Your Children A.-o constantly exposed to danger from Colds, Whooping Cough, Croup, and disuses peculiar to the throat and lungs. For such ailments, Ayer'a Cierry Pectoral, promptly admlnl. tered, affords speedy relief and cure. As a remedy for Whooping Cough, - with which many of our children were ' afflicted, we used, during the past win ter, with muds satisfaction, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. For this affection, we consider this preparation the most effi cacious of all the medicines which have ' come to our knowledge. Mary Park hurst. Preceptress, Home for Little Wanderers, Do ocas tor, Md. My children have been peculiarly sub ject to attacks of Croup, and I failed to find any effective remedy until I com menced administering ' Ayer's Cherry -Pectoral. This preparation relieves the difficulty of breathing and Invariably cures the complaint- David G. Stalks, Chatham, Columbia Co., N. Y. I have used Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral In my family for many years, and have found it especially valuable in Whooping Cough. This medicine allays all irritation, prevents inflammation from extending to the lungs, and quickly sub dues any tendency to Lung Complaint. J. B. Wellington, Plainville, Mich. I find no medicine so effective, for Croup and Whooping Cough, as Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. It saved the life of my little boy, only six months old, carrying . him safely through the worst case of Whooping Cough I ever saw. Jane Haloae, Piney Flats, Tenn. ft Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Prepared by Dr. J. O. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mara. SoldbvallPniggiaU, lioe $1; tlx bottle, Si. J.GBROWN&CO-, 3XF,3SC:i AST TAILORS, '-tteii Ax '-. ittwf drand 0UrU Hotel. 1 1 ii 11. i! n.ii r-.r the liberal rapport extended :1 1 1! i.iii v il:e -ft4 twelve mouths. Noiinr.g v. ill bo wipting on their part to rcfaia "triUdewr. am! merit Increased favors, tlwriy vi ex"4.liciil line ot patterns on han i. r.M;l.IHi-MU ?"TA SPECIALITY. vNAUA (.f'VA-X Vy (Eetablihcdinl&ft.) fc-2s23s2e Jeweler, ISJ VXaLEB IS IV.cftrtt, CUn:. Jeieeljry, Spectacle, tx i'atton Avenue, Asheville,, N. C. Leroy W. ratr-ivad'a Gn!d Pen. Good aiwAVA o;i i.i- fi-i " I'KANHLIX HOfTSK. I. C. CTJNNINGlIAJi, Phimibtje, FKAXKf.IX - - :.. C o Table t. j,;!ieJ with the best the market afords. First -Oass Livery and Sale Stables in connection with house. ' IVniij' Km'k between Wf btter and franklin. TllJtlS VjtJtHtJVtMOCK. ?Jk.XVY MCJX AI PA t.VTl.t5, und Vphalatcrln'c. - - " . SWIliXiOOD Vi illow ptreut, Asheville, X. C, U ready to rioibe very best work in b aui will guarantee s:ls'autioj in work Gold Sign tt Specialty. Katlmatea - furaUhed for large contracts. Invite examination of prices and work, (Ur no a call. - IDCQ 10-O Li SHIUIUHIUII FIRE INSURANCE &3 INSURANCE 73 INSURANCE! PLfLiLIAM GO., At Bank of Asheville, D1U1 LfUMi Ail XxliO. CiibOX l J ".. PAY .'MISSES IN THE WIL- - MINGTON FIRE, inh 16-dlv Preserve Your Sight. Tbcre la Kothlug In tbe World More Irecious. ' Tbe Kye above all other organs dhplay tbe inhuite tower of tbe Creator. It m the must del icaie Organ, he preservation of which requires tbe greatest care, too oc n Man, naturally carv luaa, neiflecut it. and only perceive his folly Dmer reKrev 1'aerefore, if an article 1ttincd o preserve ana trongtben aa organ of mioii absolute nrces sltr, can. be obtained, it should be Kgauied as a great bltabSing. ;i-: Le MARE S ROCK CRYSTAL Spectacle, and Eve Glasses stood the test for lbsuiy years aiid uvar a,ftwi,.uu are now in use, w. dare never neii niioinea qi ttwi ftoenMicy Aid o give miln anaeijfn. : We have uuuy atroug testimonials' from protn lueut iunJu wbo certify that L-Marets Kock jry4 lfitri, iuiutivi ivaa hwcu rajris miui uj . Febaiv therefore adbrd more comlort to the Kye ikJ ifreuter e'earqeais and uniformity of vision tban any in ne, tns are mounted In all style 4fUoU, silver. aud -Nitke. frames of toe bwiualitr. Korale only by -. ;. ' ' V. COIVAN, - - Puttou Avbuub, Asbevilie, N. C. MmpmtrtMf promptly mfliMtltd iom o 8(Uvmiis, , . ...... w : v .' i : - ., TIIK OJILY " - First-Class Restaurant In Anlievlile . . is to be found at ; - TURNER'S, Johnston SJiiUdingr Corner P.tttan tct. mid Jffaln St. fctfel V tii.-iti'Uf'.v oi llifc) - stiison served lw -idoi iest notice mid at ihe ni-H-t if iiii' tile rates. Gh ii-.-j arui vysiera will be served after t iu .ir- i September in any style, and U-mhk-s H;rvel wnn oysters aa ce - aired. - - ' ' ELet'itnt tin'he iit np in baskets for parties, a i'l any one poinj off on trains will una it to i.'ietr advantage to cau ana iret lunches beit.r.' Iavine. Coffee, chocoUl'- and tea, of the finest quality, served at tneconnter. The high at nrices paid fur theee eooda. Change of bill of litre at lunch counter . evory day. ' 'liferent aodp tvry day. "i .tat nv rr.i . itu.!tt BR. TA IMAGE'S SERMOIf. GREAT THRONGS TO HEAR THE LLO UENT DIVINE. Six Hundred Persons Have Joined This Church rtecoutljr. Making; th Total Membership 4.OO0 The Congreeational Stusint: I-lke the Voice of Many Waters. Brooklyn, Feb. 13. Over 600 persona have joined Mis Brooklyn Tabernacle, pastor the Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage, D. t., during: the present revival, making; tbe communicant membership of thin cburch about 4,000. Pro fessor Henry Eyro Browne rendered an organ solo, second sonula In minor, by A. G. Bitter. Tho congregational singing was liko tho vok-o cf many waters when the pastor ga-o out the hymn: Ho that loRdjth me; O, blessed thought! 0 words with heavenly comfort fraught! Tbe subject of Dr. Tannage's sermon was Tho Hansomed," and his text was I Cor iuthiam, vi, 20: "Ye are bought with price " Vonr friend takes yon through his valuable house. You examine the arches, the fresco, tlic gra&t plots, tho fish ponds, the conserva tories, tire parks of deer jtnd you say within yourself, or you say aloud: "What did all this costf Yon seo costly apparel or you see a high mettled span of horses harnessed with silfr end gold, and you begin to make on es timate cf the value. The man who owns a large estate cannot instantly tell you what is U all worth. Ho rays: "I will estimate M much for the house, so much for the furni ture, so much for laying ont the grounds, so much for tho stock, so much for tho barn, so much for tho equipage adding up, in all making thi3 aggregate." ' '-.' Well, my friends, I hear so much about our mansion in heaven, about its furniture and the grand surroundings, that I want to know how much it is all worth, and what has actually been paid for it. I cannot complete in a month or a year the magnificent calcula tion; but before I get through to-day I hope to givo yon the figures. "Ye are bought with a price" With some friends I went into London Tower to look at tho crown jewels of Ens land. We walked around, caught one glimpse of thorn, and being in the procession wer coin polled to pa&i out. I wish that to-day I could take tiiis audience into the tower of God's trercy and strength, that you might Tralk nrwnd just once at least and seo the crown va 6u of eternity, behold their brill iaaco and c; tiniato their value. "Yo are bought vit'i r. pritv." Now, if you have a largoa nou: of money to pay, you do not pay it all at once, but you pay it by install ments : ) melt tho 1st of January, so much the 1st o! April, so much tho latof July, so much '' a 1st of October; until the entire amount ipni.l. And I have to tell this audi- "fenco : if 5 "Vo-i have been bought with a price."1 and t'jal; that price was in different installment;. The first installment paid for tbe clearance Of our soul mi tha ignominious birth of Christ ia B-jtblelit-.n. Though we may never be caixfuWy limited after afterward, our advent into tho world ii carefully guarded. We come into t'uo world amid kindly atten tions. Privacy and silence cro cJTordcd when God launches an immortal soul into the world. Even the roupiiest of men know enough to stand back. But I huvo t tall you that in tho villago on tho sido of the hill, thcro was a very bedlam of uproar when Jesus vas born. In a village oapablo of accommodating only a few hundred people many thousand jooplo were crowded ; mul amid hostlers and mule teers, and ramel drivers yelling at stupid beasts of bumcn. tho Messiah appeared. Ito silence. I!o y.rivacy. A bettor adapted place bath tuo cnglut in tho eyrie hath the "whelp in the lions lair. Tho exile of heaven lioth down upon the straw. The first night est from tho pnlace of heaven spent in on outhouse. Ono hour after laying aside tbe robes of heaven, dressed in a wrapper of coarse linen. Ono would have supposed that Christ wouM have made a more gradual des cent. cOnihr; from heaven first to a half-way world of rrcoi magnitude, tlson to Caesar's palace, thou to a merchant's .castle in Gali lee, then to a private homo in Bethany, then to a fisherman's hut, and lass cz all to the stable. No! It was ono leap from tho top to tho bottom. Let us open the door of tho caravansary in Bethlehem and drivo away tho camels. Press on through tho group of idlers and loungers. What, O Mary, no light! "No light," eoe says, "save, that which comes through the door." What, Mary, no food? "None," she says, "only that which is brought in the sack on tho journey. Let the Bethlehem woman who has como in hero with kindly affection put back tho covering from the babe that we may look upon it. - Look! look! Uncover your head. Let us kneel. Let all voices be hushed. Son of Mary! Son of God I Child of a day monarch of eternity 1 In that eye the clonco of a God. Omnipotence sheathed in that babe's arm. That voice to be changed from tho feeble plaint to the tone that shall wake the dead Hosannal Hosonna! Glory be to God "that Jesus came from throne to manger that we might rise from manger to throne, and that all tho gates aro open, and that tbo door of heavon that once swung this way to let Jesus out now swings the other way to let us in. Lot all the bellmen of heaven lay hold tho rope, and ring out the r.ews: "Dohold, I bring you glad tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people; for to-day is born in tho city of David, a Saviour which ia Christ, the Lord!" Tho second installment paid for our soul's clearance was the scono in Quorantania, a mountainous region full of caverns, where thcro aro to this day panthers and wild beasts ef all sorts; so that you must now, the trav eller says, go thcro armed with knifo or gun cr pistol. It was thcro that Jesus went to think and pray, and it was there that this monster ot hell, moro sly, more terrific than anythiiigthot prowled in thatcountry Satan himuelf, met Christ Tboroso in the cheek of Christ that Publius Lcntulus, in his letter to tho Roman scnato, o scribed to Jesus that roso had scaUcrcd lis petals. Abstinence from food bad thrown him into emaciation. The longest tthstinenco from food recorded in prof ansr history is that of tho crew of the ship Juno; for twenty-ihrco days they had nothing to oat. But this sufferer hod fasted a month rjd ten da ya befovo ho broke tost. Hunger must have agonized every fiber of i ho body raid gnawed on the stomach with recti of deth. The thought of a morsel of lreadror meat must have thrilled the body riik- something liko ferocity. Turn out a tack of mcu hungry as Christ was a-hun-crod, uud if thry had strength, with one yell they would devour you as a lion a kid. ft was in that pang of hunger that Jesus was :iccosted, and Satan said: "Now change these tones, .whieh look liko bread. Into an actual mpply-of "bread." Had the temptation come to you or mo under those circumstances, we would havo cried "Bread it shall be!" and been almost impatient at the time taken for mastication; bnt Christ with ono hand beat back tho hunger, and with tho other hand boat the monarch of darkness. O, ye tempted ones! Christ was tempted. Wo aro told that Napoleon ordered a coat of mail made; bnt ho was not quito certain that it was imrxMietrobie, so ho said to the manu facturer of that coat of mail: "Put it on oov,- yoa.'f and lot us try it;" mid with shot af le" f',:oi from his own pistol tuo emperor found out that if was just what it pretended to be n good , coat of mail. Then the man received r. largo reward. I blrcsGol that the -anu coat cf mail thot 'struck bock t jo weapons of temptation from the heart of Christ we may oil now wear; f or Jcsuj comes and ftiysi: . "I have boon tempted, and I know whni it i ) to bo tempted. Take thi robe that defer.del n-.o end' wear It for yocrsolvea. . I will see . n through all trials, and I will see you thrru'i ulMcmpta'ions." "But," wys fitlan it:i furtlur to Jesns," "como and I will s!w yon something worth looting ot." and after a half day's journey they ramo to Jem mloju and to tho top ot the temple. Just as on-j i:ii ;ht go up it the txrrcr of iiiiwcrp and off ctoh Bel gir.rj. roCataa bro:lit Clsrist to tlic to; of the temple. Some pcoplo at a great height fed dizzy, and havo a strange disposition to jump: so Satan comes to Christ with a pow erful temptation in that very crisis. Stand ing there at the top of tho temple they look off. A magnificent reach of country. Grain fields, .. vineyards, .olivo groves, forests and streams, cattle in - the valleys, flocks on tho hills, tmd villages and cities and realms. "Now," says Sa tan, "fU make a bargain. Just . jump off. I know it i3a great way from tho top of tho tcinplo to tho valley, bnt if you wo divino you can fly. " Jump off. It won't hurt yon. Angels will catch yon. Your Father will hold you. Besides, I'll make you a larjo present, it you wilL I'll give you Asia Minor, 111 givo you India, I'll givo you China, 111 give you Ethiopia, I'll give you Italy, I'll givo you Spain, I'll give you Germany, I'll give you Britain, I'll give you nil the world." What a humiliation it mast have been. " Go to-morrow moming and get in an alter cation wjth some wretch crawling np from a ghi cellar in tho Fourth ward, New York. "No," you say, "I would net bemean myself by getting into such a contest" Then think of what the King of heaven and cr.rth en durcd when ho came down and fought that great wretch of hell, and f ousht him In tho wilderness and on tho top of tho temple. But I bless God that in that triumph over tompta tion Christ gives us the assurance that wcalso shall triumph. Having himself been tempted, be is ablo to succor n those who are tempted. In a violent storm at sea the mate told a boy for tho rigging had bocofno entangled in tho most to go up and right it. A gentle man standing on the dock said: "Don't send that boy up; ho will be dashed todeath." The mate said: "I know" what I am about." The boy raised bis hat in recognition of the order, and then rose, hand over hand, and went to work; and as he swung in the vtorm the pas sengers wrung their hands and erpected to sco him fall. Tho work done, ho came down in safety, and a Christian man said to him: "Why did you go down iu tho fore castle before you went up!" "Ah," said the boy, "I went down to pray. My mother always taught mo before I undertook any thing great to pray." VWhat is that you have in your vestr said tho man. 'O, that is the New Testament," ho said, "I thought I would carry it with me it I really jlid go overboard." How well that boy was pro tected! I care not how great tho height or how vast the depth, with Christ within us, and Christ beneath us, and Christ abovo us. and Christ all around us, nothing shall befall us in the way of harm. Christ Iliinself, having been in the tempest, will deliver all those who put their trust in Him. Blessed be His glorious nemo forever. The third installment paid for our redemp tion was the Saviour's sham trial. I call it a sham trial tacre has never been 'anything so indecent or unfair in tho Tombs court of New York as was witnessed at tho trial of Christ Why, they hustled Him into tho court room et 3 o'clock in tho morning. They gave Him no time for counsel. They gavo TTim no opportunity for subpoenaing wit nesses. The ruffian.1! who wcro wandering around through the lui.iuight, of ccurso they saw the arrest and went into tho court room. But Jesus' friends wero sober men, wero re spectable men, and at that hour, 2 o'clock in the morning, of course they wero at homo asleep. Consequently Chrkt entered iho court room With the ruffians. Oh, look nt Him! No one to speak a word for Him. I lift tho lantern until I can look into His face, and as my heart beata in sym pathy for this, the best friend tho world ever had, Himself now utterly friendless, an officer of tho court room comes up and smites Him in tbo mouth, and I etc tho blood steal ing from gum and lip. Oh, it was a fareo c a trial, lasting only perhaps en hour, hud then the judge rises for tho sentence! It is against tho law to givo sentence unless there has been an adjournment of tho court be tween condemnation and sentence: but what cares this judgo for tho lav? "Tho man has no friends lei him .die," caya th3 judge, and tho ruffians . outsido tho rail cry: "Aha! aha! that's whai we want His blool. Hand him out hero "to us. Awoy with him! away with him! Oh, I bless God that amid all the in justiaa that may- be inflicted upon us in this world wo havo a di vino sympathizer. The world cannot lie about you nor abuse you as much as they did Christ, and Jesus stands to-day in every court room, in every home, in every stoi-e, and says: ''Courage! By all my hours of maltreatment and nbuso, I will protect those who are trampled on." And when Christ forgets that 2 o'clock morning scene, and the stroke of tho ruflian on the mouth, mid tho howling of the unwashed cuprd, then Ho will forget you and me in the injustices of life that may be inflicted upon ns. Some of you went deli veranee -from yonr troubles. God knows you havo enough of them. Physical troubles, domestic troubles, spiritual troubles, financial troubles. You have been gathering them up, soma perhaps for five, or six, or soven years, and you havo them divided into two classes thoso you can talk about and thoso you cannot talk cbout; and as those griefs are tho most grinding and depressing which you ccmiot nientio:i, you get condolence for tho things you can speak of, while you get no condolence for the- things that you cannot. In your school days you learned how to bound tho states and could tell what rivers and lakes and mountains ran through them. If yon wero asked to-day to bound your worldly estate you would say it is bounded on the north by trouble, and on the south by troublo, and on the cast by trouble, and on the west by trouble, while rivers of tears and lakes of woo and moun tains of disaster run through it. What aro you going to do with your " troubles? Why do you not go to the theatre and have your mind absorbed in some tragedy. "Oh," you say, "everything I have seen on tho board3 of the stage is tame compared with tho tragedy of my own life!" Well, then, why do you not go to your trunks and closets and gather up all the mementoes of your departed friends and put them out of sight, and tako down their pictures from tho wall and put in the framo a harvest scene or some bright and gay spectacle? "Ah," you lay, "if I should remove all theso mementoes of my departed friends, that would not take away the killing pictures that aro hanging in the gallery of my own heart." Well, if that does not help you, why do you not plunge into society and try to wash off iu worldly gayeties all thoso assoihnents of tho soul' "Oh," you say,-"I have tried that! bnt how can I hoar other children laugh when my children' ero silent; How cau I seo other happy families when my own happy family Is broken op?. Trouble, trouble!" Bnt do yon gain anything ?iy. brooding over your misfortunes, by siitiug down in a dark room, by a comparison of tho sweet past with tho bitter present?' "No; that makes things worse." But I havo to tell "you to-day that the Christ of all sympathy prescnta Himself. Is there anybody in this hoaso that can get along without sympathy? I do not think I wonldlivo a day without it And yet there ore a' great many who seem to get along without any divino sympathy. Their fortune in the counting room, or in the store, or in the insurance company, takes wings and flies away. They button up a penniless pocket They sit down in penury where onco they hod affluence, and yet there is no Jesus to stand by tbem and say: "Oh, man, there ore treasures that never fail, in banks that never break! I will take caro of you. I own the cattle on a thousand hills, and you shall never wont." They havo no such divino Saviour to say that to them. I do not know- bow they get along. Death, comes, to the nursery. Ono voice less in the house hold. Ono less fountain of joy and laughter. Two bonds less to be busy nil day. Two feet less to bound through tho boll. Shadow after shadow following through thai household, yet no Jesus to stand there and say: "I am tho shepherd. That lambj3 hot lost I took it off tho cold mountains. All's well." Ob, can yon tell me the mystery? Can you solvoit? Tell me how It is that men and women with aches, and . pains, and sor rows, and losses, and exasperations, and be reavements, can get along without a sym pathizing Christ? I cannot understand it" " But I como here to say this morning that if you really want divino sympathy you can have it There ore two or three passages of Script tiro that thri-b v.iih pity' and UindnSS3 and love; .-"Casfrthy harden on tho Lord and ho wiU sustain theo." "Come unto Ho all 3-0 who aro weary and heavy laden and I will givoycu rest" ' Oh, thcro aro green pastures where the heavenly shepherd leads the sick and wounded o the flock! When all the other trees of the orchard fail, God has one tree of fruit for his dear children. Though the organ wails out its requiem, there comes afterward a song, a chant, on anthem, a bat tle march, a coronation, a victory. . Do you not want Ihv sympathy of Jesus? I offer it this moniis to every man and woman in this house; you need him. Oh, how much you need him! " - Thei o wa-i a chaplain in tho army wounded unto death. Whilo lying tharo on tho field ho beard at u great distanco off somo ono cry ing out ia groat pain: "Oil, my God!" and he said to himself: "I um dyi::, but I think, perhaps, I cotild help thai man. Although 1 can't walk, Til just ro:i over to where ho is." So ho tolled over ia his own blood, cud rolled over tho bodies of tho slain, and rolled on until ho camo to vh:c tho other man was dybrr, Mtd P"'1' & it v.n-c, hh wound ogsiust tbr.t wouiid, mi i his tori-ow agaiiist that ror row, c::d l-dp i'. to nlfevioto it And so it Eceiiis to mo t bat J.-cti Christ hears tho groan "cl 'jnr Boivorr, the yr-vsu ci' our poverty, the grtvui c- ;ir wr.-iclioducss and comes to tho relief. Ho comes roliiiig over sin and sorrow to tho" place -nhcro wo ho on 'tho battlcGcld, and He puts ever us tho arm of His everlast ing love; aud I see that arm end band are wonnile;!, and c.s Ho puts that arm over ns I can hfar Lici say: "I havo loved thoo within cvcrlxiting 3ove."( Oh, that you mvrfct feel thb inorri.1" ":!. power ard co:i;!o!c2iee of a s'-rsparh-sire' 3b!-- , , FcriXK 1 '" .'-sfSV Tho la.-t great instali mc':!; pjid ' j. fi i-e !o:np' :5a was tho demise ot Ch;i.-:t. TL world. bus -cen many dark dayi "Abcr.1. f';i:a amacB ago thero was a very dark I'ay" i'h?.t ths sun was eclipsed. Tuo fowl at went to their porch, and wo fait a f,loOi:i afwo looked ctthe astronom ical wonte. It wu3 a dark day in London when t'.:i phviue was at it3 height, and tho deed wu'i :::: -ovcivd faces were taken in open ea-t3 and dumped in tho trenches. It was a ilarh .day vrh'jn tho earth opened aud Lisbon EMi:h; but the darkest day since the creation of tha vrcrld was tho day when tho earnag) ot dlvtiry vrsts enacted. It was about noon when tha enrraia bejan to be drawn. It wa3 not too coining on of a night that soothes mid rof rashe-j; it was tho swing ing of n groat gloom all around tho heavens. God huuc it. As when there is a dead one in the hous-3 you bow- the shutters or turn tho lattice, so God ia tho afternoon shut the windows cf tho world. A3 it fci appropriate to throw a tlaek p.ill upon tho coffin ns it passes along, so it was appropriate that every thing should to somber that day ns tho gicat bcar&e- of the earth rolled on, bearing tho corpso of the Eir.g. A man's last hours are ordinarily kept sa cred, nowevt r yon may havo hated or carica tured a man, when you hear ho is dying si lero puts if-! hr.n.l 0:1 your lips, and you would ; loathing for tho m wbo could stand hf : -:iL'a beel mahiir; iacu a::d scof Cng. liz'j C'i: . :.;t in LU h:st hour cannot be left silo:?.'. What! pursuing him yet after so long .1 pursuit?. You havo been drinking his tear.5, d yo:: vwit t drink Lis blood? They cam-j t;;; e'e rly, : n i'.: i. notwithstanding tho darlmert, t ; y can glut U:cir rovi-ngo with tho contort i.-ss of his countenance. They ex amine Li.: i: 't. They want to foc-1 for them selves v.-h'sl:cr those feet cro really cpiked. Thoy pat r-jfc their bands aud touch tho spike a::d bring thciu back wet with blood, er.d wipa thorn 011 their garments. Women stand thcro and wocp, but can do no good. It ij no piaco for tender-hearted Boran. It wants a- heart that rimo has turned iiit;i granite. Tho waves of man's br.t:-el ia.3 ri hell's vengeance dash up ogniust tho iiiiiir,'.'.'.! fret, mid tho hands of sin and pain mid tcrtuvo clutch for His holy heart H:ui Ho 1:0.'. brca thoroughly fastened to the evecs llicy would havo toi-n Hun down and tfcmiplad Him with both feet How tho cavah;y .hct?.c" arched thou- necks nnd"ehampcd their bits, au 1 roared aud snuffed nt tho blood.- Ilad a Eoman officer calied out for a light hir. vo;.co would r.ot have becu heard in tho tumult ; !.ut louder than the clash of the spears, and tho wail ing of womanhood, and tho lieigbhrj uf !hj chargers, and tho bellow ing cf tho e:i:ci?r.!, thero comes a voice crashing through, loud, clear, overwhelm ing, terrific. It is tho groan of the dying son of God. Lcotl What a scene! Look, ch world, nt what you havo done! I hit tho covering from that maltreated Christ to let you count tho wounds and estimate the cost. Oh, v.'han tho nails went through Christ's right hand and Christ's left b;ind that bought bo'.h year hands with all their power to v.ork. and lift, and write. When tho nail went through Christ's right foot end Chrint::; left foot that bought your feet, with a:l their power to walk, or run, or climb. When tha thorn went into Christ's temple that bought your' brain with nil its power to think c::d plan. When the spear cleft Christ's lide Hiat-bought your heart with all its power to lovo, and repent, and pray. Oh, shiner, como back! If a man is in no pain, if ha is prospered, if he is well, and ho asks yoa to come, you take your time and you say: "I can't come now. I'll come after 11 while. There is no haste." But if ho is hi want and troublo yon say: 'I must go right away. I must go now." To day Jesus stretches out bsf oro you two wounded hands, and Ho begs you to como. Go and you live. Etay away and you die. Oh, that to Him who bought us, wo might givo all our time, and all our prayers, and all our success! I would wo could think of noth ing else, that wo could do nothing else but come to Christ. He i3 to fair. Ho is so lov ing, JTo U so Fvmpathizing, Ho is so good, 1 with wo coald put our arms nrouhd His neck and spy: "Thine, Lord, will I bo for txerj1 Oh, Hint to-day you 'would begin to lovo Him ! W ould that I ccnld take this audience imd wreatho it around thejieart of my Lord Jesus Christ. Tv boit in 1SC5 tho Atlantic cablo was lost, do yor remember that tho Groat Eastern and the Albany went out to find it? Thirty times they sank tho grapple two and a half miles dc-p in tho water. After awhilo they found tho cablo and brought it to tho-surface; No sooner had it been brought to tho surface than they lifted a shout of exultation, but tho cable slipped back again into the water and vrn lost - Then for two weeks moro they swept tho &ea with tbo grappling books, and at loot they found the cable and brought it np in silence. They fastened it this tima. Then with crcnt excitement they took ono end of the cablo to tho electricians' room to see if there wero-roally any life in it, and when they saw a spark and knew that a mossago could bo rent,' then every hat-was lifted, and the rot-lieta flow and tho gnns sounded until all tho vessels on the expedition knew the work was done, and tho continents were lashed to gether. - Well, my friends,- Sabbath' after Sabbath wo have coma, searching down for your eouI. .We havo swept tho ssa with the grappling hook of Christ's Gospel. Again and again wo havo thought you wcro at the surface, and togan to - rejoice over your redemption; but : at tho moment of our gladness you sank back again into tho world end back again into sin. To day wo come with tins Gospel searching for your soul. Wo ftpply tho cross of Christ first to see whether there is any life luftm you, while nil m ound tho people stand, looking to seo r. hci hor the work will bo done, -and the angel.-; cf God bt'nd down and witness, and oh, if cow wc' coald sco only ono spark of lovo and he ;- na l faith, wo would send up a shont t'.int v:nl.l bo heard on tho battlements of heav,?a, end two world would keep jubi leeb-CEUw i'o:-.;mii::i tiojiis open -between' Chri;t end the co::!, r.v.i your-nature that br.s lfcn sak:-n-i3 ri.i fcai been lifted into tbj lihta-.yl iho jcy ot lie Gospel.' I- . - P'X AMUSE OUR STOCK OF -: J F.TjNTE shoes in Bay State Sailer Lewen & Co.'b, and . ' other maker' . -" " ' - ' BEARDEN, RANKIN A CO jan 26 dtf. ' INSURANCE. INSURANCE. fllM ' ' I.KY M0TTJAL LIFE ASSOCIATION X ' OF VIRGINIA Jss'wa policies for from p.eo to 3,000, " AND oiVi!i the guarantee feature ol :0.I) '..IN E Companies ' at the :oa ol ir iinary co-operative insur er. ;-e in Secret Orders. cm -; INSURANCE. ' f . ' Itii- art m--- against Iof.s by Fire in Cny 1 d County on all kind of irp-T Real aud Persona . ?A well as long term. Pol: 1 ipsued at ,lair rates' i- A. 1 Companies, Home and. Foreign. - W. BKAXCI2, Agent, Off North Side Court Square, nif 20-1 f fWARD J. ASTQH, HKM -5TATE ANDINSURANCS GENT, As! vU!ot 'orth Carola PIEDMONT IR LINE. Ricliraond and Danville Uailroad. WESTE-1- SOUTH CAROLINA DIVISION. General Passenger Dep't, I Asheville, N. C, No. 6th, 1886. f Cmdenseci tcbedjle, taking effect Nov. 7, 1886. vest ead TEST- Down. 4 SO p m Leve Bead Ud. EAST. New York Philadelphia Baltimore -Washington Lynchburg Danville Arrive 8 20 p m 18 35 p m " 10 03 am " 8 30 " 200 9 43 11 00 5 15 am " 7 45 arrlte Leave 11 40 p m 2 30 a m Lve Kicnmond Arr 5 80tm 7 80 Danville 11 20 p m 9 43 Arr Greensboro Lve 9 SO 6 00 p m Lve Goldsboro Arr 11 20 a m 1 00 a m Raleigh 6 50 9 00 Art Greensooro f 9 47 p m 1 20 ' Salisbury Lve 8 06 6 45 pm Lve Charlotte Arr 12 SO am 8 01 Arr Salisbury Lve 11 00 p m 11 BO a m 12 S9 p m 141 2 15 2 3S 3 30 4 33 0 02 6 47 6 55 738 9 30 10 00 910 -1 19 a in 4 46 Lve Salisbury Statesville, Newton Hickory :gnnel!y Springs Uorganton Marion !llack Mountain Spart. June AHheville Alexander's Hoc SpriiiKS Arr 6 Is p nt 5 OS 4 07 3 40 2 55; 225 1 25 11 51 a m 11 co 10 51 1016 8 20 Lve 8 00 Arr 6 60 313 Lve 145 Arr Morriatown . Knoxville KUKFHV BKANCU SGOam 10 13 1165 12 05 p m 1140 8 01 4 39 Lve Asheville. A Wajnesville Sylva Webster 'Charleston BusbncU Jarrett's Arr 500pm z 4a 12 11 12 00 m 10 SO am 9 19 Lve 7 46 75th Meridian time used East of Paint Rock. 90th " " ' West ' " Trains 01: Murphy Branch run daily except Sunday. Through Pullman Sleepers on south bound train leaving Salisbury at 11 00 p. m. lor Atlanta and New Orleans. Tnrough Pullman sleeper on north bound train leaving Salisbury at 8 06 p. m. for Wash ington. Pullman sleeper on same train from Greensboro V Richmond and Greensboro to Kal eigi. Does not leave Goldsboro Sunday night. fDoes not leave Greensboro Saturday night. iD'aucr ttion. JA3.L. TAYLOR, G. P. A., Washington. D. C W. A TriUt. A. G. P. A., Asheville, N C. Rthcduit of l'assenger Rates raouSrRiKciPAL points T Asheville, jr. C. 1st Class. Round Trip Summer Settlers, limited. Excursion. S23.55 $32.00 (14.15 21.05 23.00 11.66 18.25 22.40 8.85 17.05 - 20.00 7.65 13.30 15.25 6.76 16.65 13.00 13.15 15.85 14.15 1130 13.23 13.45 10.85 15.80 14.75 - 20.55 80.20 27.75 22.45 30.65 7.75 11.65 17.05 23.30 12.40 17.75 12.'5 18.60 10.60 12.35 .15 17.20 - 1S.76 10.25 12.15. 21 60 28.95 FROM New York, Philadelphia Baltimore, Washington, Richmond. Norfolk, Wilmingtoi . Charleston, Augusta, Atlanta, Montgomery. Mobile, New Orleans, Chattanoora, Memphis, Louisville, Cincinnati Raleigh, Savannah, Columbia, Jacksonville f.;,:VW-'v HOOT. Main Blreet, (Above Eagle Hotel) " Asheville, Jt C. 0 ' The oest stock always on hand. Work always guaranteed to give satisfaction. I am especially prepared to mike boots and hoes so as ti prevent dampness k. jdQUiAKiNQ. Ready-Made ustom Work ot all Sorts on Hand.' Gentlemen and Ladicg' Repairing a Spt .. eialty. r Fine Custom Work always on hand, any ityle and- satisfaction guaranteed, ea to stock and work. Shoemakers' Findings always on hand and 'or mile, the best In the market, at low nricea Gonta' custom-made, low-quArtered drees shoes made of best material, now offered for 14 and S4.60 usual price $6. Call early. ask your retailer for tha Orlirlnnl S3 EhM, ' None Genuine unless bearing this 8tmp J ARSES MEANS' S3 SHOE. ucuf C-tWy ctnn untu-wuvu ui pearance, A postal card sent W Uo nul uruig JUU uuui mar tion now to geiiou oaw V i5'c,7St!V Boston, Maw. Tills shoe stand Mjrhcr in the estimation cf Wearera tt:an mir other 111 tne worm. Tu,.UAands rno wear It will ull jrou Uicxtason IT fen a&k Uiem, WINE AND LIQUOR STORE. MAIN ST., 3rd DOOR ABOVE THE BANK ir ISHEVUiS The largest and most complete assortment of Imported a n Domestic Wines, Liquors and Brandies TO BB WiOSTEUN NORTH C&BOLINA Fine old Corn and Rye Whiskey. EACH & APPLE BRANDIES. Cooking Wines and Brandies A. Specialty. s 1867. 1887. Hampton AND- Featherston. The Oldest and Most Relia ble Liquor Store in N. C. We carry the largest assortment of goods of any horse in the State. We handle nothing but the very best sroods. Our Whiskies and Brandies are pronounced by physicians to be pure and tin- adulterated. None but pure Liquors are fit, for medicinal purposes. Our Stock is Complete in Every Particular. Old Corn Whiskey from one to four years old. Old Rve of the Lighci-t standard brands. All kinds of Wines, Beers, Ales, Porter, &c &c. Cigars and Tobacco in great quantities and finest on the market. We are ver thankful to our pa trons for their past favors, and we wish to say in conclusion that our prices and goods arc right down to he hard times. Be convinced by calling on us, West Side Public Square, Asheville, N, O. jan8d3m IJK) LESSEN THE WORK OF INVENTORY WE OFFER a lot of medium and fine BED-BLANKETC. BED-COMFORTS, Heavy and Ligtt Overcoats, at prime cost. These goods are fresh and attractive. ' BEARDEN. RANKIN & CO. jan 20 dtf Atlantic & ft. C. R. R. TIE TABLE KO. 24. Iu effect 11 1!., Sunday. January Uth.lSSS. EAST. WEST. No. 51 Passenger. No. B0. Passenger. STATIONS : Arr. L"Te. Arr. L've. p. K. 6 51 1 32 847 1118 1140 P. M. 5 07 554 6 52 11 2 A. M. 10 w 47 7 47 SOS 485 Goldsboro LnGrange Kinston New Borne Morchcad City Morehcad Depot Paily Except Sunday. 416 Train SO connects with Wilmington & Weldcn train bound North, leaving Goldsboro 11:36a.m., and with Richmond & Danville train West, leav ing Goldsboro 12:35 p. m., and Wilmington A Weldon Train South at 4:54 p. m. Train 51 connects with Bichmond & Danville Traiu, arriving at Goldsboro 4:40 p. m , and with Wilmington & Weldon Train from th North at 4:54 p.m. . -- w GajeFear&Y.y.E'rCoiii'r; TRAIN KOBTH. ,.':.- Arrive Lear Bennettsville, t - S20pm Fayetteville, , ' : 12 00m 12 25 pm Sanford, 215pm 12ipm Greensboro, ' 6 00pm Dinner at Fayetteville. , ' -: TRAIN SOUTH. . : " :" - - ' ' Arrive. LeaTe. Grfeenauoro - 9 60 am Sanford ' 120pm 145pm Fayetteville .-. S&Opm 4 00pm Bennettsville 7 30 p m Dinner at Sanford. - '- Freight and Passenger Train leaves Bennett ville 1 nesdays, Thursdays and Saturdayi at 3 80 p m, arriving at Fayetteville at 8 p m. - Leaves Fayetteville on Tuesdays, Thnrsdajl and Saturdays at 6 30 a m. and arrives at Ben nettsville at 12 m. Freigbt and passenger Train North leaves Fay. evteviile on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 a m, (connecting at Sanford with Freight rnd Passenger Trains to Raleigh), leaves Sanford at 11 30 a m, and arrives at Greensboro ata 40pm. Leave-Greensboro Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday 1. at 5 a m, leaves Sanford at 11 15 a m, and arrives at Fayetteville at 2 4o p m. .'NO. H. ROSE, Gen. Pais. Agent. . J. W. TZ. : ".en. Superintendent FOUND IN HEAVY CXOTHIXO, OVERCOAU COMMON GREY BLANKETS, SCaRLET AND FINE WHITE BED BLANKETS Large line double and single width Flannel waterproofs CASHMERES. Oct 31 dti BEARD EN RANKIN & CO. GRANITE YARD B EI'DERSON VILLE, If. A. Pi CORN St, Co..Prop'a, Th granite found near Hendersonvllla U recognized for its beauty and durability. Tho undersigned is prepared to furnish oa short notice, all work in granite, for Window, sills. Door sills. Steps, Ac, &c Indeed vary tllnj needed for Buildings. TERMS REASONABLE. Call on or address A. P C ORN & CO., aep U dtf HendersonviUe. N. O. THE HAZLEGREEN Sash & Blind Factorv Has recently purchased a large amount ot Oak Ash Chestnut, Cherry and Walnut Lumber, an CAN FURNISH WORK manufactured of thoroughly dried Valeria!. W propose to furnish work at the lowest figures ud equal to an; imported goods. THOS. L. CLAYTi"" fopr j 3. CLAYTON, Business Mango teb 4-s w tf X BRAND & CO. UNDERTAKERS. ASHEVILLE, N. C. M ttallic and Walnut Coffins constant! jr on hand. Every requisite of tbe businets furnished. All calls day or night prompt ly answered. Hearsee runiahed whea deeirtdl mt-wly TL ELLICE, DEALEll IJS FURS. ASHEVILLE, N. C. UY Fui tire on exhibition in Anheville where there never was sucb a business before. Therefore I invite my customers and the public to examine for themselves all kinds of Western North Carolina and European Furs, such as Prairie Wolves, Black and Brown Bears, Gray and Bed Foxes, Muskrat and Mink, Deers, Cata mount and Wild Cat, Otters, Beavers, Opossum, White Spanish Merino and Hermolino Sheep Skin. All these Fun are obtained in 'Western North Carolina. ' European Furs. . ' Silver Gray Fox, Silver Gray Martin, Black Mai tin, Brown Martin, Hungarian Astravban, &c. I am now ready to receive all orders ia the Fur line for Ladies' and gentlemen's wear made from Furs. 'Also mounted n iro on.' f?ann.fTfl anil SlalfvK All these turs are worn by Kings and Queens, the Emperor and the Empress, and by the Prince and the Princess. Now is the time for ladies to dress up in furs. Ellick's Fur Bazaar and get a nice boa made of fine lynx, a fine lynx mnfl aud. cap for $7.C0. Highest cash prices nald for furs. M. ELLICK, dec 8 d3m Buck Hotel Building. . HARNESS. Our Stock is now complete and made of the best materials, with all tbe latest improvements. Single and double set in nickle and oriental rubber, either gi or nickle lined. All ctner trimmings o short notice. Saddles and Bridles Of every grade and price, from cheapo Morgan to the English Shaptoe. IIOllHE COIjIjJIIIS Of every kind, sue, grade and price, . . HOUSE CLOTUIJVG Just received a fresh stock, including Track Suits, Sweat Hoods, Jowl Hoods Cooling Blankets, Ankle Boots of differ em patterns, juinen oneeiB 01 au price y :'Mar nouns. The finest stock in the market Call a . see tbem. . . WhipSy Saddle Cloth an :- ;; Fly JYets, ' .. In very variety. ' " klMiMrim.MSZM.iivr VJf AJLi uiivns J SFJSC1M. :.,".:..:.(:-...:.Tl Bemember we have no machinery all work done by hand and guaranteed Call on us and see what can be bought in Asheville in our line. North Main street, opposite old Centra Hotel, Asheville. N.C. . JOHNSTON'S Kalsoinine, Linseed Oil Turpentine, Varnish, Lard Oil, Dijet Iron Clad Paint, Window Glaxs Puttv 2 BEARDEN. BANKIS & CCt

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