ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. K. M. FURMAN, ) JORDAN 8TONK,' J-KDITOM. J. a. CAMERON, j THURSDAY MORNING. JUNE 16.1887. "The Financial Chronicle in speak" ing of Judge Bond's recent decision says: "As the United States Supremf ( ourt has always steadily upheld that provision of the United States coiiaiuuiion wincn loruius au uuuu against a State, there is little prob ability that any tax will ever be laid to pay these bonds or that tney will ever be recognized. The News'Observer in connection with this says : "The special tax bonds have jumped from 3 cents to 17 cents They are doomed te tumble again. We hope nobody will bo bit by the rise." The crop prospects so far are as tineas ever known, and all crops seem equally favored. The cotton crop evey where except in South Carolina is reported at above an average, the standard being 100, North Carolina is 101 and South Carolina-V7 ftll other cotton States lov 100. 'ilie condition of tbbao' co is good, with a smaller crop planted. Wheat is generally fine with some local exceptions. A) the other grains and the grasses are exceptionally good. The fruit, is the only crop that shows deficiency in this State. Everything encourages to the hope of belter times for the country. It is not alone the favorable condi tion ul' the crops that gives this hope. It is a revolution begun in the modes of thought and action o; the people. There is more industry, more thrift, more tboughtiulnesi, more calculation. The dependence upon, staple crops is being shaken off; farms are being made self-ius taining, and they are being made productive of more than one money crop. The use of fertilizers, the source ot a heavy drain of money is being discouraged : and so is de pendens ; on the other States for iiieut anil bread being discouraged The purpose is to keep the pioiits ol lalior anion? those who made it. The c H.trury course is the cause ol existing exhaustion ol a circulating medium. TRANSFER OF THE CHAR LOTTE OBSERVER. In the issue "of the above paper, of Tuesday, Col, Charles R. Jones announces that, with that issue, he surrenders the. proprietorship of the Obterver to Mr. Harvey A. Deal; and Mr. Deal in the same issue makes his announcement of his assumption of such propietorship. Mr. Deal had been connected with the Observer, in some way, for several years. Col. Jones says from his debtors payment will be demanded at once; and he expects to pay to his credit ors every cent he owes; so that it may be presumed that busiuess troubles were at the bottom of the movement. Col. Jones, during his control ol the Observer for twelve or fifteen years, had displayed great energy and business capacity, And had built up what seemed to be one of the most prosperous journals of the State. It cannot be said that he ever showed conspicuous editoria powers, but it had large influence with the Democratic partv until political ambition of presumed higher aim and broader field than journalism possessed the editor; and the putsuit of that ambition made the turning point in the influ ence and fortunes of the editor. Col. Jones was defeated in all his aspira- rations, and we suppose lost patron age to the extent of his embarrass ment. He, however, has an abundant energy and untiring perserveranoe which we hope will speedily bring about the retrieval of his fortunes. LOANS ON WESTERN FARM ERS. Eastern money has been loaned at the west on farm mortgages dur ing the last three years literally to the extent ot millions of dollars, 1'iuui iui uinca uiaua uy me xosion Journal, in Hew Hampshire it ap paars that many depositors are with drawing their funds from the local sayings bank in order to place them in Kansas, Iowa and elsewhere, at the higher rales offered beyond the Hissiisippi. The treasurers cf all the savings banks in Concord say that the withdrawals are larger than usu al. One oi them declares that dur ing no spring since his institution was organized have they been more frequent or in greater amounts. The mw Hampshire savings banks themselves are extensive lenders on real estate abroad. Investments of this description have been greatly promoted and strengthened, not to eay occasioned, by the creation of toe western loan companies which have become so numerous of late. These concerns must be reckoned an important addition to the finan cial machinery of the day. The Journal might have added that some of this capital has begun. to. come South for a . similar pur pose, but, as yet, the stream is not large enough. A few years ago it was stated that there were deposited in the various New England savings bknksover four millions of dollars, the accumulation of laborers, draw ing from one to two per cent, per annum, much of it nothing at all, There are ptill many millions in these same banks. This money could be loaned with absolute safety to Southern farmers at six percent not only in safety to the loaner,,but to the great benefit of the borrower and thus to the section and coun try. We wish we could see these loan companies all through the South who could teach these own ers of idle millions, and secure a portion at least to aid in rehabilitat ing and energizing our section. At six per cent, an intelligent farmer can afford to borrow a reasonable sum for five or ten years, and do bo with absolute safety to all concerned, Farming in the South has been a no less bitter than heroic struggle since war. .Under all the cirjua. stances ihe'resuSts liavd beeir nrar velous. But wlth all the efforts there has constantly been sadly wanting that great lubricating agen cy, money, to make the machinery run smoothly and - successfully There are millions in the North now, comparatively idle and unremuner ative. Let the owners send mncl of it South. It will be, in fact, an act of patriotism as well as one of per sonal interest The Durham Tobacco Plant wanls to know what is the mystie meaning of "31"? Durham went wet last year by 31 majority ; Oxford went went wet this year by 61 minority Raleigh went dry this year by 31 majfity. "Let the superstitious begin to superstish.' Wonderful Cures. W. D. Hoyt & L-o.. Wholesale and Re tail Druggists of Rome, Ga., says : We have been Belling Dr. King's New Dis covery, Electric Bitters and Bucklen's Arnica Salve for two years. Have never handled remedies th..t soil as well, or give such universal j.iustartion. there have been some wonderful cures ellected by these medi.jines in this citv. Several caae of pronounced Coiisuinpiion have been entirely cured by use ol u few bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery, taken in connection with Electric Bitters. We guarantee them always. Sold by H. H. Lyons. D issoumoN. The firm of Porter & Clarke, dealers in tieuts' Furnishing Cioods, Ac, has this day been dissolv ed by mutual consent, Mr. Porter retiring from the nrm. Mr. Clarke continues business at the same stand and assumes a'l liabilities of the firm. This June 8, 1887. CJ.L PORTEK, un9dlf W. M. CLARKE. JjlOB SALE, - - The Eagle Drug Store in Brevard The only drugstore in the county. Will sell cheap for cash. For particulars apply to C E. FARMER, malS d&wtf - Brevard, N. C. 13 ARGAINS IN SWAIN COUNTY. Timber, timber lands, water rtnwera. rtnrk. fruit, tobacco, farming lands, farms, town lots, manufacturing chances. Low. Title perftct. Apply to Dr. W. J Hilllard, Ashcvllle, or C. Whlttier, Skyland Ilotol, Whlttier, N. C. Call or write. maylSwtf University Law School. Summer session beelus Julv 1st. ends SeDt 1st 1887. Two classes Junior for 30, Senior for $) Both for S5u. For particulars address JOHN MANNING, Proprietor, Chapel Hill, N. u. June 3 ttlui ARF OPENING FRESH GOODS Meu't' Ladies' and Cltildreris Wear, . MANUFACTURED BY TUB BAY STATE SUOE 1JVD LEATHER. COMFJtJTY, Ask your neighbor how they wear. r.EARDEN. RANKIN & CO. ian I'll tlti M ONEV WANTED. First morteacra elveu on a uleee of im inert v worth 7,(y.H) tor $2,S00. Property well I tated, and will bring 117,000 any day. Communicate with X. at CITIZEN omce. Money wanted at once. June S dtf N OTICE Is hereby given to all narties havlnc claims nf any kind against Clarke Whlttier. of Whillier 8win county, N C, deceased, to present them at once, at Whlttier, with vouchers, or notify by ira man. jnne v an piOH RENT, HILLSIDE. In perfect order, newly papered and painted and lu all respects thoroughly renovaied for rent 1st Mav, Apply to NATT AT: KINSON .-SONS. ap 81 dfef Buy A Fountain f What can add as much to the beauty of your ground ? Call tud cxamlna- Plates and New i ora prices. J. U. ASION ap 19 dtf Photographic Gallery, E. E. BROWX, NO. 7 PATTON AVENUE, 3rd Flour Conually Building. Ne gallery iust ODened with all the conven lences aud appliances of the most advanced style oi me an. liiBtantaiteoii Iroces. Perfect nietures made, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed. Motners requested to bring infants from nine taken free. Pull supplies for amateur nhotos-rashers have w two years 01Q sua snec men DlcLures or tbem just been received. Orden tor plates, chemicals, Ac, filled on Hiismeuiry Krnu, ma ai an Buchanan's Stables. WE HAVE HORSES, of the best quality, for sale at all times. Will handle Horses for sale at 5 per cent. Also keep the best Rigs and Horses lu the town for hire, and will haves fine Landau on hand bv the 1st of Julv. Horses and vehicles nan tMint ml all hours. Vehicles kept nice, and orders will receive prompt attention. We make a specialty of boarding nones by the day, week or month. We will handle kicking or any vicious horses. BUCHANAN BROS ms 2S-dlm p0R SALE, Stables Eagle street. Very low. 1 pairs of rood sound Inquire ol E. J. ARMSTRONG, young Mules st Sulphur Springs. , ma 17 dtf buth&m correspondent of the Ne-Observer says : With the con struction of the Btreet railway and the erection of buildings travel alone Mam Btreet has been almost- oM Btructed. , It has looked as llprepai rations were being made to build the town anew. The track of the street railwav on Main street has betn nearly completed. Jntne space oi two squares on Main street there are going up ten bricK buildings, ana preparations are made tor otners. AlmoM a Miracle. We were very much surprised yester day to see 'Squire Davis out upon the street aealn lookintr as though he bad taken a new lease of life. Considering that the 'Squire has.been for years a con firmed invalid witb what was eupposea to be consumption, his recovery seemed hut little short of a miracle. When questioned as to the cause of his restored health, hesaid,"Symphyr,sir,Symphyx did it; a few bottles have stopped my cough, restored my lungs to health, and made me a well man. There is no cough medicine equal to it." HOW TO MAKE MOM BY DEALING IN STOCKS, GRAIN, PROVISIONS, OIL, ETC. EXPLANATORY PAMPHLET MAILED FREE. 'bankers & brokers, S5G Broadway (and branches), NEW YORK. A GREAT BARGAIN. That splendid farm of Capt. W. T. Corpening's, 4 miles un Bwannanoa river, containing !KI acres is to be sold at once, and if application be mudo immediately. A good bargain can be bad. 80 acres more oi mil u inner ea iiuia can De aauea at me same low figure! if desired. Apply to NATf ATKINSON & SONS, Ileal Estate Dealers. Other fine places near the city at yerj reason auio rates. ma a mi W. T. REYNOLDS, N. A. REYNOLDS, New Livery Stables ! Walnut Street, between the Fanners and the Banner Warehouses. REYNOLDS BROTHERS, Have just moved into their new and commodious brick stables in the above location, and ask a share of public pat ronage. They are fully equipped with good horse?, good vehicles ana earefnl drivers. Ordeis promptly attended to junSdtf TANNER & DELANEY EN GINE COMPANY, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. buniuvsH esifttilibed lHtV. The nitwt complete JUiishii in the Mohiii. t: finvs. I .n.-t.i-rry. Jote Momd J.otoiuotlv w m Sptelmlty, jr"Correspondtuce solicited. Send fur i'iiinlu$ur aprl3-dctwly HAZLEGREEJST Sasli & Blind Factory Has recently purchased a large amount ot Oak Ash Chestnut, Cherry and Walnut Lumber, aoi CAN FURNISH WORX . manufactured of thoroughly dried material. We propose to furnish work at Ihe lowestlllfurei, and eoual toanv Imported aoods, - TIIOS. L. CLA YTi1 ' j 8. CLAYTON, Business Manyr feb 4-s w tf ropr HARNESS, SADDLERY AND REPAIRING SHOP I D. V. Smith & Co., No. 18, North. Main Street. HAS on hand a full line of double and single Harness, Saddle?, Bridles, Whips, and eveiything usually kept in a first class Harness Shop. Those in want of the above goods will hAVE MONEY By examining their goods and prices be fore buying. Repairing done at BOTTOM PRICES. ja lO-dawiJin HOME :-: AGAIN FROM NEW YORK! Where I secured some of the hest bargains I have ever bought, "genu me sledgehammers," below rock bottom prices, bought twenty per cent, under market value. I am now prepared in all departments witb new and seasonable goods and would call special attention to my large stock of gents', youths' and boys' clothing at all prices. Ladies difns goods, consisting of embroid- ert!i rv.hes, all wool goods in ai shades and colors, satines, . bfUiste, zephyr cloths, ginghams, muslins lawns, nainsook, - checks, piques chambreys, calicoes, &c. My stock of linen goods, table cloths, towels and napkins, is cheaper than ever Full line of Ladies', gents' and children's hosiery, handkerchiefs and gloves. Hamburg edgings enough to cover half of th house, at prices never heard of before. Laces and white trimmings until you can't rest. Shoes, hats,' shirts and draw ers in endles3 variety. Thousands of other goods too numerous to mention. These goods are bought right and will be sold cheap, all we ask of you is to come aud examine goods and prices. Do not forget the place, No. 15 Patton Avenue, near public squire. Resptctfully, James P. Sawyer, Asheville, N. 0, May 7, W. DENTAL UrDS. B. H. DOUGLASS, Dental Rooms over Aran store, residence in sane hr Roseberrv'r DruK ding AsbeviHe, N. 0 ffeba-wAaw i DENTAL SBRGmY. H3l nR. J. G. QUEEN h& removed his office to the front rooms over a n r.. Bnn. aui1i,ofleZLhl8,procal'"TLEerv';eB t0 he public 'voo"" . wur aorie) wlm gum ana neatness. . . lune 10-dAwtf '. D R. A. B; WARE, Dental Surgeon. .. i, in -Hi, fr Office In Citizen bull on, , aonn floor. A work will receive prompt ana careful attention. DR. R. H. REEVES, D.D.S., Omos lu the County Bonding, oyer Redwood's store. Pattnit Avmme. ASHEVILLE, - ,-. - . - N. 0, Person having artlUclai work rfone, aftei Tying it two or three eeks. if not satisfied, can return n auu vu uiuuo wm reiuuaeu. iJ 1 COME TO OUB NEW STOKE. Reynolds, Bad&Co., (now occjpy thetr elegant new store, 11 l'attou Avenue, ASHEVILLE, - - - N. C, Where they haye a splendid assortment ana will keep constantly on nana THE BEST GRADES OF Family Groceries, BACON, . SALT,' FLOUR, MEAL, Dry Goods, Clothing, BOOTS & SHOES, QUEENS WARE CROCKERY, LAMP GOODS. GRAIN, FEED, HAY, everything in a first-class general Merchandise Store. Our prices are as low as the lowest strictly lor cash. Gooil country urodnce always wanted HKYXOI.OS, HAIKU i i'O 11 1'ATTOy AVENUE mh L'ti Uiiinos E. B. DAVIS. J. H. CI KTKR. Davis and Carter GENERAL AUCTIONEERS OFFICE AT Farmers' Warehouse. All nroocrty. both 'Real Estate and Personal entrusted to theii care will receiv their best attention and oe made to obtain the highest prices, jur. uavis na9 nan mirty yeais pert' euce in iue auciiua Dusiuess. ma 7 d3m Over 9,000,000 worn during the past six years. Tula marvelou success Is duo 1st. To the superiority of Cornllno ovor all othor materials, us a stiffenor for Comets 2nd. To the superior quulity, shape and workmanship of our Corsets, combined With their low prices. Avoid eheap Imitations made of various kinds of cord. None are genuine unless "DR. WARNER'S CORALINE" is printed on inside of stool cover, FOR SALE BY All LEADING MERCHANTS. WARNER BROTHERS, 389 Broadway, ' New York City. Moore & Robards. . . i . EXCELSIOR BAKERY, CONFECTIONERY AND IC E CREAM PARLOR. Our Patent Cream Bread has no equal ; a trial will convince you of this fact. Large and small cakes of every variety baked daily. We have the largest aiid finest as sortment of plain and fancy . can dies in the city; Make a specialty of fine goods. A fujl stock of Tropi cal. Fruits always on hand. . Our Nonpareil Cream is pronounced the finest in the place furnished to private, familied'on short notice. Call and see ua at ' " '. DESMOND'S OLD STAND . South ftfin Street. -.ill v -vy w ... fr Pile. Pile ar frequently preceded by a mom ot sight in th back, loim and lower part of the abdomen, causing the patient to anppose he ba some affection of the kidneys or negh boring organs. At times, symptoms . of indi- eeuon are present.' natweacy, uneasiness or he stomaoh, eto. A moisture like perspira tion, prodncing a very disagreeable itching, after getting warm, is a common attendant. Blind Bleeding and Itching Piles yield at enoe to the application of Dr. Bosanko Vile Bem edy.whion acts directly upon the parts affected, absorbing the tumors, allaying the intense itching, and effecting a permanent euro. Price 50 ota Address the Dr. Bonnko' Medioine oo, Piqna. O. Bold by H H Lyons. dawly PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 0HA8. A. MOURE. " P. A. CUMMINGi jyjOORE & CUMMINGS, Attorney t and Counsellors at law ASHEVILLE, N. (i. Practice in the United States Circuit and DIs rict Courts at Ashevllle. Btatesvilla. CharlntU and.Greensboro; In the Supreme Court at Raleigh uiu ui uid mum oi iqs i weiTeva judicial uia trict of the State of North Carolina. opeacu auauion given to oollnctloas ot clalmr aug7-lv w&sw - Dr. Ik. B. WKAVEIt. AoheTille, ft. C, Office over Grant & Roseberry's Drug Store, may 1 dam T HENRY HAROWICKE " Attorney fit Law, Ashevtllfl. N. C. Will practice in all the courts of the Mate. Collections of claims a specialty. Office with sneriu in court House. ian4-dtf rjHOS. A. JONES, Attorney at Law ASHEVILLE, N. C, . oot 22-ly w Office with Day dson A Ma JOGKR J. PAGB, f A'ttoruey sit liw, ASH e viLle, , - N. C. Practices in all the Courts, Slate and Federal jaulidtf A. WATSON, M. D. " OFFICE AT HIS RESIDENCE, Corner of Crove street and Patton Avenue. Olllce hours : 8 to 11 A. M., 1 to 3 P. M Calls left at Carmichael's or l'elham'g Drily Store will beconveyed, and responded to, by tef ephone. lune 12-dtf rjp H.COBB, Attorney and ComiNcllor nt I.hw, Office in Burnett building, North side Public Square, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Practices in all Courts, State and Federal. Jan 22 dly J OSEPH 8. ADAMS, Attorney and (.'onnnellor at Law. Office in Law Building, adioiulr.g First National Bank, . ASHEVILLE, N. C. Practices in all courts, State and Federal, sept 7 1 year D RS. McGILL & BATTLE, Wakdlaw McOili., M. D., Practice limited to Kye, Kar,l rohl and Lungs. Sax. Wsmtuy Battle. M. D.,;u. S. N., Fhysician and Smgeou. Offices over De Vault's Drug Store. 9.0ffico hours 10 a. m. to 12 m., and 2 to 4 p m. se 'H-ll MRS A. HURROUOHS, I'hjrMitriHii ami S. rjreou. ASHEVILLE, N. C, Ollice over Powell A Snidt 't. Keeidence corner of Maiu auo Woodfi n streets, de 16-ly QHAS. I). McCANDLISS. j Surveyor and Civil EiikIimt, j ASHEVILLE, N. V. Olllce with A. J. Lyinan, Real Estate U.-oker. ALSO AGENT roR BAZLGHUR8T IIUCKEL, ArcliitvcU, (design era of Battery Park Hotel) phiUdelpliia I'euua ol5d3m N. 8NELSON, itttoruvy nt I.nn, and Real Estate Agent, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Office over VanGilder 4: Brown's. Letting houses and collecting rents in ishe ville a specialty, leb 16 dAw6nios Thko. e. Daviosom. Jas G. Mabtiv DAVIDSON A MARTIN, Attorney 4c. 'oiiiiHellors-HII.nw' ASHSVILLK, N. C, Wlil pi rinilci In the 9th and 9th Judicial Distrie. sad in the Supreme Court of North Carolina, euo In the Federal Courts of the Western District ot North Carolina. liefer to the Bank of AsbevlueJ sepl8-awAw6m j. A . TENNENT, Architect and Civil Engineer. Designs, Speciflcatlous. and Estimates oi the style of building furnished upon appjication. A work superintended when desired. All work en trusted to me as Civil Engineer will receive prompt attention. . Thorough drainege of lands a specialty. Post Office address, Asheville oi Best, N. C. Residence Swanuanoa Bridge, mar lemmas W. W. JONES. GKORGR A. SHUFORD JONES & SHUFORD, Attorneys at Law, ' ASHEVILLE, .... c. I Practice In the Superior Courts o Western North Carolina, the Supreme Court of the State, and the Federal Courts at Asheville. Ollice In Johnston Building, where one member ; of the firm caii always be found. nov li aivear ! DON'T FORC5KT THAT "Gem Bakery" No. 35 South Main Street, ' is iii:iiMii'AUTi:its For Pure Freth Candies of Ilia Own Manufacture, as well a An unlimited assortment of choice Cakes, large and small, plain or ornamental, in the high est style of the art. Oar Snowflare Bread, Rolls, Buns and Biscuit, Made from "Miunesota Flour," Hat no Superior in the South. Remember the place, and let no one deceive. Positively guarantees satisfaction, or Forfeits the price of his goods. Try him and be convinced. Pcacli Cider, he finest beverage extant! 5 cents per glass 1 1 Only Fine old Cigars, rich with the fla vor of oge.v Freh . Oranges,. Lem on, Bananss, etc., eta TOB 8AL8, Low and on easr term, Rouse and 111 Lot on Charlotte street For further particulars Inqslie aiCITIZKNnrtti.'e. II ua 13 dint BULL The White COUNEll MAIN AKD EGLE SiKlKr i UNDER. WHIT LOCK'S STORK . : PSOPBIETOB. Headquarters for fine LIQUORS. I keep none but the PUREST, and 1 charge accordingly. Iv WMslies ; . ami ': Wiae s are absolutely - purk and l aili-ti:kati:i. and are recommended by the best judges for medicinal.use. Also Fine Billiard and Pool Parlor. - Gooda sliipped to all points. No charge for boxing. Lock Box JL, Asheville, N. 0. The only strictly White Man's Bar in the State. ' ja-G-.dawly THE ROLLINS& SMITH Proju'letors. FOE IHfisrliest. Wrw 7 GO TO THE Farmers' The best accommodations for our custom ers. Messrs. J. Wiley Shook of TIaywoo J. A. Nichols of Madison, and Capt. Hen i Newland are with us and would be glad v serve their friends. 2 t i 3w lPf -a. I STRICTLY A. FIRST CLA SS HOTET. Eliuiblv situated. Commandine macnificent moiintain viewa. ami vet convenient to business. . A home for ladips and families. - jan!2 d&wly Sadler's Arithmetics are the H JS I H 1 1 - I il k:W.H fc- I i BhonHav.i1 inpJiir .j t3T f C ea DOUBLEDAY & SCOTT, 24 sV 20 WORTH MJBLIC SQVAKB, Asheville, W. i Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, Roofing -- .Paper, Window Cords and Weights, ai w tLoi rim; las, Estimates promptly furnished, and special sizes procured nt short not ice luovaisu aeeij uu unusuai variety uiui anu oiuugn'H. ivinanng vvoou Man s Bar THE Warehouse. uountain viewt, anii yet convenien RAWLS BROS., Proprs. htmsslf afths ADVANTAGES oltwrl . PPPBWftthB'rantiStruttouSSuii;.-. 'fttWiillIlastnes Colleee, Ualuu-j,. rtns a tnoronra and practical KnoHifU't IWPHfBaffaira. Wllh lninrovrd imi ilarged ifciiiaiiyatt aciiiu thi iu.., ;-....,. now ntra upon Its twra' r of uefutii.' TD pronciracT manT pnplls fr all MvUoiu. cf country ittbs strensMt eommeiMlfttloa we can to our racceaascducitonrlll ftHf I V!n!".r-rv"': 8hoit-Uand,T7p-WriUBiyAsiWUslA liUaua ,t lint specially taofht Ko Vacation. Pnptu i.,..f zs&rrs; GOULESFOllDEXes Coll en ox address W. H. SADLKR, Pres't, -Mos SIN, CharlesKt.. UAXTIMORK, Mtl. Latest and Best erer Published. oi euiiaing and lencing Luml always on "and, mhl-dAwl