A Shying Horse. To the inquiry, Why does a horse shy? the Netional Live Stock Journal replies : Because he sees something which he does not understand, and is filled with a great or or less degree of fear something as the hoy feels ntY A v. t a1.....a4 It. V. wwv n mn m A and goes arond to keep clear of it It may be some new or unusal object that the horse sees, or it may be an imperfect view of it Even a famil iar object, if it comes to view sud denly and unexpectedly, will cause a horse to shy or jump, just as an unexpected object or sound causes a nervous person to start When a person is so startled, how much would it improve the matter to be scolded at or given a cut with a whip? Just as much as the same treatment would in the case of the horse. Harshness only aggravates the matter. The more the horse is scolded and whipped, the more nervous he gets ; and every time he passes the place where the fright and whipping oc curred, he will recollect the un pleasant affair, and he will begin to prick up his ears and fidget ready for another jump. Give him the lines, and he will go by in a hurry. The proper way is never to strike or scold a horse that is startled or frightened. Speak to him coolly, calmly and kindly ; give him time to see and collect his scattered sen ses and make him feel that you are hia friend and protector. When he sees that all is right, there is an end to all further trouble. We have seen ahorse refuse to'cross'anjunsafe looking bridge ; but when the driv er took him by the bit and walked ahead, the horse cautiously follow ed. Next time he required no coax ing or urging to cross the bridge. He might have been whipped into it at first, but was not the milder course, although a little trouble, the better one? The horse showed his confidence in the driver ever afterward. Cardinal Gibbon's Protege. A Balimore special to the Phila delphia Press says : Miss Ellen Scan Ian, a young singer of great promise, is going from this city to Italy next week to pursue her musical studies; Cardinal Gibbons will pay her ex penses, as the young girl is very poor, her father being a laborer in the employ of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. The' cardinal is an intense lover of music. OneSuni day, about a month ago, Miss Scanx lan, who sang in a small chapel in the southern part of the city, was induced by Father Graf, organist at the cathedral, to sing the "O Salu taris Hostia" while the cardinal was on his throne at vespers. The girl had never sung in the great cathe dral before, and as she is very young and modest consented only after much solicitation. At the opening words ot the solo her voice was so Ijw and fluttering that it could not be heard beyond the organ loft When she reached the "Uni trinoque Domine," however, her voice came forth in all its sweet , voung freshi ness.and the znexnbera of-trrr-Calhe dral congregation, although ac customed to good singing, raised their eyes from their prayer books in surprise, and hardly a single one of them could refrain from glancing up at the choir. Even Cardinal Gibons, who has seldom been known to turn his eyes from the altar, faced the organ loft directly, and did not turn his eyes from the young singer till the last notes of "Nobis donet in patria." Such a sweet, fresh, clear and pathetic voice had not been . heard in the old Cathedral for years. After the services everybody was in quiring the name of the singer and praising her wonderful gift Cardi nal Gibbons was also curious. Af ter more inquiry he found out the f;uTfl name, the poverty of her fami y and the necessity which compell ed herto.workin a cigarette factory. The generous prelate then sent lor her, .offered to pay her expenses while studying music in Italy and only required that she should sing in the Cathedral sometimes on her return. She readily consented, of course, and soon she will be among the'students atthe Flounce conserv atory . Anecdote of 6cn. Grant. General Grant, on his retern to this country, is said to have been severely af flicted with a cough, contracted '.while crossing the ocean, and which had stub bornly refused to yield to any treatment A friend procured for him a bottle of C 1 1 1 i 1 few hours entirely relievsd. He re marked to his friend: "Men look upon me as a great soldier, but .this bottle of Srmphyx is greater than I. My calling has been to destroy men's Jives, but this medicine is a victorious savior of men. -1 shall never b& without it again." - Best 5c cigar West End Choice. . The "Pinafore Steam" is one of the ways ovstera are served at Turner's. Blankets and Comforts lower than ever,, , at Whit-lock's. Best 5c. cigar in the city West End Choice. dtf xjurns ron sajLE. I have oyer Two Thousand Acres of Land lying in Clay county, N, C which is now offered for sale at very low prices. I have one farm containing- one hundred acres of good tobacco land and a good wool carder; also another farm containing- two hundred acres, about forty acres of first class bottom land and good grist-mill. I can suit a man in any priced farm from five hundred dollars to five thousand doll 're. The society is very good. The courts are never detained longer than two days here. The land here is well adapted to the growth ol tobacco, wheat and corn, For further information call on or address - Wi H. DAVIS, t jan 19 w2mos Irena, Clay county, N. C. JTOTICE Is hereby given that an application will be made to the present session of the General Session of North Car Jina for an amendment to the charter of (he City of Asheville repealing Sectioos 40 and 41 of Chapter 8, of private taws of 1883, and giving control of the sidewalks to the Aldermen and empowering tbera to pay for constructing and repairing the same out ol the City Treasury and to assess abutting land owners for portions of cost of making, repairing and keeping up the same; And else to create and fill the office of Recorder nd to give him all the criminal jurisdiction now Jxcerising or belonging to the Mayor and to per oral such other duties as the Aldermen miy from time to time require. -Jan 20 dlaiw . Making Oil of Sassafras. In some of the interior counties of N. Carolina may be seenin opera tion manv primitive establishment for the manufacture , of the oil of sassafras and oil of pennyroyal- The apparatus UBed in this work is so ex ceedingly rude and primitive as to appear ridculous to most observers ; bui the product is ol good quality, and constitutes at profitable indus try. For these oils the usual style of "still" may be briefly described as a short trench in the ground end ing in a low flue or chimney. Oyer this trench is placed a closed wood en box, having a sheet-iron bottom, and an auger hole on top ot the steam box, and has several holes bored through its bottom, and also through the top -of the steam box, allowing steam to pass freely up through the barrel. A lnte of clay is used to close the joint between the lower end of the barrel and the steam-box as well as the covsr of the barrel. Instead of a "worm a tin pipe immersed in a trough of cold water is used, and a steam con nection with the barrel is generally made by an elbow brahch of wood bored out with an auger The sass afras tree grows abundantly in this section especially on worn out lands, where it is usually found in the dense thibkets of small shrubs. The root is dug and washed iree from dirt, and, after being chopped short and druised with a hatchet, is ready for the 'still." This work is done by boys emploped by the manufacturer, who pays a stated price 'per 100 pounds of the root ready for use. The same outfit is used in the production cf oil of pennyroyal, which grows abundantly in the woods in many counties. When the barrels are filled with the roots and the cover made tight with clay, the process of distillation goes on rapidly, lhe steam passes through the mass of bruised roots and is condensed by the tin tube in to a mixture of distilled water and oil, and runs into glass vessels set to receive it. Being of dmerent denst ties, the oil and water rapidly settle into two strata, and one can be de canted from the other. It is said that the operator of S'Jch a still" can pay all running expenses and make a clear profit of $6 per day. W hen we consider that the cost ot establishing such a lac tory" is less than $10 for the entire plant, and no chemical education is necessary on the part of the opera' tor, the profit ol the work is not to be despised. s Greatly Excited. Not a few of the citizens of Asheville have recently become greatly execited over the astounding facts, that several of tneir inends who nad. been pronounced by their physicians as incurable and beyond " all hope suffering with that dreaded monster Consumptiou have been completely cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, the only remedy that does positively cure all throat and lung diseases, Coughs, Colds, Astnma and .bronchitis. Trial bottle free at H. H. Lyons' Drug btore, large Dottles $i. d road" a 0 o crr- P (-" i O Q P. CD CO cf- PL. w CD P cf- t ini l a w m f t t O O i w S3 t- . hi O P O b o Ob o CD CO S3 O o Q U1 CD o S3 0 Pi P cf tr U2 CO cf w NOTICE, Is hereby given that application wUl be made to the present isesslon of the General Assembly for an amendment to the Charter of the City of Asheville.N. O. - Jan. '!, a SO d. The- chip which the general imagination placed on the respective shoulders of France, Germany and T" I xiussia it yei reposing tnereon in graceful and genial serenity. Neither power seems anxious to bear the odium which "... would be incurred by the inauguration .of a war which might iavolve the whole of Europe, cost untold treasure, and result in the death of thousands of those least interesied. It is a part European diplomacy to make war clouds hover low down on the hori zon even when business of that sort i3 not meant. - Wonderful Cures. W. D. Hoyt & Co.. Wholesale -and Be- tail Druggists of Home. Ga.. savs : We have been selling Dr; King's New Dis covery, Electric Bitters and Bucklen's Arnica Salve for two years. Have never handled remedies that sell as welL or give such universal satisfaction. There have been some wonderful cures effected by these medicines in this city. Several cases of pronounced Consumption have been entirely cured by use of a lew bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery, taken in connection with Electric Bitters. We guarantee them always. Sold by H. H. Lyons. Lamb's Wool Soles large lot for the Ladies and Gents, at the Shoe Store. jt.r T r p tit . EESONS WISHING TO MAKE MONEY Stocks, Grain, Provlnions, una Oil, SHOULD INVESTIGATE LAURIE & CO.'S SYSr TM OF DEALING IN SMALL OK LATiGE LOTS ON ONE PER CENT. CASH MARGINS. Ten Dollars will, for example, cover ten S100 Shares, or 1.000 bushels of Grain. . Explanatory Pamphlet Free. QUOTATIONS WIRED. Order and Jttargimt retttvd by Ttltgmm or Mail. ' LAURIE & CO., STOCK BROKERS, ALSO DEALERS IN FOREIGN EXCHANGE, 856 Broadway, New York. "The Members of the firm are gentlemen of experience ana mga sianuing in tne urain ana Stock Commission business and among their references are a number of the leading Banks." "New York Commercial News." 'They have a stainless business record, and their bona fides are indisputable The reputa tion of the firm is such, that parties can rest assured of receiving their profits tlie moment they are made, no matter what the amount may be." New York Evening Telegram. jan 23 deodw3mos Cash Assets, 3O0,O0O. Monthly Surplus, 130,000. The National Life ;and Maturity Association OF WASHINGTON, D. C. ' President, 'Sec. & Manager. Hoeatio Beowitixg. Geo. D. Eldisidge. Treasurer, Samuel Norment. LIFE INSTJKANCE AT ABSOLUTE COST. Our Pillars of Strength : A Guaranteed Policy, -An Incontestable Policy, Maturity Value in Cash at a Fixed Age Annual Cost Absolutely Limited, Only Four Payments' Per Year, Non Forfeitable after 3 Years, Five Year Maturity Plan, Non Forfeitable "after 3 Years, Ten Year Maturity Flan, Insurance as well as an Investment, Non 1 orleitable alter 5 years. Special Agent, Medical Director, W. H. GIBSON P. 8. Riddeixe. M. D. V. E. JONES, Agent for Asheville, N. C. Lib. J no; Hey Williams, Med. i.xam, jan 29 dim The Spot Cash Store IS GOING TO CLOSE OUT. I am going to move in SO days, and as it is cheaper to sell goods than move them, I will sell 3IY SIOCK AT COST. Heavy 3 A Domestic, one yard wide, at G cts,; heavy Wool Jeans at 2S and 30 cts.; all kinds of Calico at 4 to 5 cts.; Cotton Batting at 10 cts.; nice Brown Sugar at 15 lbs. for $1 ; Hata, a big stock, ranging from 25 cts. up to very finest Stetson; all wool Dress Goods, half-wool, Cash meres, &c, &c. 30 bags Coffee, Sole Leather, Boots and Shoes of all grades, Blankets, Comforts, Canton Flannel, Bleached Sheeting, Tow elps, Table Linen, Napkins, Quilt Lining, Cotton Yarn, "Wool Yarn, Laundered and Unlanndered Shirts, Underwear for ladies and gents, some very fine Wool Dress Good's in black and colors at less than cost. Come and see me, as I am deter mined to sell out my goods before moving to another house. J. o. no WELL. Bracks Diamond JELLICO, AND Anthracite Coal; CalionN.W;Girdwood.'- Coal Yard, and office on Pattou Ave. of Telephone No. 50s hot 28 dtl E'siimdl jpecSsill Sale r FOR TWO WEEKS AT WHITLOCK'S In order to make room ibr new goods and close out . BALANCE OF WINTER STOCK, We will offer the following nnparalled bargains: Best including Simpson's, Arnold's, Allen's, and Indigo Blue; 12 yds for 50c Gingham worth 15c, 12Jc, and 10e., for 7ic; 36 in. wide all wool (Serge and Diagonal;) Dress Goods fully worth 60c. for 40c An all wool black Jersey worth $1.50 for 95c. White and Scarlet Flannels way down, . Gilbert's 52 in. Flannel in all colors 65c, Columbia 52 in. " u " 57.; , Ladies' at 25c, 35c, 40c, 50c, 75c, Blankets, at 85c, 95c, $1.10, 1.40, 1.80, 2.00. big drives; Also finer grades and prices than can be duplicated; . Child's ( ttoak, Nicely trimmed, good material, age years, worth 3.60 lor 2.49 ; 8 years, worth 4.00 tor 2.98 ; age 10 years, worth 4.50 for 3.39. Better grades pro portionately low. LADIES' WRAPS, only better look at and price. 15 and 20 cent Ladies' Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs tor 10 cts. Ladies' Collars with Capes, regular price 10c, for 6 cts. Ladies' Cuffs at 12J cts. Ladies' Balmoral Skirts, for 35 cents; bargains in better grades. Large stock of Towels, Napkins, correspondingly low hgures, Bleached Domestics, bheeting, billow Uas ing, and Satins far below their value. Impossible to enumerate all the special bargains, but a visit will con vince the most skeptical. tStrictly Cash, and no goods on approbation at these special prices."3A ja 23-daw2w A. WIBITI.OCM. 'HZexriELg: A RE 1Y line bers and Southern ladies m any and fail Nos. or ceipt f auire or will find themselves and risk getting shoes desired To presreve the beauty and natural shape of the foot, have regard for this du ring its development For children we ail styles ana sizes, out call special attention to our Soller's "Protection Soles." Its con struction is such as to dispense with the objec tionable brass tips, and is more durable and neater. We keep parts of this shoe, showing the process of its manufacture, and will take pleasure in explaining its make and merits.- we nere present cut ot sole and trade This shoe Is celebrated, andwe warrant one. We keep an extensive lino of Slippers Men, x outns, i,aaieB, Jftlisess and cmldren,and when we fail to fit in sizes or qualities, will or der and guarantee satisfaction. While we propose to spare neither pains or investment to please ladies and children, we shall earnestly endeavor to keep a line of gents' and youths' goods tLat will please the most exacting, and respectfully request a trial. . W.LDOUGIiSrf urfo7l & ing Brushes, etc We keep cheap Dressing, but recommend Button's Haven Gloss. We keep a full line of Shoe TBrJfKS, Bags, Valises, Shawl A Line oi UNBRELLAS, varying Our facilities for conducting our line of business are inferior lo cone in the State, and we hope we will merit and enjoy the most extensive trade in Western North Carolina. Where it i not convenient for parties to visit our store and make selections in person, and they cannot get goods wanted at their home store, we will take pleasure in filling any orders by mail or otherwise, and if we fail to give satis faction we will on return oi goous reiuna me money. We are agents for the best manufacturers in the United States in Men's, Ladies', nnd Children's Boots. Shoes and Slippers, and warrant them to trive satisfaction. Whon irnn havfl worn a nair of our stamp will suggest where fhey were-bought, and you will favor us with a repeated order. - , , - LINING CTfRRlNG ASHEVILLE, N.C. GIVE US A TRIAL, de 23-d3m Calico, Vests, each worth double the money; 4 years, worth $3.00 for 1.98 ; age 6 grades left, which will pay you to Doylies, Table Linens and Crash at -ds "Weaver NOW KEEPING IN STOCK A FINE of Ladies' Shoes, and more varied in num lasts than has recently been kept in cities, larse or small, and specially invite who have heretofore been necessitated to "send off" for the qualities and sizes desired to call and examine their style and qualities. We assure them that we have the finest goods that can be made for any price, and goods that cannot be found ; t , t.jT t :n i.1 r general mure, jauiea wuu win iuuo lavui uo, to find a fit. we will enease to send for any lasts, in any stvle and quality, and on re such goods if they fail to fit we will not re- expect customers to taue tnem. juaaies this more desirable than to 'Vend off" or fit. keep mark. every for we Keep an graoes ana styles oi Men s Fine Shoes and also substantial neat lower Driced Shoes. We make a specialty of the Douglass $3.00 Shoe, and sell large quantities of them, and every pair gives satisfaction. v We sell all kinds of Shoe Dressing, Black ImtTON'S toe Softens and preserves leathef! Cases and Shawl Straps, from cheapest Cotton to finest Sill.' Shoes from time immemorial onr linincr - & WEAVER, STAMP. I -wc T-awi si m Yours truly, - . IIlHUtltfO fc WEAVER. THE ROLLINS FOR BBIlgBttestt GO TO Farmers The best accommodations for our custom ers. Messrs. J. Wiley Shook of Haywooi. J. A. Mchols.of Madison, and Capt. Ben A . Newland are with us and would be glad to serve their friends. C3 C3 CD 1 1 5 STEICTLY A. FIRST CLA SS HOTEL Eligibly situated. Commanding magnificent mountain views, and yet convenient to business. A home for ladies and families. janl2 d&wly I? AWLS BROS., Propf . Where you cai et the best Whiskey, Wine and Brandy both foreign n i lomestic. Jtly Brands are the Old Kentucky JtIonongahtla Gibson's XJTXT, all 6 Years old,' My CORN WHISKIES are absolutely pure, made of Jthe Boundea corn, on the Bald Mountain, Rutherford county, N. C. I handle nothing but North Carolina APPLE and PEACH BRANDY. " My WINES arwpvire Grape juice, unadulterated. ' : You will find BERGEN and ENGEL BEER always on draaght, coM and fresh. Bottled Beer delivered to every part of the city free of charge. I We make a specialty in CIGARS and TOBACCO, and handle th leading brands. - ......... Call and see if I have misrepresented my goods. You will find my Saloon three doors below the 1st National Bank, No.. 9, where you will find the Curious Concoctor of Cocktails, SHEP DEAVER, and the nial H. C. JONES to wait on you. Any intormation given strangers with pleasure, jell BOB JONESr "' DOUBLEDAY & SCOTT, XORTU PUBLIC SQUARE, Asheville, If. HAVE THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF SASH, BLINDS and DOORS - I r .i -i TN WESTEBUT JfOBTH CAROLINA, ' at lowest prices Estimates promptly furnished, and special Bizes procured at short notice They also keep every variety of Building and Fencing Lumber, Lath and Shingles. fob 21-dw ROF. V. KNERINGER Respectfully informs the public and his friends that he is ready to open his Class in Music for the Fall and Winter. He will devote his utmost efforts in a kindly, but strict system of teaching, to promote the progress of pupils confided to his care. Terms wiix be moderate. Pianos tuned and repaired, and put in first-class order at reasonable rates. Applicants sent through post-office or left at Citizen' office, will be. promptly attended to.. . , '. V Knebingkb. sept 4-dtf JOTICK. All person are notified that they mm not ret gand off mylmnd without haying paid for It in advance. Tfcej will be indicted if they do. angltdt WATT ATKINSON fceteiP & SMITH THE IPrfices THE Warehouse, THE new "JCMBOSTVPE" PRINTING STAMP (patent applied for.) Recommended aa superior to the robber stamp -for marking clothing because the ink can Demon effectually pressed into the texture of the cloth; It is also useful for the ordinary purposes of a rubber stamp, and coats much less. 49-An "Embostvpe" name- stamp with bottlo of indeliblo ink and two pads, securely packed in a neat box, tent post paid to any address in the United States for only Twenty-Aye cents, rail address 86 cts. A large stamp for towels and coars clothing and a smaller stamp for flue cot ton or linen, If in one order, 40o. A discount of 90 per caU on eycry order of 10 names. Address - - . - Rubber stamps also made. Orders filled for any style at lowest prices. - Satisfaction f uaraa- -teed. -WALTER a CTJSHMAN, Manufacturer, .. aug29 . Asheville, N. C JOR SENT. Furnished Honse on Bailey street. Bavaa rooms, besides basement. Rent reMOBsble applyto W. K, FELUAtf , jan 18 dtf : : - r ug gist. o