THE flfflCS tt'iifiSS .J JTAILY EDITION. Fuatt, Stona 5 Cameron, iiTORS AND PROPRIETORS. ULl-:X"t'' X Year, -.- O Mos., ; iVwk' y. - 1 Year, - . - O Mob., , l t- ;- v sf.YG ItA TSS . ge.oa 3.00 1.BO 7T. LOW. . J ?..R SOCIETIES. Oufene -Oramnvlcru, So. 5, J. A. Porter Eminent ; Jordan Btone, Bee rotary. Meet fint Wednesday night in each month. . AJhevillt Qiipter, U. A. il.Q. U. Ball, High Priest; H. Hamruershla, Secretary. iiesU the second Wednesday nignl In each mouth. Ml. Herman L -"-e. Ko. V.h. A. F. A. U. 'H C. Fagi V.-.rhii.rul Master; Frd. L. Jacoos 89Cretary. Mi-ctii.iiic Srat Friday uightineach cuflMnwjj IjidM.- X. ; -Jt.. Ko. -646. K. ..tit!.- ! Jinlm Stone. Secrel jsiiic Hrst and third Monday nights in ei French fimad OouneS, Ko. 701. P. A. 3. IA- Dlnsky. Roircnt; Jordan Btone. fcecrctwy. Meet fa the hall of tlie Knii?ht of Honor on the second Tht AtheuiOe Public Library, ovot Mr. Eop ler't Store, opposite Eagle Hotel, and nejt dxw to Tlie Bank of AsheTUle. is open to vis itor from 18 a. m. to 1 p. m. and from i:30 to luSOp.m, Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of puritT, trciiErtli and wholesomcneas. Moie economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weitrht alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in Cans. KOYAL UAKING V OWDEB JO., 1U6 WU bt., Mew York. ianiy-awizm COMPOUND OXYGEN. Drs. Hargan, Stone &"Gatcljell, SPEOIALISTS, OFrlCK-Putllam Bmlldln?, Mat St. " ASHEVILLE, N. C ffo nJ in the treatment of Chron. 'ceases, COMPOUND OXYGEN and Medicated Vapor by direct Inhalation. Those who suil'er from diseases of the Respiratory Or fans such as Consumption, Catarrh. Bronchitis, isthma. Chronic Sore Throat, Loss of Voice, etc., tnd who have failed to be cured by the ordinary treatment of Cod Lirer Oil, Hypophosphites, Pocket Inhalers, and the like, may be permanent ly cured by our new treatment ; since we have cured and are curing cases which had resisted all other means and which had been pronounced incurable by the best physicians. The Conioouud Oxygen Treatment is not only valuable in diseases oi the respiratory tract, but Is working nromnt and permanent cures in all diseases depending upon an impoverished or vsis la. and all Disease of the Skin. The Only Treatment ' which will permanently cure Kasal Catarrh The only Specific for Asthmr.! The treatment is pleasant tii'Uke, and cannot wnrrnvate any case however ueilrate and sensi tive. Special attention paid to diseases of the Reo - turn, such a llles, Fissure, Fistula, Prolapsus. etc : , .. , : A NEW-TREATMENT, . ptiCM, and nvariably successfuT. Ko loss of U rrora imsiness or pleasure during treatment. . or tnose who cannot come to onr office, and woo need the Compound Oxygen, we have a Homo Treatment, which In manv cases is as val uable as the Olliee Treatment. We will send the apparatus and cheitucala to lust two months for flZJX) REFERENCES. Rev. K. S. AITliihr. Wellington lie. II D. PcVslrl. : L. T. I , O.; Vm Bat- Iglehardt, Esq Evansviue, ina ; ;onn a. enow, jk Tenn ; Hon. B. S Fu lor. T-f-,nville, tears, Eeq, Asheville, U.: Uev. (i I., Tipi ipton. nd ; 0. A. Bell. Beli r. O..N. C Write for Illustrated Pamphlet, which will a ailed free. In regard to treatment. . Address be DRS. HARGAK dov l-daw6m 8T027E & QATCQTLL. ASHEVILLE 1SIC HOUSE - NORTH SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE. - Bella PIANOS and ORGANS on Monthly In stallments of 0 and 10. ONE PRICE ONLY. Sheet Muslo and Muio Books. Old lustra m. enta taken in exchange. For Catalogues and jirc-alrir apply to 0. FAL2Z. ngl7-diwlj A Card to the Public. " Notleo. Ivkbt individual who has no', paid Us city taxes for 1&86, further indulgence Is im possible. My time is 'most u p. - Taxes or trouble must com and come now. fay jMUt -laxe, and iavecost. . Respectfully, " Jan4-dtf - . N.A.RKYNOLD3, F R K"NT. A neat office room over i . C. TDvt' store, A. C. DAVIS, dec Kiiltl cheap. Apply to er Itrv. 1. d. Jiurnelt. JtfROYALPSa'.". Ji r in Su'-i- Jr 4 ' VOU II NO 265. DAILY EDITION. . THE DAII.T CITIZEN Will be published every Morning (ex cept Monday at the following rate sin clip caeh : . - One Year, Six Months, Three": . One " . . . .19 00 : . . . . 3 00 . . . . 1 60 . . ' . 50 ... . . 15 One Week, Cin-r Carrier will llfilivor the OaDer BT- ery Morning in every part of the city to our subscribers, and parties wanting it will please call at the Citizkn Office. ' Send your Job Work of all kindt U the CUieen Office, you want U done neatiy, cheaply and vritA dispatch. Arrival sad Departure of Passenger Tcalais. SauaauBT Arrive 6:55 p. m. and depart! 10:61 am. Tennessee Arriyea 10:55 a. m. and depart 7:05 D m. Watsisvtll Arrives SdOO p m. and departoJ 8:00 a. m. . -.. - HpAaiinrnia Tfiavn Aahftrilia rM arrive i,t HendenonviUe 8:16 a m;Jii apartah bnrel'HOlin. . t ( 1 bnrg Lei Iavs Spartanbnrc 4KX) P m: arrivo at 16 7:1U p mj at AsxiCTiiio S:JS J ( fa XER FOURTH PAGE, - m ' ixt tin best ana cheapest nawyvTt call on or address the'; Pi rectory Co., P. O. box 3. i .v ' 1 i i Onion Sets are very scarce this year, therefore call early and secure them at Pelham's Drag Store. txi. Butter is extremely scarce in town at present. ' Many friends of Mr. Pearson says his attack on Lieut-Gov. Stedman was an indiscretion others pronounce it unjust The sa3 of Girdwood's machinerr will take t.lace to-day at 11 o'clock, at the old depot. Parties interested will take notice. The question is could not Senator Pon have refused to take the chair, when re quested to do so by President Stedman, pending tne stock-law discussion. Mr. Chcdister and wife leave to' day for New Orleans to attend the Mardi Gras on the 22d. He will spend a day at Birmingham while away, and will doubtless bring back with him a little of the Birmingham enthusiasm. Mr. Pearson in his speech yesterday Slid that Mr. Furman was running the State Senate, and that the people should know it. Mr. Pearson is himself trying to run the entire Legislature and both political parties, and is mad with any one who stands in his way. The only thing he can succeed in running is himself and that will be into the ground, Mr. Pearson's attack yesterday on ti e State'Senate, and OC the President of that bolv, Lieut-Crov. Stedman, was as uncalled for as it was uniu. t. We had believed that parliamentary courtesy would prevent a member of one House defaming the character of the other but in this instance the body itself, its Presi dent and one of its committees, are aspniled. Wc were pleased to see yesterday that Messrs. Pearson, Wells and Da vies were not seriously hurt near the depot Tues day night. Mr. Wells had his leg badly cut; and Mr. Davies made a narrow es cape from severe injuries. Mr. Pearson was only bruised. Tne accident was only prevented from being serious by several other parties coming to the res cue. Many were the comments yesterday of the denunciation of Mr. R. M. Fur- man in the resolution adapted by the anti-stock law meeting held here. Mr. Pearson's effort in the resolutions (which were approved by him) was to sustain himself in the contest in Ral eigh as to whether he shall control the Senate as well as the House. Mr. Pearson's efforts to pass his pet measures through the Senate have proved abor tive, and Mr. Furman is charged with the failure. Surely decency and good taste should have restrained Mr. Pearson in his wanton and unjustifiable at tack upon Lt. Goy. Stedman, in a meeting pf hiB friends, to a majority of ffhoni.Gov. Stedman was an en tire " 6tangeri; without giving1", tns g;ntleman an" opportunity to heard lor to defend himself.' It oaa enpugn to auacK a man. out tc -- . a. -" do so in hiB absence - to strangers i simply, an outrage.; Th, sense oi decency and fair play ef our people will not endorse such a proceedure. To bs Rkqebttbd." ( -. . ' ' - The failure of Mr. C. H. Miller, agent for the Smith property, to perfect ar rangements to remove the old Central Hotel building on North Main street, and place in its stand a handsome brick block, is greatly regretted. We hope, ' never theless, this will be done soon. The old building is located in the very heart of me city, is oi aeciaeuiy ancient style, ana its removal to give place to modern buildings would add greatly to the ap pcarance of the street and would at the sarre time prove- of great pecuniary benefit to the owners ol the' property. We hope Mr. Miller will renew his efforts to accomplish tne desired end. AtKiTiSG Almost Daily. New goods at Law's. Not fancy goods, but staple wares this time for actual use crockery, glass and cutlery. Greater bargains than ever in silver-plated knives, forks and spoons, both in triple and extra plate in Rogers' and other first-class makes, at even ' lower prices man tieretotore. a splendid lot of new library and stand lamps wonderfully cheap. Law's, on Main St Fresh shad at T. J. Sumner's City MarKet every xnursuay ana Saturday, .' 2t . ... Just received Laudreth's Garden seeds in papers and bulk,rat; Pelham's Drrg Store. . , vJ. - va. Fence or No-Fence the finest display of Shoes, ever seen ia the South, is at thejMioe store. . dtf - IIskbikg & Wkaaek. v SHEVILLE N. C ASTI-STOCK L AW MASS . . .MEETING. Resolutions ' Endorsing t 'the Pearson Repeal Bill and CendemnlnE "Fariuan't . . Opposition" In the 'Senate. ... AN " ANTI-FCBM A N" MEET- The Question r the .Hour is Whether Pearson or Fur- " man is on Top! THIS 19 THE SUM ASB SCBSTAC OF THE AFFAIR.- , ' Gov. Stedmdri . Attacked by Mr. ' . Pearson. " '. Pursuant to call, there was a large at tendance yesterday at the court bosrJ aH sections of ihe -eountv ieinjj' T'lpftHi . ..a i v ..:-.-..' - 'rnCl .o.wjj fossae : uie f.q&ioa pt v block la for Buncombe county and its present status in the Legislature. Pd motion, CoL V. S. Lusk was called to, the chair, and the representatives of the press requested to act as Secretaries. Col. Lusk, in explaining' the object of the meeting, said it was to enquire who were the. representatives of Buncombe county the representatives elected or outsiders in the Senate chamber. The Senate having refused to. adopt the ac tion of the House as to affairs in Bun combe county would lead to the latter impression. "'' Mr. E. D. Carter moved that a com- tee of one be appointed irom each town ship to report resolutions for the consid eration of the meeting, and the follow ing gentlemen were appointed: Black Mountain- James McXair. . Swannanoa George Young. Fair View A H Pinkerton. Limestone W R Murray. Avery's Creek R Ledbetter. Lower Hominy A H Bryson. Upper Hominy Geo. Howell. Leicester O R Jones. Sandy Mush T J Ferguson. Reems Creek J H Hemphill. Flat Creek M L Fox. Asheville E D Carter. Mr. Wm. M. Davies, of Henderson (En grossing Clerk of the House), responded to calls and made a vigorous attack on the Senate substitute for the Pearson repeal bill, which he characterized as the Furman-' Wilson bill. He ai'gued for the principles of Democracy and Republicanism 100 years ago, and deeply regretted that we did not find such democracy of sentiment and practice existing now. ' He emitted his anathema and maranattema upo.i the Sen ate and the doings of Furman, and the workings of all who wished to place upon the people "this damnable tyranny," and the destruction of the general principles of freedom as exercised by the gentlemen opposed to the7views he advocated, were put in his usual forcible style. Representative Alonzo Wells responded to calls. He said he had escaped severe injuries the night before by an accident to a "stock law'' carriage which had upset with him, but that he was enabled to be present upon one good leg. He was here to report to his people in part what had been accomplished by him and his associ ate in the House and what he had been unable to accomplish by the action of the Independents on certain measures (of course no reference was made in this con nection to Mr. Pearson's vote on the County Government question). The Sen ate so far had set down on everything that had been introduced in the House for the relief of the people, and this meeting was for the purpose of giving expression to the people of Buncombe as to what they wanted. But little or no trouble had beeu experienced in the House in getting through the Pearson stock law repeal bill, but the Senate had seen fit to kill this measure at the instance of the delegation that had been sent down to defeat Mr. Pearson's meas ure:' He named the delegation, and de nounced them as fat-doodles. 'These men should not have wielded an influence against the 1200 majority which Buncombe gave last fall He said he had but little hope at this late day in the session of any thing being accomplished for the relief of the people. The House, had refused the Furman-Wilson substitute, and he consid ered llur,'as well as the original bill dead the only hope now was with the conference committee of the - two houses. Should nothing be done, the people would' be left in no worse condition than they are in now. At this juncture the committee on reso lutions reported the following resolutions, which were adopted : - - . We, the citizens of Buncombe county in mass-meeting assembled, who believe that the sovereignty of the people, in our democratic form of government should be a practical as well as theoretical fact in political ethics, and should me -a now, as it originally meant something more than an empty political dogma; and that the principle of local self-gov ernment should be with us as it was with our forefathers something more than a Utopian dream or a dema gogue's argument; and that the deni al of the people's -'sovereignty, and the violation, to the smallest degree, of their sacred right to determine all local questions - for. themselves, is an open menace to the perpetuity of our libertine and subversive of our constitutional freedom. - : J" " Raolved sl. That we condemn as wholly undemocratic and despotic tne me:noa by wnicn tne stocK-iaw has been forced on certains portions of the county, against the well-known THURSDAY filORNING, FEB; 17, i88 will of the DeoDle. and iff the utter violation of every principle of .true democracy, .u ' . Hsxnlved. 2nd. . That rt condemn the bill recently passed .by the 8en fttainrl nrtw-j. nendirjsr ia the lower House ot theDresent Lvel 'ature of North Carolisa. known a? the substi tute for Mr. Pearson's ; tU, recently passed by an? almost unaiiimous vote in tne House ot Jiepresenuiuves, w submit the question of the stock-law to the qualified voters of the various townships of the county, as an insult to the people, a snare and h delusion, and an attempt on the part of cer tain officious individuals to play a despicable trick, and- one worthy only to- be originated by; him who conceived, and by foul strategem, brought about tne premature ao f ournmeat. in June. 18.15, of the joint meetiDgi of commissioners and magistrates. - . . ; , ' - 'liesotved, isra. . That wif .nearuiy j endorse Mr. Pearson's bill to subV the question of the stockUw to the people of the various townships of this county, as the only fAr, honest and democratic methoiS&vrtth the! the 1 eerie la t ure now In session, the! .privilege of voting on the stock-law, as provide J by Mr. l'earson's diu. we uemaua it as a rignt wnicn is ours by inheritance,- ours by pur chase, ours as Ireemen. . - , Resolved 5th, That while we would not disparage the good sense and judgment of the Senate of the North Carolina .Legislature, at tne same time, regarding the stocc-iaw as purely a local question, we think the people of the -various townships of Buncombe county, are the better judges of their local wants; and knowing the people 01 tne county to be honest, intelligent and progress ive, we feel safe in saying, if the question should be dermined accord inc to the provisions of Mr. Pear son's bill, in such localties as it would prove a benefit, the people. would adopt it; and believing, as wo do, in tne nracticoi application 01 tne tun- damentai principle ot local sen government, where the law would, in the honest judgment of a majority ot tne people, irom a narasmp, tney should be allowed the right to. reject it. , . Jicsolved G. That the 'question of wheth cr or not a ttook-law would benefit Bun combe county can not be safely deter mined bv reasoning from analogy and experience, as it has never been practi cally operated in a section abounding in mountain ranges like many portions of this countv. . Resolved 7. That we ' can assure the democratic members of the North Caro lina Senate, that they could not take any step more detrimental to the best inter' ests of their party in this section of the State, than to force the stock-law upon that portion of Bun combe county where rh rwrde donot Tract it sad re csrtioa, tnem time it is unsafe,torely too implicit ly either upon the advice or representa tions ol one Kobt. m. t urman, whose course as a self-jonstituted leader of his party has been such in this county, as to make tne name of democracy a synonym for trickory, jobbery and misrule: and wc feel justified in saying that !too much credence snouid not be tiven nis unveri fied statements, since the Supreme court have decided that they cannot believe him on Oith. (See McNa'r vs. CooAnissioner of Ban- come. 93 N. C. R.) , .. . HetdvedS. lhat we heartily endorse tne course of our senator and .represen tatives in the Legislature, in carrying out, to the best of their ability, the pledges made tbe people in the last campaign. -: - - ' - .- . . ... Kesoloed 9.-1 hat tnis meeting appoint a delegation to visit the Legislature in person, and urge upon that body the pas sage of Mr. Pearson's bill, and the- rejec tion of any and all substitutes therefor. Kesoivcd 1U. That the statement . made to the Senate committee on propositions and grievances by the late stock-law del egation mat at least tnree-fourths of the tax payers of this county favor stock law 13 untrue. : - Retolved 11. That the provision' of the substitute passed by the Senate to re move the cause ol the anti-stock citizens of certain portions of this county again to tne Jioard ot county tommissioners, we denounce as a solemn mockery, and a positive insult. Mr. Richmond Pearson responded to calls. 'lie wa3 glad to see such a large turnout, the best men of both ' parties. This assemblage gave - a . denial to the statement that a majority ef the " people of the countv favored the stock law as it existed. - The State Senate had' been led to believe that the substantia! element bf the-eounty -favored ' the'stock-law, from the statements made by the delega tion which recently visited Raleigh, and by others who spoke without1 authority He discussed the meaning of the substi tute as adopted by the Senate it meant nothing, and no one Could understand it. But the spirit of liberty was : not dead--the people of Buncombo will vote for the stock law if it. is presented to them correctly, but they do hot mean ' it shall be forced on them. The question at issue now as to the Senate was : whether the Senator from Buncombe or clerk Furman should be endorsed; and he wished this meeting' to say they did not endorse the conduct of Mr. Furman ia his action in influencing the Senate against his meas The delegation recently in Raleigh be fore the Senate, fjrom Buncombe county, had no representative from Fair View or Sandy Mush. ' At this point he discussed Bart Fortune as a member of the delega tion. - The speaker said he cjuld not tell how much rascality was going on in the Senate Mr. Furaian or smiling Robert, as he termed him) seemed to work the Senate committee on Propositions and Grievances like they were limber-jacks, and he wuhed this convention to say whether they endorsed Mr. Furman" or not He was glad to have this oppor tnnity to say that he used no whiskey in the campaign here last fall, as had been charged against him. He believed the Buncombe stock law had been the cause of more lying than could' ba charged to the county for a hundred years previous. The speaker said a measure of hia to prevent stock from stock law! sections ranging in other sectionabad been locked ujby Mr. Furman. The Inferior Court of Buncombe, so far as the House could do it, should be wiped out.'and a court instituted, elected by the people, who would have grand juries that were not afraid to indict county commis sioners for any offense. . He dared Fu man and the State Senate to defeat the wishes of the people. . He censured the President of the Senate for calling Sen ator Pon (of the committee on Proposi tions and Grievances) to the chair pend ing the consideration of the question of his repeal of the Buncombe stock law. He did not want to make President Sted man mad, but he did not think it was right for him to leave his chair and cir culate on the floor for or against, any measure, and he ought to have given the people, of Buncombe a white man's chance. . . - - .. .-"..-'v..---- ' He censured heavily the editors of the Asheyille Citizen, referring direct ly to Messrs: Fcrmau and Cameron, and I tid.iwamut purpose wnea ne went to Raleigh to defeat them if he could for the position 'of chief clerk of the two houses, lie only found it in his power to defeat Col. Cameron in the House, (he had the highest regard personally for Col. Cameron,) and he only wished it had been in his power to defeat . Mr. Furman instead of Col. Cameron, but he found Mr F. entrenched behind his Sen atorial friends, and he conld not reach him. He had not gone back, as claimed, by tneCiTiTBN, on his record concerning the County Government question. He had said he would not favor an entire re peal of the Isystem, but that he .would support a measure which would place only responsible men in office. He here discussed his bill on this subject, the ring of Magistrates and Commissioners as now existing in every county; he wanted to abolish the joint board, and have the Commissioners elected by the people. He believed the House would pass his bill, but its fate in the Senate was doubtful, as that body did not want this question to come before the people. The time was too short now to do anything on the stock law question, ex cept to define the time for election and the going into effect of the measure he would suggest the election in June , and the law to be made effective first of January next The Railroad Commission bill had been killed by the railroad men it only took one day to do this work, to change a vote of 70 to 28 to that of a minority for the measure; he' believed railroad in fluence cocld accomplish anything. :Mr. E. D. Carter responded to-ealls. He could add nothing to what had been said of the outrage perpetrated but he proceeded to add a good deal. Mr. T. J. Candler submitted the fol lowing resolution which was adopted: -Retolved, That we favor . the co unty government bill which allows - the peo ple to elect the county commissioners, and if such an amendment be submitted to the people of the State, we feel sure that the people of. Buncombe county will approve the amendment by at least 2,000 majority. On motion, the following gentle men were appointed a committee to go to Ealeigh aud represent the county before the conference com mittee and to lay the case before the Legislature : Black Mountain J. M. Watkios, Francis Stevens. Swannanoa Geo. N Alexander, Sam Davidson, Sr. Fair View Will Stroup, A. H. Pinkerton. IAmestone Wm. B. Murray, Bur ton Brown. Upper Hominy Geo. Howell, W. T. Justus. Lover Hominy -T. J. Candler, Silas Morgan. ' Avery' Creek Pink. Morris, Bich- ard Ledbetter. ' - Leicester--O. it. "Jones, W. H. Hen- Sandy MushT. J. Ferguson, J. L. Bandl. ,5-vt''T.- V Ivy-Joel Brlgman, Jackson Maney. Mat Creek lit. 1. Fox. . ." :J Beemt Creek '3. E. PenlanU, Dr. J. W.Vandiver. - - - AtheviUe V. 8. Lusk, E. D. Carter, Theodore Hobgood, E. 7. Clemmons, T,he above delegation was Instruct ed to leave here for Raleigh, on Monday next, the 21st insf. " i Mr. Pearson said this delegation would find a different committee from "that ma chine" which had been encountered in the Senate. The House has' appointed five members before lie left Raleigh the Sen ate would appoint three and he "had been assured by five member of that committee that the v sympathized with his views on the Buncombe stock law." The meeting then adjourned. - Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renew- er imparts a fine gloss and tresnness to the hair and is highly recommended by physicians, clergymen and scientists as a preparation accomplishing wonderful results. It is a certain remedy for re moving dandruff, making the scalp white and clean and restoring gray hair to its youthful color.: ' ' ;: tl7 ' We do not sound a needless alarm when we tell von that the taint of scrofula is in you: blood. Inherited or acquired, it is there, and Avers Saxsaparuia alone win enectually eradicate it,. , . : 11 When you want a good - smoke try the West End Choice. .. - ; The "Pinafore Steam" is one of the ways ovsters are served at Turner's. . White and yellow onion sets just re ceived at felhanr imrg JStore. oa. Blankets and Comforts lower than ever, " " at-Wrm-Locn's. PRICE 5 CENTS M RALEIGH. I Slate Normal Schools the BUI Allowz ing Counties to Work Convicts a Tax upon Unsawed Lumber to be J Shipped- Out of the Slate a .New County Ten Hours a Day's Work the Revenue Bill wiU Pass the House - . a .Reported House t Committee on Mag istrates, ttc. ' (Special Dispatch to the Citizis.) : - j . Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 16. At the session of the House last night a bill was passed" increasing the total appropriation for the Tour , Celleges o Normal Sjhools from 52,000 to ?C,000. v. In the Senate to-day the principal bills introduced . were : the - following : To allow" the - CaroUaa'Cal Railway to eoitcVwitk'WthcrHu'or their use; 0 abolish Cpunty- Superintendent of Public Instruction i n Edgecombe; to au thorize Cleveland and-Jones counties to levy a special tax. The bill to allow counties to work con victs oh public reads, which caused so much debate yesterday when it passed the second reading, was made the spec ial order for next Tuesday on its third reading. . The principal bills introduced in the House to-day were : To restore .citizen ship ; to ' certain classes 4 of convicts ; to work roads in Ed gecombe by taxa tion; to incorporate the town of Smith- yille, in Brunswick county; . and change its name to South Ptsrt; to impose a tax upon unsawed lumber shipped out of the State; to make ten hours a days work ; to form the county of Lillington out of por tions of Rowan, Iredell aud Mecklen bnrg; to create the office of railway com missioner. The House set the bill to create the county of Badger, of parts of Wakd Johnston , Nash aud Franklin as the spe cial order for Feb. 24th. The II ouse went into the committee of the Whole on the revenue bill. Des perate efforts were made for the repeal of the merchants' tax on purchases and of a rebate on merchant, on drummers' license, but all attempts failed. Thebill will pass as it was reported by the com mittee.- ' The committee on Magistrates was announced: ' Stan.cill, Moore, ' Ewariy Alderman, and White of Perquimans. To-night in the Hall of the House, there was a meeting of the House com' mittec en i-ducn'iGzi -sna Arraaltare with the special. committee on the part of the State Farmers' Convention. The matter discussed was. tho proposed State Agricultural College. . '; Slehnes. In tlie Connlry. Reports from the country indicate that there is at this time more than tne usual amount of 6ickncsd prevailing. Most of these troubles seem to arise from an im pure condition of the blood, caused bv an excessive secretion ot Oiler 1 his causes fevers of a bilious character, and we regret to say .-that in some places it has proved very fatal. -We therefore offer th's tratuitou advice to those not yet afflicted- Ke?p your", liver iu a healthy condition, and your blood rich and pure. .Goixl ' blood means good health, whilst f-ad " blood bad health. Hail s i:oou aud L.iver 1'illsars entirelv vegetable and are just the pills needed at this season of the year. N. U. Atkinson wlii is agent for T. S, HubLards' Grape Yir.C3 and small fruits will soon make au order for Fpring plan tint;, ant! parties wishing anv thing in their line will du well to see him at once, He uiiariUitt-ee satisfaction and sells none but the best.. lw CR EMATIOX ! I destroyed by fire all old seeds 1790 papers over from last year. 1 have only fresh seeds from Landrrth Si Sons. 6d.. W. E, Pbluam. NEJVv ADVERTISEMENTS. - raOCKET BOOK LOST. V On or nfar Public Sd care, yesterday mornlnir, a Fockct Book - containing some monev ana papers. A reward will be paid for the return ef the same to tne litizkn omee. feblld3t - . .'. 1 RED CHIEF. . '.i ' : - This Tr.aBniiflcent standard-bred ktallion will make the rounds this season from Brevard, by Cain Creek. toAsheviilo, and back by Hills Hirer once every three weeks. "Bed Chiet" toot tho 50 prize at Macon, ua.. ror the Dtst area stamon. ana too m pnzea in South Carolina. liis colts are now being han dled and show fine speed. They take first prizes everywhere they have been exhibited, and com mand hum nnces. For full particulars, pedigree. &c., In large handbills, or apply to me at Davidson s JKiver, N.O. - KOBT. E.PATTOJf. feblC wlm . TrOTICE SEA1EO PROPOSALS. - Sealed bids -will be receivad bv me for buildlna a Court House in the town ot Webster, N. C. , until the 7th day of March, 1887, according to lans ana spectucations now on me in my ouice, he Com .aissionera reserve the riprht to reject any or all bids. By order of the Board or couity commissioners or JaoKsjn county r. ... , reoruary sin, uat. j-. j., jj., Register of Deeds, fe 13 dJtwlw - Clerk exonlcio of Board. jirrsi ! wrsicif 7 : - . . :- , au exoellent Piano in good order can be bad at a great sacrifice if sold within one week by , 1 1 - - . -. . - 1 1 v n j r vnj 16 lv OIW ' irnowgrttpu oauery, EEWAHD. 1 wiliiav ten dollars reward for the return of my dog "Fat," a white setter pup, aftout nine months old, well gro-vn. Ha has laiye black on side, hip ana neaa, lore ieei ai&o Diaca. as been missing since last Friday. TttEUUUBB tt OBGOOD. Advance Office. FOR REJVT Oil StlJLtl' J ' . HI L L S IDE rm tiia W n! miAn isf "Ruttprr P.-Bwr HUl"- the beautiful and commodious resldenca of the late Rev. Pr. Chapman. Thero are on the pre mises 1 rooms, large and small, S staircases, nlotitv nf linpn tmajuws. a biith-roo D1-. drC and theloteontaios2M acies with a fine grove of oaks. No rooms more delightmi, or situation more convenient and attracUve, to be oflerd in Asheville. .:t .is ressonaoie. Appiy to feSdtf A. 1. SUMMEY. CITIZEN JOB QFF1CE, WEST SIDE PUBLIC ' SQTJ1EK. BTLL HEADS, - : ' " 7 . : :; LETTER HEADS, POSTERS, BLANKS, Ac And fob Work of U kindt do with promftnets amd at low frice. Powell & Snider's Column. A". - ' --7 ' DAILY BUlLI.Et'IBI. 100 bags fJofXee, ' ' '. bu bbls. Sugar, 400 lbs. fine Tea, : 2100 lbs. Soda, 111 boxes Soap, 60 boxes Crackers 275 cases of Canned Goods, 115 cases Baking Powders. Grapes, Bananas, -Oranges, Lemons, French Prunes, Cranberries, Figs, Dates, Prunelles, Table Nuts, Olives, Olive Oil, Currants, Citron, ,' Imperial Cabinet Raisins, California Layer Raisins, - Vineyard Cluster Kai8ias,3 . Valencia Raisins, Sultana Raisins, Maple Syrup, Kock CandyJ byrup, New Orlean? Molasses' Buckwheat Flour, - Mushrooms, Mocedoine, Cp.pers, alince Meat, Chocolate, Cocoa, Cocoanuts, Gelatine, Crosse & BlackwelVs Pickles, Obelisk Pickles, Beech & Sherwood s rickles, Domeptic Pickles, Hoyal Baking Powder, : - floratord s rSaking 1 owders, French Mustard, Englif h Mustard, Lee & Perritfs Worcestershire Sauce, Tobasco Sauce, North of England Sauce, Durkee's Salad Dressing, White Witi9 Vinegar, b resh bhoro Mackerel, Cream Codfish, Fresh Butler, Fresh Eggs, Cream Cheese, Fine Apple Cheese, Parmesan Cheese, Sapsago Cheese. Ashton Salt. Macaroni, Vermicelli, Hofsc Radish, Flavoring Extracts, French Herbs, Jellies, Preserves, Fine Teas Choicest Rousted and Green Coffee Powdered Sugar, XXX Confectioner's Sugar, Granulated Sugar, Brighton C Sugar, Canary Sugar, Raw N. O. do. Strained Honey, Honey in comb, Fancy Head Rice, Select Spices 37,600 lbs. Flour, iJO,0UU lbs. liran and Hliortsi -, 36,000 lbs. Hay, ; 1600 bushels Oati, - 400 bushels Meal, 1200 bushels Corn? - Ifwe covered a newtpai-br we might make a list of tb goods wp. carry, but as it is we cannot tell half. --'j:-'- "-:' v 5 - "Wehave several additional eto. rage rooms, and are now filling up with the largest stock in our line to be found in the .State, wholesale or retail. . ' POWELL & SNIDER 3el8-3m ! -1 J, i.