DAILY' EDITION. rV U'errr-- ' - . ' ' Fzraax, Stoat & Cameron, , ; " :i'ScvAfeii;- l'" V-T': , ((' 'Vttlr. - 1 Year, L.OO ., . ' ... " "- - " M '' .... - - . . .- - CITIZEN JOB OFFICE, WEST SIDE PTTBLIC ' SQUARE. BILL HEADS, " " LETTER HEADS, FOSTERS, : BLANKS, And fob Work of all kinds don -with fromftness and at low 'fricct. VOL IL-NO m ASHEVILLE N.C THURS DAY MORNING, JAN; 20,88;- r: PRICE 5 CENTS a r rtSING RATES to W. . fl Mob.. . I t Kit XVI LIE SOCIETIES. frrne tjHwuuuUry, No. 5. J. A. Porter Eminent Coininaixler: Jordan Stone. Secretary. Meets flist Wednesday night in each mouth. AetiV v Chapter, B. A. If. O. U. Bell, Hio-h MeeU . rr r Y- Ufa A V J A m H. C rags n uisn : ijim amki, g creUry. Meets :tbe first Friday night in each m.nth. . a wm a . .a. 9rkA 1. Boardinan. Inctator; Jordan Stone, Secretary. 4 ecu tbe.flrat and third Monday uiichuineacn ' "?,1 ffroaJ Cbnei!f No. 701. je. A. H1U r.u RiMrnnt: Jordan Stone. Secretary. Mwt ta t'.io hall of the Kniffhta of Honor on the second a.. i ..:,Uk. Im aunh inAltlh 7? HVwirt' aViftstoiMirf SriWy of the M onmh, scmih, meet in the cburch e?room ia Hrt Friday of every month t 4 o'clock P, mi. .ida 127m lAn K'n. Aft r. A,T.m Meet oa tha ftrat and tUird Mad j mcuui in eacp mouui. uic iiaibtwui ir a.- - tf T Dnni !layM4afV 77w jiWiWitojPttbZio Library, over Mr. Kep- m DMV y M i . mi . 1 .U11a. (a Aiuin 4a via. vi- iton from II t. m. to 1 p. m. and from 4 AO to . jJ5CVI.LE CUUKCI1 DIRECTOBT . MrHvoit Xpitmpal Chmtr-ChurA EL . D TV IP ItM fnnnir g.ilwUi 11a. BO.: Moay erenmg p. n. Bey. Mr. DeFerre Serrico 11 a.m.;TCp. prayer meeting five p. m. Wednea 1 drrt Sabbath school half-past 9 a. m. Bpincopal Church, TrinUv corner Church and Ber. JarriB Eaxton, D. D. Serrioea Sunday, ' 11 a. m. and 4 p.m.; Wednesday, at 10 a. m., and Friday! at 4 p. m. Bon day school 90 ft. ra. BavtUt Chvcrch corner Wood in ami bprwx. Bey. 3. I. Carroll Service. 11 a m.; 70 p. m.; prayer meeting 7:30 d. n. Wednesday; abbatb tchool 9 a. m. Roman OaOutUe Church, lur. Fred. Pride Service, every Bnn- a. 11 - m tiA ftvat nnnrlav nf the month, when errice will be held at the Warm rfpringa. Sunday scnooi at lu a. m. at aane- llle. Da.dav MUttem Church. ker W W Bayi Putor. Sabbath School, J B a.arer Snpt. COLORED CUCBCUES. 4. Jf. K. Church (Ziott) College Sr. ttev. Mr. Sherman Serrioea 11 a. m.; 8 p. an., and half. past 7 P- m.; BabDath achool 9 p m. Sapti$i. Iter. Mr. Burnley Service 11 a. m., ) p.m., aad half-past 7 p. m. : Sabbath school 1.30 p.m KpitcopaU Bey. Mr. Service, li a. m.; Sab ka h school 3 p. m. COMPOUND OXYGEN. Drs. Hargan, Stone & Gatchell, SPECIALISTS, ASHEVILLE, N. C T. use in the treatment of Chron. diseases, C03IP0UN1) OXYGEN and Medicated Vapor by direct Inhalation. Those who snfier from diseases of the Respiratory Or gans such as Consumption, Catarrh, Bronchitis utbnt, Chronic Sore Throat, Loss of Voice, etc., tnd who have failed to be cured by the ordinary treatment ot Cod Liver Oil, Hypophosphitea, rocket Inhalers, and the like, may be permanent ly cured by our new treatment ; since we hare cured and are curing cases which had resisted all other means and which had been pronounced incurable by the best physicians. The Compound Oxygen Treatment is not only valuable in diseases ot the respiratory tract, but I. working prompt and permanent cures in all diseases depending upon an impoverished or Impure condition of the blocd, such as Debility, Eilepsy, Rhenmatism, Chorea, Neurslfria Paral ysis, Diabetes, Bright'. Disease, Anscmla, fecroiu la, and all Diseases of the Skin. The Only Treatment whlcb will permanently core Nasal Catakbh ! The only Specific lor Asthma I The treatment is pleasant to take, and cannot aggravate any case nowerer delicate and sensi tive. Special attention paid to diseases of the Rec tum, such as Files, Fissure, Fistula, Prolapsus, tie. . - . A NEW TREATMENT, piittiesv and availably successful. No loss of Usm; rrom business or pleasure during treatment. eat those wnocannoi come to oar office, and woo need the Compound Oxygen, we have a Home Treatment, which in many cases is as TSl iu.Ua as the Offiee Treatment. We will send the apparatus and chemicals to last two months for 1225 , . : y . .. V .. .: RBPERBNCES. Hev.N.S. AlMlghr. vfellinrjton, O.; Wm Bat e, M D. Pcst Tean : L. T. Iglehardt, Esq., eransrllle, lnd 1 John B. Snow. Xsq., Tipton, Tenn ; Hon. B. 8. Fuller. Boonrllle, lnd : O.-A. Mean, Eaq, AsheriUe, N. C; Rer. O. Bell, Bell P.O., NTS Write for Illustrate! Pamphlet; which will be mailed free, la regard to treatment. Address DRS. HARGAN , STONE i GATCHZLL. ', hot 1-dawSm ASHEVILLE MUSIC HOUSE KORt U SibE PUBLIC SQUARE. Sells PIANOS and ORGANS on Monthly In stallments of $& acd f 10. ONE PRICE ONLY. Sheet Musie and Maic Booka,. Old instra i ents taken in exchange. Far Catalogue, and Circulars apply to 0. TALK. ugl":lAwly The "Pinafore Steam" is one ot th 'ays. cvstara are Bervod at Tomer's. ' r DAILY "EDITION THE DAII.T CITIZElf Will be pnblished every Morniflg (ex ceptMondav) at the following rates ilrtaily eathi One Tear, . . . . fl 00 Six Montaa, , . - '.. ,.. S 00 Threa V . . . . V . . C. . 1 One UJ i . . - .i 0 One Week, . " . ' V - . i -16 . Dur Camera will deliver the paper ev ery Morning in every part of the city to our n tern berg, and tuutteB wanting u will please call at the CrnzBif Office. Job Work of aU tindt U the &Uisen Office, if you vant it 4m4- neatly, ciieaply and wut uupalch. Arrival staid Departara sf Pastea;er TrsUsuu r Baukbust Arrives 6.-65 p. au and depart 10-51 am - . T Tennessee Arrives 10S a. ss- and departs 7.-05 p m. -..:-. 4 - - Watmisvua,! Arrives 8:00 p ra. and departs fc0Qa. .. - - - 1 baASTAaSao--Lcavn Asheville 7:00 a m ; arrive at Hendenonville 8:1 a m; at 8parta bnrg 110 am. . f - Leave Spartanbcrg 4KK p m; arrive at Hen deraonrille 7:10 p m; at Ashevffla 8:15 p m. tW INTERESTING READING MAT TER ON FOURTH PAGE. Smith's Planetary Almanacs for 1887 for sale at West End Pharmacy, Patton Avenue. . d2wks Be sure and register your guess of the population of Asheville at Grant & Ropeberry'a drug store. General business was not very brisk in town yesterday, though we heard no complaint from the mer chants. Mr. Sims Owenby advertises else where a splendid little farm for sale, located near Asheville. Read and consider. The mercury at St. Paul on Tues day went down to 30 deg. below zero, and the worse snow storm of the season prevailed in Indiana. The funeral services of Mr. Waldo Ballard will take place at the Baptist church to-day at 2 o'clock, the Rev. Mr. Carroll officiating. Pbblic generally in. vided to attend. The New stock market on Tues day was fluctuating, the Richmond and West Point being the only ac tive in the market, and this fell off 1 per cent. The weather for the past few days has been slightly winter ish, the thermometer ranging 'way down it has been what many call "Bill Nye weather." Mr. Geo. B. Carter, ion of the Rev. Jos. EfXarter, of Hendersonville, left last sight for Louisville, Ky., to enter into business there. We wish him much success in his new home, ine ur. xaimage sermons in your paper," writes one of our sub icnoers, "are the best treat you have given us yet. They are worth tenfold the subscription price of the paper. . ; Don't lose your chance to get the one dozen cabinet size photos made by Mr, Lindsey, by guessing at the population ot Asheville. Register open at Urant & Koseberry s. The inauguration of Gov. Bob Taylor at Nashville on .Monday was one of the most imposing occasions ever witnessed in .that city. Gov. Bob is so closely identified with - Asheville that we feel more than an ordinary interest in his welfare. Prof. C. Falk having moved his music store into the lower room recently occupied by McMullen & Tilson, Mr. P. S. McMullen has moved into the nDDer store, still occupying the upper floors of Dotn stores as storage rooms. Mr. Mc Mullen has on hand an extraordinary iarge stock of goods, which be is willing to dispose of for the proper considera tions. Call and look at his sooda. At the recent fair ot the Knights of Labor, held at the court house, one of the most handscme exhibi tions was made by Mr. R, L. Fitz- palriclc, in -his' ceiling decorations, embracing two styles of paper with extensions and centerpieces. It can now be Been at Mr. Fitzpatrick's othce in the old. Buck hotel build ing. - - ' ' . A young man from the country res terday celled on Bob Long, at VanGil- der's hardware store, for a pair of brass knuckles. Bob did not have the agri cultural implements wanted, , but con vinced his country friend that a Dair of iron wedges, with the aid of a good maul, would be productive of better re sults to the azricultural products of the country and greater good to the. morals of the youth of the land, and succeeded in selling the aforesaid wedges. .We are glad to know thai Bob has turned, a moralist. Rom a J wwmm ug.w l p W.t7U. Avar's fhomr PffrtnHl n a U A T years' experience, will cure thia disease when cot already advanced beyond the reach of merliral air! V.van fhan n.o affords- very great relief, and insures rcirceuiug sleep. . - IZ With Maht Thanks w - ' For the liberal custom civen us. all last year and especially during December. we hope to deserve a continuance of the same. We haye tried to carry a line of goods that would please all. Though while of necessity the very new and choice articles would seem expensive, we nave asgea put a reasonable nroht on hem, and tried to offer a eood varietv at all prices. Knowing that articles of real merit or artisae beauty are duly apprecia ted here we hope to carry a better line than ever before, also in Crockery and Glassware in ell trades. . :- J. H. Law,'- -: South Maia street I ! Our IbBacco market was on : a de cided.' boom yesterday, with ad vanced Drices" on " all grades. Two new buyers werre on the market, and we learn they. come to stay. ; - Mr. Rv L. Fitzpatrick appreciates the honor of Fearing the -gold. headed cane awarded him at the late fair of the Knights of Labor as bein the most popular fireman, i in i Mr. Tom StevenS evidently don't like the closing pf the cattle . guards on the Spartanburg & Asheville rmuf- inAtnrttr frrrm the blue anriear- ance of the skr in his neighborhood yesterday. '-. iMr, Levy had . on exhibition at the late fair of the Knights of Labor a ease-ritairg.aotre ef the hand. iwork 'of higjjugiLih fran fistnryrj In the lot, was splendid pair pf riding lcot8, seamlaes, and equal to any that can be bought in any other market The Legislature will be petitioned to incorporate the town of "Victo. ria." embracing the territory south of Asheville and north of the Swan nanoa. We believe no objection will be raised by Asheville to the ef forts of our neighbors to have; a town of their own. Mr. Kelse7, of Highlands, was in town last night en routs to Raleigh in the interest of the railroad pro ject known as the Atlanta, Ashevil e and Baltimore road, more especially to obtain a charter for the same. He will also look after the proposi tion, which win be before the lieg- lslature, tot rm a new county out of portions of Jackson, Macon, Tran- svlvania. The proposed county would embrace an area of some 1450 square miles and have a population ot some d,UUU. I he question oi the new county is at present occupying the attention of the people in the territory embraced. Furniture Factory Bubnbd. The furniture factory at Morganton, belonging to Messrs. Wilson & Reed, was totally destroyed by fir a, together with all the machinery and stock about 1 o'clock Tuesday, the fire originating from the stove while the employees were at dinner. Ixhm from $20,000 to 82o,000, with no insurance. - Messrs. Wilson and Reed are both young men, and this lobs will prove a heavy one to them. Linwood's Vabiety Market. The aaction house of - Messrs. Murray & Lance having been re moved from Mr. Linwood's market, that gentleman has fitted up bis market room, on South Main street; in the most convenient style, adding to it one ef bteven s large refrigera tors, and he intends to make his establishment one of the most com !lete in Asheville. In addition to rash meats, he will keep on hand fresh fish, ovsters, game and poultry of all kinds, and will keep only the best. Give him a call. The Late Railroad Deal. The Richmond Whig, referring to the recent purchase of the East Ten1 nessee system of roads by the West Point Terminal, says: "There is little or no doubt that the negotiations which haye been pendiag for some time, between the West Point iermmal mananage- ment and the owners of the East Tennessee Railroad, have resulted in the acquisition of that road and its system for the Terminal Compa ny, Sy the purchase of a controlling interest in the road. Through this Surchase and the recent victory in eorgia, by which intimate friendly relations were established with the Georgia Central system, the West Point Terminal people now ' control one of the vast railroad systems of the country and several important lines of steamship?.. It is stated that the West Point Terminal directors will issue $14,- OOO.OOO of their stock, of which $10, 000,000 will be given for Richmond and Danville outstanding stock, and $4,000,000 for East Tennessee stock. In addition the East Tennessee stockholders are to get $4,400,000 in cash." 'This new. combination will,- of course,' have an important beanng upon the interests of the Norfolk and Western Railroad, which cons nects at Bristol with the East Ten nessee, and from" which it gets a large amount of traffic." Whether or not it will necessitate the exten sion of the former road from Bristol to Chattahoogo, a competing point, as has been suggested, can only be known in the future." ' , t No sufferer from anv scrofulous disease who will fairly try Ayer"s Sarsaparilla, need despair of a care. It will purge the blood ot all imparities, thereby destroy ing the germs from - which scrofula is developed, and will infuse new life and vigor tnro'jgnoot tbe whole physical organization. -: .- . t24 Goto Moore 'and Ro bard's EurODean Restaurant, if yon want to enjoy a good meal or oysters served in any style, where yon will be entirely private and only the "well-behaved" are admitted to their dining-room. Z ........ dtf . The West End Choice Cigar, only 5 cents. - - ; .' . -'v" WBAPS I WRAPS 1 1 WRAPS 1 1 1 for Ladies, Misses, and Children, i educed below their value to close out this sea son's stock, , - at WHrTLocx's. BestXoc. cigar West End Choice THE TOBACCO MARKET. The salesi yesterday ' were good at all the warehouses,., sjrith a perceptible advance on all glides," but particularly on lower."-Th8 following are some of the sales atthe ' ' " '. y" Farmer's Warehouse. - A J Run'nion 3 lots", 18, 12-75, 2U; A J Runnion and Mra 'Gage, 5 Jots, , 20, 24, 12 25, 34, 21j W P Masse v and Mm Gaga, 4 lots, 26. 46, 21 60,-16 75; Mise toa Rice. 2 tote, IS 60, 25f W-M Cook, 6 lots, 16 50, 29", 12 25. 21, 24,13 50: J B Orr, seven lots 22 50, 43, 41W20,18 5a 14 75, 24 A B Mil ler, 4 lots; 15. SI, 21 50. 200-.-To' Cook. 4 lote, 22 5Q, 35 14 fi22 50; W. G Peek. 2 lotf, 25; Geo Cady, S los-Sl, JS.80, 21 50,' White :nd -AaBin, lots, 16fe0, 20 50,28,10; iiamseyand-Flynn,t 5 lots, 28, 18 50, 22, 20, S3; D C Holcombe.J&fee 22, 22 50, 14 75; T J Ftynn 4 lots, 19 50, 23 50, 33-, 13 60: LSontherland, 3 lots, 2n, 28, 32; C W Edwards, 3 lots, 26, 40 and 27. SlGNiFICANT; - - STggf, pVrte'.j; Tollo'a a good-huriioreja satire by the. Mor ristovru Gazatte, in view" of the1 re cent scooping of the East Tennessee' road by the R. D. pystem j SayB'-tri Gazette : . .' : -;. . v ..." "Mixed accomodation trains wU soon be running " on the. branch oad from Morristown fo Bristol Trains stop at all stations 10 min utes for local freight. rDaily mail except Sunday." ; k Turner's Ladies' Eating Room, Mr. J. A. Turner has fitted up the ladies' room, in the old' Johnston building and attached to his restau rant, jn a most handsome manner the furnishings being of the Mikado order, and the visitor cannot fail to be pleased with the arrangement of the room and the manner m which the tables are supplied with Turner's best eatables. Ladies can call there at any hour and be supplied with anything to be anorded by the Ashe ville market. Shall we have an Opera House ? The present room used for an Opera House in this place has been of good service to Asheville in the past it has given us a place in which to witness- the performances of a number of good companies, and its management -have done all in their pqwer to make Ihe house com fortable and to meet the demands of the hour with the limited capaci ties ut their command. But the growth ol Asheville, and the rail road facilities which enables lis' to command tbe appearance of the best companies on tbe road, have shown a lamentable want in a suit able Opera Hall. A number of places in the heart of the city have been suggested at different times for the erection of a building suited to the purpose but they have been sold on and are being built up. And now we know of but one suitable place on which to erect an Opera House, and this is the Schartle cor ner., northeast of court square. This lot is some 80x216 feet, and drops down from the west front to such ah extent as to make it in every respect suited to tbe making ot an Opera Mall in the rear, with tin easy as cent to the seco' A floor from the west front, adnutting of a splendid parquette, with galleries and priyate boxes, and besides is open on every sid s, there being a street on all four side ; and some eight or - ten 6tores, or a market house in the College street front, with offices over the west front, could be put in the building. Ihis property now be!ong3 to the Messrs. Rawls Bros., and bv the ex penditure of from $20,000 to $25,- 000 the.necessaryjbuildings could be placed on it 1 he whole could be made to pay a handsome percent age, independent of the opera room, on the investment, and we hope the Messrs. Rawls will . either build on it to this end, or else form a stock company the latter we think can be easily done. Asheville needs and must have in the near future just such a house if she desires to ' keep pace with the march of. improve ment now being witnessed in othei growing cities of the South, , - Hon. S.S. Cox's condition, though somewhat improved, is still such as to alarm his immediate friends. Tens of thousands of anxiously ey mpathetic friends aud sincere ad mirers throughout the country unite in the heartfelt hope that the genial and gifted statesman has not yet reached the sunset of ate. I ues aay's dispatches represent his con dition as much improved. -' Notice. . -- - . ' . "". There will be a meeting held at the Public Library - next Friday afternoon 21st inst., at 4 o'clock, by the Society for the Prevention of cruelty to Animals. All members are requested to attend, and all those who wish to join the. associa tion. Business of importance will be transacted, and we request all to be pres ent, to make this association a success. By Order of the President - . ' W. II. J.SI.OKS. H.H. Lyons, Secretary.- - , ' jan 18 dtd - - yV . Jet let, PutMtf tuu JttHable. H. H. Lyons can always be relied upon to carry in stock the purest and best goods and sustain st he reputation of being active, pushing and reliahle, by recom mending articles with well established merit and such as are popular. - Uavinn the agency for the celebrated Dr. King's New lMscovery for consumption; colds and coughs, will sell it on a positive guarantee. It will surely cure any and every affection of throat, lungs or chest, and m order to prove our claim, we frsk you to call and tet a Trial Bottle free.i LEGISLATIVE. .Tuesday's -PROOEEDiuGB-r-CosDExsED, ' Mx. Webb, introduced a bill to repeal an act to secure to owners of treat estate residing in this State a homestead in fee simple. . ' .. ' Mr. Alexander, a bill in relation lodis crimination in freight rate by reilroads. . The committee on education: 'reported unfavorably on the bill to regulate the salaries of public sbool teacueras unfa vorably en the act to repeal on act cre ating a county board of education." ' Bill to exempt from taxation newit- eg. tabliseed manufaclurina industries for i period of live years waa . considered' ' and referred to committee' be, perfected."5 uiii to autnorize tne,oennty- commis sioners of Jackson count v to Tew a 6D.ec ial tax, passed its third reading ud jwas engrossed. . V -'- .. f Ihe bill instructing iheCbngressmen to vote for the BJair educatrbnat -biH was iUilnn nr lYir i p ' Tue t-iii to-ppehibit children nner 15 years oi age irora wvrsinjr-ra yfoifaaopa, l.bg. out the .wprdT5 and inserting the wora io. fmaivyxaoietr. . - - - .Bill-to allow owners! of tland to shooi birds on their own-land passed second Wading. ' ; ""' . . Mr, Pearson, a petition from D. J. Cain M. D. to enact a physicians' lien law. Mr. Pritchard, a petition-from citizens oi Madison county, asking that the oor porate limits of Drr Branch and Mar shall church be not changed. - . Mr. Crawfoad, of Haywood, resolution .concerning cartways in Haywood coun ty. . . . Mr. Overman, a bill to prohibit the directors of the penitentiary from so let ting out convict labor as to compete with nonest labor. Mr. Ewart, a bill to prohibit State ofli cers from accepting free railroad !passei and to prevent railroads from issuing the same. t II. B. relating to the stock Jaw of Bun combe-county, amending .chapter. 219 laws of 1885, passed third reading 92 ayes, 7 noes. LMr. Pearson's bill.J Bill to incorporate the town of Charles ton passed final reading. Also author izing Swain county to levy aspecial tax 10 build a jail. Mr. Crawford, of Haywood, introduced a bill to amend section 2S27 oi the Code pertaining to the stock law. H.B. for the relief of D M Hodges, of tiendeiBon county, passed second and third readings. A resolution protesting against the repeal of the civil service bill, was taken up, and elicited a lengthy discussion, participated in by Messrs. twart. Pritch ett, Candler and Turner, Republicans, tor tbe resolution, and Messrs. Holt. Worth, Leazer. Overman and other Democrats against it, the latter claiming that it was merely -an. effort on the part et the Kepublicans to place the Heuoo crats on re cord as azainst President Cleve land. An amendment , ot. Mr. -Pearson endorsing the course of the President in his execution of this law, but deeming it necessary to be amended, was lost by vote of 59 to 51. and the. House adjourn ed pending the consideration. STATE NEWS. Sheriff J. W. Buchanan, of Mitchell county, has settlod for State taxes, turn ing over $1,295.47, Concord is to have a new hotel, Mrs Dusenbury having converted the old Dr, Bingham residence on Main street into a hotel, and she promises to -make it first ciass. ' - - i Three children of Dallas, Gaston coun ty, were seriously hurt, one killed, the other day, by the falling in of a cellar door. The door and frame covered them Lithe Tipton, daughter of B. F. Tibton. oeing crusned to death. A number of Charlotte people have moved to Birmingham, Alabama, and tne most ot them are doing well; but the Obierver says the supply in Birmingham is greater than the demand, and it does not advise any one to go there looking lor employment. A bill Tuesday passed both Houses of the General Assembly, abolishing the Debruaryterm of Hyde court, the June term of Chowan court, the December terms of Hertford and Washington court making the February teim of Beaufort a tnree weeks term. Raleigh has a visitation from the "Sal vation Army." The announcement read : "The 'Salvation Aimv' will open on thp fttrnncrhnlflfl nf r.hA riavil in A ria ma Hall, Sunday, - January 16. In-door engagements at 3 and 8 p. m. in the hall: out-door engagements at Z:3U and 7:15 p i - m. in the centre of tbe city. Adjt and Mrs. Beall and others will lead the open ing attack.". Says the Marphy Bulletin t ' "Mr. Clabe Walton, superintendent of construction of the M. & N. Ga. R. Rn spent Sunday and part of Monday in our town. He re ports work progressing finelv on his road, and cays that be will move his headquarters to Noda river, about five miles from this place, some time next month. As soon as the weather moder ates the road will be pushed - vigorously to Marphy, and we may expect to see the cars at this point by the beginning of summer." - ,:..r;, - The Elizabeth City Falcon puts it thus timely : "The Independents of Eastern Carolina may take the flattering unction to their souls (if they have any) that their coarse is leading directly to the abolition of the present system of county government. And a white man in the east who will tarn his face against his white brother, tear down the wall of prosperity that protects the white and black alike, putting aside all hope of future material progress, - checking the blessing we . have worked so hard to obtain, is worse than the blackest radical in the land, for he has the manliness to avow openly and boldly what the poor dodger of an Independent does not dare." W. D. Hoyt & Co.. Wholesale and Re tail Druggists of Rome, Ua , say : We have been selling Dr. King's Now .Dis covery, Electric Bitters and Bucklen's Arnica Salve for two years. Have never bandied remedies that sell as well or give such universal satisfaction. . There eaye been some wonderful cures effected by these medicines in this city. Several cases of pronounced consumption have been entirely cured by use of a few bot tles of Dr, King's New Discovery, taken in connection with Electric Bitters. We guarantee them always. Sold by H. H i-yons. An Embarrassed Boarder. i nuiicoiiy ucujuio i- iiBver leu sa really ashamed in all my life." 8ak the too-sweet traveling man to a near acquaintance, "as I did the other inghfc. You know, I've been boarding up on Michigan avenue and,' you knowy I didn't happen to imnK oi the rent lor two or three weeks, maybe it was four or five, anyhow, I noticed that the landla dy slaughter she's a real sweft gfrljthe landlady's daughter is. she never plays the piano after 9 p. m auu,sne never taiKs aoout things a leuow can i. understand, as i was saving, I ioticeda chilliness about her-that marie we' want.-to go to an Kiertiouse and get warm. . 1 thought maybe I'd better show the voung lagy" some .polite attention, so asked, if she would go to the theatre some eveniDi". What- did she TEST' 4lermat so she left the . parfor, and lrwa lew minweacame back again: '.Dtf your ma consent,' I-inquired, .'N6t exactly,' she said; 'Ma says that you nad oetter just hand me -the money for the tickets and supper, and car fare, and let it. go on vour Doard Dill it made be-ternblv angry, but of course I .couldn't say anything." " Well, have ypu settled the bill yet?'' '-Er-no: no. but I'm thinking real seriously about mov? ltig.' : Merchant Iraveler. ; In. Illinois a youth, being iealous. gave nis sweemeari mortal nurt and .1 .- . , , .' i with the same weapon slew himself. In Connecticut a poor lass, disconso late from los3 of love, likewise made away with herself. The young men and the young women who venture out upon that roughest of the' seas oi passion need to be as circumspect as they can. Ihe hot winds some times blow a hurricane when little Cupid is captain ol the craft; so it iB f .1 l:- ?.i - i ... . wen lor luuso wuo sail wiin mm to watch the barometer and be ready to double-reef before the shrouds rattle. Love used to be blind, but there i3 no reason in this age of logic and gold-rimmed spec3 why he should continue to be so. .- tiver Pills. ' Use Dr. Gnnn's liver Pills for Sallow com plexion, Pimples on the Face and Billions- ness. Never sickens or gripes. Only one for a aose. tsampies iree ai n. tx. .Lyons, i dawlw. Underwear real low, at Whitlock's. Blankets and CoaifwfB -lower than ever, at Whitlock's, Try Woodcock's West Ead Choice fCigar. The "Mascot Broil" is the thing in the way of oysters at Turner''. Best 5c cigar in the city West End Choice. , " dtf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MALL FARM FOR SALE, - 6 miles North-west of Asheville. containing 80 acres, more or less,- one-half under cultivauon. Comfortab'e dwelling. Two good lobajco barns. 100 young; fruit trees beginning to ber. 15 acres in clover and crass. Place well watered. Price 3o dollars pf r acre cash. Apply to janivwiswjcs . o. owsbei. N OT1CE - Is berebv civen that an atrolication will be made to the present session oi tne General Session of North Car lina foranaminrlment to the charter of the City of Asheville repealing Sectioos 4U snd 41 of Chapter 8, ot private laws of 188 1, and giving control ot the sidewalks to the Aldermen and empowering them . to pay for constructing snd repairing .he samfl ont of tbe City Treasury and tonssess abutting land owners for n .rtioDsol cox of maing, repairing and keeping up tbe same: And also to create and fill the office of Recorder and co give him atl the criminal i urismcuon now excerising or belonging to the Mayor aud to per ioral sucn outer amies as tau Aldermen m iy rrom time to ume require. luajai.A4(r STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Buncombe Couniy. . IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. R. F. Drnmmond.l ' .Against .1 H. Carter. ' V NOTICE. - Anna L. Carter, f W. H. Lester. J Thedeiendant. W. H. Lester, above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Uuncombe county to collect a debt due bv the lefendant to the Dlaintiff: and the said defend ant w. H. Lester will further take notice, that he is required to appear at the neit term of tbe u- srior court ot said esuniy to oe ncia on tne 2nd ondivin March. l(-87. at the Court House of said county in Asheville, and answer or demnrto tbe complaint in said action, or the Dlainiiff will apply to tbe Court for the relief iemanded In ua complaint. The defendant W. H Lester, will also take no tice that this action is founded upon a Note given bv thedeiendant.. 1. H. Carter and W. H. Lester. to the plaintiff for $460.68 and that an attachment ras oeen issued agamsirnis property remmaoie to Spring Term of tho Superior Court tor Bun combe county. - - . mis itn oay or January, issv. - V. 1. K.IiUJJJJ3, Clerk Superior Court. Moore & Cnmmirigs, plalntifiTs attorney. - -jan SO w6wka - Absolutely Pure This powder never" varies. A raervel of purttv, strength and wholesome new. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in com net' tion with the molti! ode of low test, short weivht a!nm or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Roy ai Baking Powbsb Co., r06 Wall St., New York, Jm9-a&wl2ai mm J " 1 ifROYAL stwit IV ; XI Powell & Snider's" Column. -V -DAILY BBX1ETISI. 100 bags Coffee, , ou bbis. sugar, - -. 400 lbs. fine Tea, ' 2100 lbs. Soda, 111 boxes Soapi 60 boxes Craekers 275 cases of Canned Goods, : no cases Baking Powders. Grapes, Bananas, ' uranges. Lemons,- French Prunes, -; Cri.nberrie8, Figs, Dates, Prunelles, Table Nuts,' Olives, UiiveOil,. -Currants, Citron, ; ;. Imperial Cabinet Raisins, California Layer Raisins, - it . vineyard Cluster Kaisins, Valencia Raisins, .Sultana Raisins, Maple Syrup, Kock Candy Syrup, New Orleans 'Molasses, Buckwheat Flour, - Mushrooms,": Macedome, - CapersVxtlince'Meat, Chocolate, Cocoa, s . Cocoanlits, ",,- . . . Gelatine, uCro&ke & Bldchcc!V8 Pickles, Obelisk Pickles, , - lieecfi & ihetweod's- rtcJfJeri", Domestic PiotZZ- Royal Baking girder, Iiorsford's Baking Powders, French Mustard, . English Mustard, ' Lee & PerrirCs Worcestershire Sauce, Tobasco Sauce, Worth of England Sauce, Durkee's Salad Dressing, White Wine Vinegar, Fresh ehore Mackerel, Cream Codfish, . . . Fresh Butter, ' . " - ; " Fresh Eggs, Cream Cheese, - Pine Apple Cheese, , . . Parmesan Cheese, , Sapsago Cheese, - Ashton Salt. : Macaroni, I " -,- "Vermicelli, Horse Radish,? b lavonng Extracts, French hlerbs, Jellies, Preserves, Fine Teas, Choicest Roasted and Green Coffee Powdered Sugar, XXX Confectioner's Sugar, Granulated Sugar, Brighton C Sugar, Canary Sugar, Raw N. O.do. Strained Honey, f ' T Honey in comb, . .. Fancy HeadJRice, .. " ' SelectSpices 37,600 lbs. Flour, - ..' ' 35,000 lbs. Bran and Shorts, 36,000 lbs. Hay, 1600 bushels Oats, 400 bushels Meal, ;. 1200 bushels Corn - If we, covered a newapaper we might make a list of the goods we carry, but as. it .is we cannot tell half.;"-: - L"'. - r We have several additional stos rage rooms, and are now filling up with the largest stock in our line to be found in the State, wholesale or retail . ,." ' : : : ."POWELL & SXIDE?, dalS-Saa :. V ' ' i r r 1