- . ......... -. .. . I.. "'" 'sJJJiBWg!!r """ ' .-v'., .-. v,-- -. .y.--;'' - DAILY EDITION. Fnrmar, Stone & Caneroa, KDITOR3 AND PROPRIETORS. CITIZEN JOB OFFICE, WEST SIDE FTJBLTC SQU.A BE. 1 BILL HEADS LLTTEB HEADS, . ' ; POSTERS, BLANKS, o And fh Wort of mil kind din with frompttteit and at low frict. izen ! lYear, 0O.OO " 8 lVXos., aoo lYar, LOO Weekly. VOL II.-NO 234. ASHEVILLE. N. C TUESDAY, MORNING, JAN. iif 1887. PRICE 5 CENTS l EltTISING RATES LOW. ASIIKVILLE SOCIETIES. Gyrene Oinmander),Wo. 5. J. A. Porter Eminent C jmmander ; Jordan Stone, Secretary. Meets ant Wednesday night In each month. AherUle Chapter, R. A. M.i. 11. Eell, High Priest; 8. Hammernhlag, Secretary. MeeU ta second Wednesday night In each month. m. Hermon L -ire. No. lit. A. F. A. M. H. C. Fagg Worshipful Master; Fred. L. Jacobs Secretary. Meetahe first Friday night in each m-iith. Stcannanoa Lodge, K. of H., No. W6.--J 4 Bjardinan, Dictator; Jordan Stone, Secretary. MeeU tbe first and third Monday nights in each ml"mch Bund Council, No. 701, Jt. A. Ellis Lsvy, Regent: Jordan Stone, Secretary. Meets Iti the hall of the Knights of Honor on the second aid fou.th Monday nights in each month. . The Woman') Missionary Society of the M. E. church. South, meet In the chnrch class-room on the First Friday of every month at 4 o'clock P.M. The Beauty of the West Lodge No. 40, F. A. A. Y. M. Meets on the first and third Monday nights in each month. James -Lattunore, Worshipfnl Master ; H. B. Brown, (secretary. The AsheviUe Public Library, over Mr. Kep ler's Store, opposite Eagle Hotel, and. next ioot to The Bank of AsheviUe. is open to 'vis itors from 19 a. ra. to 1 p. m. and from 4:30 to 6 SO p.m. . SII:Yll.LE CHlTKCIa. DIEECTOBT MeGMM Xllocopal drusyr"prfh St. . " EefV'.Bay Xoruing-9i4fLo Jl in."-, evening lervices 1 p m.; prayer meeting Wed nesday evening ijf p. m.;8abbath school 9 a m.. ' Pretbytenan Church trc St. i Mr. n eTRvre Services 11 a.m.iTUp. m. i uraver meetiDg five p. m. Wednea. day; Sabbath school half -past 9 a. ni. Episcopal Church, Trinity corner Church and WmoM Bts. Rev. Jarvia Boiton,D.D. Services Sunday, 11 a. m. and 4 p.m.: Wednesdays, at 10 a. m., and Fridays at 4 p. m. Sunday sohool 9:30 a. m. Baptist Church comer Woodfin and tlpruoe. Kev. J. L. Carroll Services 11 a m.; 7:30 p. m.; prayer meeting 7:30 d. s. Wednesday; sabbath school 9 a. m. - Soman Catholic Church. Ktv. Fred. Price Services every Bun day at 11 a. m., hut the first Sunday of the month, when services will be held at the Warm Springs. Sunday school at 10 a. ra. at ashe . rille. Dmday Minion Church. Rev W W Bays Pastor. Sabbath Sehool, J H A'eavcr Siipt. t OI.OJtED CHURCHES. A. Jf. . Church (Zio) College St. ilex. Mr. Sherman Services 11 a. m.; 8 p. in., and half.paHt 7 p. ra. Saboath school 9 p m. Baptist. Bev. Mr. Burnley Services 11 a. in. , J p.m., and half-past 7 p. m.: Sabbath school 1.30 p.m JioiscovaL Bev. Mr. Services 11 a. m.s SaV oath sehool 8 p.m. COMPOUND OXYGEN. Drs. Hargan, Stone & Gatcfeell, SPECIALISTS, mFFlCH-Plllm BlUldlittjJ'Tfl St. ASHEVILLE, I A'e use iu the treatment of Chrou. i tecases, C03IP0UND OXYGEN and Medicated Vapor by direct inhalation. Those wh5 suffer from diseases of tbe Respiratory Or- rans such as Consumption, Catarrh, Broncaitls. sthma. Chronic (tore Throat, Loss of Voice, etc., tnd who have failed to be cared by the ordinary treatment ol Cod Liver Oil, Uypophosphites, Pocket Inhalers, and the like, may be permunent .y cured by our new treatment; since we have enred and are curing cases which had resisted all other menus and which had been pronounced Incurable by the best physicians. The Compound Oxygen Treatment is not only valuable in diseases o; the respiratory tract, but is working prompt and permanent cu-es in ail diseases depending upon an impoverished or impure coodition of the biocd, such as Debility, Epilepsy, Khenmatisjn, Chorea, Neuralgia Paral ysis, Diabetes, Brigbt's Disease, Amtmla. Scrofu la, and all Diseases of the Skin. The Only Treatment whlcb will permanently core Nasal Catarrh! Theonly Specific tor Asthma! -- The treatment Is pleasant to take, and eannot aggravate any case however delicate and sensi tive. Special attention psid to diseases of the Rec tum, Mich as Files, Fissure, Fistula, Prolapsus. .etc. A NEW TREATMENT, piuie, nd a variably successful. No loss ol tl ii4 imm business or nleasnre during treatment, j-or those who cannot come to onr office, and - wno need the Compound Oxygen, we have - a Mnmft TrpAtmnnt. which In manv cases is as val nable as the Office Treatment. We will send the apparatus and chemicals to last two months for u.uv - REFERENCES. itev. N. 8. AIVrlBhf. Welllni we, M D, Pn Hurl Evsnsviue, ina - IT II Mears. Esq, AsheviUe, N.C.jKev. O. Bell, Bell Wrive for Illustrateil Pamphlet, whicb will be tailed free. In regard to treatment. Address DRS. BABQAN, 8TONE & GA HTIX. nov l-daw6n nSHEYlLLE IDSIC HOUSE NORTH SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE. ' Sells PIANOS and ORGANS on. Monthly In stallments of to and tlO. . ONE PRICE ONLY. . Sheet Musle and Mulo Books. Old inatra a ents taken in exchange. For Catalogues and circulars apply to . ' 0. PALS. ngl7:d&iny The "Pin frateam" i one of the ways cvsievo -re servea at i urnersf - rton, O.; Wm Bat- . Tean ; I. T. igienarau-usq.. ; .'onn a. enow, jwsq., iipwu, DAILY EDITION. THE DA1XY CITIZEN Will be published every Morning (ex cept Monday) at the following rates strictly cash : One Tear, . . . . . W 00 Six Montha, . . . . . 8 00 Throe u . . . . .180 One " ... . f0 One Week, : . " . .15 Onr Carriers will deliver the paper ev ery Morning in every part of the city to onr subscribers, and parties wanting it will please call at the CrnaiH Office. Send your Job Work of all kindi to the Oilizen Office, 'if vow want it don neatly. cheaply and wilt Jiepatch. Arrival and Departure f Pastaaftr Train a. Sjojbbotit Arrives 6:5 p. m. and daparte 10:61am - Tennessee Arrives 105 a. aa. ana deasKti. Kuua. m. Sfastanbubq Leave Ashmlle M a m ; arrive at Henderson viUe 8:15 a m; at Spartan burg 11:40 a m. ; r-( Leave Spartanburg 4:00 p m; arrive at Hen dersonviUe 7:10 p m; at Asneville 8 JS p m. ; IW INTERESTING READING MAT TER ON FOURTH PAGE. ' ' Smith's Planetary Almanacs for 1887 for sale at West End Pharmacy, Patton Avenue. d2wke ; Subscribe for the City Directory. All the Churches were well aN tended Sunday. ' . " ; ; Mrs. J. D. Robertson left yesterday on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Hasten, of: Augusta, ua. Th i weather yesterday was de cidedly cool again, some called-'it cold, but it was only bracing. We learn that a dozen entertain ments, by good companies, are billed here for next -week and the week afterwards, The more the merrier. Mr. J. A. Turner-wishes ns to re turns thanks to the Supper Com mittee of the AsheviUe Club for the assistance they rendered him Satur day, night. . Mr. J. D. Robertson has bought a lot on the Merrimon place, Merrimon "Ave n le, 140 feet wide by 190 feet deep lot immediately east of the old Mernmon residence and will at once begin the erection of a handsome residence. '. . An Atlanta paper speaking of fie singular romance of -A young couple aged respectively 17 and 15, that had just arrived . there f?om uan r ranciaco, wuu were xruui uiu Shetland Islands, sayp r.hey are per haps the youngest couple ever mar ried. They only beat the couple married in Bakersville recently by one year. A number of petitions are being circulated one pstitioningthe Legis lature to allow the county of Bun combe to vote on the liquor question, including AsheviUe in the county vote: another petitioning the Legis lature to urge Congress to pass the Blair educational bill: and still another to establish a reform school or a school of correction in Ashe viUe. The Mendelsohn Quintette Club which appears here on the 17th i3 composed of John Mar- quardt (from London), solo vio lin; Fritz Schade, violin; Thom as Ryan, solo clarinette, and viola; William Schade, solo flute and vio la ; Louis Blumenbure, solo violin cello, and Miss Alice Ryan, ' prima donna soprano. A grand musical treat is in store for AsheviUe. Last week the sleighing was fine in Raleigh, while here the weather was mild and spring-like. The Newt-Observer says :' "The street cat tracks were cover ed with the sleet of the preceding day and night and a large force of hands had to clear them before tbe cars could ran." Sleighs of all kinds were speeding over the slippery streets, merry Dens ana yet merrier peals or langnter were neara on every side, i'retty gins, looKintr, so nice and so comfortable with bounding hearts and spark ling eyes, chided , the . flitting hours while being hurled over the ice and snow on flying runners. - ' r Says the Marion Enlerpriat: 'Mr. VV.'J. Callaishas accepted a, posi tion with the extensive furniture factory of Messrs. Erwin & Avery, of AsheviUe, and left Marion last week to begin operations. " Mr. Call lais is well posted ' in the furniture business, and is one of the best me chanics in the South. The Ashe viUe firm is to be congratulated up on securing his services." We welcome Mr. CaUias to Ashe viUe, and know that he wiU prove an addition to the furniture works of Messrs Erwin & Avery. Health is impossible when the blood is impure, thick and sluggish, or when it is thin and impoverished. Under such conditions, boils, pimples, headaches. neuruleia, rheumatism, and one disease after another is developed. Take Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and it will make the blood pure, ncn, warm ana vitalizing, r tl4 With Mahy Thanks For the liberal custom given as, all last year and especially during December, we nope to deserve a continuance of the same. We haye tried to carry a line of goods that would please all. Though while of necessity the very new and choice articles would seem expensive , we have asked but a reasonable profit on them, and tried to offer a good variety at all prices. . Knowing that articles of real merit or artiste beauty are duly aDDrecia ted here we hope to carry a better line than ever before, also in Crockery-and utassware in an traaes. - - : J. H. Law, . South Main street. A Handsome Casket. . - Messrs. J. V. Brown & Co. have just received the most handsome burial cas ket ever seen in this place. It is the metal Burr Casket, with rich silver mountings and inner silk linings, and is worth foOO. .This house is prepared to furnish burial cases at any price from f 10 to $500, .. " Th Entxbtautmxnt To-nioht, ; The public-. wilt remember the enter tainment to be. given to-night in the Opera Hall for tbe benefit of the Christ ian church' in the pl&ee. The entertain ment will consist of music, tableaux and rec'tations, end will unquestionably prove an agreeable affair; besides, those attending will contribute to a worthy cause. Miss Virjrie Kelly, of the Ashe viUe Female College, will sins one or two pieces daring the evening. A supper will be served in the court room ' from 6 to 8 o'clock, the entertainment from 8 to 10, and tbe supper will be renewed from 10 to 1L - Let the), public eeneralls: .at tend. - ; " -'-r - i :-t.. What The Think of Hut.. : The Raleigh Newt Dtsener says of Dr. Nelson, who has accepted the call of the Baptist church in this place : " "The people of Raleieh. will learn with profound regret that Rev. Dr. W. A. Nel son, who has for several years been pastor of the Second Baptist church of this city, and under whom the chnrch has grown largely in every particular, has accepted a call to the pastorate of the Baptist church in AsheviUe. Dr. Nelson has by his earnest straightforward and faith ful work greatly endeared himself to his congregation, and it is difficult for them to see how they are to do without him; but as he thinks his duty lies in accept ing the .AsheviUe call, they bow to the necessity of his departure with sorrow. yet with wishes for his welfare wherever he may make his home.' Wbstebn Nobth Carolina Wins a Com- PUMENTABY Prize. On the first of January, 18S6, the N. Y, Tribune offered a prize of f 250 for the best true story of the late war, and a prize of (100 for the second best. About 500 responses were received, comine from every portion of this country and a large number from the Old World. Twenty- seven were selected to publish, and Mr. Edmund . C. Stedman was selected to award the prizes. He - has made the award as follows : First Prize of 1250 to E. W. Gurley, oiiiendereonvuie, JN. c for the story entitled-A be story oroor iless, publish ed in the Weekly T ibime of March 17. Second Prize of 1100 to C. W. Ecob, of bidney flams, i., for the story entitl- tne weekly lrtbune or January m. Mb. Will H. Osborne. The last issue.of the Shelby Aurora has this to say of this gentleman, who is at present in AsheviUe, but who leaves to day for the.Sonthern Baptist Theological; College at Louisville, Ky. Says the Aurora: "We sincerely reeret the departure of Mr. win h. usborne from bnelbv and his withdrawal from North Carolina journalism. Very often we have been unable to take tbe same views of tbmgs as he did and there were great differ ences between us, but a close association with him has taught us always to respect the many admirable qualities which he possessed. " Young men like Mr. Osborne are capable of much trood in their day and generation and we are glad to know that he has not withdrawn from active labor, but proposes only to "go up high er." The Aurora, we are sure, will sadly miss the brains he carries with him. In common with many others, we wish Mr. Osborne abundant success in tbe high calling which it is his purpose to enter." Advertise in the Directory. The Club Supper. Mn J. A: Turner won for himself the commendation of every one present at AsheviUe Club Saturday night for the handsome manner in which his duty was performed. The menu was perfect in every respect. Mr. Turner having won lor nimseit great credit in the getting up and arrangement of tne same, while everything- was served in good style, Battery Park . Hotel having contributed some of their waiters to the services. The whole supper was gotton up at Mr. Turner's- restau rant, and is a iuu guarantee of what that gentleman can do when re quired. . ... We were in error in stating that Messrs. Straith & Thompson were erect ing a store on West Patton Avenue. Mr. Jno. Straith is building one opposite the old Jttuttnck snopav and Messrs. Straith & Thompson will probably .occupy the same. - - There arrived at Castle Garden. N Y.r last year 300,910 steerage and 00,(42 cabin passengers. Just Whs Ttaev All Bar Hon. D. D. Haynis, of Salem, Ola., says h his family with the most satisfactory results, in all cases' of coughs, colds and oronp, and recommends it in particular lor toe little ones. ; Sample bottle free at H. H. Lyons. . dawlw. At Patton and Kimberlev's market the finest beef and saosaees can be obtained at all times. Prices low. Market under the Deaver building on Eagle street. - The Best Linen Marker and card printerTn North Carolina for 40c; the best in the U. &., for 0c the best in tbe world for 90c. Indelible ink &c with each. A. B. SAMS, Jr., Citizen Office. Go to Moore and Robard's European Restaurant, if yon want to enjoy a good meal .or oysters served . in any style, where yon will be entirely private and free from any objectionable parties, as only the "well-behaved" are admitted to their dining-room. dtf :Be8t 5c cigar West End Choice. Underwear real low. at WhiUock's. The West End Choice Cigar, only 5 cents. :"-- -' ' " Oysters received in bulk daily at dtf Moore & Robabds'. THE TOBACCO MARKET. . . Sales not as heavy as usual yesterday, owing to tbe crisp wea.aer., out tne quality on tbe market was fair with good prices maintained! '-. .-. -. , '. "- The following are some of the sales at the Buncombe during the pest few days : Milas Lenor, 3 lots', 12 25, 15. 28: R C Wells, and Jones, 3 lots, 12 53, 17 50, 21: A Lawyer. 4 lois. 22 22 50. 25. 40: C C Crook, 4 lots, 10 25; 20, 22, 23 50; H P Brookshire. 5 lots, 14 2b, 19, 24, 20 00, 16; J H West, 4 lots, 17 60. 18 50, 26. 45: Bal lard and Haney, 3 lots, S 50, 16, 18 50; A Sawyer, 573 Ba. for $22 50, all around; Tweed rnd Massey, 4 lots, 18, 20, 24, 36; J H Parrish and Son, 9 lota, 12 75, 16, 21 50, 26,50,8 50, 35, 13 50.24; K Haney, 5 lota, 6 25.M3 75, 15, 24 50, 84; - Lebo McElroy, o lots, 11 75, 16 25, 20, 20, 20; ti W Fish. 5 lota, 9 25, 18, 22, 26, 45; GHlet. pie & Shelton, 4 lots, 12 25, 21 50, 21 60, 25; J. L. Monteith 4 lots.' , 1325, 25, and 40; J. G.Grien 3 lois, 1075. 15 and 23: ifrs. Jesse tsrmmx 5 tote, 11, 16, 18, 24? .-.;; CLC. McKinne83 2 Jots, ISJ.xLvH. a kins 2 lot, 1125, 27. . r . .,. The Knights, of Laboe Fair. ' i The Fair of the Knights of Labor of this placet which was advertised - to take place at the Eagle Hotel Thurs day, will be at, the Court House instead, and will be held during Thursday and Friday. This enter tainment deserves and wiU, doubt less receive the encouragement of our community. Given Away. The Southern Directory Company offer the following prizes to the par ties making the two best guesses of the population of AsheviUe as com uiled by that Company. ' 1st One dozen cabinet size phi tos, made by the Lmdsey Art fetu dio, of the party making 'the best guess. . 2d. A copy of the new City Di rectory to the person making the next best guess. They will open a register in some public place in a few days. . This offer is. made to every resident-of the city. . Prof. Joseph Tosso, a celebrald violinist, died at Covington, KV- on Saturday, ; aged 85 years. He coin posed the "Arkansaw Traveler," Charles Johnson a" Chicago tailor on Wednesday, in a fit of jealousy, shot and slightly wounded his wife and then blew out nis own brains. - Says a Washington letter : "The appointment of Col. Andrews to tbe position of third vice-president of tieRichmmid &J DanvLUe system was not only a promotion and rec o nation of his valuable services, but will prove s- gam to the best interests ot Worth Carolina. The seismic disturbances which began in tha South have now been felt in the West, portions of Texas having experienced distinct earth quake shocks. The theories of sci entists about the earth ' tremors in South Carolina have not been borne out by the facts. " . Joshua N. Doyle a school teacher who shot and killed .Nicholas Dausch, a barber, in a saloon at Ef fingham, 111., May 22, 186b, and in June of that year (with five other alleged murderers) broke jail, has been arrested t Nashville, Tenn. Nearly all the witnesses to the mur der are now dead. - Should President Cleveland die who will become President? The Detroit Free'Prtss correctly answer? this question : "Under the present law, passed at the first session of the Forty-ninth Congress, and approved January 19, .1886, the succession, until a President shall be elected, devolves in the order named upon "the Secretary of State, Secretary of Treasury, Secretary of War, Attor ney General. Postmaster General, Secretary of the Interior and Secret tary of the Navy, the officers named subsequently to the first, assuming tbe duties only in case of the remov al, death, resignation or inability of his predecessor or predecessors. r If Congress be not - in session at the time thelduties devolve urxm apy ,pf the-persons named, or il it wou'.d not meet in accordance with -aw within twenty days thereafter, ,it i is the duty of the person upon whprn. the duties devolve to issue a procla mation -convening Congress in ex traordinary sassion, giving twenty days's notice of the time of meetings W. D. Hoy t & Co., Wholesale and Re tail Druggists of Rome, ua, say: We have been selling Dr. King's New Dis covery, Electric Bitters and'-Bucklen's Arnica Salve for two years. Have never "bandied remedies that sell as well or give such universal satisfaction.: There eaye been some wonderful ceres effected by these medicines in this city.- Several ca6esof pronounced consumption have been entirely cared by use of a ftr boo ties of Dr, King's New. Discovery, taken in connection with Electric Bitters. We guarantee them afways. Sold by H. H. Lyons- - V; -' '.c'. MOUKTAIH DbOPS. - - ' " . '- ' For the permanent cure of drunkenes?, Price 25 cnts trial size. Try it, and be a happy man. For sale only at tne WEST LND fBARMAOY, dtt . - . . . Depot St. ' (Saturday we received a call from Mr J.'I. Green, whose bumness it is to en large small pictures to all sizes and in all styles. He makes a specialty of Berlin Photographs, Water Colors and Oils, and only handles work from the best Metro politan studios. . Terms : All work subject to rejection if not 'as renresented. Mr. Green is stopping at the Woodfin House,- where he will be pleased to show bis samples and make estimates. jan 9 d2t ' - ."a , THE LEGISLATURE. On Friday Mr. Pearson introduced bills to amend the stock law in Buncombe and to allow the people of that county to select their county commissioners. Mr. Ewart introduced a bill to restore local self gov entmsnt in Henderson, Buncombe and other counties. - Mr. Pritcbard, a bill to prohibit the importation of deadly weapons. Mr. Overman, bill to increase the num ber Supreme Court Judges to-five. Mr. Pearson, of Buncombe,, offered a resolution in regard to the Blair bill re solution, which be wished to place apon the calendar with the latter, which was the special order, for Saturday at noon. Mr. Sutton, of Cnmbeiland, offered a re solution in regard to the same matter, which came np at tbe same time. -The President of the Senate has ap pointed the following committees : Privileges and Elections Messrs' Fields, Adams, Alexander, Warren, Turner, Cook and Winston. Corporations Messrs. Williamson, Webb, Bailey, Williams, of Davidson, Purcell, MoCwrmick and Cook.- - i -- Salaries and Fees Messrs; Pemberton, Stevenson, , Melver, Warren Shaw . Saunders and button. Insurance Thorpe, Pemberton , Ste venson, Toll, Spruill, Lillington and Morrow. - Propositions and Grievances Messrs. Fields, Kerr, Pou, Williamson, Crouse, TerrHt and Taylor. Banking and Currency Messrs. Pem berton, Alexander, Webb, Toll, Pnrcell, Sutton and Fox. Military Affairs Messrs. Webb, Crouse, Spruill, Collie, Jenkins. Harrison and Mason, of Orange. ' Internal-Improvements Messrs. War ren, Adams, Williamson, Elias, Bailey, Saunders, Kerr, Simpson and Loikev. Finance Messrsv Alexander, Pou, Therpe, Bryan, Adams, Tull, Pemberton, Shaw and Eaves. Claims Messrs. Williams of Darid- yyn, Williams of Pitt, Kerr, Shaw, Ste yAaon, Mason of Chatham, and Eons. Agriculture, Minerals -aguvuuuiv, juiucniio ruu jyAimiiK Messrs. Williams of Pitt, Bryan, Alex ander, Thorpe, Wilson, Purcell and Haves. Engrossed Bills Messrs. Melver, Tur ner Pnrcell, Collie, Thorpe, Tull and Lillington.- The Speaker on Saturday announced the following committees : . Judiciary Messrs. Overman, Sutton, Ewart, Felton, Lyon, Thomas, Dough ton, Pearson, Gray, Abell, Jordan. Privileges and Elections York, Craw ford of Hay wood, Fries, Pritcbard, Fel ton, Pearson, Candler. Paschall, McMil lan, Lindsay, Pinnix, Sanders, Cherry, Kell, Oakly, Evans, Chilcutt, Spellar and Education Messrs. Leazar, Dough ton, White of Perquimans, McMillan, Tur ner, Allman, Fries, Hoover, Paschall, Pinnix, Bingham, Stancill, Overman, Osborne, Williamson, Watson of Hyde, Webster of CaswelL Insurance Messrs. Button, White of rerqmmans, reareon, rntcbard, Leazar, Ewart, - Abell, Pearson, Pritcbard, riooveiv-. - Finance Messrs. Worth, Halstead, rriKi.ara, Bennett, wmto or ferquim ans, butherland, Pinnix, Fries.' Morgan, Stancill, Crisp, McClure, Wells, Lane, York, Allman, Mangum, Temple, Hol man, Kell. - Salaries and Fees Messrs. Grav, Brog den, Schenck, Ewart, Sutherland, Croom, Gatling, Crawford of McDowell, Macon, Ellis, Stevens, Pinnix, Regan. D repositions and Grievances Messrs-. OBborne, Wells, King, Stewart, Sanders, Morgan, Redding. Ci aw ford of Hay wood, Ellis; Thomas, Jordan, Surratt, . Bell. Copeland, Felton, Parham, Watson of Vance, Cheek, Webster of Caswell, Pitt man. Engrossed Cilia Patton, Turner and Redding. Mr. Webb, of Cleveland, a bill to ratify and confirm the consolidation of the Ru therford Railway Construction Company and -the Rutherfordton, Marion and Tennessee Railway with the Charleston, ri : .1 -m-: t -, , Muunaw ct viiicago xuiiiroaa jompany. . Obit nary Notice. Departed this life on the 2d January. 1887, at Lee. Madison county. N. C. Mrs. Jane G. Plemmons, consort of Peter fiemmons. deceased. Tbe subiect of this notice was 94 years of age. born in Culpepper county, Virginia, in the year 1793, became- a member of the Baptist church at the age of 23, having lived a devoted Christian life, with unexcelled Christian virtues" for 71 years. There fore with regard to her. memory we can say with propriety, "Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord." She has left a large number of friends to mourn, bat cot as them that have no hope.. A r RIENd. The illness of the Brooklyn druggist. Mr. Joseph - Mauri, and his . children, three of whom have died, in consequence. as it was supposed, of poison, has prov ed, 'noon investigation, to be due to hemorrhagic small-pox.. ' Governor Ames was inauenrated Satur day at Boston.: . In his address be stated that the increase of savings banks de posits" was larger than in any year since 1875 ($16,199,500), while the number of depositors had increased 57.250. A Restaurant JIoom for lames.' Mr. Turner has rented the bar ber shop in the Johnston' bmlding, attached to his restaurant, and will nt the same up neatly to be used ex clusively for the use of ladies and their escorts. It will be kept strict ly first-class, and ladies may visit tbe roomi at any time, and obtain lunches or meals served, in the best manner. , - 1 - ,6L "A Thing of Beauty a A JoyFobeveb." Tbus says the poet : You will agree with bim when you see the elegant por traits carried by Mr. J. I. Green. This is a rare opportunity for the people of Asnevine to nave nrtt-ciast work done. Small pictures ot all kinds enlarged in all modem styles. All work from tbe first Metropolitan studios. ' Satisfaction guar anteed in every instance. Mr. Green is stopping at the Woodfin House, where be will be pleased to receive those wish ing further information. " . dlt Blankets ever, .- and Comforts lower than at Whitlock's, A TTENTION, COMPANIOKS! : Aihevnie Chapter No. R. A. V. will hold Us recuiar monthly communication on Wednesda' nu ht, the lath Inst-- at P. V.- sharp. Al ouipanions are trrred to attend, as business of ircnonance wui come no lor consideration V if nine eonpanlons Invited. isy order ol tne li lerh Pnest. S. I3.AjIJiias.bHL AG, Secretary, jai 9 d St STATE NEWS. A Washington dispatch oayB Mrs. Senator Vance has gone to Louisville,-Ky., to be with her mother, who is ill. The Morning News if a new ven ture in Greensboro, with Mr T. B. Eldridge editor and Mr. J. S.Hamp ton is local editor. We wish our brothren much success in their veni ture. A Wa-nington correspondent says that Judge Bennett was made ex tremely happy by .the passage of the Senate bill through the House appropriating $150,000 for a public building at VVUmingtoru Professor Spencer F Baird in his Smithsonian report for"l 885-86, mentions among the regents of the institution whose friends have not yet providecTprtraits, Hen. George is. cadger, ol JNortn Carolina, who was a regent from 1856 to 1863. Says the ftews-Observer : It was reported on the' streets last night and at places where people had gathered for social chat, that officers were on the track of Walter Bingham. The rumor was started by persons claiming to know particulars, but who were not permitted to make them known. Mrs. M. Stronacb yesterday qualified as guardian for Mr. G. T. Stronach, who has been declared insane. The sad affliction of Mr. Stonachis a matter of uni versal regret throughout the city and countv. and thedeenest svmt- thy for him and his family fa felt by the whole community. Last night Mr. Stronach was reported as being very seriously iU. ' A Pennsylvania company has just begun to work a gold mine in Charlotte county, Va. Aneealote of Gen. Orut. . General Grant, on his retern to this country, is said to have been severely af flicted with a eough, contracted while crossing the ocean, and which had stub bornly refused to yield to any treatment A fiiend procured for him a bottle of Symphyx, and by its use he was in a few hours entirely relieved. He re marked to his friend: "Men look upon me as a great soldier, but .this bottle of Symphyx is greater than I. My calling has been to destroy men's lives, but this medicine is a victorious savior of men. I shall never be withnnt it again." To Business Mem. It you desire to reach the largest nam oer ol the best oeoole in Western tCaw tin. Van 'TAnnAooAn aA V.n .JmU. sing columns of the CmzES, Daily jjLjjr0?" Baking Powder, w eexiy . rne utiken Da s -caoctt law? ger bona fide circulation in the territory mentioned, inan any outer paper. Kates arc iuw, cun-iuennK circniauon. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. B IBDS WANTED. AU kinds of birds, such as Hawks. Owls. Pheasants, Quails. 4c, for the purpose of moun- uug;, wiiiuu uwa prices paia iur same. Deliver at my residence on Academy street. . W. JTA1N. jan 11 dlt .. THE "ST "Variety Market" South IkTain Street. The ''Variety-Market," nice and neat, Isa few doors down on South Main street The tueats are fine and fresh mad weet. Just such as Cleveland likes to mt The patronizers of the firm,' wui from tbe counter never turn While they can find a man so good To serve them as E. C. Linwocd. The house is large and clean and neat, There you will find all kinds of meat ?- or instance to be plain and brief Beef, sausage, pork, and lard in leaf. There's mutton chops, pig's feet and brains. There's every kind of fowl and game. Thes tongue and liver, meats for hash J That's served yon cheaply for the cash. The decorations are a treat ' Besides the good things there to est i For Mr. Lind wood's care and skill Has made him worthy of "good will." The young and old, the rich and- poor. Will find a welcome at the door.: They serve politely great and small -So call and see them, One and All. You'll find a wide and pleasant door, From 'early morn at half past four, Until the shades of night descend- ' And "curfew" tolls the hour of ten. - - - -. A ' -" "- Yon'Il findthat whenSyoormoney'r spent You have just what they represent ; So thus the poor, and best society Can patronize the new "Variety. - janlldlw - A Fatros. Resolution-srfdMSSr -ADOPTED BY- Moore & Rbbards. We have hereby resolved--" - That, having secured the -services of Mr. McSweeny, for seventeen years fore man for the "Largest Baking Establish ment" in tne teotitii, where ne estaD lisheda reputation as having no equal in bread and cake baking, and having in creased our facilities twofold, we willfur nish to the trade tbe best bread, such as French Twist. Vienna Rolls. Patent Loaf, Brown and Rye, and an -endless variety of the finest small and large Cakes that have ever been exhibited in this glorious "Land of the Sky," Cakes iced or ornamented; at moderate cost and on snort notice. - We bave tbe only Restaurant - con ducted in - - - - FIRST CLASS ST7L2 in the city. - ; f. Our line of Confections ia unexcelled in the State. Always the freshest and purest.,-- v.; -, . .-: -. OLDlGTAND Ml sW t w 'Ma Gont!i Ilain street. Powell & Snider's Colurgn. .4 'j DAILY DULLETIIf. 100 bags Coffee, 60 bbls. Sugar, 400 lbs. fine Tea, 2100 lbs. Soda, 111 boxes Soap, - 60 boxes Cracker 275 cases of Canned Goods, 115 cases Baking Powdertv Grapes, Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, French Prunes, Cranberries, Figs, ' Dates, PruneUes, Table Nut, Olives, - OliveOU,- Carrants, Citron, Imperial Cabinet Raisiae, California Layer Raisins, Vineyard Cluster Raisins, Valencia Raisins, . . .Sultana Raisins; Maple Syrup, ' Rock Candy Syrup, . New Orleans Molasses", Buckwheat Flour, Mushrooms, Macedoine, Capers, Mince Meat, Chocolate, Cocca, Cocoanuts, Gelatine Crime & MachoeWa Picilei, Obelisk Pickles, " " Beech & Sherwood's PIcHeT, ' Domestic Pidlef, , ftonubnJ'a Bakingl'owdera; ' French Mustard, English Mustard, Lee & Perrin's Worcestershire Saute Tobasco Sauce, . North of England Sauce, Durkee's Salad Dressing, .White Win9 Vinegar, . Fresh Shore Mackerel, - Cream Codfish, Fresh Butter, Fresh Eggs, Cream Cheese, . ,: " Pine Apple Cheese, -. Parmesan Cheese, Sapsago Cheese. AshtonSalt. Macaroni, I Vermicelli, Horse Radish, Flavoring Extracts, French Herbs, , Jellies, Preserves, ' Fine Teal, Choicest Roasted and Green Co fie Powdered Sugar, XXX Confectioner's Sugar, Granulated Sugar, Brighton G Sugar, Canary Sugar, RawN.O.dV Strained Honey, " Honey in comb, - Fancy Head Rice, Selectfplcej 37,600 lbs. Flour, 85,000 lbs. Bran and Shorts, - 36,000 lbs. Hay, , , . : ... - 1600 bushels Oats,' . 400 bushels Meal, - 1200 bushels Com, 12 If we covered a newspaper we might make a list of the goods we carry, but 'as' it ia we cannot tell half. " We have several, additional ato rage rooms, and are now filling up with the largest stock in our line to be found in the State, wholesaj or retaU. . - - - t, POWELL A SNIDLIW . de 18-3m ' - '. .' i . i MMiaVa1x AJf-;

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