CITIZEN JOB OSTICT, f- WEST SIDE PUBLIC 8QTTAKE BILL HEADS - LfiTTKR HEADS, . POSTERS, " BLANKS e - AmdfobWtrkofalltimdtdomtvUh fromflnets mnd at low fries. zen. 1 Year. S8.00 - O Moi., S.OO V'Mkly, - X Year, LBO (. - e Moe., TO ' ADVERTISING RATES LOW. 7 VOL II.-NO 233. ASHEVILLE. N. C- SUNDAY-MORNING; JAN. 91887. PRICE 5 CENTS DAILY EDITION. Furnar, Stoaa 6s Cameron, BDITOR8 AND FROPRI ETOBS. ii tl e I, ASIIK VILLE SOCIETIES. CvrtM. Cmmaitdery, No. 5. J. A. Porter Eminent CMnmanilcr: Jordan atone. Secretary. Meets first Wednesday night In each month. . Ajhemllr Cluioter. R. A. M.G. II. Bell. High Priest: S. Hammcrshlair, Secretary. Meeu the second Wednesday night In each month. Ml. Herman L'xire.tio. 118. A. f. dc A. M. HTC. Fagg Worshipful Master; Fred. L. Jacobs Brcretary. Meet ;the first Friday night ia each SmnnnaiLaa Lotted. A", of B.. No. 46. J '4. Boardtnsn, Dictator; Jordan Stone, Secretary. Meets the first and third Monday nights in each French Broad OnuurU, No. 701, S. A. EMU Lsvy, Regent; Jordan Stone, Secretary. Meets 1 a tho haUof the Knights of Honor on the second aim luuna fiouu&y uiuiim u t u wvuui. The Woman's Missionary Society of the M. E. church. South, meet in the church claw-room on the First Friday of every montb at 4 o'clock P.M. The Beauty of the Wet. Lodge No. 40, F. A. A. V. M. Meets on the first and third Monday nights in each month. James Lattunore, Wnrahinfnl Muster ;'H. B. Brown. rJecretary. The Asheville PubUc Library, over Mr. Kep ler's Store, opposite Eagle Hotel, ana next daor to The Bank ot Asheville. is open to vis itors from 19 a. m. to 1 p. m. and from 4:30 to 6-M p.m. -", 4 SH E VI tblj CJJ IIBCIVPIBECTOBT tfeaiodUit 'Zviseotat Ohuch Church 8t. Oct. W. W. Bays Morning services 11 a. m. ; evening tervices 1 p m.; prayer meetingWed- nefiuay evemng ' Xi p. i.'uj uaufjoiu dwuw am. Presbyterian Church Vk'irch St. ' Bev. Mr. DeFevre Services 11 a. m.;7J4p. m. ; prayer meeting five p. m. Wednes day; Sabbath school half -past 9 a. in. - Epinoopal Church, Trinity corner Church and Willow Bis. Rev. Jarris Buxton, D.D.8ervicos Sunday, 11 a. m. and 4 p.m.; Wednesdays, at 10 a. m., and Fridays at 4 p. m. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Baptist Church corner Woodfin and Spruce. Bev. J. L. Carroll Services 11 a m.; 7:30 p. m.; prayer meeting 7:30 d. v. Wednesday; Sabbath school 9 a. m. Roman Catholic Church. Hlv. Fred. Price Services every Sun day at ll a. m., but the first Sunday of the month, when services will be held at the Warm Springs. Sunday school at 10 a. m. at ashe Ule. Dm.da.y Mission Church. Kov W W Boys Pasior. Sabbath School, J II A'cavct Siipt. COLORED II Hit CUES. A.. Jf; .inrehtZiox) CoJegeSl. iiev.-Ir. Sherman Services 11 a. m.; 3 p. m'.. and half.past 7 p- rn.; Saboath school 9 p in, Baptist. Bev. Mr. Burnley Services 11 a. in '.. J p.m., aad half-past 7 p.m.: Sabbath school 1.30 p.m JSpiscopaL Bev. Mr. Services 11 a. m.; Sab- oath school 3 p.m. COMPOUND OXYGEN. Drs, Hargac, Stone & Gatchell, SPECIALISTS, OFFICE PutUam Building; .Ho a 81. ASHEVILLE, N. C . A'e use in the treatment of Chron. & leases, C03IP0UND OXYGEN and Medicated Vapor by direct inhalation. Those who Buffer from diseases of the Respiratory Or gans such as Consumption, Catarrh, Bronchitis. sthma. Chronic Sore Throat, Loss of Voice, etc., tnd who have failed to be cored by the ordinary treatment of Cod Lirer Oil, Hypophosphites, 1'ocket Inhalers, and the like, mny be permanent ly cured by our new treatment ; since we have cured and are curing cases which had resisted all other means and which had been pronounced Incurable by the best physicians. The Compound Oxygen Treatment is not only valuable in diseases of the respiratory tract, but is workme DromDt and Dermanent cures in all diseases depending upon an impoverished or impure condition oi tne mooa, sucn as ueDiiiiy, EDilensv. Rheumatism. Chorea. Neuraleia Paral ysis, Diabetes, Bright's Disease, Anaemia, Scrofu la, ana an diseases oi me ecin. The Only Treatment j'1 ' which will permanently cure Nasal CatakbhI The only Specific lor Asthma t The treatment is pleasant to take, and cannot aggravate any case however delicate and sensi tive. Special attention paid to diseases of the Rec tum, such as Piles, Fissure, Fistula, Prolapsus, tc. A NEW TREATMENT, ,4inLe3i. and availably successful. No loss of ror those who cannot come to our office, and wno need the Compound Oxygen, we have a Home Treatment, which in manv cases Is as val- akble as the OtEoe Treatment, we will send the apparatus and chemicals to last two months for REFERENCES. Rev.N.8. Alrleht, Welllnrton, O.; Wm IM-ieht. Welllnrton, O.; Wm Bat sfrl. T8jn ; L. T. Jglehardt, Esq., d ; John B. Snow, Ej., Tipton, B. 8. Fuller, Boonville, Ind ; O. A. ue, M D, Pc psi Evansviile, ind Tenn : Hon. B. MearSjKsq, Asheville, N. C; Rev. O. Bell, Bell Write 'for Illustrated Pamphlet, which will be mailed free. In regard to treatment. Address DRS. HARGAN, STONE t OA nov l-daw6m UZVL. imm mm house .VORTH BIDE PUBLIC SQUARE. Sella PI ANOS and ORGANS on Monthly In tallments of i5 and S10. ONE PRICE ONLY. Sheet Musle and Manic Boots. Old instru d ents taken in exchange. For Catalogues and Circulars apply to 0. FALS. tgl":dAwly Tbe "Pinafore Steam" is one of the ways c Vetera are served at Turner's. w - '1 DAIL EDITION. TJIK DAILY - CITIZEN Will .be published every Morning (ex ceptMoadav) at the following rate strictly fast: One Tear. . . . .;. . $8 00 Six Months, ...... 3 00 Three . . y. . . . 1 50 One . r . ; - 60 One Week. . . . 15 Our Carriers will deliver the paper ev ery Morning in every part of the city to our subscribers, and parties wanting it will please call at the uitihn umce. Send your Job Work of all. hind to the Citizen Office, if you want it dene neatly. cheaply and wuA aupatch. . Arrival and Departnrt mt Paaaeasjer Train. .f Salwbubt Arrives' S p. m. and departs 10:51 am. . O " . - TenriesaaaAiTivM lflfi a. m. ajid .departs 7:D5pm. v' f - T " - ' i ' wirnmua-atmutM p m.ana aepara 8:00 a. m. " f i SraaTAKBUBa Leave Asheville 7:00 a m; arrive at Hendersonville 8:15 a m; at Spartan burg 11:40 a m. ijeave HDartanrntre tMO v m: arrive at iien- dersonville 7:10 p m; at Asheville 8:15 p m. tW INTERESTING READING MAT TER ON FOURTH PAGE. Smith's Planetary Almanacs for 1887 for sale at West End Pharmacy, Patton Avenue. d2wks Services at all tbe Churches to day. Sunday school services this morn ing at the church on Bailey street at 9:30 o'clock, and preaching at 11 m. and 4 p. m. by lie v. Dr. Car roll. The Rev. F. M. Jordan will preach at the Baptist church this morning, and the Rev. Will H. Osborne, late editor of the Shelby Autora to night. San Francisco is" discussing the subject of the paternity of Cain's wife. Boston is at the same time wrestling with the theory of proba tion after death. We are requested to say that by the addition ot some large stoves recently placed in the Presbyterian church, the public may expect to find the church well heated to-day. The most regretted call this year by a citizen ol Asheville was one he made on four kings. He found that the party who engineered the op posing syndicate or plant . had four aces. " An observant and experienced newsjjaper man named Walsh, at Augusta, Ga., gives this admirable advice: "Dont't take too much punch and don't mix the liquors." 1 he advice was of a Christmas sort, but has genera application. When Lord Tennyson the poet spoke ot Edithbeing "feminine to her tender feet" ho did not intimate that her pedal extremities were afflicted with corn or bunions, or were cold. Poetic license extends a great way. Says the NeicsObserer; of Thurs day: J" We congratulate" Messrs. Furman, Burkhead, Clifton and Julian, those true and tried demo cratic public servants, on their re election to the offices respectively held by them last session. There are no better officers than they any where. The Board of Aldermen Friday night decided to authorize the Southern Directory Company to take a complete census of Asheville, and to number all the houses and lots in the city at a cost ot $200 to tho town. This will make the Direc tory one of the most complete ever published, and will give to Ashe ville a much-needed want. We were led into an error yester day morning, through a Raleigh dispatch to the Charlotte 'Chronicle, in stating that Mr. Wm. M. Davies, of Hendersonville, had been defeat ed for the position of Engrossing Clerk of the House of Representa tives. Mr. Davies was elected to that position through the aid of the Independents of the House. .A negro boy, about: 18 years of age, named Dick Holden, was yes terday carried to the Albany peni tentiary under a sentence of twelve months imprisonment by the recent Federal court held here. Dick was originally from Greenville, S. C, but was charged here with resisting Federal officers. He has now a lit tle leisure to consider hi3 follies and to plan for a renewal of the same in the future. - Have you paid your little bills ? Retail debts are wholesale ills ; Tardy payment credit kills ; Better pay your little bills. With Many Thanks For tho liberal custom given us, all last year and especially during December, we hope to deserve a continuance of the same. We haye tried to carry a line of goods that would please , all. TLoueh while of necessity the very new and choice articles would seem expensive, we have asked but a reasonable profit on them, and tried to offer a good variety at all prices. Knowing that articles of real merit or artis:ic beauty are duly apprecia ted here we hops to carry a better line than ever before, also in Crockery and uiassware in an trades.- - - J. H. Law, South Main street. Blankets and" Comforts lower than ever, - at Whitlock's. The curbing for oar Asheville side walks, which ia now being delivered, Is furnished by the Messrs. Brower Bros., of Hickory, If. C. ' V ' Mrs. Waller, wife of Prof. Waller, of the Columbia College of New Torsi, died at the residence of her husband in this place on Thursday night, and her remains were yesterday carried to her former home. . Frof. Waller has been a resident of Asheville for the past twelve months. Mrs. Waller having been in delicate health when she came here. Col. Long, of Swannanoa, who was at the railroad meeting at Fair View, and who made some remarks on the occasion, says he has never seen a people more, in earnest than are those, from, here to Ru therford ton in the building of a road. These people are willing to contribute means, ua.a and labor to accomplish the end desired-, - - i . ... - v " s The following names compose the com mittee appointed at the Fair View meet ing Friday to confer wilMW authorities of tbe Carolina Central, and preform such other acts as would tend to-the promotion of the building of. the road to Asheville: ! ' EoKOOX be Nalt Atkinson. T. B. Long And Jason Ashworth. Henderson R. A.. Freeman, J. H. Tinley and R. J. Brown. Rutherford B. F. Henderson, Frank Reynolds and Henry Porter. McDowell Judson Merrett, A. W. Morgan and John Bass. polk j. w. Hampton, l.. . morn and Ottis Nelson. A Copy of the Directory To the person making the most correct guess as to the population of Asheville, as compiled by the South ern Directory Company. This offer is made to the subscribers for the new Directory only. Send in your subscriptions with your gues3, only ccs.oU addressed to bouthern Direct tory Co., Lock Box 3, City, or five the number to the agent when he calls on vou. An Official Census to be Taken of Asheville Together With Numbering the Houses by the Southern Directory Company. : At a meeting of the Board of Alv dermen last Friday night the con tract was awarded the Southern Di rectory Company for taking a com plete census of the city and num bering the houses. This was dorje by the honorable Board in compli ance with the expressed desiret oi our busiuess men and citizens,. with the sanction of their own Jgood judgment and i,eet3 with hearty approval on every band. J he oth cial railway guide books of the north and west give Asheville a population of 2,61tj, according to the last census of 1880, or about one third of its present population. The official census will correct these wrong impressions abroad, and give a correctly compiled census, published in the valuble Di rectory Company are getting out for this city. The numbering of the houses is a work of no less importance to the city and will prove a convenience which would in a short time have been a necessity, and this company do this work for less than half the same would cost - the city to have the work done separately ,and when the population is larger. Hereto fore, it has been almost impossible for the thousands of annual visitors to find their way about the city, but this enterprise will entirely do away with such difficulties. A large photo-lithograph map will be placed in the front of their book, together with a most accurate and complete street directory. The body of the book will contain the name, color occupation, residence, place of business, number, married or single, over or under 20 years of age and the streets and crossings near the residence of every individ ual in the city. It will also con tain a neat card or advertisement from nearly every business or pro fessional man, and larger displays on inset colored pages from large business firms. - - This is an enterprise that will be of almost incalculablevalue to Ashe ville, and we are glad to know it is meeting with such - successful en couragement. "' a If Va4rflt! Curia. W. D. Hoyt A Co- Wholesale and Re tail Druggists of Rome, Ua , say : We nave been selling vr. King's JNew .Dis covery, Electric Bitters and Bucklen's Arnica Salve for two years. Have never handled remedies that sell as well or give such universal satisfaction. .There eave been some wonderful ceres effected by these medicines in this city. Several eases of pronounced consumption have been entirely cured by nse of a few bot tles of Dr, King's New Discovery, taken in connection with Electric Bitters. We guarantee them always, bold by II. H. Lyons. At Patton and Kimberlev's market the finest beef and sausages can be obtained at all times. Prices low. Market under the Deaver building on Eagle street, jan 9 dGt The Best Linen Marker and card printer in North Carolina for 40c; the best in the U. S.for 60c. the best in the world for 00c. Indelible ink Ac., with each. A. B. SAMS, Jr., Citizen Oiiok. Go to Moore and Robard's European Restaurant, if you want to enjoy a good meal or oysters served in any style, where you will be entirely private and free from any objectionable parties, as only the "vrell-behaved" are admitted to ineir dining-room. . uu . Best 6c cigar West End Choice. Underwear real low, at Whitlock's. " the West End Choice Cigar, only 5 cents. ' ' Y.; ' ' : " .- Avery's Creek Hbard VROstr . We have just received the final returns from Avery's Cieek as to the result of the November election in : that locality, and it now appears that the. Democracy of .Buncombe has aoo for rejoicing in tbe election- ol two .Democratic con stables. Mr. Thoa. H. Creastnan. a dyed- in-the-wool Democrat, was made con' stable of that township, wnat care we for the action of the independents in Kaleigh as long as we can have oar home officers! ,""4 "v The Ansval Reojhpw of the Ashk ville Club. " ' . The Asheville Club. . which has long Bince become one or Asneville's most popular institutions, held one of its an nual reunions at its rooms on -South Main street last nigb& -The occasion was largely. attended,' many friends Of f the clnb being present, and it is need- The following oP3ctiVere elocUsd foBf,ftl"moVV y,V?r7 the present vear: President Wm. R. Penniman, Jr. Vice-President Dr. S. W. Battle. Sec. and Treas. Thos. W. Patton. Executive Committee C. A. Moore, E. I. Holmes, E. E. Heston, W. W. West. The following refreshments were served by Mr. J. A. Turner, the popular restarauteur, later in the evening : oysters. Stewed Scolloped - Fried Steamed. On the Half-Shell Broiled MEATS. Fish, with Almond Sance Turkey Roast Duck Roast, with Olive Oil Chicken Fricassee. COLD MEATS. Tongue Smoked Toniroe Fried Leg of Mutiou Corned Beef Chipped Beef Corned Beef Sliced Unm Sandwiches Sardinse Gibbet Pattlg. SALADS. Chicken Potato DESERTS. Wine Cake Cranberry Tarta Celery Chocolate Cake Jam Tarts Jelly Omelets Currant Cream Cakes French Tarts German Pancake de la Rhine. JELLIES. Raspberry; FRUITS." - ' Apples ? Orange Malaga and Delaw are Grapsc r resn fine Appie jjauannas iiaisins Sliced ranges with Cocoanut Nuts. RELISHES. . Celerv Horse Radish , French Mustard English Cumr -- Le?eeis Catsup F-ill it1 Grated Beet . Olive Oil l'icKlea Olives " . .. Mocha and Java Coffee Engl Isb B rcakfa ) e French Chocolate. A Sihange Character. The following from the pen of Col. A. T. Davidson treats of a singular case. Says CoL D : "In the Fall of the year 1877 I waj at Murphy Court, county of Cherokee, Judge Furchcs presiding. A man by the name of Terry Shclton was indicted and charged with the murder of Thomas Shelton (his brothejr.) I appeared for the prisoner. The tfceeased was shot in the forehead with a urge ball, discharged from an army pistol, died instantly. There were but the two brothers, and the defence was put upon the ground of accident. There were was much testi mony by the State as to the manner oi killing, motives, Ace, and much by the prisoner to show the want ot motive, and that the killing was purely accidental. The only witness to the transaction was the mother of the two boys. While she was greatly affected, and seemed tobe laboring under great affliction, her tes timony showed clearly that the transac tion was accidental; or at least left the matter in such doubt that after a labored and pains-taking trial, the prisoner was acquitted. The prisoner was then a young man , near six feet four inches high,' with a striking face, rather Roman nose, a flow ing and healthy growth of hair, which had been carefully kept during his im - prisonment; and seemed then to be the pride of his person. During the trial he was self-possessed, woue not callous or indifferent, he demeaned himself as a man of self-possession and nerve; he was always clean in his dress, and entirely submissive to the direction and control of his counsel. He was acquitted, and while his friends in the Court room were congratulating each other, the counsel and prisoner, he seemed to be without feeling or emotion. On motion of his counsel he was dis charged without day. - l have never seen him since until this morning, and ohl how changed. He is without hair or beard, without oyebrow or lash, entirely smooth; his skin and tlesh as tender as a baby s, ms neaitn is good, and as a rule he 'demeans himself as a sober and quiet man.. I learn that, without mental or pnysi cat suffering, his hair began to drop off within six months, and without any physical or chronic disorder he is in bis present condition. " Queries: Is this & incase of physical disorder, or a casaW Troyidential visi . tation to mark rum as tne siayer oi nis brother. I leave these questions for the Scientists and Theologians. - A. T. DAVIDBOK. Asheville, Jan'y 8th j 1887.- ' : -This strange character ia now in Ashe ville, at the Slagle House, under the charge of Mr. W. S. Payne, who think of placing him on exhibition in the charac ter of a Cain. A Lady Operator. : Miss M. E. Wood. ofThpmasville, Ga., a lady who has had considera ble experience in the W. Union of Sees, will arrive here to day to ae sist Manager Burke in the work of the Western Union Telegraph Com pany in this place. Mi6S.Wopd;is a native South Carolianian. . Health is impossible when the blood is impure, thick and sluggish, or when it is thin and impoverished. Under snch conditions, boils, pimples, neadacnes, neuruleia. rheumatism, and one disease after another is developed. Take Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and it will make the blood pure, rich, warm and vitalizing. , . tH Saturday we received a call from Mr J. I. Green, whose business it is to en large small pictures to all sizes and in all styles. He makes a specialty of Berlin Photographs, Water Colors and Oils, and only handles work from the best Metro politan studios. - Term : All work subject to rejection if not: as represented. ,Ir. Green is torrin? at the Woodfin'. Aouse. where he will be pleased to show pis samples and make estimates. , .- .- jan9d2t V Y ' . CONDENSED TELEGRAMS. Tne receipts from internal revenue Thursday were $104,642, and from customs $433,134. - Farmerville and Mindeh, La., rt port the heaviest enow storm ever experienced at those places. Leaf tobacco dealers at New York favor the stopping of all government taxes upon its manufacture. Ex-Senator Doraey, of Arkansas, sailed from New York, for Europe in the steamer saaie lbuisday. John Roach, the ship builder, is gradually growing- weaker, though the changs has been very slight. Governor liood- Thursday ap pointed J. Upshur Dennis to tho va cancy on the Supreme- Bench of tne re8iir nauon vi . wgH vmiui A.1 Fisher A The Massachusetts "authorities Thursday completed the sale of the Hoosac Tunnel, with its accompany ing forty-four miles of railroad, to the Fitch burg Kauroad company. Victor Tarde. an old citizen of Medina county, Texas, died on Tuesday, aged 95 years. He was a member of the famous "Old Guard'' of Napoleon I, and served at Water loo. The Grand Jury at St. Louis Thursday turned- an indictment against Dan Monanty, charging him with being "an accessory after the fact to the "Jim Cumrmngs" ex press robbery. An engine of a construction train on tne Aiaoama ureat ooutnern Road on Tuesday struck a cow, left the rails and went went down- an embankment, when Engineer Dewes and Fireman Fowler were killed. The boiler of the elevator and flouring mills of Newton House, at El wood, Ind., exploded Thursday, killing the milller, Joseph Redd, and the engineer, Bill Lyst, and se riously injuring George Reid, sec ond miner. j At Columbus, O., W. G. Deshler, banker and milliouaire, Thursday gave to the Columbus Female Benev olent Shciety $100,000 to be inves ted and controlled by an Advisory Board of Gentlemen for the use of the society. Samuel, aged 67 years, late Cashier of the Windham (Conn.) Nai'jJ ' J bankr whoso connection wivft,e Grant & Ward failure is still fresh in the minds ot the public, died from an epileptic attack at Windham Centre Thursday morn ing. At Iforehaad, Ky., on Monday night, in a fit ot jealousy, Mason Keeton fired at John Rogers, woun ding him slightly, when friends of Rogers shot and killed Keeton. The men belonged to opposite loctions who have kept Rowan county in a state of terror for a long time. The family of John Wooster, of Montpeller, Ind., consisting oi five persons, was poisoned on Monday night by eating biscuit in which a very inferior quality of baking pow der had been used. Two of the chil dren are dying and the remainder of the family is in a precarious con dition" A bundle of bloody clothing was found on Tuesday in Lexington, Mas3., and vesterday Farmer Brooks discovered near the place the head of a man. which had been severed from the body, and near it other portions of a body covered by snow. The Someryiile police have received information which indicates that the disfigured remains are those of a well-to-do milkman named George M. (Jodman. SOMETHING HE FORGOT. .' When Mr. Jenkins went to his bed room at half-past one. it was with the determination of going to sleep, and with another determination that he would not be interviewed by Mrs. Jenkins. So, as soon as he had entered the door, and de posited his lamp npon the dressing-tab'.e, he commenced his speech : "I locked the front door.' I put the chain on. 1 pulled the key out a little bit The dog is inside. ' I put the kitten out I emptied tbe drip-pan of the re frigator. The cook took the silver to bed with her. I put a cane under the knob of the back-hall door. . I put the fasten ings over tbe bath-room windows. The parlor nre has coal on. I did not drink all the milk. Ir is not going -to rain. Nobody gave me any message for you. I maued your letters as soon hs 1 got down town. Yom mother did not call at the office. Nobody died that we are interes ted in. Did not hear of a marriage or engagement I was very busy at the of fice making out bills. I have hung my c'.othes over chair-backs. I want a new egg for breakfast. I think, that is all, and I will now put oat the light." Mr. Jenkins felt that be had bedeed against all inquiry, and a triumphant smile was upon his face as he took hold of the gas-check, and sighted a line for the bed, when he watf earthquaked bv ringing laugn, and tne query from Mis. Jenkins:' "Why didn't you take off vour bat? " JcUee, tinMnr am MtliaU. - 11. H. Lyons can always be relied upon to carry-in stock the purest and best goods and sustain sthe reputation of being active, pushing and reliable, by recom mending articles with well established merit and such as are popular. .Having the agency for tbe celebrated Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, colds and eouehs, will sell it on a positive guarantee. It will surely cure any and every affection of throat, Junes or chest, and in order to prove our , claim, we ask yon to call and &et a Tria: Bottle free. v . 1 - i Oysters received in balk .daily af . dtf " '. Moors cRobahds.- THE TOBACCO MARKET. Good sales at all the warehouses, with. prices well maintained for the quality. of tobacco on the market : Sales at the Farmer's, January 7 W E Noland, 6 lots, 19, 13i. 17. 24. 25. 13J: T J Fisher. 3 lots. 24J, 25, 23i; J B EUer, 4 lots, 23, 22, 20J, 4i: y, j netcau. o iota, zo, 10, T, 18; Worley and Gilbert, 5 lots, 28, 49, 27, 18 J, 18J; E T Worley, 4 lots, 23, 30, 21, 18; Bice and Noland, 8 lots, 27. 25, 23, 38, 23, 23, 30, 45; J E Boon, 4 lots, 25, 24, 21. 30; L W Boon, 3 lots, 49. 24 and 23. January 8 G B Lee, Tennessee. 4 lots. ut,cz, 17, rati worley and Gilbert, two lots, 27, 16; G D Graham, 3 lots; 24, 15, 17: N W Prbffitt. Yancev. 5 lots. 23. 22. oo, i, id; m v cnamoers, i lot, 43 Died, . v ' In Brevard, N. C, on the 6tE of! January, Miss Eugenia A. Gash, at tha residence of her mother Mrs. M. A. Gash.V Her nealtl:SftfTiorbeeri good for some- time, rukno unneasi- ness had been felt by her friends. Our correspondent says "she repre sented the highest type of christian womanhood, and she will be sadly missed in the community." Rev. Dr. W. A. Nelson. This gentleman, pastor of the Second Baptist Church at Raleigh and who has been on a visit during the past week to the Baptist Church in this place, has accepted the call of the latter church, and will take charge about the first of February. Dr. Nelson is a native of Green county, Tenn., but has resided, for some twenty years in .North Curo- ma, much of that timo having been spent in the Western section, and he has many warm friends here who will be pleased to learn that he is returning to this field of labor. We congratulate the Baptist Church at this place in securing his services. An Accident to Col John D. Cam eron. Says the Raleigh Nem-Obserxev of Thursday : "Wednesday, the streets being very slippery, while Col. J,D. Cam eron, of the Asheville Citizen, who is here attending the opening of the legislature, was going up r ayeite ville street, he had the misfortune to slip and fall on the pavement near Alfred Williams fc Co's book store and break his right arm. The injury was very painful, but did l" Keep me ganant uoionei irom a pearing on the streets this mornij The same paper says editorially : "We regret exceedingly the pain ful accident that has befallen Col. Jno. D. Cameron, who has so lone served the people of the State effici ently and patriotically as principal of the Honse of Representative and through the colums of the State press. . We trust the injury is not serious and that the recovery of our highly , esteemed friend will be speedy The State of North Caro lina ha3 no son more devoted to her every interest than Col. Cam eron. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is recommended by physicians of the greatest eminence on both sides of the Atlantic, as the most reliable remedy for colds and coughs, and all pulmonary disorders. It affords prompt relief in every case. No family should ever be without it. tl4 To Business Men. It you desire to reach the largest tium- oer of the best people in Western Caro lina and East Tennessee, use the adverti sing columns of the Citizbk, Daily and Weekly, lbe Citizen has a much lar ger bona fide circulation in the territory mentioned, than any other paper. Rates are low. considering circulation. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TTEMTION, COMPANIONS! Aiheville Chapter No. 85 R. A. M. will hold Us regular monthly communication on Wednesday niaht. the 18th inst.. at 7tt P. M. sharp. All companions ara uned to at teed, as business of importance will come up lor consideration Visiting companions invited. tiy order or tne uigu rriest. S. HAMHERSHLAG, Secretary. Jan 9d 8t ..... N OTICE Is hereby eiven that ddrins the Dreaent session of the General Aasemblv cf North Carolina. application win pe maae ror a cnartsr ror a rail road running from Asheville, N. C, to Unalta, Tennessee: Also for a charter for a railroad from Butlier- fordton, N. C to Asheville, N. C; Also for a charter for a railroad from Asheville, N. C to Greenville, S. C, by the most practic able route. .. . . . jan B w4w , F Resolutionforl887 ADOPTED BY . Moore & Robards. We have hereby, resolved That, havine secured the services of Mr. Mcb weeny, lor seventeen years iore- m&n for the "Largest Baking Jtaoiisn ment" in the South, where he estab lished a reputation as having no equal in bread and cake baking, and having in creased our facilities twofold, we-will fur nish to the trade the best bread, such as French Twist. Vienna Bolls, Patent Loaf, Brown and Bye, and an endless variety of the finest small and large Cakes that hane ever been exhibited in this glorious "Land of the Sky." Cakes iced or ornamented at moderate cost and on short notice. We have the only Restaarant con ducted in - FXX&T CLAS3 ETYtS in the citv. Our line of Confections is unexcelled in the State. Always the freshest and purest. " . . " DESMOND'S OLD STAND Solatia ilain Street. Powell & Snider's Column. WAIXY BCIXETIJI. 100 bags Coffee, W bbl8. sugar, 400 lbs. fine Tea, 2100 lbs. Soda, 111 boxes Soap, 60 boxes Cracker 275 cases of Canned Goods, lid cases Baking Jowder. Grapes, Bananas, Uranges, Lemons, French Prunes, Cranberries, Figa, Dates, Prunella, Table Nuts, Olives, - Olive Oil, Currants, Citron Imperial Cabinet Raisiai, California Layer Raisins, vineyard Cluster Kaisics, Valencia Raisins, .Sultana Raisins, Maple Syrup, Rock Candy Syrup, New Orleans Molasss,, Buckwheat Flour, Mushrooms, Macedoine, Capers, Mince Meat, Chocolate, Cocoa, Cocoanuts, Gelatint, Crosse & Blachvell't Pickla. Obelisk Piekles,, Beech & Sherwood's Pickles, Domestic Pickle u !YUT-Drsnifg Powder, Horsiord's Baking Powders, r rench Mustard, English Mustardj . Lee fc Perrin's WorcrMerahire Sauce-, . Tobasco Sauce, North of England Sauce, Durkee's Salad Dressing,. White Wine Vinegar, Fresh Shore Mackerel, Cream Codfish, Fresh Butter, Fresh Egg8v: Cream Cheese, Pine Apple Cheese, Parmesan Cheese, Sapsago Cheese. Ashton Salt. Macaroni, I Vermicelli, Horse Radish, Flavoring Extracts, French Herbs, Jellies, Preserves, . FineTeai Choicest Roasted and Green Coffee Powdered Sugar, XXX Confectioner's Sugar, Granulated Sugar, Brighton C Sugar, Canary Sugar, Straiued Honey, f Honey in comb, Fancy HeadRice, - Selectjptces 37,600 lbs. Flour, ' c r -35,000 lbs. Bran and Shorts, 36,000 lbs. Hay, 1600 bushels Oats, ; ' 400 bushels Meal, . 1200 bushels Corn If we covered a newspaper we might make a list of the goods we carry, but as it is we cannot tell half. - We have several additional etc rage rooms, and are cow filling up with the largest stock in our line to be found in the State, wholesale or retail. ' ' . ; POWELL & EimZX . de IS-Cm ' -r' -i 1 -

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