- in... ii i ii- i i in -r i . i- A . ' t - ' .1 - l 1 l ) J J 1 - - , DAILY EDITION. Furoar, Stoaa Si Canexoa, EDITORS AND PROPRJITORS. . 1 Yea-r, . Sa.OO .4 Miw.. "''O j . A - ..1 .-. ' - r 7 tsrxa ha TBS 'OW. l;iKVfI.MS SOCIETIES. '.yrcHf Oimnuutdary, No. 6. J. A. Porter Eminent C-immaJider ; Jordan Stone. Secretary. MeeU ant P-ist; rt. Itammersala, Secretary. Meeta t-v mwkI Wednesday night In each month. Ml. Jlrrm L--t. No. 11S. A. i. H O Faun Worshipful Master; Fred. L. Jacob 4 cretary! MuutH.ihe ftrut Friday nlfcht in each ni'utU. lodge, A'. 0 if., No. 646. -W A. h. r.inaii. Dictator: Jordan Stone, tteeraarr. Meet the firs and third Monday niahta in eaca w Ounffl. No.. 701. B. X U Lwi, Regent: Jordan Stone, .Secretary. MMt in thi hill ot Hie KnltrhW of Hjn.v on tae seeoaq an.'. i'.m.- n Mondnr nih in caah month . 27 BWi Visnrtnary Atari) of tho M . M. chnfli. i!t!i. meet in the church clasa-room op . FrWiay of every month at 4o elocn f. M. 27w BWv oIu M'turt Loti JVo. 40. IT. A. A. Y. V Meotu on the first and tuird Monday nichta it each month. James Lattimore, v.u!..? f., . H Tt. flrown. Secretary. 77 .Aswiite Pubio Library, over Mr. Kep - let's Store, ; opposite Eagle Hotel, and next itora from 19 a. m. to 1 p. m. and from 40 to Ia I li. I '. TllT r AIDBTU19. Ill UPW W .w- Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholcsomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weiirht alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in f1UU. KoYAl. B.jUiO Fowdek Co., 106 Wall St., New York. 1anl9-d&wlm COMPOUND OXYGEN. V Drs. Margan, Stone &"GatcIielI, SPECIALISTS, FriCS fmlUmm BulMHf, JUal St. ASHEVILLE, N. C We nse in the treatment of Chron. iseases, COMPOUND OXYGEN and dedicated Vapor by direct inhalation. Those who suffer from diseases of the Respiratory Or gans inch at Consumption, Catarrh, Bronchitis, tsthma. Chronic Bore Throat, Loss of Voice, etc., tnd who have failed to be enred by the ordinary treatment oi Cod Liver Oil, Hypophoephites, Pocket Inhalers, and the like, may be permanent ly cared by our new treatment ; since we have eured and are cnrlng; cases which had resisted all other means and which bad been pronounced incurable by the best physicians. The Compound Oxygen Treatment is not only valuable In diseases ot the respiratory tract, but - is working prompt and permanent -cures In all , diseases depending upon an impoverished or Impure condition of the blood, such as Debility, Epilepsy, Rheumatism, Chorea, Neuralgia Paral- Jsis, Diabetes, Brigut's Disease, Aruemla, Scrofu l, and all Diseases of the tjkin. The Only Treatment " which will permanently core Nasal Catarrh ! file only Specific lor Asthma! '- The treatment is pleasant to take, and cannot ravate any case nowever delicate and sensl k, - necial attention cold to diseases of the Beo- m. soch as Piles. Fissure. Fistula, Prolapsus J f.c A NEW TREATMENT, 1unle3i. and nr art ably successful. No loss of U a? rrom business or pleasure during treatment. i-or tuoso who cannot come to our office, and wno need the Compound Oxygen, we have a Home Treatment, which in many oases isas vl otble as the Office Treatment. We will send the apparatus and chemical to last two months for 11240 - RBPSRBNCBS. - tLm ys fl. AlVriirht. Welllneton. O.: Wm Bat M D, Ptusslri, Tean ; 1 t. Agienarot, aaq., vansvlile, lna : .'onn a. enow, Jtsq., npion, Tenn ; Hon. B. 8. Fuller, BoonviUe, Iod ; Q. A. Hears, Ksq, AsheviUe, N. C; Ecv. CK Bell, BeU P. O., N. C Wrive for Illustrated Pamphlet, which will be Bailed free, in regard to treatment. Address DRS. HARGAK . novl-dawCra -.. STONE & GATCHTLL. , ,. i-Tr7ri . . " P ASHEVILLE ID NORTH SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE. Bella PIANOS and ORGANS on- Monthly In itallmcute of $5 and C10. ONE PRICE ONLY. Sheet Mnsio and MruJo Books. Old Instrn- ents taken in exchange. For Catalogues and CireHan apply to 0. PALS Ugl7:diwlr . IIC fOUSE FOB BEST. . ' Hell Furnished Honre on Bailry stnrat for rent from z to 4 mourns. Annlr La !!i W. E. PELHASf, jan2Sdtf . Orngglft. VOL II. NO 230: DAILY EDITION. THE DAIXjT CITIZEr WiU be pobliahed every Morning (ex cept Monday) t the following xte tirtcuy mm . One Tear, . . . 8 00 Uir Mnnlkl - . . . 3 00 ThlttA " . . . 1 60 One " . : . . . o Dim Vmk . . .16 rtn n.rr(ra will rlnlivKT the MDer ey ory Morning in eTerypirt of the city to will please eau at tne urara uiuw- ... - . . . . . y. "v iknd your Job Worl of all kindt to 0 Citizen Office, if you want tt done wwtty. cheaply and witi JitpcUch. ArMTI u BmMraar of PsMSiesiffer SixiUBvar Arrives CM p. ab4 dejyi Tennessee Arrives 10M a. mrSad departa 76 p bs. . . ' t7aaiwbj rAj nAateaa M p-asaidepv1 8:00 a. m. SrAjtiAiwrsa Leave Ashevilla 7.-00 am; arrive at fenderaonviUe 8:16 a m; at rlp&rtan bnrg 110 a m. Leave Spartanbarg 4KM p m; arrive at Hen dersonville 7:10 p m; at Asheville 8:11 p m. ' tW INTERESTING BEADING MAT TER ON FOURTH PAGE. And they always fit like a glove Herring and Weaver" Shoes, dtf Go to the "Racket Meat Market," North side public square, tor fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Dressed Chickens and Turkeys. 29-6t The "2 Dans" to-morrow night. All the pulpits of the city will be filled to-day. Go to church. The fair coquette most resembles qui nine "when she gives her fellow the shake. The "2 Dans," supported by six teen firsts-class artists, will give you plenty pf fun for the money. We invite attention to the card in another column of Mr. Chandler, who will give instructions on the violin. Regular services to-day in the ::hurch on Bailey street Rev. Mr. Carroll officiating. Sunday echool at 9:30 a.m. A Scotchman says an Englishman's way of spelling "saloon" is "a hesshay, a hell, two hoes ani a hen." An Eng lishman Tetorts that s Scotchman Hwhiak(ey)s out of a saloon, and hs his 'spell' afterwards-" Messrs. Straith Thomison will open tlrls weti. K, ,cery and provision store t their new store rooman West End Patop, Avenue. They intervl keeping every thing wanted la the tami'iy"pri?ji4- ion line, especially fine groceries. The Wilmington Review says of the "Two Dans": "The dancing was excellent, the songs good, the performance was excellent, and one of the most lauphable, without coarseness, we have seen this sea son." "Creation ov Man Masriagk." The pastor of the Methodist church, Rev. W. W. Bays, will deliver a sermon or lecture, at the Methodist church, this morning at 11 o'clock, on the "Creation of Man and the Institution of Marriage," this btsing the first in a series on "Oar Social and Domestic Life." The public invited. Preaching to-night at 7 o'clock. bunuay scnooi at om depot at 4f p. m. Prayer meeting there Thursday night Attbntioii, Yocsg Mkx. A Young Men's Prayer Meeting has been organized in the Chapel of the Methodist church, for prayer, mutual counsel, the study of God's word, and especially lor tne conversion ana salva tion of young men. The lesson for to morrow (Monday) night ?s. Luke II: 1- 13. All young men, and especially the unconverted, urged to attend. Meeting in the chapel, up stairs. Expects to Get Them. A young lady, a few days ago, being asked for one "of her . photos . said that as soon as the census was com pleted by the Southern Directory Company she would have one dozen to distribute .among her friends. Her guess, registered "at Grant . & Koseberry d was 8693. Go make your guess. - J) ree to all residents of the city. ' ' the ''Two Dans" will be with us one night only- The pictorial' part of the performance is said to be doubly worth the price of admis sion. The whole performance de-; lights all who "go to see it. They will positively produce their mag nificent scenery here. Eighth Skmi-Akhual : v - - Clearing sale at Law's Silver and China House, trom January 30tn to .February 10th, when 15 cents will be deducted from every dollar's worth bought for cash. This applies to all the stock except aoua buyer. 10 per cent on places manv goods at or below cost These sales are to reduce stock and advertise business. All should take advantage of it jan 28 tf ' E. C. Lixwood's Vabibtv Markx-tv ? This market, located on South Main street, had on exhibition in front of the market yesterday a fine 3 year old short horn. It is of the same stock as the one killed some time ago . bv Mr. Linwood Its actual weight was 1877 fbs., and has had no equal before or since. Call and orocrjre a tnece of this hovinn wonrinr. This Jumbo steer will be slaughtered for Saturday's market Mr. linwood has thorcraehlr refitted and equipped hi marketed has now the nnest market without exception in the South. He has also made arrangements to have constantly on band all kinds of meats Deer, mutton, venison, saosase, wild ducks, partridges, oysters, dressed poultry, prime silver-side cured, augar cured corned beef and every thing that goes to - constitute a first-class variety marker, evoz A ASH EV I LLE N THE PEAUSOX hi Li,. REPEAL The Senate Committee Report Adversely. :;; Special Dispatch j " ..- . Ealiigh, N. C, Jan. 29, 1S37.2. , The Senate Committee "on. Propo sitions and Grievances have to-day reported on tha Pearson bill for the repeal of the Buncombe stock law, the report ling 6 "gainst the pas sage of the bill with 2 for it. ; "J - The "2 Dans" to-morrow night. Go and see the play. r - W 8&rihnjra Mojm&irw. for Fphm. ArTtbe second number issued. It is full nsefol contributed by Hon. E. B. Wash fa'im, Ex-Minister to France; James Rus sell Soley, U. S. Navy; C. E. Markham; Duncan Campbell Scott, Annie Cary Morris, Louise Chandler Moulton, and some others. The papers seem to be a. efully prepared, and will be greatly enioyed. The magazine presents a beau tiful appearance, both the press work, and illustrations, being well' executed. Reserved seats for Howorth's Double Shew Monday night - aro selling fast. There was a delightful musicale given by the young ladies of AsheviUe Female College last Friday evening. The follow ing was the programme : Inst. Solo Pizzicato, Delitet; Miss Maria Love. - Vocal Duet Come With Me, Campa na; Misses F. and J. Humbird. Inet. Solo TheShenpard Dance Greghe; Miss Mary E. Atkins. Inst. 8ola The Mill, Josefly; Miss Ada Druinmond. Vocal Solo Thou Canst Teach Me, Mogart; Miss Carrie Wickham. Inst. Solo Opoas 22 No.1, Wollen haupt; Miss Lillie Way. Vocal Solo Marguerite, Bischoff; Miss Florence Humbird. There was a large and appreciative audience, composed of tho elite of the city. This is number two in a series to be given through the winter. These en tertainments are not only very popular but reflect great crtdit on the young la dies, and upon the college, which under that finished, educator. President Atkins, is becoming the alma mater of the bright daughters of Western Carolina. Death of Peof. Willoughby Reade. A Norfolk (Va.) dispatch of the 26th gives the following information of the death of a gentleman well known here arid in this section, where he had many friends : "Prof. J. Willoughby Reade well known in this section lor years as a reader and elocutionist, died this morning at the residence of E. W. Moore, pn Freemason t - Uvet, iifcre he itas befen sici Sat sfcremi weeks. " The deceased was a native of London, England, but has been a resi dent in this country and State for some years, his home - being in Wytheviiie. He leaves a son and daughter, both of whom were at bis bedside. His remains will be conveyed to Wytheviiie." Death of the Founder of the United Workmen. J. J. Upchurch died in St Lewis, Mo., last week, and was buried with great honors by the Masonic frater nity and representatives of the Lodge of United Workmen in that city. Rev. John D. Vincil, Past Grand Master and Grand Receiver A. O- U. W., preached the funeral Bermons. Dr. Vincil passed in re view the life of the deceased and j dwelt UDon the wonderful work ac complished by him in organizing the order of United Workmen. Neither Charlemagne norKing Ar thur had done as great a work for the benefit of humanity as J. J. Up church had accomplished since 1868. The order which owed its birth to him now numbered 175,000 members, and $350,000,000 were pledged for the charitable objects which, were the great reason lor its existence. No simpler, gentler, gran der man ever lived than the one who was about to be laid to his long rest Missouri should never cease to be grateful that his last days had been passed tn the btate and that his body was to repose in Bellefon- tame. The speaker announced that a.njonument .would be erected to 1 his memory by voluntary contribu tions from the order in all parts of the country." . The deceased was a brother of Mrs. Lawrence, of Hickory, N. C, the mother of Mrs. J. L. Pleasant, of this place, and the latter had always been greatly attached to turn. Continued firmness on the part of Democratic legislators will soon be crowned with victory in New Jersey and Indiana. , A dispatch from St. Petersburg states that the Czar has forwarded a message to the Emperor Francis Joseph, assuring the latter of his pacific intentions. - The joint balloting in the United States Senatorehip fight in Indiana took place Friday, but without rev suit. Four ballots were taken, the last one standing: Reagan, 51; Maxey44; Ireland, 39; Shepperd, Ayer's Hair Vigor improves the beau ty of the hair and promotes its growth. It imparts an attractive appearance, a delightful and lasting perfume. While it stimulates the roots, cleanses the scalp, and adds elegance to luxuriance, its ef fects are enduring; and thus it proves itself to be the best and cheapest article lor toilet nse Xi. Real Eblatk is now moving right rapidly Atkinson & Cocke, Real Es tate Dealers of this city, sold 8 lots last week, and three on yesterday. How things will rattle when the spring opens up. Better buy yonr lots now while they are reasonable. . . C SUN DAY M O HENESQNTILLE T0TE3. . From out Begulax Correspondent. . Dr. Bays, of your city, is booked for a lecture at this place Feb. ICth.-The Pr. has" quite a wide reputation as a preach er and lecturer and pur people antici pate a rare intellectual treats- V : Work is being commenced on the new Methodist parsonage-, and the committee hope to have ths building, completed at ah early day. .V . . Uudze trace is improving tne Dtuiamg and grounds of his handsome suburban Kev. Mr, Oebler has resigned his work. and Rev. Mr.Ralston ' is conducting 'the Presbyterian services in his stead. , .F.G- Hart has uioved into his- home on Main, street Z . " . v- -. 'Disis.. Ajl rATEOCIOUS "MURDKB OF -A - YpCSG .Man Wkll Kjsowh JIkhb. ' 'A dispatch from Charleston, W. "Va., under date of the 2Cth inst., gires the particulars of the killing on the day pre Jas. S. Thnrman, at Sewell, in Fayette county. It appears that Thurman had been employed at G. M. Donaldson & Bros.' saw mill, but had been discharged On the day in question he came back to the mill and got into a quarrell with W. D. Donaldson. . The latter returned to his work, and while his back was turned Thurman struck him on- the head crushing the skull and causing death. The murderer then fled. The Donaldsons are Scotchmen, and were engaged in manufacturing car lum ber which they shipped to England. They were engaged for some three years in handling lumber in IlaywoDn, ISwain and Jackson counties, and the unfortu nate man who has just met his death, about 12 months ago married Miss Ida Prince, of Waynesville. Great indigna tion ia felt in the locality of the crime, and the dispatch says lynching would result if tho perpetrator should be cap tured. Toe Extension of t-.e Carolina Cen tral. The P'aeiby Aurora, speaking of the probable extension of the C. C. Road, says: "It is stated in several newspapers that the Carolina Central will soon ad vance towards AsheviUe. If the town-, ships and counties will aid this compa-1 pany, the oarolma Central will in 188$ reach AsheviUe. If the latter gives us s through Western outlet, and the . C. C, & C Kailway build to the ore beds and coal fields, then will Shelby be on a bic boom. The octlook is encouraging and we await the consumation of these two railway enterprises." , The Wilmington Review, speaking Of the same subject, sas: . ' "The construction of the Carolina' Central Railroad through to AsheviUe is a consumation devoutly to be wished. The distance is not much more than 300 miles and this can be covered, when the road is completed, in 14 hours, taking the time, 23,aUca.r'w-2iJri?v by the day trnm oa the road. In otaeixj words, a .pleasant mgnt ride . in tu bummer months will carry one fronJ Wilmington to AsheviUe, leaving hen .f an. 1 n ,.r it.. awt..;.. anil A.ll at say 7 o clock in the evening and ar riving at 9 o'clock next morning liter ally taking supper in Wilmington and breaktast in AsheviUe, Western Items. -.1 From the Waynesville New we glean the following items : The first term of the Waynesville High school has just closed, and the second term opens with unusual flatter ing prospects, there being some 9 pupils in regular attendance. Mr. w. T. t erguson, of Crabtree, aver aged 24 cents for his tobacco. VanGilder & Brown's hardware stock has been moved into the new iron front of Mr. G. H. Miller. Mr. P. W. Edwards is seriously ill. From the Murphy" Bulletin we obtain the following : Wood is plentiful at 50 cts. a load. Murphy is on a boom, and she will not stop short of a city. The apple crop or Western .North Car olina was not as good this year as usual. I he farmers bring a great deal of pro duce to town, and they get good prices for it. T. W. Cooper & Son's large brick store is receiving its finishing touch and looks ornamental as well as serviceable. . Cherokee county has twenty postomces. An application is to be made lor a charter for a bank at Murphy. The foot hills of the mountains border ing on the valley of Valley River seem to contain an inexhaustable supply of iron and marble; and perhaps of gold and other precious metals. Mr. Calvin coivara, a genial and intel ligent old gentleman living about one mile below Valley Town, and who speaks the Cherokee dialect flunently,says that the - Indian name -of Valley River is "Konahetah;" the meaning of which is Long River or Valley. About fifteen shots were nred at u. c. Deputy-Marshal J. P. Cooper last Friday while hew os crossing Beaverdam Gap, in the western portion of this country, in charge of a prisoner whom he was bringing to Murphy for trial... None of the shots took effect, but; came too close to Mr. Cooper and his prisoner to make them feel comfortable. -The object ef the hooting was not to release the prisoner, but was done by parties who are expect ing to be arrested for revenue violations. The Franklin Press gives us the follow- ing items: " ;V '" : Mr. W. T. Potts, we learn, is very low with pneumonia. -Franklin needs more young ladies. There are about three young gentlemen to each young lady., Several gentlemen ol this county have cone to the Southern markets with stock. Mr. William Angel, we are sorry 10 learn, had his arm very badly cut one day last week, at Mr. Trotter's planing mill. - .-. . Highlands is making arrangements to establish a permanent school of a high grade. The school will . be called the Highlands Academy, and Prof. T. G. Harbison has been elected Principal with the duty of selecting his own assistants, and arranging a course of study and prospectus lor the school. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the most potent blood purifier, and a fountain of health and strength. Be wise in time. Ail bane ful infections are promptly removed by this unequalled alterative. . ti Oysters received in bulk daily at dtf .. : " ; Moore fc Robards'. Try Woodcock's "West End Choice, Cigar. v V . ifMii '?0S' . .., ... . ' ,. .. 1 "... v. yp; JAN. 30, i88-. PRICE 5 CENTS : ; ; jlELEGISLATURE. I ' W iday's Peocbkdik . Senate Ell to amend code relative to carry iiu 'onceakd weapons, allowing magis trals further jurisdiction, rassed a final reaon;- . " - Abi4 to prohibit the hiring out of conyicts, ard to provide for their work ing on the dirt roids of the State came catrv, up as a final order, and after con isderable discussion was lost by a vote of it to 18, the President roting no. R B. to regulate freights, and not to alloy discrimination therein. ThU bill wsisnotln the proper ouler and was sen back (o the House. J ill to incorporate the Atlanta, Ashe vilh & Baltimore Railroad Co. The bill pasted its second reading wi,h amend mo -ts, and was placed on the calendar. Piil to incorporate the Atlanta, Frank lin ft Knoxville Railroad. The bill parfjd ita isecond and third readings anTwas onerossed." JtlOCSE. jfnmi ttee on claims reported fa- . on diu lor'tue ixueir- Reeves, of Havwood county. -af JMr. Sharp, a bill to define the duties 61 clerks of Superior Courts. (The bill "to repeal the present system of county government and restore to the pfcople the right of local self-government" was taken up as unfinished buri ness. ' (It was discussed at much length by Messrs. Oakley Pritehard, Brogdeh, Par sons, Macon, Ewart, Sutton, Pinnix and Overman. E warts amendment excepting thfe counties having negro majorities wis defeated by a vote 107 to 0. . The question was then upon the pas sage of the substitute as offered by Mr. P.'itchard and amended by Mr. Oakley. ;The following is the substitute o lie red br Mr. Pritehard: Sec. That sections,71G 717, and sections 18, 819, 820, ot the Code be and the Eame ere hereby repealed. )' Sec. That at the next biennial elec tion there shall be elected by the quali fied vct3rs cf each county three court commissioners1, who shall hold their of fices for a term of two years and until their successors are elected and qualified ; Sec. 3. That at the next biennial elec tion there shall also be elected by the qualified voters in each township in the several counties of the state three justices of the peace who shall hold their offices for a term of two years and until their successors in office are elected and quali fied. Sec. 4. That in addition to the justices of the reace above Drovided for. there shall be elected by the qualified voters of eacn townsnip in wnicn any city or in corporated town is situated, one justice of the peace and also one for every one thousand inhabitants in each city or town, who shall also hold his office for a term of two years Sec. 5. That the terms of office of county commissioners and justices of the peace shall begin on the 1st Monday of Decem ber next after their election. Sec. 6. That whenever a new township is established the county commissioners of the county in which said new town ship is established shall immediately or- er-stnr-.eissts&-to- select jcotsaso ti:s peace for each township so established. Sec 7. That all laws and clauses of iftw(I ;n -ariv wav conflirtintr with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed m. .... . . Sec. 8. That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. Passed yeas 54, nays 52. The ques tion was then upon the "passage of the substitute for the bill as amended upon it second reading. Passed yeas 54, nays 52. On this question Mr. Wells voted aye and Mr. Pearson no. In the Tristram case, it is now plain that the boys did not commit suicide, and there is no sound reason to believe that they had anything to do with the murder of the baker. ' The Tristram boys were mistaken lor the murderers,ana were chased and killed by an iniuriated crowd, which was perhaps agged on by the murd erer or-murderers of the first victim. Says the Raleigh correspondent of the Richmond Dispatch: " "Cold as North Carolina, or at least the greater part of it, is, it is yet semi" tropical in some respects, as becomes a State where the palmetto attains a height of twenty-five feet So, early as it is, the truckers are at work. They are planting green peas. The strawberry plants, as well as the young cabbage, look well. This is in the Albemarle, ramiico, and the Wilmington sections. It is said that more peas will be -planted it the Elizabeth City section than ever before, and the prospects are gcd. ' A special from Santa Fe, N. M. says that Gov. Ross yesterday vetoed a measure passed by the Kepuohcan majority in the Senate for the un seating of a Democrat in favor of a Republican." .The Democrats - left the Senate in a body when the yote was taken, and the territorial secre tary refused to swear in th'e Repub lican member who had been voted in.r. He was sworn in by the Presis dent of the Senate. Goy. Ross has refused to - recognise the Senate as now constituted, only six out of twelve members having voted to unseat one man in favor of the oth er, It is' rumored that the Govern or will assume military control and teiegrapn to Washington lor in structions. .- L, '-: X reatly Excited. Not a few of the citizens of AsheviUe have recently become greatly execited over the astounding facts, that several of their friends who had been' pronounced by their physicians as incurable and beyond all hope Buffering with that dreaded monster Consumption have been completely cored by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, the only remedy- that does positively cure all throat and lung diseases, Coughs, Colds, Asthma and Bronchitis. Trial bottle free at H. H. Lyons' Drug Store, large bottles $1. - Now is the ; Whitlock's. time for bargains. Go to 6t r Read the grand special Bale advertise- niOTi I" "1T W Vk i f 1 rvoV 'a an A onrtiirA . rvrfA kAVM v 4u utvva D Muva trvvi4. v vsiru bargains. 7v ' " : ; . ot Fence or No-Fence the finest display of Shoes, ever seen in tbe South, is at tne. shoe store. GsCostikced. 1 - V roifjDir 1 IE" y .AER. 1 rFor the AsheviUe Cmns, THE LAND AND LABOR CLUB. Messrs. Editors : I regret that other business has prevented my answering sooner the question which you asked-a few days ago in reference to the Land and Labor movement It see tisi unnec essary for me to define again our position on this subject, as I endeavored to do that plainly and unequivocally in my re cent article in tbe Advance; and why should you attempt to make us responsi ble for the statements of Dr. McGlynn, or some other man a thousand miles away, when we have stated our own position sufficiently clear to bo within the com prehension of any one of ordinary intel ligence. : ' Judging from the number of short editorial notices which have appear ed, in your paper, one would think that, although the editors of the Citizen were greatly interested in the "Henry George" movement, they anew very little more about it than the man who- thought it meant the organization, in AsheviUe. of the Cavalry Company that had. been spokta cf. - If von reallv believe that the T,a8 9i forth : iir-inyr' article in the Aavuace, is erroneous,-- why do -you not show us m an intelligent manner where in the error lies, and give some reason for the faith that is within yourselves? - The Citizen has heretofore ranked itself along with the World, Times and Herald as one of the " "great daHies" of the world, and it should keep abreast with these, its contemporaries, in the discussion of what is admitted to Xafl the most important question in American I politics. You may know from the follow ing facts that this question is by no means uninteresting to our own people : It is the most conspicuous subject in the editorial columns of the New York pa pers and has been discussed by all the leading papers in the State. - My article in the Advance, though unusually long, was universally read with interest and partially endorsed by a large number. Mr. George's paper has a good circula tion in AsheviUe, and some of our lead ing and most intelligent citizens are pro nounced believers in his doctrines. You seem to think that our people prefer the practical to tbe ideal. But more than once you have discoursed at length in high-flower poetic phrase and glittering metaphor on the the glories of a mountain sunset; more than once you have wept through whole columns over tbe grave of Junaluske and discussed in labored editorials the charred bones and rusty tomahawks-relics of an age and race that hare passed away. Kow.it seems to us that with equal credit to yourselves as journalists and much more to the pleas ure and benefit of your readers, yon might devote some time and space to the discussion of a question eminently prac tical, of vital importance, and interesting to all. Whatever you would ray would be read with eagerness,, and surely a cause, if true, could not suffer when ad vocated by such champions. So, gentlemen, if you have aught to say in refutation of our position, eay it, or'do as Cromwell bade the Rev. Mr. Hiich, "Leave off your fooling and come down, sir." Very respectfully, . ' " -1 '. ' . - , Locke Craig. A Washington dispatch of recent date, says: ?It is announced here that Hon. Jafc. W. Reid, who recent ly resigned his seat in Congress be cause 01 nnancial embarassments, and who was supposed to have joined the American colony in Can- ada to escape prosecution, has re turned to his home in Rockingham county, N. C. Presumably his af fairs were not as bad as reported. It is the hope here that such may be the case. He was very popular among his associates, and there was universal surprise and regret at the disclosure of his troubles. His po litical career may be ended, but he is a young man of energy and fine capacity, and has time in which to retrieve himself financially. EJver Pills. Use Dr. Gnnn's Liver Pills for Sallow com plexion. Pimples on the Face and BUlious- neua. Never sickens or gripes. Only one for dose. Samples free at H. H. Lyons. dawlw. WRAPS! WRAPS! ! WRAPS!!! for Ladies, Misses, and Children. 1 educed below their value to close out this sea son's stock, at Wihtlock's. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. M CSICAli INSTRUCTION. Ma. HENBY G. CHAXDtER will eive lastrnc- t'.on on the Violin. Terms reasonable Apply at C FALK'S Music Store, jan30dlw North Mala st. yiy ANTED 700, i or years on Dest property in Asnevuie. Address X." CITIZEN office. jan23dtt - OPERA HOUSE. if ONE NIGH1 ONLY, V : - Jtlondati Jan. 31, 1887. Appearance of the jolly favorites HoivortWs Jfouble Show. GRAND HIBERNICA ASD DUBLIN DAN COMEDY COMPANY. A superb Specialty Company headed by Ubyan U Lynn, the greatest ot ail "Irish Guides" in Howorth's la- . test laughable success, T H Fi TWO DAU8, Positively the best organization of the kind in existence, exhibiting tne -greatest scenery ever witnessed in a Geand Tour Through Ireland Giving more funJree from vulgarity . than any show traveling. 14 SPECIALTY ARTISTS. 14 6 GREAT COMEDIANS. 6 Including their Characteristic and : - Befined Specialties. BRASS BAND AND ORCHESTRA, Under the leadership of Pro Scott Snow, the eminent Cornet Soloist - NOVEL. REFINED, NEAT. ISfReEerAed'seats now on sale at Saw yers 25, 50 and 75 cts. - - v, BRYAN O'LYNN, Man'r. . Johs Howobth, Prop'r, - CITIZEN JOB OFFICE, WEST SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE. BILL" HEADS, LETTER HEADS, POSTERS, BLANKS, Ac And fob Work of all hinds don -with promptness and at low frica. ' Powell & Snider's Column. 100 bags Coffee, ,, GO bbls: Sugar, r ' 400 lbs. fine Tea, - ' 2100 lbs. Soda, - -111 boxes Soap," . 60 boxes Crackers 275 cases of Canned Goods, l. 115 casea Baking Powders. Grapes, Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, French Prunes, Cranberries, Figs, Pates, Prunelles, Table Nuts, Olives, Olive Oil, Currants, Citron, Imperial Cabinet Raisins, California Layer Raisins, Vineyard Cluster Raisins, Valencia Raisins, Sultana Raisins, Maple Symp, Rock Candy' Syrup, New Orleans Molasses, Buckwheat Flour, Mushrooms, Macedoine, Capers, ulince Meat, Chocolate, Cocoa, . Cocoanuts, Gelatine, - Crosse & BlachwelVa PickUa,- Obelisk Piekles, Beech & Sherwood's Pickles, Domestic Pickles, Royal Baking Powder, Horsford's Baking Powders, French Mustard, English Mustard, Lee & Pcrr'm'a Worcestershire Sauce, Tobasco Sauce, North of England Sauce, Durkee's Salad Dressing, White Wine Vinegar, Fresh Shore Mackerel, Cream Codfish, Fresh Butter, Fresh Eggs, Cream Cheese, Pine Apple Cheese, Parmesan Cheese, Sapsago Cheese, Ashton Salt. Macaroni, Vermicelli, Horse Radish, Flavoring Extracts, French Herbs, Jellies, Preserves, Fine Teas Choicest Roasted and Green Coffee Powdered Sugar, XXX Confectioner's Sugar, Granulated Sugar, Brighton C Sugar, Canary sugar, Raw N. O. do. Strained Honey, Honey in comb, Fancy Head Rice, SelectTSpices 37,600 lbs. Flour, , 85,000 lbs. Bran and Shorts, 1 36,000 lbs. Hay, -1600 bushels Oats, : 400 bushels Meal, 1200 bushels Corn If we covered a newspaper we' might make a list of the goods we carry, but as it is we cannot tell hall :, ' We have several additional sto rage rooms, and are now filling up with the largest stock in our line to be found in the State, wholesale ox retail ' POWELL & SNIDER del3-3m . . A - ' . ij 1

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