DAILY EDITION. Turza&a, Stose & Cameron, RDITOBS AND PBOPKIKTOB8. r M 3.oo WEEKLY 1 Vr 1.BO . 6 .TS ADVERTISING RATES LO W, - r ASUKVIUJ: SOClETlKfi. . .... CyroM Ommandery.Vo. i.J. A. Porter Eminent Comnuuidor; Jordan Stone. Secretary. Meets first Wednesday night In each month. . AjhemlU 0vi&r, R. A. M.-Q. H. Bell, High Priest; H. Hammershlag. Secretary. Meetl the second Wednesday night In each mouth. . Benton l-m.X: lib. A. F. 6c A. Jf. K C. Fagg Worshipful Uaster; Fred. L. Jacob S uretary. Meet ;th Scat Friday night In each munnnn-- Lodge, K. of fi., No. M6. X. Levy. Dictator ; Jordan Stone.' Secretary. Meets fh rst and third Monday nights la each "JS -jmM Cbiaefl, No. 701, . U plnaky, Regent: Jordan Stone, Secretary. Meaij v the hall of the Knight of Honor on the second an! fourth Monday nights in each month. Ths AtheeiDe FnbHc Library, over Mr. Kep ler's Store, opposite Eagle Hotel and next tS jot to Tiie Bank of Asheville. is open to vis itor from 19 a. m. to 1 p. m. and from 4:80 to r:30 p. m. i k. - - .- Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of puritv, strength and wbolesotneness. More economical khan the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in Competition with the multitude of low test, short V 'iirht aum or phosphate powders. Sold only in . Royal Baking Powdkb Co. 106 Wall St., w York. (anlK-d&wlim COMPOUND OXYGEN. r 3 MBMAV & GATCHELL 4 fVlMBoom 43, HagU tlolil, Main St. ASHEVILLE, N. C We use in the treatment of C'hron. diseases, COMPOUND OXYGEN anl Medicated Vapor by direct inhalation. Those who suffer from diseases of the Respiratory Or ganssuch as Consumption, Catarrh, Bronchitis sthma. Chronic Sore Throat, L-ws of Voice, etc., tnd who have failed to be cured or the ordinary t- utmeut of Coil Liver Oil, Uypophosphites, i twket Inhalers, and the like, mny be tnTinanent- rnred by our new treatment; t,:nce we have Mi red and are curing cases which had restated all i (her means and which had been pronounced incurable by the best physicians. The Compound Oxygen Treatment Is not only valuable in diseases ot the respiratory tract, but ti, working prompt and permanent cir-es In all (ileuses depending upon an impoverished or I'l.i.nrfi nnn1!tioii of the biood. such as Debilitv. Kpilepsy, Rheumatism, Choiea. Neuralgia Paral ysii, Diabetes, unght's uiseaee, Anaemia, ecroiu- 1" ad all Diseases oi the stin. The Only Treatment ' rklcb will permanently care Nasal Catarrh 1 ue only Specific tor Asthma I The treatment is pleasant to take, and cannot aggravate any case however delicate and sensi tive. special attention paid to diseases of the Rec uun, such as Piles, Fissure, Fistula, Prolapsus, etr. ANEW TREATMENT, i -moat .sinless, and eenerallv successful. No M of tiae noffl business or pleasure during tcaalment. . ur tnose who cannot come to oar office, and m nnrd the Comoound Oxygen, we have a rmme Treatment, which In many cases is as val uable as the Office Treatment. We will send the piaratu( and chemicals to last two months for 0. ' REFBRENCES. Kev.N. S. Albright, Wellington, O.; Wm Bat i , f n Pt-'.dH. Tenn : L. T. lirlehardt. Esq. Kvansvllle, lnd ; John B. Snow, Esq.. Tipton, Tenn : Hon. B. 8. Fuller. Boonville, lnd ; G. A. Hears, KS4, ASheviUe, N. C; Rev. O. Bell, Bell Wriit n.. illustrated Pamphlet, which will be ailed free, in regard to treatment. Address DBS. HARGAN & GATCHELL, r" ' Eagle Hotel, Room 48. nrl-dawSm Caatl.a I Some dealers recommenJ Inferior goods la order to make a larger profit. This is the eriaiaal asanoe. uewarwoi hhiwuw". Suowiedie tbelr own Inferiority by attempting to ball span the reputation of tho original. Jf.ae U.Bal.e a ales bearing this Btasap, JAIelES MtAUS' Toe Omtlineii, fQ CUni? I ww WISWSWB I Made in Button, Congress and I Loco. jixl uair axtn. unaz- 1 celled in Vuraouuy, vmnjartm Appearance. A postal cara KtHiouiwui Dnnfjouui ' formation how to get this enoe in any state or '.lieans&Co . 1 UneolnSt, Oirr celebrated factory produce, a larger quantity ef (boss of tbla grade than any other factory in the world. ThoiMand. who wear them wllltellyouth. rraoQ if yon auk them. 'JAM Eg IMEANk' tt'J llOJk (wBoysls anapproaclwd la Durability. Fall lines oflthe above shoes for sale In Ashe- - . . vUleby S; HAMMERSHLAG E SUNT. la Klennt House. 10 roots. Don't anbTr em " ROYAL WWflfJfc J If, l- 1 . IV 'I ailT t I 1 1 i "twonass. kss you are able to pay tba rent. . .. .plM , V WaTQJUWRT,- r7TrriiiVM.':: . 1 tie yOU II.-NO 308 DAILY EDITION: ' THE DAIIT CITIZEW Will he pabliahed every Morning (ex cept Monday) at the following rte tlrtctly eaihi' One Tear, ... . . 18 00 Six Month, ... . . . 3 00 Three" Jf if ' ' 1 60 One " ? . ':: ' ; 60 One Week; "--i- . . 15 Our Carriers will deliver the paper ev ery Morning in every part of the city to our subscribers, and parties wanting it will please call at the Citizen Office. Send your Job Work of all kind to the Citizen Office, if you want it done neatly, cheaply and tpili Jitpatch. ArrivaJ und Dnsrtsire of PMacaarer - Tralaw. 8alwbeb.t Arrives 6:3o p. so. and departs 6:45 p m. . Tennessee Arrives 10:40 a. m. and departs 10:66 am. . - - W ATiiKsviLU Arrive 5 AO p m.and departs . 00 a- m- -E.n.. - rt .ji - Bi-ASTANBUaa Learn Asheville 7.-00 a m ; arrive at HendersonviUe 8:16 a m; at Bpartan burg 11:40 am. - Leave Spartanburg 4KK) p m; arrive at Hen derson ville 7:10 p m; at Asheville 8JS p m. &T INTERESTING BEADING MAT TER ON FOURTH PAGE. Landreth Garden seed-at t Pki.ham's. It is a remarkably dry April, bo far. Senator RaDsora will deliver the address before the Horner School at Oxford. Mrs. Curtis and daughters, mother and sisters of Col. F. Randolph Curtis, are at the Battery Park. See publication elsewhere by the Frick Company of the sale of the Samuel Brooks property. We wish to again remind our friends it is not too late to sow grass, nor vege table seeds, Sow an abundance of them. Mr. M. A. Cooper; who spent the last week in Transylvania, has returned to the city and his post at the White Man's bar, Mr. Swicagood did some good service on the Main street and Pat- ton Avenue with the dust adjuster. It was much needed. Rev. Joseph E. Carter, is, we learn, conducting a very interesting relig ious 'meeting at the Hot Springs. 1 Several have already been received for baptism. May the good work goon. At Transylvania court f.wo per sons, both whites, were sentenced to the penitentiary: John Pridemore, one year, for incest; W. H. Bishop, larcenv, three years. In latter case aii appeal was granted. Messrs. Natt Atkinson & Sons have rented the office of the Western Hotel, first floor, and are hav'ng the same thor oughly repaired and furnished in the neatest style. It will be one of the most convenient rooms in the city, and will be admirably adapted for the conduct of the real estate business. We were pleased to have a call yester day from Mr. Christian Abner, represen ting Messas. Menchen & Bro., the ex tensive packers in leaf tobacco and man ufacturers ot line cigars ot Baltimore. Mr. Abner says Asheville is the liveliest place he has seen in the country, this side of Baltimore certainly. We were pleased to see Attorney General Davidson yesterday, he having come up a day or so ago to visit Mrs. Davidson, who is still at Alexander. We are glad to learn from Mr. D. that Mrs. D. is not so unwell as when she came to the monntains some days ago. The following was sent ue several days ago, but was accidently misplaced, fot which we apologize. We trust we do not use it too late to do further good : The hospital cratefullv acknowledges the receipt 01 iiO from Gen. Doubleday, $10 from Mrs. Cauiplmll, a nv-,l supply of provisions from Alra. C A ..uore, a large jar of jelly from Mrs. Stockton, and table cloth and napkins from Mrs. Battle. If all the merchants in the city would imitate Sawyer and Carmi- chael, aud a few others, and keep small hose and sprinkle the streets and sidewalks in tront of their places of business, it would cost each but little and add very greatly to their own comfort and that of the public. A foreign fiiend who has been re siding in Asheville for several years, and who has travelled much in this and other countries, remarked to us a day or so since : " The old charge against this thriving city that it is the home of mud and dust is now a thing of the past, for what with well watered and macadamized streets we are above many plhces with tar more pretentions and treble our size, and therefore must continue to grow as the all-the-year-round health and pleasure resort ot the country, the number of visitors in creasing each successive season." We certainly believe all our mend said. V ' 1 . SI 1 Nxw Jatank8k Goods. - Fans in great ' variety from 2 cents pch np, for use and decorative purposes Novelties of all sort, entirely new,, at . .Law s, on Main su lowest prices possible on Crockery, Glass and Cultery. Lamps in greater variety and at lower figures than ever before, . r. - , ... at law's. LiMat Limb. ' : -' ; -: ; - ' . Plenty of lime at depot for, 25 cents per bushel, or can be had at mr house by the barrel, call promptly.. - -The "Pinafofv Steam" is one of the wv ovrWrg tre serrvd at Turner. AslieVii ASHEVILLE N. C Mr. W. McD. Burgin, formerly of Marion, has purchased a lot in She.by Park, and wiH have erected at once a handsome residence for his own use, as "he has determined to make Asheville his home. We welcome our friend, and his, and all like them. ' . The vestry of the Episcopal Church, at their meeting yesterday, extended a call to Rev. Mr. Harden formerly of North Carolina, but late ly assistant Rector of the church of the Messiah, Brooklyn, to the'assis tant Rectorship ot Trinity Church of this city, and it is believed the gentleman will accept. Piesident Cleveland has been invited to attend a re-union and banquet of of the live stock breeders of the United Slates to be held at Chicago, in November.' He said it wag too jac olj to- mak .a promise. We hope our President will not allow anything or any section to prevent his coming to Asheville and our mountains this summer. The West Point Terminal if said to be after the Georgia, running from Savannah to Atlanta and other points, and the Florida Rail way and Navigation Company's system of Florida. As the West Point Terminal seems to move things when it does get a hold, we wish it would take pity on this Little Orphan of ours, the Spartan burg road, and see what can be made of it. It is a wayward little thing now, and not so promising as its god-fathers and step-mothers would like it to be. Let something be done to save it. Vandalism on the Swannanoa. We deeply regret to hear that the trees along the banks of the Swan nanoa are being cut down thus de stroying one of the most delight ful drives in or near Asheville. We hope those who own tire property will have this stopped. : Join the D. D.'s. We met one of our reverend friends yesterday, and asked him "When D. D.'s fall cut what must ordinary mortals do," and he promptly replied, "they must turn V. JJ.'s too. Don't Do It." This was too neat not to tell. Merchant Tailors. Messrs. J. C. Brown & Co., at No. 25 Patton Avenue, have established the fact that they can please ' the public in their line. First class work done in every respect and in all cases,and gentlemen;wanting suits of the best make should give them a trial. See card elsewhere. LiET US 1HANK UOD AND TAKE Courage. When we are disposed to complain of not having all our streets and side walks elegantly paved we must re member that even Boston, the Hub, has only 70 miles of paved streets. t has 548 miles of streets, and it has 488 miles with gravel, 60 with broken stones and others with .as phalt, &c. This, too, after having expended some $12,000,000 on its streets. Just give us only half a show, and Asheville will be a head of all the cities in permanent, first class improvements, yet. Extending Backward. Now we do not mean all this may imply, and yet we do mean just what we say. Mr. Heston, the pop ular confectionor in Eagle block, finding it necessary to enlarge his dimensions, and not being permit ted to go forward, is having a large addi'ion made to his store in the rear, which, when finished will be a decided as well as most useful en largement. This new room will be elegantly fitted up for an ice cream parlor for the use of his gueBts. This is a neat, as well as necessary arrangement, and we congratulate our friend upon his extending back wards.. Easter Cards. The custom of sending Easter Cards originated in this country. It was started by a number of literary people in Boston, who wrote verses appropriate to jaster and sent them to their friends. Artists illustrated the verses, and it was not lone be fore the fancy of the Boston public was caught and Easter cards became a fashion,' a custom and a business. Spreading rapidly through Massa- cnusetis ana graauaiiy mrougn we rest, ot the country, the new custom then leaped over the ocean and cap tured the Hiiiglish. so quickly was the business developed over there that some of the prettiest printed cards sold in this country are lm ported. - - Hall's Hair Renewer renews, cleanses, brightens, and invigorates the hair, and restores faded or gray hair to its youthful color and lustre. .- People with gray hair prefer to use the Renewer rather than proclaim -to the world, through their bleached locks, thatr they are becoming agea, ana pawing uii w uecsvy t-xa Foa 8ALB. : ' Household goods, at 23 Bridge street, Call at once. . . Lamb's Wool Soles large lot for the Ladies and GenU, at the Shoe Store, dtt Hsaswqi Wva. TLJESDAY MORNING. APRIL 12 1-887. : ; DoiiiG a Safe Business; ; .The Bank of Asheville finding the demands upon its safe room in creasing so rapidly, found it necesa to order another large safe, which order Messrs. Farrell & Co., of Phil adelphia have just filled, ' The safe reached the city Starday4 is a hand some one. not as larae as a brick store but out-weighs any thine for its Kin in the country. f Messrs, F. & Co. wrote Mr. Sawyer, the Presi lent of the bank: "We consider this - chest the best we have -ever made, and trust it will giveyousatisfaction."The safe is a handsome one, and was put into use yesterday.-: The officers ol . i i i i ,i :t. the xanK are nigaiy pienecu huuh. A Cariv-Rates to the southern Baptist Convention. Rev. J. E. Carter, editor FT. A. C. Baptist, .: sends , us the A lOllpwiiig, which, we Insert" witlr pleasure . Col. M. Slaughter, Commissioner Southern . Passenger Association, writes me, under date April 2d- "After further consideration the Association has authorized me to offer rates of one full fare going, and one-third of the highest limited rates returning, on the certificate Dlan. subject to the rulings of the In ter-State Commerce Commission" Any one desiring certificates, which will entitle them to these rates, will please send stamped en velope for reply to u. i . uregory, Sec. So. Bap. Con. 1120 McKim St., Baltimore, Md. Or for North Carolina, to John E. Ray, Raleigh, N. C. The Advance is requested to copy. Sunday School Convention. The second semi-annual Sunday School Convention of the Weaver- ville circuit of the Methodist Episco pal Church, South, was held at Mt. leasant church, three miles north of thii city, April 3, 4 and 5. The meetings, which were m session from Sunday morning until Tues day night, were largely attended by visitors and delegates and were es pecially interesting. During the T 1 session addresses were maae uy Revs. Jas. Atkins, J. F. Austin, W. W. Buys, J. S. Burnett, Dan. At kins, J. C. Postell, Mr. Wilson, C. B.1 Way, Prof. H. L. Kpg, Mr. Jas. Butirick and others oo the objects methods, utility and results of the Sunday school -.convention ana Sunday school work generally. Every speaker said many things that were instructive and that were calculated to enthuse new life and interest in the Sunday school cause. On Tuesday night at the conclud ing services of this convention Sun day school essays were read by Mr. S3. iJurnett ana miss r annie xurr Way, which were very appropriate to the occasion and have elicited many words of praise. Ihe speeches, J essay songs and tne enure exercises of this convention were a source of spiritual enjoyment to all,and will no "doubt result in great gooa in giv ing the Sunday school cause a new impetus. All whose pleasure it was to attend will not soon forget the hospitalities of the good people of Beaver Darn.1 A committee was appointed cons sisting of Rev. J. F. Austin, Maj L. B. Way and Mr. J. K. DuiJose, rel ative to the publication of the pro ceedings of the convention. The next convention will oe neia at Big Ivy church, this county, em bracing the first Sunday in October ot this year, the time prescribed by the constitution and by litws. me officers, Rev Dan Atsins, President, and Maj. C. B Way, Secretary, who were elected at the organization oi the convention for one year, assisted by an executive committee, have this work in charge, and will spare no effort to make the next meeting a grand success. Verv satisfactory results will sure'y follow if those who stand in need of any thing in the Clothing, Hats, or jents" FurniBhins .Goods line only take the trouble to call aud see our stock before purchasing elsewhere. We have two convincing arguments which we offer to all doubtful visitors, thereby turning them into pleased customers inese arguments which are so hard to resist are our superior qualities and lowest prices. - We otter them to one ana an, together with the additional inducements of great variety, and courteous treat ment; tnereiore, we) ieei narnmicu m stating that a visit to our store will please irr.n. We invite vou that we can show j ... . von some exclusive uchikus aim novelties. Please call at the BALTDCOBK jULOTHISa HOUBS, S. Br bm an, Prop'r. How to Work a Isoom. Uma- ha's real estate transtersare genuine; We have not got " into the Kansas fashion of recording a saleatf5o - ooo when the only .things which change hands are a - mule and a oartiallv ..filled 'bottle. Umoto World. ry - f-'.- Cure for Meat Headache. For proof that Dr. Gonn's liver Pills cure Bick Headache, ask your druggist for a tree trial package. Only one for a rlos. Regular size boxes, 25 cents. Sold by H. H. Lyons. . d&wlw ' Real Eslatb is now moving right rni,11v Atkinson & Cocke, Real-Es tate Dealers of this city, sold 8 lots last Dik and three on yesterday. How things will rattle when the spring opens niL netter aoy - your w uuw uu 4 tueyar. wwow - , ; Ml Annual. Election1. v ; The annual election of She Vestry by the electors of Trinity Pariah was held yesterday (Easter Monday) after mo, n ing service at the church. : The number of the Vestry was increased from five to nine. The following persons were chosen: Thos. W. Patton, Lawrence Pulliam, 'Henry Redwood, J. H. Law, C B. Driffield, W. vv. Jones, 1. cham pion, 8 R. Kepler and W. S. Gush man. At the organisation of the Vefry, T. W Patton was elected Senior Wa;tfcn, L. Pulliam was chosen Junior Warden, and o. K. Kepler Secretary and Treasurer. Rev. Mr. Bryan, ' Who filled the Presbyterian pulpit Fri day and Sat u: day nights'and Sunday morning and evening has won for him self tha warmest admiration of that con gregation and of the large number of visitors wno attended nig services. As was stated in our Sunday's issue Mr. Bryan is a grandson of the distinguished Dr. W. 8. Piumer, and' we may ear has inherited much of the ability of his ancestor. - We were informed yesterday that the church her bad called Mr. Bryan 4o lis pastorate. - We hope It may be agreeable to all aoncerned for him to accept. Those who had the privilege ai d pleasure ox hearing tiitu Bunday, and we may say on the other occasions of his services here, are Very anxious fur him to accept the can. The Athletic : a-LDB. Rooms Anothr Attraction fob Asheville. A number of the young men of our city have, as we have already stated, organiz ed the Asheville Athletic Club, and they have leased the third floor of the Powell and Snider Building, formerly occupied by the Citizen, which has been divided into three rooms, handsomely arranged and furnished. One will be used for a reading room where the best periodicals, papers, etc., wm oe regularly kept and where members can while awav a olras- ant hour when opportunitv will permit. Another has been well arrnneed with suitable appointments for athletic exer cises, where the members, when fatigued wim urain worn an aav, can spend an hour or more in the evening in iudinimiR and beneficial physical exercise such as all sedentary people should take daily. we regard this as a most useful institu tion, and are pluased our youug men have established it. We heartilv wiah our friends all success. Shelby Park a Section whioh. pro mises TO BE ONE OF THE MOST ATTBAO tivb ih our Growing City Lots be ing Rapidly Taken. A few days ago Messrs. J. C. Bostick, one jf Shelby's progressive young men, and ti. D. Blanton, one of Marion's ener getic citizens, with an eye to business which has already given them an estab lished reputation, came to Asheville, and. with but little narlavincr and purchased about twantv t nt beautiful city property, lying on South Bailey street, and extending to the pro perty of Messrs. Penniman adjacent to the PwJrRiipan Avenue. (Town branr.h street) 'iriing from5outh Main to the new depot. It is a handsome piece of property, and though several thought they paid full enough for it, they have not only been offered a large advance apon tost for the whole, but, since division of it, have already sold lota which sustain well their faith and trood judgment. Messrs. Bostick and Blanton whom we might appropriately designate the "Busy BV secured the services of Mr. John G. Aston as eneinaer. whnas skill has developed a plat of a most attractive and what is destined to become one of the most popular sections of our city for residence purposes and which has been happily named Shelby Park as complimentary to the former home of Mr. Bostick. Streets have been extend ed, and new ones opened notably Blanton and Warlick and the whole has been so arranged as to ofl'er sixty-nine very handsome lots, all of easy access and fine elevation. After being laid out with Mr. Aston's usual care, accuracy and good judgment, Messrs. B. & B. have had a large force busily engaged in widening, grading and extending the streets, and since this has been done several of the lota have been sold, each taken at once upon statement of the price. These gentleman do not intend to hold these lots for fancy prices, Out will sell them at their intrinisic market worth. Parties desiring handsome resi dence lots in a growing section of our city should call on Bostick, Blanton and Co. at once. Shelby Park will soon be one of the most pleasant and popular additions lately made to Asheville, and we congratulate our city no less than Messrs. Bostick and Blanton upjn their enlargement of our metropolis. This is Strictly Confidemtial. There seems to be an impression abroad that Blaine's visit to the In dian Territory is for the purpose of airing nis boom along the route. This is a mistake. It is to look after those famous Little Rock and Fort Smith bonds. Philadelphia' Chron' Judge Clark sentenced a man by the name of Walters last week at Whiteville, N.C., to -io days inv prisonment in the county jail and a tine oi 91,000 for cursing and abus ing Mrs. Washington Powell at her own house in the absence of her husband. His example and courage in thus protecting helpless women and punishing their offenders ought to be follewed by other Judges, well suggests the Launnburg Exchange. m a - By lack of open air exercisa, and the want of sufficient care in the matter of diet, the whole physical mechanism often becomes impared ' dunttg the winter. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the proper remedy to take in the spring or the year to pun fy the blood, invigorate the system, ex cite the liver to action,- and retore the healthy lone and vigor. tlo. Fence or No-Fence the finest display of Shoes, ever seen in the South, is at the Shoe Store. - , . dtf Herbiko s Weaabr. - Soda and mineral - waters now on draught at Moore & Rodarda. - -1 ' tf Champagne cider, a very refreshing drink, at Moore x Kopards. w Peanuts at wholesale, Ro bard's. - - -. 3 at Moore and ' tf If yon want nice bread call for "The Brick Loaf" to be found oiy at - tl Mooaa A oiabps zeri PRICE 5 CENTS HOW IT WORKS IN KANSAS. The following special telegrams concerning the rcent female voting in Kansas are interesting and sug' gestive : - "Leavenworth, Kan., April 7. rm.. . j . 1 -. x ue au vent oi petticoats in pontics has occasioned a social warfare here that dwarfs into insignificance the most bitterly contested issues of other parties. Refined ladies, robed in the richest fabrics, turned out in their carriages, embraced their col ored washerwomen, even held out their hands to sinful to sinful wo men for one object, to secure enough female votes to defeat a peregrina ting member of their sex.'' Wichita, Kan., April' 7.--The most ludicrous scenes' were enacted here during the municipal election. There were six hundred women reg istered and of these two hun dred put down their occupa tion asaports. " About three hun dred are philritioBietsnthiy"iret resectable married women with no decided views on the. liquor , ques tion. Mr. Allen (republican') and Mr. Martin (labor) were the candi dates for mayor. The 'sports' were the nrst to exercise their newly acquired privilege, and as they drove up in their carriages they were greeted with cheers and in some cases with insulting remarks. nt r i i x . i i mere are iuuy nve tuousand tran sient strangers in town, and they gathered around the polls and watched the fun. The sports vo ted solidly for Mr. Martih, and the rest of the female vote was about equally divide.1. Mr. Martin was elected by 600 majority.' Miseries of the Rich. "The miserable rich!" Some would think the expression almost a contradiction in terms, but it is not, For the rich have many things to ender them unhappy.. The Door in sleep forgot their misery, but too often the rich are tortured by sleep lessness. 1 hey sutler from ennu: "that awful yawn which sleep can not dispel." The French financier exclaimed, "Alas! why is there no sleep to be sold!" Sleep was not in the market at any quotation. Bacon said that monev is "like muck not much use unless spread." It is nothing to him who does not know how to use it wisely; and, on the other hand, poverty is nothing when it is not felt. If you mix with peo ple better off than yourself you feel poor; but it may be only by con trast, for perhaps vou do not really want more than you have. In one of his stones a well known writer describes the effect upon a poor teacher of a legacy of JC 1,200 a year. Suddenly the cottage lie has lived in tor So many years seems to have grown very small the fur niture looks o d and worn. Claire had never remarked the fact before, but she now perceived clearly that there was no longer any possibility of tracing the pattern of the carpet, that the curtains were dingy, the coverings of the chairs faded, the table rickety. "The poor old furni turS!" said Claire, "must that go? Yet it's frightfully shaoby.' "The poison is eating into our souls," her father went on with deeper gloom. "For twenty years and more I have thought this salon a model of good taste. Claire, when we go-into a large house, we will keep the old furniture all in a room by itself. whither we can go and remind our selves of the past. If we are to-be rich, we must never forget that we were once poor . and happy." The Quiver. It is said that Secretary Fairchild, seeing that the surplus in the Treas ury will continue to increase and draw money from circulation, which is needed in trade, favors the scheme of going upon the market and buy ing 4 per cent, government Donas at the market price, after all the re deemable bonds are called in. lhis would, of course, have the effect to put up the price of the bonds, which are already at a premium, and would operate against the government and to the advantage oi the bondno.d- ers. it would naraiy oe lair. : ine failure of the last Congress to reduce taxation is the cause of all the trou ble. The" next Congress is expect ed to do better, though meantime the country . suffers. Richmond Whig. Many imitators, but no equal, a Dr Sage's Catarrh Remedy, ap 6 daa 1 -v An-Albany newspaper tells of a tramp who recently asked a merch--ant for ten-cents. The merchant re plied: "I do not i. care to give you money, but it you will pay tor a steak and some hot potatoes for you." Ue was somwhat surprised when the tramp 'replied : "' Well, sir, 1 don't want the ten cents for victu als. I waritVo buy a drink. Anoth er thing, you're no gentleman to ask a mail to eat meat in Lent. That ain't my religion." Backlen'8 Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for cuts, braises, ores, ulcers, rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, ohilblains, corns, aha all akin arntmona. ana -aoaiaveiv curera pun, nu vms required. It is Koaranteed to give perfect SBUIUIVUVU, UK UIUUDJ IWIUNM, J wk w.w er boa. . Jfor sate ov n. a. iivona. - . aaw -Wilson's Graham and Crystal wafers in one and twe pound boxes, at Moore & Bobard'B. .. . . .. .. - u ' Go to Turner's restaurant for oys ters on the shell the first Lynnha ven eve la this market, ' CITIZEN JOB OFFICE, NO. U PATTON AVENUE; BILL HEADS" LETTER HEADS, POSTERS, 7 BLANKS, & And fob Wprk of all kinds done -with promptness and at low priert. I St. Louis is already bidding for the ne5 Docratsic National Con vention. 1 ne Jiepublican. says its treets are cleaner and better paved, its buildings, both for business and residence handsomer, and its places of amusement more numerous and better conducted than whn the convention that nominated Tilden and Hendricks met there in i876, and it says the stay of delegates and 'isitors "would" be made exceeding ly agreeable." The Raleigh-correspondent of the Richmond Dispatch, writes: Mr. Patrick Henry Winston, one of the wittiest men of this State, has for some years been Uunited States land agent at Lewistdn, Idaho. It is sard that he will return .to North Caro-. lina this spring and again become a citizen of Winston.J - : ; Roman Catholics, who, by the way, are gaining rapidly in numbers in this State, are working hard iij all direction 6f Churrh'exTertaiOn and progress ?They hast 4Si fn Gaston county, and wilt in a few weeks begin the erection ot another at Charlotte, v - ' , 'mm Brace Up. You are feeling depressed, your appe tite is poor, you are btheied with Head ache, you are fidgetty, nervous, and gen erally out 01 sorts, ana want to bn-ce up. Brace up, but not with stimulants, spring medicines, or bitters, which have for their batjis very cheap, bad whisky, and which stimulate yju for an hour, and then leave you in worse condition than before. What you want is an alterative that will purify your blood, start haalthy action of Liver and Kidneys, restore your vitality, and give renewed health and strength. Such a medicine you will find in Electric Bitters, and only 50 cents s bottle at H. H. Lyons' drugstore Bock Beer, Fresh, splendid, exhilarating, iust re ceived, and on draught daily at James H. Loughron's "White Man's Bar" apltf IEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J. C. BROWN & CO., MERCHANT TAILORS, tfo. 23 Patton Avenue, next Grand Central Hotel. ENGLISH-MADE GARMENTS A Specialty. ap 12 dtf New Livery and SALE MTABLES, S 1 V71 1 . - ' wptnu a on xjxgie area, J. W. Buchanan announces that he has open ed at Barnard's late stand on Eagle street, The Heat Equipped Stable In the city. Everything new new Vehicles, new aud sp endid hones. - Ladies riding horses a specialty. Give him a call. ap 7 dim J. W. BUCHANAN. J-JISSOLUTION. The firm ef Wehb A Greer 1. hv tniitnal .nnunt this day, dlsolved. All accounts due th j firm are payable to D. H. Webb, who aasnmxa all liabilities. All parties indebted to t ne firm are requested to come forward and settle imm riiate ly. D. H. WEBB, (i. A. GR1EB. Asheville, N. C, April 9th, 1887. ANNOUNCEMENT. I will esntinue to keep a lull l.ne of heavy aud lancy groceries at the old stand of Wbb i Grier at 36 N. Main street, and will be pleaded to serve ray friends and customers with the uest goods a hard times' prices. ap 1 diw D. H. WEBB. jyj-ORTGAGK SALE. By virtue of a mortgage executed to us on the 3i d day of December, l&H, by Samuel Brooks and wKe, to secure a promissory note made by tho said Samuel Brooks payable to us as fullydescrlb d and set forth in said mortgage which is record ed in tre office of the Kegiwer of Deeds of Bun combe county. In Book 4 at page 46 of the mcrtgage records of said office, we will sell at public auction t the highest bidder, for cash at the court house door in Asheille, on Monday, the 6th day of June, 1887, a certain tract of land tituated in said county ot Buncombe adjoining the lands ef ThomM Jones and other lands of the mortgagor and known and designated as follows, rls : Lj ing on the waters of Bent Creek In said county beginning on a rock and Spanish oak, ihe N. E. coroe' of A. Reynolds' survey ot 610 cres, the same now being owned by f homes Jones and runs N. 69 soles to a stake; thence B.S3 poles to a stake; thence 8 174 poles to a stake; thence W. ai poles to a stake on Thos. Jones' line thence with said Jones' line a uortb coarse to the beginning, containing one hundred acres more or less. To satisfy a balance dne on said note of with interest at 8 per cent from March. 1K86, till paid, together wlla the costs and charges of this proceeding. Thlx April 11, 1887. FRICK CuMPANY, ap li w4w per Heary Hardwlcke, AUv. One Price Store! Handsome Spring Suits, in Sacks and Four Button Walking Coats; also several grades of Frock Coat Suits. . - Yeutbs' and Boys Clothing in great variety. -. ' - Our line of Dress Goods, Silks, Velvet , Satins, Dress Ginghams, Satines, Per cales. Prints, &c, will be found very at tractive. Ziegler Bros.', - Merriam A Tyler's. Morgan Bros.' and Stokley's Shoes lor ladies, misses and children. i Banister's and Ziegler's fine .shoes for men. - . Packard & Glover's celebrated "12.50" and "f 2 5W" shoes for men, and the cor responding grade for boys Best possible value in Carpets, Art -squares, Kugs, uu-ciotha, upholstery -Goods, Tow els, Napkins, Coverlets, Lin en, Damask, &c. ... . , u Derby Hats, Soft Hats, and ; : ' -1 'Straw flats a full line. Fonr qualities of Canton Mattings just opened. : ' : ' Cufts, Handkerchiefs, Corsets, Ribbons, Scarfs, Ties, Hosiery, Underwear, o-u - Reduce! TCiSd., ,. Noa. 78 Patton Ave, manT-dtf. . - , ' ' r , t - A r -v