dimples, "Boils, - And Carbuncles result from a debilitated, - Impoverished, or Impure condition of the blood. Ayer'a Sarsaparilla prevents and cures these eruptions and painful tumors, -by removing thcte cause; the only effect ual way of treat in 2 them. 5 Ayer's Sarsaparilla has prevented the nsnal course of Boils, which have pained and distressed rue every season for sev eral years. G. Scales, Plain ville, Mich. 'I was badly troubled with Pimples on the face; also with a discoloration of the kin, which showed itself in ugly dark patches. Ko external treatment did .. more than temporary good.:' Ayer's Sar ' taparilla effected A Perfect Cure, and I have not been troubled since. T. W. Buddy, Biver St., Lowell, Mass. I was troubled with Boils, and my - health was much impaired. I began using Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, In due time, the eruptions all disappeared, and my health was completely restored. John B. Elkins, Editor Stanley Observer, Albemarle, N. C. I was troubled, for a long time, with a humor which appeared on my face in ugly Pimples and Blotches. .Ayer's Sar saparilla cured me. -1 consider it the best v blood purifier in the world. Charles H. Smith, North Craftsbury, Vt. Ayer's Sarsaparilla la sold by all druggists. Ask for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and do not be persuaded to take any other. ft Pnpand. by Dr. J. O. Ayer It Co., Lowell, Haas. Price mi i six bottles, 5. CANADA COWAN (Established in 1856.) Watch(ukcr, , Jeweler, Kg? AUD DXAUB IK Clocks. Jewderv. Spectacles. &s. Patton Avenue, Asheville, N. C. Leroy W. Fairchild's Gold Pen. Good uck always on hand. ' FHANKL.IN HOUSE, D. C. CUNNINGHAM, Proprietor, FRANKLIN - N. C. o Table supplied with the best the market affords. First-ClasB Livery and Sale Stables in connection with house. Sally Hack between Webster nad . Franklin. H0d Kamplt Jtoomt for Orwmiuri. sept 11-dly F AffCY SIGN AND PAINTING, and Upholstering. L. SWICEGOOD Willow street, Asheville, N. C, Is ready to do the very best work in b and will guarantee satisfaction In work prices. ' ' 3 old Sign a Specialty. Estimate, furnished for large contracts, nrlte examination of prices and work. Giv ne s call. FOR Black Diamond JELLICO, : AND Anthracite Coal, Call on N. W. Gird wood. Coal Yard and office on Pattou Ave. of Telephone No. 50. nov23dtl FIRE - INSURANCE INSURANCE P3 INSURANCE! PlJLLIM, 60., At Bank of Asneville, BEST COMPANIES. FIRST TO PAY LOSSES IN THE WIL MINGTON FIRE mhl6-dlv TJ9UE JOTICE I W. O. Muller & Co. Liquor Dealers and . Dis titlvr' Jlgents. HAVlAu jub. lecuived a new and full au.piy 01 -.1 kinds of goods usually kept in oui uue, we are prepared to furnish our many patrons and the public in general, with something good lor iue nouaayn. . Especial attention is called to Duffy's Pure Barley Malt Whiskey for which we are agents in this section, also the cele brated Bavarian and Budweise Lager Beer on draught, and bottled for family use, which is guaranteed strictly pure. We also have a lot of Fine Old Pure N. C. Corn Whiskey that can't be beat, and the best and most popular brands of line Old Kentucky hand-ruadesoui raashKye an Bourbon Whiskies, tine imported Cognac Brandv, Jamaica Rum, lmpo -ted and domestic Gins, Pure N. C. Apple and -D L- O.Aia PnM K C Swftflt MaSh Corn Whiskey, Sne old imported Sherry. Port, Madeira, uai ai, vuainpBiio kinds of domeiwc rloes, Imported Ale and Porter.Fino I., Tobacco, Ac., Sc. We have with u Messrs. Lee U bor- 11- Taua I I .on. m ann W. Columbus Fealberstone wno win oe giu w uo their fnendo u 1 see iuoiu. We have in nn xrtion with our Bar an elisrant Billiard and Pool Hall up ;..ki - with t.li celebrated Brunswick, Balko A Collander Co.'s Tables thUi iu ase.whicb is are charge of the old jovial Tom Pope who wil give a cordial greeting to alL Orde rsoltcUed ana promptly nueu. - W. O. MULLER & CO., Main opposite Public Square, ...... Asheville, N. C PROF. .V. KNERINGER ... u..,.fnii Informs the public and tit friends t; at U ready to open 1 his Clash i iht tfall and Winter. He will devote nle utmost effort in a kindly, but strict system of teaching, to promote toe prog row i 1 u Die cara. . -,.., - - ' - TcRMS WUA MoDBiUTE. fUnna tuned and ; aired, and pit in - a -.ixti. ..r,nr at rf (uoinaiHe ratu Applicant mt throuvrh post-At.1 or last at Cmzss office, will be promptly r'tendodto " , MiwiBui cpt 4-d.t - .. . '. - rTJHE LADIES OF. THE HAREM. Bew the Wive of the Shah Travel. Vanning; of the Proeeaslon. When the muuilate has gone forth for the ladies to v,o abroad from the palace, ivhicli they always do with a long proces sion of conches, mounted heralds are sen half na hour in advance to announce thcU coming in the streets they are, to traverse. Great commotion immediately ensues. TI10 very curs, fighting or hunting their native reserves in the middle of the street, scent the alarm and slink into hidden cor ners; while every shopkeeper hastens to close his booth and retires from Ihe scene.. Bystutulera und wayfarers take the near est short cut that may lead them away from these dangerous precincts, and soon the street is entirely deserted. A rumbling is soon heard- in the dis tance; then a squad of gholums or mounted guards of the palace, a corps of picked cavulry, are seen approaching. Soon after the chief eunuch, a rather pleasant looking white-man, follows, and then the ling of Muo conches llllisl with ladies closely veiled. Mounted eunuchs protect the last carriage, and another squadron of cavalry I. rings up the rear of the procession, but at a distance from tho coaches suflicient to-prevent too close inspection of the fair inmates. , Woe be. o the luckless wight who hap pens to b6 so incautious or unfortunate as to lx found iu tho (street when the proces sion passes. In former times he would have been slain on tho spot: There is a case on record in which the forerunners discovered a page asleep on a rug by tl:e wayside. Without-so muchas6toppirgtj wake him, they rolled him up in th? rv-j, tossed him into a ditch anil buried ..im uhve. While Such a tcrriblo fate, might i.ot perhaps await any one now who should be caught in such a predicament, yet he would at least- receive - a kicking and thrashing that ho would remember to his dying day. Even the sentinels posted in tho street or in palace gates must ttirn face to the wall when the royal cortege passes, and present'arms from behind! Gen. Gastciger, an Austrian in the ser vice, of the shah, was on 0110 occasion unuble to get away as the coaches enter: i the street. Turning to the wall ho wuyfelii, hi3 hand at his back by way of salute. Even the shah condescended to laugh when he heard of the absurd incident, although he shows no disposition to relax the very strict customs relating to his wives. Europeans are not exempt from this strictness; and a young foreigner, who was detected looking from the roof of his house on the royal ladies as they rode by, was given twenty-four hours to leave for the frontier. His legation could afford him no protection as ho had offended against the most rigid laws and prejudices of the realm. S. W. G. Benjamin in Inter Ocean. The linku mid Ilatoum Oil Pipe. The Russian government has just grant ed a concession for a pipe line to connect tho Baku oil fields with the port of IJatoum on the Black sea. Tho concession is to last twenty years, with tho proviso that the first line shall be completed within three years. The government not only gun ran tecs no interest, but stipulates that the pipe line company shall not, during the term of concession, own or have any .11 teres t iu either oil wells or oil refineries. Wherever the lines traverse government lands no charge for right of way will be made, and everywhere the company will l ave the same rights and privileges as are granted to ruilroads.. One-third of ths pipes must be constructed in Russia, un less snch is proved to be impossible. The tariff for the pumpage of the oil has beeu fixed at from ten to eleven copecks a pound, equal to about one-tenth cent a gallon. Tho whole length of the line will be 603 .idles. The pipe laying will be' easy all along, except when the line crosses the Caucasian mountains. This will be accom plished at the Surum pass, which is about .I.0U0 feet above the sea level, by it series of pumping stations furnished with large woi'thington pumps. The gravity of the oil itself will carry it fromthe summit of the pass down to the sea level at Batoum. It is contemplated havintr the whole set of lines completed and running indde of three years. Engineering und Mining Journal. Flowers of Jewelry. A leading jewelry store up Broadway displays some very prettty couceits in Jeweled pins. One was a morning glory in transparent dark enamel with the natural stripes of the flower represented by paved diamond work. The bright, varied hues of the outer surface afe also brought out beautifully by tho enamel. Diamond pansies are also very popular. Variegated gold work is coming more and more into uue iu tiie lino of flue jewelry, and one scarf pin shown, nn engraved bird with -outspread wings, produced a dazzling effect. A decided oddity in the way of rings is a bent shark, having out ward curving ends set with companion stones. One ring of tho kiud hud n bent shark around the ends, which were set with diamonds and were joiued together with an emerald set obliquely. The silly craze for monograms on coins has died, us it ought to have (lieu before it was born. It was always a bad waste of good money. New York Cor. Baltimore Amer ican. Tho Gleam of tho Opal. The opal has conquered superstition. It has gleamed in all its evasive beauty this holiday season, and yet not a reproach has been cast upon tho witchery, whether in rmy; or :.i scrf pin. But there are good opals, r.ntl, though r:;ly one in a thousand brings bad lxi. .. Ij its possessor, bewaro of the opal with a dark red gleam in its smoky depths. 'Tls au imp that lurks there, and lie is full of deviltry nnd mischief,. An opal with pile emerald lights mingled with (its changing fires seems to hnvo a "good spirit" imprisoned in its bosom, and looks as virtuous and pure 03 nny p?arl dragged from tho ocean. Chicago Tribune. . A Bridge Builder's Prophecy. William C. Kingsley, projector of the Brooklyn bridge, estimated many years ago in the infancy of tho enterprise thut 110,000,000 persons per annum would rep resent its maximum capacity, aud that this number of people would be using the bridgo in J'JUO. Already )l7,WJ,mo cross tho bridge, and at the present rata of in crease Mr. Kingsley's estimates, may be reached iu lUl'U, ten years before tho time fixed by him. Public Opiuion. Death Bed Cranks. Of five people who, on their dying beds last year, confessed to great crimes, only one lold tho truth. In the other cases it was shown that the "confessors" could not possibly hnvo had anything to do with th; crimes. Thcro t. e Ce. vli bed crunks as well as cranks in good health. Detroit Free Press. Tim nnr FS-flnch nrmnrfifciia fnr nurifr- Ing nir by imparting to it a rotary woUon ts sum 10 worn Teu. ... 1 CHARLOTTE Female Institute. NO Institute tor young ladles In the South has advantages superior to those offered here in every department ollfgiate, Art and Music. Only experieuued and accomplished teachers engaged. Tiie bilildln Is liantel with gas. warmed rlth Hie beat wrought-iron lurnacea, has hot and cold waierbaths, and first-clans ap pointment cs a Bnardiuij s-.-riool in every rotpuct n; school tn the 8-mth ha suixtfi'-j. Kor Buard aqd Tuition p rws.-ion $100. Dedwtioo for two or more from a tme family or nt-Utiborhnod. Pupils charted only fruia dat of entrance fat Catalogue, w t taU partloulani, adlreaa &T. W. B. AIKINsON,. aMtlawlaia BgfcV:tarloUe, N. MISSION HUSriTAL,. Suffering women should remember that the Minaion Hospital offer J all the jtdvauUgee for treatment and cure of diseases peculiar to their ax, that can belonnd in Northern omen. AddreB, Hieaion Hospital, Asherille, N. O. feb2My Whitlock tells the followinir celebrated makes'of corsHs: Madame Foy's. War ner's, Thompson's, Glove fitting 800 bone French, and the very ; best 60i; and 75c corsets in trje citv. HAZLEGREEN Sash & Blind Factors Has recently purchased a large amount ol Oak ash Chestnut, Cherry and Walnut Lumber, aor CAN FURNISH WOR?! manufactured of thoroughly dried rrttenal. Wt propose to furnish work at the lowest firursn, une equal to any imported kochIs. THOS. L. CLAYH1 - topr ; I. CLAYTON, Rusineu Mitu?" ieb 4-a w tf French Eroa&Hotel AVE. Halliburton, x Prop." Thls Hotel Is located within one hundred feet of the Western North Carolina Railroad Depot, and Hex ta the offices ot the Superintendent and the General Freight Agent of the W. N.C.R. B. Good Fare, . Comfortable Rooms. ON REASONABLE TERMS. FIRST-CLASS BAR Is attached, where will be found at all times th best brands of Liquors, Unities, Brandies Cigars Tobacco. Telephone connection with Dp-town. ' metis dtf NEW Furniture '. Store, W. A. Blair & Co., 37 Patton Avenue, Graham Building?) Are opening up a large and splendid assortment of New Furniture, of all styles, and complete andelegint in workmanstiip, BED ROOM and PARLOR SUITS, LOUNGES, (single and double.) BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, &C, oC, and everything that can be found in a IHrst-Class Furniture Store. mh 26 d3raos ; ' "Reeves House," Waynesville N. C. BRICK, ENTIRELY NEW TWENTY Rooms, Single and in Suite. MODERN DESIGN A TO VENTILATION, LIGHT, ifcU., Open fire places. New Furniture, of Haywood hard woods, open Verandas overlooking the sparkling tiichlaud Creek, at.d out usou the grandeur of the lialaam aud surrounding moun tains on an tiufcB. A Never-Failing Well of Pure Free Stone Water nearly Jcc tola. Location Main street, three minutes from either the Post Ollice, Express or Depot, fifteen minutes of Haywood White Sulphur Springs. No fire "escapes" except from stair ways, and from balconies. Escapes hot needed. Only one insurance agent in lown. No electric bells clerk and seivants can hear and are ready to obey the soft est whisper from a guest. TROPICAL FRUITS AND FISH in season Other fara the best we can get in the markets here and abroad. WILL BE OPEN 1st JUNE Rates reasonable confer with us. Yours trulv, . A' J- REEVKS, ap24d3ra Mai.ager. SUGGESTION TO F IETOBALGO CHEWEBS I have in stock a full line of W.S. Gravelys "Extra Gfefew . "JOTUS CEJEf' AS? 'TINS 9 QICH" Fine Fig Tobacco and Lucy Hunt, (a lead ing brand of line 9 inch plug.) These goods are all made of the best Henry Oonnty Leati erwood l.f, and manufactured by J. H. John son A Co., Danville, Va., and are guaranteed to be finest ou the market. Frmk Loughran, Mala St., 8rd door above Bank of Astievlll Pasture! Pasture! Having securely fenced in the well known Elk Mountain Pastures, I wUl take a 11 mi led number of CATTLK, HORSES and COLTS, for the season beginning about Majr 1st, 1687. PASTURE WELL WATERED. For foil partkulors, address FRANK D. POLK. ALSO WANTED to buy 50 Calves aud Yearlings. ieDaaomos . o ltc Citizens or Jj' ville. WE ha a opened a first-class Mat Mar lie on the bchartle coruur, near tne Courthooae, We keep ou hand Fresh Beef, . Poii, Satuage, v Drestrd Turkey and Clucient, And ererytaingusual'y found in a strictly first f-lnFH fll AI fc ( t. - - VS did uot tomf here to dead-beat the eorpiv ration we kave paid our city how use. We vary ,., &,ii anii. ii a ihua ol tna DubUo nauo- Tub, -JaiTi.iutOTniSJ GRANITE YARD H ErDERSONVILLE, N. A. P; CORN & C.,:rrop'8. Thi tranlte found near Ilendersonvllle is recognized for its beauty and durability. - Thi undersigned is prepared 10 famish oil short notice, ail work in granite, for Window sills, Door sills, Steps. Ac., &o., indeed every U lu needed for Buildings. TKRMS REASONABLE. Call ia or address et'Udtf A. P 1 ORN & CO., Henderson ville, N. C. 1 AGAIN Your attention is call ed to our FRESH STOCK of "Whitman's'' .fine . co:ntecti6ns. also "Wilson's" Cakes and,. Crackers, -Snow-flake Nicnacks, Giuger snaps, &c, &c, AT J. 2L EESTON'S tO.Fi:TIOXAltY Store. Eagle Hotel Block. -FXCELSIOR- West End Store, Straith & Thomson, GENERAL MERCHANTS, ' AND PKALKR3 IN COUNTRY PRODUCE. Patton Avenue, Asheville, N. C. nave opened the above store with a lull stock of the highest quality, which they offer to onsh auyera ou the lowest possible terms. Mo-.lcrate Profits and Quick Returns, GENERAL GROCERIES, FINE GROCERIES PROVISIONS, CANNED GOODS, TOBACCO and CIGARS, FLOUR, BRAN and FEED. Call and see our goods and get quota tions. fe s dSmos REMOVAL 1 Having to vacate the store we now oc cupy, on Patton -Avenue, between now und the first of April, we will move our .Meat Market to the Coffee House, on Public Square, were we shall lo glad to -till supply our customers, and 1 as many new ones as may wish to give us a trial. We have no "gassy" offer to make. vVe expect to to treat our old customers as we always have, and new ones the ame way. Respectfully, jro Zacliary & Zacharyi THE 03J1.Y First-Class Restaurant In Abbeville is1 be found at ' TURNER'S, Johnston Building Corner Patton M ve. and ,lTIain St, TT.verv rlelirianv of . the season ' - - J J , 1 served at the shortest notice and at the most reasonable rates. damn Viah anrl jvsters will be served after the first of September in any style, and fftmilies.6CTved with oysters as de sired. Elegant lunches put np in baskets for parties, aud any one going off on trains u-ill find it to ihttir advantage to call and get lunches beiore leaving. Coffee, chocolate and tea, ofthe finest quality, servel at thecounter. The high est prices paid far these goods. Change of bill of fare at lunch counter ewy day. JMtterent soups every aay. iiat anv time. ASIiFVILLE iilitary Academy F VENABLS, PwHeiPAi. W. PIXCKSEY MASON, Comhahdant ' of Caoits " Opens September 20tb, 1890. Continues for 40 weeks. For terms, &c,, address " ' septwtf . . Tbb Fumcitai. INSURANCE. LIFE INSURANCE. ; jot fflHK "A" LEY MUTUAl. MFK ASSOCIATION JL OF VIKQIN1A j8Mes policies for from - ', $111,000 to $3,000, y AND " ' combine the guarantee . eature ol 'OLD LINE " Companies at the war ol ordinary co-operative insur- jajice in Secret Orders. FIPF INSURANCh. (nsaranoe against loss by Fire in City vid County on all kinds of Property, Real and Persona . v Sh " as well as long term Polir'!8 issued at fair rates iirtA. 1 Companies, Home and Foreign. THOS. W. BUANCII, Agents - Office North Side Court Square, my 20-U FDWARO J. ASTOH, ESTATE AND INSURANCH r '. ACENT, " Asfnv!IIe. , Aorth Carolif a- PIEDMONT AIR LINE. Richmond and Danville i: ail road. WESTE v'nORTH CAROLINA DIVISION. General Passenger Dcp't, I Ashoville, N. C, Nov. 6th, 1886. f Cmdensed schedJle, taking effect Nov. 7, 1886. Read Ix.wn. WEST. 4 SO p m Lti'vo 6 6 " 9 r" I.'ew York Philadelphia Bultiuiore Wasliliigtoa Lyuoiibiirg Danville Arrive 8 20pm " 18 35pm 10 03 a m " 8 30 " 2 00 Letve 11 40 p m Arr 5 301 m 11 20 p m Lve 9 30 II CJ " 5 15 a m 7 46 arrive 2 30am Lve 730 43 Arr Richmond ltaiivillo GreeiiHboro 6 00 p m 'Lve GoWshoro 1 00a ui Raleigh 9U0 - Art Greeiisooro 1 m Salisburv Arr 11 W a m 660 t 9 17 p m Lve 8 06 6-46 p m 8 01 Lve A.rr Clnirlotto S:-MRiiory Arr 12 30 11 m I v- 1 1 m 1. n 1 1 m a iu 1 39 p ni Lve sausuuiy An - Statesville, Newton Hickory Connelly Springs alorg anion Marion Black Mountain Spart. June. Aabevllle Alexander's Hoc Springs Arr 0 is p 111 6 08 4 07; 8 40j 2BSJ 2 25; 1 2d 11 51 a m 11 01) 10 51 1016 b!; 8 00. 6 60. 8131 145 I 44 215 S38 8 30 433 16 02 6 471 6 35 738 9 89 10 00 rami Kock Lve Arr 910 1 10 am 4 46 Lve Arr Morrlstown Knoxvillu Lve . MUEFHY BRANOIU 8 00am Lve - Asheville. Arr 5 00pm 1013 v Wavneiville 2 45 1165 ' Sylva 12 11 12 05 p m Webster 12 00 m 1 40 i nantsiou , iu a m 8 04 Bushuell 9 19 4 39 Jarrett's Lve 7 46 75th Meridian time used East of Faint Rock. 90th " " ' West " " Trains 011 Hurphy Branch run daily eiccpt Sunday. Xhrougn rmiman Sleepers on south bound train leaving Salisbury at 11 00 D. m. lor Atlanta and New Orleans. Tliroiieh Pullman sleeper on north bound train leaving Salisbury at 8 06 p. m. for Wash ington. Pullman sleeper on same train tiom Greensboro to Richmond and Greensboro to Ral eign. uoes not iave uoiusooro euuaay nigni. tOoes not leave Greensboro Sttturduy-uight, tlMnuer atwtion. JAS. L. TAYLOR, G. P. A., - Washington, I). C. W. A. TrBK, A. G. P. A., Asheville. N ri. Schedule of MascHger Kates OM,PHINCIPAL POINTS To Asheville, jr. C. 1st Class. Limited. Round Trip Summer Excursion. 8.12.00 28.00 ' 22.10 20.00 15.25 18.00 15.85 17.30 13.45 15.80 20.55 27.75 E0.6J ll.S 23. 30 ' 17.75 18.60 12.36 18.78 12.15 28.05 FROM Settlers. S14.15 11.65 8.8.5 :.76 New YorK, Philailelpbtf, liaitimoie, (23.55 -21.05 18.25 17.05 13.30 16.65 13.16 14.15 13.26 10.85 tl.75 20.20 8-4.15 7.75 17.0J 12.40 12.75 10.60 17.20 10.25 2160 vvashuigioii. Ricliuiond, IS-jrfolk, Wlliningtou Ohurlelon, Augusta, Atlanta, -M.mtKouierl Mobile, New Orleans (.nmtiiiiiMi) a y.emuius. LAJI11B . lllu, Cincinnati, Raleigh, Savannah, I Allijllillll J5 Columbia, Jacksonville, gQQ BARRELS -." CALCINED CEMENT, PORTLAND CEMENT, ROSENDALE CKMENT, at BEARDEN, RANKIN & CO'S. mar 15 dtf -UJL hOOTJUYD SHOE JtlAKER, Main Street, (Above Eagle Bote!) Asheville, JT. C. Th oust stock alwuvs on hand. Work always guaranteed to Rivu satisfaction. i am especially prepareu w mio iww hoes so as to preveut DaiirtiKss. ,111 syrj nuns. Ready-M atle nwlom Work ol ail sons ou nana. Qenilemen and Ladies' Repairing a Spe x dally. . . , . Fine Custom Work always on hand, any style and aatlslacuon guaranteed, as to aux-k. aau work, booeiuskerr Fiudiugn alwayson nandaud inr Mia. lh tuvtl in tha market, at low prices Gents' custom-made, low-qur.nereil dress bdoos made of bett matei ial, now uil ered for 14 and UM usual price ie. can eariy. . IIT E ARE OPENING FKESH GOODS II IN JfenV Ladies' and Children's Wear, MANUFACTURED BY TH UAY 6TSTE 8UOE MTD Ask your neighbor how they wear. BEARDEN. RANKIN k C . OUR- TMMRNSFi STOOK - primg dipnfll J Has been placed on our shelves and counters, nd all who have visited our store for the past fortnight, seeing our Mammoth Stock and the un-' paralleled rush of trade have said, "This the Busy lig Store of Ashe ville." The extent of our transaction in seasonable merchandise, the ex traorclinary values and unusual attractions offered in all our departments has been the theme of much approving comment. The season being now fairly commenced nnd the Busy big Store equipped "with . The Finest and Fullest Stock we have ever carried, all our prices will be THE LOWEST. Bargains will be shown in every department. The rush for Honest Clothing has begun and from now on the Bright Department up stairs known all over this country as the Mammoth Wardrobe, will be freelv Datronized hv Imv. ers of Honest Clothing. Dealing goods with only one small profit between maker and wearer. WE WANT YOUR TRADE in nil lines of General Merchandise, and can convince you that IT PAYS to trade at the BUSY BIG STORE of BREVARD I BLANTON. Salesmen F. A. FANNING, of Henderson. T. P. MORGAN, of .Morgan's Hill. LEE RUDASILL. of Shelby, N. C. apr23d&wtf. Sto; I. aind Consider!' Where you at) get the best Wliislkey, Wine aud Brandy both foreign nj lomestit. Jtly iSrmuls are the Old Kentucky J1Ionongahala GihsotVs XX XX, all O Years old. My COIiy WHISKIES are absolutely, pure, made of thesoundea corn, on the Bald Mountain, Rutherford county, N. C. I handle nothing but North Carolina APPLE and PEACH BRANDY. My WINES are pure Grape juice, unadulterated. You will find BERGEN and ENGEL BEER always on draaght, cold and fresh. Bottled Beer delivered to every part of the city free of charge. We make a specialty in CIGARS and TOBACCO, and handle the leading brands. Call and see if I have misrepresented my goods. You will find my Saloon three doora below the 1st National Bank, No. 9, where you will find the Curious Concoctor of Cocktails, SHEP DEAVER, and the ge nial H- C JONES to wait on "you. Any mtormittion given strangers with pleasure. ie 1J BOB JONES. WINE AND LIQUOR STORE. MAIN ST., 3rd DOOR ABOVE THE BANK OT ASHEVILLE. The largest and most complete assortment of . Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Brandies TO BB WESTEEN NORTH CAROLINA! Fiae old Corn PEACH fe APPLE BRANDIES Cooking Wines and. Brandies .A. Specialty. ASSURANCE THAT ASSURES I The Equitable Life Has Assets of $75,000,000 ; Issued in 1880 $111,000,000; The plainest and safest policy. Incontestable after two years. Lomm payable on presentation of proofs without delay. V 3 , ULYSSES D0UBLEDAY, Agent. 'Dr. WM. D. HILLIARD. Medical Examiner. mh l-d6m Li i I tilt MM y rms Grab Orchard Vatc )r.b OrchtnJ Sails In s.lt pck.ir.i OF - with first hands only we can offer vou FO0ND IN and Rye Whiskey. yt -j . Assurance Society A Surplub 01 , 00,000; OGtstanding Assuranc $411,000,000. n n ' k DYSPEPSIA, 1 i- SICK HEADACHE, CONt.'IPATIOK, ARwnKlTfoTdl DlfM ot th UwaKWa Ma7,MMitli n Bwla. A bawuvI . I cur tor iriepi, BieK MMMMt at 10 and . cu. Kit fnuln MlU o4 la J !

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