lllAlv EDITION. iurma, Stona Ss Cameron, OITORS AS1 PROPRIETORS. 1 Year, 0 Mob.. 1 Vr, 0 Mob., w. r.lr, 1.50 TO V TlSrSO RATES LOW. ,51KVIM.K MOl-IETIES. .terrTvo.S.-J. A. Porter! (Eminent nM r'x: Jordan Htoiie. Secretary. Meets first i.fir Oioter, K. It w. H- Ben. r i(-...,ntiliur. secretary. aw Wedwwday night In each rfflnih. A. M.- :'"r"f. i JuM i U. i'lie fl Prt'lj ov !it in eub "'.-.n. UlC, S. ot B., So. W6. -- K. 1-vt DcUiii ; Jiidra Stoue. Secretarr. 4.7: ntt n i Mon.lay nutbu. .a each "vw' frKKf ffcunefl. No. 701, Jt. 11 iky. Regent : Jo Hon Stone, Secretary. Meat! i . the hall of the KniKhts of Honor on the second ml fouith Monday nights In each month. The Athemlte Public LUirary. over Mr. Kep ler's Store, opposite Eatile Hotel, and next d )r to The Bank of AfUe villa, is open to vis itors from IS a. to. to 1 p. m. and from 450 to S;30 p. m. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of puritr. strength and wbolesomeues. Moie economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude ef low test, phort weisbt alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in emu. Royal Bakiho Powder Co.. 106 Wall St, New York. Ianldtfcwlin COMPOUND OXYGEN. Drs. Hargao, Stone Oatchell, SPECIALISTS, ' FftCH-Fmlllmm BmllHng, Mmim 81. .' ASHEVILLE, N. C iue in the treatment of Chron. 4 iseasea, C03IP0UNU OXYGEN od Medicated Vapor by direct inhalation. Those who suffer from diseases of the Respiratory Cr ans suclras Consumption, Catarrh. Bronchitis tathma. Chronic Sore Throat, Loss of Voice, etc., Ind who have failed to be cored by the ordinary treatment ol Cod Lijer Oil, Uypopbosphites, rocket Inhalers, and the like, mny be pernmnent .y cured by our new treatment; since we have sured and are curios; cases which had resisted all other means and which had been pronounced incurable by the best physicians. The Compound Oxygen Treatment Is not only valuable In diseases oi the respiratory tract, but Is working prompt and permanent cures In all diseases depending upon an impoverished or Impure condition of the blood, such as Debility, "Kpllriwy, Rheumatism, Choiea, Neuralgia, Paral- tsis. Diabetes, Brfght's Disease, Anamla, Scrolu i, and all Diseases of the Skin. Tli Only Trcatiucnt hlcli will iermanently cor Nasal CataBEH The only Upeciflc tr Asthma! t he treatment la pleasant to take, and cannot aggravate any case however delicate and sensi tive. Special attention paid to diseases of the Ree tnm. such as Piles, Fissure, Fistula, Prolapsus, eta. .", ... . A NEW TREATMENT, cu ' siid avBTttbly successful. No loss ef u .rom nuslness or pleasure Uurlug treatment. ' r tu.isc who cannot come to oar office, and '3i need Hie (km pound Oxygen, we have a Home Treatment, which lu many cases teas val n.U tbu Oril- e I'renlmeut. We will send the appara'U aud chemicals to last two months for M.0 . ... ,. s- . . REFKHKNCES. ' Krv. X.A. Aorivni, W.liiiiKtoii, O.; Win Bat it!, a D, Pr!' ''ejn : L. T. Iglehardt, Esq., ETn-vi'le. ind ; Johu B. 8uow. Ksq., Tipton, Teu.i ; iluu 1- v Ku'ler, Boonvllle, Ind ; U. A. - Mean, Esq, Asubrille, K. C; Rev, O. Bell, Bell Writ, for Illustrated Pamphlet, which will be a ailed free, in regard to treatment. Address DRS. HARH4X "TOXE GATCHITIX. WfV t-lWC'U . ' . &.SEEVILLH MDSIC HOUSE XOItTH hIDE PUBLIC SQUARE, Soils I I.St 18 u.1 OIUJ NS on Monthly In AiiuioMi oi to a d lo.. ONE PRICE ONLY. Bhr( Ma-ir and Mu-lc Books. Old Inatm .t:U tskeit In exuhauge '( ca .aiug ie and (Srrnlari apply to ' 0. PAL2. egl7:.Mly A Card to the Public. -MoU v vkkv Indivi !nal who has ho paid bis eiiy ihxu fur lsui, ranber indulgence is im-pas-iiolo Mt tiae is 'm st up. Taies or trouble wtutt come and e.-nie twar - Pay lour taxes and save cost. Respectfully, Jans-dtf - , - N, A. REYNOLDS, 'F01 B B'T. A neat offl room over I C. 1avI store, &. C. UAVld. decadt . royal rtaajjk . J VOL! II.-NO 263. DAILY EDITION. THE DAItY CITIZEN Will be published eyery Morning (ex cept Monday) at the following rate iriclly rasa : , - One ri, , . . . . Six Month. . . . . . 3 00 Three " ... . . I 50 One " - . . . 60 One Week, .... - . 15 Our Carriers will deliver the paper ev ery Morning In every part of the city to our subscribers, and parties wanting it will please eall at the Citizen Office. Send your Job Wort of all find t the Citizen Office, if you vemi U done neatly, cheaply and witA Jiepaleh. Arrival aad Oepartnre wf Paweafer Trmlsia. SiUMBnaT Arrives 6:55 p. fa. and depart 10:61 am - " Tennessee Arrives 10:65 a. at. and depart 7H)5 p m. W Anrxs vrtxi Arrives 5 M) p m. and depart 8.00 a. m. 'Spastajtbubo Leavn AshevillA 7 Aw a m t antre at-Bfl&deraan villa a n; at bpartaa- burg 11:40 am. - - Leave Spartanburg 4KK p m; arrive at Een dersonville 7:10 p m; at Aaheville 8:15 p m. INTERESTING READING MAT TER ON FOURTH PAGE. For thj best and cheapest number, call on or address the Southern Di rectory Co., P. O. box 3. Onion Sets are very scarce thi year, therefore call ear)- and secure them at Pelham's Drug Store. Cd. Several of the in attendance court. Asheville bar are upon Henderson Our countyman, Mr. Jno. Gregg Chambers, who has been quite ill, is, we are glad to learn, improving. The new brick Methodist church at Mr. W. G. Candler's, between the Forks of Hominy, will soon be completed. The schoolhouse at Mars Hill College in Madison county, under charge of Prof. W. P. Jervis, isin a properous condition. Mr. Pearson will be in attendance upon the anti-stock law to-morrow. We presume the attendance will be larger Mr. Girdwood now has a full supply of all kinds of roal on hand, which he would be pleased to dispose of for proper consideration. A petition has been gotten up to estab lish a postoffice at the store of Mr. J. M. Mclntyre on the mail route about half way between Asheville and Leicester. The sale of machinery Thursday by!Mr. Gird wood will prove of inter est to man r See advertisement else where. , Chapel Hill will celebrate Geo. Washington's birthday. We ac knowledge an invitation - to be present at the t sercises. Dr. T. A. Allen, of Henderson ville. is prepared to accommodate from 8 to 10 persons during the ex iEtence oi court at that place. One of the tew ordinances proposed for Asheville authorizes the city authori ties to enforce the connecting of all dis charge pipes with the main sewer of the city. The mineral interests of Cherokee continues to attract much attention, and several Birmingham (Ala.)Jcap italists are prospecting that sec tion. Mr, X. Brand, we are pained to learn, is laying quite ill at his resi dence on North Main Street His condition is such that little hope is entertained of lm recovery. The weather yesterday was extremely disagreeable a cold sleety rain, that made it decidedly winterish, while, the thermometer did not indicate very coU weather. Judge James Merrimon arrived home Saturday uieht, from Wilson court, having closed the court in that county in bve days, lie will leave on tun Jay next to hold Vance court. . Attorney General Davidson and wife, and Miss Alexander, returned to Raleigh Saturda from a trip to New York. They attended a rece ition given by Mr. ana Mrs. Cleveland last week Mr. II. H. Meece, of Hominy, bought two pigs last spring for S3, fed them on weeds and buttermilk ' until Christmas, when they aetted about 350 pounds. He has acid nearly f 6 "worth of meat and still has enough to do his family. .. 7 . There is a tradition that there is a pavement from Redwood's corner, going in tb direction of sdJ past the post of fice. A (-arty of engineers, sappers and miners are beingorganized toommence excavations. It is hoped the pavement will be found. The proposed changed of the charter of the city of Ashe ville, tow pending be foreihe Legislature, provides among other things for the office of City Re corder to discharge the duties of the Mayor in the holding of courts to bear the offences committed upa'nst the laws of the city in otht-r words, the morn ing levees oi Ui .Mayor would - be trans ferred to the Recorder. This we hearti ly approve t 'as it would leave the Mayor to look after the general welfare and advancement of the city's interests instead of considering i)ie small offences whichonlv contribute to .the city's ex chequer. ' Aebivisq Alvost Dailt. ' New goods at Law's. Not fancy goods, but staple wares this time for actual use crockery, glass and cutlery. Greater bargains than ever in silver plated knives, forks and spoons, both in triple and extra elate in Rogers', and other first-class makes, at even lower prices than heretofore. A splendid lot of new library' and stand lamps wonderfully cheap. Law's, on Main St. . Jncr. rMivpr1 T.anrirciilli'a flcnlon ui.il. in papers and bulk, at Pelbam's Da g Store. ; . ' 6d. . Blankets and Comforts lower than ever, - - at Whttloc;s, ASHEVILLE N. FROM RALEIGH. An Unevenlfxtl Legislative Day The Cranberry & Piedmont Tnrnpike Company a Resolution Concern ing Adjournment Mr. Pearson Obtains a . Favorable Report -on County Gtcernment Bill Sevet al Stock Law . Measure, Etc. (Special Dlf pateti to the Citizen.) Raleigh, JN. C..t Feb. 11. In the Senate to-day the chief bills in troduced were the following: To strengthen the.' Right of Petition ; to in corporate the Northwn and. Southern North Carolina Railway Company ; to extend the time fororeaoizalion of the Western Mining and Manufacturing Company ; to allow ,tbe! tax collector of Macon county te -collect arrears of taxes due on the Swepson lands. The following bills passed their third reading: To incorporate tho . Cran berryfand Piedmont Turnpike Com pany and "to allow it " - one hundred convicts to construct its road from Morganton to Cranberry. Mr. Elias offered a joint resolution that the Legislature adjourn fine die on March the 7th. In the House not much was dace. No bills of importance were introduced. A favorable report was made by the committee on Mr. Pearson's bill to change the county government. The following bill passed its second reading : To repeal the stock law lor Richmond county. The following pass ed the third readings: To repeal the stock law in Green and Granville coun ties, and to incorporate the Savings Bank at Fayetteville, N. C. An Explanation. In justice to Representative Ewart, of Heuderson, we publish the following letter from him : Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 12, 1887. Editors Citizen : In your special of Feb. 10, 1 notice the following : "'There were several sensational incidents, among them the denunciation of Mr. Ewart, by Stewart, republican, for his remarks about lobbyists threatening members." I write simply to say that there was no such ''sensatianal incident" as referred to. Stewart, in explaining his vote, simply stated that Ewart's remarks as to lobbyists approaching him with the statement that the republican party would be ruined if the Commission bill passed, was so far as he, Stewart, was concerned, incorrect. . That no such statement had been made to him, and that his vote could not be bought, etc. As my remarks were general, and not special, Mr. Stewart was promptly exoner ated by me from the charge. There was no denunciation and nothing approaching it, and my relations with Mr. Stewart are of the friendliest character. Yours respectfully, H. G. Ewart. Itb Medicinal Value Becomlng Known. ' The virtue of pure Korth Caroli na com whiskey, for its medicinal qualities, (and we only advocate its being U3ed as such, is) rapidly be coming 'known throughout the length and breadth of the country, We have seen it shipped to almost every section of the United States to parlies who have either tried it or heard of it. We yesterday saw a keg of the finest going to Nebraska. What Western North Carolina can't produce no other section need try. Two watermelons, fresh from the vine, were sh:pped from Laurinburg, N. C, a few days ago to a Congress man at Washington. The sleet on the ground yesterday morning proved dangeious to pedes trians, though the only positive ac cident we have heard of was sus tained by Gen. Johnstone Jones, who had the wrist of his right arm sprained by a fall sustained early in the morning. - Capt J. W Cooper, of Murphy, was in the city last night en route to Raleigh to attend a meeting of the Penitentiary Board. He reports everything moving pleasantly - in his - section - ot the country, anci hopes to see Cherokee an the no distant future forming in impor tance more than a mere county fill ing up. one corner of the State." ! Miss Jennie Gray works a farm of 160 acres in Bottineu county,.Da- kota, .nd says sne' could work an other one if the fellows who want to marry and settle down - would quit bothering hor. . . If a well be poisoned woe be to those who drink thereat.. It is worse to poison the fountain of life for one's eelf, and. for posterity. Often by carelessness, or mis fortune, or inheritance, this has been done. Ayer's Sarsaparilla fiees ' the blood, ihe vital stream, and restores ap petite, strength and heal ih. tl7 ' No other medicine is so reliable as Ay er's Cherry Pectoral for coughs, colds and all derangements of the respiratory or gans tending toward consumption. In all ordinary cases it is a certain cure, and it affords sure relief for the asthmatic add consumptive, even in advanced stages of disease. . , ' ; U7 - Register your gness of the population at Grant a Roseberry's. Free to all. Rjegiater will be closed Feb. loth. ; White and yellow onion sets just re ceived at Pelham's Drug Store. Cd. T. S. Arthur, the celebrated author, and Wni. Perm Nixon, tFe editor,-, have both attested to the virtues of Compound Oxygen.' The - use of it expands the lungs, enriches the blood, improves nutrition, and is the only remedy which W'll cure Consumption, Catarrh, and Asthma. - ' -.' lift C TUESQ AY MORNING. FEB. 15, 1887. Mexican Soldiers, Take Notice! The following letter from Capt. T. D. Johnston, under date -of Washington, D. Cfc Feb. 10th.; gives . elsewhere information: 7 : V; , Editors Citizen ?- -Will you please state inyour paper for the benefit of Mexican soldiers and widows who are entitled to pensions under the recent Act of Con gress, that the Commissioner of Pensions is now preparing ana wiU soon furnish me with blanss and instructions for apply insr for pensions under the Act. As soon as J receive them I will forward a number of them to the Clerk of the Su perior Court of each county in the Dis trict where the apilicant -can obtain them. I would " suggest to them that there is no need of employing an. Attor ney or Claim Agent at this place. The blanks can be filed and properly verified before the Cleric of tne Court and then forwarded by mail directed to the ."Com missioner of i'ensions, Washington, v. C- They will thenweifve as prompt attention aa if filed biHf ciaira aeebt and tne applicant tons Eaved tne necessity of paying unnecessary lees. Pleaso request all newspapers in the district to make statement as above.' Very truly," ' , -Tiios. D. Johnston. THE BILL. The following is the full taxt of the hi 1 itself: Bi it enacted by the Senate and House of Kepresentaliva of the United States of Am erica .in Longre s Assembled, That, the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, Authorized and. directed to place on the pension-roll the names of the snrvviug- omcers ana enlisted men, in cluding marines, militia, and volunteers, of the military and naval services of the United States, who being duly enlisted, actually served sixty days wUh'the Army or Navy of tho United States in Mexico, or on the coasts or frontier thereof, or en route thereto, in the war with that nation, or were actually eneaced in a battle in eaid war.and were honorably discharged. ana to sued oilier omcers and soldiers and sailors as may have been personally named in any resolution of Congress for any epecinc service in said war, and the surviving widow of such officers and en listed men : Provided, That such widows have not remarried: Provided. That cry such officer, enlisted man. or widow who 13 or may become sixtv-two yt ars of a;je. or whe is or may become sr.oject to any ' liability or dependency cquivalen; to some cause prescribed -or recognized by the pension laws of the Lnited Stales as a sufficient reason for the allowance of a pension, shall be en titled to the benefits of this act: but it shall not be held to include any person not within the rule of age or disability or dependence herein defined, or who in curred such disability while in anv man ner voluntarily engaged in or aiding or abetUDg tbe late rebellion against ihe an in on tv 01 me umtea states. fcsc-. 2. lbat pensions under section one of this act shall be at the rate of eight uouars pt-r month, and payable only from and after the passage ot this act, for and duriog tne natural lives of the persons eintitled thereto, or during the continu ance of the disability for which the same shall be granted : Provided, That section one of this act shall not apply to any person who is receiving a pension at the rata of eight dollars per month or more, nor to any person receiving a pension of less than eiant dollars per month, except xjr mo uiiierenoe Deiween ine pension now received (if less than eight dollars r . j ;r- . , . ; per month) and eight dollars per month. sue. d. 1 bat beiore tne name of any personEhall be placed on the pension-roll under this act, proof shall be made, under such rules and regulations as the Secre tary of t be Interior may prescribe, of the right of the applicant to a pension; and any person who shall falsely and cor ruptly take any 0.1th required under this act shall be deemed guilty of perjury; ana tne secretary of the Interior shall cauae to be stricken from the pension-roll the name of any person whenever itshajl be made to appear by proof satisfactory to him that such name was put upon such ron tnrougn laise ana irauaulunt repres entations, and that such person is not entuiea to a pension under tnis act. Ihe loss of the certificate of discharge shall not deprive any person of the benefits of tuis act, but other record evidence of en listment and service and of an honorable discbarge may be deemed sufficient: Provided, That when any person ' has been granted a land warrant, under any act of Congress, for and on account of service in the said war with Mexico, such grant shall be prima facie evidence of his service and honorable discharge; out sucn evioence suau not. De conclusive, and may be rebutted by evidence that such land-warrant was imnrooerlv granted. &EC-. 4. Luat the pension laws now in force which are not inconsistent or in conflict with this act are hereby made a part 0 J this act, so far as thev may be applicable thereto. Sec. 5. That forty -seven hundred and sixteen of the Revised Statutes is hereby repealed so far as the same relates to this act or to pensioners under this act Sec. b 1 bat the provisions of this act shsll not apply to any person under the political uisaunuiL'B iinpuseu . UYV tne fbnrtc utlr amendment to the constitu tion of thti United States. - '. , ;. Approved, January 29, 1887."': : ' To bs Closed To-NiGht. The privilege of guessing at the popula tion of Ajsbeville closes to-night. The register of guesses is kept as. Grant and Roseberry's. If you have not guessed, do so to-day, and take yonr chances of getting the prizes onered by the .Direc tory Company. -J " . Says the Franklin Press: Frank lin is noted far and jvide aa a hos pitable, liberal and moral commas nity, and - the people of Macon county will compare favorably with the population of any country in the Union. Her citizens are indus trious, intelligent - and honorable. -Miss Jnlia jfcDowell, has gone to Asheville whsre' she will spend some time with friends and relab tives." " ".-' ' Aneiclote ef Urn. Grant. ; General Grant, on his retern to this country, is eaid to have been severely af flicted with a eough, - contracted while crossing the ocean, and which had stub bornly refused to yield to any treatment. 1 A friend procured for liioi a .bottle of Syrophyx, and by its - use be was in a few hours entirely re lievsd. He re mwked to his friend: "Men look upon" ma as a great soldier, but .this bottle of Sympkyx is greater than L .My calling has been to destroy men's Jives, but this medicine is a victorious savior of men. I shall never be withnut it again." i. The - approaching . international drill in Washington in May next is attracting great attention in milita ry circles all over the country. French" J . troops are constantly movine towards the uerman iron- tier. German troops are constantly moving towards the t rench frontier. When the Teuton and Celton meet, then comes the tug of war. There is a loud cry - for millions for defense, but the persons who are raisins the clamor are also in terested in the millions for Aribute that are paid every year to a favor ed and pampered class. . " - 1 he Jttlmiinfls- 1 nr.ltfr Kill is -rps lied on to "make the Mormon elders very - uncomfortable' There; are oeople "who would consider -this su Derfiaous for those of the elders who have-a dozen or twenty wives. The republican majority in .the next Senate will be a frail and deli cate, thing requiring1 careful nurture and tender care. It will be a dis quieting spectacle when the object of so much solicitude shall be guard ed and fondled by such a careless nurse as the eccentric Riddleber ger. The high hat question and the low neck dress question are now be ing discussed with a good deal of warmth by Washington sociely. It would seem as if a compromise might be effected. Why not settle both questions at once by putting less materials into the hats and more into the dresses? The engineer of the train that met with the fatal disaster at White River a few weeks ago testified be fore the coroner's jury that the "first woman he rescued from the burning cars cautioned him to be careful and not tear her dress." And yet some authorities talk about the proneness of women to lose their presence of mind. - There is not the slightest founda tion in the report that Parnell is about to retire from the leadership of the Irish party. His amendment to the address was only defeated by lUb. bexton Madea magnificent ef fort in behalf of the measure. Par- nell's health is improving. The cabi net is at work on the proposed local government bill. No worse reproach could be put upon the statesmanship of the Re public than is involved in the col lection ot $100,000,000 a year of un necessary taxes tor a period ot sev en years, lnere is a lower depth, a more shameful injustice. It is seen in' the squandering of - the rev enues by representatives who were elected to reduce them. Is it too late for public sentiment to check the" reckless extravagance of this profligate Congress ? Ihe talk about an extra session of Congress is revived, and public men who claim to have inside in formation are . asserting that the President will convene the Fiftieth Congress early in May, for the spec ial purpose of dealing with the rev enue questions. It is quite certain that this Congress will do nothing in that line, and it would seem to be the duty of the President to take the step indicated if the democratic party expects to keep its pledges to the people. Evidently About to Return. - Bishop Lyman has been in the Old World for some time, and has been writ ing the Raleigh News-Observer observa tions of his tour. In his last letter, dated Paris, Feb. 27th, he says : "Let roe lequest the Clergy of the Diocese to use in my behalf the prayer for persons going to sea on Sunday, Feb. 13th," A Gjod Joke oh thb Servant Girl. , On Thursday morning at a well-- known farmer's home not far from town the hired man and two of the farmer's sons were com peting aiduously on the bam floor to ascer tain who could put one of his heels around bis neck. One ot the boys said he had seen a man in the circus put both his heels around his neck at once, and it would be strange, indeed, if they could not get one around. 1 he boys heaved and strained, and the hired man did likewise, to accom plish the feat But little did they know the hired girl was watching the performance with breathless interest through a knothole in a barn, and in a few more hours the girl was missing and a search was instituted for her. After calling to her a number of times with no response she was fonnd in the milk-house lying prostrate on the floor with both heels about her neck and utterly unable to get them loose. After being helped out of her predicament and taken into the house it was found that her right hip had been dislocated. A physician was sent for who set the dislocated limb, but tbe circus performer will be laid up for several weeks. Exchange 1 . Hall's Vegetable Sicilian flair Renew- er imparts a fine gloss and freshness to the hair and is highly recommended by physicians, clergymen and scientists as a preparation accomplishing wonderful results. It is a certain remedy for re moving dandruff, making the scalp white and clean and restoring gray hair to - its youthful color, .." tl7 We do not sound a needless alarm w hen we tell you that the taint of scrofula is in you: blood." Inherited or acquired, it is there, and Ayer's Sarsaparilla alone will effectually eradicate it. . tl7 Cremation ! " - - - . - I destroyed by fire all old sjeds 1790 pa;ers over from last year. 1 have only freth seeds from Landreth & Sjns. - ' fd. W. E. Pelham. PRICE 5 CENTS LEGISLATIVE DOTS. In the Senate Saturday the President as senate committee on the appoint- meni 01 magistrates, jy.essrs. n,liaa, Wil liamson and Lillington. The House, committee rerjorted favor ably on tho bill establishing the countv 01 v.iiiij:man. Mr. Crawford introduced a bill to in corporate Grace Chapel, Haywood county. . r 1 - - - The committee on Propositions and Grievances in the House reported un favorably on the bill to change the line between Swain - and Jackson, and to establish a new county of Richlands. Of Interest to Druggists. vve notice in im urugman, a publication in the interest of the druggists printed at Chattanooga, Tenn., that Mr. D. SCarraway, of Morganton, Ni. C:, has introduced a featare which raust J. of great utility to druggists and those con templa-tig the study eL-pharnlacy. His contributions are in the form of lectures and comprise-everything necessary to an extensive under- Standing of the science of pharma cy. ., lhese lectures are presented in a very attractive manner, and being, easy of '-comprehension,' are much more desirable than most of the text books on the subject. We commend to our yonng drug friends especially this publication. The lectures alone of Mr. Carraway will far more than repay the small out lay required. ' , They Felt Aggrieved. . . The Legislative delegation sent up last week to investigate the Morganton Insane Asylum embraced two negro members of the House. Things went all right aa far as the public duties of the committee were concerned. But while the commit tee was at the Asylum Dr. Murphy, the gentlemanly Superintendent, desired to have them dine with his family. This complicated affairs to some extent, as the Hector did not desire to, and did not invite, the negro members of the com mittee to s-.t at his table, though he rro- vided them with meals elsewhere: they. however, declining to accept this offer of Dr. Murphy. The Raleigh News-Observer says ot it : 1 his they declined: and instead of going off about their business or pleas . u . 1 - . I -, uic7, uiejr Biaiu 111 me reception room ana cursed and swore about not being treated the sanio as the white members. Thev wanted to make themselves the cuests of tne superintendent, and were dissatisfied because they had not been asked to sit at his table with his family. It wa3 no part of Dr. Murphy's official business to furnish them with anything to eat at an.- wuat ixa .did provide be paid for. If they' were not content with his-a'rrsri'gfc&ientij they ought to have quietly withdrawn and made such other arrangements as suited them. Instead of their having any cause of complaint, they behaved very badly about Ihe matter. The .Vcws-Observer gives the sequal to the matter by telling of one of the negro members of the committee-rising to a question of personal privilege in the House on Friday, and complaining of the discourteous treatment he received at the Asylum. The News-Observer correctly says : "As far as possible, committees that aro to go off travelling together, ought to be sheeted with a view to avoid a want A harmony; and when colored members go on such public duties they should understand that while they will be treat ed courteously and kindly, they are not entitled to any official recognition except while in the perforaiance of their official duties. Sickness In the f onntry. Reports from the country indicate that there h at this time rnori than the usual amount cf sickness prevailing. Most of these troubles seem to arise from- an im pure condition of the blood, caused bv in excessive secretion of bile. This causes fevers of a bilious character, and we regret to say tiiat in some places it has proved very fatal. We therefore offer th's gratuitous advice to those not yet afflicted- Keep your liver in a healthy condition, and your blood rich and pure. Good blood means good health, whilst bad blood bad health. Hart's Blood and Liver Pills are entirely vegetable and are just the pills needed at this season of the year. When you want a good smoke try the West End Choice. The "Pinafore Steam" is one of the ways c sters are served at Turner's. The West End Choice Cigar, only o cents. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. otice-sealed proposals. . m'.ea mas wiu be received oy me for uuiiairm a Court House in the town ot Webster, N. C , until the 7th day of March, 1837, according to plans and specittcatiODS now on file in my office. rheCom-uisstonera reserve the riKht to reject anj or u 11 bids. B? order of the aoard of County Commissioners of Jacks .u county, tf. V. - February bic. 1S37. , . J. LUflU, JR., Register of Deeds, fe lS dawlw Clerk exodlcio of Board. M CSI 1 MUSIC! I ah excellent Piano in good order can be bad at a great sacrifice if sold wlthm one week by calling at once at LINDSKY'S ie 10 0.1 w raoHnpa- vmuvrj; JpiOH KENT, - . In Asheville. N. C. be insr only now ready to offer my CO ITAUE on Suuiet Drive for rent, I offer the same to those who wish a magnificent location ana pleasant Home, comronaoiy lonusn ea; ten rooms, six chambers, hail, parlor, draw ing 1 00m, kitchen, bath-room, closets. Bent Six Hundred Dollars for the year. If stable is requ ired will be built, with Increase ot rent sufficient to co-er interest on same, Apply to Kev. A. roomer Forter. Charleston, s. u or to meat OpeliKa, Ala CHARLES K. FOSTER. ie yaim , - S10.OO x will pay ten dollars reward for the return of my dog "fat," a white setter pup, aoout nine mouths old, weil grown. - He has lsiye black is on Mae, nip ana neaa, tore leet aiso mac. las besn missing since last Friday. THEODORE H 'OBGOOD. Advance Office. roil REJVT Oil SALE , "HILLSIDE." ' On the S. K. side of "Battery Parter Hill" the beautiful and commodious residence of the late Kev. Dr. Chapman.- There are on the pre miaes 16 rooms, large and small, 2 staircases, pteuty of linen presses, a bath-room, 4-c, ana the lot contains 24 acies with a fine grove ol oaks. Mo rooms more delightful, pr situation nmi convenient and attractive, to be offered In ... .. ville. Terms reasonable. Apply to feSdtf - , - . A. tTbUMMEY. CITIZEX JOB OFFICE, WEST BIDE PUBLIC SQUIRE. BILL HEADS " LETTER HKADS, POSTERS, BLANKS, Amd fel Work mil HmU dome wiih fromftmess mud ml low fricoim Powell & Snider's Column DAILY. BUt-tETlIf, 100 bags Coffee, i,' eu bbls. Sugar, ; 400 lbs. fine Tea, -2100 lbs. Soda, 111 boxes Soap, -60.boxes Craekia 275 cas63 of Canned Goodsv :- 1 10 cases Baking rowder - Grapes, Bananas, ; . . uranges. Lemons,". French Prunea, Cranberries, Figa, Dates, Prunellelj Table Nuts, Olives, unveuu, . Currants, Citron, ' Imperial Cabinet RaiaiSB, California Layer Raisins. Vineyard Cluster Raisine, Valencia Raisins, Sultana Raisinl; Maple Syrap, Rock Candy Syrup, . . New Orleans Molasses' Buckwheat Flour, Mushrooms, Maeedoine, ' ; Capers, alince Meat, Chocolate, Cocoa, Coooanuts, I . Gelatine . Crosse Cr BlachweWt Pickles-, Obelisk Pickles, Seech & Sherwood's Pickles. . Domestic Pioklewf- Royal Baking Powder, Horaford's Baking Powders, French Mustard, English Mustard Lee d Perrin'a Worcestershire. Savce. Tobasco Sauce, . North of England Sauce, Durkee's Salad Dressing, White Wina Vinegar, Fresh Shore Mackerel, " Cream. Codfish, FresbrButler, Fresh Eggs, Cream Cheese, . Pine Apple Cheese,. Parmesan Cheese, Sapsago Cheese, Ashton Salt. Macaroni, Veraiceili,t Horse Radish, Flavoring Extracts, French Herbs, Jellies, jPreserveSj FineTe!l Choicest Roasted and.Green Coffe Powdered Sugar, XXX Confectioner's Sugat Granulated Sugar, Brighton C Sugar, canary Sugar, Raw N. O Strained Honey, Honey in comb, Fancy Head Rice, Select Spi$. 37,600 lbs. Flour .jr' . . So,uuu lbs. Bran and Shorts,' 36,000 lbs. Hay, 1600 bushels Oats, 400 bushels Meal. 1200 bushels CorEf Ifjw covered ' newsptti might make a list of .the goods we -carry, tut as it is we cannot tell ' half. We have several additional sto rage rooms, and are now filling up with the largest stock in our line to be found in the State, wholesala oar retail. . POWELL & SNIDHIi - ? rt.