On motion of Senator Ransom the House bill to authorize terms of the United States Credit Court, at Wilmington, N. C , was passed. The boodle procession of - Sing ; Sing continues to increase. . Ex-y Aldermen O'Neill is the latest, re cruit. Jake Sharp's turn should come next. The public celebration of the Jubilee will involve a considerable outlay, for which a parliamentary grant will be necessary. The coronation cf the Queen cost about $200,000, as azainst $200,000 for that of King William IV, and 5200, 000 for that of King George IV. Eight jurors have been secured at New York in the case ot Edward Unger, who killed Agust Bohle and packed his body in a trunk, which was shipped to Baltimore. "Boodlt;"' Alderman O'Neil was Saturday at New York sentenced to four and a half years in prison and to pay a fine of $2000. A stay of ten days "was granted to prepare an ap peal. A $5 greenback appeared in tlie till of a Newaygo (Mich..) bank the other day bearing the following in scription: "Here she goes save your salary don't gamble never play iaro bank the last of p. for tune of $10,000." The second Lrial at Hudson, N. Y., of Oscar F. Bsckwith for the mur der of S. A. Vandercook, at Austar litz, resulted Saturday, in a verdict of murder ic the first degree. Deck with tor the fourth time, to be sen tented to death. Aladywr.r, ence lamenting the ill luck which attended her affairs, when a friend, wishing to console her, "look upon the bright side." "Oh !" she sighed, "there seems to be no bright rfde." "Then polish up the dark one," was the reply. This was sound advice. An exchange tell.c the following very decent lie: Two men who chopped down a tree near Trenton, Mo., for a coon, found 400 pounds of honey in a hollow. They also got three coons instead of one, and in scrrpiDg out the honey they came across an ovster can with $2SQ in gold in it. The mystery that hung over the murderc us assault upon Mary An derson, irho was found dying on the Aye itown road, near Mount Holly, N. J., on Tuesday morning with a bulletin her head, was dispelled Saturday by an ante-mortem state ment which she made accusing her love-sick cousin, Barclay Peak, as the person wio snot her. According to a statement pre pared for the Law and Order Soci ety there are 6059 saloons in Phila delphia about one saloon to every 160 mhnhit.ints or to evprv 26 vo ters. High License woold cut down this overdone business one half, an. pour a million dollars into tLo city treasury. With half the grog shops closed and a million dollars in hand to better the means ui iiviuy in uie uiiy iiuw mutu moral ard physical good might be accomplished. Presider t Cleveland's courage and cool disregard of all op:n:ons save his own, joined to an appar ently instinctive love of justice and fair play, have proved their valne in the Executive chair by an action mott gratifying to every honest man and patriotic veteran, and en tirely disgusting to the claim agents who have for years fattened upon golden drippings from the Pension Office. The measure known as the Dependent Pensions bill goes down before the cutting sentences cf President Cleveland's veto like ripe grain before the scythe. Excitement in Texas. Great excitement has been caused in tha Vicinity of Paris, Tex. by the remark able recovery of Mr. J. E. . Corley, who was bo helpless he could not turn in bed, or raise his head; everybody eaid he was dying ofconsuniption. A trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery was sent him. Finding relief he bought a large bottle and a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills ; by the time he had taken two boxes of Pills and two bottles of the Discovery, he was well and had gained in iieeh U0 pounds. Trial bottle free at H. II. Lyons' Drug Store, large bottles $1. Florida Tonic I - Mr. Foster S. Chapman, One of the landmarks of the Georgia Drag trade, now of Orlando, Florida, writes ; ' I can hardly select a single case of the many to whom I have sold -Qainn'i Hosesr Blood Eomvot, but what have been satisfied: and I f rid it the -ben remedy for all Skin Dise ases I tic. e ever cold, and a fine Florida Tonic. FOSTFB 8. CHAPMAN, Orlando, F1&." -r . A Certain Cure for Catarrh. ABUPKaB FLESH FBODTJCEB AND TONIC - UraS'nPIXEEIl BLOODHESEWEB Cares all Blood and Skin Diseases, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Old Sores. A perfect Spring Medicine. If not in roar market it wiU be forwardod on receipt of price. Small bottles 31.00, large bottles li. va. Xasay on Blond and Skin Diseases mail d free MACON MEWJLN E COliPA N V, Macon, Georgia. FOB BALE BTH.H. LYONS. Ashevnie. N. C apl8-cuiT K . ... . - , Mortgagee Sale, of Land "ly virtue of a mortgage executed to me on the JT 4th da 7 of September A. 1). ISsfo, by J. C. Oliver and v ife, to secure a loan of two hundred . and lorty-tigntflouare, as tuny described and " set forth In aid niortwee deed, which is rccord- - ed In the s"jce of the Keg inter of Deeds, for - McDowell county In Book 8, far mortgages, on page 70, September 26, 1BS5, I will sella public auction to the highest bidder for ensh at the Court House- door n Ashevflle on the first ifon. : Jay of February A. D. J887. a certain tract of land sttnated in the jounty of McDowell, Suite of jjorxn vitou'ih, near voe wwu ui fliunop, on me water of Garden Creek, adjoining the lands ot Fuliam, cnvin, ana otaers, containing one U un bred acres, be the same more or less. . aJOirlwks A. J. I. THAN. - Nlglit .Shelters fci' Outcast. "-. The town council of Pa:i3 bus lately opened several ni-ht shelters, each of which has to- commotlntion for several hundred outcasts. When applicants nrrivo at these homes, where they txxj remain several days at a time, they pel a thorough overhauling in a bath, and are then given a fresh outfit r.nd a bowl of soup." Thcro are three other night refuges belonging to tho CEuvro do FHospi talite de Nuit, established in 1878. Tho work is kept up voluntary contributions. It re ceives cast oiC clothing, bread, end all sorts of crumbs from rich men's tables for dis tribution. In addition to providing nightly lodging" for tho miserable it receives the con valescent from hospitals, and finds places for those who are Trilling to work. Lost year it received 60,000 homeless creatures, many of whom remained for several consecutive nights. Of these 50,000 were French, 3,221 German, 2,112 Belgian, 800 Swis3, 002 Italian and 70 English. Over 70,000 pieces of bread and 15,000 bowls of soup, or other rations, were served and 15,000 articles of clothing distributed. Tho total expense was ?350,000. New York Sun. Hounds Over Precipice. Recently tho Thanet Harriers drove their hare over a cliff ou the edgo cf Pegwell bay, and but for the fortunate circumstance that it tvas high water the fivo hounds which fol lowed puss over the fatal vergo must inevit ably have perished, utirr falling from a height of nioro than sixty feefc. As it was, the poor brutes swam about and kept their heads above water as best they could, until a shooting punt was manned at Pegwcll, which proceeded to their relief. Three of tho bounds were picked up in a fairly good condition, a fourth was nolo to reach tho breakwater op posite the West Cliflt terr.ice, where ho was rescued by some boatmen, and the fifth was only just alivo when lifted out of the sea. On landing the last named sufferer was put into a hot bath and liberally dosed with spirits, which might havo been expected to kill him. but from or perhaps by the aid of which he recovered. The luckless hare was tho only victim or disaster. lioston Transcript. The Youngest Typesetter. As youthful a compositor perhaps as is on record may ba f ouiid at times at work upon Tho Callicoon Echo. She is the editor's daugh ter, and may bo about 7, possibly 8 years of age. Cor. Hancock Herald. Our little compositor is in her 0th year, and no doubt is the youngest known in tho trado. Sho sets the typo (the above "solid" paragraph is precisely as set by her), justifies her own lines, but is not yet r.We to empty her "sticks." Incredible as it may seem, tho little typesetter often sets from one to four stick fuls from our manuscript, sometimes correct ing a slip in our grammar or spelling, and is never as happy as when sitting at tho case "helping papa." Callicoon Echo. American Apples Abroad. Last fall a Maine farmer put a letter hi one of ;j lot of barrels of apples ho was packing, asking the buyer to write to him. The other day ho received a letter from an apple dealer in Bradford, England, who said that ha had bought the r.;mle3 at auction in Liverpool. Ho wroto they were a fair lot of applss a:id sound, add ing: "I am convinced there would bo a sav ing in sending American apples through ; that is, if they coulu be packed tight theso are. But if not packoJ properly tight they would would not do." Her Y ork Sun. Uncovered by tlio Sea. Tho strong southerly and southeasterly winds which havo of lato prevailed off Long Brauch havo driven tho currents so strongly against the shore as to wash away the sand to a great depth. This lias brought to light sev eral old wells long hidden by thrj coa and an innumcrabla number of coins, rings, etc., lost by bathers during tho summer months. New York Commercial Advertiser. A Shrewd Old Chief. Tho Indians on tho Digger reservation in Nevada had a big dance a few evenings ago to which many whites were invited. A num ber of them went in and witnessed tho dance, but upon attempting to leavo they found the old chief at the door, who told thorn that it cost nothing to go in, but it would cost 25 cents a head to get out. Frcscnce cf the Uninvited. There is much complaint on tho part of the people who are really invited to tho . presi dent's official receptions about tho presence of tho uninvited, who como with rough clothes and march through with their overcoato on their arms, apparently unconscious of the impertinence of their conduct. Washington Capital. Tax on Watch Dogs. In Geneva, Switzerland, a tax of six francs was until recently imposed on watch dogs, and a tax of fifteen francs on "chiensde luxe." The result of this was that all tho puny poodles in the city were classed by their owners as bold and valiant watch dogs. The law was therefore altered and all dogs are now taxed alike. New York Tribune. rJnelilen's Arnica SalT? The best Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, BUrCB, 1UUU11I, DUX CO, iviwci, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all okin eruptions, ana posiuveiy cures piles, or m pay required. It is guaranteed to ive perfect satisiactiou, or money rcfunnea. f r;cezj crs per box. t or sale ov a., tx. livons. . caw Attention Gardexets. Landrelh fiesh and reliable taiden seed and onion sets have just arrived at felham e Drug btore. ba. West End Choice Cigar. NOTICE. Is hereby gien that application will be marie to the nresent seFsion of the General Assembly for an amendment to the unaneroi me city oi Asncvitio,. v. Jun. 7, dSOd Zachary & Zachary, BUTCHERS AND COMMISSION PRODUCE DEALERS. . Soi,e AgeSt8 fob Kalamazoo Cbi.ery Patton Avnue, Asheville, N. . C. invitation. -VTJR CUSTOMISES AND OTHERS AS WElX, Are respectfully invited to call FRIDAY AND SEE OUR MEAT NARKET WITH ITS Christinas Cress On. ' To out lornicr customers, we tave no extravag ant promises to make, farther than, with more experience in business, with much . better facilities for buying, keepins ' and dressing, and .First-Class Salesmen, one of whom had just had one year's experience In the Chicago meat markets. - We feel confident of oar ability to give better ; satisfaction in furore.- . . . To those who have noUbeen our cuttomors, wc ask only to give us a trial. .:; , Respectfully, ' ' .' ZACHARY AND ZACHASY. Patton Avenue. ' -dec23diwly i -"..- N OTICE. All nerms havina claims atralnst the otate ot Mrs. Carolina M. Bogera, deceased, are bereby notified to exhibit toe came to the undersigned, on or before the 28th dvy of December, 1887, or tills notice will tie pieaucu in c-ar oi loeir recovery. TbH Deo. 29th, 1886. ,. Mas GEOEGIA W. GRANT. . deSQwGvr . .-.. Adminitratri The Verdict UnanhuonR. ' IV. D. Suit, DrngginT, Bipprte, Ind, testifies: "I .ir recommend Electric Bitters as the very beat reruedv. Everv bottle sold has givn relief in every case. One man took e:s buttles, and was cured o! Rheumatism of 10 years' standing." iDranam iiare. ilrrgeist, BeUville, Ohio, iffirins: "ilie btst eellinsr medicine I have ever handled in my 20 vears' exper ience, is "Electric Bitters." . Thousands of others have ad Jed tbeir testimony, so mat me vrruiut is unanimous that Elec tric Bitters do cure all diseases of the Liver. Kidnevs or Blood. Onlv a 1,lf dollar a bottle at H. U. Lyons' Drug onjrc. W h i tlock Cel 1 A t f fi ,1 lnu-i n or po ohm f aA makes of corsets: Madame Foy's, War ner's, Thompson's, Glove fitting 800 bone French, and the very best 50c and 75c corsets in the city. Real Eslate is now moving right itsidlv Atkinson & Coki Rpnl Ro tate Dealers of this city.sold 8 lots last weel, and three on yesterday. How th intra will tattle when the spring opens . Better buy your lots now while iey are reasonable. op. tb N. B. Atkinson who is agent for T. S. Hubbards' Grape Vines and small fruiti will soon make an order for spring plan ting, and parties wishing any thing in their line will d j well to eeo him at once. He guarantees satisfaction and sells none but the beet. ,. lw Fence or -No-Fence the finest c'isnlay of Shoes, ever een in the South, is at llie Msoe store- - .. dtf - IIekkikg & Weaaeb. AShEVILLE military Academy S. F VENABL2, Principal. W. PIXPCNEY MASON, Commandast of Cadets. Opt-ns September 20tl, 1886. Continues for 40 weeks. For trn-,t, &c, address sept4-d.wtf The Peincipal. FOR Black Diamond JELLICO, AND Anthracite Coal, Call on N. W. Girdwood. Coal Yard and office on Pattou Ave, ox Telephone No. 50. nov 23 dtl . ' CII.iKlJLOTTE Female Institute. T O Institute for vounar ladies in the South has 1 advantages suDcrior to '.hose offered here in every department ollegiate. Art and Music. Only experienced and accomplished teachen engaged. The building is lighted with gas, warmed with the best wrougnt-irun iurnaces, has hot and cold water baths, and first-class ap pointments as a Boarding School in every respect no school in the butn nas superior. For Board ana Tuition d -r session nuu. Deduction for two or more from same family or neighborhood. Pupils changed only from ante or entrance. for Catalogue, w.te mil particulars, acdress REV. WM. R. ATKINSON, dedtO t iBwlam Charlotta. N. C. SALE OF TOOLS and FIXTURES OF The ltheville Foundry AND iflarhinc Shop, At OLD DEPOT, Thursday Feb. 17th, 1887, On tbe Premises, 11 A. M. at the Old Depot. O-ie 30 Horse Power Engine and Boiler, One Circular Saw Mill, One Flanine and Matching Ma chine, One Band Sawing Machine, -y One Wood Turning Lathe, .' A lot of Small Circular Saws and Saw Mandrills. One 30 inch Corn Mill, One lame Corn Sheller (Capacity 50 to CO bushels per hour.") '' A Set of Black?initl Tools, incl ai ding a Drill Press and Fan, .- Iron, Bolts. Nuts, ttc, etc. - ' - - A lot of Shafting, PoUeyentn - - . ;r u : - I Hangers, Journal JSoxis, etc.retfs - Gear Wheels, Mill Spindles: and Mill Fixtures, etc., etc. A large lot of small Tools and. Materials. , All of the above very desirblc property can be-seen at the Asheville Foundry (Old Dei l) ''will he sold AT AUCTION ox- REASONABLE TERMS On TUUIM A Y. Feb. 17, 1887. Sale to Bcglii at 11, A.. SI. For furllu r parti u'ais,tpply t N."V. GIUDW OOD, ,; .. AsKville, N.C e 6-S, T 4t t W It w E AEF OrK , IG KEISH GOOD- ITen'tf- Ladie' urni Cltildrn't Wear, ' ' - MASfPACTl'UtD DV THE-' - Bjr 8TtTE SIIQE ' JjTD LEATHER. COJUFji'jriX Ask your neighbor how they wear. BEARDES. BANIN & CO. . ,jan 2(5 dlf . themselves and risk getting shres desiredor fit. To presreve the beauty and natural sbapo of the "foot, have regard for this rinse its development. For children we all styles and sizes, but call special attention to our Seller's "Protection Soles." Itsfcoi- struction is such as to dispense with the objec tionable brass tips, and is more durable and neater, T; We keep parts of this shoe, showing tne process or its manufacture ana wilt take pleasure tn explaining its make and meritB; We here present cut of sole and trade mark. 1 his shoe Is celebrated, and.we warrant every one. We ttep an extensive line of Slippers Men, Youths, Ladies, Misess and cbildrentnd when we fail to fit in sizes or qualities, wilt or der and guarantee satisfaction. 'vhiie we propose to spare neither pains or investment to please ladies and children, shall earnestly endeavor to keep a line of gents' and . youths' goods tlat will please the most exacting, and respectfully request a trial. WJJHWGU-Tf ing Brushes, etc. We keep cheap Sboo uressiug, but recommend - Bnttons Barcn GIoks. We keep a full line of & Ktjjijft., Bags, 1 Valises, Shawl Cases and Sltawl Straps, A Line of VNBRELLAS, varying from cheapest Cotton Hrwsl Sill Uur lacuities lor conducting our line btate, and we nope we will merit and enjoy the most extensive trade iii vvtoi-ri North Carolina Where it it not convenient for parties to visit our stor ami n-ake selections in person, and tney cannot get take pleasure in biting any orders by mail faction we will on return of roods refund We are agents for the best manufacturers in the United States in Men's. Ladies'. anil f1! . i 1 ! ran'a Tlsistta hnaa onf) C1!mmam w vbiiuivu a .wvwo, uw.a wu uaallfcio. iiri i . : - 7 i . iicu jvu nave wu a pair ui uur stamp will suggest where they were bought, and you will favor ua with a repeated oraer. LINIKG GIVE US A TRIAL. de23-d3m 9 tr ct td CD 03 Ct a p CD fl: CD o CD 03 S5 & O O o P ; C o o p w b o P ct P CD 09 p p CO c CO o CO ct CD c-r-O o p p err CO o o O b p . cr i CD & CD g; P Q -CD to p- e Hi CO m o o o TJTOR RENT, 'r' ) "-.; 1 ..; An elegant front room it tbe Eftgle block, to: p nt cheap.- Apply to DUFF MERRICK, A(rf., , fob dlf . , in Atk'nson A Cocka'i office.. 0 ASHEW.LE( ARE NOW KEEPING IN STOCK. A FINE line f Ladies' Shoes, and moir varie.1 in nntn bers anl lats than has recently by-vr ki pt in Southrrn ciiier, Isre orsniuU, ami i-, i.ii! r invite ladies who It ve heretofore -iem in i r-i!::tt ! t send t-ff" fir the nialifif. and riz V-!mT t'call and exauiino their style and qua'iiiu-.. VVc assure th em that we have the finest grxHls lialcai he made for any iru-e, ari'l Roods Uiat caiiniit he f"iuiil in any general itore. Ladies who will thus favurus. lant fail to find a fit, we will entaj. emd 0-r nj Nos. or lasts, in anystvleanil r.iality wild i, re ceipt f such goods if Uny fail lit quire or expect customers f. tan---t,I, will find this more dsir:ili''- i .. t !; t.-. l r-ei-! . t: keen ' for we MmAijjwuiwii jji- lui auJvumojAy ftiiM hum imri'Tii i ' irr rrrnni imA We keep ail grades and styles of Men's Fine Shoes and aUo substantial neat lower priced Shoes. We make a specialty of the Douglass $3.00 Slice, and sell large quantities of them, and every pair srives satisfaction. We sell all kinds of Shoe Dressing, Black- s UTTON'S tti Gloss Softens and PRKfRVES leathek of business are inferior .. rxip in the goods wanted at their hoina e.tore, w e vill or otherwise, and if we fuil to i ve sat? tho mnnnv. aJ . I. 4 : . : .. r auu WttJlilUb 1iJCIll LU KiVS BULlMUUtlUll. m .. .. . - . . ... onues irom ume immemorial our lining STAMP. JYours truly, - lIi:KRINC4 & WEAVER. Pasture! Pasture! Having securely fenced in the well known Elk Mountain Pastures, I will take a limited number of CATTLE, HORSRS anil COLTS, for tbe season beginning about M jiy 1st, 1887. PASTURE WELL WATERED. For f II particulars, addrcrs FRANK D. POLK. ALSO WANTED -to buy 50 . Calves and Yearlings. reno nemos. lOR RENT. The bou'.hern Improvement Company offer for rent possession can bs given immediately two Cottages at the Hot Springs, suitable for summer noaraing nouses, aem reasonaoie. .Auuress W. E. W ATKINS, fsb S dlwk Hot Springs. N. C. SOMETHING NEW. THE "Embostype" Printing Stamps (PATENT APPLIED FOR.) These stamps answer all the pur poses of rubber stamps and cost much less. jg-Look ! A stamp of your name, a bottlq. of indelible ink, 'suitable for jnarking clothing,) an inKing paa- ana a aisixiDuror, secure ly packed in a neat" box, post paid, for only 25 cents-"". -Satisfaction 4- Guaranteed.. - v Also all ; kinds' of rubber ; stamps 'at lowest prices, Oqpds shown and orders received at Estabrook's. - Write to " v.. .... . - s yA,4TKa S. CU3HMAN, ; ... ' :? - - V. sheville, N. C. SUGGESTION TO FIE TOBAIGO CHEWERS 5 1 have in tock a full line ol W.S: Sravelys "Extra Wew -ISS'Liir CSI2?" ASB "7ZSI 9 2ICS" . Aiac ' - - ; Fine Fist Tobaooo'and Lncy flnnt, (a lead ing ursud of fine 9 inch lug.) 1 iieao'goodit ar ail mad a of the best Henry Oonut f-nth-erwood leaf, knd manniaiured by J. II. John- sou A Co., Danriile, V, ituu are guaranteed to be finest ou the market.: ' , - Vrknk Loughran, kln St.. Sid w i alrveBsLkorAsboill . o the Citizens of she- WE hate oiwncJ Urst-class Meat Mar. k on tho Schartie y-nrner. iirar tn Fresh Beef, y :y ' - '--.. : Pork, Sautage, DreMid Turkey and Chickens. And every! ning utnal'y round lrr a ttrlr tly first Clars market.- - We did act eomr here to deail beat the corpo ration we have paid oor city lloeuM-. We very respectful! olidt a share,, oi the public patro "dei-dtt . .. , PRATT A H-INTJKrt THE ROLLIN S Proppieib rk . FOR nnilgrllnegit IPrrnees GO TO THE Farmers' The best aeconiinodafions for our custom ers. Messrs. J. Wiley Shook of IJaywoo'L J. A. Nichols of Madison, and Capt. Ben .. Newlaud are with u and would bo glad to servo their friends. 3 bo CD STRICTLY KI RST CLA SS HOT C Kligiblv situated. Commanding magnificent n.ountain views, and yetconv iiiettt to bimiuet-B.-- A home for ladies an t families. janl2d&wiy RAWLS BROS., Proprs. St ! a3Ld Consider I VVLere you ca, et the best IVblsJtey, Wine and Brand j both foreign n.j lomestit. Hy Brands are the Old Reuucie& Jtlonongahaltt . Gibson's XXXX, all ft Years old, ' My CORy WHISKIES are absolutely pure, maile of the bJunJjs com, on the Bald Mouctain, Rutherford county, N. C. . . -I handle nothing but North Carolina - APPLE and PEACH BRANDY. My WINES are pn re Grape juice, You will find UiCKlilvN and JlilNUiijL. isnuR always on draagtit, cold and fresh. Eottled Beer delivered We make a specialty in CIGARS and TOBACCO, and h-h the leading brands. , v " . Call and see if I have initrMresent-d mv sroods. You will . fii l Saloon three doors helqw the 1st find the Curious uoncoctor 01 cockt:ir-;tiiU-' liKAYiiK, a,ua t'.v : Any intormation given erangen jell. - - : . jrOUT-- ITBLIG SQUAR, Aslicville, IC. , . : ' ; HAVE .THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF ' SASH, BLINDS and DOORS ' r-v Mrw-B.ww vnnTir.ffitnAr.iwi ' ':". ; " v , at lowest Estimates Tiromrjtlv furnished, and They also keep every variety of nd Shinglee. : pROK; ' V KNER1NGER -r BtspectfulN inf'roi8 the pnblic nd his friends that Ut U ready to open his Class is Mcsic for the Fall and Winter. He will devote his utmost ellorts in a kindly, but strict system of teaching, to promote the progress of pupils confided to.liisjcare.-v - , ,r ; 1' TrfMS WILL BBj HOTKBATlU "i t Hanosluned and lepalwd, end put in Crvt -class order at reasonable rates. -. -- Applicants sent thronch post-office or ell at UITIZ6H omce, wui- w ruuijiir attended to rf' " V, Knkbihgbb sent' 4tltf "" " " '- N OTICE. ill njtnmn. am nnllfled that 'ther tru not tel and off mT Ur-d without having paid for it la advance. Yi.T H Ui be indicted if they ". , & SMITH, THE Warehouse. CO CD unadulterated. " " , to every part of the city free of chanro National Bank, No. 9, where y- n tviu with plt-asnrf ; - - - , : BOB JONRiV price -'! special sizes procured at bIj -it - o "ca Building and Forcing I.umi-er, L th :' ' '.: --' ..v : - fob2l-dw rfHErv KMBOSTypfc"PKI-Ti.-USTAJlP JL . " patcnt applied ior.) Bwiemmendeu as superior to lh' rnV . r ctanio for marking cloibiiig becauaetbr li k - 1. Ixmnn eltectunlly pressed luto tne tex:uu . 1 Lf lot lit It ia also useful for tbe orrtiuar -u. cm ul ft rnbber staiup, and 1 ctt mDoh le-s. M-An Embostype" name taH. . v ,i! 1vtt!e of inde'iblo ink and two iiad eeci.i n .. ie-i In a nea' bus, atjit pii paia 10 ki. - - In the uuiincui ai ,r uu-j .uiy-i; . ( t.n rail address S5 eta A lsr.e stamp Icr ' ' ! and crs rloiblnp niid a si, allor maap lb i) uof. .ton (,r-lineii, if itf ni.ttir rtr. 40. - A diteojml df tu pet vaJ 011 nerj onlirof 10 nnmek.. A!lr' t - RubbC Maiiipna'tin ivsdP. : i . aiy aij leaj tou-st .pmv. .Hrlsr tetd. -.- ... - WALTER S. iTSKM ang29 . ...... An.-. . ft t-d for l- k'iirai- '.-' -. r, ' 1 - : A. -CliYlXiT-.l :u. hy .;'. - ;;' ' ' -''-' - ' ' I' ' K, nov 13 ltf 'l Afii. yil'p 'i.hi Wir:' -

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