CITIZEN JOB OFFICE, WEST SIDE PUBLIC SQTL4KE. BILL HEADS LETTER HEADS, POSTERS, BLANKS, &j And fob Wort of all kind don with promptness and at low jriccs. zeiio Furmar, Stone & Cameron, 1.0ITORS AND PROPR1ETOKS. 1 Year. ' Mna.. I I Ym. '' ..AC 11 A TBS &S.O 3.00 l.fSO t.otv. vv VOL II.-NO256. ASH EVILLE N.'G SUNDAY MORNING. FEB. 6, 1887. PRICE k CENTS F. .' ; DAILY EDITION. The Ashevilfc Citi VM'.lKt II.IE SOCIETIES. Cyrcne OimmituUrtj, So. 5. J. A. Porter Eminent Commander ; Jordan Stone, Secretary. Meets first Wednesday night in each niontii. Acheville Chapter, R. A. U. G. H. Bell, High Priest : S. Hammershlair, Secretary. .Meets the second Wednesday night in each mouth. Ml. Herman Lvict. No. lib. A. F. & A. II. Tt a Viurir Worshinful Master: Fred. L. Jacobs Bjcretary. Mcctatbe fint Friday night in each mtsflth. Suxinnanoa Lodge, A", ot B., No. 64C.--J . Boardman, Dictator; Jordan Stone, Secretary. Meets the first and third Monday nights in each mnnlh freneh Brood Council, No. 701, P.. A. Ellis Levy, Regent: Jordan Stone, Secretary. Meets in tho hall of the Knights of Honor on the second and fourth Monday nignts in eacn noma. The Woman' t ilisnnnary Society of the M. E. church, South, meet in the church class-room on the First Friday of every month at 4 o'clock P.M. The Beauty of the West Lodge No. 40, F. A. A. Y. il. Moots on the first and third Monday nights iu each month. James Lattimore, Worshipful Muster ; H. B. Brown, Secretary. The Asliecille Public Library, over Mr. Kep ler's Store, opposite Eagle Hotel, and next door to Tlio Bank of Aauevflle, is open to vis itors from 13 a. m. to 1 p. in. and from 4:30 to 6:80 p.m. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A mprrel of purity, strength anil wholcsomonoss. Moie economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be Bold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weinht alum or phosphnte powders. Isold only in conn. Royal IUkiku I'owder Co., 106 Wall St., New York. ianl9-d&wl2m COMPOUND OXYGEN. Drs. Hargan, Stjne Oatcfcell, SPECIALISTS, OFtlVEPullimm Building, Main. SI. ASH EVILLE, N. C tie use in the treatment of Ciiron. Diseases, COMPOUND OXYGEN and Medicated Vapor by direct inhalation. Those who suffer from diseases of the Respiratory Or gans such aa Consumption, Catarrh, Bronctiitis. tsthma. Chronic Sore Throat, Loss of Voice, etc., nd who have failed to be cured by the ordinary treatment of Cod Liver Oil, llypophosphitcs, Pocket Inhalers, and the like, may be permanent ly cured by our new treatment ; since we have eured and are curing cases which had resisted all other means and which had been pronounced Incurable by the best physicians. The Compound Oxygen Treatment Is not only valuable in diseases ot the rcspiratjry tract, but U working prompt and permanent cures in all diseases depending upon an impoverished or impure condition of the biood, such as Debility, Epilepsy, Rheumatism, Chotea. Neuralgia. Paral ysis, Diabetes, Brigbt's Disease, Amemla, Scrolu la, and all Diseases of the Skin. The Only Treatment which will permanently cure Nasal Catarrh Thd nnlv ftQMdiic lor Asthma! The treatment is pleasant to take, and cannot aggravate any case However ueucaie aim acnsi- livp. Special attention wild to diseases of the Rec tum, such as Piles, Fissure, Fistula, Prolapsus, etc. A NEVPRE ATMENT, oiui. and nvarlably successful. No loss of i u ;rora business or pleasure during treatment, i or tuose i. ho cannot come to our office, and woo need th Compound Oxygen, we have a Home TrcatiJcnt, which In many cases isas val- . . . . , ..1 r." . . .' wli eAn,, tha apparatus and ejuwflcais to last two months for 112.03 rj;rences. Rev. N. 8. Alrright. Wellington, O.; Wm Bat lie, M D, Pulaski, Tean ; I,. T. Iglehardt, Esq., Evansville, Ind ; John B. Suow, Esq., Tipton, Tenn ; Hon. B. 8. Fuller, Boonville, Ind ; G. A. Mears, Eso, Asheville, N. C.j Rev. O. Bell, Bell p n w Write for Illustwrrel Pamphlet, which will be mailed tree, in regard to treatment. Auurera DRS. HARQAV . STONE 4 OATCHTLL. nov 1-daw 6m - ASHEVILLE MDSIG HOUSE NORTH SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE. Sella PIANOS and ORGANS on Monthly In stallments of 5 and f 10. ONE -PRICE ONLY. Sheet Music and Mania Boo Vs. Old instrn a enu taken In exchange. For Catalogues and Circulars apply to 0. FALE. pg7:d&wly pOR R"Kf . A neat office room over A. C. Davls"6tore.- Cbeap. Apply to A. C. DAVIS, or Rev. J. U. Burnett. decttdti 1 ipfl' fiAf DAILY EDITION. THE DAILY CITIZEN Will b published every Morning (ex cept Monday) at the following rates strictly eah : One Tear, W 00 Six Months, 3 00 Three " 1 50 Ona " 60 One Week. ' . . . . .'15 Our Carriers will deliver the Darter ev ery Morning in every part of the city to our subscribers, and parties wanting it will please call at tbe Uitizem umce. Send your Job Work of aU kind Ut the Citizen Office, if you, want il don neatly. cheaply and vmh dispatch. Arrival and Departara of -araiaa. Bausbcbt Arrives 6:56 p. m. aad departs 10:51 am. ' Tennessee Arrives 10:55 a. m. and dapatta 7.-05 p m. , Watsesville Arrives 5:00 p m. and dparti 8:00 a. m. - Sfabtambubo Leave Asheville 7 AO a si s arrive at Henderson ville 8:15 a m; at Bpcrtan- bnre 11:40 am . - IieaVjSatrtnbnrr IKK) p m; arriyott Hen- 83" INTERESTING BEADING MAT TER ON FOURTH PAGE. All the puloits of the city will be filled to-day. Dr. Bays will continue to-day his dis course tn the same subject he handled last Sunday. Madison Inferior Court convenes to morrow. A number of the Asheville bar will be in attendance. The J. M. Jones' property on Pat- fon Avenue will be sold at public auction at court house to-morrow. Find out what the numbers of your friends' houses are, as'well as the busi ness of the city, by subscribing for the new City Directory. Judge James Merrimon leaves to-day to resume his duties on the bench in the Eastern counties. lie will open court to-morrow in Wilson. The city authorities have ordered the purchase of au additional quantity of water pipes or mains, enough to go through all the principal streets. The County Commissioners are to be petitioned in regard to the erection of a fountain in front of the Court House. Let us have the fountain by all means. A daily mail has been established between Murphy and Jarretta,- the head of the Western or Ducktown road. Mr. Frank D. Polk adyertises eke where to provide for a certain umber of stock on his old moun tain farm. Seenotice. ' Pratt & Mclntyre kLled the sec ond of their splendid beeves yester day, and the beef will be in the market for sale to-morrow morniDg. The question of establishing a new street between College and Woodfin street1, running between Spruce and Wbite Oak streets, lias not vet been de cided. Subscribe for the new City Directory only $3.50. Thelarge photo-lithograph map of tbe city folded in the front ol the book is worth more than the price asked for the Directory. See notice elsewhere of Messrs W. R. Bearden & Co., who advise- all parties to have the water mains tapped before the pipes are covered up. Henderson's Fresh Garden Seed, a fall supply, either in bulk or in packages, at and below catalogue prices, on sale at J. S. Brown's, op posite Farmers' Warehouse. A copy of the new city Directory will be indispensable to every private as well as business house in the city. Your summer visitors and boarders will be sure to call for it. Only f3 50 to sub scribers. Several of our Buncombe farmers have been on the Danville market this week with their tobacco four car-loads. They have returned home both sadder and wiser, and are perfectly satisfied to sell the remainder of their crops on the Ashevillo market. AU the ladies of the city who have not registered their guess of the popula tion are especially invited to do so now. befose the register is closed, and get a chance at the one doien elegant photos or a copy of the Directory. Register at urant sc itoseoerry's. Rev. G. S. Jones, of Hendersonville, will preach for the Baptist congregation worshipping on Ba iley street this morn ing at 11 o'clock, and will take; part with Revs. Joseph E. Carter and S. M. Hil liard in the organization of a Bap tist church at the same place at 4 p. m. The public are invited. Representatives Dever of Transylva nia, Hayes of Swain, and Pattoh of Cher okee, and Senators Elias and Wilson arrived here Friday night en roufe to their respective homes for a day's visit. They will return to their posts on Monday. They report not much actual work yet done by the Legislature, but believe the next week or two will becin to show gome practical results of tbe work of the session. The monthly meeting of the Tobacco Association will be held on Monday the 7th inst.. at 4 p. m., at the room of the association. Business of importance to be transacted, all members requested to be present. E. I. Holmes, Hec'y. Eiohih Semi-Annual . . Clearing sale at Law' Silver and China House, from January 30th to February 10th, when 15 cents will Je deducted from every dollar's worth bought for cash. This applies to all the stock except Solid Silver. 15 per cent off places many frrw-rJ a ot n, holnw mat ThMA h1a awa to reduce stock and advertise business. All should take advantage of It. . jan 28 tf. . Wanted to Rent, A number of small houses at once, feb 1 dlw Atkinsox & Cocke. LEGISLATIVE MATTERS! DULL DAY IN BOTH HOUSES THE BURIAL OF THE LATE JUDGE ASHE. DEATH OF SAMUEL T. CAR ROW. Special Dispatch to tbe Citizen. RALeicu, N. C, Feb. 5, 1887- The sessions of the Senate and House were dull to-day. Both houses passed the bill changing the name of the town of Company Shops to Burlington. ..- In the House Mr. Jones for the com mittee on Privileges and Elections re ported that the committee had investiga ted the congested election case of Mr. Brim against Mr. Franklin from"5crry ocwty,mr!dtr atMr-Fjunklis.tbe eig member, is entitlad to his seat. The report was unanimously adopted. This is the last of the contested cases in the House. Mr. Fries offered a resolution which was adopted, raising a special com mittee to examine all the acts allowing convicts to corporations and . to also re port upon the best means of employing such convicts as cannot be taken out of the penitentiary. Bill? were introduced as follows : To create a boaro of pardons, to provide for the study of physiology and hygiene in the public institutions of the State, to define felonies and misde meanorsi bill passed to incorporate the Durham and Northern railroad which is to extend from Durham to Frank linton. The school bill wad made the special order for next Friday. The bill to repeal the stock law for Vance county was taken up and linally referred to the committee on proposi tions and grievances, with instructions to incorporate an omnibus bill on that subject Tomorrow a special train leaves for Wadesboro. The Governor and other State officers, Judge Merrimon and many members of the Legislature will go there to attend Judge Ashe's funeral. Samnel T. Carrow, formerly U. S. Marshal of this district, died to-day at Washington, Beaufort county. The Railroad Commission Bill. A special meeting of the Asheville Board of Trade was held yesterday after noon to consider the interests of Ashe ville in connection with the miiruaa commission bill now pending before the Legislature. A copy of the bill itseit not hiving been seen by any of tho;e present, on motion the meeting adjourn ed until 7:30 o'clock to-morrow night, when a full attendance or our business men is desired. - Methodist Church To-Day. Preaching at 11 a. m. bv the Pastor, a continuation of last Sunday's discourse, the second discourse leading on to our "Social and Domestic Life," subject "God, His Character and Spirituality." Sacrament of Lord s bupper alter sermon. Sunday School at old Depot at 4 p. m.; preaching there at night at 7:30 o'clock. Young men's prayer meeting to-morrow night in the Chapel : Lesson Acts 1st Chapter. All young men cordially invi ted, and old ones too. A Stolen Horse Recovered. On Tuesday night Mr. A. M. Brown, an old citizen of Big Ivy, had a valuable hone in the stables of the Banner Ware house. About 9 o'clock at night Mr. Brown went out to see about his horse and found that he was not in the stall He searched for him several hours and again next morning, but could find no thing of him, and walked back home, a good distance for so aged a man. During Wednesday morning Mr. I. S. Wilcox found a loose horse near his stables, with only a halter on, but bearing evidence of bavinz been ridden hard, tie put him in his stables, and advertised the fact in the Citizen. Yesterday Mr. Brown, having seen the advertisement, came into town, recognized tbe horse as his, paid damages, and returned noma a nappier man. Tbe moral of this fact is that a sharp lookout should be placed on their horses at night by our citizens. The Buncombe County Stock Law in the Senate. The present status of the Jques- tion of the Buncombe county Stock Law before the State Senate is in the main as follows: The Committee on Propositions and Grievances, by a vote of 6 to a, (the latter being Terrell and Taylor, reps.,) reported adversely to the Pearson Repeal bill, H. B. 21, and on Monday of last week the question came before the Senate on second reading. In meantime a substitute was introduced amending in certain material points and denned lines the stock law bill passed two years ago. Both the Pearson bill and the substitute were referred back to the committee. On Wednesday this committee reported to the Senate advis ins the passace of the substitute. Messrs. Taylor and Terrell dissenting from the majority report. Up to yesterday the senate had not further considered the question, but the opinion of thosa ac quainted with legislation, and who know the sentiment of the Senate, be lieve the substitute will be adopted" over me repeal Din. The Citizen a few days since, re ferring to the efforts to relegate the State of North Carolina back to the "good old days of robber rule and good stealing," was made to say so ber rule and good standing. No such role or standing existed dure ing the days of Radical rale in the State. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the most potent blood purifier, and a fountain of health and strength. He wise in time- All bane fnl infections are promptly removed by this unequalled alterative. . ,v Vi. I For tue AaheTllle CrMB, THE BUNCOMBE STOCK lAW. Metsrs. Editor: Allow me aj brief space in your valuable columns tj offer a suggestion on the stock law. should not all dissension on this vexata quettio be hushed, and peace and good will among neighbors be restored, wer every township or part of township .which desired to be exempt from the provisions of the law. be permitted to do so. upon such township or part of townshir, pay ing the cash and expense of fencing it off, from such adjacent ' townships as may desire the law. This small outlay might be easily raised by s tax, on the horses, cattle, sheep, and dogs, of the good people, who desired their live stock of the above description to ran at large and graze at will, on terntoiy irrespective of ownership. Some of the wealthy Cattle Kings who drive their stock to townships remote from their places of residence and home acres would contri bute liberally to this tax, besides the large population rejoicing in tbe luxury of a pack of curs would from this valu able species of property willingly con sent to a per capita tax which would be sumcient to baud a -Uhlnese. wall and effectuallv protect the townshir ."p parts nature and as bare of fences as a peeled onion. Air. rearsons colored constitu ency would cheerfully give the price of a pup or two lor so laudable a purpose. Let us wipe out tho past bury the fence of discord commence a new leaf, as though no fences had ever been built, with the land in a state ot nature. This is equitable and just, beajs alike on all. and free from all just cause of complaint. liOTiOM kail. Died, Near the Ford of Pigeon River, on the 25th of January, of catarrhal pneumonia, little May, daughter of C. L. and Lon M. Fain, aged two years and nine months. The par ents of the deceased have the synv. pathy of a large number of friends in that community. Big Sales at the Farmers' Ware house. The Farmers' Warehouse in this place sold during the past week 143, 371 lbs. of tobacco for $17,579. The sales on Thursday were 35,804 lbs. lor SdiJo.'Jb, or an average 15.0o. This surpasses anything ever done before in Asheville, and as all the warehouses had- splendid sales, it sustains our statement of a few days aeo that the sales on the Asheville market this year will largely exceed any for mer season, notwithstanding the shortness of the last crop. m. I The New Plan for Coast Defence. General bliendan explains bi length the plan for defending our coast with sunken forts from which the heaviest ordinance can be used with but little risk to the gunners, as the pieces are lowered under ground the moment after firing. There have been many designs for such defensive works, but the seria ous part of it is that it takes so long to construct them, and Congress is so slow in taking the proper steps. It is almost iarcical that such a great country should all this time be lying at the mercy ot any third-( class power that happens to possess even a second-class navy, and should take a fancy to make war on us. General Sheridan explains at length that he gets the idea ironi the un derground monitors he built on the plains to defend the stage stations before the racifac railroad was built: "and ever since the successful use c T those defensive pits," continued General Sheridan, "I have been op- nosed to putting up marks whicn can be fired at, such as iron turrets and heavy works generally, for these cost a great deal of money, and sim ply make targets for an enemy's artillery. The true way, I believe; is to conceal your guns and your men, for, what is important, this can be done cheaply and quickly." liich d (. Va.) Daily limes The Anarchists of the New Jersey Senate still hold out in their strike against the Constitution and laws of their State. They would surren der soon enough if their pay should be stopped. Fannie Davenport, the actress, had $35,000 worth of diamonds and several thousand dollars in money stolen from her the other day at the Gavora Hotel in Memphis by Chas. Talbot, a clerk of the hotel. Talbot took other monies and made good his escape. The Murphy Bulletin is hon estly engaged in booming Murphy ana the surrounding sea tion. and the best of it is the Bulle tin, joined by the active efforts of will succeed at no distant aay. ProDertv is advancing- in value rapidly," and the corporation of the town or Murphy is to De enlarged to meet further needs. . Aver's Hair Vieor improves the bean ty of the hair and promotes its growth. It imparts an attractive appearance, a delightful and lasting perfume. While it stimulates the roots, cleanses the scalp, and adds elegance to luxuriance, its ef feots are enduring; and thus it proves itself to be the best and cheapest article for toilet use. ti Tappikg Water Mains. ; Call on W. B. Bearden & Co. for estimates on vour plumbing work , they are prepared to do tapping and you will save money by having your pipe tapped before water is turned on. ' feb 6 dlt ; rf i' ; Underwear real low, at Whitlock's. Try Woodcock's West End Choice Cigar.; Esmeralda. The performance last evening of Mrs. Burnett's charming play, "Esmeralda," proved a delight to the audience and won new laurels for the A she ville "Amateurs." The little drama bears especial signifi cance for all Western North Carolinians, having the scene laid "under the shadow ol old Baldy." The cast was as follows : The "Lydia Ann" of Mrs. Hcrrlck a role of much difficulty was most de lightfully vivid, portraying as it did "Mother's high spirit" with a fire and vigor which would have done credit to a professional of the Madison Square The atre, and which never faltered from the moment in which she separates her daughter from "Dave," whom she has "known so long," until the scene at the end where she utterly refuses to acknowl edge herself overcome and "always knew there was something wrong with the 'Marquis anyhow." Mr. Child, as "Old Man Rogers," gave a pathetic, simple and beautiful concep tion of a very beautiful and exceedingly difficult part" f"Tt would Tie hard to find anywhere an amateur to whom this role could have been as safely entrusted. "Esmeralda" (played by Miss Dora Newton) was a most perfect creation ; we we:e charmed with her on her first en trance "without the corn for supper," but our enthusiasm and that of the entire audience knew no bounds when in the 3rd act she defies her mother and vows to follow Dave "if it is on foot and I go a thousand miles." The tableau with which the act closes was x misi e, Es- mereioa, in her superb dress, falls full length, fainting, while the "Old Man," leaningover his darling, waves back Mrs. Rogers, and his voice, broken with erief. says: "Stand back, Lydia Ann, 'taint iur you to teen her now : seems like she's gone back to North Caliny in spite of ye." aoo mucn praise cannot be given Mr. Ernest Price for his rendition of the dou ble role, "Drew" and tho "Marquis." In the first he is the keen business man. in tent on making a "good bargain." In the second we find him completely trans- lormed into the unscrupulous, supercili ous manof the world. His French accent was remarkably well done and his acting throughout was polished, graceful and without a fault. The charming, easy nonchalance of Dr. Battle's ''Desmond" brought out the highest appreciation of the audience ; he was especially delightful in the dialogue with "Nora" in the third act. We hear rumors of other nerformancfiR to follow this : it is to be honed that in another play the Doctor will have a role of greater difficulty than the simple one of Jack, and therefore one more calcu lated to do justice to his very unusual talent. "Dave Hardy," (the lover') as DlaveH by Mr. Herbert Price, evinced careful sludy and a thorough understanding! of the part; he was exceedingly good in a solilogeny in the first act sttuipfo1 otfwW teyMtf $5 in the 19th Century do not make a prac tice of standing around talking in empha tic tones, with only themselves for aud ience, the little stage business of whittl ing the stick -and dropping in a moment of excitement was very effective. The Kate of Mrs. A. J. Lyman "took" re markably with the audience; her rendi tion of the role was spirited and bright, and she won enough applause to have thoroughly elated an "old stager." Mrs. Theodore Bewedick Lyman as "Nora" displayed talent in three scenes that with "Jack" in "Rogers'" drawing room, during tbe ball; with "Estabrook" in the same act, and the love scene with him in the closing act in the studio. We are compelled to state in all fairness of spirit that considering the former experi ence of Mrs. Lyman in this role, she by no means came np to our expectation of the way she should render it "Estabrook" (Mr. Gale) was easy, con sistent and delightful throughout the play. Mr. Gale is as entirely free from any affectations or "staginess" (a thing so distinctly objectionable in amateurs) as any amateur we have ever, or could wish to see. Mr. T. B. Lyman was stage manager and director, and the smoothness and freedom from mishaps (so painfully characteristic of amateur theatricals) with which the performance was produc ed, we beg to state was due to the 'man agement." The stage setting was all good the studio scene was wonderfully pretty, etc. we are requested by the "trjupe" to express many thanks to the Asheville Band, which formed no small part of the delightful evening for "Sweet Charity's" sake. i Meeting of llie Morrison Democrats. Washington, D. C , Feb. 2 There was a meeting of the Morri son Democratic members of the House committee on ways and means last night, at which a com munication was received from the Randall members inquiring what was required to secure harmonious action on a measnre to reform the tariff. The members who received the communication have made no formal reply but say they are will ing and anxious to carry out the pledges ot the party to relorni the tariff ; that they will support any fair or reasonable proposition. The Emperor of China must be a tremendous gourmand, if a coire spondent of Les Debate is to be be lieved. According to that writer the "Son of Hea7en" insists on hav ing bears' paws, antelopes' tails. ducks' tongues, torpedo-eels' eggs, camels hump, monkeys lips' carps' tails, and marrow bones served on his table every day in the year. Liver Pills. Dm Dr. Gnnn'g liver Pills for Sallow com plexion, Pimplea on the Face and Billions ness. Never aickens or gripes. Only one for a dose, eampiea iree at u. a. ujona. oawiw. To Business Mxn. It yon desire to reach the largest num uer of the best neoDle in Western Caro lina and East Tennessee, nse the adverti sing columns of the Cmzra, Daily and Weekly. The citizks has a much lar Ber bona fid circulation in the territory mentioned, than any other paper. Rates are low, convaenng circulation. From Worth Carolina. The proprietors of Dr. Hart's Blood and Liver Pills are in receipt of the fol lowing letter: "l herewith send you stamps ior a dox oi Hart's .Fills. Un fortunately, out merchant is out of them. I have tried the Pills sufficiently, and I am sure iney are the best fills in Amer ica. Your truly, Ed. P. B. Young, Peru, N. C." West End Choice Cigar. VVT? A pe i wp a ra 1 1 wtj a Ta n x below their value to close out this sea son's StOCK, at WHITLOCK'S. The West End Cftoice Cigar, only 5 cents. If VOn ATA fifHtffpl TCitfi rViTicniYinfinn v.aiarrn, asthma, or any disease ot the respiratory organs, can oni'rs. liargan, Oln.. " i 1 1, F 1, . 1 . oiujiB, wiu uawueu, ior illustrated ment. It is effecting wonderful cures. iiu uimrjje ior consultation. Eeal Eslate is now movine risht rapidly Atkinson & Cocke, Real Es tate Dealers of this city , sold 8 .lots last week, and three on vesterdav. How things will rattle when the spring opens np. Better buy your lots now while they are reasonable. . Fence or No-Fence the finest disnlav of Shoes, ever seen in tbe South, is at me onoe store, dtf IIekrikg & Wbaaeb. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OTICE. Notice is herebv eiven. in accordance with the Constitution and Lang of North Carolina, that the undersigned will make application to the present session of the General Assembly for a charter for me Asnevuie Acaaemy. s. v. venadle, W. PINKNEY MASON. Asheville, N. a, Feb. 5th, 1887. . feb 6 dlawlm OTICE Is hereby civen that an acnlication will be made to the present session of the General Assembly:of .-xoriQ lar nna ior an amendment to the Cbarter of Ihe City of Asheville repealing Sections 40 and 41 of Chapter 8, of private laws of 18S3, and giving control of the sidewalks to the Aldermen and empowering them to pay for constructing and repairing the same ont or the Citv Treasury and to assess abutting land owners for portions of van ui mailing, repairing anu Keeping up me same: And alss to create and fill the office of Recorder and to give him all the criminal jurisdiction now exercised or belonging to the Mayor and to per form such other duties as the Aldermen miy lrom time to time require. And also to empower the Aldeimen to require the owners of lots or buildings within five hun dred leet of any public sewer to connect with such sewer in such cases as they may deem nec essary for the health of the city. ian20dla4w Pasture! Pasture! Having securely fenced in the well known Elk Mountain Pastures, I will take a limited number of CATTLE, HORSES and COLTS, for the season beginning about Hay 1st, 1SS7. For f 11 particulars, address FRANK D. POLK. ALSO WANTED to buy 50 Calves and Yearlings. ieo o aomos. SALE OF TOOLS and FIXTURES OF The isheville Foundry AND llachine Shop, At OLD DEPOT, Thursday Feb. 17th, 1887, On tbe Premises, 11 A. M. at the Old Depot. One 30 Horee Power Engine and Boiler, One Circular Saw Mill, One rianing and Matching Ma chine, One Band Sawing Machine, One Wood Turning Lathe, A lot of Small Circular Saws and Saw Mandrills. One 30 inch Corn Mill, One large Corn Sheller (Capacity 50 to 60 bushels per hour.) A Set of Blacksmith Tools, inclu ding a Drill Press and Fan, Iron, Bolts, Nuts, etc., etc. A lot of Shafting, Pulleys and Hangers, Journal Boxes, etc., etc. Gear Wheels, Mill Spindles and Mill Fixtures, etc., etc. A large lot of small Tools and Materials. All of the above very desirble property can be seen at the Asheville Foundry (Old Depot) and will be sold AT AUCTION -ON- REASONABLE TERMS On THURSDAY, Feb. 17, 1887. Sale to Begin at 11, A. M. For further particulars, apply to N. W. GIRDWOOD, . Asheville, N. C. le 6-s, T K ft w it - - M! IICAL INSTRUCTION. Ms. G. CHANDLER will etre Inttrao boh on uie t loiin. xerms reasonaoie. Apply at -, C. FALK'S Music Store, jan 30 dlw NorUtMaln i Powell & Snider's Column. DAILT, BniETO. 100 bags Coffee, bU bbls. Sugar, 400 lbs. fine Tea, 2100 lbs. Soda, 111 boxes Soap, . 60 boxes Crackers 275 cases of Canned Goods, llo cases Baking Powders. Grapes, Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, French Prunes, Cranberries, Figs, Dates, Prunelles, Table Nuts, Olives, Olive Oil, Currants, Citron, Imperial Cabinet Raisins, California Layer Kaisins, v ineyard Cluster Kaisins, Valencia Raisins, Sultana Kaisins, Maple Syrup, Kock Candy Syrup, New Orleans Molasses Buckwheat Flour, Mushrooms, Macedoine, Capers, Iince Meat, Chocolate, Cocoa, Cocoanuts, Gelatine, Crosse & BlaclwelVt Pickles, Obelisk Pickles, .Beech & Sherwood's Pickles, Domestic Pickles, Royal Bakine: Powder, xlorsford's Baking Powders, - -- T1 1 -iJ. English Mustard, Let & Perrirfs Worcestershire Sauce, Tobasco Sauce, .North of England Sauce, Durkee's Salad Dressing, White Wine Vinegar, to resh snore Mackerel, Cream Codfish, Fresh Butter, Freeh Eggs, Cream Cheese, nne Apple Cheese, Parmesan Cheese, Sapsago Cheese, Ashton Salt. Macaroni, Vennicellij Horse Radish, r lavonng ixtracts, French Herbs, Jellies, i Preserves, Fine Teaa1 Choicest Roasted andGreen Coffee Powdered Sugar, aajv. Contectioner's Sugar, Granulated Sugar, Brighton C Sugar, Canary Sugar, Strained Honey, Honey in comb, Fancy Head Rice, SelectjjSpices 37,600 lbs. Flour,- rfo.UOO lbs. Bran and Shorts, 36,000 lbs. Hay, 1600 bushels Oats, 400 bushels Meal, 1200 bushels Com' If we covered a newbpaper we might make a list of tho goods we carry, but as it-is we cannot tell half. , We have several additional sto rage rooms, and are now filling p with the largest stock in our line to be found in the State, wholesale or retail. POWELL & SNIDER 4el8-3m

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