of Asheville, 011 Morpby Dlv.' 15,000 acres mountain and vallpvland in Tran- sylvania county, suited for stock 'raisinir, tarm- wg, iruit culture, lamoering, j;c. tu.vou acres mountain land in Swain county, on Tennessee River. Rich land, well timbered. Both tracts will be out up to fiuit Durchasers or eoloniei. Several other tracts 111 Western counties for sale. uoia riacer mining land and timber on the stcmp for sale. Apply to . N. Plnmadore, Bnlphur Springs, or . Asheville, N. C. Address Iun25-d&w6ni boot wvn SISOE JtUkHER, Main Street, (Above Eagle Hote'.) Asheville t Jt C. o ' The oest stock alwavs on hand.' Work always guaranteed to give satisfaction. 1 am especially preparea vo mue 0001s ana hoes so as to prevent dampnbss ud squeaking. Ready-Made nstoni Work ot ail sorts on Jtanu. . Gentlemen and Ladies' Repairing a Spe- -:. cially. Fine Custom Work always on hand, anv itvle and satisfaction gnaranteed, cs to stock and work. Shoemskers Findings always on hand and tor sale, the best in the market, at low nrices , Gents' custom-made, lowjuartered dress shoes made ot Dest material, now ooerea tor 4 ana $1.60 usual price, 6. Call early. Fine Groceries! Imported and Domestic Table Delicacies, at KEPLER'S. T. T. T. EXTRA. CHOICEST New Crop TEAS, Choicest Moyune Gunpowder. English sreaktast, Formosa Oolong, Extra Fancy Japan: FINE COFFEE. Mocha, 01? Government Java, Cordova, Santos Peaberry, Finest Rio and Laguayra, Instantaneous Chocolate, Cocoa, Baker's Chocolate and Broma. CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S Jams, Gordon & Dilworth's Jellies & Preserves, G. & I). Pineapples, in glass jars, G. & D. Cranberry Sance, " CANNED VEGETABLES. S vster isay aBparssniB, 0 ' - Sifted Early June Peas, Succotash, Corn, Whole Tomatoes, Okra and Tomatoes. French Y'eas and Mushrooms. CALIFORNIA CANNED Fruits, Peaches, Apricots, Pears, White Cherries, Green Gage Plums, Bahama Pineapples grated, and sliced. EDAM & PINEAPPLE CHEESE, Boss' Lunch Biscuit, Boss' Wafers, Mushroom Crackers, Imported Albert Biscuit. Finest New Orleans Molasses. Kev 'Veet and Imported Cigars. FULL STOCK OF STAPLE GROCERIES ff KEPLER'S. South Main St., opp. Eagle Hotel. SOMETHING CHOICE! tot T OVERS OF THE WEED, who enjoy a really a good smoke, should always ask for HOLMES' Golden L-eaf, . Land of tne Sky, v. " Plsxan. - These brands a:e manufacored from the cele brated Tobaccos trrown in Western North Caro lina, tree trora au periumenes, aauiterauons o Impuntiesmd are prized tor their Superb Smoking Qualities. Ask yonr dealers or : aOXsJttES TOBACCO, and take no other. . - j L - . . . rW from ihm Trod Solid.. K L HOLMES & CO. Peopeibtoes an 2-12mos ASHEVILLE. S. C. .FBMKLIN HOUSE, , D. C. CUNNINGHAM, Pbofbietok, FRANKLIN, - - - N. C - o . Table supplied with the best the market - - anoras. First-CIass Livery and Sale Stables in connection with house. Dally' Hack between Webster and .. Frankllst. . 0Jood Smmplo Moom for Ifrmmmor. - TJiMMS iiJSO.JlBliJS. sept 11-dly ' . . ' CANADA COWAN . Kj (Established in 1855. . Watchmaker, . Jeweler, . . ASO DKAUtB IN Watchet, Clock, Jewelery, Spectacle, &c Tatton Avenue. Asheville. N. C. Leroy W. Fairchild's Gold Pen. Good stock always on hand. First Class Saddle, and : Harness Horses, i.;.'.?---ForySaie.-7- - TH UNDERSIGNED has at his stables on VjutIa ntrftet. rear of Eaple-Hofel. a large number of CHOICE, FINE HORSES, well broken, either for Saddle or Harness, for sale All young, and perfectly sound and gentle.. C J Call early..- . M, i AKKtVii MAIN ST.3rd DOOR ABOVE THE BANK OT k8HEV7LLJf '..- - '. , - . . ".:..;;:"' -j r - : - - - .... - J The ktgest and most complete assortment of. Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Brandies TO BS FOUND IN .. .- ... - .' WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. J make a specialty of Champaigns, .Sauternes and Clarets by the ease - and carry a large stock of fine " ' -. llavana Cigars. THE 'BONANZA5 Sample and Pool Room in the Rear, Is unsurpassed by anything of the kind in the State. OHN Z. MILSTER & J. A. MARQUARDT, Managers. Some New Goods SOME NEW DRESS'GOODS ! SOME NEW DRESS GOODS ! SOME NEW DRESS GOODS ! The Finest Stock OF DRESS GOOD EVER brought to Asheville I A. Splendid Line Ol SILK, BLACK and COLORED. PLUSH SILK VELVEES IN STRIPE AND SOLIDS ! Colors, Calicos; A Splendid line of GINGHAMS AND SATIN ES ! Blankets. Blankets. (.wool) Made of Wool Blankets, A few very fine ones and all at last years prices. A. GOOD STOCK of GOOD BOOTS, and SHOES, HATS, (in every style, J. B. Stetson's 11ATS A SPECIALTY. COFFEE, STJCtAIt, RICE, SOLE LEATHER, JEANS, ' From Tennessee All-Wool Filling, Cotton lam, Wool Yarn Domestk. few Dress Patents at a Bargain. x oiiuffm1."'''' Spot Cash Store. Oct. 2Gth;i8S6. Atlantic & N. C. R. R. TIME TABLE NO. 22. In effect 11 M., Sunday. January 17th, 1886. EAST. . WEST. No. 51. 1 - No. 50. Passenger. STATIONS : Passenger. Arr. L've. - Arr. L've. IF. M. P. M. A. M. A. M. 5 07 Goldsboro 11 Is 6 51 S51 LaGrange 10 26 10 49 182 6 52 Kinston 9 42 9 47 8 47 New Berne . 7 47 1118 1128 MoreheadCity 416. 6 06 1140 Horehead Depot 4 35 Daily Except Sunday. Train 50 connects with Wilmington & Weldcn train bound North, leaving Goldsboro 11:85a.m., and with Richmond & Danville train West, leav ing Goldsboro 12:35 p. m., and Wilmington fc Weldnn Train South at 4:54 n. m. Train 51 connects with Richmond & Danville Train, arrivine at Goldsboro 4:40 d. m . and with Wilmington & Weldon Train from th North at 4:54 p.m. GaiePear&Y.V.RtCei'F. TRAIN NORTH." 7 - r - - . Arrive Leave Bennettsville. ' " ' 8 20 d m Fayetteville, 12 00 m 12 26 pm Sanford, ' . ' ' f , . 215pm 9 25pm ureensooro, owpm ; limner at fajeixevuie. . : :-. TRAIN SOUTH. , Arrive. Leave. Greensboro .-, - -960am Sanford - " I20pmi45pm Fayetteville' .- ' SSflpm 4 00pm Bennettsviiie - - aopm Winner at Sianiora. .-. ; Freieht and Psssenzer Train leaves Bennetts ville Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 2 30 p m, arriving at r ayeitevine ntpm. weaves rayenevuie on mesoays, xnursaajs and Saturdays at 6 30 a m, and arrives at Ben- nettsvuie at izm, Freight and passenger Train North leaves Fay- teville on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 a m. (connecting at Sanford with Freight nd FassenKer Trains to Raleieb), leaves Sanford at 11 80 a m, and arrives at Greensboro at 5 40 p m. Leaves Greensboro 'liiesoays, rnnrsaays ana Saturdays at 6 a m, leaves Sanford at 11 15 a m, and arrives at Fayetteville at 2 4o p m. - JNO. M. ROSE, Gen. 7as. Agent. I. W. FRY. Gen, Superintendent. WAWCT SIGN AND PAINTING, and Upholstering, - , . L. SWICEGOOD t , Willow street, Asheville, N. la ready to do the very best work In h and will guarantee satisfaction la work prices. '.-"V-'V wT-. . ' Gold Slsns a Specialty, -Estimates furnished for large contracts. Invite examination of prices and work. GIT me a can. . (. men 10-d L. BWICEGOOD J HERRING t WE A yEB, DEALERS IN BOOTS & SHOES, TRUNKS. &C, aC. INVITE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC TO THEIR STOCK. novlldtf HEAVY CLOTHING, OVERCOATS COMMON GREY BLANKETS, SCaRLET AND FINE WHITE BED BLANKETS Large line double and single width Flannels watenproofi CASHMERES. Oct 31 lit! BEARDEN RANKIN Se CO. RARE CHANCE TO PURCHASE A fSeautifu an d ompact Farm. Tbe undersigned after a residence of eight years in the mountains, feeling that his health is sufficiently restored desires to return to active mercantile life, offers his farm situated on the French Broad near the month of Davidson's Riv er, for sale. Farm contains aboat 115 acre. one-hall cleared and in a high atate of cultiva tion, 45 acres 'of which is excelUnt bottom land. Entire farm is wel fenced, divided and sub divided by good fences for rotation. Well drained. Running water in each division for stock. Good springs near house. Bock dairy and all necessary buildings. Good orchard grapes and nearly all the small fruits. Very conveniently situated on main county Sunday), with in a mil-,. Excellent neighborhood. Will be sc VI with or witiioiitatock. imD) ements Ac., 4c. Forfurther Information address" LOUIS SHERFESEE. Davidson River, 16- wtf . Transylvania e., N. C. JOHN HART & CO Contractors and Builder. ASHEVILLE, N. C, -MAKERS DOOR and wioirno If FRjgJlTES, JnAJrTEL.8 and BRACELETS. Keep m stock Mouldings. Newels Handrails, Balusters, etc., etc. All kinds of Builder's woodwork solicited apt 9-dAwgmoa HARNESS. Our Stock is now comnlete and made of the best materials, with 11 the latest improvements, single and double Bet in nickle and oriental rubber, either gi or nickle lined. All otner trimmings o short notice. Saddles and Bridles Of every grade and price, from cheape Morgan to the English Shsptoe. UORHE COEE.1R Of every kind, mze, grade and price. ' HORSE CEOTHIJYQ Just received a fresh stock, Including Track Suits, Sweat Hoods, Jowl Hoods, Cooling Blankets, Ankle Boota of differ ent patterns. Linen Sheets of all prices ':, E&P RORES. The finest stock in the market Gall see them. ... - . ; : . - Whips, Saddle Cloths and -rr: Fltf JVetSf - In every variety.'; REPJURIJYG OF AX KI.VDS Jl SPECIJLE- : .. :. ; TF. Remember we have no machinery all work done by hand and guaranteed Call on us and see what can be bough l in Asheville in our line. . vv : : t.; XV. BKAUCn. North Main street, opposite old Centra) Hotel, Asheville. N. C. . -. C I T Y MARKET JUST OPENED, On Patton Avenue, under Powell & Snider" I have opened s FIRST CLASS MARKS where I will keep constantly on hand the beat ' Beer, Pork, Mntton, Sausage . Fislx and Oysters. - - that the aarket affords. : " ' I have had several Tears experience In the business and respectfully solicit a share oi vour. patronage. Cash easterners will find it to their advantage to call and see for themselves. My motto Is "Good quality and honest qtisntHv. ' Respectfully, . T. 1. 8MAm$ OCtUdtf -. - -.. v.:. . j ,.- , . f S ...