' . Ciirl. , Bishop Cosgiove, of Davenport, la., delivered a notable sermon id that city last Sunday on the im moral tendencies of the trine through the breaking down of safeguards which once protected girls and young women. As a model fur the 'rising geutration the Bishop pict ured the "old laehiontd girl" of thirty years ago in the following words : "She was a little girl until she was 15 years old, and she help ed her mother in household duties. She had her hours of play and en joyed herself to the fullest extent. She never surd to her mother: 'I can't I don't want to,' for obeai ence was to her a cherished virtue. She arose in the morning when culled, and we do not suppose she had her hair done up in paper and crimping pins, or banged over her Ion head. She did not grow "into a young lady and talk about her beau before she was in hti teens, and she did not read dime novels, nor was she fancying a hero in every plough boy she met- The old-fashioned girl was modest in her demeanor, and she never talked slang nor used bywords. She did not laugh at old people, nor make fun of cripples. She had respect lor cripples. She had respect for her elders, and was not above listening ta words of counsel from those older than her- geli. one did not Know as much as her mother, nor did she think that her judgment was as good as that of her graudmother. She did not go to parties by tin time that she was 10 years old, and stay till alter midnight dancing with any chance young man who happ .'nid to be present. She went to bedjin season, Baid her prayers, 'slept the sleep ol innocence, and rose up in the morn ing happy and capable of giving hanniness. And now. if there be an old fashioned girl in the world to-day may heaven bless and keep ner and raise up others like her." Omaha Bee. 9 Nearly every one has heard of the ' Queen's Pipe." A contempo rary, in describing it, says : 'In the centre of the tobacco warehouses at the London docks there is an immense kiln, which is kept continually burning day and night, and goes by the name of the Queen's tobacco pipe. Whenever merchandise is seized for non-payment of duty, or because it i con sidered under the law as in a dam aged or unsalable condi'.i n, it 6 taken to thia great kilri and is burn ed there, the owners having no reni edy." It might not be a bad idea to have a State pipe in every State iu the Union, to be kept going with adulterated food product. As in England the ashes might be sold for fertilizing purposes. 1 The Raleigh correspondent of the Richmond Dispatch writes: The work of track-laying on the railway from Statesville to Taylors ville, Alexandria county, is to be gin May id. The rails are already delivered at Statesville. Three years' or more ago the. Gun ter family were murdered at their quiet home in Chatham county. The excitement over the crim was only equalled by the efforts to de tect and punish theciiminal. Bax ter Gunter, a relative of the murder ed people, fell under suspicion, and the coroner's jury came near finding a verdict against him, the Pittsboro' papers reported. A year ago last July several newspapers published an item stating that Gunter had Hed from that section. A little la ter Gunter brought suit against the News and Observer, or this .city, which had published the item on what was for $10,000, and was ret to be heard at Carthage The hearing began to-day, and last night the owner of the paper, his lawyers, and several witnesses went to Carthage. A stenographer was also employed by the newspaper, and all of Gun ter's evidence, as well aa that of others, will be carefully taken down. It appears that Gunler is on trial also by the newspaper, and a lawyer said it would not surp-ise him if there were some very singular and startling developments in this case. Tue Democrats of Ra'aih held tneir ward primaries last night for the municipal election next Mon day. Many of t! e old, or "Adminis tration" aldermen, were renominate ed, and.it is thought there will not be any material changes in the city government. The liquor question enterB freely into the campaign and the labor question has some pro minence. .The Republicans have rather joined forces with the Prohi .bitionists by nominating a number of declaed Prohibition candidates. This is in line with a statement nude same months ago that as noon as the Republicans could see their way clear they would act in concert with the Prohibitionists. In oiher words, they did the Independents, as beasts of burden. Another Life Saved. About two years agi a prominent titlzen of Chicago was told by Lbs phys'c iaiiH that he must die. They said his eyi-tera was so debili'ated that there was nothing left to build on. He made up his mine to try a "new departure." lie got some of Dr. Pierce's 'Golden Mediral Discovery'' and took it according to dir ections. He. began to improve at once. He kept up the treatment for some months, and is to-day a well man. lis aaya the "Discovery" saved his life. - Wilson's Graham and Crystal wafers in one and two pound boies, at Moore 4 Bobard's. . tf JORBALE. A House and Lot with a vacant house lot ailJolntDg, on V ayton reet. Bousecontainssii rooms and is nearly new terms easy. mh dtf R. A. SAMPSON. Oft RENT. An Xlrt Home, 10 rooms. . Dont apply on- J ou r atus to pay as rent apt 44 - . WAT9oirwdr. . From our neighbor . Tlie Western North Carolina Baptist, we get the following : Railroad fare from Raleigh to Louisville, to our Convention, will cost. $25.10 round" trip, and about $17.00 from Asheville. '-. Landscape gardening immediate y in front of Judson College build ing, Hendersonville,and thenowing of the whole campus in graes, puts a, new appearance oji things. Revs. J. B " Boone, J. L. Carroll, nnd ti e editur, and pi rhapa otheru expect to leave this city next Wed nesday night for Louisville. They will join other North Carolina deli gates of the convention at that time. "An editor who would undertake to please everybody would prove himself a fool." This is the lung wage of Bro. Kingsbury, of the Wil minqtonStar. "lie wasn't born yes- Lterday,' neither. ' A good old Methodist bishop up in Fall River, Massachusetts, has b en talking sense to some candi dates for orders, recently. He said, among other things: "I hope you are married. You ought to be. Never haye -a relation that you would be ashamed to tell your wife of. So conduct yourself that any man in your parish will be glad to have you call whether he is at home or not." ; A special to the Baltimore Anxtri can from IlarpeiVt Ferry giveB the j aiticulars of a terrific -explosion ol art old shell with serious results to six persons. The shell was an army relic. It had been standing for twenty-three years on the side of Bolivar Heights, one of the most beautiful of4,he elevations over looking Harper's Ferry. Frank Wills and Jesse Jones probed the o'd shell with an iron rod, thtir in tention being to get what powder out of it they could. A crowd of fiiteen or twenty congregated around the place to witness the operation. Everything went along all right un til the iron set fire to the shell and caused the explosion. The crod was knocked down and scattered, and almost every one of the lookers on were badly torn to piec s It is said that a number of wealth New York financiers, who aro of Southern origin, have taken stock ina company formed to found a new daily newspaper in New York city. The paper is intended to be the chief exponent in the North of Southern inttrests, and will strive to set forth the advantages of the New South and promote its development industrially, financially and politi cally. iThe new paper, it is Bah', will be controlled by Major liurke of the New Orleans Times-Democrat, Mr. Grady of the Atlanta Constitu tion and Mr. Belo of the Galveston News. The current, gossip in Wall street is that 1 the new concern has purchased, or will purchase, an ex isting obscure two cent morning journal and adapt it to their purpose. It is understood that the triumvirate of Southern editors will take posses sion of the new field in a few weeks. The confederate survivors at their annual meeting in Augusta, Ga., the other day, unanimously adopted the following resolution : Unsolved, That tie condemn the coercion bill pending before the Jiri'.ish psrlia. mini as an outrage upon the right and ibertie of the Irish people, and not warranted by the condition of Ireland, nnd that we extend our sympathy and support to Gladstone and Parnell in thuir efforts to defeat it and obtain for Ireland the benefit of home rule. Hucklen'fl Arnica Salve The bbt Salve in the world for cuts, bruiaes, sores, uloors, rheum, fever sores, totter, ch ipped bands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively curet piles, or no pay eqnired. It is guaranteed to give perfect atisf notion, or money refunded. Frice25 cts er box. For sale ov H. H. Lvons. daw PigBon River Nurseries. I am prepared to furnish 50,000 Fruit Trees For the fall season, consisting Of 1pplv, Peachy Plum. Cherry, tirape Joints, All varieties well adapted to Western North Carolina. For prices and particulars as to varieties address J. A. MAY, Prop'r, ap i'8 dw3m Pigeon River, N. C. T TRUSTER'S SAI.E. liv virtue of a Deed of Trust executed to dip !v f'allie Kmtpp, which said trust-is duly registered in the Kgiter's Otfloe of Madisou county, Book V.on pae WH, to-kucure the paymcntoi a note due J. O. Obumbefs tor 3tU.&0, interests, cusis auJ charses, I will sell for cash at thf Court House uoor in Marshall, N . u . on the 7th day or May, 1W, the and adjoining- the lands of C. t. Minpp, isaac Murray ant Frank Heualey, con taining 50 nores more r less. This tlie Jud day of April, 1887. . ap;tw4w N.T. CHAMBhRS, Trustee. Teacher of Dlnsk:. Ladles will find a comfortable private music room id tne Asueviue aituic uouse, norm mm of fublic square. an i AM gXAMINEOUR STOCK OF FI.TSTE SHOES in Bay State Sailer Lewen & Ca's, and otner makers. - BEARDEN, jan 26 dtf RANKIN 4 CO. TMSSOLUTION. J The CoHL.tnerao p hereto- 'ore existing umicr in? name or Atkinson ' loeke, deile-s in Keal bstate and publishers nl "Tue Land of the Sky," has this dav been dis solved by mutual consent. The said Atkinson assumed all liabilities to advertisers aud sub scriptions to the Magazine, and will continue in tlie Heal Kstate business as heretofore. N. TT ATKINSON. WM. M. COCK.B, Jr. Ashefllle, N. 0., April 9th, 1S87. ANNOUNCEMENT. . The nndersimed nave this day formed a co partnership, ana win conduct me Keal Kstate iusinem in an us b.anenes, besides publish "The Land of the Sky,' under the name and style of Ntt AtHnMm A Hons. Dealers In Real Estate and Hnblt.-hers ot '-TheLand or the Sky," In the old office of Atkinson A Cocke. NATT ATKINSON, N. B. ATKINSON, . ap lMawlm X WAKD B. ATKINPOTT O ADDLK HORSES FOR HIRK Iteep on hand four splendid Buddie Horses, Which will b hired a reasonable prices. WALTER GREENLEE, apt dim . . Rear of bwahcano Uotel, Tun Sphing Tebm pf'thr Connis. The following times of the holding of the Courts of the 10th and 12th Districts this Spring will prove of interest to man? of our readers: - TENTH DISTRICT JTJDOE MACRAK. i ' Henderson I'ehriiary 14,3 weeks. -' burke March 7, 2 weeks. v I'aldwell March 21, 1 week. Asl.e March 28, 1 week; May 30. 1 wk. Watanira April4, 1 w;ek; June Q, wk Mitchell April 18, 2 weeks. -.. Yancey Mav 2. 2 weeks. Me Dowel I May 16, 2 weeks. BLKVJCNTH DISTRICT JUDGE MONTGOMERY. Alexander January 24, 1. week; June . .13. 1 week. Catawba January 31, 1 week; June 8, 1 week. Union February 14, 1 week; fFeb ruary 21 1 week; May 23, 1 week; fMay 30, 1 week. Mecklenburg fFebruary 28, 3 weeks. Carton March 21, 2 weeks. . Lincoln April 4, 1 week. Cleaveland April 11,2 weeks. Rutherford-'April 25, 2 weeks. Polk May 9, 1 week. TWKLTH DISTRICT JUDGB GRAVES.' . Madison February 28, 2 weeks. Buncombe March 14, 3 weeks; June : 20. 2 weeks. Transylvania April 4, 1 week. Haywood April 11,2 weeksv . Jackson April 25, 2 wecjks. Maoon May 9, 1 week. . Clay May 16,1 week. Cherokee May 23, 2 weeks. Graham June 6, 1 week. ' Swain June 13, 1 week. ,., ' Criminal causes only. Civil causes and jail eases only. - ' ' tCivil causes onjv- We ought not to be too anxious to en courage untried innovation,-" in cases of doubtful improvement. For a quarter ol a century Dr.. Sage's Catarrh Remedy has been before the public and passed through the severest test and. is pro nounced the most reliable' remedy for that disagreeable malady. Thousands ol testimonials of its virtues. 50 cenU per bottle. By druggists. ' A SENSATION. . Why is it that three bottles of B. B. B. are sold to one of any other blood roinedv, and twice as much consumed in the State ol Geor gia as any other preparation? No one need take onr word but "imply ask the ernggists Ask the people. Six houses in Atlanta are buyiug B. B. B. in live and ten gross lots, and sciue of them bay an often as every two mouths. Why these nnprecedeiited sales here at home with ho little advertising? Mod esty forbids as mailing a reply. Had B. B. B. been before the public a quarter or a half a century, it would not be nooessary to be bol stered up with crutcheB of page advorlisoment now. Merit w ill conquer and down money. $1,00 WORTH $500.00. For four years I have been a sufferer from a terrible form of rheumatism, which reduced me so low that all hope of recovery was given up. I have suffered the most excrutiating pain day and night, and often while writhiux 111 agony havo wished I could die. 1 have spout over iojo without nndiug roller. I am now proud to say that after using B. B. B I am enabled to walk around and attend to bus iness, and would not take 5oo for the benefit received from your medicine. I refer to all merchants and business men of this town. Yours most truly, - E. O. GAHA. TYavorly, "Walker county, Tex. HE SWALLOWED 15. I have been troubled with a serious blood disease for six years, and have expended over zoo tor worthless medicines wincn did me no good. The use of 15 bottles of B. B. B. has about cured me doing more good than all the other remedies combined. It is a quick and cheap blood purner. u. 11, Kudolhj, Talladega, Ala., April zo, 1M8U. UEJtIOJTSTil1TEI9 J11EHIT. Spabta, Ga., May 15, 1886. Blood 'lialm Co.: You will please ship us per fast froight one gross B. B. B. it gives us pleasure 10 report a good trade for this preparation. Indeed it har far eclipsed all other blood remedies both in dom onetratod merit and rapid sale with us. JLtoZIEB & Vabdeman. All who desire full information about the cauBe and cure of Blood Poisons, Scrofula aud Scrofulous Swellings, Ulcers, Sores, Bhouma- Usm, ftidnev uomjlaints, (Jatarrn, etc. can secure by mail, free, a copy of our 2 page Illustrated liook of Wonders, filled with the most wonderful and startling proof ever be fore Known. Address, BLOOD BALM CO., tnprill Atlanta, Ga Straw Hats. Large stock for men. boys and cin.dreu in all qualities, at Whitlock s. pLEASANT PKIVATK BOARD. Parties desiring good private board, pleasant rooms, reasonable rates, apply to 24 Ore ve street, or address - r. v. hua h i. ap 8 ilif Buy A Fountain ! . What ran add as much to the beauty of your grounds? Ca!l and examine Plates and New lorn prices. J. u. AS l O.N. ap IV ttt N OTICK. I am prepared to build houses at short notice tiou guaranteed In all casjs ana upon me most reasons uie terms. Ballsiac Al.hX. oIIAr I , mh SS dl2mo8 Asheville, N, C. puK IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! BATISTE, MUSLINS. solid and figured SATLNJfflS UASUMfciltKS Al BATKOS and dress goods generally, AT BEARDEN, RANKIN & CO NfPANY'S. ap 28 dtf HARNESS. Our Stock is now complete and mad' of the beet materials, with ill the latest improvements, single and double set in nickle and oriental rubber, either gi or nickle lined. . All ctner trimmings o sliort notice. . Saddles and Bridles Of every grade and price, froin cheapes Morgan to the English Bbaptoe. Of every kind, size, grade and price, HOUSE CJLOTJIIA'O Just received a fresh stock, Including Track Suits, Sweat Hoods, Jowl Hoods Cooling Blankets, Ankle Boots of difler ent patterns, Linen Sheets of all prices iif itoiir.s. The finest stoikln the market. Call a see them. - - fillips, Saddle Cloths anH Fly At, in every variety." nr.r.tintJWi of it xi.xits a 8FECMM Remember' we have no machinery all work done by band and guaranteed Call on as and see what can bo bouahi in Asheville in oar line. - T. IT. BRJtXCII. North Main street, opposite old Centra Hotel, Asheville. N. C. Bock Brkr, - Fresh, splendid, exhilarating, just re ceived, aid on draught daily at James H. Loughron'a "White Man's Bar." apltf . - -. Brace-1'. You are feeling depressed, your appe tite is poor, yon ate botheied with Head ache, you are fidgetty, nervous, and gen arallv nut of sorts, and want to brace up. iSrace up, but not with stimulants, spring medicines, or bitters, wiium nave lor their hatis very cheap, bad whisky, and which stimulate von for an hour, and then Jeave you. in worse condition than before . What you want is an alterative that will purify Vour blood, etart healthy action- of -Liver . and Kidneys, restore vour vitalitv. and nive renewed health and strengtli. Hnch a medicine yon will find in Electric Bitters, ndxonly 60 eenis bottle at H. H. Lvons drug store. FOR RENT, -UILL8TDB. In rwrfift nnier. newlv paDered and painted. and iu all respects thoroughly renovaied for rent 1st Mav, 1887. Apply to ROBT. H.F. CHAPMAN, at Mrs. Dr. Chapman's, North Battiry Porter. apmmr s . T UMBER I LUMBER I 1; am nrcDared to furnish lumber for building purposes or all kinds at short notice and In any quantity. Before purchasing elsewnere write and get my prices. . . lALEX. W. WlLSOW, pp THE PUBLIC. ' Having taken a number of ordeis last fall in AshaviilM fnr tlie ereuiiou ot lightning conduc tors, I shall return to your live an t growing city .his snrinff tor the mir jose of QlliiiK these orders. aa per contract, and desire to state to thote per sons who have been consulting me wl'h a viw to the erection ot these goods, and to others, who may desire suoh work, that on my return this spring, I shall be pleased to serve them with thf very best class of goods In themostworkn.su I ke manner and modern style, and at the very lowest prlci t for drst class work. Please reserve your orjers aud oblige, Very respectfully, - ,n, ;. uunuAm, Wilson, . C, April 6, 18ST. apUdtf.r.; ' New; Goods Coming In. I bought them in New York after prices were cut and willvRive my customers.the benefit of low prices. I have a fcplenuid stock of Shoes and Straw Hats. Straw Hats in every style and lower than are usu ally sold. Straw Hats from 5c. Each to 2.50 Each. White goods at lowest prices bought after the great Auc tion Sale and at less figures by 20 per cent. ,than they could have been bought before. Will divide with you. Of what I saved I will pay $5 in cash lor the return of my Red Irish Setter Dcg. Large size. He is lost or stolen. Look out for him, J O.HOWELL, Spot Cash Store. JESSE R. STARNES, Successor to X. Brimd A Co., UNDERTAKER, ASHEVILLE, N. C. M Dtallic and Walnut Coffins constant! y ,on hund. Every requisite of the businetia furnisned. ah calls nay ormgntpronipt lv answered. Hearse ti nishoa when desired. I can be founB at R. B. Noland's erocery store (my old btand) for the present, bmbalnung a specialty. Mon ies will be taken charge of immediately if desired, mil s u (UtfAS. no LTV its PROSPECT BREWERY,' PHILADELPHIA, PA. W O. MULLER & CO., Agents. , ASHEVILLE, N. C. We herewith take great pleasure in introduces; for export and family use Ibis Extra Quality Lager Beer, Brewed cf the best Barley and imported Bohemian Hops. It surpasses in fine lasto. flavor, brilliancy and nutritious finalities anv other Latrer Beer, and is strictly pure and unadulterated.. Physi- tians ad vine the use or tins .Beer, and we tall your f pecial attention to tbe follow ing iinal-sis t . ''BoUwels Larer Beer, . limhnating from the Prospect Brewery in Philadelphia. Pa." ' Tl e undersigned, at the request of the Tecl mcrl Society, baa completed an analysis of the "Budweis" Beor, brewed WnltAM Pmanu.f Piutfl'trtr in Philadelphia,' which analysis exhibits the Jollon ing results : Specific gravity, Vol 24 Alcohol, - LJJlHc Ertract. 4,52$ ' Carbonic Acid, 0,22c AsV-s, OOc Tlis signifies that the "Budweis" Beer iii itr essential qualities is almost the exact counterpart of the best Imported ronemutr eeer. A furtber examination, ' seeking adul terations., proves conclusively thut' it ontAinB naugbt ol timt nature. -Da. D. H. i).nnbaum, Ts,-on' Chemical Works, Bridesburg PI Uad-lphia, Oct. 28, 1881. Fir Hotels, Boarding Houses, Private families and tbe Trade, the above JJeer it nut no in Datent-etopper Bottles (pints,) and la export bottles (pintsj well corked, wired, foiled and labeled. We duller the Beer free ot charge to anv part of the city, and call for tbe ejnpty pat4 nt stopper bottles, which are nevtr sold bnt must always be returned with the urates. HiiVing erected large refrigerator for the f torage of Beer, we are enaoiea to keep our Beer cool, fresh and in good order, and it win w lumianea airec fiorr our refriserator to onr customers. AL shirring orders will receive prompt alter tiotJ. pl8 drf : W.O. MULLER U TO THE PUBLIG I All who are thinking of goine to house keeping, wanting or needing Furniture of any style or description, cheap ot fine, can save -money by buying from P. . McMULLEN, on Neth Main street, opposite Post Office. He keens Chairs, all sorts and styles. Tables, Washstands, Bureaus. Bedsteads. Chamber Suits, Parlor Suite, Dining room sets sideboards, Safes, Kitchen tables, Extensive Tables, Springs of dif ferent styles and qualities, Matrasses of different grades, Pillows, Baxters, Bed- loungea and Bincle lounges. CrfAPETS, JttJtTTIJTGS, RVGS, Carpet. Paper. Window Shades, Shade boons, lornice roles, MovJdina for Cornice and for Picture frames, Moulding for Picture Hang" , " Pictures both framed and not framed made to ordor, Desks and Office Chairs, Hatracks. Towel racks and splasher racks, and other things too numerous to-niention. Remember, the best goods fur the niouep can be nad at P. S. IICMUIXEN'S, . . and give him a call GOODS EXTRA CHEAP FOR CASH. jan 21 (KinioH. 3 o td CD Ul cr a p CO CD CD Pf' to o CD 03 5s o o o p p CD o P P ct tr" P CD CO p pi 13- Ul w o CD 03 y CD O , w cr e i P W t CD W O D P P- CD p o O p p CO o o TO P M Ct 03 3s O P w o o o 03 P TO Atlantic & N. C. R. R. TIME TABLK NO. 24. In effect IS M., Buuda;. January lTth, 1886. EAST. WEST. No.51. Passenger. No. 60. Passenger. STATIONS : Arr. L're. Ait Vve. r. m 6 51 182 8 47 11 18 11 40 r. m. 5 07 f SI 1128- A. M. 11 18 10 88 842 4U Goldsboro ' " LaOrangs Klnston New v. me Mor-read City . Mo i head Ojpot nll Exce snnrlay. A.. 10 89 9 47 7 47 108 486 i Kin m ooiiuecth wltu Alliulngtuu 41 tVeldi u train bound North, leaving GoldBboro U:8oa. m., and with Kicbmond & Danville train West, leav ing Uoldaboro I2:3K p. in., and Wilmington ft Weldon Train South at i:H p. m. Train el connect with Richmnnd Danville Train, arriving at Oolimbore 4:40 p. m , and with Wilmington it Weldon Traui from th Nort(i at 4:54 p. m. CwFearHJ.BTrW. . - TRAIN NORTH. Arrive Leave Bennettsville,, 8 20pm Favettevillo, t2 00 m 12 i! p m 8anford, . ilBpm 826pin Oreensboro, 8 00 p m Dinner st Fayetteville. TRAIN SOUTH. Arrive. Leave. Greensboro 9 B0 am Sanford 120pra 145pm Fayetteville 8 Ml pm 400pm Beanettaville 7 80 p ax. . Dinner st Sanlbrd. . Freight and Passenger Train leaves-Bennetts Tills Tnesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays st 2 80 p m, arriving at Fayetteville at 8 p m. Lesves Fayetteville on Tuesdays, ThnradajS and Saturdays at 8 80s m, and arrives st Bea nettaville at 12 m. Freight and passenger Train North lesves Fay etteville on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 S m, (oennerting st San lord with Freight nd Passenger Trains to Rsleigh), lesves 8sn ford st 1180 s m, and arrives st Greensboro at 6 40 pm, Lsivc. Greensboro Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday at a m, leaves Sanlbrd at 11 15 a aa, and arrives at Fayette vtl ie at 2 4o p m. JNO. M. ROSE, Oen.Pav. Agent. I. W. FRY. Geo. Superintendent OEWINQ MACHINl FOB SALE. Ht Oemiine Blnjer but little aM and is perftXJt order. 826esAa, lBo,ulrs at ClliaWi offlot, aplAswU . - AUCTION MURRAY Auctioneers and Give special attention to consignments oi Household Goods, Merchaa dise, Houses, &c. Alsoo the sale of ' Keal Estate. All consienments of Persoual or Keal Property entrusted to our care will receive prompt attention. . Public sale of personal property every Saturday at 11 o'clock, on the Public Square. Sales of Merchandise at auction room eveiy night. oonciiing your patronage, we are very respecuuny, MURRAY & LANCE, Auctioneers, de5-d6m Asheville, N. C. PENNIMAN & CO. ASHEVLtLE, .v. C. ' ' .. JOBBERS AND DEALERS IN . AGRICTJLTUEAL IMPLEMENTS OLD HICKORY WAGONS, BUGGIES, ANCHOR BRAND FERTILIZERS, LIME AND PLASTER, CORN SHELLERS, FLED CUTTERS, &c. ' O AGENTS FOR Old Hickory Wagons, Ha gland? 8 Tobacco Seed) Jfn. chor Brand Fertilizer, Zimmerman's Fruit Evap orator, JHcCormleK8 Harvesting Jtlachines AND DEBLERS IN " - SEEDS, INCLUDING CLOVER, TIMOTHY;" AND OTHER GRASS SEEDS. IgTOffice at Penniman & Co.'s, crner North Main Street and Court house Square; and at Old Depot building, near French Broad Iron Bridge ja 30 ly "Seven Springs" I RON-ALUM MASS. The product of Fourteen Gallons of the best Mineral Water in the World Evaporated to a MASS. A Gift of Nature, and not a Patent Medicine. Uhe finest Tonic and Appetizer known. Cures Dyspepsia and Indiges tion, Headaches, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chills and Fevers, Catarrh, and all Throat and Nasal Affections, Scrofula and Eczema, Habitual Constipa- i-! A 1 HC 1. : .. T 1 1 1 1 171 1. WT . 1 . iiiuu, aujcuwiiuwaj lucxiuiiuagiO xjciiuui i iiica, ttuu VLI.I fclliaia t3a& nessess. Diseases of the Urinary Organs, Cholera Infantum, &c, seo. Price : 81.00 for Large Size Bottle ; 50 cents for Small Size Bottle. a i a r ! Ml 1 l 1 a i . - - . i i , ask your druggist tor n. n no snuuiu not nave n, ana win not oraer it, then address the proprietors, and it will be sent by mail, postage paid. :o: No Cure, No Pay J DICKEY'S PAINLESS EYE WATER cures Wca .il :nflaired Eyes in a few hours, without pain or danger. The best Eye vVatei ia th world. , Price, Only 25 cents per bottle. Ask for it. Have no other. , ' MMicKey a mnaerson, rropnetur And Manufacturers of the Above Remedies fe 7rdawly Bristol, Tepu ' FINE . GROCERIES l in POTTED MEATS, PATES OF G ME, CANNED FISH, CANNED FRUITS, FRENCH .PEAS, Extra Fine, FRENCH MUSHROOMS, DEVILED CRABS, SHRIMP, C. and B. PICKLES, PIN MONEY PICKLES, JELLIES & PRESERVES CANTON GINGER, CROSSE AND BI.ACKWELL's JAMS, OLIVES, EDAM CHEESE, FINEST- SALAD OIL, INSTANTANEOUS - CHOCO LATE, BROMA, COCOA, NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES, PURE EXTRACTED HONEY, FINEST KEY WEST & IMPORTED CIGARS TABLE SUPPLIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, b Pi o A o H O H o 0 m (A 3 U a o H M IP. -AT- No. 53 SOUTH MAIN ST. . Telephone No. 38. . ORTH SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE. Sells PIANOS and ORGANS on Monthly In itallmenUoft3and10. -- ONE PRICE ONLY. Sheet Mufde and Munlo Boots. Old lnitru .1 ents taken in exchaneo. For Catalogues and Oimlars apply to 0. FALE ngl7:dsiwlT- I do not want the Earth, Bat want yon to know that I have removed to the Corner Store former ly occupied by Redwood & Co., with a larger and better stock of rocerlei than evei. A. D. CQQPER, Xtf ". ,. f HOUSE). & LAN Oil, COMMISSION MERCHANTS 1007. 1007. Hampton AND Featherston. The Oldest and Most Relia ble Liquor Store in N. C We carry the largest assortment f goods of any house in T.'rr:'r the State. . We handle nothing but the very , . - befit goods. Our Whiskies ana " brandies fare pronounced bj pnysiciana : to be purt a..il nn ' adulteiutc. None but pure Liquors are fit fct medicinal purposes. . Our Stock is Complete in Every Particular. tiki Corn . whiskey from One to four years old. Old Rye of-the highest standard brands. . All kinds .of Wines, Beers, Ales, Porter, &c &c Cigars and Tobacco in great quantities and finest on u. the market. "We are very thankful to our pa trons for their past favors, and we wish to say in conclusion that our prices and goods are right down to he hard times. Be convinced by caking on us, West Side Public Square, Ashe ille, N, C janSdra A CITY LOT ehrap, fey C, FALK, ot 13 dtf AhrlU MailQ llz: .1 I.

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