citizek job orncs, WEST BIDE PUBLIC' SQTJIBE, 7 BILL HEADS ' , 1 .LETTER HEADS, - . . c - POSTERS, BLANKS, tfte And fob Work of mil kind do vtitk ' fromptness mud at low frictt. ' LY EDITION. "Ml zen iat. Stone ft Cameron, LlTORS AND PROPRHTOE8. , lYent, 80.00 a Mob., 3iC)Q. Ay. - I Yr, l.DO - O Mol., To ASHEVILLK N. C .WEDNESDAY MORNING. JAN. 5; 1887. PRICE 5 CENTS VOL II.-NO 229. IW'llSING RATES LOW. Cm 5 1 llKTIi.tE SOCIETIES. .-......msLvii Kn & I. A. Porter Eminent lander; Jordan Stone, Secretary. MeeUflrst l.esd ly night iu each month. f.wii.V OiplCT, . A. Jf.-U. II. Bell. High It: J. Hammershlag, Secretary. Meets .noud Wed uaday night In eacn mouiu. tiermon ii we. iiu. no, . , Pais Worshipful Master; Fred. L. Jacobs lutary. Meets lihe first Friday nigniineaca l.HiimM Lodoe. K. ot JL, No. K. Lirdman, Dictator; Jordan Stone, Secretary. the llnrt ana tniru Aionaaj uiituv i" iFrovh Broad Cornell, No. 701, K. A. Kins rniin. 'jT. Riget; Jordan btone, oecreiary. , r . ' i w ir-, nriTnnnr mi the seeona rlUC IIU HI ."C xk.uAuw. - - i.l Monday night in each month. ' - Firt Friday of eTery tnontr at 4 o clock P. M. TUe lirautti or ve west ljoufi . I j 1' v Mmtrt on the first and third Monday nights iu each month. James Lattimore, kVontOipriu Master ; a. a. Z7u XnfttcWePuWic Library, over Mr. Kep 1 ... . m ..nt r.iria RnreL and next il ot to The Bank of Aabjmlle. u open to vis itors from 1 a. ro. to 1 p. m. and from 4 M to 6:30 p. in. CHVBCH DIBBCTOaUT rrii Church St. Ubt. W. W. bays Morning emoe 1 1 a. m. ; uei7 evening i)t p. m- i Babbath aohool 9 am. Preibylenan Ctmrclt rfcnrcA Rev. Mr. DcFevre Services It .m.;7Kp. m. ; prayer meeting five p. m. Wednea day ; Sabbath iichool half-past 9k.m. Emimmal CfturvA, Trinity corner Churvhand Willow St.' Kcv. Jarvis Buxton, D. D. Services Sunday, 11 a. m. and p.m.; Wednesdays, at 10 a. m., and Fridays at 4 p. m. Sunday school 9:80 a. in. Baptist Church corner Woodfln and Uprxwe. Ilev. J. Ii. Carroll Services 11 a m.; 7:30 p m.j prayer meeting 7:80 d. c. Wednesday; .-abbath sohool 9 a. m. Roman Catholic Church. Kfcv. Fred. Price Services every Sun day at 11 a. m , but the first Sunday of the month, vf hen services will bo held at the W arm Borings Sunday school at-10 a. m. at Ashe- vilie. DoimMlav tlUtum Church. ilev W W Bays Pastor. Babbath School, J H Weaver Snpt. t'OI.OBKD CHVKVUES. Jf, Church iZionr-Coilege SI. Cev. Mr. Sherman Services 11 a, m.; 3 p. m , and half .past 7 p. 'a.: Sabbath school 9 p m, Baptist. Kev. Mr. Bnmley Servioes 11 a. in. , J p.m., a ad half-past 7 p. m.: Sabbath school 1.30 p.m JCpinoopal Rev. Mr. Services 11 a. m.; 8aV- bath school 3 p. m. COMPOUND OXYGEN. ML . t Drs. Hargan, Stone & Gatchell, SPECIALISTS, mPUCKPmUImm Hnildliir, JltmlH St. ASHEVtLLE, N. C A'e use In the treatment of C'hron. & ir.cases, COMPOUND OXYGEN nd Medicstcl Vapor by direct Inhalation. Those who saner fiom diseases of the Respiratory Or gans such as (Consumption, Catarrh, Bronchitis. Asthma. Chronic Sore Throat, Loss of Voice, etc.', and who have failed to be cured by the ordinary treatment ol Cod Liver Oil, Hypophosphites, rcckat inljalcrs, and the like, may be permanent jy cured by our new treatment; since we have cured and are curing cases wblph had resisted all other means and which had been pronounced incurable by the best physicians. . The Compound Oxygen Treatment is not only valuable in diseases 01 the respiratory tract, but U working prompt and permanent cures in all dueas?s depending upon an impoverished or impure condition of the biocd, such as Debility, Kptiepcy, Rlteunatis.u, Choiea. Neuralgia Paral ysis, Diauetiu, Uright's Duteaac, Anemia, Sciolu (4, and U Uiseascs of the Mkln. The Only Treatment wblcli will permanently cure Nasal Catarrh! The only 8pecitlc lor Asthma! The treatment is pleasant to take, and cannot - aggravate any case nowever delicate and sensi tlv. Special attention paid to diseases of the Keo tum, such as Pl'es, rissure, fistula. Prolapsus, etc. A NgW TREATMENT, jim'.4 : iai.' nvariabiy successful. No loss gf ti irotn business or pleasure during treatment. . or those who cannot come to our office, and woo need the Compound Oxygen, we have a Borne Treatment, which in many cases is as vak liable as the Office Treatment. We will send the apparatus and rhemioals to last two months for ti0 . . REFERENCES. - Kev. N. S. . Wright. Wellington, O.; Wm Bat we. If D, Pc'sslrl, Teja : h. T. Iglehardt, Esq., Evansville, lnd ; John B. Snow, Esq., Tipton, Tenn : Hon. B. 8. Fuller, Boonville, lnd : O. A. Mearsu,AsheviUeN.C.;Rcv. O. Bell, Bell Write for Illustrated Pamphlet, which will be mailed free, In regard to treatment. Address DRS. HARGAN, BTONE & OA rmv t-dawm . HtTX. ASHEVILLB MUSIC HOUSE NORTH SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE. Sells PIANOS and ORGANS on' Monthly In uallmcnts of o and f 10. ONE PRICE ONLY. Cl!sct Muflo and Moic Bocka. ClrJ inrti jr atsuksn f3 eichance.' J . ' I Of t ai ffiojues s uu Licjir. appty to 0. FAIiZ uifl7:(1iwly The "Pinafore Steam" in one of the ways rsters arc served at Turner s. : if' 4 r DAILY EDITION. THE DAILY CITIZES Will be published every Morniag (ex cept Monday) at the following rate strictly caih. : One Year. . . . . . f 00 Six Months, . .... 3 00 Three " . . . 1 60 One " . . - . 60 One Week, . ; . ' ... ; 15 Our Carriers will deliver the pP!r"' ery Morning in every part of the city to our subscriberg, and parties wanting it will pleaso call at the Citizkic Office. Start your Job Work of aH kind, to the Citizen Office, if you want it done neatly, cheaply and vrUk dispatch. Arrival DeptMrtsuw Trstlsaa. r Saijsbdbt 10:51 a m -Arrives 6Jt p. m. and part Tsnnsasss Arrives 1046 a, a a ad daparta Wattdptiar Ariras 69b a.and depart tfc09a, m. . " " ' - Skasttakbubo Leave Asheville 7KX) an! arrive at J3sndersonvile M5 am; 3partsaa bprgllOam.:: - . Leave Spartanburg 4-00 p m; rriT4tt Hen dersonville7:10pm;atAshviUe1:15poi. tW INTEEESTINO EEADTNG'MAT TER ON FOURTH PAGE. ' . ; (W We invite- attention to the adver tisement of N. Pluraadore, concerning lands fai sale. : tf Smith's Planetary Almanacs for 1887 for sale at West End Pharmacy, Patton Avenue. d2wks The weather yeeterday was clear, but still too cold for comfort. The Inferior Court of Buncombe ciunty will convene on the 4th Monday in this month. Miss Laulet Saunders, of Waynesville, is visiting the daughter of Rev. Mr. Atkins, of this place. Mr. Girdwood wishes us to say that he now. has coal on hand, with the hope ot having an abundance in a few- day. Some of our citizens are gathering iee, but it is not of very fine quality and not more than three inches in thickness. The annual reunion and election of officers of the Asheville Club will take Flace Saturday night at the club roams, t will no doubt De a most enjoyable affair. It is understood that the cotton factory which is to be certainly built here this coming spring will be located at c near the old depot, immediately on, tt e railroad. Mr. Geo. W. Tilson will, about the middle of the month, open a grocery and provision store v on West Patton Avenue, in a new house, now being erected. Mr. Tilson is an energetic, business man and will faithfully serve the c;t'.zen--r The abutments of the iron bridge at Gudger's ford on the Swannanoa is being rapiojk" put in place. The iron has not yet arrived, but will in a short while, when the work will be completed without de lay. The contract is in the hands of Messrs. T. K. Brown and A. B. Fortune. We had a pleasant call yesterday from Mr. B. D. Gilmer, of Waynes ville, who is litre on legal business connected with the suits against Mr. Timberlake. He represents everything as quiet in Waynesville. The Christmas holidays passed off quietly but pleasantly, the usual enjoyments being participated in. Much interest is felt here in the organization of the Legislature to day, the interest centering generally on the House because of the fact that this body is in the power of Independents. It was at one time believed the Independents, who are Democrats, would act with that party, but thislis extremely doubtful in our opinion, aa we dont believe the Independents will go into either caucus, but simply stand aJoof waiting forbids. The Abbeville Gas Wqbks. Capt. McLoud, who returned from New York a few days azo in the interest of several measures looking to the advance ment of Asheville, among others that of establishing gas works here, has since his return secured $18,500 of the $27,000 stock to be raised, and the stock secured - was taken by bis gentlemen. Anr one wanting stock will call on Capt. McLoud. Judge Mbbbimox's 'First Cask.' : ' ' ' ' The case of S. J. Shelton verm J. C S. Timberlake. being an attach nieut on the part of Mr, bbelton on Mr. Timber-lake's furniture at the White Sulphur Springs, will be heard at Chamber before Judge James II. Merrimon this morning. : The case comeg up on motion or derendant to dissolve the attachment. Messrs: R. D. Gilmer and G. S. Ferguson appear for the plaintiff, and Messrs -Norwood and Smathers for the defendant. With Many Thanks For the liberal custom given ue, all last year and especially during December, we hope to deserve a continuance of the same. We baye tried to carry a line of gopds that would please all, Tl.ongh whilo of necessity the very new and choice articles would seem expensive , we have asked but a reasonable profit on them, and tried to offer a good variety at all prices. Knowing that articles of real merit or artls lc beauty are duly apprecia ted here we hope to carry aoetter line than ever before, also in Crockery and Glassware in all trades J. 11. Law, Sooth Main street Best 5c pigar West JEnd Choice, Go to Moore and Robard's European Restaurant, if you want to enjoy- a good meal or oysters served in any style, where you will bo entirely private and free from anv ubiectionabtft parties, as only the "well-behaved'' are admitted to ineir aining-room. .r -011 Ths Tobacco Market. Notwithstanding the cold weather, the breaks at all the warehouses yester day were quite good, while the . prices obtained were even better than the prices of Monday. The actual condition of the market, however, cannot be told ntil the weather shall open suitably to the handling of tobacco. ; y .-. ; That Cottoh Factobt. - - "We are informed thatthe proposed cot ton factory project, to be established in tola place this year, is an assured fact, and that the work of banting the brick for the same will commence as soon as the weather will permit- The enterprise will . be under tbe control or toe best business men in Asheville, with plenty of capital, and that it will prove a success we have no doubt. - r t ' ' aa . . A Doubtlkss Valdabxb Invention. - -Mf.'Thoa. I, Buckner, a mechanic of this plane bat formerly of Raleigh, baa invented an automatic car coupler which stfrpaasca ia ts&ftT': cpeHaT anvMnu of um kind we bm evwr en.- is it wau do all that is claimed for it. and practical men say it -will, it will outrank the 3,600 psktnt for a-eirjiilar purpose which have precetiedlt. A patent has bee napplied for. . - , Mas He Go to JSonra America' We have dercd dumb graduate of the Raleigh Institution in yr office, who knew intimately, Bingham, the murderer of Miss Turlington. Ha is astonished to know how Bingham has succeeded in escaping the general police of the coun try; but he makes a suggestion that might prove of benefit., provided Bing ham -has actually left the country. singnam nas a aeai muu school mate in the Andes Mountains, in South Am erica, and our Mr. Crow thinks if he has gone on the waters that he will endeavor to reach his friend. We merely give bis suggestion thinking it might lead to some results. The Railboad M biting at Fair View. The adjourned meeting of the friends of Die Carolina Central Railway, or rather of the proposed extension of that road to Asheville, will be held at Fair View on Friday of this week. This is a matter of vital importance to Asheville, to .Buncombe and to Western North Car ohna, and as President Robinson, of the Carolina Central, has evinced a willing ness and purpose to extend this road to Asheville if he can be convinced it will be of interest to the system he repre sents, it behooves the people of this whole section to take hold of the matter in earnest, and secure if possible this outlet 10 toe sea-coast, to .Baltimore and to the outside world. Let the meeting be well attended, and especially let the delegation appointed to represent Ashe ville attend. lbe following gentlemen constitute the delegation : Messrs. J. E. Rankin, N. P. Chedester, a., n. A,yons, ft. a. jonnston, (i. A. Knu ford, S. H. Reed, Wj R. Youne, Thos L VanGilder, John McDowell, J. Edgar r Uiein Wider. W. kti lnlona M K f.arlmr il ""'nis. TiWi Stone. Theo. i'vvfeelfTAS H. Menimon, V a Lusk. H. C. Hunt, i. ah uirju, a . v. ve8ian, w. a. renni man, M. J. Fagg, Wi B. Williamson and a. k. Kepler. Thb Importanok or thb C'rakbebry Mines. A New York correspondent of the Newt-Observer, who has recently been touring the South, has this to bay of the future of the Cranberry mines : "The ereatest development North Car. olina has ever known will come from the rapid construction of the three C's rail road (the Charleston, Cumberland and Cincinnati road.) Preceding letters nave contused incidental mention of the marble, timber, iron ores and f-ni nf tbe territory which that road i to tra verse, but they have failed to an appreciable or an approximate idea of me vastness 01 inose various resources. Now, much the larger body of the Bess emer ores of the Cranberry district are in Mitchell conntv. in vonr State, and still nearei yon are the very large and valuable deposits of hematite. At the same time coal is within cheap handling uibiance. . 1 1001c lor a development in Mitchell county, conseouent upon the bringing together of ore and coal or coke, such as has never been known in any one part of tbe Stats since the first englishman landed on Roanoke Island. What Birmingham. Anniston. Roanoke and Sheffield have done and are doing will be but aa the dust in the balance compared with the future of some place (I cannot say where) in Mitohell county. But cheap iron and cheap coal mean very much more to tbe whole State, for in those are concentrated the whole of industrial development." - Suppeb asd Entertainmkst. Tuesday evening, Jan. IX, at the Opera HalL the ladies of the Christian Church of Ashe ville will gi re a Supper and En tertainment for. the benefit of their church.- The ladies "will have the assis tance of the talent af the city, and promise the most pleasanWanair of the season. o T a . 1 1 ... nungN, music; vauieam ana readings win make np the programme.' Supper of all manner of eood Chines will be served in the court room from 6. to 8 and 10 to 12 p. m. . This is tbe first entertainment ever given here by the Christian Church, and we hope our citizens will attend in great nutnbets, eat much, enjoy the whole evening immensely, and at the same time help on this good woik. Tickets may be Sad at the drag stores. of Messrs. Pelham. Lyons. Carmichael and Roseberry and Grant. d3t Aaieedate sr Qrant, fceneral Grant, on his retern to this country, is said to have been severely af flicted with a tough, contracted while crosaing the ocean, and which had stub bornly refused to yield to any treatment. a ii lend procured for, him a bottle of Syxaphyx, and by its use he was in a few hours entirely - relieved. He re marked to his friend: "Men look npon me as a great soldierbut .this bottle of Srruphyx is greater than I. My calling nas Deen to destroy men's Jives, bnt this medicine is a victorious savior of men. I ah all never be withnot it again." . . ,,-.-- ry-y - : ; West Enti CSioioe Cigar. . . Underwear real low, at Wbitlock's. Blankets and Comfoits lower than ever,- at Whitlock's. Canned goods of every variety, pres erves, jellies, Ac, rem low at Moore and Robard's. ' r dtf CHAKias.rjsiwJ';' ' J . . Messrs, C. E. Grabara and R. L. Graham have bold tjjeir control ; and interest in. the, Hogenot Mills at Greenville. S.C, to M E. II. Fnl lenwider lately conn? led with the bouse of C. . Greharn fe Co. Mr. Fullenwider is . ft" y oang man of splendid businessqitalltis, and will doubtless make;, a eviocess of - his present undertaking v -. The.wholesfale business of this place heretofore conducted bv Messrs'. C E. Grahauf t Co., on the first insl. passed into jthe hands ot Messrs. B. L. Graha:u, J. F. Graves and J. Y, Jordan, who will continue the conduct of the same business under the otC. E. Graham 'feCrrMr. C. E Graham retires!from ttie m to engage in a different and enlarged field of enterprise,- and all who knew bjs H'ljnegs qualities teei asburea tnat R'-.rwfrne ur. undertakes Will be. carried to sac- cess. The members of firm ot C. E uranam & Co. ore well Known in this cornmunity, have long been con nected with the house, and are in every sense quaaned to continue a business which has won success and which in its extent has no equal in Western North Carolina. We wish them continued success. - . Numbering the Houses. mis is a work: winch snould en gage the serious consideration of our city authorities, as it will not ouly prove a great convenience ' to our citizens and business men now, but will at an early clay jbe an actu al necessity, as our city grows and its population increases. The Southern Directory company propose taking a complete census of the city and numbering the houses, together with other directory work, in doing which, all at the same time, they can afford to do work cheaply as well as thoroughly. This we feel eure should and will meet the aid and encouragement of our city authorities, who properly have the welfare of the dty at heart, and desire to see it ranked among the first in the State. At the present ratio of increase of population and business, Ashe ville will soon be entitled to a free niaii delivery, wnicn will necessi- the numbering of the houses, and la t wnicn win men cost .much more than at present. The last census of Asheville taken in 1880, give 2,616 population. AH estimates made since that time have been mere conjectii.-ers. and neces- bv all means be reVsiieir?-- There is too muctvenue collect ed by the government of the United States. Tbe people pay too much taxes into the Treasury, and they pay it upon an inequitable basis. The Internal Revenue taxes, al ready too great were increased at the last sessions of Congress bv the ad dition of Oleomargarine to the list of ouojecia taxeu. ii is estimated tnat l! i a i t i r , , . , . many millions of dollars will be added to the public revenue from this source alon, and it will be paid by the poorer classes. - We should like to see this tax and the tax on tobacco abolished. In fact the whole Internal Revenue system may well be soared. And ehonld an v deficitin the treasury result from its abolition, it might be well sumjlied by revenue from an income tax. Such a tax wolud reach the capitalists who have been made rich by war speculations and protective'tariffs. tticKary rre&s. . Gladstone, Cardinal Manning, the Earl of Selbourne, the . Duke of Wesiminster, Cannon Ferrar. Prof. Tyndall, the Archbishop of Canter bury and others have signed an ap peal to the press not to publish de tails of divorce and criminal trials. The 8uffjring from the iate drought in a portion of Texas is fully as bad as has been represented. Full 30,- 000 people are in a starving condi tion, being deprived of both food and clothing" Steps are being taken o anord reliet. Whjtrock and Haight now con fess that they planned and execu ted the St. Louia Express robbery, and that they assort that Fothering ham, the Express agent, had noth ing to do rith it. The story that Senator Brown, of Georgia, expects to resign his seatJ in the Senate on account of the growing infirmities of age is said to be without foundation. - The cost of introducing a girl into society in New York and oarrying her successfully through one season 11 estimated at $,698, of which all but $250 is for wearing apparel, TheSunday law,' prohibiting tbe sale of liquor on that day,' is ; being enforced in Louisiana. - The saloon keepera of New Orleans are kicking against the law, but to no effect. The Bibb county Orphan House, near Macon, Ga., was destroyed by fire Saturday ; night. ' 4-5 children were . turned out in - their night clothes, with the mercury, marking 12 deg.: . , ' .:ix-:-y v To Business Mxk. ' -. . : ' It yon desire to reach the largest "um ocr ol the best people in . Western Caro lina and East Tennessee, use tbe 1 yerti sing columns of tbe (JrnzEir, Daily and Weekly. The Citizbs has a raufh lar ze r bona fide circfilation in the - territory mentioned, ibAj any other paper. Rates are low, considering nrculation. HERE AND THERE. M. M. Brennan, of Eufaula, Ala., has. undertaken the task of rearing a monument over the grave of Fath er Ryan, the poet-priest, at Mobile. The last book that Gen. Logan read was the biography of Gen. R. E. Lee. He finished it the day be fore he was stricken down by his fatal sickness. A good deal of the rumpus about Master Workman Powderly appears to be inspired by the fact that he draws $5,000 salary. Verily, money is the root of all evil. An early dissolution . of the pres ent iRritish government seems al moft certain. In addition to the complications -already referred to, there is now a loss of confidence in Salisbury's 'foreign policy . which involves an unreserved support of Austria ia the East. "itMook&ery like' going. o,u of fcfiice otth Tor ies and a consequent' - jMp&veeht of Ihe Irish outlook for Home RuieV ' An engineer on a Texas train re cently blew brakes, came to a sud den stop ; all the passengers aboard held up their hands and the express messenger unlocked the safe, when ! a man with a shofguh climbed into the car and said he -"wanted to send his gun down to Galveston to get a new hammer on it, as he wanted to shoot gophers. A brakeman took the gun, the train started merrily forward, and an item .for the press was spoiled. . . . ' ' Mrs. Staunton gets her decree of separation froirtv Revr ' Benjamin Staunton, the Presbyterian minister of Brooklyn who was convicted of gross offenses by his ministerial as sociates, and then whitewashed. Secular courts "do not deal in false sentiment. Admiring members of the church from which Staunton has deposed made him up a Christ mas purse. Nothing Is stranger in this odd world than the sympathy given to unworthy men who dis grace the pulpit. . ' " . There is a movement on foot in England to unite the various Metho dist bodies. A similar movement among the Congregationalists was started some time ago. The Metho dist Times, of London, is urging an union of all Methodists in Great Britain. It publishes letters from leading men urging a reunion. There are several bodies tnat have grown out of the original body that flour ished under Mr. Wesley. There are the Wesleyansrthe New Connexion, Primitives, Wesleyan Ketormers anq perhaps other's Tte purpose is to trvteal'all-'&?isiritiS. t Revs. Wil- haf tojL-hur, Alexander McAnlay, Ebenezer E. Jenkins, Charles Gar rett and other prominent and able ministers are leading the movement Voting two times legally. A singular case occurred at the Second ward polls at the recent election. E. E. Carter, vice-president ct the Ag' ricultural Insurance Company, vo ted at one time all but one ticket Later in the day he appeared and desired to cast a ballot foi the candi date lor an office whom he had omitted voting for. Several put in an objection, and Attorney-General O'Brien who was standing near, was appealed to. Mr. O Bnen stated that a person had a right to cast his ballot at any time from sunrise to sunset on election day, and, it he, wished, might cast a judiciary tick et at one time and a county ticket at another. Mr. Carter was allowed to vote the ticket which he had omitted on his first visit to the polls. Watertoivn (iV. Y.) Times The tobacco farmers of Kentucky the State where the"burley" cult ure has been overdone have agreed to plant only half a crop next year. Wo think the tobacco growers of Va. would do well to imitate the exam pie and give more of their attention next year . to the culture of some thing more profitable than tobacco alone. They should raise niore but ter, eggs, poultry, vegetables and cattle, and improve their lands with home-made manure instead ot spending hundreds of thousands of dollars lor foreign lertilizere. which. like the birds of the air, vanish soon after they appear.1 Lynchburg Ad vance. ' ' . . The Loudon correspondent of the Irish Times says another domestic romance is being prepared for the London Courts. The principals are a veteran soldier, on the verge ot fourscore, and his wife, a young la dy of 25, who were married twelve months ago. It is stated that on one occasion the venerable husband was set upon by his young wife and actually kicked down stairs, and, that another time she called lor him at his club, and when he came out on the steps she thrashed him with his own walking-stick. . Bncklen's Arnica Salve The beet Salve in the world for cuts, braises, ores, ulcers, rhenm, fever sores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains, corns, and all skin oruptiui!, iuu pusiuTcujr vurai pueo, VI uu MJ required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Prioe25 cts per box. For sale oyH.H. Lyons. . daw The West End Choice Cigar, only Scents.' ' . v "'" 'Vv The only genuine Steteson and Dunlan Hats: also a large 3tock cheaper grade of lists. - ' at WHrriocit's. Situation a. Bookkeeper, Salesmsnoranvthlnr 1X1 wti vi writ-nig vi luHwiemai-iiau wore. Address VI IJ.BS DfflCI, . an 1 1st TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. A mistaken idea exists with many pa trons' of newspapers throughout the South, to the effect that the subscription to a paper is not due until Vie end of the yearK The universal role with, newspap ers is cash in advakci; and this rule, while rigidly enforced by all the North era papersbas not been enforced in the South. As a result every newspaper car rier through the year a large proportion ot its subscription entailing both loss and great inconvenience to the publisher. We think the time has come to adopt this rule, and one subscribers must ob serve, it. By doing so they . wHl enable us to make a better paper, do greater justice to the subscriber, and better our selves. A Cbaaee for the Girls. There are no less than 30.000 bachelor in .Montana, and ever single one or them is in need of and an zinrui ta tret a wifa. These entertaining young . fellows and vfcuia-ie-oanef Mta areo time to go courting themselves, and so-muoh -of (hat sort of thing is done by proxy. They are. entirely too busy amassing fortunes, eitner at sheep herding, cattle growing, or mining, in which at least 50 per cent, of them are bound to becoume million aires sooner or later. There fs the great est possible heed in . Montana for young girls and maidens, old women and old maids, too, for that matter, each and ev ery one of whom . would fill a longfelt want. Domestics are in high demand As servant girls they can command wag es' here that would give them comforta ble competences in a short time, with very little Offered - in return. But the trouble with the girls who come out this waytoOking for a job is thai none of them remain in seryioe for any length of time. They are soon gobbled np by young fol lows in search ' a wife. Fort Keogh Correspondence. ' ' . IVondon asd Paris. London., is the one and ' only wonder in the world. The time is past when peo ple go to Paris to find the ne plus ultra. Paris has its exceptional at tractions, Jof course, and always must. But in London, which is .the treasure house of the globe, you find everybody and everything. " It is the Eden, the source of enjoyment, and . well-informed travelers are gradually learning that fact, and their desire to participate in the good things of life takes them to London rather than to Paris. Henry Ward Beeclier in New York World. Whilo there are maav humorous things about the absence of Senator Jones, of flonda, from his seat in the body of which he is a member, there is one feature of it which ougni Dy una time to attract more than passing notice. Duriag his absence he has regularly : drawn his payw-mar allowance for "Stationery anlt-a salary for his eo&-a private secretary. Accounts from Michigan City, ina states that the snow storms on the railroads in that locality re worse than nave prevailed in five years. There is over five feet of snow on a level in exposed places. while in tbe ravines it is much deep er. Railroad traffic is greatly- im peded. A writer on palmistry says " soft hand has a lazy owner and t hard one means energy." A hard hand also means, when a father has his eight-year old son over his knee, a series o small howls. A child walking with his father one day saw a hen's feather lying in me street, ne stopped abruptly, and stood gazing at it for some minutes, then pointing toward it in quired, "Angel? or turkey?" Life. - Purify. aW wuv aDW 'Ulfvl MSUV IWI . of the systou, and it is of the highest importance that it be kept pure. With impure blood no one need expect to enjoy good health. Hart's Blood and Liver Pills are well adapted to cleanse the blood, and should be used freely. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TEU3TBE S SALE Ot LAND Bv virtue of a deed of tract exented to mn on the Uth day of September 1863, by P.L. Lance sad wife, to secure a loan made to them by J. W. iiupu, as imiy set ionn in saia aeea or irnsr, which is recorded in tbeoffice ol Register at Otml of Buncombe county, in book 4 a pages SIO A 811 of Mortgage Records, I will sell at public auc tion, to the highest bidder for cash, at tbe Court- nvnseaoorin Asncviue, on Thursday, toe Srd day of February, 1887, a certain Tract of Land in Buncombe county, North Carolina, on the north side of Beaver Dam Creek, lust below Clemmons' mill, and containing 88 acres more or less, which said P. L. Lancebought of D. A. Kil lian and wife by de.d bearing date September, 1883, registered in said Begister's office in book ti at page 681 of deed records, reference to which is hereby made for a fuller description of the same. . This January 3, 1887. ' '' fan4-wlw - W. 3. G.WTS, Trustee. A Card to the Public. Kotioc. Kvkbt individual who has not naid his city taxes for 1886, further indulgence is im Dossible. Mr time is 'most no. Taxes or trouble must come and come now. , Pay your taxes and save cost. - Respectfully, - Janl-dtf N. A. REYNOLDS, N' OTICE. An Ordinance for the nrotection nf the Fire Hose of the Citv nassed at the meeting of the Board of Aldermen, December 31st. 1888 : Be it oroainea Dy tne iwara oi Aiaermea or t ne City of Asheville, That any person or persons riding or driving across or otherwise Injuring the Hose belonging to the city npon conviction shall pay a fine of Twenty Dollars or be imprison ed thirty days - This ordinance -shall be in full force from and after its passage. E. J. ASTON, Mayor. T. C. H. DUKES, Secretary Board, jan 2 dSt .. LAND FOR SALEa T WILL BELL, AT FUBUO-AUCTIOSV i 0B, a casn, at tne uourc-uouse floor in Aneyiue,on Monday, the 21th jac, 1887, Forty Acres of Land, (and a mule), located 8x mues irom juuevuie, on ui waters oi uiv Creek. Said land ia weU covered with oak. hickory and yellow pine timber, there being onlv about 4 acres of ooen land. Title perfect, having been invested by one of Powell & Snider's Column. tAiir nrt.rrrris. 100 bags Coffee, bObbls. Sugar, 400 lbs. fine Tea', ' 2100 lbs7 Soda, 111 Boxes Soap, 60 boxes Cracker 275 cases of Canned Goods,' 115 cases Baking Powders. Grapes, Bananas, . r Oranges, Lemons, French Prunes, : . Cranberries, Figs, Dates, Prunellas, Table Nats, Olives, OliyeOil, -Z Currants, Citron, . Imperial Cabinet Raisins", California Layer Raisins, . Vineyard duller Raisins, - Valencia Raisins, Sultana Raisins, Maple Syrup, Rock Candy Syrup, New Orleans Molasses, Buckwheat Flour, -Mushrooms, Macedoine,. . Capers, Mince Meat, Chocolate, Cocoa, Cocoanuts, - Gelatine, Crosse & BlackioelVa Pickle, Obelisk Pickles, Beech & Sherwood's Pickles, Domestic Pickles, Royal Baking Powder, Horsford's Baking Powders,' French Mustard. ,;-; English Mustard, Lee & Perrin'a Worcestershire Siw, Tobasco Sauce, North of England Sauce, Durkee's Salad Dressing, White Wine Vinegar, Fresh Shore Mackerel, Cream Codfish, Fresh Butter, Fresh Eggs, Cream Cheese, Pine Apple Cheese, Parmesan Cheese, , Sapsago Cheese. . Asbton Salt. " . Macaroni, Vermicelli, Horse Radish, Flavoring Extracts,! French Herbs, Jellies, Preserves, Fine Teas, Choicest Roasted and Green Coffee Powdered Sugar, XXX Confectioner's Sugar, Granulated Sugar, Brighton C Sugar, ' Canary Sugar, Strained Honey, Honey in comb, Fancy Head.Rice, Select JSpices 37,600 lbs. Flour, do,UUU lbs. Bran and bhorts, 36,000 lbs. Hay, 1600 bushels Oate, 400 bushels Meal, 1200 bushels Corn. If "we covered a newspaper wa might make a list t the goods we carry, but as .it is we cannot tell halt J. , ' ' We have several additional sto rage rooms. ai; a ntto nilirg cp -with the largest stock ia our line tv' be' found in the Stats, Lc1;sa.i or retail. '. POWELL & Si:VJZ?n del8-3ia - , ) iue wm rati esiaie lawyers. dec 19 did . IB. y. PATTON. - y - 'f - 1 .

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