DAILY EUITiOV Furmaa, Stoae & Cameron, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. CITIZEN JOB OFFICE, ! .N0.il3 PATTON AVENUE. BILLHEADS, LETTER HEADS, : POSTERS, BLANKS, At And fob Work of all kinds don -with fromftntit and at low friers. i lie DAILY, ' 1 Year, e Mob., 1 Year .oo S.OO 1.00 .78 LOW. WBEKLY ' a M08, ADVERTISING RATES, VOL III;NO 55. ' ASHEVILLE NC THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 16. 1887 PRICE 5 CENTS Ashe vide Citizeti ANIIKVlfXE NOCIETfto. "" V yrrtu CnmiMMd.Tf, No. 5.J. A. Por.er Eminent 1 omiaandcr ; Jordan Stone, Secretary. Meets ttnt Wednesday night in each month. J.AmU Caapw, Jf. . Af. G. U. Boll, High I riot ; 8. Hainmershlag, Secretary. Meet lb iecond Wedutuday night In each mouth. - Jfl. iiermon U No. 118. A. F. it- A. Jf. II, U. Kagg Woraliliifiil Master; Fred. L. JaooOi ert-tary. Menu ;i lu- It rat Friday night in eano II iiilb. SmiHmmia hxlyc, a", of if.. No. Mt. K. Levy, IHcUlur ; Jordan vStoue, Secretary. ymu the ttrat u4 third Monday nights in tiach M olltlL ?T ii' i. T - : " ' .... AVcik Jhvw4 !, NO. 01, K. al, 8. Ll Uiaky, Eegeut: Jordan Stone, Secretary. Mf V th hall of Uw Knights of Honor on the mound ao! fcrau-tb Momla nlchta in each month. AtKeUU Ijxige A. K&A.-X, V.D.-J Wake field Cortland, Mr: M.; J. A. Oonaut, Sec. Ueeti id MaaMlc Hall third Thuraday nlsht In eaek mouth at 8 o'clock, and lit aud 8rd Thursday night for instruction. The AshevUk Public lABrarv, over Mr. Kep ler's Store, opposite Eagle Hotel, and next dssr to The Bsoik of Anheville. U open to Tis rton from IS a. m. to 1 p. m, aiwl from 4:30 to l :30 p. m. mm Absolutely Pure. This powder neyer vanes. A mcrvel of purity, strength and wholcsomeucss. Moie economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short Ve;lit alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in am. Royal BakikoPowbkb Co. i06 Wall St., friew York. 1anl9-d&wl2m COPIPOUND OXYGEN" mi rwjs ' JLtWi Drs.HARGAN & GATCHELL Off K A'ay Mfl.;U .11 nln SI. ASHEVILLE, N. C- Compound Oxygen inhaled, in connection with medicated Balsam Vapor, cures Consump tion, Asthma, Bronchitis, Nasal Catarrk, Sore Throat. Loss of Voice, Diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, Bladder, and all diseases depending on impure or impoverished blood. It cures Rheumatism when everything else falls. It is the only remedy that will pemnmeutly cure Uhronio Nasal Cattrrh. Ifycu suft'er from this loathsome and dangerous disease come to our office and investigate our treatment. It wilt cure you, no matter how long you have suffered. No charge for consultation. There is no statement in the above which is not strictly true you may rely uponovery word. W e can prove all and more. If we believe your case incurable, we will frankly tell von so. We do not wish to treat you if we cannot help you. We also trnat all diseases of the Kectum, or Lower Bowels, such as Hemorrhoids (Piles), Fis sure, Fistula, Prolapsus, etc. The treatment ii always successful, and nearly always painless. We cure without tne use of the kn.fe, and in a few day 8. No loss of time lrom business or pleas ure. , ASHEVILLE, X. C, May 7, 1887. It is with real pleasure that I express to the puMicmv Kense of obligation to Drs. Harga & Latched for relief given me from a most annoy ing, and at times painful, case of Piles. I hud been a suuercr lrom this complaint for several years, and during that time it had been a constant source of annoyance. In March last I began a course of treatment uuder D a. Huiga.i ,t (oitchell which resulted in a speedy cure. Since rey discharge from their office 1 hare suffered no pain or inconvenience whatever. ' ' I tute pleasure in sayln? further that In my intercourse with Drs.llargan (Jatchell I found them true gentlemen in every respect and well worthy of the conndence of the people in general and the atllicted iu particular. W. D. AKERS. HOME TREATMENT, We manufacture the Compound Oxygen, and Mp it to all parts of the country, even to the Pacific Coast. We send apparatus and chemicals to last two months for $19. This is as valuable as the office .rcatment. The wonderful curative results obtained with this treatment is astonishing even to us. ff you vrith to team more o thit trtatment, and our raccnu in the rurcoj Chronic Dueutet, vritt or cell fur uitutratea ooot rxpiwimg treatment jree. DRS. HARGAN t GATCHILL, 62 Main Street, AshcviUe, N. C, June3-dawlf THE TRAVELING PUBLIC SAYS NATHAN, Thou Art the Man, For bnylng and selling Excursion and cut rate tlckes at exceedingly low rates to all poiuta. D. M. NATHAN, Ticket Scalper. Office, Kagle Hotel Barber Shop. nar27 dom A. L. BRIGHT, AGENT FOR ROUGH ad DRESSED LL'MRKR. SHINGLES LATHS. AND ALL JCIND3 OF " BUILDING MATERIAL. itf Orden Promptly tilled. .'sV. a-OFFlljN if TARf NEAR TBI DEPOT, U! Iiy -1LLK. N. 0. Ik 1W ma 7 asm DAILY .EDITION. THE DA1XY CITIZEN Will be published erery Morning (ex cept Monday) it the following rate One Year, . . ; . . f 00 Six Months, . : . . . S 00 Three " . . . .. . 160 Oae. ". . . ... . . 60 pne' Week, : 9 X X 'l 16 Our Ckrnert will deliver the paper ev ery Morning in every part of the city to our subscribers, and parties wanting it will please call at the urrurei umce. Send yotsr Job Work of aU kind U the Citizen Office, if you want it don neatly. cl fapty ana wxU dupalcA. Arrival nd Ikepsurtnre r'Panacaifer Tralaa. 8albust Arrives i:38 p. m.' leaves for Mor rlstown at 6:48 p. m. . . Temnbsskx - Arrives at 1 p. m., and leaves at 1:10 p m. A rives at 9:39 p. m and loaves lor Spartanburg at 9:49 p. m, Stabtambcbo Arrives at 7 a. w.; leaves lor Morristown at 7:10 a. m. Irelght accommodation leaves Asheville at 7:30 a. m., and arrives at 9-.40 a. m. ,r Wayngsvillb leaves Asbevilleat 7S5 a, m., and arrives at 4:60 p. m. Weather Indications. For North Carolina, Virginia and Tennepsoe Northeasterly winds, shift ing to southerly, fair weather and station ary temperature. Uo to Weldon's for the largest, and best "Brick I oaf" in tho city. tf lrar-The Citizkn. with latest Associa ted Press Dispatches will be lound regularly at all hotels and news-stands in the city. When the supply may be exhausted at those places, call at the office. The Asheville Lodge F. A A. M. will meet to night at the usual hour. "A dentist, love, makes teeth of bone, For those whom fate has left without; And finds provision for. his own By polling other people's out." On Tuesday the old Hugh Johnston building whs sold; yesterday the work of demolition was begun; and in a few days a very old landmark will have dis appeared. Law's recent visit to New York has enriched him wif. so many rich mid beautiful novelties that we propose to see through in a day or two. llis Jap anere goods are very interesting. Tuesday night's ' indications" niomis eduaa northwest wind, and stationary temperature Instead of which came a southeast wind, and mercury at 82 in the shade at 2 p. m.. Jove nods sometimes. Mr. S. C. Liner, the foreman on the College building improvements, deserves notice and commendation for his skill and his fidelity. He has been witb Mr Melton, the architect, lor some years, which of itself would prove his work manlike skill and bis trustworthiness. There seems to be an unusual preval ence of enteric complaints through the whole State, affecting all ages, from in fancy to old-aga. Beyond the inn intaiits i the fatality in some sections has been distressing.' The causes seem to be at mospheric, and not imprudence in diet, or even capriciousness of weather. It might be inferred that this epidemic, as it may be called, is the forerunner of the Asiatic Cholera. But u is assuring to know that the mountains of North Car olina will be exempt from the scourge, and if past experience is a guidc, the wbole btate will escape; tor at no period has the scourge ever visited North Caro lina. What it might do in the coast towns, under changed conditions of population , remains to be seen. Died, . On the 13th inst., at her residence in this city, Mrs Minerva, wife of Mr Joseph W. Pounders, after a prolonged and pain ful illness. She leaves a husband and sbven children to mourn her loss. Noticb to Tax Payers. Death aud taxes are inevitable, but the tax collector gives notice, and death does not. Men ought to be prepared for both. without a special reminder. One of these reminders appears in this issue. We are requested to state that much trouble will be saved the tax payers, if thev will call on the assessors before 0 a. in., or be tween 1 and U p. ui., any day until far mer notice, as at otner hours tbe assess ors will not be in their office. Ho! for Highlands. A gentleman from Charleston, S. C, called on us yesterday to obtain in'orma- tion as to the best method of reaching Highlands, in Macon county. As thatis an attractive place, well calculated to in terest the tonrist, we suggest some infor mation which may be of use, though giving it somewhat in the dark. Leaving here at half past 7 a. m., on the Murphy Division of the W. N. C. R. It., the traveler reaches Sylva, 47 miles, or Webster Station, 50 miles, about 11.30 a. iu. At either of these places convey ances may, or ought to, be had every day in the week, leaving Sylva or Web ster Station not much after 12 m., bo that Highlands can be reached by night. We would suggest to tbe livery men the good policy cf advertising their fa cilities in tae citizen, we vomnteei the above suggestions at the risk of mis leading the public. At Law's New Goodiu Just home from New York and a fair sample of all the Spring importations, and American made novelties and fine goods, are being opened as fast as pos sible. We hope our menus will come and take away these eoods real quickly, We will sell them very cheaply as we have not room to show all the goods now. All are welcome to our store whether to buy or look. Call often at Law's, S. Main st. Call on us before buying furniture. We will sell you goods cheaper than any body. w, A. tsi.AiB & Co. dt "Hampton and Feathcrston's read' ing room has been tastefully arranged for t',e convenience of guests, and late papers from every section of the country are to be found daily on the tables dtf For pure family 0KocxaiEs,mill feed, flour, grain, hay &c, go to . . L. Munday's, . junldlm 31 Patton Avenue Special bargains in nice white goods at . Whiti ock's. New pbtatoe aresomewbat lbuit- east on the market - . Mr. J. J. .White, Clerk of Madison Superior Court, was in the city eB terday. (,- .. . .7. , The incandescent light has put to its work at.Whitlock's andJother place infEagle block. - ne funeral servicer ef the Jate Mrs. Stejla Barrett will take place this afternoon at:4:30 ft'olock V.tbfl residence of Mrs. Buchanan t All friends of the family 'ire invited to attend. . ' - . ; " .. ' The remaius ofMr. Johu C. Wash ington were interred at Black Moun tain Station instead of at Asheville as was nrsi intended r ana an nounced.. They will be removed to Kinstoh next winter. ; ' Doo Local Option. , -r ' There seems to be no way to ljel off. the dog by general legislation: The puppy, hound, and cur of lo.w degrvj'all haVe friends raised to them. The Con stitution is invoked to preserve the fox- hunter his paci of houndH, or the darkey bis humble coon dog; and even the regis is extended over the prick eared cur, "mightv good for rabbits," and fit for nothing else. And in the crowd of "pro tected interests" the sheep killer, and tbe egg sucker find a refuge. If the assembled wisdom of the state will not give relief, whv cannot the coun ties try to protect their own people? Some will want it; some will not; and, because all uo not, the Legislature will not act. This is just tbe case with pro hibition. Some counties have a local option, and the sale of liquor is controll ed. Others do not, and the sale of liquor is undisturbed. Now, this is a f-ort of analogous case. If liquor can bn declared a nuisance, and its sale be prohibited by single counties, so bv the same authorities may the dog nu:sancc be abated. Let us try it, or see if it can or cannot be done: tout please let no smart Aleck raise a constitutional question. Iiecki.ksb Driving. The running over a lady in the public square on Tuesdav by a reckless driver is not more the fault of tho driver than neglect to enforce ordinances already in existence. We do not know what punish ment was inflicted in this case; but there is no place in the State, or elsewhere, where there is such constant necessity for rigid enforcement of tbe ordinances. The streetb are narrow, the turns sudden; and there is a constant throng moving in opposite directions, or moving parallel in reckless rivalry; throngs of drays, wagons, busses, backs, pleasure vehicles, horsemen; and, among these crossing from one side to the other, pedestrians, men, ladies, children. All these either depend upon the carefulness of drivers or riders, upon the watchfulness or the city guardians; or they are thrown on hetir own responsibilities. They aro unde no need to do this, if the laws are en forced. If they are not enforced, then an inexcusable admission of negligent is made. The spectacles of rapid drivinsr or of heedless riding is appalling in view of the number oi ladies and children on the streets, where they have a right to be in the pursuit or enjoyment of health These are entitled to especial guardian ship of the laws. We call upon the police to make arrests for every violation of the ordin ances in this respect; and we feel assur ed that the Mayor will inflict penalties to the extent of the law. And let it be understood that stranaers violating the law are as amenable t j it as citizens. No one can plead guilty to ignorance of that which appeals alike to common sense and to humanity, the public safety every where is a binding obligation on all. The Ciikpisteu Building, Going up opposite to the Grand Cen tral, and not far from our office, has lifted itself op rapidly within the past week, and is' conspicuous enough to attract attention. Yesterday we had the satis faction of seeing the plans prepared by Mr. A. L. Melton, tbe architect, under whose lupcrvision the building is being erected. Securing Mr. Melton, Mr. Ghed- ister secured a man competent as an architect, and one who knows well how to apply the rules of good taste to those of architecture. This is well illustrated in the plans before us, and in the build ing so far as work has gone, and it is to be presumed there will be no departure from the plans submitted ana adopted. The structure promises to be one ot the finest in the city. It front- on fatton Ayenue ou ie,t, and runs back 75 feet, the east fronting on Stafford street. There is a high, well lighted and usefully applied basement, and then the building rises three stories, and is surmounted by a mansard story. The first story will contain 'two stores, separated by a i road hall, running to the rear, and in which are tne stair cases leading to the floor above. The front of this story is iron and glass, and comes fairly under the designation ol an "open front." The stories above are divided into parlors, chambers and offices, all well lit and ventilated. The windows on the second floor are what are known as segment indows; those on the third and in the mansard are arched, aud are all trimmed with galvanized iron. Tbe mansard is to be covered with plate. The front of tho building will be pressed brick aud iron. Aa iron balcony encloses the second story on the north and east. . A tower, 01 feet and 10 inchts faieh. stands at the corner on Patton Avenue and Stafford streets, high and large enough to attract as a fine point of observation On the whole, the structure will prove pne of the c lief ornaments of tbe streets, and win prove as useiui as ornamental, A whisker dye mnst be convenient to use, easy to apply, impossible to rub off, elegant in appearance, and cheap in price. Buckingham's Dye for tbe WhiS' kers unites in itself all these merits. Try it tl8 Having bought Mr. Porter's entire in terest in our firm we will continue tbe said business nnder the firm name of Clarke A Co. Thanking many for favors so liberallv conferred, we hope to merit tbe confidence and trade of all. Respectfully, jnnlOdtf , W. M. Clabki. Gauze Undershirt from 15c. up at Wbitlock's. " I Champagne cider, a .very refreshing J drink, at Moore & Robards. tf KNOT ET. Itferr Cralge Collect"". A upbcinl to the .Veu-Cnw. cial - ' - ' t dated Washington, June 14t, W, Kerr Craige. of Salisbury, ht" been appointed . Collector of the ne Fifth PiBtrW. This is official.. V- - - state"news. " i.t . til . . A . Warrenton telegram t. the NewttObterver, dated June' Hth says : T wo sections of a coloi ud ea cursion train from Raleigh cftn in contact tid the Warrenton bfonch, seriously hurting five of the party. "'Tho New$6bsewer ftiyB : gen tleman from Philadelphia her yes terday, says Mr. Jas. S. BalV iu making a fine orqcial record in '-ne Quaker City and elsswheru in the revenue districts to which he L, r-s- alrrnaA Th PKJlo ,11 rKi W"?rl A THE COItDIAX h r"IW!A ffcli...' Ail eay h lias croHi twTasT4rTiT work as any of his predecessors while ut the same time making twice as imny friends ami ng those with whom he has to deal. North Carolinians will not be surprised to hear this. - The Charlotte Chronicle says : Hon. Jesse J. Yates, second assist tant district attorney, has been in the city , several days aud is stop ping at the Central. Mr. Yates was appointed by the Rovernment to the position which he now holds, for the special purpose ut taking charge of the Cherokee Indian matters, and is here to look after their affairs in the Federal court, his particular business being to getout injunc tions to prohibit depredations upon their land. The CAnmic of last Saturday mentioned the fact that Davidson College is to nave a cot ton factory, but we have since learned that there will be two new factories instead of one, at that place. Stough, Cornelius & Co.. will put up a factory on the Virgin Springs pluce, H miles south of the town, on tbe A. T. & 0. Railroad, and Mr. Hood and others will build one wituin tne corporate limits oi the town. This is good for David son. The Raleigh Dispatch correspon dent says . Governor Scales has re ceived notice that the North Caroli na fiagd in the possession of the Government are to be returned. He will make requisition for them. It is understood that they are over twenty-five such flags. They will be stored in the Capitol in glass cases. Some of these very flags were taken from the Capitol in 1865 by the Federal troops, it is 'stated. Ihe list of premiums lor tho State Fair next October was issued to day by Mr. John Nichols, the Secretary. The premiums for cot ton and tobacco are very hand some,ranging from$15 to $75 for best yields. There are ten cotton prices and eleven tobacco prices. There are also very valuable prices for wheat and corn, oats, hay &c. The premiums aggregate some $4,500, in cash mainly.1 The Palmetto rail way from Hamlet, N. C, to Cheraw, S. C., is now completed to a point a mile this side of the latter place. The railway bridge oyer the Pee Dee river at Cheraw is under course of construction, to be finished by October 1st, Chief Engineer Mon- curesays.- Ihe Palmetto road is a line in the new North and South ine, in whioh Richmond is special ly interested. It is claimed that Mrs. Moore, who died a few days since iu Rutherford county, was one i . i s f nunareu ana nve years oiage. Death of Mrs. Stella Barrett. This much beloved la-iy, daughn terof Mrs. S. E. Buchanan, died at the residence of her mother last evening at half past 7 o'clock after a lingering illness. She leaves two little sons. Decline In Real Estate. The Judge gets off the following very seasonable hit : - Landlord (to stranger) : "That prop erty is worth thirty-five thousand dollars. I wouldn't take a cent less." Stranger : 1 don't want to buy. I ain onlv the tax assessor." Landlord : "Uh, l beg your pardon. I should consider myself a very fortunate man ii I could get seventeen thousand dollars lor that property." . ; Fat Cattle. Yesterday Zachary & Zachary receiv ed from Morristown, Tenn., 23 head of beef cattle, the aggregate woight of which was 24,840 pounds, and ' the cost $1,135. This Is a rich promise ot fine beef. The stock of North Carolina fed fat cattle is nearly exhausted for the rea son , an I Ihe grass-fed fallings have not yet come in ; so the Zachary s go to Ten nessee that their patrons may experience no disapi ointment. . .T)r. Pierce's 'Favoiite Prescription" is everywhere acknowledged to be the standard remedy for female complaints and weaknesses. ' It is sold by druggists. ddtwlw Crock key, Glassware, China. Headquarters for goods in this line, at No. 12 Patton Avenue. Meeer W. U. Keller A Co. carry standard goods in Crockery that never crack, color, or change in the least, by the cseofhot water. Call at No. 12 fatton Avenue. dtf Stonewall Kanre. Iron-clad Bangs, and the Monitor wrought iron Bange at W. C. Kel ler St Cc's, 1 2 Patton A venue. . tf Peanuts at wholesaler at ' Mooirv nd Eobard . ttf TELEGRAPHIC. THE FLURRY IN THE CHICAGO WHEAT MARKET 100,000,000 BUSHELS OF WEEAT IN VOLVED MILLIONS OF MONEY LOST NO PER MANENT BAD EFFECTS c ANTICIPATED ! BUT LATER INFORMATION SHOWS DARKER IEATURES. The Jubilee Yacht Race ! A DYNAMITE .PLOT TO DIS TURB THE QUEEN'S JUBILEE. - - ,rt - ." .ViS-dHff-feerVhieJffr Wheat Speculators A Panic Threatened, .But,;WiIl Passw. . r (By te.egrapu to the Asheville Citizen. Chicag.. June 15. I here were manv anxious commission men in the vicinity of the Board of Trade lastumht. Their offices were lighted and they and their clerks worked at their books until long after mid nicrht. Ihe Biirht presented in the neighborhood was unusual as every office building was lighted from top to bottom. Even a casual observer would have suspected something wrong. There was no trouble in finding commission men who had been cansht in the great break of a few hours before, and less trouble in prevailing upon them to talk. The universal opinion was that everything hinged upon Kershaw's ability to meet the demands for margins, and that unless he did so, his failure would carry down from thirty to fifty houses. There were some few who thought that Armour & Hutchinson and two or three of the other "bigoueB" would come forward this morning and help to Bustain the market so that a verita ble panic could be averted; but even they claimed that a great deal de pended on Mr. Kershaw. What lortunoa were lost and won during the day none can accurately esti mate. It is estimated that not less than 100,000,000 bushels were trad ed in during the day, representing an uverago loss or cain of seven to eight cents per bushel or $7,000,000 to $8,000,000. There was a loss of over $1,600,000 in cash in wheat alone, besides the shrinkage on futures. One bear who sold largely in' the early part of the ,"day and bought ut the close i credited with clearing $250,000 on the day's oper ation. A crowd of big bear scalpers made not less than $1,000,000 alto gether during the day. President Wright of the Board of Trade said to a reporter: "The effect of the break will be to clear atmosphere bo cam" merce can go on in its accustomed grooves. The tendency is to equal ize this with the other markets of the world and put stocks in their legitimate channels. The actual result of course, is rather a serious one, but 1 hope, in fact, I have no reason to apprehend anything fur ther." A prominent broker said: 'The market ii now back in its nor- mall condition and not subject to abnormal influence. I don't think we will have any more cliques for a while. One has bitten off more than it could chew, and the lesson wont be forgotten soon. As a mtter of course, it is a serious case, but it will soon be all right again. The deal was undoubtedly the largest one tver run in Chicago. Theie was more wheat bought than ever before. I do not apprehend any serious break from the present nrices. as the market is now down to level with other markets." P. D. Armour, when asked what the ef fect of the financial affairs, said : "None whatever. In a week from now no one will know there was a wheat Ideal or a coffee one either. The atmosphere will be closed up in less than a week from now. All losses were made some time ago. Wheat was mar gined up to nearlv its value, if not auiet. and tne DanKS were an ampiy aennred. l aoivs iook udou iuib break as auv great calamity at all Whatever wheat there is, is wanted for emorL and it will brine as good . i i mi. prices 11 uOb ueucr uiuu ueiuia. a us break in wheat -at 75 cents per bushel is better than gold dollars at 90 cents. You see, people abroad want the stuff and they are going to have it. It is a good thing this break came when it did. Most every body expected it, and as soon as the flurry is over I believe that it will make money easier." Exciting Day in Chicago. Br Ulegr iph to tne Asheville Cltlsen.1 Chicago. June 15th. There was an enormous crowd on the floor and in the naileries of the Board of Trade long before the opening hour this morning. When the bell sound ed at 9:30 a roar went up and the day's session began The first sales of wheat were at 75 cents for June and 76 cents for July, which was an advance of t and t respectively Soon after the opening President Wright announced the suspension of three email firms, namely : J. II. Youit & Co., B. J. McCleary and 8. C. Orr. The suspensions oi these firms did not cause any excitement, as thev were in no way identified with the clique. At 10 o'clock the price was 77 1 for June, and 75 cte. for July. The suspension of Bick ering & Company, another small firm was announced shortly after 10 o'clock. ' LATER. Up to 11:30 o'clock 8 failures had been announced. The excitoment in the pit increased fast, and the bears were savagely raiding the mar ket. At 11:52 a. m. July wheat was sent down to 723, from .there it dropped to 72, then to f, then to i, then lo 72 cents, then to 71f , and then in one jump to 71, another drop of i cent was recorded at 2 minutes past noon when the mar ket touched 70 J, from this point it declined to 70, then recovered in jumps of cent to 70 and 71 cent then back to 701, and at 12:11 p. m. was 711 for July and 71 for June. A few minutes after noon Kerelfaw & Co. were officially posted as hav ing'failedto go through the'clearirg house. This meant th'r cotWw. ::Mltt"1mi.liorlifrf.i-.An lii!nv,J-waB Rosen fi eld & Co, who garnisheed Kershaw's account in the American Exchange Bank. Chicago, 1 p. m. The closing half hour on change witnessed an almost complete subsidance an al most eompletc subsidance of the in tense excitement when July wheat broke at 70 cents. :o: A Dynamite Plot to Spoil the Jubilee. (By telegraph to the Asheville Citizen.) London, June 15. The Central News issues the following : A dyna mite plot, to bo carried out during the celebration of Ihe Queen's Jubii lee, has been discovered. The police are rettcent about it. The details will probably be made known to-night. The Jubilee Yacht Race. (By telegraph to the Asheville Citizen.) London, June 15. The steamer Norham Castle, from which the Prince of Wales started the Jubilee yacht race yesterday, but which he lett at Mouselight and returned to London, reached Harwich at 5 o'clock this morning. The fog had been bo thick during the night that the vessel was obliged to anchor. Five hundred and eighty of her passengers remained on board all night and landed at Harwich this morning and returned to London. The Genesta passed the Norham Castle during the night. The Dover passed 35 minutes later, and was followed five minutes afterward by the Aline. The weather continued hazy, and wind from the Southeast. TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS. Earthquake shocks ; frightening the people were felt yesterday in the De partment of Marnet, France. The Commencement ofthe Salem Fe male Academy took place yesterday. Tbe Address to the graduating class was by Attorney Gen. Ayer, of Virginia. Later from Chicago yesterday indicate that Kershaw & Co. will mil through, and that a dozen big ailures will be averted The American schooner Daunt less, engnged in tne Jubileo yacht race, "was run into yesterday by a steamer, and slightly injured. The New Hampshire Legislature in joint session yesterday declared Wm. iu. Chandler elected U. b. benn ator for Pike's unexpired term. Sir Henry Drummond Wolfe, English representative to Turkey is instructed to stand the terms of the convention with regard to Egypt. The State Executive Committee of Virginia, in session at Richmond yesterday, desided to call a State Convention for the 4th of August at Roanoke. An epidemic of flux prevails in the region round about Lynchburg, a., and a number of deaths have occurred. Scarcely a family has es caped the disease- Charles Herwerkin, a Chicago operator, nut member of the New York lixchange, yesterday notified that institution that he was unable to meet his contracts. The Sharp trial yesterday brought out much outside excitement over the probability of "Billy" Maloney being on his way to ISew York to testify against Sharp. The counsel of the latter smiled at the idea. Fifty-five of the 20th panel of 150 taless men answered to their names, with only one man placed in the box and he was immediately challenged. Now Has Faith. I had been troubled all winter with cold and pain in the chest and got no relief from remedies recommended by Druggists and Physicians. At the same time I was advertising Dr. Bosanks's Cough and Lung Syrup. I had little faith but tuougnt to try it as a last resort, now I believe even more ti.an they tell me of its curative qualities. From the News, Elizabetbtown, Ky. Sold by H. H.Lyons. . apl3dwlw Morcus Wards, and Cranes, fine linen papers, smootu ana rougn nnisn, also cheaper grades of paper and envelopes. fen and rencu xaoiew. ana (scratch Books at all prices. Blank Notes, Drafts and Receipts, Ledgers, Daybooks, Time Books, bales, Cash, Cheap Counter, Memorandum and Pass Books, Fens. Inks, Pen and Pencil Holders in great variety. Asheville, and Land of tsky Souvenios, also Guide Book to W. N. C. Prinoipnl daily and illustrated papers always on sale. Latest popular novels recetved every week The subscription and order agency is a great convenience, all at Carson's Stationery and News stoie, N. Main st. Pine fibre mattresses, best bed in the world, at W. A. Blair A Oo.'s. dfit TELEGRAPHIC NEWS CONTINUED ON FOURTH PAGE. Show of Grasses and Grain In the Sheaf at AtrhevlIIe,' W. C, Angast 4th, 1887. In order to encourage the growing of Grasses and Grains in Western North Carolina, and to show the many visitors that are at Asheville at that time what our section is capable of . in this respect, we will offer the following premiums for such arti cles to be exhibited in the Courthouse in this city, under the supervision of a com mittee to be selected for this purpose, on the 4th day of August next. This offer is open to all sections of Western North Car olina West of Salisbury : Best bundle of Wheat, (white,) $3 "0 I CO 2nd do do do Best do do (red) 2nd do do do Best do Oats, (white,) 2nd do do do Best do do (red or black.) oo So oo So oo and do do do So Best do Kye, , 2nd do do oo So oo S Best do Millet, ' 2nd do ... .... do..: Best do Timothy BeBl V dorr ' Clover, v 1 3 b V5 3 oo " So 3 oo S 3 oo 1 SO 3 00 150 and do do Best do Red Top or Herd, 2nd do do do Best do Orchard Grass. 2nd do do do Best do Blue Grass. 2nd do do Best do Feather Grass, 2nd do do RI LES TO DE OBSERVED. Every bundle must be at least six inches in diameter when dry, must be neatly tied up and arranged, must be well preserved and ready for exhibition by 12 o'clock on the day mentioned. Grasses should be cut before the seeds are ripe, and great care taken that the bundles are not specked by flies or injured by rats or other vermin. for turther information address Natt. Atkinson & Sons, Real Estate dealers, Asheville, N. C, P. O. Box 401;, Telephone Call 49. The sure effects of Aver's SarsanarillB are thorough and prominent. Jf there is a lurking taint of scrolula about you, Ayer's Sarsaparilla will dislodee it. and expel it from your system. t!8 Wilson's Graham and Crvstal wufsrH in one and two pound boxes, at Moore & Robard's. tf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OR RSNT. Seven Ron rs 011 9n.l flnnr Pot-i. Building. Apply to it r. JOHNSTON, 58 N. Main st. RUCTION TO-DAY. 'I H "Vn,T.UP .,.-!.- CM - TY... Fattou Avenue, entire tock at auction today at Ifll nVIinlr H....4na A,. .11 1 .J I . .. - Invited to attend tbe sale. Thousands of uselul household articles, such as ladies like to have. MUKKAX LANCE, It Auctieneers. mo MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS. "If you have any artioie von vlnh in int-mA to tbe trade, I can lurnish names and addresses pf any class of persons you desire to reach. For luawn-e, ii yuu nave a new oraniuif olgam iw wish to Introduce, I can furnish you tli names' and addresses of every cigar doaler in the United States, at short notice; and so, through all the trades. Charges reasonable. ANSON B. SAMS, 3 , , Citizen office, JanelS d3ia AshevUle, N, C. Notice to Tax Payers ! ! ! All persons, liable to nav tr thi.n.r notided, that the County Commissioners Lave employed three competent men to receive their returns; and that the law requires these returns to be made by June 80, but for their conven ience, the time is extended to Jane D5. After that dale no lists will ba received, bat tbe full penalties, provided by law, will be enforced against nil persona not tbeu listed. Therefore let all go to the office of Mr. A. T. Summey, list their property and avoid extra ots. J. R. RANKIN. Chairman County Commissioner. June 10 dtd R. W. ADAMS. J. T. ADAMS. R. xW. Adams x Son. FURNITURE REPAIRING. The above Arm. at their shon at the enrnar nf South Main and Church streets, No. 179, offer their services to the citizens of Asheville and the surrounding country, to do in first rate style. ah nura m meir uue, aucn as mi nun re repair ing, upholstering, bottoming chairs, c ,tc. Aito iney are prepared 10 uo undertakers work, furnishing Metallic Coffins, or of walnut and other woe (Is, from the most elaborate to the pi incst. Patronage respectfully solicited. June 10 d 3m One Price Store. Measures taken for A.Raymond k Co., New York Tailors, and a fit guaranteed. Samples now ready for inspection. Shirts and Drawers, Scarfs, Gloves', Collars and Cuffs, Handkerchiefs, Um brellas, lags, &c. Handsome Sprinc Suits, in Sacks and Four Button Walking Coats: also several grades of Frock Coat Suits. Youths' and Boys' Clotlnnsr in creat variety. Our line of Dress Goods, Silks. Velvets. Satins. Dress Ginghams. Sa tines. Per cales, Prints, &c will be found very at tractive. Zieeler Bros.', Merriam fc Tyler's. Morgan Bros.' and Stokley's Shoes k ladies, misses and children. Banister's and Ziegler fine shoes for men. Packard & Graver's celebrated "f 20" and "$2.99" shoes for men, and the cor responding grade for boys. Best possible value in Carpets, Art Squares, Ruga, Oil-cloths, Upholstery Goods, Towels, Napkins, Coverlets, Lin en Damask, &c. Derby flats, Soft Hats a full line. Hats, andStraw Fine Slippers, Oxford Ties, Langtiy Ties, and Wigwam Shoes. Parasols, Fans, Kid Gloves, Collars an Cuffs, Handkerchiefs. Corsets, Ribbons, Scarfs, Ties, Hosiery, Underwear, &. . H Redwood & Co., Nos. 7 A.8 Patton Ava, mara7-dtf , -

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