ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. K. M. FCRlt If, ) JORDAN 8TO.SK, S-BoiTOBa. J D. CAMEKON, J THURSDAY MORNING, FEB. 17,1887. Empkror William, of Germany, has become bo weak that his condi tion is regarded a serious one. ' A gang of peelers 'sent to inter dict a uationarrneetinglin Loughrae Ireland, were refused food and shel ter by the town people, and fared badly, most uncomfortably. In BDite of Red Coat's and police, they held a meeting in their hall, with barricaded doors, la Wateiford, the crowd burned the governments proclamation forbidding the meeting, amid great cheering ima groans. Latest advices from abroad are not favorable to a prolonged contin uanco of peace between France and Germany. The uneasiness reflected by the houses has extended to the diplomatic relations of the two countries. The attempt of Lord (Salisbury to unofficially mediate has received no encouragraent. The -suggestion- of simultaneous disarm' anient has not been considered wor thy of serious discussion. The prospect of coalition between the Tories and unionists, in the north of England is bad. The Gladstone or home rule 'pj.rty i3 increasing, the North will soon be solid on the ' leading questions dividing English parties and compel the South to recognize Irish wrongs, and thus clear the y. ay to much needed Eng lish and Seoth legislation. A distinguished member of the present Legisk ture of North Caroll na, in announcing his intention to retire from politics says, more mtntal and physical power is ex pended without profitable results than in any legislative assembly in the universe. He is as gc d authority as any living man on the subject. We will not take issue vith his authoritative opinion on this Isubject; a bus picion to like effect begins to haunt the public generally. It is spreads ing like,the;measles, and catching. Engnand is preparing a better and more perfect sjrstem of taxation for Egypt. She is to assume a protecto rate over the Suez canal, as she now holds the Delta of the Nile, and every other s'tratgetic point in this wretched land of the Pharaohs. The The commercial interests of a race of shop keepers will point out ways and means of extortion, which will make the mummies of the tax gath erers 01 ancient Egypt, ashamed of themselves. They will be made to British Exchequer. We ha ve received the biennial re port of the'.Superintendent of Public - Instruction for the State. It shows total receipts for the year 1886 $670, 672.41 ; total expenditures for the same period, $671,113.65; total en rollment of scholar for 1886, white and black, 305,598 ; total average attendance for white and black, 185,706 ; average length of school terms in 1886, for whites, Hi weeks, for blacks 12 weeks ; number of schools taught, for whites, 4,115, for blacks, 2,523. The commissioner and competent superintendents in all the counties, normal "schools for the education of competent teach , crs, a better sentiment in favor of common schools, and also moral and religious training as far as can be done with propriety in the State schools. Of course all these in involve the expenditure of more money, which the Legislature is asked to furnish by taxation. All this is right with qualification. We cannot see the nresent crringr neces sity of normal schools. There are plenty of yourg men and women in the Stt te competent and well quallified to teach, and who would be glad pfthe opportunity to do so. This'mo'aev so proposed to be ex pended for noimal schools, would, in our judgement, be better applied in providing longer school terms. v There certaialy should 'be active and competent superintendents of public education in all the counties As to a better sentiment in favor of public education, or the common school system is a difficult matter to discuss, that there should be a better sentiment in favor of educas uoo umuiig me peupie ui lue outte is manifest. At the same time there are grave doubts as to the wisdom and policy of education by " the State under our system of gov- - eminent It may be conceded that many might grow up in ignorance . if education were not provided by - the State. It can only be justified on the grounds that it is a lesser evil than the existence of such ig- norance, and this evil is not all to gether clear in Massachusettes and New York where the system of pub lie schools has attained its great1 est perfection. Those ' who . have closely watched the workings of the system, many of the best and wisest men In those States, pronounce it a failure, and affirm that the evils of the system counterbalance the ben efits, they concede' benefits at the same tima acknowledge that they are not nninixed with great evils and they seem to be bourne out by statistics which show that crime has - not been diminished or the cause of morality subserved' in those States which have enjoyed the lar gest and the best systems of public schools; .that those crimes which education makes ooasible are on the increase such as forgery, eni- bezzlement,and all crimes involving breaches of trust. As to morality therecordis as bad, as bad can be, and oiily what could be expected from herding all sorts and conditions of people together in promiscuous association. Under the public school system it seems that moral culture does nt t keep pace with the education and sharp ening of the intellectual faculties, This is notoriously a fast age, and there is no doubt that precocity in the knowledgeof evil is fostered in the public school. If all parents were able we would much prefer to have the education of children conducted , by teachers of their- own "selection and v&der their own personal supervision, es pecially as education necessarily in volves matters of faith and morals. When the State assumes the right to teach, it at the same time assumes the right to say what shall be taught. We should dislike exceedingly that our people should be taxed to be taught what is called history, as prescribed in certain text books used in public schools in some of the States ; and we much prefer home instruction in morals and that religious teachings should be res ceived at the feet of spiritual mas ters and pastors of individual selec tion. And further, if our public schools under the inspiration of the Superintendent of Public Instruc tion are to become agents for the dissemination of the strange politi cal doctrine that our Federal and State Constitutions, are without binding obligation upon the con sciences of men when sworn to sup port them, and that aid from the United States treasury is to be ac cepted by the States for purposes of education,arguments about the con stitutional right to do so tocontra ry, we most emphatically prefer that this matter of education shall rest where Nature has placed it with the parents of the children and who have, never parted with it by delegation to the State or the United States, It is an evil day for constitutional government and constitutional lib erty when such rank Federalism is inculcated by the Superintendent ot Public Instruction at the expense of the State. The Durham Recorder says : Two farmers called upon the mayor to day for the arrest of a party who they claimed had sold them poison whiskey. They said that every time they teok a drink it made them sick. The mayor declined to issue the warrant. J ust What Tber All Say Hon. D. P. Haynia, of Balem, His., gays he uses Dr. Boeanko'a cough and Lung Byrup in his family with ths most satiaf aotory results, in all oases of coughs, colds and croup, and recommends it in particular for the little ones. Sample bottle free at H. H. Lyons, dawlw. FOR Black Diamond JELLICO, AND Anthracite Coal, Call on N. W. Girdwood.- Coal Yard and office on Pattour Ave. ov Telephone No. 50- ' TJtKE JYOTICEJ W. O. Mnller & Co. Liquor- Dealer and jDis fitters' JMgetUs.''. o HAVING jnst received a new and fall supply of all kinds of goods usually kept in our line, we arp prepared to furnish our many patroua and the public in general, with something good for the Holidays. Especial attention is called to Duffy's Pare Barley Malt Whiskey for which we are agents in this section, also the cele brated Bavarian and Budweise Lager Beer on draught, and bottled for family use, which is guaranteed strictly pure. We also have a lot of Fine Old Pure N. C. Corn Whiskey that can't be beat, and the best and most popular brands of fine Old Kentucky hand-made sour mash Bye and Bourbon Whiskies, fine imported Cognac Brandy, Jamaica Rum, imported and domestic Gins, Pure N. C. Apple and Peach Brandies. Pure N. C. Sweet Mash Port, Madeira, Claret, Champagne and all kinds of domestic Wines, Imported Ale and Porter, Fine Cigars, Tobacco, &c, &c. We have with us Messrs. Lee C. 8or rells, Jesse J. Lange and W. Columbus Featherstone who will be glad, to have their friends call and see them. -- - We have in connection with our Bar an elegant Billiard and Pool Hall up stairs, furnished with the celebrated Brunswick,; Balko & Collander Co.'s Tables, the best in use,wnicn is are cnarge of the old iovial Tom Pope who will eive a cordial greeting to alU . Orde rtoUciled ana promptly miea. " .... W. Q. MULLER & CO., Main fit, opposite Public Square, Asheville. N. C The Legislature of New Jersey, is still laboring; to elect a" United States Senator. -The Democratic and Republican caucuses to settle upon candidates wa held Monday. Ex-Governor Abbott will receive!tne Democratic nomination and Genera al W. J. Sewell will be nominated by the Republicans. The three Knights of Labor .in the houseoom mand tfte situation, which side they will go to, is the unknown quantity in the contest. . ' Although Ingalls, the Cayote of the Kansas plains, - is ' baying and howling, and."smel!s:the blood of an English man," and is all greedy to lick it up. The Lion and the Rus sian Bear, are eyeing each other in rage, and lashing heir tails in fury. The following is tht latest by cable : "A misunderstonciog seem3 to have arisen been theIjondon ,nnd St Petersburg CabineU relating to the publication of the Bulgarian blue book by - the English , govern ment. Russia objected to a publi cation of a portion of the dispatches in -the present stage of negotiations us premature. The stormy- inter views between the Russian . Ambas sador and late Foreign Secreta ry had reference chiefly to this subject- It is feared that the blue book will prove the harbinger of war." . Witli Insalls to s back him, the Bear might sail in, with i a reckless disregard oi consequences. - we rise eaual to the occasion, nd unmoved V- . . m TTT . exclaim in the language -of speaker Webster, go it Hear go-it Lion. - , Liver PUIs. ; ' :' Tina Pr. Gunn'a Liver Pills fox Sallow com plexion, Pimples on the .face and BOliouB ness. Never sickens or gripes. Only one for a dose, bampies xree at tu a iyons. . dawlw. Oysters received in bulk daily at ' dtf MOOBE & ROBABDS. Best 5c. cigar in the city West JSnd Choice. . - Qtt Lamb's Wool Soles large lot for the Ladies and Gents, at the Shoe Store, dtf Hkheino & Weaver. SOHUNT, In Asheville, K. C, being only now ready to offer my COTTAGE on Sunset Drive for rent, I nflhrthn umA tn tnnse who wish a maenificeni location and pleasant home, comfortably furnish ed; ten rooms, six chambers, hall, parlor, draw ing room, Kucnen, mia-room, uiuseis - iwufc oi Hundred Dollars for the year. If stable is requ ired will be built, with increase of rent sufficient tn kavat iniAmtt on same. AddIv to Kev. A. Toomer Porter. Charleston. 8. C., or to me al Opelika, Ala. CHART.K3 E. POSTKH Te9dlm HOLIDAY G-OODS I NOW HAVE IN STOCK SUCH goods : : AS ARE SPECIALY SUITED FOR HOLIDAY SALE, COMPRISING-?- FRUITS, NUTS, RAISINS, JHtfCE MEAT, GORDON & DILLWORTH'S Fine Preserves, Fine Syrups, New Orleans Molasses. S. It. KEPMtER, I Fouth Main St., opp. Eagle Hotel. EXCELSIOR- West End Store, Straith& Thomson, GENERAL MERCHANTS, AKD PEA1BR3 IIT COUNTRY PRODUCE. - Patton Avenne, Asheville, N.- C. - Have opened the above store witU a fan stock of the highest quality, which they offer to cash buyers on the lowest possible terms, i . Moderate Profits and Quick Returns. GENERAL GROCERIES, FINE GROCERIES PROVISIONS, CANNED GOODS, ' TOBACCO akd CIGARri, - - FIX)UR, BRAN and FEED. Call and see our goods and get quota- . uons. fe8d3mos : ; - : pEBSONS WISHING TO MAKS MONEY StMks, Clrfrfa, F ravin tM, and oil, SHOULD INVESTIGATE LAURIE St CO.'S SYS TEM OF PKAIilNtt JH BilALL UK lAKUJS LOTS ON ONS PER CKNT. CASU ' MAHGINS. Ten Dollars will, for example, cover ten (106 snares, or i.wd ousneis oi tmuu. Explanatory Pamphlet Free. . QUOTATIONS WIRED. Oritrt mni mrglmt rtctlfi fry TtUgrum 4 tiritiE & co.. STOCK BROKERS, ALSO DEALERS IN FOREIGN EXCHANGE. 856 Broadway, Kew Yorfe. "The Members of the flnr. are frentlnmcn of experience and blxa stancuig in the uram ana Stock Commission basiness, ...nd among their refereacea are a mustier oi tn teaaing jbojucs f "Nam York Commercial Arw."l 'They have a stainless business record, and their Nina fides sre indisputable The reputa tion of the firm is such, that parties can rest assured of reoeiving their profits tUe moment they are made, no matter wnat rne amount may an 2S deodawSuios ..... Fer CboleF? larhoea, Byaeaterr, Ib. anmmilH . ff th Bowels r Colle. Take 'y from five to ten drops fn i ! i i i . : cm - , of Darby spoonful imnrovpr hvlactir Fluid in a. tahl pr everi- uonr or' iwo till danger in ify more of it and more irequentl case, or e stomacn refuses to re- tain anytifeiig 6 ), use mjoutions of the Wo have never known r mid and wate fl.OAA that fYlt TCMllitir 'luM tn eiiU treatment, ano it Bared ihe Iivpb of man v.' f--f- . UNFAILING SPECIFIC FOR L1VEU DISEASE. . . SYMPTOMS: ' Bitter or bad taste in mouth ; tongue coited white or covered with a brown far; pain in the back, sides or joints ottoi mta taken for Uheumatisic; tour tomch ; loss at ap petite; sometimes nanses and water-brash vr ia dieestion: flatuleuov and acid uiuctatious: bow els alternately costive and in, headache ; -loss of iiienaerj, wun a piuii'ui wutNuon oi naviag failed to do something -which ought to have been done; debility; low spirits; a thick, yellow appearance of the skin aod eyes: a dry cough - eolorhdy and i fallowed to stand, deposits a sedi ment. . sions RSGULATOH! ' (PURELY VEGETABLE) Is generally used hi the South to arouse the Tof- pia Liver to a healthy action. It acts with extraordinary efficacy on the EIYER, :;..;w; -MIMJEYS, Malaria, :.- . Bowel Complaints, -v- ' : Dysoepsla, Sick Headache. " - :-'- Constipation. Billiousness, - -' . . Kidney Affections,. . Jaundice, . ' Mental JXpresgion. Collo. Endorsed by the use ot 1 Millions of Battles as THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE for Children, for Adults, and for the Aged. ONLYGNNUINE has our Z Stamp la red on front of Wrapper. j: n. zeilin:& co.r Philadelphia, pa. Sole Proprietors. - Price, tifto noM-weow2rfl DENTAL CARDS. H. DOUGLASS, D. D. Dental Rooms over Grant & Roaeberry's Drag store, residence in same building Asheville, N. C feb2-wisw , DENTAL SURGERY. IE.J. 6. QUEEN has removed his office to w tne i . m. J. a. rooms on ration Avenne, and offers his professional services to the nubile. AU professional work done with skill and neatness. iune 10-dawtf JJR. A, B. WARE, Denial Snreeon. Office la Cltlxen building, second floor. A work will receive prompt and eaieful attention. jyMdly DReR.H. REEVES, D.O.S., Omoi in Binder Building, pposiie Central Hotel, - ABBEVILLE, N O Persons having arttfloial work done, after Irylng it two or three weeks. If not satlsfled, can return it and the monev will be refunded. )y l UO TO "W'Bakery, FOX THE Finest Bread, Buns and Cakes, lW:-iOTHB:"' CITY. ALSO PRESS CANDY Their Own Manufacture. Mr. Vaugban is conceded to be the FINEST. . WORKMAN IN TECK SOUTH. Satisfaction goantntced or money re funded. GREEN. FRONT, - Opposite Auction House. plOB SALE. A good SAFE ancTan OMSIBCS. jau 1 dim 8. CI1EDESTEK Jt SOS. Rsolutionforl887 -ADOPTED BY- Moore & Robards. We have hereby resolved " That, having secured the set vices of Mr. McSweeny, for seventeen yejra fore man for the "Largest Baking Eetibhsh roent" in the South, wUere he estab lished a reputation as having no equal in brtad and cake baking, and having in creased our facilities twofold, we will fur nish to-tbe trade the best bread, such as French Twist. Vienna Rolls, Patent Loaf. Brown and Rye, and an fendlees variety odiie Ontst Btnftll and larae Cakes that have ever been exhibited in this glorious "Land of the fcky." Cakes iced or ornamented at moderate com and on short notice. We have the only Restaurant con ducted in i- , ETES. CLASS STYLE in iheKtyi . . , Otfi iJet Confcciions is unexeelled in tii jgtaliv Alwaya tho freshest and purest; f i ..-. . ; . DEGMOND'G OLD STAND Cottli Hain Street. ' rre for PHea. - Pfles are frequently preceded by a sense of reieht in the back, lnina and lnsrnp nert nt the abdomen, causing the patient to' suppose he has some affection of the kidneys or negh horing organs. At times; tvmotoms of indi- Sestion are present, flatulency, vneasiness of le stomach, eta A ' moisture like perspira tion,producing a very disagreeable itching, after getting warm, is a common attendant. Blind Bleeding and Itching Piles yield at once to the application of Dr. Bosanko's Pile Rem edy, which acta directly' upon the part affected, absorbing the tumors, allaying the intense itching, and effecting a permanent cure. Price 50 eta. Address the Dr. Bosanke Medicine co , Piqna, O. Sold by H H Lyons. dawly Best 5c. cigar West End Clloice. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. CHAS. A. MOUSE. P. A. CUMMINGS jyOORE & CUMMINGS, Attorney $ and ConrueUort at 1.oa, ASHEVILLE, . Practice In the United States Circuit and Dis net Courts at A&heville, Statesville, Charlotte and Greensboro; hi the Supreme Court at Raleigb and in the Courts of the Tweiveth Judicial Dia trict of the State of North Carolina. Special attention given to collections of clalmr aug7-lvwisw HEXnY IIAP.1.W.CKE, Jklleritey n lw, : -AishevlUe. N. C. Will practice in all the court or tho Htste. Collections of olaims a fpeclalty. Office ith Sheriff in Court House. an4dtt JgOGEK J. PAGE, . ASHEVILLE, '-' : ; - - K. . Practices in all the Courts, Slate and Federal jaaudtf . . .. D A. M. BALLAKPV ; P;; . HafweOT street. JSfflee Telephone i:iUl eLOf Residence Telephone Call No. 43, -. iune a-twmoapa T HQS. A. JOSES,j attorney at Ljiw ASHEVILLE, S. CH Oct 22-1 y s W Office with Dav1 risoi: A JOHNSTOSE JOHES. Attorney and Coansellur t Lev, ASHEVILLE. K. C. OiEce in Burnett Building. Court-Houh.- .Square. hot v (umoa R. G W. PTJREFOY Ofiers his Drofessional services t the citizens of Asheville and sprround ing country. Office over Cam ichaJ' Drug store. Residence Charlutu; st.-de!5-dly J A. WATSON, M D. OFFICE AT HIS RESIDES JE, Corner of Grove street and Patton A veuuo. Office hours : 8 to 11 A. M., 1 to 3 P. M Calls left at Carmichael's or Pelhain's I'ruy Store will beconveyed, and responded to, by ti epbone. iune!2-dtf T. H. CO BE, Attorney and Conuseller tl Lnw, Office in Burnett building. Nor h side Pub;i: Square, A8HEVILLE, N. C. Practices in all Courts, State and Federal. jau22dly J OSEPH S. ADAMS, Attorney sud Conmaeltr it Ue, Office in Law Buildins. adjoining First National Bonk, ASHEVILLE, K. C. Piactices in all courts. State and Federal, sept T t year D RS. MiilJM. A BATTLE, WAKbLAW McUllJ.. M. D.. Practice lunited to ye, &ar, 1 roht and Luagv San. WssMtAY BaTTLS. M.D.,j. g. N., -fliysleiaa aad Swienn. Offioes over DeVanlt's Drug Store. a-Oftice hours 10 a. m. to 12 m., and i to 4 p Bk to 81-tf J AMES A. BURROUGHS, Pliyslvlan and Surgeon, ASHEVILLE, N. G, OlSce over Powell & Snid. 'a. t& Residence corner of Maiu tuti Woodfln streets, de 16-1 y QHAS. P. McCANDLISS. Snrveyor and i'ivil Engineer, ASHRT1I.L.IX. K. C. Oatcc with A. . Lyman, Heal Estate B oker. 4.LSO AOEJfT FOB -HAZLEHTJRST fc HUCKEL, Architects, (design ers of Battery Park Hotel) Philadelphia Penua ol5d3u : i- Thbc. . Davidsoh Jaji G. MABTli DAVIDSON MARTIN, Attorneys A ConnsellorSMtLsvw ABHZVim, N. c. Win practice in the 8ta and th jnaidal Dutris. and In the Supreme Court of North Carolina, "no In the Federal Courts of Ue Western District ot North Carolina. Refer to the Bank ot AahevlCeJ ' seplS-swAwSm J A TENNENT, Architect and Civil JSnsfirier. Designs, Specifications, and Estimates oi the style of building furnished upon application. A. work superintended when desired. All work ec trusted to mo as Civil Eng will receive prompt attention. Thorough andnage -of lands a specialty. Post Office address, Asheville oi Best,N. C. Residoncc Swannanoa Sridgo. mavU-6mos -- W. W. JOSKS. GEORGE A. SHUFUKD JONES & SHU FORD, : Attorocjs al 'Iia, . ASHEVILLE, - - i. C, Practice in the Superior Oourts of Western North Carolina, the Supreme Court of Che State, and the Federal Courts at AaheviUe. .. : Office in Johnston Building, where one member of the firm can always be fwd-. nov Jt dlvear .... . . J1S. SME180N, - attorney t !,. and Real Estate Agent, - ' ; . ASHEVILLE, if. C. . . . Office over VanOilder A Brown's. LeUiDg houses and collecting rents In is!ic viua a rieialty. - . iob W daw6iQos -SAVVYEK, . lreid;iit, 1. E. RANKIN, Vicc-Prest, l v. Sawyer.. I. E. j. G. XV. WILLIAMS, of Wilmington, Authorized Capital $500,000 - . -. - ' . - surj:)lus Fund, $18,000. Geperal Banking Busiwffe transactrti. ' hurlur ynl i .t e-rn-s. Bar - i th1 Unrrti'ir. , ).n.aitisi troni :5 r, 5 1 he White iMMCXER HUN AND EiiLE sT.UKETf- V N UK.U w m.T i. He!jduj;rt.r Cor f.u. LIQfOK I Veep none iul Iuk I I U . '; . . , ;i .. , -hnrft s.'nirtlirK-iy. iy . 11 A!;K AJibOI.l'TKLV Pl'KK AXI sl!A ASa-S.TKltAT.:i. ' .. fin! s'rt-. rM'oiiiiiier.ilcd by the ht't jn!rfs Wr nmfitiiifl u : Also Fine Billiard' iind Totd Parlor. Goodn nltijijHtl to alj poiDts. Ko t-harfi for l:skii:. P. O. I.ox .'V'-y, heviJle, N. C. Tbf n!y .-trictly White ManV B:ir iV: tha Str-iu. - -. jn6-dawly A?UCTION MURRAY COMMISSION, MERCHANTS Give sjMfcial attention to consignments or Household Goods, Merchan dxse, Ilonses, Ac. Also lo the sale of BealEgtate. j All consijfnnifnls i.f Persousil or ; v. ill receive prompt attention. libhc sale oi personal property every Saturday at 11 o'clock, on tin Square. Sales of .Merchandise at auction room every night. Solicitii g your patronage, we are MURRAY & LANCE, Auctioneers, te 5 dr4., Asheville, N. C. Haintmg J --"J Coi'tracts made Ibr painting old and new bniMhurs. Th cuveriui;. rmotinjr and? repairing of rooft a specia'ij. AH work done iua li rat -class manner at 'ha lowest'1 possible ntea, and satisfaction gliaiaiUcftd Pticets wvTcatyaB.- EUui-it on. short notice. '"" ; . J. AKSOX. Agent and-Contractor. t fHce wiili "Town T pies," Write for prices anil Kauip'eH, or caii &rid see th-:r a the ofSee. "Country work solicited. . "Seven IRON-ALU The pro.iact of Foukteen Gallons of the best Mineral VVntrr in tl: World Cvajor8t.t;d to n MAfi. A (Jill of Mature ait(t not Patent Mwlk i? Uhe fnu st Tonic and Appetizer known. Currs Dyspepsia and Int -.r s tion, Ih-Adaches, Uhronio Diarrttoea, Chills and Fevers. Catarrh, d Throat and Nasal Allections. ycroiu!a and Eczema. Iiti! fJoiistij si tion, Amenorrhoea, Menorrhagia, Lencorrhoea, and all Female V eaK nessests.' Diseases of the Urinary Organs, Cholera Infantum, &c., Arc. ; Price: $1.00 for Large Size Bottle ; 50 cents for Small Size Bottle. ' Ask your .Iri-.'idst for it If he should not have it, and will not order it, then addiW t. i.rnprietora, and it will be sent by mail, postage paid. :o:- - No Cure, No Pay! DICKEY'S PAINLESS EYE WATER cures We:.k and if. rred Eyes in a few hours, without pair, or dngpr. The best Eye Water in th world. Price, Only 25 cents per bottle. Ask for it, Ilsve i.o othvr. Diclcey ST 2iuler&otc. I'ropiicfor.-' And Manufaotvt fe.7-dawl Hriwi-o). Tcn. :,irflIISlNESSjj, tTe GDIiIiEBlf Sadler1 Arithmetics an the Latest and Best tret Published, ESTABLISHED 1879, . RANKJN". R. PEARSON Rtv. J. L. CARROLL. Man's Bar n r P T O P T. mil HOUSE. & LAN (Z E, Real Property entrusted to our cart very respectfully. Is fire ana water-piucf dnrubl'.t,and u:uub cheap er than Tin or Iron. Can be ajiplif il by. anyone exvt.iki-.t for covering old s!'.itit;Ii: TOfjfti. Ki LH-'i'Kf il !1" lion:..,. and rHf p.iii.ts fur inside land "i.tsiile v. : i i. ; i colors, rt-auy i'-;x.-u 4JU1U)ING i'Al'KIi.s 1!- iiiitr, st lint; of plfrs in k. ic.t .Voiii in towii. . . . : The al- '-'e tn.4i.:i'3 are, fthi- i-t-nx iudiilj ai.u will be !"! ut reasonable aaJl ricca, Sixig's" e - BhonWrnWTnslrcrt!ieAIVAl!TAftr fintow mm e'jJtheBi-rant,ttrottu ty4"nWtssli Boslnesa Coiiece, I'Hi'iu.,e. fiwr soquirine a theteert and practical kecet'. : .; . bow enters open Its twenrytblrd yeu of n'tglr.' The proftcieneT o- ICWVPffl' l"'l tv r Btaoy plta nxufiMssksVclstWaUseeUewM country isthestreaeest commend adQa we c-m o . M te our success ssedaeatonfl If fHf IT?M!C'fr-8horWHaDd,lpe-WiiUafAiWUsfisit(SSai-i- ling speciallr taafht. He Vacation. Pupil- . enter at any time. or tonne, f ft8BP?15flVTl'r catalegoe and farUeolan. lyAfttW UUkvft1.' " Call an or address W. H. BADIEK, Pm aoaosTB .;naries liALl'lllUUK iiP D.-r. VADDE1V, ,v,.,,.. L. PULHAM Ca'"?;er. , Asst. Cashie l.-.W : PATTON , l V A I TIN. 1'aid up apitas c 1 . I f j t . t .,.. ,n : :t j. . ,u " . .I 1 I' J 111 1 f J y